HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-19, Page 8tick aild Perseverance they battled (,it c?i1-qh taku'plac ou Slund'-v ext a
ft -t I I t r ev enin;.g.
4�. .. I -0 I aild ultimately succeeded iii t U tea nte n I ion da,
P, 1, making nyt jvtIl',qcho& uOnly conifortiLble home but in seeltring Tbo Unioa E r 'k.&Y I
a coulpatolley for life, and noblY,did the Ci�ijdrto's Il -11 on -Ill IVCIIIUlg 110
Di&. -U RIOT MATTER& subject.of otirketch do liar part. She pli I �niaes to be a *ery inter sting ente
-is oil e of the kindest of w. olnen aiA �. ar t4i"nieii,t, vidall whc NONII o encoura,
W. A d rs Iservice s were freely at the dis- tl e� childrei I an ttheir. 1.101
or 11 oc
llioll of this posat of the sickanil aftlicted. In the -*v)lk should attleft"d.4 I"Yofess
town havtince of.hoo Oilrlier days tliere. vv(�re few families in . el horse- ti uini6i, 1 ivil I give % most. wo
the neighborhoocl that did not owe Mis., delful extiAtionlof I ist, skit in the dr
.-for the beliefit of entployers nd em- -her kit d 81 e;d in tl1'iE t wit oil 8� turday the 27
Rarnsay a debt of gratitde for P n% PIO ees, �5o, that those. reqijiring workers lj�ill be to
y and I.Oving iiiiiiistra-tioris at -the sick bed insi. The eritertaiivlti(�,Pit -1' or wark in,"- mare readily be brought nember of the family. Her iDt'restiny and iiistmi0ive'land shou
together. Applictions will boatten&d af some I t�oni:ekl.-Dr. Ryers
iiiiemlorymrillbe'loii(�elici-islietI in a 'e- b( 1 liberall. � pa 4
ta bv )�I r. Witt. at his office in the 11.5 'I) in Str
tiolia,te rernembrance.by a large Of w Iii be at th indscir hote ankiii,g, House, north end of -es. She lea es f il, on t.111. 2 R. N. Br
F,ar�ners' lk devoted friends and relatii the Coll-inaereial Hotel buildin". behind a large family, all of 'whom It beer, � 61,poilited agolit for a Inagi,
attained the estate of mail and wolwii celit Bibl J1 now Service Itood. di strict. 'The Br ce 'e�( .-yuring mi I
on Chrl-*tiaas in Jarnes' Roinan o I fqr e d f oti 3ale aw t � re is a good o Catholic in this town, will be RoLLFitl MIT,LS. - In luc�there IfOr a (10%1 11MIL With SCI
this year. The returningthanksto, our numerous friend.,; ind nitly I "itrue r.
murrav oce
Rev. Fther Keely, will prech at the ptrons for the Very liberal sul)l)ort Nve hav received during the past three years, we betr to flo -iurr St w"Iffle d L"glilg it eenngw7rvice, and a full choir "i
at far excawted f announce that, having durin Oil theicelh r Mr F Gut
g the In
will be in ttendance. The P a gil6atly enlarged our tiiill, and also added to.. 117 new housd. on t e, 4outli sid(
tok-, Rev, 1). J. has pur- power and we are now better 01 (kit - tra . -%611 filled
Chased it haudsorrie crib, with t3 of ur T lie
Itti-le everpreparedto attend to the wall of Cutomers, promptly, foid with the best saiis- Work -I .1ell ct:�uld searm
necessary adjullets, representing the faction to thtlli. spcoal attention paid to got tllci r ols Ou. Swfarlas we COU
scenes ok,t-he birth of our the Gristing and ehopping. Farmet-s can bave th ir out four left tion
sive ndlife wheat ,-round or. exchanged without del N1. 8yafolith S&
-whole very r on hand of morning Flour, Brah and ,811orts. V dilesdi the C(
like. Th qualiky equalled by few, and excelled by no I sc lipirlitat i:t Toronto. T1.
appropriate to the ov- miti in the Donlinion, tit" ws(rejacksoll, also" casion t the ditfexent services. The considered. Having also added to the power of service willbet 8, 8-30 and 10.30 a. itour Saw ill, we are prepared to do custoni 9� %I- d W.
kqC at anv tinte--winter or suninier. Ifi,r), -t all(! Mr. ' W
inPr�6paid'forloj delivered at or alinu.�I c
Brucefield. KYTIE & N- aition of 1 he Dairyixi,�n's Association
To As Christms Docember1f), 1884. 889-1 YVosternuntario will be held in8tr
and New allon Thursday this TFAS, TEAS. - Poitive.1y, less fc rd on b 11 14 1 th, I . 5th and l6th
than1wholesale prices, Thorne's Boig 1��nkru pt year we would be greatly obliged to (Yur Stock. GRo. Groon. 889A J iltuary te A. Dc,s
r if they would Send in t 4- the I I iU I lest hull Lb �1 0 marks at
ier --Robe t 1r] T. Ifl
thei one day earl' each CRFIDI IS Df AD. I solloot, le week for the next two- weeks, than- they Peoples -at from knd after this date 110 I;,; ill the Co 1,6ch Model School and Il
have been in the. habit of doing. i�y resol%red th eonduct his businenstrictlyon Prillip O, at the Tel tin 3 liodel Selm
Complying with this request they will and will give his customers the benefit * t - 01 0 � 'Lle �r; examili 'oil,;. These
oblige u,4 and assure insertion of their advantage. Remember; if you want dhevp t3L ortl Hic,hch(
We are al-,;vays to .Boots ai�d Shoe, of the vm- best qualit.v, Y)u radii, , of the S6,a 0 eall tret theni at Nviiiis, if. , beli ia no ILrtri.bute� 10 Vile excellell
,you have the money to Custom work . and rel-miri -ifr
Of its! -well as excO
pay for thein. I and be obli,(-e(Ito-otiti'�-e,,:L(I-ers if e best and lorgest attended to u usual. Th ble to fli(lk Students hal
they -would t once acquitit'us of ally �_tock in the county to select from. All part,.'es indebted mnst settle up before thelst of Jai) m y. are iildebtieJ to Mr. Q I
irlaideut of loci).1 interest.tht occurs In ltoiifutT Wmws, Seaforth. SS9-1 essrs... Lunisden & � `Wils.o
their rea-pective neighborhoods. Write l ;of this town for copies
by the batrel, b(>dk,-de,- I . I
'I public,
tJUL Worthy %tio 11 t
it iii your vay and we ma warranted pure. Thorne's Big Bankrupt 11ock. tha old i OM (k)OD, ea -forth. 88q�l C,Opp,
-r-erygl�idlypittit,'iiiL�,,Ii,-Lpe for' publica- I tion if it (toes not happen. to be so VVILAYN- & YOT-N-(. have now r Tai�' haive IL-ased tho Pot linion. Curli
received. their- fall iniporttions of French and 11gli-11 an(] ;.,SkatilL Rink froni the Gurlii
1 Crolcker.�, and have certainly the fittest t-sa iChill I o'lilider their in,
, Dianer�and Toilet se, Mxsivp.A.L.-Mr. McLean _hvii11.1 mentof To, el t thi seson�- !They will g
itated his iateritio not agaill to be a &c, evershown iti, Seaforth. -A beautiful imw Wregil Pattern Dinner set for $9. A tork of the aI �r I)eyg V tten ,o candidate for the mayoralty, a requisi- saucers, suitable for i1i fancy cups and. Of Oil _ rin play -rest ia�isfled that eve r
timi has 1)eeiii in circulation. Mr. entirelN new desiqns. Our stock neer was s 0 1:1 0 lag, POE" .111c -will �lb ddlie 'for the
wul. �NL G�-ay to, be a candidate for the large and prioes never were so IONV. 889 th
position. - The re( uisition was quite TiR_NF,'.,; BAN-KRUPT TOCK. -- Mr. conlifort -,v. pleasurd. - The rink is 110
I d, wil
f1004 C% I I Iiiie y be opened f
I -le Good has purchased the bove stock at low nux-nerously signed and we expect to this i rate o n� the dollar, and after re-inarking rot) - il- theli first will accept. It is stated that Dr. Cole I t ishin-and re-arrangint, will hve a 4) Legds�,,ature of Scafm-
topenin- on turdav the 20th instant. Or t in, spirnt for the position, ivi be I( on thc� �ening of Frid t
an4 that there will probably be it. coi,.�i- brgains for Christms and New Yers., &99.1t1a the j) J, %r3l.. This is the fii
tes,t. )Jr. Gray and the doctor would TtfE '--',T. JULI-E-N RATAURANT, 'Main i't, . f I 'Irbe ne tIt is not' likely i Street, Seaforth, N the place foi- nice Creill malce it, _'cI o
the're Nvill be 1111103. other ellailo-e in "the .-Aersi-tib-tilkorean. Freshglielled QstErs amiltilitio'n to the Wortll B4gh I
now on hand. Calland get some. All kind.,; Of 'will Op`c9enn ii) the Public 8611061 build. I
,oaouricil, s the probability is the Reeve I Chri,.Ams Toys just the thin,,, for I" I- in ��lds i tbiqi oil iiex$ Tuesdy niorni
and I)ePitV will be allowed to retain JAME Bmuess. 889-1 . 11 . I --Thursdal, was the to Idest day of tl
their positiow, unopposed. io far s Nve THANKS to Our sea$ a. Thel thernio-kneter.recristered
have beeli able to leni no person has f riends for the wy in which theiv have patroi izA .1 - C3
firin of horne _O� t 0 de Y116es lmi-e- zero at: 12 o'clock.-] I
any fault to find with the the nw,A W� Kenipt k Co., afor4th Boot and Shot-. store, which of irrm.-niGipa aflairs fo the past yer v, has be M lad a I of, tI C Clir it.an n the past for cheapness, and tity,det rr ii- U 0 1 in Ud$ to,%7vil are Preparing all noted i n .1 and so ai this is the case and pres- 'nation is that it hll not be t to tp
r�aiiinietib for the Baid o[ Hope, t6 I
hand in ct variety. ow is yo 8f givj�rl t1lis lfli�lay event g t six O'CIO11
Serve, iiathing to be gaine(I - ei bers: are willing and anxious to future unless forth6bettur. Hat -'and 01 eut in r ur tittic - �1 in the basei � ic nt of th N etllodist cliti r a CHM,STNMA�s 01 e thousand ' dollars.worth of China, Crockery a, (I Refireshincilts sent iii lye ki [ idly-dispoN
USefUl-and Klitbltl for ChriAlil s ladjes will )e A Tt701KF1.8111T11 MAN SHOOTS presents, all new woods.- These goods were vi. le a h I'llildren v r
cl (frilow Sabb, -Vt sc o
SLI.F. - -The Winnipeg Free Press of the bought cheap, al -id Ni ill be sold cheal). Tli9rne's! - 0 I cel4b ra liristuls b r ]lot 14iii- a Chri
10th inst.. says, About 10 o'Qlock on .,Bi(r l3ainkrapt Stock. GEo. Goob. 889-1 inao t re e tertainineint in the evenin cy
Saturday night an unfortunate accideut FoR-cheap, Groceries, go to Wils6ii & Thq+ Ling folks bavel� ocial 1.
uccui,T-ed in roara 40, a the Branswick Young's, they are determincol to let 110 1) 1,8011-, N, It's hall o 1 iristinas E ve
hotal which in - yet result fi�tlly. The undersell thent, 30 lbs. of Raisins for J ay otheroods in -rictim, was Win. Rout, a youn, ;TIaii proportioij. 889 I Tuoke 2.itfi.
about 25 years of e who albeen � Do-N'T FAIL to read every. won Of -,V- as Goo. Goo( -i's Advertisement oil page 1. A eorge Ple-wes,
-Yrorking all ummer. it Moose Ja, 001) w. i Ir 61
head painter for the Canada Pacific WlUjOs & Walit a lot of T recen,
uqkersini, h, bly sold one of I
Railway, He arrived from the ,west, in Turkeys Geese nd Ducks, and -will the sup�rior id high-I&ed Suffolk pigs
cuiripauy with' three other young men bihest �rice forll kinds of hoi�e poul A e r,
lot of good Rose Potatoes %vanted. 889 ngh Al x-ande', of Toronto tow
Mon 8aturday aftemoo ai METTU-N G INE V. -11 I �o ff le�ves is elting up. an exdt
repute tion as a Ig breeder.. 801 Ot
ed at the. Brunswick. About half past for all comers at the A w 'ne he an d one of his friends, named A. Thorne's old stand, afteetibon -and vening.-Tie A Gooy) 'J'OLT. wil
, Fo� Led-ingham, went to their room for object of this to let intending purchasers 'test t ie Tu(kersmi Ji, recenfi rchased it t
the night. had partially Tea for Tes sold for hss year old i illy,� Sired. by Mr. Peter3f
than wholesale prices. GFio. Goon. 889-1
-undressed when his nose coilinericed Tai ish7s ilt Lported hr , " North Star
bleeding, and he proceeded to batlie it for ,-4200. ift reported that Mr. I
in, & basin, of wter on the washsta.d. ST.-CCE.',,.13FCL.STUDr-..NT.S.-Tlie fOIr0wi 9 Tit-, ish's e-,ileclitors iAt Aed disposi
While in that position lie wa:-s;- Startled are the names of those ttending the fine "on ta lion, [)tit -this I 3 119 3 3
CIU41ton Model School who passed td -w a$ ,%r ti IT'Ing
by the report of pistol within a fe m4ae we Larn they hiterid ke fe,(,-t of him and inrniediat�ly the la -nip -whom, certificates -will be - awrde(' ing�� him, and he. -ill ta�-e about waa extinguished. He atbce s Annie Brown, eforth ; JannUtle Bar ti t he (lid h s
uninwil- I same route next easbn ii:
ed assigtance ad Several persons f Scwf a y 'ill- 'x _V
rth ; Mar ' kv fi,xa�r ; Anme S(' LD. -Mr. A in. Alc.Murray the parlor near by rushed into the rouili Gre,ory, Exeter ; Ida Hmilton, Lue. C_ the�l 4th concess . ion.111'E. 11� S., -with a larrlp and discovered Rouat cling- now; Fraiices Holmes, Clinton Bella his!,, faiii o Mr. Jo � it Prellidergast,' f
to the bed_post with. ai-le hand -while McCallum, Exeter; Ella -Aaxwell,— �.; the"rsum of $7,000. 1; iE a sj)leudid fi
the other was, pressed over Iiia right side, Maggie mitb, e&f orth ; Bella Scot b, and, has o a it a go Dd brick house, 1)
-&-nd blood oozed through his firigers and flullett; Bertie nell, Turnberry ; Isa - - tbelbarnsanlil. outbui.,dings are consi&,
Eattirated his slArt. Medical aid was bel Tucker, Morris ; (reoge E. Andw, - abltworn. Mr.McMur,-aysefiledolit�
immediately stimmoned it was Sell Goderich township; A. Budge
pla4e. whei I it was bu gh, and fel found that a Uallet had entered his ri,,.,Ilt ,elgrave ; J. Butchrt, 'italey ; Cba i. fhe!,first tree on it over forty years side between the fifth lrd sixth rib i, Bishop, Brussels John J. Danly He"ftite�ids coming' tv Em-nondville,
taking an upward direction, lodged Varna; George A. Dewax, SeaforA, Sea�orth- to live. He e
Co t gk7es up,pos,
1-toetteath, the shoulder blade, near the James Hogg, McKillop;'�Greorge Ha t): siol�j on thd lst March. '�s. T. Ireland, '. V .
Blood flowed profu-sely front the Clinton ;, J "pi et t.
we, and Some difficulty experi- Georg- McKinley, Blake; IV. A. Milli a) ulI
enced in ofteck-ing the b:emorrhage. The Lucll��ow ; Frank cott, Stanley ; Hem -y 140C, victiin retained co-lisciotisness and ttloligIl A- tewart. Llick-now ; Isabella Fores b, -,L1nFS.=Tt is sa�d that Mr. Jol
.On iteri4s.*opposilit, Mr. JohnM
aliff6ring intensepain was able to tell Hanpurhey Catherine Walker, Varria ; I n 1 I .
eevesill is yea
Milan f G� the R I tl how he had received the &]lot. He stat- LibbieUcGuire, Blueval.e ; Sara Ifiglis, d. -Tho ratepayers woldi 111cl �e a poor a
ed tha it was purely acuidelital- and cli , iiiae to Accept of I Ir M son ill pla
Cleared room mate of all suspicion. of -Air. McMillan.- t meeting of
the peculir circunistan-CeS. might - LoCAL BitmFs.-The snovi-plow went:
sha�eholde'xs of the did Kiriburn.Cliee
have attached ta him if tll.t- bullet had its rounds on the streets- for the first' atilif
I M actu ring Corn pany' recently IlEI
caused instant death.. He said he was tinie this season oil Wednes(14.-Thec'
At Ifas, deci led to- di�, Sol ve. ihe colripal
-tu-tdwresaing himself and was taking his ardently wished for snow has come an(�' win(VAP its- afli !A new co
revolver, a m-, all D2 -calibre orle, aut of last. It commenced to Y� allow on Sund par� N%�ever ld.9
yisbeingforined, ho lids, hip pock et when it slipped - f roin his nirlitalkid has fallen inore or less every'
sto&k is being rapid, y On up. It
hand aud fell to the floor. The report day since, and the roads are I no,-V� sple i-; the� desire f th6; pri in( t Is of the ii e
followed instantly and he -felt a sharp did and business . is Corr espon in coii,kpaiiy t have it i posed'exclusive
twinge in his side. ' The weapon must good. -The St. Quinterl Opera Comp of 1hosewbowillbep ons of the facto r
have fal.en with the butt downwards played here on londay and Tuesd So ii soon its the r isite amount �knd the haminer exploded the cartridge nights last. The enteriairiments we - t
f sto is E; absaribed:. repaxatiolls . 17
against which it rested wilen it Sruck good but the houses were k . ebt1tilding
be inad, for the floor. Late last Rouat was immense quantity of -mood has been &.- " atiall conscious, though very weak-, livered in town shim'sleighing com- faclary or, the old itel, -Mrs.. Sri a
inofher oV qessrs. E un�pli�ey ad Jam
and a ood deal of pain.. The U, ieliced. Wood seems to be Very ple. i- Sne:11 of il is to,wrisl ipi di6d At the rb
dootora were not able to express an tif al this Winter but.prices still keep I
Pi dervce of the former �on Monda� la.,
as to the result of the wo-und, well.-INIrs, nd iss Sage of' Walton, � Slict was liout 93 of i age and I
hiat Strong hopes of his recovery are en- passed through town on 'Saturday olil years I'
beea in fee [)Is It eiiltll for a�: consideral
tertailited. beert, about three: their way home After a three rriontls' tin�e. � h was a inost� e9tiniable I
yeara in this aliid has done well. tour through the Uiited States. They q a14 was g. ,eatly est eeined by all I
was an hig-- Ilay - home to spend had entertainments in Detroit, Clricai��O w her. Christmas with his widowed mother, and other leading American cities. Their .Who, lives in Tuck-ei-smith, three miles last euga,genient ws in New Orl6aris. , i I .11 Exe Mr. �4evfortli, He has broth- Wherever they appeared their playbig! ors antl sisters and it large number of oil the musical glsses the marvel 'of Alex. MacPherson, in *the callillity of Huron, who all. -Dr. Vercoe and family, formerly of -riage buibler "at D. Braund's -carri t,
will deeply regret his lilisfortanc. this towil, have left Texas and are 11, vv� woiks, ;*Exeter north, bas some - fi
Io6aed iii Toronto, w h ere the doctor liis spepimens of Stuffed birils.and anirnab i
L.k-, RAWAY.---We have coininencedthe practice of his profts- hisl ion, which li� stuffed himse
He again to% record tile dentise of another sion.-The Listowol. Banner has riS1111 the art ).y lii��. own genju
Hurort Mrs. Peter Ramsy, of from the it'shes and has again P -pear (1, 4 v%;rltli a little in rc practice. will I
the of TuGIcersirdth, who as brightnd newsy as ever. We wi It haM to be died,Lt her 81ie�� broth ar Feruson better I ck this tinie. Anmy. �-At 7.30 14MI M(: hL(N1 the (100d, Wfe of ' 7 4 years'; Jas. A. Cline, of Win 9*iesda evening of!lasi week, grai
ghilin'- was� and ha(I beell ill feeble health foeveral iu town on Friday last and called on! a: mu�_f c. was heard,a6 ollr.al�vation Arm
m Anth. Her de�ffli -a-as due to a number of his friends. -Messrs. Jolin' he�%�Ie.d by the Lucan � al.vtion Arn
gradual out of the constitution Beattie and W. G. Duff have- been hil! brl down ),Un street, t
ratlier than to any particular disease. Toronto 8'everal. days this week. attend -1 dee jilaking a brill &I t s&ctacle, Aft
.Mrs. I' alns,.Y's nilme was Eliza- court in- connectio with a suit which W4 It they wheeled 1rr?1I11lI and marc
W-11 flTitiall. Se wits it Sister of tile they have ' with the Teniperatice Coloniz-1 ed ch: again to ii Leir b� trra.qks, Nh
late John Hirnitali, sr., of Tuakersinith. &tion Company. -Mr. Robt. McMillan,1 ali 1 -night prayer ibg was held.
,She -was a native of Kirl-cudbriftlitshire of cKillop, left here on Monday for., KATIU RINX- skating rii
anwith her husbandocil,ine to) Knsas -where he will - spend a Couple. of wb dh was making a 11 good progre
ecaintry in the year 1842 and settled mantis visiting friends and spyifig out un(�r' the maliaggenient of Messr
dn the farm 'in Tuckersmith where She the land. -The lecture, which -was i6 have i W E I kes and Davis, h46s )een stopp,
to rc,%ide until her death. been delivered by Rev. Mr. Edmonds! thr Ligh some mistake of t ie party wl
There were few se-ttle,rs il., the Huron this evening, has been pos_t�oned until, rei4,(I t1ke drill :she([ to t eni. It a
-Tract at that time anJ Rovrnsay early in January on account of the iylul-. peaT s� that shortly bUor they strte(I
all tiplicity of other entertannients oil the: flodd it the capta�n of the volunteers of board at- the preswit, tinie.--Th anin-, tIlA PlaceAuld theili that the pers
life,' bu witili indornital versary services in, the Presbycterian wht rented it to I then ha4 no authori
t1i d L
a, ,q
g C� t
DEC EM 13 F. R t -HE HURON EXPOSITOR.. -------- ----- es 6a I -q Ig so inany eyes to bC ffi.rvd, upon .I to (10 so, as it belonged �o the Govern- bird if he had been there, hail fl. )wn and to enjoyed thenielv quite; as i ii __ Irient) and, therefore, the vol.1111j; wn had was so securely hid as to be. ! ou'j of the inuch its the young folks (lid. We hope ber, but when She ut word Nvas re- reach of the grasp of tile p,)IJco, While that tl�c Oce"Pal its - Of � the new house the cause she immcdi�tttl,Y declliped
i a the right to use it. 33 . , live to elljoy AN -bat th and went in Search of the 1311p])O.,jed lost
Y t ceived On SaturLjay� last, fo'11 lolig ey liave ta4.t(s,oT11)al3iC(l her
assallle(i by of 11ird, so wt -1111 Alth gli N% -c (It ubt hat. , H& �olllpal them to go abead with the riiik; which wert. t they wil I alwpq look back With and remark,od that flllil it is not th) bad J(
go will be done as ritpidly a P-)Shl J0. iklli(l tile old malat home 'U'lliell the -.ftit
tlell to I to the (I Lys thay'spelittliet, tYoung
E T I TN- G. -Th I U i V 0 1,.� oll ailles wery o TE.Ak Ml� I I - . I lady indignant. All their oforts
1; , vices of the'Tallics! strectIN1 Oil Imfore t1w to (list -over Ith4c Oil Sunday 1. 8(willolls they t 11 p for trial were held ' ' st'. - f atile'they ivelided the 9
-were preched morning and cveilillfr by ild were coliveyod to GOdOrICIL Oil VVed- to the home
t the evMr. (Iray, o E Clin )it liesdayi, younmaalso filled of the own6r of this piece of
-.,Mr. Chrless A. was 825 and costs for Pointing -it revolver at aPParcI ali(I there, to t1IClr811rI,Y`iSG� all(l�
Mondy evening the te Bisho bm, to temel In 0 lis"Ust, oix
d held in the basement of the church. Murray.. ection 'No. foi. , 0 f , ild the " cover " in the house
Schoot. 8 where it hall been Plced by tllt,- oine-,
Oil After the visitors had d one year 1$85. UStice to W, It- the good things provided by i I e ladies tat forgetful oung ad. It is liee(b
less to add that the ras
At of the cc ligregation, Jilcy repaii 0 to the hiSubjected to? a hard lialcing I uppor part o . t to c Air, I, W tell go(Ad ilei"'lling FARM hich igrand factor in iiAlkilig lively similar will I)c -at a (Ii.iCollIlt
Iing and singing eiitei�taii -o'd theini fot, it 'I,' I has rerited his fatrin, oil the- �21d emices- for some. thoc.
r which tl jor thei inies.-Rumors of wedding, re float- s time, aft L t sto,miley, : r
.1 C� de parted 11 . ion 0 to INIr. Goo. Hart, for A Fo-x ()I,.Y,--A %,hort ago
._('X'Ood tillies may be looked for
it- respecti c, hontes, llithiliking they had 1119 ntl of S.'300 per animin, five ye irs, at re none spent a-ery enjoyable 6"Ciling. th * rough the holiday youlig nd Mr. keeps � the house, 'orrie,�wenl, oil �� f
I f the Methodist churdl re talk- inilesouth! of G +
a had, heavy fall Of dies t) I Ox
an and iiiiie acre field. 'IN'r- litint takixig -vvith t) :
ti go of getting lip V. leap year mil. orch. . a I -ell) two a
ill $now Oil Sunday evenirg, Moit,day nd o allead girls time ) ort but hit,; not been in good licaltli for young,071.4 and all' Old orle. Till e, -- Tuesday, -which made splandid steighing; say soilic tfille, and i anxious to !Y
intill" may Yet be accompl. ish i,d. - - T lie take it easy not been 1�)ilg out until the do".,; started
of nd wood is being brougA filtotown In for a �wllilc. VIC hope the relaxation . elebrated Fisk .Singolri re to a fox succeeded in runi'llIg hin,
lip large (Ititilititics'-TI e cluailge of tillie in C. front tile inore (tive labors of life will
nthd TA athodist down. 1,ox went into a hole and
ly the mi I rrivilig It , C fibill the soth in tfic effect of fully reActring him to said to aotlivi, one, of the 9ports
church oil the I 91:11 inst., Frio ay 0 1
Id tile evening, is . very inconvenient to health !in asliort time.. 1-10 will a
presuillo, Chiselliur-st a 't, man
en the business in - of tid -vicinity one of his "--all order whiell
ell itreat. of Iii.s. stock and chattel elfeett, oil No 2 thought lie readily They
glad to that Millar w - : NN7,11ell Mr. BiAlop -d it piece of rope al)out
, re still going oil in the' Ie the tpi of Jilliary, M. Wlii;e is able to be ab worl��agln.- thollist . 1). 11' will Officiate church, under the iiillaquilidilt )f twelve fe(t lon a to one of the fox's legs
celebrated Undl To i no il I 11 I * I -, i 0
end Torrance and I)ykc, 'of flonsall and him out thinking it Cabill Goillpally, will play i Drew' Was a
Much Dq,shwood- gr4nd opI ortunity that wLs thmi Afford.
n i. hall on Christirtag eve. --Meg ts-. Davi north eircuit. I good I � car oinic been accomplished. F LA J� 7-\1 I LL. k MeCtill "' Wa-S Ilch ll heM- & Oko, ofthis Plce, Shipped 0 One
liesday even- it,' held the old (10'r and nother the
of of fine cnttle from this Station 11 Tfiurs'� o k artleib; s hll oil T in, 0
-pen. illst., to consider the oilfur fox, whci� man No. 3, evidently thinkmi
KUP eck , for 'O A (lay of last Nv roil o. The� filli was not -gond enu,
i ent flax ma r gh sail
Made I)y a roi I., u f it c till, c that the Of were a fine drove and were il.it 4ded for Tiik, undersigned vvislics to 11111ounce a f tax mill in this vill iiii let him go hr Christmas meat.- -All aor a Paton that'he is still open to buy A J lan
t fo to builld aml- qxit riti ,N of Kood
uliate i1pon re-
sound grin,of all sorts at lii,r linikotee of t1i e following geutlemen let 96 the f0k. I111111L ly
1) e -w:ire momble fence is goln(f li 6!ut. Tilt � �6st Coll Ile wants from 75,000 to 100,0W lit oi 131-i"llt V liberty the fox took "I
I ppointed to raise tile rquired ceiving ,e
ii c fence so very good Barle ail for li�!s inission, " and a-, h is
c nis , to be a, - JI t, wrink , Immediately, for which lie Jim I to bonlis bV )tion : Messrs. U'lac 1) I leg Ill
As and in al probability �% %ke well ill pay the highest prices of la iliiv!j 1) all d Henry K eller- not been l5r6ken -not even crauked pro,
01, this par I of the cotutitry. -The D. UCLKNNAN. 8$8 anniver bably-lic, - oon left hunters in the rear.
�J e. -sry serfices of the Mintreet Metho. Lindersigned-wou( pectfully dhiln everal
o., dist church will be lieldonunday next, anno�unoe to the in the i iuiolity that they fire occurred oil However, t le hounds till (c nd oil A2 [onday everting A loctu have agrain Put the Mill into 1111ning oper- tho-filiti of Mr. ustus Truennier, lot 6, times, forci -ig him to Pss (juite close to
r ation and are pref?ared to orders for all I oth 4oice, ayl on 'Niolid, cr� who neve red to fire at
Of (IUStolli Si�willw, wlli(�ll Nvill I)q I Schwalm w delivered by the Rev. 0cotgo kinds t- sioll of if i y the hunt r offe
pi�o'Pt Y foreno )n It. as oil- birn—the in the ex Mg
att6bded to at IONOCA po".ible rate.�. MeNvYiN &. 1 it threshing oil the above f4rin gul`113 4t-tbe hot(,-. Mr. Fox Inade
'W-iiithrop. BFLI,. �� $87 NIrlien d it is rint avisable- to say
Avith a stealn th machine, his eSGape� an
IL 111011, T1111, HOLLI)AY� 4:::�
NI"ARLY AN AmiDENT.—011 Wedlies- is supposed that some Sparks V,liust " fox " to those liuiters now. of millu'r has just opened ou . tan exe llent sto(.k of it s.—Rusiness has been ditil for
lie day of last week Pard of this Christmas and Ne -\v Year's goods, 1 co lisistilig of have escaped from the sliloke stack- ;and BiiniEF. paIt, d a narrow esea )a frorn, Severe Cards in endless variett, (lefrant do- aid before it -he solle to the bad
lit Vases and fancy Lamps, C�M 0'(1ciller.4 igmited some, traw, tim( iowilla no(
accident Hewtsaf3sistiligat(,'�,tiiiplic-ll'.i A-ite of tl'e roads. —What are the names
Doll�;, orool.Chost,-, Tovs, 20 diffLIvent kinds oi separapor could be removed from 1the fanc�- Can (ties Ntits, Datesj' Jim Raisins barn the fire ba. I gained such bea(Uvay of the tw( X e
wood bell tree that young men from Gorri � who
cut fell itpoil hill]. Fol"tlliatel r, lie was anqurirants, an(I nunierous otiltv all of that A' -was abliost impossible to save made thei ib,@yes collspicinuq by etting
which will be sold a cheap as ',the cheapest. anytI Youl drunk, 'in �Vro'xeter and Using 111.1 )CCOM-
not seriously injured Tea. correspondent has :no t Dontt fat-ot to ask for nly excelloi& 21, cent ic next regular 1191 I)OYS attel)din the
1arfflu! what th ,o probable loss will'be ing. la .9
itiecting of the MoKillcp Re )'rni Club but be ides the 1. aril we understrit'l that 1 Yorrie E; 1610 Oot )all and they
t, is excel clit ilow t
will be held in �be Tc-inperaltice there the .wheat grown - oil enare v diligent—at This is
cry and business improved in corisequence.- I "$All work and no play inakes
Wilithr p, oulthe even ing . ofMonda, acres df land, be.,, ides Some other ri lit.
The business people of our kil acre rea( 9 i
December 222,wlien the Jack a Jull boy." —Miss , F
Thereas no insurance. raseri of
or with deliolit the announceilictit of our tion wil I be discussed "I" eso, Ived Itbt Y 1 18 .411, Ing vith her aunt Harri t postmaster in laqt wack's imue,'promis- ao-riculti ire condlices. ino -e to ;the pros- Mrs. darrm in this and is at -
I *tv Of the British Enq)ire tI ing themi increased mail accomi iodation, 1).1orris (f School The Presby
Pon teridin the -Gorl"ie tall L10111 0
a the present systeill was found inade- Mn.'ISTBRIAL. Mr. Lounds.' of
3 'orric'will have it soiree on
terians of (t 'A (111ate "bild at times very ( I appointing. Blilevale, is ariliounced to preach at i New e5�i's night.—Mr. selson This if, it move in the right direction, Browrtown nexl, afterliciou at 'r
Ethel. 1 9 i Laughlin, of this in Toronto
and will doubtle." be apprec� I .at 3d by all. the usual hour, 2.30 o'clock, and the . tending th :e ):Y members of lvsO,of the follow ng the Rev. Mr.Andrews ' last week, i c: xaniffiation in
n 1 I the -school: of pliarinady. — John A"
me from
the ethodist 8chool de� London Road, was will Occupy the' same pulpit, giving A C, arrived in Clorri about I o'clock oil Fri- CidCd tO hold their 1,111111al hishorsesshowed Oil Sundy school work. tree oil Christinas eve. rhe progranim.6 sylliptollis of Mr. Thompson Mr. H. 1wfliorne (lay after:tnion. He calne into the vil-
,Ye ridin�r � diminutive ass. In vain
will consist of music, rea lings 4id b
took notice of it but did not I cbrisider it cl)sing his j�ick-knifo the other day � i . e! try to rai tations, and n abn t supply of Witl when w1itlin a few lie a (,it It se a'trot�andso exhaust -
C 0 cry teceived a. ])ad gash In presentsJ All re"cordially brv;ited to dS of his buildingsi the V i 1 t ed or ;stutiborn, was the ass. that the
U- � I hundred Yai 0 ani- Ili Lnib, cut hig the end almost open inl stiddenly (hoopped down (lead. The and 1jenetratill i the nail. --Mr. rider i is S'pd got off at ihe bottoin. of a
9 hill a I
ver) scarce in our -nily purchased an Indian d : 'shoved, thinking by this
k, NoTES1, —Work iL I cause of dea'th is unknown. --Ir. Thos. thorrid has rece villafre a present.—Three of the pupils Mcl�, etho, I to increase the rate of motion and
y, farmer, a short distance north Polly firom it enfenian in Howick pay-. in 0 thus save time. Neither the wlii,p en -
of our. so tool intend vvr'i;ing at the of Kippen, niet' with all i1coidelit oil ing th refor $85.1 of eretically applied nor forcible epithets
'NII h trance E -andntion to b( 'let(' 'I' aturday last, which might bave proved FUNI:,�ft.m.—. .S. McCully, mothei,
forth n �xt %veek.—Youig people who fltill. He had beell workinu in the Mrs. Lake, r. passed %vay on, Friday freque itly I einplyed and ernpliatici�olly
-utterei I -wa! of any ava .
1.) il. The as$ was
intend naking use of leip year should inow of his barit, and while descending eveltilio, of lastl-%�cck. The funeral cere-
be gettiv (r In a hurry now as it will soon 0 more, t hall I match for " John A, "--,-The
in by nicalis of which lipped from niony was preclied at BrowntoWU last pass 11111vily.—Co At. -]I ftcrii6onj by -the Rev. Mr. Metho lists of Gorrie will have a so'cial
beneath him, lie was precipitated to Sabba I and entertLinnient abolit Christmas.— the floor beneath, striking the ladder Cho-Nvi , from t ie text, Psalln cxvi., 7. Leebu,rim with hi$ Ij.Lck nd llead� alld inflicting ""lie cl urch was found muoh too sill -all. Durinj � Sui dak llig1lit Ia5t about six r
L eight I achf, of the beautiful " fell, ana
is our paiiif lit duty serious injury. After re(rainintr Coliscit for tl e accom �odatioii of the large 0 0 M ond, a'" Tuesday was very Stormy.
to chro I hicle the. sm.ldni demise of ousness lie hd,barely streilf�rtll stifficient cro-wd in ttendance. The procession I
Cf Christiaiia McLeod, afte shoirt but to enable him to creep out 4 the build- proceeded froirl t ience to Bluevale where --Sorr. e of � Ile Southailipton Indiana aire
I -11 __ again n G:)rrie.—Rulnor says several
ver paii iful illness. Her father died a inor d call for assistance, 'He was the wi interred. Rev. Mr. f y 'Ell rentains niarru ges z ke place at an early
t ew wels, previously, the family have c' (I to Ir. Jas. McLean- ) 'a !long re to ta,
e Cho-svi i, who con ersed with the decea, date Glorrie.—The entertainment
tbe'beartfelt sympathy ia their double itid medical aid summoned, and is, i�a- sh6rtIv before her death, found liertobe
given Dy the Good Teniplars last Frilay
itilla for the summons Ibereavement. cordii% to report, slowly rccovering.— very happy awai Z5 evening wiNs a success. On the follow -
Of EXA-3111�,Mo,.,r.--A pul ic examination Mr. AN� eismiller's store presents dii ele- aiitlw,isii-tosteii-i.:husiastic in her reply ing everring a ten cent one w4s given by
in connection with School Section No. 5, gntappearatice after the vi,,it of Santa whenever Spoker. to concerning herhope tliem.--Ne)Lt Sabbath a, Collection will.
Colbh,-iie,iv-ilI be held . oil, Tuesday beforc. Claus, and it visit to his place will coil- of hea -en. The speaker also spoke bf it -istmas, commen k at is goo , S are ritTlIt 1-:o be takian 0 in the Gorrie churches for
Chi cing at .1 OVOC Vince every one th, as beii g delightf it to hear her sino, and Mrs. Orady, whose husband left Gorris
Ali entertainment ai A ChriStillils his prices are ricr t. quote 3criptural )assages, telling of the
0 ?_3 some �inle 4go, leaving her in destitute
tree.will also be held at the saino, CQRitFTioi,�.—We are ilJorineil. our bright hope she l.'ad of soon being with cf time. Parents,guardirts nd all friends dent was in error 'last week-, her Lord, forevel at rest. circun�stanp PS. It of education are cordial invited to =a that the School s �arted here y Mellis,isfor he instiuc- orrie. ExTERTAI ainnient tion of those who re too you lig to attend U -XI ADYLIKF, C1 oxDucT. —It is rumored ___:cFAUL
attend. Af —A I it entert, by Miss Jerviiie 2 Ci and Christmas tree for tl e benefit of the the public school. Aliss Mellis is pre- tbat. Iwo youll ()'rorrie Iadi.es, notyet children of Leeburn 1&tbbatli ch6ol )ared to receive all pupils. and from out of their teeris, iftended the Army I'l will be held oil Christin as -eve in th' lier''well known ability and energy, meetino in Fordwich one evening last i or Presb�tcrianchurch. A g6od,tillic D'U" there is no doubt but, she 1will prove week, and attra ed, considerabl. be expected. All are C'O dially �invited. emin e atten- witly successful as a teiclier. Her tion b not 00111, ctincr themselves pro- t 'A silver colle(\tion will takell. up �i school will be gre.at colivenieAce to the erly. W- ho are IS GIVING
aid of llg� Sit 5)ath School. p they? people: 9f the village, and will, � we Ila AR&Y AFFAIR.' �. —General Turner,it is ell no doubt be properly ppreci�ated nd said, promoted Miss Bowles to the Pon- Fast Wawa:iosh. liberally patronized.r—ED. ( tibri of ai id she is still aiding in Ti rE L_&TE MAG�N us LI.s KLATED. --COn- PF11SOAL.—.. Ie f61101ving,mi arryulgr On tI e Army meetings in siderable surprise and rerret was felt by read nd adopte( by',,tlie Prosbytery of Fordv% ich and Gorrie. Various are the
our friends ndzileighbors on the morn- SPE. I A L VALUE
Lin say on the renioval. ot 11fev. Mr..* rumom regrding the dividing of the ing of the fourth of December on herin"' Acheson The Presbyterylin granting collecl ions, but a �s they &re like the at.
of the death Tf Mr. Mgmus Linklater, the translation � of the,ir br ther, Rev. tendalice in Gonie—very Small- surely of East Wa-wiiogb. ' Mr. Linklater -was Sllluel Acheson, itifillister of the conore- no ser i.ous quarr I will ensue- resp6eting e pioneer settle r*s of ' this dis- I-Ithe them.. One -of the Army one of th . . ga.ti-On of Wick and Greenbink, to officers admits trict. He -was a quiet d inoffensive Presbytery of Huron, desire to record that tl t6 disputes invariably occur about neighbor, highly esteeirl ed -by all who their sense of the los's Slis I ed both by inonc3 matters a: id generally af ter a ban -
knew him . H-ewas'the eldest of ten of this Presby tery and congre& �tion in con-' quet I as been he Id. Hence so long as
cc a faimily, who, with their parents, all sequence of his'rertiovidl, 1) irring a pas- thecollectionsa inallandnobanquets lie emigrated from Orkiley ' about 29 years t6rate of over seven years Air. Acheson are held, the Army will not do much Ladies' Ulsters, ago, and -have all: been living since -hadproved- hiniself to be a most devoted harni. This, I telieve to be the general
twithinfour hour's drive1ofeathother,with and self -denvirigy minister of Ahe Gospel. opini hi Gorrie now on this subject. T T the exception of a b�otlmr who moved to His pstpral anA pulpit dutio have been TBACir Jos. Perking, Ladies' Mantles,
Manitoba about three years ago. The discharged with great fidelit and have son 10' Mr. Jas. Perkins, of Gorric, has
ie .1 remaining irime were,�.all by � his - side been highly�'appreciated bb those to returil ed from att ending the Model School Is when he passed away r d followed the whom lie ininistered. As 'it Presbyter in Brantford. Ile has bee engaged to remains to their last iestifig p ace- Ile lie has given a faithful attendance on teaA the Harris ur school at it salary Mantle Cloths,
y leaves bell ind hirn : 161 1-:1rtner and meetings of church courts, and I has wil- of �50 per We hope that he willi gi-�fe such satisfaction during his three of a family; who ai 6 all grow-li up, tingly and efficiently, per I formed. all I
e re to mourn the loss of a oving! husband I duties laid upon him. Tho Presbytery first iy ear's teach, that he will b C father.—Ccat. I tUlsterings,
and a tender follow their ' esteemed ,�d beloved engag,,d at all idyanced s,alary for -the
e brother'and his faluily with �est wishes, next year. At the recent' teachers' ex- BrusselS. and pray that the iLord woulldbundant- ami albion he obtained 142 marks out of ES 99. Tin,, IN-GLEMAN.— Al R. Smith ly bless him in his new 1hold of labor. 150i arithilletid for 2nd class. —Mr. W. still stands at the top of th tree. Read the They would also e�press the�r sympathy D. Ila mb is elinaged to teach 'a schocti Lades" Frs) t. single man's singular quOtatiois. Allwoolwhite with 'the congregation int�ielossthey about three and a half milessouthof Blankets at82.25, p3l wool "weeds at 40c per sustain, itld pray- that theiGreat Head the yi dage of P -t Elgin. He gets $400 e yard, Full Cloth A. 45c per y ard,,, 9 vorcoats by �Bdy's uns fron-i $1.75 y soon �erid them a C nsidering that this is the hundred from $2.60 tjp of the Church ill, per ia anum.
1Y up, Men's Suits by the hiin'dred from $4.50 up, 30 pastor to break ,,�moo, them the bread Glily ris second year in. the profession Ladies' Fur 00"Pst
10 percent. off Mantles and A)fil lineTy. And don't forget the grand reason Ni h- I an, sell the of life. the . t ary is very good. Air. Lamb is a cheapest, I an.i single 'evory way 3' it take me, youl I mail of III re than ordinary talent, while my opponents are :dout le every way you 'Wr�:xeter. while lie is very� itergetic and per
MARKETs',Wlipat, 66c. tO 70c.; peas, in d we hope to See him attKi` Ladies' Fur Capes, take them. The Single bran, k n to Tim MARKET. —An(nymo Lis circu- 52c. to barley, 48c. to,,' 50c.; oats, the li allest posiqon possible in the pro- ae been issued v arning farnier I e has �lioseii. Bot 28c.; pork, $5.50 to $5.75. lard, 121c.; fessi. I h h of these
e that they must dispose c)f their grain butter, 18c.; ev s, 18c.; tallow, 7c. you#p men are �duate_s of the Gorrie Cog in and other produce oil the market square BuSINESS.—Silice the snoii, has again Publie School. r. Lamb holds il�good Shawls, Clouds,
11. or they will be finedl. 1his Circulr is. made the roads fit"for travel� the village [-class certificate, and has neer
secorl( false and unfounded!,and farmers should has assunied , a 1i %*[elier app�arance, the tteoded st, hirl. school. Mr. Perkins
be pay no heed to it. Thel e is n o Jaw re- farmers being bii4y bringirig in their too�-i intelinediate certificate from the
quirilig theirr to sell thei prodi ice oil the grain and produc(,�' rti school, W71 Squares, �&C.
Cx O a id After attending th arket, and c6nseqn�enti call not 1)
0 n in, --'.vfr. fames Stew- Harki -ton High School a few moni I be fined for violating it la. that has art, of Turnberry, -who lately moved obtaii ed a thiril-class certifiate. the 3-, 1.10 C-Ustence. into his fine new lyrick house, gave oil lattor wrote for � econd at the same time y Fop. TOItO-�s-TO.---NfeSSir:g.ltogct-s,To-*%,nI Friday evIening last a great house warm- as.for third, but failed by it few marks. vo Vanstone, Drewe, YOU1.11 r and "W'at,son, I infi� for the Young kks. There was - no At\ Ai)VENW —One niorlit last week lady ill orric ttracte'd the
t r left here Wednesd4 Morning to ttend lack offiddlers an(T still Iess'was there a 1, y 0�1'11 at- I
Call Solicited.
I - the great Congervtiveridly at Toronto. lack of dancers, one sct a ways being tention of many of those -who were in e 1 Brussels is well represen ed. ready to take the floor as tll� other left attelidance at the protracted inectin-a ARnEsTn).—On Fridav last (letective, it. Quadrilles, q�uotillions 4nd scotli liel(I ii the Methodist church,Uy appear- k Murray, of Toronto akeornyartied by reels, were the order of the evening i-JIg �n their mids minu!3 her head -gear. m Messrs. AinUey, Scott ind Chapman, the dance being deCidedly S��otch in its She�ha been int'he habit of wearing a 0 sorti of cover of 1 rery small
constables. of Brussels, vent t' Cran- character. The full was ke t up unti! proportions el brook t effect the l -rest of the hands of the �lock were swing' and 1 ir ade of ligI t material, so th# its 0 Ing MCFAUL
to the 'inan Little, who is suspected of well past the wee sma liour.4, -when the b' d t very soon be noti�ed. P- being a horse thief and for whose arrest young folks left, all well p1leased with On th - occasion referred to she had tra- tD several warrants are out. Th Y111, search- everythingk and ev6rybod�. 'On the fol- velle�d nearly three quarters of a inil THE CASH DRY cous MAK
el sb
c f ed the premises of Jarnes Bit- I and E. lowing Tu6vlay Mr. Stewart! gathered in withot ever missing 'the 'Sexecrable, ) Li Fox, where it is supposedIA' Ic had a number of his auld cronies!and neigh- littlIentat." It-voras with diffichIty that ava 1 as the bors who froin their o- d be irilade to see ;vhat lwas W been stayino, but withou. im ace6unt seemed she. ebul R, ?AFORTH, ONT f
it GRO.',G(
ti F_ ri E, W G f
W4,11ts to mah-0 hilligell d1grlTpr the hojidays� T�i;-; bein
in t -he grc7,1t1rY tradi� in tefildned to Make uAnds of tilt sui.te4a for the h SIMA Wll be sold at Tilt Hsi kvalrantv,d F-�
don Layer Ralizills,111 li1440i
Dalle�sia, Rai -JP Torkish Prunei, Fig" of Christm�ws L -emo,11 alld 4Citr1)Tl Pevl�
oPicklos and S ()tjtnied Goods, Fri-nel! Cajwrl
GOVIL'I'llment Java C40flIzue , ;�r)�
Fre-h ficed Rcon,� Cheese. %ve it _y-fiv moru cliewt- 0V
TZA at 3oc per p?=d_ ailother sipil
it -lit of Every one that 1trit-, it ever had for the mOrleY. pure ullidulkrated, ililmleri
-'r" 1)oult�ds for a doll*_ a of Chris GEORG511;
--morrisolfs;.01d SLauds! bleAd 4