HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-19, Page 5[so on ongtiet trated, other all in. have 1; been atform sertaist Mg in hrown heads, being :Ellice, ifer 70118 hi solemn g lodge iterary , made have in one EitcLefl t Colo- er hipped 4200 ieiThity by a :has to .84-ig at lastt str too re - 'each - 440, ng the sse, the )S ecill- e4 that Marys, t whole reanize c`Cross e Red -to the and ie Eislev aver a }lg. He seTe his the axe at the St. St. , par - Ile, W. . Weir, of othedist en, "A ems of confin-, etatford nm for =Mug nee one ng him sex- and ahip empeti- nd Mr. Ante, a rig the .ehools. Of the ---- r tensing -3ea• ago- aiw the !broke (tut by Et'flt the ge atetrat, ;trpied y, an tier in -each • ry of !Plains kY de -- was tkteeled •e'd into Ite evi- clattra- enry 1II, who est, on • 1r UI] Li Jahn ijerly •esent dings Some ft IflLly in the attered days 'mg ald hsrance 1 to the Bax - t' te have never. fatform k sides :mated - have a ; for be exe.- kindly 4esitat- •Chris- ; Am -try. th that perish - ted at clerk ieounty is. last. > usual he Sills ee, and e knew id that eve the outside 'tett had ,-aoset as en raft" ; taken Is iwek- - nearly ioolness r -work, DECEMBER 19, 1884. a,nd ethe precautions taken, were evi- dently professionals. They gained an entrance by the parlor window, and then opened every door so as to secure speedy exit in case of alarm No clue to their identity has been secured. People in the country should be on the lookout for sueh visits, as these gentry are now turning their attention to rural districts. • -The civic elections in Winnipeg last week resulted in the election of Mr. Hamilton as mayor and the entire citi- zensticket. The city should now have honest and economical government. -McVicarte hotel at Grand near Brandon, was burned. laet Friday night, The fire originated in the chim- ney on the second flat The family be- ing aaleep at the time, barely escaped. --Everything, even to the children's cloth- ing, wee consumed. Loss about $4,500; insurance in North British American, $1,200. -The Farmers' Union are said to be handling the hulk if not all the wheat at Brandon, the other buyers getting very little, if au y The Union have completed arrangements to open business at Manitou, barlingford, Thornhill, Morden, Emerson, Dominion City and other points. The Union would seem to - he controlliag the bulk of the grain trade in the Province and Northwest. -Mr. j. A. M. Aikins, a Winnipeg barrister, and son of lieutenant -Gov- ernor Aikinsi was married, a few days ago to a daughtee of Hon. Mr. MeLe- kit, of Ottawa, Minister of "'Marine and Fisheries. Mr. Aikins' own gift to the bride was a Settlement on her of $40,000. After the marriage ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Aikins left for New York, 'thence to England and the Continent, where a. ten months' honeymoon will be spent in sight seeing in the old world. The British eattle Trade. REASONS WHY Tire. YEAR'S BUSINEsS HAS BEEN IiNsATTsFACTORY - TO CANA- DIANs.--AN INFERIOR QUALITY OF STOCK SENT. The Liverpool _Mercury of a recent date says Some dissatisfaction exists in Canada on act:omit' of the losses sus- tained by cattle shippers to the English • markets during the last season, and it is stated that many of the Canadian stock, • feeders have decided to curtail- their operations during the winter, and are going to feed fewer cattle for shipment. There hat lately been a considerable glut of common and inferior cattle in our - markets;. but prime animals fetch quite as much as they aid at this time last year. The lotses have been attributed to depression in trade ; but we think that the shipptre in the Dominion must look to other causes for the condition of the market. The total imports of cattle into this country during the nine months ending September 30th, were 251,268 head, valued at £5,579,854, or an aver- age of a:22 Ss. 1 W. each. During the same time iii 1:88, the number of cattle imported was 2:18,735, valued at±6,003,- '13,. or an average of about is. per head less than this year. The number of cattle imparted from Canade during the first nine months of 1884 was 41,378, valued at :C886,784, or an average of $103.71. The number imported from I Canada during the same period in 1883 was 3802, costing a:849.501, or an aver- age of $106.48, or -$2-77 more than the average price of the Canadian cattle imparted this year. From this it would appear that while the average price per head of the cattle imported to our mar- kets from all sources was about 12s. more than last year, the average price of Canadian cattle was a little over 8s. less than last year. This depreciatioa in price is undoubtedly attributable to the fact that in mut instances the Cana- dians have beeh sending here inferior stock. No doubt they pay a much larger freight for conveying their cattle from Montreal to Liverpool than the -United States graziers -pay from Boston to Liver- pool; but then the Comedian shipper should remember that his United States rival has to slaughter his animals at the port of debarkation. Instead of decrees- . ing their herds during the winter, the Canadian stock -feeders should endeavor to improve their breeds of cattle, and also find, if possible, a cheaper means of transhipment than they appear to have at present. Feeding stuffs are lower in • price than they have ever been, and Canadians should not lose sight of the advantages which they have in landing and driving their cattle alive to our markets. He is Satisfied with. Manitoba. DEAR ExPosrros,.-Having been in the habit of perusing your valuable paper since it was first published and having confidence at. all times as to ar- ticles contained therein being correct, I was 'very sorry to find an article in your issue of the 28th ult., concerning me, which is utterly false. In making men- tion. of my return to Ontario, a corre- spondent says I am thoroughly disgust- ed Ntith Manitoba. I have now been nearly three years in Manitoba; and can say candidly I have been in love with the country ever since I first settled in it, arid have all confidence in its becoming one of the finest farming countries in the known world. Had it not been for my. wife and family being anxious to return to friends in Ontario I would cheerfully have remained in Manitoba the remain- der of my life. I consider a man going to Manitoba with moderate means, can in the course of three or four Years, have a better farm and a more comfor- table way of working it than he would have after twenty or thirty years of hard labor in the backtvoods of Ontario. One word in conclusion, to the corre- spondent from Morris, in order to show You I have no reason to regret coming to Manitoba, I have made for myself a property here I would not exchange for the best hundred acre farm in Old Huron. Hoping you will be kind enough to give this space in your valuable paper at an early date, I remain, yours very respectfully.- D. J. GEDDES, Creeford, Manitoba. Bentsen Mn.. G. J. SUTHERLAND, Conveyance Commissioner, Fire and Life Insurance Ae•ent, and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. All business strictly confidential. Office at the Post On*. 889 , SHOOTING MATCH. -A shooting match be held at. the Central hotel on Christmas day, when a large- number. of rood fat geese and turkeys will be shot r, and a happy dancing party in the evening. HOME AGAIN. --Messrs. Thos. Munn, Peter Morrison and Waiter Ingram, have all returned from the Northwest ----------- during the past week, and intent ing a part if. not all the winter w friends inthisneighborhood.' . : TRir To- BERMUDA.-4Ire-- Wm who left here a few weeks.sgeon Bermuda, in .caiipany with .hi. 1 in-law Mr...T. Pybus. , returned h week. He reports the sailing but the scenery and rest of th the voyage as being rough anti being grand,' Mr. P-ylms who Bermuda for his health intend hag for some time in the hope change may prove beneficial. SIGHT SEEtteata-We omitted mea tion in last week's issue that M. Jo Shepherd, of Tuckersmith, io 1 home nearly three months ago on a t i ) to Colorado and - the. PA,Orfic coast, ; turned recently from his. len( ty a grand sight seeincr tour and is • mchi.in proved in health''thereby. . BBIEFS.e-Christmas is rapidlyl al proaehing and with it visions o Clans fill the mind of . ti at a ,Sextitilt yount.rster..--There hi now - e. pale sleighing and grain, pork and v od t being brought to market in laeg qua tities.-All our business house vi alos nicely decorated as ethey are 1 oint Christmas while the loaded shel re • spel of plenty. -•• place. has rem fl be made a police. village witl• Win. boundaries, further perticidats o .whi Will be given in another issue. fr.. Ratline, of the firth' of Urquhar . Ra nie„ is off attending foreign -ma -k As f the ptitpoSe of making sales fa wide -Our skating - =rink was op nod tl week. --Miss M. JohnsatAylme 7, is t truest of Mrs. G. Ineraan o 'Pucker en. , , smith. . 1 WEDDING RECEPTION. --On r li trsda evenin4 of last week and on du. e casi of the return of Mr. David 1 .ei btai ( bride, Who reside near this vill. ge fro their wedding trip a„large numl ea of th relatives and . intimate' Meads f - tl Ltritle and grown assembled by i istati I at the residenoe of Mr. Wm. te th, Hay, the groom's father, where a- ;tear welcome awaited them and who .e, ino pleasant and social time was sp mt by - in company with the guests of b eve big, the bride . and .grpom, w to we the recipients on the occasion of man handsome and valuable present, , and were extended many co igratul 4 tens and good wishes for the r fail welfare and happiness. , 1 THE ,JURILEE SINGERs. On Vedne -] day 'evening one of . t e I best entertainments Over held -in thi. .. village was given by The Jubiee ingerst" under the leadership of . Rev. ) -.4-fat kings,. familiarly known a -Eh- er HaV king. The singing of the troet in their native tongue and sweetneeewa, simply grand, and as they sang tic- p antatiOp songs, the listener wash): turn ettlied in delight,. and pain to the scenes ar: d events associated with the old planta ion, and not the least interesting part of the eii- tertainmentl was the clear; stirr ng au oftimes anthsitte accounts _given y Elder Hawkings of tit% songs they we e about to sing and of slavery life in i s many, farms. The Elder is one of th se NOLO do not believe that man was nade ; .. mourn, and certainly !cannot be charged with • being. long faced . or sob- r while at the same time he did not gis e utter- ance tto the leeet thing cake( ated to offend,: while mach was sahl to se con - mended. As we have already -aid tire entertainmealt Was excellent tie eu.ghol. t and much credit is due to the 3.,, ethodi t body of this place who . enga )ed the troupe.. spel 1- th th eng4 y t trip, 0 rothe me la t art 1 f tOrir1 a eripl I went) o eemal that e r, 4 1 Auburn. NOTES. -The pupils attend ng ont school will give an entertainmet t in the temperance hall on Tuesday venin, December 23rd, It promises to be la pleasant affair. —Rev., Jas. Cas ell wij.I preach a serman on Sunday sell( ol. work next Sunday evening. RAI 1,WA MEETING. -There was meeting held last Saturday night in the railwa nunib taaulin e of e his se d then a line f schseion by the sent to the con- ty. next: Youn d Job temperance hall to consider the question. Thee was quite of ratepayers Present, notwith that the notice was short, Son heaviest ratepaying farmer's in tion were present, and express selves in favor of a competi railsVay. After considerable d pro and con, A was decided majority of the ratepayers pr send the following delegates to ventiou Brassele on Tuesd S. Caldwell!, D. E. Munro, -Jas. P. B, Wallace, It. Medd al Sturdy. BAD CON inc.— There is t certai clique of youhg men, who liv .up e gravel road towards myth, Ai think t is the very pink of politeness to e the night hideous with their cm sing mid swearing, and obscene language People living along the road are much sernoyed with the same. They are enerall worst •on Monday nights, wh qn. the insult young ladies going hoine rom the Good Templars' Lodge. It is t be di h tinctly understood, however, t rat the (harlot belong to the tempera= lodge. The majority -of our young men are gen- tlemen, but this crowd are t. We have had enough of this nd if k is persisted in an eXample will c made of some of the offenders. THE MARKETS 0 SEAFOILTII, Dec. 8, 1884. Fall Wheat per bushel.... ..- ... $0 ' to $0 q Spring Wheat per bushel.... k) 7 to 0 0 Oats.per bushel 10 • to 0 0 -3 to 0 65 Peas per bushel Barley per bushel 0 to 0 55 Butter, tub, ..... .... 0 16 to 0 8 0 6 to 0 17 Butter, No. 1, loose.... .. Eggs 0 8 to. 0 8 Flour, per 100 las 1 to .2 15 Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 5 0 to 5 80 Hay per tan 7 10 to 8 60 Hides per 100 lbs. .. . ....... • "5 r to 5 po swhpeoelpski .cach 0 8 to -0'20 0 0 to 0 80 Salt (retail) per barrel.... 1 to Salt (wholesale) per barrel . 1 00 O 0 t .0 0 Potatoes per b h 2 0 to 3 0 Wood per cord • CIANTON, Dee. 18, 1884.ii Fall Wheat per bushel.... $0 8 to $0.0 Spring Wheat per bushel.... 0 8' to 0 1110 O '-8 to 0 .130 Oats per bushel 0 0 to 0 0.5 Barley per bushel ...... . 0 . 3 to 0 05 Peas Per bushel . . . .. . 0 6 to 0 18 Butter Eggs . o 8 to 0 18 . 0.0 06 Hay perton Potatoes per bushel.... 0 '0 to 0 130 2 0 to 2 00 Apples per barrel . 0 6th 0'L6 -Wool 6 to 7 00 Hides per. 100 lbs ----------------t 5 DO te 580 Pork .• 2 40 ta 3 00 Cordwood.. SI ,,--\Llive Stock Market Moaerrizate December 16. -The trail cattle has presented no new feature a sections have been made, the market minally quoted at 4c. to 5e. per lb., I Live hogs were quiet and steady at At Viger market the receipts of cattl head, among which there were some which brought a good price, selling at S. in export d n train - bang ne- ve Weight. Ire. Ito fid.' re 300 ood cattle, 5c. jer II,. live weight. and even ligher for c oice. Really pri ne bea,ts will be n demand this week for Ch 'stunts trade.. Fair1 to good grades pold at 4c. to ie., ant common t Sc. to Sic the 'latter bei rg dull f sale. Alf a 300, sheep and lambs we1e offeld, which n et a fidn trade. A few eh ice she p sold at $6 each, and the range was ft6 $3 uptwards. -Lai ibs• sold at $2.50 to $4.50 ea Two mins bra ight $6 and n110 respec- tiv ly. , * red Cal 6d spr to $14 $0. ho Sc KE •KY All CL VERN) 14, pee 17. -Spring wine , 07s 00d; white , 7s 1 • 'California No ' 07s Old ; fornia 2 •10(1 ; oats, 5s 05I barley, 58 Peas, . s 11 ; mit 708 00d ; checie, 62s MI. --• . RONTO, -DOC% 1 wheat, $0, 2 -to $0:74 ; ng; $0.- 2 to $0.74 ;31e to 33c ; peas 56c o;. ba ley, 50112 to 4o; hay, per t r, $7.00 to • bu ter, ;16e tol 28c; Potatoes per bag, t; $045; ego, pr doz.,220 to 28c; dressed. , per 10 lbs., $576 to $6.2.5 • Births. TT.-JBr issela, of Mr. Seat T. --In Sea torth, o of Mr. J. E Kent Sea:forth, a of Mr. Vila KyIe o ENHE.,111-0 u tin Er.' P ter Ail enh akota thr IIO 13• o RK. - n Cu ed' ton , Of Mr. Walter , - n the 15th in if a son. ri the illth in f a, daughter. Fr the 13th is a daughter. 25th ult., .ad, of Brc nicker= it on the 7th is 'Uri, of a son. era' I R.e1'elS st , the wife st , the wife IS', the wife the wife of wr county, of a son. Is a the wile WR ..N -ERE.-- t the residence of the bride:8 ether, Ion th _ l7tlh inst.; by Rev. W. Tor- ance, . fr. Tin a NY -en, of Whine. t, to Miss alhI ee Byre, of Tue -ersinith. '- t SON-----eilelf VII LANE. -a -At Bruc shield, on the 7th' in t., by Rev T. G. Thom •o.1, assisted y Rev. D. NI. i eM ay, M. A„ of Londesboro, Ir. Win . Pdrs n to Miss Maggie IffeEarlane, oth of Exefer WA' SON-WEl L.-) t Trinity chi ran parson- ige, Birth, on the 17th iost., by Rev.. J. FJ 'arke, ;Yin. W ken , Esq., tin Miss Elizabeth , Veils, both.Of IUD tt. : a MOI SE—C, AP 4. ON. In Thins:leis, c h the lath • list., b, Bev. . C Clappison, aesisted by ev: J. L. her t, lir Henry Ric vird Morse, f Alpena,. 11i shig, n, to Miss Helena Vic- oria, third da elit,r of Rev. 1). C. Clairol - 'on. • • - ' - SPA 'h-Mak'N.-114E .-K.E. .-At the residence of he bri les at ler, n the 10th ins. -.JO. Rev. , enele, eldest dau Inter of Mr. WiWeetkes, V. M. :Marti r, Ir. {ugh SpackTa ajto. Miss 11 of &kite' ' I PA ths. RA.1 SAY -At Ea. Istor . Tu.ekerstmille, on the 6th in t.,1 Eli eabeh t - Hannah, re: ict of the I te Peter Rauray, aced 74 years:. In Brie sels, on the 8th . inst., Emma, Mr. F, Ingram, 'aged 22 years epp. rdton, be tha 14th inst„ cod, ageda22 yea'. : 'NO AM.- eloved wife of nd. 9 menthe. Melt'r,OD.--Near Si llrietianialt ci are -cry and mart Ccuit P shot' niker, Seafart fully requests all w indel tednesa bet IF can nter upon the Pay our shoern k • WH -8S383! ; c. ESS (i'x 00 ening bre., e id Mantles et their pri e 'EAT BAP eeson in C ot al Grocery. 888-2 . 1 SA Oods icier INS kery mane. otices. -HOFF fa along with th wholesale i ei 888 (luting e and Glassal & FilitertY, bent Willis, the e -wants money, r. m to owe! him to se the st of January new year with e, cl r and be . hepp S !GAR !! Sleet 1 -You can ( e pain Is of bright st gar for $1, an groc ries egnallyce cap at the Cent al aw & FAuuiY Seaforth. 2 ICE 'HERON HElaRINGS.-1"1 lit, gut- ted d heads off a $2 f 0 per; packa re at LAID- 1/AW FAIRLEY'S,..B aforth. 888-2 .„'ItED OATS Io t, Ss. -Far ta e Egyp- tian White Side On s. Guaranteed .1 ar of wild oats and all othei ii xiot s seeds. Pr <II 50c per bus, el. - Wm. EL , Ito gerville P. ). 888x5 DWA RD C S , raving" quit buying butt -v for the peas n, w 11 offer to tIC towns peor lc a number of eroc s and pails if fine, fall hat r, ith red* pr -ccs. Code -MY -Street, Seal n-th. Decen b r 9t , 1884. 888 2 • kinds lo -sents, suit dile for the noliday seaso 1, in endless valid.) nd at re - mar -ably low pr ce7 at Chi -is: ilk -m's Book Stor , Clinton, t lareest and letriing Book, Stet onery and I• n •y C ods Store of ti e county. 888 ' • C UTTERS.- e •111 der -signed •have on ham a stock 'Of od;, 'ubstahtial 'a d Stylish Cat .rs, which w 11 ne so d at prices to suit' the tun . Any pers n wan ine a good, c cap cut- ter s ouId exami ur 8 ocric before p rehasing else -here. t BILL & CO., Main Cely Sea, fort . 885 Goon NEWS FIR 'MOWERS--- Ve tin- ders and Ji S. Pa hints las secured tl e agency .for he celebrat d Eini. ire Cigar, th cth • he is retailing at Sc. h En pire is pro re limed by. all good jiges b • eqi al to any He Domestic- cigru th Dor in ion. All lovers a a good smoke slit:141(1'nm fil to r;ve him a Cal :and try brn lid. 887-13 -st-class to -•$2.25 $2.25 to -rens' sold 'C' Market N BROs. eir Miilin- res. Call ,Christ ti; at the 'Seaforth. people's I respect-, tie their so they n Sheet. BOB/IILT • twenty all other Grocery. this 'ustly eIehrrlte Cates:a:tea l0Jj. S LE. -100 Canaries, good win' ders. Singers each according to' calor i r song. Pt $2.75: gnarenteed s represented. Nt for s-ng•ers. All tWied .birds. Jona Ft Street, Seaforth. j 887 fi ii2 EXECt"'oR " NOTICE • -9XECUTORS' N iTICE.-All pat its haying I' claims atrair st the ate- James G,unble, .of the 'ThWnsthin of (sir y, n ust file th same, pro- ved,- attested, %cite Mr. Matthew Icrrison, of Wel' on, on or befor.i the 15th day f January, 1885 and all dents not t filed wi be barred, as t e effects of t .dec ased will t mei• be dist, tribi ted, haying , mord.. Only to t nose claims then in. All perdmis mdebtad to tin deceased, cit -hr by note or; bhok • ccount, ar- notified to pay he same to thel said M. Matthe Morrison, as h is authorized to pal: and (once the same. 1 ast4.0 x tERT BLAIR , JA: IES 'MILLIE, jeu ors. - P. ted this 9th da • of 9ee., 1884. 8 E. ECUTORS' TIC Notia ;8• her8e8b-3,4- given, that ell parti s having clii er against the state of the nit. Petr McTavish of the town- ship of Tuekersmitl , mu$t file the sal re, properly atte. ted, With male • of •lhe mittens" ned, on Or befoar. the 2nd id, y• •of February, 1E85, aaall Marls not then hi ill be barred, a. alter that date the Executks will proceed to administer the (*ate. All ''vf rties indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to -pay t u. same at 01 -ice • JAMES BROADFOOT, 888x4_ .J014N MoTAVISH, - Faxecutors. AUCTION SALES. HITGAGE SALE.---tUnder and 'ay virtue of al the power of sale contained i i a certain mor -gage (which Mortgage will be preduced at tmuc f sale) there be sold by Publil Auction, on Sa urdey, the113rd day; of January, D. 1885, t)* O'clock in tin ,) afternoon, at tile Commer- cial Lotcl, Seaforth, Let t 12, Armstrong- Survey, Brun. field, also 5, l• perches, 'more cv -less, and ; fern i igapart of :It rm Lot No. 18,in the 1st Con- , cess a u of StaulaN and more specially described in a id•mortgage • Terms made knoan on the day of sale. For • f uther partieuhus apply to S.' G Seaforth, Ager t Em- Mort - gag e. 889-3 hist Pub on P: CTDITLNE NISEANIL cted by Mr. ie Auction, o ursday, Ja . sharp, th i h OF FARM STOCK AND S. -Mr. A. Bishcp has been Donald -Gre,ssick, to sell by lot 6, Concession •.,„ Stanley, ary 8th, 1885, at 1 o'clock, One general 'allowing veinal). e. property, rpose tearn, 1 m to'b' an foal to a nported horse, 1 , 1 three -tea mar ld mare in foal to rung plain 1 ye yearling filly, 1 cow- n calf to a tiuroughbred bull, old neifer in calf, 8 two-year-old st ling neer, 2 yeerlirig heifers, 5' cal brec wes, 6 pigs three Months ol wa , 2 double inggies; 1 pair la Ion leigh, sing a reaper, 1 sing new ounbined .,e 'der,' 1 fanning bar o -s, 1 cUltival r, 3 plows, 1 gan donharness, wagon rack, fo s.sho e s, hoes and 11mm-tie other a wh will positiv • be said withou the oprietor h rented his -farm All ms of $5 under, cash; t 11 month .redit will be gi nisi g approved e idcirsed notes. A 6 cern s on the do afr will be allowed crediti amounts. DONALD GRAS - priet r, Kippen It 1 1 re supposed ,•ox1 driving N orth Star, oal, 5 mulch 1 two-year-, ems, 1 Year-. -ere 14 Iwell . 1 lumber b -sleighs, 1 e mower, 1 mill, 1 set plow, 1 set kit, spedes, tiles. The reserve, as Terms. - over that -el on fur - discount of fcr cash on SI:1K Pro - O.; A.' BISHOP, Auctioneer. .889x3 THE HU AUCT ' On Thursday, p. in., sharpi on Stanley, Farm 8 Donald Grassick,, Auctioneer. . On Saturday, p. m. atthe Com 5? -1 aqes of land Sidne P. Brine, auction E ON ALES. anua •at 8, at 1 o'clock, Lot 0, Con ession 2, ck intl Im ilements. Proprietor; Ar. 1i'shop, ecem rer 20, all 2 o'clock nereid,l Hotel, 'eaforth, . C tos nship of Mort in, propkietor, J. POSITOR. An SLE. BUSH FOR SALE -For sale, the about 7 acres a land, isa Lot 27, 11, McKillop, about six miles from 1 -For further -particulars appy to the the farm or to W ahroi P, 0. GRIEVE. timber on oncession Seaforth. owner on JOHN G. 889x4 900 ACRE FAR Fat ,SALE. -I -For sale, Lot 83, Cols ession 2, East 1Vawanosh. About 140 acres ,are c eared n nd the' remainder is well timbered with h rd.woo L There is a frame dwelling house, nearly new well finished with good. celler. Alsa fran:e barns with stabling underneath, end, a. g cid be ring orchard. The soil is a clay loam an tin a f4h. state- (af cultiva- sion. It is well 8itua ed on good road 8 :and con- venient to markets, eipg within; for r miles Of Blyth, where there is three miles from a railway station, and urn. Terms, about one- third down, the balm cc to se pin -chaser. chaser. Ap- ply on e premises or to Ji MES BROWN, Box 34, Blyth P. 0. 889x8 Li OUSE AND L( TS FOR SALF.4 IN THE 11 TOWN OF SEAPORT:EL-The Above pro- perty belongs to the state f the late Bernard Burns and consiSts Of a story and a half frame house and two lots, on ;'Mi 1 Street, in Jarvis' Survey of. the toWn f Seaforth. The house is nearly new and is in excel ea repair. It is within two minntes walk of the railwaS• station.. and is convenient to 11 the principal Manufac- turing institutions in the town ; also four quar- ter acre lots in the eame survey. The whole property will be • sold cheap.: For -particulars apply to THOMAS DOWNE y, Esq., Executor of the late Bernard, BUT IS, or to P. S. CARROLL, Solicitor, Seaforth: • 889 IMPORTANT NOTICES. HORSE. WANT.F.5').-Wairted to purchase, a I 1. good Horse or Marc, hay color, with white lace and white hind legs, from three to six years old, and weighing from 1,500 pounds, to 1,600 pounds. Must be sotnicL A good figure will be paid for a suitable animal. Apply at Tine Ex- POSITOIL Office, BeafOrPh. 889 •• URE BRED 13ERKSIIIRE,-The will keep during the prbsent 5, aancession 1, Hay, a pure Bo r, to which a limited nuniber taken.. -Terms---$1, Itith the ing' if necessary. JO IN VL4LI8, . . undersigned season, on Lot bred Berkshire of sows will be privilege of return- Hay P. O. 889x4 0 three formation same CULLAGII, Goderieh TRAY COW.-Str yed abinit the 12th �f De - comber, a spotte I red an d white cow, about years old, givin milk.. Any one giving in- that will le d to the recovery of the will he suitably rewarded. ROBERT Mc- Huron teed, Coderich Township, P. O. ; l 889-4 rnENDERS l.' a a, house. Lot tattiest Tenders Irk LAIDLAW, at WANT 'D. -Tenders w:111 . ceived by the in dersitrned, un to of January, 188,5, for the erection :c Plans and sp cifications c•an he 14, Concession 9, Township of Mm or any tender not necessarily may be for -ti e whole work or further particu ars address RU Blyth?. •889x4 be re- the 20th f a briek seen on ris. The ccepted. fen. part. BET B. 'Ilit) chase Figuring sto lase ele ate On IN MILERS. -A ood opportunity; to a man with a little capital, eitb or rent, both on eesy terms, the, Mill at prue field, with thre nes, boiler and c gine, double bcd , purifier, combild smatter, brush ators, shafting, & .., almost new: I in one of the bes wheat growing 4 dar ao. Fpartici] ars-apply to WA f 'HAM, Stratford: - • t $ offered r to pur- 'rist apd run of dusting machine, is situ- strias in . BUCK - 889-3 u_ wil dna p. ii., rec Con tha yon me Pol J. 0CE--,The Au mural Meeting of Pinot) Mutual Fire Insurance; be held in the To m Hall, Seafort , January 2nd, 18:-, at the hour of I for the purpe% . of electing Dirt iving a report t o" the transactice pany for the year, and any other may come befor . the meeting. t ience in voting member- a attem ting will please In ling the :number cy, and the amon it of their insuran HANNON, Secret ry-Treasurer. t the W- ompany , on Fri - o'clock, tors and s of the businesS For can- lug the Of their :e. WM. 868-2 CHANGE The Buainess, thanks ingleountrv bes had Seeforth. wish continued a yOudg Huron oughly trade, gies secure his ' With I hope Business, that public ledge am 889-3 *F BUSIKIESS. from the expressiti and t. liberal ) years in th . to the BusineS Mr. Aloha to the ; am outfit and th . rue his I are which W11 MU I beg to the Retai with a fair use all n the Isrinie. M. JO Grocery r sincere urround- atronage I have town of public, I will be 1Jardan, ample of ent thor- grocery est ener- thereby crown , tPHY. say that C-Iroecry markets, share of y know- I WAN. undersigned in takes plea. to the pcopi for the k owed on me dulina tire pleasure of thine In making to say that the in the old stand man who is n County, and Who understands ti and who I am .. to give per -fed -ti that abundant efforts- with prosperity. : retiring ure in if Seaforth rid and the twelve: business my bow Grocery by a 'stranger I e Markets ire, will satisfactions, 'upped ' JAMES • . reference to the from my exper and my a«maintance I shall be able to patronage, And and best energies.; et new man in an Id above, enee in command I shall to deserve stand. . Non Reeve, on No. Tuckersmith, NOTICE 0 MEETING of th of Tuckersmitl rinatiou of Can Deputy -Reeve Monday, the 29th n 8, Egmonidyille. Dec. 1.7, NO M !NATI electors of the .17ownship will take puce idates for the1 ann d Councillors, ay of December, at WM. McCONNEL 1884. t • N. for the tfices of at noon Scheel . 889-2 LONDESBO 91HE Annual Meeting ter and Cheese' will be held in Bell's day, December 16th. , 1:30, p. in.; Patrons Old 2:30 p. mu. i 3 r. John lett, and Mr. '. ohn Ha address the meeti ng. . tended to all who art W. L. OUIMETTE, Sc On account of unfa meeting has been postponed January, 1885, at the 0 CREAMERY. of the Londesbaro Manufacturing Company Hall, Londeaboro, ShereholdeaS meeting the public meeting McMillan, Reeve mah, of Tuckersmith, A cordial in vitat' interested to be Tetary-Treasurer: -or-able weather, t nail Thursday, *a1110 time and place. --i, , But' on Tues- at at of Hid - will on is ex- present. no above 8th 889-3 Dairymen's Association - . °Atari°. The - Annual Cony Association of Wester the Town Hall, in Str and 16th of January been made with the ( the usual reduction the certificate of me can be obtained from ardson, Strathroy; ford; H. S. Lessee, N tary, in. Ingersoll. iie • Secretary's Ofliee, Ingersoll, Dec.15; 1 of Western ntion of the Dairymen's Ontario, will be tford, on the 14th, next. Arrangenients rand Trunk Railway f fares on preeen nbership requirec, he president, L. homes Ballandyne, nrwich ; Or, from the order. . t C. E. CHADW S 84. F held at 15th have for %Mon of which R. Rich- St -rat - Secre- ' CK, c•retary. 889-4 AM, ROYAL A. GREAT Cabin donderry, of stateroom. under mediate, Londonderry $94.50; turn Liverpool'and ad Money I panies 862 ' LA MAIL I OF— STEAMSHIPS.. I., I Agent. Liverpool to 12 years, 1 Cabin, $50. From Lit•erpool -$63, $.7 $13. Londond Cabin, $100, Steerage,' $26. Estate Insuranee A. HONG. ( 'ATES. nd Lon- osition all fame; Inter- or .75 and Re- srry or $126 lought Com- STRONG, eaforth, REDUCTI N IN PASSAGE rates from II $50, $63, an Childr 1, free. Servants $35; Steerag to Halift Intermediate, Tickets. from II back tol *143; Intermedia lifax to $73, according n under in , $13. x : Cabin, st35; Steerage lifax to Halifax: e, $70 ; Loaned aid and Sold Real as Usual. INSURANCE. represent several it in the world. 'Office -Market , • . f the best treet, Seaforth 1 For Rodgers & Sons Spoons. A splendid "Block Tin" Goods Biscuit Pans, &c. celebrated "Cold 'Japanned Tinwares, ails in great variety., We have many u and New Year's gif marked at our usual , the Holiday Trade. able and Pocket Cutlery, Ele assortment of Hall, Parlor a n Jelly Moulds, PuNing Dish Tickel-Plated, Granite, Iron, senile " Sad Irons; both plai .inamelled Wares, Kitchen Fin tro-Plated Knives, Forks and id Library Lamps. English s, Tea- Pots, Cam Biggins, Tea and Coffee Pots. Tire 1, polish and nickel finish. nishiugs and Cooking cten'- 0 -dud, Sellsii)le and appropriate 'eticles suitable for Cbristinas s, in Hardware and House ow prices. .CALL AND EXMINFE WISHING MYI NTJM EROUS C1JSTOM El MERRY CHRISTM MRS. AS Furnishingsv which we have GOODS, S AND EVERYBODY A OHN KIDD, oEAFORTH. Huron's Photogra W. W. ic Etablishrnent. WAD Having refitted his rooms with nes balustrades end draperies; also.nent am to time out photograp 18 in any style d mets, and 8x10 Photorraphs, the MO o make their fri gent • The fines t Unless thorougl ly satisfactor Any of those wishing more suitable and el work allowed to go m FRAMES. -I ha which there are sonic designs, which I am offeting at greatly kettuced price clays.; very nice 8x10 frames complete +Atli glass ma • 1 . MOULDINGS. --Mouldings plain (nal onutinen made to order on the it lowest of the work respectful and handso el thee whit sirbo.L I am AFORTH. no furniture, such as chairs, r sceneries, is how" prepared - making a specialty of tCe1)- 114)to is consi bred the picture of Tithe day. ntl presents can find nothing work guaranteed, and no Christie nish on •-e also on hand a, large and va of the choicest Gcild and Easel N. B. -I am enal le( well in dull weather as i die; plate process; ground floor.„ rtest notice, and solicited, by the use of the. dry pl the finest All Photograt lake the gem picture four 11 • -hid. stock of Frames, among Frames in new and elegant during the Christmas hell - and back from.30c up. al in great variety. Frames rices. A call and inspeetion te to make photographe as is made by the instantaneous for 60C. . Rooms all on the W. WADE, Main -sit., Seaforth. Great Holiday learing Sale at JAMES IVFLOTTGITLIN'S, ON AND AFTER FATURDAY NEXT. Come all and. get some o the- Greatest Bargains ever offered th Public. Bargains in Dresis iand Cretonnes., Bargains Bargains in Blankets,13. Work, Bargains in Taw `Bargains in •Shasals Shirtings, •Bargainein 1 Tremendous Bargains in 'oods. Bargainin Hosiery Old Gloves, Bargains in Prints in WincieseBarg ins in Fl ulnas, Bargains hi Cottons, rgains in Hats am d Cape', Bargains in Wool and Wool is and` Tablings, &c., Bargains in Tweeds and cloths 'quares, Bargain • in Jack ts and Ulsters, Bargeies in ucks and ,Cotto ades, Bar rains in Underclothing, &'c.'; lillincry, which must be cl ared out before New Years. Bargains in Tea Si gar, Coffee, Rai. ins, Currants, Primes, Rice, Syrups, Spices, &c. • I Bargains in everythi rg, as I am determined to reduce my large and well - assorted stock of first -01.-s goodl–to the lo*est pointprevious to January stock- taking. McLOU 11LIN, W iitney Block, Seaford). Merry Christmas an TO 0 C. W. PAP Happy New Year NE AND ALL IS THE WISH OF • T Boolcseller,Seaforth , Who has now opened his immense stock of ChristmaS, New Year, Wedding and Birthday Presents contpl te, and would reepectfully ask the attention of all in- tending purchasers to hal and. examine hs goods. Christmas, New Year and Birthday Cards fromtire following note 1 makers : L. Prange &•Co., Raphael Tucka & Son, Artistie , tationery CoinpaI iy ; Hild )sheimer and Faulkner, and sever -al others. Over bnej million Christina • Cards in stock from 1 cent to $3 to choose from. Pearl Car s, Hand Painted Ivory Ctrds, Fine Plate Mirror* in plush frames, Oil Painitin s, Toys' in endleas variety,LLadies' Companions in plush and leather cases, 100 'sty es,' ranging as price from 20c to $15 each ; Odor Cases in plush and leather, 25 styles ,• Ladies' Hand Bags in plush, Leather, Celluoloide and Tinsel, Dressing C. •es, Writing Desks, Worla Boxes, Jewel Cases, Port- fplios, Gilt Goods, Olive Wood Goods, Glass Ink Stands, Bronze Ink Stands, Cigar Cases, Cigarette Ca -es, Bill Books, Toilet Sets1 Vases, Figure Malts, Glove and. Handkerchief Sees,Pocket Companions, Pearl Card Cases, Leather Card Cases, Paper Weights ,i W x Dolls, Toy Boeks, Pocket Books, Necessaries, Con- certinas, Accordeons,I Bi •que Figures, Music Boxes, Harmonicas, Bisque Doll Heads, Solid Braes Go ds Velvet Frames, Smokers'. Sets, Cigar Stands, Tobacco Boxes, Cups and Sauc rs, Japanese Match Boxes, Japanese Match Safes, Japanese Bracelets, Japanese Tray., Rubber Dolls, China Dolls-, Photo Albums in large variety, Japanese Card It ceivers, japenesel Flower Pots; China and Masa Flower Pots Flowers and Birds is glass globes, Gold Pens, Pen Cases and Pencils - Slip- per Pots, Wall Pot:kat Patterns; Ottoman. Patteres, Miscellaneous and Stan- dard Works, large assert ent Poets in Cloth and. Leather Bindings, Bibles, Prayer Books, Music, &c. The i lost complete stock- to be found in any town west of 1 Toronto is at C. W. Papt Main St1ee1t, s FaneyiGoods Emporium, irectly under the iTown Clock,Seaforth, Ont 1 When, Where, How TO SAVE MONEY. THE OPULAR GROCERY, SEAFORTH , You can get the best value for your truancy in at kinds of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, I have jutt received a let of Fi'esh Sugars and Teas 1 Whi '•13 I am bound to sell cheap foe cash. Eigh- teen pounds o, Brown Sugar and 14 pounds of Coffee Sugar for 51, and a good Tea for 25c per pout Gree d, and extra value at 50c in Black and . Also some extra nine PURE SUGAR SYRUPS at 50e and 75e per gallon. HONEY, HONEY, Extracted pure from my own apiary, at 3.5e' per pound, or eight pounds for OneMonar. PORK PORK! I lre again commenced packing, and will pay the Iliiihest market price for good fat hogs. I - have on hand all kinds of Crimp Meats, Pork and Bologna Sausage and Cuttings. • He ROBB, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.. (IDD'S EMPORIUM READY-MADE LOTHING. Our preparations have never been more cona. plate than they are for the present semen, whether varieqy of fabrics or varieti of styles copsidered, Buying, as we do, for spot cash, front the I rgeSt manufacturers, and in tctece the qrram4.ities of other firms, we are enable to offer you. VALUE HOT SHOWN ELSEWHERE, Positively Dely Com- petition. • To ony buyer of judgement, who is not influ- enced by tho trashy inducements held out Ly - t pure asers of SECOND HAND OR' BANKRUPT GOO S, we appeal with confidence, knowing that our clothinli once seen will beF appreciated,., both for quality, durability, style and price. We buy nothing hut, good all -wool reliab1e goods. Cuetomere can, therefore, purchase wait confidence, feeling that when they reach home they iave something more than a parcel of shod See my Mens Light and Heavy TweIed Over- coats. See my Men's Be•ever Overcoats, and note the peeest See any Boy's Overcoats and Ulstelrs. n See y Men's and Boy's Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suits, made and trimmed first-class at reasonable prices. Rubber Costs all styles and lorieee, from the loweeti priced oil cloth to the finest macintosh. Underclothing and furnishing departments are fully asserted with the best of value. • CALL SOLICITED. THOS. KIDD, Corner Main and Market Streets.