The Huron Expositor, 1884-12-19, Page 4T1HE*HTjR0N EXPOSITOR. I t tural ox- track all night. ome arties found hirr
ars of age, was son of Gcne al in tryingl le though thei w nfluence upon, tfie electorite', of this it !did n t de tal thaus, 51vcly and clo- eleven ye told
argo, of: Japan, and iephew bf tile 'tension iiras 0om to (-Ioder- We inesday ni(kning, to whom lie
RUTTEMCK & CO -PS qu elptly I i h man interesting subj(ets h- the' ircumstano ,es) and a telegram ac.
ry It sl iould be - t1i e aim, of our was no enthusiastic a visit ich or Kineardine. All tha munici a i i,C lable Paper Patterns for 01 kinds of count ally alid Japanese minister of wqr,now on 11stowe re cordingly was a nt-,toi hiaATL, s at Glin.
Ladles', Misses'. Boy -a' and Childreft's legislators to Counteract . this 'evil"and not that t to this eouritry. The remains -will -b ties bet -ween Elora and lil erally applade bu'- 'to mail Mil ; a's , taken to Japan. already burdened heavily for bonuses, ton, 'who went: to London and brought
Garmeitts, for sale by BRos., we know of io a than top, 1,48 NV but ril ll ve to ad n better mean - 4s preE 't
Seaforth. he , ! admit I;ed hi 1 at the olol. in a) I's A NoTED INVENTOR NsANE.—A. 'iB. and it would be very diffi I dult to get him back. It *as a wonder lie was not
01. i law making t a criminal offe4ce f I coilirse is nearly ru t rybillivig Wilson, the well-known inventor of Ile much candidate orally person 'in his behalf i o Wheelpr & Wilson sewing machine, I as Mr. Rogers, thought a teatnectiTig in connec.
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. of his po' itical end ha 3 c6mmenced. is
wivately solicit support or in any -%v And I Sir ohi appqred to relize been taken to the Hartford iiis ne could be out. that woJlIJ Convince tion with the '4 Ahod' tChurch, Sun,
Ily that it sliillv
, w..1s Wedtic. (1, y evening oJ
t asylum., A stroke of paralysis brq,ke the C,
ZU The figure between the parenthesis after o inolul' as a. Ho spoke foltlire a' trnct last week. Puqpite the, bad, roads tll(
- ge in -%rhat is now known traic,lit h lly a would b it *%dh line denotes the page of the paper on which 'i T, e in their iterests 6 con. liot a I I ad effort -'br it eak o. d . a n, him down physically d. nient, i [ghj boillis of chimeli was filleit and everything passe(
the advertiserrient will be found. solialcarivassing. Ele -idneeringsh 0 0 won think- J-ar ol he devoted the year ago. this extension. He thou
11offnian Bros. (1) Tim, fully. After tea Isaw
Clearing sale be conducted publicly every 'car, d - EN-GLIS11 felt or fifteen thonaiid dollars could b off i- -ry success e ew of his past cot l e w lole til e to ar rson was allcd to the chair an(
L. Brisbin, Vice-Presid-ent of the National got from Brussels. Rog c. Grieve. (,5) date should be allowed only t dise s9' took up, all,:; I To great questi given by Row
Bush for Sale --J. inch shoi ddresse-1 were
was very rl
Fann. for Sale-,Tartws Brown. (5) urin wl#,ch lie had b6en connectEd in Executive. Committee of Cattlemen, McLean, , all
public questions d alL V. tion Cain- Real E,,.tate for Sale— P. . 0wroll, (6) 6r b gone gines', Shwjw d the nature aid says olle-Sixth of all lie cattle lierds- the word colllpc titiojl had ost its MeEs. none wa -Ex pai on the publi tform -NAT e lie -ople. The) -c tire a good Cl000 inusic was supplied b
ate(l - positor Office. (5) gn ic pl, 'ect Pf ial 'Nlissouri ar I owned or . con- charm for the p( Pure Bred Berkshire -J. Willis. (5) 0 1 his acUo4s; id *the results wc'-st Of t',16 I acco the can be fairly met by his opponents, and o the d6urse that -ild 11 e rn pur8a(d. trolled by Englishlilen, who feed their maily things to be it.plished to -hoir. h, (5) lad Stray Cow R. McC,ulla EddieBrown, aged Am
Tenders Wanted-. B: [Adhow.- wheredt will be. impossible- for bim. to It' s ia e hat e Iiought be, might cattle oil free Anicricar grass and are secure this extension. F'Lrkt there is , soap-mker, o
TO Atillers--Wrl-11 Buckinghnt. (6) t gradually drivinAinericans out of the the C011selit of the conipaily1to mke it; eleven, on of F. Brown
offer a bribe to the electors, and his iver lAve anotliar i0pDortunity, tll.% -od6rieh, died very stiold'enly last week
(5) i cattle bushiess. 2rid the funds to crry it 16ut- If the Aiietiort $ale -Dl 5) 1!, ,, acti46 life irequired explqna-
friends should be similarly limite RE( it,TRAR.—Paul B. Doillillion wo Id grant of He 'complainc(l of feeling ull
-Lrr&tlie e aiio 000 per milL
til here that he, Ni ai it
nsura- sutherland. With a law of this kind in operaion talp the I Armstrong, re(,istrar of the land office at their surplus the slini of 21 - We4nes(fay evejailig, and remedies wen
to taill; tinle to Pat A n ailment
Young.(8) Youltry, (I in, Ifuron Dakota has dijappeared, owing it mirlit be carried out, buti lie thought app of for crarlips or a similar the last vestige of ele I in the light 7 3 I -sday i riling the I)oy -expire(
ctoral blribety s f before thL, publ. viug not otherwise as the rniiiiici palitiq w
4:1 (4 to regard several hundred dollar , besides lia cre Oil im ( ') 'would be effectuallyand s-ppedily wip4cl w lich he, wisho d h i story xpected Th4
Mustard. (8) becoming tired of bonuses aild itwould bo. in most U116
A;ti* ca-SirJ lln' actually seemed to be all unknown suin in M3,.possessjoii be- r.> in -in cute ill
The Single -man.-A. It. Smith. (8) out. But, besides induefing bribery- nilkincr a sort of politica rite-mortfin longing to persons who iiitrusted it to pretty hard to worlc ti. ). fle all- ine('1cal opiriioj was that
Rumah for the Weismiller. (8) )cated the ending of a to flarr intion lia l attacked ainonig'otha
personal canvassing has a demoraizirio, his Arnistrong belongs to prolii- v( St. Julien F-testatimut --J. (8) sti.toiner t. anks -W. Ketnpth(iihe & Co. (8). f( It it, were s6n- Illent Chicago fc%rnily. W,twa to interview the (4overninent oil org-41's the 11 rt.
Card of Th, effect upon both candidate ad . electo1r. 'And thealdience At the antival ineeting of Loya
Don't Fail to Red Hisd.-G. Gbod. (8) A CAFT1 nru).—The cus- the ubject. e of i ; thdre i vas ino " a Man aniong go Lo( Wilighainv"lich
Bankrupt Stock- What Cn possibly be More degradirig o 'British Colunl_ o.
u Presents- ev6ii tho )se who bad rieve sceii tonis officers it Victoria, Mr. Mitc-liell, Goderiell, Ivocated tha, Ora.
-n than far him to be required' to pturing appoint-niont Of a conlillitto:01 to procuro . oil lie rAll iii.t., the following officer
a m 4- at ensuing Year ! Will
'Soniethin New- - i Iiiiii,before, W"Ilo ffid not realize i ' the bia, have at last succeeded in c,
I cc - , tatistics of the basiness likely to fall td wer! elected fol the
Cheap Tes- peddle hi mself from door to doo,V, hat in on the plat" tile Anierican schoonei Fleetwing, one For the lfalidy-Tmde J. Kidd. eA braorffiiiary. bu-p-lag O: IM r f coii, tructed and joll lbtoll, W. M. - Will. Cornyn, 1)
Photographiv Establishm .% ealc i UP), Illap.
lent -M. W, Wade. (5) hand, slipiplicating and beo, ing 'for the Wking ia that ION, vgiCe, that of the most (lit ing oil the Pa- such ail ciltOprisc i
C - Thos.Abra
atchi the' 'be is been employed aki, this infor- M. 11obert Got Clearing.,Sale--J. -MeLougg 09 -ed a strained atte ntipn to c, cific coast. S I then let the committee 1, !
Meru Chiistws- C votes of those he wishes. to serve ill during the summer in su-iling China- mtion before the coillp Ily 'aild get hall 11, R. . ; 0. Andrus, F. 8, ; F. H
orge Potty
0 rer W. P, falteriucr words, iwls iiialinga statement thein a'defillite answe Rod Tre u
Chango of Prliment. It is destructive of self re- I ty,,.arid one tl at men into the: United tates from British from as to w-lictli-
11611 on; Of the oidiva woa. c willill to pie, 1) Of C. ; Will. Moore Lecturer
lhadwick. sp r Columbia, and oil her r .turn trip would or oil thatshowing tb y
yortgage Sale-& G, (5) 9 rtookby fr;too e cliqrac E_ C ect, d when that is gone bo,al can e intIch of th Ale, : 1"obert Campbell, obi
P, ofj the sti icken Iuo be Smarr le the Cargo into Caridi-an" terri- aiilti if so, ]low much aid they
annon. (5) death sopg to 09 is oore Richard' Por
Sh% expect pare and honest le.islation from ialill's *0111d Johlisturt, Thoni,, J Chtistnias Candies _G_ (Iood. (6) 1. I tory. N% those who It n, thus degraded. of ier thdri, sad. ter, Collitilittee ave 'bee tar TWENTY- IVR Tuo,-SAND HUSDAY After soine further ks froin 1N I r. And so it 0 at for the groa, 11100L C1 — ast Suriday, in P. Kelly, of Blyth, and others, resolu- ddition to tbosd already me
But, let there be a la,- this ir John's ad( r 88 ,V Proh&ting pc,,rtioii (f the rna So, ITLDREN. ntioi od-tho following teachers who hv
Bltiniorc, the pulpits cf all the i%lctllo- tions to the folloii effect were C, r -tell those seek- it r os, d to'with s ab(lued silene" - t sort of thing and tl w#s listeac dur
dist churches in. the City were occupied tied att ded the Ctliton Model School
Jashed out a dart of iis ies he f lary le -as er. a our suffrages will be able to stard ti Mr. Se secoilided by M r. l I t t 11 ve secured sit""
by delegates to the, centei confer- "001
olit wit, A- inteIrvats ulere was a spill of $EAFORTH, FRIDAY, Doe, 19) 1884. up openly and advocate tl,. tir ence. In the afternoon a Sunday school Kelly, that the followin r gentlemen tiol Miss 111 ;all, the school t Zet
old f. ust one it executive conui iiiee in place $300 a ear a of the old tim e ir d Lg- compose a Miss Snell o.
Clain -is and their principles in' ffi e t celebration was held in twenty- i I
lie tiola, but in it was quite t lie burches, in -which twtality-five thousnd of the citite:hs' railway witimittee (,f Tuijiberry, 82-5, and Miss 1. ScOtt
Electoral Reform. face of the world. Sitch alaw-wod oticr-wby,,al1dit waE ltiost with relief C Godcricb, to be called the 1 Ilo(Jerich nd dauli'diter of Robt. Scott, Hullett, th
a.bait children prticipated,represeliting forty- q:l
ave the "effect of not only stoppil thtt,tbe udiclice Dewrol'nim ell 1ool ; ll the Modelite
During tho, past ten or fifteen years h, g hite ndthirteeii-col roaolcongre- I Elor, Railway Cominitteel, with head- Mo int Forest a
*ld I -ttt
thitt closai wasi a permation that -%mu three w -e have now secureo
very coside;ralile progress has beea bribery, but it would also secure a gations. quarters at Goderich. -lidin(r schocl. liel
f ve done hinilito liscredit in the p -i, ne 1. . 0. It C1. made in., the way (if secill purity of better, inore.intelligent,, and more ind-a- DYNAMITE IN. Loxi)(M.—A dynamite The committee enibra Mg Of, life. Kerincth McLeod, thresher, c
I I I LIstowel rus explosion took place oil the Thanies 'oil tives front Elora, Elmir, last week while
electialls. The ilitroduetion of the Nil- plandent.legi ltors. Itinaybesaidta-vt Saturday evening, under Loilldon bridge, els, Blyth, i'vlanchester ail d (loderich, cut
%cilities, afforded by candidates need not thus degra Thip Prov-, al Show. 11ol-S lied by Mi
7d -Lg - the strtw -e nd 4011lici of ting! wood oil the farin ow
lot, as well as the f, de th wh i ch failed to ami bill including tile I k 7 cut his' foot badl ,
loviv for the detection nd punishin ent of -selves, and that high-minded men 'III :1 lie POvinoilal S o seems tc be but broke a limaher of dlld -ws and ex- the PhAt b0iiig appoilit- t sever -iii, r Ir. three of his toes. h
corruption, have had a most, not do it. This 16,tter s partially co'! _ g. )Nving il favor one(! inore. Last ymr gs linips! in the vi- ed cliirnifCn, and A ion and secretary. one, and Dr. Long wa
electorg it.;was TiA wa4ed anywhere,and be- ciiiity. The object of the 0 'plo, IT wholesome and deterring influence both rect, as iiiany raher than subject tll( .1 )y Nyhom the ttempt made are It was moved and secon4ed that the c,%Ilqd in, -who, upon examining the gasl
upon candidates electors, but the selves to such in ordeal, decline to a, c pse no western city thought enough of to amputate one c
alike unkno-wrt nd laysterlaus. nienibers, for the I)orniuidri Parliment fOUl1d it necessary
it1to-furilis!) the equisibe ac' mmoda- from the counties of Huroi e doctor being a
t CIO I several election Corts have revealed the positions to gain which tactics of KILLED AND Row%i).—A :coninicrcia i, Perth ii,1 the ocs. Only for tb
d ski I prc
medicl aid all 11
- traveller narned Baird was kijle(I and Wellington be requested to co-opertc, hoi Ito and unpleasailt fact tha there is sill too m kind are required while file formoi is tid#n it was b 11fisheA, t (44verintient be oil qd, lie would inevitably have bled t
for improvementand legislation in this only partially correct,. It is tr I ue cui- t,4va. Ibis year havve here ell.111 robbed of 4. 500 a feu days ago ii Car and that the Doinin-lon ver, tl 'British Cc lunibla. A la -t 9 Golden rge , ked to ive a grallit to'tb0 line. laws it is didate does not need to resort to. 1, e r-' ral rivals 11 the field Ln(l al lt'tbe scer tary Last week Casts L. McNeil and.\]
direction. Under the existiDZ3 be sevi nuinberre in hot_p,ursuit of tlic assc.ts-' It was decided tl e almost im possible for a, candidate' to re- sonal canvassing unless be ch,00 . ses, tilt 1191.1ousfDr it.i At ifieeting 'of lflc nThe house forwIlich Baird gther sttistics from the v trious inuiri- Shine, of Grey, purchased a thorougl
n Ai,,riculturla ai I d A cipalities oil the propose(l, route, and bre(I Clydesdal . stallion named " Farn-
Win a seat- that has been gained by car- ill inost cases the alternative rts ssociation lield velling offer reward of ',$1,000 for the I -cprol'd'for prese capture of the murdere that statement be pi n- ews Valley " fro Ti a gentleman in Ww.
Guelph on Tue'solay, pplications means, but even this of doing so or being defeated,—bis p- 110E1.1, who illip)rted him last su mille]
or improper CHA101ED 13Y A CELF.:,T1AL.---A China- tation to the Canada Pacifie Rail-wy aro years ol
haa not had the effeett Of stm, lno,' out polient does it and he niust do it also: or W, re praent fro: in Collin.-prood, wers' Farte is rLing tw
mail nd a handsome (ri rl married Ulthorities, they to be "k4d to inedt a while it has re- face Certain defeat. It is . proverl ial ddn, Stritfordl,- in d asking or delegation f roin th I :: 15 poullds. He is ligl
the practice of briber at Erie, Pennsylvania, nder the ilailiCs -0 exeMivc commit- ant baylin color w t1i white points. Coiy
yek's, Droyricial -hibitiort nd of ames Yung and Magoie Keliloy. tee. i "Ited in developing ahother Un- that the best personal canvasser, ----;;lie rl a 'After the wedding Quii f li'M his quipue After the passage of thes resolutios pet nt judge,, y he is a very likel
der the present laws, it is rapidly be- an, iooth-spoken, oily-tontrued individt aI, 'inluential represlitai'lles from each eD 5 holl le. We Upe the gentlemen wb
cut off kind arrayed hill self in civ'ilived file meetiii-g. broke, up. -arged tb, their resp -. C- - Ila- Invested heir money inay real)
ft -soap fl pla,ce cf i
coming the case that only the rich can who can bttton-hole and so pparel. The couple t ieli returned !to COT esponding bcnefit.
ative po ti,, -e towi a. It was r n,%,- imously a d to 11' ( Im
afford to eek a represent sition elector, has Ill-. infirlitely better e gerced, Ohio, wh it e they p -ofesse q,v Huron Notes.
-- Tlie Wing1laiii Advance Of la9twee
of aj;ixy accalm, and as conseqerice the than he Nrho has no natural affinity for by the As-szocia ion, bow,,ver, th6t [An- collie. - I J. J. Delimart, of 131111s lias sold
,say r. James Srigley,- an old rea
length of a -man's purse will -as surely such work, ahouall he -be:;'a giant in doll sho (I have t] e ior or and it was out his grocery and bakery to Mr. IL
l 1; Cr am, but who bas bcc
anRail-way Meking at 'Brussels Tlionisoi , of Galt, who ta as possession I Of Wing -on, as when debate and as honest and well-Illean d(cided- 11 old the exhibition tb ere di ir- or the pa!
becoate, the test of qualificati A meeting tllce, of next res 'din g oil Pelee Island f
19 called at the ins week. sevEll years, as -been in; tou over
raw-wy's worth -was tlie man considera- as it is possible for mail to be. 'Illis ilIg tll E Xond or third eek in Septen-l- the Citizens' I "ont.mittee, —A very successful tea mecting was I - the FinalLCC we,.*. He is '111 troducina syrup Mad
The cost of prosecutirig or cl efend- is a state of thincts which should be re- b(Jr. At this ee al 5o erich, was held in the own hall, BrUs- held under the auspices of I lie Fordwich 0 I frop the - sorgh ain erietgrown oil tb
versed, and we hope the Local Legisl - repoitvas dopted recorn- sels oil last. rho object of Ole Methodist Sabbath School I 1: t week t -
' calizvd for ish ol, which a, pears to be it ver
a case befo,re the election courts is meeting was to consider the priobability which the sum of $40 was . I . - Sill.
- that on man of meas can tnre will have the courage to under ke in inding the G )ve: -nir eiii; to provide I he eri article, . 1, We bLieve it will Boa
such dy of securnior in extension of the Canada Sabbath chool purposes. to T great ek lit take the pla", of tb
afford to: try the experiment. An elec- th.e task, fo IoNviilf estiniaas for 1885 Fr'Lze. Pacific ilway from Elora to Goderieli. —r. Dun call Fraser, o Ra -ere, a
111OLtsses and w7rups now used h
tion atay be conducted as fairly and as As an adjunct to a law probibliUng famans, It 250; olpicil expenses, UZ; There were present rep esentatives from won a $15 parlor co O -kin ive offerel - I . 0 Z it allbe prodii-ed at much less prict
odcricb, 1alicbester, Myth, Brusso ls; as a prize by Wroxeter ti l inith for It iA well wortl- hollestl on the one ide as it is possible personal c V terina -y CoUeg, 1, $125 ; essays, .51(0;. G Y ativassing, sould be one con- Listow(A nd - Elora. Tito: chair was the best and largest PO toes. -Ur. i a trial.
sa aries, 115(0 - New Era says : On
for anelection to be carried.on, and. the polling every"Yoter to go- to the polls Vixlibitions, $5,5ffl; __4The taken by r. S. Platt, of (Iroderich 41ind Frset's fifty potatoes w,igbed fifty- - On
m -ost flagg a satiafact,) y Postage tl d , inting, 8600 ; educati day last week r. 11'roudfoot went
larl acts of corruption may be ard cast his ballot unless r ?r 01' thes'ecretary of the ("To leriell commit ec' seven andone-balf pouilds. into Hallett to do some surveying all
tiil g. , f tile -)Il.e I crill ic st, in)
Practised on t1te other, and yet the a -,ia reason for his absence can' be givan. schemes $500 t Pit itook Show, .9700. ws see etary f the In Fhe chiair- —At the close b
, , F r (I of tile while at work, was slightly i. irtled after statin" th oi)ject of . ;he pupilq of the Goderich Cdel School
who conducted his election honestly Thisisnot exactly cornpulsorJr voti Total, RI )0001 The $11,300 voted lst I I 0 the presence of the owner of the adjoin
. . i, , J ueetinci called upon tie secretary to testified their appreciati rL of their ing . ith a shot
mt I be left without resource unless A man 'WO'LlId. not Be Compelled. to ydar for plowing mate es Was vritll- .'arin, Js. .. 'arr, armed w
, il d thla correspodenci - that had tken by pr scriting -1 re, C hilli with an
be has themoney to risk incontesiig vote for any candidate unless he clicse, drawn tiereblil`16 Tic 111 bentioll of ho gun who ordered him off tI;e place flet -ween the committee and the a( d relss, accompanied by a' Alver ice Mr.iProudfoot swore out a warrant fo
officers of. the the election of his buf un- as he could cast a blank b . Ot. in Li,'any I his yelar. Pacific BailWay p tclier. constabI
the nian s arr at, nd took
scrupulous nd corrupt rivad.' Ev'erl This law would do awy with all Compat)y. This corresporidence,extelid- .—It is stated that Win. A. Paig-ley out wit,i him to serve it if Tric
Artir ri—I A, -irks T lie o n-- ing oVeX I , several moiths, is of the mst son of E'lijah. Martin, of ( oderich, is lestoid next day buthe was allowed t
though he should be successf al in having excuse for personal canvassing, and in. sum tion. Dur -
I I non-coniinlittl Character; and the faith dangerously ill -with con - -led. Th
ily on Pat liame:. it b its bTeei sumill d to proo eed with his work unhrn
and -well, would induce the -electors to take a of the 1 roniotcrs of this scheme inust be ing the p.5t fewnioriths, . le has failed wartant has since been served.
m et fot 01e di3p nh of usiliess 01' tile I strom, jindeed if they ca i draw any hope rapidly, and his friends 11XV. the ex ense of prosecuting the case is aafficiet interest in public- affars tb er- but little - 'The following officers were electe,
P such that only a rich mail call afford to form their duties . of citizenship with.'eut 29 th of J Lnuar: 7. So far u, preseni it- -.J or. eiicpiirag ment frimi it. in the hopes for his recovery. i for Brussels Loyal Ornge Lodge: Jolt
-cs or- di.-ations go the se4sic n is likely to A a very last letter r ceived it ; is , —Mrs. Grabarn, who ha' been i
bear it. So that in, this way the rich. c eith er being . personaly solicited or Mooney, W.M. ; W.Mccullougli'D.M.
stated tht the col ally are not derit, Qf Howick to-%v-iisliip about 20 H. Mooney, Chaplain ; AN7. 11. Cloakey
more qui t one tban Ju.01 al. There are ci
ruptioni,A a decided and undue ad- bribed by the candidate or his agents or yet . in a position o comtemplate yeaml died at her ]ionic Oil U Le I I th Coil- g. -Jas. Drawe, -P. . 'Wtsoll
ton ion of vaintage. orver his pourerut in.. are honest a ppoters. I With two such laws. 6ur n Very inlpoiltalt measures of le,r"LS.a- :any e ex 9 J -heir lines and cession on Tuesday la -it, t ti e of 7.)
u "I Tre sarer ; M. Wilson, D. of C. ; 1
excepting t (se that n yinor could'be years' from the effects of an internal
tifort in .011teiriplatioll, oh said about the Ger.. -, Lectur tAcheon, 1.9
oppo-nent, ud a premium is Aered electoral code would be complete, ad ; JohnMcc
i pi ,eyi- Proposed extension as tie engineers ad. tumor. to, the of memls. to. use his :money aimost if not entire purify of.elections IV] lich Ve bee , n p, stponed fron never been over7the grl; und. H Ow er —Mr. Thomas O. Dickson, fifth soil COW nitttee. John Johnston, 2lid com
'ous sessihs, nd will: Obably be mittee; R.McCutcheon, 3rd committee
-iiiptly to secure his own ends The would be secured,- while, no serious I'Dj Lis- Dickson, of Oloder.cli, died in Alb 11617t Gerry, 4th committee ; W. 11
Corr r the repl esentative men at the meeting of gaolet
allowed Ito stand over.' No doubt ilie seemed!to think, there is nothin ItIce Toronto last week, ft few days
case is equally uarfair the event tice -would be .done toally. 9 or I Modiley, i5th 011urlittee ; 0'elarge Fiiq.
Canada -Pacific Railway will want a f w 'trying and so they proc eded with bi,tsi- illness from fever. He wa pronli,gil) g
of the poor inaR bein. at the I - an of 22 years, oid had bee" patr,'ick, C. T. ; Geo-. Hartwick, L. A.
more millioifs but like the proverblal ness. J. :H. Young, IN1. A. Nine member
Polls. T. he rich nian havin,,, abundant Conservati-ve Demonstratioi.. Mr. . G. Cameron moved, nd Mr. prosecuting his studies as druggist in Z> 0 joi ed during tie year.
eels, we re so used t4 bl skilincWtI. at 1 7-1) his disposal can hrrass his The Conservative deirionstraion in i : Peter MeIP,vven secondad, a resolution Toronto. -A correspondent from Loclialsh,- I:
poor and su,ccessful rival by dragging tha County wont squ:irnii a great deal setting fortti the riecessi ty of a road at ell —Last week a number of. the Ulintoii tlie township of Ashfield, says: Th
f Toronto in honor o* §ir John 'Racdon; id over it ti is'time. as that propll -, 1, defluir ig the route, and friends of the Rev. 6'r. 11. Taylor, of
bollector has paid us his annual visit
hiln into the aurts ad forcillg him, to tax
. an dCdgillg- the Meetillgf tD do all in t eir Bay over to, cried on Wednesday. There ...... Mo field di-ove tli, tj Place nd iwe understand there is considerabl,
incur the expeiises of defence, no matter immense atendance of delegates fr)m power to further the scerne. presented him with a baiid !solae cutter, ng ill News of t gru lis' wake not at tbe col
e Woek- qibli
t In
i(' d L or M ar b an ,
haw honestly his electioxi may have been Mr. Ceron dwelt upon' the disad- in recoglition of his oil larlolls parts of the Province, and the -itig the late lect of cour c, for that genial gentIc
corlducted. SiTtice the last general DE -Eirtile Velix )ii lcury, the dis- vantages under which Goderich lab,-)rs behalf of the Scott Act, du) mai i! fi-xiiislies i- Lo cause for such, but a
demonstration is sad to, be a grand S lc- ti guis I French G el i,,,r&l,: is dead.'. for the lack of a con,ip ifi road, and be campaiggi i. election ia this Provin6e several, repre- I L 0 the Increase in txes. This increase A cess. The .g test, accompanied by ot;hor j& HIGI i PRicED B[BLV,.—At Lyston felt sure that a road inch as that pro- —One morning last weel , while Mr,
i Cauied by the building of the larg
sentatives have been subjeeted to ex- , L ldon, libiur sale -on atnrolay posed would pay both t ite id ohn Dielil of Stanley, w tLking the 4
I in em bers of the Domillion. Governine at, . pairk 0 1 compally , I nur iber of wire fences in -the townshil.
Ipease.,; in this way which they could a , azariin bible old for.0 900. the' ry tbroli one of lem -turned arrived- -in -the citv on Titesdynic t P count It , vbich it wo Ill horses to water, I all though these are in many csesver
very'111 afford, others were forced 0 1 .. N VEEPLE nEAIJT1r,--1he TviLai-qn1s of pam He also explained that, zn,,,re suddenly and kicked 111111 o i the face. neifEssary,itis generally thoughtth
and the papers-sy he looks relliark-ably is in feiable healf1i) and I go cola Ld be no danger of malgamtion :)e- Luckily the horse was not diod. I As it to SuLinit ta their defeat in silence , . y lia( the iponey been spent in improvin
in the hope -of b6ing bellefi. u A t(en the Grand Trunk and CariAda. s he received a sever cut oil the
raher thaa incur the expeiise necessary vigorous., and is seemingly in good =r w thc[ bed of ia, road, which in mai.
health. Ou'lVednesday forei lu-N.—frhere is or(at Pa as law was passed at last es- face loon the I- C pla cbs during fall and spring is almoE
-ki the C ia- short time S nce 3 to, prosecute their- oponentst before an dijIluess in the irbn tpide at §iOl of Parlianientforbiddirta I Nelson 7 ) I 0 imphasable, tb people would have r(
election Court with the prabahle 'result con ventiort 'was opened in the Glrz rid lt ly, ail.4,000 iron oters have Hell dHacific11inalgnating or pooling re- of Michigan, of cei: I greater lboanefit and been bette
k one court Opera House, one of the' lar g -lest pul dic di , hare d, ecipts with any other road. Jollii' Mason, of Hullett" his Splendid fled. of red to the exorbi- entir horse, " Younc, B of hvillo the case a, rried fro, m 'C \4ALO -A Mr. 'McEweri r' er sat ats added hails in the city, which was crowded by iISASTUO'U'S TOJCNI A BL t is said JITat Mr. Win. arsc
to. another and a largeill of ca fie'llee'storm on it'back with 4onla y caused tant freight ebarg6s of I fie (4ranolrunk, at a ,,.,,00d ]figure, and took
(Wegates. Mr W. R. Meredith was age U -o year AsIfield, who as carried oil n exter
atevery turn. With such a prospect of over $50,00 t Buffalo. Al?'itid and cra le`figures shomina that crol.)ds him. Thehorseis only, -% old it i 0 a , i bu, t township, for -
before the it cnnot -be expected but ap olntcd ollairinan and.1 the - se al- W$s blowing forty bo fiftyiles n I our. could be teamed by borses more cbea,[)Iy colt 1 and promises to be as Aod or -even iv iness n th,
addresses of welcqliie were r n they -are now carried by the It" bet4,r than his excellent sitfe. 1111111'bdr of yea -, is in difficulty. Ile i
that m ea of Moderate meas a o matter presented to Tlim TERRIBLE TURK. urkish'Itro- th the I owner of a awgrist and-shi I
7 ciiies in Idacedonia are increasing. Tivo Trunk. A e thought th 6 people should -The elegablit honieste6d
the Prem ier. -Sr , John delivered ' a "' it t together Nvith 297 acres of (f Huo ' what the'll' Wth-er qualificaions -may be,' )eeii,niurdeied have. a road tht could .10 little More Jolipston, Esq.., in Goderic i, was last -flesh. Satilrday sold: to Mr. J. i . Naftel, will hesitate before placing the m selves lonthyz address in -which lie roviev -ed Alrithin the past f 'w weeks. I -ee than compete with lion e (if foc I' lily bough b large quantities of grai
at & ien he- believed that it wa
his political career, covering tile F%st i lages burned. Mr.. C. Hamilton, of Blyth, very Goderich township, for the very low tillie WI
in a position where the prospect is, that a -e of $3, as ,,I w as i co Id come, and lost larg
. forty yiaars. The address both iBULL To strongly d nounced the freight charges figui 725. —Avr. Davi' Fisher, of they iinust sub m -it to injustice or , 1; f su, of nioney n the speculation-. . BE
lengtliyandable. The Coriventiont en 0,11"ar $60, 000 has 1, er, expended at Linia of :the Gik ink r ilway, and gqLve Coltorne, has purchased tbe residence . u. be pecuttiaril, It' is not right iid Tri i , sk es it has trait spired that lie has fo
intrenovating the all rit Lig, and a -%i: e - i i i tat n c es lowing the recessity for corn- lateA .Y occup ed by Mr. adjolitned until Thursday' whert it was. n th ye ais been ru ning behind until hi
d'be and wiff soon move Z3
thatsucli a tate of affairs shoul y,papoar advocating the sport of bull pet ition, lid predicteid that if the ra,tes ear, e foundry,
pc . r mitted to contin.-ue and- it,, devolves ag-a-In to meet ad a grand was fighting ,vill be puRislied. Nvete not T910( ified a lint" Of horse tewns into; town.,- lia b1lities reaC4 ver $22,COO. A goOH
(le d of sympathy is expressed for Mi
u -4 1a rani (lied at
to be held idthe eveilin.g. TheToro,to .i N KXCESSIVEE two, Id be established o convey freight Last week Mrs. Frank I' upon aur Parliaments to devise a H r is as peop olo upon him as a;.
III oppoli )it to the Cirwid Trunk. her
Newthus refers to tliLe reat inan Dprin, ged eigh I through is esidence, Brussels,at t ic earlyltige of 11 at but unfortunate and foolish man
remedy. his address. It say's guardian has sedured a verdict or Mr. R, cking, of Ltowel, tho ht 22 y rs,after a brief illness, 'She was the I e was a inceting of Creditors fe,
$5 00" 1) tim' to discus)3he daau liter of Robert ouci, of Morris TI Inall, the cses.whicl have come be- .0 0, tgailist the- Burlinaton, Cedar. this was ..lot the a .1 "hen divested of his cap and over- I 0 ti"M da s ago but Nvp do not know wbat wa
ay for Pat- question of freight. (I we ,Espected by d
-h hrri r It would be to towl ship an Ls highly ' 0 14 , pids,and Nortli lilw, fare, t e election courts,it. has bee n. Clear- coat the ravages of time - caii be s4n. 8 xics. all to discuss this I hase of the qu es- -all -who'had the pleasure of her awluain- okial inji enou,, ly t1lat; the system of personal He has ged much in- ih Ten they bad a scheine a
e past two Nii;w FREIGTIT Tb it -w tion wl in i&pd, tanca. The funeral took place oil Wed- -One day lait week the usualsoarEinit,
at present in voue, and ne- fie is More perceptibly an old rmn., fr'pight rafes to,thij seaboard from Chi- and were appealilia t. the peo le for nesdayafteirloon. A huslaad and two' of. ower Wil gharn was very rudel-
cessary for successfully carrying on There is age in his look, his wak, his cago went into effe6t on Monday. Iliese boni sea. He ougl ,t a commi ec i ones are o mour to os s o a r en y a , in nging r. o voice, - his action. Never - blessed Nv ith ria 40 ce its per 100 lbs. on cttIt Ii, 70 sho I d be appointed w ose duty it wo,,,ild kind wife and a loving mot ler. Sal . r, of Eas- Wawnosh, doing i
an election, cam. paign, is responsible fof I much flesh, he isow almust emachied. cepts oril dead meat against 20 (exts be t6 mat -are a scheille d press it upon —There are fifteen IZ es in Blyth up in good shal. e. " Mr. Salter left th
Un ptance. a xt inunici- to ni standing. intid at: the grist mil
all the bribery co Min. itted. If this were The -Voice tbat in 1882 rano, through ar d 3§?y cents,res eictively, previous y the company for their cce w IT 0 lio: will have'viotes ttheiv
Shaftsbury hall and the pavillion -jJA I done away with,the rich and poor would it I fo" -,Nfr. W. G. Hay, Listowel, 'thought pal election- and they arc L follows: f k,6 few moments, and they, taking ad
ce. th be placed upon an equal foo ounding resonance, was yst4rday, ,o DuFF.E A the time had not arrived for the dis- Eliza Jenkins, Ann Coulter Jane Ma- va ge of the ituation., evi(lently start
ingin so far RD RIN- X 'C.ALCUTTA. weak and faltering and quavering. I d of cussion of -rates. The Canada Pac ific GoNvan, Mary A. Combs, Curning, e for home at'a pace much too rapid t
as the conduct of an electio, campagn is cablethaffiannoun6es 1,heisafe arriv, ige q1 the people of Lowe
Sir Job rl s race in almost run. lyho, E ri lit-, rin -and par y at Cacuttai Ile would be just as soulless as the Catherine Curbing, AT ..reighton, ult1thetaste f
concerned, and -much if Rot all the evee saw him use the 6 G va , Sarah IV higharn, for i
voluminous no -es was received at the st iion 'by the , re- Grand Trunk if it gqt a cli-ance. If Ellen Quinn, Iary Me turning the corner the
corraptionnaw so- prevalent would be that were necessary in speaki y A. MeCr -ter, in s4alculated ta distarice and ran int'
lig yester- ti jing Vi,,eroy, a wil 'ary gguard d a it could be establish4d to the salis Pay, a y, Mai, J.Coul
stopped and t' day? 'When was he ever known to th hotel. Mi. P6rter, the prop ietoi
he rich and unscrupulous la ge boi6l y of influtai itial citizens. In faction of the ]Reople that there wo- 4d Ann Campbell, Marian 4.xllour, Ann r
wander from his subject in a campa n th eveni' ig the c#Y* was niagnificen ly be no amalgamation between the roads Heffron. saw them con' and started for
candidate would be pre -vented from peech and It in to stop em, but s he got t
av difficulty in gett ig iffulininat, ,d. or in the event.of amalgamation he i --On Tuesday evening of t week Air. br:)c
r gaiiiing hends, by the corrupt use of back again ?—and he did %vander yes 0EATH ey would be refund ad to the in-uni- ' Jas. 1 Oulig, of Nebraska, b rother of Mr. tha loor he probably retreated faste
I 0 F A JA P F RDX E. monJR.1a money bags. We may boast of our (lay Who ever heard the old leader of Pi4ince''A §xis Sargo, of Japan, -who 1, as cipalities, bonuses coulc* be got, but lot Hen y Young, of Clinton, nd formerly tb %1 L he advall-C eoll as the team. was a
-uch as we I a battles, n a ember' the. liouseholl of derich township, accidentafly fell the teps, running with such force s t
IPU'rity'arid honor as m ik hu rdrod attempt all apOIcgY beia Of so easily as, formerly. Ile had not I o o GO
btkt -the lamentable of his* past career ? and he was at tinies B ron D trueve,R,rasian Minister much faith in thi enterprise is soln 0 a train when near I ond0n, and drive the tongue of the Wagon clea
fact still remains I very apologetic ye terday. Not' that shing on, died the other Morning f seemed to have alt ougli be -was not (an- was 11 so badly hurt -that I c wasli-niable tb To uc,,h the frent of the buildingknocl,
t4lt Money has a, potent and powerful the peech was nota good one, not that ty hoidf -,,er.-The''Pilince,Nvhowas,>inly tirely faithless, aril thEre was no ha -m to n , liove, and remained I-ilig near the in D- the wainsec thig and plaster to th
floor. Half the neckyoke W1 also on the floor by the hole inad by tile- ngic. ,O The horses lu-,re beealne separated one starting for the doo r all(! th . 9
0 other
trying the wiidow, breaking tlla all in.
The horses would- probably have
been pretty badly hurt had it ii4t been
for the wagoll striking the platform
which stopped their pe -ed to a -certain extent. Ali empty barrel, itt'ing fil
the hind end'of the wagon, was thrown lean o.Ner the t4p of t4c fallina at their feet by the wagon, being
0 0
brought to a sudden stop. i .Perth Items. Mr. Robert Armstrong, of recently so.hl a three year old heifer to'
.,Mr. (,7.eo. Rickmn, for ! ,,75. —Doer are said to be numerous i.p
Ellice to*nship, and the deep, oletirn.
bay of the bond is daily —The Good Templars of Poolc lodge
id giving a free musical andjiteyayy
entertainment eni Chriatinas --Moriiibn missionaries ha, 6 Inalle sonie, corivefts in St. Mary; ' aiid have baptised'a number in the river.
Miss 8liaiinoni-- late teacher in one ,of the departnients of the itchell Public School, is now in Denver, Colo-
rado. —8inee the 20th of Septeinlyer Alexander Brown, of Downie, shippe(I
to Bulfalo about 600 cattle aud, I lambs.. ,
—A ituniber of farmers in the vicinity
of List6wel have been victimind by a nian iianied Orie man has to
foot up $1,000 for him. —Tll(- town bell in 3t. Marys ran,, at
five o'clock oil Friday nionlin-" flst.
The bellrilirer up an hqoilr too
soon, -ttliat was all. . —Mr, Win. Greenwood, of Logall re- cently sold two eNves to Mitchell bu'teh
ers, which, together, weiglied 440
pounds. Both raised lanibs during the
past season. — Withut any ostentation or fuss, the
members of the Rev. -Mr. liarp's con-
gregations in Downie brought to that gentleman's -residence in St. Marys, elloul-rh fire wood to last bim fora whole
year. —An effort is beino iade to organ
a-brallch of the order -of the Cross
in St. Marys. The order of the Red
Cross is a benefit Sociey, similar to the
Ancient Order United Workinen., and is
conducted. on the asse,,pinent plao..
—A young inali Fred '
living in Logali, slipped and felt over `;
lo.g which his brother was Chopping. He
laicl his barld on the very spot where his
brothef was about to strike, and the axe
cut off two of his -fingers. following gentlemen. were elect-
ed _ sicips at the. last rilecting of the St. Marys -Curling Glub; Messrs. 8par-
ling, J. 1). Moore, NV. 8ommoar ille, NNI
Andrews, T. 0. Robson, J. Weir,
H. P. Goo. i w
—Mr. J. E. Wetherll, B. I A., of
Strathroy, lectured in the _N ethodist
church, S'Mrys, last week on "A
%Voinan's Tongue." The Iectu'-e brist -
led with burnor and file critilsins of
the lecturer were not altogeihe 1- corifin-
ed to the feniiiiine ton gue. —rhe stuilents atteilding tratford
School testilled their e.-, eem for
their teaelier, _Mtr. Chadwick, b calling
oil Iiiiii. en inasse -,it his resi(IL'nce one
evening last week, and him
with four pieces of si ver nd
a most ilattering —The truiteqs of the t. MalTis Col-
legiate InstituU,, oftler a sch-oharship of
free tuition for ix months, for ,omplati-
tion niong tbe-country schools, and Mr.
Levan, the Principal of the Institute, a
pri7e of 5 for competition atirprig the
pupils of the St. 'Marys public --A little son of Mr. W. Bugg, of the
Roye. hotel, Mitchell.,came - irsbig
his life by a few d!ays ago.
He-, wass playing on the ice b. 'Iow the
flood -gate, at the dani and broke out by
through. He was soon pulle(I
some workmen near by, -not inch the worse (if his cold bath, I
—At:-tlie late qurter sesion . . Titrt-
ford the -whola of one day was . )CCupied -with the case of Rudolph vs. Hi key) 'U1
action brought 1)y a cattle (11 aler in
Nellstailt to recover darnages fo - breach
of contract for the sale and deii'very of tweiity t_wo. head of cattle whic; plain- tiff alleged beon sold to hi. I 1) I'll fendant. The alleged contract was
made jt Buffalo. - Defendant colntendool
tbat thlia, transaction wanot eDuqred into
bolia fiAe, but was a joke, and 'the evi-
dence i1pon the point was ratlie i Contra- dictory The jury returned a Verdict
for thelplailitiff with $100 dalfiages.
-2rh Recorder says - Henry Morgaa n old resi(lent of 'Mitel Lell, who
has beeli for. soille years in the far WeA,
retarne!d to his old harne and fa lily O
Saturd to spend his last few r,
Y a ts
111(r d He is a brother of A r. Jolm 2D
Morgan, of Hibbert, and was lerly a
contractor in these parts, tbe present
town hall, and several other in the own being erected by hini, 8ome years ago lie separated froin his family, and ft er spening, these years in the
West lone, has returned a; a tered
victim of disLase, to end his days
here w I his fdlllily and ailiong olil
friencis —Tb e Wollien's Chrilistian Teni peraaee
Union of Listowel, in a letter to the Banner, eulogising 'Marion B. Bo-
ter's lee-ure, says: It 'is not flattery tO
say her equal as -a lady lecturer, we have
seldom or ever heard, her superior nvr. Indeed she shines aniolu, ourblatform,
6 'th sides luminaries of both sexes, oil bo
of the line, as a tar of -the hirs b magni-
tude. -She deserves and should have a
packed house wherever she es ; fOr
her's isl a mission of inercy, and she exe- I- 11indly cutes her mission well. Wel commend Mrs. Baxter to the -allithesitat-
mor conlidence"of temperance and Chris-
tian w rkers throughout the ountry- Her influence will harmorlim ith that
of the chui-ches to rescue the perish- I and lift them. towards brieth
h1ori'liess, -and Heaven. )old AWg ry wag co)TIT11.1;itted, at
the re, idence of ' . R. Sills E.94., clerk of Sout 4 Fredericksburgh, in th6 county of Lennox, on. Sunday evellillig 'as, -
Mr. Sf Is aild family retired is usu&1 about E i o-'elock, nd about I I Sills
was awakened by some disturbailee,and
by the apening of a door which she 1,-nc'V
was locked, she at once ffiviliod that
intruders were present. he jave the
alarin, b en a Nvbistle was heard! oat ide
aild the 1)arties decamped. They had
succeeded, qwwever, their urose, as
every oom "in the house balf been ran-
&-icked. Mr. Sills' pants werf talcen .
from, his bed-room'outsie and his Pock- et-boblk abstracted, containing, nearly
$100. The burglars, from the olue-83
with -which they set about their
BER ,ad the eatraJJC4 7 1) the parlor -A,
ol)enedl lor,so ir 'the co"Utl ,such I' -week .-Zen 111c. eitv onear Bir .4wllou, was bu -Y Pg I at the tilne,
nhandling til" if iwt:
if a ay t other nt.. be contr, tite ImIk ij
the Pr4liv lice 4LI141 Norl
—Mr. 1. A. _Nf Aikiil-
rnor A mry
090 4
, & _
A ohALfter tW Mrs. to Erigr ien ni, tig-1-1t; S cmig in thic olI 10
The REA --,O I`F, k kl
r r 1, - N T. IThe oitained I,y catt.1- pers ; tate(I that inalIN, Of Me I
eders hAve ile'cit4t-d to
going to There hal latkily b,4 k!aa coil 011. alltl t-iferim,
lilarket s but i- 11
r. Tl e i have, 1,ea I -to tie t1hat the. iiito this country 4,uringt
head, vahied at 91bl-I
gc Of n -278J35, va
MP 11:3, or all. abo
less than year. cattle iTillsortell frolil k*an
rsoage of .5100.48, ull a.,verag . e 1 44 tl jie C,
lin orted .1lis r0l I
.p p Ii .! of tli-e cattle bnportt
t4'ets front all N,;'
roore tha l4st yeal"r the eallaolill caitl - m s a lit
than JaSt stock. Xrl, doubt freight f .ir ti
Nlontmal to pool; blitl t1le.11 C'us
S-hould rettioniber that hiiI.
rival to oIlig their herds i f possiblt. a -11
aillso Blul ai lit. it prese 41 riee tha.9 riN i g markets. wit 'S t ITO k. - DEAR i ,XPOS I of perusing
pa;per sin -ie it was finit alt all conLained th0reiii h
owhich is tterb'v false. I
ion -of return. to awi tlll)r,(;
ed V isay carToli'lly I have f
the couittky ever s4lek. I I
;4nd have tl.l T'ife bqing al
1h:ave reniidne(l in ,der of my the course of lree
famtable way Of Working- it
-have after twent),11 f r t
hard labor in the t1ne wor in tPondent from Mo,rris, ii
nto- 'Alanitoba.- I liave property here, .1 wbulil the best arr Huron. Hoping Vill wil to give this siwee in VOT.
ly. D. CF 'ANR. G% J 8 VT I I F, UL Coinmissiotier, Pire and LJ
And Issuer of .8Luviagre Lict,
Wictly corifidential. b -office
willbe lield at the
fat 1geese artill tr or and !a, happ danc
Hn 0 x R A u.4 1 N r 01717180 .have all returned- fro)