HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-19, Page 3MN 'Rs - . • Mai pees, r. Conte !not. Mi--- lesigns in - faWELRY !cheap for Seated,. or 4 Gents(' ; ker-filled. ients of all :for gente Yi Watele ! by the Case, nal Pri4.44-s, • ARE. tare, cote- - the Faney , ; jewellery rId Bright ;Lace ritpc. ;no-% Seer( , • Loekete, :11.5(1 same it, Agate, leerechattet Poeket to suit nil a usual. ONi :eiDENT NT. 'Property British anies U(I _Mann - NES. HiTE EPAiRS EPAIRED. otel. -;ATSON. ts, people of e Opened a (.Irner Store, 1I -,. id a Goad Iod Mauve( thorougbly b-c'Pe b•Y s • to merit m re- ind proxy:pale' BrucfieId. 1.••!,N i 1:1 • i• 1 SI '14 I - ; • ACK '7ERS0 ic Toot; and on by the ng ConsPaRY, ar eight Year5 :-.11•Erise on the t ' alive Pro") teed - *railed, alse' e reasoo- ie a repaired c" '7- that dcfS'* BLACI‘. 1" a DECEMBER 19, 1?.;84, - At Four -Score. She sits in the gathering Shadows, By the porch where the roses blow, And her thoughts, are bat* in the summer That vanished long ago; • She forgets the grave on the hillside, • She forgets that she is old, And remembers; only the &duces God gave her heart to hold. As he sits there, under the Mies, -She turns, her dim old eyes - To the road that leads up the hillside, To the glory of sunset skies' "They are Wee' she eays; andlietens, 'With her knitting on her knee ; It is- time for the children's coming; Where can the little ones be?" She fanciesshe hears them coming ; 47‘ Ah, here at last t" sibe cries, And the light of a. mother's welcome Shines in her faded eyes e You've been gone a long time, children, - Were the berries thiak, my dears?" ; She asks, as gathered about her, Each child of old appears. $he hears the merry voices - Of the deer ones that are dead; She smooths out the shining- tangles That crown each little head; She kisses the faces lifted To hers, as in days of old, And the heart of the dreamiug mother Is full of peace untold. • k She listens to eager stories Of what they saw and heard -- Of. a nest in the blackberry bushes, And a frightened mother bird How Johnnie fell and his berries Were lost in weeds and moss, ' And Mary was 'fatal and dreaded • The brook they had to mos. So while the night comes downward, She sits with her -children there, seise:offing the years that took them, And the snowflakes in her hair. The love that will last forever Paings back the dear, the dead, .1nd the faithful heart of the mother With her dreams is comforted.' Ere long she will go to the country Where her dear ones watch and wait ' For -her, and I think of the meeting There at the jasper gate. She will feel their welcoming kisses, And the children's father will say, As the household is gathered in heaven, "We're all at home to -day;" „I The Barristeir and the Witness. There is a popet,beyond which human forbearance cannot go, and the most even of tempers will become roused at times. At an assize court held during the past year both judge and counsel had a deal of trouble to make the timid witnesses upon a trial speak sufficiently loud to be heard by the jury-, and it is possible that the temper of the counsel may theilby have been turned from the even tenor of its way. After this gentleman had gone through the various stages of bar pleading, and had threatened, and even bullied wit- nesses, there was- called into the box an ostler, who seemed to be simplicity per- sonified. • Now, sir," said the -counsel, in a tone _that would at any other time be denounced as vulgarly loud, " I hope we shall have no difficulty in making you speak out. " I hope not, zur," was shouted, or rather bellowed, out by the witness, in tones which ahnost shook the building, and would certainly have alarmed any timid or nervous lady. • How dare you speak in that way, sw-" said the counsel. " Please, zur, can't speak any loud- er,- said the astonished witness, at- tempting to speak louder than before, evidently, thinking the fault to be in his speaking too softly.- - Pray, have you been drinking this morning ?" shouted the counsel, who had new thoroughly lost the last remnant of his temper. " Yes, zur," was the reply. e And what have you been drinking, sir ?" " Coffee, zur." And, what did you have in your coffee, sir ?" demanded the exasperated " A spune, rut !" innocently_bawled the witness in the highest key, amidst the roars of the whole court—except the now thoroughly wild counsel, who flung down his brief in disgust. Big Words. it is never well to use big words when small ones will express the same mean- ing. A lady who was making a, can on solue acquaintance observed that the fur- niture had been Changed, and remarked to the lady : You have been metamorphosed.; haven't you ?" " Y -e -s," said the other, hesitatingly. You mean repapered, suypose ; it looks much better, doesn't it ?' Another lady, was showing a visitor around her grounds, which were under the care of a landscape gardener, and hlie inquired of her friend how she liked the work. Why; I think," she said, that you like symmetry." " Why," said the other, " we don't intend to bury any one here. There is a good cemetery quite near." " What caused your little boy's sick - Rees ?" asked a plain mother of a mother wh((se little son was very ill. " He was climbing a, lathier," said the Iadv " and lost his equilibrium," Poor little fellow," said the sympa- thetic womae; do buy him another; he'll he more careful'next time !" - Did you find the people indigent ?" asked. cleraman of a wealthy member of his church who had been calling on some very poor families. " Oh, dear, no," anSwered the lady, `• they were respectable, but as poor as peverty." The flglisliman's Bath. .1 Chicago tourist "doing " England writes to the Herald of that city con- cerning the incidents on shipboard aria the sights on landing at Liverpool : On the whole we had a pleasant journey-. Perhaps if there had been fewer on board we wight have enjoyed it more, hut 866 make -a considerable claYwd, particularly when every one uauts his bath . the same tithe. An Enelisionen always travels with a bath tub and a hat box. and it WitS N-ery amus- ine to- hear the complaints of Johnny Bull on the morning when he did not get his " hawth " Whafis -wrong with you. aid fellow ?"' I would say to Smith or Jones or '‘ You don't look very well to -day." " Well, I 1 ,liould say not ; here is another (lay hist didut have my bawth, yeas know, ami when a fellow luties.'t had his liawth life isn't firth don't. you know ?" And he rest of that (lay Smith and Jones or Rciliinscni was a miserable man. At the same time didn't very much pity because it always seems to me that an Englishman is never quite happy unless he is quite miserable. Dickens' Mark Tapley is no exaggeration in a, -ceuntry where nobody happy unless • -: :11 onsimmi he has a grievance; aid all the world knows that a SIcotelnuan is never at home exCept when abroad. At the same time it did keem a kittleludicrous to see. a great big rosy-chezked Hercules goin round with groans and t sighs am lamenting' publicly that he "had no been able to eat any breakfast, becausc bawthi he had net beenable to have his you know." • Carrying a -Concealed Wea " Why_ do yoir refuse to li e your wife?" WI:Mired - Judge I *Dennis Nukithy. "Bekitse dhread av wid her,'"k Howlis your life endangered ?"- "She Shteals: from me, Yer, hoi or a conceyled weopon. She has it on person now." _ , "It's a lie, judge. The tru in him," Shouted Mrs. Mulcahy. Silenee woman," •said the° Ju " Constable, ha's anyconcealed been found on this Women ?" . "No, yer honor. • " What di") you mean -by say your wife carries a concealed w " What do I 111Mil, is it?' were Married to her yOn'el knoW mean?". " Can't the court cala it ;out getting. married to her' ?" " You can, yer honor. Just s ,y•s thing to raise her temper ,and screw that mild conceyled wood' n 1 hers mul clime out the eonrt." Siftings. • Prayers Whict'Ough.t t very Acceptaible. "I wish mu- minister wcaddr such_ dreadfully long prayers,' wife to her husband :as they . home from church., His- firs this morning must have 1* -11 f 1113 minutes long. -; ''I don't think he -could mal 6 any shorter, said the husban 1, I am sure they ought tolie very ac • " Why so" '' Because hegives the Lord. o valuable information. He told sII the Iteath•en this morning- in his- in and explained several pasSage.• scripture beautifully.' She ceased to be a Bxiia" Early, - on not Igor j welLpo4 ig tha apon 0 3-0 r at Yr 't )1.4 sa NV7 -Ike4 P aye' teR henst ep Caller H" I am sss, - glad, my .see you looking so well 'and Your wedding tour was nt t of long tion, I Justice,- , -Very SCRS1 ble vi ry sible." . ' . • • : . Bride----''-lly husband was :1 erf Willing to prolong the tour, but I that his presence was require I a place of business." - ' , Caller --Very few brides are 'so com. siderate as that." . ., Bride. ---" Oh ! - but I ceased to be i bride very early. In les ;s than , ' NV ek became a wife." . . Caller---•``. I .lo not understaau . Bride -," We had not been m week before he asked eite to s button." bout the 'err lea th luippy. ma- se* et1 me\ I; hi Happiness a Habit THE HUR Every permanent state of tlind, is largely the effect of habit. Jus as we can ptrform an action so CO] tinuallfr that it (limes to be hal )itual, so we can encourage conditions- of mind t 11 they, -it.% and fit! ic- in 00 nstantlfr led hills feelings lent Or morose - On the wisely ght into do Ave11, ul faces Jules L( - bits of of .rcise of honesty, only re - le same or states too; come to be habits of thin even of feeling. Every though. ent or - teacher recognizes this training of youth. • The child c( thwarted or sealed or ridiet constantly aroused within him of resentment .or'- diecouraget misery, and these grow to he and a character for ill -temper or ness or despondency is. formed. other hand, the child Who, i treated, whose faculties afe bi'm - - -us - action, who is encouraged to who is _surrounded with 'cheer and orderly arrangements, bee customed to corresponding h thought and feeling.' The ex self-control, of truthfulness, of tuld 'other essential qualities; no sult, in habitual actions - of t nature, lint in habitual feelings of mind that induce these • act' ns.- So. the condition which we call ha piness is likewise acquired ;to a consider tble ' c16- - gree. It devolves within it man thine* but they are not impossible• . seenre, , and when we have discovered them it rests with us to encourage or to diScout-'• age them. Happiness is not ohly s'ia , • - privilege, but a duty, not a r ere.- out- ward good that may perhaps co tie to US. 'b-ut an inward possession which we are' bound•to , attain. When we t member' the contagion . diameter of in ppines#. the strength, courage. and he it ex- cites by its very presence and t re power 1 for good it exerts ie every dire: hill, We • • cannot doubt our obligation to much of it as is possible. The Codlin Moth. John Metean. of Owen Sou I have tried the 'Paris Green r the apple worm with good n experiment Was tried on a Grim when the apples -were the size peas. I sprayed the tree with spoonfuls of Paris ( ;reen to on of water. The tree for its si- heavy- crop, about six bushels. The experiment proved Most tory. I only detected eight imp were bored. Other years fully would be; bored, being worse other tree I have. ---yanadian turist. Fiel Mice. 4 A Middlese - fai ner in the ?%. Horticulturis says : I beg to the hiformation o all concer bittfrti aloe , dissolved • common water. applicid„ when cold witl brush from thr surface as hg snow is likely to be, shaking s the brush on the surface will ar _trees. if there is any Withered g them, 1 have fouml a sure rei field mice. There was not a tree of two hundred that was is field 'ince. • Drawing It Rather St "All women are alike in thei the ears," said an Illinois Cen ductor. " They carry their c absurd extrenies. That rentim a, little story. Down in the - part of the 8 tate we have at to! hie sonic of the old -fashion " Look out for the cars when rings." At one of the cross other day two women came U. an old horse hitched to a blugg looked all about and couldlii't cars, but happened to read "Stop, said,one I hear a bell listened, and sure enough they bell out, took other set h They train, they than Five ,no trt whi e stra•i hys bell and ter the tono won othe pan mea cago 1 tinkling i:lue of the w men got . nd amid considerable e c‘tement old of the, horse's bride. The one tight neAlier grip o the lines r jaws an prepared for t it worst. looked an onsly up trac ...oi. the 1)4 still couldn't see i. , though ,ould hear the bell a littl plainer ver. They waited and waited. ninutes passed then ten, aid still i in. T1 e old horse went o sleep, the xi, Olen's nerves fr m long ing,ithre iteued to throw t it in into les. Ni,'ret and nearer crane the ainst Rh. C 1 th sign war ed them they s o d still. In abm t a gnar- 1 an hone i old brindle c w came i g done. he pasture by ti e side of is ack, ch w 'lig het' cud. at d mono- , ray jingl i n her bell. Or e of the e i cried r rri ne 'vousness nd. the one got i tad at the radix a I corn- nd san ley were not ling but old in no 'Jobe , anywa:. '---Clii- erald. • • oiler S ,tin Flirta ion. Sit ing on Cis kight side, " ly hea-rt is il, TOW' feet. ':' . , • ..,,,,, Slid ik on the , qt side, " I lis, -e money in bank."' . .- 7 Sta uling on a rout.' nose,' " I have no in wing on ite ski tes, " I'll tiraid .1 lobje- ion to a, i iothei in-law. ' (.!iiii't• rtist Von.7'. .. r - . i Mil big on :aur tick, " A...slat inc.''- ..'.., Oli • foaer iii, the 1 ir means ' ' Catch ine."' ' • " •TW feet in 11, air nem* " naslied." ! On-' skate in ypur nouth,-. ' Crushed 'again illi. ting illii. il ack • of yetir lead with your heel, " 1 tr 1 goi e." , Su«lenlyi iq i. mg your leg lioriion- ; tally m the -flout like the lettei V indi- i eat& " I aIn i valyz d." .- i- Pu selling y ) 0 neir hbor on •lisi stom- sach .Ni ith 3-dni oft fo( t, " I'M n to,your 1 -little gaine;il ' A 1 ilekN.v,10,•% flip of the -heels and suds - : den c ihesion the thees to t AC ;floor • indite tes, `.1 n a • I sk A° the n xt music !. with 'ou ?"!. - ; • ; - Opera d g rearaer es. • 4 tail' as d, say iedy s( el( of S111 NVO t pail bor satisf les tl one -1). Ira-itoitic *s_. ; for 'Ie 1 n ii 1 e i- f l e a at - nit alf ply- ul- , math. tate f ed, thit, 1 bollix a pai' f. i as tl• me Ire i anti a 'ass rue- ' iedy f solitai y jilted 1 , Ong. • fear e al .-.:on ution f( S me 0 sou the] I (I- cross I sign the , b 1 rigs th , clrivir. c Th4 see any e sign ley botl heard 11 • C et altneryi• ' in it lninse made; air i facili ies of the. ' for m -king but • Ther aresinnt the f{ -mei. 'Or ,( •creat er', and l cult - in the re -m° ed by e troni- e the Cret •of onl -, the best frim . them.. fit usual y co-Oper to the fanners v the butter ar k purchased at- a. Ii time farmers ha it at that snin ',o butter and chetii ,1; the i nproved ti. use,. he milk i ' the! c -eam and 1 into liutter•(sr . , cocc i Igly shin. , par c with (,b regi it -v. and . 114, Imo i ging and!' ( ena ) es -all t v.v(ir mo..t expeditiOu it-er, IS Well as , Wit 1 the produe the 1 urnoSe, i ii er s supers ding the imply be 'auSO the tean cries are superior e to hose on he farm. dval tages, i wever, to airyr tan in 6 crating a •eee re als many diffi- vay which c n only be icati g. those' who : pa- merie. to the it iportance odu tions beit g shipped - sale. Crew cries are we', he Stock. belonging . lo furnish the milk for eh est). Th milk is xed rice per uart, and the riyilege of selling ha 'ing it i lade into,. e at commiss on. With p1ia,ipes at r.isent iii it 01 ee separ tad from e pr cess of onverSion eese is done n• an ex- vriO, 1 of tutu as eorne thods; bile the 'sten atic .in ti ,ods of wen ting the e:eamery - to be atm in the econon ical than- vithl strict c ciAinees, ' mull utensils used for ' 1 hle greatest (- iffitni lty in co oeerative .creathery manaeement is'toim wess upon ntance of cleanliness at, irieS. It is : mportant pur : and fre from the nit lis Will. n 'it be the . he ans. and- cans ' -are ed, scalded , and daily , 'ii. ed. As armets Fave, r on them - s other Can to cows :and er the ijr4dtic !reantery, ., ver nmor de- nti r makieg m discip- farers the imp their private a thatthe milk b slig itest odor, a resi t unless clea the sel‘ deli the tail at I line in but ma( giv oth (lo 13u ma car not eyes nely to ii jr tair degree. It thatthe lack sf of e single The feed an gut lity tie tha pasture :,t) gra -4, with filth inf ior, and So whitI worked! refi such as - soli at a small s son: fee( o care ue nilk the at the ook the to butt he striete ed at the inst tee; sometim usually e s mre ; th.(1 ti nuet be n a, der to gu irs he best q u of all in 1 a greater.p s and, vii , is grad despite ns ntai 1 ae lity of _milk. rec ived, ass opo -Con of ei .ere \ er it. is ording t e preeau be made it order to pi ul jatiom s, the in dairie I which xe.reised iv 11 fund its w re the whole may' be saf cleanliness 0 • ron is daina. pasture also Milk. That sloughs " --water for much so as to t the creame mttermilk or urn to the pk times to; thers, and i ingto pigle (i ace sill a • C 'eaThery iN mg any T sts are IC cows in than ible .to quality. US that ect the ,from are • is to the 71, -ee-u'- stated he part g to all. ect the in COWS ii inferior h king, is noticed 1 .s. The -key, is tons and folt • 3 1 11 I he objeetiiin to Creameries b ii man)' fu' net's as bdng monopolies s unjust.. Tb s eeeitme.reL • eorluctions a simply. tic 'results of le cellence of • w( r - eleme lin ss . and • gOo 1 thanagemen ande no fan- er •who e*e eise,s the Same c re need ha's e • cense foil: e mPlaint,' as lu ter and clue se are attic es that,. above a 1 others; sell strictly fte. Ort. 'Mg to met it---Syral cus Farmer '1 D, iryman. - 1-- . : Lace iw't a Hist r 'Nese YiakilLe -tee pu Chicago nib inc. 1;here is at ipr Se t in New "( rk seek-; ing a • purch se • I -Il 'man -dim hug in the :way of 4 .oint d'Alencon cc, : an cut re dress i e eeeding fineri s ., which mu t, have ! is years of ipat 0 it labor.i. } It 'us Showt 1)4) li st winter, i it 1 while I I eked at! the vonderfull. -rought Ho -ers and et i Ieaves •whi .1 formed the graeeful cu.- 7Vil 18 of he d anti waS -. toli . hew .it hi d serv sd, wit u t veil of - the same b at ift I workman 1 ip, as a • pint of thel tidal toilet of a 'y.i ng girl. at ' hat time lie in ly survivini t a,u.ghter of well7km 11%* w (low') lady. T le bride i h wore. t,h!is married the on snit and hi - of one . the I iehest of rttimore's tile Thant pi, nets. It : was a h vs.' mar- e a c and thu1at.e was .a .gif i rom the, b o.nn. . Six: in in he later b young \ if • closed lap' ov S ill death, er bus - bat (1, frentielt with grief, could 1 .ot bear t le sight of s'k. -13 Iti le -0 remindi t him of . the past, an(k all tli1iC personallpe oegings of the young vi e were sent to 1 er poor, 1 ro •en -heart d mother. ., 'This...was years ag , and now tl at 'mother in het old age. 1 y he strange and cruel chan4e.• of life, ie 1 :ft in poverty. • One by one ler yid- talle posses. io is haeie. been i d, until hxy fly the bridal robe with it4; pathetic his - ry, Come rt ing which its lie -t owner wi carbe 1 ittle7 pleads o: • a 'pr- . , ch ker. 1 • ESTRAY $TEER..- ame into the primes of tffe undersigned shout the 15th of eptem- bet', a light red steer NV th a little white in fore - d. The owner ea u have roperty and pa, 'lag ex. R,* Lot 48, Conic sion 1, '.0. 88x4 - - -Strayed from • roamed- niddle of Septet' her, a te strip on his ace and I. sore on one sa e of his -hag such Morn a ion as • of this anima till be !1NRY MARTIN, s neend- 088x3 N EX' bSITOR. ESAA - STOCK. head about one year o the same by proving 1 penis. -.JOHN MILL Turn 'errs-. Bluevale P0 8Orre NY STRAYED. - about the I 1)0113' with, e wh a white hind- foot, and body , Any person gi will lead to the reef:wet suitably rewarded. H rule. T'ISTRAY STEER. - the premises of Lake Road West, Stan] 'ember last, a year old The owner can have th ty, paying charges CYPHRES J AFFRAY STRAY SHEEP. - the undersigned, R. S. Tuckersmith, ab Two Ewes.' -The owne proving property and MeLPAN, Sr., Kippen ame into the end( ;he, undersigned, about the is Steer, nearly a 1 sante by provin tnd taking hit Drysdale P. 0. 888x4, sure of ot 19, of No - white. woper- away.- T1JS J1J Stan] RAY CATTLE. of the undersign se about the 1; Year ing Heifers, one red a al white. Thes neighborhood about m have the same on prox charseres. EnARD J I4.i oat> Ileif 'erne into the. pr Irises of Lot 36, Concesslolu 1, L. iut the last of Sep ember, • can twee the, s4 -me by aseng charg•es: 'AMES re • 1387x4 Came into the premises d, Lot 21, Concession 10, th of November, Three white, tme red a id one cattle have • bee u in the e month. The weer can ng property and. paying 887-4 RAY CATTLE. -Strayefi from sot 23, Concession 5, Morris, (Mout the 10th of or, six Calves, one white Heifer, one grey r, -one grey Bel , one red Stemo cite red and White Steen ant one roan Steen Any person giving infertile ioh to lead to their recov- ery -Neill be suitably a 'warded. 'MARK M. CAR- DIP1 , Brussels. STRAY HEIFER. IA '8C.8 of the uncle) about the 1st Of July, and grey mixed, and a white spot on the fore- - Ilea Any in formate -ii that will lead to her l'OCION CrY will be sal ably Rewarded, JOHN WAs,s1 LESS; Varna P. 0. 0x4 I i ,I -1STRAY RAM. -St. -4n aeon 7, Hullett, a Leiedster Pun, marke ear. : Information the the above will be , coLpwELL, Coni -tan FSIIAlr HEIFER. Caine into the premises • • :886-4 :Strayed from the Hiremi- •igneci, eillage of 1Varna, a yearling heifei, white eyed froM Lot 4, (wee- - twe year old welabred with a hutch in the left will lead to the seta very of ntably ;rewarded. W. E. a P. 0. • 8$6-4 • - -• • e J I of undersigned lot 29, Concession 9, Morris; spottedsred and wl its, heifer, condi g• two. The Owner is request 'd to prove prope ty, pay expeeses and take her away. MRS. D. I COLE- MAN. 886-4 S .RAY CATTLE. -Strayed from Lot 9, Con- ebout, October 14th, six heifers: split -in o their JOHN 86x4 cession 7, Mortis yearling cattle, three •teers and three Thc3l are spottep red ad white, with at the let ear. Any inf /relation' leading i•eco jeay will be su tably rewarded. MeINTOSH,- Box 90, russels P. 0. FOI SALE. LITS FOR SALE.-, hree hundred and . even ty- i five acres of land, belie; composed of Lots 39, 4, 34, :35 and part if 31 in the 8th Col cesoion of M leillop. They will be sold cheapee th owner wish s to dispose of , I GO MN LOCK, he property. A ply to W.s. 'arsaw, New York 888 I'011SE -FOR SAL. a. ---For sale cheap, a corn - fm -table and we I finished dwelling in Sea - fort , on Princess St et. • The 'mese •onteins sereu rooms, with eel ar, hard and sof . water, stab e and all other necessary convei ienciesa Theat is a good garden. Terms easy. .; pply to II. COMMON, Seafott . • • 888. ASPLENDID ENGINE AND BOTUFR FOR SALE AT A 13 tRGAIN.---Engine Goldie & M7Culloelns make, : 5 horse power, line shaft 12 f et long with a -la •ge Hy wheel, loiler 45 horse power, 49 fit*, 58 inches in dime -ter, 11 feet 5 inches -long: ' i'ire front grates, smoke stat"c, &c. D..LTRQI: ART, Hens.all. 860 il..,________ --- ... _ D 7ILDING LOTS I) signed has a ion lug ots for sale ('he qua, ter of an acre eac and convenient to the and- are well adapted farmers, or ethers des plitee of residence. vill , SPLENDID B • undersigned off ingi-iand Wagon -mak Yin ge of Egmondeill and good will of the b stet( k of ironi and bun shops one for blacksn Woold-wo rki nes The blalksmith Th thebest business has been est good man with some fast: -The hest t•eason on the premises or RO ERT FULTON. FOR SALE. --Th under - Met of very elieib e bund- le These lots. cdtntain a 1, are pleasantly Oituated bi. usiness part of th village, or the residences,:ce retired ring a please:et lied quiet A NIEL . CLARK, 1:ginond- 877 ;'S !NEM - CH A:Nye-The Ts for sale his Bla •ksmith- / ng F,stablislenen in the • together with he tools isess ; also a con •iderable ice There are' two large Wittig- and the other for •e ate 'three fires in the 8 is in the centre Of one of .listriete in Canada. The blished : thirty years and a capital cen mak money • ;riven for selling. ' Apply address Egmondville 1'. 0. 848 IATAGON SHOP -'OR SALE. - A splendid V V chance for all agon Maker. . No better in the county of Huron The undersign al offers for ale in the village if Walt ii, One quarter of an neve with a. frame 1 ouse 22;x22, a we,. on shop 94x10, With: a paint Nhop . above,, bit led and pla. tered and_a lumber house 20x40. T is is one 1 of the best steeds for a, Wiwi] Maker on the North Gravel Road, a el amen with a lite e money can rush a paving business. There are teso Black- smith Shops close by. It is 10 miles north from SeafOrth and 6 miles testith of Brussels Apply on the premises, or address to Walton P. 0. II E ' BEN. ORIMOLDIN. - 888 • F 1RM FOR SALE- -For sale; Lot No. 12, Coneession 7, T wnship of Hullettl contain -7 ing'100 acres' of first -e ass land-, mostly seeded to gra.14and well fenced lind under -drained. There are 9 acres of falloyhe t a good bearineerehard, a wet) in the barn yard a id two never faihn r springs, • ma at the house and, me rising in the Leentre of the. farm. It is the -best stock farm in tue town. Ail). Frame house, 18x24; kitchen, 1'18, with steal41 er ; barn, 30x60 ; 4-ith cow stableun lerneath; i k driving shed, Lc., :32x72, and Other out- let .dings. Is situate -I a mile and a Ralf from_ - tha village of Kinburi , where there e e stores, chi rehes, school, ma tsetse blacksmith hop and pi) eoffiee ; 9 miles fro n eeaforth and 8 rom Clin- t° . Reason for sellin ,going to Caigan -; N. iv .T. Fot particulars apply on the said lot, oby letter to lonstanee P. 0. .... T. ADAMS. 888-4- W. NTED. LI II OEMAKER ly, a. First-class S tat» have constant em Apply to N. inaCHE TED.- Wanted it unediate- wenetker. A steady man iloyment and goed wages. IT, Zurich P. 0. '1 88743 I1 OUSEKEEPER WANTE1).---- Wa ited im- i mediately, a s iitable person fo aet as imasekeeper and take care of Ands ei. Good wa gas to a euitablepe eon. Reference.l requh•ed. i Apply at Tile Ent-0)(11ot Orrice, Seaforth. 886 pARTNER WAN4).-Wanted im pediately, /. a sober, industrieue man, with sm ill capital. to, engage in the Puma and Wittdmila Mane-fa- Wl ring Busi.nessi .With he undersigned," who is a thoronehiv practical male AddreSs W. M. MORRIS, Mitchell, 01 t. • • 884 allEACHER WAN J Teacher aao IIS sis 6, Iftillett.. Duties t Ja Hilary and imlouiths. A ppl eati o Menials and stating dressed neehe undeits Tither 27. T11031.A. GRAN Montreal Ho Oo MESSRS. i 1 i Respectfully drawthe 1 'htet ntion of their patrons and ' he public generally of Sea,- forth and vicinity, to they are now offering a Dm eceber Sal of their Fail and Winter stock, which ' g eatly reduced figures, 'to enable us to :make tooth for future arrivals of sprng line, and the Montreal Hotgis°eQtalls.e. offTehren. Ig...lil inery Department is complete in every fashionable inul first-class goods at ex- traordinary reasonable prices. Dress Goods can bcI procured at the *Montreal House at figures to make even the most unreasonal le to wonder how such value , can be given these hard times. Dry Goo Is at rock bristtom prices i at the Montreal House, A.lain Street, Seaforth: SUCCESS OF THE se DeF&nber Sale of Dry ds and Millinery, DU1-44N & DUNCAN CLOTHING 4441 Full lines of Scotch, , Store. A first-class smut aStore, Good Fit o17,u. ran ad Mitts at the Oak Hal kind of Caps or Hats hi al at .ruinously low price S to please the bo alt -ti every article in the Gents' Furnishin Clothing Store, Main Street, Seaforth. inelish and Cal ot up at a reas ed. Red Hot . Fur Caps, Sea the latest fasiti S. T 1 at Ui ED.- Wanted, • Female Int for School ; etion No. commence on 4he 1st of (.1meet to eormtnfitie three IS aveompanied I by testi- salary desired to be ad - pied until 'Saes day, De - NEI LANS, He loi•k P. 0, 887-4 SEAFORTH !Iitt% ing my New Mi dei', I have pleastir Quid's and friends t IMPR OOLLEN ILLS. is now in first -el running ' in annottm•ing- t my ves- t with Enlarged Premises VED MACH ERY, s I am better than eter prepared to tumbt out FIRST"'OL, ASS WORK' On the shoi-teot fmtie , and will be pleased to see all my eidnstein .rs and as many, new ones. A LARGE ST CK OF GOODS On hand to t tide with aeusua . A. 0. VANE( 310.ND. FURt4ISHING HOUSE ian Tweeds at the 0 tk Hall Clothing ble price at the O.alk Hall Clothing ollen Undershirts and Drawers, Socks eh Caps, ICioth Caps. Silk Caps, every ns, fromlilac best makers in the world, Shirts, ollars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs., lite can b procured at the Oak Hall The Secluded Groeer31- Store of the3ido Areal H use, directly behind C. I fun - can's Drug Store, is fully tbreast of the -trim's. Don'.t fail to see, the grand dis- play of Staple Groceries to meet the demktm s of the festive season. 'Great values tter always wanted. • ;, in leas, Sugars. COffees, DUNCAN c. Good Roll Br DUN AN, SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORfil TEA --FORE • RIGHT AT TH $6,000 WHICH ARE G. A orth FRONT WITH pf BE SOLO AT WH T. - PR. Just received for )hel Christmas and 1%, fresh goods, Which wiIh sold. for CASH. ing: • Eight pounds of TEA for $1 ; 20 :so CURRANTS for $1 ; 25 paunds PRUN1 22 pounds of RAISINS for.$1 ; 16 pouncs will' be sold at the same kw rates. A coy through. my large and .well -assorted stock Flour and Feed, Chins Colored Tea Sets, Toil of Lamps and.lamp tr styles; all kinds af Fi and get some of the gi t Taa Sets, White. 11 et Sets, in both white and coli timings. Also a laro''e stack sh in stock, and Sat and C. il eat bar as the %thole stoe ew Year Among ds of ; .S for $1 ; f FIGS f al invitat in all ki nite Tea ew Goods, • LESALE PRIdES. PRIETO • • 1 EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. - ACRE FARM FOR -SALE.— N rth half of Lot. 30, and north hall of north half of Lot 31, Co/ices-don McKiIlop. Most of his land is seeded,' and in excellent condition m meadow or pastime. For further pal -Menial apply to ANDREW GOY ENLOCK, Winthrop O. 81.9 FIARM FOR SALE. For Side,' Lot i4, Ct7inees- -4 . S1011 2, East Wanemosh. • This -a sirable pro- perty- Will, be sold this summer, in order to close up an (..state. It consists of , 24 ark -e! of choice land, a tout 145 acres cleared; good : arm build- ings al d orchard. For particular W. W. FARRAN, Clinton P. 0. apply -to -865 • 1. I FOR SALE.— For Sale thit desirable - I 11.()11;br.:1;:perty on jont Street, 'Sea firth, next door ft St. Thomas church parsomu.,e, and now occupied by Mr. Soole. There is a good stone foundation, first --class cellar, six:bedro mas,,parlor, dining room and a good kitchen.- ilio a large woodshed, hard mid soft water, a newt stable, and tieular4 apply- to the proprietor. D. ROSS, aslelaoftohrteirt necessaries complete, For flin-ther par- 1 allAiSta:\11e, the North Half of Lot 6, C incegsi8o3:6,- IN TVCKERSMITH FOR `ALE. -Por il Tnekenenith, coataining 50 acres, li of which arc etc tred, free from stumps and un ler-drained. The la an is well fenced. There is , log house and laige frame barn on stone foundation, good well a d force palm). It is within ft ur 'miles -of Sego it, and the roads lettlii4; .froul it are all gravelled. Apply to MRS. E. iii. 'IRE, Bull's 855-8 ',. - -North ion 1.3, eon- t.31-11et tajillnl,nNavien1-1 'reek rising stables, log is maven - se lNsituatedNiNo4, u. For fur- or to hon. - i99 Head otel, Toronto. Ffataliel FOR SALE IN 111"LLE. -' of Lots 34 and 35, Conees. tainine -aeres Se acres ;calved • der is ,400(-1 haldwnod bush. Soil, (-:1(1 watered witha nevee fviling spring t on the prtmises. Peanut barn and homes end a good yonni. Do -bane It ient tante-hes aud newel, and i miles from Meth aud in from ("neer Hier particulars apple- to WA LTER HAM, ion the South part of odd lots. desborengh P. 0, , ARM FOR SALE.- Pm Side, the ;oath half of Loa le, Ceneession 1, Grey, co»taining, 55 acres: There are 30 acres cleared, part of the balitee•i has beee imene-d ineen and part bush. There re a frame house and stable, . young -or- chard : ad -.1?, acres of fail wheat. It is situated n-ithin a mile and a -quarter -of Jai les -town.- It will be sold cheap. The adjoining 4 0 acres are also for sale. This pmperty n be s separate lv ort; wether. Apply to SAM I'EL r ANDREW PoLLOCK, on the farm, or by mai to James- town . -O. 850 ARM Foil SALES- Fur eake tot Conces- sioe 3, Hulled-, -eon:Mining acres 08 acres Cleared and in a good state of cultivation the baianee well timbered. The am -in is well miderairained and fence • It In wily seeded to grass. There are -on the premises a new frame house end batik barn with stabling :miderneath, A branch of the Maitland River trin.4 across -the bank end of the lot making it an :ex -client g -raz- ing- faun. There is also an :orchard. It situa- ted six miles frmn Seafo.th and firs, from Clin- ton with school anti chin -cites convenient. Terms easy. For :frother particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises -or tri Clinton P. 0. Wal. MULHOLLAN)) a 885 14-1ARM FOR SALE.-- Fate sale, the East Half of Lot 6, Com-eksion 12, Hallett, 1 outdoing 50 1 acres. It is .a (-oilier lot, with a Mae -smite shop on the The land is well fenced and drained and in a good state of cultiv ion. There are ale ut three acres of good hardwood bush. There is a good bank barn amid log honse. A SpriTif, ereek runs through the lot. •ly good hear- ing or eiard. Cherches and school convenient. A-pos -office and store 'adjoins thie lot. It is situat .d within six miles of Bis-th, on the Lon- don, I. mon & Bruce Railway. Per 'nether par- s tienla ,- apply to the undersigned te the prem- -isles, G to Hai -lock P. 0, THOMAS AMOS. 885 rilw• . _ ---The executors offer the - fell eving lands. 0 GOOD FARMS IN USBolaN'E FOR SALE for sale, in order to close the affairs Of the estate of the late Aedeew Meir. First -Lot 30, Con- cession 3, Towiiship•of Inbenie, -eontaiiiing 100 ed in agood x acres- of two never ides a. rem- , toucessein 3, -Teefoeship of Ushorneacentsumeg i ;00 acres 85 acres cleared well underdmined, and iti a high state of cultivation. There is a 'geed orchard of foul. acres, .a larg-e Mica henee„ also two barns, staliksedriving shed, all frame. school --on op- positt lot We; three miles to t le towns of Exetcr and Heiman, ' These farms adjoin each other and will be sold together- er separately. Tenn aof paym-ent easy. For paeteelars apply to JOHN eleQUEEN, Executor, Lin dey P. O., or B. V. ELLIOTT, Soliviter, Exeter P, 0. 873-26 ' acres,;80 acres pleased, well feneed, • state rif eultivatio». There are orchard of the choicest fruit, anti failing springs. 'The propeety s'013 fortable brick house. Secoad 1,43 trade a magnificent stock of them' bargains are the follow- 1LTGAR for $1 ; 20 pounds of 25 pounds of for SI r $1 ; and the whole stock on to all to call and look Ids of Groceries-, Provisions, -sets, and the latest styles in wed. A well -assorted stock of .Glassware in the latest al Oil. Come one, come all, mustbc cleared out at once. gains, A. G. AULT, Mail Street, Seaforth. The Fams: Royal G - still s f the Great pinigh Remedy' ycerat d B reading ITS SUCCES COUGHS, Is kfAILY than]. of Fir, nd Wider. WONDE UL. IT CURES OLDS SORE THROATS And similar disegs 8, quicker th any known Medicine. We can produce the written. ,estimony lot f hundred of the most respectable people in this neighborhood in Isupp 't of th• statement. It e_ amk all who are nfilicted with either of the troubies which we recommend it to cure to give it a trial. Price, 50c pr bottle. Fur sale by all dealet 8 in Huron County. LU SDEN & WILSON, SOLE MANUFACTORERS, SEAFORTH'ONT. Trials of a Poor Scotch Laddie! One hero was borP in Edinburgh in the year 182e , and his father, who was in some way connected in Her Majisty's Navy, died, leaving him with no earthly friend alone in the greiat metropole of liCotland, a barefooted penniless boy. 'Nothing daunted, he Still preserved' a kind father's advice to be honest and in- d( ustriouseand throug4 time, by reading signs on shop doors and daring nights from pieces of newspapers picked up am nget his a..quaintance, he acquired a taste for study, and, as he was s depe[ndent uponl his own resources, he had to accept work in a liverS' stable, but lreinc, saving, in a few years was able to pur- chase a cart and horse. This wascl is first step to fortune. He amassed in a few years a considerable sum of mciney, with which be emigrated th America, but exposure in his previous 1-oottiOn as cab (Myer, brought on an affection of the lungs, baffling theil est medical aid beth in the Old Country and _America. His spirits were drooping, and his -wealth was beginning to dwindle down by expenses in travelling [f om'place tolplace after the best medical aid. After ex- hausting money on int i ieines he was in 4esp8ir, when an old friend advised him to go to Canada, and try C. Duncan's Cough Syrup, which is a sure cure for Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Bronchitis and Croup. He did as ad- vised, was cured, and is now happy and prosperous. Such is life, and if any one thus afflicted values life, proeureethe best Cough Syrup, viz.: C. Duncan's, at the , Medical Hall. C. DUNCAN Drugoist Main St Seaforth. / • 1 ; -MUSICAL. Ay 'SIG. -MRS. T. D. PRENDERGAST will l receive a limited number of pupils for in- strue ion in Piano mid Org-a:11 LeSsons, at her residence, John Street, Second Door Westof the English Church, Seeforth. 849 — - -11/, RS. C. M. DUNLOP, Teach e• of Music, -.1_1T Piano or Organ. Advanced pupils fitted for graduating at less than one-half1 the expense of foreign teaching. Terms moderate. Residence on George Streret, Seem -id Door East of Main Street Seafmth. 879 '. MEDICAL. i Q. S. MACDONALD, M. D., a elan, Surgeon, .1(•coneheur, and 'residence, that latelyoccupied Hutchison, Auburn. '. M., Physi- &e. Office by Dr. 781 . &c. Physklian Surgeon y 0. SCOTT, M. D, al . and Accoucher,Seaarth, OnS. ;Mice and residence South side of Goderieh S reet, Second Door East of the Presbyterian Chinni). 842 Y. BRUCE SMITH, M. D.; C a. of the College of Physicians kee Seaforth, Ontario. Office and , same; as formerly occupied by Dr.\ M.,Member ndSurgeone, Residence ereoe. 848 AA/M. V V and dence, House — EYE, L. B. Ear to, Oei fit -leery. Ophthalmic Thr 3I.7 _ HANOVER, M. D.. C. M., McGill University, Physe Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office North eide of Gaderich Street, East of the Methodist Chureh. Graduate of Ian, Surgeon and Resi- First 13rieli 196 - ---- ----- - EAR AND THROAT. on the Eye, Toron- and Ear In • eval London and Centre] s DR. GEO. ,S. RYERSON, C. P., L. R. C.S. E., Leeturer end Throat, Trinity Medief nt aillege, Surgeon to the Mercer Ey{u 1,...ate Clinical Assistant lt, Hospital, Mom -fields; at and Ear Hospital. I Church Street, Toronto. AUCTION SALE _•-OF A----- i I VALUABLE CHEESE FACTORY. P' '11SUANT to a Resolution .if the Sbarte holders of the Sea:forth Cheese Manufactur- ing ;Company, there will he sold In- Public Auc- tion, at. the Commercial Hetel. ie the Town of Sea.forth. on Texeosee the 23rd dal- of Deeember, 1884, at -2 o'clock in the afternoon by _Joseph P. Briee, Auctioneer, that valuable property in the Tmen of Seaforth, known as t`The Sealorth Cheese Factory," together with tin engine, boiler and piping, milk cans, .t -ales, i churn, better woaker, vats, -cheese presses, and other utensils •and articles eontained therein aed used there- with. The whole property will be put up reed sold en blot'. The above propertst is situated DR North Main Street, in the Town qf Seaforth, and coMprises four acres of land, em-lOsed.by a good board fence. The buildings erected thereon eon - sage of a small armee house in good repair and the cheese factory. The factory ;Melding is frame with briek foundation and Mims The building at present is fitted up as a. creamery: it can, hmeever, be easily -changed into a thecae faetors- ao Most of the material used for that purpose ie stil on the premises. 'The build Ms and every - this g used in eon.neetion thcrewifh is in a fair stai ,e. of repair. The above feetoey is situated in the centre of a -splendid farming country, and offers a good opening for any petition desirous of entering into the business of bratter or eheese malting. Terms of sale: --Ten per vent, of pus- ehese money to be paid to the Liquidator ()it the day of sale. The balance in three weeks there- after, when possession will be given. The prop- erty will be put up subject to .e reserved bid. The purchaser will be required to sign a contrast for the eomPletion of the purehaee. The other eat ditions of sale will be the same as the stand- ing conditions of sale of the Chimeery Division of the High Court of Jostles.. Por !further par- ticulars apply to P. S. CARROLle Seaforth P.O., Liquidator of the said Compains ,i Dated zit See - forth this 2nd day of Deeentber, A. re Med, St37.3 • • 1 • • 4 . 4 • • .1 4 , 71 1 •