HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-19, Page 1ROM
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• the
Chriatina$ Conies 6ttit on-ce a* Year,
and when it come* it .brimis-
Goa CAcer,
Wants t� make himself and the people happy
during the holidays. This being my first Christ-
-, was in the grocery trade in Seaforth, I have de-
termined to make a good impression on the
minds of the public. Every luxury and delicacy
suited for the festive season has been proud,
and will be„ sold at such prices as will allow every
one to indulge. The list opens with half.a ton of
Christmas Candies, speeially made for o'ur trade,
and Warranted pme. Fresh Oranges and
Lemons-thnond Nuts, Filberts and Walnuts,
London Layer Raisins, Golden Crown Layers,
Dehesia Raisins, Black Baskets, Sultaha Raisins?,
Currants -six different pricek French Prunes,
Turkish Prunes, Figs in great variety; algo, half
a ton of Christmas Candies, Verne Grapes,
•Grange„ Lemon and Citron Penis; Pure Extracts
and Essences, Pure Fresh Spices,'Tains ihd
Jellies. Pickles and Sane. Potted Meats and
Canned Goods, French Capers and Olive, old
Government Java Coffee, ground fresh daily ;
-Firmain Haddies„ Yarmouth Bloaters, Siseoes,
Iferrintgs, Fresh Eggs, Fresh Butter, Poultry,
Spiced Bacon, Cheese.
Twenty-five more ob.ests ot- tliat celebrated
TEN at 30c yer pound.
Also, another shipment a the GREAT 50c
TEA. Everylione that tries it says It is the best
they ever had for the money. •
Pure unadaterated, Uncolored JAPAN TEA,
three pounds for a dollar.
Hall a ton of Christfdas Candies.
Morrison'S old stand, head ,of Ma.rket. Street,
Great Clearing Sale
Hoffm 13ros.
Cheap Cash Store,
We find our stock is a great deal
too large, and we require a large
•antennt of CASH. We have, therefore,
decided to offer the whole stock without
any exception at a great reduction.
Call and get our prices, which will can-
viace any one that we mean what we
113,. S.--Zutterieles Monthly for January to
Viand. Gan and get one free.
. The 'COunty' Court and Goner I Ses-
sions of the Peace, was held at -Go lerieli
last week. The following gen leinen
composOdlthe Grand jury : .. .
Win.rummond, Blyth for ,man ;
Jacob Cr41zier, Ashfield ; . D.C. Str tchan,
(oderieh 1 Andrew Miteliell,TUrn )e•rty ;
• '. - „ .
James Heiarne, Chilton ; George Ache-
son, Goderieh ; James Kerniglian, Mor-.
ris ; James- Reid, - (-.-:;-Oderien ; 4eorge
Scott, Turnberry ; Jas. • B. Cum nings,
Winghani ; ,,Joseph Dobbie, -Col Joule ;
John Do:linage, Wingham ;-. Rebt. King,
Morris ; Wm. Laithwaite,._. Goc erich ;
Hugh -Cli, tubers, - Ash -field ;. _Jame Coch-
rane, Hy;. - Samuel tfidley,-. E .-.eter ;
Roland J44.-iiis, G oderich ; ' Alex. JVldgar,
Howick : I John -Dane, flowiek ; R0bert
BoSwe1k.14nriC1 ; AndrewMcinins,Grey ;
Alexander Rose.Wawnosh. . .
.His honor addressed the juryb n the
usual matters pertaining I() the calendar, ,
- the inspection of the jail, etc. J4e also . We found'
referred to the Scott Aut as followb: ‘:‘ It 1 'two of thes
might not he out of the way for me to I charge of ra,p
refer to an important action taken' by one ins .itiii w
the peoplie of this county last October, i of mail bags,
under polier given them. by -legiSlation. i tain su -eties
known as. the Canada Temperance -Act. ! - • All f whic
J am not Called upon her nor 'am, I go--. ,
ing to make any observations as to the i .Th
wisdom or result of the action taken by 8tu •
the peophOn this matter, Of coutse you 4 on pro
are aware; that a difference of opinion i tiff for
exists as to- the rmlt of such legislatioi,,: grante(
but let thOse results be as they may, as ' • Arni
far as thi, county is concerned .-the, Peo- for br
ple have 1 rouounced most einplia#cally--1 of bar
thaefor a . least three years this'Act shall :1 $200 qk
be law- in Ithis county. I think I am safe
in sayingIthat there is nothing to prevent
this-Actliecoming the law of this Connty
on thefir, t of May . next. After an ex
perience 4f three years the electors -wilt
be in a ,better position to givean opinion
-an opiition aided by experience on
the mOrit of this Act,and at that t me
an oppor unity- will be offered the 1 eo-
ple of say ng whether ,s•tich Act shall,
thine or discontinue to be the law of
L , .
juroi2:4 or for jueaet passing ri,71-. teous
f ,itroe-
eill the
S e upon
safe in the. con in unity
conviete innialcrcr ; wi tie here
ias beou xtended or sy npathy
▪ to thb idOw of the ..u,lpless
of the Into tiered man,
ave exaiitred the gaol and fount'
clean audlarderly, and h ard no
nt from ! any of the la -haulers
he eate ahd mana,gemelit cf the
gao er, Mr. Dicks 37, and
o nmbn
judgment -upon ti e perpetrators c
10118.crinieme if, as in this case, wl
criminals are on . Of them let lo
society andthe altence of the
commuted in Sticl .i, degree ILS to
the best efforts o :,uriessani th ,
eons siebteneer of j tdges litt e el
a moeltery- and a farce, -p iblie
baffled. tind no lif
but t
no ai
. We I
iti both
very efficien
toylike.= Hem
with t cit
our syi
lpss he
son Th
erse), ; at d we, in
zeal§ of loderich,
ipath wit 1 M. Dicksor
has et stained b r the dea
un 1 prise lers in th ! gaol -e
you as I
are on th
as such ji
make. these observation
resume quite a number
Commission of the Pea
stifles you will, doubtl
in the
h of his
a -6 itin their ti on a
; 0 ir m u for Va taney ;
ma ; on man, for rh) teeny
ne 1 an unab e to �b -
or (I e p ace.
h is a .spectfully sul flitted.
W. 1!i ummoND For quail.
ng ses Were disp of :
Rutl erfotd et Action
Yndt,. 'Verdict fo • 1)1ain-
5, da 1 1111nediate exemtion
y VS.
tage s
aeh of c
ey. ud
.Coikrt adjo
• Com
Cord -deration
MeEwi n.--Actie
J u dgM .nt for '
$80, wi h costs o
ice vs. R
aintilt by
the actio
yed until
(iii -(iii-.. 8 hol
- i
hie : done a
ings rstm
Januar '• sittinas.
'The. Quee\li
of ass a -ult 1 hic
for ov t a ear,
O Cliti Exetel• .Ve -die
again, , The Queei
on other c harge of •
it ing i.11 ayneld.
(mem th in ga
tiff is
the- de
• to eonten
ties ad
ss, be
called on euforee the proNiSi011'S of the
la,ny, in 'case. breaches are conneitted.
In pram' Snit the 'people can • II
of three -years, if desirous, pass.
with the aid of correct experie ce,
the coiatiimance or repeal of this et
is verAdesirable that during tiles* ti ree
years • e various provisions of c
• &honid be carried out in their e irty,
or as nearly as possible. This coi rt ums
• appointed upwards af 100 constabes for
maintainiug order and peaue, and-,nf
ing the due and proper madministri tioh Of
Criminal justice in this_county. en le -
men, it Ma.y be. unnecessary 101m
say to you; that this la,w is as sacro as
ltin et al. -All action
trac., for non-delivery
•i lent for plaintiff for.
t. —W 'D
at p. m. mitt. 10 a.
I. A -NEST1.L17. .
a do
h witli
the ti
ant to adjourn -
Association vs.
promissory •note..
- by conseat for
y oeurt action.
Action for Injury
. .
Judgment dis-
costs. Proceed-
ird day
of next
Mc ortell.-A charge
has (men hangirg tire
rlhe partis reside .in
, not .guilt/. . ' •
vzi D. 'McDonald. --An
0. a,ult .the partit § liv-
. 4.'inet $10 anl costs. or
ean vs. latlon
of s .ver ' lead
a. cattle li aler
endant is1a far
Road, fiv nile.
ant eointelk ed that he 91
' six headf .cattle, and
led -withquak vigor
seven :froli defendant 13
nittetl that (WO Want wit
an hou r.after the ompletion of
gain, al 1 tifiec pl, iutiff that he h
s.old ili. 11 six hetujl
him asi mor . - %
$150- & mages.
. tTwei tyina 1 vs.
1 ' illegall selling 1 i•
: The 'pi' iatiff is al
• and ti e- def ndea
of Egi londv. le.;
'defend. nts had a, .
tion ag tinst the es
MeCan a of „ Bay
sold" th s horse mia
abort,' une befor•
to the leCann ee
rather xis sister, o
ed• the t plaintiff
cow,-sfr. rit--MeCan
pears is a sister at
for 'pia tiff for $8
any other law in the land, and it
the duty ' of the magistrates to
firmly and as impartial'- where lar
have .hee4 .cormnitted _ as they
where any other law had been
It will alse. be the duty of the- con
of the county -to be vigilant and
alert, whe :. it is reasonably sup -a)
known that - the law has been b -okene
and to see that the .offehder be pr -secut7
ed wallas much zeal as any other cri ni-
nal -who is, suspected or known t have
committe4 a crime. . 1 may say t those
of you tan) are Justices of the Peace
that undet this Act unusual pow rs are
given to the magistrates -I -and W th un-
usual power comes, greater respoatibili-
ties.- The usual axiom of law is f that
a Man is slipposed . to be innocen until
he is proven to be guilty,' but iind r this
Act the ,magistrate can exercise 11,•.s dis- !
eretionetand contrary to the usua i prac
s -
' ',
ticeof on courts cah putthe ddi-
ef dant
on his tria . In exercising this :Erre-
tion the magistrate =should be p irticu-
larly carefal and only do so 'on • lature
eonsicieratTon.. I think it safe to. , ssume
that breaches of this law will b. com-
mitted,. but 1 anticipate • that
breaches Willatot I be committed
hotel -keepers, am4 the hotellkeep
the county as a body are resp
men. s- I presume the Most of
breaches .v 1,
il'l • be e-ommitted by
who are not .hotel -keepers, am
think they can carry on an illia it dis-
posal of llquar. I tliinktyou wil agree
with me, gentlemen, that foresue i law-
breakers there should be no sympathy."
The following is the grand jury s pee-
• • •
seamen t: . 2
The Jetrarefor Our Lady the Queer , upon
.: their (math, present:
We are much pleased and gr ttified
with the very lucid and lengther ed re-
marks made .by your .honor on ti e im-
portant subject, the Canada Temp Tame°
Act, and trust - thata as your r marks
foreshadow, the measure may be lor the
material good of our eon:mien co intry.
The very fad of the Seotts Act being
carried in this county by such an , over-
whelming Majority augers well or its
being carried out in its -entirety, od as
your honor remarked it will be ex, ected
that all law abiding citizens will joie in
Maintaining the majesty of the .1a v and
seeing to its enforcement We .quite
agree with your honor that a great
majority , of our hotelkeeper. are
most upright and honorable ine 1 ' and
that they will be --aim VC ViOlati Ir the
Iaw. a -
•We were pleased to learn from
honor that our duties would. be ih
this occasion, seeing that there .w
i one criminal case on the calend
, trial at this sessions, which is eel
: to ' be• regarded as la diminution of
in our county. .
On. one point thie grand jury
-.approach your honor to gain some
mation respecting the eommutat
sentences in the Beamish-Maint 11
case tried at the recent assize coley
i This jury, not one member Of
know what stepswere taken to ob
, commutation, are of opinion that
- good reason is shown to the contra
. the course of clemency shown 1.
Executive, that there is but little
convening juries, grand • or pa
waste their tine in doing their d
vill be
act an
n the
sed/ or
Action or non -
of cattle. Plain -
'n God eri 11, and
ter living on -the
from Ur t town.
ly sold
hat he
th pat-.
Liin haif
he bar•
e. only
mat tvemild no .eliver
erdid for plaiiirtiff fur
Jackson.-Aetiini for -
intiff's horse and cow.
ricklayer in Bavlield,
ts are Jackson 'Broe.,
In July, 1883,'ethe
Nvision Court execti-
ate of the late Henry
eld, and _seize(l - and
d cow, which hp to a
-the seizure belonged
te. The plaintiff, or
his behalf, Contend -
bought the horse and
widow, '1 o it a,p-
he plaintiff. Verdict
tlarn.Ma itoba.
n. Correspondent.)
it, the
rs of
Itt on
ts lot
Ix for
Grime ' been
you'd ; aged
names eld 11
cm of
u rder
ain -a
inless N
y forleb al(
use, in se jail
ye to and ii
ittt as ; from
Notcl from SO
Ozer OI
ROCK 1.,41( ' COUNTY, Dee. 1st, 1884.
ry one is gi en to rhapsodia upon
j. EV
the yeather the, e days. ." Grand,"
' glmi us' '' " deli Yhtful " are adjectives
whicl ,ve hear ma all sides: It would,
mdeee J. be difficul to imagine anything
finer lia the fora of weather 4h1n, we
Manitobans ,are i t present • et joying.
Days 'edema., bright and just cold etough
to be !brach*, .cO Annie to be the order
every day and all day long, pre lictions
by, am r weather'ages and past experi-
ehees of pioneers to the contn ry :not-
I have intimate everyon is de-
lighted. with tilt ler, but I ought,
peril*, to qualif statemen some-
what. While all a that the ' ther •
is something inthie 11, or nem all, -
are net slow to dim that ther just
one thing needf ender it ect.
That one thing ne is sleighi But
humaiii natur is er satis it
never discoveis a tent
witha it, also and
gruml ling lib ere.
Manitpba has 1. 101.e, of
human snatur •nga for
sleighing as th ry to a
perfect. enjoyni
of cou
- A
Geller al Mille
from he Gove
is. wel Ramie
It is a open -s
pest J Inn" - as
any I remier,
;,love lost. In(
o SOollr
! oets the ceed
; 0
wires in his be
is cer in that
Goner I much
! th P emier.
rquiay has 1
ng,i to get
tea floggiu
mit vet
cltf°11 I a.
ne ed.
sm. rce of eiaj yr
inc.ver lig the al oy
ut 't b cause it i • e
mare, perhaps 1
▪ en e, we 1
pine thing necess
nt of ti e weathe But
ul n't be perfee 1 'ig
w re gratifi d. We
un ing p the allo ,
the for n.
ch Ten that A ter icy-
- h s re ired., by eq est,
inn'nt. That th i mor
ve y fe 1 seem to doubt.
cee tha between" i on -
hi fri'ndsi love to call
an Mil ler ther i no
es , so well .kno ve has
di like for Mill r, hat
hom the latter eme •r i an-
t e o ce. Tht and
Sir John, ggne ally
t O ha -Mg pull -c. the
alf. B that as it rr y, it
111 r b came r ey-
gai st ie inclin tioi of
It 'i lik wise cer in that
ecu nly too anxi pus all
rid of irn. The recent
•, ii wh ch Miller pl yed
a art, and the dis ust
n hici it called f.rth
hes of 11 shades of .oli-
rse we w
•if .our I
still be
s, in an
ties, affords Norqta
tunity of "firing"
hard to, oust the Pr
reins himself. • The,
BER 19, 1884.
the golden .0 Amor-
one who has tried
miller -and tak the
' the Premie
avail himself of it is pretty gen tally
believed, -awl reports to the etfec that
Miller has already tetired, would indi-
cate that the belief 'was well fou Wed.
There will be no dear 'h of dry eyes, both
amongst Cabinet n umbers and esser
lights, at the Atto.•ney-Generars exit,
for, as ..1 have said n a previous letter,
he wag, personally a well as. politically,
most -Unpopular aim nest the men hers.
J ust Whattbe hOnor tble gentlemai will
turn his attention to next, it is. MO to•
conjeaure. Conlin .. amongst us /.4s a
ledge, he expected t( gratify his ainbi.
tion hy securing ti e Chief Justiceship..
Indeed, be made m secret of the fact
that lie had. beep romised that office.'
(a yowi weary ofstva -mg for dead. hieu'e
shoes, he preferred.' harges . againtt - the
then Chief justice i the hope arhaving
him dismissed. In this he was 'reap-
pointed._ Indignant at the. treatm -nt of
his Ottawa, friend, he tendered lis re-
signation of the 'II dgeship • ivhiql-e. he
held. It Was not th n accepted. But a
year or so later, when Chief Justice
Wood died, • the Go :'ernment appointed
another to his pia e, at the same time
accepting Miller's resignation, .which
had never been wi •hdrawn, and which
was the • excuse off 'red by the Govern-
ment for .• giving him the cold shoulder.
. At this premeditate(
waxed exceedingly a
to keep him in line 1
slight the ex -judge
roth, and Mir John
els forced, it is said,
to intercede with ou - Local Premier and.
secure the Attorney -
ler. It is also sai
min arothised Mille
he should ere long. etep into Norquay's
shoes But the latt a• still iolds the fort
and so far from givix g Way I1 to Miller he
has requested . (so . says -dame rumor)
Alillee to step' down and ou . Of- com•se
the lion. Attorney-thmneral. will' resign,
hut everyone ,knows he does.so by re-
quest, which means to the student of
party ipolities that I e has Ikeen •kideed
out. Iii. the •languax e of the wife -hunter
in a certain farce, My. Miller is " out all
around." -Perhaps mow that the meth: -
here 4 the • politic, 1 arena no • longer
year* for his Comp ny, he will (levet°
his --attention to tlie Manitoba Latir
Society with which le has had eevetal
encounters ; always, ,however, 'with the:
same result -defeat. • ,
The boom was a g -eat institution. We
are prepared to acl nowledge that In .
definiag the greatne s, howetimr,is Where
the differences of op ion crop out. - The
man NOto made his p e during its sojourn
antoag,st us will tell ou that it was the
greates•b . benefit to the country itnagiu-
able, While he who ot left (whose name
is legion) will not b slow in arraigning
it as a great curs, a terrible drawback
to theacmintry, de., etc. So that while
all admit that the Worn was a greatto
thing , there is s a v briety of opinion in nurses, the authorities
defining the ' gr attness" Lawyers Gmlneral Hospital have
ought, to be - among -t those who hold cate as many women as
the boom in loving r
are certainly reapin
tesult of the wild rie
peaty -was handled ii
court ci..Ockets, are fu
fraud or some other.
ness it mixed.. Dur
. it was common for
homesteads to obtaii
tions for patents b
secured the interirn.
ed thatapplication
made) the sharper ,h
making • a sale, the
hands several time
meaptime someoue, •
homettead, would g
fele papers with the
effect that there was
course No. one's c
would be cancelled
secure his entry.
would have no idea
to ther losses and
ceedings have been
and aceuntet claims
.and confusiongbas, be
the confusion there
for the legal professi
e. -,..a., .
les- as -well as priv
" out.'' on many of t
tions. I know one
was Mortgaged in bo
No payments were
princi at. and inter.
30Q, all of which
will lase as the land
anything. This is
instauces of the kin(
are the result of Car
of valuators, man
nothing about the la id. or compan
long as the commisei .n was forthcon
.4emiera1ship for Mil -
that the grand Old
• at that -time that
eat sed by the heavy load th engine was
drm wing, some fifteen o ixteen cars
lciig attached. • •
Late Rev, *Father Le Yac ,Of Quebec,
ha. left in his will nearly $1 1 00 to .the
seminary of Quebec.
• The total cost Cif the steam heating
al)Ibaratus being put i rto" the netv
Ito nan Catholic cathed al in 'London,
wi I be between $4,000 a at S5,000.
The arrest of the Saltation Ai•my•
me.nbers 111 Montreal h4s caused great -
CX itemenf and will1)0t ste 1 in all the
ems rts. . •
The Dominion 0 ratie give notice
of heir intention to apply to Parliament
for -power to establish la five insurahee
Mr. A. Roe, son of the late member
for -Lennox and Addingtiin, has been ap-
'po nted• County Clerk in ithe place Of his
fa ler at $400 per. annul*.
The Free -Thinkers' nvention at
To -onto was closed on T iesdaY evening
aft r a two (lays's sessio , b,r a concert
an ball.
-The by-law to rais $ 5,000 as a
bonus towards the • new c unty buildings
at 1geeea Centre was carded by 111 ma-
jority, 115 for and. 4 against
At Sandwich, Saiurday, Samuel
• rriman was sentenced
the Kingston penitentiar
a puese from a lady's hal: (1.
-The Saved Army, f ..Georgetown,
ha -6. fitted op the old br wery there for
a barracks. They hat e hristened it
Hi • " Hallehtlalt brewery."
The Canada. Pacificl Rtilway from
-NI( areal to the Selkirk Mountains wil
•be campteted in eighty-filte da,ys,accord-
inc to President Van.,Haen'e report.
A case of smallpox +as discoverd at
Ki leston on Sunday , the 'house of
-Sia °Richard Cartwright. The victim,
a 1. urse girl, was at one. taken .to the
Mr. and Mrs. S. . Turney cele-
brated the 60th anniversary of their
w tiding day at their inlinei at East Col. -
bo Friday last.
Mr. Peter Allan, cut from an elm
tr-e on lot 14, concessioi 3, Garafraxa,
se enteen and three-fom ths' single cords
of 20 inch wood. A bi looking -t pile
to . .
ve years m
r for snatching
frc m one trees . .
-Tile barn and contei ts: Of Mr. • Thos +a
,•, -on
from th
Fi ,1(1,near Thornbury, A ere totally dee- i Mrs. Ro
ettoyed by fire Saturday et- Mug, caused ces don, Pusl
by •a 'co* kicking a laa ter 1 over in the 1101 Se. to wa
. St 'Mc. • - an nal reare
-Rev. DieRice, senio s4erintendent .her with its
of the illethodiet chur lt died at his of the anim
ye. idence in Toronto pi Aron:day after -I cheek and ki
rib n after • a , protracted:illness, at the theother in•
ad -anew" age of 69 years.- 'lot er lip.
Last Saturday night '. I?. Smith's
ba -n, fella mike from Niaga •ai, and con- A farme
Dehnis Bou'
twits were completely de mtr yed together stutripe with
wi h with twelve head a A luable thor-
ea dibred cattle.
The Toronto Globe . s : In eonse-
nce of the great den I for trained
he Toronto.
(led.. to edue
ible for the
devli" and. - hreatened to exterminate
his former a lies. • He was fined $-5 and-
A Combe --farmer owns a val.-iv:able
bre .ding mar which had a leg broken
ree ntly. II . experimented with vari-
ousicontriVan•ee as a substitute for the
brOken bone, and finally hit on a 'sort of
a weoden leg which the . animal uses to
goo:1 advanta
• ' The He
eel bleated t
Sat nalay by
Ral bi. Philli
of ..oseph ant
in 11.crises ia
pea ile God
Jos Th to le.a,
Air. Thm
fif t seven ye -
teei years oh
rec ntly pre
wit 1 a compl
aril: chair. - 1
•the veneeabl
The Eur
pan 'iworks,
an Mansfiel
des royed by
con ents we
= nat ire that
any hing, ev
ed. The iota.
ins red for $,
McI.JEAN BROS., Publis
$1.50 a Year, Advan
e s
new citizens of Toronto
iC.: feast Of Chanuk, last
ervices in the synagogue.
preached, taking the life
enforcing the lesson that
the history of the chosen
had. raised -up men. like
1 and direct them. -
as Gordon, who has been
ns a printer, .ainffor seven -
the Guelph Mercury, was
ented by the •-emploYeee
7-eentary address and an
ong life and prosperity to
disciple of Guttenberg.
ka Paint and Color Com-
, Guelph, were completely
fire on Friday night. The-
e of such an iimilamanable
t was impossible to save,
ii the books being consum-
loss is estimated at $3,000;
Drowninf accidentg from Skating on
thi ice are r >ported from different sec-
s. Thre boys skating near Oshawa,
on 'aturday eroke through and all were
41:awned. T
Weat. throug
Mr. S. S
-001, died
was late
suits.' Tee deceased was an elder in
.Presbyt riari church and &Tel -in -
lent Of he. Sabbath School. He
om the infected district§ of
• gerford,are crowding into
escape the small -pox. Dr.
•tary of the Provincial
alth, received a 'telegram
,e Thursday, asking him to
preventany further migra-
infected. district.
mert Foster, of the 7th con -
wa, highly r
-4--People f
Stoeo and II
iree boys, the same day,.
1 on the dam at Hes-
Ya,s drowned.
ManCormick, for twelve
al of Orangeville Public
ast week of typhoid fever.
dy engaged in mercantile
eville to
ce, Seer
rd of H
n Believil
e -steps ta
membrance,for they service.
sa ricleharvett as a --Robert Hunter, of For
liner in which pro- 25, was adj-usting a belt in
those days. The saw and stave mill on th 0
1 of caees in. Which when he was caught by th
degree. of croaked- and completely.broken t p
ng the: pallny. days was instantaneaus.
sharpers who !held -The warden of Middle
ow -
their recomm
perjtry. H
•eceipt (which s
r patent had
d no difficulty. in'
property changing
perhapsm 1111 the
nxioua to secure a
t Wind of the fraud,
land agent to the
fraud and in due
aim tO the 1
id No. two AN
Of course 1
f tamely submi
most cases pro -
instituted. Cl ims
ave been advt iced
n rampart but Out of
man -
omes a rich ha
re Lean earn
te individuals
leir boom -ft-al
half -section
m timts for $1
vet made and
st now amou
the Loan corn
is simply not n orth,
only one of any
The latter mites
lessness on the part
�f whom tred
Can da. ,
Cattle thieves ar operating ar und
--Fear men were 'rested Bea etly
for a breach of the ge me latts in alio
hounds -to run at lodge. --
-An merolite has escended near ue-
bec with the noise •f thunder anc the
brilliancy of lightnii Cr
-John Sullivan, c ttle thief, has been
sentenced at Sandw eh to SiX years. in
e -The Synod of th Lutheran church
intend applying to P rliament fpr an Act
of incerporation.
-The -Arkona b., rd. of health has
prohibited the tali
churches at funerals.
-A cow belongia
Pprt Colborne, caug
its horns and ft-actin-
1---aIt is said that
-ttlorkets in the Salva
stock- ; is the daug
bishop. 1
-When the Pada express was draw-
ing out of .Harrisbur • last Sunday night,
the drawheads pfin t o Pf the coaches
gave limy, and • the c
cars *hen dragged
Both- e 'ts had to be
of the
Hope, aged
his father's
onabee river
eces. Death.
ex, Mr. W.
D. Stanley, of Biddulph, ha been suffer-
ing from ill health late y nd talks of
- withdrawing altogether re a municipal
d find: it dif-
affairs. The township ou
ficalt to suitably replace hu a.
--George E. Wingate ca hier of the
North British and Cana( la Investment
-Company, Toronto, a,ccu se 1 of embezzl-
ing $9,000,was arrested t • ew Orleans,
Saturday night, and $8, 00 ound on his
• e -Charles Shearn, jun or, of Almonte,
while attempting to cro. s he river on
the ice, broke through, an before as-
sistance reached him bec m chilled and
went down. The body w s recovered
in a few moments but lif 1 as extinct.
e -The other night in ue ec a police-
man was compelled to; le ve his beat
through. illness and dro pe dead just
as he entered his resider*. It is sup-
posed the cause of death Wa rheumatism
of the heart. . '
e -The man Win. 0' all ghan, with
any number of aliases, who killed gaoler
Leach, of Sandwich, so] •e iine months
ago, was arrested the al er day at Han-
nibal, Missouri. He ha confessed to
sheioting Leach.
- t -From January 1 t November 30
the total arrivals of ii m'grants into
Canada was 144,000, aga is 172,000 the
same period last year. f this total
84,000 settled in Canada. he rest came
as passengers to the United States.
--The steamer Newcastle
feW days ago for London fton
took, besides a large quail
-catgo, 15,000 barrels of a,
were shipped by Mr. B
toWin and were brought
ity, sailed a
Halifax and
ty of other
pies. They
of Bridge -
to Halifax by
ving special trains.
e --The Queen's Bench Division made
an order on Saturday for the immediate
payment Of the sum of
inflicted on Mr. Taylor, ,a
agent in Muskoka for illeg
the Muskoka election.
-A dry -goods merchant
published a pamphlet reflecting upon. a
firm in the same business, when mem-
bers of the firmwent into his shop and
threatened to thrash him e had them
istrate and
Thirty head
old at • the
nday. They
rds of X.30
1, 0 a penalty
rown lands
1 voting in
in Kingston
ig of corpses into arraigned before the la
bohnd over to keep the
g to John Rae, of -A cable despatch sa
t his little boy on of Canadian cattle wer
d his skull. LiVerpool,Christmas sale M
ne of the active
ion Army in Wood -
ter of an English
realized an average of ulow
perl head, and were admitted to be the
finest on the market-eveh surpassing
an Y of the British cattle Offelred.
-.--The other day a yourig man named
John O'Connor was bro ght before
Mayor Jaffray, of Galt, cl arged with
and raising
ation Army
. O'Connor
member of
ace, and as
cadet of the
aint between the assaulting Captain Galletle
he platforms off. a aisturbance at the Salt
eft at , Paris. One meeting on Saturday evenin
aggage cars Was alsb found dis- it appears, was formerly a
rid the bagga had to be trans- the; Army, but fell from gr
mi another car The trouble was he expressed it, became "
been kept quiet, the relations b ding un-
der the impression that the de ith was
accidental. Pugsley lwas 67 ye rs old,
and lived on Young s rect.
-Re. J. Burton, 3. D., of "oronto, ,
last Su iday night; pr ached on t le man- '
ner in lehich we tre it the de d. He
spoke df our modern customs a • woi!se
than in eenvenient ; a turning t re Inal,se
into a 4 -mourning mill' nery show, as tei
ing to I bring other • to an ntimely
grave by the custom of follow ng the
hearse in all sorts f weather, and
impoverishing tho faihily lee e -pensive
-The Rev. IL Anlinson, of th Unthed
Presby eri an church, Stamford, j. reachad.
on the last Sabbath of Noye Cher an
anniversary eennon on the el se of a
decade of his ininitry, giving a 1,rief
historical account of the congreention
from it t inception which dates back to
1785 -the oldest Presbyterian cengrega-
tion in. the Niagara district, and among
the oldest in the Provin .e. The
congregation is at tresent str nig and
-Suits for an amotint emcee& g seven
hundred thousand dollars have ben eom-
menced by the Exchange Bank liquida-
tors against the directors of the 1 defunct
bank, on the ground that by thleir neg-
lect of their duties they are p rsonally
responsible to that extent for tit heavy
losses incurrea. Mr. M. H. (44 lilt, the
first president of the bank, is alao being
proceeded against for the ,ecovery
of one hundred and thirty
-Bishop Ittaller,the bishop of
es lying in a precarious c ndition.
Several days ago he was workin e in his
library when he ran a three -con
into his hand. At first the w
not give much trouble, but a d
afterward' it festered and gangr
blood poisoning has now set
physicians in attendance are v
bus over the condition of their
patient, and fear that he will
strength to endure the severe
his system.
-An Ingersoll paper tells th
ing storyethe scene behig i Inger-
soll :-" A powerfully built yohng lady
from Thamesford, walked into a dry-
goods- Store on Thames street t ie other
day, and inquired of the baehel r clerk,
you. keep hoes young fellow r
neb, was leading a young " Do
" Yes, ma -am, all kinds," wa the re-
• a few days ago, when the
ply; and pulling down a coupl of boxes
tip and. came down upon
of hose, he held. up a pair to vi tn. She
ore feet. 'The corks of one
looked straight at him, turned red, and
d's shoes penetrated her
overflowed with the remark "You
ocked out four teeth, while
blasted fool, them's stockings I want a
icted an ugly wound on the
hoe." He referred her to a hardware
• in East Sandwich named store.
ed Miss
ered file
und did
or two
n. The
ry anxi-
ot have
train on
-The Ottawa Women's
scan, while blowing out
Temperance Union have enp,
dynamite on Thursday,
MeClees, of New York, to visit Ottawa
ra lined a ea, -tridge into the ground in
during January and establish what is a a way t let the fuse hung fire. The
termed a kitchen garden or training
inp caught fire at noon. Two cows
tr- 1, school : there. The object is to give
yed near 1 ,h tl •
loded the
acres aro,
.4 comic.
wa • shipped.
boxes, realiz'
etet factory
of tratfortd
L. R. Richer ism, of Strathroy, the lat-
ter The nice received was twelve
cents per pound.
-t-By orde
Co rt of Cha
Pa, k proper
au tion on ti
putpose of w
co pany.
acr s of land,
ho ses and ot
I '' Goose '
the examiner. •
Trade, shoul '
Yt children instruction in housewo k. There
•e was a, shower of beef for
are six lessons in the course, each re-
quirhig one month's application These
erable quantity of cheese
from Watford last week, lessons include kindling fires, w iting on
heese factory shipped 610 the door, bed -making, swee mg and
dusting-, all laundry processes rom the
ig $4, 923. 96, an d the Uttox-
60 boxes. Mr. Ballantyne, preparation of the table to the celicacies
of polishiug and folding,scrub ing, and
pmchasedthe former, and
laying a dinner -table in the due order of
of a decree made by the
cery the whole of the Bow
y is to be sold by public
e 15th of January, for the
nding up the affairs of the
e estate consists of 900
150 Short -Horn cattle. 20
ler stock, implementsand
wheat, it is contended by
of the Toronto Board of
have agrading of its own
instead -of be'ng simply classed with the
rejlcted as t has hitherto been, This
varety, it is i aid, is becoming more im-
portant ever year, and the time has
na arrived he examiners say, When it
sho ild have a recog,nizecl place in the
wh at marke
A fame named. Miller, living off
the Indian: re erve, while walking home
on riday ni ht between Cainsville and
On ndago, w s set upon by two Indians
*h beat hi n badly and demanded his
imo ey which he gave up. They then
'lei 11 him. H immediately laid informa-
tio4m against them. One named Silver-
sm th has be tn arrested and identified;
thel other is s ill at large.
-t-Mr. Tholhas Stock, reene of kVater-
dot n, while returning from bundas
Sa urclay af -rnoon, was throWn vio-
len ly out of lis buggy in consecinence of
his horse shy g. He was found lying
in- lie road nconscious and bleeding
pr fusely fro a a severe wound lon his
head. Mr. tock was taken home and
attended to,, and is now recovering,
but will be c nfined to his bed fOr soine
tie r)e. i
-The Saltation Army opened their
campaign in Montreal last Sunday. An
open air rnee • g Was held on Victoria
square at 10 • 'clock. Thousands of peo-
ple assemble L The proceeding i were
very disorder y, the salvationist§ being
pebecl with •nowballs and chunks of
ice. -The pol ce arrested the revivalists
Calodged ti em in the police station.
Several prom nent citizens bailed them
1 4 -Mr. Moo y, who is now at Milwau-
keel, says the accounts of Mr. Sankey's
'linen have.een greatly exaggerated.
Sahkey is nor at Clinton Springs. His
roable is li-tcom laint, but he is much
etter than b
ot- been in
tronble, and
opinion that '
aga4n. be abiGi.
--There is
sley, a local
was found o
roadside at
near Uxbrid
when discove
broken, and t
tact. To th
-A terrible explosion of gas ok plane
at the residence of Mr. David, it -ontreal,
on Sunday morning. Two of. the ser -
tante went into the pantry tt turn off
the gas at the meter, carrying; lighted
candie„When an explo.siontookip.he that
literally shook the house to its founda-
' 'he two servants Were blown into
the kit ,hen and Completely :ea Yered by
debris and badly injured. The house is
a wreck, not a :single:pane of gl ss teing
left whole.. The hall door wa blown
into t14 street ;The billiard e was
tUrned upside! down and e_ ery 'or-
nament in the :drawing -room w shat-
-On Saturday C. W. Smith, V.'S.) :of
Jamestown, New York, visited he farm -
of Robert GiIray, near Meaford„ and re.
moved,- large fubo fleshy tumor, .eighing
over 13 ponnsls, from the sub m xi:Mary
space f a prize -POW, valued at $500.
The tunior had grown strong' to the
posteriOr angle of the subma Markt
and p4steriorly to the trach a. The
animal presented suck :a loath me ap-
pearanee that although several veterin- •
arlea were called none would. operate.
Mr. Gib:ay has received Wo d -that
the animal is doing well and . eems- to
experience . no inconvenience f om the
- -Tle throngh freight traffic rom the
west t the seaboard over he Grand
Trunk lailway has largely in r ased of
late, aid all the available loc motives
and tr in staffs are kept consta tly em-
ployed. The winter rates are now in
force, and it is altogether probe, le that
the weektraffic receipts traffireceipts will make a
much More favorable showing han for
some t$te past. In this corm ction it
may be!mentioned that the ship ents of
dressed beef from Chicago to 13 ston in
Swift's refrigerator cars are now sent by
way of Stratford; it being fou d that
better ime ca
n be made than by the
Great Western division, whie had a
monopoly of eastbound freight f r ayear
Or mor.
David Allan died at is . re,si-
dence in Goderich last week. e was .
79 year3 of age. Mr. Allan en igrated
to thcountry from the orth of
city of
many years ago, in t e capa-
nuesionary, and was pl ed in
had een. His voice has charge of the Presbyterian con egation
'the least affected by his ind Norh Easthope, county of Perth,
Ir. Moody expressed the where he labored continuously f4r about
*th his
time his associate would 36 years. He gave up his charg
accompany him in his eight years ago and removed to
ieh, where he has since resided
talk of investigating the
of the death of John Pug -
attic dealer, whose corpse
October 15 last on the
andford, a small village
e. It is now alleged that
ed the deceased's neck was
at his -wallet was not in -
present the matter has
son, Mr. A. McD. Allan. The
gentleman ranked high as a prea
the gospel, was always an enth
advocate of temperance, an earn
sincere Christian. He was in the strong.
est sense of the term a good man' Mrs.
Allan, three sons and a d4ighter,
survive him. The remains wer inter-
red in Guelph on.Friday.
cher of ,
st and