HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-12, Page 7is, or t the erut )r ux Thor [scum - T the • 'them 'many nireiy ad re. rders ere aSeit .a r, in - ;to eell LLti r•cloek, stook. ir and I -springs te port- o1i i tliree 4 pring tot of ona /en' et Mille, 1 Rake, nu - Ne will pro- 4tins of :atethe led en - dollar k E. 'sa7-2 T. Tiard- pur- James twit, is ith the AW atiee. ;avid. s. daily. a terms ;114. REST iw PaSt e LIL ; of the. odueed, TEM lour, Entire SS. 1•-• fa et. Ir3r Ix a ter„ ny light * 'tide to give isfaetion ea, Mit- MA( SA ANT t at era in an ittily use ot :smeared 5.tovh. and aslairh respeet„ weed to money al -at -Mass quality Lantern, it Street, tss. -1,ER • re-titted ten folly - ';•t; Ira. and ir!:-; !AIM - 4. -.1-1 ith shippeal Itailways • !"- .• - ;TORY* 5.a• Cheese tee at 1 balonne 4-,-44,44-k a bihties reeeive let Tflilk prt and no; -2 • • DECEMBER 12, 1884 News Notes. one of the party, noticing n object —W. I. Martin, news ellitor of the Stmoving about 100 yards ahem of 1 - . Innis Globe -Democrat, has just been drew his rffie and fired, It pr wed tolbe left $100.000 by the death of Daxid one of his eompanions, who' he had • Gregg, of Edinburg, Scotland, his uncle. mistaken for a deer. Medicall id wasJat The deceased made a fortune in the ouce summoned from Pettplet but ttr- ' Druirinfitetuve of printing p1eeses. rivedloo late to he of any ayi il, as the —Blotutin, at 60, is fat and slightly wounded man -survived but a 3r ry shed grey, but he is as clever and daring iis time. The name of the u fortunate .eYer ou the rOpe. 11t is now tuore than a Man 'VOSJoseph Woodhouse and the .quarter (4 a century since he th•st crossed, almosk, equally unfortunate i :the Niagara river, and he looks hack who tired the fatal shot is Jol to that -feta as the greatest of his life. - The party were all froth Sam' _Lady Florenee Dixie lately sent a large wreath of Africa.n immortelles to the queen at Balmoral requesting that it be laid upon the grave of john Brown. In:return the queen sent her a copy of one of Landseer's paintings. , —Six masked men with drawn revolv- ers entered the residence of George Young and Levi Weisman, near Beaver, Pennsylvania, the other day. After terrifying the occupants they bound and aae-aed both-nleii aud several ladies pre - e •-...nr, sent, and secured $600: and a lot of jewelry mut silverware. The robbers • , THE flUF.ON E POSITOR. n . ' --The death of thc gey. Jan 'es Howfie is announced as having taken placelat his reSillence at Coinber, Esse, -county, on Sabbath, 23rd ult. The deceased was a native of _Kilmarnock, Scotland, and NV*as• in the seventieth year 1 his agc. at the time of his death. He , migrated to Canada in the year 1864, NO en he es- sumed charge of Zion,- church (1-uelph, as also of the adherents of the lorrison- jail denomination at Ayr. , So ne ,yetirs - ago he left the congregational 1 joined the Presbyterian elm three years ago he was placed of the churches at Comber and escaped. .—The 25,th anniversary- of Patti's ap- - which he retained up to the th . tearance on. the stage was celebrated on - at illness. Mr. Howie was u the -night of the 21-it1i vit.., at. the New esteemed as a sineere christian .1: many •friends 'Will regret to lea ork _Academy of Music, where she made her debut in 1859. paw appeared . death. for the tirst time as- ‘•- and re- ---l'ost office Inspector Dewey eeived an ovation. At the. conclusion (4 left suddenly last (Welling for \ the Opera she was escorted to her \diem serious complications hotel by a toreldight procession and, gularities are. reported in c - serenadedwith the Winnipeg post ()thee 'z i . —Sugar is .& d to the cows on a large the general postal serviee in dairy farm near Luidcra, Eligland, with Yinee. Tilere appears to good results. It induces the cattle to wholesale robbery of registered le eat every mouthful of food in the somewhere naid it is believed ti at n one hundre4 that have been mile 1 itt manger, instead of leaving partas cattle usually do. The sugar itiao improyeg the Winnipeg and which hav pt ssed A ar ist Ry. t fo • -; ody • •eh, a id in char Tilbm ie of his iiyerSally and his 11 o his , Ott 1.111;a:1 Ind ir0-' nine tiOu lid Vial. hat Ho- well ters arily Le flavor of the milkthro-uah that office are missing. —A visitor to the Louisville Polyteeli iiiinent post office departmei nie .Art Gallery, discovered a picture says that post office matter whit+ he claims • is Rambrandt's a terrible state at Winnipeg_ j ” tilautditer of the Innocents.- He pur- andthatthere is mischief to 1 ehas4it from the owner for $400. The spector Dewey will be absei painting is celcbrated in history and least three weeks and:will make a connoisseurs have been searching- for it ough investigation before r tun for years. It is not known how the pie- which inay result, in several 1 npoi - ture wzt ttv Louisville. chantres being made in the pos ti r double inarriaLre-eeremony of for- of the proVince of Manitoba. flier l'erthitis took place zit Hamilton, ----Wm. Johnston, alias4aeo Dakau, on the •...1.0th ult. .11r. Alex. his escape from the Kingston Roney, son of It. JOseph Roney, of tiary at considerable peril to flibbert enter( ,1 the twin 7 of benediets in On Sunday he made .a dun na Latter. Also placed it in his bed in the eel lave, Mr. David - out of sight and to the south -k , Pmre, of Hamil- company with 1:1.iss Lay at e the samtime and Page, son of Mr. Joh A worked' a way between the d ton. Dakota, late of Loan., finnned a to the roof. With the aid of life partnership ‘vith Miss Mary &um he made the descent to the yai Roney. (taught.. r t Mr. Jies'eph Roney, the guardhouse, spliced -a 'add of Hibl;ert. the Avail and was free. . He —Dr. Ernest tdit. a hygienist, ints,in • missed until Monday mornn a lecture on the.= lessons of the Health when the dummy was disco\ e Exhibition, str-ongly urged the lighting did not rise 3A -hen ordered, h up of Hyde Park and the other great reported to the Deputy Win 1 open spaces (it London with electricity, the convict was dead. Join and the playin:_, uf mfflitary bands for convicted in Belleville of bur( the amusement of the people. He esti- sentenced tO'ReVell. 3real'S mates the cost as only J.:5.000 annually. year ago. It was thought. at The idea of responsibility for the ameli- that he was one of those who r oration af the poorer classes has made Kingston Car Works office. such strides in the last few years that rested in Belleville he was fould : . the idea may he realized before. long. top of a church spire —The new dining car Wentworth, of ---A barn .and outbuildms the Miehigan Central, attached to the farm of Alfred Pipe, situated fast New York express, caught fire just side the Guelph city limits, after passing Tiliiston Tuesday night pletely destroyed by fire, tke the 25th ult. The ea,I1 for supper had their contents, at an early just been ;4ounded, and the car was filled Thursday morning. 'When c with paseen.!,ers. when it began to fill the flames had. made such hem with smoke and names from the forward it "WaS impossible. to save aiwth end. Thet•e was no waiting for cere- totti loss will be- between. $11 mony. 'tut everyone rushed for tlie sleep- S12,000. There is an ins-tirane ing cars in the reiir. The train as ';':;2,000 or $3,000 in the Ro3-al stopped ;end the Imrning ettr, by this Enid, so that Mr. Pipe's los time completely on fire inside, was cut heavy. A'most unfortunate ai d 'out and lett blazing on the track, where ing scene at the fire WaS the 1 in it slowly inwned down to the ti ucks. thirty-Kt:yen head of .cattle a u The cooks and waiters lost till their horses. The cattle were all brel eiOthing except 11hat they hail onimported stock, and foimerly b Some of the passengers also lost part to the SpeedSide herd of Di of their etfecte. rl`otal loss about Their value was placed at 1 $7.000 and Whitelaw —Dr. F. Du Castro, it -well-known -tosh had been threshing for Mr.' resident of Newai-k, New ,Iersey, suicid- the day previous, and four of the ., ed Sunday afternooii, shooting •11orses burned lvere owned 14,! self in the ItemL He left letters showing They also lost their separator,. 1 that he had. -been contemplating the deed lia,d been recently purchased at a c more than a year. Among Ins papers 8400. eial 'Tit -hill 1.` iy• , sli- Ted and :ad -tills iedcOrd d pt- ssed ✓