HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-12, Page 1stock a
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ItIcLEAN BROS., Publisher
$1.50 a Year, in Advance
Chriwnas Comes but once a Year,
and when it c046$ it briays
Good heer.,
Wauts to make himself and the people happy
during the holidays. This being- my first Christ-
mas in the grocery trade in Seaforth, 1 have de-
termined to make a good impression on the
minds of the public. • Every luxury and. delicacy
suited for the festive season has been prOeured,
and will be sold at such priees as will allow every
one to indulge. The list opens with half -a ton of
Christmas Candies, specially made for our trade,
-and warranted pure. Fresh Oranges and
Le111011S, AinlOnd SIAS, Filberts and 'Walnuts,
London Layer Raisins, Golden drown Layers,
Dehesia. Raisins, Black Baskets, Sultana Raisins,
Currants—six different prices,- French Prunes,
Turkish- Prunes, Figs in great variety ; also, half
ton or Christmas Candiear, Eleme Grapes,
Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels Pure Extracts
and Essences, Pure Fresh Spices, Jams and
Jellies, Pickles and Sauces, Potted Meats and
Canned Goods, French Capers and Olives, old
Government Java Coffee, ground fresh daily ;
Finnan Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters, Siseoes,
Herrings, Fresh Eggs, Fresh Butter, Poultry,
Spiced Bacon, Cheese_
Twenty-five more chests of that celebrated
TEA at 30e per pound.
Also, another shipment of the GREAT 50e
TEA. Every one that tries it says it is the best
they ever had for the money -
Pure unadulterated, uncolored JAPAN TEA,
three pounds for a dollar_
Hqf et ton of Christmas Candies.
Morrison's oid stand, head of Market Street,.
man Bros.
,Seatettes and Seal Flushes—special vaiues.
Furs of adi kinds—extra bargains.
Mantle Cloths-,-Blaek and Colored—new and
Ilsterings—just in and selling very low.
Dress Goods—all lines—selling at cost.
Velveteens—Colored and Blaek—away down
in prices.
Corsets, Gloves, Collara, Ties, Silk Handker-
chiefs, and all lines of Fanny Goods suitable for
the Holiday trade in great variety, and at prices
to suit everybody.
Millinery and Mantle
la still going on. .Every lady in this County
Should call and get some of our cheap HATS,
S.—Butterieles Monthly for December to
‘4. Call and get one free.
{The December meeting of the (nutty
Council opened at Goderich on If iesday
of last- week: After the menib rs ,had
taken their • seats the Warden, r •ferred
briefly to ,; the business likely t - &vine
before the Council, after which • t le_iol-
lowing doentinents-- were read- the
el rk : • . ! •
*circular from the County Cot neil of
Ontario, - requesting the co -opera, ion • .of
-th s council in petitioning the Minister
of Railways to relieve inimicipaliti.s who
havegrantedaid to railways declred to
be in the interest of the • Domin on , of
Canada generally, was read and r ferred
to a special comMittee. - •
- Circular from the County Cos nisil of
Kent requesting the co-opett thin if this
Chuncit to 'rwocure an amewhnent to the'
aet feeimposing.a tax on dkgs did. for
the protection. of -sheep, Ades re d and
referred to the speeiat committee. ' •
"cothinunication from the Co; ety
Cciuncil --of Wellington, requestit e 0.- theco-operatien of this Council in m mori-
'a ,,- lizinthe I ;overnment to- Omit ail to•
the county poorhouses, industKial fries
or general hospitals established in coun-
ties was read and filed. , .,
LThe'award of the arbitrators la tneien
the ceuatt- and:township of Mateis;'re-
epectine the. cutting away -ofete sill on
the road near Mace -ale, was read. The
award gave Mortis the Sum of .:$30 for
damages„ and ordered the county 0 pay
the costs which amounted to $50. - -,
• :
The - following reports of the °Road
Comm iseio niers were _ read ' and r &reed
to the Road and Bridge Committe te '
Mr.. (tire -in reported that he I li td. the
. approaches to the Kintail bridge 'le salved
at a cost q,625, a,nd the approac les to
the bridge!Pn the 8th-conceSsion c f Col-
borne were repaired at an exp rise of
S. A bridge on the boundary of West
- -Wawartoeh and Kinloss, knoe, -n as
Vekie's bridge', was repaired, °sting
• $8.30 to Huron. The iron brie cse at
Manchester was tested on -the. 30t 1, day
of August last, and t wasssubjecteto- a
very . severe strain. I had . four 'geed
teams, two abreast, follawing eacl other
as closely as they etiald. Some. • f the
Nmgon6 had a load of two cubic ya 'ds of
tis id %stones-, which with the team and
w sgois could not n-60 less. than .9,000
lb ... eatsh. - These were in thefiksi lace
w lked aeros,s-, and then. a secom thne
as rapidly as they could travel, aa: d the
whole load •seemed to make no it pros -
slots whatever- on the structure i i any
way. The testing of the bridge s ensed
eminently satisfactory, and is we 1 eel,
ciliated totgive the travelling pubrc NH
confidence in its stability. I nitie say
that while the work of filling in th; short
span at the - east- end was in .pr
fears were expressed that the abet meld
woutd not be alAe to sustain the e -eight
of the, embankment, and being- at a lots
to know what to do the warden wa • tele-
graphed for to come and advise, about
it, and it was -decided that. in or( er to
remove the public fears and quit the
disturbing rumors to have the latter
examined into. So Mr. Johnsto 1, the
.chief manager and head engineer , if the
bridge company who Were ' dein r the
work„ was requested to meet the Warden
and Mrs Adamson at the work at d ex-
amine it. • lie came as request& , and
his opinion - was that -there was g •ound
for fears each as referred to and b gave
such instructions as would re:nes y the
d.efect and these were hilly carried es t. He
also pointed out that tsi stonerin wan
ist the west end of tlie bridge o the
north side was in a ietier bad cons ition.
-This place was covered with snew st the
time that Mr. Macdougall made Vs ei-
aminationin the month of Februaa ,and
so . it was not discovered until theist
After consultation with the waadei, and
the other .commiseieners On the ( ay of
testing it was decided to have it •
down •and rebuilt, -which I had
under very close end careful super
aser visited the' work every secons
I found when taking the waltdome
there had been very inferior and,
tive work. In some places there 1
mortar but just • sand. Owing
ppsition of the .bridge at the eas
provision had to be nutde to carr
water away from both • sides • of t
proach which I had done, but ONO
as no
o the
e ap-
ig to
the difficulty of doing so satisfactorily
the cost was considerable. I may say
that on the whole thee work has been
'done very well and. is a credit to the
county. I may add that I have given
instructions to have some rapidly gr wing
trees planted at the sides of th ap-
proaches at both ends of the bride, and
sown in good clean grass, so that chile
they add a little to the beauty f the
place they will with their roots stre igth-
en the embankments. -It was els con-
sidered necessary to have some ri -i-rap
work to protect the northwest corn'r of
the masonwork. The stones us4d in
loading the wagons for testing wer put
there. The cost of the whole without
repairing the wing wall is about $7,294.
The bridge at Bounillers required
repairs on the east abutinent which I
had done at a cost of $7. I regret to
have to say thet this bridge is nowI very
much decayed, and will need to 'b • re-
built before long, as I consider it ie not
safe for heavy teaming. I believe t has
decayed quicker because it was co4-tar-
red before it was dried out in the heart.
The appreaches to Help's bridge were
repaired and the bolts tightened,
cost in all $9:50. The 'floor will te-
quire some slight repairs. • 'TM ap-
proaches and hand -railing of the God-
erieh bridge were repaired, at a c st of
$11.90. Port Albert bridge was re-
paired, costing $4.50, Allen's b idge
approaches were repaired, $7.87.
foundation. and approaches to ti e 18
Alile river -bridge and the abutment e ere
repaired at _a cost of $25.' A rock
elm floor was put an the Amb rley
bridge and otherwise repaired, at a cost
of $66.90. I had the floor of the b 'idge
raised two feet higher so as to keei the
teams from rushing on to the bridge, as
formerly-. The floor of the Nine -Mile river
ridge was renes e
r5.5a. • The; bridg
concession., he we n
Wawanoeh was re su
repaired at al cot
; bridge betweett-C • lb
• 11-• anosh was refloo .0
"aired at a cot of
between Htillett,: •tai
known- as-byer br d
Me. ae being. ere u
it on ex -amnia .on q
reported. Al er .0
waedcal and' soinel A
14th of Oetohet; t
ceede ;1 to Jet A ,c n,
built. lt1 is uhw 1
)011 c ist $265. T - e
was s lortened• at io
feet, • nd the f ite '
0.111,VO ,
b .
Ma •Gibeon rep( rt
cerdir g to iestr te..-t
meeti ig of this c • tri
bad a fenc,e plut o
b -idge, at a seeet o , I-1 ,
ce ds (if the bridge n
.tle B 'more read, it
and t ie place 4 Vie
appro wit to Wro et
at.-thc J title m eth g 't
at a cost. of $1 .50 ;I
gravel road tat) mike
has been rebuilt, t t
may say that evl wbirid, e Hound, thk 1;:.-`.t
r01111 i ed. length of a
II • loii - 1,
L it -.1s
'bridg a, mid as en
• -iwee my datt, to
by re' using to ha
these considertitim
the at in mentihne( ,
torilv completed, in
.. do, to report the f be
reduc al its spAn t< f
believe,• According to
of sort 6 of the peo si•
safely have •been es
These facts are fo
I rece veil in July
, at Fisher's
in bat conditi ta.
and li 1(1 501110 ma.
it.. 71 reels:red ha
bridg is Very ton
I dot ot feel that
fectly- reliable and
to bthe -isbuilt in t
is 210 feet Isei. in
feet. I had a: lieu m
hemlo •Is laid oh 't1 c
becau e the floor tha
. Very titin. I repa re
' iie on examinatim
heavy load go qu e
strone indications o
lieve hie bridge w 11
'milt text season
delay, the approac le
the 31 11t0 1401111(la
alld'it is ready for r
extuni ai the Londe -b
baer, id i found i
After edrisaltation
i-econt treaded to In
placed tinder it; ln
break- ig up of the
carry t awity. • T
have ti) be -put ..n. awe
a new beidge i • er et
speedp i
i y as .- ssil le
,good cedar pleas ti er
, good -hough fo • e ot
but th abutmente at
-, entirely gone.; ,Th s
" haps be. safely She
, piers. were in a pro
' Mr, Hardy, rep
bridge on the Bay e
' enito. geburn brid • e,
since 1- st June has b
; isfactprily, th • c m
, 8596; making app 0S
ling -U. same. $ 5. Alms: the sin
, btidge opposite let 3Q between --1
arid T •ckersmi b. •.T is bridge is
' of 28 f eit in .th c , ' resting
, stone- . butmen e telawas b
the r1 ronto hr. dge c mpany• at a
nd the s on butments
es $500, the -0 nty of Per
‘-half thd co t. • MeCann's
e80.1130bonnd r hae had e
pairs, rods t .g toted and
n.e of the ir g Wall ston
as badly s en, :and I h
unt and 1. abutments
cost of $ including '
htenin b . The bri
lias had small repo
f Perth p
IX Sable bridge
eeis : ,uron and
al tar ed, end t•
en fenced along
idge for 100 feet.
the same Udall
at an - expe ise of
opposite the 3rd
shtield- and . West
t, and epPr 'aches
of $66.12,t. The
•-ne and WIZ.: t Wa-
and approae. les re -
0.38.• The midge
East WaW snosh,
was reper ed to
afe, and I found
te as bad S s was
ultation \ .11 the
he . reeves, (11 the.
ontlesboro I pro -
et to ha e it re-
arly finis' ed, and
oor of th
ends. alioe. eight
ed with ft n e and
.1 as folio
its given. ..
11 in June
11 ends ( f
-0, and als
ti of Wio. e
a cost of.
-ide of th
• bridge,
s unsafe,ti
rhe .bridge
eolith of .
!cost of ..i
wiecless t
asanty ")rith
the list ,
could 'tot
anger pub!.
let a cont
rid got it
ending; as
to this col
i -
iorteen fee
he represe
near by, i
eed still
our consid
1itt Winght
t once vis
pairs execi
Q report ti
'ably deca3
n report it
e,andit will
ta s tt.,1
o the
er on
n the
e, but
t such
e that
c• travel
et for
I now-
and *I
It stions
11 rther.n
h st. the
111 WaS
t al' it,
t on
il tliis
el, and
onung SCa..01. It
in he shortened 60
.tier of flood ig of
'bridge at Br issels
[was on it niL.:worn
it in this a nner,
ad observi, one
y over it, t gave
weakness. •; be -
'require to 1 e re -
A f ter consi dtrable
••• to the Ise .d ee on
have been Li ishcd
vel. 1 was called to
ro bridge b Octo-
in bad cm clition.
ith 3Ir. E litt, I
a temportety bent
is likely tl a the
in -the S1)rll, will
es -ill 111 th it ease
n temporarily until
• d, as it mu t be as
There a -6 two
, which' ex quite;
el; supersti.U ture,
both ends 'a -a both
bridge nig
ied if the
place. ,
d as follow,
1 read,
under const
en eomplet
met price
'thee and
8425, c.
ing on
pi the
t de r
floor, -
'sante re
arid • ti
the rod
SO 11
it a COSt of
. •Lya : • ilne One -hal
nthe 1)01111(18u end
east -
lehe a
ISInd. Creek,
eaT, which
ported. unsafe at th.. J ne' meetin
the ' consent of t e inspector o
eohnty of Middltese , has, !been re
'NSTIli(;11 1 now coosider safe for a ) et
tvto, the two costiny $165.0,. the
of Middlesex pty n one-half..
Ci editen bridge. hat al ea been coa
ed and the rods , ti lit lied. The
peek midge end Aux Sable. brid
1ta een 4eplienl and H - have' alio
repaired, costing .9q. At the
Stone areh bridge o 1 the :Londoi
pressing, Bell's (re;k, 1 found th
was washing awey he lapproach
north lead. I ilta 1 • edar alert
.built arid securely f st ned with t'
roadway. • This Ise. leei ;event any
•-ii-itsli that might an age tie
"Silver I Creek brie go and Ega
bridge have aleo be Ln i paired at
shf $36., In a bridg o the towi
beteeeit Hay and 5 e en known a.
Collingwood bridge b ilt about 1
Sego, scene of the -ti h I are very
decayed. This bri g must be
t spring.
M the early part Of n
Oman bridge betste n anley end
near Kippen, will 11 N. been'rebult
there .ttre -good -to d o the ,qu
would recommend t e uilding of
ttone abutments, ad T with
.-tone and backed w t good larg
etone, aS the abutm D are only
eight feet from th d of the
Considering the hei )f the.abu
-and t-hci span I ant f he epinio
-11 as
i bert
())0d .
tilt by
st of
rn ap-
111)116 -
o ring
e at
, the
be -
o have.t he
re -
r or
air -
be -
eciiionl 8t
3 ears
so a
y, I
alaitments of this ind will -car 'ye any
bridge that may 1) placed. on it, and
will .effect a good sa •'ing in the eost. I
wohld further retain mend that tenders
be received for the building a • abut-
ments as aforsaid a id iron Osuperstruc-
tuees for both of t iese bridges, to be
laid before this coil iciI at the tannery
seseion for their ap royal:
gr. (-4. Elliott, 1 oad Commissioner,
reported on the Work done m der his
eve .: 131.-idge known
the 1st eel cession
p, repaired wit -h new
es fenced an :1 grey-
'. Hall's br' dge, in
, has been lc:paired
and other -epaits,
31.24a Baylich bridge
floor -
in all
under -
nted to
suPervision as foll
as pulley bridge, 01
of Godei.•ich towneh
floor and appeoacl
died at a cost of $6
the same townshie
with new flooring
amounting M all to
'lee been repah•eil svrth some 11CA
ing and other repair s, a-mu:nth%
to $23. I•had Turi er's..bridge le
The centre bent wa. . washed mit
neeth. I his(' it. filled with
.which, with other epairs, amou
$10. - I also had tit Summerhill bridge, -
On th.e,Base Line, r paired •at ai cost' of
7' 14. 1 had the brie go known as Craig's
widoe, on the -Bay, field river, 1 epaired
nd had som ' slight
'8 -bridge at . cost of
much decay ed and
-travel, 0.11(1 would
•CCOIffillend -the buil ling of .,a new bridge.
'he Warden, Mr. A 'alines" ant myself
,xamined Londeebo o bridge ant found
t unsafe for travel, and had •thr - e falso
seas placed undet _ it at a cost, of $71,
dge be
tad the
w floor
and other repairs, amounting t $135.
1 recommend that the Commi sionprs
I examine this bridge as thel strin ers are:
muell decayed. Ti e bridge known ": as ,
Rethweire bridge, o 1 the Baylield river,
was completed about the 20th sheptem-
ber. The contract rice was5 '0, aed
extras $30, for rai ing . abutme itsn
. Oe
foot higher than N -fiS called fo • in the
speCifications. The • pproacbes w re also
built at a cost of $84. The new In idge at
'Hohnesville was .c impleted abint the
cost of
11 $2,807.Crieve s
has been co.n pleted.
there has be el some
end no don t •sonie
ing the app -oael es
made up.. T se
Was such as I ce re-
eavieg of c st, 1.ut
unfortunately ss -hen Iit was aboul finish-
ed, the one at the east end of the bridge
burst through..! The timbers I had
caufed to be placed there to ret tin the
embankment. - This -was the c use ,f
'smite loss and delay or a few day which
I eXceedingly •regret - After- the timber
work had given way I used the • eitmost,
endeavors to have the reed again pass-
able and had the w rk conipleted in a
week from the time
part of that tune th
hands of the compan
work, making imp
by the committee ap
it before it could be
tractors' hands. I
and stone abutmei
very satisfactory an
expected tostandfir le for a• lon
aches mey
me to time
total cost
Ryan's brid
Morris,- ha
nt to adjoin'
and after routine pro,ceedings the
of Mr. O'Reilly, lnsbector of As
was read and referr d to the ga
cella house comniitt e.e,
• A petition from M'. S. T. jack
41 others praying to
Heusall erected in
was, read and referr
Moved by'Alr. Ha
-by Mr. Wray, tha
'nearest to any count
hotine given by any
the tame at once, pr
-do islet exceed $20.
and Bridge committee.
umber of ac
until ten.
et a eoet • of $84, t
I-enah•s made to Bal
14. This bridge i
s not safe for pulni
, tml I recommend ti
built as soon as piss
Clinton bridge repai
at a new br
bier I also
red With a 11
first of October at a cost of $20
an additional span of 50 feet at .a
$300 and the appr a,ches at a
$317, making in
bridge, in McKillop
I May here say that
difficulty mid delay
extra expense in get
to .,, this bridge
plan at first adopted
sidered would be a
t broke down and
bridge was in the
that did the iron
ovements required
(Anted to eXa,mine
taken off tiI
le con -
believe the bridge
s are both goed
structure s, new
mea -confide tly be
T time
as 011
f this
se, be -
1 and
to come. The appr
slight repairs f om t
approaches do. Th
bridge was $5,848.
tween MeKillop an
rebuilt at a 'cost of $
eae. -VAT
V r ED
:" Council met•pursu
n aad •
lave the vil age pf
a police illage
d to a speci 1 com-
nah and se °mad'
the Reeve living
,bridge shall upon
person, rep ir the
vide& such epairs
eferred to th Road
After passing a n
the emincil adjourne
on Thtirsdey.
AY, Dec. 4,l
The council met in rsuant to ad
meet. An applicati
foot was read, aski
County engineer, and
Road and Bridge - coin
Alpved by Mr. CI
Mr. McMillan, that
be authorized to. put a firmer
on the approach at D er's bridge,
gravel road, leading
rom Blyth to
ch ester. Referred to e Read and
Meved by Mr. Ess n and second
Mr. Itatz, that the Yard -els and
on behalf of this cou 61 do petitio
Provincial Legislatu e to .amend
Municipal Act in so f r -as to more
cularly define -the lim ts Of responsi
of municipalities rega ding acciden
roads and bridges, ..
other, protection on
preaches to bridges.
Special committee.
Mot -ed by Mr. S
by Afr. McMillan an
Comniissioners and
and lay before the
ment of the numb
erected this year w
whether iron or wood
and dost of each b
TheLfellowing is the
to': •
Holmesville bridge, wood
Grieve's bridge, McKillop, iron
Rathwell's bridge, Stanley wood
Manchester bridge, iron
Dyer's bridge, East Wawa osh, wood
Lucknqw road
Brussels bridge, wood
a from Mr. roud-
to be ap stinted.
was referred to the
Irrie, second d by
the commiss oners
n the
cl by
s on
reefing fences or
roadsides or ap-
Referred to the
rachan, sec4ided
carried, tha1 the
Clerk pr pare
Council a —s te-
of 'new bridges
thin the county,
the length of span
-dge respectively. '
statement referred
Moved by MK. Tho pson, and sec6n9d-
ed by Mr, Kaine, tha this Council ea-
tion the Dominion Povernment , to
adopt a ifertain standar(' for. apple bee -
eels, as at present there exists; different
sizes, alike unjust to produce dealers
end consumerse—Cataied. • i _
• Moved by Mr. Johnou, seconded by
Alr. McAlurchie, and carried, that he
-darnel -grant to thee M idel Schools be
paid over to the respective Public Sell ol,
Boards of Goderich and Clinton.
Moved by Dr. Bnchee alit. seconded by
3.1r. -McPherson, and carried, that he
Treasurer be instructed to lay 'before he
Council thg-total cost to this - county of
the, appeal- against thc. eqtuilizatioi of
lest J un e. .
- The ainount was .$692
- The 'Special Commit ce reported on
a petition from the Co nay of Vieth ia,
asking the Council to c -operate in p ti-
tioaing the Dominion Goverument to
refund to the municipal ties the amou Its
paid in Municipalbm usea to railw., ys
which have now been taken under lie
control of the Dominion Geyer= mt.,
and declared to be Doi Union railWaLys,
that the Warden and Clerk be moues ed
to co-operate with th county of Vic-
toria in this matter. The commit ee
recoMmended that - th prayer - of he_
petition of S. T. Jacksoi he granted,. end
that a by-law be passed establishing the
village of Hensall a poli e village. The
committee alse teconn tended that no
action be . taken. on tl e motion of Mr.
ESSOD coneerning . amendment to the
Municipal Act. .
Moved. by ?ilt'. Kel. y, eeconded Iby
'Ale. Elliott, in amendment to the report,
that .this Council do„ rieniorialize the
Lieutenant -Governor in Council to urge
911 his Government the necessity of loCk-
ing after the interests of the municiptli-
ties" in receiving justice itt the handSi of
the Dominion Government in reference
to railway subsidies paid by the varieus
municialities in ' OntarW. Lost onl a
division by a majority Of 20.. 1
Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded iliy
3.1r. Campbell, and .Carried, that in view
of the large expenditure in school monies
by/this Council, the Clerk do prepare and
lay before this Council at its next. meet -
Mg . a statement, showing the amonht
paid to ea -eh Inspectot for salary and
expenses, and also for the entrance
examination's. . 1
Moved by iMr. Johnston, seconded !by
Mr. Allen and carried, teatin view of the
large expenditure of Money in payment of
Road Commtssioners' expenses, that the
Clerk do prepaie and lay before this
council a statement securing the amerint
paid out during the past year to each
stment when produced showed tlat
road - cOmmiesioner for expenses. Teisate
the paymente to the several Road Cont-
niissioners amounted to $695. . !
The council adjourned Until ten o'clock
- routine proceedinge Mr., Girslin
FRIDAY', 'Dec. 5, 1884.!
, .
moved, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that
the Warden and Clerk -memorialize the
Ontario Govermnent te recognize the
ervices of the surviving volunteers Id
1837-38 in a substantial ' way.—Carrited.
Moved by Mr. Kelly end seconded by
Ir. Bissett, that this domicil strongly
ecommend to our suc4essors in °thee, -
to dispose, - is possible, -with the Deceits-
er meeting of this conneil in - future.
Upon a vote -being take -there voted for
he motion 23, and
he Warden declared th
Moved by D. D. Wilt
Ohn McMillan and c
uggestion of -the Treasu.
etter to the council, viz,
seittures amounting to
ent held by this c.oun
lebentures that may con
ession of this county,
he ,Canadian Bank of
- rich, or oth r chartere
the county.
end the IP
This Motion was carried
mace Committees Report
taken $18 in bills to mak•e :for itself -a
cons ortable- winter meet. Ile thief was
eau, Irt and dispatched. with •a hammer,
Moved by Mr. Strachan, seconded by the 7inoney recovered and a dark mystery
Dr. Buchan n and carried, that notice 1.9 eXplahle(1. -
hereby glom to the council to make pro- --A farrier near Kingston hired a
vision for toe maintenance of Da,vid tramp and took him into his wagon to
Kinsman at d Eliza SmileY, indigent drive him home. ' .,Before they left the
tisane perso is residing in the township city the. tramp disappeared With a pair
of ()Trey. , of boots and 0 cap belong ng to ,,, the
The Gaol ml Court House Committee farmer,.
reported ha ring visited and examined ,. —Last Week Dr. Stewart, A Chesley,
the gaol and found the repairs previously :' performed a very delicate en gicai oper-
ordered an carried out and the gaol atioa, in removing a large c neer from
in . its usual clean and neat condition. the eye of a lady near Paisle. -. This is
niey found 8 male prisoners, 4 being only one of the many di "cult eases
se.grants un ,
waiting tr al for different offeneb.s.
There is ohe female prisoner, who is
_mane. It lis recommended that the
tendeorted havi t- found other improvements
r of Satniel Platt for cordwood for
he gaol b Accepted. They 'also re-
ordered abot t the public buildings car-
ried out.
il)oril:tie.led lirneacci'
er sentence, and the others whi di Dr. Stewart -:has
treated, •
—The Dominion Governs/a
cided to extend the pos3tol
bank system to Nova Scotia,
wicliji and Manitoba. On the
uar thirty-five new offices will be opened,
eigl, t in Manitoba and twenty-seven in
the Lower Provinces.
and Bridge Committee re- A de.structie-e fire occurred in Port
mending the adoption of Dalhousie, at midnight on S nday, dui--
he Road C
nt have de -
.('c savings
New BrunS-
kt of -.Jan -
minissioners' reports ; that .ing 'which an old man wa • so badly
he bridge oh the gravel road about two bn di
ued that be ed Monday afternoon.
stiles south of Brussels be struck off the The
widge, at L 1ewer Wingham 1)e re -built prophet,
n thousand
ist of count bridges and that Fisher's doll
t once. Respecting the motion of Mr. threetens tn sue the Boston Herald and
Curry, askin r that a fence be placed at the 1. John, NONA,' Th'11.11SWi el , Globe for
Dyer's bridg, between Blyth and Man- Jibe, in saying that he had joined the
Olester, it is' recommended the mattel- be Sale ation Army, and had ( xperienced
eft to the di eretion of Mr. Girvin,Road domlestie troubles.
r. It is reeommended that —Four Inualred and thii y families,
taken on the motion of representing a„ population o two thou-
nah and Wray respecting sain. five hundred, have settl d between
s of bridges. ..It is recom- Mata wa, and the end of the Canadian
Londesboro and Ball's Pacific Railway up to the e -tremity of
ilt at an early day. Lake Superior. -
- This cone tided the business of the —Mrs. James Dean, of etroit, has
neeting and the council adjourned. Be- presente.d to Hellmuth Ladies' College,
fore adjourni igehowever,the Warden an- libriry. London $20- worth f books in
nom -iced tha he had not given the cus- men, ory of her daughter Alic e who was
tomary War pil for some time, and .% rho died in
intend doin iarly part of this year.
placed: the s A leap year social in connection
hands of th the -Methodist chinele at Bright,
County Cle It to be devoted towards, was a grand success. The ee ung ladies
aiding the d serving poor of ,Goderich. 1 cart' ed out the programme i 1 excellent
In behalf of the citizens of 'Goderich, ! 'ty14 The proceeds OVer -S30. Miss
Mr. Johnst n, Reeve, thanked Mr. I Hill occupied the chair with ability.
Gibson for h s generous donation. The 1 —The meeting of the 0 ford Bee-
ers' Assocration was hel in Wood -
on Monday and Tuesda last week.
meetings were largely a -tended on
days, the discuestens be ng of the
intetesting nature. .
A passenger arrived at '-t. Thomas
v days ago from Portage la Prairie,
ute to Whitby, who, wl- en he fell
p on the train bad a pur
550 in his pocket. Whei
pocketbook was on th
damage will exceed fifte
Wiggins, the weather
to action .1)
Messrs. Hai
,he repairin
mended th
bridges be 1)
Members th
turn again a
ethers to sin
tate life.
A large
have occurree
lIklward and
. I —Madam.
thirty-sevent y.
ntihead master of the Galt
p e f the sand, -Which they laim to be
thro -ugh the rock and brough up a sam-
The oil drillers of Botha- 41 have got
len's supper and he -did not a p
so, but instead he had the
m of fifty dollars in the
County Judge, and the witl
n separated, some to re- keer
the January •session and stoc
- into the oblivion of pri- The
• '
umber of sudden deaths a fe
I recently in Sarnia, Point
Fickle Vailla,ncourte of 1:1*, g
has just given birth to her "1:c
1 child, emp
Kilgour, an old and well -
e ,containe
Ise awoke
floor, but
—Mr. Jos.;
own resid nt of Ayr, died in Chicago
dt. ' r
exacilly the same as found in th;e Penn-
stitute, has resigned, hav- sYlv ina oil regions, and 1 they are
posi ixe of finding oil -at bout 1,20
tirely lost his hearing.
int of sugar stored in Mon- feet
than ever known before. — rs. Samuel Young, rbsiding in
ports this season foots ii rfilton swallowed a sot o artificial
DS. Which became lodged in ler throat.
mber of medical gentlemen were
in and by their united pkull a sue -
1 operation was perfo -riled, and.
Young is on a fair
he excitement on the su
ano.gement of lunatic
ec was intensified by the
on Thursday, that an u
patient in Beauport As
r death very tragicalV
esday in giving birth to a child.
son of R. C. Hume, of Belleville,
on his way home from the store,
ssaulted by two young oys in a
I manner. One of the y uths,nam-
w, stabbed him twiee in the thigh,
he attack
n the 22nd
—Mr. Bry
;ollegiate iri
i almost e
;--The amo
treal is large
The total it
ver 50,000
—Erskine i Presbyterian church, in
TOronto, whi 41 was almost destroyed by
fire M Jamie, y last was re -opened for
public worsh p last Sunday,
—Forty do tars and costs was the sen-
gainoltsitoniltost!3. thrice impose on a Toronto rowdy for
biting a pieee out of another man's
rried, that the
bY shoulder. ;
nded .
n, seco
. —Mr. Thomas Pearce, county school
er, made in his inspector, of Waterloo, while curling at
: that the de- Berlin the other day, fell and broke his
;19,500, at pre- collar -bone.
y, or any other —The brewers of the Ottawa district
e into the Os -
have obtained a list of all the farmers
e deposited in
who signed the Scott Act petition and
ommerce, God- will not emelt any of their barley. -
—The tinv iling of the statue of Sir
George Carti r, will, it is now ascertain-
ed, take plac immediately after the re-
turn of Sir J lin Macdonald.
—A Hami ton ma,n named Jeremiah
McCarthy hes been fined $40 or four
months in thei Central Prison for walk-
ing on the Graid Trunk Railway track.
—The othe1. night a thief attended -the
revival servicjis at Beamsville Methodist
church and c rried off an ,overcoat, fur
het and a pair of mits.
i —Colonel J. C. MeCrovy, of Wards -
v lle, died fro neheart disease last week.
e was a M on, and at one time a cot -
n planter aid a member of the Missis-
s ppi Legislat re. 1 .
—The l vae of the new buildings
-e ected in Molntreal during the year ex -
c eds three million dollars, exclusive of
r ilway office, and Government build:
mtgs. .
—The Hon. Mr. Blanchet, Provincial
Secretary of Quebec, has instituted pro-
ceedings against the Toronto Globe for
libel, the amount of damages claimed.
being $20,000.
P I --A two 'Mildred ace farm in the
township of Male -hide; Elgin county,
was sold a few days ago for $16,000 and
a fifty acre farm in Yarmouth township,
brought $93 per acre.
----Several Montreal philanthropies
have started a penny' savings bank in
that city for the purpose of encouraging
the street newe boys and girls to save.
their hard-eareted money. -
—G. Ward, of Wyoming, is suffering
frosn a very bad attack of mental de-
raugement, brought on by remorse over
halting not succeeded at his last examin-
ation for 'matriculation as an M.D.
--LeRev.H.M.P-arsons, of Knox church,
Toronto, left a few days ago for St.Louis
an, will returi with his bride. Before
starting he wa4l presented with a purse
of $500 by his 1ongregation.
--Company Sergeant-Major Macdon-
ald, of the Royal Military College,
Kingston, was thrown from his horse on
Saturday. He fell on his head, and is
renslered quite deaf. He may not re -
co -.-0r.
1 --Messrs. Schneider & Luntz,of Dray-
ton j had been missing money from their
Mesved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by till for some tirne. In order to discover
Mr. Allan, that the amendment of Mr. the thief a flee dollar bill was marked
Hi lop to the Finance Roport be lai4 and] a watch set to guard the spot night
ov r until the 'next session and the ads and1 day, but in the morning the money
vice of our County Solicitor taken upon had! vanished. Finally it was discover -
the specifications as to the, liability of ed that a mouse was the thief, and had
bank, subjelet
teethe joint drder of the Warden, Clekk
and Treasur r of this Cotnty.
. The Trea urer's sec" rities together
vith the county solicitor's letter of a
royal of th m were 1 id before tie
Moved by Alr. Johnsten, seconded y
Mr. Elliott and carried, that the secu s-
ties now pla-cled, in the h• ds of the cou 1.--
61 by the County Treasu er as his s c-
urity for the 'office of T easurer be ole.
epted, registered and taken in lieu jof
I is present security.
, Moved by Mr. Johnst n, seconded by
Mr. Durnion and carried!, that the s e-
urities of the late Count yf Treasurer 1e
released by the proper authorities ai d
handed backI to him.
I The Finance Committee reported re -
Commending that the account of the
tOwnship of Grey, for keeping two 1
digent, insane persons 1 be not pais;
t sat the Securities offer& by the Coun y
Treasurer be referred to the County
Solicitor for approval; that a certain
amount be paid on the eicCount of. Mr.
Harbottle'contractor fOr Holmesvil
bridge, but the amount of $280, said
be for extra bolts not mentioned in the
specifications be not pith:. as it is the
opinion of the commtttee that these
bolts are mentioned in the Specificationf.
I • addition o these r4ommendatioris
see-eral accoi nts were Ordered to be
Moved by John Essen, 'seconded b
David Walker in amendrhent to the r
port, that the sum of $77.50 being one-
helf claimed h,y the township . of Grey
for the keep and maintenance of two in-
digent, insane persons by that muni4
p lity from tile 7th day o July last, to
th present date be paid i full of all de -
m. nds. Carried- on a division by a ma-
jo ity of thilee and the report was
anjended accordingly.
loved by John Hyslop, seconded by
W lter Olivero that that portion of the
Finance Report referring to the pay-
mentsto be made to Mr. Iltrbottle, con-
tractor for Holm esville bridge, be amendl-
ed so 'as to recommend to him the pay -
m nt2of the balance of his account in
fulIl, being $280.
to h
ed D
ay. to re-
ject of the
announce -
him came
there on
producing painfui wounds.
was he result of a quarrel.
— he Toronto World says : After the
even elist Moody and the boy preacher
Harr'son, we are to have a f e thought
conv ntion in Albert hall, 1) ginning at
the e id of this week. The Fr ethinkers
annonnce that it is their ' tention to
be • " an active propagansla of their doc-
trine jall over the country.
— sad event has taken place in a
home one mile from Paris, by which five
young children have been ber ft of their
parents. Mrs. John Redena died on
Thursday, the 27th ult., aged 28 years, -
and her husband followed. on. Sunday,
the 30th, aged 38 years. ' I
—Mrs. John Tobin, an ol woman
who recently died at St. Jose h's hospi-
tal, Guelph, hadattained the r rnarkable
age of 103 years and two months. She
was horn M Tipperary, Irel rid, lived
nd until
h did not
chools at
dy been
of stu-
n begin -
hat any
alt (mil -
lost a hog
aged in
for 45 years in Eramosa,
withiii a few weeks of her dna
know what a day of sickness n
great is the rush for th
ion that the Normal
o and Ottawa have al
d their full complemen
or the five months' sessi
ping 2Oth January next, and
remaining applications must
till the next session.
- —Wm. Armbrust, of Delhi,
on OCtober 20th, being en
threshing that day. The animal weigh-
ed -at the time about 175 pounds. The
same hog came out from under the straw
stack on December 2nd,1eing forty-three
days without food or water. Porky is
now alive and doing well,thougli greatly
reduced in flesh.
' —Rev, . Mr.Brown, Methodist minister
at Carleton Place, read from the pulpit
last Sunday a few passages ft -oil -lithe dis-
cipline, forbidding drinking andielancing
and requesting- any of his pecIple who
wished to indulge in these pradtices to
come first to him and have their
names erased from the membership roll.
—Two young men were arrested at
Windsor, Saturday, on suspicion of hav-
ing stolen a quantity of silver gate ii
their possession. They had a valise
completely filled with Sheffield plate,
spoons, forks and butterknives. Some
papers written in cypher were also found
with them. It is thought the plate,
which is apparently worth $600 and quite
new, was stolen in Toronto,