HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-05, Page 8IT H E. H 0 R 614 'E P SITOR. ;DEcEmB
ER town are entitled to vote, and we here- in I f ivor not been for the tim I a Si9t lice of the i neighborhood. A solo by t1i Wilson to i
ion Is doing a. mi woek iston, and also the title main 811 -eat, and has moved his!stock an(l .his friends already referred o. -I -The R( J amieson family Was w me propdrty in the village of book's &a., into it. He now 1,
x pool �..Or* with the list:' North A I temperance i i he States -,v I i, T,e delds toso mrNfrs. John Kidd,Sarah piniqn is that be fol e ii y years pi 0 p Atin J. Webster, 'L J. Kellner, of Clil ton, ill preach of ell, ga-vt � Cr,�nbrool-, d took them away, ill the
I hi Rev. .9. Acheson) coiim, dious rooms
t. ol ry aild lie lllak�s quite Dunhaiii, M. Killain A. onary sermon, )11
ion will be hE q estion ])at) 7een nissi 8 on bell i4f of the good spebeli oil inissi w( k %nil ho 101 of gettilig a reward for the docu- 0, dis IaY-Mr- ba,4 1)l,oved
M afto that Griy3ti ATTERS. Mrs. McIntosh, Mrs. Jitne is ginnig nil 11 had a good op- into I e building va
.DISTRICT M ofitica parties i t e tate-s eth6dist church iii, the �1110011 I and ShONA C, y M,"Johlito catc(l by Mr4. A. Smith, Mrs. avMrs. tock belonging to tb estate of ':Mr. even ing 6 f fir it, Dec f7th. in spite of the N ex t poi-tiluity of taking ,stock of the 111i purcliIiiised the
.D-EGEMBER SALE. rs. , o- r Hawkins' Celebraud Jll,)il(.ke callie it quartette by 8ille-Illil. aild ---Duncan & Dun (4'utzmeyer, Miss McMicluiel, M M ew'is Thorne m as ofl wed for by of illeill 1.4 young 111,111 house
, id lot opposite tile )0s offife in
can commenced their December Sale on u ley. and nhethis vi r
Cosil, tobbie, Mrs ublic competition oil �,Nredilesday ,%lid troop have ],)eon th, -1 1\1(-,tli( dist - and Messrs. Iroilng r 'N
le 0 i .1 r. Joint Uratly ras'?bid i 1 at 67 of this pl 0 grvc -)ne of heir soil. It was excecolffigly 1.011derell anlit kv,ell and without di.sguise till
Monday last. They, pupose clearing M, s )n the doll body alltheir Winter Stock t prices which will Robert Sloan, Mrs' Halpin,_Sytithia le anniversary in conne( tion popular entertiiiiiien s in the clitire i oil ii w ill pprecited byall. of 41)y kind. oil(- dida11 the talk- yt ri e Seafor a 7 0 I his
Induce any buyer to, purchase goodsboth Ai �n ' . t� _. �`v-le(i ail ell ireb IVeduesday,evelling December 171 h. - hel, o Seaforth, gave it oil the ilig" nd scarc4ing. The other was, also -%, ife nd a f., iijily of fo
Mrs. Thompson, iArdafida ith 7 r for present and future wants. Call and 1 i ' Gerion, , , Ind of Sei[f young ma�i, but with a it mall 0111dren.
get prices and, compare quality ofgoods, McDerniid I Jess td -ill be held on St t y the gist i ist., Miss Mary Anderson , orth, who History of cotland, afta-r which the a 0 During Ili.,; stay in our N-i-lia 41D eI he Avas
r I 'I -inthis neigh- ii t'J)6ut tile lower ve y ell likd as a Station Mrs. M. Dorse, Mrs.Har Mrs.. R. hell lille Rev. Vrightj of Irat- has beeli. visitill choir gave nother beautiful solectio inuffier, clo.sel y� a ry
before pitrailasing elsewhere Goods I Ik I - *1 h I m4ter, and
Mrs M r. -lioo( lie lit It wed .- M, ss Cmpbell,
g fr ell( a
John Abell, �otd will preacl � the I iv�orsary. er boi d h ld &lid Mi�s part of tile, face, hiding it from view. all -lie iii
mustbesold to make room for Spring -1 erImport-a-tions. See advertisement next , ii;wl resided at the organ. Votos He 9 Smith, Mrs. Carty, Miss gall, 616118. Tile atin. l g wi 11 be Xiliss Wood, who Ila,; AT did no Ulkilig. After completin s'd at his c
leld o1i the follow i liq p, Mrs. R. Hayes. ou lid& evei (ing. visit among for t as
weeir. DU X & DUNGA-N. - 88T-1 th it few all to speakers, the ladies aiiil tlidir searah they left, and Johnston sit Present -64iting f.,
Henry Belt, Mary Kelly, 1��atilda Ray- Winter & no -s -an- ship. &d a months, returned this veek.-- ell tirinaii, 4 � P tThe Misses concluded ollo� . pf the 1110. t get1til)g up '44W that 'they a horse ullett and McKillop.---.N1r. irkby has
iogue"Atsof f rs P asant night,,, there, hs houll iu Bruc citte lut Was, not near enough T.q r P-1- ScrI00L. -The folouring ittond, M6. 211. -A. Coulteill -Urs �Uor- of splend A' eavy dratightlilikses Ct'llodniaii,whollavell6olt] a] M T oil- J. N1 a p ir. 13 the attendance of Pupils at don, Mrs. Shaw, Loifl,k%,Daylor. kin Saturda Good, of carthur, re d home this iv eek. fi d for a long.timc.-Go, cc tll;�,; Laii Jilin's building, forni& no n as
y last r. turnt to s very distinctly, but 9 the Seaforth Ptiblic School fo, the month I io, h ' its ipurthaserill, )m Hx. Frank 8 nitI\l -Aiss M. Ball left tI is week for I lod- thought the fliorse a good deal tile book Store." ill the respetie depart- OuR ExponiTOP".' ill� poperty 0, I il %treat,,r c(utly crich oil a short yisit ;o tiere. Tuokersmi Ibh. lik6 the one Oharles Lever nientiolis as ------- t I Ila h ments, viz: M-&a,urs, 41 ; Miss ic�upiefd by �hoqla. Mr.1-141(orore -The of tli( Method Nring a backbone sharp enolig appears this -vy,eek in a coiplet fir f y N GOOD SALE.—The aiietion sale bel I to lr of
A leron.'s, a (ood, �is bro, I rill occupy tl a cor of tlli.� place ilitelldli Minty it ait to Shave a man
e. WAVe 1�eve its too 47 ; Nalis Kate Cowiui's -ij Miss Kil- I 11"r typ 46. stoi-e and tile 1rento �e from li� s 'pre tree entert;aiiintel i he levenhi of Oil the farm of Mr. W. �J Mundell, 1 wdh and use #ie talisbrush." After F.. --A lecture iv
t elf
54 -and Mrs. -spe k f o Tim ExPoSITO has Christinas, and to tit& and- �tre making ell by the -
loran, Edward's ( rri., i n s o ( sti, I
pept pr inises ill, I I this township, oil the te reputation lihall taken their depar- H. Butt oil t of]
Coulter's. 90., ulakin- total average LITIle la t few (lay 0 M Ili weathei ave everyi preparation to inure its lately attended, and waq ill every oil: tiii4e.NkIr John -toil went to Mr. Trallip maiof -it
one of he 'itly Printed, nost lie, al.,gt sp-acta grand success, Ll U, lider
of 408. 1 lie total Rum ber -lad a disastrou e feet upan the igh- -Thd t&, ineetilicr hei d in Fannsvil o Pita the hut Mi*. Ducrilois, living near, and re-- tile a spices of thEx
otten up papers, mechanically, in the eter Y( ling pe 0 11 Wth it the weather as vety Stormy The party, ple's liristian Azso Jati) on the for th month 504 beil Im-1 -a ee L (BlIjoying lo Ithe Tuesd�ny ev of last week *, - i - frovince, and we are determined io ()on- .119 W*11. L its a Sill, al I Ited Ill.,, a( respec L14 A full acc milt L sd ( n of t7 ek awid- e at vehicles are co.d. The �ale reahze(I ithe Sum 99 11 -lore f Or" the I I I olith thn th e a )a. S t M e cess ill e huhve"age tinue it in the very front rank. Oull new 11'r it t I, tarted fter the f tree
attendauce. There -%rare 2937 boyS and i i order: rh semi -annul. it eat- will ))a givell next %,c(,,k,. �� Time and illed and tile lecture niterial'was purchased from thc'o�l nd '9�111 f 00, nd the wbole w4l sold off i i i tivel:s aild as light silOw bad fallen in was h iella li 119titute 11,1 oil space prevents us on doltig cour a of It' night they were easily 2677 girl's on the roll during the lubilth. Ig of I lie Me i t*10 hour, and ,
well kaown establishment of Mil' 11`17 & r so thl$ S e a, 0 11 -%i as fairly att f 4 to. 3, ),lid stockers f roi I trio; . cked. 'I'll traces Jed io a certain MU At tt, meeting of the Bo -d oil Tuesday Rich rd, f Toronto, %lid the cleat'and truesda y evelli led. week. pifee 1-0111 0 I I ete M -ill be
nigr-h-t Xessrs. Writ. Elliott, nea The rellorts of tl ' resurer slid 84P to $50. A two-year-(JItJ wi A
ppectrance Ti -m ExrostT.on pre- pli�cc in the township of (Irey, lifit as qui te 5tn exciting tinie f r tll�., ointed low the JIn -tit ite to be 11 a MRobert�E'Igie foi- $180 sh aild It. Brett were a p lase( )y otli-1. I 11 I I 1 this time beeil oil pal here this tilllf?. 4cot
is the beat coulinelidation il can a( Y P selits r teanis , t!
I In good StA geile�al ree-yer-olil thtJ road tit(,-. rac Cr e
Deputy Officers for the next r6ceive. prospel Otis conditi ii, but of FA 'll'i At-an't 91,W Cut ers, ail io Purpose i th ks) were confused and Act A1s`oc'at'0l` haeni et.'
�iienibe -ship is not S h iail(] the genuinp T irnip col(t t, th search, f r the time, 'was given tip. ings i'll the different c1mi-che election.. The retiring tri-mteesthis year 410eic%s it -,)uld large oi- small sizei brought $130. TI' auc lf)l)cci-ls to elect,
are _Nfessrs. Win- Balailtyne, Wni, M.. Alwholia4enotyptrenewe 1heir Cutter$, all size.,; and t )r ecs to suit the Lilies, h!tilmer was wielded. by t old Yeteraii jg ill ge � I 8titan (,,,a to sayl Mr. Johnston's dog diJ not ea i te.. The follo vii 11
Brine, and th& manner iiii % , -%N IAIPOI�TANZT UBLIC N6T1Q1`* Great w t w0l Supplied gy going o T., . i I I el the gea-
Gray aad Thos. Hendry A-fr. Sainuel ale. previous to renio 'i -t T !%scriptions for this year should 1) so Mr. J. '13. ing of the intruder's pre- flemen chosen -. A
Kippen. He sells the bpst Turnip Cutter 11116 gi'lle any ard Ir. -:W- H.' Nlerity,
,vl,-e tile school t One Ever r ien �.ber receiv warket. 886X,3 Tborne's old stand. Mr. Go( selice lilit wasifouild ill the house after Depiity� census., ing out his geand weU selected stock of f resb ration -of ai present. Mr. 1�11111ticjl, Stark vvas appoilite(I to t disvl�llox% J tines the worth )f Ids money in u efu Tia, undersigned b(gs. to i imoun e to I "I! Thos. 13i ett and
x i �i , toil which lie acquitted himself 'was the tho��y Ieft quit-nnite oil the subject. The Reeve Jas. J)ickard,
Groceries ..-previo-us to his removal. 1-1 I the fariners throughout th co inty, bals still over $2,000 worth of horses aiAl Mrs. decided to' cowmence in his lie," fol 11 erly 9 e.
Acvx-1--).ENT.--()n Satj�lrtlay la4_.AS preniise"', With that lie has agrain estaWis s by old
s ith. th t of the two ineinbers, will in all pr
McC iii -iving iiii busine.4s of grain buinig it the village of 1% i an-eatirelv new stock of pure. fresh Gro�cries. f tilis gc 111Q- to Exdti r to Wis cot ill �Old cattle oil his farm. ity
The hole .60 -tell wits dt to tOAN stock now at Alorrison's old 49 lid to te ide." He has p: it c ti011 Tim BoARD ov Hj.-,AiTii.--A '%IcAi ini again. rid a 8 a lid is �)!-Lpared to pay thea highest ffiarket J)rices (I rob] ell -thur a short ti
she itict with Son ewhat unjileasit be �leared out, chep. Still oVer �here.-At the I st liec ting of the I oiirix for all inds of grain. A 11. is regpeetful�y so- 'of iie' Board of Health w, held iK Nuspicion seems to -8AL-ATIOX Ainry.-Tie alvation
experience. While slie was crossing the worth of Boots and" Sholesi 'Rubl�ers nd Over- 1i licitedJ oil Saturday, shoes that niust be said. Now is the tp 21hli of I
.�,d for pouncil the ann l $J( its tfach b) a nai orious thief Thos_ Army of this J))Iace, are kept e undersigned ectfully Thenienibers -who h yi g for their co'liverts w I they
-,were now -balling oil t1te street, when a AaConnell, 11 oJ)d of Crallij - ok at. several times are- g,�tting a large number, Ilvine, got track t the station , sonle boys it0 11180 w 101,11 I'L all Presento bargains. Goo. Gooli. 8sm Not�d to tb e a iiti c sf 03 -it iPr of ar u 0 es it, y
-Ni,ll &true s. mcconnall r- I t I p sno,vv tile 1have ag,ain put the Saw i�l into nililling lope , ios , �,,yne nd Unde the GOOD NEI.Vs FO -R .,S. -do -K tin- �-Tlier c !,4 9 voluni aillioulice to the intic that; tile viz.: Messrs. Walkei
I 1, y: eritand J. S. Roberts has se( fG 't] Mechanics' I Isti- ation aijot are to -cceive orders f r all t ill4the past The fellow has been.% about 41 lilembers in three -month..
s horse d �ind Jibrary of the. Se,
k ca,usiag it to bolt to one side, lipset the w -of th Pilo' I lie ad ds of custom ta ton' penitentiafy, aild Nine were converte oil Illij ht.11
for the celebrated Enipire Ci,t,%I, hich he tute and 200 N, b)o s will be t( A loll" a iliciii, I .ier (>lit. k -he received re ilin,-. t 5c� The E i k of 11calh, 11111111cip, ity- must s
cutter arid throw I ;npirc is pronounmol by atteuded to at lowest possi le rates.' Alc v; gilost ill the Ll Rig
,C4, ihis y(ar. It i - 'he best conducted noted thief� is now They Went to Luaan on We( lesday 011
to'be equal to Uk- Do BFLb. '887 a, severe shock an -A her side was Slight a learly report before tile', ell ly 11 I 10 a grand elil there.
e,recovered sufficiently by Zoke should not fail t BARCAI�xs tht 0, iinot ydar U) the -Secretary of 0'e 1)
o give him a call al d lin �lids will ([a iver All-stlu, ing that warrilts are ' out bey _16&& big time fit. The
be beaten in the County of Huron are offe -ed t B(Ilard The To-\%,iisliip B, rd of Tuo;4 i Arm of this place are going
e usth celebrated if tile I 11 pinst Littl' from Wellingtol' ci- rin the Dowittion. All lovers of g6cid �Ilstitlll a Outsid -t a cities in th �� Pvo- I of tl boitrdiiig t ti e same istitution. Not- last k
tired, but sh a
oviilci�, w
to be to go ]ionic, ana we tilis ii briiid. 881-13 M _;' F li it is 2- at�jr.L F. fi a4 .I-W-ture iulio.W the ;ilt- Wei inAller's Cheap* store). I 11fen"s ana- x W * i o have a
she is now iiearly re- FOR SAL -100 rst lass as ill er�niith reported very faviorably as to il A ()It dian T�veed Suits made to nder coiliplete ft r:�Io; an4 Waerloo, counti4, Ilie. constables or tea- lit on Christmas (lay at tlieLLle
'Elie h Canaries, grood wa-rblcr,,t. covered. ' . ' Iiisti4tite Crdno's H telitlot lailorse ran . tip street -but Singers $2 to ��2.25 the, evenuag of the 16�,l list 20 lbs. of Refined Stigar foi $1, and 18 ms. o niost sa�ll ary condition, as Jiio complaints thlef takers s -: ein tob unable to capture ion Ariny band is coijlij�lg UP to r�tpttlred before run; ning ery far or each ccording to color or solli i
25 to !Fe spbject is rhe , ight ie Board, 6t no U16 follow. t . a aao at furnis i th music for thein.
S S of -,01- excelleiit Raw Sugar for t),5 yards of vir re nille to tl !�'2.75 gruaranteed as represented. 'No old I w SZOlne 11114 111p, 141 and Gray Cqttoln one yard w ses were report6d tbrou Jim# &ill" f uxther dawage than breaking t C6Uoin� for Z $ We �t for ers. Alitriedbirdb- JolaxPiNcit,l)[arket "-L-An effort is- )o )e made to lave . I I I _ o s Alisec Cr4librook, Lo(I B
lion. Ocentsaard; lens 11 I niTlarat4r) centsand 9 l icb tile 011stables of i)ertl M -The law is not very
ess tile cro9a,bir"af the cuttex. Str Sin-Seaforth. W Entry. i � eti. at 8 cents'a"I'l rd; 35 11's.: of cufrallbi got -wind of,aiiA niallean. expedition to cap- well bserved 'ill Exeter as fowls a;�
cot, io a loi up; chools welip
I$9,per will lik -wardel. for *,;1. i These offers are al I genuino, anct 4 trial' co�iiparatively free frow any till -e Iiiiii, and!! thereby,,' cover themselves being rought ill with t - it- r p t ff
Practice Bi( 11ILL toil R ely be i I to tile I
on the street is eafort i made f( municipality. The
aShorts, per toil Af will convince everyone h means what Ill tlt duty of the Inspector bei-', with glory aa)�I reivartis. It is said th,at either With wheat or peas., sfraught with nitiell danger, and if pe iddligs, 819 per ton a'Alinist( r of Clisto: ins sh( rtly.�A ii- e(ting sev(Ired in Nvill lead solile', of tile guilty First-class Chopped Feed, $17 per toil. W. I Call and exanlille out, stock whether ou 11 iy or of the fre brigad')*will i a held ill I -v9ry light, as lie had oiil� one case Vi a I�Ody of th I rendez'voused at a �'i plib- strictl forbiddell.-Th bu*
6aes to coiliribute .liberalstinito. 00ILViz, &Co., Seafortb. 8s7-2 ir not. Two thonn. no pounds of ood roll butter, ; I less mell
the the whole township, and that of very
wnall oi . Monda) e vei ing next at tile and 2,000 pouuds 'of becf ta'11 lo.r lic� " close and at night Lot their say tb thetinies-aregetting co iderab
the highe it nia 1) which I will p43 ly
usu, h [mr. t D. slight 11, t i ellits istols tild rms of wyaressioll
Paps left- SS7 all betteil.-We have hd quite Of
C. W.1 Z�o fall 0 earl ; I R13.:OPENED.--We. re gla('l t ire sarry for i4eorgia oil Wednesday. ' P adjoiuuned to the
-A full iiieetiii g if J in�'fightiiig trial, and snow I lately and frost with it which te Choral ed going to L -T tl�e Tuckersinith Coulicif wts 4t use where Little Nva"s knownto be. el it good for wheeling but lio�
to lea-rn that the ineetings of tl Te-�Zas, but �han his IIU Is een. I Ito mad
9 e that Our townsman, W. Will.. E,(1gar, X011 S otel, ruce C1117, ent. -HP I ac- n fi I'l oil onday So�ciety have, thus f - -beell vey poorly wind at the last inom E L EC r I 0 OF OF x P*,4 -Th nul I B �'Tlfey obtained entralipe, each mail sup- enoug i for sleighilig, -The It -r. David
has re -opened his bus ess and ex )ect� ("I I' 11 fron,
We are � inforined by Mr. conipanied by INI-r. George ieeti , of Loyal Oi an e o.308 last, when it wits ino*% 14)y- Laiid�- ,I po�rtilig his. Aeighbor�. Little made his M. , nisay who rz'eivd a
CI Lee, bar� ware all his old patrolls to g ve him all ' ' I el a WF -_ 0 1 borou -by :Mansoil, th4t ppearance w, th. reT olver threittenina tile L ndesboro and Hull >tt Kent, tlie. as he'd here oil thi �, 2i d ili�t. I W el I the gli, seconded D� T I director, th-t at the merchant, of Bowmanilille. We hope' tl t walked c resbyter*
fir14 lactating there were only eleven per� they will both r s wee elected ff cei,,s 'LL SOLD. -Mr. Georg ayl oui. fl and (prie y e eturn very 111116 I ill -I llox� i ig nienibe tile. nomination for Deputj- to;slioot them! out ian c tigregatins lately, will b inducted..,
local horseman, recently disposed o bi�- )ei 1�11.d in �Slc io, +1 Sopm, Ro, no alto 6 tenor and 2 vigorated by a few n' f6r the current Jear; 'n. Flock fine I 1-11-beve nd Councillors I ofll of � tile back, loor ailfl made his escape, at H lltt on Monda I xt. - concert
ionths' sojo1 Vil ill b,olt for the handsome Sum �J y ne
at tlie ineeting last Zaeday n 1. - 1. . - , f LI C, 8, Al oilday, tile w4hout ail offer on, the part of tile will
I i tile Si'lliny8out-li.-�'vlissAii,(Ie�i-so#, t��ieb- �er; anielClarg,-Dep t aster;1hos. )e held in -e H - 1, Exeter;
N1 r. 8 i Di 11 S a
of $460, to iell of Exeter, ueiht per o -s-3 sopra. no, er in the Public School, 11.18 Troyer, e a - o-*
onsom, Chapl it -; CI a )C, -Il �,D'6,cei iber, at tl e hour of IiI2 iidous c f the hov to catch him, to-ni it, (Friday.), in' belial. of the.
-1 H nry Shafer, * lip- -, , I evidently Nvant. to be reorganized E x a t brass band. 3 bass. anf-I I tetior. With Such al. at- I oil the Sick- list and unable t6 �itend to' Yet`try; John G winy, Treasurer Jeo. oUock noon, and if a pP1J be dellilide(t �Ilii I o Joubto d ac ", r load of butt,w and etr&�s to I D�- (11S will ])a opened pl� "__Monday, tl I yi, pe telillaite its this, af course it is ii -u -p arker FinalieW Se(r tary; Uionias ; e all;ll get it' s� =iid Jonatban -Wild " will 1 be 'of th Season*
.os- her daties.-Mr. John 11clutyre is re- P the event troit last week. Hop fa d it 5 It (lay of Jal ual:y, at,th I 1111TV I Aongst thenil. Sible to C&I-ey oil the ii-neetings. Anoher covering nicely, and hopes to be l le to D C good itiarket. e lie le .11suit po at It a is strange an(.[ should be patilonized by a) ita eetin will be held. oil Tuesday evell.11101 atten.d. to business ag I - Ph. with the Deputy- lieturnitic, Of t4't a scoun ,el s as lie can appar- who wish to hell) 1. -
ain in it , few. lay$. Dick all( Ili, a rs as lit it ye ttile 1) aln ji�ex t and if tlie attettilailce is not sug -The Messrs. -'Lvlc('owaii,- two (lite.r_ L6el U r, ih�� Clerk to giNje ently travel to nd fro, wherever lie The ii sic Will be rendered 1) the rol-
S heir tt,ip to t In 11
large- on that evenin, the n-iee- uite,1 returned fr ill, h it' A, I lefi Pri'sing farniers of East AN awaosh near a ,tit* glad to [ al liecess. tices nd 1draft a by -1 s, and Set tl c ance, with- man tiglish Opera Troop Arh are sai4 CX old Country last Ve - safe, and $(lilt( I I _Lt Rlyth, passed through town th- at Christy ML-Ldod who bas ecit. "e cqli , bove app6intilients. ing U; to lie rst class
Nrill, thereafter be discontintled,'so, r��, ON firming the. a B) bl7bere is a splendid Aouthcottj
e. -Mr. T. cClymo'n has r eiv6d �vor iv , I read nd passed. 01) )ortunity fo e onstabulary forces Who ell running a t1tilo ing estab4
tesday evenhig wUl d y with, a very superior hrolshire kery ill recently i6 1101,7 c6livalesceit.- that I I J
I I 2"t 6pi 11 11 ed"
that- next TL a ier sister livim ii ea roll o elr th as be
miae wh ether or not the ,lie ram, . which- they hall Pull rhe J dell by L, Sproat, thi I P(:,r-tli and I Turon f10 bring,theniselves: lishm lit in this place for a i tim ) r o
d tibilee $in er -sN- i ive a dyi!ig,,. She -has gone t see r:- hs o f thia, Reeve I the. suill of, A into faine and do the. je L�Iillkgs of the Down J! M I g,
r. D oncert at th Nil, 111onimunity great years past, has rented a storeh Lorontoj
ociety 'will coi-Aine or be griven tip for f roin Mn Hill, of Hibbert. -IM ciii next Mui idaY I graiw moving at e tife Depu eve and C oncillors tile s vice at the Saille
ti ii C O . and litelills - tarting Imsine s in that'
se, 7it would be McIntyre has disposedof hisresi 11 e Wellill To loi+ers of �usic thill I will 'ir servii e I . I ; an, at the I -
%lid govern theinselves den , peo
fact � -i nillO shows it fine di! play of Chri fails 8111h of $35 ell 1, 'r -1 those interested to Rote this ill Iffiteliell, and havin lea. I the" resi- .10 doubt ])a a treat. .fite nun.bPr of , Mr. Southoott is a c, ter that
well for &I e. place
d New Years' cards.-Wh cc in tbis town now being vaca �,d by phange; are bdut to a place : i our 1884. A By- 11 firi ing the '3elgra ve; to beat and no doubt illdowell
Mr. 1). D. Wilson, intends renio, g -bis teachii4g, stff in i ill hip O. Col-- ple �ay: Would lik -1 to have oil di- was Tead and ) S Uxi.�'Callagha 1 hiL h ure home. -Wood grain
0 '118 rectorY written iip, too. -Grin an� s grnted I s ch4rit�l and tl e -A liumbe - of our youn,(g men At the I family here shortl orne.- -MissionAry se,N-ces were held into town. -;at preseit on =�'
are :111113t
Y. -TJie corredted rail- A oz Ael 81101%, is re ve l�les will be found ir this produce exe Ran t solls Ily, Ig f,. lej�s oil te,�.o, ll�e alile "by "their shou in(, at -` ams andber f people have set, i R veter
of t1te to n Co way tim-ci-t, t Slieppardton'6n it R -k are too lo-% -y little mor e Clerk was hist -ucted to ilotify all pei,- RE I enisel-v s rather objection- co" m. of the good roads, A ondy d�'y niorni 1� by ar nifin(y ti -A
asse e �,v. T � M. C b 11) I 0 latil tile collector was allowed-- issue.7-Uw in )led wis din , of t I of Goderici I antl .td allow, lovel.1 ininiediatel ilAulti I pasAers-by 1 at, night. the i ren -until the 15th of January to collect coility are busily engaged in' the county �t the I ifle in the v, a i i hg b y R. to. have the I They late , there bein, witlijil e last s J. tol 9 be Ile er em oyed. -A debathig niont is, about one dozeQji. the bamlice of the tawli takies ;, Messrs town T thil% week- having a good time.-, Oroley, of Seaforth. Oz the int,Ation After pssing it number of bcoulits, tll �blould, A lilies. -Oil
aL _a� a Vlatl Cash Were appointed- O.'ar nietchants are making exteaiv- Stanley. ail adjourned to nicet again 4et so' iety has be and as Mono�, last a 166tare was givP-11 e f the Nile Sabbatl chool to ii orga�iized here, ay evening tl'tY officers, to tke the prepuatipu s for a la-cre Christina., hristinas tree nd es3,.Hotel, ('oncession on Tues 1 tb�ere is an bi indancof of talent in this 3 s Hall under the �es of tho�
Der qmd ell firfailimen i onie LITERARY rlf)l in Draw
New Year's tra e me 0. 16 ubt, of t township 11 r vi�iility, we 11 ve no Uoubt of its being Inde.. endent Order of 0 ws by till
thc, .11yar %Vfu autliorize(l to colitintle .reader s whoish to h, will be a decided I' commenced a Litcrar3 Society, and F rx. ol 1.0 o'clock . 'M. su�ccessfiill. ncr
'vote it the next municipal �1_eations de, an(i thos ' of out., out ChriAi4s. I This 1 We i i the front ke (lay of Decembdr, at the 0
%ve the lrgeit as. S'U 00 81, its ilie pa rties illeeti 0 is to bA_ held Rev. Dr. Wil, of Toroi,ito, �hich was
the ervices of John Lee, as nicrbt' soilm elit to choose from and the lowest pere going at it with all 'ossible zel daythe 28th lilt., w,.s our first igh hlortly for f. ie pill- Ose of considering largei'y attended. Watchman and constable until next quetations, should come to Seafor to do 1 and I am happy to St. Brussels�� i *e at Ivisabili ty of, ierectiug th 7 that our s -.hool h illay shopping. -Mr. J a mes JEL 3,y. bouse on the ByfielA Rad 'Was fill�(l to R., 8-.NIITII sold in i'one (lay, ffite I fa�-tory i out village � -Peter -ALlason is ted to hav a lock placed iipoln'- the Biggins 'of i the door. We had reading.9 lit ndred and 'thirty-fivo- dollaf's nd fifty cents rer uClinton, '%vas in t6w i on Council meeting ; M r.. Lusby was it,- their ha lll� a housetin. connection witi
R.ET 6ffiolw;.-�-At a ne ting I bi wi irth of Clothing. A. R. Siniflh shows %lid sells hot door of the fire hall and a resoluti %lid called on siweral. cf It" al and iiistruniental usle. -we McFAUL on Tuesday, dialozues, voc. for t d lUna house, and has
V tile Councili � Ile ld November 5th, nwe Readi -niade Clothin- th�n all the rest � f wa passed tothe effect 0 ased that no Person old friends. Time deals leniently wi .1 4fter I assing a; nu in , ek of accon x s, it Ever� one did their part reniar cably ti, 3 stores ill Brussels col'ubined, and twice 4S it to alcolitil licKinoll.-. 9 cniart Juron. A. R. Snii R6bert it te
be perinitted to, have the use of the hose hirn, an d he looks as young and, well for the first ti ii and I hop.� we in tell as any store in I �l ll_�d hi 1 broken or W, &.1 IA d8wen, se(o ided 'ottJ1 " 1.0
re appurtelianees r Will contitille to ini nittle a statenient yet but what he was swile three. e -s ago is no any of the otl-,,er fi in wed by 1, th nevor i as he was fourteen years ago. -T I 1pr ve. Such me tings w atle to be
M -t I -lying el?"' are for'improNing the, mind, and trust around g Mr. --incan, has
)in 4 lby Mr. -Ratinie, thai; ti e' c --cep, -yy the con -sent of every member privae letter recently recei,%:ed by. - gen: pi-epared to back it ill), therefdre his opponents �,Vin- Di Of Rel urning Of1i c -,rs e poin t( (I to the fire and water - committee. V all the young will ttoind for they c, iinot ll tleman ill town fro, -in Dr. V:ercoe, ii �)w oi 4ondue the mu itici ill elections fo 885, MORE, ROBBERIE'S. - Robberies reutec-1 his st re to I a harliess maker Of �-Tr- Holmesteds7 for law ex- Fort Worth, Texas improve the"ir time �n a better fr6iii Heiisall.� 0 - " ' i I eing marketed- bii,t former y of Ulat I a ,rg. are s f �s a the princip' I pr t Seaforth, we learn that lie it, �an( and Mr. Jamies ii, of Ile a voiry freely a e e but prices are as with the Va th polling'pla -as b' the Sam aMiss; McDougall -way' b I seem to 1)
nd that a by-] a, r Ile Bruco-field, sang cl, beautiful oluet. Miss el. 0 ay, just theneig Jfhe t election, 0
referred to th,,e Fill o 1( r low here a. o, Mee shortly returning to Oi her plates. It is rumored conall,ittee to be exam I 0 cate, assed. confiri [tl �g s t 1 ill appolntmc lit: Nevi l Sang two solos �11 good style. The b -nship of "P\f6rris seems �O t at several 'if our !old bachelors will - - reported but to what part we do not 11tio-Ar. H6 or : bapp 0 - I
ined nd . pe Polling ',Z- i -d vi i6n No, 1, Unies , 1) ring tou �qlldntllwn ; NoA le y close After er itan 4 4nder Mcl,a' ren meeting was bi�oiioit to On &t the next meeting of tile Cottil' ) the favorite g -ound for operation�. embark in ti efore S ECI
9 ail. m akes this change mainly -we ijud f niatriloony b
-All accoulit of very olaring robbeiiy ' S -a' other accounts to tlie on account of his family si by siii6ing God save the Queen. 10 ig. Colisio. erableo �,00d is- beincr laid e t iinkl f,No: 3, S". Foster�:- o 41 Clia's. Wil ion 'residen' Qe d wn at the s I tion f ? shipilient.-2Nr. ainallitt of $1,04-6, the Council adjorned the influences surroundino I J31yt h. Mrs. AValker near tliii place a 'J litifeLeti,ofthel9th. concession of iis children �'N I 'N' �(
U, 1,11cot aaat the call of ti Io. 5, ohn Sdhii 0� 61 ot
elenings ago will be foulml, alliong tl le Mayor. in Texas are not calculated to ben A ,ially C.00k. The Cofinci a jo,urned to meet 0 'effect their Tnoral well being. a t .4h, is putting up a fine 'oil Tuesday, Decem)e 30, has.it th -tv iich was ttempted at, tile' The doc- i IN, rris notes in this issue� It is a pil y e. AV tl i k 'on h TEr"HoN-E.-fen have beetl, tor has been'too loli:g a loyal tritisl� Fran� Metcalf is goin g to run for' Reeve. t these rascals are still perin 0 e Illn -ed for sonie days erect". O'. M , F . 7 itted ject to become suddenl t it Oa I ei ec d his h6 ie iii �iler weather, but we Mr. Kelly the present Reeve il ve be at lrge. y enar, iored'- H 10 k. W I Ila Institutions as they exist -which to strittig it telephone of A merican pale.1 urea i . . I h I pe lie will ave filie (lay when he strong opposition if A] r. Metcalfe run s, so Tin,, WROXFTFR MATLjR0,BBERY. wire. The Bell Xeleplioie Com, paRy are in Texas. 9CH(OLREFORT.-- 116followill IS a -On ", kes possessipil of his liew house with -The first!I�Wing ofseaffor,th's the strong that the probabilities d 1correat report of Hari. ck school f I tl t 11B t I I t, Alex. C u4s, of his better half. MA. Taylor shipped ra. ;I'te '.*',', rd.a,u7gils frain itrtford to Goder- " Moak Prliament, , �Will be held in the would be elected to A at, o t before A. Hunter, La es' Uls
__ �lllolith- of Novembei , ased upon itaral. OP .1114 1 _ )10 I Robe�-t a Ifine I Mrs
ich, these and iatennedi- Institute room s `,On Tuesday e V11 I
V A o week. -We learn L 1�_XTERTAIWAXEN -A ate to-wii.s. Tile central office in Sea- Fourti 111 tines- 9 fi nay. T*�iller and John Shaw J. I at Brussels-, that I . e� I. ohnston and John next, on which occasion the S k grantil enterta-innient was given 'i the cliarged with the tli6ft of a mail bity ceive � heir insurance for
0 "'
_P B& e a fartk will be in IN -1r. C. W. Papst's book- jltei'd -, Md, Bell ' Vison and I nelie Temi)erance hall oil F riday, evenin A ilson, will -e will be elected, the speech froir th Vorran,-e, tie; 3rd 4ggie Fairs &-iae. last, fl�om tile Tile a barn and liorses rhich were recently Store, -so tht in a few days We Will be Throne will be delivered )y stage, at 111roxeter. t 11, to talk with IgUr f"iends and neigh- leticy, the Gove' -ileadd guilty, latit ba- lifirlied. -Tl ey were insi-ired in- tll-�A_ His Elxcel� I Third Senior.-Ist innie Knox It was under the aw pices of thel WO pi - at first I Xa:ry Flannery 3r 1, atrick Fla i Lery. was Re for the government of the Legis aure menChristin Temperance Union' If owick 'Mut ames Henry, of rnor-General ; the rule' 2nd, and in Clinton and Godericit on the o" i'� illiterate, oil consulttion wi' Ladies' Mantles,
0, complete succEss finanCiall nd ord and --]W� aggie T -iends Plea :of gu lis othe ise. In fa6t w �,, may say t i4t it Is eaded not guilty --of intention to Ste side 8tratf MitcIlell on Third Juhior. $ fj ilty a the -will be submitted for consdera i , and rw lid Ulm Sth ca ssion of Fast Wawanosh,
athur, while in few in, coti,nectiori, approval and ' 1,2nd . L �zzie Steve ; rd, Maggie t�)Ian-. I tiIl.
notice of moti, 11 r tile I unprecedented in Blyth, never havn� had alleged lie only hit6ided li�d his shoull le I ol ell while returning Iecond. - Ist;. Esil I i r Garrett; 2nd, b gh e a libine from the other day. The
ecessary pre -%#I and we cti also, carry' 'Alex. Reid ; 3rd', bert Reill and ntle Cloths, forated -svith Toronto and London, introduction df the first ineastiorlel wflf'be its equal in times gbpe by. 11rhal t lie Justices had uffleieJit evidence 'to detached from the
aft a conversation given, and other n limi taies have proved a very sorious and fatid f - I a Leiper tic. First.-Ist Elsie fair w a ilinlit foi- nd tho prisoner w�Ls g forward
With f rien ols in these comercial centres ill. likely be attended to.--NA-'e would �Martb, leig i and tie horses spran tBurgess 2ndp I (U I n Tasker i 3rd r-11 in freside," if we again re m ind our readers of as fortunately 'verted by tie in- c6ordingly committed t4 stand I t ' q. 1�ulling hiiii er the dashboard. Grip% lee., Naggie Weilans ail( Joseph C rett, genuity and presence of mind of a ine of ost office inspector Bar4ler, of London, fee -1 o disposed. ' 7 -
Any arson who -would ture in. Cardno's Hall this' evening. the �participators. While the .tie. i havc pretlicted- twenty years ago that ill Every iecond -as present for the Post Master GenerAl per�onhould go to see anoil hear ocee, . U g with, the c Gor,xie tabl6au was pr til I d Mr. Wadc conducted the proseci- 1 tersngs,,
the year 184, by the aid of eleptrici ?" G ip, � I n He� is a wonderfully vei satile I I t) 'Hei Is U. accidentally call N fi -e from he b irning ion, The prisoner is sid. to be of go0d c(PI'VerSation could be carried an be- DiF Aimy, -Gen�ral Turner and Miss �W�iid- de out wit nd wisdom so' gas and was in me i. an ns t. A bar' 1�owles, of th Lords Army, arrived in iij� our f tWUM-1 t"ro persons, the ane in eafor-th nic�ly blended IVE JWisll to.. U riends and -ia( e for the door, but acter, but Should , have knoiin ek, and it was aniounced
oth er as n together as to b gen al rush w : rrie last wi,�
aad the otlier in he would have a mus6 and instruct. � .1 cuito 'orsfortheiilib a patronagein lb Mt, ettew than attempt such joke as this. He should It 3.ve a and 11'1o'1�6 we inaV ha e �4 continuan t ' the fire was e)ttingtii! lied I CN beet, coludglied to a, berth ill tile lunatic i cc '( f the 0 S a most in a A.N-OTIam BolD, ROBUERY.�An aki- meeting -%N- fuld bei helil oil Mond crowded hotise..-I'Vlessrs. Lumadni & saine. We are pr� arei I t how a large a w coin- moment p &lid this stopped the rusl The evening, a a La s' Furs., asylull-1. But 51,101.1 it is, and what rna - Wilson la pl&eW-k"of Millinery at Fancy Goo .9 cious robbery was cominitted Oil nd'l that meetings -would be ve made extensive �,prove- ee ou flinnied Hat Do halliwas crowded to I the door 4 th r( y Ing I Ifeld twice or', three Wiles a week, At ments in tile interio n6t fail to call and have thern a: �e I t last, in tile toNnsbip bf l8 e. 11 efor' dool, is only large enqugh to I �Ile -meet
11 _L on -a a tran- of the teleffraph out, 150icents; all ready tril i ii� andthelatets )een seldoni,equalled. WV IVA evpec-t twenty years hence. T r of their store �Purehasing elsewh' ow a 1111a, which for cool ii npudence, lill,
tc-lol)hone is likely, very hortly, to prove whic I h, with theirpew plate glass, or t,�% o at a tilll�. TI' holonbe likely there
em one tyles 4e door The facts,are 4s 1�2wles resigAeol, and it is onnets m uit ail u -ill be no more Army meetings held in
�, C The gives th of the handsomes - and i in JHats and B hi cannot fail t Ladies' Fi�v Gaps,
wirus betweell- this I tht 'most fastidjaiis. 'R Il.. nber our ail linton., instead neatest sho it, tOwn.-Theic I 01� I und, ollows: Mr. Alex. J.Phliston, amid4,
P not I r so Of Srung along the Hu, Di Buchanan's Block, K r g Street, R, & 31. ged farmer resides oil lot 18, concessi n 011orrie fo ine, time. The people of 1-7 0 roll Itodl nearly so lively. a demand for -%vw)d in BA�L,b uttdr and Eg,;s taken Bruce, eld. gusted with the Army tip the 2trill of towil this' 12, township of. Elina, coulity of I T'orrie are seawn as last. -Mos as 'cash. 882-8 1 I t P �ople, SEAvicFs,--2rIie anni lilectings llo'-%� and not without sufficient
aonf0v dopting' warned by the extortionate pi ii Saturday night last, I r. Jolinst4m L dies' Fu?- Cap -ices --they Bai F, ts. itil� more Snow v -ould versary services, iii, lie Union C lurch, ald family retired to t tile usi�al Circuitous I e h; that the telegraph had to -pay during the fail laid ake � xcellent, slei 01 I this I art, as Brucefield, -were-cotiffilated by t1i Rev. dine, leaving the out r door niere BitiFFs.-Revival'incetings. re being
lit alarer in, e, Wirv.,; run aloil.gl th-e Huron, Road,- -stock thati usua-7, durili� the' -%vinter, Jt;4s, howevef, i Lim 11 -onds in In �y aces Mr. McLean, of B yth. He ocatpied atched, as there s no Jock n1s field in the sound�,- from these - an a and so have 4 - 'T wa oil it church this week. supply still are .1 0 rat ie thepulpit morning ind evening Tile ;uch a thing as robbery Ws .-Oclieral Turner of the Lord's Army,
y 1) ba.m.-A i rgo I T
(lay interferes with tile trallslilLlSr- on hand. - During the Week fi quant�i?; li�lllg 0 unkno)�i Shawls, COMA.
of gra ill I a., been b I It to church in the inoril ng was we filled .11 that section. Mr. Johnston is 1)1`01
he pa d few deriri' the iclej neiley of th We'll- )ossessor of a (log, eow idered a o d lie is to follow his trade--tailorig - Sion of aang the telepholie wire, cord wood ranged 'at about ,R:3.5 ) per' inar4e� within ie has moved to Corrie, and it is rumored and it is iiiecessaky. to keep the two, cord and short Wee and consi 9 wood at $2.25.-'-5ome our bu -iness in a ieral repor rade ther: and the congregi 1ioll listelle( to the pup " for watching pi rposes, A lit Mr. Yeo has; returned froini -t as pi, ba,
wit ipku four or five young inen anito'
appeared before 1'br'ik. - -Mr. J. oxwOlth, owner oi the spe4ker with nirked ttention -ged with inalyimAll skal U. rill k, his thi �veek McLean is ail eloquent preacher , lid -his twakened by hearing �ome one with I a ing. Already we hae. two sliops, Mi..
the Mayo.r on Wednesday,cliai nidnight -Johnston family -were and it is said be will also work at tilor- Wool Squares, c.
NVOMENT VOTE' its, of disturbing the meetings of tile 8&11-ati I "d b f ha n s eligageid it i I lood- rea0biiing pov,reni it�-e grand. ii tlie iorse, then two iliell 111a(le mith's and Mr. Kirkbys, in both of
the frnchise to: woluey,t f6r"M unicipal Army and raish aOil ia a ium er th4ir ig di t rb n a a the ing it, nd all � 1!11 ig -to Mal day evening the �ea,%vas sery d iii4 kppernce, orderin " Elie family to -which. a number of hands are employed. P11"PoSes tt tile last session of the Oli- hat now waill street. They were fied in slims reatigil telisurel-excellen; sk-atiy is good n pping, larg hall djoining t, 9 their eiZ , ..$urely tailoring pays -well in Ultrio Varliarneitt inereft'ses tlie of f ie manse. the lelilaill ill ])ell P
eir requests being enilil asized by vo 'rhe farmers are busily drivin rom $2.25 to $5.50. The Mayor tate I I)itiuiigl . freezin r , weather, which, no hour inted for t1 e tea to ))a erved 8ca-forth by thirty-oie. Ever that s these w erA, the fi'rs 11 0 9
t Offell ,,as of !(loll oll peop le are the titblpe6 were ctu, dly groain wifli - -evolvers in close prok,iiiiity to tile their to market and baulitig -%roo
many - o our y ng iInstitutions Act was the kind that bad been before Ili n, lie watin , longin d A Call Solifelteda-
sig ing and laiting t1le,very best eatables. The lalies of klarmed agriculturist'S ie' No fifr- into the villa a. They evidently in
�y know I temol -
(1, 79, confined tbe fran- dealt more leniently with tbein th it lie. Jor - curling club i now bihig o -gan- Tuck-ersanith and 8 le ow to -;her or more Pressing liju lal 1 "o to all inale.s who had atta-ned tile will do agaill, and that ally m . to (Erneilts wl�re 2 use of the -small quantity
ffin faini of twenty -on! e a nd Who Were British a�ain appear before hint for s m1J"X7-, ti'llie -rack ayeis [n this xicinity exco themselves. te juiet. The chief nide modest requ corge Ardell, of this ap -h may IZ.2 izc�d a d as the e are a. number. (f old-. ador' n a table ])tit oil this oce 110 11" as they ieeded to kee) the tl.qllll 6f sil have. --Janies rdell, soil of was we -
Ry the Municipa Amend- 0 _ ences will be much more se, the PI lied After t Mr. village, re -
Can Le " will no doubt served the company repired. to the or 111olley, failing thel Pro liction f I a bite froni a dog belonging to
-lit Act, pass(�(l on March '24, 1884, dealt with Dr. and Mrs. Aiteteson,,son f 11 Avqt oil the �kat- church where addrAses were d6livered hich gore Nx-buld be lied. Jolitist n Alr. Will. 8trong who lives at the north
)a in the iords " iviows, and uniiiarried left here for Mitchell on Wedn sday.' ing ink, '% hie] affords e, -N cellent by the fol lowing gentlenien: Rev. T. enied having lly 111011q, it search Was end of the village. The buy attempted
,a v IM - W611leti, Nyere 111se ell before the word After sPending a few. days with f iends advall e n, pastor, lade of the clotIhing, at dotl�er to make friehf-Is with the dog ail I put
4 97' for tit same._ -The , Rev. Thowso o(cupied the chair. juickly n E. MCFAPLI.
cc Tlale.4 " in the ()Ill Act. Now tha all thero, they will reur eirllol le ill W. orrance, of Aiii place, *4 ishes He ; knows the dut es and performed laces, I but was not ii -? I lier-e-upon th'e dog wi(Tows alid tair Women" Will Michigan relwaide(i by t�ie his hand on his head,w The doctor is a very rdent to; 6Xpress his Sincere thnks -6 the theiii to good advlittge. After i few iscovery.of any cash ohns n aught h f
i e
"y Itr
�18 tj V
a I'll
o ly
t ag
dj "I 0 t 01
o 10
Se r ta C i!
el !1c
ebli )U M tod N�.Jlc
be Pf!"Initted to vote for the frst time at Prohibitio'nist and is one of the R ilbli� Mr. J ill, by tile pabn of the -band Nflinicipal clection held i, �friend who ak ed Ilb n in extingi li:shing. preliniinary remarks lie calleq 11 the fterv(-ards found that'ihey had over- iving Iiiin abad bite. As the dog had ext fall- calls who helped reduce Mr. B1 ine�s, I the fire which daug -it it I his roof t �i 1 ough choir who proved themselves be ooked a small purse il ail inner coat 11itten several perso'ns before this, 'Mr. THI". CASH DRY GOODS MAC: they I.Le nece-s.;,%ry majority by votill(r for and SUPP rting burning of a d of, ,,c tive chim IE Y Oil masters of their part, Tile Rev. R. Y. )0`cket, containing 885 ii bills. Find . ig 14trong killed J. D. Smith proywrtv tatalifivatio.11, it will 'be, .8t. John for - tileof'residelliel'. H - Says. tTtiesdayevenin Thonison, gve be titiful 0 r i lo'nioney the scamps se4ed on a proms- has purcliase�d two tof tile bui in 8 in
who of the ladies of this. the Women's Christian I 'Idi -Temp rance [soon liav,e destZrye I dwelling h4d it -description of Itonle %nd. -its im. ediate ory note of $600, made by Gibson ai id I the brick block on te east sid,4 tke
XMAS it CT E. 0 10 G, C
T HE N Z W! MaS 4i the t?�atlo iti t af
tentibled w a 1A in!).
millds of the liubli(% )-';vr% 3�1\ij
su*(f lorhe an(I will be atr; rliv-; as
nLondon Layer Itaishis, �,,Jldvtl
Tul�ld h FWS bi nVat V,
, Olt -4tnn -; V - -,
i t of Vh;ti, .1 nIFintlan Yarni,,�,nth - - - - - -
'TE, A at 30e pel. I ne thei� er ha br the inoiiey.l�
Pure unad-utterated, i!oli red
thro,e Pound,; for 1ollar.1 M to I Nrhet
P0 G
TIC _N Ew- - IPuts of all kinds--A"'Arma AfUjltle 4C)oth�-Jjl�-k azid �Col
elleap- in W 1r4e-
lit wices. Iichiefl, and -all Jille-i -of (-.V it . . . . .
the Holday tra0e In grvat to suit egerybody. 0U* U111inei
ry a4d
IU.8ti'll x0ing -i'011. 4ady hi
sh-01114call ild� 44 sonic bf! our
_1101 th1v fi
GQ11 and ,get.pne irt