HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-05, Page 5"mtatm nova are lea cattle, ar• some United sheet}, I ley •the 43T to- be he vase oyment, At meat a legat > set° we g the rose in- -preted ft -ton, by is child- - the in, ;to Mre, _Platt et-, elm ;advised ;egift ,,ere ps-e_ he eon. ibt?` the kles thia hudicae .jose foe eci- was the pritt- tted to lthough a.. The" - tide, e (II. The ver the aseer- i which - latter. ter -teal ice has imittent -inakiag is point LIL as 'en the res„. has [ses al ticei of in the the re- )etweeia ientber. sase in, cities. han 37 a small ets six mine o ld re - e moat Hamm- undue - towns tecteite the in - cities, atively .ts not userva- ed con- %vth of :tits a to re- ., taken e Bill, a the Lards ;fy the esenta- :‘a.ee es will ,est the on the lg. the literat- t there s it is ele- tese;the riding 11 suck elitical y miss it Hin- e new / these the Tri- tmosa, rester- well - V) has [tri the hal of good a . e the the Ms 7ssion He each with gainst umer- rwood - was, !PPilYs t these loctor d the z-tix of Oage', S and (-) the urned their esulde ereat- little et at ' the - boys' enek kid as and ;beam esued rf the inada lichi- erged ;ploy. shops r the r, and tiis- ;et of men The -ere . fire- ..., not EPEcEmBER , Morris. LOCALITIES.—MT. E. Bosman has recentyl purchesed 50 acres of bush pro- perty from Mr. Caseinere, giving there- for in the neighborhood of $500. -Mr. J. Lake has rented the farm of his brother, on the 2n1 concession, more eommonly known: ae Elliott's farm, at an annual rental of $250.e -Rev. D. C. Glappison, of BrUssels, delivered a missionary ser- mon. -at Browntewn last Sunday after- noon, to a very large and attentive audience. FOILED BY A .WOMAN.—About mid- night on. Thuesday of last week, Mrs. T. Walker, widow, was aroused from sleep by a rapping:noise at one of the wine clows in an adjacent room', and proceed- ing thence saw two ymmg:men stending onteide, and who suede immediate en- quiry if her eldest sons were at home, and said they called. to go :with them to the dance. Mrs. Walker, having no "guspicion of the cowardly burglars, , answered in the negative. It so hap- pened that all her family Were away with the -exception of one _little boy and hid. They then appeared quite satis- fied and apparently left, undoubtedly thinking Mrs. Walker would again retire to her room, but this she fortunately did not do, and was about lookine through the window when she heard Sem com- ing toward the kitchen door, and she • }tastily attempted to lock it, hitt was enable to do so before they pushed it open. She immediately ran • into the next romfe they pursuing after her, but she menet-eel with much difficailty to lock the Lor and keep the villains back. She also had her little boy in the room with her, Finding they were defeated iraide-even by a woman -they evident- ly expected to make their entrance through her window, but as they were going round towards it they saw that the little boy had been let out of the window and was running to some of the near neighbors for assistance. They • then, no doubt, knowing what was best for themselves, left with light purses, but their hearts as black as darkest mid- night. There are three statements which are decidedly unquestionable regarding these burglars: 1st, they live (not one hundred miles from Brussels; 2nd, they are thoroughly acquainted with the • neighborhood of southern Morris; 3rd, their deeds will find them out. Query : -Who is it that has not purchased a revolver lately and made every prepara- tion for the reception of those nocturnal callers. Gthla012. CUSTOMS.—Mr. Armstrong, the cour- teasel and obliging collector of customs at this place, has returned from Dundas, where he had charge of that post lately. .11is many friends will be glad to see Min again resuming his duties here. &mtg.:D.-Mr. D. Cantelon shipped five car loads of apples to Winnipeg last week. BANQUET. --OR Thursday evening of last week a meeting of the Conservatives as held at the Commercial hotel for the sepurpose of making- arrangements •for delegates to the coming banquet- to -Sir John on the 17th and 1Sth, Mr. E. Cor- • bat, President, occupied the chair, and Mr. W. H. Cooper, acted as Secretary. An appropriate address to Sir John wee submitted by Mr. R. M. Racey, which as adapted by the Association and signed. by E. Corbett, President Of the Clinton Liberal Conservative g Aesoci- atioa; W. H. Cooper, Secretary; R. M. Racey, President of the West Huron Liberal Conservative Association ; Dr. Dowsley, D. Cantelon, Thomas Cooper, T. C. Doherty, A. M. Todd and several others. BRIEFS.—Mr; Warren Callender, has just returned from. the Northwest, after' a three years' SOiOlarD there. He likes • the country very well. Wheat was sell- ing at from 40 to 50 cents a bushel when he eft there a few days ago. Wood is cheaper this year than it has been for a number of years. --A pleasant and pro- s fitable social was held at Mr. Thomas Fates residence laet Thursday evening,in aid of upholstering the new Presbyterian churcle-The regular meeting of the town council was held last :Alonclay night. suMMONENIaMONIIIMMINIONI _ Wroxeter. MARE:FN.—Wheat, 67c. to 70c.; peas, 51c. to 55c.; -barley, 4Se. to 52c.; -oats, 27c.; pork, $5.00 to ts:5.50 ; lard, 12te.; batter, ISc.; 'eggs, 1Sc.; tallow, 7: SUDDEN DEATIL—Last Tuesdayl-even- mg about eleven o'clock, while sitting in his chair beside the 'fire, Mr. James Ferguson, of this place, saddeely threw back his head and in a few moments was quite dead. The deceased had for some years back been eubject to heart -disease, and it was a sadden attack of the old trouble, which came on hitsewith such -a, sad result. He leaves a wife and child, who have the srupathy of the entire .coramunity in their sore bereayement. SOCIALS. ---A 'social in cetrusr-stion with the Presbyterian church ttas held at the residence of Mr. Thos. Gibson, on Thurs- day evening, November 27th. The house was more than well filled, and the es -ening passed away pimisantly to all there. -On the following Menday even- ing a social was held for the children in the hall. The youngsters, seemed to enjoy themselves as thoroughly as their • parents did at the former social. The •. result of both financially was very grati- fying. essemesamearsamesse Chisel:thirst. A SUCCESSFUL TEA MEETING. -A suc- cessful tea meeting was held in the Pres- byterian church, Chiselluirst, on Tuesday evening of last week.. Notwithstanding stormy weather and unfavorable roads the attendance was so large thatbenches were required to supplement the sitting accommodation of the church. After partaking, in the Grange room, of the bountiful tea prepared by theladies of the congregation, repaired to the church, and the chair being taken by the pastor, Rev. it. Y. Thomson, the more intellectual part of the programme com- menced. Able and interesting addresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs. T. G. Thomson, Brucefield ; J. H. Dyke, Hen- sall C. Pletcher, Thames Road • W. Torrance, Hensan, aud W. Martin;Exe- ter. The speaking throughout was characterized by thought and vigor, well sprinkled with a genial humor. Choice Mtge was furnished by the Rodgerville choir, which turned, out for the occasion in unprecedented numbers. At the close of the proceedings a beautiful, large story cake was presented to the pastor's wife by Mrs. Alexander, one of the ladies of the congregation. -The diamond ring which was lost by a citizen of Guelph whilst travelling on the evening train from London on the 17th 'lest., has been found and -return& to the owner. It was found on the, trac between St: Marys and St. Pauls, Miss Bella Westman, and returnedte the owner, who paid over the $15 reward.. The ring was valued at $150. Manitoba and Northwest Notes. . -.The weather at Battleford, on the 14t1 Nee -ember, Was still wenn midi' pleasant. , -His Honor the Lieuteriant-Governo and Mrs. Dewdney entertairied to dirmet at Government Rouse, Regina on Thursi day last: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. enson, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Marsh, M ss Sib? held, Messrs. R.. G. R. Eden, H. Le-; Jeune, C. Lethbridge, F. H. Pa Yet an Thos. Smith. -Twenty-five horses arrived at Rei gina fram the West the other day fat the Northwest Mounted Poli A, they are yomig bronchos, *hi h ha.v scarcely been handled, they will e firsti rate practice for the recruits at he bait' racks, of which they have a goo( few present. Some good sport may be an4 tikipated from the combination f fres men and fresh horses. 11 Perth Items. ; , Wild cats have been 'Committing havoc among the sheep arettm Trowe bridge. i -The Mitchell banking comp tny are now in e position to pay 40 per sent. on, theit indebtedness. -The services of Mr. Keern, n. have been engaged as principal of Tro bridg public school, at a salary of $4 -Miss Mabel Davis, datiOhter of Alri J. E. Davis, of the Mitchell A(vocatei has been engaged as teacher in -le Alit chell public scriool. --At 'a quilting, bee recently. ield the house of Mr. Kreater, Rost eke the aggregate weight of five of he .faht maidens present was S02 poundt. • -Mr, Harris, cheesemaker, h s been. re-enga,ged for the Dominion ch ese fac tory at At)vood, salary increa ed twenty-five dollars. , s --Mr. Donald McIntyre ha.s .old hid brick cottage and lot in th Nortl Ward, 'Mitchell, • to Mr, J. G. Jones hardware merchant, for $1,200 c' sh. -Res. Hittite. and Cisessl y, th evangelists, who have 'Icieen can luctin special tetvices in the various c rurche in Stretford for the past fe weeks have gone to Guelph. -We are sorry to learn that A r. Jas.' Robb, of the Stratford Rerald, is still confined to his room by sickn as, and that his advancement towards h alth very slow and uncertain. • -Mr. W. Bouk, of Rostock, the othet day brought do-wu a wild cat hom th top of a tall pine. The ball pea ante( the brain, and, travelling al ng the spine, emerged somewhere near the fag end thereof. -Aaron Ross, son of Mr. Award Ress, of Fullerton, and a res dent of Comber Essex county, tVas str ck and instantly killed by a passing tra n whi14 crossing the railway track at St. hothat an the 25th ult. '1 ! • -The Argus • says : ,Rel. Ati , Turn hull is growing • in pO1ThL.Tit37 -% tith his people in the First Peesby , titan church .St. Alerys. He is a foreible tpealser and has the courage of his con ctions The congregation is to be congee tulat& on having such a minister, aed it is to b' I hoped that : his .• pastorate. will be both , happy atid prosperous. -AS Mrs. Wright, wife. of ev. P Wright, of Stratford, and her t vo chill dren were going to church on Sunda morning, 23rd nit., the high we d blet - the standing wall of an old hous . dowi on them as they were passing. Vith at almost super-lnunah eftort Mrs. Wt.:itch lifted the .N0.11 off her -childre 1 whei they -managed to &awl. out T le little girl, -Was only, .slightly bruised id biet little the worse, except the sever shook, but the boy at latest accounts A ?a,s still unable to leave his bed or even move a limb. - • ---Some two weeks ago John th ltsmant of Shakespeare, was committed to .tht, county gaol at Stratford by tw. Nortl , Easthope magistrates as a .va,gr- rteetne when he -was 'brought to the gao was se ill - that he could net walk alo le. He contracted rheumatism inear y life which . resulted in heart disea e, from -which lie died at miduight on uesday following his incarceration. An inquest was held on the remains, and a verdict rendered that deceased MHO to h s• depth from disease of the heart. The Bea,can comments severely on the pitetice Of sending unfortunates, whose on y crithe is age and poverty, to breathe a it their last gasp 011 a .pallet of straw a id in a felon's cell,. Sermons couldbe writtee on this subject. ., - -Mr. Alex. Wiight, of Stratf yrd,whe was for many years chief engin er of 4 large sugar plarrAttion M Cuba b 411- ing the past two lean been exp - rime' t't ing extensively in the growth f ca le and manufactureti of sugar in he. county of Essex. Some SO acres of orgh • re were geown by Mr. Wright him elf and farmers in the neighborhood, fro n whi h about 7,000 gallons of syruptevei mos e,'' besides coitsiderable sugar of e cefl ent quality. ...The factory is on an e -.-tei sive scale and fitted Up me the most modern principles similar to thdse innse in Cube. - As far as growing c• rie and making sugar is concerned, Mee Wright has no doubt whatever as to the perfect success of his experiments. Wh. ther the present andi.prospective lot% • pei of sugars it will prove profitable finan ally, remains ta be seene . Births. REEVES. -In Clinton, -on the 2nd inst., of Mr. C. J. Reeves of a daughter. COOPER. -In Clinton on the ard inst., of Mr.'Wm. Cooper of a son. MOONEY.-In Morris-, on the th ult., Mr. 'lents- Mooney of a son.1 BACKER. -In Brussels, on the 911st ult Mr. Geo. Backer of a son. !!-' McCURDY.-In Usborne, on thee22nd wife of Mr a Archibald MeClurdy, daughter. HUSTON.-At Centralia, on th7c24t1 wife of Mr. Henry Huston of on. , Marriages. at the wife I • tbe Wife e witesof , the NO fip inSt., the jr„ of 4. um., 64,, • ANDERSON -YOUNG. -At the -eside ce of the bride's mother, Auburn, on he 26t ult., lar Rev. J. Pritchard, Mr. Tho. An erson, of East Wawanosh, to Miss ella oung, Auburn. Deaths. tt's" JACKSON. -At the Nile, on the 24t ult., the beloved wife of Mr. J. W. Jackso , aged 441 years. NICHOLSON.-On the 21st ult., the youngest daughter of Mr. Robert Nieholso ef Ha, aged 14 months. ETT:Ya-At his residence, let 21, con eggios - tullarton, on the 24th ult., Wm Etty, jr,, aged 31 years and 10 months. I• HINGSTON.-In Morris, on the 6th!•ulta Louisa, youngest daughter of M . Richard •Hingstan. aged 2 years and 6 mont s. 1 ; DIJNOAN.-In.Clinton,on the 2nd ins ., Andre*/ Duncan, aged 24 years and 7 mont e. SALES. THE HUR On Monday, Dace tber 8, at e'clock p. in , sharp, cn Lot 5, Conce sitn 10, Tuc ersmiti, IFarm Stock. .A le tender Mcl innon, prtpiiet r ; James le, auc- tion er. 01 o'clo Sion it ' Tuesday, December 1 k p. in., sharp, on Lot 31 10, McKil op, Ftsrm Stock p1enents. W. M. Forbes, pr Alex. Delgaty, auctioneer. ' 01 Monday, December 15, at p. m, , sharp, n Lot 5, Cons Farm Sto k Implem Edg r Dexter, jrop ietor ; Char 'ilto , auction*. ' 04 Saturday i Dee mber 20, at p. ni. atthe Conine •cial Hotel, aeres of land It Alma, to% Hullett. Sidney A, orton, prop P. Brine, auctireei . r • Local °tees. ' at 1 Clonces- a !id Im- Teietor ; 1 'o'clock es ion 9, Stc. es Ham - 2 'clock le forth, ns tip of it .to, J. Entteen Cetit is re -pared t 1 quantity of GoOd Fall I utter in 11 Crocks or Tubs. Also- amb and • h Furs and Peltries, foin h s date. Se Umber 22, 1884. 877 CUTTERS.—The -hand a stock of Good, s ubstan ial a „Putt •s, which wi I be ,o1 I -at prices times Any persdn wa it ng a good, ter el ould examine our s k before . elsewhere. Preati AN O., Main S forth - 885 , dersi ned rn iy any , pskins, e See- ve on Stylish ant the ap cut - chasing t, Sea - N pe ns indeb •to C. Cartwright, Denti4, w o has sold ou ri•s- busi- -floss in Sdaforth t4 W. 'ear; will pi a, e call at 4. M. Bess's' .,a -v• ( ce, opposite t e Com.- Imercial Hotel, wi h v1 oil all Mr. 0 r wright's book- debts have bcer left for coil t and ,spttle their accom ts. • 5-2 1 FINNAN HA] DIE atd Yarmat ti Bloat - Ors: at the Centre, GI et er. . L.tImAw Run., Seaforth. 886 •7'-akItitSINC4 A -TS sasrforonvE. J. W. -Bengough, Editor of G ij, Canada's Cr at Car- toonist, will delir r on • his Popular ..,ecteres, -Illustrated by Cartoo s in Cardno's 1a11, or! .FridaV, 'Deeembes 5, 1 84. Tito -MAN II tot INS, Sec- retary Committed '86-9 , ' BOY your - Cbr stelae Fruits at the :Central:Grocery, wher you are always .sure to • • oess in sale ma ket. latineaw & Fatatasy, Seaforth. 886 WILSON & impertation of China, Goods nd te orated Stor e rare has 'arrived. at Poit1aiii ON: S .eamstlif) . Pe u an,-and' will be h re next mit ook out for, b nothing fine. 886 • J. - NEW Figs, fine i la aga-Graps, choice Table Raisins, fresh P el, pure stile s nd Extracts at the Cent •al G •oc ery. & FAIR - uv, Seaforth. 886-e - CHEAP Tee. -e -A lather lot of 1 same .brand of fine flaws -eo t ricolored Japan a, 5lbs. for 81; also an ex ra fi le one, 3 lbs. fo $1. A full assortment of chei. :6 ew Fruits .nc Christ - mea Groceries rec 'iv a a Wittier; & Y u G'S, 886 NEW Season Te s ave arriv d et the Central Grocery, nd no in price fr in 95 cents to 75 cents per po ind. Sugars, -a larg oar and prices lower than me s LAMLAw ' 1Amey, Seaforth. 886-2 • SELF Raising Li ekwlieatFlo r White :Wheat; White Oats, V lite Barley and• tulated •• • Wheat'at the .Central Cro 'cry. LAIeL & LEY, Seaforth. 886-2 To THE LADIE. MISS BOSS\ "Fl L, late of London, has openecl a tress and -.N, azt le -Mak - m ina Establishenr t ti e rooms in 1 ',hitney's lack, over 1Vade's .h tograph Ole • .Ma,iii Street, Seaforth, and i p epared to -x orders entrusted .0() r. Having had e in some of the bag s a d best tits merits, she feels con en , in guaxant faction. A trial soli •i ed 885-3 THE St. Mary ' aurnal" k n Carriage 3 a i guS!' say: The StSM y's ing Company not ha- -Mos old the wh ishares, or had hill ns from th have decreed it advi, able o. postpone of pretits, amountin o 8 06,000, till , December 31d, -1884 whe i the same ill :ly take place. • Sher- -s ar • $2 each, secured from H. 1-nrre, Se Marys, Ont.. 883x. THE A !If re KETS. 'Fall Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per b s Oats per bushel.. . Peas per bushel.. , .. Barley per bushel ... 'Butt r, No. 1, loose.. Butt tub - Eggs • Flour, per 100 lbs... Pork; per 100 lbs. Hay Per ton Hides per 100 lbs., . -Sheepskins each. Wool' Salt (retail) per ban - Salt (wholesale) per Potatoes per bushela Wood per cord A rORTii, De •i* .4. ... ... ..... ........ 1... erre • 0 0 5 7 5 0 ',INTO'S, De( Fa1111Vheat per brash I... .. , . $0'.58 Spring 'Wheat peribt elle! ... .... 0 18 ' Oats ler lifishel .. I. .. - .... ...... 0 • Bade per bushelt ...,.. .. 0 • Peas , Ier bushel.. I... ...... 0 ButtEr '• - o Eggs 0 Hay cr ton • :I 7 0 0 Potatoes per bushel. 1 Appl s per barrel ; • 9 Wool 1- • . . .... 0 Hide, per 100 .11is r• 6 00 Pork 5 5 Card !pod . 2 8 '9 8 .3 0 6 6 8 )0 0 )0 0 8 0 8 3 6 8 0 )0 0 11* LIVERPOOL, Dee. 3.-, pring wheat red tinter, Cs 08d , ,Ca iforma No. Calif( rnia No. 2. es 7d ; ( ats, 5s 05d 6d ; seas, 5s 8d ; 7,s 00d; chee 00 To ONTO, Dec. 4. -Tall w -heat, 80.7 spring, $0.72 to 80.74 ; 32c to 33e '-to 58 • harier -50c to 66 ; hay, per t 813.0 ; butter, 16c to '2c;potatoe. 80.45 to 80.50 ; eggs, per loz.,21c to 2' e bogs, per 100 lbs., -85.75 o *6.25. The Hors Market ITM oxso.-The deina this week is e. ceeding- y du 1, about forty horses wereoffere a, Grand's Tues( ay by mu:tibia 25 'sold, ihrices o e ,$90 to se210. Six heavy draug ts sold at b ut -$200 'each. Prices ruled thro Omit the s. e fully 30 per (en. less than this -tune lad yea A -great mans horses are offering I 4.. eto TREAL.—The ho semarket is qu e At the, Hors Exchange, sis : 1 •st report, th ollowieg ' sales vere made: Or e b y worker $1: 0 do *141, one .)ay .marc (ante .) $145, one bl • • Welsh pony 8100, one gray n are (driver) a 3 , one do 8130, one black Worker •."- , one de wo, one bay horse (driver) §195 one] ay pony $1A. , One bay mare *27.50. ' ' ' ESTRA N EXPbSI ESTRAY SHEEP.s-- the un.dersigned, R. S., Tuekersmith, ab Two.Ewes. The- owne proving property and MeLEAN, Sr., KEppen- ESTRAY CATTLE. of the undersigne Stanley, about the 15 Yearling Heifer, one red and white. These neighborhood about on have the same on proVi charges. EDWARD. Jt ame into the pre t 36, Coneessi ut the 1 t of -Se can hive the eying- barges. . 0. "Wes of,. 111 1, L: ember, me by JAMES • 887x4 Came into the remises , Lot 21, Conees -ion 10 h of November Three vhite, one red lid one attic have been in the month. The owner can rg• property and! paying, NSON.. 887-4 tretarl, WA FARM HAIND WAN ED, -1% anted inn iediate- ly, a good IllaIl to work op a fern . One who has had some exp rience, referred. Good wages for a competent man. HENR PAN - FOUND, Lot 12, Ounce. sion %, ,tailley. 877 0 HOEMAKER WAN ED. -Wanted inu i ediate- 0 ly, a First-class Sh emakm. • A stet dy man can have constant empl ye anitand good wages. Apply to N. DEICHER , Zurich P. 0, 887-3 TEACHER WANTE ).-Wanted, a Female . Teacher as assista it for SIthool Sec ion No... 6, Hallett.. Duties to ornmence on th • 1st of. January and engager) mit te continu three months. Application; accon pained testi-• momals and stating ,:alary dived t be ad- dressed to the undeisig led until Satuial y; De- cember 2.7. -THOMAS 'EILANS, Harlo -k P. 0. 8'7-4 WINTHROP CHEESE FACTIAY. A :MEETING Will be held in IWinthroz; Cheese Lt Factory? on Thursday,. December 18, at 1 o'clock, .p. mt, tor patrons to r4ceive the-Lbalance of their seit8oWs acco ints,and at 2 clock a 'meeting will be held fo • shareholders to receivo. a statement of the seas m's asset8 and liabilities, make arrangemente foi next season and let milk routes. -JOHN C. M RRIS0)4 Secretary and Treasurer. 11' LONDESCORO CHEES FACtORY. 9111E Annual Medire of the •Lendesbciro But- ter and Cheese Manufaeturing Company will be held in Bell's di, Londesboro, 'On Tues- day, December 16tht Shareholders !meting at 1:30, p. ni.; Patrons and the public mceting at 2:30, p. m. Mr. John . leMillarie Reeve of Hui- , lett, and.Mr. John Han lab, of Tuckersn address the meeting. - cordial invitati in is ex- tended to all who are interested to be present. W. L. OUIMETTE, Sec •etary-Treasurer. 887-2 IMPORTANT TO PETIREO FARMERS MARKET AR !:PEN RS. R. J. P. BRINE h been instructe 1 by Mr. SIDNEY MORT N, to sell by PM lic Auc- tion at the Commer -ird Hotel, Seaftrtla Oli . SATURDAY, December 2-, 1884, et•2 o'cloe a splendid propertV i 1 the Village o Alma, Huron Road, Townshis of HuRett, eon 'sting of 51 acres of excellott land. On the lot t ere is a good frame house end man together wit all the , necessary couvenience for a ..00mforta, le resi- . denee. There is a sple )(lid fruit orchan of one acre, containing apples, pear, peach.e and all kinds of small fruits, such as plums,- lierries, currants, tac. It is siti ated onithe 1 -Euro i Road, midway between Seaforth and Clinton., It is a most desirable place for either' a. retire t farmer or a market gardener, Lnd will positively be sold without re8ervs: Terns :-Twenty-five Crpcent. on the day of sale, the march, 1885, wit out in- ProprietOr ; J. P.. BB1NE, 887-2 , I P. Ine .of the purchase money -ute balance on the 1st of terest. S. MORTON, tablish- Auctioneer. ig satis- " Ar- fa.ctu 100,000 agents, division n esday, )ositive7 can be -ry, St. ANTON SALE OF FARM S opic IMPLEMENTS, &c. f R. CHARLES 'I AMILTON has 1 eeo ili- a_ 1 structcd by Mr. EDGAR DEXTE , to sell by Public Auction, on Lot'5'Coneeasion 9, 'Hut - lett, on Mosnay, Decei iber15, 1884, at p. Iii., sharp, the folleting property, viz -One span of Heavy - taught • Mares, f five years Old; 1 Geldb g eoming three, •e Mare,'sn foal -to Cows supposed- hbred bull; 1 St years old; 1 Steer two -ears old., 1 Ileife 1884. three, 2 Yearling • Helera 2 Yearling Spring Calves, 1 Breed ng Suffolk Sow, Pigs, 3 Fall Pigs, 1 Su olk Boar, and Hems. Implement. One Lumber \V Pair •Bob -Sleighs, 1 De noemt Wagon, 1 of Double Team Har less, 1 Riding ;lath le, 1 Chilled Plow, 1 Fallen g Mill, 1 Sulky Has- Rake; 1 Straw Cutter, and et ler small articles too nn - 0 IS ' mereus to•mention. 'I he whole of the al ove will . -2 15* Positively be _sold wit) out reserve, as he , pro- o -6 80 1 srietor has sold his far n. Terms :-Allsureis of o 8 00 , o 5 50 • *6.and tinder, cash; over that amount 12 months' eredit will be given 01 furnishing- appr ved en - o 0 -80 will a e)dni(iietelts,ed 2f ko 1(.1 ci•sa(s'oi ts. E. e oll•ar o 0 20 1' 00 DEXTER, Proprietor; ILTON', 3 50 , 1 00 Auctioneer. 887-2 0 30 - Colt, 1 General Purpo ed "Puzzler ;" 6 Mile calf, three to a thorthe o 80 71 o 0 70 o 0 30 • 0 55 o 0 55 o 0 17 o 0 18 o'clock, :uSroa(Skcl. Spring to be in er three coiiiflg tele:p to rs,4 Sring f gola 1 ne v set int of 6 Cents on t on credit amou CHARLES 11X.5 1884. O 80 70 o 0 70 yALOABLE EESE- FACTORY. 30 0 N SALE o . o 0 551 URSUANT to a 1 esolution of th Share - p o - 0, 55 holders ofthe Sc. forth Cheese Mar ufactut- o 0 18 ' i ig Company, there wi 1.be sold by Pu lic Auc- o 0 .18. time at the Com-merei 1 Hotel, in the Town of o 8 00 Seaforth, on TinisDAY, -he' 23rd. day of.D cember, o. 0 30 1884, at 2 o'clock in th afterndon, by J seph P. (T. 2 00 Brine, Auctioneer, tha valuable proper y in the o 0 16 Town of Setiforth, !crown a• "The "eaforth o • 7 00 - • Cheese Factory," toget ler withj the engee, boiler o • 5 80 ' and piping, milk ear s, ' wales, , churn butter o 3 50 worker, vats, cheese pi lases, a id other utensils and ,articles contained therein' and use t$ere- with. The whole prop rty • will be put up and sold en bloc. The abo e property is si ate1 on North Main. Street, in he Town of Seaf rth, and comprises four acres of land, er closed b a rood board fence. The buil nags er -eted the" eon con- sist of a small frame h use in glood repa.i •and the cheese faetory. The (-tory' buddies?: s hame building It caa, factory, 11-pdse is 68 0k1; is 10d ; rley, 58 58s 00d. o 80.76; ieas 56e 87.00 to ier bag, dressed Mo I been 'atm Ibut n to ac- per Ths, hire :good ;Nigel Iabou tinui weak there Corn weig Lam] Live $t -raEAL, Dec. 3. ight mostof nt. There is a • demand fOr i supply •and we. market re nip 600 head.- Ci le in light soya 1 ; good to choic were free sales loner grades 1 t. Sheep and s sold at *2.50 Ti c o1 supply offyi I riees 'are quet t. Live hogs fte to 5e .Pe tabutchers' *a steers and ie ie ut general 115 o d at 4:1,-c to 4 t for very fa T r ukht 3c to :3-ct a nbs were in go o 84 each. Ma'rketts ade in expol e ttle has ipts being qn through a here, a •d at 4:Ic were ill tb. At tle vere fers cora •ket was c, while animals. live d demand. iig ENTI E SOCK. IftIA `E YOUR CH) C shire and one 'u .5 vice • ming the pres it signe at Rodgers I e. cents at the tiine of ry retur ing if n eeSta 887-8 • • .-Two Pigs, ate Berk - k, wil be kept for ser - Season by th • under - Terms: Se\ enty-five ce, with the pr•vilege of JOHN P. M I SHALL. SU for s cessi the RAN ,TOLK ANID uffolk andithe rvice at Rahni n 8, TowoShili rivileg.e of retu 'IE. of lfl 0 PIG BREED S keep at his res hae the resent season, Pig, ecentl - owned s and :red 1)3 Snell B • t 7 horn imported stoc 1 the est bred pigs i h sow, with the privil ge 011.. RLES TROYE " SHIRE.-Tt -o Pigs, one er Berkshir, re kept aNit Mills, L4t 12, Con- ey. Terms: $1, with if necessary. 'AMUEL 887 -The unde sled will ce.in Hills Gr , during well knowr erkshire 11.- J. Turner, Blrucefleld, ers, Edmont z He is both sides, and is one..of county. Tani s-$1 per f returning i i eoessaxy. 8874 with brick foundation . nd cell r. The Iat present is fitted up as • a c emery. however, be easily chat .ged in : a ehees rest:lost of the material used ftjr that p still on the premises. The bu lding an 1 every- thing used in eOnflcCtCl11 titer with is 11 a, fair state of repair. The al ove factory is si tutted in the centre of a sinend d farn mg coun ry, and. offers a good opening, f ir any erson dcsiroirs of entering into the busi less of butter o cheese ina,kin. Tema; of sal :-Ten per cent of pur- chase money to be pai to the Liquids, r on the day of sale. The balan :e in three weel4s there- after, when possession vill be given. he prop- erty will be put up s Wed to a raise -ed Ibid. The purchaser will be r quired to sign a contract for the 'completion of the purchase. T le other conditions of sale will le the same as t e stand- ing conditions of sale Of the Chancery Division• of the High Court of jaistice. For fur her par- ticulars apply to P. S. 1RR0LL, Seafo h, P. O., Liquidator of the said €onipany. Date 1 at Sea - forth this 2nd clay of ' cember, A. D. 1 84. 887-3 — LUMBER I . LUM ER! , The undersign d having bought and re -fitted the •leachinery of the Carrick Mill, are now fully prepared to furnish Fanners, Contra( ons, and Lumber Dealers With all kinds of Building Lum- ber at the Most reasonable terms. , Those building hous s ; ale eon furn sh With Dressed Planing and Si ing at low. rates. Parties ordering lui tber tan have it shipped to any station - on the Grand Trunk Railway. Oeders by until promptly attended to. (tire us a call before leafing elsewher ALDWORTH CAMERON, ' 886-12 - . Whitechurch 11. O. SOMETEIING NEW FOR BRUCEFIELD. MCDONA,LC & HOCKIN, PRACTICAL SHOEMAKERS Have pleasure in intin ating to the eople of Brucefield and vicinity, that they have epened • Boot and Shoe Establi iniept in the cor er Store, at present occupied by Mrs! ltit-Int.osh, All Orders promptly attended to, anc a Good Fit, Good Workman -hip, I aod good Material Guaranteed. ; A TRIAL Being both practic acquainted with their :strict attention and h liberal share of the Pi N. B. -Repairing ne executed. • 866 McDONAI ; SO CITED. 1 nen; and thoroughly Imainess, they hope by nest dealing, t merit a ihlie patronage. tly; cheaply and promptly D & HOCIiIN,Buefield. OR,. GRE T .A.i'TRACTIONS CAMPBELL 5 BRIGHT'S CLOT FING HOU SEAFORTH. Fresh Suitings, Pantin s and Overcoatings 1Ib IMME.NSE VARIETY. We lead in the Fine Trade, and re beg our customers not to forget it. Come and see our large and fresh stock !of READY-MADE OVERCOATS, the best value in Western Ontaiio. Ladies, *e call your attention to our large stock of ULSTER CLOTHS,and to the beautiful fits our MR. BRIGHT can give you. Fur Caps and Gents' FUrnishings without end. Ca4 and see, W. D. BRIG HT. WM. CAMPBELL. THE FIGHT FOR PURE TEAS. EVERY POUND GUARA.NTEED. M. A. CHARLES WORTH, Feeling that tea drinkers want -something tood and pure, call their attention to our 25, 35, 45 and 50 cent Teas; mist spech lly-to our 60 cent BLACK TEA. • The above lines are, without exceptimethe best value in Canada. All we ask is a trial. NEW CURRANTS in. *Tele and cases, NEW L6D0N LAYERS, NEW BLACK BASKET, NEW 'VALENCIA RAISINS, NEW- FIGS. Extra value in PURE SUGABS. Stock Complete in all lins. M. A. CHARLESWORTHI POST OFFICE STORE, SEAFORTH,, ONTARIO CENTRAL. GROCERY. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, Good Che PROPRIETORS. r for Christmas and New Year at the " Central." New Currants, New Raisins, New Peels, New F Colored; Valencia Alnionds, Walnuts, Filberts, Can Canned Fish, Haddiese Bloaters. Lerge arrivals of New Season's TEAS excelled. Prices from 25c to 75c pee paum stock of GenerarGroceries. The Central goods sold by US waeratted as represented, which for . SUGAI " is the sp or cash re gs, Icing Sugars, White and led Fruits, Canned ,Aleats, pungency and flavor are un - S cheaper than ever. Full t to buy good goods. All nded. Crockery and Glass, are epartment. We have a large andt choice seleqitiou in China Te Sets, Printed and Decorat- ed Tea Sets, Dinner and Breakfast S ts, CI amber Settj, Toilet Sets, etc., etc. An inspection of, our stock will *pay intending urchasers. A calllarespect- fully solicited. Higllett Prices Paid for Butter, Eggand Poultry. FREE DELIVERY. 1, LaidlaW& Faikey, Seaforth. -AT OCR- IjADQUARTIRS. R Colin It - JEWELRY STO PREPAEE for 0011D SNAPS - By Purchasing Your Wirkter Goods at Jet. SMITH'S, SEiLkFORTH. -In this _line we are still iteeping up our reputation, BLA Nit ETEi. We can give you a good All -Wool Dauble lanket or$3. FLANNELS—In all shades and all prices, from 12tc cents up. FURS -In Mink, Seal, and Astrachans. Be sure. and see them. G ENTLEM E N—ll you want a Suit of Undeeetothhag, go to J. L. SMITH'St where you are sure to get the right thing. HATS AND CAPS -In large numbers, and always the latest styles kept in stock. J. L. SMITH'S, C6api Dry Goods, Seaforth. SEAFORTH, ONT. er's I ha,,e a full li»e of Holiday and Bridal pres- ents,haedsomer and t•heaper than eyer. Come and see them if you want to buy or not. My ct stock ••onSists in part of the latest designa in WAT HES,SILVER-PLATED WAREtjEW,ELRY CLOG -S, due. all of Which will be sold Cheap for cede 1 AB goods guaranteed as yes:re:witted; Or monq refunded.• - . In VATCHES we show Ladies° and Gent' Hunti rig and Open -Face, Gold and Siiver-filled, - Stem . nd Key-Winders,eases and mot emenN of all the h st -makers. The leading Wates for gent's wear now is the Aurora 'Quick -Train Watch. Ever a movement - fully gnaranteed by the make s and -agents. Sold oillY by : M, R. COUNTER. , A H. ndsome 'Coin Silt-er Hunting Case, hilt jewelhal Lever movemeat for 88. I . _ In gr at variety, all sizes makes SILVER-PLATED tiid oiees. ARE. 1:8,11tense stock in Hollow and Ware. (*RD. prisin r all the -Staples •anm d ost -o the Fancy iin JEWELR Same as usually kept in a first-rk,s jewellery store,' comprising in part Colored ami Bright Gold Sets, Gold Btooehes, Ear -Rings, Lace Pins; Gem, Seal; Band. and Plain Gold ',Rings, Scarf Pins, Collar, Cuff and Shirt Studs, Loekets, Necklets, Guard and Albert Chains; also same in Roled Plate, Eleetro-Plate, (S'ilt, Agate, Ruby, Pearl and Celluloide. Also Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Walking Stiviasa and Pocket Books. Spectaeles at all priees and to suit all sights, from 25 cents upwards. REPAIR IN Ti all branches of the trade as ustial. M. The R. COUNTER, Id and Reliable Watchmaker 4nd Jeweller, . Main Street, Sea -forth - N. WATSON, —GENERAL ---- FIR MARINE, tIFE & ICCIDENT iNSURANCE AGENT. Risk Effected on Hinds of Property at the Lowest Rates. No e but!First-Class British d Canadian Com anies Represented. Dealer in First -Class Family end Manu- facturing •SEWING -MACHINES. AGENT FOR THE 0 LEBRATED.-WHITE Warranted for Five Yeaas. EEDLES IC!)IL, —AND MAdillNE ATTACHME NTS & REPAIRS Kept on hand. ALL KINDS. OF ,MACHINES EPAIRED. Ofiice-ICCA to Weir's Iota W. N. WATSON. Tea T., A.- 1\T 1-1 T —OF— ROYAL MAK STErSHIPS. A. 8TRONG, Seafort Agent, GREAT REDUCTION IN PASS GE RATES, Ca. in rates from lialif,ax to Livalpool and Lon- donderry, 850., 863, and *73, aaeordIng to position. of stateroom. Children under 12 years, half fate; under 1, free. Servants in -Cabins $50. Inter- mediate, $35; Steerage, $13. Front Liverpool er. Londorsderry to Halifax: Cabin, 866, 4, 7875 and $9450; Intermediate, ::55; Steer e, *13. Re- tnrn Tickets from Halifax to Lo adonderry ' Liverpool arid back to Halifax Ca: )11), *100, *126 and§143 ' - Intermediate, i70; Stec. aas,e, 826. 1 Money Loaned and Real Estate Bought and Sold as Usual r preeenlitNsesS-eral U Office -Market Street, Seafo h. tAheNbeset -m▪ enace -Gems pani s in the world. ti" G. 862STRON _1 ltdtirm.• g From Business. • ST ORE TO LET. W tb the view a going out of the Grocery Tra4e the -undersigned has determined to sell off hiS dock of General Groceries aid Provisions, regefrdiess of cost. C nle and „fret good bargains in spund gt00418. e store will be let with or wit out stock. JAMES MURPHY, Main S reet, Settforth. 887- D. S. OAMPB LL, PP,OVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR aria Civil Engineer. Orders by ma' promptly at- tended to. D. S. CAMPBELL, Mite11011. 4