HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-12-05, Page 1I7— II 7==� Ipop L Stage i Publisher. N B SEVENTEBNTH YEAR. ar 1884 FRIDAY .,� bECEMBER 5 50 a Yie in A WIEIOLE NUMBER 887. SgAF'(.)R Lie the 11,11ilding Oil their 'way holne an average seasows cii Caad�. fire to keel) theinselves A'T-RIP TO COLORADO. hold wic. of the inosi hilpic 0i an�liltedlit seenied iii-possibic tbat ril- EW W r 4 and kindled the may --if not Canillion, )r o 11r. J, of the rd I 08 b il 'Portil-lit wqy coold (o nstruoted through Dr. Me f Killgstl�ll, tile, r mornnThe�flanies soon sp WHAT A (,'AN�AWAN 8,AW IN only In. Denver ba; I I Coiorado. n., Th6re is scarce- (A with an th cis stu �llcdoiis alig Was Sites, ill , few ininutes. of Pover, near n a 'I'll city is 0 le )Ile roNIi'tl I '-y v bag t1i riv r4loue; the train —A $3,000 fc:01 in Bost'll, buld. ly 1roonit or e I (Idell dcatll, )y falli g down a One of tile en wa.�� folillic: for it -11 the next a-wful)y su 3 years. 11 156 1 thin tl 'es s builliLd the otli6r Mr. AN',. It. MacKendi I"Yes Wit County, w's ""t, -iuk, of winds in auclout ail, I aroull�l tile ell ir-ay of his owl A T .0 I illorning lyill p ag,0st the,'si(le of -.Ili sta IfOrIllerly of Kincardine, 111ent of fir�, ing gold Ili ght, 'a fine 4 suake, the Online bdilic, in ill 1) loved into a Ied blit 0 ldjacent Iffloing bareheaded, ho ar -ick, vhts (fW the from the rear coacliks nearly all the way. brick Ther( are two of i ost his Ilt ill Ilis efforts to piit out new w. In twellt3 -threa So iuck in the eye by pie:c'e Of i '11. trip to�, Colorado durill". whicli lie 1.112�t 'tinw dates Dell, V, aethe that, te) 11 46 Str front th.e front P Alle lire. Tho holvie 'is located ncar hstair-i,-ays one vIlat itnoli,v L i I S;y It O ycar� it has I CyColorado phrase, you Call lik liallds fie willIosethe . and J.'1_0 froiii lic real, rea-ching d baol a very �liarrow escape. L _T: ell (fince fro I th e rear pig as 'ly objee Ivith a popillal. Oil hile -it hungry ohnall Iti.N-kpoi t, -th tile 0 Ranma of tbout (i f cedin Ill the Presbyterian illissioll field of the There _s 0311y aspiace n Bros builoilings that w-otild be credi ti f illa11 C sui Knicht, of Pilkil) ('to]), left part of fis 1�llyself 0111 tile tot hadnot the pl�,a -e . of in- partition 0 te' churches and of tNv ajaiy inches be the Northwest thir. en
oil A.ugust, 'it the ullfi 't �iw`a.i1L;iJL1(f tfie in our eate in tr?ducing, ll)yself in that lilkniler, thumb hi the bruteIs 111cluth.
hree were crecte(I this season. and stair ays and it is fast' 111�lil ell 1, .)U te o the 1: ase of he Rockies, it bs 11 ]a illy it( —Peter the tl being- unacell- ed of tile cinnat ve-rit. tit(-; I statement. to tbe new resi- ro e les to ii and - p an t, s Russin bear k t ulling but of tile d. -�pot fit 8 I' Toronto Z010, ID'he aggregte cost- 29,600 two- v"altages of cli �c t1l, ept I a C T� thirds of whi ell was contributed by the denc.I4 be tnrn(d t4e, w-ronge I%Y 30 o'clock set out on 'Illy JOI riley 'Ve C continent. It is pre ily laid [)It all I glie r !an N T e r s end, the cliffs has bee'sold to a Bost( I circus. o his bedro(An eOl ing tieaVe of which wai tow er '111A, li1)( 11118 of $1 00, 00 %rd t P
hours, collif,orta-bly C -ed 0 —G ,lIph offers 'ell to tI e bottom. its 6. 11 colic ou either side advanced by the Church and manse build- Over. A.,Ie lall(ling aild -ill and sIlrroullded by -w.bicli tl,, c 11 )usand feet. Beaver and twenty a Ito secure the f -tantly, ill a pullill, -,is they featt re, is the (lear riunbur watar Mies Of 151;11( HeN% Ik;Iled alin ).A ill, his neck eight of a th I of fill] d. �,)Oved t9 -be.) Inost a.gorreeble ai id so6i. it* stmds, rii�_ aho erection of (.x�r,�ii(ITriiiikiN,oi-k�sliops
ci lates thrutig lout thE re. cir iB ook is rect alad f itiether o f the Toronto beill, n Id 0, I _B —The sill -intelient 0 C, —2f ol a down on eilher sid 'a%- strects all in -011 nd Truit Railway lie P, -avellerss bebil 'Plinj ell PaN .d, litaill. he Gri Chlirch it faillily 'of tell C) all took rty of fellow ti., cho n (I I ea 0 -riter to ineet. J lie tril, tcwns or ining tile lot 'f the iii, Silver PlUnIC ficyliting the Toroii prolli ig t�krh of khtds- extra, �iatural cartl t Congregational meeting grown lip- from w1listling within t-J�tiulf t�g the rodiv tys. Alliong theprom - distant bu miles fro rom rom is tof the selloo' on liunday th lie Wolild Towns1iip Clt,iths — Colored—ilt! thl-011gh �Iie -vast Prairie I vest �nt building� I e7 U100*11 d ,lPot, a wil, but eight 111i, Libracing last vaid �:.,)Co with es travelled city limits. dninan whose toligue was rccpiitiy introduce iew Pledge Cal io frolit tile t� nib ere(I lb�.tO, tile C� ty 'blidt L ely o4 Stolle, to reach it. Tbelti-ain winds arou xical erp( Li gr drinks, killed by dog n )itio into ZD Of 'Of gle"it Iengrtli uld fill-nishill 111111P. e lcops, e,wh one liputte(I it the To nito Hospit, is he ter than the former, ai, - V1.( I X p, read- --ibc nt- dy
MIA, uddenly cattle to lint and Nebraska stron-I ra,l) pera. substantial iron br ge is pi his il g of SFC tobacco, rofane lauguage, and the facil ties. or able- to speak quite in t�Migjbly, and iinpre6qed ..in( CII s4 -t CQ�A. e a s but litple in] C ill boast f; tl of the drivers. night a. bro'keii-legged stove, r Ith. the of this Call W Cd feet tbo "e, and after mking Sellse of taste i —Arebib Kerr, -one y t -Xiiiiies, hote[S T r —Tile governin,ent has niade rrailge- nd the NN aviii, fields Of and Cori two itiore',tooll St. T. ioinas Fir s, ffe, qsed over this a Iong trel;ch of Ulack down steamer betNceen in the rs 1 ments for a fortnightly wit'l soot and the'scone begg, bear testittiony to the indus Block the Ou-t House Ut, etting intoxicated pi C,: filluov the W17, the, a lid same brido led for g P I suspen IOl O,OOC Ascription. an his duty-. It is stated 811,101 -,-e. t Ily fae ulf their ei ected last y t acost of $0 ly, wiSli sonle,of lily France, id M(ntreal, the first beei
neglecting (,.Ioves, Tie, i Yk- I 1, -er- .-High Sehool a id (ill(! &111OlIg Canadian friendsill I me to 1 trip to be in Apr I' 1) e1i kept in the hay will 6,,.�e r tile. first tillIe tlle if been wit] — ou.'D: A. Fo - that- habe , -'aNI CL( St. J olin s Qatlip- feast their eves, as I did, upon that truly Lumbering shlityl en in the Ott- S11
Itwit, to Illy VieNV -N% uhI of ��o. 000 to -to 'oods far At tile fire sta#on, and t1lat other L district 0111 t aboll 10 Pei be clnployed foi- hohliu, aptist, U -a's efforts.* $ ate ela,
o Ith- y a( SeS
Burl ingto it, and tter tho utral sby berialit i g andest of nat'i y get it)- -Ire tranLr JP Ineinbers of the f orde ide W, reat vrietv, id a -t prices till (if which )ed, -olull-Les for. elite 11 pon tile platforin. the rear coach, ll(q and lots 'are to be had ii�t that, wheii;1. tile tra aulic-11011 as Kerr. thorough inquiry foT the hiklici education of It -s. This as well I-lat, I be t -ibuted., by aut3 jig dolvii upaii f the vat pl:lzl I Icy, from the d. rel iti x ye. ,iy got upwards �f $20. an,ionnt coil Plattsmouth. Liticolii, looki will be ilisUtuted. -i �tlit everybody. alkerton yollkng ldy diotin- reached ikb011t 310011 Oil Iias sP been coa.illunced upoit lie w 11 -11011 with th e ail I Q1- twkj locomotive, —A AV, Y., --captain Harbottle, CrOVel"Illnent Illill i$1 00) post cill tee all (1, is 1JOi Lis House. Aniong islied herself at a i1a,lice held recebtly Stay. us time. to judire of it -N% e had j ust riseii, P 3 3 lid with the mighty inspector, returned io-To'Dronto froin. the i —,Nlrs. lWin. Cockbilril llIthe prilicip"ll marts Nalli 8 catract rushillur I Idly dON%,n the il ilic f)y carrying around ljbttle of wh4ky7 importance, as a awake, C inierei-all capper lake ports oi� Friday, where he -who was to bed for wveii years
& F illeil to I oslyl llpon th o I'Lint'j)III Ilotl * 11 "9 belleath us,, .)ecoliles -ind of which she ilivitLd the young
lull r r the tifne aniused
L-1 bad gone to enquirebito and report e el ill of, a horn. the� cause f so ,I ny in pa-st ];lei- ig what is COM monly presetits itself to the to (I A. L. 11, whidh I had dumb ill tile subliIie. take 4 of liote 11 rI a Is U F king shown th -oL Wo of the Canladian coi of I -vvei sl i e po rily, --T , tile majority of called a ctazy quilt. 70 bloc�s until at oil ruesday 'llornillif gh by elchibits the-po years. lie attributes friands associate,I�iii the variolls AOUs to. the Nile have 'fallIen by tile wily- the quilt g we were roused to get Our first lillipsp tI Pattern, the disasters to ovo� oading and badly in all (I al.4 oo1. loulitaills. 'Hy fir A Michael Brennan, of! Aiel of :Oes. as wb,, Atid lfor t I of the t C At Ftilver Plunie w4i stowed carc contiins 8,400 pieces.
Of N rth -I nel, trip. -w-as to orado Spring$, Dili dy nrlmt interestin foot -race —lr. 8. liallini n near ew Dun- lay ronto' was ilrowiied� in the Nilf�. 4 id D The was hil intel sentery and,, Win. Mtorrison _KT -av he %rc �11. I le later. (h —A some Ifflinery and AlAntle t I all daily traiii�N` fl, e Dejiv ill i J N here we alighted a lit To Illy for $2,50 dee 'is gretting Ver (;stillg oil(�, to tho'%c of its who sa m y largely o the Hol- Ud t indica. ted the end of the trip, the -for the first tinie though tit Orlei rc ari ived at t1i e ---4fhe prop6llei Cit3f of 08AIlen SO Of 1101V four- I Palk- Steil e cy coiiv e of Ar- a i -de between Allsa l'obinson, ciAtle, busin ss he lias Iltter beility situIled aIJ tile base 'iall 1) to Porli aout. oldock, where -we took from and is so but ':4 fidll!lt idea, of what in to, lie teen h of thorolitrlibreds 11allitob , I old - ( I 0 Itaking feet bicrlici�.,tliii thur is ashore at picoten 1 and hill' and B mifus durinct1the reiiiainill" of: 011 S(_ rIage .,lid (IroiVe t:) (ray's Pek, 1,000 4,006 fi�etlabove the listnc(I 117s 1.6 quarter of a inile. Rob- greatly eased ivith tllij�, thtit lie will Prove al loss, is valu 61 SprillErS, lip tile Ute Pa.s�s Pike's Peak or o in the Miliera e to his herd at I a tot, at . , i I I
I Joup-il the 1110-untailis. 4 expEcts t add inany mor level. At SiI er Phill e e were at _s opponent five yards start, Misoll to Rainbow Falls, thence, tblollgh tbe 8 � " U at 7. 1.) n Tue, - f et litile 9,35,000o cadly defelited, being fully tell ilo i-stan, (lay.
attitude Of 9 0 feet, r about a d. S ea ail Bronte, took on depart- —Joyce Brothers, resident of tillic, ( r Clir Gardeii.of the!Geds. 41f Mani- ay lliu Lr Baiiig fairly warn - (IS belth (I at tile fillisli. A vety J( -,U tile - Su III my ,her than T)eii-%-(, Friday last what is pr�)bably the liti-rest yar atilig, S. 11), H )re f )VOIlto will Cole- e ts Ii e on the 22nd lilt. The death r indic. ed of the great change fil"the tempera --The H ws 6 To 4
be allowed to- (j uOte, f roill the Tourist's catch Qf fish ever dra-%pi from Lake.! Oil- Depot ((f Oil alighting t thefine Union IlLight 6-pect, the I east of Qhiluco oil tile 12th refe: TCd to Ivas that Of 1-� ,till froin., Gli Fver�v lady i -a thit- CFG11r (Juide, the doosowiption being so, much tare I trio. Their three bo ts came ill vith noit), &lid, 'fortified is I late which linore Overcoats myself witlrhea -CIO H December dud eight followig - days. Wy'lie, rejiCt Of tile Jan es Calder, lid o.aina get onic of our )lore graphic i(if rni 85,000 ciscoes with letters of i ntrodud- y Were in demand, lid thing. The fe. emoration of the who died at the A her son was although so pro- ast is in Conlin ilio - —J. C. -Wood, bank teller in the! 6ni- Of tioll, to of 01' 11 J .,it tile Jew-, over Antiochils and Robert Sth colt; 3essi011, wslavering �vitli cold. On victory of I lie very base of Pike% idshut in on Yll ploy of the Molson's bank at BrockIiiiie, FLOWER"S, FEATHERS, SLKS, ageof f o years. 6f a then ill the teiriple; I BI i !lei ij t tile rii�e &,tch and all diol utl'iost �,o ti I I I L tj �ta, fcot ia the morning it was a I leaving Deliver bas talcen his departul' across the Iline fe IS., )v G aelph, was 11 0 sit CIS )y Nir I RBOINS, ssur e - multiply,])" -the oil ael O'Boyle, of o4 -f What VELVET,,, lillost s, the Lord in the R my visit it oie (I I -iltry, -Ni-Ifile at gilver Plunie it leaving shortage ill his ccount of ng it ed 'it f 1�olii view lint it it Sudden ti.1 -11 xpos�es lly plas the other fternoon.
111o'st effectut ; 0 P .
you Slime( d s snowing—a trnsition froni 'V tS -itb, its Ilotf1s, cottde, L 'round- liver n' ie niade ba pl, 3 green 811 3,,300. d wben the acceptably in sb doill". ---it 11�- I 11(rust to Novelliber. A top of two —In Pla Ville, the I I found aIleV. �Vnl' iIIgJ :11OW11 ittI c of the -ill of tile, lily! I Iowii as Cre al h ial. ned on O'Boyle took to Ces -try to nial) oul cach day's eilgag s, -Wost. Oil ccollill �:of tile n ours olAervtions, nd 0 f Brri 19 tb be -oll"llo I apidly since- the first -his iecls,l iila�lla!f 01 to sw ing hi nisel ments, t1tereby utilizing , ory day I risen Ippeared to us a divided between tile 1 linox collcgd ell- conl3lience ev (I Ni t ITE I AT T 11folt]llti' 1f spr�llgs whiell'it tjosiesses is, in i le vy fall �)f snow along its colirse, This into ill .1.(.,Ijoiiiin� tree before the ii-ifuri- lit seeiiig ud auquiriiig i MI a -ilous descent. The irain ran 1i Ith intent, and home lid foreign 'al co Id cl, t rea�ity, fai- sill)e-ior in attractivc ness to tdovi 111) to hint. S ba a stream for overflowing as its ate. anin) U ireniendous velodity didwin the steep terian mission f unds. qi�y speking, re very low, -J. W. Bark or, Posito 11C its nanieske It lies N% Hill Ises The see(id day I limited 111) niv flichne, without the aid of stewn, all( nerse I e —The Warden of stings of t1le 11iffeent f Kv a -j oil. We and some f cars of a ',flood are entertaine( iend, Mr.'Thorrington, forinc.r!i 0, I I. HEAP CASK STORM ft 0 ia some. cases With bil, ke. of the London dwision, of I rprises I rides nd are full the local councils ill t:, lat county to 1 pass ca-rdilie. I fond Idill licrty al such as flitt of two years ago, when 90 rmst, of a man ilaned Coutts for steallllg� icturiled to Deuyer,- ho1ever, without by laws renderillcr vaccination coi'pul- rl 1, ddelights. wit til bag 'froill. the stage culining be- - tr il I ads l;ip, P ablislieJ it a frofitable .it I Comfortably est, the sli-litest mishap, and after expel much daniage -was don a ii., tl k, 's So far tiventyt(leatlis are reported -iiii r ste(ip grades:" t sullialit d, Pi oily. —OF— a -11� L w hile Ch t�lcillg one of tile illo-st delightful of e S Inolwich town treasurer a,-'-, tweell. Gorrie aild. Wroxeter ll. Novem- to hve occurreoldn the affected dist�ict- & lie has bililt ul' Ilr( e 'Pc k, follo"N mits that there is 32,000 inisging, and it ber 22. T lie in -ail bar -%iras fo 11-1 the t rip. Mi rryat, dalfgliter of i Ing x- of it inoilut,aiii. able that when the books are ex-* woo cis ii f a wile froin wiere it "fle. expik�,ssed him,,elf -as hiigh 111IDg rob al -ou� I , -clefts hi, tl i -1 riange, This Callon tile great Illi US- tile realtuiovelist, ail('. herself no-elist is P rekards tell led views,th anine(i tll.( illoutit will be nigniented taken f roin the stage. This i s tlile same e actit er 11. loin t1l Snow- trict neare.-st to 1enver, it Nva illy gri i be to $ e inquiries o erson whose escpa( top of it. ek, olonado. givilege to. see ill illuc also, It 91 ft-. Ft desintbility.of its a lid froilla C)l f tllb panbe i,oild, FI 3,000. The result Of tit f le was alhidd to
nuF UAN ?OTHERS -his gi-and p rillll itS�diffcrellt ments in - Toront li e is said 114 P I the Colli(il. reveals tile fact that the aek-point. I alo le roxeter staxid sel�, f roill prosp6ct hole " to a talented in cricature.1 is spread out lit tile f( t ill all. ha tt i to Thorring-tou and filid 11 4r Treasurer .s not able to niake up tli% de- its harmonious . cclifusiion—1 1.1111tidps, mining dimip ii the.sille of the nioun- —Last Saturday ii lt lamp el )IOd- d At it inecting of the Ottawa medical equally N% -ell stisfied -%i�itli her i esidend�e 4C ficiency, an .1 his two bondsm ail are foun Lucalm kdo-w of IN. Association, it was -ks,':rweYsaiidlakos ieet'the tain, ad " PI&CCI oil sluice inining." Cot in tile wir d w of r. Strin dry-
-er. - truly phasur&be pj�u 0 have no 1property. in their own naines. .,Aory at easures
ill Deln Olile of in3 siglit is olle.to caille in couttet wfth millers, and ablishment n Strat nleasures
ii, wid the goods es de- ed to take precaution To. hy S FE A F 0 Ft TH. the.in, hen Ave eye atleVW�y (luestions, prompted, I —The C madian Pacific Company has e a I ttack of cholera next ni elix ry forever. stroying blie entire coi tents, 11 g a.. aga st possibI
i rried thent. with fully Old thil es!,— no t, On the 0 drafte(i tile plan of the rourte� oil which It was aso agreed to request by desire for information. I quantity of millinery and furs. suinmer. 000 fe,1 above p _13o).tterick's Nfonth Ti for Deemilber to ipill'—but ill ne aivd Pike's Peak,' i,,: over 13, Mr. it ig prop Dsed to build a li.ne, fro in St. the --the- -A three year olicl ughter f Ontario Board of Health to issue, Yo ascend it I heir conuentrtillgi or stanip mill: ol, 11 honq and get ovic free- tile sea e- 0 1, of Thomas to Detroit R r terminating at sliolt ith Bruce Connty. Nrigo, works—tho' oilor aising fron, Thomas Watson, 2nd concessio forns of- directions, wi h reference Arnow, lily letters 'Of ilitrod,liati lath albron- hna Point be ween Windsor and.9and-wich. -Lis schools and on -W �s ack, or i alinost unendurable, MOO aying -with inatches, to khlera, to the vario re Was PI it CX&i_ Cos or burros, tile fin-iner a Old Tex, Ili h6r.se ithe Prov'iiwe. one to Aldermn of sulphur and This will r,,stxlt in giving i a quasi con- f&raiers drove, into being a Combination ]ter cloth as calight fiTE, and she was burn- co a s of small icalle—in i 0. it 4brither 8cot, if I may I e tile IC tt p Cie rol Without actual purchase, and enable .1. Valiberbilt recently nuade a, C 1 -it] ly that slip, died in three 1�onrs it It, and at ance ed so b, Friday 11191 rge I allow Iiiivi D g een )ar�iCSiiv`yi it �iin the r6 I ilg number nd iij ch, it to llail 'Aute without taking trip over the Cana -dal Southern division f fterwards. ai it nteres ii'iLed Lip with N.,lilsky for thle Purpose O,: JL. of all cruid.e. lim is So light,41lie-11 lip, iother nios ting trip is the sees fit to exclude of t,,,, I cakes, alti-iough lily ancestor, (lid Al po session is long a�s it . I-) v e Michigan Central, and presented trathroy. H 1 So"11061 110ard s Army ilieetiRg. All s, 91 (I istu rbing salxtion Lpone day and GoIllpanyJ ecial tthat it is witli great difficulty 'Ile call (one to Leadville trolliLr 11 any other ol ill running the p lc(4illivry is olle of tile I Yest known nil, have re -a nted the r teachers j fol- the men engage
aplaced in t1ieJock-up 0 ()Ile Of the trio bre,ttlic, whilo Oillers have beGlil k 4. leadville itself is' Ve in" eturnin 11 P e -3 in represetati '11, a li\'�e "Own 'i Tlie,� engineer. 'rell, —A smoDth-tongued known by tra.i ri a sum - of inon y.
drill shed. Anolier pro- 9 lows : IITIO(ii inasterli J. E. wetill, llibunced I-eniber4b. (a Or not WC 'ictoi ail politiciau., and a Pro -to. bIced at th�_ :.lost its ol ortil of note, more tban a mining ath d A1,400; i eniaticll and science tinas- f- C. H. Pettit, diappeareAl and coildi -s each $101i utte he name o ML�dcd to res He is extelislively i, le Ute Pass Rain- I Own of s thousand inbaiii- - 11 i
ii buildir g drive extended ip bo t twtive t lei! iliol--i by attackiii-I& the drill, He ter, H. 1). Johnson, i $1,000; iii�dern from days ago, after the fireni aild brakeii each. pit tile most prominent bo IFalls aild Wit Jallis, Calloll to the It hit' at one tiiiie, double this, -ing victinlized p, nuniber of persons returned to in' I �0 ---Archbishop Taschereall. la 3, W. H, 8 i th 8800 i ha,%
100 lights of g city' Caieoftliel)"imls, Which WE illy ill- ])lit for a' tint e at I cast it has seen its day. 11,1111 --wtor in Denver, lIMII.Y Of 111le- :s 'r i
_1T01`b_e t nd Cbarl es Rose wer4 ar- whom he bad to lend Ilin, recenly, and was Rome, were fiaed S-406 which Aed ; thelice to tit(- Or,ar e . of the- 'Pile trip is t the more aw I . hndsomst buildings being in.011unien 'is spe e before -,Nlagist-ate Chadwic 'it a young lady music inet by I 0,000 people. The ',N, yor,iii Tile tw0 a,ken ccib6it of
money, aniDnig thenli 111ric luded tile costs it c Ii as n.- ed. Ic- latter deriving its raine f roni tit ro te, of his arellitecturi skill. (4 -ods, the than majestic; Seel cry al(ing r, rged with ob- teacher, who is poorer na - e of the Catholics, presented him aii free- so n '�uige' 11 oil Friday, d1i, $800 by his --At -ralli is quixill various 'colorcd rocks. of ir ie Royal in the Arkansa s calion . Z� i * tensive Stone yard apeclill. - orge I - 11 from 1he General Trust !acquaintance. Sevi.--ral-tra(lesiiie-n,iiiilk- h,at. little (if the iiaoil-ey obtidned resell t- )eitig the most strikin�. In goiligup add CSS ikelcomilig Milli. Tile Archbishop sta of skilled I firs bad tlie ill Inally CaS ,�s strongly FE Coulpally, of Toronto,lby forgeries and Inien and troceris also mourn his depar- made a ing reply. A procession then bove the 0 cireuliou. recent foil it crets int nectincr him ill thtc (;ouiiq'! ingihetilien. icteffies. H6re II,�,iligllted ron Mountain the train 17uns a fartners to pleasure of i I �ii trial. ure. forl: I ed I d the, A s escorted were fully committed 'for rchbishop '%v- ba,lik filures hi, lids. Y u see bhe c1midsovexhallgIlligl lie appeared. to be!'a and entered a! Cave li'the side one of lo 0 'outh Ili. 1), . I I —A p(Aition is bei g extensivel cir- —Mr. Win. Elliott, of London S to ;lie -b'qpfflica, w -here - the Deltul. was lip to thei� h4ight esti- lie mount in befic re it is reacl, ed, and PONver in inunilcipa it o1qe thepe towering I -OC 8, a CUlated on g the ret Lit grocers of ., lam- lost a coltralued at $100, the other day slin , aft0i: which His G-rac gave the re 80 ehand Nvith a to -1do tbe uiafe(Iat350feEt- ("Outilluiligol hen there looking down th -oceeds of Sales a, �'r moun- E -valley� er. n e, away with tie custom of g� cvin i I 9 in a very I eculiar inanu pal a. benediction. trade suffers in inisi, while aoliiid� iltol' to (I o,
ti, e til� driver we ii ,�xt visited G I - I E is ail yrie, -4. Nearly pasture fie. (I it the thile, ail (I sometime i - lillall, of tuld the in t1lie cry tha,t Othei grounds, 4ii(' supinier seat of General and RA1i)'o1'v1'ce is clear. storli may, Cli ristni s presents to ustomei --A slater named Ali of -ill the retail grocers ilt the city are sign- during Sill (lay roll6d over on the side of 0 n tile be raging in tile :valh�y beneath you' Cornwall' employed oil tile new Knox Nvorse since T . 11 :1 Mayor oi Denvur; Col. Palineir of N ew Yo -k. Presid( "he hichile was steep and the ilig it. a knoll. Cll-l:.rch -,wras precipic teol fr n the top tated
tatecl f r -was a toWll. 'io railwa y. A more hi oil tile' ver and E I Brooks,, Presidunt 6f Couneit -: Coniptro I- wi le 'all is cal n. and Placid —The stemer Algqnia, of the hma- horse's f ect being I towards the, top it of tile I'llaill roof to the g�olvlliol, a dis- -clict Of the lae Alex. er Beattie,; Chief Pektr,Ue, Of Fir, Depart- s6( 8tered si)0 it Ivould be dil icuilt to Inoinitain. at lit ge, b lip, � and not having ilIfficient s 61ti dian Ppific Line, 4i,rrived well Could, taw te of 30 feet from the aves. Two of Air. ite. Thro (fit the kindnew of the . , tmuch cenditly of portion� Sound Oi i Saturday after a very plesant sense to riall back anhital died y clinging Cilief of Policipl, aild a, I the telph (lied in . - for thic corryades saved thi-nselves b P., of the la.1, of which 'llepoliel pq.r ilitted to ei ter %lid ig, onej trip -ta i's expected down wn I othe AhAi s -er in"their olo rd descent. 26th lilt.. Th -e -ough th C this weel : and her trip will be tho last enison of Toron rivin that city oli. th beretlf not. , ufli Ce it t( IS 11 ad I be, 11 (I r i c till lovely re, at.. At of Colorado. B(iore c6neludi The Albei I there. to a ladd in( -in - 9 Indy, has for th-e last tell years been i- �vord of �tliia clinia te and. bus ss pro%, Ahley li. .9. D ThE accident was:caused iv� the accorded the freedom of tile it M the stands tile Porter's lodge,., Y? ects. With the ffiriner I was more tban! oi the e ts2on. to, Peceived a letter a day or two ago liined. to tile house. I way of a defective scaffold. An,gus -has in itself. , circuit- I e ITIMIA 0 Iltuidsonic resId -tuost excl-ti.sively eo it for . t i 11elighted. Warin days and co I ilights, .1 —Wit iani Tathani, of Windsor, is from bis bl-otlihill, Nljor Denison, ilio is Since (lied. 11 rs. Imtes has beei have been ons�,drive b'r6ught us to the G eneral's tilt tit tile f -0 gold wit tch. -_ He hung his adian contingent 1) -ii ascerfai I it of one Avere ill perience, tbigethe , with a minus m in comnland of the Can, --It havill ec nd that er Through lily f riend illi-villay palatil lrlails,�Olt-, In -ber ishop -lie -in i.a! of those. grIllild C% (11 atmosphere, offerirg niany vest up in a bai in Wii sor of Gordon re ef expedition, i , d in M. iy of the ebildren attend ngg the pub- ,no LIS (1)1-0116r 11, L ,,(I Can_ e U lat cam. e t ) their les- P etirce, I had tile pleasit're., loif ,%-if liessill to iiiv� dids, its well a those in -while It was being shaved. Wh 1 lie which he tated th, lie was in good lie ebool in Loll -d -on [-Ie Past tWelity-tWO YcArs Of its business pro went to lit his-ga I -pected. to -I hitch -lip" at their cell till r1l, io. it. Alighting, 18-e TP to the latch health and ex lie on the 'NTile iiiiii re ad For t,' 3 rn ent on the v so breakfstless, allid (I cess 11- - rfect health. -,]I Devil'& ! ,;tie has Of tho stroke of the going the men left thoir gulch, or'rift,4n tile, rocks, to lie weeks to come. 'is tie. . To, was gonic. I with his nwri for -soi of thigs— al id I'm a ver table boN%..-i �ects I did not feel so clithil-Si, no ([inner. To meet thi stat. tchairnizin of. cots, slid down the Poles,. hitch ich Bowl—i 11 a huge e. it ppeared dull, iiiiiI I w s so in -i —Ala re quantity bf stolen good was The therniometer, when lie wrote, was for edueatiii,on an ein Pty Ston-lach is t) I Aie water r rom ir, the house Of Thos. Lei hton, I I W in the shade. not a, ii- er City Charl Iwere nio,tuited ready to sta It iii h N -c rock filled �ornied by niallybf its Citizens. There is! found . d ill S t I P, -ned to 9 'ting tj 16 varioU S ITIOUJI t ills. , e I to witit upon I laniton, Owen Soan aa late nicetini: After vi.131 1 I, lull in minin, i tm,i ng.to the ab stance o?l d. The police tracid twhity- --One (I Ly recently Cover- have ])cell organized in so-nic of the ,es tile iilno�rr inan, our r c lin, to f ie toni and after pital, -*N-itliheld. no doitbt 1 cas( s of lareehylionia to Leiglitoh, front Foretit, vallied t $300, sell .Or the niodest 'sum of
tite Frovinuli 111clits ill the Ili bit after five )OIs, where f I hi inself in rE a(] iness to e the stopi guide annoui agistrate la.4t week ere stol. two cents a sub%talltial )acre Of P, i ell out of the Hastiltgs� house ided.
to,-urg ur Presidenitial electi upo, tllq and the im d w �C ie (,-mark- li('ratioll. A faIlilly Noylan at - tered I hack and proceeded to (10 convey us to y nne 1011, r LLLLU1Jj even years. Constable N-lailes went 9 I -Y -n ;Ilccfss of depen(Is the success ofj�' him to tile penitentiaify for stable, Pat khill.
ic or able for its Witter f ill 5. This rd, of Well sley to k forwardl —At f ie request of irJobii Macdonald ivud in ToroIlto last week froll, Nve visited every place of ]),It bI pi Deliver, and all c y loo out oil chic se, and after three days be a . burden, eNvortll seeill(r n(I Ila( act ir f down sill was rldillg on lloilseba, w1e). I a fine Vi4w beallitif Ill catt�r .ceilt are t�) - � ;o a return of t I( fornic energ) in iiiin- ation in his honor aptured tile horse and rig near St. liaill tile doltic of the Coui t -token:1ali-cii tiiiies by pro- the 'Moll -eal demons wa,., met: and attacked b� tallion rve's Society. Nfoyhtli stat- of Defl r after being b I When the thief saw Manes upoi Kit, (xeo; lig interests. has been deferred till 1 Janury, w I (.11 at Marys. I-Iicjb as ru se on the road. w Itincr that Il House on Capitol Hill., Oil our jec es in lie Cliffs, 'I lis, coli- w, e(I to thie ro-ce -C vas indu thicy terra 'Oth birthda -,N fil be after Iiiin lie jull"pe(I out of. the buggy Colorad) springs, dioni it was ty pl. t1i e same time his y 'Manes had the pro- Mn. Ward had nothing to protect h proiluses of wol-k lilittle IYY I was \-cry Inuc 1) to Amoncr others i ll eas-4
acted 0 -1 -Ir late, Jan. II, falls and ran, andas'Nlr. to mtae by celebratcd. As this (I self with but his ht, and with this he n ilitijestic. SCCII ta thief escaped. ry. At ttives of a ip collipally ill(, one. of the elluille llollsl,!s in Course 1)1 -Iallitoll , ol'it, re, to nieet, was 11L Bucilianan. son perty to e. Care of th Oil nd��y the public welcome will tke beat loff the vicious beast foi- sonle w� m, - Jie late Senat Buchaiian, of Haiilton,l saniplefl their mineral vho is exten Grenville and Ott- I t1w, spripgrs -�-Tlle following is it statement of the gave Ilila reduced farc, erection, to ineet old f rollf Kil I- lind one engaged in Idle inin place on[the 12th. lites, whell the animal uddenly turn, ed si. tile stealilar line in. the persons Of ollas N'anstont —The largest Casting eve - ina4le in lumber cut between x -foot striking his lilt ery 1 )usmess &is( T. 0.1 0 -I and kicked Iiiiii, one kild Soil. surpri of plielli steoligly inpreo-ntedMitli 'Soda. i lig inact i
Of Po.it Munro oil is clainled, made at the wa in tilt different mills uring the leg below. the knce- and ankle, breaking to our faitliff I guide, _,i fei of tile Canada, it OR her ItIst, trip, -ere' quit aml, I Bidding ad ster, a Olicitime payina. Hamilton foundry Nlessrs. Inglis and H 6iter s as o n o: 1884i ',Nf essrs. of lake Aititual. They N% 11 both ])ones, and tile Other foot 11itting wilo, i Lit Old Catid -, hail- Bruce '. lailroad feet - by the by, is Vellington, and All happy to state, doill". wefew days, ago, .-wh oi Brothers, Hawksb�ry, 3.5,000,0W ic tie (if hur duck ]I, n illy froin thein(i )orlloOd of XIontreal, i ell le of the breaking it ill pieces. (I it Point �jly only relfr(It UNI I IMAI ,111T)t Kincrdin but now I I.Sostant dwards �� & Co., Rockland, shippC pump Cylinders for the To�onto W. C Lilt bmind for National of istics of tile city of Ulo,,'t-rs, Nkillo li-vill- lost his illet wtgh: the larg -Tile, vital sat As I 4e- aird 6ur till, Cashier of Fi b I 4nk mard, fell Water %Vt)rks pumping engine wa$suc_ 4o,000,000;.J. McLaren &Co. Bucking- i's fore Ile is t'llkeotullill ve 10111CMUrd was Denver. '000 Dyi0r.- Our jO111ICY Ross Brothers Buck- Lor don for Novelliber, according to the cess it y�-cast. tile te I are: 'Births, .33: e ill One Isoiliewhat eveliLtful. Leving (.olorzido nill City Clerk's, report' illost enthusiastic one. XVIii -ip, via Oi�aaha 0 —T e Mr. Hillman's I 11 -ti -1, A life bIIOY was 0 My return ti and C un� V ctoria Rigias (Motreal pro- ingliam, 15,000,000 t six, ),Cl( II&Vilig, it btell lip by the Cale 8 -illic., t six, ),Cl( ek, -A 21T du6 in clearlis, 24 marriages, 20. The causesf is - I's ur & Co., he jo gr City picilic was (To! 41 Bluffs, was ilidy accomplished with-',' ng a detach�ilent of 100 p1bliced Blockcliffe� 3,500,000; Gill"10 p pose sell L Enver It ten. After shoi t run our h were. three froni conglestionof the
struck leMid CallillrialLS jointly, cLaren & dea or ey 9 J 0 2 each ffolli absce-"eB, PlithibiR,
(I I)Ilt the illan and hdIt I'alnlCr On the (:.IVst ell. title broke down: %lid w . oblige S, Yucc passingnotice. now agaii in ouli ttolva, 25,000,000 bi,�,It Wt, at play atWashington ontl a& lint.1--licarriviv -t dis ie, t
and old age,
allot the -ide m-bich �e rates - he ato -h renlaill 011.a side tt A;, New Edinburgh, 2-2,000,- Ilea eas t & (',o phoid. fever 'A dollians, Albious Anit desorviii re tlian1 ii 40,000,000 J
ol ut mi�4iap men and! a band to take part in the dis- Gat ieau, N,lcLy- lim
lie occasion of Co., 0 ;`;Wk before lie could be I of tile' di" City of the with its great ana the in ration of the Washifigton nion y After 9u X
not IX, Of tile platte fl.(;Ill those of tile. Of the lie' e Ov Ottawa, 60, - alio.11 1:i each from dirr1wea, premature )f veral. Perley & Pattee, 000,000 ; I st,(Ieli,rlltflil spot, with it,, 5edious- w4t hours, the ol�-! �-orld renowned business hurry, I settlo' mollulli t if the G s per- ;000; Brollson & Ott.awa, 50,- bir�li,br6nchitis, ge oil Friday A mo; e e -Lli two q'elicck. in lo cro. th 1i ts qd relief "it e, anil , I Hurdinaii, it i0n Of tile bOY A despatch f, down to the eai n �_-stness of lily practical I els inflaimilation of ith hs careg and denia;-nds e_ 000, 000 Sherman, Lord & picturesque pavillioll"41-1141 cation, I,% —Tile, grand jury Ti iN'innipe -sis, -0 PI lied into thle Uhion- Ivo g depr paral� 3t) th 11101 )% L Ot�a wa, the brain, cholent infant Vilice"t Jolln -Lid teit 1 and toiling on as other�, flogging of,McCormack, hich Hull, 40,0)0,000 ; J. R_Bootli,
Jt breezes t:y � - a well-known inellichant, (lied st - cool, so 5 do it i a happ eiated th a it, in suninier I lie. de pot. I of Levi Young, 18,- mai asnilis hemorrhage, pere-
Saloon, 'oft POPUII (lays, 'Th.01,11111 te jan (it -lily in, tile er distraction a b autiful vistit, that was dow-, by order of Attorney-G�nerai 60,000, esta Jur next tv 8 A -f lw"aytols, I 33 children, v, Scott sit ip, bl-o dav ly Hull and Nepean, tQn is atiol dropsy. Of the alMiller W recomm on 00 M B. Edi night. Ali dflots of Alderiniall- P enjoy, as I fil�id myself comfort�bly situ' ded that in the 000,000 iee ffnitales and 14 inales. having play was. to Silv�r Plu llel 11 r Creek feet. This borki, 1 w� r hdtdcof acci- gailles,were und: ;*total 495,500,000
-c r Ind. Ri ated at " ill fireside," and shrro future, �risoners sbould be brought be- 70,00010N1 . i ere there, and tile tu(r of C.lon. Weto)k the Den% he Th�re ere two ..pairs of tw�ins. In the froin laceration and extra- ed byinylit e and ye rc e, n r in fore the .court an givenac ance (e- aniou taken with what was -cut up t
narrow gauge, �Fitli ob$el:- by ti nen; Peter matrimonial linethere was nothingoutof pi the caber, and other natioilal eligh fend themselves. .le following g.entlei lood ill the windpipe. De- t and in memory rp,caling, the d eN it,ation of b i;ttChed for tourivis. ThIs ra d - I iiiii-ion; 3 widows married i3widow rle-ton the co IOber 11ILd. 611 Pastimes reminded all that ev -it in lille. though quite s fore. , i,14o trip alone is worth a visft Color- incidents and, sights that -Zrhe, barn belonging to Win. Saun- McLar,en, Caldwell & Co..., of Ca I i albLachlin Brothers, Arnprior; efs, and all the others were b: chelors and lbled far est Scotchnien are to the aIipreciated to the utmost on in rnshi Place ; � ;
ri-iill(r from his eatLt the tabIc still id I al.] o. To t id Crighleilig d��Culties 31 ders, 6t,,i line WaIrwick iow P, was The oldest. bachl"lor inarried Nlr- Mo. , Brays ekey, spiustlers. I s much foi- my friel �western trip—Ay the witzerland of n ide ; W. Ma jinoi fell forward oil li overcome in. th� construction f the road, burnt down oniiun)ed Gillis Brothers 0.1. lers, at wat 48, and he iiari�led the oldest spin- -p- leaving him, Permit 'Ile to say if i Br as a at, 1.1 tho eat O America. f a Befoi on Wed-6solay night of last week. -It at Renton; and Conroy ver do not f 1-il to. lit of the ste 36 The youngest grooin was 201, knew, with his Chin O ind art (I to the ir ore than grand n I sublime triking the you ever visit Den appears �hat two men who had iln"bibed Deschene will make the -91,084 C W. R. A1AQKE_,iPR-1CK,, hrdwood chair, violently afforde1ol tie to Ut ans7tile, He is gei�:ial Scenery urist i t is now youlgest bride 18.
iiiin out. 1�Ather ly of Watford fire water Ottawa Valley 625,000,000 feet or abo Chicago, October, 18bi. ee th(lilia,X against tlie di!italt day to illy provilice,tol rel cr, Whel arst ex- fullow, dotitiliod at liv windpipe, iWAd V