HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-11-28, Page 828 1884. NOVE, `q.0E IfURONRAP6SITORS, 'Arheat were shipp ad from the station this usual Officers' It�eports. Oil AV ediiesolay ic ordinances of the 1j, d 11141 o f hose wlio ne, v Iiiiii be it. 1- Marys ()it 8- unday afteri loony a lady in, won6rfulslallgl tdr among ttle aniina18 the pub]. I 1�f twb foxes Taylor, our enterprisi afternoon the children's mass nice alic -34 takilig her handkerchief froin tile pocket and s Cceeded in killb hig mer- ting dy wete largely cou titerbal ously large bixsi- will be lield and an ddress oil sultable still �jlerished the Bible, and was e v at th -M rs. J. 1 Knox, of �liaiit, is doing ax enorm ruill. b his- many virtues-,� r ging subjects � en Exeter IH His aged P4 tr ('11 of her out a roll of bit lecentII-Y. - WIS to. into, I,, my patients and the ub le an iteresteol. heare f th t 0 H taT od here a Oort time iless this fa I as people are brin Y )�J I a suite r "'to the er attell-, Malli 0 )it, returill i have removed to of . r �Crtet Itil her last illai, ALa� iltsurvives hint, but I& family ar' 61 wl"ejl f( Colt est of nd roduce frolli all diree- nd Rev. room.,. in tho�'CadY Block, cortier of Avin and to pi,ovi to for thant tion Nva,� directed to the faLki; by-�� y I lyther 1 ilotel, epe61lly did she affor(l evilrel 0 r -it ull) lid ble the ite the lee f 9 OA�� tiolls, whic I i o to Nigara Altoptliet Aiartixt �treets, oppos inaii wh.) Ilad. evidently who N- or night. tllrollt� plone Palls f )r the (lb-ing cars. -twice a week, be one of best yet held. ill lie found there da�, -011 gVoulided hope of saly. ati Ali . 'Dit s bllq. st to by the 1: aild -,j'JI the Fortunately All Jesus Christ, and that her chilt1re I wild has dep 0111 0" it 1111d fe lias also No. I tailor nd (,(juvenience to be foutid ip the eikv, ted ft - previous to liar inother's Niles- a1XV1)LVs Iel1st On hand, su0i as miler, thanksf the for his liwiesiy. fe ight oue.and %It love and iOrve the long lionle during tI.e st week. th 131 It great' 0itter ml iijaki Clothing to order in wroxpatp-r. alized Air, o. (101d stt burden, of heir heAlloper-1- )rd, was the coil iatisfiLetion. Knox styles ill the at very moderate A call thouglit. oil Tue.4day last 8 Ile Clinton. �Vill add -greatly -to his increasing Sales. to 6 peas, LJ)CAL BitIER- -INUS. JOT .11 LYOR NN11th 'her, consisting of tllre�c, itild C. to 54c, barley, 48c. to -)Oc. ; : iday W.- . ., oats uententher ihe spot Iasi afte re'rular ,I, eliforth -losses reinainir 1111 27 C. to 286 at holte werenterred in the- EgniondN416 cem( turiled home on rir t'l ovpo'�Atc tho Coininerci montIll ille'etiligof the C 6)11 C pork, $5 to $5.50 butter, husban W. J. PEA% L. S., Dentist. tery bevide those of her, spei�t the summer wAh fri (Is in chida 8cott has lease(fthc frin of his brother, Mc Killop I 8c. ; egi 9 ; lard, 121 gade was held 1wit Mondai y eve -ii. ig. No 7. ough the day was toriny, ta I -e glad to I 4rn at she hai a term of years, alld HE. P MAIL. Th 11 go. We ai el th, 4 - - -At the last L, business of iiporta-1 ice wa Mr. A. Scott fo CI L meeting Iltell Ved som Ially 'gr . Cat sil. Va ti alls- eei in To, mY CUsTOM'ERS- number of f i (Is attended the f unera�, e ha t 4U, I L el tl i -IN 0. will take posk 3sion abo 9 Olin Rillitli, the stage busine, � in Seafoith to r. .0f of il acted. 'It the 'Ist Of of the AlcKillop (ouncil which was Iteld 'N Showing their respect for the. nwinory egre ei t dri er Wits 0 ) l(rC( s )p a iwilluotin future ouri readers will r i at 1) 0 Nvelie favol Col. witli It felj- i,,xt: January. Allot wll,lt'eL%e9 We' lotel, Leadbury, it was le town W. J. FmR, the deceased andi for the SnrVLVl11g' I i . ll()-Vc( seconded and caxried tlia towil, ta practise -lentistin- and I would Ravise cath of K Aitc.)Csoll, of INIC, Be to tell. t the Qorrle a-Ve not suppo c itig -it Part livill(s, UP the. "car the'. Fmily Dent! for he fliend.--co'Ni. inches af the beautiful snow last Tiles- eaN' 0 117 t, Kill.op, which toiik�' p0ce oil A1011(161 Road in tile rig till he sboulit coille 01u, all to itia'ke r. 1, atf, .1y, much to the j(;y q the t&ililster, iiistrueto�- d to ;li(())tify Will. Alex- 'Vv ul) (1, , , .3 filet U urst-oltass opex and i y be,;, SbbrW�LS in the (,Ilj(y :Grery.- ander,'owner of lot coilcessioll i he out a few tu give Perfect Satisfaction ill all case& but, llaivaver,'we di�l not iret eil6ugli to feel quite satisfted to C�APITAL, $250,000. The -IAurpi a, ineli, t of'lier� us ual It erdffi u itil t1i 0 Wdd 1 0 --Mr. I Bell. W. Y0, of Bay- �l 0 and Cole, it,,, of lot utes after tllc� man had and, 1 11 1 thoual, k1laNin't-dul I 000- "f;I.CL1t Ivz - �' Yolirs truly, Quick Train Wxtcb, owned and i6ontrotiod I e lay Ji�r dea bit She h 114 1Z t) oil lookill�-- filto the Sleigh, t1le Illail xve ul�N 11atielit ill hi, I -11M, fiL.jd;: Paid a flyill visit made hand". I it - a to this vicinity '109 AUK �)bey the bag I ol, 1) go ( I It ciaginder oil a 0. Gkj,1TWRIGIIT, L. 1) S., Deutist trade. The first Shipment of the above 4"e of 7 5 years Ilo inally (aine to toNvil th following (1, y ill(Yilssitoii ditch was also�l golle. Smith tlli)) ki III,. that ad tom I with light loads of - 1 0 ilients to hand, every movement --tialwitee rodqc. last week. iIlal by the certificate. come and see them. N-Vab It was all estimable chilst [all lady. —mr. i 1611 Sooll bee oil l'uesday asljlftllliii�g through their property, and if he had kone on alicad N6th tile bag case openers, (to riot destroy our ease b. opL i- Ballantyne, got of Mr. AVIII. 1111- S u. -The rink -Y la&, drove to M8 place I)llt, oll e had 4 lance to(it 1 sws In th 1 1 fo - .11with.; as the award On a + in.- it %vith.,a knife but come and g(A a to be the great colitile Of ttractioin nd t boiflu, 25 ot tor lantie, iceiise In -spec tor I ias opene .1 � 6 . i . keeps i Ad. A I -- direct,s the clerL4 be ii-istrileted to call arriving found that his man Nvas not case operIter free. M. R. Cor'NTFIL, 886 le weathoi cord4 of 2 feet u (lot]. -.All r. Unvid Xi Iis about -ik one Of his on the engincer and hve the work coin- t nt in - the P"C"i eve bere, Not appreciatillcr w1lat ljo� p t6iI.j)riiig establishnt� skfincr iH aild fol'(1 to ti 0 0 Up_ im, ad Yarmouth Blo Street, �iliijlediately ill th �' goo M c -d at fifil-St was only it joke he - end iof the lilies the pletyl as the law directs. Moved by POS again S. Kil lol, store. )Ikli� the love -ug ofthtdAightful with, the DISTRICT MATTER cis, at the Gentral(vrocer. tril, roat of Mr.'.Thos. dis- ;�-tick lely drove to Wroxeter but, still coulil not 13caforth. SS13, aild liedthful xillilotbe buck)c of olie .91 Holland B,4&iityiiq is a tv nian and 0 I)tirsfillfs, tile bait. It will likely that illtioll' I)lCct A All.'. I ing find him. I After a delay (if two hours -ND d'ubt, d.) DUNICAN DuNCAN, iiii to)r IiL... for reuve Councillors be held at fl1e, ]to, at 9eaforth,. halle Bengough, vditor of Grip, Car- gooi�l workinn, nd 1 0. 0 of laylield, oot sles llem'­Th Scull-aill.1.1c, 16, doll- d - opened out this week-, the chexpest, lot toonist, will deliver ono of his I bu I. to do o ba., f the A)pular Leetw-d'i 9 ill. for drove upto the waiiiss hoUse 'agiij fii.., of Iadjes! mantles ever offered in Sea- , )it r4e0tinis, the ilienilior: o oti I lig iiere all ready for Ilis L Illustratedily Cartoons in Cardno's Hill, o ers ill. him t 0 y. 8, oil Ailonday thi� 29th day of I Youll', ill forth� 11 he purchase was to Friday, December 5,1884. Ta0AIAS 111001.Ns, S(c- ei,%v 0 clea,r the -it I lield ill th h. Smith at F. 18841 that for at taking we offer Mantles from 0\1-lllg 'o thegtrilweilcy of tile thil(Is �1 I I ". lot at a. price. y Coillinittee. 886-2 Ilijitute:' rpollIS Olj� I b - the bag which. the tilost $1.9G ewA, up. This lot will be sold in boot il shoestorp 1.UCQI. tly stal ted, Ill f rid'ilds ;A last W001 -L - -011CI-1 day O'ClIWk, mi., aii:t for councillois at 12 sX'h L�r ioi your Christms 'Fruits -at the next at 8 o'clock. 0 N I , ty - violelito iiianiter. cazes. less than Hanufacturerz re always tire to I I to succa.mb. We hope he bel Childrell Weru 1)], O'clock, noon, an I the following deputy - many central Groole*, Where ou f i etibei !lIrs. J w 1 offering to leave hto bargain. et I rge attendance of i -us -Y and polling places be cost. G&U at once and get LAI DLAW FA.iRLP Y, I c (d. rttul-nilig ok the bet in sklie market. to inakt. with his Oeditors it On (I t I to() hel he xantle and ms -ter -01-oths in great Var- seaforth. 886 Be illiew we nieutionel. tppointed, -viz: lot- polling sub -division it" ChOsn�i, ssvllo� other iliought and piatin, oil his oil and C011 thi tic on in th v � J. i I cgs ilest colita inUg'sollietImig legs thn. N.TCAN, Seatorth. la i -e IN o. 2, No , 4,' o. 5 nd N tllil"fs I"c him back �soiie- distiiee, took desire to !I '11L -it 111101-- two �-dozun eg rs. Illinietl4itely they ti I Jety, DUNCAN D.U, o. 7 A CARD OF TITA SALVArio.N Aiudy.­ re arel'. n tguiondviRe cemetery, 0 him into a field will pulled tile 8.86-1 ollri turn mv sincere thanksto 0 lber of, and boys w -lid, coiigre-� reporied he the saaw (let, Lity-m-turiling offleers YOUII(r 111G,11 'lie was oi e o the pioll S. ?I 'ood Templat and Tu4tsdy. ices 8 a1')a.,?fro7lj Under ail root, lau & the'Salvation, Ariiiy; G gate 'Ll'oulld the door of the nd being folid. and pollill" 1) a at tlIC last itiail -At the tians cif all denominations without o I tb aiad -viras lady )f it joke, .7 911- ettlers o iind Ift ing ineamrbile to All lith Tluckersn AVITly IMI-raCkS, (1111-ilig the selit the eggs tolA,11% Newton, (t1w 11111111o; C, .4joll ; for No. Nyith in,, (if the Chorl Society held oil Tues- who have Mildly miniiiiistered to ellen us 'it it ! llo�ljl in the, �rery highest 10'v MI is -iny tilue of need." A nian's lid pass most trIusbout th Oflie, keeper), ell allgill�r theill for I mdl Ihou'e, lot No. 5 " the idea th, I'vas all A 4 - day eenig lat, Mir. T. 0. Keltip -wivs lily Wants in w 4, 11 %r� those ofhis'�,wn 11011schold. The ts Y)i6 knew her, and 'lleV ftlllige -r("- jolic but it is ileedle,,s LO. cIV T Ivalls, at he preselitl It is tillic uch rowdyisin lie dii-ided niong the childr(Iii. A. tli C of ,line clielilies. I Ic (lee ed b re- nj le the i ipient of handsoilie pres- a table for ille in 1,&e c )'ply rar,rette failed to ice anything ill the I( - it stop to, ild r S0ii)e of Cox' lost it valtibh! horse wi,,A by titriling ollieur; for. ub-division ent from the of the society in is my shepherd; shall not Waut., d John llitylic hs 1) libling I a joke in it: 'I'lie only thing f r i q!-11 id. s. F. the yo Ulg men act in I i)io--- Insecilily u the school house, section o. 8, lot Be'filled to bed for ev era] day. -i ovioluncella. Miss Jennie that call as all excuse for llis presented with & ilitiell -to the, alill(ya11ce of those Concessioij. 10, Thomas importtion seivere ttack of illitiess but is no Conduct i�- that he was a. litt' lin of China Good and Decorated tas officer; forsub-divi same and Col.Alv set Of j,��Nvelrv. Th O, o to elljoy what ion le der the w(,. -TI Le inorning tr dii goiji of east i� o' influelice'! " but by Some tht only presunts u7pre made W . recogillitioll of rrived at Pattland c-� Steniship Peruvian, id I cl P inteildel for. One NvoUld bel tell to ANOTIIEII. lco4tvin's house, lot 28, will lie h.re ilextwotek. Look out for so:lliethi pr 1 le L. -Cs Se� -ortla station at 7. 45 insteat I (I be colisid4red. its all D . - , � -ly. This :Nvill be a v To( Clirles -Dixon, dcputy� f in e (i 6. think fi-oin the. roivdyisiii oil t as forinei captain I I ) )ow & 13rown, inatle another iin- rctti-�-iiiiig officer. The council djourned Aervices, as Tim, Fw-11T FOR tlluitF TEAS. -Eve -3, chal Ue to tllos , V -110 it I L of the Illectilms that fl)(1 to meet alraiii at the call of the reeve. -Wilson-Danby- Cntrover v. during, the past The 'I N -a oollifortable e,- hlt Ioqt Control of those Pro- 11t, lld portlit PurchS6 iii the llol-.s(',, lille. They 1 poutid guaranteed. U. A- feeli ig e%6 -a liout in , ii i ni -tli it s a --J)F olO lot al -ocured good aid bsollitely 11 tY IIaVC it 011, of I)ITOR, 8111. njusic, mt ccessary f, I y Be, .11 w.q pt that Tea Drinket: waut solinethinn, it! the �tt lelipy too in r r 2536), A5 aid i to lich in your at t1w of Axles, -s 11 their attention to ou I - Auburn, in owliship of 1111 116: re el'c'cl 1 t st'r of 01 pu a. e% 50 cent, Teas, also to our 60 cent Bhwk, columns, but in reply to) -y AVj;- to thank our frimid -el y Ta lic IS ott and the jeNi r t Mr The above line-Krewithot Ile-41effertutli, of the Aroi �oaj.l, 1 L% Nyell knowif mpo it exception, t 1 -1 last itinication in the of Kippen foi. 80lik-ji they `1111tomers for their liberal patronage in the r. Kelit NVill ; L C t a S, best value in Canada. All,we ask is a trial. 81saforth recently scld two 3' and holl)e we nia.v continnancel of the the th foll g 0 in (11' the l�(')ciety this Currants in barrelsand ew London goo( Straw paid in the rtiood of ol(I filly to A . 0 0 era, 'New Black Baket, lIr - T. Hicks, I., s IN 3 be neigh- ,it-. He is a itiftsiciall, a,lid largre-01. � sizes and t)i,% genuine Turilip Freedom is five, years old is it, bright I plete of and Goods. Do Extraivalue in Pure Sugars. tork Viieliell, 'for $22 This colt �Iv,, I t., -1.V sizes I nd spe our Trininjed Hats before yours y:c, wl'at to suit I he tat �Ids at the not fail to val bors of iiiine. Very rspecifully we 11(ltie the Society will bai�c s Pros- coluplete ji-I o bay anti. weigli, 1,925 po;l ttby the iinpprt6d liorse gTillir tO T. 31MLLN, s Iowa-, N6111 get vel perOtts pleasant thev ell- PotOffice6tore, Scaforth. 886 U- er ill the I Preseut tillic.. He illipoi-ted by 'Mr. c9iiie,-flie confirlutioll, services iii Ki pull. Ile sells the beet Ti rnip C t . I .-)o eel)ts,.tll r,-ady tj�inuned, And the latest style.; two eI 11 111ro Mid hit-, Proven ill IIats and Ponnet,41, cannot fail to - year under tlie directorship of NEw Fi(,s line Maaga chowe 3 suit ti 0 1 church 13 sur day last '%I Cie "I to ful anti, pro at Afr. Table Raii�ins, fresh pure THE 111(lel-SiglIC(I ftil"fl)IIII(T 11 Ire 3, A� to remairkably �N rjtal)IC the most fastidious. 1 Remember our old t tended, tb church I R. Ni' Dailby's leeting, and heard hi� i say he tracts at the Central Grocery. LAIDDAWF-klt� rtnors throll".11olit thest is cjlt,; hve ll tlll.11e(I Out LEY, Seaforth. 886-2 lionse, &)j"-ded to the door, There ]self 1,11 Ilk old all. L17itter ant! Lg�st%ken could Pry for farmer., N,,,�itli plea'sure tll,�t 11L. 11"Ls establshed hin DNES� CON'6FRT.-Th 11. lf lie (11 NVe t)6s s- well fill. his new tw4lity -foltil persons !cc it fir ated: and I )f cei'aill blivill' if] th 1 villeoi Kippell, a.3 eash. CHEAr TEA.--L-Another lryt of the but not�[ for colicert given by and I 13ishop '.I sp'r to 1;ay ille hip licst illarl'%et OW110111i, Its lie did for ir. Beadle tliey ilan Tea, ress �of the l4plei DRE. -41, A-, D �JNTLE brand of fine flvored tincolored Jai is. ad(. falllilv jil Haforall kiiids A cal I is %-ill lio to I-cCZrrCb their Pur- -a' JoIIN- WEUAK-r, SAMUEL for ,7;1 -also an extra 'fine one, 3 Ihs. fon ,�1. A nl'41; my nunierous Cu.4tonicrs for the "I el and. (,'L:,o E last Nvas a ucces in every f .1 extelldf-'& to lue when in billilluCsS rltf� ul �oAii`tcnt -of new Fruits nd. Chri A- C ntP respect. otwithstanding aud ilis (Iroceries received at 86 1 1- ARfsm.y ACT. -A,111 P lieretofore, I li-e much pleasure in inforining inic 010(li CIA SGIrliMil to it Nrery laq l . i -weather the hall was well filled at 4-' t illit 111(i, sit-, through ),out- alltht1have allaill IT.Rililled biuinessJn the EDITOR's k-OTY-Tt 1.4 no I.Re 1�russels. i 11 1, .1 w time tis rontrover- storitiv Ni,;w Season Teas have rrived �Crati 311. This NvAs tl Le. ji 4st visi b wrrine, S.1; Iop, opposito e 0 V was 604A, as it has already grone a good deal iintelli-ent and appreciative Centnot Grom welry Sbal), all(] in to attend 'to th sides than it shoWd have done. r�y, and. rang-, in price from 25 cet 9 1"le 0 t I lop to "orth alid -further oil I I) -ents per powid. . &4 ar, e At . 9 . : -hortest 110flc�e- Th r - is 6 d ubt but Mr. Wlh�oll and the other .1pic(I by to 75 a I a r ick a id ve.1 oil L 11). ..-y 6�lcr tile I and mantle oil the.- ces lower than ever. LAIDLSW Y, sur that all who, Ver privileget 1) reinovetl to his room. ie r All ixork personally i --atisfaction -hose in - �s art! signeil above, undr- 'AeDonld. A field 114 new flour, f( -i( -(l and hide 1'ev, A. D- -th-v and P' y NV )e ])1 1 t, III the forill of all gentlemen irw Stmforth. 886-2 1161�r hint. oil und, t 1) as to fit finish. taipin- and stood mr. I li expressio 1!� store at.the bill ire.--Solne tlk of hav- was well C Cott, its of -ood I anby as they say, but thcre is e(jually it . , i t - SELF Raising Ruckivlict Flour,11-11i c w Colne Ant back 11 (it 1 t; Ig doiL4 that they inisal eir lso a as Out, and the udiell6c tilailifested th, 1111f I Idillielit ill colulectioll all kind-, of Work 'at as 11 sl,% -t 1114 Seaf o All capi LIS b" i(cel ti r 1 0 1 ive utterance Wlieat,WhiteO S, White Barleytind o 11"Cel . m ible mail 1-rould of the pelforinalices, to iou. Althougrli th �re AVL1Ijie to such a This (-onclusion is borne Illy Wheatat the Central Groseen. nli of ffect with the Rilmor V, -ely in I ornito eity 'Prol ell - in bsted (1 Proifies5017 LEY, Seaforth. t&-2 . 111.), 11,11,111 ��s it NVas easily R) I o it aysthe Collsen-atives I)rOught out Tea Nvill ont by the evidence of others e(piallyrellable freolueItt. hearty tyJ Mr. 1). D. 11-ihioii pumbasold 'L i-- wbo corrob irate r. Danbv's own version bf what (, him \%Irs.. Jones and Chureh, oil is. �iie. After twelve ye is froin be lield in the o i i es� It, :ct their ticket for 1885 s !follows B on York s l. G a he (lid sky, and which statement as tllc�y (,five it trec,4 t1w Col. Lgrevation of Kil Pell, it; bucille Tuesday evening next, pecenil)er 2lid, when the of five (lauliters SFAF01MI'S PARLIAAIENT.-I� Ja,4. Yo is quite a proper one, viz: That he cotM pra3 wo )erties III tj L followil- Reverend Centlenlell will be pi sent 'o Municipal Parlialnelit, iio F fol the .5 of farliters ill then. buindss but Ilq Privilege to pre.sr-lit wi1 thetil colllleillol� I awl it the youligest dughter meali the 1. y A j. J. Ball. It. Y. ailld �11CCaUgliC �- I short addrolis4es, viz.: not for cc r It is Mille othel- wdi-e slIoNvillp, Thoni-mon, B. IL, .1. 9. Dvke and T a musical prodigy of three yeans- the Educational Parliament, but fol, it short time, liios�: also a The vet siii-er seented to be in excel- " Mock Parliament." t it illecti or th 11 1, setticnieii�, whilh t(()o:l.: Choice unisic will be fin-nislied at interval, vran, . 111) if they to stnd oil 'equal foot- CityL Wc 110pet]Mr C tile I I I �'evening. A nujW)er (if never- ppere r held in the echaiiie 6 16 e 01 'Aleclianics tlii' lent trint, and d to lwtte S, In titute rooll ph the -will each make it 11!�Ltli Isoine pile out f &c.,will allobegriveb. I)oorAol)ejiat5:30; Tea -Buildii operationss are booming in t) eir pa�tor. 1 ig advanta�,e his solos being with oil Tuesday eveiiingf last it Nvas resolved S. Illt0i of foot with our Listowel, ,A coiiipajiy ae at p esent tlietr �at thley N I I tobaserverl 25c; -hich It it popular'. found, as might be evpeetedi iiianI alf price-, A cordial invittion is at pm�-e;- and pathos Ni' -e c, -n so to at is no club'Whiel them one �tep Iticrer I Children ]it. th, y 1) profit's to orth for 1% - I - erecting 1� large covered -atim �rink Mrs. Jones, lso, is an k-nown as -AKock PEl-lictlDent." Air; in the congregation. Alfe, extended to all. 886-1 lioio as they Ito (101 bt 11-i V to ti CUP. -G. Elliott has "been indis- 80 by 175 feet, at a cost (A 2,17 it a -at 'N all I dcath. have left their. f6otpiiiits thirdi of a --ocalist, nd g ve sevei -1. Y. MeLean -was appointed Pi-emier for soin6 Salvtion WL -11 ex-ec�uted salos, while the jubilce leder of the Government, ad 1,61 T made big strike st 81ind y series of CIA tl ii (let. -tIte aus 9 litertil-3 -c ub has 1) C �l ' aillinclits 11 will be u9ed with ice during, the winter, mized. in at d s in very 8 a( - John Alc'Millan leader of Her Mjosty'si in17 lred by the entire family were ily illally renolL orgil quaters. ky, sllo'�t Stay the Youno, Ladies' L and for rolle skates next -.-)iiminer. r. cub, that, ZD I cesifut' op �ration. I(f captill icr soitie, 15 and I �tcr` J. Living, ties, of the firill of j & J. The etitertaininent Opposition.' It will be the duty of these 11 3r t t gatioi) was most pleasant, and tru4t it Up to I ol I.Assocition, was held in Hodgins' HAR ril ficent excellent. 0 Livingsto le is builolitio a iiiat nof the hi coniposed )f betweeii twell lot L I Oil Tuesday eveiling last. The 4 b "entlemen to leet six. eacli, 0 -S -ounds this Atessi Iltll()u(rll ljl&l:y sa(l tiho " I ten(1- lvhest of the yo ing gentl nlen and f ill(r. "-('Ilttell oil the I - - resid itt -it cost of 87, 000. S.- conintendatian, aj.101 was, one of the best whose daty be to introd ressed Upon illy Illilid tililds, whi C is a1ittle ronuli nce, m0li, 110 .(10111)t, to the utifavor own, . ineet eaqh lclidy CN P lthol W. H. Hay and Will. Can�ick -had for soir uce etheu t' I alie also iss Katiell Gte:and lead in the discussions ll"es of the past -tt4 \A Its le time. M -b, coil telliplatilig the ell, able sti of the weather and roads, have Tres ford P a t, yet.�-'),\" H N.1f;Cracken has the market .c . in ,the IcIss-roolin old Roberts( 11 3 Ity' all,l at preser t putting up fitie resiltiences., e -d at the p file last d. -ograilinle, consistilig which are creditable to the Itou-n. ayed ithereo, but all Nyho ttend, irrespectil Jones iatio, and plF Pri ate seiool.. TIi6 thus nd present. saKI fn'r IS&I at Dobson � has not lar(re litit he pi 0 Of -the se4l.-asli very nicely. 6f Box be permitted to join the it that I was (.alled t!ipon to sold Ili's farm. to AV. vocal -and instrumental musiep dia- been dxceeolinjily ill eresting, all I O"L 1 re . lins, recitatons, Messrs. AcCa�h Brothrs, of Lucan, have tiot learneol. the -tilioluit real- 'discussions and vote oil the ni(lill' - discharge during my stay anion, thein, `7 lig t0l I�elitueky. logue $ have-bou flit the four aild lialf � story the! menibershil) *is �Co ith ftlally inert w - Otiitlttlkl of goi, n - le . (I and well carried out. Dr' ize(l, but judging frow t1le attendance The first inceting N I to atteud the funeral of the very goo k tI Dr. initill Pr sident.--:111 till erected it. fe aars a�o by occupied the chair. flourlig I W yl ive should say the Professor will have a. lield III the Ilistitute roo vee k John. D)i I junior, whiell t6ok lce bal*ly sprillo-r-like of Bktcefaeld- a. Mr. hlds, at l, cost of $0,000, but J. a I've's his! froin itext -Tuesday evenino, -itdl tl Le BiiiFs.-There is now good sleial lib,�-ral stirplus, and Ile well dese ford'110011 "'its succeetted b) Severe f 1 o'll tj I 1 -0th ii St. It will In 14 yei, rs Ile,. t OLTS., Peter McGre, f C "Or Of which ha. of - late �yet -s been stnding suevess. nleethias Nville Open to the an d 3liOl)tI1 S, ice I ])ad th privlie 611 the maill 01, or avel roads, and tral'11 Oil 8iind, night nfl a heavy silo, lace, has I pair (),f s;fille 6� lie iflle, ndare having it refitted �rith a itaillinal admission fee of five centh will ililitilicr )11 . nd Mrs. u, ig ill ille holy this 1) y ea, -1 on ii 11 1) 0 is thereby gr tly increased. -With the Robert G'oven- StOln Monday, IN las �olltillllel draught Candian bred fillies it,, tand view of running the mill. A LARGE C*lL0:P---Nr- , Sill(je,lillti nolly we It Lv Is -of' I triltiolly. 'IN r. I - I be charg 011( .1 )6id has 111i'y ,ed, the Proceeds to go in aid of in the county tb-dy. One �of thein, a near of! Christmas fowl of all at illiterval ever I I lock. of .IcKillap, recently received a heartfel t ytiipatliy in his sail tri� Is' f,race the, nittrket.-Loca.1 waif4 letter f roia.j.Vir. &&uiucl ffaiulah, a fortner nie' Institute. Th eighs two -1year old, took first Prize at tn S Y. are as scarce of 14te as hen's teeth. -'Mr. ,the Mech, c S, fair the �kiii( to be olAttifted by these me. 0 1 ay Aess this sall fflictioii to Ili 11 Chic�jtgo Sae!Fair this fail, and the y su cutters have entirdl perseded b1l hatoNN-ns"'P, l improvement and 0 ae, first, inutu, and to ,bit oliceriled Th 6.,- Pybus, of Tackersmith, and Mr ed vellic I-oi)ks as if ANii - i E. MCFAU who is now -located neax whoel other, it yearhii� hiably ii-eboininelid- second, to as ist -the Institute. I ItEV. J. 8. EAK� N, Wilil haIll. C)l b 9 Pengelly, bf this place, left this t ter.;'iad fairly set in -Mr. C. W, Pan.. b ed, fliere being 110 Class foi- 11611 to show front which lie. has kindly hoped that hese it �t -- I I week for iectilius will. be intonds le Viii of here i text wek foi--Te-\ a., is Bermuda. We trust they may Auburil. ill. 11te two �car old, lso took first periaitted us to imke ilte following inade; botli-interesting nd instructi-e Ilave a plec%tsall trip, and that Mr.. quota.tious. The letter is daed Nove wli�re lie goes,. by tlie� dvice of it' prize* at the AVesterp Fair, London,' last Il- - gone there for his to al aint that they will be at- I)oTg. Good'Teiplars give a Pybus who Il ZD - . 1)1136ician, to, spena tile 1,%ruiter. N'e is Hatinah says : lVe are I I fall. They were both sirLd by Mr. tended. At all ordiury deliate 6nly a nd literary entertainment 44 health, will find ithe schrulge of climate 1110w our threshiug. Ave had a 1 holle the balmy breeze�, of Ithe gulf wAt ll08icill Count 0 few peirsolis call tac part ill the � �tiscus- f I. I ItIl Tu� esda, i night th e 2nd December. " Prb- McGregor's imported stall.101. I beneficial. -The 1 Misses Goodman, of i (11 1 -%,-1 NL tEA(�Ve U. tv restore him tb his ivolited hea nd well ii days, and we will Careless " and are full sistei, sios, but -Under this' system all!, -%vlio ceeds to , s, be applied to de it oil their hall. Parkhill, are the ests this -week of all strength.-Thel! dur Ig Club ill, habuut tell thousalld bushels of grain I may feel disposed to express in. ojiiiii -The I fwkins Jubilee si ligers *-ill give In couple of more M rs. J. Macarth' r' tall,�ing abOut getting tie it S in or I(- r kluds, ttk�d nearly hve thousand of -ill have %it opportunity of d0in D, for,cUrl. gitcred concert in the X tbey�sbould make a team t�lit will be I and skatikig. nen- 0,111- ethodilt church L-tVT --ThJle Rev. AV. Andrenvs, of hiell. is wheat. , I have sold 3,300 9 ifliel'ult'to beat. They both ])red tile (-,,uelpli ConfLrence, delivered a very hu'llwls of whet, and have the baance allot there arc many -who s&y it few taiA of - tlLe Army alrived iii On the 4th. December. They rA hicritly by Ar. Hugh McCltregor, of 'tnley. SP91 �CIAL VAL6 E. words on a particula st#ljject who inigi it I - ' Df. yet toispose Of. No. 1, hard, is only to -%in IastTh I �andidsaid tollaNe. sp A(en A FLY TFAM.-lr. Alex. Forsythe, of interesting and instructive lecture iik the �lrorth bout 40 cents per bushel now, so not be able or feel dispOed to a B iliNsed new ht sia B 'Alethodist cliurqh on Friday evenhig Sill 1 to the inee; H(hiry .B holl, has the becond coucession of set speech. We anticiape, tberefole., . ; his, heavy draft Stall; oil teedom Uckersinith, it takes a lot of gn�in to Make al 111(sip and f, ie li'411 is cl ofvole I ev cry lli� 11, you see 1=1 near this place, recently purchased froill last, oil the subj qct of Schools 'I -Our PL�-li�li-iieiit"�willbeconie(julte �lCol(j�iliotij,i,Do-%i-,tndBi'. 0 Hibbert the t e cost allot old is 11hving , pretty It -a MAaw'-shaw of Seaforthl a very fine nd Sabbath Sdhoo].Work." The rev - little 1,notley ill this eountry, but th 1%, '1 1 a popular institutio so soon as it, is fo� handsome price. W -IN- of productioxii Itc-re is a good deal less , tinie of it �n t�iat vicinity.- -A ineetin M te sorry, inted. and young tw ear old Sorrel Cloud Tly. 8lie is 1[�Tend gentlenia ' clearly - po thn ia Glitario-;. Oats, however,. are . a fairly in op tion. TheA ;0114cil -will e h(- Id oil INIon, la, i that such - fine anini has I ieft this eit the oble and usef nl .1 d" town and is very a lisb and strongly dw 'Pecially Should take ti, �tive interest a lig it ellestnit on n txt Ther is he left some of the best . neighborhood work the Sabb school -was designed very fa;ir pric,. and br 30 to 32 evd1iling-In e i 3 little or . no, lal -well s a steppe Mr. F or, it, as it is institute mainly in their i 3, Itsilithecounty. Wearegloltosa' pron �lses �xrs per A ureat deal of dam- alAut mul Lici l mtte-s yet, and peop: Y, syth drives this colt with tiis ivell known to do in the waylof inipartiiitg ifis.. -uction eL terest and forl their benelit. wlever, see (it to b4 that Mr. Bealle has ;another a,;, -e has been doi,-Le to the late crops in pr tty well mited with thi tig, 3 Cle: Grit filly, vhich took 'so many prizes to the young and the upbuildingi of the imported stallions his e(jilal'if not Ladie,3' Ulsters '11�y It is not unlikely, 0 stor� , te this by t1le early frosts, and tlie its '.h�y a -N it the slio-vvs last fall, having.crried off' church, nd.urged upon pa ach 'TnY, LiT� DAVID DIUNCA-N.-Consider- t1i tbefor � many weeks -pass rotin I- his SUP rior. I He is llom� only it ur first aii(I an equal I late- NvIteat las been more injured thaii I c d (:all- no fewer than 'o' ers and scholars to join in ailtd. labor 0 r di tes f r municipal honors -Ni )a half years old and weiglis I 615r �1(18, number of se6oud prizes. li`e two zealously and ea -nestly in the,g I' the crops. The Griswold elevator able s�urprise and regret -was felt g Pont YnInd- and &Pacity is citizens i Oil Priday last oil herin bf the ingilig P thick nd faft, it',� ?fid ineisures eleven ine Iles'ar)ulid the - fit.-iished last week. Its c de. tetowel, make fl� team and can tokether step blessed work, re Aing assured 'tl�at tb eir - Blank. Lad q s' 41a ath of 24vr. Pavid Dune -an, of Egin Lid- pi-4fi ze 30,000 busliels, nd it cost 86,500. It is 0' r table job. --There is a i prospect 4111 tlleili� in hout 3.30 oil the road. He labors and study would be mvied and X. - , of S It It iii or t6Dr. a' ille. Some.: three months acro '-NJ the' 'c'01111) Lution % NOT -A horse belon 0 it fanners' elevator, nd was built by a, v �0 has �t)een offere j400 fo ie pdr but richly blessed. The attendailce� oil the joyint stock com-piti-ily. It is now ready Duticair was a severe sufferer from ;),it wh� ch has exist y three Upshall,V.�S., died last -week. e paid I li ed for earl y ear E, liolft them it the round $50.0. occasion was velly good. for tile reception of grain, nd wi 11 be a ttack of infl-amm'aion of thebowels, WAI - jidt. some parties to hul away th� carcass be contiued 1 ger thn this I Mantle Goths, Bluron S Lq Cat boott to the frmes of this section. his, life was flien, despaired of, but le yed�r,� as some of the 111(millersarebe- nd bury 'it. This would liav been all Belgrave. Co %Iliediiidi-ecov(-.redsuffibieiitly to �et ool" right had they taken it far en I unty of �ib�ath You sk the inati who purchased r ;tibiu restive- tI0 associatioll. i Ing i all d AssociationI, 'ovenlock's property. I was in a U -I andaftendtohisordinal, duties, f ru f Bank it deep enough, bu; histe, ( of this ('t'NTS.-For4 fine Wor�ted Suit or ro ,, d -y le§j and are longingtor qtoother FAV.Webster A and it was hoped'by his friends that. ae rates! 81 oulol the collibi'llatioll they hatiled it round it front of the fine l6rge sfock- of Cloths and Ulster t1hat tieighborltooda few -days ago. The i �%veeds, Colo'red The exectitiv committee of Ithis in- residen e of Alex. McKi liizie itI -peaple told me lie is doing well. His would soon be all ri0it - ag, it. . This, iip.. there will likely 1. e chleap salt f(I)r ug it and Corksci-ews and Meltones to select stitution met oil. da a n Ontario however, was not to. be- About two side of th� street�pext his froillI elleap. Phi-fe(,t fits Gudranteed every Street Methodist church, C 11 011, 0 (Trove a Sulky plailiv all fall, and (lid m-Ijile--l"rofessor Bullocks a horse trai hole oil the 4 intj the lime.1 A. TAYLOR, 886:1 house nd put the horse opened a lass eeks ago lie took a relapse from which ill the old 4r.1 draft out Pr gramme of pi�o eedi i itiuch work its a With such a t he -cely fal of AN`e bei�vehe tipper part of the horse being 'billy five he never fully recovered ath lie L$CAL Bpai,4s.-Tliomas'Nixon, late for t1i -e coming c onvention to be i held in Can scal. success. 01-11 Ls very suqceSSfU.1 1 0 f 0 Ladie�, Furs, was able to go about Until the clay bef re in Iiis art. He had -it arge class i a �11 We( nesday, You also ask lte -&]-)out -liss Nash,, for- 11 inches . from the surf ce. Tl�e West tean'ster for JaA. Tyner, -i.% about start- this tawi on Tuesday alid I f he th notified. ing ji. hrness sh6p here and lie has I Oth i uid I I th Febi u y ext. e his, deaths nd oil the previous 8un I, losh board -of he tTher McKill-op, I niat her i n Bratii- nd was thou. lit much of Wall-, I he ttended. church at Egnioadville. J I , le nd ii:e understand that t4y IlXve hointended were present th President, D. Tip - (loll al)oitlt it week ago, aacl she says AV. BIE11010 I wl gI W slikes title City 'i\jfr- Ralic was one of the pioiiep,;r s "leotin rdered the parties of to Opelihig out in, Mr, Dutican's shop. He lady, and Aless s W. Gray, 8 rthite (7,a 't7 0 Ladies' Oil Of his Popular ust�, ed -es iil _pS e have it re VID tr In tiddy Goder- -eiii next. V 1 0 tiers of this distriut. He was a tills town Oil.. Friday -e) 4 * at 'jil S nd M CC illic 9 moved. The people Ii tfrom 14 sall. A lge business Yate tp )y ja that t of the vill e feel very idig- C,;Ili be done, so success to Thomas. -The iell ; IV. J. Clarke, Ex James r by trade, "allid'sonie ypas acfo itas Ito e: our el zelis i. g.ve rip Thoii- Tli�, Lvri--4 t1te Ieadinof 6-ontractor builder � of fit r (1111ol adosord. him it J. G. Alahley, agent f6r the Upper eony . C. tevenson, A. 11. ' an- lialit lit th ffair. will preach. ning and 11. F.sher, Clinton. Rev. J. idli BibleSociet� 0 tri" Ladial Fur Capee st, fallies this dis ct. Of late years, hoNvever, cc call C�o y ChE 411ey out o life. fort-une hd not favored him, AVILO'has been e Morris. in t e PresbytOiaii churcliIi1ext)tnday, G'rey and J. 1�e ner were alsolia atten- in his fathe I)VUll, tI'0UbICd foR' 1-11any years with im soiiie time lie�� has it his -fit-niture store liere.for s(iiie tinie,.left P. Ross f, I in some '30 1 ii ist.,at I i a. Ill. A colle'etioit will be It was Unanimously resolved to -tion (A the hoai:t saine weeks trade -is a jourileylilii. I In mally re- Oil r hursday for Nrlier b bas way Is "'Idle iA��rkiiicr in takoin up in aid Of the, society at the close invite; Hon. � S. If. Blake to be' present e It CY t arlilingly pailifill. No spects lie a relilarkable. and (,ifted I. situation its tra 11 , 'wit i t wMds, and ulifoi,ti[ii�tt(�lyfi-,%ctiil-('(I of Illy tillic 16st a valu- one d of the c�)iivention and deliver an t onie of his ribs. -As Mr. abI t' borse last week. It dropped dead address in the ei is per of recovery was elitertailled froill He a close and rdent tii­ leadbig furnituro free 111gi elling. Nfr. Blak.e of the ttaek. In pite delit, n exteiisive.11-cader -ood the Sti Nvere- 1.111111ing I -Iii le logs haps the f oreni st Sabbath L ill I I tute roolqs� three children [011ie frolil in file busli s), School man or tht Muhl IYU by inedicid er nd xeady Few men, eith" 'NVVE S �Peneol and oraini zed )it Wednes(*y bliool the otlier Icr, jelilim fell Av6 t lot heart disease'. Supposed - to Te in the Province, and his presegice and alt'l tclider she gra(lully lay or are better versed in Bib -es, dx. ev ailing. he school vill be ope'll thi L (11 nd broke one of her fli vers in two dif- tl paliscl. --Dr. Hall left 14st week. for. -,A-ill be waited for with great IT -764 Squai I ws title youli(,cst� cal knowledge, and lie Ava �Ndlo day, AVedil s- all ttpt ev �ni iigs a viy,., fe-reiii; aeIt Nya� 1i If ull A oil where lie will likely secure : p ey. The coininittee pj�oclaeded sc exp- t AVI: 'Ullll, of �lc ver. --V iss Opi obe !and deow of tile latstl itobtlit his kno-vN-le(lge to dj4y The iii, the' fCIIO Ug day Ill Dr. gopli practice s lie is to e A t -08 -lysettka-s (if the t6wilship it I-Villgl, 1, and the lid[e girl ls so I- jr., N010 has been alray for sev-' Upon tl tile L Specil delight in every. agdm; committee addse that all -Nv o tnot took 0 follow 14 to attend be lie -A The I ei,al I weeks for the ood of 11er health ll�as und,�y school) L) its outtit, rra1titicnieut 'I*ucken-mith. IN'llell. (111ite brnch of church Nvoik-. For several wisl doing aicely. trutees Of I'Vil- III IlTiCel tO VIC lte,M111CS C'IleSlley,. years lie lim been it at li SCCtiOlL NLO. 8 vo s, thol retil lied lookiii(r iiiiieli and conduct; (b) How should it be sup- t1le da y eA OU0C 11, red whow hesurvived ite-arly four years. Prosbyteriall hAllis so tht Classes may be org&ilizo�d tlfs�l of Mr. Thompson, of foi- the J. Pearcli, who is 1prout to ported filialici,ly and how, h!oUld its, A! Call Solicited, - c1ii1dren, James nd tmvii, and for' oille nthad Cli' The larosse bc ellsilli for Valifornia, was entcrt�diied in the, Own bp expelitled of .1111 ir of -5�50.-. Santuel Chesney, of Tuckersmith of the Bible A freater tribute to requested to atten I it I licetill g, 'atj Ilic, Coultis, of Alichio-i it is t present -Iletilodist church oil ttrctimf anil hiahitinilitt attendai ce I ay evening: L of by ithe uperintendent, teachers ild (d) Its musie, the teacher (a) his -ell I L.I!g t) . I his effiviencyas a teacher nd tile es- Hotel, on Almiday' CA N-isjtill( hei Clit Tvillain to inourn their loss. teeni in v:hich lie held by thoe Ni ho it -t�-Dr. Aitcheson, f OIN�e Sol I I is :Sprilw Scholars of the School. The it ; )c) his ru4ponsibi-lity (e) 0 prepartio profi ji, y Ifellig �e . ir of redin,ts. Ills the eveUMIT 111-1-iltltill lifV When the (:()UIltr Wah' have te�d by his histructi(1,11 could A fail, NvasilitoNvIl this colto, it few days ryo, to 1j: Mellon, entertainment, consi,,�ted . 0 , 11n 0 111M, lld ('11UNRCy e.\�perieiiccd not have been thilws sliowil. by . callie I to ttend his funeral'. 11� . e for ,: I Oq, 2AII'- 1). 0 0ed1dis wife., who reci.1 ations, All were 11 gbly pleased the topics rc The tatro for -wit ug's proce �olili -S. Mr. a safeguard tein, lis Doctor complains of thehardtinics the )cr- and hard- title class left hei-e bout thr, E, MCFAU e al ,.I*- I good wishes ance training a part of Kabball School tif 14(kii om life,and by ptiwice --- id co-Nvokers in the s � - "o anitc-I)a, are expecto� -eturn in a PetiIien take,, with him tll� t1le ly -,tll of 1)()tl plio.ol, lie' Prselit prevaellt in I t, $Io M, d to, i ale tui(j feiiiiije, yeirs, they had Very P -)Or ail( ti,is, short Ullie to remain 1) rUlaneiilly. r. of the coniiiiiii[ity. It is also rumored ork The bible, the :Iig it e 11(flil;ir dicrusted with that, lie will take oxie offlelgrave's fairest and oflids� nd " The real objeats of 'lit 01 1,1 Idult they till after attended the fulleral dwspit& the cold yetr they have -it fair is thorO was it and inclenicilt and paid, t[lis GOODS �AN is V pr ces It, lited I ", f The�c �-ill at o i thA',muntry, ild youi g ladies with him as his wife.- Sunday 4chool work." THE CRSH DRY I faiii which lie NN -411 b in now as the, be examples of byiniis to, �istrative (yf the Lill nd lait trib-fite of 're�spect to the memory of ike 1170ss'�essioii Gra4l. is Colillilly use, A [11 of next. spri 11 cf. - are not- likely to be ajiy better this' ide in teaching primary and intermedi- Vill hfie hit(I -IN7! I e stilliflillgr IiSte[lili(fto-a I- The n)ted beast prie at aild who- has no', but' it will 'be the im uth BrAlier at a �t]-Cet COMPr, in pursuer, Mr.1. Button, is lj()N� making -winter.-Severl carloads ol turnip an the jue stion drawer and t4 8EAF0pTHj ONT# d ate classes, 0 t ri�itg the poseqt 9 j( sU11 e .0 foo, 0 Ig a e( ts mi Tit EW W 1 si.: �;,ealettes arid Seal 11,111"41vi -I.-Urs of all kinds-ext"m Nov" <.'Ioths-lljar� and t. elleall. -lStL jul, Yelveteen--coilorel vrices. -c-'Orset", Gloves, C4,11ar,, Tili and all lilles 'Of! r3at-V H.oliday trade W givat vali t4i kit lev�er�yb od unij inery A nd till goin-1 on. E% sljould call aliti get some ot I", h s Sl -ms, VLOWEMS. F&A I 'T 0K NAM. MINNTLES, MSUR-S, AT TH.E.- CHEAP CASH HGFRIM, SEAFOW ip,' S.-13 atterick's Moolithi 1jaild. Call and get bile frV4'.1 Three youn- farlw I.,Ilora last,, Priday lilled up with whisky fol (liszturbing One Of th-0 tri -10 was pht,�I. in rear of ithe t1rill �'.,1101. t�ij,- rescue his by: attaekinif the. d `100 lights of sa0les. The two Included iftecostsaild 1:111 --J-At Oitathaln gral" ly, but little of the - 1 for it getslinto edreillatil, bank jailAres have CoIllp )ay up. 11'.and renewalt; obtain. '37he proceeds 14 U fr Aild the merellants Unitti 10�usilless ?haS nev-er , ic *as a toiwrm t nnes, relic; 0 Ll� mother of �) 1. p., of tile, k tliateit y on the 26th uh; la,ly itas for the last tol; iniostexclusively confilif -en juljk% has be - 3 y ars i having eung 1 2 ,family from Ablardeensil 1852. For the past f" ,ilie has been a residt"It .--.Pro -,oiawin ,sif- :tlic Combilled 'City k.'I thoriZed at & late 11W'(!ti Vw� Provincial al -id Di Iflents, to urge the stn i- fahnilY I 11linnigration. 441 xived in Toronto Wit 'It' �,.rjtll(yut Awnt, abd ar upoll i . �41 to the niectil 'I that .'e to come by PrOnlTells 41 --IV;, ae -tile stew" C01311lig oat -of Port 'M ,Shore of lake Superioli i 0ne Of h, -r (jeek llallds-'c iiF Riwers who haa ;N: t-erlioaril': balsallee � hile 4ttkig 1ife Iffib", raiL A whiell he- failed tO V. suply 'trUC ised, been s boat Ava-s it 011CC, sank before hie V111111 1) 1 ))o(ly �coiijd lot bk, reec --A olf-lspatell f"O'll I says : This liroml4lig "" so�i a, wtll-known III, (1enly iri the NT4I having played inquest is�las 4101411 all(I I .11tal a --wt ti, Patil fro14 I Ya­,atioro, of bl000l. in tIlL ceased, 'though ! 411111t( rising ftKjW ` his Solt .4 over a s pittooll 01(l fell with hisi chill� Ilarolw-ood clldjr�', viol thorax ogailljis;t t), e a tured a#a S F mi Tit EW W 1 si.: �;,ealettes arid Seal 11,111"41vi -I.-Urs of all kinds-ext"m Nov" <.'Ioths-lljar� and t. elleall. -lStL jul, Yelveteen--coilorel vrices. -c-'Orset", Gloves, C4,11ar,, Tili and all lilles 'Of! r3at-V H.oliday trade W givat vali t4i kit lev�er�yb od unij inery A nd till goin-1 on. E% sljould call aliti get some ot I", h s Sl -ms, VLOWEMS. F&A I 'T 0K NAM. MINNTLES, MSUR-S, AT TH.E.- CHEAP CASH HGFRIM, SEAFOW ip,' S.-13 atterick's Moolithi 1jaild. Call and get bile frV4'.1 Three youn- farlw I.,Ilora last,, Priday lilled up with whisky fol (liszturbing One Of th-0 tri -10 was pht,�I. in rear of ithe t1rill �'.,1101. t�ij,- rescue his by: attaekinif the. d `100 lights of sa0les. The two Included iftecostsaild 1:111 --J-At Oitathaln gral" ly, but little of the - 1 for it getslinto edreillatil, bank jailAres have CoIllp )ay up. 11'.and renewalt; obtain. '37he proceeds 14 U fr Aild the merellants Unitti 10�usilless ?haS nev-er , ic *as a toiwrm t nnes, relic; 0 Ll� mother of �) 1. p., of tile, k tliateit y on the 26th uh; la,ly itas for the last tol; iniostexclusively confilif -en juljk% has be - 3 y ars i having eung 1 2 ,family from Ablardeensil 1852. For the past f" ,ilie has been a residt"It .--.Pro -,oiawin ,sif- :tlic Combilled 'City k.'I thoriZed at & late 11W'(!ti Vw� Provincial al -id Di Iflents, to urge the stn i- fahnilY I 11linnigration. 441 xived in Toronto Wit 'It' �,.rjtll(yut Awnt, abd ar upoll i . �41 to the niectil 'I that .'e to come by PrOnlTells 41 --IV;, ae -tile stew" C01311lig oat -of Port 'M ,Shore of lake Superioli i 0ne Of h, -r (jeek llallds-'c iiF Riwers who haa ;N: t-erlioaril': balsallee � hile 4ttkig 1ife Iffib", raiL A whiell he- failed tO V. suply 'trUC ised, been s boat Ava-s it 011CC, sank before hie V111111 1) 1 ))o(ly �coiijd lot bk, reec --A olf-lspatell f"O'll I says : This liroml4lig "" so�i a, wtll-known III, (1enly iri the NT4I having played inquest is�las 4101411 all(I I .11tal a --wt ti, Patil fro14 I Ya­,atioro, of bl000l. in tIlL ceased, 'though ! 411111t( rising ftKjW ` his Solt .4 over a s pittooll 01(l fell with hisi chill� Ilarolw-ood clldjr�', viol thorax ogailljis;t t), e a tured a#a