HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-11-28, Page 7king a 'Ott all ties are Mate, These [sr lady rispects - Thee - reports ,7ashion 11k amino d such - Math-. HINT. L884. for their season,. :renounce that he Iy their r of Fall is, Flana fine - a -s, Mea, r; Wool !.:.-ey and it caters, &c., &o. e.„ striving. r $1, and t 6c per teal and le price rget thee tst-class EliCE, 0. .1k,000. .000, inmost to- - wed ea Weans - United' .eneecolat *ger. gent. UtTES, nd Lon- ; $135 e Liver - Return, . Bristol town, - Cardiff aought -cot Come ILLS3 me for 5 av;ing re, ata eettle- ust be :ceesarY `,.01iDe • NOVEMBER 28, 1884. P ai /than Death. The British Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals may in common with all humane persons, feel gratification. that the long continued experiments by Dr. Richardson for the painless extinction of animal life have peen brought to a successful termin- ation. The electric shock, which atone time found favour for this purpose, did not prove Sufficiently safe to allow of its adoption, and Dr. Richardson felt that an anEesthetic agent must be sought for by which death should be rapid as well as painless; Ile successfully experimey. ted with nitroua and carbonic -acid, bisulphide of carbon, coal gas -cora- bitted with chloroform, all of which snore or less fulfilled their end. The results have been very satisfactory, as carried oat ab the Horne for Lost Dogs, where a chamber was charged with carbonic oxide, the gas having been previonsly passed over a porous surface, from which it took up vapour containing chloroform Into thia chamber was introduced,,a cage containing so man v dogs, who in a very short time passed frompife to doth in a profound sleep, without evincing the slightest pain or conkionsness. Dr. Rich.ardson has also administered the same narcotising agent to sheep, so as to allow of their being killed in a perfect 1y- painless manner, and it is to be hoped before lona there will not be an abattoir in the whole of the country without fa- cilities for employing the ay atem.—E ng - hall Mechanic. • Be of Good. Cheer. A man who acqhires a habit of giving way to depresaion is an the way to ruin. When trouble comes upon him, instead. of rousing his energies to combat it, he weakens, his faculties grew dell, his judgment becomes obscured, and he sinks into the slough of despair. And, if anybody puts him out by main force and places him safe on solid ground, he stands there dejected and discouraged, and is pretty sure to waste he means of help which have. been given him.; How different it is With the man who takes a cheery vieweef life even at its worst, andfaces every ill with unyield- ing plueir I He may be swept away in an overivhelming tide of misfortune, but he bravely struggles for the shore. and is ever ready to make the most of the help that may be given him. A cheerful, hopeful, courageons disposition is invaluable, and should be assidnously cultivated. Ice and Caste in India. India is no longer dependent upon America for her ice supply, as in many of the large oities ice factories have been establiahed, thus bringing the lux- ury within the reach of persons of very modest incomes. Many of the natives lia-ve learned to esteem the use of ice a grateful addition to their comfort. In an advertisement of one of the great companies having factories at Allaha- bad, Lucknow and Agra We find this addressed to high -caste natives: "We invite inspection of any of our factories by our native friends, so that they may see for themselves that the ice is maiaa- factured with all 'due regard. to caste, and that nothing is doiae te offend the - most prejudiced." ReceatlY a fire i Bombay destroyed a large ice factor and had the bread supply been sudde ly cut off there would not have been a greater outcry than was raised at thle prospect of an ice famine. The Care of the Hair. The hair is the covering of the roof of "the home of thought and palace of the seed' Where baldness, which some- times occurs in quite young persons, is hereditary, it is doubtful if anything can be done to prevent or remedy I Avoid restoratives and other nostrums, and, as a rule, do not use pomatums or ei.Is upon the head. A certain hair balm was very popular Many years ago and did. wonders, if the directions were followed. The bairn was to be used night and morning, first rubbing the scalp with a stiff brush for five minutes before applying the sttiff. The thorough use ab a moderately Stiff brush will greatly promote the health of the scalp and prevent the falling ofthe hair without a bake or other pre- para.tion. The hair should be occasion- ally washed, and if there is ranch dand- ruff, the yolk of an egg will be most efficient in removing it. Work the egg with the fingers well into the hair, a little at a time, to bring it in contact with the scalp; then wash it out thor- oughly with water, and the hair will be beautifully clean and soft. Avoid all shamPooing liquids; those used by bar- bers are strong potabh solutions. The call it " Salts of Wormwood" and "Salts of Tarter," 0,11(1 TISO it without knowing its real nature. It is very effeotive in cleaning, but ruinous to the hair. If the falling of the hair is not prevented by thorough brushing, Born stimulating application may be mad . Cantharides is most commonly used. Half and ounce of the tincture of can- tharides added to a quart of bay ru svill answer better than, most " hai tonics." News Notes. —It is believed that the cost of th Nile expedition will be $65,000,000. —The Skye crofters have uncort- dition.ally submitted to the authoritiee. —The hog cholera is raging along th - Sangartaion river in Illinois, bOm farmers having lost as many as 20 head. —The Massacb.usetts Congregatibnal Sunday School Convention has resolved to abandon the old testament in Sun- day schools and to retain the new testa- ment. —A married woman, who is said to , move in the best circle -a in Toreint6,was caught counterlifting in the Bon Marche on Saturday. She disgorged valuable mnff and was allowed to depart. --Warlike preparations go on steadily China. Thirty thousand Chinese Soldiera crossed the Yangtse river going southward near Poyang .during October. The Chinese Government has arranged for English and American vessels to run the French blockade of Formosa. —Mr. Parker, superintendent of the Badid•wich, Ontario, fish hatchery, re- ports he has already got twenty million whitefish eggs in the hatchery, and that it is his intention, to obtain about fifty Million eggs this fall. One handred and seventy-five million eggs can be hatched in the building in a season. —In spite of the spread of education, drunkenness is greatly on the increase' in England, especially among women. • Oat of thirteen drunken persons T E ,HURON EXPOSiTOR brought before a London magiStrate a few days ago, ten Were women, and put of 17,00e persons apprehended dur ng twelVe months at Liverpool, 7,000 w re women. —A Curious difficulty has arisan in the Swiss Canton of St. Gall. lie principle of capital punishment vkas *3gal:dished to be applied, through an appeal -to the people, and the first On- tence of death has been passed but he popular vote forgot to mention the fo m the penalty of the law should take, and it is anticipated that the result of t1iis curious deadlock will be that be Grard Council will have to exercise 'ts pre o. gative of mercy. --Lettera have been rece ved frAna General Gordon dated Nov. 4. Tthe General says his position atKhrtot1m is very secure, and the troops are in excellent spirits. He says the Mabdi regularly receivesEuropean newspapeks, wherefrom he learns the moteenent of British troops in Egypt. —Reports from up the Nile shOw that t14s Canadian -boatmen are experi- encingmore difficulty in ge ting. the boatsitip the cataractri than they antiei- pated. The muddiness of -the water prevents them from seeing the rocks. The difficulty of the Dal Cataraot, how- ever, is diminishing, and, tbe rate_of progress is likely to increase. —The Galvaston (Texas) News sap; : Thirteen thousand carloads of wheat, from California to Liverpool, are eft- pected to begin paseing over the Sunset route in a few days. It will t ke froM now until June to finish the s ipment. The wheat is delivered, it is u derstorid by the railway at $9 per on o Liver- pool, going by way of New Orleane. Reckoning 2,000 pounds to the ton the rato will be only 27 cents a bu hel from California to Liverpool. —Mr. Neil Carrie, son of r. John Currie, of Hibbert, who _ser ed forir years' apprenticeship in the atereos engine works, Brantford, is bout re- moving te South America. Being a skilful workman and haying iven ea- cellent satisfaction to his empl•yer, has secured the position of ferarna,n,ie the erigine works in Valparai o, Chili, at a salary of $1,000 for the iret year and $1,200 for the second year. —On Saturday 15th inst.ther died 4t his residence, Whitby, John Prii gle, aged 98 years and 2 months. The, de- ceased was born in Earlsto e, noar Edinburgh. He came to C nada in 1833, becoming a resident of obourg for about two years, and theul catedde Whitby. Here he engaged in farming operations to some extent. He was the father of ten children, eight of wheni are still living. He was one of he olel. est - living Masons, havingl c•nnectod himself with St. Andrew's ledge in Edinburgh, in 1808, and in 185 affiliat- ed with Composite Lodge, 1' hitby, making him 76 years a Mast's. Hui grandchildren living number 35, and the great grandchildren exce al this nuraber, besides one great-grea grand's child. In religion he was a Pres oyteriaa and in politics a Reformer. • GRATEFUL—COMFORTI G. EPP'S COC BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge' natural laws which govern t ations of digestion and nutriti by a oareitil applicaion of the perties of well-selec ed Cocoa, has provided our breakfast tabl a delicately flavored beverage may save us many doctors' bills by the judicious use of Bach ar diet that a constitution may be ally built up until -Strong eno resist every tendencyeto disease. dreds of subtle maladies are around us ready to attack there is a weak point. We ma many a fatal shaft by keeping o welt fortified with pure blood properly nourished frame."—Ci vice Gazette. ---Made simply wi ing water or milk. Sold only in by grocers, labelled thus—" Ji es Co., Honampathic Chemists, England.", Sole agent for Can O. Colson,:illoutreal. 8 ,Great SucOess. ; of the e opera n, and ne pro. r. Epps s with which . Iti$ icles of gradu4 gh tc Eltin4 oatin hereve escap rselve and a il Ser • boil acket $ EPP, ondon da, 0, 4-52 Two hundred bottles sOld in one week. Why? Because it is a genuine larticle and does all it profeases. What? Dr Scrapeinoff's Russian Corn and War Eradicator. For sale by all druggists 837.52. Strength is a valuable quality under any circum- stances. Uhe strongest are always the greatest whether in the kingdom 0 mind or m1usole. Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Linim nt is one of the strongest remedies Inown, but when used exter- nally, wh n the skin has not been broken, it effects in. relieving pain are most grateful and soothing. For Rheu- matism, Ibumbago, Neuralgia and the like it has no equal. 805.52. A Mr. W says : " M 'affected years, and than ever remedies to try Dr. with most bottle reli second bot has not h years." Roberts' 833:52. 11 VIP ale • Great Dissovery. Thomas, of Newton, Iowa, wife has been seriously ith a cough for twenty-five this spring more severely doe°. She had used many ithout relief, and being urged ing's New Discovery, did so, gratifying results: The first ved her very much, and the le absolutely cured her. She d so good health for thirty ial bottles free at J. S. rag store. Large size $L ever Give Up. If you lare suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, gen- eral debility, disordered bli--sficid, weak constitution, headache, or ay disease of a bilious nature, by all means procnre a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improve. ment that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by J. S. Roberts. 833.52. Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Abscesses, Erysipelas, Piles.—Un- varying success attends all who treat, these diseases according to the simple printed directions wrapped round each pot and box. They are invaluable to the young and timid, whose bashfnlnesta sometimes endangers life. Though ap- parently local, diseases of this nature are essentially blood diseases but a little attention, moderate persev ranee, and trifling exp nse will enable the ost diffideht to tondnot any case to a h ppy issue witho t exposing eecret in- fi rhities to any 1 one. The Ointment c ecks the kcal irflarnmation and alle- viates the throb ing pains. These directions also Isle rly point out when and how Holloway's _ Pills are to be taken, that their purifying and regu- lating powers may assist b adjusting and strengthening the c nstitution. 83 .52. • Po ash. odide of o ass nm ' is ride of the st ongest of h minerals use• i medi- ci e, and ha 'rothiced muc Buffering in the world,1 Ta en for s, lorig time an in large II ses, it dries n • tie gp.s• trio juices, irn airs digestion the stom- ach refuses fo d, nd the p ti nt de- cli es in hert th nd weight Persons wi h Blood or kin Diseases ssould be ca eful how th y ake the e mineral po eons, as ix •iostj instances the effect of hem is to el ostj permane tly impair th constitutozIi o take th Pla.ce of th se poisons we oijfer You a safe, sure, pr mpt and Pe hem your isnedntiitreis- mai ent relief troubles. Shaker ly a vegetabl ea y to conviho have cured in he third ge Sh ker Blood sig ally failed Dri Smith, Ban A yourig m yoq for his cu use of your S metit had fail gis , Cobourg,! re lood Syru pTeparation yon of ita m permanently -erationl by yrt4s, atter ith mereury 13. gor,, Pa.1 requesta me of blood poiso ific after allot .J.E.Kenu 1 1 d taint he use of had most potash:1 o thank by the er treat , drug. 1;. or years )(Was afflieted 're ter of the inOst obstinate t tre ted by man of the best p took quautities •f mercury, p ars nio, which, imitead of u -Tetter, crippled me up with poi on and theurnatisna. Th con inued to r w orse, and t ing almost de me crazy, con ition I was indiicedto take Bloid Syrup, a d he result ast nishing AS i was gratifyi few months the totter was ent r the mercurial poisoning all on sys ern, .and I as a, well mani- onl to Shaker load Syrup. su i eters should take it. C. H. Sar ent, Hajverhiij, 1 ass. F r sale by 4. S. Ro erts, rnggist, Sea orth. 855.12. • Oa Dry e. Was sicians; 'sh aud ing the mineral tetter e itch - In this Shaker was as In a ly well, :s of my nd-due I like Its We 1 T e aggregate the nited State 188 , we have j• tho ity of the Tienesiwas 78,96 min es. When We Haw this wei. ht of gold given as the tion of all preczcliug years, w onc struck -wit the remark pro. imation of th weight wh t has just c me to Our k was the output f C coa in this by Ins firm (ja ere Epps and one ear only, tie latit twelve ha bein 86,403,333 trey ounces, /e avoi atupois ton , and on the rx we ould not ithStand reci.lI mini the adage ." Worth its in e old." ght th Gold preduction of of Arnerioa,up at been told an is a Words it arning 111 ort. "If •ou are eufferin, from poo ealth or Ian uis ing on a • of eicknes , ta e cheer if are Rim .ly iiIing, of ir weak an, di pirited, without cl arl know- ing why, op Bitteis , will surel epee you. • IL If you are a pain ster, and have overtaxed your elf with youe pastoral du ies, or a mother wore out with are and worklo man' of busineia or labor, wo4.k€ned by the strain of 'our everyday ties, or • a man of letters toil ug over yp e mid- night work, Hop Biters will rdo sure• ly strengthen yo old, in 0 June, the au - 72 troy' ticular umnla- ere at le ap- en to 11 wledge onntry o.) for nth, it 2,645- Onent, hag to eight 84-2 A Good Guarantee. H. B. Pochraue, druggist, Lancaster Pa., writes that he has guaranteed over 300 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitter for dyspepsia, bilious attacks and liver and kitny trou In no case has it disappoiz4ted ,t ose who used it. 14 Canada i iveB he same general a atis4 faction. 857.52. w. sess, in the Air. ig winds. the damp at.4 uddenly checked per, re lurking. Hagyard's cures colds, coughs,, nchit.ieeand ala corns towarde consumption. ange In th.1 chilli Mospher, , and ectoral j Balss stbrna t,nd In plaints tending 357.52.2. AG Waste not you living„which Clogs the syste he channels of, h nd regulate all dock Blood Bitte ,1 • od Motto. substance in riotous ds itnpriie blood and with dist ase. Open ealth, purify the blood, the organs with Bur- rs 857.52.2w. A Prin ely Fortune. A man may po Hess the, fortune of a rince, bit can 'n ver possese happiness Without ood he Ith ; to secure which the blood mast b kept pure and every organ in proper a Aim). Burdock Blood Bitters pUrify th blood arid regulate all the organ. 857 , 2 2w. ••— epen Upon it. e You caiJ dopeni npon Hagyard's Yel- lsw Oil a a pain reliever in rheuma, t'sm, ne ralgia, and all painful and: intlaroma ory complaints. It pot only reliovets b it Cures 857.52.2w, I Buoislen's The bet salve bruises, s res ulc sores, tett r, eha corns, and all ski tively cures piles, nteed t oney re For fi it is guar don, or ni per box. 833.52. • For to sham pooii and skin phur 8oar I Dr. Lo An agreett, to remov re team. ° I have dorn and recom roe Ohe bettl cern Our (Signed,) Said by L Ses.forth. Arnica Salve. n the world for cuts; rs, salt "Ileum, fever, ped hands, chilblains, eruptions, and posi-1 or no pay required.] ) give perfect satisfac- uncred. Price 25 cents le by J. S. Roberts. • gh couditions of the skin, g the head, pimples, eruption iseases, use Prof. Low's Sul - 857.52m. 's Plea ant Worm Syrup.— le, saf and effectual remedy all Muds of Worms. 857. • • sed Dr, Scrapemoff's Russian Wart 'radicatbr, and can d it as doing all it professes. is worth four 'Of any other . My corns are missing. . 0. Burroughes, Stratford. msden ;Druggists, 830x26, CD beeel ;•••&) you feel tj PC) If you are euff rin fromlover-eating or drinking, any udiicretio4 or • iseipa- tion, or are youn anl growing t fast, as is often the c e, Or if you p.r on the farm; where, and tem needs el stim u 1 ati og, ing, if you a. blood thin andia feeble, nerves Un waning, Hop Bit to give you nelai 1 If you are eo or suffering f the numero stomach oe 4 1 —r. own fault if you ernitin ill. If You are wasting away with a form of Sidneyldiseaise, stop t Mg death this m me t, and tur cure to Hop Bitt rs. If you are sic witl that terrth nees nervousness yot will find h in Gilead" in H p B tters. in 1the works at ihe desk, eel that your s ing, toning, wit out iutoxic e ol , •pu e, pulse tea y, faculties ers s what yoa fe, bealth, an tiv oar s d owe , or dysp any oth seases of 8, it is yo 11 11 ' : I eed vigor. io Of 1. pt - or a— sick- alm —If you are a frtque ter, or a rrrideut • —of a mias le atic district, ba eicade —your syste •• a ainst the oburge —of all c•unt ies Malari Epi- • —demic Bil ous and In ermit- -tent Fe ers by the rise of —H p itters. If you have ro skin, bad breath, You fair skin, r preath and healt for a case they Wil n gh, pimply, or e,allow Hop Bitters w'll give ch A La "Oh, how I d blear and soft as her friend. - "You can eaSily m ed the friend. "How ?" inqu 1, " By using Ho pure, rich blood It did for me as 1111 lood, the s 500 will t cure or h —7 y s[ Wish. wiBli my skin yours," said a ke it so," , None are g Of green Hops Shun all the vile " Hop " or " H 864.52.m. A Four Burdock Blood Bitt time upon the livier, iaeys and the elan, in ever 3 case. arr or money refund d. red. Bi and on Mil eetest e paid RS as aly to • Wee - he first lad t ters that Makes blooming ealth. bserve." e without a hunch on the white label. poieonous fitti ii With ps in their name. Fold Work. es act at th e bowels t elieving nted satis 57:52.2 wL same curikindg- actory -o 0 X -o rri 0 0 0 0 CO 6 c-. 0) 03 0 0 0 0 g o z 0 11 -n 0 0 5 r - co .70 0 0 0 co 0 0 'What's the matter?' clo hs;—" 0..i! I'm cr zy with that Neuralgia ady—(W th face ereloped in a icill of hot tha continu lily troublos Inc." -r--" mWell, how foolieh 1 Why don't you go to Well, Lumsden & Vilecn's ding store A nd get a bottle of Fluid Lig tning ? It cercd rod in less that one minute. I adeSays keep a bottle ii the house. It is tie, 25 (suits. 852.52. ' 11 you sh uld be s nnforttitlate as to Burn, Sca d or Wound your elf in anas way the proper thi g to ke€.p clean ad heal it is McGregor & Par -Os Carllolie Cerat . Insist on having, and be Num yo4 get, McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cer te. P 'es 25 cents. Lurusbilen & Wilson, dru gists, the genuine. 852.52. , jlneyley, Haniiltcn, se. : "1 read the testiraosnia for aleGregor's Sr. edy Cure and fou d that I had not to go to N w York, Phile- delthia, Lott siana or Texas to And living wit - nes es of it value, we have plenty of persons rig t here to prove its Merits. I ot a bottle and it elped e right away. I \ as as bad with Bili us Fever and Indigestion ae think any one could be, I hive taken three bottl s and am near- ly ell and can eat a y kind of food without it hurting me. I may Bay that I am better than I eve den expected to the. F ee trial bottleil at Lunn- & Wilson. 852.62. A. IR/A.3RM 01--1 Seining Out at the Seaf7th Tea Store. Aico dial invitation to all. The sale is now go ng on. Come early, and get some.of, he gralt1 bargains. The entire stock of about $5 000 worth of' first class goods.- full Of Teas, Swats and all kinds of Groceries, Crookery, China and Glasaware. The whole stock must be cleared ut at °ace. The , rush has alreadylcommenced, and will be very great. The highest market prices paid for first-class! Butter and fresh Eggs. Poultry taken Eis cash when nicely dressed. Oatmeal exchanged fisaoatis at mill rates. Salt and1Coal Oil in stock. A. G. AULT, Mai Street, Seaforth. Buck'8 ugeprated ee Radiant Home COAL STOVES, In 'both Single and Double • Heaters, and with Oven 1 attachment. The DLIPLEVICRATE '1 Is, supplied in all size's of '1 - the 1884 stoves. It is the I most economical, durable and enoet cleanly grate -I constructedi My stock of BIBLIIIIIC HARDWARE - Is complete in every de- partment. , 'rouse _Furnishings,. Cookiny and Heating Stoves (for coal or-, wood) Tinware and Kitchen. Utensils. Always the best induce- ments te Cash and Prcmpt paying,castomers at MRS. JOHN' KIDD'S HARD WARE AND STOVE HOUSE, SEAFORTH. IMMIIIIM•10•••••••••• ST. JULIEN RESTAURANT Alain StYee Seafornth. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! I am in daily receipt of Nosh Baltimore Oysters both in can, and bulk.. Oysters served in aAl I styles. Pe4ies leqpiring oysters for family use ' by leaving their orders with me ean be supplied on the shortest notice. Also a large stook of fresh eonfectionerst and fruit always on hand. CIGARS AND TOBACCOES. I make a,specialty of Cigar'? and Tobaacoes and keep ridne but the best brands on band, w hich I can guaramtee to be first-class in every respect, and invite all lovers of •t he exhiliarating weed to give me a call, no I am sure they will save money y doing so, as I keep nothing but first-class gb ds. on hand, and at reasonable prices, quality considered. Remember the place—Sign of the Big Laltene Main • street directly opposite Market s reet, Seaforth. JAS. BURGESS. BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOWN & SON. THE subsefibers take Oust opportunity of re- ,. turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state that having made several iMprovements in their kiln and ea (ie. of burning. , they are now ; in a better posit* than ever before to supply' the public with first-class lime. 1 This being the tenth seaSon of our business dealings in Brussels, and haaing given pnquali- fied satisfaction so far, the public ean rel,- o re• ceiving good treatment and a first-class Betide from us. Filk-class Lime at 14 cents at the kiln and 15, cents delivered. We also burn a No. 1 lime for plastering at the same price. ' Remember the spot—Brussels Lime Works. 859 TOWN & SON LEGAL. _ CARROLL & DICKSON, Solieitols, (Conveyancers-, &c. Money to lend; Seaforth and Brussels ; Sewirth office over John - sort's Hardwaire store, Main Street. N. B. One member of tbe firm will always be in Seaforth office. P. S. CARROLL, W. B. DICKSON,' • Seaforth. Brussels. , J. Mi. BEST I 7 p ARRIST R, Solicitor, Conveyancers, &a Office, Ca y's Block, three doors north of Post Office,Seaforth. Godereeh Agents—Cameron, Holt and Carrieron. 870,-tf aARROW ‘-s tors, Ste. Wm .Prondfo PROUDFOOT, Barristers, 8 olice Goderich , Ontario.—J. T. Gracrow t. 1 686 AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristere, Solicitor!? In Chanciery, &e., Goderieh, Ont. M.C.Caraeroh,Q.C.,Philip Holt, M. G. Cam. eron. 506 114 ANNING & SCOTTA Barristers, Solicitors, a -T-1- Conveyancers, &c. Policitors for the Bank of Jobnston, Tisdale & -Money to loan. Office, Beaver Block, °Hilton, Ontario. A. H. 11.1ANNING, JAMES ScoTT. 781 MEYER &IIICKINSON, Barristers, &c.,Kent's .- 1LT--1- Block Singham. Solicitors for the Bank Of Hamilton., 1 Commissioners for taking affida- vits in Manito a. Private funds to loan at 6 per cent. Luckn w office every Wednesday. H. W. C. MICINN. E. L. DicanisoN., 738 LOFT S E. DANCEY, LATE withe meron , Holt ds Cameron, Goderich, Barriste Solicitor, 1 Conveyancer, &e. Money to loan, Bensoa's Old Office, Cardeo's Block, 4eafortb. 786 Grand Trunk Railway, Trains leave Eeteforth and Clinton stations as follows: GOING WE RTI— SRA VONT 31 Express.........a1:50 P. M. Exprees... 8:58,P. M. MixedTrain 7.5e A.M. GOING EA41T- Express ...a ,.... 745A M. Exprees Traiza....1:50 P. M. Mixed Train......4:45 P.M. OLTNT019. la30 la M. 9:15 P. M. 3:45 A. DI. CLINTOW. 627 A.. M. 12:55 P.M. 1:00 P. M. London, Jiliaron and Bruoe . GOING NORT13— 1 Exaxess. Mail; A. M. P.M. London, drasesse. . ..,.. .. ...... 7 47 4 20 Exeter..... ...... ....... ........ 8 56 h 86 Hensall.... ..... .-... .... .... 9•13 5 50 17 acefield...'. Rippe° ......... _.. ...... .... 99-2176 56 0565 Clinton............ ..,.... .... 9 48, 6 BO Londesboro , 10 07 6 60 Blyth • Wingham, arrive Goetze- Sonata- - elgrave . ...11.00 4351 77 2167 150islila 6 59 a A. M. ENVeiingglao. m , d , 7 49rpart 7 35 oBLiloiynottedhe'nab. , . 88 4145 r , fi05 • BKruippc:fine.1.;a 59 .7 • • • • • . ... , . Erceaallenter, e .. ,.... : ,.. 9414'248 London, arrive 10 30 • Wellington, Grey, and Gorr G • N • Ethel. . Beeessels Bluevale. Winghara.. 4 . .... G 03N Stena- Wingham 13luerale Brussels Ethel An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. ."Calvert, Texas, May 3, 1882. "I wish to express My appreeiation of the valuable qualities of Ayer's CherryPectoral as a cough remedy. "While with Churchill's army, just before -the battle of Vicksburg, I contracted a se. vere cold, which terminated in a dangeroul cough. I found no relief till on our march, we came tea country store, where, on asking for some remedy, I was urged to. tzy AYER'S CHERRY PECTORA.L. "I did so, and was rapidly eared. Since then I have kept the PECTORAL constantly by me, for family use, and I have found it to be an invaluable remedy for throat and lung diseases. W. WellTanes." Thousand's of testimonials certify to the prompt cure of all bronchial and lung affections, by the use of AYER'S ClIERRY PECTOUAL. Being very palatabie, the young- est children take it readily. PREPARED BY Dr.i.C.Ayer &Co.,Lowell, Mans Sold by all Druggists.. ST. JAMES' HOTEL, TORONTO. SHARP & BRIGHAM, (Formerly of Sharp's Hotel, Seaforth,) PROPRIETORS. THIS Hotel, which is situsted directly oppeeite Lasion State n, his reeently been re -fitted and'ie-furnished tinoughout and is now ene of the best and most comfortable izotels in the city. itaT Eve -y possible -attention paid to gueete and eha:ges very 'moderate. It, L. SBA RP -r Troprieters. 846 • JNO. BRIGHAM, j MEDICAL. TAT . S. MACPONALD, M.D., C. 31-.1Phyeician V I 44.* Surgeon, Accouchenr, ear. Office and resi- dence -that lately ocaepied by 1)r. Hutchison, Auburn. 781 T G. SCOTT, M. D. &c, Phealcian,Surgeen and • Aceoucheur, Seaforth.Ont. Office az d reel - d enee south side of God erich treet, secoad door east of Presbyterian Church. 842 VjfLRAN0VER,MD.,O. M.. Graduate of w ,McGill University, Physirilan,Surgecee and Accoechenr, Seaforth,Ont. (Alice and Residence, North eide Goderieh Street, first Brick House east of the Methodist Church. 496 R. W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D , C. 31., _Member of the College of Phveieians and Saracens, &c., Sealm th, Ontario. Office and 13 eFidr nce seem at, roimeily occupied by Dr. Vercoe, 848 - DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, BRUCEFfELD. HOWARD ELLIOT, Licesstiate of the Waal College of Physicians, and Surgeons, F.Iiin- butgh ; -Licentiate in Midwifery, Edinburg -ase, 833 28 . WILLTAM GUNN, ILicentiate of the Royal College of Phe secians ard Surgeons, Edin- httrall ; late of the Iles - pial for Women, Lon- don, England. EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, tas. R.0s P., L. R. C . S. E., Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon ::re the Mercer Eve and Ear In- firroary. Late Clinical Ate:defiant Royal London ExPresa Ophthalmic Ffoepitel, Moorfields, ana Central P. M. • Throat and Eel Hospital. - 2157 3 09 828 3 32 4 05 4 21 4 30 4 36 4 50 5 50 317 r!HUROH _STREET, TORONTO. DENTAL. J. FEAR, L.D S., DEN- Bruc-3, TIST, HA s REMOVED TO THE ROOMS FORMER - 1 LY OCCUPIED BY 0. CART 1 WRIGHT, OPPOSITE THE laa23 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, IN CADY'S I3LOCK. 11 16 Ace P. st. 2 28 2 39 -2 52 8 05 Exp. A. M. 5 48 5 58 6 13 6 25 11 26 12 00 /2 38 p,OAR FOR SERVICE.—The nndersigned will keep for serviee on Lot 26, Conce,ssion 4, H. It. S., Tuckersmeth, the thoronghbrt d Suffolk boar Royal Prince" This pig is a opre Suffolk, and has taken first prite where ester shown. Terms $1, payable at time of eel eiee with the privilege of returning if necessary. CHARLES RUTLEDGE. :885x4 BOAR FOR SERVICE- —The undersigned will keep during the present aeason on Lot 21, Huron Road i Tuckersmith, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, to which he will aeceive a limited number of sow_ Terms $1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returr, irg il necessary. JOHN B. HENDERSON. 885x4 s.1..,TE‘014K PIGS.—The urderssigned will keep. 'a' on hand during the seeeeet season, a Thor- oughbred Suffolk Pig, to \vision_ a limited number of sows will be taken. He is one of the best pigs of his clssi in the county. Terms, $1, with the piivilege o returning if: Drat essry. Apply on the farm of th undersigned at Glieve's bridge, Northern Cancel Roau, idelaillop. HUG Je GRIEVE. 885-t IMPROVE vpna STOCK.—The undte signed. will keep op Lot 24, Concrssion 5, MeKillop, a young thoroVghbred Bet kshire Boar, to which a limited numb r of sows will le received. This pig was bred b Mr. daceb Anderson / Wilmot, and is one of t e best and purest bred aeimels aver brought into the coputy. Terms $1 per sow, with the jrivikgo of returning if neces-ary WM. HABKIR lael.TIDDING LOT R. SALE.—Thei18uHdtfer- ville. place of residan s. DANIEL CLARK, Egmond- fanners, or oth rs desiring a pleasant and quiet a ind are well ad p he ras dences of retired t theesud nfi—oFbbrueo the or. e - — -" sign e d heel a f very eligible bui]d- ing for bale cheap, These iota contain a quarter of an acre each, are pleasantly situated and conveaien b toss part of tbe village, F. HOLMESTED, 87.7-tf IJCCESSOR to late firne of McCaughey & " Holmested Barrister Solicitor, Conveyaecer and Notary Solicitor /or, the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Loney to lend. Farms for Bele. Office in Scott' Block, Main street, Seaforth. - "pp C. HAYS, Solicitor, &e. Private money- to -Lye lend at lbwest rates of interest. OFFICR--- Corner ot Squa e and Wee, Street, Goderieh. 774 • MONEY TO LOAN. caTRAIGHT limns at 6 per cent , intez est ray Pa/ able half yearly, or 6i per cent. yearly, -with privilege to borrower of repaying part of prieci- pal money at any time. Apply to F. ifOLV4. STED, Barrister, Sealorth. . - 850 VARM Ilr TtCKERSMITH FOR SALE.—For 22 Sale, the lierth hall of Lot 6, Concession 6, Tuckersmitb e ntaining 50 acres, 45 of which are cleat ed, fre from stun ps, and underdraieed. The larm is wel ft-nttcl. There is a log house and large trucebarn on stone foundation, good i, well and force, rump. It is withie. 4 miles of Seaforth. and ti e roads leading frera it are all gravelled. Apply to Mita. E. BURKE, Bulls Head Hotel, To onto. e : 835-8 A PRIZESend six ceute for postage and 4 receive free, a costly box cf goods which will help ell, of either sex, to more money right away thief anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once addrees TR1:E &Co., Augusta, Maine. 8641-5; D. WATSON, DENT1STy Faculty Gold Medalist and College Gold.Medalist, Toronto School of Medicine. Saving, Natural Teeth a specialty. Teeth, Easily and Carefully Extracted. Er Charges Moderate. 'IA N. B,—As I have bousht ont the bnsineas of the late Mr. Buggin, I sk ill complete all opera- tions begun by him satisfactorily to each patient. Office oeer Johnson's Hardware Store, Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. AUCTIONEERS. J la. BRINE, Licenced Auctionee: for the w-1 • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parte of the County. All orders left itt the Ex - ?envoi' Office vrill be promptlyattendedto. A DELGATTY, Licensed Arretioneir for the aea• County of Ilnron. Sides of all deseriptione promptly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Brussels P. 0. or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. 77 JAMES CAMPBELL, Licensed Auctioneer, Lot 10, Concession 14, MeKilh p. Sales conduct- ed on the most reaernable terms, and satisfaction guaranteed. All orders addressed to Walton P. 0. will receive prompt attention. JAMES CAMPBELL. 8494.1. THE MITCHELL STANDARD VT I IVID M i113 PATENTED & MANUFACTURED BY W. M. MORRIS. The simplest, strongest and most satisfactory Windmill yet made. For pumping water, saw- ing wood, chopping grain or driving any light machinery, it has no equal. PUMPS! PUMPS. I also manufacture iron Lift and Double Action Force Pumps, which are guaranteed to give satiefaction. A Stock ef pumps and hose kept tonstantly on hand. Give me a trial. If I do not give eatisfaction no sale. All orders addressed to the undersigned, Mit- chell P. 0., promptly attended to. 872-52 W.. M. MORRIS: Obstructions of the stomach, livee and bowels are promptly removed by National Pills 857.52m.