HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-11-28, Page 5384 NOVEMBET! 28, 1884. HE HU 42% ON EXPOSITOIL it was at but aftee resuscita- purse for nore the irkterest provided the Lou- eame by mis- 7hathasle brought when it :es within naltdraa :tent.) ah-, 1884, eeeeeekee.y 'weather. te alight a to grew weather ot easy ea ;a1. brieed, e Inaian little' or , a U- Meet, farther an data ,lence of wiite, Id snare (aviag is tibe the oba-ble, L for hliz- at ;true days dieap- twere not Irt all the hien p ers 41tion to roughly kieli goes titian of Rtt yet a, already aass to be erg of a hward, J -bound- .garthern Ettirushs_ Afferent xtereAcia a to :•at tee, (.oik- e nine will triserse of *e charter tion to Federal ittention ineeif North- edy toe It -uniting would utherst some from the rtain, at ted Iiave thusiasm ing held aere and aes.len " rea, and dimities vt back- eraseIves !waiting, .turn up, te work ueselves. is only , bas been been *ad it no !--ie,- like a :The re- ! coupled arket, over the ey have n- Were Vat -abler prime* viers are the way eive but eay,_ nert efsicee't csi [er from :evening -whither wheat stepped iner,. hie :oritetite. ,es. 'Ile losophi- I make good to 'Ahmed, .eptieal, 'a morn- icents a 4torday - t before ,e -e out eything t, that's !tally of South - depend , :ar they winter. Ikf. our ,',d stock Y _reason ;Jk. bring, Ve to be Who- are -olit cm eef am/ tY- relic of iP'eg, by; us, litive 1;t„s evert eel such Every r sandie Il Millet a mere <essly be 1 ,be scene: (.! ;Affair. "retch of 4e, Mit" ill's owli -opa.:..tint,i- t. shoulc I, this lastqi such a :s of one ! I heard aectimil, 1xo sitoli Id make 'eruld be doubt if , it was X. The Rural Poor of England. (coNTRIBuTED.] - In a few clearly wiitten descriptive paragraphs a recent English writer 'draws a lifelike and vivid picture of the monotonous existence of the English peasant, his never-ending round of daily toil, his social distance from the class next above him, his humble surround- ings and meager fare, his wretched amusements, and his sullen and -dissatis- fied political attitude. There is nothing in this country in the agricultural dis- tricts that corresponds with the state of things thus described: "The social gulf which divides the proud owner of square miles of land from the bluff and hearty tenant -farmer is not wider nor deepen than the chasm which forms the demark- ation between the yeoman -holder and his lowly,though indispensable hind. The landlord may exchange country sport for the gayety of London and Paris ; the farmer can don his broadcloth, drive madam to 'market, sendshii sone to the grammar school and his daaghters to the music -master, and entertain his bucolic friends at a varied and abundant board; but the actual tiller of the soil—the plowman, the carter, the shepherd, the representative of the order boasted of by Wellington as furnishing the very staple of England's military might—lives on from day te day and from year to year his monotonous round of ill -requited The indoor life of the cottasers varies from the comparative comfort of those who occupy the neat and wholesome cottages furnished by such landlord as Lord Smiley at $.20 to $25 a year, with all reasonable requisites for health and clean living, to the wretched squalor of those who pay less than half that rent for the cottages which "would cause even a dog to die of discomfort and er c hypochondria." Here is a deseriptioe of made on the subject of tempm the average "Hodge those AV6rst " Whereas for many years tee subj off "His witees do not 4erage more of temperance has been occupy iug than twelve &Ulnas a week. He rises attention of the christian peoele of t . all hopes seine 40 years. ago of ever s ing pr hearing from one another. M Summers, a mice of Mr. Time. Tuck came to St. 'George some five ears: a never dreaming that she had a uncle close by. This summer Mi. Csecs Tucker, a brother of Thome Tuck and wife came with his famil over Canada, direct to their daug ter'M Summers.. They visited allth er frici in St George, and having a d, tighter London, was there a good deal, aed: remainder of their • time we . speut Paris. A Mr. .Bassett, carpe iter II came from the same place as t . was working on the Methodi erected ,on Ma Thomas Tuck He boarded in the house -- Tucker, and it was. through t man that the two absent br brought together. Mr. Besse Paris to see his friends after tl e chum ch was completed, and told. los he 1 ad Tucker. Enquiry • from Mi, (1,*:, ge ii. boarded all summer with oa e Thon as Tucker revealed to him the fact I tiat this man Must be no otherthan hie!1 ng lost brothcriarni he iinmediatel .prOce (l- ed to his residence. On arriv'ng at he farm and meeting his brother ripples he at once recognized him. ' He . hen qu s- tioned him. as to his past life; fr in whence he came ami how lo ig, he 1 ad heeteaut here, etc., after whie i he m ide himself known to him. • The edits& of the bee brothers can be better W41 ed than described, and thus! it w s by p 'o- vidential circumstances, as it A Tere,th me two brothers, thinking each other- dem d, Were brought together after forty yet rs' separation. - - - . s.sefrseeseseeerre" ' •• The Presbtery of Huron (!cs ' Temperance. to r, .s. d in he in he TU4k4s, t cher h, ,e.,'s!Ifar -1... with Mr. . is -yeti ng • ersI avere t went r to At the last meeting of the Presbyt ry of Huron the following dclii ci aue stas before daybreak, breakfasts upon his country, and the Government/ has gi cup of tea and piece of bread and lard, option to each county to adobt a 1 and salliee forth_ to plow, a. crust and prohibition, known as the Can Te perance Act of 1878. Wherca Act has been shbmitted to th the people of the cohnty of slice of bacilli for outdoor dinner rolled , the's in his vreat red handkerchief. He te of et he his en n- sid returns, -Tired and exhausted, at dusk, urea, ,,nd the ministry and. membership o t .and thus his daily bread is gained by a his i monotony of toil only to be compared church throughout the con ty ve with lifelong telling of a rosary of mill- taken a decided stand favor of he atones. If he faints by the WaT, Or gets Act, Whet ea,s, in the goad 1 rON ide ice toward old age, his wages are Often of God the hearts of the pe Tie _have reduced, and in some instances he must been so directed in favor of t -11-ipernaage 4 e fall back upon the poor rate. His wife's • that the Act has been carried y ia4ge majority, and Whereas' the G net hl s - attention is mainly occupied by home duties—in mending garments, tending sembly of our church has oni s s ema ,c- castons approved of the priitei )1e of the the garden, and preparing meals. These said Act, and the last Assent recem- latter consist of vegetables and bacon, hread., lard, and cheese. Mothers with mended the application of th principle, in the life and influence of ti e chetrph, seven Cu ten children have told me that they; often feel keenly the ueed of a Resolved :-1st, that the Pres )ytei.y variation and imirovement of diet, and press gratification with the resell-, God t tamed, and thaekfpiness to at - that pound of butcher's meat for Sun- mat day's dinaer is looked upon as a luxury the prayers of his; people 1 as ben indeed." heard and their efforts cresa ted eqith Naturally enough,' the dull and nar- success ; 2nd, thaV this Pies aytainre- row life makes Hodge heavy intellectu- commend to the iatembers nd ±h ce- • gross in his recreations, the tavern bearers within the 'bolinds, er- his only club, an ignorant and sullen dis- mice to the terms and spirit a thef ct when it becomes law, and In tiler that content his Only political creed. Despite every endeavor be made in t proper the influence of squile, parson, and far es to gee that the provisio Of the mer, the spirit of Radicalism has reached said act are carried out in thedi entiretfr." the actual tiller of the soil; and. in his , The foregoing deliverance was agreed td vague, dull-witted Way he takes an . inin the political movements of unanimously the day. In a not remote future the peasantry is to be a most important fac- tor in English "Fustian -clad clodhoppers, young and old, assemble on Saturday and Sunday nights in time counnen roam of the ale- house and • when the frozen carcass of Perth Items. St. Marys will have a pe and curling rink ready for Ch —Mr. W. J. Levyhas so concession 3, Fullartop, for ti ' • poor Hodge has been thawed by the , • skating U lot e sum of Mrs. May McLaughlin, Bo t n. The tickets have been placed at a ow price; the first lecture tieing on the tilDecem- ber, --There are in amount ofc iididatee for MiddleSex registrarship, ja elated by the death of Mr. James Ferga T. Local Notices ILMON & YOuN Seaforth, are prep teed to buy an Chbiee•Da•iry Butter, for which the ket price will be p dd. 882 .11.uwAne) CASII is prepared qu ntity of ood Fall Butter in Cr eks or Tu s. Also, Lamb and Fu and Pel nes, lout this date. all iher 2e, 1884, 877 -tarrets --4 he undersign ha id a stock of Cood, Substantial Cu tars, whit h will be sold at price tin es. Any person Wariting a gee tem should EX allIT3 our stock helot - els ..where. )1141.31AN & Co., Iliahl forte . 885 t . II)• • .. - . . rOTIGE. Al mons ind Ca vTight. entiet, .who has sold n s in Seale tc W. J. Fear, will ere. J. M. Bese'slevie Offlee, oppos m rein! Hote , with whom all Mr. bo k debts lave been left for c se le their a Toilets. 88M t Grocers, uantity of h ghost mar - 'be buy any ells, Pails, heepskins, forth, Sep - have on lei Stylish o suit the heap CU- flm treet Sea - ed , to C. xi his besi- else call at t the Com- utwright' II etion, and 0 THE AD1 We—MISS Bos"N 'ELL, lat of 'Won, has opened a Dress and antle-mak in Esta.blis intent in the rooms •n Whitney' 131( de over Wade's Photograph Ca levy, Mait Stt cot, Seaforth, and is prepared t< ,xecute all o ere entrutited to her. Having h experienc in owe of the largest and best r t establieh nti, she feels confident in elm eeing satis tion. •A tral solicited. A7135-8 HE St. Marys "Journal -'"Ar gu " say: e St. Mery's Carriage anufactur Comparn not teeing sold the 1 ole 100,0 sh res, or 11 d full :retunis from their agents : ,e deemed it tudvieable postpot thedivisica of irofits, (mettles to $106,000, ti Vedneeday D rember 31t, 1884: when the sant ill positive ly eke *place Shareslarei$2 each, . ad can b secured fron H. A. L. Winne rotary, St .•M rys, Ont. 883x4 --Mr. E. -Styles, of Manitoba, and;foi- 1 blaze of the wood fire, and his tongue is . unloosed by the horn of home- ice , . ; chell, visited Stratford recent the innocent pastoral ballad is alternated' —Mr. Dorman, , of Mitche by allusions ----hazy and inconclusive 4.• mills has left that town. many years a respected reside it of IN it - 1 woollen His !affairs enough sometimes, but still coits,i- th - will be wound up for the bet elit of ihis tutting the straw that indicates c : reditore. direction of the wind—to the Irish —Dan. *McNeil, of Stratford land questime to the social delinquencies i $10 and costs for disorderly of the Upper Ten Thousand, cud ' etc the door of the Salvation Arn omnibus- rebt(4 et q aiintqdam aliis. More in that town. • direct and coherent are the conversings . —Rev. Mr. Butcher, who as:to the low price of corn, the threaten - years was pastor of the Bible ed reduction of wages in some quarters, church in Mitchell, died at Pe the injustice involved in the maintenance last week. • of thesluxuries of the rich and the com- . --Mr J T Hicks of Mit hell put forts of the substantial at the, expense of ' „ , chased a few clays ago, tw , fine col the sweat, the toil, and the time of the from Mr. G. Kreamer, of F 11 11 poor, and. the equity embodied in the c erton , Which lee paid $450. was fine cleclaratian of the Apostle that he 1A110 d onduct, at y barraeke for, sem Christie,' erboro g cloth:not work, be he lord or hind, can —A few daYs a" Pafrie 'Rolla shipped to Buffalotlrom Sha, peaxe1160 have no right to eat. A revival 'of the lambs. The animals were purchaeed Agricultural Laborers' Union is mooted , in that vicinity at from $2.5 o , in. some quartera and Men spell( regret - —The Listowel Poultry ssociatiol ' filly of the time, ten years ago, when the " have decided to hold theh rst ariMuk 1 yet unbroken phalanx of farm workmen, ' exhibition on the 3rd, 4th nit 5.th olf under 'Joey' Arch, wrested half-a-crown February next. 1 1 i —311. NA: . Clarence X oun t. , forineirly1 •; a day from the ‘maisters.' Whether, in s . 7- r view of the present condition of English ; of the Consolidated bank, 'Ste tford, has agriculture, and of the growing facilities returned to that town taking potitioe for the ediecation ..1 information even . in the Merchants bank. of the peasant, this renewed spirit of on the 3rd concession, North Easthelpd, whether the desirable end may as surely , to Mr. Drummond, of Ellice, and Will yla be gained by timely concessio s on the remeve nextrspring to his nem. estatd in part of the owners and occupies of land, ' _iManitoba. f he price was $6, )00. I , 1 1 will lea,ve it to wiser heads o decide. . — The residence of Mrs. Traceyi of ' afternOon 1 al :One Several Dram:lett d left in ! t revolt should be judiciously fanned,' or ; —Mr. Jahn Peddie sold his fine fk.ii•in Certain it is that, When the kismet. : becomes enfranchised, it wSt Marys, Was entered oneill be no easy . during that lady's absence an matter for his spiritual and temporala containing $18 Was stolen. patrons of many centuries to retain his small articles were also stolen allegiance, unless they adopt different and boxes were turned put a and more straightforward methods of disorder. dealing with him. Bad wages, doles of —Miss Bella Barr and John gin and blankets, and arrogant bearing, Motherwell, Were married on must give place to a. recognition of the inst. ih St. Marys 4 Rev. laborer as a man and a brother, as one bull. Over one hundred peal who, by virtue of his industry, is en- . tided to his full share of the firuits of in the evening at MrBait's the earth. The rural atanospaerthe wedding least and all spe is night. disturbed by sullen murmurs, and unless —St Mare- rs is evidently the claims of Hodge to physical awl dark ave. A local pa -er so, iother towns are now b -ing lig rted selith speedily recognized by the powers that mental sustenance awl improvement )e , Wiles, of the 14?t,11 Ir. Teen - le' -met in • join in , nt a illy . 1 „ nterini e s: 1li1 electricity, St. Marys :has evidently isei-;l! be, Hodge will ni his own way mee cured a new quality of oil. such claims upon the attention 'of the are the dirtiest, the &wriest enemyel• ' most useless that can protabl , ae••••••••• After Forty Years. Mrs. George Summers, of St. George, engaged by St. Maryspublic eel Ontario,related the following interesting for 1885 at the salaries name story- to a correspondent4 the Brant- W. -Laird, $600; Misslf M. ford Courier: In 1834 !Mr. Thomas $300; Miss Verth, $250'.; Tucker came from Wetmore Parish, $250; Miss R. Barbour, 52!75; Miss England, to Canada, being then a lad of Watt, $275; Miss Cruttend n, $2t5; 17 years, and worked at his trade (being Miss Wilson, $250. a tailor) in a little place fourteen miles —Mr. John Goodale, of M rnington, from Stratford called Milverton. In a was walking through his barn yard the short time he was induced to rent a farm other day, when a vicioue bul rushed at which he managed successfully during him and threw him to the gro md. The the year Of the Russian war. He had made enough money to buy a fifty -acre farm for $2,000. As his boys grew upi they called for more land, which was - added to the first. He has now a fine farm of 200 acres, with taro good brick houses worth some $12,000. Although correspondence had been kept up for two or three years, communication ceased, his friends in England thinking him dead, and Thomas, thinking that his people had settled in Australia„ buried T the " wide, wide world aver.' —The following teaches ha he laMpi and the be folind 1! e been mil: oolboard, 1 : Mr. J', Barbarne iss Poole, animal Would undoubtedly Ihxe :kin - ed him had not his son collie to the rescue, and succeeded in driving off the infuriated beast with a pitchfOrk. —The Women's aristian Temperance Union of Listowel have arranged a coUrse of five lectures for the coming season the folio -wing ladies and gentlemeh, known for their lability, viz: The Hon. J. B. Finch,. Nebraska ; Colonel Bain, Kentucky ; Mr. John R. Clarke, Miehi- gan ; Marion B. Baxter, Michigan; end 'EEDERS' Ne TICE.---.--The el e, pest an , -ni' st coeven ent j ower for cutting ia • straw o roc ts, grindi les gr he pumping, cee „t CHallidaye St nclard Ge red, Indmill. Every a nier shout( ha. one. I rice, "170, free on came at Toronto C. WILSON, S ale h, has Secured t 'e agency fo th • Ontario Pump Cottepany of ' orouto, th ad oining th tow of Seeforth, wh r intendhe m nufaeture e, au d has otie erect° n- his barn ipu chasers c n so at %yolk and jud for them selves. Ord ‘rs s tould e given o le or •bw tmenths Mole re( uired„ s the Cm le any have gr iat many ord ‘rs already and 11 them re .eiv'ed. : 860 • Birthael. N YLOR.—InE st Wewlanbeh on the Wife of M Foim ai•n Naylo ALE.—hu Bine eels, -on the 15th of Mr. A. mate 05 a daught arriagres. LLIS-e-eMOUN AIN.— The 17th, inst Mr. Jo Mountain, bo h of AlTHWAIT CAM hotel, Brusse s, on -the 14th ins . C. dappison Mr. Wm. Brait Charles, Michigan, -to Miss E. h 14th inst. c f twin sons t., the wif t Cayali r,t Dakota,: o m Hillis oteliss Minni- embina Dakot 13 RELL.—e t the queen' .; by Rev. veite, of S . Campbell,. Ifarpurhey. CRAWFORD—FREEMAN.—At the residence - the bride's father,on the leth 'Met., by .ReV. Kenner, Mr. Ed. Crawford t . Mary, eldes daughter of Mr. Henry Free nen, bah Hullett. • 01 BeeROBINSON,—On the 15th in it., by - Rei R: J. Beattie, at the home ofti Mr. Robert 0 r jr. of Guelph A. Robinson, WELL—KEIL. Toronto' on • P,aldwite Mr to Miss Ellen of -James K -Huron. I YLORie-AIER on the 1.19th bride's athe Taylor, of C Mr. Wn e iridegeoon ta Miss Rut of Blyth, Ontarh EY.—At All 8, churel he 15th inst. le Rev, Arthu W. ! A. Jewet1,- lvangevill • , Made Kerney, el leet daughte • rime-, Esq., of ()MIS, count ISON.—In Godei c•I Townelin inst., at the r • eidetic° of th , by Rev. J. lieu ler, Mr. J. intern, to Minnie daughter use Manche. - Her time ,- W ILSON-7-4cIL • '.AIN.—At the In Mr. John -Wilion, of Colborne, 0 Miss Sara i ter, an the .9th inst., by Rey J. Pritchate , MeIlwaie, of .WestWawnosti. . Deaths, ,I). 'NCAN.--4n emondville, on hi 1st hist , Daim 3 I) unciti, Aged 62 years E ( 3 month. C IESNEY.—In Egmondville, on t e .231-d inst leargara Car mbellerelict of ee late Jam Chesney, age:1 (13 years: . J )1INSON'.74-In ..'nth Inunfriee, A, a erloo cam ty, James W. Johnson, aged 7( -ears and inonths4 De Tased was a Uralic r of Mrs. I Logan, Of Sc. forth.. A TCHES05.—I i 111(40,11(th, oh i - Jane, wife ofW. H..*itelleson, E R )wcureFp.--I 1 Uebopie, on Ii years. i , • :\ ' . inst., Bershe nu Rowe iffe, age< C IING.—le Hay, on the 17th in . of Mr. thos. 'lung, aged 55 yc A TKEN.— it el erns, on the 15. Robert itice t, •aged 50 years, .11 days. M RRIFIE D. At the Central ' act; Win ham, ,o'im the 4th inst., Willie, ly ningest so 1 of Simon i lid Sarah Acne c d, .aged 1 months land ( da.ys. If B THANA ..--eI u Clinton, n ti 6 16th inst Mary, eldest aughtenhf Ar. IR 1 aid Bucha -an, age4 263 ears, 3 months and 1 days. 1 24th ins sq., aged 7 • the 12t years. -Mary, 'if' inst., :Mrs inonthe an • - 7 -- AU 'TION SALE. On Thu sda, a December 4, , 1 o'cloel p in., sharp, )ii Lot 4, Cele: -ssion 12 Hiillett, Farm :Stock and lit plemeuts lex. Smith a la Henry Tay: o, Proprie t rs Alexamd -'..Dergatty, tioneer. *ARKET SEAFORTII, . 27, 1e84. Fall Wheat 1 er b isliel.... :. 800 6698 tt oo Si ring Whet pet besliel... • O 28 to Oats per bus 0 53 to Peas per bus el .... . ... ... .. 0 45 to Barley perehushe .. ...... . Botter; _Mg. , locre ... ... .. 0 16 to Bette, tub 0 16 to Eggs ....... .... ... ..• .... 0 18 to Fleur, per 1 !be ') 00 to Pcirk, per 1 His. § 00 to, Hey per ton .... ..,.... . 7 00 to Hides per 100 His . 5 ,0 t 0t0t o SHeepskins each o S It (retail) Per b rrel .... .. 18 to W ol ,. . , ... , . S. It (wholesale) p e• barrel.. .. .. Paatoes per bust el... e .. .. .... 0 30 to Wbod per ceekl 2 50 to .. • CLINTON, No 27, 1884. 80 7 0 -7 O 8 O 5e O 5' p 1- O 1 ,t 2 2. 55 8 55 O 8 O 2 1 1 sl -03 45 Fill Wheat j. er In sto Si ring Wheat pm .... Oats per bus ,:• ...... Barley per Id:whet.. Pees per bushel . . . ...... Better ...... Digs H v per ton ' ....... .... P ?aloes per busl el..... A eles per barrel W 01 • • ...... I-ijdes per 100 lbs. P COrdwoed 68 to 80 7 08 to 07i 28 to .0 3 45. to 05 53 to 0 5. 16th 0^1 18 to 01 00 to . 8 30 to 0 3 • 00 to 20 16 to 01 00 to 7 0 . .... 5 00 to 55 00 to 4 0 I .LIVER.POOL,NOV 26.—Spring wh 06s 09d red. winter, 6s 0 ; California No..1, Os 10c1- : Ctilifornia:No. 2, is 7(1 ; oats, 5e: 031 ; barley, 5 Oct ; Peas, 5s 8d ; uork, 7rs (Xkl ; e, 58s 00d TOEONTO, 1 wheat, 1 to 80.73 spring, 80.70 to .l.78;oats, 33c to 34 ; peas 58 to 60c.; .barley, 5 . to 66c; hay, pet .on, $7.00 tei $14.00; butter, 17c to 230;.potato se per bage eel.45 to $0.50; ee "le per 'doze 21c to' Sc; dressed hags, per 109 lbs. $5.75 to $6.25. Li e took Mark MoNTRE;AL, Nov. 25.—A Charles, trade it export cattl firmed very Met, and the n changed et 4 c: to 5ic. pei , weight as to 4uality. Exp were unchang d. Receipts of been rather m re liberal, wl i suited in an e sier market, g being made a -ti 511c. per offerings of u hers' cattl market were bout 700 hea s Point St has con arket un :amid liv rrt slice hogs hay h has te eral sale md. The at- 'Vige • for ;!erliic therewas a fairrk active demand. Choice heifers and steeps sell quickly a,t4 market, however pound live weigh brought RC. test to,2e.. About 5 offered, which Lambs, prices. were sCarce, and wonld .high pri4ms. Best On .bring .41-cato 41e. per. L Fair to. goad grades e., and inferior (learn sheep and lambs, were let a good sale at full ent at p to $4.50 each. it ENT -1- • STOCK. SCFTC/LK PIG.— ,he undersigned will keep during the pres nt season, on Lot 8, Ccite cession 12, Teckeren ith, near Kippen, a thor- oughbred Suffolk •B( r, (Registered) to, which a limited !mother • Sows •will be admitted. Terms $1, with th privilege. of returning if necessary. 410BE *MeLleeelete .: 886 BOAR PIG.—Thot ndereigned will keep . dur- ing the present season on Lot 1, Coecessio 9,.Htillett, a Suffolk nit . Yorkehire White Boar, to which a limited -el mber of sows will be ad- mitted. Terms 75-e eits per .,4ev, with the privi- lege of returning it necesserie payeble at time of .ser v ice. G W IEAT 886x4. ESTR \X STOCK. ! I.—Strayed from Lot 25, orris, six Calves, one white at', one grey Bull, one ted bite Steer, and one roan tying information to lead to suitably rewarded; MARK ls. 886-4 —Strayed" from the preini- mined, village of Varna, e yearling heifer, white a white spot on the fare - 'on that will lead to her iitably Rewarded. JOHN 0. 886x4 -.LISTRAY CATTL _lee Concession 5, e Heifer, one gre3:-/Jei Steer; ADO red and e Steer. Any person their recovery will 1 M. CARDIFF, Bross -LISTRAY HEIFER irj ses of the. um about the 1st of Jul, aud grey mixed, and head. Any informai recovery will be 8 WANLESS, Valeta P -1,1STRAY, sion 7, Hullett, Leicester p.am, incur Car: Information tl the above will be COLD WELL, Const STRAY EWES. re 7-,Hullett, twc with a.black spot on the same by pr charges.' V. E. CO trayed from Lot 4, Cornice - a. two year old well -b - ed 1 ed with a, notch in the eft at will lend to the recoverof suitably rewarded. W. E._ FICO P. 0. 886 - Came into Lot 4,.Conces, 'out aged Ewes, one marked the face. The owner can Neil; property and: paying DW ELL, Constance. I'. 0. 8864 VSTRAY HEPPE .—Came into the premises 12.4 - of undersigned Lot 29 Concession 9 Moeris a spettedired and 'bite, heifer, coming two. The owner is rogue. ted to prove property, paee expenses and take ii away. MRS. D. COLE- MAN. -se -•• 886-4 t -ESTRAY CATTLI..—Strayed from Lot 9, Con- '''. cession 7, Mon is, about October heth, six. .vesteling cattle, titre steers and three heifers. - They are spottep rec and white, with a split in the left ear., Any i iformatioe leading to their re0overy will be uitably rewarded. •JOHN t McINTOSH, Box 90, Brussels P. 0. • '886:0 pOUND-KEEPER SALE—The undersigned will sell by Pu. elle Auction at the ;Seaforth • Poend,, if not claim .d by the 'owner before •the tine, on Wed nesda3-; the 3rd day of "December, next, at one o'clock in the afternoon the follOw- ing property, viz :. the Sheep. Dated this 26th day of November, 1884. ' R. S. ROBERTS Pound -keeper, per '. E. 886-1 • 't , N TANT 41t. !VENDERS WAN ceived by the De-eember 3rd, 1884 Seaforth Skating Hi receive offers for th Season. M. R. COL ED.—Tenders will be re- ndersigiled, until Thursday, for the eareteking of the ik for the season, or tevill rent at he Rink during Ithe NTER, ecraary. 886,71 -IT OUSEKEEPER WANTED.—Wanted leim- mediately, a suitable person to ac as housekeeper mud tal e care of children. Good wages to a suitable iiersen. leferences requi -ed. Apply at Tile 'EXPO8ITO(1 OFF 01:, SCEfOrth. 886 MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. . The send -annual 1 ieeting of the - member S of the Mechanics' Test trite, will be held in the Reading Room, on Tuesday evening next, De- cember 2nd, at 8 O'clock P. M. The Usual ' num- her of Illustrated aid other jtapers, -for thcj six: months commencing Januare.1, will be sol_ at the same time. 'WM. 3100RE, Secretary. 86-1 . .. .. .... . ........._______e_ THE KINBURN CHE SE FACTO The Animal Meeting' of -the Shareholders land Patrons of Milburn Cheese Manufacturing , n- ewly, will be held in the Tel iperance Hall on - stance, on Thursd.ay, December 11, 1884: Sh re- holde s at 1:e0 P. E. . Patrons at 2:30. 886-2 - Wel. ARMSTRONG, President. _ . . ..._ .. . e . _ ..001CreEft.VATIVES : Al TENTIO4 ,.... Time -Annual Meeting ef the Liberal . Con iekva- - tive Association of ast Hi rote as •conetiteted for Commons and le)eal Legislature, will be held cl.)cic-P. M. All Coniervetivos are yequ .4ted in rrussels, on Monday, December 1st, :at 1 o' . to :attend, as bus*ness of t itnportance .is t be tea sacted. J. LEECH, Ifresident, A. MCS - OR eVE, Secretary. I S6 Y. L MBER I [ATM BEE he undersigned `laving bought and re -fl ted the machinery of the Carrick Mill, are now f Ily prepared to furnish Farmers, Contractors, ed Lumber Dealers with all kinds of Building L mm - her at the most reasonable terms. Those building houses we can furnish :\ eth Dressed Planing aux Siding at low rates. Parties ordering lumber can have it shipiped to any station on the Grand 'Trunk Railway: Orders by mail Promptly attended to. Give us a call befc re dealing elsewhere. - ALDWORT# &CAMEROS, 886e3 . . Whitechnreh P. 0. • SOMETHING NEW FOR pRUCEFIELD. OCCION 11LO &. HOC -KIN, PRACTIC XL SHOEMAKERS, !gave pleasme in - intimating to the people of ;Brueefield and vicinity, that they have opened a Boot and Shoe -Establishment in the corner Stare, at present occupied by Mrs. McIntosh. All Chders promptly attended to, and a Gbod Fit, Good Workmanship, and good Mateeial Guaranteed. : A TRIAL SOLICITED. Being bath praceeal then, and thoroughly acquainted with their business, they hope by stria attention and hOnest dealing, to merit a liberal shaee of the Public patronage. • N. B.—Repairing neatly, cheaply and promjetly executed. 886 McDONALD & HOCKIN, Brucfleld. FARMER'S' B.ANKINC HOUSE. 1_300-A.I\T .8T CCD,, BANKERS & BROKERS, SEAFORT11, MO Office—Fir of Commerc Notes discounted, ness done. Remittence to are toba. Business done thr A limited amount Money to loano o S. C. M'CAUC P. S.—S. G. Mc yeyanee in all its • . real estate, buying ONT. t Door NORTH al Hotel. and a general banking bnei- collections made in Meld - ugh Bank of Montreal. f money received on deposit. real estdte at best rates. EY, WM. LOCAL ughey will attend to Con - ranches, lending money on nd selling farms, houses, &c. AMES PICKiRlYS, CAMPBELL'S . BLOCK, SIGN OF THE. RED FLAG,„ MAIN STREET, SEA oRTII. Enterprise, Civility, 1rornptness AND TABER LTY, Are the Principles by. W ich we Govern our Busines - Just received' an4 opened up thirty cases and bales of various kinds of goods,. which we are off(ring at; special prices. Note some of them: Lined Buffalo Relies, $6 and up ; White- Coat Robes, $4.50 and ; Black ' float Robes, $5.50 and up; White Bed Blankets. (ar wool), $1.75 rier pair and up; , Shaped and Strappett Horse Blankets, $1.40 and up; Men's Good Shirts and Drawers, 371?,c and Handsome1 Tapestry Carpe s, 40c per yard and up; - - All - Wool Tweeds, 40e per yard and up ; Ladies- Quilt d Black Skirts, 6- 3e and up ; Ladies' Winter Jackets for $2.23, Worth $4 r- Lath s Whiter Jackets for $150, • worth $7; Ladies' Winter Jackets i for $3, worth $1 ; Meet's OvercOats for $3 and .up ; Suits for -$:i and up. WE SOLICIT' mith & MAI INSPECTION. NO' THOU LE TO SHOW GOODS. A.MES PIC est's Old Stand, ( srriR=', 31 RD, „ampbell's Block PPEP BE for CO By P rchasing Your Wi J. L. BLANK We can give you D SNAPS nter Goods at MITH 1/49, SAFORTH. E'S. In thisI Ene we are stilf keeping up oui..\reputatiote. a geed All -Woo] Double Blanket o $3. ! FLANNELps—In all shiules and all price, , froin.l4c cents up. FUR:1—J .GENTL. SMITH'S, wherc n Mink, Seal,. aaild Astraehans. Be. sure and see them, FI EN—If y m Want- a Suit f Underclothieg, go to J.. L. yoh. are sure to. get the right thin HATS AND CAPS— In large numb rs, and alWays the latest stdes kept in stock. L. TAIITIFS, Cheap Dry Goods, Seaforth. NEW FIRM. The iladersign el having -entered into a co -partnership, to - carry on the busi ness o Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnishing, under the firm of CAMP- BELL k BRIGHT, have great ileasure in announcing that they have just • opened up at the WI stand, a ma,g ificent stock of' Woollens, Furs, Nobby Suits and Ovrcoats of gapstyle. Also a large stock of the newest fashions in -Hats, Caps of Cloth and Furs, Sout s Sea Seal, Persian Lamb, Astrachan, itc. In • • 3 Shirts •alnd Drawers ve have a spe ial line to show, at prices that never* can be • beat, from 50e up. We have a brand new stock Of Ready-made Overcoats, made • of fresh goods, and Warranted close prices. Ouil MR. BRIGHT having hail a large experience in Ladies' Garment Cut- ting, we are now well prepared to attend to this new branch of the business:' Those Who have dndly sitasported the old firm for these many years, will have no reason to disc ntipue their pateonage, as they Will it is hoped, find in Mr. Bright itot only , golid artist, but a genial good fell NV, and worthy of your entire confidence. We sh.41 be happy to see our customers. W. b. B IGHT. a WM. CAMBELL. ct- 01, D. my - FAL STO9K COMPLETE. Larg0 Assortnient to Choose From. POPUEAR P Everyt t7 ICES RULE LOWER THAN EVER THIS SEASON. ing New, Fresh and Handsome. sp,AF'olzvr II hen, Where, How TO SAVE MONDLY. —AT THE— POPULAR GROCERY, SEAFORTH Von can get the bestvalue for your money -in all kinds, of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. I have just received a lot of res' h Sugars and Teas lvhich I am bound to sell eb cap for -mi,b. teen pounds o, Brow» Sugar and 14 pomulee of Coffee Sugar for $1, and a good Tea for 25c. per pound, and extra value at 50c in Black and Eighs Omen. Also some extra fine PURE SUGAR SYRUPS - at 50e and 75e per gallon. HONEY; • HONEY:, Extracted pure -from my own apiatee, at 5e per pound, or eight pounds for One Dollar, PORK! PORK! I have again commenced packing, and will pay he highest market price for ;cid fat hogs. I lave on hand all kinds of Cm -op Meats,' Pork and ologna Sausage and Cutting. E. ROBB, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. KIDD'S EMPORIUM ! READY-MADE CLOTHING. Our preparations have neverbeen mole -corn- eae than they- are forthe preeent season; . vhether variejy of fabrics or variety of etyles is citisidered, Diving, as -we do, for spot cash,. from he largest Manufacturers, and in tire e the mintities of. other fivne, we are citable '...o 'offer ou. AWE NOT SEC WN fLSEWHERE. We Positively Defy Com- petition. To any buyer of judgement,, 'who is eot influe- nced by the trashy inducements held oat by urchasers of SECOND HAND OR, BANKRUPT GOODS, we appeal with confidence, Iceowing that our elothinel once seen will be apple elated, lloth for quality, durability, style and price!. We buy nothing but good all -wool reliable goods. Customers can, therefore, purelmee with eonfidence, feeling that when they reach home they have something more than a paled of eboddy. See my Men's Light and Heavy Tweeil Os yr- ats. See my Men's Bever Overcoats, and note the prices. See my -Boy's Overcoats and Ulsters. See my Men's and Boy's Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suits, made and trimmed first-class at rea..sonable prices, Rubber Costs all styles and priees, from the lowest priced oil cloth to the finest macintosh. Underclothing and furnishing departments are telly assorted with the beet of value. A CALL SOLICITED. THOS. KIDD, Corner Main and Market Streets. • •