HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-11-28, Page 4ot �TH HURON tXPOSITORM N E. BUTTERICK CO.'$, given in favor of the defendant, Mr. �Jtteli- unsaid mte tre equally prolle to ment to his old fr Much that was are now asshming the offonsive in Toilf. Ai-iny, .She niediately proceeded there. sufferings hL lll&rgone i� Nvas at in and Fdrinosa. If the are Fergus n the A1.111yat Brampton, first balieved that ]I(,, as dead but Reliable Pa -per Patterns for U kinds of Armstrong.' Mr. Hayes then applied to believey, but in t148- res Oct one Pat of Mr. Brown yould �pply with 0 after kcan saiol,; I . i . I li rsei of tak and urged he' to do s . She,would not considerable difficulty he vu #efiuscita. econtinue their co king re- r 0 r lber Court of Appeal to have the verdict !t consistently' cast a Stone at i the eqp4l truth to tl�ie flono able men no -Ladies', Misses, Boys nd'Cbildren's the G ey will require 11.5;000 men as consent, whellcupon lie solo! the house- tell. The passwigers raised a Imre for gals, th irarments, for sale by HOFFMAI.,- ROS., art* or a clas� Th &I in and I 0, 000 hold furilituro nd left lie.' and him, ind n reachirif B aItfillore the side and a verdict entered in favor other. at as Uieir for Bast York aii(� t ic old adversarif ,einforcen CIA in Tcnqt� r Seaforth. set a ctilduct was suc� 0 entitle then to of both will be par4o led, if,� in holiorillf it- The eKpodition against the sole supp6rt of two small children. Britisli consul Avas in( need tol interest of the plantiff. The matter was rgued, "O 1; . 0 Pekin direct would 1)6 cheaper for -A ourdhimself in the lad, Who was provi,ole,l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. before the Court.at Toronto on TuEsday,! th e strictures abov. E qu�jfed, we do nost the dead, they souLi also to allow 80ine the, ricighborIlood. of 81iniville, oil Wed- with. i, ticket to Wingham On but the Court reserved judgment. It i I d . ffords ni i� the tok 11 of sympathy for. the l4ing. The the Lot,, a tel.4-11atically. e4y, and it a nesday, 12th 4ist, youpg girl named don, Huron and Bruce. cattle Akir The figure between the parenthesis after each line denotes the page (A the paper on vvhieh likely that s M*Operson will have a nice: 1greatest pleasurel to be', able to d I thisp ch f actors oil th(- stage in Ceorge 'l.'Iie distress aniong the hip Bersheba passed away at the through in perfect safety, ilding. wotkingmen is Inis. the advertsen-tent will be found. At early acre of! Sixteen years. She hall tnke lie was carried as far ore this Oase is f the fact sd d to Bro�,rn's time are fast goin 0 1 bill of costs to pay bef roin that we, were oppc g, down the 1. as I hatbain. I i 'Iyde and been confine(tto lier bed foi- only abolit However oil Thursday he w S aid oil the Tyne, k8omethilig New- McDonald & Hock-in(5) le ship Y, a ! brougilt ettled. thern did all we�coald to frustrate heir hill'of life, and it was well that oil such definitely 8 Housekeeper Wanted -Ex. Office A Lersey, th&e is scrdely' one-fourth of thirty hours. i back gid taken to Wirigham,�!'wllfall it efforts to def eat i th e Act, all d hit vg not an interesting occwibn as . this they that his brtbr live�'s Ivit1lin Boar Whele. (5) ic possible: working force and power Win brass ballfl have pre- ws letrited Afeellanies- Institute-Witi. Moore. (5) Going Entirely too Far. dol not expect aiiyfivors should meet to bear witness that CELna- 1 w in effectivC opera scatted their Nlr. A. 11. Kay,with tell miles of that Place. receiyed and Estry Cattle--Johii Under the heading, " A bad Crpw(t,' lior Sympathy frotil them. .But; *bile dian politics does not destroy all tlie Ai) FATY, OF. -Two ineii, a handsome present � in the -shape of a Attention !-A. Musgrave. (5) the Goderich Signal- of last week g ts off " 'o� not the traffic in -1 Ach nobler feelings of the heart. Tyail and AValters, sailed from N'ictoria, silver butter dooler,also complimenty No,tEs from Southern W,-Lnitoba we ose them a 3-ritish Coluiribil, in Sloop a few days add Kay � illtellds eaving Luniber-' A.1dworth & Carticron. (15) p I the follow, I I M i ress. - Ir, -om Our eum Corregiv-ndero F,stray Ram -W. E. Coldwell. they notthial''our 46.0 with niticteen Chinese, whoill they Wiligh,ain. shortly ,III(! the band regret nti iis section must Current [News. a 1"stra Ewes -W. E. coldwell. he , 4�ccttites in tl ' to 0 Roex L�kiipCor Ty,,N-r)v. 7th, 1,Sg4. in their heart of hearts feel ashanied of duty,requires us s�ijd quietly aiiiielided. to Slilliggle into "-ashingtoll losing so eflicient a, le R. EDWA*11) the litb6r of Territoi (I ti la i To )e ortbodox it will 1) Overcoat,-;, &c. -A. Taylor. (8) N11 -y. The sloop capsized all I -Mr. John Denips 1 , of the 2iid c011- I nto' thbin abu*i an(t nialigile( nd (-"y e I lecesgary the position i which they havE bo�cn; see 0 ai cession of Usborne, returned recentl for me to speak fin t hole par y were dro 's Lecture -T. driven by the poor judgment, ])ad court- especifl, y by tho e It(! should diap ay a htlix 8 and ormerly a ffiadical c d ro Iled. has bee y It is aslbiect Ilp(y Of the Weatlier. I 111 � I 1) of the Elig isli House of Coln-: CATTLE Ail epidemic from INIalifto )a where lie 11 tore IlligIlt t 9,111 , 11 i � 3 toler: -it instal f wil ill known as Vic black le., litts 1;roken out i for the past t �o years. He has taken'tip t this part�cular tinie -OW Pure ea..s-M. A. Charles,worth. (8) Sol aliol irregular acts.of their'chief men forgivitig sph ]not S" (is now stumpulg County DO a. and rulers. From the beginning of the to gi Card of thnks-D. Xlorn. (8) the i'ouservative intei -est. catt:"i)l the western a farm of 320 tcres intends dispos- cloquelit, for more , lelightful fallitiffig the flarne of evil passion b,k it) - mong- the young e eather agitation to! the present time tl ey have, I't is reported thabAttorney-Glencral than have had ffl fill] it New Fruits (55] -Laidlaw &' Fairlay. (8) i S I is A easy r IL illt(3�ip rate and )5wisive to -!r', Miller ha orce( to resign his Scat The disease:i.,; very to ith � oilie nd many' all of his fainily to Ninitoba, in the imarine. The dys hilve 1) Roberts. (5) been the victims of their own blullacr-��, dulgi�lf been force( $ lit ings, and to-dy st6nd before the coi intry 1 lan r 0 gu,-re �.,Pucb als -liat quoted Ove, in the Manitoba Cabinet on account of bivesuccill"Jg!d. ,a llililals becoll sillishiny nitl warin, Much like 111(tall F,straffattle-M. M. Cardiff'. (5) deprived of:ev;,,4- vesticre of respectabil-' This : D I ' . a n .1 i, e sprin�. F'Stricy H-eifer--Jolin Wanlcss� (5) 0 1 lot thel ii, 0(163 in our I It Ible the torin of hidignabion raised ainorig lanie-and dr_�Ltll soon --Captain W. Bayly Jones was or- iiii1d, witli� little,5) Fctory—W. rmstrong. (5) ity-to which they had afortatinie- liade . 1 il the r i 0 the I r opirlio I which t ie temperance c Ituse, people on account of his having DAN(.'EROI�S dem- . dined at Loi0on oil Sunday, 16th int., 110 frost lip t I ith ult As a On - claim. Tll4y started out as hot est Mell r I?y ,isolier onsti,ation il1 paris oll 811nday In ily E lipping of the pi of by Bishop Baldwin. He is one of four equence plowing been in ft call 1) opularise'daind advanced. Jill I las New (V'Oods-James Pickard. (0 Ord red the wl in favor of the continuance of m1hat they'; P Corinack for having attempted to escape tile workilgil;ell .in I .4ocilists who brothers in in one of and fariners are,-' Goods --J. L. inith. (5) -ai a Wintei farther believed to be a license system whichl Speeial N'alue-E. fr011 L prison. spoke, dvocated the illas8letcre aild rob- thein being ev, Percy 0-wen-Jories, of head with their, fall Plowing (11r - was backed up by Public selitimerit;! Good Suggestion. Thii. Scott Act advocates ae getting bery of the keh. Thd p6lice were un- St. Geor e's church, of Fresh Arrivals [2]-lVilson & Yoting. (8) This is ing any eason withilt the expe.i they have ealded by being, gui) ty of a L,uffalk Pig -R. McLean,- Jr. (5) A Torouto disjmtch says i 11104 confident, and s�)iiie of them feel Itble to di%perse the at3seniblage, and. perhaps t le Only of four broth- our seven year old pi�necrs. A,, I write futile endeavor to thwart 'the -wo ,king Sure tile Act will bi w-6 , -e halving epill cj)l, p2 ited X *rricd in Kingston: ers in tbeiriiiiiistry in Canada. ai -M. It. Counter. (5) ObligCJ to call OIL the military for t A depu tion f :om the Ontario E ch- Cheap & he popular verdict by btealill 1 the D�vvii) H. S(`0TT, filrinerly warden of D�')Iloghlle formerly of Cliii- and, for the present -,�It least, pi:oNving ers' A880 ition waited upon theM.1'ster allot boxes. They found fault a b the ,, Manitolm, was arrested in THEBuITISIT ton, writols ft,onl We hbe the Tea (8) M dow Le, of 14,'diwa lall I asked him to a(Aince st By City, wrn- uspelided. But, if epol me to keep l beginning because the Scott Act people Wil 11 for foi-ery, but Iti is 'teil that $25,000,000 will be ing youll� vay from the (if wiliter, Which 1i the tech rs' cer ificate� from. 'gr� A 0 to ve Oil rid�ay ro a) e, used Strong la,ngua,(�,-e when deno 9 a licarly everybod prepareoll for it 10111 ese hrough a rer has to strengtheii tho British navy, I Michigilililin wr Woods this winter, as Y Is; bliz- cri.a.de, a ding I the liquor trffic ; alid yet before the e professional Sue, �bss. iliche i Of Sliow I ecil cell. Iis reputation had whi alljouilt will be by I, loan . there ar(A,eii incii there )low for every I abolit ox 4 1) i 0 r canipai(m -,vas chosed, they -were Sing be Al �IiPi Or prpillilsed to consid.,r t ic -t period. t is certain that One . wantd(r, �vages re low, and pros- the 20th of October, but I e hitherto been unblemished.[ natte�. for -a, ,;]lot ti d the vilest epilthets nd rixost lib tons Tli.E. siattie crected in Qhieen's park the Governi�lent -,vill oppose the Tory pects arq t1wy"-will be lower before" which follo-wed oon it to. di,.'ap- Dope I i Imul though stiteilientsagrainst the tempernce ad- This is , good ugges ion and ,I- to the inernory of the Hon.'Geo. Brown, -oposl to obtain funds by z;f spring. -A pear, P1 t1lit roads ere ,lot vocates. - Asa party they have still k to ��EAFORTIT, FRIDAY, N6v. 28,11884. Ale Mnpster Will orably consi( eJ,1 it. i was unveiled Tuesd,.ty -,it noon, the the Sinking fund. -We to have to announce the iniprol �ed thereby, tli�I plow el, it all tIle the level of lot of low. 'blackgwLrds, be e, awii,rdillg Of certificates now: th ig guns are In, th cereniony being performed by Hon. HOSTILE Aeath of Thonis Ching, tter d it is thile tht decent men stoodaloof A Direct 1-tand Tax.' Owing to the biaing Sent fi-oill the XoOlwicli �rsellal Road, HA, I'lle Sad evelit took place Witli the pproa,ch of y ess is laid upon the schol, sti from the fellows who.rejoice in a record �ti ___c Mond last week snowstorm it was decided to adjourn to t' Mrs. Citing a P W. Ross says title Ontario O St. Sillipli's bay Ci e Colony,, to oil re be,, lining t,o) give their att�iitiol.) t-0 11 (f foi- some tillie, but noth- the Which Were so thoroilglily like� tilts bequite, IIE Ilt.9- Of tll(� applicants, all I so Couiocion litill, wh(re, ddresses were trenirtliOni the I�o which had been �Ityili Gaerimaerit's revenue will suffer by Tbe. j)artv tht has insulted the woni 11, bv 1titud -1 f i)r tcaOing nd success III the delivered by Attorney-0,eiletal Mowat ed last winter ; a fact Which goes the . doOr of a public meeting placc upon., The of the Cape I ing serious wits entertained Until day of its share of th ol .oirse and..,,) atorAllan. boutonetliotisaiid 400d -Hope has asked the home Y. I tion of qenbe money 1,)y the Gperation of the thein. 'Bv tarottling and striking %voluel who feSSiDIICOUIAS�f Ofu 'ov dahNN have no iiit�l Oor two before lien as one t4) how thattlie ip, haVill,( attended publ�c incetings." ThZ 11 All Krere present. erinnent foi- instructions s to wlit'it of the pioneers of the townsli aII0%N-i])krtbe agittion to file kiut ytt a ed up It e( 11(ationa ainnients o: tl erson i - . 4� Scott Act- Well,, -What is his remedy whi,;kvuckers on condition that they wou d in- NkTIVE traders recentIv arrived at courseliesliall purstill III View Of the Iwith lie r hit mild settled there over while. A project which lias already How' slill. the Glovernment be recouped terru�t opposition speakers at the inmtings �eacliQr call not be entirely Over Lon oil state - that ("A eiera Gordon has hostile ttitIlte Of th(3 110 thil She highly re- be- I -which appears to be %tion of where "free �discussion was invited." Th'a't 1 I . I ors. I? 131 I It liti greate cousider-ati aged peop e to leave Kliar- OF Bisliol, p ves a large. cire ArL, we leading up to, direct taxi 1 1.1fo nooted, a )ub niti ch oil ,;h,)uld permitted r- ected, an(l le of taking definite, shape, is the buildiliv of a the ndc.the plan NJr. Henry (443'orrre ii -ho opposed them, and: 0 toullt, they Preferring tbo�i file villge Lte cablegram from Foo how, Cliim�, friends wII6 ill cherish her ine-niory. hic of from Brand, to retract when `wl *apologn- was denin noted. ' e' givell fes aud V" T; 0 y suggests ? It Would seem, so. Alrba( to pr sional Slice 01, That libelled the leadinc;uien on the -OU Act trib(s rther risli the hardships of III ihFuelitil Grit or,pa are dvoc side, and thei) advisJ the character-tidef to Whim I a titude.. or teaching. A pe -son ),'ounces the d ittli there -oil -III Knox oil Still- connecting -,it the Interitatioll,A), bollild- c i Me a Prolonged sieg6 . Thd . lidi's follow- 8,�tiirday of Bishop j. AV. Willey, of day morning, 16th inst., in the course of try, - hi I-] I West, with the N-orthert Mr. (-Te(>r,- 's theories, as applied i e -which, "skip the country." That connived at the .�eal- .. a-. ay e go d scholar nd a in ser- Alix Sias - to re designed to tax the fari ing of the-bllut 6oxes after the people h I 1 --de- ers are menacing all the,caravii routes, the Methodist 14,piscopal diurch, a resi- of his sern-Ion, Dr. Ure niadue the follow� Pacifit a nuiiber of 6-� thil- 11- 0 1 to the river riear d t , , ail , n . Cc eided. against tlieni at the polls by over li y )r teacher! wliile:'a very moderate frequently deboitchin, AD of Cincinnati. He Niris'on all iiig touching allusion to the late ( apt 'I tic ie.Aigs have been beld i . dilT r-ilt ing of the contry for the raising. &c. . � c: t3 illay lloi f -cq�iently does I Lave Debbeh and preventing supplies of cattle copal tour to th Ida plitis, and the people hiterest-p(l, Of Pulic revenue, rather than by a Icl. �Ql c. msion�11 Jpan anol AV. S. McKay : Last evening nlu ill all common sense, we a -8.k if cr' nd reachii) E-hrtouirl. (-,'eiieral Chin. Death CMISCd by tumor of our dear frielid, Captin Illiligled hve -% -arinly to tip - ti Ior sit c ( repeatedly it is possible for ny tall claiiiiing 0 be Ilid Oth r Iualific4. ns c eEsful Crorlon has Are N�e to- put Mr.. Ross down repulsed the it the stoni ' ch. his prayer anol prai.se with us, and sooll port t ita enterprise. A conintit tee, C011 - as in fa� decent to keep -with A party which has ache:r. rbe so6ne.- the change k e (I tck 3 mad I (A by thia rebels in theirstrenn- I 171i.E. 0jiJECTfONABLE 01 �,A-,-.-A i,fter his fallily Were ddenly phinged sistilig of the leading men in 311111li- var of a land tax, in place of a t%riff for -not only earn d, but which ctualy tr is bmda�the bittdr it,will be fo I wth ous efforts to capture Oilidermun oil the 1) 't qi hitoniouruhig. NV]iilcs,)�iiipatl)iziiigNN-itlI cipalit &,4 -through whiell the litte Avill revenue? It sounds like it.. e er of Presb y I I r . 1 oppcsite side of the ri- y pass, i'as been foril boasts of Such re led, for tli.e I cord " We k no"' teaebe'rs irl schoIarr. er. church, represciltiiig -,I number of Sttes the widow, let its the s to of Th-e,%boveisfroii-itAeLond,onFreePres,�. %Dli -whd have been allied Vi th A PECIAL deSpte I to the Toronto hve been iii session at Xenia' Ohio, thie ;.the of tillie 11,11d the m agrni ig, to the Legislature for charter applyi Ieternity, and by our 41 We do, tiot kuoiv wh�at AIr. Ross' vieu:s the alitis)i bb ra respectable, ana we froin London, 'd dated pst week for the parpose of tkingr ' bf W aily at it-, ]text session. Little opposition to A. Sensible View. wait patiflitly to see' what -tll.(-.Y- will do . . i -- expected, as the Federal OR this important subject are, but we do November 25 says: 8i r Jobii"Ala'cdoiiiad measures to tho. organ excluded tion to Gods service prepre for that rest the scheme is IIpo al The I oropto Globe has the follov eir eyes -are opened. to the c r ea -P from cliurche e, -einaii)s for the people of God. ('overninent has inthirted it-, inte tio that the System at present in use now that th ed a ry favoral) le. i n p essic last s. A I olution to ly the tbati 11 11 rascalities of their party. As thins lisibie r inarks oil th excilp y �lloa nirt,tter the nexi, general assembly -I'ev. J. A. '.N.IcLachlan, Methodi'st ()f' -O policy, oll iligh � at the banquet y iv'un to him b� -elf to ill, the of rasinu the reve, ue now st.&nd th Ore is not room oil the ; anti 'uestior I i -A ould be w sdoni iis evening lie was I %qrs dopted. illissioluary 0 , Beaconsfield Cluj). at Victoria, NNortb wet Terri- pledged Il ins - % itron a decent mati* , to I - i -yy tariff is the most improvident and pl, tforin in H entertined -It a State dinner it Windsoi tl L - 0 -whicil fo KIIARTOT�-,T.-A tory, formerly of (X'oderich, visited grant ] sta,nd 'upon, if its record during the re- f0r thla itizelis to"0111, h ed. It s Y., Cast �,.wbicli was hotiored l)y the pre. ellger who at Caird�froin K r- f4oderich recently aud. favored the eril X -ific Railway I)eol)le re Only -roo agant that colild be adated. If lia' cent.callipaicril, nd Subsequent i dev(lop- Tor6ii to 1 ploa a�e 'y 11ITIC11. LC: is selic Of the Queen. -After olinfierSirJolin hshis rniv i)eoi)lc of that to to -volinect with a lint ruinilig I to-Liln t,ates- (1'ordon -%vii with several inter anxious ments, be taken as 01 Nfac( 2 000 Turks, 6,000 blackik estino ddee�ses descriptive t would -T t- criterIon.' We boined to , �eg all. (Itiestions fl 011 rid almost aild , larc., 1 of the into Altogether, I i I 0 ' . for raisirn, the revenue direct1v from the dont mean to -say that all the are int of. e S plelitiful country-andthe Indians aiiioii(r whon. p r th t the peopl Of '01-ithern 0 Onth V-11 11 ous Hoi I � p ea a e, Toroilt 00 Or Majesty, iialliber of lie 114 n(ast s been peapleinateadof indirectly as now, it ]ut -we most I!. a n are iring of xf 6 voirything by N-1 r. ('qldstone nd I)erby the supply of provisimis and in itinition lie b, kely to experience Would be milliotis Of dor1lars 6,nrll - state thc IT bilisheFisino.. but -11-Y the Col, to the relief (K)f it tangible nture too) front the ally i it all tile " toughs ar� ntis'. oroill 0 ad prae'tic� seer t. of te fo oilies. lie i The people at,' v * oil his return It e all(I left last Frid, y J., is or e ithat is likely to lea( o Prell i t- reniah ty! o i apea- is guest it Windsor fl to the hills, hit, � tate of It is certain, at far, (1, -ij) lost faith it)-, Northwe,st. Ile will have to travel preserit 'Ellis is going --entirely to i their pockets. It is estimated that each all sion I sappointiViev t. , For iiista�ncLl, in- Cast'cluntilto-morroul. Heliasgreittly Iiiiii. Khrtoum was ilt� 100 III 11 any rate that the settlers interre-A-ed have 1111iiiiited upon some 1, iles t of innipeg I d, in the Domin ion those strictures are not oril uricalled for- the tA question, it vedinlicalth du ng his st�in' the tidings reching tl ere tht the order to reach N'ictoria. Nl(�L man, womart . all d chil y s exeniptlou S too illipi rs. ach- lio, int(hition of llowing, the enthusiasin is now required to contrib-ate abotit forty and undeserved, but are calculate -t� (to c onfiden tly Assuni d that there is Eilgl�tild, and expe(ts to � returit to isli expedition wits en route for its roa�- !in with -her in failt will ,;pend the winter to cool, ior mectings -.tr'e -still held 1. lit tile ' oronto side he controv,qsy. Canaola iith anew lease oilife etirly lief. Everybody in -lial -ei in Goderiell, and be the g 'st of her throughout the country. Farl iers un I r I I'( -- dollars per arin to the revenite of the a great deal of harm by keeping live to ,tourn rev -es, le; s ItIl. obey�- father, Daniel Gordon. �L gre4t( listake co not be IlIa;( next. 11-101 (`rdon. His orders a7cimplicitly business men located ill the r turesponolent Sys CGU'Rtry� This am, ount is - paid Just as and intensifying ay animosity 'and ill- 1;j evidei cod by tl la Tein, rks of the A IVAJIMINGTON CO Tbe Malidi nnounces he will not -A Gorrie Young lady Nvs passing have gi-own sick of hope defei f. -arely as if the tax- collector lled at feelirqg that may have been engeiid�,red )rth P, SITOR lid so tie other j'our- The weritge deprtment elbrk -in Wash- ttack Khartoum during tbp present along the treet one 1. rk iio-vN- that way ont of the dffficliltlel� a c 0 ( a, evenin when 11 rals. Ai�y TorolitoLlia* who has . _Ojiffi- ing 11 isillow holding his br ath in sus- month of Mcibarren, b1catt e it NA her daility fool hicked'agalust something hits beell proposed they are n6t back - the of ech rateprVer and �Iemad_ between the contending parties d ing I CILIlt-k in seeing that the� ,re two S��(JL�S pell&,� alid i� ltogellier in a state of co�htrary to ed tile amount arknual hich ; every the awft�':but 'it is paid the recent contest, and' -%v1 t) tlie:q.�estioii 111,63 t liglit if lie reat ) tribultion. q tlio� prophet. soft on the Thinking she hd ward ili endeavoring to avail tl eniselves -ate found purse she picked it lip and car. of it. Tired. long shice of in Stich an indifect way that the tax- good citizen, should now try to al4y and 7 ie The's caini, model, i 11 Oril consider, th, tuatioll �ta_ J-11( ynictit of those wb( are in a position Huron - 1S -0tos t rie )e,r- 1 or d it in lier land until she came to the licaw soln ething to -turn lip, bury ot of sight o the . for 0 payer does -not recognu- e it, and conse ftell v -a. pose thp 0 neil of to k'i Low is that Mr. C1 eveland will make a shop -window where she y a -e now etting to -work 1he to-wri of - C1 iflt(�Il claims to light of , could the quently he does- not pay that strict at- thil�gs of the past., We wonder! if it y -ere gi lea-ve to assess, at -tbei: full but �feiv 1 clin"re more cl ' ely e. to to nie, S exc pting, of Course, OS C5 spent $50,000 in buil'ling iniprov her prize, when turn tliat so thing up for thoniselves. c.---) S t, Pearlirric lit Buildings [)e- the ijiore: hliporttant ofi -a-tion to, the in v-hich it is never occurred to our good conte ices, su uids iii6its this year. �r horro she found That :ey Will eventuallysucce te ni )Or- b as he , he r anx� , I is only t, e artmen t� Office't X. id Dther Don idion of blireaus, who must of nece! sity be ill %he bd been citrrying the unburiedbody a Inatt r of tinie. ,-,,'-y that it is guilty of precisel y I Ir 00d Templa rs 0� (4 orrie intend a--pplied that he would he to pay the �-Zrlle G "Ope in that cit, One-half f the entire accord with the, spirit ! !f , large to,�d. The story Avas kept lf the ad- h6l1ding a chickeii social-!wIltever tliat It W f)I,l from presen indica- ie o city migit money directly oit of his pocket, but he sxnie offence of which it accusE§ ti t�txes Of th easily be L led ministration. But AvIl en the soul of the quiet for soine Itime but has leaked outat December 12th. 4 tions, that although our harvest ihas been does pay it all the Sam-. e. The present -'Lllti-Scott Act party, viz Using o. fell- "'Pon ille, -!national VIX48, of whidli of departmental clerk is beiiii, filled with st, bountiful one, sesWill find it 110 1, and nowlyou. co 11il't induce that MDisli y hs rented the warse, roianto,, to pay , I y no thes( sweet assuraric s of s4curi ( lady to pick- lib a bat, of diaitioneis in*the like systeril, t1terefore, is designed for the sive and insulting fivi-ni of NI.r. Stewart, )f �','olborrie, near' We Iselibve 0 � y I - ter to rL illealis itic6iasidetabl, share. It u, uld his mind is at rest, some one* like Gover- I it froill their Tibe le- . i dark. s eal- be 4ti r nonsen�se to ay ia awa nor-EleCt Gri ', of Inliana, announ' year, i Thwil' Bielh: , of 1-flillett,Who inarkbly low price -ain purpose o creating indifference in the we are correct in saying tha the I ti H�)liiicsville, for the si in of $350 a fair prah e ty ces of ai -coupled Elie I)cople of Por � AII)ert have good. I Z, In �ab of artnients must be cle- 1. ! Viefii.ty Of '\loose-,Ta'W with the difficulty of gettili,g it to III s, and o5ers a In, of the' ballot boxeswas not dnW crat- r-ceiVes no beriefit fr cincr the su that the dep, n ed direct incentive to extravagance and d s- _e anti -Scott A' te Dominion __,C,apital, He::- life out, that the rascals 'must go, and inti- opes of securing ar exlension (�f tlo�� has been in the arket ed by tb ct party as Such, I - for the past returncd home la,,t cast a very perceptible shadow i S u oil e u ic ., list [less Ing it es ia presunia yc epil ) Icn Toronto Grey lid Err ce to that the' - depen4 villaac. I e honesty, on the part of those w1to dontrol and we know that se'verl'hotel k,ep- ttlydy. H likes tbe country weii, picture of prosperity which m4lly lial trahsacted iin!ller Ifinits. III ess are riscals. Then is the spirit of the but says that it present times are veq drawn for our farniers thisseasoli, AA-cre :the funds. It is -in undeniable fact, ers c d others allied -with that R. Cooper, of Bruosels, has pa, 11. an areel I omi s &w pet ity is dep'el I(] ent clerk wrought up once more, nd lie there. t Crystal City tbe veTY the marketing facilities t all favorble, I"' 0 tented new kind of airry comb which whicill no person will,attempt to dispute, pe rty condemned the proceedin is )on ii � si i-O'here of the Provin,,ial begins to practice the inost rigid ecoilo-. highest p ttainable f 'or Wheat was tile oil a is'finding ready sale 1111M givng ('Food it ok, (0�,-�en with tlie low price!;, that if the say 5 -busbel. AtTroy Lpital. Any one wh ilia b the my, whereupon the shopkeeper ciii-seth ould. be rood. - But when farmers are ffairs of the Dominion and strongly as any Scott Act an .1' -41) sa isfction. from 43 to 47 6elits pet would b mfiefits received front ti ck alsb ip (To -with e weeding great farvo�., - Wb& result Al - there is no Ina' et whatever for wheat Oblige( to team their wheat all the way of tbe Province -were as economically could have done, and the whole I I I r. Walter till ion of Gorrie 1'e- rk A)t o vtE r nd o4eir aga in on -weig] I the is th t business here i 3 utterly ddad at ity price;, oats were selling at 40 frol 0 I 0 a ce ved a handsome sih er 4�e-pitcher'as a at as ae the affidrs �f our paty, nd %It connected with it' Should .I i a -i faps -suffered, does not liulow,, presE nt, but it is not p robable i that this t 75 miles and then receive blit Sadv, I cents, and potatoes at 50 cents. Coll- 45 cents per bushel it gets away, not ' ! prize front Truth for )rr&t answers in not be.codemned for the indiscret,ons �" iat- ll - is talking about. To tr I to' cond-- ti on 'Will coritimiE for any ength of local lillinicipalities, the people of the I 1 siderable wheilt was frozen this year, only Ivitil tile crealli-, b.1'A"With most of f . o more th thp late bible contest. ' f ; Dona' ion would have many lliol.1s of a few dishonest nd hot -he ouldf �nkl of parting'" ith time. ig to its being the mik as I -met a n i aded peo-- George -McHinley, who is atl�r even Worse than la,�t, owii in ettler from ci, I )Aalship tlin -Nyould LAS week Hon. J. B. Fiii0i, of e- sown very late, and there are those wbo ca, Pr( .1 cl 1, range 15, the'other evenilig annually to expend for their own pe ho inyllave been allied wi it. C N If . o braska, teliding Sullool in Clinton has We also know that there are -hd ier bewi engaged for school section No have several hundred bushels of such who w i returning froli0daiitll whither t W4 of divetilig herse I delivered a lee re in Toronto oll d i ji en�ollulll la ter the srbject of "Prohibition." Will. conafort and wh ich are n pai 31)0178� at oil haridl that al -0 really ill need lie hal been ad f whet. -*rey for thd lieNt ye.1 r, at salary of i whe with a lo. 'Ac ho I or onto- uld only otit ki taxes. Why' t1iis difference ? 'worked aad voted for the Scott'Ac 1) too glitil t6 get Kyle, , wholesale liqor dealer, of 'To- 1 of life's liecessaies. While talking -with him a frien(Istepped even lif I 0 er) as c n mdL ?-�(37 ronto, -eplie,d to the It. ctitre in letter -One eveni�g lately in Exeter quite itifol-Illed him tliat, (luring bis le for -The Bishop of Hu. -on Jis- ppointed, Simply be", use the municipa revenue is do 1--iot desire to be held responsili to tli:, I ress, in which le c led Filich a lisation was the basement absence, his gratiary nd all its contents , IT eit i�r:tbe tral el Very much i ore a e a.lid the the 11tterances of some of those wh took. r derived liry direct taxation, ian per)etual e. I f voill taxi ti ()It. Rev. W. T. Clufl*7 of Walkerville, Ptior F great any badriames. Firicliproniptly S . i . ain street ethodist church had be all destroyed by prairie res. Th auccessor to Rev. 1,. liyan in St. Johil's Of the people feel altd. knowthey are paying it the.s. e side in the contest that they ere are some e 11 replio t during choir pi-aetice, was goi ook tb tions about -%yb ich d'in a stinging le tter, -wiliding inty P Z> loser 1, e matter quite, phlosoplii- nize tio most' everybody iE ag church, Brussels, Rev. J[r,. Ryan having ! lous a;. e ce. '; 't nia� iii purpos'e, and scriii i I e would be 'I' been removed to Flov I . 'D aP- - -e for a certa We' sliould, therefore, be gone freed thtithey with the staement that h oil in the body (if the church. It cally. " Oh," ,, iid he, " it dn W f pears o - -tie& in the upper thegradn'wasitokood to !6iglitto-go. Butlit s iii the last I - expenditure m ore clo. ough to accede to our opponents th ree Caria4a; in December and challenged The Rev. Dr. ild,,of Torolito,will rie of the pl sely. No good OR e 'nalikely that the 6ouitry iliunicipa Ii ies Mr. lKyle -to meet inin on' thep % C ub"c i part of the church had occasion to go to me, anyhow. It's a fct" he continued, reason caa be ofered why the Dominion sc me l6nien y'that'we sk-fo our�elves. deliver a lecture on ell in Iron �"illlist-nto any� st: ggestiou that f. iey platforin. To this cliallengeMr. Kyle the baserient, and while pasing -one of noticitgy that I appeared sceptival, �t be It is a poor'rule that'lvill not Wo 81 le Ovelillig 4J the first of beat part 3�� tl ic local ta ati)l -of J�, B. why I left hoine oil Wediiesday niorn- and Provincial expenditure would n r� both sl tould X, replies that 11 I read Hon. , oes, " oil tl the small class roonis heard , nois id D cember, in Exeter, AndOr the auspices equally economical if the funds were ways. As for 'the 'f vi 110roilto or Ottawa ei 1e�. Ther lavIlt most hapy', to concluded there Ws � a I)iir,,,,,Iar inside. in- a load of -wheat ,rot 45 cents a le epith �s Ind efo: r to Fine] i's letter, I will ofithe Lodge of Indepcild�ent Order -of 21111 amitak againsl &I. fa)�eniptions iE s meet tliat;geiitleman ir the Grand opera cured in the sa, m e way. Of course s.dell a libelous staements," we ae not awre I - . 'file party immediately grabbed the bushel for it, and here it is ,Satturday ci O(Jolfellows. y to'c)nsolidatd aga st the prop(s, house to discuss the Scott Act, date no: alled for a lamp, night with ilother-day's drive yetbefore door, held it,;aud c, systenir would no be in favor with office- that&ny.Such have been used oil either �t(� aboliEli any �Xelnpt , ions the. entire conditions to be determined." W�ien John Reed, of lves� WaNvalloslit . wa% s I )eedily brought. I which Upon I li�oine. If anyone fignire out the onor Judue t) 1_1� 0111 ose opp med to interfere ace Gree. i� nicets Greek i -h battle conflict we 0 opening the d)or the found to Ow rth anything DOyle at Goderieb, ls; F11iday y holders and office -seek -es, who live and. side save those- vhich e n, ted fr wf FS brought before 11is h wheatin 1�15 is wo thrive at the pubi arso-ri callinOr himself Dr. Martyn, ,ind w -lith tiie present 1%w may expect sorne Iblood to fly. Mr. - surprise a yol ng gentlell'all, who, it is to me! I'd like tro see him (10 it, tbafs c crib, becuse their P1 -with arson. After t1w eNlidence, which Kyle, lio,wever has a licr contract ahead* wai it,, for' his "fair one source.% of supply �vauld be - .=,it off, but no setisible person should become ceri- 2 0 was purely cirennisttliti4l, had been said, was I s remarks are true, not ollily of of bi: n as his American antagonist is one -very fact is one of -the strongest Ously distarbed over anything, he in a 11' 4he Brcwri Statue. 3ings in t] le Young men, to hini,selAltit of inally-a ettler in South - i I It I I this heard, His Honor foun d tl e prisoner not Iof th-, ablest teitiperahce advocates on 8 T S avoid such poirplexing occurrences in ern X ainitoba and had they to depend reasons that can be urged in favor of the ay or o. In this pai 9f the courity at be CE remony of it. iveilina the ;a, bu guilty. I 6 3[ 0 e the continent and has ina7de the subject I -%vait� outs 1 UpQU their 'wheat I fear they I 1 future will like y ide. 01 A on'. , -xl eorge I T. ow n, ecently er �c Led -Several muskrat hous s can be se I e venture to, say th ontest -was condu(ted of pr )hibition a life's study. He led the, ell -its carried- iii wouldillave, a sa( e of it tl -i I system V at if the )any rate, the q in the creek in A�cllfbald I tin] lis AN I ter. 4 ince, the ��cott Act %N -ith rein O�th ilf Qleialls Park, Torplitt, took pladet oil recer t campaign in Maine when -ly, however, mo, -t people of Canada were to be suddenly iN arka-blial moderation oil I Dougall's field djoii ing Holinesville: Huron, the hotelk-cepers of Gorrie have ForturiLatL of our Tuesda and was ve ccess surpi-isingly large mjority was gained t�ie,,flsingle exception narl'ed full ition. - vNrith ly 11 called upon to - pay the immense su m-. s sides. - � for State recogn solnething seldoill seen in thispart of th plaeed-noitices I theit, Shell to the ef ettler, g�)ne lar,,.,,,ely into stock they a to th I those who TI ed out. T est,", uncovere, 1 by coluntry ; the Nveathe�- wise say it nieaii� feet that parfeas using the sheds �ili raisinci for which they erery reason -a-w contribute le public app�oered on'the public plat- to be haukful. All kinds of Stock bling oil. lexander A ac. ce� s e and ad �Ss_ selk-ere frost thiB winte) -, and little snow, future will pay' for single horse, I 0 cents, ul oppos News of the Week. revenne by direct taation instead of by f Or m iion to the. Act condufted, Thero is a mail in Wroxeter wb( for tewn, I cents. . TI) e tempernce good . rices nd, buyers are, always to be la�, i Were delivere Llo�jv, themselves in the most inoffensive ind, b Hon. -Mr. N at ter& epidemic in d1kims to be all adept at pik killing. H( t&rl ff charges, as now,, -if their expenses 4 P,C OLERA.—The chc people, thiikirig this too high a charge, foillill. So that those who are I . . I X1 id 1 Serixtor All it. Tlie Torn t r, is, considered at an end. wite(I on tlioa'llotelkeepers to see -if - they too fai� from niarket:to reitli7e %-, -were thus directly brou,lit home to gentlematily mimer, and th.0 . papes IS' open to bet that lie, �ail kill, seak 9 Creditable refei ice ild' ty ak4es! if e follo ST DYi-N(. LAW. -Albert Victor, the a�d x1ress a hog in '20 iiiiiintes. Th( Would' 'lot 10w�x the rates.7 tellirtg thern their4rain, cu turn it into. beef thelan, there be the birgibst kind which espoused tl.L,),t side were fully as i ill . 'It of a row, and the present rulers would 1111.0derae and courteou' a aj(l a number 4 inink this'�season. n e of Wales' eldest son, is entered -e it pity in tlAt,way. Pri also cau6t 16 racooll if they did iiot� do so free sheir woirld pork �nd inak to, i the proewe( says-: ;iII111r. s me 311+li his , 3 as.a aw student. be bilt. Aft�er taking some (lays to Of the inti,oduction of that relic of MoWat S! ill Coll-vo .1 , : "S addres- ction all DT14CHARGED The (,frand -The Br�sc-ls Pos' ioler the niatier the bot.-Akeepeis ale eat into by be very uddenly sent to tlie right al)ollt olier side. And if the copittrry Was the 11 4 t Air. 1�011,1 Coils tori iley (,' eneral yoirr readers�- have Coll ceived il�i excellent taste Mid Trunk Shops, at Port Huron have just alid ating Nvith tl�e cities o decidd not to reduce ratco,. Steps are our A faice.. If, therefore, Mr. Ross is in favor case- in theGoderich district, we area,fraid I is now negc4i -C groull 1,�Iigiuqge, ad wah one �o which CoMer- disc) rged 2 men. Rome and Florence in for the fur��- now bemg takell to 'secul d. oil of course heard. ?�'othiivg that ever of this mode of rasing the public reve- that proably the advocates of the Act D AD. -Daniel lvelh,..fon� of the most nialling to tb&n of his colebrateol: fire which to erect!a. prJ ic she(!. Threat led 'nil Manitoba, IiAs excited stioli v4tiVes r resent - silibscril�ed w'itlba any Occur were fully as railroad ediitractors in the seamers in Order to 7ei them efffttive, have been ma(le that the heds wolild be, indign. ation s this. EveY nue, it is nothing tx> his discredit. The inuch to blame ,is their pro inent sdrtl of ruental r:'sersra on. He 91' pub,lic man ho will de'�'Ilise A practical, opponents.� t 'Ced Nor hwest, died Monday morning at powerful nd modern app,artus, burned as fast 4s Scott Act men eould paper, im the or 'build them, but this oril ni-ii6kes. thenn base me -forward anex denotinc(A t4e pu io� car r of �the dead i I Lan. Mili aukee. -,�bich they do not posE e4sat present. y sch,&m,e for raising t1le, revenue We have alwy*S been, and 4I f A M A X A ND T W E NN T i H 0 RS E s B URN E 1). I -MM H� J. WhitA Y, 1 of the 16th inore determined. 1Lrough 'it vario, S stag,b's, and lif b e in' e Itargetic periodsi, Truly wore by direct taxation instead of by tariff 'the, Opinion that fire occurred in Lisbon, Dakota, oil 0 ncession, -Goderich' to riship, was 1) 11' ull t, proceeding ieb -A -There rrivd at M"ingliam oil r (.�oitld se-ircely be -the mariner. in W� ct�rtan o; his Privat� life ju4t ]I gh 'i , Satriplay, and �weilty horsel and one v siting a;t Mr. W. Briemls, Hill- Thursda a youth -who li;vi experien ced I ilinnal, "ai led tind I fanev there will be sonle callectimis will be the greatest saviour o the opponents of the Act, n. peci bUY e long t c) permit l,a.gl ance at the' h I I PY man were burned to death. le , a few days ago. I it r4urning home- e o tin i ' our Local Holise, over tie �54ir il lisiderble bardshij,s of late. His f In i,' his country's interests that ha� ever yet the hotel keepers, conducted themse, : I - A whicli r. Brown wa.9 ille, A FE-THALE NINR iot in sllie carefully t all il' name is Wal * Hayes, nd he- is only -whenlit for the (lispatell Of OD. 'lie best st i*vrapped LIP her Lnfii telr- Cae to the front. during the campaign, is greatly to leii Dak Dta is said to bE e% q, of age. He rei3ided at Aside f*)m this episod-e, 31il- Spotless and wholle-so d centre. S) 3 aa- a woman, Mrs. -%vas horrified oil reachitig (3iiLton to fiii,.(.I- thirteen y - r.. credit. In fact bad they- displaye Lon ner, wife of Colow I Lowniar, of Fort t�lat it was dead. Birmingham, wid a short time ler ii 4iot populari, even with his Owl' tc r Allan, in s�mp and Int IT see m s that the case of Hayes vs. little more acruinony_we eloq 1 Totten. She has kitled 114 prairie -A remarkable revi 'al �of religion i�, since his parer a would not bave both ttiedl 111111 1, paA-y� and if be (1k)es not go words, bore on the irt chi iens this fall and the first (leer ev ess in the --Nldd hodllut el 'teh at alone and destitute. rd his ilea it willi be sitwular. I s e tfbw ie Or io progr iur Arniatrang is still before the courts.. It been at all surprised. That tliey have 10 Mr. B owns o�d IQ PPgrients, to h eir bro glit down from MC ose River. 1�limville. 'rhe servio as btgan parents speak of it, broth er'T, I ivill a in 1 t1d'nk'; he would -be la-shanked of tIW last perfect right to give all legitim a,te Of ; will be re m e mbered that Afr. T. E 0- C, sessesch , ll�l nest gard f r bi s energy, forti I A6 is, assoart- evening, No-�eliiber 2, Viere we�re 50 Canad, the, lad to seek him, onp time. if h pos brought an ction gans Mr.. stion to the Act no person will d. ed t iat the reports of victories by the s the, first and the knowing rdAiiii(y of Iiis whereabouts, &eling. But to 'use the .of eny-, ai,�d 10 It %nay no)t be out Of- I] con -version -%vror� Im hear(I Robert Armstrong, Returning Oficer a I y ty it"a Freiich in Formosa are fabricatimis, and is still going, on with bat little batta�i except that his letters eame f roni Whig, -who, �Ilolvs him w(*)ad -w1lo", I and if t1iey have, as a class, done more 0, adcY that the nI, any Conservatives 6 -ho that Frenh successes in Tmiquin have ment hain. After a toilsorlie tramp froin I spea� of iller in this, conRecti011), than we are n : 1 I of power. or inter the last election in East Huron,"to re- ot awareof the fct. w are ke 5ent felt lalmosi an: affectil: n Ae been greatly overrate . The invaders -Some days ago , woman by th� Birminham to Uverpool the boy lilark- I "Shame ! Xller lalow.s of lio such cover the penalty- under the Ontario That Some few individuals ma Illake Y, on Oc- of onquin are making no pro aged to, conceal himself upon one 0 a t 11 R.M. I Oh e thin,, The only 11,ing th t 0 ld persona interest n seeing that I Ir. gl*ss. �Iame of Ferguson ct a ta WiDgham in F,Iectloij Act for dere-hetion of duty. 6as-ions, have -acted indiscreetly we do,, TI r operatioris are at a standst 11 and search of her I great ocean ste-amers, and came to hun fleoil �Mhanied of thiS affair� would be i,Alack�n , thou !Ii tl)e doctors fo e but falled to find of I I I 1. 9 of birn there Afterward -a The case wag tried at the lbst sittings not doubt, a -ad tat so theil are confined to the Re& River aiiy trace Aoierica as a stx)-waway. He was con - , coat of tar and. feathers and I doubt if 41 ima few more ma f -n th s a in wa ;8tati6ned. at Kill, the Assizes i �bi�.m � speAing, w�as able o brave the &4- In Formosa tho :French have no learn g that cealed seven days beforo lie was discov- th,at I NxTuld reach hitil t111106 it `a- Iiave aid thing's that woul(f have b u- foothold except at Kel, rdiiie, as Capt.&= exed, aad a8 lie hall fainte frQM tile pret ' thic,,,k," dche e �Jlstl�'rm. m d unco*er this stately n 1 ng, The Chinese C.4 ia the� Lord's Own tI Itlie t 11 r ic ;P P tI e 1) t witl d Ito tuat 0 e xel X el 1 tt Jh ,in t Novmvk,pt. 28, 'The Rural Poo:r <. erraphq a 'd lit, N peasa, joil, his S-ricial (listatick., hil tafi lad politi,�,Il attl trits that ofr,14 t ilk" terialit-farmer i,3 !III yt i W Ian rd, a for the gaY(AY of fa lar 41oll lli,..3 ))I frieds a� a -it the *atital :tillvr represenU I ttive �.Of his frorii th clompn I cottagt-, fu iilc Lord �;tviley at i�!, all clean livilig. to te v.j tho,.Se `W110 even. a to die :Iof yr. C the avera ire off than tweh-e i a boafore, clip -of teA and f 1, s ee of I hdreturns , tred il4l iixhli and thus hlis dail.T )Mail nionjotolly,A) 4)1 it with lifelt,�ng ,stonies. ou back thi! po.or i hof �ve� tal seven or tvil 1!bi1A,reI1,I1;A tha-1 a poulul of I PItcaher'. srow life 0,11y, gy-os jil his hi colittat 'the infliteil of mier, the s.')u' it tiller 4 t hIIIpea"alltrvis o bo a Dllo,-. tor in Fu-,ti4ii-vlad �Iol' 1hoi house, will poor of tl$_� unloosed 1, L the iJIIIoJ:e.,IIt past wal bit by iR I tilting the of th! aof ti� a*4L) tb(� 11 ,ed redtet )I )f rw of t) forts 'of tllLi� the- poor, and if the, efillity deelaratiO of the. dotb`7 .,not i�-ork, be he lol -have lio r4flit to Agriculturll I afully of the%tillle., tvil rea. yet ler 'Joo�`_V �iew of th oh:rtavolt sholtdUr be juill whetfier the 'b ai ILI, UIN I I pail Of. .I will It to Certaill i4, :is that,:`A\1 it matter for spirnuit patrons of aiiany dealhig wi 11, igin and mu st glve rilan ailill a o'to Alis titld the disturb.e&�by ullen niur the of M, elit-al sdbe, Hodg 6 will ill .,en Ster Fortv_ %Irs. G story to f Ora Colirier TuAner oa-,k1le V a, a i!li a, litte p ao f� ron, ,l'tni tf ort'l, �ealjea short tiiii�, lie which illaliage(l SIA lissi., the year N Toalle far,,, fvr tk�)',000� As hi the y for n1bre to�:! tlle first, farm of 0.00 houses 1v6rth sorneS41- correspondence hwl. bee r thiee:,,'"'years e , OMMT his ' Thortias tj dead aLnil people ll;,�,d; settiea in 7i C,