HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-11-21, Page 8I , - - i - - t � t � � � � � � I . - 4 M �� a . i- . .- f I I I � i . . I Z . . I I . � ( � I � . � I ; � . I I . I ; ! � � . � I . I I . I . � I - . � . � I ; i I . . . . i , � .1 I I � I I � :t - I . . . , I I I . I I T - �� . - V . I - I . . Ii � � . . � � .. , - . I I I - .1 . � i ; ; - I I- . 1. � , . � �1 I I . : . � I 1: * - - - . . 111, Ji � I . � I I ; I . I . - . � . � i : . . a I � - I � I . � 1-. � - -1 I -, - I . I - � I ­ . . 1- I . - ­ I J : . ­­ 111 ­ � -­­�,­-­­ 1. ­. , , ­ , . - - : -1 - . - ­ � I i - - ! , I . , , " -, , . I � I . . . � J � . I : I . ; .Y, I . ! I . . � � � ) � I . �i I . , if 1 � � I I I '� ­ i . i I . , I . - I . I . � . . � I ; � � I � . � . �, ! , . : . ! , . ! � i . ; , - I . . . : , 1. I . . . I . I I I i � , I . � i , � . i I . . . I j� . I � . I I I � . 7 I I � - I - . ! I . . . ! I � � . � . - . . r I . � t . .., I � I i . I � I � . I TH ITOR, . I . � I i . I I 11 ­ I 1 8 � I . I - f�' I — ,� - I = - - -- - I . -1 — . � so I . � -, ! � I , � .1 — - . . 1. i I I I tollowi : dowi I apon th sober is at work a b or near such barn. . r-% - Mr. and Mrs. A.V. Thompopla, 0 li aa4, which h is brought . � MEMOV ALI - Arthur, arrived here on -'Wed . i him t Is stralli aria of the lawi � Had (4) Implements lying at a distance road 15 1 , - ; . I . I - dession , I blic evening. They intend rem'ininj I he been Jeft sever ly alone, or ireated wi hin four rods of any insured build- Cession :r` - it to, infoam my patients and tile PU all i � � wis - for the winter. , many of -our readeka ni. t which 9.11 such * shall be considerdd as ordinary con. - worthless win4.bays deserve, 4oald n ' generally, that' I ha,Ve removed to a. 91litO Of — with the Conte he ' ts and will be paid for accordingly Was to . . to rooms, in the Cady Block, corurr of main and will, regret to learn of the death o Miss . - � - ma ,,et stre 51te commercial hotel), and ublic view, and in case of loRs by fi -e, and horses Etna 6ession tl, ,etc, (Oppo� Hannah McLellan, of this town, m,hich ,goo � b froin p will be louild there either day or night, ETery n live BUD' I coivs killed by lightubig shall also be tmaine convolliencetobefo-undinthe best city offices. took place o -A Friday morning I i-st 9t, would not lik( ly have been ble to I � always kept on hand, guch, as Ether, Ch loroforin, -hor residence here. She had bi en i I givd , even, ag ml,ch annoyance as h) ha's cotillaidered arid paid. for as ord i4, an� e. Al � for c4tents, instead of being awarded a lrespecl Gas. Vitalized ALiri ft, Gold Filking and perfac � )n6 to res able peopl I I t for saveral months, and for abou i -fo r d( PeA I - � .fi the went ( otting, pl,v'te-q specialties. Ali operations guaram- ' itCholl, it is �sra to Bay whotli 3r he, sp ei ed sum as n w. (5) That , been confined to bed. Eleart M 11 teed to satisfy, at very moderate rates, A call *.,eeks had membership fee shall hereafter be 61 otion liton6ted. Rememher the spot, Cady's Block, 4�lsease was the cause. She was Aghly is mo4t deserviog (if pity or conde nna- I I 0ppoUt6t1)F,COrMneZcia1 Hotel, Seaforth. e . steamed by all who knew er. tion. ,i He is a rec ocious and Be eleas A"tead of 61.50, (6) That the company he pa " I �. youth, who has ha- - * nts ade t t W. J. FE &R, L.D. S., Dentist. Miss Maggie Smith, daughter c M placed at 140 dia- ngure live stock aga.ust aocide l I W . , osil by an indulgent parelt. t, a f rLi lightning while:in the premises of lPounoi �� -­...� . . Andrew Smith, of Egmondville, I b p . . i n Wednesday for Kaugas city, whel at a pridti ag press and ty , of the P,.?O.Per in ured parties, e6nd. that all such stock 1t Lon TO: MY CUSTOMERS. in -tends spending the winter.— r. V %, uselor guardia ship 'e" which I �e is Slit be value4*.nd rated as ordinary �hat be Having sold my bu�ineaci in --eaforth to Mr. W . lil�ag - I ' 0 1 ivtteirl, ignorau, 1, slid , on more, than contents of bVdings, and all prior in- the ret - - : J. Fear, 1 will ne't in. future, visit yo,ur town to J. Dawson, who has been, condu ti g . . I ' -nil - . � a a I ( 3een led - into 3i; . ilar an ances to lJo air arly treated. It . pr etis dentistry, and I would adivise all to Make Mr. A. Cardno's baking department r one, opeasio . , . Mr. Fear their family dentis-,forhe is a first- - some time, has gone into the br, sinei a troubles by beci iMiDg the dupe o f more will be seenifrom the.80 amendments . class operator, and ma,y be sa ely trusted to give visions are beinc, DEA perfect satisf-Letion in all cases. Having known for himself and has bought out Mr. desigg'ing Dien, aiid although be may that more liberal Pr) 0 ed o . - him, for years, I feet quite sa,isfte t to leave mY DanloVs business with that, Intention. have �o Buff er the punishment in, this off 3red to members while the responsi- - psktieats in, his limads. Youes tritly, . - .. Mr. � Dawson is am . energetic your 9 m instance., he wi, d:) so as the vi 3tim of bil ,ties of the comps, iy are not materi- �.-as bu . 0. CLA,RTWRIGEIT, L.D.S., and a good wGrkman, and we hL%.Ve o others behind t ie Scenes, who­aze� more all r increased. I I .. , Ooncou - 885-2 . Dentist- doubt but he will be able t -O 4OM1 �and a deserving of tl �e ,ash than lie, � This . - . I ,— Maine L good share of th6 busines� of' th( town'. isbut another 3xEmple of the danger 9uR HIGH SCHOOL Boys ­The gradu- leaves � Ria School Seem "JIL"'L . by keeping up the repata,tion he , ids so of placing power ir the hands of iroom. atos of the Seaforth gh 4111111W * to ini securing I - Ure U1 itXPOSItot favorabi' -- tablishod, of! being 1 � fir t potent or desigiling men. This sapient to ikie exceedingly fortuna ,Wt � L , y es - , 4-) � class baker.�We are Aaa that Mra. t'. youth, Mitchell, i; utterly incompeltoO siLuations �s teachers. We have- , pER - Dane 9 All fc r to be entruste , lirla I ,�` 0 d dy noticed th'il . appointment of - � dl w: th the m , ent a, a . of Bru . ,an who has been seriously , . some weeks is now recovorin g and h6pe a of �� public jo-druil, no matter. tow in- se6ral,-and we ha,vd justlearnedof ob urol DISTRIOT MAT%BRS - t' Significant. lu(`8wroboration )f this! tw) others. Mr. James Ireland has i ANN . _ to be all right again in a few -e-eks.— . I A .. - — I I i!p . 1 0 Charle .. � � I Three -young menwere surrimon bef6 , .statement, wo., blish the h cm�ng beii in ongaged as teacher of the Bruce- , A NIGHT SeirouL. —A free .night school the Mayor on Tuesday last b ( Dig t � 'itemsfrom the ilette of laot week. fie'd School in place C f Mr. Chas. McKay, Theolo will be opc,ned iu. the MechabIce' Iristi. wateliman Lee for disorderly1c nduct The first, it wi I' be seen, is an abjpct wl, o has been appo .Dted to Seaforth preach I . . . . I . tute roorns, next Wednes clay, evening. on the street ci�n Saturday DiE bA, an I - apology for Oub ial Ling Ma�tyn'B letter,, E.li Yh School. PkIr. Stanley A.nderson, Union This School is tieBigaed for the benefit were made to contribute som 3817 t and�'the excuse .81 ivem"that it'Ee6uro,4,- an ther graduate of our High School, next a of Ghildrea and young people who are the town treasury. If a few mopE could inseition durin 1, the absence f the an� who is now attending the Ottawa evenin . u,.u&ht'& to attend the pab-1110 school but be detected thpra would soon to�l I e: less, Ed .6or, while iM nediately fol lowing Normal School, has been engaged in Rev. I are de,sirous of ilik3truution- Several Of rowd�yism on the streets at night.- -Miss thii i I in the same column, we fin Section No. -2, Grey, for the coming year Officiat ' I the toaahers in town have consented to .Anderson,- teacher of the Second I depart!- I aeo6d quotatio�, Which glories in the at D, salary of $4JO. Mr. Anderson baB f illnE , profits Made b pablishing tile letter, taught before, and waS very *SUC08BBfUl, ointu give their services for the instruction of naient in the public schoFol has been,laid . t A � - I u big an� with the superior training be h&13 by Dr. those who attead. Parties wishing to up with illness for a veral days,* We �, and the Editor . I a mes hi oaself upa I . * attend caa procure tickets of admission .regret to. learn that Mrs. Jas. Chesney, I grea I `t,generoSit). in according to Martyla latoly. received, we are surebe will give I � 0 ! S eech whichall Can- tb fullest satisfacticn. to the people of from, the Ia8titute Librarian on the re- of Tuckeraimith, is so seriously ill th t I that , * liberty . - . � I Commendation of the teachers. there are Slight hopes Of her' -recovery,.-- 11 di I §love So well," althOu"111, ff we = new appointmen . . I 2 . � . - I MAR I � The public school is now so rAuob ovex - , e big first statement, that .. .. . � are I o believ - I �7c. to VISIT o,F THY, BmaoP oir ­HURON.—The crowded that it is likely an add Itione I Is liberty " was obtained without his I MpTien. I I . � 7c.to Right Rtivt;reud Aaurice S. Baldwin, teacher will have to b procured J ­at . knowledge or con ent, Tphe -foll wilig! , FARmERS wan tin g ,lood St. aw C u tters, t, - e 4 � I allow D. D., Blishop of the Dmiocese. will visit the the paragra)hs alluded I I :' larjeoramall sizes, aue the gennine Turnip � I CUR uary, The populmion of .. I i * . � I Sea,furt.hL next Sunday the 23rd inst. seems to be -increasing rapidly'.�-11�. C -.' I . � hat the chargoil made Cut ters, all sizes and prie, a to. 8 it the, times, . I I 1� Upon enquiry ve learn Cl wil get well supplied I y going to T. mcins, Rink 0 1 Good-,; erchant of this town. has r( - N r Ki on. Be Bells -the be[ t Turnip Cutter in the IDg to He will preach in the morning au.c by'D'.Mart3n aganst Rev. T. M.CampbBll, of i . . m Godench, in hi it tic � . I I er Df carrespondeMe, which - . hold a Is con,firm-ation, " service to com, I ceived a letter -from, a crank in Ni3l,v � at ague of tile Videtife, are, MIL ) - Mr. F - . , appoared in 8 'k r " ce at half -past ten o'clock. The I york who siguB himself ,1 Tt.os. a B thout foanda- -1 E undersig,n( . r ;t' BE� 3d. Lgs to Innounce t , men ; 1�11Y6% � tt rl grouti ... Wise nd, entirely wi . - .0 ment Riali;qp will vitift Walton. in. the after- 343 East 10th Street, New York,"i offei - I tion. , ecoKnizfug the fact that Mr. Q-LaipbelL tile fa�mers throughout tile surrojLindivg county, I DEB riooaattbreeo'tyloc.k. If the.Bishop'B ing him S& - a well executel cll�ooked � "sb enut'jastly Z6alt With by us, woh&EteP to' tha i he has a . gain established hin)�elf in his old m , i I lit of the public. alk of I I set this matter righ i in the Big busine-li- of grain buying in thevillage of Kippdn, strength will permit, he will be present I money which, it is said, C n not be. � Daring our absence the letter foua a p CJ in, andl is prepired to pay the highest ul,trliet prices tave i agaia at the evening service in' St. I detected from the genuine. , en)oine I our cot m , and w 3 have since ar e t a no for it kin so grain. ca i respectfully so- Wifth t t� Al . . Thomas church at a, quarver past-s'even i uponMr. Good the strictest slacred one sin le argo is tru), and at the earlie it pos -' liehed. D. Njl;Lk�ws N. B954 f � . y a,u I I i bere t . � I � I , ity w 3 d ein it our d ty, iii Niew of, Volock and. address the people. On 'I implores him, if he does ndt deadre t6 I sible'opportu P1, I ASTONISHING . barhainB that can ubt liec w ' - - ' -the enterprise t t6 giv6 the faillib., to ake t ae amoDde on I ablei � . . I S&turda.y evening, a, social gathering embarli in n I I I - be beaten in the county of Huron,, e offered at debati I i I Now for No. 'A �: ;, I I store KippenQ I Alen's Can - will -be held a ' 9 - . . . . We 8miller's che,Lp 0 . I t the: rectory,. -between I him away. Of course r. 6od hag no � 4 made Oway . . . " We were unabli: to supply lhe deman or t, I adi n Tweed Suits to order i complete for ' . . iauding the a t that I I I bs. of . seven, *n.d nine o'clock, to welcome, the i intention of doiDg so..— e regret to � - $I' and 18 ucrea I � Vid Ate last wetk, lotivi4hs $to. 20 los. of refined sugar for 1, I � . + I - Bishop and Mrs. Baldwin upoln this the i leara that Mr. Jos4l� Dorkancel, son' of , wb Printed 50 extya No leas t n 40 in 4excellentraw f,ugarl for Sl:; 25 yarAs If Instit first occa8ion of their visit to Seaforth. I ca were order d 1),yopX04orieli PeO15 .;* For prT1,11COttOn for $1, anti grty cotton I yard wide - . ----- ­ � I Mr. Wm. Dorrance, of thi-� town', has 1 Pop'ug to publish Dr. Mar6n's'lett I t two -at P,, a, yard, meaIg undellvear at 1, 45c and up, woven . I - --.--.. - . I met- with a serious loss i North- dar', for $L. Some � i e, and sold extra will "ey at 8c a ylikd, 35 lb of currants i ' I BOARD, ur Hr,ALTH.—At a meeting of , I subscribers and gained nin I west,h&vilag had his house and grana.r. I I � ill I. Our loss was.... t),, waile Tliese offersare all ginuil: o and a �rial will con- atitute the Soafor6h. Board of Hua,ltb, beld on , with his, semon's crop burned, sir�d O . j the 0 was 811.7.-I 1 Ve, haTe repeate - 13 been vh�de everyone he mears -what he says. call there i ' Tuesday last, Mr. Lusby,, Sanitary In- ,-oonrse, no insurance. I 1 infor � � L by cerpaiti par ties that we we I i -lose and examine our .stock w ictlier y u buy or not. . .1 . —Mr. James Wa I & . peech T%+o LlitiusiLiad pounds of good roll butter, and right.- peet - e saui ondi- : � I for a to give Dj 7. M mrt yn the liberty f a or, reported on th taxy c I SOD, t itsou , wh WL jell fill ana 1h ill- 2000lbs. of beef tallow wanted, for which I . � di a love- so well,butwo a w . tiod' of Utu town which be fodIid tuler , � will p-ty the highest mar) *,ot pricog. D. WEis- I J, . - has spout the last two years in in this an very week." � I I � . T or e ; . f I � . -titlfactor -! I , Mil'i'ER. 8L45 . ably sa, y, Ho also made several ,, Northwest, is now id Ontario' and " I - : 1. . -� - winter , her i ' .9 Io 1: hL �ttq,lion OCAL BRIE,Fli.�Xr. Wrn. Cudmore -�, Acci . atends � spending the �i recommaudations, which were adopted �i I n, MATCEL—T e 33rd B I I 8 I pe a, arload 4f fat cattle to the old S&mu by the Boa,ird. He Stated that thpre ! Masiter John Watson, big brotber,i cami I Rifle Association held their 9�h Aitnual were 93 pig.8tyea. aitaitiited near' t I cor: ntr on Tuesday- -last.—Rev. Mr. Tucke M er. the , 'with him as fisr as Winnipeg.a�d re mate' h -on the ro nge'here on Frid last. . � i I ' ; AC)eson,.'our new ministei,.hasnow accide dwelling -houses, of the owners than the �� irtained there. the ,weather was tine for this Seas U 0 - y � .1 �. i I � . our midst —Mr. Robt. Mellis the wo law .R.11laws, Some of these have alread ' I � I . the yeax. The Ol wing are the DAmes set ded in . � been reinavc-.d, and tile remainder will I I � I I hali returned once in re froni the North. box ti - m TO THE, Lxrims..—Miss Bosswell, lat -'of .the'prize win'pei s , , tli big family. causin I I * ' west to spend the win ter wi be shurtiy. The Board resolved t ' i; t match,—Rang s 200 yards � o : ofLoadon, has opened. a Dress and Alomtl , mak F rs. e . rigidly enforce the law in this res.peut, 1 ingtstztblishmeut in the rooms in Wliitney'i —BlesBra. John Jones and �ameB Mul: i09 K 0 , . YI kueeli ig or standit g, arid 500 yaz dill any . od to elbow. , i3o that the live pork owners aboold ta,ke ' block, over Wade's Photograph Gallery, Mail I . holland are engaged in shipping wo . . i Street, Seafortb, aud is proplLred to .exec te al � position, head to ti6rget,-aeveu SIP 8 at . . tire " I jlio,ticel(nd ga, e,rn themselves accordi 1 range .. . - � London; .The prices rea4zed for the ,ul I . . I 'Llg" ;� orders entrusted to her. Havingliftll exparieric, ,i`elich I ­ . re, consilderallil less FAR ly. Dr. Hanover,' chairman of the ' in some of the largest and best city establish ;, SCORE. pp.lxa, wood this year a y ,� I r 1 1 : Be 'Mr. D. Me- son baL of last year. Board, was &ppoiuted Medica.l. Health , ments, she feels confident in guaranteeing satis I; lot. , � Munroe..'. i ... ........ 1 56. � $8 (JO tha u tho" -t I 0 w South - - . . 57 5 00, I .1 . -Officer for the towa. Sume other un- i . ' 6 0 Lennan id buying all sorts of grain no 'faction. A, trial solicited. 885-3 2nd. 4. Wi I 9 I a .................. 57 ' �;,3rd. Ir. A.. Wilsan ............. Robin important 1-y'asiness was transacted, I CAPITAL, $250,000. — The Auror " 4th. b. Wilson I ............ 55 4 OU at the highesit mark. t prices. I � I � 1 Quick Train Watch, owtif d and controlled by the ` � . �3 00 � 47,900 1 . whe-n the B�)ard adj�(Yurrned to meet ' 60h. E. Colema� - -.I: * --� ........ 1 64 1 . again at the call of the!chairman. , trade. The first Ship ment of the above mOVe- 6th. J. Young. " I . . " 58 1 .2 00 .1 , 'Stam�ley. I � and is - i ments to hand, erery movement guaranteed b1r ... * '' * ­ ; � - � - . :, .. — I- . . I speci . Watelt nston 6 ­­. � .... i. 49 1 00 !]iff)e Bisnor's Vi Dr. Baldwin, Mr. R .. I &I,certificate. Comeand see them.. 8til. A. Love ..... ............. ! 49 1 00 .1 I . - 0 by open - - I .1 —Ranges . 50 of Hation' will his pu CHANGES.—Ca-pt i . case opener.4, do not de9troy your cas nidlO . see . tb excellent Bialpl— . I time a SA-LvATiox Ap-my aill - ing it with a kDife, b it come and � get a � prid Matcli . 0 * 600 . Gage, who has: k,ad Charge of th& SalVa-� ' ease opener free. M. R. �COVNTHFt- 885 - . . I via t - and preach lin the foil Wing the 11 I I yards n. head to targe,,i even � . I , any posItlo , ' � .1 - 1. churches - in Stanle I : Varna, Monda,y, ' tion Army --here since its inception, I CUTTEA.—The undersigned have or shots st each range : , . - m`.; Goshen,Line, has in .4having received orders, from boadquar- 1 hand a stock of good -substantial and stylist - 1 ist. �.G.Wileon-...A­ ....... 60 lo 00 thel 24th inBt., at 11 i� pospes . I - I I I? in - - � xge Of tlie, Iletachment , catters, which will be sold'at 1 -rices to 81lit th I 2nd. E. J. Curtice .... i."� ........ 54 18 00 Mo�aday, the 24th mllt,, at 2.30, . .11 ters to, take clia, 11 . . I the ifir I - . � � times. Any person wanting a good cheapp cat, � 'LT. ,&. Wilson ...... � I . :, ­ '16 *4 Diresde -, left here on 3id. 52 . L 6 00 Ba�field, Tuesday, d. 25th inst., CPU ,u Thursday I . . I � I should examine our otork before pu , 4�fi. E. Colemaa..� .... .. ::::::' 62 15.90 ruliasin , I a. 1h. . morniag last for his newheld of labor. -elsewhere. P.161,31AN st "Co., Main Street, Sea� i 5th. � on Ith � 0, Wilson ......... ........ 1 52 I 4 00 � — � ]Durina hia, refddono4 -here, Oiipt%in � f orth. 885 . I i I . � 6th. J. Young .... 1 .... 48 * i 13 00 -- Hibil ert. portam - � Gage, 6y, big exemplary and liscreet I NOTICE.—All persons indebt6d to 0. 7th. A. Wilson..."".*. '0-:: ... all . 1200 � I � . I . . � . - C -t, who has sold out- his busi- ! 8tb. M Munroe..' . I.. ... 47 11 00 FARM PURCHASED Avor sin 4' 11 ' eGadact, freqdeatly uuder very trying ,artwright, Denti� 1" * '" I i—Messrs. M rneot, eircamatataces, madet many warm J, ness in seaforth, to W. J. Fear, will please Cal ! Aggiegi,te Ist and 2nd I atches: I I re era ave purchased from Mr.' i at Mr. James Best's law office, opposite the 60111- I i Miller biandS. We have no hesitation in ' ist, J. A. Wilson. i� 10E D.R.A. ilaedal aid $4 00 Miebael O"Brion, his1far" e I morcta-1 Hotell With Whom all Mr. Cartwright'!; I . whelli atiatiag our conviction that he is a Sin- i book debts have been left for collectiOn, ani I I 2nd. C. W cor cession, paying therefor 03,900. The J ilson...1 107 O.R.A. medal aid ;8 00 � again eere, G.hristian gentleman, and _ his " settle their accounts. 885-2 13rd. E. Colem.m..1 10 - . 001 farm contains 50 acres. Thi " th . I I g � . � � 'i" TuEsd -whole, heart seems tobeinthegreat I CHORAL SOGIETY.—T Con 3olatioji- 1 A atch. &Ilge 1400 sewnd farm the &6gsrs. McIvor�hav: . I he Choral S ciet , I I . � h I O'C'. 0 1�' . t few MO work ta which he has given his life. *11i li-tie their first practice -on Tuesday eveni � yards, 5 Show: 1. � . I i all ths. I , �_ - , pui chased within the P � r next, Noyvombor 2i, at 8 o'clock P. M. sharp, si '' will We wish him -every success in his new i lot. J. S. R to, -00 ' � r , . : ...... � -If I hey keep on they soon own. the I 0 ............ � . i the rooms. Every m.-mber ls requested to mak i 2nd. N Re : --7---- I ...... !3 00 1 half of the township. .� fold, Cadet Lightowler, or 11 flappy , an off " I . � � ,Ort 10 attend all th� - evenings 'durbig th� 3rd.- T Coll I a ...... .................. 2 00 11 A. Jack," as he is more familiarly called, Z seeiaon,soth.w.t as �muoh progress as lossiblil 4th. -J Me, ghliu.. , .................. 1 00 I � . � in tte p " I &ISO left here on Thttradav for Lucan,- I may be �mad--. in the study of music. .New musle . . - 7-- . Wint'nrop. I . . 1 WRA be on hand to i ake up. S. E. RE,m , Con - . � I - � . t As 11 c irhere he wffl here -after be engaged. i ductor. J. A..Wmsox, Secretary. 885 THE JUBILEE T&E—Tlx�a.—Thd 3(yott, CORRECTION.—le are informed that he is ge I . r chicke.1 - T he Army here will now be "Under the 1 -- DEPART3r .... NT.— Act jabilee meeting held in Cir1no's we were in c r ,ast week in a cents pe I I OAK HALL CLOTHING I I 0harge of Captain Stwi-ner, formerly of : Duneikn& Danoan are showing this week a lendid hall on Monday evaning was as j re t a, that a' teacher hal been engag�lcliltiflolgr a pri ca. P I . I Us. I London Emat. We.wiah him as great : v,aluei,i the very obespiestumonunderclotling,all success as the other meatilt I .1 School Section No. .10, McKillop, 4s no , gs pr 34 � The -an wless Big atten d ed the labors of Lis � wool Cw,ada and Scotch underclothing, small I hold in connection with the MQVe. I teacher hag yet been il engaged. ; I I sizes as well aq 1,Lrkest made, full stock o' gent3 y taken predecessors. Whatever may be said i f Mont. The hall was plickeld to ti e door, THE REFOR51- C.14,13B.—The r6igular latlE & or thought of the peculiarities: of the , tiraishinK and fur oaps, all grades, and pi ices t) and there must have b4en at lel% it all meSting of the Winlihrop Reform Club all I ito I . . � Quit. Nlen'H and boy's Overcoats very cliesy. . � . � LUNGI�X. 8854 ­ . Army or their mode of worahip, no i Du.N-cA.x & D - thousi ind persons present. Th E) - c air' will be held on Mor1day evening next, jorlat . I I on clin deny the fact that good has ' was Occupied by'N r. John Beatt le �� 1 hol when the following i bjecb Will be dis. strong � I . MOCK PARLIAMENT.—A meetin I � zilli reen, accomplished here by their inStru- be he d in thelclass ro)m of the Mechanic - nati- perfor med the dut' er, in hi a usua' I py! cuE Bed : Resolved, Is That Universal the I mentahty.- There areL Several Men Who . tute, on Tuesd&y evening next, tile 25th inst, A mann r. Excellent pract.cal ad d; Sea' Suffrage .would be preferable to the times . i . before they joined the Army, half pagi seven, for the purpose of orgal ining a delivered b Rev. J�o " of' I wore, mock Incal parliamei.t. All f riends of th, L Inatf_ were y hill G rd5 i prc i Sent system of Fi an I chise." Mr*E. MOOLP nton; Rev. Mr, Mel" � W&W i' dru�ia-kea, worthless Characters, b,u.t who tate, are earnes ly ilfrited to attend. WK. 'A' Cli ,,oy!4 of,E,,r i?nd-1 . , I are Dow sober atid industrious, afild are Secretary. 880 . ville; Rev. Mr. BrDley, of $eaforA and' i � I . .1 - . . . 1, I � - axha;. I is v Lai living, apparently, good Chriatiam lives, SEA.FoRTH Boh AND SHOE ST R -Z. , Mr. D. D. Wilson, each and all of i � om� . I . - . j �- DEATH ov A FoRmAR VARNA LADY.� of tiis and Several of these were among the I am still offering for gale, a. I arge variety fboo enjoined upon the r hearers th i eces- . . I first converts. An- organization that and shoes, hi-itte and caps, suitable for the winte sitv ol 4aving the ct prope - rly e I f d M4ny of our readers in the vicinity of day ( -itic-drates. Come quicel y ani )�co Va�na will learn with regret of the weatb - -hat its peou w", 'till at re . , . will do thig, Do matter w - When it comes into operlitio.n. 'i will plling- liarities may be, does not deserve to, be oee, W. Risiarrelioaxn. 885 � . I . - . dea-thof Mrs.Marg%ret Lun C: bee., if; ,� . _ . - - I be no discredit totlib othlir spemum tot .ftneered at, much less. violently opposed SE-RVED THEm RIGHT. . A con file c f, 'gay. that Rev. Mi . . Gray delivered the; wo )d, only daughter of Mr. John P . ostert Thefe I lat) of Varna, which took place at: their the go L I ' We, 0 'ka ago a L wla Speech of the by those who profess to be good citizens worthless chaxacter, evening. It tairly) . res.dence in the Ste to Of Wisconsin, on an h aud Christian men. styled - himself Dr. Martyn, put lishe bristled with arguinen�a i. lavor A total' . I I I I I . . . . in a Wingbam paper a' letter, in which abstinence I and contidneL man 'I I the 2nd inst. Mrs. Collingwood, to- the C . . . - 1; - � y! get her With her husband arid patents, attf* Locim Rnmirff.­Tbe 'Choral Society he made Several base and libelloug, sallies, -Which brought down th( I use. -from Vain% some twolyea;rs hirnee . L I , . removed will commence their regular 'eekly chargeti against the characters (f cer- Mr. Gra has lost none ol his o d: ime i � the praCtic w . -y ago. About a year go she contracted rec Taeetiags for �.& of Music On tain gentlemen in this CoUnt3, and vini a rid eloquen 8, and is a n 01 t .. at-� a !aevere cold, which s9ttiled 'on: her an� g , - Tuesday evening, next. —A - meeting is to � among others the Rev. T. M. 31%Dij�, tractive and interi sting pl Oforrar B ,oak.4� ` and resulted i a her sad and early 118, Ln -u theMechanics"Insti-Itate rooms bell, of Goderich.. So soon a thi3 er. A, choir, composed of� the. plincipall Itin a . . be, held i . de�agise, she being but 21 y(sris of age. gre Ltl for the purpose of organizing a mock letter came to the notice of the ; enth - meml era ,of th( Presbyterian a�ladl " ' I � FOOT BALL.—The pupi a of Varna wil parAliamout. We know -of no way in. men liulterested,.they preferred 0 argeg Methodistchoirs, ave sai'tvakal Inulical I . Pu lie School have pur-chased a now Ion -a which, an- occali-ion-al eveningAtiring the against Martyn, the writer of the :ette seloct�ons, which, vere appropriatE kndl - n 11 . . I t ball, and are doing Some heavy me 6 A. A and Mitchell, the publisher o the wellrendered, whi,e. Miss Jennie. 14ing' fo week Could be more profitably spen . � , ki king!, , I . G. Be stimilar orgs-nization has been carried paper in which it a.j�eared., of er . I i"l presided at;the'pieno. Much�regrftlwas. week. L . - L . . a issued for the nee of I kr.1, ChiselbL�drst. . 1 14 on, in. C-linton for the pas3t two Seasons libel, and had warrant L felt on account of theL abae I I Wa: with much. success and equal benefit, to arre,at. Martin, however, fled tbe i t John McMillan, who had been advertia-� . I his . a L .- I those, who took part in the ai6amsioias. try, and has not since been found, b It ed -to speak. Mr, MeMil I Ian, hovv�ver., TEk MEETING.— tea meeting has wh,�isk . L " —Robert Taylor has been Sentenced to Mitchellhas been committed to . Stan was una�'oidably ab i . I be, )a antiounced to take lace in the ' . . sent Oil accolintiof 6 . ng �of renj three years in the Proviacial penitela- his trial at the next Assizes, and ba I prior 3agagement. The I ntertair ment� C1 iselhur.st church, on the eveni , . O . ingim tiary for setting fire to the Kinburn to the amount of $1,200 has bea' was i most enjoyableand Bul,-c368ful Ti esday, the 25th inst. Addresses are 0 n I take - , I I d be ex)ected from Rev. Messrs. Fletcher, here cheese. factory,, . and to three. years. 1or,hia appearance. This f6ll o n e, a rid we are su re th at good. vy 0 . � . Smith for attempting to commit Suicide, tyn, it will be remembered, a accomplished if similar entertaitiments UE borne; Torrance %rid Dyke, Rensall, . ppea,re I were given at int q vals during 01 I . . n the two Sen'teDL uring gthe fecent Marti , Exeter; and ThoMson, Bruce- , � _ ces to run concurrently, on several platforms d 1) le win- ; —The: Sa.b,bath schools of the to- L it Op , � w ,that thel com- .fie d.: The Rodgervill� cboir,will dis- - W E, VVn in _ Scott Act campmigu position to ter. We 'do not kno, - tend having a grand union jubilee tb .o r.e sweet music. Te,%,will be served Custon 0 e Act, knd -his addresses were mitte Qouldpromote-�th6 interests of ,.; . - I � . " � � Christmas enterta.irlment of which full I Bpacially noticeable for his vulgE r pei - tempe'rance in any better way ;ban to at, six o'clock. The proceeds are to be and h6 . � * � � I . I . I de roted towards liquidating the existing same. particulars, wilL be given as soon a's 8117- I sonal a*ttacks upon clergynden an I , do So. - There is nothing like k6Epi g u � aebt upon the church. We hope the I'm"" ralugemeatg are. com.pleted.-81ir Rich- i others who opposed him. No perso a the enthusiasm. � i i , Do not I ' . I . i � � ati end4'uce will be large and the contri- before ard Cartwrigbt's meeting in.. Cardno's � seemed to know'from whence he camo, 0 1 1 n ' - I I - � . hall on Thursday evening of last weL:t-k 'I or to whom he' belonged, and had b 3 Cla­N�GE IN BY AWS.—At a i el,ceni ,bu lionel suffidiently large to entirely free as lovi I . I the la I aln meeting'of the Directors of llib Mo. was-largE4y attended and his able. ad- not appeared' under the auspices :" I I . thi l comfortable clicirch building from dreRB was listeried to most atteiativel,. i on -aa of th -Scott Act A - th sm t presen ber otu , 0 . , patr 8 ,a Anti as( Killop Mutual Fir � Irieurance G D!lLpan) —Mrs. Thomson and Miss JesBie Thom- I ciation, no respectable &udience woul I certain amendments were mad, i14 th4 re ting on it. � Street. � ' I . - . I ,-- — , Butter -- ---- son; returned home last week after bav- '� have given him a hoaxing or woul by-laivsll as follows, viz: � (1) H r6ifterl � I - — Hn1 Lett. - Lo ' 1! lu� i110 Spent a M0DQ1 or ni(ira with friends . have suffered his insolence, nialla 1� I � 1:) ' .. n , evea all tb a directors ill retire a � . in otillis" Hamilton and otli . aE it was, he was gev�ral tim:S ­",�, 1. .COUNCIL DoiNGs.--A meeting of the purpo - or I hisse I stead of only Ave as formerly, tin � the . " placea.—M,r .. A. 9.uth,erland, of this � for his coarse and ulagentleman coi �- �111 retirine directors may be re-elecle ; d -it Hollett couLkeil was hold at Londesbl)ro Chris � - - . I town, has purchttsed the farm of Mr. ; duot on the pla,tfor'm. 'Unfoitu ... tel§1 " they coDsent* -(2i Buildings 01036r t on.the 1 -5th inst.,at which all the mom- Moth , I . I 9 I . Sidney Morton, of Hullett, near Alma, -1 sevc-ra.l of those who bad been brought each other tham seventv-five Je t! the beps were present. .. fter examining and last. ' � I 6 g for $1,500. The farm contains 50 acres. i into cauts-et with him-, a ' as a present limit, 'and not.old"fibir then ls�xty- paasing a number of accounts the com- wa . number of the papers of the dounty, fi did � PI int of Thomas Cole, pathrr Mr.'. Morton intends removing to Kau- . iaster, intere I - ve feet, may be i Bared by a.d �g! one I sa,u.—Mr, Joneph Laird, of this town , criticiaed his ungentlema-uly CDnduct I dollar. to.the premium ! co acei-niDg a fence on Side road 30 and 4nd e ) . note 'for ach. has gold his farm on, the Rh concessiod I mud utterances,. and in this wav gave -6100insurance. - - i 3) That,a ladder Buf �� 31, coucession 11, was taken up and J. organ . - . cf McKill-op, to Mr.. HSgb Ross, for the � him notoriety and importance which ficiently long to reach at least two feet Lasharn was instr ted to enquire into were s -nal of K250.1 The farm is composed - he never could have ci.bba'ii�ed n any above the eave of the barn be . pbaced Said alleged trespass and report at next conBi . . . , � c1t 100 acreq aud hwi on it ov,e of the F other way. Puffed up by �this attell gain at it and kept in proper pos I ition In eting of counoil. The council nd � luro,f,0-5t la'0 L"Ja tmrL's in the CQUnty.— I tion he -was induced to ihalje� -his le, " I a J ateam. to inspect on the Nth November, the � VOlun , . it for u2e, during the Whole Ome I . . 2� . ; : . . � . . . �1 i . I . . . � I . � I I . �. . � . I . i � . ­ ! I . . . I ; I . . � - - I I � . . I . I . � . . . . I � t. , � I I . . � . . � . . i .: . I .1i . I . i : 11 i I . I . . . I i I I �1 � . � I I : ! . I � . --�, . � � I � . i -1 � : . I . . r ! I : � � . — � P I " .doia­ I I r, I f � T12 0 �Ilc � w I ea A I � � fil �; I I 11 :1 1.1 i � I i I �4 I lj �, I ji, h I �j i a a y 1, V at, �5 � i i I , t in . I l��d ) � � d ring .,J ; 4 "I 181. I 1 1 1 � I I 1j" .1 i� it I I � Ili I I i 31 � � - I I R i I � - ob �-- 11 be ) .1 er.q I , ii . Lok P I , 1 3 , p I, e � r, I I I � It, I 11 i . . . I I I -- : . I � . : I . I I * . I I . � I � - -. - � i . �, . : I I ! . � k i . I . . 1, . . - I � - � : i .. I - I - . . . - - . .- � � -- I I I : , � . � . . � . . . . . 1 - . . . . I .: i : � I . . . I - - : I � . � � - I ­ ; , .. - ; - I . . -. .. .1 .� . r I � �� ! . ; , . . . . , � . . � � . - . - � -- - . � . - - - ----. . ­ -.11-... - - I -­­ -.111--1-1 -Ii�J=—­-��­.;--- ­­­ I --- [i - ---I � -l.------ ­­ , ­ - . - ­.. if t . . , . . . - f I T : - . � . r - ,- � - . - � . - q I . . i . i . . . � : I i . . I � I .: I 1N0VFQABF,R 21. 1884. . ngbridges,viz.: bridge on side The Association, will be a nonsectarian met 1for the lziduetioir' of the Rev. and 16, ooncessiou, U ; on coo- one and regular -meetings will be held Samuel Acheson into the Charges of . road 8 and 9 lot U, and on con. every two weeks.—Mr. . Richard War- Kippe n -and - Hills Green. There was & , et large � ktten; ce from �thei congregation. road8and9:1ot". J.Britton ring is fitting,'up his shop on Ring stre dan examine wire fende on lot 6, coo' - for'a dressmaker's shop. Miss Smith, After the FreBbytery had been An.ly �� 4, and A. T. McDonald to ex- who is at preqent in Waugh's block,will const tea, the Rev. R. Y. Thompson ' I wire fence on lot; 45, concession Occupy the s-Ame.—Mrs. Macarblitir, of pieac iod from the words " We preach if found satisfact I cry give orders Ailba Craig isi here visiting her son, Mr. -Chri 't crucified." Rev. Mr. Barr then - I ively on the treasprer for pay- J. Macarthuri—Mr. Win. Sturgeon re- offffere up prayer, and Rev. :T. G. f bonuses pursuant to-formor turned this week from Dakota and in- I Tho :Egon put the' usual questions to s Of council. Clerk to notify Sill tends remaining during the winter.— Mr. koheson, and solemnly i-nducted , thmasters of 1884�who have not .Mr. Juhn S*utherland, of Bay City, him into the ministry of . the congrega, : I heir returns to do so at once. Michigan, wa.s in the village this week tion, ��fter which he received the right In I . : L 8 inem. I visiting his brother.—Mr. Wm* Henry, handlof fellowship from all th I then adjourned � to meet agal t�� , desboro, on the 15th December, a former resident, bas returned and bers :of the Pregbytery present. The I . ing the day appoiiited by law akingy in the shop. newliinducted'minister was then ad. I - . - . ; Mr. J. Blake. dres4a by Dr. Ure, and the people urn of the collector's roll. I lately vacated by by : I j ' - i —The members of the Mbithodist church, Mr. . R.,Miller, in arpropriate arid Hills Cireen. - � Fannaville, intend holding a, tea meet- earnest terms. . . , ria. � —The wife of Uenry J. Smith ing on TuesdsLy evening, December 2nd. Bebre adjourning a, motion was ,an. : For further � particulars as to Pro- anim -)u.sly passed., expressing the � i Monday the 10th' November aud ,,!see alverfieenirent in next than� if ulness of the Presby tery at ths ried on WedneRdwy 12th. A large gramme, &c. rse of mourners followed the re- week's issue.:LMr. Mowbray, of White. passage of the Scott Act in Huron., and , to the, old buryin4 ground. She church, is visiting his sorl-in-law, Mr. recommending all the Members of the five Small childre-0. B. Thomson..�of this place.—Mr. B. S. church to strictly adhere to its terms, . I : . Phillips, a former resident of Hay, but and to see tbat its pr i ' a are car. . ovislon - - I . lately of Alvinsbon, has returned and ried out. Presbytery adjourned -to lueet . Brucefiela. , . � . settled on the farm formerly occupied in Blyth, on January 20th. 3oNAL.—The Rev. Ti. G. Tliomeo* � by him.—Rev. A. A n1drews., of the I . : I cefield, preaches in St6 Andrews Guelph confe:rence, will 4eliver an ad- : � The Beamish Trial, . , London on Sabbath Dext. I . _ rob, on -Frf- ,* � I V. &ebs in the Methodist ch -u B. F —, AS in this free ivF,usARY SER3roNs.—TI-le Re M ,I)ITOR.—SIR. - - \ day evening, On Sabbath Schools and country a difference of opinion is &Ilow. a Et�iot, D. -D., oate Pcofessor Sabbath School Work. gi"I \ Seminary, i Chica-uo, will ; able I beg to differ from the Goderich -- I . I . 0 Sign: I in, his comment on the Beamish the \ nniverBa y sermons in ; � - a . churo , � ! Brussels., trial - at the late assize court held at h, Brucefield; on Sibbath . - I ' I . t the usu4l. hour3,!:morniDg and VERY LARdE.—Last Monday, A. R. Godericb-, and which you commented I . . I . g. It had eeina � nilounced that Smith, sold five hundred and thirty five dollars on in your paper. In the first place it I dr. Mnrray, . f ondon, would and tif t y cents' Worth of Ready-made Clothing, was not a strictly full and fair accou,ab I e on this oCca *on but on account Suits ai,d Overcoats. 885-1 � of the evidence given on both aides in � . er, I DO I e n ' 0 On' Soon but ,3B he is unable to ke-� FiRr,.—Otl ' Friday, night about 12 as much as the evidence of Mrg.jeri. .b - ll the ap. . 3 plac I wil - - kins, on behalf of the, crown,was scarce. ent and his plac 1 o'clock thb b4rns of Mr. John Johnston, : � I Elliot. � . near Brus-se',4. in Morris, were discover- ly if at all mentioned, while everything i� , I - 0 � ett to be on d to. . The fire had gained so that was said unfavorable to the M-ar. I ' � � � Wroxeter. ' much headw4y that nothing could be dared man was given, leavin,g One'to in. � \\ saved but his! horses, which -were in the fer thet the country is well rid of him. KETS.— v . O d8c.; oats, stable below. -He had his wheat, oats, He also severely: celaSured the learned 28c. ; peas, 52c. to 53c. ,\barley, I a the discha6e of his duty in 50c.; butter, 1.80. ; laxd,1�2j.cl. . straw, &c., burned with the building. ludge on 7c.; eggs, 17c. 1 1 The building was insured in the Howick the case. It seems to me the hef&t of Mutual for $500 on bailding and $500 presumption for a newspaper to dietate LING.—A meetina of the� Cu iDg � i 0 ' tents of this'and ano.ther to a Jud- ge and Surely af Per so fall aud .' 3ompany was held the other e%il on the con 0 1 , - Cause of the fire not known. I courts of - arrarige for the coming seaso barD. fair a trial for which British . ox hag again takep the manag'�. The owner ,w aB at the barn about eight ju,stice are noted there is little1i rooua fog-':, I * i e- 1\0 Yelock when all was right. . complaint. We Canadia-as ire . Justly ' A the riuk for the,winter. Tmkcamts ENGAGED.—At a special proud of our institutions and laws, on. STING SOCIETY.—IChere is Borne ro 640ing of ti e Brussels School Board acted forthe well-being of the people, � . getting a movernent on foot to Mi Richa-rc'son, � of Clifford,waS engag- but whg.!t do those laws EtWount to if debatin Society in connection 9 ; ed fo the tb Xd room at a salary of they are not aaministere& without fear he Mee an . I ' $27- d Mi0s Wi efield, x tt 8, ,'or favor arid not loosely as is frequently his winter. A n#mber of years I "he ur1room at a salary of I e 'could boast oif a first-class for t 6 50 1 the case on the other Ride of the lineg. . normcement that a tie . ­ and !'as there has per anti , uties to corn me . ace oii the I see by recent an, Ist of jJan y. , I petition in favor of the st,ntence being a been a magnificent and ever . I commuted or shortened, signed by the 0 ELECTION r Opmomts.­Tbe follow sing library belonging to the ing officerB h e been installed for Court -officials and otbers at .the county town, ite, thera is no taftson why the Princies,3 Al x ndria, No. 2411, Canadian was taken to Ottawa by a worthy mart, ent should not succeed. If u rl� of the older 'members of the In- I Order of F. re ere, for the progent I to influepce the Minister of Justice. I would interest tbemselves in it term : W. - 41' to. 0. R. ; George , wouder-If that petition was circitlated, , Rogers, V. C� R.; . Smith, R. S. ; S-. , in ther4lighborhood of the tragedy'. We Id go oU all I . ; V. ; - J, I 0 -t our sympathies fruWat a no doubt it wou V . - i � Smale, F. S. � B shill, T. J Nott ' ugbtnottol-e I ,e . i S. W.; George Cam ron, J. W.; P. I the ends of justice. ; . . , — , B. Alh% ' SlOires, J. B - 1 FAIRPLA.T. Tuokersmith. � Thomson, S; * , � . John Tait, Chaplain ; J. A. Hatchison., I Morris, November 13th, !884. 1 DENT.—OO Satuk!.day 'last Mr. - � I — I I M� D. I . � 1 31 Smillie, Dep4tv Reeve of BRIEFs. —Several of our sports attend- I' . . . �. —One night lately Mr. Levi Slabsch, rg,mith, met with tit rather painful ed the shooti.. g match at Tuck's hotel, I' of Wellesley town -ship, came near losing ; A. He was lifting, a plow into Cranbrook, I st Friday and succeeded " his life while crossing the river Nith on gon when the boagds of the gravel in securin a 19,Kge number of goose and ' 9 i his way home from Stratford. Instead, pped up, frigMenio�g the horses, I D � turkeys. —Stkathers & Powell had the ' of going rpund ,the road. across the g them to start s*ddenly, throw- formal open, g of their new Shop last ' % Siniflieout audidist(cating his i. bridge, he was in the habit of -taking a " Saturday ev�uing.—The 33rd Battalion 41. shorter way home by crossing the fieldS, , He wag not oth�rwise Bed to u a , I y band was in 4tte,ndance and discoursed i and fording the river where the banks I d . t I ; g L sweet music, , while purchasers bought were low, in fact, he had done so that in � i X SOLD.—Mr. Alekali'der Nichol. their wares. The shop was very taste- i . on his wav to town. But , - morning - a Sold big farm, a imile and a h&' If I when be returrted the river was swollen fully decorated. — The Conservatives � of EgmOndvillep Mr. Richard held a mee�ing in Backer's hall, on I t � I -with the day's rain, &,rid, as it was dark . son, of McKillop f r the sum 1 f O Th a . It is rumored he did not see� big danger but plunged . The farm con!tains 100 acres, I , . " one of the best i 4 the tOwnshi . P- that I they 4e preparing for the mu'l- in ELs before. When halt way across I - cipa election.—Our new brick blocks the horses lost their footing, and were obinson is to be citingratulated on now have. all the brick work completed.- carried b the current Some distance . . rchase. He Sold is own a short - y . It is reportec. that some parties attempt- -e ' t . down the stream, and at length tb ao for K500. It Iwas situated on - McArthur as he was going n I ed to rob - 1. wagon capsized and parted, thTowing th concession of 'bicKillop. Ae ho roug the swarn Mr. Slabach but into the water. He ! me throug p on the 7th ade a good exchan is. He obtain' line, Morris.l�—Our S'&lvation Army is I went'n'luder several times but kept hold . Sion of Mr. Nichoia'ou's farm on. . f : now run by allel-niah lasses. WhIt'h- I of the reins, the horses meanwhile Arug� : ; at of March. I ; # or they will pneceed better than their gling to get up the bwak. Just as he NCIL MEETING.—T�e Council Met � -Nol . usinese of i 1 predecessors I is to beproven.—The cor- began to despair of life the horses made e 15th inat. .b . ta- poration suit'againat t'T..D.. Ronald will a violent plunge, scrambled up the eeting. A fdw ce before the 41 . I be argued before the Court of Appeal It bank, and pulled him to Shore. The I . I accounts were �assed for . . P4y- an early dat . It is about time some hind wheels and box kept together and 6 and $25 w&s gran Ed in charityto ew aspirar ts for municipal honors floatedaowntheriver to the mill porld, , Price, McEwen and Comber, 'a - the Conneil adj6urned to meet were making their appearance ; Or, are the distance of a milb. Mr. Sletbaoh. is - at Dix,in's. hotel 1 Brucefield, , people so disgusted with the way things little the worse for his immersion, btit - I on have been ccnducted that none'will seek states that i -f he had been in the water a ay, the 2nd of. Ncember, at ope I . d have heeA s positions? Par present Reeve says he few seconds longer he woul k P. -m. , � � I t . I i I- will not be alcandidate again. Where , drowned. I � i - . I I . . � I � . 11 ! are all the as�pirants of last year? Thos. ! — ­ --- ­ ­- -,-.. —. Belgrave� I - Town, the vi�llalge collector, is now going � I I ' - � ATLOR, has made !a great change his rouuds. 1, I I � rices of good bxttor, go and poultry. ­6� �� - E. McFAUL an afford to pay more than the towtis, I . J tting large 9nautities,1 bat .not enioukh B:ui�on Presbytery. . I 9 and turkeys, for wlild.li lie is payin - ten I A regular meeting of the Fresbytery . : I - I r pound, cleaned. Wljo can resist s6ch - I � I of Huron was held in the Presbyterian I . � I church, eu, on Tuesday, Nov. 11th, I —DEALER IN— I farmers in tbis vicinity b&ve commencing at 10 a. m. There was a I � advantage of the law fine d9ya of I I I . A now their turnips are nearly large attendance, both of ministers and i I I elders. In the absence of the modera- - red -for the winter.- —Jacob Brooks, tor, Mr. Pritchard was * appointed . ban Crooks and Robert Ar' STAPLE -AND FANCY I W- Moderator pro tem. Rev. JFohn LGgie, � ! a sons have returned home frdm " � . i of East Ti,bury, Chatham, formerly i L race mines. Th y report, d- ill r � . _ pastor of Rogrerville and Exeter eongre- I and I 6W wages a Colin gations, and Rev. Mr. Eakins, a former . i 'gorge Coultis, fo�merly of � at x , ' DB Y GOODS I pastor of Eippen, being present were ., 1 6noBb, but now livi g in Michi n, � , invited to Sit as corresponding members. ! i ting her mother r8. R. For ls, ; . - Mr. Logie, i4 responding, gave some in- � I I i vill age.—Ki I ling igs is an every i I teresting reWiniscences of his early ; courrence Dow nee the cold connection v ith Presbyterial work here . i ill or Set in.—Mr. G. tadora, of Que. - MILLINEPY, A -0 - more than thirty-five years ago. The . ; . back again purc aging timber. . ' . ; . moderator ri ported having visited Bay- � � rmerg are ready t dispose of it �at field a,u . d'Bathany co . regatious, and . . � ' od prices Mr. Ba ora is paying' 'that they ha ng . I . 4 agreed to raiseS400 annual- . . : e will leave congid�rable money in � . ly �owards the supply of ordinances. At , . . - ountry.—Mr.'M. 0. McKinnon, is their requ ', Rev. D. Forrest, g I raduate 'LARGE STOCK. , ing to the grai buying again of Knox Coll oge, was appointed to labor . If, and f armers gel good and cor- ' . . . . them for six months. He also . .. ce among � eights, so bring o4t y6ur prod ul reported liming .received grants from pt the cash before prices got lower, . . ; . theHomeMission. committee,for the con- A � ticipated.—A goo 'weigh scale� is t gregations 01 Bayfield Road and' Berne, .1 . y required in this village. Thore Gaelic Missim, Goderich, Grarid Band, . io doubt be one put in before and Exeter. I � COMPILETE AssoRTMENT. s Some of the leading business Rev. A. 11�- bewart, on behalf of the Y� . ­- ; - - i ! . re agitating the sabject.—Mr. C. coml�itteo, ttppointed to visit Bayfield . . . 3 11 lef t for. his home in Algoma last anent . . " —Thornas Evans better known . as Road and 1�erne -congregations, I Ooma�� their failure o come up to the niiinimum. I . y "the sh r, again put: in of Salary, reporte . d having done so. * ppearanQe last *eek with his Bayfield Road had raised about one- � era trimmed short.—Mrs. L. P�d- . . third of the amount lacking, the other I 8 Still very weak and not improv- congregation bad done nothing. Both 1 CLOSEST PRIOES , � uch.—Tliere is a splendid open� . I � � - 'n cgegations, while ,acknowledging 1 4 for a good harnessmaker and tin- i � � . . their ability to come up to ..required � . . . � . I e i amount, refused to do go. I I I , . Elensall. . From th congregations of Hallett i . I., I . i a and Londesboro, there was presented i wish to thank our friends sm an unanimoi . is call i . h favor of ,Rev D. . . : ers for their liberal patr�uagc in the past . � - � 111 � I -V pe we may have a continuance of t h'e' M. Ramsey, signed by 89 membere and 0:6fl- MILLINERY OPEN. ulk We are prepared to $bow a large and . � . 29 adlaerents.- After Messrs. Elliott to stock of Millitiery and Fancy God,d.s. and .fdckson had been heardi in Support - . � fail to call and see obr Trimmed Hats —WAS A— purchaAng elsewher4i. We have them of the call, A was agreed to sustain i� a,f, , aa 50 ets., all ready trimmed, 4nd. all a regular gospel call, and in the event 0 ' test styles in Hats And Bonnets, which Mr. Ramsay's acceptance, provisional Splendid Success, fall to suit the most faftidious: Remem- I old stand, Dr. Bnebanall's block, King arrangemenis were made for big indac- I And we are now ready to Suit every' . R. & M. BILL, Milliners, Hens�all. tion. T I . I . and egg.1; taken as cash. 882A I The Asse t, on warri this m i irlbly Remi 'age Wdywho may need anything In L BBIEFS.—A. meeting for t1 � he with a dece4sed wife's Sister, was next . . . . . Be of organizing aToung Peoplie's takenup. fter cousiderable discus- department. . . �, . � I tian. Association was held in the Sion motion. ,was made that the Prosby- I odiWchurch on Tuesday evenl,ng tery defer e. pressing its Judgment till ' The attendance on the occasion next meetin! . In amendment it was A CALL SOLICITED* ood and all sent seemed deeply moved that the recommendation of the . .- . I sted in the object, of the meeting Committee be adopted, ,6z: That . " lineshall not be exercised , utered heartily into the 'work. of church disel I izing. An efficient Staff of officers in regard I o marriage. with a wife's . . Ex MC.FAUL, luly elected and'g, short programme sister, wife'l,(-a-unt, and wife's Deice. On . . Aing of'address-s,. music, readings a vot being taken the amendment : FA I UVOW o . TH CASH Dny an nS MAN recitations was then and there was declareq carried. . f � ` tarily given and well carried out, In the:af tOrnoon the Presbyteiry aglaiu : 5EAFOATIL - i ! � � I . .� � � I , � : ; ; � . � ; I � . : ! . I . il I � . - I I i � I - I . . � ! I I . " 1. ! -11- : 1-11 ­ 1-1 1-7- 1, ­­ --1 I _,,_, --1-1 . I : . I . . ; . ; . i � I : t 1, - . i i � !I , , ; ; ! I I I ; . 11 � I , . I Z . I I . I I . I --A . . � % � I � . . . - . I - . ­­ - . � . I . 1. -- I - . � . I . � - .7 . e � - � . � - ., � . - I I I I I . I I I - � - .1 I I -- I ! — . I . .. .. � . I � . ; I - I . . 1. - I I - . .. . A A . � . I - 11 I � � . - , � . I . � � I � . � I - . I I I . I % I � . � I � � �� - . I A . I I I I � - , I I , I ) - � � I , I - - I . i � - � � I . � � I � . .. - I . . � - I . Z .. i i . . � : =:::��=- �- . ­ ­ ; * � I . S'p,VEN rm�Npx Y: 11 W, 11Q.1 -J B N U IA- B U, 1, � I � . - I . I - I., ------ ­- . -------­­­, -.-- -, I I - 4 . . � Z I . I -1 i ----TH1=�_:,­- o � —,, . i— � I . . . A , . . . . . : , �i I . . � . . . i - - I .. t. � - � .11 i I . ; . I I . I I '.. � . I �, I iv. . . < � iT iffliney , id: i r r � I . i , . r i � - I � � I : . I � � . � � I . . � I I I . I i i . I . i� t I . --�Ivr­ , Z r - ; r . I I I i � . I � i � � i - i i . i � 4 I [ I : . - ,I i . i ; : ,I ; . . � I � I ' � 14 . � 11 h-p0hea P Ca -h " i I z I j i 1 4 ,I I , � I � . i . . i I , I : � I I I . : 4 i i I � I � ! , " � I � I : . , *, I I � I I A 11�i I 11 I I 11 I N .1 - . � ! � � ; i I ; : ; I I . ; r . � I . I � I . I ! . . . i I: � � � i I I � I . � . A , � 11 . � , � ! : � U 41tli � � � I I I . Cxr-allu , S4 1%.J , L . i ! I . . I ; I � I . . . . . I I : 4 � I . I . � I - . i i . . . i . . . � I I i . I 1 .4 . i Allil N,;tfll � �'et)iljg, 44J., Pljit-.� ��t —1 . - .0 .. at Ill-. " �N hi'll !-Tal't'Al All., dall, i � . i . . . I . i " � IN -V havv --till a Ili.— r..!-, W'![ -It .11 . i � . . . ; . . I . - i . I I � I . I I I I - I . I , � I I .. I I I . I � I b� I L L I IN �E� � If . I I I . . :,I I I ! ­ ;, I � I . . I I . � ­ : � '; I � . . - - �------- -1�.­� -- i %,I\ ; f I i i i . I � . I . . . I I � I 1 i 1 1 z I 1 � I : i i i v 4 � . . I . I � : OM A N T L� E i , i . i . I i I i I � 4 I . I i I . . ; � , I I I . I , TO cljof)se froln. OJI .0-d "t - t ; I I . I , I bar--m(Ils wbile A 011 baxi� th,r V. ; ,Mle-vA . � I . - t I i i I . - : I � � j . . I � � � I � . � . . . . q .. : - -- - a- � ALL r, A 1 U � S 71 - B I � ' . - A -T T11E � I I - � . . . 1: . � I - . I � ; . � . - CH EAP 0 A8 MO I �k I I . � I I . . . ! i . � i C � . . i t 2 . ­OF�— i � � . I � . . I I - . I � - Z i . � . 7 � . . i � � . I -� I a I r ?,V,c I V�> . " -! p, � , . Z ] S i� fu � HURLk" i�r. I 110 -� . I � i i � . ! � . . . � 1 j: . I ! I 1 : � i .1 . � I � 7. � - - i , i ,� # , k . 3 Z, AV. 0 �11 - � . : , 10 I .1 - � i I - ! � . , I - . I . � , � . � 11. -,,. -A!� 41,14: lille ( '! F1 'I is ;, .:, t il thvill . I . . ; � * ! . a I i . I . . i I , � A . . — - - ----I . . i .- - ­ I I -- ,— --- , 4 i , . A Tramp's Reve;A I a � IF A corrvspontlent of 11v -�,*tnl - coll . give,, tbe f(1114)"%ill., pall tht- te!'111ibil-I dt-pl-t-OlitiA it, 4.4"aill , , � week by!� a train-�); in 1 tho t1il! , , . . � - 11V .,41 'S I � � ,% I � IN -e�A Z(&.1 - � . 0111'� 11-4 and Ilielle I eabli, tak�-Imhi�) %,V%11�- 1 . . staritled � � ill *MoilAVIIN Ilight'hy 1 , I 1�. � . � - i I(,, i .� sale -alepredationslof .1i 11-1 0 fornt, in thu .shaln,� of 1561114 fl, ings� The inisvi-i-alit lww:�! sj�- arou . ilil"Yo-iiii-sviOt li-itvl,lill I . n i of,-? 'J'avil,tock., tjirrin� Aw I LVZ0;i11­ thery Ile4vallul . 11 . I)A114't Z, , (N111c"I at the h6dse �q ,Nl-,-'I-. ) where lie iliquireA, ftfri Nvt�r;i . I I illlrs�a whivh� 11im"i.v.'er, iwasj nt I 0 - . i. - fle therellpoll e%hibitii.-d I'Ve . , left tll,t-- litni-'e, tit �il) , -il) by 1i ring t4e barij,- 1W I 4-11 ;1;�, I, ii . , t . pletely diestroye( -witb ti -,,- flu ihen l4irs ivii i ,,ion"i e-rcip. . . � I I i ilev 11a.1-thwa) �d ana 111j%t i -all .. %-1 1 114�n.,t. Id -\11 Ale\. I folia inear bli�,of)ksil-ile,"N%711�el-4-�� livil ag,� . , . I , e(Iforl'oth"big". �\leethl­wit )'.�3 - . r- 1 a . . I . v m.6-ke( tll refil'al" lie vaoll\ . - L Mcl)()m 11 1 ie �-()rr � P 11a) Nl-,()Al I i - 4 - ; - C011)11h)(1�ati.111r Ij I 11, ai�Al i iirij . ?I 3 I I - bi,, iv'av, Ill I e -j: . ,-,' thillill tA-11 llli�. , V w ilii;Ln.Vik�-%A-, �Nll . Ilk v 4 . . �)� . 1) W1. . . k . z ­ , A.1 --L !Xcl out1wililings, '011,chu, -1 �. � . . � ,wer;.! (11:$Covered, to lie ill, I . in loss thall 11.11f 4111 bf41r;dtv1 bal-11S 4 'Mr. 'N�1`1,1)- 11,11itliel-f- ­ . lialf � a -nille east ��if '\I 1%� Mv� 4) slia,Olv, �- sill lilaii 1,1 fat(% i .StIll I Zn �. i I � e.1,41 -1.1v dirm-6,411, thA, Avl�,A( 11. , proach . i . 11- tllv b31141111gs of r_1 , 1)ileadoxvs, but 1bC-ill;4 haill. - Meadows, Will) wa­., t4tal`i'ilil? spve(l for the I I.-ei ,d) bm i I I - c!1 i m . n � ; ; diar fli,Alt� -]A 1th y took V) ­ I I ht.A!N'een� ,or hv�zli`l%l 1)f hi1lii' � ,� . . i . Pre -o -.11t. 1 y t I � . : Illeabove illn f- � In 1 4 )fl V Ultotv 1 1 all twavy 1co'ei'S.;- 1�'ot',tl1lritvlJ ii . . Veelle(l � in , rt. . �'till!4 i 4*114%. 1 2'- T. - � . 1 -tot I ; , - k. r1l, I I e, pv(ij)lv idl flit -1 all . . I . I ar-t! terrlbl­ ein-c-,ft-El ;ii-mill't I J * I . � I .: a % ill -P villaill, alld. lyllillin � r1i . . 4 ., jw.',).�)a bl� bet -11 14. -i"I'ti-I A t(I'llit .. I . . �� 4 . f ,� it eaptili-e(L .� i i . . ., � . , it is Oatt-'I't1i'lt tll� tl,-:�Ilq lilittell bfw­ dvlil'­d�,Aif I the .1 I I . - 1*4L."t"ed oh thv f(414)xvil�-­ Tilt-, - , 0 b0i'veel; W,)o1l-.:t,,,k �:1111-i� 11 i� � . i ". Nvlt--� 11111�',,etl ill W,t)(Ift-f-h1i: _- I � I ., I � li, .­ - 4 I �Tll,�� otil.­1" 11A'1Jl*llilJ,,c;- !I,,-. t to;,, 1,11,--N. Ava,�'f� 1111 lif ivi,�11111 'it 1�?`--� - . ,; . . '1.4L��.t ill 1"",%,tAkill4l .1 I Mt,k 11, . 11 I � 0. .,well ilrixv ' \ery 11;11'fil. 4t A . , � , Antlol*:,fjll',� li%4*h,X- ..;1a,1114% WN',IV, rig wa.,; .�- I q, bse, 1 It,(-) I t IN. , I 11 I 'I, J,kt1l1l.64!"v, 6f N\7;i11(114-. .- - , bl,idlw ball 1vt Vlv 1-14, 1*1 'g tlli the day bcff)l-(% : .M141 *,.; -,11,-i , I - . bil'(�41 it -%VAS I'Vivill-11ill t". N�, I i 'ICA � lligbt lit? W.1, 1V1;.', -t I , �' tl "! . .� , � t,v t who �'J.;zt-1-1 tIll. jv)i J , � . I � 'i'�,,,,!12`41 flit� b1wr,rV '-11111 flu "1:111,il g. , � . I 10 hilill. Two !;'tl-zil]9t�,!'-,Zl)l*"))1;4�1).N . t ; . �j t4jok tli(,'- varl - ti . ;tn- V11)11T!*.'1t i1ext 141ioi,:i1il14Lr M14- it I � n I tlll,V Nvel-C t1le 11, jq-pt�trator-i * 10114,6 t rubbery t4 Watfiurd&. r '. : 1 4:* ­ � ,� I . I . I , � I � � � I I : � I - . � . I . . I I : z : . . : � . .; I .. I � I I � .1 I . � I . I i : 7 7 i . T - I I ; I a ; i ­ I . i - i ; � . i . I , , i . -. � I � i I i I I I ­ -i 1� i . i 9 ; . . 4 � � , . ,; �� I :: I i . . � :- w �� - . i i I . � I � i � . Z! : . � , I - ­ . . ­ , i i ­ . 1 1 , ! i � i � �J 14�. 4, . w � il i � I - I 1 I ... i I , II'L­ -111 ­­­ ,4 ­ ­ ... , - ... I