HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-11-21, Page 1184. FL en----e-aente it every. - thia Yr" MAN ==massia .pen the .•• airing before. rats and the past, of the arge an& :y Goods. led Hate aire them , and al/ which Remenl-- )ce, King. Rensail. ery bad Let ttty of n —The ye been week, Le yield Ghisel- au this km. Sir aer for >reviona fodgina' s week, ag, and - marked the oc- State of Inermid aye res 's of the rosp er- he late ,akes it week. week ata 4—The onday 4terary ' The sincere b wha 1 good .arame, Wil- 1ties he e yenth came er faila "The Jaek- la well - he Old MIR* thence. -ace on tzraan, r.urich, ,s °P- an has eing in eilitiee s share hand - in all tehard lin the Jr. Da- re wee t large a most to at - r of well aay ill /eking eea to ruing; they came ded. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 885. EA pitni, FRID BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ROB ES R, FUR IN GREAT VARI siTY. Prices to Suit All. Farmers and Towiaspeople will find it to their advantage to call and pay a visit to the SEAFORT H Boot and Shoe STORE, - Which is still going ahead. Business must be done, goods being sold at lowest prices on the new principle for cash. NY WINTER STOCK COMPLETE. COME, INSPECT AND BUY. ..Men's and Women's _Plain and Fancy Rubbers and Overehoes In all the latest styles. Also a full and complete stock of MISSES' AND 'CHILDREN'S. ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY. Repairing done on the shortest no- tice. Farmers can get it done while they wait. Don't forget the place, Mr. Good's old stand. VT Kempthorne. THE Millinery Sale —AT—• The Cheap Cash Store RAS BEEN A Grand Success, And ia still - going on. Piles of goods selling daily at prices which startle all. We have still a nioe assortment of Millinery and Mantles to choose from. Call and get some of the bargains while you have the chance. ALL MUST BE SOLD AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE —OF— HOFFMAN BROTHERS, METHODIST MIS AMOMG THE BRI COLUMBIA INDI EXTRAORDINARY SELF SICRIFIC POOR, IGNORANT ABORIGI [Correspondence Stratford II The following is a brief an perfect synopsis of a missions I heard delivered last Sund Methodist church at New W British Columbia, by Rev, missionary at Fort Simpson miles north from here. Th gentleman has been a mission the Indians for over twenty - and his labors have been Successful. He first described the bar ditiou of the Indians before diiction of Christianity—thei their children and aged; eta belief in witchcraft, their h dances, the debasing tilan-ea, &a. /non and then told hoii t was started, somewhat to th effect. - When I reached Sampso years ago, to start my rais there, I had a conversation agent of the Hudson Bar PO told him we must get the help ns to build a church. there was no use of attempti the Indians hadn't a cent I said we must teach them they could, that "God ;helps help themselves," and meeting in a large Indian h fifty feet square. I ha through an interpreten an people the object of my 4mis had come.to live amoug the their language, that I want di to t them about the Great SO' it, and would need a place to hold o r meet inn, house large enough to ab Ommo a thoesaed people—and a ked t what they would do to help o build house. At this point they 11 ru out of the house, and I was •ery alarmed, and asked the in erpret they were angry. He said " Oh, they will come back again.' So t of us who were left Bangs of "Shall we gather at the before we were through t began to return, carrying shoulders the new blanket purchased and carefully fold the winter, and piled them t our., Some brought furs, others to k off bracelets or earrines,and all ontrib goods of some sort, until their first 0 in v to b ht 50 f buil sive. With with s. W SEAFORTH. P. S.—A fine line of FURS just in. Look at them. • ION ISH NS. 89F E. aeon.] Uardyd ems ! n he steahis or, . Orb -by, about 00 rever ud, ry ax4ng we ye rs, bundantly arouS on - the nro- crultifr to elate, t eir rrible 4var er's dailice, e rnis ion follO ing abu1J 11 ien work with the piny, nd ndian to He aid •g the as f mo ey. o do hat those ho e call d a use slant to alk told the on, th t and 1 arn ach WA ngs ate am the bed ach r if no; OSA few v .rses iver," and e Ind'ans on their they had d awa, for eet. heir ted on- lue ild: or ing We the heir got On- orn- lled ern IS tribution finned up to over 04 and with this start we begs The lumber had to be brou 600 miles, and all _kinds materials were very expe employed Indians to 'help workeand paid them back, own blankets and other goo about $600 from the Province of tario, but when the church was pleted we were. $400 in deb a meeting in the church and what they were going to do said they couldn't give the the Lord while it belonged t else, and the saw mill me good part of it. They saw and replied as they had don rushing out of the church and carrying -back with hem household goods, and th nece amount was raised on the s ot, eo we had the pleasure the foil wing day of dedicating our larg cur capable of seating 1,000 pea len-en ly clear of debt. , In the meantime we had been ing services in a large India house mach good had been done, We also started a secular school] which doing excellent work. Some thee our new church had been opened were visited by a great st rmi w blew the roof entirely off, a the pieces to the four people came hurrying• up direction, and fell on their of the church, and praye Jesus, you have taken the r church, don't hurt it any m were very much concerned to me to know what to do. to go home until the stor and we would see about it t had. another meeting, and bro-dght what they could, a them had money by this ti gave freely of it. The traders all along the coast, of our trouble, sent ii t butions, and the result was weeks we had the roof on a exPense of $1,000—every ce was paid - This destruction of the church, though apparently W58 productive of the happi The poor Indians had give that many of them were lef want, but this seemed to their interest in the goepel, revival began very shortly a was away about 160 miles, was left at home to take c work but my wife and a who had come to take c school. When about half, again I was met by three of s. canoe. They had come me the glad news. When my boat one of them said has come. All the people their hearts to Jesus." -tT into tears and could go Then another said, "oh, I all about it. The people ar Jesus. Jesus has come to t and he had to break down. man made an attempt to the news, but ended by very joy as the others had d let us sinet'"Praise God fro blessings flow," and there boats, along the shore, thes myself, and the Indians wh me, sang the grand old dox think I never felt so happy ing it before or since. T • IS 11 . I c eked t -bout chnrc some OWL the at fir • • about 2 o'c ock on Su wife then tried to tell about. She said “ th • the house • and asked They said and would his own h said come to get the and opene( ed in and me midnig for the key they want be most li use. I tol ack next d ey, and so the churc ell on their day mole ng. My me how it came Penni6 came to t by th hundred of th church. d to fl Jesus ely to fi d him at them t no home y, but they had I took t lantern i,and ey crOwd- knees the floor, "eto their they fell ye They ery night I bofinti- , in the ging i and ere hold - church. anae and waiting; iad ehook oh, Jesus g eing their nent. Many s scattered of work, Vith them eir dusky rnt. Old couldn't , and car - heard. eeks,and _ay for 13 t! When me what '• Oh, so and prayfor Jesus o corn hearts, and when they got o on the groned in the iame have been holding meetings ever since, and God has b fully' blessnig them]" I was awnkened at 6 o' morning la thesouu a of my wife t ld me the ndian ing a praiyer meetin in .t After it w s all over they ateed at t e door of my ho for me, anl when I ent ou 1: hands witn them they said, has comet lall the peo le are hearts tolJesus." Thereferation w sperm of toy pe le were.af erwar ti3 in every irection n sear but they rried their Bible and told the glad tid ngs to• brethren twherever . they Adam wa one of these. read, but ad a goo( paeaa riad,with him . a groat rde. , He was a av one time for 1 he prea ed . twice on Su Sundays rom the ttame t _he came [ink again he to d he had doe, and said he f I good." . -- , Every undateI revievs I a numbe of previous Su have prophised a Bible to will -be al? e to remeimber t the whole year. ma Enoc and o dcrip1 ed with rheumatis .g man. When I away he me to m and you are ing away for a lo I don't vil nt to forg t the to went ove them all sith,me had there right before I left. man sain to me one day chiding he people about " I suppe d yon thiek we d( ber anyt ing you tell us, • whole bog .of texts: at ho broughti over to Me, and to be a b of peblee of diff and colo ,• each one of whi ed'a diffe ent text, and sh know. je. t what h I looking a it. She pebble, e amine. it stThe S n . of M world to eek and was lost, ‘‘ Ho -I e etu," until&c., erv e 31 l the ‘ box. • When the India, est 'hous • L SI eac o would 'careful e is co to save ery on dm., and o kept had .gone over more than 70 pe go away to new s together in on s and they sit to .floor and listen to Me wbil , about the Creation, the Ga d a the fall, the sufferings a onn Christ, nd they are e by Though j talk till long • p body they ar Still 9.4i0US t that heir will freq ently say, "Tel that" , sexy . U. My In ians have a gre • an- -h— tire- old- and had Was fter we ich d Oat ered inds. Our roni every ees in part "Oh riord of bifi our re." and I told was over en. I. So we the l people d ;BOOM of e and 'they Mere and win) beard • contri- hat in three 'am n et an t of -which oaf of the calatnity, st reeults. so fOely in' abselute nly add to nd a grand ter, while I ad no, one re of the onng lady - arge at the way home our men in ont te tell .1 stopped " oh, , esus are giving en he burst no farther. ill tell' yea all lOvieg e people," The ehird supplement weeping for one. said 1whona all • Our two three men, werewith logy, and while sing - is was on . • • • • SS hey 8/MA hem OS II texts for ye, and I hose who texts for distorted , but is a Was coming aid, "Now, gi time, and s. Sohe be " s ur e he neeld wo- eI was omething, 't remem- u I have a e So she t urned out ✓ nt shapes h represent - seemed to e meant by ck up one and say, e into the hat which that thirst - listening e lot, and 1 les in the • 1St p aces I get f the larg• o¼vn on the tell them d n of Eden, .death of ver tired. midnight isten, and s more of If 4 1 t regard for the Sabbath, and Will give np a situa- tion sooner than wOrk on t a day. They also love the Bible and fra4ry it with them wherever thei go. Some time ago 1r. Cros commenc- ed to bui d a reissi nary s e mboat to be called, the" GIal Tidin 8 " He had no idea how mac1 it wo d cost or where the money frou1d c e from to build it. The boati is now almost com- pleted, iiiworth ab ut $8,0 0, and is out tf debt except some $1,0 . 4 good eal of credit is due to Mr. Wm.- Oliver, he builder, who Las giv n his whole ime and labor to to work ap merely eominal ;figure, for ;his he was built p in the boat and yet he i poor man with no means o suppo t except his daily labor. Mr. rosby d ee not know where the funds will b obtained to omplete or run the boat, lnt he says is Great Master has supp 1 d them so ar, and;1 e is content to le:1,1° the mat - or in hi hands. I ; a • As the district under harge 4overs an immen oast line, with numerous nd inlets running into t oat will; more than dorible f his servic s, and will ime meter ally lighten a,bors. Ma the Glad Ti ied fat and wide until all ave given t eir hearts to ew w4jt r, Brit h Comm October, 24t,h 1884, Mr. Moo o visit Toro —The Bis o Toronto —Rev. Dr he pastors on. —Sir Joh oned the d he 29th ins c —The pa, tions in W 160,000. —The ma ffice and c ompleted. —The Me set year rai. urposes. —The wh ninte show one for five years —Mr. Ar hibald, Stoney Poin , a fe sot, on the jrand attending to his regular epot on Friday morm Friday. My men were Ho anxious to eeled and fell to tie grout get home we rowed all that night, all who sawhim fall 4au to f day Saturday, and arrive at home ut life was extinc when . Crosby's el stretch of nooks, rivers land, this e efficiency a the same his arduous gs be car - he Indians us. PERTH.- ). I* 0 Caijiada. y, ev ngelist to in Decem op of Algoma ith his family James is abo e of Knox ch A. McDon to of e,ailing f I seaeon's b odstock amot on work on t istom ,hodist house churc ed $185,000 f tefish fishery better result ast. static miles runk B il a iii expected as removed to resign h, Hamil- has ,post - Canada to ing opera - to some new post - Berlin is the body. Dece of age, and had to Stoney Point gus, where his f —A handsom cently been buil London Insane —The celeb Lynch's silver j ed till the 11th —A resident ed ten carloads per bushel and E. delphia. — Wm. McDo language on the to, was fined $2 Megistrate, —Large qua cheese are still from all points n Canada missionary the Bay of han it has master at at of Wind-! lway, while ti les in the eulddenly . Friends assistance, ey reached sed was about 50 years sem recently his home bei mily reside. stone chape counectio sylum. ation of A bilee has beet f December. f Guelph has purchas- ef turnips at 12 cents hipped them to Philo, 0 removed ig For - has re - with the chbishop postpon- ald, for nein public street, and costs by tities of ap leing shipped long the Gra profane n Toron- he Police les and o Europe d Trunk , morning left his poc railway.' about $100 in cas —Dr. Cochrane h' as receilead 2100 papers, in the water from the Pres 'yterian Char h in Ire -bound train, and ha land, for home mission wor in the ' of it since. Northwest. —Mr. Robert Blackena Br nt county boy, has been r -elected as Sta.te Repre- sentative in Ma iistee county, Michigan, on the Democratic ticket. —Douglass 15 evangelist, who in the revival years ago, has — The new Lansdowne, m eleven miles an St. John's barb —A farmer n pleasure of pa3 for sending ski factory. — The day for in Brantford. h of December, a ville for the 1St the first named an story is that the Y out paying his lawy is suing the dentist —Through the collector and book livery stable keeper extent of $2,000. skipped to New York, but the book-keep- er, has agreed to refrind his share of the defalcation s—$1,000 —Miss Dickinson, who died at Forest a few days ago, was(buried by the Sal- vation Army. Ther was a large turn- out of the soldiers, lost of whom were in uniform. This b: -mg the first funeral conduoted by the Ar y in Forest, con- siderable curiosity as excited.. —Mr. W. D. Bro( ks, a commercial traveller, living in Sandwich, Monday et- book, containing , besides valuable closet of No. 8 -east not seen anything —It has been dec'clecl to place Hon. George Brown's statue upon tM he pedes- tal this week. T e of un- veiling by Hon. A ex. Mackenzie will take place on Toe when an .address Hon. 0. Mowat. N will be issued. —Thomas Pierce me! of Woodslee, w a few month e ago fo has had a sign naile front of the house, r dist ministere allow ises under penalty 4 . The best of the nkee skipped with - r, and now the firm or their collage eculations of his eeper, a Torento is a loser to the he collector has ussell, the well-known took such an active part at Galt about sixteen gain visited that town. Government ! steamer de between 'hour on her t irnon Saturda ar Walkerto In —Mr. Wm. decided to se wheat to the Antwerp, Belgi —A farmer about four to instantly killed falling down st breaking his ne —Attorney - interviewed wit posed Niagara give the matter ation: —Mr. Alex. ten and ial trip at had the ing $37 the other day med milk to the cheese polling on the Scott Act sheen fixed for the 11th d in Leeds and Grine. of December. 'uck, of Wateedown, d. samples of his Deih World's Exposition a m. named Lewis, livin les from Chatham, wa last Sundayi night b irs in his residence an k. enerar Alowat has bee reference to the pro Park, and promised t his immediat13 consider McDonald, of Muirkirk formerly deputy registrar of Middlese county, died Yob/ suddenly o! ttpoplex on the 3rd inst., in the 64th tear ot hi age-. —A cablegram received at Toront states that Her Majesty has conferre upon Sir John Macdonald th Order the Grand Cro s of the Batl, in recog nition of -his " mirient publiq services." —On Friday evening after Thanks giving day, foe of the members of th Tiverton Baptist church called at th parsonage and resented the astor wit a cheese weigh —Miss Fole Thomas, who family who w fever some ti with a gold w friends. —Owing to t awaiting ship ports on Lake ed to send t been ordered i the lakes snot —The reside public school entered Saturd able gold watc and a consider ried off. ' —The mail making her la this season, ha and the Circas sail next Sat steamers then , —John Fra ton county,thi 625 bushels o mangolds, 100 and 175 bushe and late rose bushels per ac —Colonel officer arrested tic, has since shown great si has received from England —During immigrants Canada were settler e arrivin l. thost of Jan 97,530 for the last year. —The contra between the 9 North Dumfries, has been 1111 ng sixty-seven pounds. , a young 1 dy of St. ttended an 'immigrant a suffering from typhoi t e ago, was presente • tch and oh la by he e large amon t of freight ent at Sarnia and at th uron, it has been decid e Sovereign, hich ha to winter g artets, u or trip. ice of James . Hughes inspector, To onto, wamn ay morning, a d -a vain- , $100 worth f jewelry, ble amount cash car - steamship arisian is t trip from siebec fot ing sailed o Sa.turdaY, ian and 13roo lyn,which rday will b the last e this year. n. of Bosanq et, Lamb year grew on hree acre carrots, 400 bushels o ushels of Sw de turnip s of potatoes. His earli potatoes av raged 433 e. . arrington, t • English in Brantford as a Inns - his incarcerat on in gaol ns of improv ment. H everal large emittance since his con clement. ctober the rrivals of ntending to settle ie . 7,618. The number of in the ten onths from ary was 80, 10 against correspondin period of • • SS ct for cutting he "Alps,' h and 10th oncessione, let to Mr. amount of ed at 1,800 e of 11.13- e poison to Lucknow. cots of the ere highly especiailn, f Mr. D. E. John Kay, for material to be yards, this wil cants per yard --Some mak a number of v Eight have di wipe, many of which ptized by the r owners, one he property valued at $75 212. As the cut is estima be at the ra eawn fiend ga luable dogs d from the e ld Bruce," moron, was —Rev. .Tho eacher, wh revival service church, Toro met with gr labors some fi professed cony —The Gra arranged to ha passenger cars well as sum somewhat unnecessary, but will appreciate it, as the dri sometimes beeomes quite the heat of the furnaces. —A prominent dentist has been forced to pay $2 ment of an action fdr dame against him py a smart alleged seduct on of the 1 The writ claimed $10,000, jared husband, was persuade •• {McLEAN BROS., Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. man about the house. He was seen to go into tlie barn after breakfast,and a few hourii afterward a member of the family found him hanging to the ladder by a halter. —Honj Wm. McDougall,. who was -present in New York during the Presi- dental electiou, says that the success of Cleveland means that the Democratic party will, in matters of trade and corn- merce,deal liberally with Canada, more so than the Republicans,with man like Blaine their head. The executive being in isew hands, it is very likely there will be greater chances of renew- ing the nehery treaty. —Montreal advices say that the 'Canadian Pacific is trying to arrange with the Montreal Ocean Steamship Company for several steamers for the Chinese and Japanese trade, and that the Syndicate wants to raise $10,000,- 000, intekest to be guaranteed by the Allan Steamship Line, which is to re- ceive therefor $10,000,000 of picked land. The Dominion Government will be asked to give the an Line a sub- ceremonyIsicly. —A meet unseemly affair occurred at day, 25th, at noon, the Catholic church in Thornhill last ill be delivered by Sunday mornieg. Mr. Duncan Mc - special invitations Cague, op going to church, found his pew batricaded. On attempting to remove the obstructions, the officiating clergyman descended from the altar and seizing him threw him from the church door to the ground, fracturing his thigh. Mr. MaCague, who is an old man, is Much weakened by the shock and injuries. —The navigation on the Rideau Canal is about over. There passed through engaged in searching for the same es ben nd regietry office at the locks since the opening of nayiga- he fell into it. The spring came down *zed on Wednesday tion, 283 steamers. 563- barges, and 29 upon his legs, holding him. fast, and at about $100 worth cribs of timber. Daring the season of the same time inflicting painful bruises. of stamps anda' number of registered 1883 the numbers were :—Steamen3,354, His shoute, however, soon brought to letters- taken therefrom. The post barges 520, leen bands of timber 66, 'his assistance Mr. Luke Stout, who was office at Watford , was visited in like total 94. ` This statement shows a plowing in an adjoining field, and who registered letters eti. stolen. and 40 leek bands of timber, and an in- Rae has since been confined to the immediately relieved the prisoner. Mr. manner on Tues ay morning and falling o for this year of 71 steamers —Very Rev. Dea O'Reilly, pastor of crease of 43 barges over last year. i house. No bones were broken. Augnetine's p rish, Dundeedid —A serious accident occurred a few —A deputation from the World's Inn at the House of Pro- ', e last F, iday morn priest was born in Ireland, on the first . came to Canada i faithfully in the to years. —The special t through the other derbilt party on b cow which had cattle -guard at Coir killed and the head tive was smashed. train' were: Mrs. and Mrs. Ce -Vend W. McK. Twomble —The Canadia anticipate the total completion of the fill and innarnes tbe eye terribly, resem- Fergus, was taking his dinner at the road in about a yea . There is a gap of Ines in some degree the phseteye malady, • house of his son, Mr. A. Stewart, shoe - about 90 miles nor h of Lake Superior, which becomes epidem c among horses maker of that village, he was noticed to upon vvhich most of the grading is done, nowand j ut.e e laid early in the I again be choking with a piece of meat which last.R. B. Chamberlain and be had just nut into his mouth. The old was at 01106 slapped on the back ontreal to the Sal- e a continuous rail W. N. Redford, two young Englishmen, man well coauected in the old country, were but to no purpose. Dr. Johnston, who matains in British arrested for vagrancy or not being able was close at hand was immediately to pay their hotel bill at the Rossin called. Failing to reach the piece of Tilbury and on all House, Toronto, and were, after several meat by the month the doctor at once cut open his windpipe, and not a second too soon, as the old gentleman was ap- parently dead, having quit breathing. The meat was now shoved back into the mouth and extricated. The man with his throat cat is said to be doing suiting in the loss of two lives. A very well. —A drowning accident occurred on the bay at Port Elgin on Monday, re - heavy sea was running at the time, when two men and a boy ventured out in a yawl to lift nets, and. made two trips safely, but the third time the boat capsized, throwing them all out, and it is thought two of them became en- tangled in the net, as they were never seen to rise again. The third, a man named Barrett, managed to get hold of the boat, and, when reacued, was in a very low condition. The names of the drawned are Alvin Shoemaker and Robert Strong, a boy aged about 14 years. Shoemaker leaves a wife and three children. Mrs. 'Shoemaker and several others, standing on the pier, witnessed the accident, but were un- able to render any assistance. , he feeble old far- o was heavily fined beating his wife, on the fence in ading, "Nb Metho- d on these prem - a fine." It was a minister who made the complaint against Pierce. —The post office Milton were 'burgle night last week, and is a most elaborate and extensive one,is made up of products of the Canadian Pacific _experimental farms,and consists of samples of grain and roots. They should have attached prices also, 'and profits accruing to the farmer at present rates. —At a meeting of the Maryborough township council the following resolu- tion was moved and carried: That the members of the council of Maryborotigh now assembled, deeply deploring the desecration of the Sabbath day by the running of railway trains through this section of the country, greatly to the semoyance of church going people, de- sire the discontinuance of such practice, and that the clerk be instructed to for- ward a copy of this resolution to Mr. Tiffin, to be forwarded to the directors of the Grand Trunk Reilwate. —An Ottawa telegram says The extent to which Ameridan 11 iur is be- ing imported to Canada, owing to the discriminating duties of the tariff against the milling industry, is ruining trade, and seriously in- juring the 'price and demand for Canadian wheat. People have form- ed an appetite for American flour, and consequently double the quantity of wheat -has to be imported than hereto- fore to mix with Canadian soft, or bakers will not look at the flour. Farmers and millers are both suffering from the policy of the Government. —Mr. James Rae, a well-known trap- per, who lives on lot 20, concession 5, Eramosa, had a meet unpleasant expe- rience the other day. He had eet a bear trap in a swamp on his farm, and, Was as Harris° , the Bo has been conductin in Elm StreetMethodist to, for some weeks has at success. Under hie e hundred persons have rsion. d Trunk railway has e the water i tanks in iced during t e wiuter:as ner. This ight seem 'passengers king water arm froth St ri Torontp 0 in settle - es brorig t ankee, fo tter's wif but the i • to acce • • • idence in that town days ago near Burgessville, to a man dustrial and Cotton Centennial Exhibi- lag: The deceased named ArcComb. It appears he was /non, which opens at New Orleans on he county of Ca,ven, of March, 1818. He a 1842 and labored inistry here for 38 am n which passed ay having the Van- ard, collided with a ecome fast in the ben The cow was valent in St. Thomas, and scores of Government had neither time nor ight of the locomo- persons are suffering from the malady- means to take part in the Exposition. . H. Vanderbilt, Mr. tients can be counted by the score, and In other words that the Government is Those on board the Local physicians state that their pa- rbilt, Mr. and Mrs. almost every other individual one meets thet poorinterests t otake uf any apdaar in t n tnetmcioitrieneg. and Dr. McLane. on the street has a bandage over his tion. Pacific Company eyes. The disease, which is very pain- —While Mr. Alex. Stewart, senior, of drawing turnips with a span of colts, the 16th December, arrived at Ottawa and sitting with his feet on the tongue ethe other day and interviewed Mr. of the wagon. The colts becoming Pope, Minister of Agriculture, to urge frightened. kicked Mr. McComb, strik- that steps should be taken to have Can- ing both legs, cutting off the flesh ada suitably represented at the Exposi- to the belie. A doctor was immediate- lion. - They also visited Rideau hall, ly suinrcioned and reported the injuries and formally invited His Excellency of a seriens nature. the Governor-General to be present at —An epidemic of ophthalmia is pre- the opening. Mr. Pope stated that the and the rails will spring. This will connection from kirk range of m Columbia. —Wheat in East the clay lands in Kent, has a very poor, adjournments, discharged. They have small top, owing t the lateness of the now brought action against Mark H. fall rains. The rev rse is the case along - Irish, of the Rosana House, for $10,000 the lake shore and On early sown damp damages for false arrest and malicious lands a great deal cif which is being pas- prosecution. i ' tared by calves. Corn is also a very —The Toronto University College poor crop, averaging from 80 to 125 Literary andi scientific society held bushels pet acre when husked and their 131st debate on Friday evening. The subject of debate was, "Resolved., that the experience of history does not show that a , permanent Senate is a beneficial cheek on the proceedings of a representative legislature." The chair was occupied by the President, Dr. Daniel Wilson, and. the decision was given in favor of the affirmative and against the Senate. cribbed. ' -a-The Indian tr ubles in British Col- umbia are assunat g a serious aspect, but the Dominion Government main- tain they are of a local character and consequently the Indian department will not interfere. The local authori- ties are examining nto the matter by a commission under proteet,claiming that the Federal Government should attend to thesame. —A brakeman iiamed Wm. Harper was killed Saturday morning between Parkhill and Thedford. His mangled remains were found upon the track where'll° had evid ntly fallen between the cars and was c ushed to death,large blood stains being eft upon the wheels. His remains were ent to Toronto, his home. He was bet eon 25 and 30 years of age: —Having lost lb combination of one of Messrs. Goldie McCulloch's burglar proof safes, the ant orities of an Ottawa bank had the sam shipped back to the works in Galt, t be operated upon. After working npo it for some time, the workmen succ eded in opening it. The safe contained; about $25,000. One of the bank staff ancompanied the valu- able freight from qttawa. —Rev. Mr. Chiniquy preached on temperance in Canning street Presby- terian church,Montreal,the other night. As usual, large crowds assembled,both in the church and On the street. The police mustered in strong force, but no one was hurt. A I ody of about three hundred men, sera d with axe handles and clubs, escorted kr. Chiniquy home after the service. —A young man named Robert Rose, a law student in Ingersoll, has succeed- ed by a series of fo Toronto loan co The business wa Company's agents tectives were en swindler and hew: genies in swindling a pany out of $3,500. transacted by the in St. Thomas. De - aged to track the is arrested atBaffalo. A considerable amount of the money has been recovered. There was a woman in the case. —John Downen, aged 53, hanged himself at Windsor last Friday morn- ing. Downey and his wife becoming destitute mutually agreed to drown themselves several ,weeks agonvhen Mrs. Downey carried out her part of the con- tract by jumping nato the river. Her husband went down to the dock, but when he saw the water his courage failed him. After Mrs. DoWney's body was discovered he tvas arrested on sus- picion of murder, but released when the circumstances were explained. Since the death of his wife Downey has work- ed for B. D. Rarison's as general utility —While T. C. McKechnie, of Wash - ago, was out hunting he shot a partridge which, at the distance tie was from it, seemed to be in some trouble. An ex- amination proved that a small snake, nine or ten inches long, had plaYed boa constrictor by winding its coils around the partridge's neck so tightly that, although killed by Mr. McKechnie's shot, it was with difficulty that the gentleman removed the diminutive re- presentative of Eve's tempter. —On Wednesday evening last week when the mixed traielfrom Port Dover was within a quarter of a mile of Strathallan, a shot wok fired from be - beside the track at the cab of the engine. The bullet broke a small hole in the glass and went within an inch of the head of the driver, Ed. George, of d, a piece of glass hitting him ear and inflicting a painful The shot was heard in the cars, ing could be seen of the man d it. --In Hamilton last Saturday night about 7430 three men in a buggy grabbed a woman from the sidewalk at the corner ofJohn audCatharine streets, and drove 4 with her despite her struggles to escape and cries of "They'll kill me!" " They'll kill me !" Several citizens hearing the cries ran after the rig as it turned lap the mountain, but the men drove very fast, two of them endeavor- ing to etop the woman's cries and the third lashing the horse. The startled citizens' were unable to overtake them. —The Government creamery at Guelphnias been closed for the season. Operatiens were started on it on the 27th of September, and in the 42 days they were kept going 4,000 pounds of butter Were turned (ninth° most of which has been sold at a hig,b. price. The make was mach better than. Watt expected in view of the late start, and up till the last there were patrons sufficient to give milk from 250 cows. The creamery will be opened again on the first of May next year. —The Canadian Pacific Railway have M. Campbell, of Goderich, that he was sent a special grain exhibit to England obliged to invite us up to Goderich. to Mr. Abe. Bigg, general European Sech an invitation coming from such a emigration agent, for distribution man as Mr. Yuill, we could not well through various agencies, with the ob- refuse, and if any of oar subscribers` ject of promoting the tide of emigration (ball to pay up they will find the devil in to the Dominion. The exhibit, which charge. Stratfor on the wound. but not who fir —The other day while the saw mill at Belgrave was running the fireman had occasion to go up street on some business when the governor belt lnroke, and of course the engine ran at a ter- _ rific speed, causing the whole mill te shake like a leaf. Mr. Tyner, who was at the saw, managed to shut off the steam before any damage was done, while Mr. Vanorinan, tail sawyer, ran out and hid. in a gravel pit near by, ex: pecting that the mill was going to blow up. —On the 23rd ult., Mrs. Margaret Anderson, relict of the late Francis Anderson ,passed peacefully away at the residence of her son, Mr. Francis An- derson, in Usborne, just oatside of Exeter, at the ripe age of 93 years. De- ceased in company with her husband, emigrated, from the county of Antrim, Ireland, to this country about 60 years ago, settling in the township of Gren- ville, county of Argenteuil, Quebec, where they remained for a number of years, and then removed to the towns ship of Stephen,where she resided. until four or five years ago, when she went to live with her son • Francis. She was a kind hearted old lady and was much respected by all who -knew her. —The Wingham Vidette man has got into trouble. In last week's issue he says: We had a pleasant call on Thurs- day from Mr. Yuill, the Goderich Chief of Police. Pulling out a lengthy doeu- meet he explained that owing to our having given publicity to a letter from the pen of Dr. Martyn, anent Rev. T.