HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-24, Page 8S
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unintentional, and hail our �aorrespoii - ,pebole bo�consider well the qnesti n at the unexpected eight of the beautiful. P.,also delivered& spiri-teLl addre a.
i _ 0 ,
dent been less thin-skinned, he wou'd lBsue and carat thei votes on Thursday The ground was ow -ered with snow, and Both -sp?akers received a most rospe t.
� � I
not have noticed it. We kn6w that ti e next, Ac6nacientio Aly. Dr. Marpyn remained so throui ,bout the day.—M r. ful hearing. ,
- . e 0101 9-momn.—A welanclioly -case of sai.
officers of the church, &is well as 4 e CIO ea, the meetii - g. He brongh , I oi -- Robert 'Jamieson, Troisurer of tie il
) a
-, Itural Society, h:s cide.occurrod here on F'rida� last,which
The undersigueaoffers for sale cheap pastor, are always pleasea to see watd6" very few w I biw arguments, He Tuakera,baith Agric a well to resulted in the death ot thewife of M2.
150 cider barrels; also wine, ram, strangers present, and 'every possible itook about tile Ban e stand as he (lid at been authorized by Mr. Cress
brandy and whiskey barrels—all Sizes— care is taken to make them -welcome, ,the prf Vious Meeti g, and wasted it Colt- pay the prize money won by exhibibo�s T. L. Vortuoe, a clerk jin in the hard.
. I .
just the thing to put Cider into. - and secure for, them the beet ac.col4l - sidemble portion o� his time in abusilog at the recent Show held in Seaforth. ware store of Mr. Race ,. Mrs. Fortune
. �, I ' 11 seven Ocloc in the Morning
Modation the church affords.—EiD. Ex- the cle -gy. Unfor unately for himself T * he list will beready aud paymeu�s rosa &bou'
Don't forget that Thorne's, is the . ! anl th 3 cause he i epr� sented, he Mac� e w and went about her uties as usual.
Posrrolt. . I ( ' e ill be Made any time after MondE�y
Cheapest grocery store in Huron. Try -- 0 1 a v3ry ungentl I allasion to % re r- next.—A correspondent asks if wom Soon after sbe was fonuLl by her hus-
I � ems. I y on i I
oneeand be convinced. LOST On Ma . �ed gentleman ,wi o have a right to vote on the Scott Act. band suffering terrible ftgony and it was
Splendid Our- in Street, Gold Monogram ere�ad, and r,espe�,
rauta and Raisins at 5c per pound. letters P. bf. H.; Yalned as a gift. 71nder w1ll OP ose him on , a former eccAsia i. The qualification for voters is the same Hubseq ineptly discovered that she had
I I P .
' please leava at this office. E81-1 . . et, been ppisoned by carbo�ic aoid and that
Teas always aood. I N - ' i �� O t any groun. 9 whatever, or ho r- as under the Do Election A !
0 . SCOTT ACT.� 0 ala,rm. need be en-
. � tertalined by tho I se subject to coughs, colds, ing, why he should be called suck, he a[. and hence women are t accorded the she had taken the doseiin milk- Every
L. THORNE, hoarseness, sore throat, &c.,&c., at; we @an assure laded to the Rev. John Smith, -of To. right to vote on the Scott Act. If th6y effort was mUde to sav6 her,life, but in
I . �
the public that there will be no I restrictions t�' rointo, as an 11.sbiudonod scoulldreh'� were the majority would be conside - vain as she died--alJout ifive hours
. Star Grocery, Seaforth. . Ir
the sale of the great remedy 'I Lumsdbn & V 11- Th is 1',w as too much � for the audie ' e and ably larger thaj� it is likely tobe. I afterwards, It is sup�osecl she touk.
— son!s Royal Glycer%ted Balsam of Fir." lt,icertw. n- I i I the poison v�bile laboriing under a fit of
— . I th a eaker was 1 hissed. T bai e -�-
ly muqt afford great consolation to many,to kni m ' I Z� Brucbfielcl i
. e9p, - that this popular curer will still be wilihin reach Cal M. y, regardin � a gentleman . lil e I insanity brought on �y Soma Mental
I 1�. - I trouble, as she had b in a melan-
� TnPositm ofall. Ptice5ocents. 881. Mr, S ith, shouki be uttered in son te SCOTT ACT MEETING.—A mass me4-
#Uron . ! - I cholv mood for some , e4 Her hus
' 10 w ing in the interests cf the Scott Apt III
BOOTS & 'SlIOEs.—Great Bargains pla,e here he is I ss favorably khow t, �
L . — . from now till the Ist of November, iw all oWs,, es to be hfitened to. I Ifter this it was son o � will be held in Union church, Bruco- band isi said to be an iudustri6ua Mau.
I. '
; of Boots, Shoes and Rub`bors. A large ,quanti ty time Defore ordet was restoredi n � field, on Monday E vening next, at 7 P. .She leaves 04 family of five childieu, the
of Goods must be',either sold or 'removed. , 0 ill . I oldi�st�einginin'fiyears,iand,the yuun
DISTRICT MATTERS. arid .See us. GEORGE GOOD, Scaforth Boot the! sp )aker allow I to proceed. T ma In. * Rev. Messrs. Ross &nd Thomson, � I 9-
. -!— ..� ,,t , baby of six montbe. ,
Store. 881-1. 1 spoliled his iuflaex ce on the audier oe, of Brucefield, A. D. McDonald, 8 1 - . I
-- TTI 1, Q 1, -1 fnnrl- , . ; 11 11 11 4- 4 11 4 k � i i
.V OOT A-T.L.—J,uO I � a 1 RU4 S WVL 0 IMJ LJOMMU U IN I " — ,
. . I . rortb, J. S. liakin, Wingnam.- and it�- . �
bail tearia, of this, town, defeated a team Tim MN.Du�N FiRF,.—A ConRrmiriop. i.jitt[e,e ect. The , eo le seemed to I)eo Y. Thomson, Rensiai, will address the I Kippeg. '
from the Clinton Model School, oh Sat- —It is with much pleasure we publish * a him nT apparently took meetiDa. All are welcome. An oppoir- WEOHILLV�11 is alwayl[i ahelid it) keep-
. cod fid ce i
Ur to one. They play a .the following communication, as it'fally -the res � of his argu neuts to be on a par 0 . I
urday last, by to . . 1 -trinity will also be given to any opposidg in- a ar o assortment of S�cotch, English and
cup, tie match with Brus�els, on- the Sets night a couple of errors into which . 00 9
' � -wit � h s reference: ;o Mr. Smith. V�,ry 1 the Act to speak. anadia Twe6d.9, plain a4d fakicy Fiannel-,
- ' � .
fair grounds here, on Saturday, October we.were led last week through misin- litt,o e atbusiasm was shown a b �bo , . lain an fancy Winciag, an 7 excelleut stock of
� EDITOR,—SIR—MV 8 . — — ' I nderelothingi all sizes in i Hooto and �jhof 8,
25'th� This will be a very important formation : Mai. I t- clot 0 O the meetii6 k, It had beE n I �iUs ' . �
' . . , I . I C37reen. .,.,.,.:. blackanddoloVed Cashniero'�blapk. aud colored
�matoh,artd perha,ps the oDlyc:n:p tie tePtion has been called - to one or'VN 0 no ficed that a (Jollectioll Would be GOOD THRESHING.—Messrs. Berry sc Velveteens, a firsf clas,,; Ftoek of groceries and a
that, will be played here this fall. mistakes which occurred in the accou it t&kE)n p � be I
. . at the cloile of the -meeting,. � Swan, a few days ago threshed 1� 4 full line of evqything found 'n a fliS4 cILL't-.6 Gen-
. � �
. you gave last week of the burning of V Le proms s to go for the beliefit O i.b a � bushels of wheat, on t e farm of M . I eral Store. 881 1 1
1 - I
A CORRF,aTio--T.MR. EDITOR,—SIR,— Kinbarn cheese factory, and the mela '- Mvichaaics' Institu'ie, but some of ;be James Jariott, in one' hourP This s A Goob CJHANCE.—T.he tindoisigned
in his speech last Wednesday evening, choly circumsta'nees attending.the .Sam a.. me mbers of the Inauagement objEct. i pretty. lively work. I offersforeale Some excellent Shrop,bire �am
Dr, Martin stated that any one wishing The first is that Taylor, when at ray' ed to Vie Ing it tel g mixed upin any . George Watt, of ,,nil ewe lambso They are *ell-br'ed f I oin 1ya-
. I ported stock, as a reference to their record at all
place, asked .permission of Mr. Britton wit,, wl h eit L r pw and conseq a ' ,�
�- I t11yi I., ieep- killed
W procure a small quantity of liquor, . � e3t- tbis vicinity, bad f ve S 67 the fall fairs w�ll sufficiently, .show. A spleiidid
after the passing of the Scott Act, could to go out. for is few minutes, &c. This 2 I
L I ly 4he oollecl ,v�as abandoned, V1 i dogs on the morning'of )he 13th ins�. Shropshire rar6 stands for si�rvico i to it iiinited
� - i 311 W -4 to
do so through .the express. Allow me statement, if allowed to go uncorreoted, the'moeting broke � up as Boo I ( .
?N I I U all - - � The dogs have notyet been discovere 1. n nber of ow0s. Those dosiri pu,clia,se
would show gross carelessness on the shouldc0l early,as their PunfliOr Is Lniitt�d.
to state that the rules of the American Ma�ty. 4ed his ;3. 1 Mr. Watt also I Lo
rohibit the carrying ; part of Mr. Britton. When Taylor we t ; had oonclu - ,,pLddrea, 08t va,usble horse on JAMES COOP94, nolon Aoad, ,Tuckersnihh,
11 ! I ,-� A I �
Express Company p I . ! the 19th lust., whic i die I from iriflan�- Kippen, P. 0. 880-t.f. I �
: I I I
Of -ood,s of aDy kind into a State or out Mr. Britton went along with-'bim � L � I i
t> . 9 � I mation. It is true that misfortun6s LoCkl', MARKET.—Th following are
-isL alaw . ,111 � I
County where there in force and was standing so close to Taylor that .IiWA BRl�rs.—'Rev, A. D. MeD )t - i L I
restrictina the sale or consumption of he could lay his hand on him, but the &ld � wa, 3- assi q I ting the Rev. Mr. Dieki . 3on, eldom come Singly, I the prices current on t a intirket here:
I , . � � wheat,
__n IeSSL such morning being dark he could not sqe, Of Oalt, at,the com i Red wheato 74c to 75o,; white
laEt r �
dS, i , ran ion services . I
such goo il ,qua-rititios than . � - — � i . I
as. are prescribed by the law, Yours .'what T L ay lar wp doing.. He was much SQ'dday.—W6 are , glad to be able t 0 i Bruf sels - i 73c to 74c ; spring wbeiLt, 7�o to 76o ;
, � state 1rhat the approach at Giies'e"S THF, WRONG MIN,—Last week . oats, 28c to 29c; barley, 46c to 58c;
truly, C. H. CULL,, Agent. - astonished by the report of it pistol � Lt .
I IL I . — 3 580 to 60c ; potatoeti, 25a to 30c ;
. ridge is rt�pairec I I I
his side, Taylor failing to the ground 1 Lt b I i, and the bridge Laird was arrested 'or the robbery of peaF
_ , I L is : I � �ow 0 —We were in D. McArthur, but on examihatio i hides, 6c to 61c; sheepskit).B� 60c to 01;
=Ioxs.—The follow, I thesLaMetiMe.: Hehadnofearofhim pen ifor .ti afflo. n W48
- PRizE LIST CoRRF � , .I ! ' apples, $1 per barrel.
ina errors and omissions occurred in the I as he had searched him before oomil 9 erOr last week in stating that a a an dismit3sed, it being vident to all th4t � .
" - I I d L oeli arrested o i s at n if lie did reBembl - CALL: AcCEPTED.—The Rev. Mr. Ache-
Seaforth Show prize list published last i to my place, and found no weapon )f named Bowie had , " be was innocent eVE � . .6
I 1-a Pic .1 a . ( a , i son, of Wick, has accepted the call to
week : F. SparlingL, Ist for 'Verbenas , nykindonbim. Taylor bad the pist)l )fb'ingimpioa0ed inthe burr- the build of one of tbel� hurglars. i I
. K9 i �
inate of J. Car 17 ing n chee 111 , . Bmp,ir.s.—Jos. P. Bino, of Seafort4 I Kippeli and Hills Green, his induction
nochan ; Robe - secreted in the baok part of ' his. pant 3. 7pf the Kiabur ese factory. r
ad rt Me I d will take place at, Kippeu cin Tuesday,
Lean, 2nd for L Baldwin apples insteadi The man named Bowie was mere. y Bo w�ie iwas only surn od as a wit - will wield the auctjone:e-'s hammer qt I .1 �
I �
of Mrs. B-ILack; Wm. Ireland, 2nd for 1 Surnmoned as 'a witness. There w s ness, and we, regre i h ving fallet into the extensive 13ale- of the estate aud November 11tb, at 2 p. m. 'Rev. R. Y.
, I .
. . - e� dist 0 lure B. D., Henaall, will
fall apple& and Ist for WagnLer apples 1 "Othing to show that Taylor had aloy th, ,errorsta d.—Theketho effects of the late W. G. Hingston oh Thoinson, M. A,
L 0 1 L ' I preach � Dr. Ure and Mr. J. R. Miller,
. .,
instead of _ Wrn. Fowler; James Scott, I accomplice. By inserting the above wa d a Sur , day� night IaFA, an] the -4th November.—T I he new woolle� of Goderich, will address the Minister
.� � drawing to a finish, and 13
2ad for goose and 2ud for Pekin ducks 1 you will much oblige, yours truly, Jom� the:iminense congregation listened wit i Mill is fast
L I .
e, ! MOMILLAX. J� 'I of pld�sure, and we tr,3,, t an ornament to the vill ),go. We trait and people respectively. �
instead of- R. Scott; Chaxles Routtled-, i I a great de� I
0 ; , . Lf
Ist for Suffolk Spring boax iastead Of J. � I 41. - profit, to the very able and eloquer t i -el - it will be a success wfie finished.—A. HEAvY SHi,P.)rr,,NTS.—A1r.Fl enry Shafer,
� I I
� . , I I rainbq'yer, of this placo E sh i' pod fifteen
0. CL. I Single � A.N UNFORTUNATE:.—The Olinton lie ?v Mon dE liv6re I b b, 31 �, A. Pannabaker has left'hepartnershi 9 p
Cooper; Willson 1st for I . ; 1. '
I - Goolfrich, n-thE subje - -with J. J. Dinnan aric Rone cars of barley to New Ylqrk o a Monday
, Era of last week sayg: La'te 6,n' Sa - t
mower a -ad extra on grain seed drill in- tur of � ,ct of tempei d suveral cars of wh
: day night Constable Paisley found a w . Re' Mr. Edmonds, f cumbent glit the bankrupt an . on the same
stead of R. Armstrong; Mrs. Dr. , � ftrlw.� V. - in I I of,
man aimlessly -wandering around tow . of I 8t. � "hom s chur eturned ho stock of Thomson & BI sit day. Mr. H. Happel, . Zurich, Ship-
mith, Ist for crazy work instead of, . § .ch, r a,k last week
S - . from h,S old country tour last we hl 70' cauts on the dollar, and J. Stanl6y I
Mrs. Joslyn; R. McLean, Igt for 1.0 I He took her in' charge for her own aaf � . pod 360 Iambs from this station to
. ite d ;
, I
ty, and found that she had only late. y Thii rei -erend gentl man's many fr, is now busy running Off the stock. If Buffaloi.on the Same day, and Messrs.
yards. domestic cloth ; Broad -foot & Box, , � u i I Cuolmoie & Dick sbipped seven cars
2ad for parlor farm-tureL; J. and R. For- i come out of Goderich jail, where She werle ul eased to see him looking so, w 11, Mr. Good keeps on 48,will soon occupy . .
. ' had been confined on account of coca 3- andt; eiiin that his health has beet the one side of tbe:street. He now of- fat cattle to the old country, also on
; . ' I
has, 2nd for team of roadsters; A. El- I � . I . . I
&I fits of lunacy. ,She gave, her narr e In. 9�h en!efitted.*--Mx. M.R. Coinuber 1 o'c'euples three di�orp.--Struthe thesame day. The vyholesbipment,
coat, Ist for thoroughbred yparlin g heifer ' 'on I , 11 I rs & I I
1 as Reardon, of Seafortl:� and stated that is a-ttev the an u I meeting of t tak�rig tl� wenty-six cars qn I t double
and lat for heifer cadf; Charles Lowrie, I I di " - h3 i Powell move into their .new shop th S ( Wo
es; 1. J. Tuck,. 2d - for : she was trying to make her way hom 3,. 0 Oaric Calrl�u�goks ociatiou, being beld week. They will then have more room deckers,,was the largest �,hat has left this
2nd for crab appl I but was put off the train here, as 81 e _ 'r. . I ; � � ade thiutc,s
' -
. � I tbig week ! i to, as a represen a - to store goods. . station for a IODg time alud M Z5
agea Suffolk $ow. In the Brussels , I I i . I i -
the I had no mono .j Accoijamodation could tivei,irom the Seaf rth club.—A lai 3 ' - look ra�her lively for a w�hile�
prize list,recently published all y . 9 I — . - .
� � not be obtained, for her at the hptels, as num berl from town went to - Bracefield LOCA4 WAIFS. �As nnounced last
�- prizes credited to Thomas McLa,ughlin I - � I . I
�, , I Bl-aevald. -
L it was SO late, and Mr. Paisley !had ro , or Tue day t!o &tte d the funeral of I h 3 t, I week, BIr. Aiken O'ecapied 'the pulpit
should ha,ve been credited' to Duncan ; alternative but to place her in thd eel �s � lata'MiSB Higgins. M: and Mrs. 'Mc. I DOTS.—Mrs. Alex.Ros , of this pla , in the Presbyterian church last Sunday,
McLaughlin. I 17- I . I
I - � L dan, of , irineolosa, anitoba, are at, . attended the convention :)f the Womect and preached a verv* abl 3 and impressive
� for the night. �He did all he could i o ." f I .' n I � L
: . "I ' ' � i di nee. His zeal
I make her comfortable, but it was with Ont in t wa. "he camp to see ',Christian Union' at Tormto last week Sermon !to a large audi I
F-kTA.LAcCIDFN-T.—Ir1 the Winnipeg � the greatest reluctance that she occl , pr I an I i as a delegate.—Mrs. Thomas Hyslop, d and earpostriess secure "for him the
thilir d u- t r, wb� � is seriously il � f
0 I .
� �
Free Press of Saturday last we notice I � 'I uudivid6d attention of every one present.
I pied these qnarters, and during the nig! t n t L�eX et dtoreccver, Mr.McLollan I' I Kansas. eldest daughter OfL Sainal
the follawina -. 11 David McCloy, a sub- , Bho J L
� 'k, oicil , wak� for merl-vi a resi( en t of T uckers mi �b, , Black, Esq. of this place, is here on I
i would yell at the top of her v . I He will preach again next Sauday.—
Contractor on McBean's elevator at Vir- : . . I 1� -
L �
, 'L —Mr. S-lemmortsi s�bool tEaohe#, The Groat Western Railwa�
I , V13 �
I occasionally, giving a- reason' therefor a d.reriovadlito Ma iitoba abouit twe' 'Visit.
den, met with a sad fate yesterday. ,: I � . .
that she was afraid of ghosts. On Sul - yell ra a . He was on of the fortuUlLt,3 �,has"beeu re-engaged for next year �t has a gd6ng of carpente,s eMployed at
10 �
He had been engaged in shingling the I , I I I -
ildin . . day Mr. Paisley procured a conveyance m 11 w O Made money, there, � and was asalary of $480.—Mr.Joi . 3eph Leech'� tutnilag"jart of their station into a
root of the bu -g when the Fc&ffold-iag and had her taken horne. She appeal-- . I enough' to keep lit.—M Ss Lot— new saw mill will be runi ing next wee '. dwelli to their agent, Mr. Hammond.
gave, way, precipitating him to the I WIST b � � —Mrs . c. r . dingla few days
t, � ed to be a harraless woma,n, and if suit-. wc�irt , wboB6 accileu� we mentioue —It will soon be L year sinco , , Nevin its s I
ground, aL distance of forty-five feet, and t - I .
' 't
him L j Ject to fits of in�sanity, should certainly la4tl we6k,*had. Mr. . IMes8etTsum"111011- I the now bridge was built here, yd with hei friends air I Mitolbell.—Mr.
killing I Instantly. His, body was � Z I ; I
� be put in Some, ' 0 ed before th ,Mayo mi Ifforldity to an- no notice has been poi ted up. Our
IL other place than th el . Archibald Bishop, . . .I was in t 8
brought to the city yesterday, and will I � I L �
I -
L ; county jail. I . I 11 8 er tol the charge f failing to' ,give I e.- !county fathers had �ette - wait another village On Aforiday.— . GlIbert Die
be buried withMasonic, honors . The i —The New Era is 4nitd correct, tha ha Itof the road on he night of the ac. :year and then a now bridge will be re-. has leftfor the old cot, try to dispose
I L � I
deceased leaves a� wife and child, who ! � county gaol is no placd for such unfortu.- Ci('1012 The evidence we . ut to how t1a ;,quired.-7Messrs. Thomas Carrie, WM. of the cattle shipped th Ore oti Moriday.
live at 196: Ross: street. He came to � I � '.il more in fau It t I han M . Moss t Woodrow, Thomas Jewitt and Jame3 Messrs., J. McLaughli�,. Win_ Cad.
this country from Sea,forth in the spring ; nates, nor for lanatics of any kind, bu t she Wa I 1. �
what are peo, le to do with them? abol: that while her ve iole itson o: iL%ke, left last week on a visit to Al .moro, jr., Hunter alild Albert 'will
p I I I . L
Of 1891, and was a steady -and indus- I nn ' . ?
I I here is no place for them in the cour - near the mid le of the road hi was w I goma. � accompany him. :
L � . I
I : I
. I
trious man, ha,ving Many friends here 1 1 i I
' , ty but the gaol.. In:this instance the off to One j side. The compl int vmi aii A LITTLE M=- D.—A shork time ago 6 -- ,
-_ who- will deeply regret his untimely ! I ' I I ;
person referred ,to has no relatives .wh) con� ontly � dism ssel. Mi s Long A manwho lives not a hundred miles eaA I I �
death." I ! ' - equi I . " G-rey. I
1 can provide for her,and would be utterl Y worth had'beon indiscretely vised b, �of Bluevale,paid a visit to Wingharn. H� Z
—Many of our readers will peruse � . . I ; TEMPIERANCE,-A lar a
i t . , ge and e thaBiastic
I destitute but for th6- charity she receives lit r 4riendal else BhE w:)uld never hav( was shown into a fine pa lor,, and beind
. . I
the abave announcement with feelings ,from the municipalety, arid in additio i Is, &tlie. co, I 41aint.--T ie two year oh ,left alone for a few minu :es was taking temper4nee meetiog in ihe ffiterestli of
Of the deepest sorrow. Mr.- McCloy i to this, when the insane fits overtake stee'r, which took the arst pr ze at.th( view of his surroundings when he es' the l3cott Act, was hpld in Duke's
had been a resident of this town for ! her, it is not safe!to have her unattend - Sosif�orth show, the'pro erty o Mr. Jas 1plied an individual who bore a strikiri � School house, on the eve:ning of the 16th
' � �
many years, and wag a native of this i" I F 9 inst. I�oag before the hour flor opening,
- ed I - and it is not every person that oa 2 NiGbol-I of: McKillo p, has beel!l sold to r6semblance to himself. ' le accordingly dedito its . utmost
I � ,
section. He learned the trade of car- Imanageher. During thb last iwo years 1 Mr.jRoberb Winters for $70. I' ' ddresRed his supposed . the hou�.se was crow . I
� � . i weigh ad j a 03mpanioD, an
enter with Mr. J. H. Broadfo6t, and I I � seating Capacity, and w,h].bn seven o'clock
p j repeated attempts have,been made to I 1,38k) pounds. This is pretty o0d fol .f � rose to Shake hands, He noticed tba "' t I
for a considerable time previous tOL his , - . hadcomte alliaost everylavail.able space
. secure her a place in some of the as - three year old.—ReV. ,1� the other figure did the same. Imagin
' L 3 A- D. cDons '
departurefrom here he was precentor . lums, but without success, and at last, will preach on the sub- ect of tempor his surprise when be B Iretched fort was occ pied. After a few opening re-
in the Egmoadville Presbyterian � , " marks by the chairman- Mr. Bavle,'
i as a Matter of safety, she had to be ancl' in ' the, PresbytErian 0 arch D,r his hand and failed ,to g -asp anything.
I 0 . 'Moleswo'
Church. He was a Steady, industrious, ; com im�itted to the county gaol i -with th 'Sunday evening nb3 t, a i the uE ual boir Joist then the proprieto- walked into the Rev. Mr. Bickel, of rth,
- . I � 4 was called upon to address the electors
and exemplary young, mmi, and wa's � hope that the county authorities Coal —We had a pleasau t Call the Other d the room and cleared u ) the myster �
held in the highest esteem by all who , succeed in doing what the town authoi - from Mr. Wm. Smith, of Dakota, for .- by informing him that he(had.been th y of Gray on this most m)mentons ques-
t) tion, na,mely, the ScOtt Act. The
know him,. and his many old friends ities had been unable to do, but it seems merly of HU11'ett. I fr. Smith has now dupe of a large mirror. When' thus elni�
here, while deploring his -sad and un- I I . spes,keriope ed his subject by stating a
timely death, will unite with us . - that they have been equally UDBUCCO13E - been farming in D a i-ota for over thi e( lightened he ej.iculated 11 Upon D20 few isimple truths—tratl 'to which no orie
111" ex- ful, and have cast her adrift once more. yealfli, a.nd1a is still Well sati9fied witt soul I thougpt it was another man you
tending to the young and bereaved - � could di;sbel eve—and Ma - thege foun-
theJ. change 'he made 49 �came to: bad in the room." He I ad better be� dations -. he I proceed to bphold the
* I
. widow the most heartfelt sympathy. . THE ANTI -SCOTT ACT. MF,iTING.—Tb 3 Ontfkrio for the purpme of s sing ME come more familiar with his- 0 4 --
t * . I . W: Scott Act,, as a temperance measure,
Auti- Scott Act meeting in C%rdno's hal I mother, who is very ill.—Mr. Jo r shadow before ge goes aw from homo and for the ace of one hour and a half
.1 I . I
A COMPLAINT.—EDITOR ExPOSITOR,— on Wednesday evening was the occasio , Beattie this week S' d it two year Ic agaio. � L I
Sir: Allow, me through the columns of . . - � he hold hrsp audience in I breathless
L . I . I �
of another large gathering, the hit 12 filly� aired by! It Old Lord Had to. I i 6
er to protest against the scant being completely. packed. Long befor 3 i I I CLinton. sil- nee, barrying conviction to all. At
your pap Tdr.'-,,'Rvnn,M1HuIle�t, for $155. Ti( - . 19 I
IL -. 11 � i the close of his address !an oppaxtunity
courtesy with which strangers - are the doors were opened the crowd be I
. gal Salvation Army I &v'a pure ,ased t I't May, NEw CHuRcH.�—Tl e new PreBb t '
trea,ted in the Presbyterian church of i to gather and the stairway and sid6 � i . was exteud�,ed to any 1 one [who might
wal lot j�lon MOn4jtreet north, forrhorly (c. terian church in course ol erection hero' �
this place,, being in such marked con- - in front of the, hall were complet . el � and are Maki ig, is making excellent pi ogress. Thl wish to raiso the gauntl4t in defiance of
. 7 ,cupipd by Mr. S. Stark, e the Act,, but none were �ouncl who had
tralit to the cordial welcome they re- blocked. For some unexplained reaso i arra�ngeme#ts for the emotion f a bar. structure is of brick,'i, and large enouRli the hardiho jid to do so. Thendu order to
ceive, at the Methodist churcb. across the doors -were not Opened until hall - racks in which to h8ld theirm tiug8. to accommodate bet,wee 600 and 700
the way. Last Sunday m�airning,,- two � past seven, the;, time advertised for th 3 There wil : t er Scott .&ct masE persons. Underneath th re is a claS' feel the pulse of the ,hudience a vote
6�. , I � was cast, which gavo a I return of
friends and myself, all comparative meeting to commience. As soon as th3 me *in all on! Wed" I
, - - 1 1 Pardno's i DES. room, with a capacity of 300 to 40Q
strangers here, two of 1113 being P :� , 11 Unanilmous foir the ot," there not
-reaby- doors were oponed the dense mass mov. �l day ieve nin next, he severa'I promi. The structure will cost in the n eighbor� being one di,asenting voi e. .
�, I
teriana and the other a Methodist, ed forward amd �the hall was packed fall � ent itolvoca eal are e pected to� be pres. hood of 015,000. 4 will bei opened . I
� '� I I
attended Service in the Presbyterian iL:-side of five ',minutes. Dr. Colemai , ent., Teach:us to Shun the way� of Vice,
church, and were; -a shered into a - - seat �All he pre ent� teachers in the about Christmas.. . I And loathe the place wh re scufff 9 ers sit
occupied the cb&ir to the entire satis. Pub�lic cb6ol here av been re-elogag- 'A HoRTIOULTURAL 1341F, Y.—AN, scheme - Where app3tite with ra!td device;
. I +,. 11 . I
immediately behind two of the' beat faction of all. Dr.- Martym was the firs ed4r n xt"year.— he Scott Act coin- is on foot to form * Hor �icultural So�;- Dethrones the conscie ), poiacina wit,
. 11 I � I no,
, �
known business, men of Seaforth. This speaker. He spoke for about twenty mitoee ay I e ReciarE 1 the store on Main ciety for the' town I Of '.31inton. T116 Andwibenthe bowl � . +
waa so far very good, but-1here courtesy minutes, 4nd brought forward prin:ci. stro��t, adjoining � dr. McIntyre's shia township - A ricultu al S Consume-gilie life and stai�s the soul.
I :)Ciety usuall� -
. 9 y � ; , I �
oeased,forthoug,ii; Biblea�,and psalteria pally the sa,me arguments which he Btoro, &lid -will occa.)y i holds a fait, here, bub it is. proposed.toi i I . . .
. y i
. y i �
. . y i as a committat:
were a,bundant all around! us, there be- used on the same platform,on a former I 'i. yt � I J31yth. I I -
� roona and�� general headquarters but . cat loose altogetber, from the count .' - I
in& ait least one unused P,ible in the occasion. He laid down'&' great many after voting day.—We are requested b3 The scheme is taking tangible sha I OUR Snow.—The Bl�yth fall ,ihow,
0 1 . I 11 pe�
next seat, and numerous others that, statistics which he said were from the Mr.Bal lantyne, LibenE e - Inspectot, to arid thorough business Mon xf which was hold on the Ifibb. and 16th
" - to arillagel. . .
spared close at band, Government Blue Books. Rev. Mi. promotion, � ong I I I 8 i� Success in every � par
could have been say �hat all the hotels and liquor storof in its tljem be�11]1 ' insts., Wa . . ticular
we Sat the service through i without any Broloy followed, and delivered I Messrs. Ja a Fair, W. Colits, 9
- a ver Must bE C1680 on Thursday next, when . Georgo The exlubitlin all the a�aitments, was
I . .
one: offering -as a book. - When. the last able speech. He showed ve Cy the Ote on'the Sco �t Act is being takeD. M"kenzie, R� excellent and extensive. Thursday,
hymm was announced' one I t* . .
.1 of my how far statistics were to be relied upoi i 1)�. Ryeilion, of '!Toronto, will Iviait Holme,4 W. J. Palsl y, A. H. Manning; tbough'ilooiny in the mornilig, was fine-
. .
I ' . ,
ftioads was about to help himself to in the case of intoxicating liquiors, eE- . Stratford profession ally on Satur'd y : W. Jaelson and Geo ge Glasgow I 11-1 � . throughout, and the attendance was
.one of two hymn books -which hapip'en - I nt very large. It is eStiME ted �hat there
I pecially when the figures were manipu- nex �, a d 'Will - be at.theVindsor hbt 1, THE GRzAT QUBETION,—Excitei:410
- ed to be in the se&t, when it was do. lated by certain parties to sait a certain —Mr. obortt;Wilsw was-ki4ed by one here over the Scott Act throws ev�rp, ,were not less than fivel tbollsand per-
liber6tely saa,tGb,ed from before him by purpose. He � . shed the people to j qd g 3 of 1 is i1orses the (�ther d ay. . - 'The I ani. thing elsoin the shadei. The fight is,' sons on tLe grounds at one t.;;Me in the
a lady (?) . . I � � .
occupying the Same seat. for themselves and look at the xiumber mal struckibirn in the side, and lie is hot, but rather one! sided., ,The tem- afternoon. Blyth has this year again
- No,,W, Sir, the Presbyterian church of crirLes right in their own commnn- Still suffering from the blow.—Mr. ' EO, perance people clairn. that victory; is fully sustained its high, repotation for
-lerstand that such conduct, ity which they can trace directly .to) Fowler, formerly 0 1 Tuckersmith, b -it Sure. A tremendous me(ting was hle i :
ought to unc I cl its excelient fall shows. lEne6uraged by
that such treatment of strangerslis � intoxicating liquors which are never at. 'Dow of Sheldon, IDahota, this fall last Thursday 'night, at which the ut. past suc�ess, the management have de-
simply suicidal, for it has the undoubt- 1 trib.uted to that cause in the criimin I thre3he on t e far 2 � � of Mr. Wra. S�pith Most enthusiasm was sbowD. Aev.Mr, cided to.make their exhillbition more at -
s I -
ed effect Of dl;iving away from the 1 statistics. Stapistics as far as drunken. � 1,35, . . day, f)r Ste wart,Presbyterian minister,odculpied � tractive I next year than jBver.,'
. I � I sb!els of rain in one .
� chuarch young, earnest workers of both 1 ness was concerned amounted to noth.- whioh a was paid cents per bush6l, the chair. Eloquent addresses were LocA,L:BRm ivs.—Rev. Mr. McLean and
' . I . I I I
sexes wha would be the pillars of the I ing. Where one unfortunate gets ar- How does this st ike our Canadian delivered by. Dr. Maledonald, of Wing, wife wer.,esummoned to' ttend the fn-
� I
church in, the days to come. Few voung ! rested and sent to jail for drankennesE I thre3he s �? I .What .as the old vet6ran, 'r ueral, on Monday, of r8.' McLoan's
- I . I ham, 'and M . K. b. B ifloy, of - Cliu- 4
people have the couraga -to brave a ; how many get iruuk and create distux- Mr.. W I . Murray, to say. about it? ton. InvitatiODS weie extended to the I father, the late Rev. Wialtee.: Inglis, of
I �
I �
second time aa atmosphere in which � bancos who are, never touched'? It need - As 8 nil sta�'nce of the good value given opposite party to be presE nt, but DO One I ;
. . Ayr, a sketch of whose life'ana labors
the Bocia.1 thermometer approacbes, So � ed no argument to prove. thi' I �
' t) � s, every on � --by our F eaforth grain dealers for whe t 4ppea,red. Resoluticuis support,ing the , a-ppeaxe(l in last Monda)'s Globe.—Rev.
. "I �
� I
-i, sir,-&.� Anew it theingelves. He qpoted fro Tuesday I last, ti Scott Act were unaDirno ied the
nearly the freezing point. 1an I we May st�te that ) le . usly car-ried. - Mr. Sabine, of Walton!, ocoup
Presbyterian, and have the good of the � ihe hic-j,hest authorities [and greates highest pribw,paid n Montreal ra rhet i POLITICAL.—Tbe "Efou. A. M. Ross, : pulpit of tba Methodist hurch, here, on
r, I vi
. I
Preribyterian church at heaxt, hence . statesmen in Great Britain to pro PirovinciEd Treasurer I �
I � I ve bii,�' wask (e,D's per tushel; on th l . , adcressed a large 1 Sabbath. last, both mor, ing and even -
- eetina of h I . � Dtleoan is
the above lines--Cour,Ti�:,,Y. arguments. The evils arising from in' day WbE t u Sea,for,,h was 73 Cents'; it 0 is conrilituents here last 4 iDg. The rever�ened g an
I. � a I . I
—NOTE.—Wei are incliried to the 1 temperance were too appareut to every- cost 12 cents per bushel for freig t riday evening. There was a good at, ' earriest and.forcible pregcher.—Mr. M.
opinlan that our corre,,pondout is'overly 1)ody to require statisticsto prove thera. fro Seifortht,oMcntreal,thuarnalikiiig. 5endance, but not hearl so large a � B. Malldry has ,removed to his new
Benqitive. If, as be Say a, thero were a , Ou another occasion he I . J
would be fully the �'eaJorb,h prices 4 cents per buslial ,,rowd as at the Scott Act meeting the , promises north of the Co�nmercial hotel.
nutnl)-r of unuried books in tho paw be- prepared to go into statistic . P
� S witli, bi " er th n Mon A'eal. The sarbe is DreviouseveniDg. The Hon. gentleman 1 —Mr. G. Hamilton haB' lad
I 9 . � i improved a
. t
Side him, that ig, n o don bt, the very rea- his Opponent. The Reverehd gentle- the � r Mar rut of the markets. � � lelivered one of his characteristically : repainted both his buildings on Dinsley
. . . .
4 ��
� I ple
; 'n I
e P
.� D1. P
, ME �
" nt
t ,
w( �
, ,
9 6
� I ,
- L �, '(
- �- -
I ;0 -,
� G
b 9
Son why th,)iie church members'who sat Mull Was litit-c-ned to with rapt ,at- dolightfil -i eather Df the early part ol ible addresses in which ae dealt with street, one of them has 4ud a new front
- �
nearbim did not -qffer hira a book, ag fellti()n by the -vast audience, and the we'llk i g,ave pi ftee to a heavy "rain the various question of political iDter. ' put in, Rud is now oceupied by" Mrs.
t7aeY wGuld naturally suppose he would � was frequeutly enthusiastically up- Storm . oil T esday ji � gbt, jind ou T1 urs- st at the present time. Mr. Ross has Grwham, Milliner and dressmaker.—
have BE-nqe enough to help hi � �-' A . .1 � i
COSelf, ,%nd , plauded. He closed a very able ad- day moi ning when -6-Ths left their a improved very , Much as a platform. � Mr. M. Young, conveya�nceri is having
s .
US for th(3 action of thO hf,dy, We &I-0 I dress, of an hour and a quayter, in de- beds anid �1�oked ut, the cold. .v S akeroflate years and now he has ' hie building—office and reBidence—cor-
V-UM the ts,Pvarm' ru e.,�,e;jo w,-6 en,k h� , - �
V a - ,i,-(:Iy ; fence of tho Scott Act by "21in- t malt hti ve been Be: t through ther i y � Malay r,uporiors' I Afrl. Cameron, Ill
-- . . 0 � 0 , �Qet I 4 b I ner King and Queen stIi,eets, improvecl
K--- I .
I - I I
. . I
- � .
. I
. i
� 1
I -
I .1
I ,
- :
i i
i �
7 1
; .
I I .
I � I .
. . I � 1. - - . - -
I .
- I I.. ..
� �
'�, - 1�
I - .
i .
. :
;-L'.- ,
. - I - -1 -- --- --
. i
. i �
� 1�
I �
� i
4 1 .
� � � .
i I �i
i ;
i .
i �
! - I
I i
� I i
OCT,OBIRR 24, 184
1 1 i I
i .
ind painted insideand outside. The
)&inter has been� at upon it for the
i i I
� I
� I
� 1. �
i � I
. . .
� I . I
. � I'll � I
. .work
. I �
Ast two or three weeks, ana will soon
: ;
� �� I
� ; 1.11
I �
iave it in good shape.—Mis�'g Young is
! I . �
I I .
� . �
. t I
I -
. �
iow in Owen Sound visiting!
i � 11
� !! ;
I I .
ArB. McKeller's. re3idence,
pn Dinsley
I 1
. r I . .
4 : ...
.. .
itreet, is approaching completion,
.UB,&.b �
B-11 IN— I
: I
� �
; .
. . . .
� I
I �
vill be a decided improvem�nt
to that
I i i
. I
. , ! .
. :
I .
ocality.—The Scott Act -is 1now
the all
- i i
: �
: I
i I
I .
Lbsorbing question and top10
of conver-
i - i
I i i : .
� � :
i �
� 4 �
.! . i �
istion and debate, and this
is as it
; &
17 cy
i � I
i � I I
sbould,be. NOW is the timelor
� I
i � :
io talk and think on that !subject,
i i i 3
I ! I
1 � � I
� I 1,
1at they maylbe prepared! I
on Thurs-
; I I
I � i
. �
� . �
lay of,,next week to come �ut and re
I i
I � '
I I -NTT]![ '
. � I
-,ord their votes intelligentIly and con'
� I
wientiously either for or
�gairtst the
. �
. z
I i ;
. .
z I I I
Ict. I
. �
! . -
z .
� -
: � .�
I I !
' �
MorriSbank. 1
f �
I tec.
: i
� -
i I -
SQUIRREL HU,NT.—The second
� ,
� i
I .
� � 1i
i . i
iquirrel hunt took place hero
on Thurs-
I .
- I f
I - I �
I �
4 ,
� :
lay, 16th inst. There w
re nine on
: ;
i i � I
mch Side, commanded by M
ssrs. Jobn
� � ;
i .
' '
Aesser: and Howard Snell.
1 i
ff as Scarce, as it was rather
arly in the
. I
i 'Idi
;eason.� However, Most o
the boys
� i .
1 ��
I i I -
lad something to sbo w f .,r
their day 8
; - . r
i ; �
iport when they 11850mbled at
the house
� �
� �
r I � �
)f Geo. Moffat, Esq., when
the game
! :
� I
vas counted and the match
declared a
� . I
. ; I
de. After ample Justice had
bjeen done
I ! '
; ;
. AT ------ I— I
. I
io as ,rich a supper as
any per-
Z . ., . � .
r i .
I . I .
. .1
ioncoulddesire, thefloor was
1 I I
� : �
! ir thedance, which. was
carried on
. � �
I .
. I
� :
vith great zest for several
hours, after
-� I �
t .
. � I
� � I
vhich all dispersed to their homes
y sq.tisfied with the prooeedffigS.
� �
I t
. . -*--' M A
.Iasg music was furnished
by Messrs.
— 'WAS A— i
� � �
� .
1. R -ie 1 L. B rown, L. Rutta:
� 0
i, J. Moffat
1 .
I : .
6nd A. R,,i,n f: s� A vote of thanks
Ondered to the ladies of the
house for
. ' i
Splendid SUCCOSS,
- ��
. i .
i I
� I � I
I �
� i �
: � I
he exc(illent wanner in which
they bad
I ' i
� . - I
� �
� I
- .
)rovide�d for the occasion.
And we are now ready, to Suit every.
. � i
! � I
: -
I . � � i
� ' I
body who May need anything,' in this
I . I I
� � :
. :
eo. Sproat
I i :
department. -- � ! .
: � ; i
I . ry Sale wa�3 -
: Our milline :
, �
vishes no to express his th4nks
to his
I - . ��
)rother farmers of tile t
I !
� I
. - � I �
� . -
i Cess, during last week. Ev�
Cackeromith, Stanley, Halle
;t, Hibbert,
I I I � I
. I
.nd especially McKillop, for
their pres-
I .
.1 i
� 7
� �
ince at his sale, held on Thursday
� last,
: ! expresses their wonder a?
.ud also for their liberal bidding.
-A � I
� �
I � �
� -
hirty head of cattle pliange
hands un-
� .
- i
! - I
� r,ea,actions we make. i -I
[er the ably wielded ham
er of the
q . I I
I �
. I �
iotable: Joe in the short sp
o of three
. I
iours, besides a lot of horses
and sbeep,
, i !
� �
� �
,nd a number of side sales made
,ard that
in the
in the
I . :
p � I ��
� i 1
of stock was not
I .
I � .-
1i �
iBt. Prices ranged for th)roughbred
. I
1 I i
ows from 45 downwards;
grade cows
---- a,
� i
7 i ; I
� . � i
I . I
� . � I
- �
rom $,50 Some
of the
. - --,��M—Mmwmwft
I ! ,,-WINGS, 0-ANAMfEb
oriucipal p nrebasets were Messrs.
libbert-; Braithwaite, Hallett
; Robert
IV - � ;
Irishmen blush for—anTrishman sadly -'.
.� . I
� 7 i �
I . I � i I
Perris, Hul�ett; John Red
and John
fallen since the days wlien Erin' s sons
- I
� of goods I -eft to:t
! - Lots . . I
IcKinlev, Stanley, and Alex,
were described by a' gif ted ipoet Lag
� i I i
� ; I i I
t i
4cKillo - '
I p- ! I
"loving honor and virtue more th,%n
11 woman or golden storto," Tolow in
i i i I � I i
i � come and get some cif
I � I
A GO OD SALE.—The anc
sale of
some measure how f,tr Atr. Writt's state.
i . � !
arm stock, on the farm of
�inlayson, in Tackersmitb,
Mr. Win.
was largel y
. ,
ments agree with the truth, Il enclose
. . ;
bf,rgains now going.
,ttended and proved very Satisfactory.
his tender, which was the on!1y com..
munication we 'had from him ! of
I . , � .
I I . � � .
I : . I
lis black, breeding mare
hased by Mr. 'Win. T)IeCloy
was par-
for �216;
kiDdg an(f which I a,ik yrou to g;ive your
� ;
; : V,Ve have an unusuail: I
. . .
I . I
he bay. mal�e was purchas
d by the
; I
readers' verbatint et literdt-77b, and I only-
, �
wish vou could: give a samplei of the
I �
I I �
i � � t
� ;
I -Of -
FUR -S., and all kmdg � I
fessrs. Love Brothers, of Hi
or $193. A two year old g
ll's� Green,
ldiDg' was
Mechanical part of the 'wdrk, that they
I I . : � ! I
I I . :
archased b Mr. Campbell,of
may judge how f ar it should reecimmend
its author, or how far th,o prod�,,ctiou is
1: .
� - - i -w
I � -ned which we!
i .
:)r 619�, and a sucking foal
based by Mr. Alex. Park; of
was pur-
entitled to be classed a.moiagst -1 best
I -
: . . i
. . i
I � -
I . I
)r $100. One yearlina steel-
,sold for
recommendations and se6urities;" other
i I . �
� I cheap at the Cheap Cas4 S
� I
361 and four spring calves realized
than this we had not,hibg on whic,h to
base an estimate of tho!mian's fitness to
� � � i �
. .
1 ; �
� .
nd the remainder of the sbodk
roportionately bigh. Mr. Fitilayson's
do the work. M r, Edi or, when your
; � 1. I �
� , L � . I I
took was all good, and the
d that it do
� ,
ri6es qnot-
readers learn. that Mr. Writt was a
stranger -to the membors�� of t1l' COn.n_
� . � I
. 1, �
� - I �
above, show 8 pay
I e
ocid st6ck. It will not cost
any more
cil, that heoff ered no recoaamend[ations,
FR. -
a rear a two hundred dollar
colt than
thathe offered no security fo I
r 5 e pro-
. I �
� .. I
� .
: I
� z I
scrub that would be dear
at fif ty
per performance of the I they will
ollars. The whole realized
the hand-
not be at a loss to know:Why.bi3 tender
was passed over, and tho offer (though
� . I I
: . �
I :
ame sarn of 01,650. . i
I .
a little higher than soule others) of a
I �. . I . �
t I s k
. �
� Stanley.
gentleman whose tondor was 1: accom.
I � ; -
I .
panied by testimonials � from Councils
,,� ;
, RENTED.—Mr., Thomas
for whoin h e had done Isimilar�
. -, I—
. I
- .-I I
)n. for!rnany years reeve of
the town-
and also by the offer of Arst-claO
y �
il . :
[lip of Stanley, has rented his
farm on
ity, was accepted. And when I add
. � —Thieves stole five bt,ttl
.. .
as Parr line, south of Var-
a, to Mr.
there were two other tenders lo�er
I I *: meotal wine from S -t. Jam:
Vatson, a neighbor, for at
r m Of six
Mr. Writt's, your readers will4onder
. i Pioton, Nova Scotia, aol
ears, at an annual rental of
$300. The
what- the 11 squeal " sto,uds on. And
. �
I 1� over the altax. ! -
. I .
Lrm contains 100 acres. MI
- Simpson
now, when the true choracter of Mr.
-. — A.bout K000 has al.re ,
itends retiring from f arrain
j,, and will
.1 .
Writt is made plain to us by hi
I . .
I t scribed f or -the montropl.
� . : �
ave an auction Bale of hit
titock on
the members of, the Cotincil Peel
: . 1880'. It promises to OX4
I - I I
. 416
Vednesday, November 5th .
to Brucefield to livio,
' -on
posed to congratulate themselves
� � have Previously been hip"d.
I li,
from Qilel
urchased the residence at present
having escaped being pirty to! a con-
tract with so undesirable a contiaztor—
. �
i � —Adespatch
. ".
� �i political ,orators stumped
� . �
npied by Mr. Peter Me
regor, for
a man who 'could, indeect,'underl'
i .1 Df :Beauce and Mega, atki &�
� ", I
I .
rhich. he pays 01,300. It
is a nice,
direction, dig a small diteb, but
� "I -thel electors at the 4qhll
� .
Dm!ortable residence, and we,
wish for
- should aspire to nothing' high r. Mr.
. PJ1 the . more im-portalit
fr. and Mrs. Simpson, many
years of
. .
Writt ref uses to see Ahe real and obvious
I �
Sunday. 1
ealth and happiness in ' their
ble new home. Mr. McGre
or intends
1 -
reasons why his tender Was pass9d over, '
. —John MP,Leod, a yov
his life in Kiucardiu'o
3moving to his farm adjoining
and to make the public believe
that his name and natiopality stood be.
I While attending to hit I
- ,
old. I
tween him and the success of -his
p Ian.
I engine room of -NU t
OBITUARY.—M&Lly of our readers
His efforts will go but a, shdrt
way in
: �
woghs he came in 1 4:,
ear with feelings of the d
3epost re-
the face of facts so easily proven.
. th4 driving wheel and", 'A
ret of the death of Miss Alli,
decline his 'advice about � the I I �o
I ldlIbd 1
. I
oungest daughter of Joseph
need apply " business.i, In hen
� -
--The 20th anniversaty,
,sq., of the Bayfield road,
could substitute' *,.no one but !a
tion occurs in. 1886, and -1
[ism Higgins has been in ill -health
knowing his business need !
ari,,Sen -of celebrating th,4 *
n �
early a year, and her death
was not
This would effectually dispose I
of the -
� international exhibition'In
ulooked for. She contracted
Adi which settled on her I
a severe
ngs, and,
veracious - would -be CO
Writt, ' S.'SMILLIE,
r, Mr.
- I a 'grand Scale. . �
—Five hundred emplepyc
3rminated in consumption,
hich fin.
. . Deputy
I in Toronto met on T%Ief
ihed its work on Sunday In
, ning last.
. I J
i-- �
. Aud.Organized the - Bre Ovei
he was but twenty years of! age, and-
The following is Mr. , ritt's t
I ,
i Ation "'
; Protective Associ i '4
rior to this was always a remarkably
tender. r
. 1814
I pofie of the r autual pro, I e
)bust and healthy perlpon. [For some
det 2 .
t I imterests. Tlioypropos6
i. I
Drisiderable time before her Olness she
to the coancil of tuckersmith I the un�er
11 I thloend. by strongly 0.00.1i
as teachg'r in t'
will cdt dig and emplet the ditch enrolhM
and spesfiestion for the sum
to Plans
oent one
I � Art ond. its promoters �t
Irussels public school, wheite she dig-
. -
dollar and seventy five cents pe-;r�.T,fo
-l�he hole
: tunit . ,I
I : I y
layed great ability and aptitude in the
work. ! P. J.�WRJTT
. - ,
I —Sionaay evening a set
i -rr.
rofession of her choice, I y her kind
� - I
ocaarred at the Grand 1 �
-able dispo
nd lov tion had made her-
�i Hay. I
I I Hamilton. As the Totol
elf a favor*te with,tbe truste3s, her fel-
l .,
� !
i : �
i coming to a stop an,
I � ,
I '
)w teachers and the pupils inder her
harge, and was well liked an� I univera-
pursuant to adjournment onlFriday,
I I � off 'while the train W.'s
I � L .
anal falling, got under I
Ily respected by all -Who. new her.
October 17th. Moved by'LKr. Slurernst
seconded by Mr. Heyr � ock that the
L the train, crushing one i0f
� . �
ler bereaved parents and relB,tives will
ave the sincerest sympathy of a very
ditch opposite lot 19 L 0011ces Sion 3, -
'i i
I �
I 1 jelly. ��'.AA -,
I ! —it i's red
irge circle of friends. i I
b,�, sufficiently deepened to allow
the' Burfaz o ran ()'ff, the
�� ; �,
I : month since the Six-, ;'
I � -- -
� Deg enerate IriBhuaa
I I - .
L . i
work Lto be do'ne under the saper-
of the pathmaster, the cost of
11 I
i settled on their reBervle I
The event was �celebrata.
I .�
.1 Grievaaice.
I which shall not exceed $10. MoVed bY
-L a
11 �010us mannerduring 10
I week when an �agricul:tu
DEAR EDITOR : -In the Mi
Ichell Ad-
Mr. Heyrock, seconded by Mr. McE wen,
1 held,.' I exhibition *ta
ocate of October 10th, a caimmunica-
that the clerk be instructed to notify
I . .
. . . every department, f ally'�'. Le,
ion appears over the Signs, u
e of J. P.
Mr. J. Spackman to forward to lifin on
� I � I
. 1 7
. � 'a 001111 . i .
, try show. 1
Vritt, which reads as fo Ilow
. .
: Ten-
or beforo the 15th Noivember next &
: ; I
. .
1� —Information bag rel
ders were asked for in your
paper for I
detailed statement! of all . statute labor
I � I
- I I
f that the aspect of afl�wits
Making 1,106 rods of drain
t broligh
performedby him allLd Money paid for
: � itein, is most serious. T,1 -16:L
the township of Tackermith,
statute labor on behalf of tile Canadiii,
� -
Alp,rs their friends; I
were opened privately by t
a e Council
Company for the year 1884. Moved
: .- and
� " L police! )
; d4achment of
on the 2ud inst. As they Were
servants sworn to do their
4uty with-
Mr. McE wen, Seconded by Mr. 116yroclit
that Mr. H. Lipphardt be req
I red � to
� . r fr6m Toronto, atonce 415,
out fear, favor or affection,
I naturall y
deposit with the Reeve on or .
ore the
� � I
I :, . UP ,-
I 'holding their tra'30
� :
believed that a,ll who to nd
red would
25th inst., a legally executed bond
�� UQ'x,,essary. A .1arge �v
. I I -
� i 'n4vvies in the camp we
receive fair play. In all s
were opened, and althou
x tenders
mine was
approved suretiEs for the amDunt.of
$12,000, as a guaranteo that
be will
: I , � r,f
� Winchester rilles and � ,
I � i
� : � I
$29 lower than the low
st, it was
collect the variouf, rat6s
for t�oyeax
I � !r6gular -watch was OrgAU)
. �, I '
tUe steamer from laudl;11
Scarcely considered, although
I had
1884, and deposit all mo:rteys vitli
. � . V
`-*- 20ent. Notices Were $,Its -
offered the best recommendations
treasurer accord ing to 41 w. Moved
by -
11 ' , ilig that th,e police w0tllli
security. It was quite e
the broad Scotch accent of
dent from
Mr. Rannie, Seconded by Mr. k
that the followhig accounts be p
3,id: 0.
I .
I �
.T ! to land, or to remain �at
I . � .
bers of the board, that my
namo, had
Oswald, repairii-, two culverts,
$4; J. -
I � : Fr.om the d,esperate �cl
� -
� , the
a good deal to' CIO with my
offer being
kFanson, repairing culvert �2.50-
� Mon who engage in I
I I � -
� i -at this oint, -and the :41t
rejected, and in futur
when th'e'
J\TcKie, cedar aDdrwork pulridge,
. I I their fr p Jends to assist 0�f
Council of Tucl,-ersmith I
sh to let a
' ATT. Beehler, Mi akiug ditell, $12;
i Heyrock,
Q.. 0117,
: , -
I : I there is little doubt th*
public job, would advis
embody in their advertise
I them to
ent that
repairiDg culvert, 50:,�.; 0.
buildip 9 culvert,, $4; 11, Heyrock,
ce dar
i. I Mont will have to comP I
I I � �
no Irish need E6pply."
i and building ap-proacbeg to Hqyrock's
i a Wg,l
1. li %Edn wit-liou&t lana; � ;
� ul'". e 8; i of the catal
From the general toue, of
is letter,
bridge, $18; C. Aldwin-th'-work �a
131 6
I ituatio ,q- I
Z Able for the purposes &
s well as the fact tbat- it
4outains, a
road, $25 ; Paul D. c2d4r
and -
� .
4. -
few,resoint e men coul(I I
bull," for was not his tender
,. lower
plank, $56 37; Berlin Vire injurance
I I - , :
: 114ading impossible. , � I
Ilan the lowest? I infer Mr�
Writt is
Company, ,�2,90. The Council I
. I � . ----+—
. I I L
u Irishman, but D.n Irishman
ed to raeet on Tuesday, Novemb
! � .
- L t- i-� - s�?�,- -
. I
- 1%��� I �
I- �
i i.
. .
� .
- ,%' i I
� .
I I a
�.. - i
47 �
.L ,;V. � I
- iir�- 4A :
i ze, I :
.4 , :
I � .
. �
.� . I
.-� .. I .1