HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-24, Page 51111easseessa prong. neer en,,i;; S- Gray; '; s°vr, Ise ram, n., eagTattnje a, en Cann Craw • Curl. ineine - Sae et ram, R. "wee lane [ore aged aR.de a on ,betiff, ad ea inn Li -11 tik Sons Geo. see. tewarta. 11*Robeee Glenn, G. Ste_ g rant, h, bomb, eWes MINT, lit. bat, Dr* , Tread. vr; Sen.. C01.0 Eler kind, g wheats areGbeers nittel, R. Ham. 'Sprung, r„ °eta, 1te- oats, Peas, G. ef flour, etoes, a.• toes, g, L11 pot.a, w; ode n. Bear ; rn Fear•; ton, R. Barr, S. T. Barr, ions, J. 4ing, J„ !onions, sans, J. iderson, �n& T. aniiton, as, Jas. tter, R. hatter, n rolls inherit ; G.. Col- : honey fley in tewart, • Shenn arr., R.. 0, W. ab-aegee rs, Dr. winter r varie- 'atton ; &w, T. T. ert,W. , Shar- es, W. pears„ airs, J. !es, He J. Mo- iersore Barre gardea r; col- ; can - Scott;. frns 11- _ ICC3. Fear; ht leg - black inson-; Wil A.J. A. j. Farris - A.. j. ion; peon ; Will- nall Tifton. icagOltt. Rob - i her - &Jag; A. runs - 01)811, sdon, L. A. ereter, Wil- Rob - and COI- ernep nbine J. ease' New - gain iapie parent ttor ; !Pal - 4 L. all Ste- te, R. a G. L t, M. edit - 'telt ; reit; 4 T. Jas. lacy 6011; 'fee - OCTOBER 24, 1884, sbirt, T. Hamilton, G. Moffat;.hair floweret 3. Symington, W. R., Wilson, seised Berlin wool work, M. A. Nott, miss IffeClelland ; Berlin wool work, get, W. R. Wilson, Mrs. Dr.. Carder ; Berlin wreath, Mise McClelland, feath- er floWerS, W. R. Wilson, wax work, M. A. Nott, embroidery, Miss Ruddell, Miss McClelland, French embroidery, ?dies Taylor, Mrs. W.Watsen ; braiding en cotton, M. A. Nott, W. R. Wilson, braiding on WOOL Miss Symington,Mrs. j,Bair, ; sofa cushion, Miss Symington, Miss Sloan, rag mat, W. J. Proctor, Miss Boyd, rag carpet, W. J. Proctor, D. Moore; collection ladies' work, Mrs. w. Watson, W. R. Wilson; gent's slippers, Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, Mies Lynn ; darned net, M. A. Nott, Mrs. Dr.Carder, ; plain sewing by a girleinder 14 years, T. Hamilton, Miss A. Taylor, hand, made flannel shirt, Miss MoClel- land, T. Hamilton; home made straw hat, D. Parker, G. Collison, stocking yarn, T. Hamilton, G. Young; patch on gent's pants by a young lady not older than la years, E. A. Collison,Jane Kitoheu ; darn on socks or stockings, by 11, young lady not older than 14 years, Jane Kitchen, Miss L. Magee, fancy leather work, Miss M. Nott, stencil work cretonne. Miss McQuarrie ; gentle - Iran's fine boots, 1st and 2d C. Shereit; ajoarse boot, 1st and 2c1 C. Sherrit ; set single haraese, 1st and 2d J. T. Carter, set double harness, 3. T. Carter. GDGES. Horses. -James MoBride,Carlow ; A. Young, East Wawanosh ; John Batten - bury, Brucefield. Sheep. -J. Anderson, Wingbam ; W. Clark, Goderich ; Geo. Moffatt, Turn- berry - Pigs and Cattle. -W. 3. Biggins, N. Math.eson, Clinton ; E. Watson, Blyth. Poultry. -T. F. Colles; Blyth ; T. M. .Caeling, Clinton, John Downing, Gode- rich. meameemeneamna MoKill op. • THE HU _ . ON EXPOSITo.R. this village, who delivered a v ry ne and well prepared addrees. he nee speaker of the evening was M. M. Mo -Lean, of Tim Exeosrron, wh • gave thoroughly practical and telling • dreg entering into and discussing all th points in favor of and. urged age nst th Scott Aot in a fair, liberal an candi manner. The next t?)- add ss th meeting was the Rev. R. Y. T omson of this plaoe, who, on accoun of th lateness of the hour, did not att mpt give anything like a lengthy add ess, bu confined ,hirnself to a few r mark whioh were of an instructive and in interesting character, relating s i the did to the hicome derived hroug the liquor traffic, and the spend'. tura caused through and. r sultfn from the same. The reverend gentle man, in order to make the 9.1230t111 received and expendet. mor clea and simple, gave interesting e ample and comparisons 'in the way of grid and bread. The Rev. John B 11 the closed the meeting with a few nterest mg remarks in regard to the working of the .4.ct in Prince Edward island. The orde maintained throughont th meetnig eras good. COMPLOIENTARY SUPPER. -0 The day evening of last week a lar e num ber; -of the friends of Mr. ohn Hackney, of whom we made entio last week ,as giving up teaching, asse bled at the Hensall House an ente tained him at an oyster suppet. Spec forbids as this week giving full a count of the same, but We leara ver pleasant and enjoyable time w s even by all present. Manitoba and North Notes: 1. The first severe frost of the struck Mauitoba on the night 'o day, the 7:th inst. : -Deer. Lodge, Winnipeg, h purchased by Mr. R. R. McLen tractor, for 16,000. THE Rerener CLUB. -A, meeting of the -Old settlers- in Manitoba Me-itillop Reform Club will be held. in are enjoyieg the finest October the Temperance Hall, Winthrop, on the country has_been favored w Monday evening next, at the usual hour. 1862.. - As large an attendance as possible is -There are said to ..be ver particularly desired.. ' indications that there is an a FIRM SOLD. -Ur. James Nichol has add his farm on the 6th concession of - MoKillop to Mr. Charles Anderson, of gaysville, brother af Mr. W. Anderson, of the 5th concession, for the sem of 18400. The farm contains 100 acres, but as it ie one of the very best in the township the price is not considered too high.Mr.Nicholretaina possession until spring, when himself and Mrs. Nichol intend taking a trip -to the old country. COUNCIL DOINGS. -At a meeting of the McKillop council held on the .4th inst., the Clerk was authorized to draft- s by-lawi empowering the trusteea of school section No. 5, to borrow the sum of 1500, to be re -paid in five annual in- stalments with interest. The Reeve was authorized to call an arbitration of the Wardens of Huron and Perth for the purpose of making an award on the town line between McKillop and Logan, in the event of the Reeves of these tnnni- oipalities not coming to an amicable settlement thereon by the 15th inst. At a special meeting of the council held an the 20th bast., the following resolution was passed : Moved by Mr. Wm. Arohibald, seconded by Datiel Malley, that the resolution passed by the council at ite meeting on the 16th of August last, respecting the! levying and collecting all school rates -required to be levied by the different school cor- porations be now rescinded with the ex- ception of all such applications presen- ted by such school trustee corporations to this corporation at or before its meet- ing in August, as the school law pre- scribes. And the Clerk notify those trustee corporations forthwith accord- ingly. Also that the Clerk be instruct- ed and authorized to have the collec- tors roll ready for the collector on or before the Lend November next. Hens all. t A PLEASA.NT ENTERTAINNE1-..fT.-The Young LadiesLiterary Society gave their first entertainment in Hodgin's hall on Tuesday night. Notwithstand- ing the unfavorable weather the ball was fairly well filled, all who appreciate talent turning out to patronize the new society, which bids fair to be a source, not only of emusernen 6, but also of mu- tual improvement. The chair WitS ably -Red by Dr. MaDerraid. The pro- gramme was excellent. The society purpose giving their next entertainment three weeks from the last, that is on the llth of November. B-RIETS.-OUr first flurry of snow fell on Wednesday night. A foretaste of , what we may in a very short tin3e, ex- pect to Rtay right with as. -41 very large gnantity of grain has been nesaketed here during the past week, particularly barley, this being acknowledged as the best market for the same to be fund Mr. J. Macerthur, of Ailsa Craig, was in the village t last week. -Mr. Wm. Stoneman, in, has recently purchased the Bible Christian church- property, situated on King street. -Mrs. D. -Urqu- hart is visiting friends ill. London. -Mr. Thos. Dick and wife, of this village, left this week on a trip to Sraith,'e Falls. We wish them a pleasant time. -Mr. J. A. Blake, who has been carrying on busi- ness as a shoemaker for the past couple of years.neaves this week for Teesweter, where he intends engaging in the same business. -Mr. Wm. Peugally, who pur- chased the dwelling adjoining his own residence on King street-, has had the same moved back a number • of feet from the street, thereby adding to the appearance of the property. He has also added a neat, addition to his pres- ent dwelling -The Methodist body of this place are making inaprovemen ts in connection with the church property, Hensall North Division naving given the contract for the erection of a large and well finished stable and driving abed combined, and Herisall South Division are at present engaged la collecting material for the erec- tion of a large open shed. Mr. Thome& Town, one of Mr. W. - Copp's masons, has been doing great execution of late among the muskrats in, ReIl's dam. Thomas is said to be one of the moonlight crack shots. • • SCOTT ACT MEETING. -A meeting in the interests of the Scott Act was held in the Methodist church here, on Friday evening last. The church on the occasion was erowded to its utmost cepacity, many being obliged: to stand throughout the evening. The meeting was opened by singing and. prayer, after which Mr. Wm. Buchanan, of Hay, was called to the chair. After Making a few brief remarks, the chair- man called on the Rev. J. IL Dyke, of deposit of petroleuin at Calgar Machinery for making the test purchased and a. genuine pe boom is expected soon. - Considerable damage h done by prairie fires near Ewer Phern creek. • The villages, Emerson and Huron Cite w saved by the exertions of brigade. - -There are at present thirty fire alarm wire strung in Winni is also -estimated that there more thee five hundra-miied phone wire in operation, with o hundred telephones, -Miss arah McGregor, 4au Mr. Arote McGregor, of Poi: Farm, near Pilot Mound, has quite, a reputation as an e}e-pe Since the season opened the[ yo has suoceeded in capturing,. ab ducks and a number of prairie c - A prisoner named Arthur confined in the jail at Port a charge pf attempted rape, desperateattempt -to suicide t day with a pair of scissors. H them against the wall and pre heart against theme driving the handle in, his body. He next the scissors into his neck, but flicting a mortal wound, was ov •ed and tne, scissors taken.from e t. TEIE MARK -PITS. , SEAFORTH, Oct. Fall Wheat per bushel.. Spring Wheat per bushel Oats per bushel- . Peas per buebel Barley per bushel Butter, No. 1, loose Butter, tab. • • • ..... • • • .3 J • • • • • 0 6 to EggEi . 0 8 to Flour, per 100 lbe 2 Q to Pork, per 100 pounds 7 1 to 0 Hay, new 6 0 to 0 Hides, per 100 lbs. • • • • ... • • • • 5 0 to 0 .Sheepskins ,each 0 to ... .... ....... 018 to Salt (retail ) per barrel Sait (vrholeaale) per barrel Potatoes, tper bushel, new0 0 to Wood, per cord 2 0 to - Apples per }fag $0 3 to Cmmotti Oct. 123, 1884. Fel I Wheat per bushel $0 0 to $0 4 Spring Wheat per bushel 0 0 to 0 4 Oats, per bushel 0 8 to 0 0 Barley per bushel 0 5 to 0 5 167 to BBaeatste.pre. .. bu.shel. . 00 ... • • . • .. • • • • • • SO • • .0 Egg 0 6 to s. P. • Hay per ....... . . 8 0 to Potatoce, -per bushel-. 0 0 to Apples per barrel 2 to Wool........!.... ... . ......... 0 6 to Hides, per 100 lbs - 6 0 to Pork7 to_ . , Cordwood.......... • • • . • • • 8 0 to est seasolit Tu.° sbeeij - an coni - ay the eathe th since . r strong! undane ar.0141be Teu ell s beeti on an(k f West e only he fire flee df eg. hterfon 1 er fo0' cf rov� gainoet4 t eh . ng ladye ut fifte ickene. Oland, thur, oa ade e other placed Bed his • to the plun g efore iti- rpowe*- iLII. IS 11 1. 11 3,1884. $0 /0 to $0 74 0 tO to 0 '14 0 to 0 0 5 to 0 0 to 0 0 15 to 0 $0 68 16 o 178 *5 2 7 7 5 080 0 20 1: 00 1 00 O $0 3 $0 -40o TORONTO, Oct. 23. -Fall wh to 10.76; spring, g0.76 to /0.78; to 34o; peas,e59c to 60c ; barle 73c ; hay, per ton, $9.00 to butter, 17c to 0c;2potatoes 10.45 to $0.50; eggs, -per doz., 2 dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., 17.00. Inyeapoore Oct. 22.-Sprin 06s 08d; red " winter, California No. le 07s 05d ; No. 2, 6s- 08d; oats, 58 05d 5s ; peas, 68 03d ; pork, cheese, 528 06d. ower,Ithe top price paid bei g, five cents. Good to choice sold- at 3ito to 4io per M. live weight, and coin en to air at 21 to 8no... About 800 theep and ambe were received, which met a fairly good . trade. Sheep went at 08.50 to 45.60 each, and lambs at $2 to 14 eech, as to quality. Live hogs were in fair cleneaud and went at from 40 to 6 per lb. 1E1 ‘11111 , Local Ntioes. WANTED, at M. A. I CHARL fie ost Office Store any 'snarl ity of ch i nd Dreamed Poultry, ferri w ich th hi h ill be paid in gooda :or teas. KO- 8 EDWARD CASH is prepared to b uantity of good fall butter in rocks or tubs. Also lamb and slice is nd peltries, from this date. Senior er 22, 1884. 877-11 , PARTIES' Wishitig to Obtill ow interest on nortgmge, will do ve1 . 8.113eott, as he it; Offering' any e ou t the lowest rates of interest o roperty. Will alivays be found a h ay afternoons. 869.81 WILSON & YOUNG have r arge consignment anew Season eas ut prices to the very bottom. Five lbs. ea for $1. Call and examine sto 11 goods guaranteed to give satist cti toek of sugars, tobaccos and ch rrocee ies always on hand and attho lo Ara bargains in crockery an • ake room for g large shipment o he way from E' gland. Now is tt t heap at 'Wn.so. & oune'8. 876 FEEICERS' oT CE. -The most convenien4 power for cutting li root', grinding grain', pumping, &3., i Starldard Geared Wind MW. Ev hould have on4. Price 8170.00,' roe 'oronto. 0. N flame Seaforth, h $ ' geney for the 9ntai to Pump Co np onto, the manufacturers, and / ad n his barnadjoining 1 e Seaforth, which intending pureh ers ork and judge for themselves.' Or( ke given one or wo months befor rt ompany have a great many or& 11 them as rec ivedr 860 OATH'S Butter -at peke ly any a, pollee, WS, furs- ?tem- etv at 011 on t money od farm o atur- 1 1 ived a lid have g od clean n irices. large amity price. w re, to Ilt ()ads on te buy • 1 11 e p st and y etilaw or alliday's 3 farmer o cars at c rd the 1.3 44 To- • erected t vat of ',tee at ta ed th elealisoulde ady, and 'AUCTION SAL On Friciee, 1Novembe 7 h o'clock P.M,on Lot 23, 0 no Hay, near Zurich, Farm S. oc ments and Household Fa nit ward Johnsten, Proprieto ; E berry,lAuctWi neer. j ' On 1,edo sday, Novere er o'clock P. ., sharp, on ' Lo Line, Stanley, South of arn Stock, Implements, nec. li son, proprietor ; J. Neil th *neer. On Wednesda, Octob 2 o'clock, noon, on Lot 24, on Huron RoadeTunkersmit •, F and Implements. Geo Igo proprietor; J. P. Brine, a 'cti On Monday, October 27 at p. m., on Lot 7 Conoess •n I Farm Stock and Imple ents. Walker, proprietor; A. I elg t tioneer. 1I On Fridayep tober 31, at p. m., on Lot 10, Conce ma Farm, Farm Stook and Imp i en Wm. Ingram, proprietor; A. auctioneer, On Saturday, October , a p. m., at the Co 11 mercial Ho did Farm. Sid ey Mort J. P. Brine, sun isomer. On Tuesday, totober 2 , at noon, on Lot 19, Concessi 4, Farrel Stock an ; Imple ent McLeod, Propri tor ; J. Br tioneer. ! On Monday ctaber 2I7 at o i p. -m., sharp, o lot 10, ono Hay, Farm S ock, Im lem Furniture. A. Wambol , E. Bossenberry, Auctione r. On Monday, 0 ctober 27 at 2 noon, sharp, on Lot 31, Cond Mill Road, Tule Jersmith, upe Stock Wm. ooper, pr prie 8 Brine1, auctione r. at 1 s ion 11, Itnple- . Ed- orison - 603 1, at 1 , iParr Farm dimp. n, sw- at 12 sipn 1; Stookey b en , ock Grey, erry 51.10- o' lock retYs: attyt 11 0 a7- O 18 O 18 9 00 • 0 80 2 Q0 O 16 7.00 8 69 at, 0.75 oats, 33O ',500 to 114.0Q ; per bag, o to 22o; 6.00 tie wheat, e 07de; alifornia barley, 4s 004; Live Stock _Market . BIIFFAL0, October 22e-0attl -Dull; prices coesiderably lower ; all of best sol prospects only fair. Sheep an Lam -Steady for sheep at yesterda "'s price, bulk sold, • lambs dull and weakene Canada lambe,.$4.85 to- $5.05; estere, coramon to fair, $3.90 to $4.25; °beide at $4.50 to. 14.75. Hogs- all find lo wer ; - about all sold; sales Yorkers, good to choke, $4.80 t light to fair, 14.60 to 14.75; g diums, 14.95 to $5; choice, $5.1 quoted at $4.25 to 14.56 MONTREAL, October 22. - stock exports last week were li ports of cattle were 927 head 3,541 for prenioas week • 1,08 responding week in 1883% 995 and 2,006 in 1881. The total this season to- date, however, the largest on record; bein head,an inerease of 4,683 h 1883, of 11,622 over 1882, and. over 1881. The exports of eh tinne to run eonsideeably.behin years, and there is no prospe improvement. Last week only went out, against 2,461 for the week, 3,168 for the correspondi in 1883, 1,827 in 1882, and 2,56 The total exports to date a head, a decrease of 41,785 fro 22,895 from 1882, and of 11,5 1881. For cattle prices were 11 ranged, ad me- • Pigs he liVe ht. 4- agaaiaa for 'co n i88, expo* re still 51,547 I ad over 1 f 11,53101 ep can- fornaeri t of at* 52 head -I nrevioUs g week in 180- I 4641.71 1883', uf1 4 trona oak and • 1 19 o' lock plen- rioter ; -2 o'olock, Killotp Angui, , Auc- o'eleck skin 15; ts: and plietor, o'clock, Eisi on r Farm ;IJ.P, 11 irths. RUSSELL. -In H , on'the 11th i of Jr. Wm Ity sell of a son Egmoi &dile on the 21 wife of Mr. El ey Smith of !twin .dauglitcr, the'el n still born. ' HEN87-WHITE bride's parents, gay, on the St Henry, of to Miss Annie KERBL-MeLEOD. in? by Rev. Ker- to Magg Malcolm McLee WIL1 ON -LONG. lin church, Seaf the 21st inst., sale, to Miss M John Long, of t YOUN G-STEWAT 15th inst., by rYborg, of Well eaaghter of Marningbon. CAMPBELL-GRU the! lt ev. J. B. Winnipeg, fo Hannah Grum YO NG-PURVIS v Rev. John Memel Jones, urvis, both of B13 GESS-PURV by Rev. jo n Roes, B. He en Purvis, b nit, S WE AT ER SON- inst., by Rev. church, Mr. Job daughter of th Cli4ton. CULLIEFORD--:-KI kesidence of. t Oreig, B. D., Mi Michigan, to Mr l John Kilty, GRUM MET r -FA at the residence W;IGraig, B. D., Mr. W. Geninnie forth, to Miss Ann E., eldest dauAl W. Farquhar, of Hullett. Deaths. 11 airri ges. AN.- t the rem ceshofthef Mr. M .vturtree init., y Rev. jiship o Ju B 11;_Mr. etca , eon nty of lid' lesex, hitem n, townsh •fHy. At Ei aforth, o thd 22nd A. D. McDonal 1- John e, eld -it daug Mr. t , all o Seaforth.1 At St, James" Rcn Catho- ith, b Be,. Fath Sijea,on r. Sa uel Wilto.) of Bats- ry Ann Long, date er of Mr. e tow ship of Gr T. -In Mcaning o on . the ev. J mrs Boyd reW. 1.1: sley, tq Miss Kati M.I eldest lexand r Stewar , ESA., of I IMET .-In W n meg, lef Uwe, r !Lobt. pbell, of erly f Seafort , to Miss ett, of eMorth. In M rris, on th 51h inst., Ross, B. A., essi d by Rev. r. Jo n Young t iss Agnes orris. S. -In Morrie, le. the 151h ' muel ones, assist by Reve A.' Mr J. Burge to MistA • ehof MorriS. AY. -In Deeroit, •n'the 14 - E. 11.1 Cleveland 1 Christi _ Weatherson to ss Nellie, late A. Bay, Civil ngineer, , tliewife t inst., the son and TY. --On the 8tli in O bride's father, b . W. Cillytotd, of iss M ry eldest d of Hallett% QUHA.Tt . -0, n the of the bridele lath t. at the W onghton tighter of 5th inst. , by Rev , • of Sea er of Mr -HIGGINS.-In Stanley, on the st., Alllie yotingest deughter of JosephHigi , Esq., o Stanley, aged 22 years. FOBTUNE.-ln Cli ton on the 171h t., Sarah evite of Kr. Tho. Fortune, aged 27 ems an 9 nionths. FORBES.-In Cli ton, on the 2011. i sI., Joh Forbes, aged 80 lysars. JUDICI TO CR DITOR L NOTH. E OF HUGH 0,1K .1 HT, DE EASED.- _ puiRs:LTANT to an order of thel Hilt. Court o Jastice, made in re McKnight i fent, the Creditors of Hugh 1oKnigh1, lete at he town - hip of Tuekersmitll, in the County Huron Farmer, who died ii or about the mcn h of May 1884, are on or bef one the 18th (ley of ovember 1884, to send by poet prepaid, to Me53 . Parke & Purdom, London ,Stdicitors, their ch tian and suinames, addresses and :description the ful particular -8 of their laims,.a stateme of their account, and the .n ture of their s urities, if any, betd by them; ir in .default th; eof, they will be peremptoril excluded from th benefit of the said order. very :creditor h ding any security is to prodn the same before • e, the un- dersigned, at merich nibersin Oegotede all in the city of Toronto, on be 21s1 day of r ovember, 1884, at 11 o'clock i • the , forenoon, eing the time appointed for e adjudieation on • e told thTeAll sitG Be Os etob4r.,B.1D, ,J8A.10ar be DR. CARO NO'S FRIDAY VE Under the a epic Ins Hut The Con The chair ill b ne. Admi sion. Owing to r. Igagements, t 's w he will give i Sea • S. G Mc 271. TURE elivered by ILD, SEAFORTH, INC, OCT. 31, s of the Me:thanks' . Subject: Great,Battle." takien at 8 o'clock 25o. ild's numerous en - 1 bo the only lecture orth this year. AUGURY, President. reary. WM. MOOR-, Se ESI RA TOCK. VSTRAY SHE the nnders* ned, Killop, about th lst Iamb. The owner can , property and pajing qh SON. ame into the premises of ot t e-, Huron Road, Me- t J ne last, a ewe and avel the same on. proving ROLPH THOMP- 878x4 'pa STRAY CATTLE.- -1-'4 the Linde) signed Tuckersmith, about yearling heifer and a et may have the same o payling charges. CHA ame into the premises of Lot 16, Concession .4, he 1st of Augnst, one arliag steer. The owner pioving property and LE UPSHALL. 8179x4 ▪ STRAY CATTLE. -"LA of the subscriber, SiX, young cattle, one y 2 heifees. One of the mostly red with some heifers of grey color th onforehead. In oe neat of the satnewil le snit McCOLL, Rodg 'vine Stilt abo ar 0 teer wh ot on 1 bly ‚0 • ed from the premises t the middle of July, d past, 4 steers and white, the others spots. One of the er red with white star ailing to the recovery • ewarded by DAN I EL 8794 -IRSTRAY CAT tbe under Stanley, a.bont red two year white and the The owner can and paying c .Varna. LE. CarJ into the premises of igned, Lon 16, Baylield Road, he let tAngunt, two white and ld he fee sjiand two steers, one her re aq white, the same age. ave th same; by provingproperty arges. DAVID ROBERTSON, 880-4 TEACHER S VANTED. TEACHER W NTED.-F r -School Seetion No. -I- 7, Morris, or 1885, a ale or female teacher. ApplicatiOns i3tstirg sale, y and qualifications will be received until Oictober 26. ROBERT WARWICK, S•leretary Treeeurer, Wingham P. 0. - 879S4 TEACHER WANTED, --Wanted fur North School in Ot cti3n No. j4, Stanley, a male or female teacher holding a t ird class certificate. Duties to coni re ence o I January 2n1, 1885. Ap- plications stati g sale ex 'eeted to be addressed to JOHN TO Gil S.cy-Ticess., Hayfield P. 0. 880x4 TEACHER ANT n D. -1- Wanted for School -a- Section 0.- 8, &orijis, a male er female teacher holdin'e a Feco d el as certificate. Appli- cations with ttstimoni ls ill be received until the 6th of November. Dut es to begin on the lst• of Jamie y, 188.. L1J0ULIN FRA.SER, Secretary of Board Bl • eve e P. 0. • 880-2 rrEACHER WANTE 2, Grey. Appliatt the 1st of Nov mber, f a second class 08111130 on the 1st of J wintry, addiessed to ANDE P. 0. .- or School,Section No, ion will be received till er a male teacher holding te. Dutiesto ocimmence 1884. Appleations to be W TURNBULL, Walton 877 TEACHER .VANTE Section No. 4, Duties to commence Application required, has not had ro ne exp, IlinDDELL; ALLAN FA tees. Bandon Octobe .--e Wanted, for School ullett, a female teacher. sI lof January. Personal nd pone need apply who rierrce in teachieg. Gso. jA31Xs ALLEN Trus - 7, 884. 879x4 -If TEACHER WANT -it Section, Ito, 9, Gi ey, er, holding a thire-el ss commence on the 1st eatioes atat.in4, salary cations prefer ed. A EX Board, Monerr P. 0 D. 'Wanted for School male or female 'Inch - certificate. Duties to January, 1886. Appli- ired. Personal Appli- MeKAY, Secretary of 881 of TEACHER iVAN T "1- Section No. 6, holding a secoor th to commencelst J stating Ware desire menials, will be rece ade rased to Winthr November 8th TRO D.. %tilted, for School telt-hop, a male teacher rd lass ceetiflcate. Dated nu ry, 18te5. Applications and accompanie-clby testi- ved by the undersigned p P. 0., lin til Set urday, AS SIMPSON, Secretary. 879x4 -1.? AM LAMBS FOR SALE. -The- utedersigned -LI' offers for Fele, a number of Grade Sonth- down Ram Lrnibs, al o a thoroughbred South- down Ram. Apply on Lot 14, Coucession 8, Stanley, or address Varna P. 0. JOSEPH TEMPLETON. 678x4 OTICE TO SEAR HOLDERS. -The Share- holders (or Conri utors in the case of a wind, ir g up to) The Seaf ei th Cheese Manufacturing Company, are hereby citified that the adjourned meeting of the Share olders of said Company will be held at Seaforth. in Weir's Hotel at the h ur of two o'cleck P. M., on Friday, the 7th day of November, 1884, fo the purpose of considering the advisability of wi iding up the seid Company under "1 be Joint Sto k Companies' Winding Up Act," and for baking a y steps that may be nee ceesary under said • et. Seaforth, October 18, 1884. W. J. STIANN N, President. 881-2 OISSOLUTION F PARTNERSHIP. XT OTICE is hereby g ven that tha partnership -4-` heretofore tailed ling between us the under. signed, am hardware neichants in the e.wn of Wineham ha e been t is day dissolvedby mutual consent. All debts o Mg to the Paid partnership are to be paid to Jas. Cline at Wingham afore- said, and all e auns a ainst the soid partnerehip' are to be pros nted to be said James A. Cline' by whom the aid wi be settled. Dated at Wingliam thi 9th da of October, A. D. 1884; JAMES A. CLINE. - W. J. McCUTCHEON. In connecti n with .he above, Mr. Cline witehee to iniimate thHt he w 11 still continue the busi- ness in the oldl stand, nd hopes by careful. at. tention to t e req irements of the trade to merit a continuance the patronage so liber- ally bestowed bn him since commencing bn einem; in Wingham. JAS. A CLINE. 880-2 TO PIG BBEEDE S: -The undersigned *ill -a- keep for he imp•vement of stock the fol- lowing season a the! nghbred Poland -China pig. Terms. -One oiler, o be paid at time of service with privileg of ietn ming if necessary. HENRY COWPER, Ah4a Hote 880x4 VIEW DR SSM KINC ESTABLISH - M NT It Miss LAIRD takes the ladies of Saforh opened a Dres and M in Cady's bloc-, direct Hotel. Dres es and latest styles a d on t faction guara teed. licited. Item a. ber t Block. Appre tict s THE S REST SEAFORTH. leasure in announcing to nd vicinity, that she has title making establishment ly opposites the Connnercial Mantles made up in the e shortest notice. Satis- trial is respectfully se- e place-up-stair8 in Cady's anted. 876-8 AFORTH URANT. First door north o ware Stor Mrs. Smith wishes Settforth.and -Vicinity, th e Seafoi th Restaur and having.added lar prepared to fOrnish CONFECTIONERY, Reid & Wilson's Hard- , Main Street. to inform the people of that she has purchased nt from Mr. James Steele, ely to the stock, is now -tomers with the choicest RUITS, OYSTERS, &c, Oysters Cooked and R on the shortest notice All kinds of Green The choicest Tobacc Oysters in balk and Every attention pal very reasonable. Of -Remember the MR TERS. w, served. on the premises uit constantly on hand. os a earl Cigars. cans received fresh, daily. to customers, and terms lace. SMITH. - KIDD'S EMP R1TT VT. DRESS DEPARTMENT. 1We are n w showing the. largest and most complete stock of. N W FALL GOODS We have yet offered, and invite attention to our Silks, Satins, Silk Velvets, Velveteens, Velvet Brocdde13., etc. In, Dress Goods we show the newest fall dress miaterials in, Ottoman Cords, Houle Cloths, Costume Cloths, All -Wool Serges, Silk Mixtures,:Checks and Plaids, A'oleil Cords, Jersey Cords and Cashmeres in all the new slirades. BLACK CRAPES AND MOURNING GOODS A SPECIALTY. Black Ottoman Cords, Ching Crapes, Serge Cloths, Bison Suiting, Black Cashmeres, Lustres, &c. Importing our goods direct from maxufactwrers, enables 143 to sell them direct to C0918111116r8, and we invite every lady in, Seaforth and sur- rounding country to look through our stock vefore making their pur- chases. THOMAS KIDD, Main Street, Seaforth. 7 5 ItIPORTANIT NO MEL MUSICAL.Mis. T. D. Prende gast willreceive a limited number of pupils ,for haetruction in piano and organ lessors, at herlresidepee, John street, second door west Of English chin -01.8494.f; A SPLENDID Engine and Bo el: for ale at a bargain. Ergine,i Goldie & 311 ulloch's make, 35 horse power. line shaft 12feet orig. with a large fly jevheel. Boiler 45 horse powert49 flues, 1100831h11. 861) en diameter, 11 feet 5 inches long. Fire front -grates, smoke stack, &e. D. URQUHART, 860 ROUT/Jr-OWN SHEEP. - 1 he undersigned - 'will irp learirg the presenti 31,58031, 011 I.�1 16, Coerces ion 2, R. R. S., Trickeesmithe a tho- roughbred Southdewttllim to Which a limited number of ewes will be Llmitted. Term8-$1 per ewe. JOHN HANNAH. 8,80-3 _ /lows FOR •SALE.4-The Subseilier offers lei fur sa e, a epan -of tw-ear-o1d beavY draught colts -a fil y and a gelding -sired by imported "Count C reless." They are of a bey color, and well mato ed. Apply on Lot 24, Coneessi012 5, Stanley. ACOB DIEHL, "Varna P. 0. 880x4 -} - "R.AILS OR SALE OR EXCHANGE.-elhe an- " deesi ed cffeis for Fele, a quantity' of good black Rsh tails, or will exchange them fer two year old steers and heifers, Cows, hay Or gem. For furthe particulats apply on north half of Lot 9, ic ecession 14'r MeKilloP. •JOHN ,CAM- ERON. 1_8784 QUFF 014. KOS.— The made signed has raii te-' hal d o Lot 21, Con&ssion 2 L. R. p., Tuck- ersmith, a number of six months old and six d weds old thoroughbred Suffelk igs, male an female. Price -six months o14, .$10 each; six weeks old, 0- each. GEORGE P EWES, Brnce- field P. 0. , 850 4 CAVTIOe .-The public are hereby cautioned • s gaiest pm chasing or Dept 'ating a note of hand, dreeien by nee in favor of Themes Nicholson, for the stni of fifty dollars tend bearleg date Janusay i), 1884. I have received no 'Value for this note slnd do not hold tinsel responsible for its rhyme t. JONAH NICHOLSON. Drysdale, October -6, 1884. 2794 [RS. 04 M. DUNLOP, Teache of Music, Piano •tT-or Organ. Advanced p pits 'fitted for gradual beg at less than one ball the expenee of foreign t achirg. Terms mod rate. Reeidense on Georg Streensecond door - t of Alain Street, Seaforth. , . ' 879-tf -4 - - ---- 17.I.11-1-1;21 FOR SALE. -The Undersigned has ^ 4--t on hand at his Sta e Factory, North 31am Street, Seeforth, a ,IthI Of first -dens Hemlock Lumber, which he V, 11 sell cheap. JOHN AMENT. 879 The Great Questioli at Issue FOR SA.LEA-Fer Sale, a breeding 11.°B8eSt8, m sopposed to be in foal to an iroported Heavy Dreught Horse; also a eneral Pin -pose ormrg three. Apply on Lot 22, Cort- i THAT IS MOVING THE MASSES. REFORMATION AGITATED. BUT A REFORMATION HAS t:EEN GOING ON AND IS STILL GOING ON AT J. L. Smith's Dry Gods Store, IN THE SHAPE OF STARTLING REDUCTIONS The Right Key Note Sounded. The people thoroughly satisfied;and are telling us every day. that we are giiri ing, great bar- gains. Come in and see u$, and examine goods and get 'prices at J, L. SMITH'S, Cheap Dry Goods, Se4forth. , TELEPHONE TO YOUR FRIENDS The glad tidings that the problem has been properly solved, andi peace of mind placed within th reach of all., as to where is the most profitablle establishment for the purchase f ' DRY GOODS AND MILLINgRY. A visitlo the Millinery and Mantle Department of the Mont eal House will ady customers, where can be seen a large and c replete stock of Hats. Special lines in Trimmed Hate, Plus es and Silk Tel - amply repay our Straw Hats, Felt vets, Laces, Ribb.ns, Flowers, Feathers, &c, Our Mantle Denartment is re- splendent with S awl, Ladies' Jerseys, Wool Goods, Fur and Air Trimmings, Astraoan Sealett s. Special lines of Velveteens and Feather Trimmings. Also lopened up a large stock of imported.goods in the following lines t the most rea- amiable prices, q alit 3 considered, and we defy competition. ilks, Satins and , Dress; Goods in g eat abundance, and of the finest quality and 1 west prices for ;cash,. I Laces, Co lars, Hosiery and Gloves in all the latesb sty es and shades. Ask flex' the Long Jersey Gloves, 14 inches long, only 300 per pa n. Don't fail to I pnrch se one of ur celebrated Silk Handkerchiefs for 25c up ; p ie Linen Hand- Jkerch efs-large Ize--ionly 8 cents. Flannels, 28 inches wide,f r 25o up; Table Linen and Tow linge-best quality -below coat. We have a la ge stock of Car- pets, poor Oil C oths, Lace and Damask Curtains in great variety. OAK HALlt 14;,IESSRS tion to their larg assortment in th -Clothing made t . good fit guarante Pants, Stockings Umbrellas, inc. ing e18.ewhere. CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHINc HOUSE. • DUNCAN & DUNGAN would respe tinily call Wen - stock of Scotch, Englieh, Irish and Canadian weeds -largest market. Overcoatings in all the latest sha es and grades. order on the shortest of notice, and in first- ass laity style; d. We are complete in the followieg lines: W�ol Shirts and Hats Caps, Neckties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Braces, G -loves, ive11s a call, and see our stock of Readymade Clothing ere go - Duncan &-Duncan, Oak Hall, Segorth. THE S .1 CLUDED CROCERY STORE "—MONTREAL NOUSEi, BEHIND C. DUNCAN'S DRUG STO. 'cession 21, Mclilllop. 1SOBET.13, TUT NI3ULL, H79xet I--- QTANLFY BRANCH AGBICtULTUI AL SOs '1/4-1 CIE'leY.-A meeting of the Officers and Di- rectors of 't be Stanley pranch Agrieul ural-Ho- ciety wi11 be held at Ede Elliott s Hotel, Barfield, on Saturday, the 2511. of Octobe , at tw o'clock In M., at which time i the 3 ressnreii will be pi esent td pay the prize mo ey. JA3. ARM- STRONG -1 Secy-Treas. 880-2 T°:PI1 BREEDERS. -The undersigned will ikeep ifor service at his pl & ee in Jeeetibuty, . during tbe prefent feason, bat wen kno-wn thoroughbred Berkehire Pig " he Guelph Boy." 3 This pig has a regietered Pei3 ee, is one of the r best in the county Med has -taken first pries wherever hown. Terrns.-$1 per sow, with the privilege Of returning ifnec,esseiry. WM. BRAY, i - Leadbui y ' i I - 1 i 880-11 VABM WANTED.--M-Sented io rent for a tem ' -1-: of years, a good. ferm, centaining not len than 100 gems, with ceinfortahle buildings and everything convenient and in good shape. A liberal rent will bo paid, and atisfactery refer- ences can be given if required Or a filty acre farm with frame buildings, ood orclharti and plenty of -water, or town prop rty in ,Stratford 1 ielding a good revenue. Will be exchanged fora large farm such as the ab sve, nlnd the literate° paid in ersh. Apply to 30 EPH J. DENNIS , Leadburyl P. 0. 1 87641 AUCTIoN E..ALE OF TJALU. BLE P OPERTY IN TEE TOWN 1 OF EAFOR IL -The following valuable; erotrei ties, part of theestate of the late Geurge A. Hought n, will o cffered for sale bly Public Auction, b Mr. Joseph P. t Brie,A.xtetioneer, at the C nal -nerd 1 _Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday, the 811. of November,1884, at 2 o'clo k P. M., via ,: Lot 1o. 22, tomer of Jarvis and St. John St teen on which is erected the very eoinfoi table dwelling ouse lately occu- pied by Mrs. Houghton, stable &e. Loti N. r8 teed 59,14Gouinlock's Survey, eaforthbon which are erect d a large stabile, weig scales, fec. Lots No. 309, 10, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 and 116, in Gouinloc •ts Survey of :Seitfor h. On Lot 111, there is a very comfortalol e aw Iling he se. The above must be Fold at on ce to close t14e estate, and may be viewed at any tim before Me. For futile r particuleis and terilla o sale, e e poitertn , or apply to tbe madenigned. • eaforth October -- 15, 1b84. P. HOLMEetTED, Tender's Solicitor. 880-4 - -- NOTICE TO CREDITOR .--G-.eorne Albert -'-‘ Houghton, deceased, iThe -credit' mu of George Albert Houghtoin late of the Town. of Sea -felt -10 in the county ef uron, Gentleenan, deceased, who died on, or soin the Twenty- seventh day of August, A. D. 1 4, and all others having eletinis ertainst his • tate, me hereby notified to send h'i post prei aid, or otlierwin deliver to the undersigned, F ancis Hohnested, Seaforth, Oetario, Solieitor for the eeltainistratrix of the said dectased, on or bef re the Tenth day of November, A. D. '1824, th ir christian and surnames, addreases and doe iptions, the foil pattlealars of their dailies, a s & teinent of their accotmts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and in default thereof, and bn- mediately after the said Tenth •-ay of November, 1884, the ; upsets ef the said. George Albert Houghton, deceesed, wi I be de tribated amongst the partres entitled thereto, ha ng i egard only to claims id which notice shall ijave been received. Thee notiee is given pureuant 131 the Statutes of Ontario for 3e83, Cha,ter 9. Dated at Sea - forth, this Eleventh eery oflOctober, 1884; F. HOLMESTED,Solicitor forth° A distratrix. All persons indebted to the estate are required to pay 1 he aMourit of their indebtednets, to the Admmistrabix, or to her Solicitor, forthwith, without further notice. : 880-4 r es IRE;.A.12 ESTATE' F R SALE. GOCD FARM FOR SALE-- or Sale, Lot 12, meeesion 9, Grey, eon aining 98 acres, I about 80 acres cleared, well ft reed, well under - drained, in a good stateofu1tivationandfree from stumps. The balence is teell timbered with bard -wood. There is a. good hank barn 66x36, with tone stabling underneathand other good outbuildings,. There is a goos bearing orchard and two .4oexi wells. leis with n three miles of Bet riot behind the best city grocery for first-class Teas o Coffees. Good value every time .1 Stendard Granulated Sugar cheap as usual. j Raw Sugars ab- solutely pure -dirt cbeap-15 pound?' good Sugar for 11. No fe± if a bag bursts ' on the way home, and a blizzard gets up, of being blinded with and. Give us a call. Wanted-golod Butter and Eggs. Highest price eau a1wa3, be had at the Montreal Groce . I • DUNCAN & DUNCAN, PROPRIETORS. the prosperous village ef Bra gravel road all the way. -For f apply to the. Proprieto. on Brunets p. o. WM. HABKI pROPERTY FOR SALE. 'IL offers for Pale the north h eest ion 6, Bibbert, containin 44 of whieh ate cleared and in cultivation, There are ,about wheat, and six acres newly Se farm is enell fenced and well dr ings bad log. It is situated wi .Dublin and six ef Seaforth roads to each plate. ' Also four lots 'in Dublin, sauth o Main Street. There is a good They are also well' fene of the ;above property en as the proprietor intends leav For fur ther particulars, apply on the fain), or to Dublin P. RYAN. eels, and a good rther O prenelees or to- - 880x4 The undersigned lf of Lot 26, Con - 50 acres, about a good *tate of eight aeres of fall ded down. The ined. The build - in five miles of with good gravel brick house and the railwey, on we 1 on the lots. d. The whole 1 be sold cheap ng the ' country. the Proprietor 0. JEREMIAH 881x4 A IJOTION SALE OF S PERIO FARM 4-4-- SI QCK.-M r. J. PioBrine hag bee instruct- ed by Mr Wm. Cooper, Sell y PublicJ Anction, on Lot 81., Conce.ssion. 4e Mill /tad, Tu keramith, on Monday, October 27th, 1 e4, st Is o'clock, noon, sharp, the follewing p operty, -iliz.: One margin Vaal to an imported orae,.: I.; yearling filly, 2 strckhig colts sieed by "North Star," 1 btood mare supposed tol be in 1 ini to Sri iltipOrted. borse, 1 Yearling mit eired by tt No t/i Sur," 2 Milcb cows mipposed to be ' calf, 1 thy cow, 3 yearlim; Steers, 3 yearling beif rs, 1 ttvo-year-old heifer,three spring calves, 2 th ree-year•old steers, 2 two-year-old steres, a Sew tleinoughbred *Shrop- shire ewlam es and ram be, br from imported Btock, 1 yeailing Shropshire am, 10 , Leicester ewes, 2 Leicester lambs, 7 grade Shrop-hire ewe lambs; Also one snig e buggy ajnd oneparlor stove. Terme of Sale. -All sums of „e5 and under, cash; over that amonet twelve mont ' credit will be given on furnithing approve& endoreed notes. A discount of 6 cents on the dollar will be allowed for ' caeli on credit amounts .i WM. COOPER, proprietor ; J. P. BRINE, AuStIoneer. 8804