HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-24, Page 3halm m
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OCTOBEIt 2.1), 1884.
Always a River to
Dere.* always a river to cross;
mates sn effort to make
eneres auything good to win,
itch prize, to take.
Tender's the fruit we orave,
lender the chserniUgseene
Bee deep an wide, with a troubled tide,
Is the wee, that lies between.
tor the treasures of precious wnrth
We roust patiently dig and dive;
teethe pieces we- king to fill
we must push and. struggle and strives
Aye elweys and everywhere
We'll find on our onntard course
Thorns for the feet and. triols to meet
And a difficult river to cross.
Fet rougher the way tat we take
The stouter the heart and the nerve;.
The atones iu our path we break.
Nor ere from out impulse swerve.
For the glory we hope to win
Onr Inborn we count no loss;
sTis folly to I ause end murmur because
Of the river ea have to Gross.
Somedy to do and to dare
Shontilewe in our places stand,
etalfilling the Master s
Fulfilling the soul's demand;
For though as the mountain high
The billows may war and toss
Theft' not overwhelne if the Lords at the helm
When the difficult river we cross.
When a dock is wound up, it goes.
When a firm is wound up it stops.
—Wlay is a selfish friend like the let
ter P ? Beeause, though he is the first
pity, he is the last in help.
—Tee present stele of ladies dresses
is so complicated that, a guide -book is
necessary to teach the owner where to
find the pocket.
—American home made pie now ap-
pears on the bill of- fere in Loudon
hotels. Perhaps thia is the cause of the
gloomy attitude of the English towards
Weigle lima:iris.
—Storekeeper — Stockings, miss?
Yes, miss. What number, miss, do you.
--St Matter of feet young lady—
"Wby, two, of course I Do you think
re got 'a wooden leg." .
—At breakfast. The new waiter
dresse& his mistress : " Will madame
take hash?" ...No, thanks." • The
The waiter, with most granions air in
the world, •' Well, I will not iasist."
—How funny things work around 1
Sin brought clothes into the world, and
if it were not for- Sin_ nobody would go
to-chianti:le for had it not been for sin
there would be no clothes to show here.
-- Do youditee that dog ?" asked the
dirty faced man. " Well, sir, that ani-
• mad saved my life once." " Did he?'
replied Fomg. a Don't blame him. :He
probably didn't khow any better."
—.. How are you • getting „along?"
asked an old judge of a young lawyer.
"Very wen, thank you,"*. was the reply.
"I got my first ease to -day." . a Indeed,
and what was it ?" "A bookcase.''
—A little girl was visiting in the
country, and for the find time witnees-
ed the operation of milking. Watching
the proceeding intently for a while, she
inspected the cow Minutely, and then
launched the poser : a Where do they
put it in?"
—" Waiter, didu't I tell you to give
me a piece of melon off the ice?"
"Yaaa, sah, you aid, sah." " Well,
this piece is as warm as a tin roof.
"Teas, sale. Dads 'cause hit's off de
ice, sah. Dey's atlas wa' ii when dey's
<off de ice. sah."
Everybody must grow old, you
knew, my dear madame," said physi-
• 1 '
good ; theodesire inspires a right pur-
pose. • -
One of the most noble things a good
person can do is to often allow a weak
person to share their sympathy end
The boy did not surprise his patron by
telling him one day that he would like
to go to school. He had been expecting
it, and had formed his plans. Instead
of sending him to an academy and pay-
• ing his expenses there, he helped h m to
obtain work, by which he paid his
bilis. He took a special course
neighboring academy, and as:Soon
had completed it, annoanced th
intended to be a la vyer. His f
father, staggered at this rapid 14
tried to dissuade him from his pu
as he thought him unfitted for
•But the boy with charactenisti
termination, persisted.
He entered a lawyer's office, ear
little money, and after a year's
weut West. He, who a few year
was a witu boy, trying to break
from all good influenceetis to -day
the most successful lawyers in IV
sota, and, better than that, a
whose influence in society is elev
Christian and helpful to others.
• Is it not thus that Christ trim
Me by leading us to love Him
holy, and bringing a new purpose
our new affection.
Jonathan Edwards.
at a
t he
ed a
ne of
time -
bo is
out cf.
The fame of Stookbridge rests largely
-upon three great names, of whi the
first is that of Jonathan Ed yards,
writes a dorrespondeut to the Pit tiburg
Dispatch. Here is the hnuse in which
that wonderful preacher end philo opber
used to pray and read and writ and
fight hand to hand with the devil Here
is the very table at which he s:t, and
on it are ink stains from the ve -a old
ink horn into which he so -often
his pen. •
Here is the very • chair in
Edwards often sat ; perhaps th
one in which he was seated w
young man called on him to
daughter's band in marriage.
cau't have her," said the pr
"But. I love her." " No matt
can't have her. But she rev
too." "1 say you can't had
"But I am well off and can.
her. "Yon can't have her, I te
" Why not, Mr. Edwards ? ' Wh:
you against me?" Nothing. "Wel
why can't I have Emily r' "
I think yon are a pretty decent s
young man ; too good for her." "
Mr. Edwards, what in the w
you mean ?" She's got a wick
per, and you would'nt be hap
her." But I thoueht slae was
tia.n ?" So she is, young mar) ;
is. But before you have lived
as I have you'll find out that ti
-some people in this world t
hen a
sk his
r; you
le me
I you."
t have
rt of
sp sh
ere ar
jnore striking beside the bent: ted
Sonth America, which runs olose .on
that vast continentwith 6M, ioa
lags behind with only 182, the
settlements of And alasis, in itit ted
ores owning 661. Dividing t e into
languages there are 16,500 p in
the English language. 7,350 in an,
8,8 0 in French,. and 1,600 in 6p sh.
Th annual aggregate circulatiOn n the
Uni ed, States is 3,000,000,000 a tn-
Oar d with 2,260,000,000 in Great ri-
tat and Ireland, giving the ted
Sta es the position of being e ost
nor oions devourers of newspaper re.-
'tur in the world.
irquartstamo s Alter Pric
hen alzao wa at the beginui of
his career, and kno n only teethe few
:wn ' chance upon his ant
!site dies n the Pa is newspapers
ha pou'e that on of. these sp
eff sionle fell in the way of & a 1
sel r an was ubl'shed.
he'b oksell r ad; or thou
ha., fro lon experience, a •
ide of hat w old take with th
ian public. e folded the pap
lai .it dow,n with an air of d
sa ing as be di so
I will offer that fellow 3,000.
for a novel. I may have to pa.
bu I'll try 3,0 0 to start with."
grace of God may. get along wth bo
you can't," .
On another occasion a gracel •ss wa
thought to have some sport at E eearde'
expellee, and so-. he asked nine in th
presence of a 'group of idlers: " Di
Edwards, dosen't the Bible sa in on
place to answer a fool accordin 1 to hi
own folly ?" " Yes." "And dose 't it se
somewhere e'se not to answerhi accord
ing to his folly ?" " Yes." " W 11, the
. _ .
which are a e . to do ? How ar:yo
eine to a lady who had evidently looked
ans*er a fool? The way I'm goi
- , ..
upon the remark as a personal one, for
answer you," roared the preac er, an
she prothotly reohed : " Nut everybody,
sivrine nu the log which ie car ied as -
doetur i a great many of your patients
will never grow ol.i."
—A youug It arlingtoeian is drea.d fail-
ly anxious over the result of the cam -
paign. He and his girl have made the
following agreement: a If Blaine is
elected he is to marry the girl ; if
Cleveland is elected, the girl is to marry
him ; if neither of them get it, they are
to reamy eaeb. other.° -
—At a sewing circle all the women
were talking, and some of the subjects
got hopelessly confused. For tostaime,
the subject cif crickets. and church
choirs.. "1 never heard such !a horrid
liaise as they made last Sunday," said
one wo;man, referring to the choir. "Nor
I, etither," said another, thinking she
referred to the fall crickets," they say
they make that noise with their hind
i4 n 2, East Wawanosh
pertly will bo sold Ws su
up an estate. It consist•
land, about 145 am es clear
ings and orchard. Fr pa
W. FARRAN, Clintou P. 0
sale, Lot 34, Conces-
This desirable ro-
Mt T, in order to
200 acres of c
d; good farm
tient re _apply t
end -
Pe r, ACRE FARM fi ALE.—North It If
" lot 30, and nor.h half of north half I lot
31, concession 9, Mc Most of this 1' nd is
seeded, and in excel cant ndition for me dow
particulars ap y to
Vinthrop P. 0. 19 tf
or pasture For further
'IL sale his farm o 100 a
cession 4, H. R. 8., T
acres cleated, brick I hon$
(pollard, &o., well teetered
cu tee:aloe. About 'three
Seafortb. Terme, le:2,000
suit purchaser. JAMES
villa P. 0. •
subscriber offe s for
res, being Lot 7 Con-
ckersurith. Abo t 95
•, frame outbuil ings,
aid in a good st le of
nth s from the to vu of
own, and balm e to
; E L IU IT, Een loud:
8 44f
.,v_. 14 OUSE FUR S t IE.— or sale that desirable
leg 4-4- property on John Ste et, See'forth,nex door.
Ok- • , to St. Thomas church pt rsonege, and n w oc-
cupied by Mr. Soule. 1 -he o is good stone t ends -
Lion, first-class cella e six ed; =toms, parlor, ining
he room and a good kitohen. Also a large woo thed,
wd hard and soft water. a ne ate tile. and all other
,rie. necessaries ciamplete. fi or (tether partieulars
'''' apply to the proprietor. ). R' SS, Ses.fortie. 830
ion, atell el FOR SALE I. IfULLETT — North
4: part s id Lots 434 aud 5, Concession 13, con-
taining 112 acres ; 140 act a e.o.m.(' ; the remain -
II OS lief is good herdwoor bus . 8oil, elay loam, well
s, log
ext mornin
to find Ban ac. His quest t
o au obscur street in oue of
and poores parts of the city.
ned into t &dingy through
sad to hiumel as he looked abo
the bookseller
Ala indeed he mast be a ipi
will offer him 2,000 . fra
omewhat weary, thel bok
gth found the house ; it we
gy, and not
'0,1 shall
he crossed
. Balzac li
d his visil
" Alia! 1,00
s his. me
ore, „wetered watt a neve fait rising
on the premises.
Louse aud a good y
.fted 1 to churches and soh
hitiafrom Blyth and 10
old_ I particulars apply to
• ou the South pert
§ borough P.O.
-Is scriber offers t.
ian ; 20, 1st concession
—n0 luu ue es each, abo it a
Good frame house o on
barns' and usual ot. thin
at rentedor Hold en b oc,
]eh, sold purchaser msy pa
the. babe ce can imai
lye muwamt.
1 puir DING L'e1 S Ft R SALE. --The
'sigend has a umb
kety ing Slots for eel elm
I a. qua. ter of an awe el el
and con% eeieet to the b
Bat farmers, or others dettiri
ug spriug creek barn and stabl
rchard It is con'
nd is situated 4 mites
Clinton. For further
lots, or to Loudes-
.,E 0 TO .RENT.—T
r salt or to rent, lots
Tu kersreith, cense;
Wile - west of $
farm, with o
'lugs on both.
ut iuit separat
one-third do
on mortgage: • W
under -
r of very eligibl build -
p. Tbese lots cuutain
, are pleasantly tituated
si: ass p trt of thevi11age, village,
the residences of, tetired-
er a pleasaet and quiet
too clean.
ay 1,500," was hi
he threiludd.
ved on the four
or climbed the
francs ; not a so
tad deterptinati
en be stem ed into the sheds
d saw a young man dipping
11 iuto-a gi
st one tent
s the offer
d for thi
e ma,auscr
and °onside
e sub -
9 and
ing of
Vill be
ly. If
ss of water, 300
the sum first ii
that sprang to
- amount he
pt of what wa
.ed. ---a masterpie
enn Zeal
The Lond
mut of fruit
hich may
ho would li
tying- in th
urseries ar
(.r acres iu
ood sized,)
ud to the 'm
town of Wellington.. In the or
gardens, the
ferias, and a
elsewheve, a
from 100 to 1
rivate gar
y the saw
aced ;' and
lid Fruit G
extent (whieh
rid there is said
rket gardens ar
cinerarias, erica
riculas are rarely
d it is not unnen
50 varieties of th
ens. The anpl
s and grapes are
diseases sable
elsewhere, most
he peach trees h
hing much lke the yellows,
be descripti
be tecogni
hat all the
ill be deati
aud are well atiapt0 for
ames McLoughlin's, 1 Seaforth.
Piles of New Goods pened out, nd che
ever. Every one invitecl to inspect the
prices before making their purchases.'
filled Show Room of all
Millinery and Miantles.
Mena p ace of rundeues. De 1.EL CLeltK, kIgmond-
etig y Ville. .. b77-tf
ancS, -*T-
reat:tun PUOKERS,1I ell FOR SAL
ed .—Con -
d -1 •ni
, r , hong 100 acres, clog Lot 11, in the 4th
itns, on:cue:eon, H. R. S., Tt ckeremith, ail cleared aud
iived in a .'ood state of 'etiltition. There are on the
prentises 2 good f ame
after- barn aud beak' barn.
'Ex- in springs, cent mien
oreard. Sid feria is
milts from Seafoi lb a.
Egmondville on the Kis
ng. PosseisitoL at on
ad, Imam IN TUCKERS.
ose Sale, the No 1,h ha
Tockeremith, ceetItin in
are are el °axed, free trona s
IVO The farm is well fenced
e to -and large f rate.. bai
lied well and force pump.
Seaforth, and tee rot
"0 r.vell-lo. Appl3 to
the Head Hotel, Ter nto.
G-arden gives
mulenre in New
be interesting
ie to know what
t far off count
Plantation Philosophy.
De whitest shirt am sometime e got
1 de blackest way.
De ptiesen wid er foul motif is er
pUSSOn wid er foul min.' De gronu'
Reef is milk where de emartweed
Er soft voice ain't alluz de sign o'er
tender soul. Da wild cat hab a mighty
pitiful cry, hot, good Lewd, he's rank
I never seed a puss= so ignorant dat
he couldn't pick out flaw -8 an find
fault. Er c' ontliel` nigger can say diet
de President am er fool.
Ef de aberage man had as much 'sire
to tell fie truth ez he has ter tell er he,
truth would become so plentiful and
lies so scarce did de newness ob a lie
would outshine de virtne o' de truth.
Honesty may run far er long time in
er family, but it sometimes runs out.
De wrist thief 1 eber seed wuz de son o'
er hones' fadder an' plodder. It ain't
right ter raise er chile ter beliebe dal
he's boon' ter be hones' jos' 'ca,use his
ladder was.Honesty wid er man is
like pacing tdid er hoes. It may tun in
de faintly but de right sort cd trainin'
helps it mightily.—Arkansaw- Taveler.
walking stick so truculently t
discomfited scoffer only Bayed
from being cracked by a most
tate flight.
ti Mr.Edwards," another dari
asked one day; "the Bible s
the keys of hell. Do you suppc se the
at th
is pat
g wi
really are such things ?" " Yes.
are they ?" In the locks of t
of bell." "What do they lea
stiekipg in the locks for?"
souls as small as yours from
out through the keybole."
In a neighboring village in
time a similarly grid' divine,
during a revival season came a
scamp and practised backed
sanctimonious snivel saying
I realize that I am indeed the
sinnes." 4' Glad to hear it, tro
bore realized it long ago."
I want salvation." a Guesa
it about as much as any one."
feel," continued the hypocritic
"that I am willing to do anyt
requires me. I would willing]
damned for His glory." "
the preacher, "1 do not thin
any one that knows you who w
the slightest objections to the.
A New Desire and Purpose.
A man who is upright in heart ofteni
finde it hard to maintain uprightness in
life. Twerity years ago, a gentleman'
visited the lida,ssaehusetts • Reform
School, aud selected ar boy to take into
his family. The one chosen was a wild
wiry fellow, who had been sent there
from the Boston street. He quietl
accompanied the gentleman, until they
arrived in Beaton. While on the way
to a depot, lids old impulte to evil reurn
ed, aud he suddenly darted from the
gentlinatnsmide and ran up a side street
full of tendrnent holismthe abode of
crime and disipation. The gentlerame
being fleet of foot, soon collared the boy
mid furced him to walk to the cars.
ITapromisiug as WWI the beginning of
the effort to make a good man of a bad
boy, the gentleman determined to per
severe. After s, fow weeks, hin kindness
wee the boy's heart. Love for a good
man took the prlace of his evil deaires.
The eX ptlisiVe and impulsive power of
new affection caused him to slough off,
his wild influences mad gave him a flew
purpose. Then he began to show him
self tractable, obliging, steady, and gifted.
with unusual force of will.
The love of a good person IS ft trans-
forming power. it ereates a desire for
The Imperial Canal c4 Chi
1000 miles long. In the yea
completed the greatest unde
the kind in Earopeahe canal
doe, Canal du Midi, to co
Atlantic with the Mediterr
length is 148 miles, it has
100 locks. aud about 50 aque
ha its highest part it is no les
feet above the sea; it is ma
vessels of upward of 100
largest ship canal in Europe
North Holla-nd Canal; oo
e do.o
e the
'o ke
welling houses, ;1 email
There aro two never f ail-
ly sat:L46d, and a good
ted one and a half
1 adjoining the village of
pen Gravel road. Toms
es Apply on the pro mi -es
,Egteonclville. 87741
ceo- (eimma FA.R FOR
lled OF HURO. .—lie
find ,Concession of f,he 1
taining 152 tiniest 120
Tito t
e, leis
a 1.1
8 10 and under cultaV
eked -.
a ith men oa.
foi table log how
gnort water, w1
SO ' nithiu 1..Wo at 1
intro- ilistounoeijo.1 tAlirphyestofaisA
promiEes, or to 41YLE
n is too iudistine
ion certain. It
each trees in ti
ved by the dis
o who
er, wi
Doct r,
chief of
✓ neigh -
feel that
on need
" And I
ing Grid
y even be
ell," said
thend is
uld have
a is =over
1681 was
taking of
f Langne-
nect the
nean ; jtl
ore than
acts, and
than 000
igable for
ons. The
the great
pleted in
1825. It is 124 feet wide at the water
surface, 31 feet wide at the b arena and
has a depth of 20 feet; it ex ends from
Amsterdam to the Helder, 51 reifies.
The Caledonian Canal, in So tland, has
a total length of 60 miles, i eluding 3
laites. The Suez_ Canal is 80 iles
lotig, of which 66 miles re ac nal
canal. The Erie Canal is - 54 miles
loug ; the Obio Canal, Cl veland to
Portsmouth, 332; the Miam and Erie,
Cincinnati to Toledo, 291; t e Wabash
and Erie, Evansville to the Ohio line,
374. The Suez Canal is 26 f et 4 indhes
deep, 72 feet 5 inches wide t botom,
320 feet wide at water made ; length a
little short of 100 Miles.- T e idanama
Ca.ual is to be 451 miles in 1 ngth.
. ,
Some Newspaper F gureci.
re iuformed that all such h
lents will g ow there 58 wil
a this, So th of England
An Old co
boot blackin
depot at Col
likes to talk
" Well, p
tomers a fe
Blaine, aiu'
It is astonishihg to contemplate th
euormous nnmiter of people'. the wort
to whom a pectspaper mus be as aar
as a diamond. Recently publiShe
statistics show that while t e circinle
Con of newspapers thromhout th-
world aggregates the enema us nun:the
of 10,000,000,000, it only a eragesi si
and a half copies a year to ach inhabi
taut of the globe. This is as umingtha
only one paper goes to each purchaser
but since it is no uncommo thing fo
one man t buy several, the propottio
of those who never buy one considerl
ably increased.. Europe p blishes 19,
537, while' that wonderful B tion a th
world olassed as a North Americ"'
follows' with 12,400. The w tole of Asia
can only show 775 a c.ntrast th
Train Talk.
ored man plies h
at a, stand in t
mbus. He iso
g old chaps that
p," inquired one
days ago,
Dunuo 'bout that, sah.
fo' ?" I
Oh, I'm
the week."
` 80'M I,
My two s
Ciao land, ut 1'11 bring 'em
fix 'em. Nevelt yo' fetth."
The customer was well plea
with the old m n's work and h
and gave him quarter.
"Did I be r you sayiyou
Cleveland ?d i quired the Le
" G'way. hat's an ole ma
got to do With politics ?"
"Well, ydn ught to vt;te f
landr Blaine' a fraud. W
he go to tbe ar ?"
"us' what I was tenni' d
gemtnan. My two sons an
in-law's fp' B1 ine, but I'm ta
ova --I'll fete 'em. No Blain
T e Democ at was so wed'
that he, too, dropped a quarte
R Y is on and IA
e noveltiesof the
heap ! Cheap! is
GroCerieS fresh, good and cheap.A liih
tit.f of that celebrated 25c Tea !still ror sale.
Ince /or good Butter and Eggs. , !
• 1 • . !
i 1
! •
J. McLOUGHLIN, Whitney's 31ock, S
U of Lot 6, Cobeession 6,
,4 50 acres, 45 f which
temps, and unclad raioeds
. There ho a leg house
on stone foundation. good
It is within 4 miles of
ele leading from it are all
.118. E. BURKE, Bul s
8 9-4
g Lot No. 14, in the 13th
ow melt) of liullett, con
-tee off whie.h are cleared
the &home is timbered
is on the premises a eeni-
e frame bare as.d st ns,
-el, fine orchted, and is
if utiles of Blat. This
in the bsst Township ie
ominev soute, on the
YOUNG, Myth., 880 if
ake rname:se lon. 8
fixed --! offers for &le hi
teny ; meat and dwe ling, si
• ' Klippen, together w ti
W 0 the husines. 11e hop
ard y ing an excelleut paiut
•ceed and of stime size. TI
in arraned, ceno sine g
woodelled mid a nevei
bas been eetebiished 1
--- it has steadily Mere:,
d e of fireit)a.csbnolieilligliftlf..1:S:ir;ete),s111E.I:."11.°111
nem to wm
ieait aimei
f those
a Blaine man ev
boas. Blaine a
ns an' my 8011-1
per 4han
oods and
h a well
eason in
ie order.
ed quan-
LE: — The nedersigned
cairiage ins king esthlish-
utd in the village of
tin too s and goed ill Of
is .0feet Iy 22 et, contain
s be p, 1., thee lane ered
3 dwelling is comfortably
7 roorus, oesides kitcheo,
faili. g we 1. The business
yours, dui h g which time
ed. This is a splendid
;Ares to do a safe and pro-
ealth is tbe sole and ouly
r f art her pee Cculrs,appy
, Kiepen P. 0. 87541
body ..Aagaigg.A.--
• C
e for
' yo'
ay in
old tnan's lean
Tim next c
iet. , After le
&talky was for
his boasts as
with.his sons
ward was 12
The fourth
bappened to
taiaing this h
cauioa, the o
People's part
story about
"See her
claimed a by
the conversatop, what d
by talking li e this? You
ash,arned of y urself."
ou min', bos
t he's about
I shines to' a
sterner was a ...
ruing this
St. John, and
o what, he wa
and sdn-in-1
man to occu
O for Buler.
his usual no
d sinner cam
and r peate
his so s an
you black
tender who h
son knOw wh
easy On &Lt.
Chicago Her
The Cat sh too big
a boy named
•, was fishing
catfish.. He
• nd after strut
ed and start
boy went o
ding ou to t
be Mississip
lead. ;As th
ill Boma of t
nd went to h
as till hOl
to the line w
ptured. Th
wands s,nd
unds nine o
rated that a c
ore than twic
Falls News.
Last week
in Rock Fall
and hooked
to pull it ia,
the fish tur
etreara. Th
headfirst, ho
started for
catfish in th
the paper
saw the boy
boat. He
and hooked
which they c
thirty-five p
it is del:OMB
away with
of boy.—Ro
: -
s fo'
are for
t custo-
like me
r Cleve -
y didn't
t odder
TY Bon-
ing 'era
in mine,
into the
the old
aloud in
ing to do
His rel
he chair
Or maim
t for the
a flexible
Cal," ex-
u mean
bt to be
is hyah
yo' min'
the dam
s unable
g awhile
own the
the dam
pole, and
iver, the
mnt past
r acne in a
the pole,
e catfish,
s. Thus
h can get
his weight
A. STRONG, Seaforth, Agent.
M. A.
Cabin(gtes from te bec to Liverpool and Lon-
donderry, $00 ; $ 0 a id $0. Return, $110 ; $135
and $150. Intermed a e trent Quebee to Liver-
pool, Londonderry aid Glasg ev, $35.0O; Return,
$70.00. Steerage— ueb c to Liverpool, Derry,
Glasgow, ,Loneion, nelfat. Quern:stolen, Bristol
and Cardiff, $.13. F .m Liverp ol, Qiieenstown,
Londonderry, 13elfas on, ristel or Oatdiff
to Quebec, $13:
Key Note Sound
IZOC=Z., S_A_T"' so
just arrived another large consignment of those celebrated
Mbyune Young Hyspn, Ping Quey Young Hyson, Congous, Pa
an Pekoe, Japan Dust, Gun owders 511
nautities of Our excellent Teai at small
otion to the public.
t to guarantee our teas to ha ae fine fleet°
purchasiog br not, buyers are respectf
S uchongs, Japans, .[a
a e still moving ltrge
giving universal s tisf
We make it a poi
n4 qualities. Wheth
call and examine lour ock of Teas and prices. -
Now is the s asonsfor SUGARS, aud we keep a full line fro
gtade to the best n th0 market. We handle nothing but pure S
We have ext a velie in Demijehn French Vinogare and
We have alst a ccemplete stock jof General Groceries, and th
on getting the be t vanoe io the ma ket.
Money Loaned d Real Eastate Bought
and S ld as Usual.
I represent severe of the best Insurance Com-
panies in the world.
Street, Seaforth,
Loq- N Jaz GO.;
Offic---Fi st boor NORTH
of Comrner ial Hotel.
Notes disco nted, and ft, general 11
banking busine s done.
Remittances to and collections made
Business do e through Balk of Mon-
A limited a oant of naoney received
on deposit.
Money to lo n on real estate at best
We have done a god business ince starting hem, and are
and appreciate the coafidence and patronage of the corninunitt
tie past patrona e, amd asking a co tinuance of the ame, I am,
sale or to rent, a dwelling hotiL
se sad lot,
s uth of the railway treek, seljeining the torn of
Seaforth; There is thiee querteis of en are of
land, all well fenes .d; also a geed orehard en it.
1 he house is commodious and comiortable, with
a good c llar and evoodeeed ; also bald and soft
ed. IRS.
water conveni?ut. Will be 'sold ch
on the prem sea to the nradersitin
VARM FOR ALE —The eubscriber ffeis for
4- sale, his farm of 10 acre., b ing Lot 13,
Concession 5, McKillop, aboet 5 miles from Sea-
fot th, and °lilt half a mile from Bo chewood post
office and store good gravel road pss es the dor.
Ab 114 80 acres cleared, remaindergo o hardeood
bush. Good freme house, stab e, beat, and
usual outbunditgs; spring meek hi ough the
centre of the farm. Go d be oing rcha el and
land under fair mil ivatiou. Will be sold lilies%
and on reasonable terms. 'WILLI M 11DY,
Becehwood P. 0. . 8 5-tf
FABm IN TM FOR SALE —The south
60 acres a lot 20. emces:don 13., 45 aorta of
which are clared, free from stumps and well
under drained. No better and in the cuety.
Is situated a: out hell wi1y tetwecn . eaforth and
Brussels. It le well rented. 1 here i a lo home
and a good f:ame barn arid frtun stable and
shed aud a kood orchard planted with „apple,
ph., pear aud cherry tries in geed earine erder.
It ‚15 000 and a =prter miles east fro I e bury.
Apply to ROBleRT MeMILLAN, 1 ot 33 Coro
cess.on 3, MeKillop, or to Boxl€5, Sa1ort1 P. 0.
. ,
eas, censisting
kling Congous,
ASH/Inas. We
argins, and are
and pod draw-
lly requested to
FARM 1'OE SALE.—Noirth half Of let '9 „4 era
. c•sion `1, Mot ris, ;containing 100 acr,
Which ale el sired and M arly free rem ilturnps.
1 le le ere ou the pit;11e4e5 a gotei h g hoe and
f ante seible two never Wiling well and an ex-
cellent o el, trd of an ost two andred fruit
trees, alt be .1ing, 11e fatni is ,conyti nently
sheeted, being oly:Atte1and a hal enilee from
Brussels ant hire •eit flelA Seaftn h got f De-
ther pat tieueue app y:t7 F. S. SO' 1:1 ',
lei. taese4e111,
or tosidellAbD LEL8 Li.dsa.
..i7A-B,--A1 Iisi '1UL KEittele I rn FoR
. For bal, lot 2, eincessi ,it 3, 1.-11..A. 'rock- •
ersmith,eontaiLit g I00 One, b5 ,'1 wleeh axe
elvartd •'th6 i ennui, der is bai dw o bush. 1 here
is a good Wick house and 'frame .outeniblings.
Thole is a spleedel enchad aue pi nt. e Of water.
It is conetenent to Sobool and churdh. Itlis with-
in five milet, al of rib and sx os Clint ,n, with
good greed roads leading to both pettes. Fax
further pal-tient:us et ply 41 the IS; ennette or to
Seaforth P.-0. ROBERT eieVE Len 851
Sale, chesp, the eleCatliey fain, 013 ithe Mill
Road, 1 uckersanth, containing .15 acres, about
65 of entice are clee teen unerdrained, wtil feeced
and 111 11 fi,st class- eta e of cultivatien. The
balance is; splendid pa. tare led.- here is
Inick le uee atel uew bat: I barn w'h ste e stab-
ling .underee itb, else a geod thelo rd an 1 plenty
of water, and is within belt a . mii . ef 4 school:
This farm is I enntitutly eituated end s within
two.miles of tbe villegeof-Brucetien end - onr miles
nom .Sedratte end wilt he et. d deep RS the pro-
prietor hae gone to Kansas :wily to AsTRONG,_
Land Agent, Seaterte, or to et M. SCOT ',Bruce -
fie d. 89of
VARM FOR SALE,---sPor sale, • he euet hall of
:- lot 7,; concession 12. Isullett toxin klieg 50
acres, abut 40 te which a e •cleat 4, w)1 fenced,
free train ettenps _and hi a high et .te o cultiva-
tio. noelsif. good .futme br/ , two ,orcharde,
and a nee r failing spling meek Y. 00h134 through
the place. ; Is • e, it bin e quarter ti, a nilin -of a
sehool and ie couveeieut to mark .tv, .n.c., A good
gravel roe a luneMg past the plac . Fee further
partM14st s' address Hai leek P. 1 , . or !apply on
lot 6, coetessien 1, Hulett. THOS. AMOS
Proprieto. 861
. - -
-WARM FOR SeLe , nontaieit g Itin acres, bo-
2-- ing cOn•posed -of weit half ci Lot" 13, iu the
fish •conceesiou, and we- t half f Lot 11, ie the
5th cotateSsion of Hullett ; 50 eres ceated and
ie geed slate of cuervetates ; b lance well tun-
bereciNvith pivie, Oleic i‘Sli, fine ' ceuar. Ulm le
a frame 'house, ersme hern tine atalles; good
well 'and nrcherd ; isitu t..=1 let miles Its'm the Til-
lage of •Kinbare, 7 frone Clinton, and 8 trout Sea -
teeth. Pesstssion. give* to . do 1 11 work; terms
es easy. Appy on the prentee 5, ur addines to on-
stanee P. v. MRS. 0. PETRIE. 1 137,6
the cheapest
rystal Pickling
pablic can rely
in good spirits,
. Thankful fur
P. S.—S. ,G.
to Convey anci
lending money
and selling far
Having my
class running
announcing to
that with mil
proved machi
prepared to tu
the shortest n
to see all m
many Lew one
on hand to tra
McCaughey will attend
g in all •its btanches,1
on real estate, buying
s, houses, Lec.
ew mills now in first-!
rder, I have pleasure in,
y customers and.frietida
rged.prenaises and ina
ery, I am better than ever
n out_ firstmlass work Ou
tice, and. will be pleased
old customers and as
. .A. large stook of goods
e with as usual.
And so
the Medical Hall sure to give
satisfaction in
I 1
Duncan's pizootic and &rttier,. Powders lav' no equal, and don't yon
forget it. The edical Hollis the place to secure good value for your money.
Duncan's Extract of Red Clover, as a blood. purifier, cannot be surpassed by any
others. sDuncaa's Cough Syrup is a blessing to mankind; a cough cannot stay
where it is kep ; every house sheuld secure a bottle, and have it at hand. in case
of Coughs or C Ids.
Next Door to Duncan & Dancan's Dry Goods Stoe, Main Street, Seaforth.
The P
ople's Stioeraaker, Seafu rth, Ont.,
Is daily receiving Ioots and. Shoes of all
material made. I always buy from the
eyes open for BAR AlNS, and give my
--1 he subscriber . ffess fi r 'tale, hi ferm of
100 times b Mg Lot le, Coeceesion 1.. Stanley,
tem, 9 i Atte• cleat el ted 1. et lioi4 stumps.
Teerele n the premiees a stone 'no it -e, Irani°
an cbuili1 gs sent got (.1 en-hant, Well w tertd and
iu peed s lite of exhivlion. cherch a 1 setiool
adjeinieg thee set I let. It is s t Med 6
mites froth 1Sat field, 6 from Zueieh, 7 fr= at Kippen,
nee 31 'rpm Varies. lense, $1,000 dome), and the
bill:rive i b suit ptiechaner. Po -session given let
dey ot M reb, 188e. .Apls te WILLIAM HARD -
WICK, Bayfied P. in , 875 26
palm 3 TUCKER83II r a FOR SALE.—For -
4: site Lot 12, Connces,h,L 2,11. 11.8.., Tucker -
smith, centaining • 115 arree, of whieh 90 are
mewled sine in a high State of cultivation,. The
land is well ui do reran on well fenced and. there
are spit dia hems end t ther outbentliegs. There
i8 a good order& a in ver failing spring creek
running through the eentre and :mother passing
throneh pne eerier of tee fain, bed Lot a foot
of wasteland. It is one t,f the bet t drain groW-
big fal-Jos in the Ceunty, and is als4 good fax
stock, i, et sheet. 4 within MO ilailes of the
flourishi g Tillage of He salt, and an equal dis-
tance I tan Kippen. For further particulars,
apply t 111011aEL HEFFERNAN) Seaforth,
VARM FOR SALE. ---1!r Sale, part of Lets 11
2: aud 12, Ceneeesioti 18, toweseip of Grey con-
tainieg rai .0 es, 70 i 1 wh ch are ch artr, free from
eteimps aud to a go. d stele of cultivttion, It is
all wel nate) drsieed eed .epe.d. There are on
thepreibises a good leg house and Muni also a
large bear ng orcharc awl a good vital It is situ-
ated twp ano a ha f mr:es horn the swage of
Walton, 7 from Bralsend 12 Iron Seaforth,
with gee d In awl reads Jea ding to etch phaco.
St hooie sea 0111111i B 0 neeeient. or further
particulars *pity en tht• Premiss or to Walton
P. 0. MRS. A. Mc MLLAN. 87041
VAR14 FOR SAL,—Lot 20, Concession 12,
-2: Teen; ship of GJ(3, containing 102 -acres, 60
ae. en 4eated and in 4 g, cd stase f cultivaiion ;
the balance is we 1 timbered. These is on the
premises a good Trame heuse, log barn and frame
stables also a 'ged beating orchard It is
miles ft•drn e thel Station en the Great Western
Railwate one utile Leen the village of Cranbrook
and ei ritiles from Brussels. For t trme aed fit. titer
pantie -Wars apply to VALENTINE .FOERSTER,
Crenbroi It P. 0 ,Ont. I 877-16
kinde, of the latest B3yie8 and very best
very beet naanufact rers, and keep my
customers the benefi .
Is rushing, but theLe is alwaysdoom for more, so come rigbt along and leave
your order, and i you don't get satisfaction you, need not °me again. I have
six of the hest wo kmen in the country, and personally superintend this branch
of my business, and. can guarantee satisfaction.
Come and see ray stock and be convinced 1 hell the trut . It won't cost you
FARM FOR SALP.-eA rare chance. Being
ahont to tetire teem fei min g, the proprietor
offersi is lam for sale cheap. ' lt is i fituated in .
th to eiship of Turn ter yeelj emit:it:the town plot
of Wi gb um , and coetains 00 res,70 scree
cLae4 anis in a good etate e cultivatton ; three
acres :er tied be hence her. weed. 1 1 here is
a bat, ba n 5-x0) on t e PI lalif03, also
a goo4 bef.riig (easer/3, erd the ,lace is well
vitae' d. Terms cagy. App y to 3 . FLEUTY,
et the Advence (Ate, Wiegee.. 87741_
r •
eale, south half of Lot 2
berry, contaieing 154 acres,
are clr axed., and the balauce
bush bed putt swamp. Tito
Com; sfion 2,Turn-
about 70 -of whit')
vdll trsered, part
leaTe land iS well
log house.
d of choice
iati seven and.
and a half
quarter of a
r particulate,
uuderdrained, and iu ng. od tate
There is a good freme ban, aro
There is a splendid beerng orche
iuitt.; It is situated melte g v1 r
a halt miles fr, m Bussels, a d -tes
031105 from Wroxetir, and wi hies
mile of Schoolhonee. For 'u-th
appleeon the premiees, ler to SLtWA
Wroxeter P 0.
1.4'211411 FOB. SSLE,—Beit g
1- concession 2, fowashie
50 tides, 45 eeareS, well dras
state of cultivatien, Out
hon t.e with frame ,90,21i k ion.
put, in fall wheatand do fell
2 miles frrn td het Kipper, o
mile b om school; ceevtnot: t
is a fine farm) awl ,ee bs
reatemable Lerma. -For tom
ti. 111518 euquo 0 on tbe er
S PHILIFS, Allis 00 P. 0.
The t xecutots = ffer
for stile, in order tO close tilt
of the late Andr1W it%
eeSSif013 8; Township of tehr
north half of Lot 25,
of B t , containing -
ed ajid in a good
uild ge g torn Log
13,ess1on given to
plowng. 811 nattd
Ifen tel. one half
to e erchs„ I bis
32d heap and. on
further par-
r attires , B.
- _- -
le !,:lowing lands -
effaire of the eetale
I:Ina-I-Lot 30e Con-
ine. coutainitig 11:0
luted and m e good
acrett Hi acres el small, wvil
etatd of cultivation. Thule In e H x a•rtts , 1ot-chat-El
of tee ch kest textile awl te,o1 never Lining
spriti,.8. The propoity eo aii s la Comfortable
brick houe. Set:oral—Let 31, Concession 3,
Township of Usborl•e,e()Ltall 111;.; 1; Jaen s•5 litres
ed, wed uutiendrah ed, and in a Welt state
cd orehare of four
two barns, stables,
ool oo '-'PP site loeS
re towns of I. xeter
and Vermeil. These fie me tedium each other,
and will he sad together Ol separately. Tenni(
of payment easy.. F -or parti4nIlaTa applyto JOHN
McQUEEN, executor, Luro ey P. 0. or B. V
EinsIOTT, Solicitor, EXeten P.O. 873-18
of c
It is
ltivetion. Thsre is a gt
,a laree hriek hoese,
mg shed, all freme. Set
about Once milts to t
-~..-. ~_ -