HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-24, Page 22 ; froM out pleated. The m votional ble had b corn panic to himsel "Come "get out you to be Nehem approach back by - "Stay that aiste abonds o them." "Bat i to say. The b no words said: "This i not be manner. of the la form we thou art "By m rascal on ybur deli you stay. Come, git out I" "We s be tlirow do not fi such is tr. with us y in hot wa "Come sprang fr these pra knees as With a sprang fr they had garglen fe dwelling. them. "No d leader la some fan. a rani of. I persua,d In acco log was r Bob grasp lently. "Open,' and disgu no right t wiles for and ye'll in yer Tat thee will. But his and prese approach "S -mash "They are goin' to pi The be approach door two indicated should be But eve and alines leader of t and sank away like panying e "Why, de-manded prise. Before however, movement hastened f lowed by To expl discomfit -u: interior of When door, the p made app the loft, it. gine which the garde in fact, wi simple in cylinder, fi forming, squirt -gun This th working o they woul ing. So t use. It requir the cavity when it w diguant m the person it is easy Sc as the himself in Nor was had fully others had at such sh service. It was s veutured t horses,. but galloped a in pursuit "Verily t laugh, yea, er remarke flight. aB thee hath ire, and th "No mat row troubl the preaen tell me the Then, as manner in away, s -he laugh, in w -Far man held hims the home daughters called upon No doubt a cabin full determine ladies had from raa,ki T-TTE DEFENCE. Nehemiah Strong, a zealous an.d faithful Quaker, was smitten with the "Western fever," some years since, and finally removed to the regions where "squatter sovereignty" was being ex- perimented upon.' Bat squatter or any other sOvereiguty troubled Nehemiah but little. Be was amen true to his creed, and wherever his lot might be cast, there would he live in peace and Quiet with his fellow men. The proper location was aeon found, and when Nehemiah had made a clear- ing and built alog house,he was monaroh of all that he surveyed and staked. But Strong was not allowed lofig to remain in peaceable possession. Bolder and. -more evil men lived in these western regions than he had ever before met, and in the absence of any very positive or ver available law, they did not hesi- tate take the management of affairs into their own hands. A few reckless men could thus, by combining for a common purpose, rule a great number of more timid or more resueetable peo- ple, driving them from their houses, or dealing with them as they would: Strong, notwithstanding his blatheless life and gentle religion, did not long es- cape these vultures of the west. His home attracted the notice of a despera- do named Bob Bellows, who determin- ed to possess it, inasmuch as that would be eager than building a. house for him- self, or perhaps driving away a more determined mann Besides, the honest Quaker had not forgotten wheat, pota- toes, corn and calier provisions for a comfortable winter, which season was now approaching, thpagh still quite dis- tant. Accordingly, one day Bob Bellows, armed to the teeth, and looking es- pecially ferocious, rode up to the cabin and enquired for the owner. The Qua- ker chanced to be inside at the mo- ment and quietly answered the sum- mons. "Does thee wish to see me?" he ask- ed, gazing upon the intruder with some degree of alarm, notwithstanding his peaceful nature. "Wal, ya,s," growled., the ruffian, "I thought I'd ride Over and see what in the old boy you'd gone and set 3 our hose on my land for!.That's all I wanted for see ye for." "Thee: is mistaken," returned Nehe- raialt. "This land belongs solely to me, one Nehemiah Strong, thy humble ser- vant." "You lie." was the fierce rejoinder; "this land is mine, and now, as yer shanty is stuck on here, jest in the place whar I was goin' to put my own, I'll be eagy with yer, and say nothin' about the ye'll jest gi-t out of here and be be- yond sight and heerad to morrer morn -- in'. Whet edye say to that ?" "Verily, I believe thee a villain !" re- turned Nehemiah, finding that be was not to be immediately eaten up or run - through. "This is my home, a-nd the home of my family; yet thee seeks to turn me from it, and leave myself and family to starve. Nay, I- cannot con - train raywelf to leave thus. Thee has no right or title heie,, to mk. knowledge. If thee has, produce it, and r will de-. part freely." "Look ye, you old robber t" hissed the desperado, "I hey a claim here. I sar- veyed this land near ten years ab, and made ray marks. If you have cut them down, it'll be all the wuss for ye. I've plenty of witnesses who know about it, and I needn't tell ye 'tie a bad scrape tow be guilty of cutting away yer neigh- bor's land -marks, Now; I shall be bete tO•morrer morn in' and if ye know when yer well off, you'd better not be here at the same time!" With this unmistakable threat the outlaw turned and rode away,. leaving the- Quaker in not enviable frame of mind. We might have stated before, although it may be quite as well to say here, that Strong's family consisted of his wife and two daughters, with a son, Mark, about twelve years of age. The d•aught tars, hearty, buxom girls of twenty two and twenty years each, named respect- ively Rath and Naomi, were full of na- tural life and decision, quite anlike whet the daughters of a meek Quaker would naturally become. They, with the mother, a middle-aged gentle woman, who strove hard to live as peaceably as the tenets of her faith required, gathered about the husband and father. The latter sank upon chair, seeming quite discouraged and disheartened by the event_ which had teat occurred aVerily,. I know not the proper course to paesue," he mourned. I can ill afford So leave this house and the growing crops smiling upon us with promise of sustenance- for the winter. I fear this villain is a rascal of utter dye, who will not hesitate at bloodshed. It may be well to go, yet I mast re -main for a time." Ananxious night was passed, and very early next morning all hands were astir. The sisters had been engaged in consultation daring the night, and when they descended from the loft, Ruth drew her father aside. "What will thou do, father, in case those bad men come?" she asked. "Verily,. I know not," he replied, "I have studied upon the nit tter all night, but my mind is far from fixed. If they insist upon it, I suppose we shall be obliged to flee; and our religion cloth not allow as to fight with carnal weapi ons." aLet us manage that, father," the girl. insisted. "Truly we cannot fight, for Ws3 have no worldly weapons, but I much, think, if we are not sadly mistak- en, we can induce these outlaws to go their own way." "I pray that thou raayest, my daugh- ter," the father returned, "though I know `not how woman can persuade such fearful beings." alitat then wilt leave the matter to Naomi and myself if they come ?" "Yes, daughter," was the reluctant as- sent, "thee can have thy way; but I pray thee do nothing rashly." The madden went her way, well satis- fied, and in a short time had a large kettle over the fire, containing a small quantity of water. When this was brought to a boil more was added, until the kettle was nearly full. "Surely, Ruth, thee does not intend to wash to day," the mother remarked, seeing these preparations. "Never mind, mother," was the sig. nifioant reply. "Naomi and I may need to do a little washing, but it shall not disturb thee." The young ladies were quite acute- toraed to have their own way, so no de- mur was made, although an attack Gath A machi New York street•swee en glass, et ed as being of many steam. It of 1,800 p moves to a while two side and pi per out of t after the d ed into a leather, vee material ri er, and is b and other torn of th other vat o - • - . . • • - - , , - . • • - . - . . . , t, ' • . _ _ , i , - • . . J . . . . e ' - , , i THE HURON ,., • EXPOSITOR- .. . • .. , .. , , . , , . . . _ .. • , ' - , ' . ' • 1 - . .1 ( . t - • . , , ' laws was every • >ming meal was ear, and almost een cleared, Bob d by five or six rascals f, rode up to the 1" he shouted from if here in quick- gone before I come fah Strong rose to ed the door, but lath, who said: . ;here, father. Thee r and I might meet f the earth, and ; is not ,fit" --he ave girl, however, , but springing to it. our home, and triven- from it save We would never 7, and if they 130M4 will obey them, 7;t0 neither fear nor 7 soul, little Qtiakeress, ed, "you've a heap. ate body, and I Bat the rest out of this, or we'll WI not go, either i but I" returnedeRuth. ;ht with carnal it our faith, bat if ta will speedily find ter." on fellers," said en his horse. . "See yin' gals can fight veil as we kin- afoot.» hoarse laugh the an their animals, been fastened to nee they turned But the door was from ballets, aglied ; "so now Plenty of wood Sam, you git a a 'em to open the :dance with this .ised by fear of the ed the door and ' he said, with iting language; which ) record; "open, e. We'll break the aid a nest' of ro i peaceful home. words brought ntly the men be d. i her down !" i stubborn as--; ay some trick on rers of the battering-ra d, and Bob, aftergivin ir three not very _• the , place whe given. . a while the bea t ready to descend, be gang gave a upon -the grou a huge spider ich movement w dab, what the devil one of his folio any attester co he questioner ex ,and with very ram the vicinity ill the others. tin the cause of re, we must er the house. :nth closed 'an lan she had inneind anent. Naomi id now returned I had been use daring the 611 j ,7hin a few days. lesign, being merely teed with a piston, ta More or less . ' • e sisters bad put :der the night previous, leatherwise have lat it was now ed but a few moments with. the boiling .s forcibly ejected %ideas' arms, lauding and clothing of i foresee that the uakereas had affirmed, hot water." be alone, for before ieen taken, 'every received a sprinkling, art range, did most . tme time before e return and unh4cla this they inallv 'ay as though some A them. he spirit constraineth to laughtheartily," I as he beheld ut, my Ruth, I iwa,kened this man's at we may suffer ter, father ; we need e They are dispoged a and something y will not come back."' she recollected the which they had reeve herself up hich all present y weeks Nehemiah df in readiness he had. founded lefended, but they to do so. . tab Bellows would of men, het the op -position . tion of the effect of deterring tg his appearance minute eaten before Bellows, door: his time. l" hitt these deal 0011mm:toedTh waited thesdobr, truly resist but. obey?' do-n't must throw - weapon, you youraelves Bob, Mara alai the - to fait bpys," We'll here stiola door' plan, men, shook mapy. or ill d rin' Ye tee rin he of us." gentle e the- was the earful d,: and th a ails ers, Id be cuted .ittle ' closely heir turn • . barrel h.tid. Teith -in mer It the than . • in been all read. il water, by Bob reciptent. ' the one. , -the did, &tad the -verily in seeria haste to a joined.; to and were have the ever ex with de. the toe am like an- , hortie ; -: : told feet, and as pulledRiather • ' promised vag- with for. she we will in a legal officers • in due stich as ' the of life in maid if tramp. you • shall we "We for, meddle as he if One of on their ;dere when Quaker's enter the against the have -to make 'while for us." . a small while it vio- oaths we have be the or'40Wn, il :cats: , erily - Gan nee,* t ii log gro led. the are now . the Rills, , low . • poised, v iant awl, cra ling ac om- groan. -ye?" in stir. . .. g yen, a like lee: ado *hit- sin • tiler to the the was .ocin beet to ris eni wet -ring mo.tlad, was •ery a ho lotv WI ole a I: rge I pe fect . hen sl-ep, for t i . fill and tie in- a poll Bell wa, " d rid ; al ,I kin of the w 1 eh, effec dye ri era t eir : nd _ -as 1 nil: to thel th- ignoble ear mad ins- retu n." not or of -for :a to um nth ed he 'ty 't St _ ng eta ate his not f ced vel nd yo ng Ina a ter. 1 use in - tise rid' ok- . desc ib- -pi ker by. lads tor min te , al" ng of pa- eft, . 'again p SS- str w light at- gl as, ot- in an- !Oat . - f of I_ ve about coo - ce ne of ' lo • • i br ; Ce pi ; ne ; in ' of sh i ed le ; so • str .! Bo • an ha ! ov-r ' on ru ! ; . wa - .m. ,i iil , W , jeoa ale itro 1 * ,shr !the •pithy -lees en a a are of eta, a lee in° Ea qtr cgn rea Dmn. bra tba w hies niv-r I bdog had 0 remarked. nap, itee, pe ' - rela re the. ipett;r . vain abo Rres-nt. hotser .She and my thre; Own 'It.ne) of .1 mi. oil ., een'ing• ildtin Irlie, tlhat 7 il m att.- ay Stak li a , 'a i r , f t e f all. o i: a a a ab g:nt pain . i cia t I ei it Fiat .1 „ --Igo 1 tie:11y e o ea.ibned ' a. dr: a a ca a dr . °ph ewe II: s P e d fly putrid 6 t e r 8-tio lat cup,. t6Mporary a 4r alite that eiten The cone sOrib d na ad a id, Igr,li eiressid bling Shirt' - mark- who lest from cenn and. their of dr the vdillir•quire Re *ri: ,. ., • • i_- i , , , , , . i i 50 loeds .ed advay' $30 ts a hmadred 0 ts a -hundred st valuable, oal and d of 1,800 nght triad rs neer r Eat choonere ight draught, al hal-bars A sailor shirt :ones tched e fresh then dful it. . . e, and., a bed away ' Wheee - .- .asked, e sivater. 1 'Them's zrei in asera -Id a, wch hag- sets r ' The I I. b," 8aid prairies truala , two mg in d -rk green, • eautiful e used . ordage k dries, fl sh of uguilla ly known lish-speaki . nted - - I he •Seere :, correspousent ly had , the ty-ninth ed by :king a sea, the the secret been 'ave too not worked ft I ago. , kind a the -;n years vlr be • !ay we .e than al ore • o -morrow, 1 oternalist, than -- .. • i shaw," , "let. it to.niorrow. of has left by,whom ittle years great heir of no years, i My a ley. to be call vexes -'' Way, my eade a as • put .and r it and lei at the I e laboratory -A new years it bly had f :rein& • fl 'lid to I ammermo a town : nce-d-in -la 'eh a previously. ed they °man his by a 9.3 the I • a g stua with perched d• stiffebed vated Ismael ailing; youilike et - proMptly -I am t. t r °a, c meg ie. ae gentlem:n, cleart the flask., :catered bling iqiiott sad so edy eing ggrayated ordidary ffect ived, d. eeling ith " Ca,' '8 the my in -a' year he S • T -• isite -ere d safe being iy tow t. ey t :xpehences ving orieciPal ugurittion . . 1 1 . . • of realm, but thirty as 'vvaste. The rags per ton the old pounds, the glass ; the hornet and about 403 cinder are obtain pounds. -Paper are iron are d from orl . aho "lean ed enth a brought beam intb is big of mentLwa,s n a ed bed eared the adet" o w bet 8 le " • Jain giowe of Greg, he arse hen op h. i: Si .ng. t• . t, e e bi: •d ,, 0 e, :if see I e- . a• i ! n I a u ej d f t V, -. a. .., d he ct a de roe Inn .a imel st ba a I w w h i ay ti fo e se ze D wi o Da cr I es i8 b o k bn El boa the bp: to sf..iht it ant as egg m. I, a lei 11 if n e dl a F re 0 of al a ve ra b con- briug `forty thirty the ponds t. . any and at the and and the ob Jain- wool- thee pe red bu ket, li e ,. them man , put SOM6- iland er'n up so's ofyer g llax a ery tiff ach are eloems leaves Bort • the like plant , corn-- : motig re ac- n, ire re- Obey- whoe cele- After good to tell hays ' and . from .. If died have better nave then g ill • awrld. vies -al , met ' . ' said ieee I: sk- a.lv y a ; t 8 il I lo 0 e e f h Ill • a o b the sus- d/11,I u and g eat. "I uc . a :o 1 • e 1 to • o ov a le' a r V8 w 'rapand th . ) th a ins t a . tp .ite c. ed :hire , , n h i 8 i e a m •on ea r;111 ti- i a ad, f o sun tti id h • i t o , il rs . b a elots, : Vi an : he you. o'er! d•'.1)i est ! re- tat ill ity b. cle c• pe he • a I : pf eelre en fi M f re . , . . : a a at . he on on . . • I , s p e . 'e f s r . y r . • - : e - a , v ; . ' ing lars to •, . - REAL ESTATE ------- • ---------------•-- FARM FOR SALE.-The Pale his farm Concession 5o H. R. cleared and in good fenced and enderdrained, timbered with first never failing running close to the buildings, free access all the year bank barn, and vets- bearing orchard. There sown on Fuennerfallow plowing done. Itiswithin Possession given at or without the stook. balance at 6 per 'cent. Egmondville P. 0. FOR SALE. --- ------ ---- :,subscriber offers for of 4.00 acres, being Lot 12, S., Tiickersmith , 8$ acres state of cultivation, well the remainder Is well class hardwood. There is spring of excellent water to which stook may have round. Good brick house, complete outbid' limos Good are six items of fall wheat ; &leo considt-rable fall two miles of Seaforl h. any tree. Will be sold -with Terms, $3,000down, and ALEX. NIOHOLSON,, 874 tf . - a CHEERl Yield - - Has ahead facts and ing merchants stooks early - at saving - WARE - brought the ,chaiat-who I came in down ing front we I chat. we mer than and endeavor your, you ' happy . , . . Not Low , 1 1 SEAFORTH, to Pice SEPT. _ te.... , Makes family, 73c, the hopet3 House in to did not - is also a bad of at claim more of to Campbell's all Mammoth 225 C-HtER. , Although You - i884. the . FRIEND° - • Idle, Sorrow,. of Grain Despondent, In In Place of Soati. amount of the to this city from Me American ports is Ian the foot of East Se Eighth streets. It that are biped of so as to get where the wood_ was scrubbing a ee n the deck of on yeeterd ay. The ga out flat. The ni water over it from picked up what loo of Weed roots, and ru A. Istrong . lather ap /ticking up a brush, digoreasly. is soap like that • • • - when he stopped roots. Their gr Mexico. The D:gos gather a.m. They'r: draws:. the shir civig . .et . he lee guna d them roots d on ' an ti - roots come from th : captain. "It II .of 8XiCO. It ha.- wi h a big !herd a d a half feet a Ion: thorn. The 1;aves a din the centr: w ite flower. to ma e hets and a c by t e netives, the leaves will bu powd r. They call . do .n there, -but i as soap. wee g people wh with i "-New York • that - - to most the niarketing exact . I bargains, please, witness she ith ectful live we deal , for it Iii3 PICKAI'D. 1\/1"_ H121L131-, . ! e placed goods as WHEN to be borne in 1 Montreal quotations this the best market of Toronto, before the 1 and at high , the dropped price, fatly 20 to . OF On Saturday samples of -price, she produced wante. up, but as . and just see what town told me but old goods." us were as ne allow no custom No. We o we only belit hants, but want most houses in we purpose remaining . to make tile i heads, look pl I 1-• ing your pock y I i , and pleased ' s a where WHE mind Montreal, 1 mark4 , ; , prices, I clearing 25 per , JEALOUS ' . a lady clothe I irom $5 , my neighbor you "buyan Now, as the r to n ver eay le oarselves. ; tay ., • t. thls S lioa's 1 asent, . ts f411 ith • • and • There a during thi! Seaforth other fact , all our town. , of everytsing held off, . giving you in , purchase On one piece, goods -from not intend I was to buy, , but there ; , that the -a living name them or peace with to have new thole the business, Seaforth, Bloi., behind, you Barge, • FARM FOR SALE. T trig. of 2 (1 acres Township of Hay, between the townehips within one mile of the rtotr, an. d a good mar eniumier in p 1st well underdreined half acres of oroha , aiteuteg, eith dna wells, with a never the premises. Pit! pat ticulars, apply o CHING, Proprieto ELLIOT, Real•Ests -A vela, able farm, Consist of fine -class land in the situated on the Town Line of Hay and SLIeplien, go irishing village of Exe- . et. 1,9eacrea clear of stump., re aud good mix«1 timber, nd rell fenced. One/ and a d, grafted fruit, large brick klass-outunildinge ; three go,od ailing spring ruunlsg through indisputable. For urther the peemiiies, to THOMAS ; ;Eater P. 0. (+LINN te agent, Exeter. 874-13 - thoth Bargain. you can clothe the whole T WAS $1 A BUSHEL. for the fall t One is, for wheat is one 70c on the continent. Then 1 - ChiCago, and was established, in 1 1 the Mammoth Bargain 1•1 oat LOTS; therefore, cent. by* doing your WISPERERS .. with her husband came and got our quotations. • her pocket the ' more I Then she said, told me of cheap kept, but had concluded 3 where else you this lady is a living , other man's, and go from our store one word dimes , We want to I once for all -that vicinity, and a great here and doing a share one. When you dome and make a B line of wealth and leave your purchases from • q.A.ME S 1 ouse et) e Moeth 760 ' th: Se: a porchasing tees for thy a for th A wh e out as fai , wo important Chicagt to 79c, mak. ti,, that whild bought theii 's elling of . id has bought advantage a forth. BE - , .nit of Tweed fter giving bei another m-er whet - pted to come the merchani have noth. good -s she goi t vertisement- another mer. th• goods, for ii our neighbor ess old stock many houses, . 'hi -oh we will , just hold' up . and shOuld will. go away n House. . 1GIARM FOR SAL! J-' lot 10, conceSs acres. There are 3 balancehas been In i There s a frame ho 4/ chard and a,•-rcs wtthin a mile and a will be sold cheap. also fur sale. This or together. A tlyeto POLLOCK on the lam, town P. O.' . QPI. ENDID FAR id Flheap, or tae c coneessions 14 and i ng 200 acres, of which i fenced and n a high is a good orchard a through the farm. joining lot. It is w of Walton ard six nsiles gravel roads leading f aim and will be sol tp na of payment, a, tire from farming. rd ess Walton P. O. .-For sale, the south !half of ou 1, Grey, containing 50 acres cleared, part •of the red town and part bush il. '. se an 1 stable, a young or- i tall eheat. it is situated uart3r of Jam, stamen It e he reljeining 50 acres are irly SA.MUEL or ANDREW pe ty will be so'd teparate- or by mail to :limes 8o0 I FOR SALE CHEAP.- tu eay and sterms, .lot 11, 5, toWnship of Grey, contain 150 acres are cleared, well state of cultivation. There d a ep•ing creek running there is a tchool on the ad- thin :ill miles of the village from Brusse's,.with good each place. It is a choice vers cheap and on eesy the owner is anxious to re- • ppl3 on the premisesor ad- ADAM DOUGLAS. 860xetf 4 ARM FoR SALE r eligibly situate, Iltilletti li- miles fro every convenience Wising 100 acres, o. house, a large ban horse and cow eel)! one at the barn 2 various kinds of ' fr handsomest farms ii well underdrained, aid et acres of first-cla.s owtar is unable to caltoini rnust be POld this fa Only 82,000 cash required for remainder. H. -Tin subscriber offers f•irtn. Lot 13, Coilet.ssion i Kinbuni, where there of a country village whiih there are a barn 60x40, chaff -house, ., good well at the house aereE of good orcherd lit. )ne of the hest, the township, well fenced, in first class order. ha •dwood bush. As e f irmine any 1 l. Nearly al ';. acid -d plocha.ser enn arrange' .ELL Cor_stance P. 0. that 7, is , con- frame and of and About rho nger, down. 87f,x8 .. an i famou hi the At the]'), ol a a pe:simist," cautio • mu One Thr seems reig 6 o repr have of f gentle . " you r•plied us I had a °dist me I great trand.daughter old grandfather thee w dear My si I do a librarian me i me.' ' dear yo young that in f ye I ha do . of Living of the V terview with French chem th has just a,deray of Scie rnalist fur all man proceed f living long. , said sly kept mys h of an optimist hard I would hing above a older; I grow t to have becom of terror. I d. Such a t duced in tbi more need of iolish reprisals` and life is betad. my dear rciasinr, you will a , pigilia', • o to -day.' the vette not trouble _Let US e; a model of a- exemplar a posterity tb : m loved. W salutes the bu•t every , quite a lean, eta this to me epee. I'm -tired ter Marie like 't. I like to when I iss Blue Stoc The old man sir," he conti again by j Moreover, I ractice the ol shall find.' e always found estic fireside a " FA. RM FOR SATE Lot 13, Cone Wellionigton, contain aeres are cleared, pa well fenced with cad with hardwood, ex. :pt anddididrytg Land cedar. ouse. The through the farm an class litt d. It is wit atonadmiirtf Harrist.ttonr,Pslmter(sffi-ton corivenlireencl:sawAien, sold ceeap. Apply Constance .i. 0. -For Sale, the south salon 12, Arthur, County ng 103 acres of which tly We fros; stunipe r. The balauce is timbered 5 . cres on which is There is good frame e is a ten g creek running a geed N ell. It iS all in 6 mile ii of the flour and Mount cepnd other °Unit kr/ a hell Will to ASINABELLA S5 1 half of 65 and splen- barn first shing ?rest, dingo be LL, Iwo FARM IN MeKIL the north 132 a. McEillop, of which 110 fencer', \veil under•d cultivation. The ba best of liataiwood. i feefrom stumps, an. free:: two 'ergo young bear 4 miles born the vil forth', and 8 froni roads leading to eac sown with fall wheat block, or 60 acre lApply on the eremite:, HOMAS SOUTER. CP FOR SALE -Po res of lot 15, concessin acres :are cleared, ained anilin a high stale anee is timbered with here are 4glity acres nearly 200 rodii of- board fence. buili ingel, three wells, ng orchards. It is sitkiated thee or Walton, 12 from riissets, with good gravel place. There are 14 The farm will be soil of it, to suit p is:chasers or address W . . sale, ea well of the and Sea- acres in P. 0. 828 - a • We we seasons. makes.. • in STER COATINGS TAINS 1.-1.- - . • d. • — , 1\T • , t s ese:',s• s- our low very make stock T '11 are • Ex LACE 0 0 1\1 -one .— _ : 1 XI ' 0 1:1° .} i 0 188. - importations, this season. rnongst them y ae previous . S in reliable ra good value . UL- - I UL - FANCY 1 VERY CU - T Ti H1 0 T A ID H] .---- al.A.D1--a and e the k of lilies, o of Le or SALETTES SERGES. I -a . ...-'' Old Country as they shades cheap. _ and quail SIL of TWEEDS CORD CARPETS AND , , _A_ Pa , . , , : (f) , , Z { ... ct, • LI , , < { 02 , 884. -• . We have receive . bever befora we 1 Elhow a large sto have a few specie • VELVETEENS -A large steck Good range E - WINCEYS • / CLOTH . AND • . . . j " 1 I,- , „ ' ,,,.•41,, ,ty, ,... 'Ai " ; • i ,:.•;;; , ,-7 WS: i -• - atetd`da ... el ' ..- -s•---shC" heseeese,-, .. ..:.•- - • ses , .7.•,4 • , e , 4.- .-, s ..se . SPLENDID FARM' -For eale, lot 2), cOntainiug-100 acres, ed, free from stumps, fenc- d. The balance is a, good Sugar Bush. house, a bank barn neath, 'and all other fist housecl class order. eelli ja •also a, large bearing seeded to -grass. ills and is c mvenient to ..• gravel roads in all direetio bet farms in the cou3ty, of waste land on the 13t easy terms of paymert. or tO Seaforth P.O.JAM ' IN` 'al clifLLOP FOR SALE. conceesiou 6, Mcl ab...a 1.-0 of which are men dreined, and is ws'l timbered a•td Th re is a large elw ,vith . tone atablIng under- nece sary out buidiugs rot i eani. d fesrof rstN)%,eakt.er Taitl orcherl and over 30 abou 4 miles from Seeforth httryl es -and schools. s. It is oesi ot aid there is not a ; st 11 be sold on A ply on the premises, S NIGHoL. illop, lear- w 11 here Bing in itehies cres Deed the foot very 866 - S WA.S01\T- 1 , 1 opened out the bulk . prices of Dry Gooda press Goods in all the which are consi,deeed in black and oolors, same 1- BLACK AND 1 ACKETS, AND , 1 1 five cent line. Full . OTTOMAN , , I . i TAPESTRY , CRETONNES , S 0 I\T, of so leading COLORED SHAWLS. S PLENDID FA.R.M at For Sale, Lot 8d. Bruce, containing 10 acres are cleared, fen the balance is timber hardwood arid a littl are frame buildings, creek running throug miles from the flour -klieg equal distance from L school opposite tie p settlement.' -There is bricks or tile, Which i: is asked for the farm. will be sold very Scaforth P. 0. IN` B 'GCE FOR conc ssion 6, acres of which ed- as d fr ee d pri cipally hen lock fencing. nd a never failing 1 the ila.ce. It town of nelery end. . There tree, ad it is in a spl -ndid clay wit Oue fourth Thi is a splendid. chess_ . Apply- SALE.- township 111)00 from stutnps, with splendid There spring is within Paisley is a a splendid hank of farm, to boa; 877 to late W. half Morris, a orchard, and is village one, is Seciand Gre'y, bounty. aci es cleared Is is and one and terms 0., HENRY or JAMES Connty. 668 of 30 6 and good for What 24, -ti • hlose G. Very of geed on - of well with three 'mile Disg ago his to epii a day -so, a h had be set sendi Mend driver heat . over his gil b' by th by th atfter a his- ts 1 dying for III , li* a'sit- my meta re. Glit liquis in r•ality as it Whet k-illie t hand, 3 peeee, t on th: but ending of di.gueato an 'air ye tb.: most craig, hada ." ' std Gillie e gentleman, flask filled wi itnouti liquors 8 . grouse sho es. The perly e ten or twelde red vehicle, the n on the sprea.l After having t :at for the mor ,g the keeper t while he util for his gillie. was excessive cad. Be sat lie, whose th and his lips the dreadf , precious deba : intense het. draught from that, said, ' have a swill f - . 1 eplied, " Th something ; ff isnot oig 'aye, holding the cup in one -colored liquor ering in the gurgled in genuine was poured i ed the airepetit A at he clutche nil in an ins, down the thin): a irst to which pplers are st poor wretch 'ever ade. quat the cup, with the gen of offended digit',i t brandy? 'T. t :boininable St an' I have- be o' drink for ti , (-WOOD FARTIS FO SALE. -L -In order ett; the affairs of th estete of the Hingsesn, the execut. is offer the following valuable lands, for ale. First -North Lot 30, Concession 5 Township of taining- 90 acres On this lot -is erected from° earn with ston foundation, good well and pump. N,arly el cleared, the gravelroad chisel adjoining the Brussele. This farm s a viluabes fenced and in a good 'tate of cultivation .---Lot 4, Conerssion•5 townahip of of Huron, containing 110 acres 10 and free of stumps, b lance well timbered part good hardwood, line and cedar. and a half miles fr m Brussels, from gravel roa•i. For prices apply to I Hos. EEL ..e., Brusse's P. JENSINSS, Victoria square P. 0., Slum, Maple Lodge P. O., Middltsex 'Lz„ 'II I-1 - - TEAS quality I any Greceries tityi 1 • 'We siroeui stock a set. prices Glass - and _.. CENTRAL LAI LAW GROCERY 1 j . ' I stock gains d ices. rpaesed. Dinner Tea prices Eg an pr : to 'frarci lame $a50 to s - s. . - ' ........ y ' TEAS! I 2, which for s ten pound idea. - 1 Rt ces as low as of General large eitian- parties de- . examine our $12 to $50 stock and upwards - show goods trains. th. . . • • SPLENDID FARM 'TOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUOTIfiN -Mr .T. P. Brine has heon in- structed to sell by Pu„,.lie Auction, at the Com- mercial Hotel,Seefort,., on Satiable:. ,Oct,25. 1884, at 2 o'clock p. ire. th) t EnJlencid farm sitttated in- the township of ullett being compotred of the West half of Lot 12 Co'neeesion 3 H 'le containing 5,l'acees a Out 45 cleared, well feillricetdt, mostly free from stn. pa tied ,underdrained,ialso frame barn, good house and eplendid afoorn-urra'rd, together wit. good elating water. is ; and a half miles froth Clinton and 7 Miles hone Staforth, with : good gravil road 011ie both ways. The farm must be sold bring What it a will. Terms -Ten p './' cent. of the urelaase on the day of e le, and sut. entP of i the balance to make $800, on the lst of january,1.885; and the remeinder o time to suit purchaser with interest at 6 per ant per annum. sip EY MORTON, Propiietor ; j. P BRINE, Anctio ,eer. , . : 87 -8 & , I PROPRIETORS. .1 FAIRLEY , . ] • T - , . . • The publics are and price caUnot and every packa STIG1- . , cOrdially e gdarafiteal , - of TE in five or cash reftt SITC1- Raws, and A full stoek Also . . of Torontoeald do well Sets Sets -a from o trouble s and coarse : I 1 Seafo v , - • e - ---, TEAS! invited to inspect be excelled. Special! to give satiefs.ctiom . . ,; ' Granulated, Refined : See our samples arid for quality cannot be and Meats. . . 1 . on ba a p s ired from Garbage. :le has been put to ',0 sift from house ref pings. all rags, old iroreb 3, The machine is a vast rag and bone ftalian power, working . daily c•apacity.is 150 lands each, The oscill nd fro 250 times • a; a. tbree Italians stand ile all rags and scraps ie mass. What isthen 'St has fallen- below, is rasher, in which all !amble refuse and other ,es to the surface of the timed. The coal, iron, eavy objects fall to the i water, are washed ' water and are sold. . • s - - . , .. , - . • - FARM FOP. SALE. id Akin 4, East Wawa taining 200 acrea abr free from stump' s. . . or ewharresa.n Idttihsewbeellste at farm is well timbere white ash, black ash, 1 ing. The farm is well buildings and good los 5Sx86 feet, frame benh turnip house attache below and frame above schools close by, 2 sirs eNlarkets-Blyth: 5 miles; Vingham, 12 miles; markets. The farm is State of cultivation an as it hall been under sty Terms -A small amou and 6 per cent,, on the pay for it, if needed, a: need the money, only is the want of health. apply to the owner Blyth P. 0:Ont. JAMES . . ,. . , . ' For Sale, Lot osh,.0ounty of t 140 acres' cleared,90 There are 17 t lard in the Township,bleing cd and the bilance with beachmaple, emiock and cedar feneel and has house, frame shed and stabling to stabling 48x12. Churches mil a with -Un Belgrave, hutch 15 miles of good' quality, very clear of care since t down to secure halal eta and. the Proprietor interest. The For further on the farm, W. AU1LD,. 1 . . 37, Co ces- Huron, on• ecres acres of fall of the elm , , for fens- gond out- bank barn 10fix26, with stone and 1..1 miles. 6 miles; all good in a good foul weeds it was blab. the !sale 10 year* to does', not cause of hell- particu- , or by letter, 878 , , • . . 1 , • We hold large st house in the con at all pinle of Canned Fruit 1 ' , , • • • , , , . : ' • CRO : hold orte of of purchasing before making China Tea low. Chambed are in great note prices. ck ha ty. , and. Fish KERY the largest enything their Sots from Sete, v riety. H ghost , AND and. best stooke in this department selections. A fine lot $5 to $15 ; Pr.nted plain and decorated, Call and see our stock. prices paid for Batter, . Fairley . . • ' . , . - GLASSWAR: west would of in , i I :I , i . . Mar e fried the lightrd-to and lost stre:ts 11 solo three o th a big . . , • . i . . ,, e . 's Argus wick ds of the 'St. tratford fair on receive th round. Their in the Mud was a narrow e marvellous n braving the four ;blocks roughfare. S house cleaning a a city. . ,,, . . aidla , . ' . - - -- i i . .& . . OCTOBER 24, 1884 ROBB'S GROoE SEAFORTH. VP Parties wishing topi:imbue Feed, Groceries of the Choicest Bran:38,5re particularly requested to call at the Popular Grocery, Stark's Blook Main Street, Seaforth. I have now a fine stack 'of tit best Sugars in the marlieti of all rands, and -will give ! -FIFTEEN POUNDS FOR ONE Do !°14111 ••••••=wimvammor FRESH HOT4Y I have lits fine a lot Of extracted . arketr3 M Honey as can be found in th at 15 cents per pound. i CHOICE TEAS As usual, cheap ancl good. obb's , , celebrated CuredteddliMil and dleatii always on hand. ! The I hamls are especially fine this eeason, having Nee InoiRsi cured by an irapro- •ed proeess. Oared meAaltlskwaiidesleosfalldi Family - y1reGtraoilc.e;ries Iliegasis handsectonrep 1 e°ctiBulBly il Fispufil* vited. . N. 6, -King's Specific a sure cure for Dyspilipsia, always on hand. - - THE AURORA QUICK TRAIN ATCH, The whole plant 's owned an trolled by practmal watch e Stockholders d,ray ra agents. N but fine, grade moveMents will be con, akers. thing made, and will be sold at prices of orb.ivary grades of other makes. The move- ments will be ready in September. Those thinking of purchasing a fine watch will ao well to wait and see them. M. R. COUNITER, Agen for Seaforth and Vicinity. FARMERS, IT WILL PAY YOU —TO CALL 412 THE FbUNIDRY, R THE HIGH SCHOOLJEAROTH, And see our stock pt I 1=, la 0 72V - Which has been made es tnis county. I have greatl my Gang Plow for this seas satisfied in saying that it is the market. Our !- ; 1 1 eci ally for improvea , re, and feel the beetle LAND ROLLERS Are large and heavy, runnin light and doing good work. Our GRAIN CRYSHERS • Are made from hard iron, a d will longer than any other mac line 'Made. Having special tools for recutting -Rollers, we can guarantee _satisfaction. Special attention given tq repairing Steam Engines, Saw, and rist Mills, Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, and all kids of machinery tepaired OD short notice and at , reasonable rates. To contractors and other - Bridge Bolts and Castings : at lo est rates. Irn Quotations furnish -ed 'en appicatioa. t&' Als�. i agent foe the plements of L. D. Sawyer, Hamilton. A full fins of repairs constantly on hand. THOMAS HEI4bi RY. --,------- WALL PAPE WALL PAPER, WALL PAP:ER. LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE COUNTY -AND- LOWEST PRICES/ AT C. W. PAPSTi$, SEA FORTH. APPLES. AP LES. CHARLES DONALD 81 00,1 79, (anew; Street, London, E. C England, VTILL be glad to correspond with Applearew ars, Merchants and Shippeis, vilh a view to Autumn and Spring business, T ey will also give the usual facilities to elastomers requiring advances. 8 6949 40,000 AC ES of WILD and IMPROVED LANDS, for sei!.. along the line of the P. H. &N. W. B. Rhin Sanilac and Huron Counties, Michigan. Pxle°g sfRueaent .is:to dt particulars leawr s to the.wl.awnds. J. NWE Write e281 r nxits rr yi is I's ike iesti°1;:dn: Port Huron, Michigan, generalegen for Tenn* from $6 per acre upwards. Good wa soil, 'climate, &e. Free Guides au 868X18 - . BER 24, 1884 otzfe71108:::::frrtiivbeearpfitir;stowlfieerscrherelletliwoleesnw.rlict Tthez;e•sr the nvgn:onogdf5tetonwe zt:gagWaWni:IffaBor_rlalrlitoe()onrergila.E•ta.1:iscVrefiT.:471rsciPoor3rts:te a t, 13e:beideelivparil2znevtoidtea_jaw We Must pstiently dig and dive; We tenet push awl 4itruggle anti. at kept" to; r3,• • :WorAr.7:2:0'en.ti°11:fir4iffibrue:rfrocts,le worityy that we laig The *teeter the heart and the ne I ovioellal:a.{:stahaeundlf oeeeuerl rtievareyjdtohter st .0 m : The ab:nes invo;etir,eoluraltIthnwoebbarsea;ks gJry wteeiehefal:dtroi:u'rilinnur hisca 'Of She river e e have to cress. : 13o-Srehlii4,1S.Iteto-edilnj asIlmdr tirleiletiersit and,, sallies the Master's will, the sow's demand; irehyti It ren the sii:it;torl the el 13- set war and itd‘hi teeeiLc1 rgi 04,:ta,, es = wretesn firamcilseciwkouisoundwuptit -Wily is a selfish friend Ii n.e Bebpeer•;:sas eet lstatbs3 eui ngeht e!,1 ac- oiiseesoes 060artaryptioiCta.etaecilh-tthhaet oe: w Athadeeproics.n find eketiome male p Teem on the bill -c'f- fare hoteie. Per haps this ie the iglo_orasytourettki:euid.L o_f tit„esEtott:ki: foreign petioles. .] es, miss. What nuanber Wity, two, of course I I've got a wooden leg." --eat breakfast. The deide dresses his naistrees ii! take- hash ?""No, that The waiter, with inost gir2it the waoorwlii " f, unWnyell.Iwillthinp_ ivet1 ,01 5i13. brought clothes iato be if it were mit for sin aohtea to church, Per had it not be there -would be no elothet hi --id Do you see that ddg?. dirty faced man. "Well, a mat saved my life uncei" replied. Pegg. "Don't blan probablydidn'tvu re you g k noQtv an' th How i asked an old judge of a 44Sii "Very tbeek you," at • I got my first case toiday;c. and what was it "A bo! ; -A. little girl was ,vii country, and for the tiret t ed the operetien of milking the proceeding intently or: inspected the cow minute! launched the poser: d dt't put it in 2" Waiter, didn't I tell mea piece of meload I " Yeas, Sah, you ital,!sil this piece is as warm ' "'aa, sale. Deds 'eerie:3 Bah. Dey's alias w .off de ice, ended' • Everybody must !gi knew, my dear roa.da.met," ! clan to a lady who had v* tipan the aem-ark as a p , she promptly replied ai‘a doeter - a great many of y I will never grow oil-" young Barlingtodiee -Jyniaxious over the result reign. He aad his girl he 6 following agave/neat : elected he is to rasdry: ! Cleveland is elected, ehti gi hint; if neither i1 themigt to marry each other. ! ' -At a BewIng circle :t ll - were talkie g, ,•and some of , got hopelessly confused.; e the subject; lot efickets ! choirs. e I iiever heard noise as they imade last ant woman, referring te! I, either," said auother, referred to the fall eriake they make that noise slid legs." Plantation Phlic 7 De whitest shirt ar# 8 in de blackest way. Dws,epfieson wid or itsef is rank where gro wasson wad er foal nata Er soft yoke ain't ante tender Bona De wild cat, pitiful cry, bat, good Lea Pin' l4Ienever aced a pli-E8011 he -couldn't pick out fault. Er c' aijite de President am er foal., Ef de e.berage man h* to tell de truth ez be hae truth would become pe lies so scarce d -at de nev would outshine de virtue: Honesty may run fr er family, hut it -soet De wuet thief I. eller Oeti er hones' fadder an' mizi right ter raise or child t he's boun' ter be houeS' j ladder was. Honesty I d like pacing wid er hoee. 4e famly but :de *right helps it mightily. -Ake A New Desire OP, A man who is oprield finde it hard to mein:tali life. Twenty yeats *dieited the Maseadid School, and eelected* ii hie family. The oneich wiry fellow*, who had' t from the Boston state accompanied the geulle arrived in Boston. led to a depot, hie old Wilful ed, and he smideuly! 4 gentimeads eide and rad full of tenement house crime and dissipation. being fleet of foot, scion! and o0 witilt prrcoemd shiinmg ai s Wi.2 the effort to make a ge hetere.A the gf;arafc tlentti ry it; tt,! aacia the ledy's heart! man took the place The his a new affeietion caused wild influences sit --I firlheiuo ei, bia Theself 'actabie, oruanglopet wofer! goIntdfic