HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-24, Page 1N.OY 7 every - this kiutc ti n, was seting. •ng at people an. act :erests: t tem enefite tried, urging or the • Mr. again -k and f order meet- sed to hands show- }ly in s• evere —The taken seenre y. jr.,. have ds of 4gga rt, �hisel� from vile of Gregor, ,.illage: rgeon,. Ft, left Cool- ed. It The; .n the Sub - 0.. irks of value It d by fused is the- Es the ectioa X No. ;ehool grand wised, • phis- f the thool> seven done • r the ld to k? the tesses tr son, ehton three if the L. With �the dilxgs .1e -err e noir Irvegal d an earty k:ars, entice *ke :settle k stied n in- [esti- :lister n-[esti:lister :Tri 0= v f SEVENTEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 881. SEAIr OCTOBER 24, 1884. MoLEAN IROS., Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advancer BAND MILLINERY SALE _Roffman Bros.' SEAFORTH. We are going out of the Millinery business, and commenced a GRAND CHEAP SALE —OF'= Millinery and Mantles, —ON— Saturday Last, OCTOBER 18TH. THE HUDSON BAY ROUTE. At the last session of the 'Dominion Parliament, an appropriation was made to defray the expenses of an expedition to explore the waters of the Hudson Bay, with the view of determining whether a practicable route could be formed therefrom the Atlantic ocean. The expedition so formed return d to St. Johns, .Newfoundland, .ou the 13th inet., and have since reached Ot Awa. The folio wing account of the trip is iven by one of the party :- = The steamer Neptune, of the D. ion Government Hudson's Bay clition, left Naohook, Labrador, or 6th and arrived here on the 11th ing made the voyage to Fort Chui on Hudson's Bay, and return. tenant A. R. Gordon, R. N., D Superintendent of the Canadian logical Society, was in commani of the other members of the expel Prof. Bell, of the Dominion Geol Survey, Mr. Chas. R. Tuttle. aud Fox returned. The remainder o party were left at the various me logical stations established it northern waters, where obsery! will be made and information w gathered regarding the weather i; Bay and Straits, and all attere ing on the navigability of hose will be carefully observed nd rel upon. Very rough weat er; w perienoed on the Labrador coast return, bat the voyage was su;ece: completed, and reports are pow prepared for submission to the Cr meat. ,AFTER PASSING NEWFOUNDLAN 1 in July good progress was made, we entered Hudson's Strait on th { of August and anchored iu a good [ bor at North West- Cape, north the entrance to Ungava Bay. weather was experienced and the bars of the parte were in good. ] and excellent spirits. In this we remained some time and established min- expo - the bay - chill, Liet.I•- puty hero• , and ition, igical Prof. the eoro- the dons 11 be the bear - eters orted e ex-. u the sfully being vern- and 5th har. . ast of Good mem • ealth arbor PORT BII$WELL1 STATION, Call and get some of the unheard of so named because Prof. Bnrwe left in charge of the post. T bargains. This is no humbug, but a g a abounds with codfish; which were GENUINE CLEARING SALE in taken in large quantities, and considered by us a great luxury. these goods, aswe are positively going neighborhood of the post there a eral hundred Esquimaux, who sw out of the Millinery. All must be sold down to the beach in a body wh vessel hove in sight. They we mach surprised at our appearan , came more with the hope of se some articles as presents from us. show no sign of hostility at our sion of their paradise, and the party who were to remain at t • Lion took up their quarters witho slightest misgiving. Deer and s game were found in great num this point. Several days wer-? sp regardless of cost at the CHEAP CASH STORE. HOFFMAN BROS. • SEAFORTH. • cruising about, and we • DISCOVERED A NEW CHANNE through Labrador to Ungava lay, we named McLellan Straits, of Honorable the Minister of Mari Fisheries. Along this channel w awed by the thrilling natural s —Afarmer in the market at Hamil- on either side. Huge monum:rats of ton, the other day, was offered 55 cents grandeur met our gage at every t rn of per bushel for a load of barley, button our winding, yet ever- widening: ourse. the buyer mentioning that it was re- It was or, the morning of the . th of gnired for the purpose of making malt ' August that we left North West Cape, herefusedto sell it. He gave the same and on the following day we arri'ed at buyer the entire load at 48 cents per the bushel on his promising to either chop LOWER SATAGE ISLANDS. or pot it. Here we were troubled with fogs, and were obliged to proceed with c! The thick weather continuing an dering it impossible for us to find able anchorage, we abandoned tempt for the time being, and pro thence to North Bluff, which we r on August 11. Here an excellent was found, and welay to in a be bay, surrounded by a dense pine Here again we were greeted by concourse of Esquimaux, who, those encountered at North Wes expressed great astonishment They, however, displayed nothin than their curiosity, and watch preparations for establishing an vatory with evident satisfactio• Ashe was selected 'to take charge station at 1 was e bay easily were Inthe e sev- rmed n our e net :, but nricg They inva- small e ste- •• eller ers at rat in which er the e and were enery —At Quebec on Saturday night last while a mannamedParent, wife and son were helplessly drank, they man- aged to upset a, lamp, which. set fire to Mrs. Parent's clothing. The police were attracted:: to the house by her cries for assistance, and found the woman in the back yard with her entire clothing on fire. After putting out the fire the woman was conveyed to the hospital, where she died Sunday. —The adoption of the Scott Act was voted. an last Thursday in the united counties of Dandas, Stormont, and Glen- gary, resulting in an overwhelming ma- jority in favor of the measure. A peti- tion for the repeal of the Act was also voted on in Prince Edward Island, a - Small majority being recorded in favor of continuing it in force. —A curious case has arisen under the Scott Aet. A petition having the re- gaieite number of signatures was pre- sented to the Government for the sub- mission of the Act in an Ontario county, and subsequently a second petition was forwarded, stating that a number of signers wanted to withdraw their names. As this would have involved the rejec- tion of the original petition, the Gov- ernment, in order to establish the law in such a peculiar case, have decided to submit the question to the Supreme Court for its decision. —A circalar has been issued by Mr. J. Hickson, General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway, calling attention to the great increase in the tramp nni- sauce on the railway, and the danger of fire and robbery caused by the same. The circular orders every official and employee to see that no tramps are allowed to either steal rides in freight trains, sleep in cars on the track., or loaf around the company's premises The circular is couched in strong language, and as the employee's position will de- pend on the faithful performance of this part of his duty, the tramp element had better not be found around" the premises after this: • "AS -HE'S INLET," as we named the post, in his hon kinds of game, including deer an were found to abound on the i but our efforts at cod -fishing wer out reward. Delightful weath experienced at Asbe`s I-nlet. completed the fitting up of. the and furnishing Mr. Ashe with thing necessary for the winter, R tinned Our voyage. A station wa placed at Stuport's.Bay, where i found plenty of •game and a fe dred Esquimaux. We arrived tingharn on August 24th, and here our first serious difficulty was encountered. On the morning of the 24th we encoun- tered a vast field of ice, and in forcing her way through it, the Neptun. ration. d ren- d suit - be at- 'eeded ached • arbor utiful forest. large unlike Cape, at ns. worse :d our obser- Mr. of the r. All; beard, elands, with - r • was Saving station every- e con- s next ve also w hnn- t Not - BROKE HER PROPELLOR. All hands were on deck at the t accident occurred, and a very a tremor of excitement was observe the propellor was torn off. Th however, only for an instant, as t who formed the expedition had it with not only the expectation countering trials and hardship determination to overcome the •• steamer in a short time drift open water, when the propellor —A man pained Joseph Provenobed placed. No more ice was eten entered a saloon in Montreal on Tues- On the southeast end of t Mott day quite sober and looking well. He Island we established the e-thi called for a glass of old rye, which he which we called Port DeBouc got and drank. After taking the first a There were no natives o part of the island, but ga abundant. Considerable time spent here in making o tions. The station is not ouly o the western mouth of Hudson's but also opposite tho straits open Fox channel, where" probably. •• the spring ice which blocks H Straits in June comes from. 0 number of his friends entered and in- vited him to join in a drink. Ho com- plied, and drank a second glass, but dropped on the floor. He was removed ' :1'n all unconscious state into an inner room and instantly expired there. He was about thirty years of age, and leaves a wife and three small children. The doctor, at the inquest, proteunoed Strait, and what proportion into so 's Bay. From this point ur we s to MANSFIELD out 150 miles from le. For various re led to abandon the placing a meteoro t point. Prooeed ed Southampton R t, and we conclude make Fort Clint. were anxious to re 2nd, we touched where a sad speetecl greete ;on of the rocks ;with which ba is surroundedt-we found 8)m in giving an action t of the w eck iu October 1872, of A sel Gibbs, the Lab vi of of tri �fl to 'W E be ISLAND. Port L: Bo asous i w original itit logical Stab ing we: t w ith the ss, d that i w hill, which ch. O • S at Mar ' le -u th DEATH OF FOURT fr m scurvy, and t qof the survivors, w'uter months sub healthy food, w .to all the sufferin fri id temperature We also found her twenty - FwlLich were erec ed wood ;meats, each bearing its of€ te fo 't. ist ge fr • n em the EEN OF THE CRI e terrible en Oho durin the aided on s,au y bile being mule gs incident o of the arc is r Hud - o rse O • fan in so t m ar i T: th gtva al fo oItof ri) iT of gr e a se le C al 0 w rav n ela end of miefortu a and dea+h. the inscriptions were int ns esting, and app aled with irr oe to the emoti ns of those w+ seed the sight. tending t1 er. e graves of adve turers iu ,. ho ps we were followers, and might be force s of the expedi e tire and we fel m the spot. RI ed for the poor f agony, amid sue s. The scene emnity, and all e 4th of Septet • uth df the Ch ichor in the mag FORT 0I is harbor is trul li to shar :, t ion rose l ivi impelled to any a sile ,t showls wh i desolate as oppre felt relieve ober we e irchill an iifioent h: [URCHILL. yone ofte e world. Entering throng a p in the rocky c ast about 20 de, we, found ourselves on eet of water eleven mile ar miles wide. j Safe an forded'for inn erable ve ins of the old Hudson's BL eet the eye, and are very lie new fort iglve miles fr the old oue, and on m ound. A meteorological- s tablislied here, and all the d changes of they weather ved close] . Prof. Sp ins t in charge of the pos. turchi,l we s irtsd the wee co rived at Y RBFACTORY the Ilth of September. reoee,,ived by t • Very shor , aud we tur • l homeward, ou the 16t• as establish: was a large island, and g i. Oneof t i of the exped d here, it being a polar b ich all joi, fluters took sy victim in veral were fter leaving ations at lull, where ri ht and the spirits. We c Siiund to Res rx ade three a The first one bile attemp • • t p s 1 e e e h a her • de - tion at we re - best oint em - and On ittle rit- able ark ings long and +cted the ions. over onu- holy Iauy in- ttible .wit imid foot - fate dan. be- sten was rfshed surrclund- sive in its •, h te e cr bo k b lo ho Gel fo u te. m? oh att.+ CO • ill re cordially Bay officers. ade, hpweve 1 and etartec igges Island o servatory v int. There n tives ou the k nds abounde citing incident a c S me the parent when 8 was, ! e men joined, of en but a The d into �. as re utered ngliam tation, erville this, e was was •serve •posito, Strait,', ng into uch of dson's •serve F Ins opinion that deceased came to hist tions will be made to ascertain about death from syncope, probably hastened what proportion of the ice of th s great by drink, Which he was addicted to. land locked basin drifts into Hpadeon'e s g it 2 t t ne struck heavily on the i g off her react plates. tl rown into ooneternatio c lamity, and he shock wa to scatter a it abo 1. In; view f these disas voided' to Bandon the land station and the one i ere was pia ed at Nachoo THE Lo EST TEMPERA perienced as 22 0 abov e average to perature for as about 36 above zero. tively little a ormy weathe ith, and the difficulty wi ry slight. omplete ofli o the expedit on will be ma early day. • sed. Many e place, but br most cases to illed and tak: he islands w- ottingham e found eve en in good ossed Prince •1-ution Islan• tempts to e was found ing a second a• 0 THE ROCKS. n on 1 the pped of • n a a e • st in rrow aids the sale of win to be quite as n as the sale of t that the waves ing over the wh .to hear the voice of t te of i reti jclare oohol v tha and MSS a an f pro ile 1 who, like Carnu vainly bids then opinion that d nuisance and a as unmistakabl eer was supposed ry aud reputable coffee, and now ibitiou are sweep- nd, never pausing we e modern " King," capital to whiten the gro the olden time, disappeared again. e the same public A drover from Re the bar room a a curse, declares hotels are a ne- cessity and the ikeepi g of them a legi- timate and molt respectable as well as But how are these •rted when the • art,eg one ? Aud e protected from o, smarting nnder close their houses eds, as in Halton s after the adop- n 1881, or may band to - ext rtionate rates for re i formed they are alton with a view to in - .f other counties— hich the Act is ed be dote is to put •ing on a sound is not now. When el and water our rge ; put them in • charge ; get hay charge for even m ourselves -shill se the proprietor hat we need_and almost forced, for o buy what we something." This ' ump, hay, shed, e cost the `hotel e public for whose d should pay for el keepers, then, 1 ted in Peel, as we ill be on the 23rd upon a fair paying perhaps a little time for it, too, right in the middle of the winter ' Quebec has had its fiest.snow storm for he season. On Thp.rsday of last k sufficient snow fell It the ancient >nd, but it soots frew, Ontario, narthed Farrow, was gilled Tnesda ning of last week in the Caned ific Railway track at Mile End strs- , near Montreal. Two copper Daps hive been found ingst the Quebec Parliament House ris, also a small portioni of machinery, rt of the infernal Machine ;which se a explosion. respousible business. hotels to be supp profits of liquor sellin how is the pub io to the whims of en w au adverse vot , may and board up t eir s for two or thre wee tion of` the Act gather to charg a time, as we 1 now doing in E timidate the electors especially Peel—iu shortly to be submit The first thi g to legitimate hot l kee business foctin as i we drive up to a ho horses there is o ch the shed to fe d—n for them—per ape n that go in and wa no charge; au beta won't take pay for get from him, a ar very shame's ake, don't need—to " hav is not business. l ha and t •ovid: !r ho room, fire—al keeper money, use they are p: them. Let of when the Act is ado hope and belief✓e it inst., meet and agre scale. of char es fo dation they gi e the convinced tha they tiful pathy and support and munity, and t at th e is houses are res ly ne The ling public will flu• first profita '.1e and much .ting. it has been. Thei e site nearly s larg , and igher license ees ore who] pay. ' The iext st passage, by th Act for the sic all public hour licenses shoals not be issued -for revenue purpose.. They sho Id be free to all fit Sons who may be e proper accommo- s ble terms, to be ap- -ssioners,aud should from anyone who sty of a breach of or selling. in this or some is sure, the wants nd will be supplied. en a felt necessity c um a boot blank to' n�. p a flail to -a Cornell been supplied, and hotels can't exist :t benearof kin to alt and Much -afraid was d. tions e ob- vtas avfftng t and • • r e st d ou errs v me e n time tar h citing in f 1 our ri n. o> visa nd yea of ter ne • a • p is loca again es.; • every acoomrno- public, and we are will have the sym- f.the whole com- ae `bf them whose ded` by the travel - their business as more pleasant than receipts will be they will have no sale liquor bills to to agitate for the Legislature, of an and regulating of oder such an Act • and responsib pe willing to p ovide dation upon r ason proved by the omm he rigidly wit held has been proved gu the law again t liqu But whet er other way one thing of the public est There never as b for man or thing fr an Em eror ; from Engine, that l as no those who fes tha without whhlisl y mu poorold-Readieto-h his daughter. we n's vas ✓ vas= ng at o t e r his • e of all ex- ur- in n an os. card. tithe rth g Tall nd r •files re we nlets. table. e !got f st t w 'hen the steamer gronnde+ th eat excitement on board, : pd axions 'faces. Luckily, h•evei .t off in a few minutes, a d E to deep wa er. On the ;Bar lth of Sept mbar, at noo'., a ying to enter an inlet whe tl roc] A s,1 Be d It tl e t v a • t a e P 0f • hat `. Hot.lkeepers S The following remarks rampton Times are sans • e point and meet our vie • d agree with what has be • in these columns so coin e feelldisposed to give th omineuce possible : We are not of those ext tee of prohibition who see in t et that the liquor traffic is li oof that it ie dangerous and i ailways, steamboats, ba ® ks, 8 ablest doctprs, lawyers .t • ackinen, auctioneers, and 1: rs are; licensed and " regu i most cases even their c, f es fixed by statute or Mu bat it by no means follows o e of these callings is dang- o potable, or that all who f' llo are enemies to society. Q ; ite v:rse._ 'The true reason wh j. o o cupat:on or business rathe o her is placed .under ]icons' ed, isi that the business ore important than othei ublic interest requires that :sponaible and trustwort] ould engage in it. And ti lies'to'the business of hotel B ore Re to • cr s1re was wore , she armed ay, were ,tea - ere the heavy pes- t was lotion ed for 1 e t e e 1 h , and is ber pira- r net was ial eports e • u .lio at 0 1 fr• •le of +h let1 m Do. the ad to case, vocal- , that 11 the c,e m :1 • ve at ar e ici h t ro s e d a • r s F well es'to the`others enumel tills were licensed before.tota Was looiked upon as a virtue e aid fit n 8, t.• n 'I ly • is • k e at d el.s+ a d 9 advo- e very sed, a .. oral. livery there, pedd- " 'and and 1 law, every or'dis- them hei re - trade, n an- re,gul- ed is , —Moses Oats se d the vice to farmers : e but their turnips efor: arsons plowing they ave. lei ap- weather is co ing ing as and it Inay tart t Ho - in nce when Ca• The Scott Act the city of Mo tree —A relatio has of Teeswater, $10, —The Scot Act vote in Norfol on —It is expe ted t latnre will me t Ja —A Kingstcin w• for selling; taffy to a Miss Caron, sis of Militia, has assn —David Yoiing h Brantford to ve y for counterfeiting. —A boy n med over and kills by morning, in D nda —A young 1 d na ly shot himsel- wit one day last eek. —There , ar ne frbm the United a�llont Windso • —The firm of C lishers of Tor nto, itiea are quote at a —Ottawa c aims in population and $ property during th —A young man • dropped dead in ' walking with is a: —The East Mid. coe election case: been fixed for 31st in the Co rt o -There are 27 s giate classes for University, w ich inst. -The rem dan arrived in Tor • were interred in cemetery'on Wedn —On Sunday mo burglars enter d th W. Beall, in ind about $3,000 orth —The dead body of Peterboro, wits f the other day With right breast. He h October 5th. -Diphtberiaris s ing manner in hear Kingston public schools of the health ads. s being agitated . in • eft Mrs. J. Holmes, 111 ill be submitted to ovember 11. • at the Local Leis - nary 27th. man has been fined youth on Sunday. er of the Minister +• ed the black veil. s been sentenced at ars' imprisonment R. Savage was run wagon, Saturday • •• ed Anderson fatal - a pistol in London, • rly forty deserters States army in and mpbell dr. Son, pub - ave Liabil- out $300;000. an increase of 3,000 00,000 in value of last year. amed James Killen ontreal while out lesex and East Sim - (Provincial) have earing October 30th and udents in the colle- women at McGill opened on the 6th ins of the late Mr. Rior- MO on Tuesday, and he Mount Pleasant sd ay. ring about 2 e'clock jewelry store of Go ay, and carried off of jewelry. of John Johnston, and in the woods a bullet hole in the d been missing since reading in an al arm - the v'llage of Portsmouth, , so much so that the hffiaeve eb.eentclosed by order cls the following ad - 'Tell 'cm to get in they finish any fall o do, for very cold efore October is oat, e turnips in some try. There will be ovember to do plow - central Ontario, and m0 Pa+ tio am del ail parts of the cou plenty of time in ing in western and with it. She threw some when the cannister expl children's clothes were qui Before assistance arrived terribly burned that the doctor had no hopes of their recovery. (due alone par- tially escaped. —A sad shooting accident happened at Fergus on Wednesday t A little girl about two daughter of Wm. Taylor, cidenttally shot by her brc years. The little girl was a shed, and her brother co a double-barreled gun, an examining it :t the time. tai d th 1 ss Winnipeg not seeing her, one chain on the fire, ded, and the rkly in flames. three were eo e -Telegrams received in f last week. ears of age, ther, aged 18 playing about ming out with d very likely and probably er went off, port that Louis Riel was shot during a hand by her s de. Mr. Taylor was close a riot recently at Prince ,Albert, North- by at the time, and on htiaring the re - west Territory. The report is said to port screamed out to the 'boy that be be is, canard. had shot the child, and ran and picked -a-Archibald Stewart, a hotelkeeper her up. She only lived half an hour near Halifax, ate wild parsnip root, after the accident. The youpg man mistaking it for intrattparillar and died feels it keenly. in two hours. He also gave some to a —Mr. Justipe Galt delivered judgment young French lad, who hes in a oriticel last- week atlOsgoode hall in the suit brought by Mr. Kniver to recover darne- The quarantine regUlations in the ges against th Phceuix Lodge of Odd- St.i Lawrence to prevent the introduo- fellows, at 0 hawa, for injuries received tio of cholera from infeeted European pa ts, are to be•suspended, it being con- sidered unnecessery to longer continite them in force. --t-A number of person vil e, a suburb of Meg and ail who partook of tlaem were made they are expected to die.1 part of the tie emony of iniltion. Jndge and twentti passed the niterinediete, in mare Or less sick. Some are so bad. that •a -Now that the cold Weather is com- Galt decideil against We contention, addition ido the list pnblished in August in0 on there is a great ,demand for over- and gave jud merit in favhr of the plain- last. —The St. Mary'e Argus says : A coets. The premises of James Stinson, tiff for $580 ams.ges. i in 'Toronto, were broken into one night —A distre sing accident occurred at drunken man undertook tap:inch the lagt week, and twenty-two overcoats Gurney's mo• lding shop 1 at Hamilton, Mitchell Advocate aud Recorder men oue day last week. George Richmond becausetbey would isot go in and have Elb leTnhe criminal docket for the Mid- and Robert dlesex fall assizes, which open to-dey ing an iron 1 (Fkiday) at London, is upusuelly heavy, of molten iro in luding in the list no less than three ladle burnt t ca. es of murder and two of manslaugh- ter. e -A little girl named Hughan, aged siX years, daughter of Mr. Hughan, ofINissouri, whine driving into church on Sunday last with , her father aed mether, was kicked in the head by the harse and killed. She eras sitting with her back to the animal at the time. —The German Government, on be - hell of the royal library of Berlin, has sent a valuable donation of Germen poblications to the Government. They will be placed in the national library of • in Williame- ton, and Cate, - while being the lodge. H and while in itiated as a member of was blindfcilded, chained, hat helples condition was shoved forward and fell over a cloth laeld for that purpoee, thereby receiving seyere injuries. It was aegued for de- fendants th t they, as it corporation, wire not liab not authorize other words, to have total Prohibition in the whole eountry. As t its being a party question I point you te Profs Fos- ter, who a Conservative, than whom there is not a more earnest man in the cause ; to Sir L. Tilly, a lifelong sup- porter. Man for man the Conservatives are not a whit behind the Reformers in. this matter. When the petition came round I signed it. As for my vote, it will be cast in the right direction ---that is on the side of teraperanee and sot briety. • Perth Iteras. —Hr. John Forbes, of Stratford, re- ceived a severe kick in the briast on Sunday from a horse he waa attending. —Mr. John Jeffersou, of Ilibbett, has purchased, from Mrs, Bates, het. farm the sum of $5.500. —Mr. W. R. Daviso of Mitchell, last week conducted five auction sales, be- sides dri ing one hundred miles and to Ms newspaper duties. &Aeon and A. Leslie thresh - e farm of eniel Byers, near Trowbridge, on the 7th of October, eight hurl recl bushels of grain in five —At th towel, th some 2,00 The fair i attending —John last cheese fair held ha Lis - balance of the season's Make, boxes, wee aold for 13:cents. now closed for the season, as all the stock is sold. —Eight candidates from the Strat- i:), as what took place was ford Higli School haee just been award - by them, d formed. no ed Bacon 1 and third class certificatest •---The Ottawa authorities have receiv- ed, the " Honorary Testimonial " of th.e Royal Humane Society of England for Miss Emily 3. O'Neil, as a reward for saving two men from dfrowning on the 271th of July, 1881. —At a well attended and enthusiastic meetine of friends of the Scott Act wits unintimously carried that immedi- ate steps be taken for the submission of the Act in the city at the earliest possi- ble oliportunity. —A collision occurred on the Canada Sinai:ern Railway at Tilbury Centre, laet Thursday. An express ran into a geavel train which was standing on a siding foul of the main track. The en- gineer, Daniel Cox, was instantly killed and several others were injured. —Mrs. Maitland, of Nouvelle, Glen - age, Illinois, has sent to+ the Archbishop of Quebec a check for $500, to be dis- tr buted among tue poor of Labrador. ill T ie generous gift hae been utilized at o oe for buying provisions, which will - be sent by schooners tO the people in ss has just been bronght to light at rrie, an aged female ; resident hiving en forind dead in her houte, evidently m starvation, though a search reveal - plenty of moneyion the premises, in ditioia to a quantity 6f valuable arti- s. —It is reported in Guelph, says the ercury, that a prominent temperance fr cl mien not far from the city, who had re- ceived somewhere in the vicinity of 500 natures to -a petition for the Scott t, had the misfortune to lose it or had stolen from him. Tne antis are in eat glee over the toes. —St. Johns, Qtriebec,1 has been the tim of a dynamite Scare. The ex- citement was caused by the finding of a lysterious tin case in a church in the v lage suburbs, EniespoSed to be an in- fernal machine, 1;it Which, on being ti,ken with the ut ost care to the Cita- del for examination, proved to be —On Friday evening last a distressing rm, near Bass Leke, about three miles stant from Orillia. Mr. Rix was SI A it t reshing, and when ahout finished his tWo little boys went up into the mow to play in the straw. One of them, a height little fellow' of ebout ten years, ttinabled over the beem and into the Mouth of the machine. He was im- mediately swept in and torn to pieces. The body was horribly mangled and minced up into an, unrecognizable mass. —While a youth named Telford was p unding chemicals in en iron mortar in P att's drug store, London, for the pur- nese of making a 6ondition powder for herses, the other day, an explosion of shattering the 1 the glom and ry of tbe store. nt of the °stab- aehed and con- done by the force of the contents occurred mortar and breaking a battles in the dispens The windows in the fr lielament were also s inderable damage the exploeion. ne Of the fingers of Telford'e left head as blown off at tbe first joint, and anot er was so badly bruised that it had to be ampeted. —A fearful wide t happened on Sunday in the ous of Stanislous Chevalier, of La Boline St. Anne, in Quebec, by which three children are c6nsidered fatally Wouladed. The parents went to chIch, leaving four yeungsters in the hous , the eldest only Montreal witness. I eeconded a motion eleven. One of them found. a canister then to the effect that he whole coun- of gunpowder, and consmenced playing try wes ready for the cott A.ct, or in 'Neil were enga,ged carry- dle containing 200 pounds n, when the bottom of tbe rough and he molten iron ran out, splashing in all directione. Richmond had his stoma h, breast, legs, arms, and. feet badly burnedethe iron pouring in t 'rough the top of his boots, rightfully ; his rut from his be wore being eil's right leg ed. A young "skins" for leo pretty bad- ght any of the burning hie f clothes were body, the w burnt to a and side wer badly bur lad named Collins, wh these two nagulders, was ly burned. It is not tho cases will.prove fatal. —The Sarnia Obser market square was a fav our townspeople the pas tractions being the p vocalists and the Salvati Army appeared to be co , They first me.de sucb a noise as com- toned to the place of disturbance and to move their discovered a large owl tryieg to dissect et and iege literally b olen shirt inder. 0' er says ; The rite resort for out, 'completely destroying the sight. week, the at - tent medicine —Mrs. W. House, a resident of Newry, n Army, The was awakened the other night by a noise k of the walk. among her poultry. Unarmed she has - a drink with him, A scuffle ensued during which all thrse had a rollt in the —While Mrs. Littlejohne, of Mitchell, was carrying a lamp to her bed -room the other evening, it exploded .in. ber hand, th glass cutting ber face .badly. The oil i nited, but by thrclwing over it the fiamsewaa soon, smo Explosions of this kind are be common,,caused no doubt from b —A painful accident occur qtult oming d ed t6 a little eon of Mr. Richard A helbYe., in Mitchell one day last Week. lit ap-' pears that another boy was amusing himself shooting with a bow and !arrow, and that he took aim for young Ashel- by's face. The arrow lodged in one of his eyes, and remained there until pulled pelted the medicine men tent, and then they wer shower of eggs. Of cours spectators received the treated to a one of her Dorkings. Dirs. House soc- a great many ceeded in capturing the bird of prey, benefit of the which was found to measure about eggs as well,' and one main for throwing seven feet from tip to tip. This mara- B01118 has been benefitted with 30 days moth owl would do credit to the Toron- in jail. Finding that egg throwing on to Zoo. • the market square was not a safe buei- —The Mitchell Advoca e sayi : It is nese, the'gang followed he Army down rurnored that Bishop Wats intends are - to the rink and poured loud smelliing fruit i Constable Lynch succ to the doors. eded in taking down tbe names of a number, of those who indulged in the attack, and it is likely that they will have to answer for . After the dnesday night to eject Tom Weldon resist- rowd of sym- d Lynch and it at the police cour egg throwing on W Lynch was called upon Weldon from the rink. ed and was backed by a pathizers, who surround prevented him from takiing his prisoner to the cells. The barracks has been for e„ of disorder large section ws the army square. Resi- hood are much ces, and will an end. Some time a nightly ace owing to the conduct of of the crowd that foll there from the market dents of the neighbo annoyed by the disturbs, —The illicit whiskey eddlers along the line of theSuperior section of the Canadian Pacific Rail ay, who make Michipicoten their head quarters, have set the Ontario magistr te and consta- bles there at defiance. The railroad works are under the pro lamation of the Public Works Act prohi iting the sale of whiskey. For some ime past the peddlers, some of whom hail from Rat Portage and Port Arta ur, and ethers from the American sire of the lake, have been threatening tipendiary Bur- den and his men with v ugeance, and a few nights ago they almost demolished the temporary lock-up and fired a num- ber of shots at the magistrate's office and the office of Mr. Macdonald, ehe local agent of the railwayt The whis- key -men have enlisted a number of hangers-on about the t. ai lway camps, and some dissatisfied Italian navvies are John Mack- e, was shot in row the other eaking navvies uthorities, and pt further out - probability be and everything h, thongh the nd supreme in hood of Itlichi- n and an in - o police force e Ontario Gov - and maintain Said to have joined the enzie, a railway employ the hand- during the night. The English -s stand by the railroad if the whiskey -men atte rages they will in all cleared out. Mr. Macd fied. them to this effect is reported quite enou neighs are still in force the immediate neighbo spector from the Toron have been sent up by t ernment to restore orde the dignity of the law. —A report having een circulated throughout' Howick to the effect that the Scbtt Act agitation is a Grit move- ment, 'Mr. Thos. FarroW, M. P. for East d in Gorrie as at you or some Howick are ith what was ommons when d. I even went on the question, blished in the Huron, writes to a frie followe : am sorry th not better acquainted done in the House of the Scott Act was pass far beyond. it and spoke and pay speech was p ating Mitchell a parish, and that the st par - rumor e built early in the spring for the Priest, a fund for the erection of which Will be open- ed at once. Vather KeallY is a gentle- man of good abilities, an ardent believ- er in the doctrines of his church, yet he respects the opinions of those Who dif- fer from him, which makes him popular with all classes. —Jacob Both, of -Wilmot, near Ham- burg, had a valuable horee stolen from. him on Friday night of lest week. It was traced to the vicinity "of Tavistock, where it had been tiaded to a farmer for another horse and 850 by a young mannamed August 144, lately out from Germany. On Tuesday Morning Lidy went from Tavistock to $tratford and bought a ticket for Milws,ukee After leaving Stratford by the mid'day express be was walking through the care, when he was arrested by an officer from Ham- burg who was on the loo Charles Broeglin, who wa was also arrested as a Both were taken to S reEiaanded for further evide John P. St. John, prohi itory candi- Recently a number of geritlem who are Republicans first and prohibition- ists afterwards, made the modest re- quest that he should withdraw from the contest for fear of prejudicing Blaine's chances. He deelined in the most positive terms, assuring them that he was in the field until the close of the contest, and concluding his letter as And,while a vote for any candidate simply as such may be lc*, a vote for principle is never thrown away. I, therefore, appeal to all Rivers of God, - and country, and home, to burst asun- der the party shackles that have bound them, and, rising above mere partizan considerations, cast theist ballots for principle, leaving to God the results." These sentiments have the true ring. A man who has any principle worth speaking of will always be willing to be found in the minority rather than sacri- fice his convictions to be on the winning ish priest, In the event of the turning out correct, a house will out far him. with Lidy, Marys and —A. Zurich correspondeet says: We are again called upon to Chronicle the death of one of our old settlers, in the person of Mr. Stelck, who was amongst the first to settle in thir3 part of the country. Mr. Stelck was a man who always stuck up for what was right, and was beloved and respected. by all who Holstein, Germany, and emigrated to Canada about 37 years ago, and settled on the place where he lived at the time of his death. He was always known to be a hard working man, and willing to lend a helping hand to a neighbor when, called upon.