HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-17, Page 4
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9 extent of recordingl. their votes,,
will not put themselves about to i
Reliable : paperpatterne for allkindsof
I '
ance Others. Thus it is that the oppon-
- - Ladiee,'Hisaes, Boy's and Children's
ents of the Act find it so diffic#lt
� .
Garments, for Sale by HOFFMAN BRos.,
Seaforth. �
Y_ farm on the 7th co
- . .
effect organization, and to get re� iable
uid to jlie an I c en t faith, the
:: -
I �
1.e township, to - Mr.
. men to champion their cause UPOI L
public platform. The great inoral iense
ontains 80 acre S. I
of the masSes is in' reality oppos
� to
4- to
hE V.61,gers. !. Visitors at the abbey
. I .
"�Tho iftgnre betwecu the parentkeels after
. each line, denotea thapage of thepaper oh which
, I
the traffic, and -it is only on Minor
-e from Goderich to the
Kingston' .
penite a-
the advertiseraeut will be found.
points that any questions of .issue . irlSe.
. tiary1ast week.
]Phe3 were, accom-
The Big Mill -Ogilvie & Co. (5).
Millinery Sale-Hoffaaan Bros. (1)
Until, therefore, thioBe opposing
. �
stables. --j:
- -
Radiant Home Stoves-Mr&J.Kidd. (5)
Scott Act cau propose some letter
� -
- . -Sedond crop
Show Room Opening -T. Kidd. (5)
nbP1 by a4-aud'acious robber ,
. y
-4is 18mab
remedy for the evils of intemperance,
. gathEred by the
Lecture -Wm. Moore. (5) -
u: mm�l n6ar Court.
the Act, in. the present temper c f
First Priza-Rant;n Bros. (5)
Notice to Creditora-F.,Holmested. (5)
people, must carry everything be
. I
're it
Auction Sale-Wra. Cooper. (5)
if those having the : presenting of
Teacher Walated-L. Fraser. (5)
case use the proper . and legitimate
a lamp explo4-
_� 941 114 J. Tough. (5)
rueaus at their disposal to secure'
Buff -)Ik Pigs- George Plewes. (5) -
' .. -
.. Glioi;o Farm fijr Sade. -M. Young. (5),
'Colts for Sale-J-acob Diehl. (5)
% The Question of Revenne.
o-ernment's loss -is Y,60,1000, P
. .
Southdown Sheep. -J. Hannah. (5)
Bstra,y Cattle -D. Robertson. (5)
The I Stratford Herald seeths 1�o
� .
be .
� 1�ouftry Wanted-M.A.Charles-worth �(8)
greatly concerned about the questi
. _.:
n of
� � �
Cheap Millinery -Hoffman Bros- (8)
revenue should prohibition becoM
. Appreatices Wanted-Mias E. Shaw (8)
Dissolution Of Partnership. (5)
eral in this country. _ It says : I I - '
: -
Shropshire Sheep -James Cooper. (8)
11 If the Scott Act nniversall.
� � �
T o Pig Breeders -H. Cowper. (5)
even generally adopted, the questic
a of
� .
Auction Sale of Town Lots. (5)
3 revenud must confront the taxpayers
in Li4towel.
Millinery�Jas. Murray. (8)
with a serious aspect. the maj:)rit
Stylish Killinery-L. Illexander. (8)
of the electors are desir
us to Pay
Meeting-Javaes Armstrong, (5) 1
taxes the minority can
,hold 'n the . ligh echo,
To. Pig Breeders -Wm. Bray. (5)
it is' hard to say how a gi�eat mar .7
T, of
� �
Good Farm for Sale -Wm. Habkirk, (5)
the majority will feel when the faA
--.---- - -
brought practically , home to �beir
ich i lay at 9 o'cloc I
- 1
________ �
fu ro U - it x it 0 0 it 0 r+..
h ts,asithasnotbeen,andwil
fully be nutil prohibition becomes
. I
a.vilprously proliested against
i I I
� I , .
. ; � I
. � I
provincial inatead of axounty'q�es
� I
It islime that these practical fea Tul
- .
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 17, 1994.
of the controversy were being �ho 11
L � I
over. They will have to be MO, 30on
The Ball Rolls on.
or late-." . i �
� . '
I .
Two more coanties.". have pass6d in
Now, where does. this m6ney tlliat is
- L
favor of the Scott Act.' Since our last
paid into L the public treasury, by the
� I
issue the votff has been. taken in the
liquor dealers come from? Theyd ot
I . . n
- , . I
- I
___. county of Simcoe, in Ontario, and in the
make it nor do.,.they import.it . om
- county of Staustead, Quebec and the
other countries. Ib comes directly 4 -OM
. . -
. peop16 ofL both have deel &red very em -
the pockets of the tax payers who are
I I -
L . I
, � .
phatically in favor Of prohibition, In
a7apposed .,to benefit by, it. Th;s b9ing
LL� -
I . . .
. .
StauBtead the majority was nearly
the caae,bow much are they advautaged
' -
L 11 L
I'll, I
three hundred in favor of the Act. in
by having it passed . era
. -
18801 a. vote W L
.as taken On this Act in
of the liquor dealers? Might the pe c)ple
I �
11 - I
this county and it wag defeated by a
not as well pay this money directly into
"I � I
.. . I
Majority Of 18U. This r,hows a very
the public treasury in'the Bbalie of taxes
- .L � . I
� �
I -
. �
� -
- commerldab-10 growth of temperance
as spend it iia intoxicating liquors?'! We
-_ � �
.. I
.... 1�.
� v
sentiment sinong the people. of that
fancy if they were ta ado t the d*ect
I .
I -
. . .
county. The result in Simcae, however,
pay plan they would be consider' ly �
I -
� - �
. I - L
� -
I- I
. . �
. I
'Iva's a
- . surprise to every one. The ma-
ahead at theend of .each year. . 1hey
L I . I -
jority in that county, in f avor
would save the prolits and expenses _. -
E __
7 �
:: T ,
1 7 � __
r -
of the Act was over one thousand
the liquor dealers and avoid the i la
i I
:: � i a
� :-- -1
two huadired. Sim,coe contains
and degradation which are sure to fol -
I I- 1�
- 4i -
. �
- ,
� �1 .
� - I
inmay new and sparcely settled
lowthe too free indulgence in intDxi-
� , -; �,
� 11 -
. � __ - I
. 4- i
! � n � __!
� 4 �
. -
mu -iPalities, and it was th�onght' on
cating liquors. The � Herald � need not L
L ! .
I - :
,_ x.
i - . _
� 11�' .
7 L__
� : , � -
this account,, to be a very doa- f -
� . bt al
be the least 61a.rmed on the revenue
. .
7 Y : I I 1�
r : .
. , k
�_ I ,�
c6u nty f0t tha Act. The result-, 1ow-
-estion. That will come 'all
� qu " '"�e
'ri 1h b) *
I �, I- ;
, I �r; I
-J - I I
- ever, has .Proved differently. , .
- 1. , Tte or
and the burden of taxation
- will
� ach
, I _
:& V
position Was active and powerful!, but
more easily borne under prohi.
- .
i don
� I
I � I _f.
. 1 . ;
they, faileld to 'carry the Peo with
I ple
than it is now.. ,
- -
,., _f
� 2T7 _,
111. .
them. 04e peculiarity in connecti
- .. on
- - .
� I
� 1�t
I 3
-...- .
with the 'Vata in Simcoe is that all
Txz Toronto Worid which,
. I I �
I until
-1 4
! �:
i�� A
I �
. .
the towns and villa,ges, with but two
very recently, has been Strongly
- .
41) 08-
1 4- ,
f, _.
1. , f
"I L
exceptions, gave majorities in ,
favor OIL
ed to prohibition il
. n any form, &nd
. - �
4L. t
� �_ i.L.
I '
the Act,, the large town of Barrie -the
the Scott Act in particu lar, puts
� - I
� I
- � t -,
- -
county seat- leading � off th the ram
- Wi -
case thus : The liquor interest have
. . -
�, - .
. w 11,
IZ-1 - -
. jority of 26,, and Orillia following with
given uk gh .
- P the' ost as far as fighting the
� - I
rtl� � i .
1. I
- - The- towla of Collingwood gave a
Scott Act is concerned. Theysaytlere L
� -
-, f1__
. .
IniaJority of 78 against the Act. Ili has
IB no Use trying to be4t back the Sw( e P_
� .
I -f
hitherto been considered, and in fact it
. - .
ing wave. Nor have they faith any .
1=1 � I
�, .
. Z_ r .
. - �,
I -
. L -
' -
has beau the rale, that the townB'Et-nd
longer in the way in which they hg,ve
0 .
L' I I
�, -
1- I I
villages allowed -themselves uch less
. t m
Mught the Act in Halton and. Simeoe.
� , -_ � A
. 7 1_,
r- -14
favorable , to the Act than th a
E. King Dodds is a Powerf ul a aker, a
. F
- -
� 1)�- #� j
. �
I-:- ,:1.
I - - �
I .
� rural municipalities, but Simcoe is &
. .
clever orgamizer, but his efforts and
� Z' -�
I �
� ;: - A
� . .
notable exceptian to this riale, and it
plans are nullified by the I.egion of min- .
I I � - k
I - ;
i .1 I
! -1 -
� t-,
L may be that th' ;
. e scale has now taken a
- I
istors who have taken up the ca,use of -
. 1-
� � I
� .�, __ �
tara. ,.
probi.bition. The day, of., .beating a
I -
� I
: . Z� I ,
I : �_ 1_: I
, t*L
It is said the, opponents of the Act .
- . � -
I - -
temperance party by hurrah meeting 3 is
., I , , 2
r I- � V
, .
Were not properly organized. This is
f the past. The Scott Act
0 is 0
� _ L �j �
. I i -
quite proba,ble. It is reasonable. to sup -
partly because the people want prob� bi-
. � i
� -
. .
; � I I -
L ;1.
pose, -tha,t the same difficulty will be
tion, and partly because they repudi e
; I 1-
. 11
. . ''
. - ",
� . �_
jn�et with� in other counties. We
the way in which the liquor party sta, t
I � . . L
� I .
� _��
believe it --is being met with in, this
I .
. �. . I .
Its case. 4 . .
I I �
4 �.,
: .
: "
I I :L'
ceunty. The evils. of intern erance
- .
� ln� I
__ .
IT is stated that the followin g. tari of
I � L..
: .1 I
are admitted and deplored bYL all, op.;
. 11
� . L..
. �'
� 7
Ponents an:4 Supporters, of the Act alikej
rEL tes has been adopted by the hot I-
; .
. -
1 1 k-
� � L I
I �
.. e Ynoa ardent atti. Scott Act a I
and th t
� d-
keepers. of Halton since the defeat of
3 - It.
� - - .
; ,?_
t .. _ .
. -,
Vocate dare not get up before an intelli.
the petition to repeal the Scott Aat
; �'A,
, � 1, -
� t- L4
1; � I
I -
gent audience and justify orexcuse
Board per clay, $2 ; per in -dal, 5Q cen -
' . bs;
t I _- Ir
` `
" -
. -
inte.mperaiwe, or say that it is wise to
one horse, hay over night, 'O
a cents; One
horse, bay
-, I
L_.- -
and stable, one day, 40 cents ;
, - I i ..
� � 111*
- �:i
permit ita continuance if it ca.0 be
. I
oine horse in shed or Stable, 10 cen a ;
, t
- �j
1 � L,:
checked. Allagree that a.- remedy iii
. I I
water for horse, 10 c6nts. This, we
- -
� _��:�iw�
" . 3r;
- n eGessary if a practical one can be got,
. I -
. . '
believe, Ili a very considerable incre ILSe
I . ..I..-
. .
and the only difference of opin- ion is in
. I
- I
onformerrates. Ibis, however, p, -sfe P
� r`:-,
I - I 4
- I. I
, - �
the mode Of remee,y tobeadopted..
� .
ill the right direction, and woul Seem
I � . �!L: - -
I � I - _. .. L'
___ Those oppoging the Act say that it is,
- Id
to indicate that the hOtelkeepie'rs
- -C -
, - L . -
i F '_'�L
unjust and will not have the desired ,
. 1.
Halton have at length. Wisely'
. I _-t
I �
J .result, and instead of proposing a better,
. 11
mined to acce�t the situation, 1%nd
. �_
__ .
� : , � � wl's
I urg,lethatitis
i .
- �
now going to endeavor to,,coiid�
. ., i�_ .
� -
. I .
i - have than to Ay. to those we know
. � not
. . i I
business in a legal .and legitimate
. _;
I . �.
t of, &ad consequently propose to leave
ner. That they will succeed vie
� .
I .4 -
- . .
� " 7
I Matters, as they now are. Those sup.
not the least doubt. If their hpsi
.. ,. .
: I , ''
4 . -.L
. � .
porting the ActL propose -What they
cannot be conducted on a cheaper
L DE 85
sai e,
- v
- -
I . -
believe to be the best available remedy
� I
of p, rices th -an the above .. in the li�bsen
I 1:. �
� - t:.
� 9-nd While they admit that it will not be
ing froi
of the profits aris m, liqlUr
. 1i
; -
- a I
. � complete' cure,, they believe it Will
I �
have a, perfect * ght to Da
ri ;he
. _ -
I - .
- �
Itigate. wh�t is admitted to be am evil.
, r .
charges, and no person hits a ii
19 hf;6
. 1.0
Z I .
- - L_
I I This, being the ease, it, ia easy to see -
4 I
; .
complain of them. If the chaages
- _.
� 11
- �
1. which has. best cause to present,
i .
too high competition will soor'
� I
. __' I ,L
and that those opposing 'the Act are
them down to their proper lev,
1. - I
� L I
Placed at a, solid disadvantage. In ad-
- � I
these 'things will -be reau
,,, lated
1 y the
. I
� �
ditioa to- thi* it 4 a only those who have
ordinary laws of sup ly
P and a
� .
. �_ L
I .
. fl-- L
9 direct fibc4--niary interest in the defeat L
. *
L . .
The Public must have the -accor
1 mod Et-
I �;_*, I �
. -1; - ..
of the Act,, N�ho are enthusiastic or WhOL
I '
tion, and -so long a .
I 8 accommodation
0 f
I �
- -
are willing to spend or be"apent in de.
, .
this kind is required parties
L .
will )e
� .. .
- I
fence of the lianse they espouse.. Others, found
to furnish it, whether li,l'uor
- �
while theY�ZAY Persomally oppose it, do 'gold
or D.,ot. - There will be this
iffie r.
� I .
not like to ti�ke any active measutres
against it, le4 by doin
ence, ,however, when no liquors �
m so ta
. �
so they give. the
. . - -9
burden will fall equal] y upon ii
ffl, and
. .1 .
� .
andue encouragement . to what th6Y :each
. L .
one w
will have to pay for W,,�
1%t I Le
I �4
. I "
� I 11
consider an evil, and decline to attempt receives
and no More. Undi�'r
t e �
, �
� . -
to inftence, others against aL cause
I ..
- �
Liquor By& 2 �
tem the man who use S
I 1.11
i I
- which may result in good. I �
, a short,' it
has not only to pay for the liq -
or he
I , �_
- .
I �
� is-, only those who- are pecuniarily inter. uses,
but has in addition to help,pay
.- -,:
. .
ested in the result who will actively. the
board and accommodatioilt
f t
D he
� �
. �
- �,ppose - the Act. While - m-anv !Others -in,
. � I
. I Z .
man, Who does not consume liquol
. -
Th is
. I I __7
=ay Sympathize with them to tiae ex.� -is
I -
an injustice which prohibitioliL.
telat of voting against the Act, bhOY Will remedy,
as under it 8,11 -will hi�ve
I . .
. -
ELOt. run thd risk of being classed as pay
. o
&like. While this wili be a dc irect
� 1. .1
friends� of int6raperance, or as upholding advantage
to those are IL :
ob. total
Bud excusing the many excesses result. abstainers,
iug from it,
it will impos i ,
e addilbionzI
,�. I I
by becoming active workers . expenses
- tl�e'r
in -auks of those
I .i
upon those who are, -but they -
� ..
i .
A ; -1
; . .1 -
who do Oppose it- Will-'
wbne, they W �11 act themselves to the
have the satisfaction of knibiwiD
� �
they are not profiting by tho ' I .
. 4 �
. :,%
- -
. ,
� _-q
I �
- - I
. I
� �.
. :
- : ,,;, i
: � I.
I � .�_-. � �,
: .� +,
. �_ �
. I
� .
I i
- . ,
. .
I I .
I . . I
� � I I . .1 � . I I � . . � . �
.1 . . I - . I I . I .
I , I I - . .
I � . .. �
I i I I , i
i . . I . � - ; I
I j.' I - I . I ! L I
I .
. .
, i . . � . . � - � . � - .
i . � : . i � .
- . i . � . I � ; . 4 � I I
. . I . . . L I . � . - , I ! � . . .
� .. . . ! � I .1 * - � I I
. . I . : .1
'L , . THE Huf 160JI EXPOSITOR11, i 7t 1884: .
i I I I I � I I . - I
�� . . . _��___, - . N . - �_ . � . I . .
I � � . I — . � I . . I
. . I .
.1 ortunes Of theft fellows and hat Lh y order giveh to Freno commanders of teac heral institutes, will be present, p6rson to thoroughly- u ad erstand his i Mr. Robert Hill, on tb e all : � 0 Gonom
. I ' war vessels and that t he correspondence &tic! in addition to taking part in the business. We would a � same DI&D.
are un ittingly made to a- etion a IL3, however, in I Sion, ana ierving him in the
1. I between the English,audFrench Cabi. proceedings will -deliver a public lecture this connection, that he ih ablv assisted Der as they did Mr. MeAr 3ur;robbea
traffic w ch they oonflemn .lie] i0e . . . 61
�1 . 4 1 nets is getting w irme r tb an is warx an t. on lChursday evening. Every teacher by his estiwable his year, him of ab(i ut $30, all the MLoney he had.
. - I
o be wr) g and injurious to na, 11111 I ed by ordinary d plo Mic courteay, It in t 3e county is earnestly requested to. has done most of the ga -d n work, Mr. Both meti, were disguised., one having
11 I I
by receiving a direct �araonal, )eci riar is known that I ngland has demanded be I �resent, and enter heartily into the Allen being engaged in b ilding a new on a false �moustaehe and the other a
. -Y ' . . ; :
a searching eng airy as to the oircum. discaBsion. Public Tw-hool trustees and residence. .1 , black cloth mask over his face, - 1qr.
bet efit throughibs existenoe. If, as the L of the werhauling of EngliHh friepcis of eductition generally are also --A Ba � . t says: 0 i
.. . . stances . -� yfield correspoD n McArthur; thinks he coul ree
hotel keepers ay, the profi a f the , gnize
. . . Steamers and a (a8us elli may be e8tab- cor� ially invited. to attend the meeting. Saturdsy last. the wife of eorge Castle, - one of tbem� if he were to Be him E
� 'gaiti
at havE to implement the loE ies o th� lished if it is ase 3irtaised that, goods in- -Messirs. Mooney & Rattenberry, of Stanley,L departed this li - She bad - - and cou ,recognize the, voi es of bo
I I �
. I i�
4itchen ,*d tbe� Stable, what W( nocentlyiexPortEd bylAuglishmeu have Chu tun, have sold ,their farm on the been an invalid for sever I years-; the of t � �., They are undo. bted] y 'et.
' I ' been seized. - . i - Gbh concesqion of Hullett to Mr. Gilbert funeral on Monday was Very large; her quai tL d ' the neighborhroqa as they
Aescribeillhashitherto.been tle reautt. -
I . . - - 10 ANV VIB ELEC ONE;.- The Mair for 45,000. The farm contains -remains were laid in the family burial asked Mr.4 McArthur wbeial the f1rit -
It will be largely in. the interei to 01, the state elections ill Ohi) and West Vir. 100 acres. . I y
. . ground, Bayfield cemetery. There was entered hi�'house, if his hirgd Man was
Jiqiior ocusumers,therefere, wl en every ginis were hold gn Ti eaday. Ohio has - � Some mischievously disposed per- another funeral- on TueBd- , bein that at home,'and Mr. McArthi
� . ; . I I 9 111" DO; stis.-
. .
,deraxtiaD,ot of .;the hotel bu3inea .18 beencarried byltbe Republicans, and son or persons in Exeterlockedtbe of Mr. Laird, 4 well know 2 and promis- pecting that anything was -wrong, told I
f I . " Virginia h as gonle w it i th e De M ocr a F3. Salvation Army in their barracks the ii3g young man. He. wat marri,ed last them be had gone away that day. Both
Inale-to bear ito own weigbt,'bnd ,his, I � :
i - . J In Cincinnati, Ohid, exci-ement ran otb r night, and kept theta inside until year to a daughter of Jamm Armstrong, Mr. McArthur and Mr. Hill are bache.
; I I . - is .
AA J a sho n by he action of 11 he I Ot81 high, and sick v itars were . carried on . it w as their pleasurel to release them. of the BrowDson line, Slianley.and at lors and live alone on theiri. f a '
I -.1 .- . . . rma. It
Ikeepers, io the -�eBu�t that the prac deal stretchers to cas tbei votes, In Ripley -7-Mr. Jas. Easterbrook, of Exeter, the time of 'his death Wiwi engaged in would be, well for- people to be ca
11 I . I areful -
� e ratio] 11 Of thel Sc4t Act briT ga it out. twocoloredmen ere killed ai done white gathered last week about -two quarts of school teaebing in the* county of Perth. what kind of people they adinit- '
. P to:itheir
. , In Cincinnati beah, a of the second crop � from the on4 We are sorry to learn tbat the family of houses at night as the countify seeing to
t i . - - : man f bbed. .
. _ ________ �' the,cryof IlLynchWe rlbEroeBP was plaEting. Thebearls we're of as good. Mr.. Armstrong have had, d still have beswarming with vagabonas pf this cialig .
, q,hicbl ,ction of Sliate Offeeri in. Ohlo I , I
;' . 1 ,I- - , raised, and crovds r Shed dber a few quality as the first crop. � sore trials. Last year thei! -son William just now. I . i
too. t pladii on Tuesday last. Dwisone � . � ; i -
; 1, colored men. in s,gbt. One. was caught -Mr. Jas. Fyfe, of- Uaborne, exhibit- lost - his young wife rather suddenly.
: , .1 i . __ - - - - _ ! I .
of the m) t. hotly contested a d e ci,t arid beaten nearly to deablu, another- ed at the recent fair at ' - - well ever -� -
- , . . Exeter a apeci William has not been verliy The M ams -Deamish:Ca se Ajaila.
Ing polftIesil, b�ttl s that b is been was struck in 1he f1L.Ce Wi ' t:1 a boulder me of embroidery on satin, the -work since, and is� now quit , poorly. In ; .
' .
11 ' mud his face imaBlied. He had Dot * of h s great- grandm other Some 114 years about a year Mr. ArmstrIng has beeli MR. EDITOR.—DEAR SIR : Im last
fought in -the �tate for maty ,years. . . I
, , ,
buen about the r.olls, ut w Ls passing ago. ; deprived by death of his ather-in-law, week's EXPOSITOR I notice the folliowin.
This is i Lo doubt, due to the great in. 'istarbance —The County engineers having visit- . Son-in-law, and daughter in-law - such . 9
I . . . along the Street. In this ( � . I f Which You. -say you cordiall, � endorse :
terf st tb t .is now being titke, L i a the one man was fat Ily saot, an I a woman ed ."Jondesboro bridge have decided to- is life. " The Goderich Signal. in 'very able
� ,. . -
. .
Pre 3identlal campal an., It is � lenei ally struck in the breast v6th a b)ulder, and put i iew bents under it for this season i 11 and exhaustive article in which the
I 0- 5 � __ ___ - __, __ . :
, Supposed to be Mort illy hu A. In an- ind ,vill recommend the construction of �, - � . - Is evidence given at the recent assizes in
$ , ic ns will have the _ ' a clorrie. � I I this case is earef ally revie ed, comes
I apposed ibe R nW a' - . .
� . other dispute. one. man W168 knocked a ne Y bridge, next year. :� �
. .
golos st ru# the have had fol � PERSONIL.—Mrs. Robert McLaughlin
� 1 17 t',"DtY down by a mob a:id had his j w literally — Ur. H6Dry Parsons, of the London 11 to tbe conclusion that the
. " 1i . e Beamishes
I years�, an4 that,thdre is evei a, fair kicked off. I road, Stephen, a lad of 17 years, thresh- r returned on Saturday last f�ona Mitchell, 44 were acting throughout on�,the defen., .
. ; .
� .
ohmi ice of 1 vwmm� 1 ed With the flail, One day last week, 36 where sbe bad- been vieitiog friends. ,
,Cleveland being eleel read. he . - I I - I I give, and that the Mainses, f ather and
I i TnE L(IRD's ARmy.—Th meetings of
! i . . bushels, 6 lb,t. of peu; and on the fol- of sons, were the aggressorsY Now if
resultin 0hiot4eother day,'Lowever, , The Seaforth Show. the So-called Lord's A y are still you bad said the father andl George, it
; .� I � lowing day, 39 bushelH 3 lts.. Who can ' '
I - I being la,raely attended, the temperance
I �m not go to b6arout this pr 3diation, The ,show held here on Th irsdav and beat it ? . M miaht have been correct,- but it Seems
. . ,I
'i I ere resulte( 1 an - —Mr. H. W. 0. Meyer,, of Wingbam : hall not being large enongh to accom- too I bad to class John 'along *it h- them
I I . . I " - ficerE are four'in as 'he was- t eir
48 blue el. ation P I 'Frid4 last was c uite a succc. ss in every D
Ove w,h6ln1iiug vibtoi y for the lept MI - . respect. On . thie occasion Soaforbh was has preseuted a very handsome medai modate all. The (if I -o otally igmoran* of th -
I , . � - bee a forma It is a number, two la ieB and tv gentlemen -
I �
0an party!and will likely have 1 . � c(O. Ing ,-favored as it 4aB Lot - DY to the quoit club of that town. They and the work done y -them are agreement to fight, but' �ecause he
��, I : years. The weat'her, oth days, was all handsome piece of xnechanisin, bei
. I ... . I ng the chief topics of the d , and the happened to be with them at the time
. Offeet upon Democi atic ardor. Ek o f a,r that could be desired. This, cLombined inlaid with gold on which is engraved a . * of the unfortunate occurre ce he is
as Canad'ans are concerned 1he can with' a liberal-priz6 list, no doubt ac- opinions expreAsed are v ous. Some
� . ' man holding a quoit ready to pitch and blmme& eqnally with the 1, when in .
. �
-Affoi d t � 6 view t4e impending SO u gle counts for the E access. Or. Thur d,Y another man behind him waiting his are delighted, others are Bgusted with reality, he has acted iUringl the WbOle ,
I ; _. night there was q a ite a large attends, lace turn. The. gold is mountied on a hand- , I affair and during the trial Only a .
, . . their conduct and. mode of orabip. The
-with the greatest - pb�sible equ Lni ith at tberlidthit sho in �he hall, and on Bomely engraved Maltese.0 officers frequently laugh during the ser- noble christian gentleman �01`u t, -
1: � '_ . ross cut in
. I . id - ac -1
It In att�rsll little to them, exce A I 9----m- Friday there was an immense crow Of Bilver. It is to be played for at once by Vices, and they' apparent] Y Pay no at- and it * 11
�, ' � i , I I . . all parts of the cc inty bE ing members'of the ligh weight quoi era, tention to the prayers offe -ed by those seems right that his character 1
question �bf indivi nal choic% 17 ich , people, ' should be fully vindicated. - insetting �,
. I .. I �_ assist them. On one . j
� .
I art F i � The foi -eign policy of ch well represented. T e hiall, although an d to become tb e property of the P A who Occasion an the above in your next issu you ,will i
p win$. . . I
� . . large, presented a well filled appearal Lee, wiun Dg it twice, one match , 1
I I .to be pla e officer reprimanded some or laughing, oblige, yours respectfully, .
is'pretty Much 018 same. Probs b. y a and every departed was well represefit- accusing them of being jus�,t then in the I . � I I
I . � each year. I 11
I : I ' . . �USTICE. .1
grm. er number of tb e Democrai is t, ian ed, vAide the exhibits were neatly ar- —A quilt shown by DfrB. T. Ainley, Service of the devil ; not I ng - after. he . .1
. . I . . Blyth, October 14th, 1884. I
of Wes Republicans� are -favoi ible to ranged and placed to he b advail himself laugh led while they were siDg- . -1 - .4
of Brussels, at the sl4ow in that village � I
: . - * . --- � I
I . wu last . iDg. In his remarks he sa A he aid nob .
. tage. Several of bbe erchants in t(I - Week, PoDtainedl 7,700 pieces, au- - i
f red ;rade, . but.1i,ci,th parties ar i so be- ' I - �1
I i bad, very nice display (-if goods, r. other by tb6aame laqy contained 4,700 like a, religion, that ca.used people to Mr-- WR50n�s Reply i to Mr, �
hold, m to, and axe Bc . firmly Lel under Hugh Robb had it, Mi gnificent dis;Vlay pieces. Th'6 blocks i� 'he latter were wear along face. In my Opinion: it is Da,nby. I ' �
' . 11
_ I
. of honey from his owr apiary; kfes3m. made to re, e of boxes. MR. EDITOR- —I wish
t� 6 I Leel, o$ the Eq ant facturin g bilcpo , present a plic � not becoming to laugh in the house of
� � . ,. DEAn Sini o
' � : Duncan &Dunca an exceedirgly --- — lie annual plo . God during Divine service, and if it I � - i
1JStB that Aeitbor da, �e take an r 'a Clive I iDg match of the . 8 to give 3ou an e. lanation I
. I
I -1
. . I � in this dir If, neat case of MiM.ner3 ; Mr. Geo. Good Grey township plowi g association will "wrong for the audience to i10 so it must on Mr. Danby's length r epistle - 11
i - ' I
riaeaEureB tendill ct. m � had a large anc. var. ed assbrtraent of be held on the farm . also be wrong for those who are cou- to . .
. . . I . . f Mr. Wm. Came- - show how far be has gone �
4awEver,t�ereis any difference )etvwv en very fine looking boots and shoes, wllil6 ron, near Cranbiook.- n Thursday, 23rd duebing the Bervices to do So. If those from the truth. First, hestates in his ;
, - . . . I
t 6 , the �dvan�agO iS On the Bi 1E Of Messrs. LumBden & Vrilgon isind C. W. Octoler. AlibiaralliWof prizes ivill be, officers were as bad previ us to their letter "there were -
.. 11 . I . other 4impletons
the emoc�rmts. I'The Republics as have Papat.hwd numerous (;ollectl'DnS Of he for competitiq! : �; becoming members of the so-called - 11
�, offered 13. . (neighbors who accompanied e).)) You
t . most beautiful wa.1 P -Per and window —Mr. Wm Hastie bas been re-engag- il Lord's Army as they say they were.. all will see I did not make 11 e ,cf such I
been ,U.Ofqce so lonE and have, be �.Ome blin.- s, . 0. 1'. Parst had a ed as teacbe�r- in Sch6ol Aection No. 4, who heard their confession will readily words. Had I known Mr. Dauby was
. . . : . - , alud Mr J :
.iorrupt.that o ho .
so utterl �1 there is I ' P6 real..y neatly fLirrauged anc6 attractive adi5ait that they were very wicked. On t
. whi Lie if ,;he I McKi.lop,at a Salary of $500,and Mr. W. � AV . d o I ecture T- assure you I woul a not have .
, I
.. '
for improvement froto them, case of jewelry and Mr. J.�. W. Fear, - G. Duff bas been re-engagbd in Roxb0ro i ih'e-otber band; if they a e now as goo been so simple as to go andhear him,
; .
Pem)crats get in -they cannot be any . dentist, had a god,d di3play If the arti- 1 hoo., McKillop, for hill sellventh year., as they profess to be, it ' ill b as I have bad experience in thepastof
; 0 . . I cles he uses for thlie arideliorAion 'of Lhe 80 I ed that they are really ctristianH. One .
They are both good tE achers. histrutbfulness. I pposehe has -not
Worse tbaI4 their opponents and Lh r is t 'I gl.-eat interest forgotten -what
. . I unfortunate members of the human r thing certain is tha ' he sai"T to Mr. Esaler,. on
I ' —4essrs. W. Elliott, R.'Beacom.and
a chance a time, at least, th t they family who are troubled wNh decave'd e is . taken in their ME8tiDg8 j0d
f �r -_ i . John Wood, of Goderi 3h township, bav Dr. Wood's farm. I am sending for a
will be bet�er and Make thor no teeth atiall. Thadisplayof . excitement prevaip at -some statement
� 130MO I r0t8: I ' I again bad sheep worried by some worth- I great h when you will hear fiom me
otho3esty. We, therefore, vote D3mo- furniture by Mesars.Broadfo0t&BOx less c rs. Beacom ' is tfie heaviest' of them. They have now t nty-five or a.gain. lie denies saying be -could not z
. .. '
� . Was the admireil of all, admirers, while loser, he having seven hillod and others' thirty members, all of v ii m e aim to
crat very time. . Mrs. John. Kidd bad a very nice col- tbg,t,v7ill die. Mr. Woods on,w the dogs, . have received good by attend ng the, pray for tavern -keepers. IR:Tow, fivg
I � I a men told me, in one Place, he id say it.
I . I ; lection of stoves &lid above filtiui- but alter searching the toiwnBh1p over, meetings. If they are what their name Ver stran.ge .
I i �
� I . .. � � I implies may Lhey not leave Gorrieuntil y ,_ we should all be mistaken.
I wis of the 79 eek. alter Wa � H next cont icts what I st ited about
Ne ture. Mr. W " e had a fine eol- CaDnOt find the brutes. . m . e rad
I . . lection of photographs, whiell, for clear. —At a - recen � t. threshing on % farm: they will have accomplished theirgreat the Tories. - Now be shook hii i head and
:: FA] LURES IN THE ir-3TATES.—Tvi o n in- ness anJ correctness of exprebsion could near Godericb, a setting ben was found i purpose in coming here—". to drive the hands in the face of his aud,, I I
id�ed i.Dd itbirteen: failures are k ipor;ed I � . I ence ,I say-. �
scarcely be .... surp Bsec. The Mesi r.g-. by R. Gillean iV- the heart of 'a mow of I devil out." tu �
in the United StatdS during last vre3k I a - I THE GREAT BATTLE.—It is Said both ing: "If tbie Tories would oni rn we I
� ' i Scott Brothers ba:1 a piano and orl -tin Wheat, which h d been put in s ave no trouble to , arry the -
i AA�ERICAX IRISHMEN TO VISIT 11 �EIQM. , � even . would h '
I . which furnished BweEt music for il'13 weeks agro. The ben i%nd dhickenswere ] part.,es are preparing for tb -1 great battle glibors were
! T43 Irish Nation I League . D HdB I - my nei
. I 11 to be fought in.Haron On the 30th O1tO' in my house last Digbt ana !said 'they
exto'd Ina an invitation to a, deputa. multitude. ThesE sev.:11.,al splays lid fonnd alive and were brought to the' .
much to add to the appearillce and at- house to be taken care of. !I ber. The Scott Act party cannot be too
tipq of In7sh Ame�lican leaders o vi Bit tractiveness of the inside Show. In '-he I energetic anathey BhOUld UOt 10,86 a heard him. He next quotesi the .-wid. .
11�-efand. � -. - " . 1. � —C ne day last week Mr. Geo. Cruse, I .. ows and orphans. Now, if h-6 bad been ..
I .
... ladies' department theze was a very r ice threshed for Mr.W. Curin'irigham, 13th L moment as the time is short. Let
!-OJODLISIO;� AT �EA.—A colliE OIL )C- . a Pure mi-a-ded man he would have seen
1. i .
- . show and m&Dyre3,llv f3autifulartic.e.s. CoDcoBion of Hulletit, 1,000 bushels �i 11 Work I Work I" be the motto of every no harm in that remark, as he ought to
cured bebween the steamers R !BE V] 110 ' I :
I The flue arts, also were- fairly well re- of oat and barley .in four hours and.; one ,in its rank�. Talk w ithout work know it-is.no"businesS for a widow or
aid- E ,aro 'e, off , Greenock la2 We �,A. . I
. P i . presented. In fruit tliere-was an m- fifteen minutes, cj1eaniDg.t4e floor once. I will A'ot accomplish the desired end. I .orphan ,to, follow. I:did not impugn
be Enrope sank almost IMMEWILtifly I i ' I
�, I mense display, eslecia ly in apples, Did Air. CanuiDabam held the;watch whilej am edinfident that the Act -will carry in
a*d t ie ua�tain, engineer, an ir - 0 1 � I any one with immoialRy, nor did I
, .� I ihe quality Seemed to be' all that -could the work was being done, The grain: Huron, but Wis desirabl to have as
were ost. , , I . mention any other class of travellers, I
,' I
: I NE� � R�LIGIOUS IS I be desired. Dairy pr(ductB were also was cleaned fit for market, .1 large � M's,jority as pogsiblE to show that d were dear4dad Men
: . . )ECT.—Trou bie is . I - �
ai�tici pated from the rapid exten d(n of � largely represented. I2TO0tStherew&B — Mr. Durnion. ha.s bought, the 'old. Public sentimeint is, strongly in favor of in all classes, even in his own prbfes., ,,
. . a good show. Potatoe i were in abun- sbiugle factory next to 'Watts' furni- temperance. T'ublic sentIment is the I
a,�� re[ gious sect in R assia, whic Sion, which I still adhere to.' He so.
. I - 'le dance and of the choic �st qua D.- ture works in Wroxeter, and intluds to energy of Is. '. Hence the larger cuses me' of frequenting very low so-
remaiai 'g loyal . - lity; tur W
, -
. 13 _ to the Gover inient, ather of 3ma I size,'bl;t, Man- turn A into a steam. saw Mill. The, the majority the easier it will be to ciety, which I -deny. Ineverimet any
d*nieq the Czar's --religioug Supr ma -,y. �
I goldo and carrots i ver nforoe the lav�. Every pirent, every man who stooped as low as 2&�. Danbv.
; I,-,- D,k x o A. el Sons
'Slk2LIPPDX e good. In 91 -lin work of altering the binilding has S141 e
ill . —Eight 1, ,there was -a very .arg( Show, and it is rEady commenced and Hr.�Durnion e I guardian, every person who has the I asSu eb i - *
. w X- r IM,
have i lied of sman o� � in the to- � 11 my ebarmeter will bear in--
1. . P E8111P - needless to say it v -as f ood. It no doubt pectS lio be ready for the coming season. welfare of society at heart, should use spection a� well as my mus,016.9. He
of Argo, Dakota, , nineteen others . I . big influence :,in abolisbing from our . .
"' . I
. rejoie,ed the bear's of mauy farmers —Tlae special religious iservices are talks of my not buying from my neigh-
alle Prostrated. . . t> '
I who have for ye s been fighting the still boing carried on at Turner's c"rch' midst the greatest evil which all olqsse
:1)UHLLIStS.—A unt CarmeAP , nn- a . I ,-- - i 8 bors and Ii�t being guecessful.; It would -
1valfia, t e ot Mi( day, rival Ic vers bag, to s6e such inagilificbrit samples, in Tuchersmith. About 3Q have sought. of society have to contend with. I All be well for him if he bad met with- as I
sy, or . especially of small peaE. On the w le 13 a1v a tfon, an d 25 h qLve given. their u ames those ,who are' addicted to this babit much succ ss in his 1pgitimate calling
rogahi . a duel, au4 the girl who mxued - . . to with th friendiii of - . I
0 :1 the inside sbow was go d, and fully in for. church membership. iThe Gospel,'Bbould co-oper4 as I h&ve 046- In mine. I understood
ihe troubl.3 gave -the signal lo Ere, , I 1
30 � UODg o4e, advance of forme-�years. There Was Band, of Clinton, have visited several I teimprance in his matter. It is the Mr. Danby to' say it wsis a private meet.
f two, three. One A the : .
. I n a .ounded,in the BhOUld W not such a visible improvement in libe nights, and rendered very efficiect ser- , former class wlio will recei-N e.the grea'ter ing, still he states I bad not the courage
, I
. .
, XrupEb iN FuN.—At Lowell,' (�s a- . outside, however. Of course 'there Was vice. - I . beDefit, and, wby should I bey not em- to raise my hauds as opposed to the I
hu: et ts,. the ot & large and a goo� . Show outside, ut —AIr'. Thomas Perdue, for a -bout brace the opp)rturliby. so scion to be I
I 8 her as y, - a gid em ploy ed , I. . 7 . Act. This is a false assertion, as I can ,
.3: a, ef x-tridge fa�t I bry threw a�bu I let at them always has I eon that, and we do forty 3 ears a resident of ,ithe Bayfield afforded of removing the temptation? prove by others who Saw Me die it. For �
I ,c w girl to Wake her up. The bul et n ot bb ink the shoN r tb is year was r i a- concession, Goderich township, died on Their own s ety and that of their the future I would advise Mr. Danby to
�luotbe I teriully in advance of show f amilies should prompt the n to exercise I
p4ged in the girl'si ear, and c)i Id a .of recont Friday. He -was born in .Ireland, and � Pl.-ofit by ithe lesson, he .would give
R late years either iE quality or�,extaut years � aelf denial. Says an .emir ent author, era. I do not aspire to being a wri-
Idt be removedi She died in great 0 If came to this. country about 51 oth
I I 1 "Intemprance is the scourge of, the
i exiLibits in any ontBidd department, ex- since. He leaves a wife and grown up . ter, but I w 1
4 igiony. r . ill try wherever I 4hear Min.
I . � I I I
� � - cept poultry. There was fully twice family to mourn his demise, h&ViDg had I world and pur anity, laroeny, lying, to keep hini as near th e truthas I Pos-
i ITHE Cq1?:LER1 PL . n . .
- , , uE _O' E ar -d "Y the number of birds sliown that we bi,ve eight F ons an d three daugbiers. 11 murder are its 6flapring." In the face
4brewerel�95 n ' cases of ebole -a and - 0 . sibly can, and to remember I am not ��
9!'�deatbs in Italy! Tbe Queen ,if '. P" r- ever seen at a 1,)Cal or county show a4iy?p _Q ite a flutter of excitement was i of such facts who can consciensciously ashamed tq put my name to any clocn.
� p f - �
lIkE61 116B SODt 1( 0 lire for the r, I ef where, and the display certainly pla(�,as created in Goaerich on aturday last 1 vote in f avor of the present liquor ment Iwz#e. .1 would advise bim . in
1. Seaforth as the great poultry centre of by tbE receipt of A letter fiom. Managerl traffic. ' I .
)I,the cholera BITrem in Naples. ]U3 � . 1, I � the future *ot to trouble big congregs.
. .
� .
10mber hp' g'v . en 20 000 lire J or t, le , Western Ontario. In , 110irses, taken up� Tan Borne, of the Canad� Pacific, Stat- , - tion on the�Sabbath day withitis Scott
� I I
; 1. on the whole, ther was a very latge irig tbat there was Do doubt a branch of .�orr - Act speeclibs. i
lufferers inGen6a. . - . is. . I
. and good ShOW11 he. medium clasoes their line would ran to Go'derich at no I, -no , .x
VIOWOR �FOR TBEIt PIB r9CE or. WA FYEI S. . . .11 - Goo -D THRms, ixe.— bur third li 1 DANIELWILSO.N, Stan ,
` nl being the most argEly represent d. distant . . loy.
b tis slated Quee ? day. It, is expected the eon.' threSher, Mr. J. W. Sample., threshed 5
Vie to ri a b as- rt qu e - There were fifte n f eneral -purpose DeCtiDg link will be made 4t Elora. on Thursday, the 9th inat. j on the farm . _� . 1, i
a�. MI r. Gladstome to submit t c) � t a the ring. - i EADYE, RTISEMENTJ ,
�-binet the , q1IQStiOn whether i p� &I al Aeania in , In light horses the , . Wm.Stinson has si�io his farm, of John Bowman, lot 29*, eDneession 3, :
I b 1� er cannot Show was only medium, while in heavy lot 27 on the 7bh concession, Howick ,Th I I' - -
P . eiMaxwell Reap -,r. ,
)9 he conferred up in t ie ' � Y Morris, 214 bushels Of SPr11Lg wheat in � I .
�, � . . horses, although there Were MELD -Y Ms,g-: to X McKee, of , Morlairigton, for MR. E I mon,--_�DE*R , Sil,_pleaw
... I nee of Wales 01 enable him to Par a- I.' two hours and : ould have beat this if 1)
. I nific,blat ani�mals, siona 3 of the clagges $6,050; Possession is, to be taken in' he had known that he was going to be allo w' space, in your Pa0eir for t Ie follow.
. : . I
� ate in the colif ere. ces of. the 3OVEr-,. werenotso ellfilledis.3 webavese4n. Novetnbex. . Mr. StiDs J . an . .
ig na of Eu�ope. . .1 - , on will hold an 'timed- as he bad no chance to do his ing d oblige' the undersigi ed: This . -
. . I I
. I �
� . — There was ot a large show of cattle, aucti�ii Bale of his stock, limp] emeluts, beat, but this is ider a i y g od harvest � I gave Mr. Samuel I Voodm'su -
. DEVASilTmc,TIP 0011. , On the'5t of ;
.. . Ter 0
but he lack in Dula Zers was fully mal,de etc.11;-bil October 21st, mfter�which be in- threshing anyway Econame Would like to permission �o bring a Maxwell .ow -down
eniptemberY 'ohmma and Foki) Oere . . - �
iEited by 9, ternible typhoon. . n' up b i the excellenc of many of the tends'to remove to Gorrie and activelY hear from any que that can - I binder y premises, to givE an b I xbi,. .
I : the q . even equ,a on
atter city 4,000 hous3s were de . mah" shown, Th - e waB a large and 6Dg&gE in the grist mill business. ' it. The Mac ine used was &n L. D. bition. of i work. Ile tried first in -.
I a r67 d I eplendid shovV of al eep and a very go)d —Mrs. John Brethaeur, of Wroxeter, Sawyer Vibratc rand a Triumph Steam spring wheat -and next in o a, a very -
ni twebty peop e killed.. The 'osi I -of. I ' - �
if, 8 I i wife, ' bo t
V7 I
'r r
I .01 �
-1 I
r I
, y
a 7 In
� �113 ; !
�_i w
1-T B I
I Vi
� Z4
fo at sea- was a ppalling, and no, - . i si 4- Sh of Swine. The gate receipts. while driving to Gorrie 6r4 Wednesday engin . 0 manufactured by Olin, Abell, good crop, and lastly in a' Piec of 6sts,
=nted to about$600, The prize'l had 4 narrow es- AA]v i �
ate could be I a ade -of - the 'm m )E r. . at eveDiD 01 Of last week, Woodbridge. M here are th, )big thresh- a very he ' crop and baddly wn. and
� I .. . P . &MY i
I e t3 phoon was foll wed by ai Lot a ?r will 3e found on the sim th page of this cape h om. being injured by 0, breakdown era of Tuchersnifth and Hu .lett? They tangled, and was both ammP and rather .
f Ygreater force on the 1.7th,,- . o. iSSUE. - . . of the buggy, which was ocicaaioned by will have to try again,Coi c. green. lawa I been going to t it with
.A CURIOUS ORREMONY.—Afte . t'l to I the boulders that proje6t from the road- RoBBER-Y.—It is quite viaent that my common reaper -1 would not have
, ,
el ebri 6tion df Ma sE in St. Peter's 6. 1 . � Uron Notes. bed on the bill Just west ot Mr. James I cut it more i t f�e binder
. - 11131.02, I I there are some desperate & iaracters in ,than one way,bu . .
. I born Ignn"c f mr-m A a' if �Wam Uk.A v4
ondon, o OncLay Morning,
� .
ishop, cler anocongregation
.3 tionor ducilge
ich, the
'Toms,of Gode'r
Kent - .
y pmcded-
resided at
assizes held a
I a[ 3 riqe of Edward the
d � to th h *
es 3or; in West ,i �ater Abbey,
Cha am las'i weel.
45 -11r. James Dunes,
�haa sold hif
hey prayed for conversion 0
Y_ farm on the 7th co
cession of Goderiel
uid to jlie an I c en t faith, the
. eop
1.e township, to - Mr.
James Mairs fw
11 'i n A the croBs dariag
"a king the iiign O
. The farm
ontains 80 acre S. I
rayer, They w e not disturltea
-The three Be
mis es were taken
hE V.61,gers. !. Visitors at the abbey
. I .
-e from Goderich to the
Kingston' .
penite a-
nab: astonished.� . , �
- I I . I , .
. tiary1ast week.
]Phe3 were, accom-
. . .
TlAip RoIBEirr' IN TunKET.-
rxitem4ut in
panic d.py thi ee cot
stables. --j:
e aused Ca
- . -Sedond crop
aspIerries can 1� 8
nbP1 by a4-aud'acious robber ,
. y
-4is 18mab
d �
. gathEred by the
h n ful in sever I
u: mm�l n6ar Court.
parts of the owa�m
in the'township
41�� arrie�s fought hard but
I : . .
of Hf �y just n W.
`-IT .
tk 3n*unawo,res. ;1 be horses wer
.'' -One nig 'lastiveek
a lamp explo4-
c. t e enfire freight captured.
` . I
ed in a room the �
Q aeEn's hotel., Bru s.
a . ler W
- 11 ri, .p,4d t o Zabiche were
eels, amd bur ed the
curtain, and d.,
I- d
a several-Iserliolosly wounded.
. -
some other li Me damag
before it wits
o-ernment's loss -is Y,60,1000, P
extin luished.
I .
w es E2 9000. - A I rge, 0 y 0 cl
. -
7 -ir. A. McKenz
e ; w 0 as '
. ,if
T ursi ung the br ;6ndg.' Govert
t on ap excellont t
iloriDg; business In
dia,h are �uspbcp�d of being in
Wroxieter for a few
yearii past, has c1o3_
OlU Wfth the brig'41148. - .
ed o4 and returned
to li's. former home
in Li4towel.
. I
. . . . e communict
War a found ini t
3 - - he sem -annual
Meeting of the
hiah havewpass'ed between En,Fla
;. .
West Huron leachers'lastitute
will be
d Fiance in regmird to. the sto)pin
,hold 'n the . ligh echo,
. , Goderich, 0:1.
cl searching Engli3h vessels on
Thursday and Friday,
October 23rd an I
iinese - coasts forl, contraband
� 24th, �om'meri oitig e
ich i lay at 9 o'cloc I
at Bria .' It�, is atAted, that Eni
Ini J. A. McLEllan,
L. L. D1--, 1wha
a.vilprously proliested against
i I I
� I , .
. ; � I
. � I
.a. �
has recently I eeu appoin
. I � .
I -
. I
. ted director c f
- .
- I
I � i I I I
. - .
� ,
.1 r
� I
- ! I
I � . -
.. r I .
-1 :-
� .
� � i
. .
. I
� � .
- . .
. .
I f
� .
. . - .
- .
- - . J . 5 . this, vicinit who need wa.6c hing, and *it ciat all around the piece anq made a -
WaB bLdly Smashed, but], fortunately y first .class "ob, better than Il possibly -
t none 0 4: the occupants iDjurod. would be well i for the peo As to be on J .
-AE an ex ample. of the �rofits of, flax their gual, n Saturd night be- .Could have done with my single reaper. .
. ),n '(;Ioqk Mr. Dunean.Mc_ .rJ is a great deal More pon-
. . tween 12 i The binde '
growl or the following is g1ve - . nt to rl�ove
. - Arthur,of tb e 8t * concession I was aroused venle. than any other biAder
experiduce of Mr. David -10 from -.his sleep by. Someone rapping at I I - ever saw., It can be moved as a' av
season on his farm near Biussels. He as any colmi�non reaper and ones ' Of
I the door. He asked the �artibs what kka ,
had under the crop 21 ap'res, I chain thby wanted, v ben th.�y I eplied they horses cala work it D icelY in an Y H� Of
. .
� .
and 98 links, and had a yield of 48 tons desired a nigh t's lodgings, With his grain. Theire were other agelits came -11 ,
and -1,1.84 Ps. This Sold at. $12 per ton, C) also and asked permission to bi.ing their -
amounte-1 to 5583.11. Tbe'seed cost tiBual hospitalit be at once opened -the binder and ` ork with it. I told thein ,
door and admit � ed two men. He'then
-� $49, and the pulling $105.55,.1eaviDg a . -P an( they might come in, welcome, 'but
net prcfit of $428.12. Thi� is a very proceeded to light a lam- I he bad they failedi" to -put in an app.6ars, - �
J no,sooner ot t is done th they both � 11 Doe
profitable yield. i When the binder was brought on I
I � . prosented revolvers at him ademand- imy
-A young.man named' Eccleston, 1� ed" big money. They tbon, tied his premises I �,ad not the least I idea' of I .
. . ,
who came out fr ng last hands and feet last and laid hi purchasing one, but after cuttl g about ,.
im on the � .
spring with the intention of learning bed and one (,.if the ruffians stood by 27 acres oil *11 kinds of grafil, it ,g�ve r
farming in Canada, and who has been him with the revolver poii Such good Oatisfaction z that I at once
living with- Lester Scott, Auron road, ' ,�ted at him
while the other rifled the rawers and made UP MYMilud to buy it and woOld I
Goderi �,h township, since lasit May, has ; other places in i I advise any f er wanting a binde� to �
. been 1E It an estate by an uncle he house fo, valuables. examine above bin I � i
gtting 4out $70 in .. 4 a Par- .
- deceasi id in MancheSter. His interest I money which r. MeArth. had got chasing any other. Yours tral , I .
. - � I
in the estate will amount to about �tbmt,day for s me fat ca tle he had ROBERT SCOTT, llett- . �
; � .
, � .
0.40,000 and -he left last 'w6ek for the sold. . Having procured -,e Money .i . .
.old con atry to look after his,interests. they went to work- and sp ad out a -On San4ay evening last while put
-Mr. Alfred Allen, of Exeter, took sumptuous me�l of whic] they par- on the rriarc4 the soldiers of tl �6 Sal' '
, � . Va- .
. I z , :
, 22 first prizes and 8 seconic .' PH es for took liberally aua then took their de. tion Army iti Stratford were pe ted with
� . .
gardel:i ruits and vegetables'at the fair parture, leaving �heir victim. tied hand .Mud -and stones by a gang of roughB.
.. _ .
in Ember last week. Mr� Allen is a 4nd foot and ,helpless i the bed. N sat fi '�s they: ittacked :
' . Ot is . 6,d with t1ii .
� -he .
professi mal gardener, and his great suc. Before morning,'however, he succeeded Lieutenant Hurst while k,,eel ing t
cess ai � a prize winner is but another in getting bimaOf relieved. The same door of thl barracks, , nearly striking
illustra ion of how importan . t it is for a evening they visited the residene of her several 0 mes with earth'L
. e I t1i cloda of
I i � � 4 .
. .
. :
I - - I : 1 4 1
1 . I ;
.. . . ; i �
I .
I . I :
. . . . I � . I I
I I - . i I
. I i
I . I �
I i . !
. r i �
I - I � . - I i .
. .1 , - _L � . ! I i
I ; . i
I �
I I i . I
I- i . . . J : . I 11 -
- I , , 1 . i
f :
: i I I
. I f � I . .
. i . I
. w I I
� I I � . I
. � . . I - ;_ �
. � . i
i � i : j
� � . �
. � .
---I— - __,'_-L',, L _I'- '' - � - ' __.1. -, _; I _._____,L_____ __ ___ . ..... __ -1_____,___L-__. I -___,-_[___..`
q � L �
� � 71, '18
1 , OCTOBER 1 _ I
I .
- m
. . I
� ::,�___ - _____ I i .
, I I Virden, llaiitc
. : .
I i
. ,The weather here I has
� Vwy w MOM
- � et for this 8 ;
I 1�1_,Dh inberferes seriouiily ,
. W �
- � . igg operations, which is nc)
. �� the day. - - �
- . I
L. 1,__)(.otvvithstandin,g the
I ,wistlier Mr. Charles Roge
, , SS I towns -hip 11, raDge-24i I
. *& i -a delivering at 0oi1v
. . ,00 last load of "'a five tFloll
- ;f W,11eat, all of this yeikr's
I ,fue, condition. . � �
,We notice in Tun I
. O)pteinber the 26th, the
� d ; �s threshing by the �VeQ
� *V .
t gibbertil on the farn'i If �o
i . 49;1, of the same towneiiij
. Any person who could beat,
- �ont, giving the amount 'as fl.
L .
� buShela, balf w4eat, b4l lan 4�
.: ,Sud barl-ey. Now, w4 - d,�
.. , on. a 1
.Wbether this invitati
W -hole -world or merE�y I
I 00tixio, but if Maiiito�a iB�
'11 just give you an imstal,
� -Wj�
, 1�a;ab.een done in tbi-4 w
� I L
. .. . ,
(Abersi dof I
,J&Lmuchlin Br I
_ ktowpabip 11, range 2�6,tbr�
. - . '
:. 1f9xDa of Mr. ,Tamc-13 IN'Oh'
I towuship 11, rangie 26, I
.. .
1. rna, Ontario, 9140 balief
�, -vs -
- t . The machine t
I I 01% hours. . I
- . . X0010skey Separator, taw;
� -,figrnis-, and a Lelonard el
. i
L I burner), built el, Lcndon �
L .1 ,The first agricul;n-rfi
-, j: was beld at- this place 1:,m t,
-It vrma a very good begiwJ
... �
�weaher being some,what
,attendance was not lar4p., :
� .
- � - 7
1 .
; -'ar. Ambro.,e Edwara�,
�. b84 a refreshment stana at,
1. ion fair, and,on his retr�rn I
. -.1-ho -whole of his day"S r- '
t , *Cel
- _4___
- T_zatest New� N
I . ,Thie old. and well-�Dot
lishing and selling firniivf 4
. .
I bell (t Sons, of Toront-�, ai
I I havB.goue into insolvelacv�
Jiabili- ies. The f ailuro of I
wbdlesalle jewellers, oll. U
13t,rker Brothers, woolten.
era of Stratsville, is alEt) all
-A special Cable despati
dot? ED-glard,dated00oh
I �
13ir,1ohn'Macdo nald ar�ive
toWnthis moriaing. Hi's d--
. .
� .beZefit from the tripi, 1.
� Wgri much improved. bt; f
I .
, 7
. .an a, his System it gerlera
toue. He will come to tl
16noe. m �
. 11on. Mr. Masson, 7 a �
. . .un4 at one tirae a prow -1 �
of Quebec, has een ap. ok
4 �
ant �Governor of that z I pi.
I - -
. appointnaeDt seems to 14ive,�
� 1_� .
I SH 1: I
. Isf-wetion. � -
! A medical college fwr'w.
- . :
. of wom-en. in the medlo
I I wos openc-d at Kingstola t1i
.apening iddress was deli
� I .
L-aiay Principal. The inet
� mMceB with a goodly nu
�, deglis. Sir Ricliard. Cartw�
. .. ono of the Directors of �Mfi
. also delivered an addre r�,s - i
. I
. .
I ing. ;
I .
- - -_ - .- _!!I!�,�
_ -
, , ;
� � �
� I
. Fell Wheat per bnphel.. .".-z
I Spr$ng W�heat per bushel.. � .
Oatg per bnehel .......... ; ... �,
Peas per bupbel ...... � � =
� Barleyper but3bel .4'...;,
1 Butter, "No'. 1, 100sa . .
Bntter, tub.. - � ........ .. �� ..A'
I , %
� ,I
. FIT.",-, -per -TO- 0 --lb- s- ........... !�...�!
. I
Fork, per 100 poundi; ........ I ... I
f I
AIVO naw .......... � - �,
I .... "'
. ! �
I IRV$, per 100 lbsq.' �
. 11h,,1 . ,..;,
W �
001�aldns each.. _ ...... �
! -
. "
. 1.
. ,
Salt (vatuil)pprbarr i..i,.�*.. - �
. 'I Saftf whole."k) per. barrel..'...-.
i " a ;
I Potatoes'-Ppr bnfhf.], rew�.�,�-J,
: �
Wood, per cortl .......... .� ... :
i I
� Appleo perBg.g ........... w..!.-
'. I
- : . i .
. __ �__j-_ :
. :
- . . MUN i
- CLXN- � i
. . ! . I
i i
Ta'JLWheat per':bushel ...... j...�
` 2
Bpring Wheat pi��r bu,hi-l. _ - #... 1
4 !
bmtp;, per bushel .......... -..-
I I �
]3atleyper bU.�LbLil_.. � ... I 1.4
� :
n I
. Fess per btLshid-..'s � ...
I �
ButWr ...................... §....
go's ...... .. � ........... -.I...;,
. ;a perton. ... .. �..�.
I I :
L Po g.toes, per buahel.i. . �v .,
I Apbles per barrel ............ ;...,
*01 ................ t. � ,
Hiaea, per 100 lbs .. ......
I �
"' �
. poft. I .......... � ........... �..,
. Cotd,wboil. .......... ... _ .i.-
- . 11 — - * - I -
. I ' �
TOAIO,� L 0, oat. 16�
\T -NJI 1
1 : 4�
- 0.60 to ti
to��o 81; SPMIDR, . - I
L to:U - to jai� I I
., peas, -60c
. 72k*, ; hav� , -
, , , r-br ton, Z D X
bntte r 17c to 20C -, poiai
I ..
S0.45 !.� iko. A e,ggs, per dD.
� 0 I,
L . dressed hogs
� ! 1
47,52'. i I :1
I :i
,. . L I
L _
_ IVF 6.4-s�
� 'UPOOX" Oct. I .
ims o6a; � red. w'. A t,- I
I I -California No. 1, 079*05
. No. 2, 6s 11d; oats� �581
I -s' Gs Old; � P�l
5al 6d; - P�a . i
" L choese, 52s� 06d. � i
. i
.. : _. , I-,
� i Dive Stook i"
' I
. . -PAST BT-,-rAL ar.
., .o, Octolle
.- - ceipts, v;gry light - the �
1W r I '
'Foriga few tail endti a�LdLl
. I ,er'; pi400
haid. been held 0), - ul d
. xoquieatand prospects tovl
. A -ad lai�b�-Rtceipts i �i�
pleuty, segie%olding t*19
I �
. r4eep, ruled a rnhade I 'RE.
Wore Aeci4edly lower,l V,
j.i) 4
I gooa iabee� at �3.40 . I
Iambs at ;,,:4.745 to Z- I 110.
� fozw cars , of fres 0 , L
-about 310 �arB. all Tpo'.
I . 4;
,steady, with gooa aernftw
i a
Of Mrs�daty�; , I werl f� It'
� er-B, gooa. to ell ice'I't,54,5
. sXtre; York 4 8_�
I wi-Aig -! .
Torkers,,.�&�,10 to ,4 ,241;4
.1 �_,_,� I �Z -
� 45-45 to �55.55, Pig- I V � 3
� I'+ I
-MONTRE4L, O'ctob r 11-1.-
. -
10t export 'cattle h jL-e
U their is I ittle fre �hd F-!
r, ,
till late in: the week abil
. - holding back. This, tb,!It
U'Vorable cables Land' U
freights,, c' ai;-�.
I tuiaea an e 'y i
V4il,but priiees were not t.'
. The top pri-c6 is dore i �of
Lo'st year at this dato li�
, ,
. �
"Id at 52 �! to citl'o andAh
`3 '. ., 11
. to * 51b, of r
. i
.. f8dr, but shows a failijig ;
Vith a month a --o. E'm�
. . found. a better 1�rket 'at,
PXIces. Offerings -are fm';
- IzMnd better. A fow
. hAnds at '' I 11-1
1 4c to 41c pei - -
lUt year at this datei I
�_� . sOla at 4z to 5e. Live 40
1 .0
. �Oclilaed. - nder a go0a
. lug to-IdNay was WKY
'to 51 cents per t.
10tYlier tgarket weiip
I .
I i
. �
I �