HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-17, Page 2- 1; ; r SST', ;•4 0 0 rd fo • he a th ev ofl fri vi he 511 Hc he .8 he er tr wh nig ea tn on sl ger lea Ho an for 4 •'twas : ob- Oil till she tel a. I'll taci se iss and a ialf miles Vom B ussels; and one cnile ' 1 , ; 3 money there in trade, and settled son's choice with ye." Pru y myself, for h : things Cl t o be from ravel road. For prices and t rms - The public are cordially invited to inspect our sto k of TE S, which for SEAFORTH. a to enjoy it in a sort of selfish Pamely's boy flushed to his' do rk did this hangin In by e e :lids apply o THOS. KELLY, B useds P. O., RORY . JaNNINcIS, Victoria SqUar P: 0., or JAMES quality and price cannot hi e excelled. Special bargain n five aad ten pound ion that WEie 110t natural to his eurherhis head was lifted •a -s if a me Rini nateral nor nleasin', l' on, k • ep SMITH, laple Lodg; P. O., Middlesex Coonty. ' a 1 ' lots and every package gidaranteel to give -satisfaction, r cash refunded. I, APPLES. APPLES. , kindly disposition-. - ,! ,th proud delight lay on a, height at he- atilt]." Pamela as familia; to he eie3 • 1 . - -- , 3 had never known how close and, 'could see, but no other, and his v ice matiterful ways.of eias, so On: took to , "ITG-ki?.•. .. . iant are the ties' of kindred till now ; rang out in -subdued yet clear trade ce her Irocking an ct_ ber knitting ri.e a FAttei e'OR SALE -For ale, Lot 37, Coulees- STICI-A_TZ, • CHARLES DONALD & 0 If , 4, East!. Was sanosh, ',aunty of Eluron,Con. , ,eeraed at last to have got home; as he ansWered : , few mild, tears frem ,her kind • d :3es, • 8.i°11.1 taming 200 acr s, a cut 140 acres cleared,90 a;cres We hold large stock iii. Granulated, Refined -and Ral•ws, and prn:3es as low as I - was the stir, the interest, the " There isn't another girIonts d of tied waited for _eventeii i free frr m etu ape. .- Titer are l'7 acres of fall on,. ! - Ltness of a daily intercourse hither- Hop. Meadow neither, 0ZiaS ; t ere 0 ias, well awre 0 rudy': a i ts, wheat ad the 3to shard i the Townshipsaing anyhouse in the county. i See our samples and prices. A fall sto k of General 79 Queen $treet, London, E. C., regland, aPh• n Gro eries at all times, and for quality cannot be surpassed. Also large plan- ' onied him, and it seemed to warm ain't in the world. There's nobo y foe toll wed the pathl 3r1 the side f B i”ht 7 acres.) It is w 11 w teied and the balance of the ril ' 11 t mbe ed wit beach, maple, elm, tity of Canned Fruits, 11+ and Meats. rejuvenate his life, to quicken his me but little Prudy. You was right ne Bro k down to a Cluster of : a - I . rk la cedar for fpnc- - WILL be .1a.d to corresPond with Apple Grow - es, to brighten his ideas; he loved way; she's Hopsoia's choice, -and no _w 1 ut trees on a meadow tha, ' e 0. g- ffiergieeiTsihew, febalranei i as sNivi dile fnefiileoe a and has good out- , • . . " ers, Merchants and Shippers,. Avith a w to e could not tear_ himself away '; and other." . . e to Bezaleel'si frarra ; he ..ille " :he ' buildings and g od 1 g hou. es frame ba,nle 1arn .. . Autumn and Spring business. They will also e all things he loved to bather Unlucky mother -tongue 1 why ar b h d gone there netting, find ra: :tin • he turnip frt, fran et baholdt. shted stabling with 106 '26, CROCKERY AND GLASSWAR. give the usual facilities tip customers risquiting r Hopson. Whenever elle sidhed and p so near alike in sour queer old len; d 1 ul Hopson n his way, r.ma k:d, below and f ra jn 1 twr othe a sone and advances. 1 . 869-39 1---- mrcee • hove 4 ..'xs hold one of the l[trgest and best stocks west of Toronto, and parties de- 1 , tilled, broad and beaming aOthe • guage that the distinction betw en c rt y, " Young , fellow, I . ss :nt ou sehoOls close by, 2 s• w nail s within li, m les. est -moon; whenever she bewailed therceis almost inexpressible by human s o ld happen doh n this road ii t •e ty Markets-Blytl , 5 miles; Eelgrave, 6 mi es ; tlf he laughed ; when she wept, as lips ? As luck would ha-ve it, Pr dy m n tes, don't m ke. it longef.' Wingharn, 12 iles; Clint n, 15 miles, all ood ssirot s of pnrchasing anything in this department would do well to examine our NEW DRESSMAKINC ESTABLISH- tda • before' making their pelections. . A fine lot of Dinner Sets. from $12 to $50 MENT IN SEAFORTH. markets. The arm s of god quality, in a ood and then she did weep over the and Lizzie Brown had privet ly - l*P5011 stared ' state of cultivation ad vory1 clear of foul weds a Beb. China Tea Sets Ifrom $5 to $15; Pr.nted Tea ets -a lar e stock and MISS AIM/ tak_ es pleasUr.e.inannoste tb_ rted Bezaleel,he would deliberately stolen up to the nider press, think ng " ome no*, ; as I tell y 1 , 'll as it has been u der my ,car since it was b sh. pric s low. Chamber Setts, plain and decorated, in pri es from 4 .50 upwards. the ladi s Of Seafortht and ricunto that s e nes )w -la and sing to her all the qneer it -deserted, to indulge in the sur- h gad 050 ag th Bei he 111 8 had but was Pru wh we the aga. 01113 itt t ty, wor joy still cog dat tho ma, clea beg - dail SOM tO h the frag Ho new agaa imp Per for Mar plan the goo ed ir Bu livi we semI dOW lash jolly plea he here ewe to d and pule it ,-- 11bo 1)‘011 he 13 her hers now dep sit d old con beer bear . , ..• _a • . . _ . . , - ' , . • . . . . . . : , . . . - - . 2 1-.....----.....,.— . . s : . . I , • i . . . •, , . . . . , .•- , . , '•...- ----= . , . . , . THE HURO - . _ . - •_ . _ e., ....... EXP•SIToR. . • . ' • , t .... • . , a ..e. _ _ • , _ SAFORTH, i to Pri Rather WHEAT mind , - 1 I clefaring per . jEkt..OUS . o1ot11, $5 n yo " buy NOW, ag the to ottreelves. &Delay this lion's fell with _____ , , 1 , , , , i , . 1 sEpt, , . . ,asessemmeepo 22y , • • . . iattlirierGlYwreiCaeel:liryun,gesfttietoaarkPt; in willi FRESH have 8,13 cents usual, d h y 1 . . , TKO.i.r3BgE,st 1 y . 11 , R so : oBfrathndeabaell all brand DOUAI . extract( the marke Robb and Mee having be 32 a sate catu alointE of ordinar Tehpetemmobevel' a fin and se - 1 1884. EER, 8 gh the ou - ROBB Groceriee* PPaoPrptaui StIrebeat,v6Sneaofworathin()i Sugars and FIFTEEN on,''e'lla!aliEldBill°..-C I Honey at 15 As always especially c u r e meats.wien1 vita; for Dyspepsia, HOPSON'S (Concluded "1 guess 'option, 'Oka. "Just tars to put rrtely vanished nirth, eohoed er from origin, a, tachelor, . Sir Toby She beats Lever see ittle Prody." Hopson eith her," ery evening, Fred round dtchen, old, the You oughter_to 'a like to [ore ; you're " I alift " Wh.y, hings are ;tact aize." So sating, 'may knew Izong bands nd. ahe was twee mighty .ken shelf Acks, a-ncl lereon ; seep,. leaked r laughter Dsiah, and )mfiture. tea flashed, istinetively o the ehelf. "- Cousin died- out, "Bless tough." " Get a "Why, le," and r af inefocent lahter. ": I'll take ,y please' marked Prudy ght first," Well, : make about r a.mantel " Take Bet oh., refasten could 1st figurines a chiranblue mng come i el made le)-, fallipg e smallest en couldu by earn/Won 11, and another 7id color r eyes sparkling,. d her ch_eeks )pson Bunnell r forever, say please did say, to the lovely Ea -tidy was oiled: her etuctantly-" leper itOrather'n 7:luckless. 'ich the precious 'teed his his brown p that lett a impressed , . Est all hoar; self Frady peon caught 1 kissed e he really . 'A kiss. kied Tertius. in, except - floor, horst lopson Was , but it ,d whirled; di his veins; . taken an so reckless: snot a bit lowever, .dy turned mover he k of abasement Bs on the in. Could r a Irma, he apology e,, t•You [couldn't • :ow wari da rang d ay and depths azed a Id from the le powerful ily, throbbing at nobody r autumnalweather, aning y parties ss, to gather eap up red orchard rant wild son grew 4 -ay, and last dm chains demi her taps the ,nce have ily member s in this beat intentions . -will. i Hap Meadow, nell and g in Quebec rankeee CHOICE. British Grenadiers," . " Eltintio Hare,"" Lasses and Leda," and : other rollicking ditties which on lighted the ears of our ferefathers th trePeInand have in them ringing,- hearty smack of country . dom and rural sports. At first was outraged; her 'chin fell h inch, and her curls frayed out of nem; with the solemn shakes, bead and the dampness of I her but she endured from helplessnes began at last to smile wintilly a 4 bearingly on the unconquerable y of the man whom she at first.mild.y temned. It threatened to be the story of "first endure, then pity' embrace ;'-and, as ugual, eutside most of the game. Ozias and Josiah, after their castom, sat in conclave upon the matter.. had just set the eider. mill going,. they owned in common, and'perahed themeelves on a cart neap, wher could " chirk up the loss," whi:h volved with the beam of the prea., yet indulge - in that gossip whi‘h lighted their souls, combining b ossiness with pleasure. " Say," began Josiah, "haven', sorter eurnaised, Ozy, that Tertius Hop -Meadow fora reeidite-place 'Teak?" . " Well, I h-ev," Cozies answered, - I shouldn't be no more'n surpri:ed that he settled down here after a he's loneeoucte up to Quebec, I e a There ern% nothin' like you -r ow.0 after all, when you're gettiu' along years ; the' doo't nobody, else seem to belong. t' ye." , "It does make a sight of differ; replied the moralizing Josiah:- " One's young; and havin' their mo ons days, it don't make no great 01 ference where thee, be, nor whatt &dohs' of; but Come to get rheetnatiz onto arfeller, and hey the grinders because they are few, as Seripter why you begin to be everlasting, t foal that there's a hone 'n' home fir and a woman to cook your vittles. '' That's eo, Josh, and that'ewlo a &in' to hey 'Mandy and her settle down along with nia when get m-arried. She'll heat" the when _ . 'The end o'.my nose, An' the tip o' my toes -- Are turned up to the roots o' the dale as the sang book says ; and she as well stop to hum and look aft:r as to go further and fare worse. seems to roe kinder es if Tertin: elyin' round Polly, if you'll bylieve "Heavens to Betsy !" gasped .1- " That old feller?" . • - -" Well, I never see the time, Joh, a man was too old to git married womateifitther, for that emitter; everlastin' queer, surely, for him take a likin' to Polly. I'd as lieves hang on to a wet dish -rag as her, all's said an' done, but 'many m many minds,' as the sayin' goes, aid she's to his'n, why, I - don't mak meddle with 'ern. She's got ti place for.to take him into." "Yes; that's suthin'. He's got mans, e'pose, but it's kind o' lonesome live the way he does um to Qu a-loclgin', as he calls it, and to be down with the sarcastic rheurcutt he was, an'-" "Land sakes! what's that ?" C/zia'• "Well, I don't really know; II b it's principally confined to one leg starts pretty high up, but that's he cadled it, anyway ; mabbe 'ti English name on't ; but it's. real se now I tell ye; he saidi it inside holler like a loon." 1 i ,, 1' Polly can cry' for sornethin' do dryly remarked Ozias. ; : " And 1 sorter surmise, Ozy,poo ; mely's boy is a-hankerin, - of e Pru3Y-" . , . " Well, I've had my idees " sot way too. He's a clever feller as was ; but I should hate to dose Primly; Darn the cretur! a'n't nobody else to Hop Meadow her could sethis eyes opto but her VI - 't I'd like to. know who else," abs ed Josiah. ‘"Mandy's spoke fo well you know; and I have heered ly that Lizzy Brown is promise. Marinus' nevy down to Cape Cod; mate to a three raaste.r, so they tell., is off on a voyage jestnow, So don't talk on't, but it's so. Marina kep' his month Shut. He' e a _kind dumb, oyster cretur." 1oc6 " pa Josiah meant" austere.") , " Nat'ral for him to keep his m(Suto shut," put in Ozias; "they gener'lly do." .. Josiah stared, but serenely went "But he did allow 'twits so tO Aunt Nancy, an' she up an' told my svif ye see the' ain't reelly nobody but 1 t Prudy to hev." " Hobson's choice for him, ain't Hullo, young fellow! Speak of a do 'n' you see an ear direct ;" for Hopson Bunnell stalked into the ci mill shed, his handeonae face warm exercise, and hie eyes softened deepened by his unspoken thoughts. " We was just a•talkin' about y • explained Josiah.. 'And Cousin 'Zias had to call donkey. 'Now is that friendly ?"" la ed Pa.neela's boy. . -. "There's worse critters than keys," blandly answered Ozias; •'bilit was only a-usin' the term proverbi• as it were, or was, or might ' be. 'act is, my eyes is gettin' open to your signs, sir, and I was kind of dammi • a genteel way about your earryin' little Prndy to Iowy, when she's one we all set by like our eyes, a • was as -kin', in a general mantle there wasn't no other Hopson girl could have took up with beside .er; and Josiah said the'.wa'n't ; the was all bespoke ; an' I said , the , nary e de• cross Aill :ulna Polly- : If an curlie If her ears; : , and d ter- iollity con- old then s saw ' They Which : they re- and de- you, ; avors so to " and ef :pea; c pect. folks, in :oiler . ce," ' hen steri. dif- • ey're cease tells, • ank- ye, ' . I'm feller they farm no; eight me - DA-- was it." siah. 't nor a It's to when n of if nor good to bee, took z as sked : lieve an' hat the ere, him en," Pa- ittle , that ever ittle there 'er- , as ate- to he's and hey has f a xy " mit. , so ttle it? key ere er- ith nd • u," e •a, ga. On. I Ily,. de- ' in, off the d I .ef i ou est a ' fatthio tacitly tit+s transit '• ed. full ehe eheuld 'for finibsthe , thin in 4e . 0,0 fee 4.t Oatio., ttp' hroather, Vittlea ratsy And tine riiehte fOrehead. h,yenCh : there's son" . Was Ole!fie cry ly, htt ana ranch fee but &feint alse plc int Pa It's got the 'ter he hoppers Om:debut delicious s it teeir shed ciaratione i a and „: a -1 - Bind left etood, lane r 1 ter, Od promptly rev. Elizabeth, Matter ! awful, Prudy. Donnell. sure c i t I 8 upon- funded give t s dear, 3, like h like him. I I t o e t S s e aid I'd w i i 1B1iude1 ears, ailm sect, lactate (isnot) Ow, he id rutty kept el! end Prady WoUld 1 ' Hoven - 0 1. l'i 40', '' "I I' "IO, ' " yly pple„ , f Frady's ns nd ruck ith " Prudy "Why, "Didn't " " e'd °ice Prudy. true em, in, ithout ruction nnally "No, =ie. ch n Prudy .ad " 11 oan't ''ought - 1 Here her ars e b nd just P-rudy eelbarrow, Is, Is Or. es Poor didp't Pon and as no Pol desp 'am rt lest - last Sayl; Ob e'd Mabbe before e zin' I Lord' cuter, ity it." ela, DOn't one 4) eti toaketch d, the* just that softened fled Come fleet the- that banged her Elear Why, he got just the a .terms haven't him," from a Yougooee kill -oh shope eat too. now as and chaked a her quietly, and want hi,. Ho. sil:nt, • al t o With tryto turn in • 1 '1' Bee, Ihe's ; Ikoow , t consider'l : - -Zia blieve witch aa thought 'n a same carryin hands, by a vise-lik and hold 7" spoke and ; -she but the mean that snake Oh you I a voice, down he like suddenly -T good arid in Hepson Controllell of : Horsed abroad-prob ryL si :u e e •• e -i wottld ir. $a etterept ith jets not , and s, en, in! 11 sot look wo, an' 'a dear! of speek woman 'when the to their stel a;c1 in ti face had the away righ as a gree dis:ppeared led rush& th: on on a Pr " • yo horrid, who, the, Did to ma no did e di she as th a thou - tha word, those phrase exaspe I didn' 'Poo t don' go 'reared the about deer if help it, he like -" flood and with oh, e say to atarted rief is wa with or rest make t her hart. his doll Want to go miserableeabjeet, Meadow, after unhappy lied g more aptest rnest rry aed ad at opson-" -and send . too, her coesol on she whom whom zy, what He don't picks enough a-grievie' he be 'He's I do Patnely. if that's , I b'liev !" indign: . I shoulf. folks what of on at she what en -folks sitfulir, fire•htene-bird what do not them a bolt as I I rich, girlish out e • 1 Iflamed, welt h i cool lurid ; she grip. away," ilent t• Josiah's into door Lizzy, beelberrow ,dy," , hat he-he-hea mean dear great, l't . •nt loud ry •ther." tend n't aye rest bt her or onfounded dear ate . hear dear ing? make te 1 ide 1' -she ! oh you and, mefirst, f tears in seem h Pr ' iz 1-sehe 'twee Shoot oyerlo n too hay w, th our re °ugh 1 the stultfed t go- ack. him the tio. flaunt andswe s y 1 la nm was boy'riiisery. t his il bronOat s .s is, a'n't a belie 12:'ll m: ; lea ai a bee him li: co - I I i c- se: in s t toy, of use. was fruity goldLbright came to .hear light grasped yard in yon me the that that nee take her of to dear! ever a suddenly ti a h h 1 growing approve, 4 )te e a t r li- a o :e1 o ehad o e i o aever for in'ardly for .0 wastin' e." a ny ; fatly really s Pen4 apershe ed ' -hall •despairin o 1'1 •• eetin', her ter : beverage menteri to indulge up Eops the • in her brown of toad she pair of gobli wheLe dOwn bath. that feiend behind and sitting said the . thin ?" 'hor hea, enou4i ; 'twa-s. the face mean ;oil idea of poor any OWn s fah:: reader: -b 51 him,' Pray, Well, o it so him. dishe the w Hee strike. said. Li -zits tell. oh !-- or litera Lizzie': atlaetic dy ant ' kiss Id Hobtallife him." ded wit ped o heap o nch seed, cam eiteric I before er to r con with b world wi: wits to -a c oiltive o low! likceti !kat:, a lovers thei bly be, t; Ter;ins u ever. imen d ired t e her to; consen " in metre she fe ely's I.o3r istress: Ihim, fo break and leave her ;roil be -la regard/id you su eat montbf I a chi I 'he he • loon't fatter' a leay, be qu icomfor inche i I you'd 1! en:Ippefi : I dot n • [Heim, ; Ile's I'm fr:: him f a felle I They'ris. an' dere ! I I do" : I'll ::e where s• :no it's a light withl ague boy, an.' s, in straws beh nd ne tend r um • ey s n Lizz 08 whi pered s t : a y he , cried tbe • woil hi s n; s •id. . - -- ! H I 0,1- t e as s : nsior ale oth ould b: ' b. :Ite 8 ; th d p ; e n • id eye la yo To 1 stile a ; 0 a tid : I e ly re soft rig t be : me. oh and grief r, 1 : th oghlt:r, iezy er •roper :tit t• ruing • r: n • t j a i . le n , in - ;late, ha eg w o , w c.ed- aus: a CI a h :rI at. • Tr -d o :-se grad home 8 to he. ' o • he i : 1- brio o ta: , 1 ,pos: ti m ::1 1, a. - pin' bird. • sleep , a b din' e a s to t 'lig t lo • v,. • a 1 is t 'otit wo o to r a : fin - i sir • on't g o a eb• „ let- a s r ze .5r: hol was and the • in the de- • • vis- heart were fury, arm they shed ‘ rrow shel- elax. .own with . entle t the etbe ibhed option v._ 1-1-' that ;son's de, it . tend. took do, con- put con- lor- con- i oled -. : say ind, .now .on't little row, -like oann, do.. nd I er- wn. eyes , ess. n to one. a, •ice. the and vieg •arn tidy. eith it ould go yen- low If he yet and .. ng , dog are t is igh- ot--- :ex udy ins, try ses hat the red her he ler. to ght a ails of i ou ole n's ell e ; op- .f T aa. to e- at so on- 11; ut er, er- see ed it. y'a en mg er REAL ESTAT SA. la 5, 11. In and Or rti bulldogs, th vets; I s pe P. ...., OR SAL t off:re 8 The; may fal" of Seaforth. sold down, 874 , • ; Si b• t c I i d s rr Wr client. Ws m:rchants, 0: e your yo 13:ppy ' • • cHEER . .1e1d N�t Low s .--)EZMIVIMIE3M,12, ; SEAFOR-;jHB0 of give POJNDS • . , 1 as can CHOICE , en c.at:s , , , , . • by ea raBe be R, for Pa+ b. theeChositcoe: the fine be per cheap Cured ne sale Ifilimarpp.ae.remotvii HUGH • hisp.inac,In.t TRAIN only sold otih3 e e do Seaforth •GROC . -...a.........,-- market, FOR ,rehiaEoalell-e-eks:ytmreatti .of ONE I 1 of ood. °Bo cepee:seiste.fsaanCiywrusei ROBB WATCH juitvesid;hiaabnNeeedoerathade s wait vicinity.. ._._,. from last week) I will," alertly answered bewitched with the sweet, shy ' hand me down one of them in my hair, will you 7" and with a peal of mocking by acackle of fat laugh- Tertius Hopson, the Quebec very jolly, roeY, SU:Mt old looking for all the world like jag. all," said Tertius. •• a hum bird fuller o' buzz than . bit his lips. "I'll be even he said to himself; Bo that as some of the elan Rath- a tiny open fire in Ozias' rather for couipanionehip than young farmer .stdd ' to Prudy: be put to use, Prudy. buy ye up for 'a mantel -shelf just big enough." .- for sale,' snapped Prudy. you'd do firstrate ; them all the go, and you're the he stoop( d, and before what had happened, two, grasped her tiny waist, swung up like a feather by arms,and set on the broad anionerthe flat -irons, candle- other miscellaueons .artieles while- Hopson, retreating Ler in the face, and a roar from Tertius, Wiest 'Mandy, the rest completed her dies Prudy colored soirlet, her and one little fiet &inched ; the other hand hold fast . . 'Zias, take .me down:, she imperatively. your soul, Prudy, I ain't big chair." folks is settin' on e'm, every Ozias looked round with_ an dismay that renewed the ,convenieu ye down, Prudy, if you'll like a good, baby." calmly Hopson. ' - choked. "I'll . stay here all s.he snapped'. . . tis•jest as I said now.. Yell, as good-lookin' a. figure as ever was." , me down!" shrieked Prudy. hOW pretty she was up there! not match with her cost- the delicate creature n i gown (a sudden chill after the September heats woollen garments comfort, in soft dim folds just to shoes that ever a Hopson wear, her white throat set ribbons under tbe lace bow of that tender, in her waving shining hair, her red lips apart, rosier tlaran her ribbons. could have looked at but he did not say so-. now -real, prittv," was all onconscionaly drawing near- little creature; quick-witted ; she coil- rage a moment. ..-o-oecon 1, I don't know bat I'd stay up here all man 1 He drew near to whisper, but as be ear, Prudy's hand descended cheek with a resounding a print of five little fin- thereon visibly for at but, alas ! in avenging lost her balance, and her fairly in his arms, the lovely, indignant face he- knew what be wag doing, for a blow, al -was bestow,'" And everybody roared Frady, who tiro.pped td into tears, and fled. , really ash-amed of him, did seem to him as if his a sense of wild bliss ran he_ knew well that he.; unfair advantage of Prudy,S was his delight that he repentaet. he had to repent nett- day. into a perfect snow -ball came near her. It took a and apologies to put old footing (externally) he tell, poor fellow, being h_ ate Prudy secretly exulted- she professed to dispise ? were BO sweet and so pret- help it, Frady." . he to know that these in her ears Eke a song of ' b -rag t. or. that io the once of her heart Prudy re- sweet perturbation- that second she was held in arras, -close against a heart? could be cross in -this with gay leaves to illuminate the woods, to hunt for gentian blos- - "-wintergreen plums," and golden apples under boughs, or clamber after . grapes on the -hill sides. _ deeper itOlove with every Prudy fought more feebly that seemed daily to will and her thoughts. course of true love might ran smooth. but for that- that spoils most of our world, a.nd brin.gs to naught and the sincerest , Tertius Hopson still linger- as well as Pamela, • her son. Tertius was "an his means," as phrase ft. He had mad -e ' FARM FOR le hie Conoeseion cleared and fenced and: timbered 'with never failing close to the free access all bank barn, and bearing orchard. sown on eumm plowingodone. Poinmeelon given ; or without itihe balance at Egmondville E. -T m of R. S., ood st i drain td, t class ning s t,o year'ro comp There rfellow is with at any ttme. ook. 'Nims, ()onto. . e 4, ub.scriber OA acres, being Ttioltersmith, te, of oultivetitn, the remainder : • rdwood. ring of excellent which stook nd. Good brick ett ontbuil lines. re six acres of :also considerahle n two miles Will be $8,000 ALEX. NICHOLSON, for !Jut i2, acres well is well ia a water have .house, Good wheat fall with and tf --,— FRIEI\TDE4. C I Altho I Idle - Sorrow, ice of Grain Makes Despondent. .: . , • , , 1 you can clothe - , WAS for the fall: for wheat on the continent. Montreal, Chicago, was established, the Mammoth out LOTS cent. by with her husband and got oar from her pocket More 1 Then ighbor told. kept, but had an3w.here this lady other man's, go from our eay one word We once for vicinity, and here and one. When and make of wealth your purchases JAMES , ' Bargain the whole fainily, $1 A BUSHEL. One is, that during is from 70c to 73c„ Then the and most all in the hopes i Bargain House . ; therefore, giving . doing your marketing WISPERERS came in to quotations. On ' the exact goods she said, I did not me.of cheap bargaine, concluded not , • • else you please, lent is a living witness and' she is also store with a bad disrespectful of want to live at . all -that we claim a great deal more . doing a share of the you come to Seaforth, a B line for Campbell's and leave it all from the Mammoth PICKARD. ! r 1 and 1 There are this Seaforth other fact qnr town of everyt held off, you in ! purchase one piece, -from intend I was to buy, there ; that the a living name them or peace With to have new than business, Blo behind, you Barga'n " , . 1 1:HONEY a lot fostind iia pound. I 'WARM FOR SALE. a Ing o12.0 acme Towisehip of Hay, betv:een the toWnships within one mile of • ter, and a good market. remainder in .poeture well underdramed half acres of orchard, dwelling, a ith first, wells, with a never the premises. T particulars, apply - (MING, Propriitor ELLIOT, Rea17Estateag -A, of situa the flo 110 a and gr. clams failint tle ind on the ; valuable farm, consfets first-class laud in the tel. on tho Town Line of Hoy and Stephen, rishing village t Exe- scree dear of s uneps, id good mixed imber, , ell fenced. On and a fted fruit, larg prick o utbuildings ; thr se good epring running t ironglt eputable. For urthercelebrated peemisee, to T OMAS xeter P.,,Q. (LINN nt, Exotaf 84-13 he Mammoth as -placed goods where, s a ea as WHEN f ate to be borne in a d Montreal quotations , , • , 1 this tn.e nest merket erchants of Toronto, - s ocks before the market e rly and at high prices . a the dropped price, ving fally 20 to 25 . ARE OF • . On Saturday a,lady, ' ought samples of e price, she produced ; ant -who wanted ame up, but as nay i and just see what ,. wn town told me n! but old goods" Bm us were as nesy allow no customer No. We never ' do we only belittle but want n most houses in id we purpose remaining make the • deavor to ma • heads, look pleasant, -e bring your pockets a.nd pleased , . " . . co 7 the Seaforth. -a- p t:mpted for t • as; foil their whyjust , ouse . . e out as far wo important onth Chicago c to 79c, mak- s, that whilst bought their ing selling off nd has bought -advantage of BEN' nit of Tweed, • fter giving her another mer - rchasing when to come the merchant ey have noth. goods -she go t vertisement- another mer- goods, for if our neighbor ess old stock many houses, which we will hold up k, and should . will go away , House. s -TEAS - and Ham this season, and retail. oieynd Gprror, S' pecific, always on lband. , , AURORA , . Te:iogth.wes FARM let aanes. balance There chard within will be also tor ly or Pt OLLOCK, own QPIENDID "--, For .concessions ing 200 fenced is a good through joining of Walton gravel firm dtirreeafrom of FOR SALE.-Fcr 10, omission There are has been is a frame and 41 aeras a mile an sold cheat. gale. Th together. Ai on the P 0 • • , sale, the eolith . , Grey,_ contain 30 acne 'cleared, burned down and ouse and stable a of fall wheat. It a guar er of Jam-stown St he idjoining 50 s -) t ; will be so'd ; rope 3 s ply to AUTISM or f ,rin, or by mail -- half of ng 60 part of the part bush. yo ng or- is 8 tuated It ite es are oe )(irate- AN REW to la8i-pes- 00 - --- - CH : AP.- lot 11, c ntain- d, well There r nning on be ad- the, illage wit 1 good iii a choice el easy to re- et. ad- :60x4tf THE . QUICK • . The whole trolled bS tit Ot efiksh se a redr and will gradess sovfill ment These thinking 1 watch will them. M. Agent .F. tale che:p, 14 and acres, of %inch and in a h ,ghaitat orchard thefarm lot...It ho at d si -roads leadi and will be , of paymen farmina. Walton P. RM F and 15, to me and a Theis within miles f g to e old ver ,as the Apple . ADAM . R FIA.LE n easy terms, nship of Grey, acres are clear lof cultivation. spring crepk is a school 1 miles of, om 13russe s, h place. It cheap and wner is anxioto on the premises DOUGLAS. ___.,___, 1 practical 'watchmaken ae lise at T rice' r ready is:11esi.n of purchasing well to - COUNTER and FARM FOR SA .1-. eligibly situ Hullett, If miles - feverY taining 100 acres, house,- a large horse and cow sta oneat the barn, . emus kinds of handsomest farms well underdrainec 30 acres of first- owner is unable t must be sold this Only, $2,000 cash Ior remainder. 1 E. -The ted farts, rom Kiaburn, e of a on Which ank barn Ile goot 2 acres fruit. iu the , and in lase hardwood contin fall. N equired BEL subscriber offer: that Lot 13, Cones s ion 7,- were t ere is country village con- there are a frame 66x40, chaff .01180, well at the loiu- e aed of gocid orchard of One of the bestand township, well f naedn first class order. About bush. Ae the se brisling ally 1 mger, ar 1 y all seed; d -down. ply chaser ean airange , Constance P. O. 875x8 - FARM FOR SAT of Lot 13, Co Wellington, cont:ining acres are cleared, well fenced withc.dar. with hardy/trod. e did dry land cedar. and kg house. T through the farm class land. It is N towns of _Harriet°, and there is to p la conveinences with sold cheap. Anply oonsfaeoe 0. 0. ; . E.-Fo Sale, the Routh -half se(ssion 12, Arthur, County of 03 acres, of which 65 partly ree frosn stumps and he balance is tin bered eept 5 cres nn which is eplen- Thenii is a good frame barn ere is a spring creekrunning i Ind a gdod well. It s at first ithin 6 miles of the flour siting ,Palmerlston and Mount 1orest, &ice and ther lllage e, poet la n a mil and a h elf Nr tll be to A NABELLA SNR;LL, , 1870 FARM IN McKI the north 132 McKillop,,of whic fenced, well under cultivation. The fbreeset forfohmardwood. stumps, There are good fra two large young b sating 21- miles fiom the forth, and 8 from roads leading to each, sown with fall whe one block, or 60 ac TAITolym nM.sth8eourreem.ses, LOP 'OR SALE.-Fo sale, acres o lot 16, concessi n 14, 100 lures are cleared, well draine. and in a hie-li st tte of Balance s timbered wit' the 1 here re eighty acres early : nd 200 rods of board euce. ne buil ings, three well , and o chards. It is situated illage o Walton, 12 fro Sea- _ Bruss Is, with good ravel plac . There are 14 acresR t. Th farm ;will be sall in es of t, to snit p Lechaser. or : &tress W _ ;2.80. FARMERS, .HURON - 33taiVyil as i cGcounty.h satisfied the Are large,and doing GRAIN Are made longer Having Rollers, Special Steam and all BTo,:l shortttscaot Q 1::" of L. of repairs —TO IT WILL CA.LL AT THE FOUNDRYf HIGH SCHO0i,SEAFORTH see our stoJk lee 0 W been rfohi Fil;;Fidtg:4.8 ee t 't Our ._ D ROLLRS heavy, runifrig Onr CRUS hard iron, any- other in tools for guarantee given Saw and Tbreshi of machinery- 1 and;Ilgast 0 rateot atah8 Castings lowestrtes. agent for the Hamilton on had. H PAY YOI i ) epl In rdyostvfe eei fo: ani made, Mille -013 Brrai de:E. line THE And P ba in sayin market.: LANI good work. from than special we can attention Engines, Mowers, kiods tantont r irt :10, es° efticin Also D. Sawyer, constantly THOMAS of . 8 sets ipoytenhci, mieaa3b light . ERS and will -chine recutting satisfaction, to repairing Grist • g Machines, repaire,d 1:plir sa b -le implements A full NDRY. 'II . ' 1E3E34 an W show ,•Reapers, we have - sea ons. as, ma • m S 0 T INS. Gl- 0 T...1 1.. -e-------- s „ ••• ' "7. '41,,s . .....-.‘, -=,-,=-X-r-- ' --W. i) 1\T 14 - • ' , . Old Countr as they ar ehades ; cheap. and pal SIL . Ex , - of TW CORD , . CARPTS AND LirE • , ' ; A.. F CD 0 INT.--- RP X. I Jil . 0 Xt Z / 0 18E3. . importations, this season. mongst them • ty as previous S in reliable ra good value EDS, UL - FANCY ' .VERY OUR - i 1 EL 'T H. I -I — 4,..'• 1-1 .t- and the of lines, of of JACKETS see our SEALETTES SERGES. patterns 1 { ; i " let , C7 - 1 re } 4 03 • - We have received . never before were , a large stock , a few special VELVETEENS A large stock es. Good range INCEYS • : ER CLOTHS ATINGS AND , Nice . J A.. M . ..j% .--.4. ot.,.., • , - es . .. . .. ..., -3. '.,` " , '-'7 • v,, . - lilA iNkrit '''' ....,_:•• 1.-r• •-' -..*--.,....-1_. _ :..- 2.._....1.-- - PLENDID FAR S _ or Sale, lot contad ing 100 acr is, ed, fres from stu fencEd The balance is ago )d Sugar Bush. house, bank barr neath, ud all othsr tofeutssei, ss d order. e also al rge bearin seeded o grass. 1 and is mvenient t 'Tavel oads in all t,efit fa ms in the c of wast , land on th , easy tems of paynor to 5 aforth P 01 ' f IN i cli.ILLOP FOR SALE. 20; co icession 6, Mc • illop, ebau 9 of which are leer- we, v. ell . drained, and wal is writ timbered aud Here Thye •re is a large dfling with tone. stabling u der- nece 'eery out buidi gs in Hard at d soft water at tho nvenie t for stack. Th • re is orche d and over 30 I ems is abou 4 miles from Seaforth cliurcl es and schools. ood directio s unty, 1 id thIt is ooe o She ere is not; foot Jet; N .1 11 be sold on very iiees, JAM .'S NlelioLetht. A sply.on the pre .66 - ' PP SA_S01\T- . opened out prices of Dry Drees Goods which are in black and BLACK • five cent i in CRETONNES i • P S CP . the bulk of our Goods so low in all the leading . considered very colors, same make AND COLORED AND SHAWLS line. .Full stock OTTOMAN TAPESTRY QPLE DID FARM k) Fo Sale, Lot Bence, ontaining [lures- a e cleared, f the bal nee is timb hardwo-d and a li are fray' e handiness 0 creek r inning thro miles f orn the lieu equal d stance from schoolo pposite the setelenent. There bricks ir tile, whicl is asket for the farti. and svil be sold ve Seafort P. O. IN Bi UCE FOR il, cone ssion •6, townsh 04 ser s of which need ai d free from red pri scipally with tle he 'flock fencing. ) and a never failing 10_ the .lace. It is ishing town of Paisle Under &(l. There piece, and it is in a is a. sp endid clay is we) b oue fourth Thi is a splendid y cheat. Apply to SA E.-. p of otho it 30 Stumps, splindid - 'here 'IS ning wit in and is a good splendid bank for of What arm, ho 24, 87 -tf 88, Con 150 ti for to gra.ss; The of enc. oiase o and for tock tiles ,here all titer it. grai or crot ped o the. r to DOB IN. S65 .f. 6 . - a FAR" FOR SAL cc, Bien 6, Erie acres, : bout 100 of cultiva ion, and ne the hal nee is well farmjs well feeced iairie the :en Ttere id a, barn 40x8l good b-aring orchaad plenty of good sprig and a indmill pu .'p. of the rosperous v is a rai way, mills, conven ences. Th:re This fa m is well stock, ; nd the land Will be sold cheap. premieas, to MR. the un • ereigned, B; • -For Sale,- Lot Waw ne sh, containin -Inch a e cleared and rly the whole seedsd imbere with hardwood. :nd has on it plenty is a con fortable frame feet, oth Dew Ther of eh ice young trees g wate convenient It is within three nage of Belgrave where tores, c lurches and is • echool adjoinitg adapteo either for has nev r been much Apply I the Prop l ietor C. HA ILTON, :Myth, lgrave . 0. W.M. W_ ALL WALL , w ALL LARGEST IN THE " , .. LOWEST r u T 1 PAPER P PA MENT - 9-"C 1 I PER I ' . R E 7 AT • 1\11- S • • - CENTRAL LAIDLAW , - . . AS! " ' , . ---PROPRIETORS.--t— f - GROOERY. . , --ANIS,- 1)1 ASSOR -COUNTY ,,, POICES AI . .. • 1 D I G°0' FARMS F th: affairs of t Ifingst n, the exec valuabl: lands for Lot 80, onceseion taining 90 acres. 0 frame b. rn with sto well a'd PumPs the gni el road dos, Bfencedrusse 1 ::ncl Phis ias fgoo.ar -Lot 4 Cone( ssion of Hur n, containi -g1(.0 and fre of stumps, rt godihardwood part R SAL ,a7 -In order to le estato of the late W. tors off ral he following sale. irst-North ha 6, Tow ship of Morris, this Ilot is erected a e foun ation, good orchard, early 1 cleared, and iS ly adj ining the village :labial:, is sitsa at e .vo lenual lit il o c 5, town hip of Grey, con a res, 10 ac,es cleared balance well timbered pine a id cedar. h is three Close G. Very 1 of con- ood on of bwnedl .1 tity With Sc FAIRL . Y TEAS! . ' TEAS! • 1- 1 OCTut O_BE.R nutting gh:1:r bas. !ground empty, all ebou , and nuts that the keen ber bad tagiduhregaaraiwniatstotaov emriaiinbegdherttyhinseet:reeeu.ii jumped over the fen . tie on her bat, hut Ozi side h.er ated took:her en his. "Prud.y." he said," wsha jeas' onp Birth air you treatin" P , way you be?' ; t ti d4; "He ezel remark:; enalw:sre:ok, eYnki ahe 4 t:4 4;'rhi 11 3u?n a: 812 seS in 11112sbRitinoltur lane rY fool, wh as:.na an' sets d hs -067(,1° OU : fn ?" sniffed Prui.' eat laor &dap for thinki great, strong, hulkin' fe ehicken. Now wb jog and her eyes fla heilswfohuenscd opui ftoorl!liNyi.omolelidoeyt.tubolownhg:lyb_lt:Y°1 you was sittin' byand in the cider -mill abed, •64 Well, if evei- Is.ughed until the e rang egain. Pru ly gro stopped when be Ineerd and called out, 44 Hops. over that air five -rail he r e r. e " Prudy tight.strune struggled to beldh: on Ilonsonie overran. , tall fellow vaulted ovei rndy here shed that day mean' ; teoru11 ill;e37°Ili whataboutsPea1 y "1? I was sort•of . in' that she was Hobsc -epoke up and said "tws Hopson f3 .choice. And will be for everm4re. a cent about it ornot.'s At the strong ring of felt her ! very heart with preternaturet swj hands, ae- he said: ".11 -- -that two was eloiaparr none, and I m a goite say into expeer'eace also a fact that to than one, and I *tab: a holdini up my night this here mortal love say jest whet be tiave aforesaid Prudy. wa Meeder, and the hull Ilopsou'e choice. An 'Whey° Mae is 1" be. abroad at the ellen-la Prudy run into! Ile kindly left the two to pony, whistling les be ; want of thought., " RockJigs,1 Ate'°s.:1 Let me hie_"a soya; Sang the- lady, Sofa er And her voiet'eateutl; Rose naou the reveni With tcktletvfee.Aelseatie.cin Let me hiae myea Yet she eang as:olt eh Whets her hears w.e Sang because she Ida Sang bereense her sou Weary with tLl fesio Sang to ehile the ho 'eEttnacke of hidis gane'am 4se L Where the fititil gasli On her father'sonees o nh ther i le I l d8411net W There the lardy'fi voice As the breath of nigh With her toneei so as W afting tpt t^ liekoge bhic Wandering,he.s Praying for the morn Pate and haggalrd, wi Willi sunken ete arid Went a vranati,- one Had been wrecked in One, a lost atti,only One, by in an eller; And her heart With sf. Heard the lady -when "Bock of Ages, t. Bet me hide .mys And the music as FauSing, low b hm 44: el ba t et, it 1 13Biaeerir tdohheerr (s1kst Trembling elle *toed? And the burnins tear As she cased tei mina Wheo she walked Whe:re.ols:aontg;Igeroostol With no sense isf Let xue hi4 nays On the marble ;steps And her soul that 01 More than she pould Qaivering, molted he' And the God she had Smiled upon 114r lens Heard her as she nin with an accent"sweet " 14,ek of iger`i Let it e hi okys * t* Little knew 1h.4 lady As she fat g in .silene Th.at her voiese had p het bid lived 'ilea knew whirm lhat a 10St and errie Heard her -as he b And ieturn.d /) 0-e1 Droll Art An intimate frieudi tleman of some eccen ter, was at one -period assiduous colleeter piqued himself not a, of proverbial coflcqai custom to note de whieh he might o) paper from whicia to his 74<tgilitin. . curred. lu this Nstiee a card, letter, oes Sera pereon but was 1,iter rusty sayed etawe! rhymes. On one fee invited -to a itersees house, where thstsre gere- Our friend bat gotge his pockets 1 SO1110 tai-BIludertala collector end atioth their words waxed Was put to the feta onroverbs haudiag_eod --rtranoer, „Next rtioe gentleman bega4 to according to theatile de, when there is a