HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-10, Page 8I
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. will see to it that there is no f artber he teachers in the Public 01 o ,is so ed, be acceptl d for the various Ohools i i the evening tables Y:vere sprea I , 1
150 GIBER BARRELS FOR - SALE. . .... I d with were present, being divided into five
unnec e year s, taught by Mi jpj 0
' `
I essary delay in having . the work 11 as to be unable to attend t ) her duties. for th 18854' and that they be q uslatities of good thftigs by `the teach- classe i 3ses Barrett, A. I m 1 McF UL
11 I properly completed. If this Dontract or place is filled in tl e.ricantime allowed 010 t) pay for lighting fl�reo and era and lady friends of the soh-ool and Dorrence, A. Somervil le, Geo. Murdie I - j
w idh thq y Miss Forest.—Mr. and M ol"James sweeping tbe school room s.—C� arried. Shortly tbg feast was p!irtakeu of by the and ilson, or. r"here were ej ;
is a sample of the manner in � I I � Ww. VT ght � i 1. i r I- I
. - I
The undersigned offers for sale 01[1431NP public works of the county are (onduct. I oss, of Wingbam, were in town this Moved by Mr. Cumming, seconded by ohildren,teacberBandi friends present, visitors pre3ent. During the time the i I I
� . I
- : I
. � � .
15Q cider barrels;, also wine, rum, ed under the loo4l.eDgineerg, th) sooner- eek visiting friends. Thi y lind been Mr. McCloy, 'hat n Rssistant * teacher --Mr. Walter Stew it'Of Tuo'kersmith, less,ous were in progresk Messrs. George I �
. �1. � '
1 - ; —MALER I i_
brandy and whiskey barrels —all sizes— the present syst6m. is abandoned, and a �n a two weeks visiting tour to London be engaged tile wb)le year in No. 9, in. who has been in Caalif�,rnia for the pftt3t Lockhart and John Wi son selected the � ;
just the thing to put cider into, competent engineer who doe i under - land other places and cal ed liere on stead of by thembfith as forrne son, r6turned bornelthis week.—Mr. prizes. TL e books ha been caref ally ! :
I - � me I.y and Baa I 11
stand his bnsiness is put in charge th eir way bopae.—There waB.a rdangold that the appliCatiOU Of Miss arr, of Richard Sturgeon and ,Pollock,ofaa and judicio isly selGcte� , and are a class � ! . .
� yl I
" .
Doft't forget that Thorne.'s is the better. The loss to Seaforth -m-lone by 6 the Exeter show on I 'on I y last Harpurbey, be accepted at a sa. nrned home rec�antiv, the foriner both interE Bting and i istructive. The I I
cheapest, grocery store in Huron. Try having the travel on this road impede�l M'hiob weighed 33 pounds.. -Th re bas 0250.' Carried. Aloved by Mr! Curn- f.om Minnesota and ilie 'lattot from superintendent and teachers deserve the ,'STAPLE AND � FANOY
once and be convinced. Splendid Cur- so long, would pay the �Alary ol a com- been a plethora 'of entertai ifin at ts this ming, seconded by M r. Layton, that the Dakota. They'intend 1 greatest ct 9dit for th ) untiring perse- . .
rants arid Raisins at .Ec per pound. I . I �ernaining during I
potent engineer for several year 3. -i " �_Week. On Monday night 3f me raylor, board do now adjourn to meet again at the winter. i verance manifested in he good work. � �
Teasalways aood. . . I . j I i � .
0 . � 1he celebrated comedian, 06E v Ised a Kyle's hotel, on t 6 last Saturday in (The above items were intonded fori last week, The aptitule of the scholars in answer I I I
. BuGx's Celebrated 11 �acbant Horne ' 'lair audience with his qui int iayings November, a I o'clock, - � b A were received too late.] i � - I I
� � . . . - P. M.' 0 i arried. I � ing the questions o them, goes to
L. THORNE Coal Stoves in both si I d doub) . A& Y GOQ:DS�
I I beaters ad comic doings ; on W-,,.Bdj ee� a y night I - ; ENTERTAINMENT'.-Tbe first of a series show that the teaohers:have not labor. I I
and with oven stint. Tihe"Dup] xGrate" 6 Pecks Bad Boy " was I laic k upon . I . �
Star Grocery, Seaforth. is supplied in ail sizes of the 1884 stov 1 Zurich. of entertainments to bo held every fort. ed in -vain, but are ainply repaid for
, S. jt i A I I . I �
� . i � -
I the most economical, durable !,and � mo t cleanl 7 he Boards in g6od style .ai Al 'hg corn- night during the fall abd winter, ui)der their pains. � After a few able remarks �
. I IRECTORS' MEETIN4.-The directors I
I" :P I ! :
r. grate constructed.' M3fstock of Building Hard- * any fully sustained their good repa- tbeauspiceoof 11TboYOiingLadies'CJub" on the previous lesson by Messrs. J. ! i
ware,House Furnishings, Cooking andHeating of ithe Hay Branch Agricultural ociety I
, Goo. Murdie, m. Wilson, sr., I
� , - Stove� (for coal or wood), Tinwares and Kitchell ation, wl�lle last nigh b t id F*olman held ameatingon the udiuBt., or the Vill be hold on rriday, 17th inst. A. Wilson ; IVILLIXERY
irturou expooit - house �4 1 ! I ) &C.
#* Ubensils, is complete. Always the best induce- pera Company played to A fE ir purpose of making arr�ngernents ifor the opleDdid programme h4s beea, provided and Goo. LOckhart, the school closed by I �
. ments to cash and prompt paying Customers, a', ad they re-appeat to-Inight.-Haster I and a good time is expected. . I singing -I need Thee every hour," a : - i
I . MRB. Jou,i KWD'S Hardware and Stov u House, .rank ;Beattia, of this town, carried off payment of prizee, ind winding �p the THE SCOTT Act. -A imeeting for the very pleaj3a:ut afternoon having been I - - i � �
,� � ! Sonforth. 879-1 . bu�irieBs of the soci ty for the year. It . . I I I
. �
DISTRICT MATTERS. 6 first prizes and four se3ond prizes purpose of organizing for the Scott Act spent by all:�-VisiToR. a
. Aar. you going to BI is pleasing to notice that the late exhi. �
. yth Fall 'Fair, on r his poultry at Exeter sh)w 6 Taos- - gift behold iu Hensall�on Fridav even- . __ - I - �
thel6thandlfth of Octob.er. If so, Jon't fall ay, and Master A. J. Will ion got tan bition has been, a iticcess fina,inicially; ,,g nex � � I i
. � " � I �
- - To CORRESPONDENTS. -We Exe, obliged to pall and see the $20,000.00 display of Watcholl I � and that after paying all the:i prizes t. Addresses In favor -of the Kippell. �
auged with , The Seafortli boys 1 are j I I � L X R G E ST 0 C.K
and Jewelry, at Metcaif's.' Have � arr rst prizes. Sias, the a will lot will'be given. All are cordially in. �- i � 0
to crave the indulgence of Several cor. " : . awarded and Alier expen . I OUR MEN AT RKETER.-We are glad . �
a leading Wholegede Jewelry .House, and wil aard to beat in the poultr3 line or in v bed to be present. The meeting will to ba able to report the following of our i � �
respondents this week. -- We have on positively show rO,000.00 worth of Watches and i be a handBori e Bur lup left in the bands �
Jewelry. Qur friQs will have a chance to so. nything else I which they u AErtake.- of the -trea8ur r. commence at 7 o'clook. , i .
hand a number of intereSting letters on ' citizens as prize winners at the Exeter �
lect from this enormous stock at a very smal he suggestion is made t aat a good OUR GRAIN MARXET.�Fall wheat, 73c, 1
various subjects wl�iich we are obliged advance -on wholesale prices, as.we -wil depenc . I ould bt) well p txonized SCOTTACT.-The anti -Scott Aeb party t 9 75c ; spring wheat, 7j1c to 75c'; bright f4l show, last Tues ay : Mi. John �
. 11 mna,8111ra W
of the n4imber of upona largenamberof sales at small profits I ly I men of thii Y,n,t will hold a public mpeting here o Men- - I rley , 50c to WeNeviu. took first prize on suckling :
lengthy show reports and prize' lists rather than a small number of sales at largi y the youn . I . day'evening, the 1 c bh inst. A number to I
el ; �t �the b 56c ; dark barjoy, 440 colt, same on, merchant floui, second on I
Vant of one eing felt very (,Ili, es - 46c ; white oats, 28o to 30c; black Oats, roadster brood mare; Mr. George Tay- COMkETE_ ' ASSORT,XF,X,T.
. ' I
which we have to make room for in profita. You are cordially invited to call anc ecially in t e winter m(atlis The of able speakErs wi 1 bp present to give 2 0 to 29c ; apples, ' :
this issue. A.mong these is a letter ,,, our grand display whether you are prepar& ) . ' their views Oil both sides of the ques- , $1 Per bareel ; pota. lor took first on his excellent ''heavy i �
to buy or not. FRANK METCALF, Blyth. 8-,9-1 ' )owling alle room in the .j "r cf Mr. . �
y . toes, 25c to 30c per bushel. Farroprs in draught mare, and sam( on his a&ical- � i �
from Mr. D. Wilson, of Stanley, in reply . 3cott'a barber shop would be a good tion, and a lively time ,8 expected the surrounding countr y� will h ijd Han. � � �
toi that of Mr. Dauby, and another from THE CURLING CLUB. -At the annual place. -Mr. A�. H." Muisgrov( , the Scott NOT TRun.-It has b 3en report d that tural two year old fi ly; Mr. James - � — �
� � I
Mr. John S. Brown, giving an interest- Meeti I the Zurich floir and ist Mill WO sall one of the best markets. �AB Hen- oodly number of � i
ng of the Seaforth Curlirg ,Club Act Retu Officer,! w n on I Cooper also: took a g �
ing account of old Huronites with Whom �hold 91 Weir's hotel on We mirig. cd _n the first o' g u d be sall has always been noted sLs a very . his ShropsbireB. 11 � ! I
. ednesday. .He is visiting 16 veral f e present month, I prizes on I I � I
I . � . for the purpoE a of �e g repai 7 good market hir bright barley it still BRnyrriEs4-Mr. Gilbert Dick intbrids I
he met during a recent ra,mble through evening last, the following office.s were municipalities making arrMilemeDtH for t re , but retains its name. With. the roller mills CLOSEST'
Algoma. They will all receive atten- elected for the current year-': D. D. the appointing of Deputy R I f- the report is u ot trulein The mill. s now ship pi n g'another car load of butchers' . PRICES.
I tqr i -i running day and night '
tiQn next weel� Wilson, President ; R. Common, Vice. fi.cers and poll -in I , running full t: me, and r'will conti no to I Igo bho oatmeal cattle tu Toronto this week. -Large I �
� � g places. A 3 & ru Is the I I Mills, all of which c DS11113a a Jay -go � . � ;
I President; M. R. Counter, Se retary ' I :, be &I poliA dd , as I do so till th 3 earlY PICt of November, crowds werit to Exeter fair from this i I -
same ofrioial� I ' : ......... — I
OvEimooKED.-In our list of su wl . . ( when, we undOrstan i amount of grain yearly, Bud the Pro- vicinit.y ou � T u esday.-, Rain, now and � I
0068s- and Treasurer, John MeMill n,Pa. �t munt ipal elacti) 8 �rid d4w'll be closed i 1
ful Huron cona usually act i 11. - prietors being ,very gOol Salesmen the � aaain.-Rev4l 'Mr. Barr, of Harpurhey, . � I
petitors. at the Western .
tron ; Rev. A. D. McDonald, Ch %plain. ,t I he same po �ing places W 11 1 al 0 be for a few week� for the iyurpo8e of having ,nan d product n
Fair published last week we inadvert- Council of Management,' -R. Cc, mmou slolected, The o bial cou t! Oi tile it converted into a I � I (if the mills, , ocoupied LlD3 pulpit in tiae Presbyterian
0 If oller mill. I I
ently omitted making mention of Muster ' f owing to the super quality of the ' I OUR MILLINERY 10PERING
- church lask Sunday, and preached 6, 1 1
� �
J. R. Lyons, J. A.'Wilson, A. Young. 4allotB will take place at ( �o lor ob on . grain, places them in io �
I . i I ;
. J". J. Biggins, sou of Mr. W. J. Biggins, . and M. R. Counter. Repress tative t�e 3rd of Noyembm-Thd first pirle. Brussels. I a Cod position in very able a d instructive sermon.- -
� . an
. - the home as well as th� foreign mar- I � j
of the London road, Stanley, a� clever mem,bers,-. D. D. Wilson, R. Common Tonition of winter in the slit P( f bickp Mr.'. Peter Grant is busily engaged in �
and promising you-na artist,whose pain t- an � A. R. SM.ITH� still liangs on to e top kets. . i i , I I
- 0 d M. R. Counter. ,Skips, -J. R. splidice was iobservable on Thursaay . I beheading -4- cabbage, of course.- -WAS A�
. I . -i(r de tment. -A car lo4d of barrelled Fioeweatherforthifiti eoftheyear. .
in took a prominent place irii . -- branch in the Re�dy.male Clothi 0 BRIEFS.
9 9 Lyons, D. D. Wilson, George Pat �erson, i iorDlDg,-* ThornaB Hei dX` f the His 6vercoats at $4o, siagpirs and knoc r apples purchafied by Mrj D Capti" n, of . � .
,M U-1,nd A. E eaforth foundry, had a go f, ,tition blind. 74i Dre F3 G)Ods in all line,, are 10 [The follovingAtems were intended for last I
atear class, winning first for water Ritchie Common, J. A. Wilso Od diff�lay 0 pt � � r I
color arid first for Still life paintings.- young. . implementsof1hisown maDIftc I ttre at pronounced to beli! he �ewcst,moat altiactivo, Clinton, in and about t1i I is neighborhood week but were r' ' eceived too late.]
. � . to this week shipped iaway.-A very
Messrs. E.. Gaunt & Son., of SL Helens, I aud cheapest in t(�wn. xt value in black and we � ! PERSONALS Splendid� Su�ccess,
. * tie Brussels show last W)ek, 1111 Of oolored silkH. Ordoro are �.-Mrs. Thos. Mellis is at . I
in addition to the prizes mentioned ob- THE Sirow,-Thursda' I . . VIM hig in thick S,Ld fast large number fr . I
I y last, thE open- v hich received first prizes b4 Sides being for Millinery, and ail are mora than pleasei with . Ora thi� part 'attended present visiting friends i Gorrie.-Mr. �- I ! I
tained first and second for shearling ing day ot the Seaforth show . , 11 � onrnew fall p�tte�nsand sAy thatA.R. Smith's the Exeter Show on Tu�.sday. The day John Moffatt has moved into the village I
as all much admired by the m 3Y farmers was 4 1
Leceister ra�ms and third for owe lambs, that could be desired lin point of weath. di play is the riieliest an I most fashionable in Bxceedingly fine land the, sh I
I Ow and has become one of our population. And we are now ,ready � suit every- �
MaRing four- prizes -procured by these er. The indowr department is, iu many v; ho inspecte4 them., -M �. ' Akdrew Visus-ielH and at the most molderate prices! 'A. 11. proved a good ono.-Th'a Rev -,.R. Y. I -The Misses McNau hton have moved t
I oung, of this town, attend( d'tn(! . Ox. SMITEf. '879-2 1 a
� � � I Thomson, pastor of the hodgerville con. 4D
gelatlemen.-Mrs. W. Herbison, of God- respects, the. best th at has been for ford County Sh'w'held at D -umbo last THEFT.- . James Dr � -was. gregation, who ba -i �beer)l to Seaforth.-,Mrs. Sbaffer and daughter this
. I I WhileMl ew,e away� for the have gone td, Detroit for a fe' body who may need anything in
erich township, also received second several years, the grain, roots, fruit and week, as a judgoe on borsei ,' 1q0xt to moving his hardware from the old, Bbop w holidays.
'I ;
prize for firkin butter and Mr. Herbison dalry products being really ex"llsut Huron, Oxford is about the ' i� past few months for the benefie of his � 4
was awarded. several prizes for different both -as regards quali . . bolab horse to the, new one some parties stole health, resumed his cha fyo on jSabb PRizEs.-Mr. George Taylor, of this
ty and qW htity. I 0 ath
I I county in the Province, and M I ourig o(j pla e, carried off three first prizes on department.
varieties of apples. Several of the merchants have hiade . V. several articles, among others being two last. We are pleasi to say hi's health 1 his horses at the London Fair. Mr.
� � - - . nice displays of goods which fill up and 816YS the show did credit to t � he goo - d guns and several rifles. 11 One party has is considerably improv0d by the, rest I John McNevin received second &-ad a -
. - name of the c6unty, I
or appe rance I I been arrested �and so a of the goods and ebanke. - Miss Mowbray, Of I third on his horses, an first on his � . �
THz LivE STOCK SALE. -At a Meeting greatly improve the interi 1. � 0 — , obtained. I , t. I
of the officers and director's of the Huron of the hall. On Thursday e 7ening . Wbitechurch, is at I I .:_ i - I
0 1 -1 I Present 1 visiting flour. This 'way be cou ted as another
Live Stook Association held at Clinton there- SEAFOTii TALENT ABROAD.- Mr . T. D. NEARLY AN �CCIDT NT.- I ;
b I . i
was a lar e attendance of v �sitorJ3 One day last friends in this neeigliborhoodl. -Miss 1 victory for istone flour Mr. James �
. P len ergas , of this town, ectu on week as M r. Hen ar'ge8s was assist- Scott, of nea
On Saturday last, it was decided not to -an(! all seamed pleased at I the 6 i�play t . ry r Londlesboroj is the - C r also received prizes for Some bf A CALL SOL161T ED
have have any sale this fall. Thei rea, made. Should the weather of . Emperance hp Mitchell andI Clinton ing at a tbreshling o the farm of Mr. guest of Mrs. R. -Se ' _�oo e a
-o-day . Y. Thomson. r- b �poautiful'Shroppbires. Taken as a . f
last week, and received the I ig�haa en. Robert Burns, nea Brussels. he met vices in connection with th ' - I - .
soia for this is that a sufficient number prove as favorable the show cann, t fail . I . o Metho w is Is 0 ; �
of entries were not forthcoming to . clorniums fromi , . h might : buve I I h Kippeo gained a rec rd at the
. 'nsti- being: a grand sue' the press of these towns. with an accident hie dist body of this Place'will be'held on fait Which for the size of the place cair
, 0 I ce8s. Fall partioullars ' Advocate Ba �, The In att I era] I -
fy the holding of the usual sale. It will be given next week.' � I T3e Mitcholl� - proved serious PtiDg t� get Sabbath first and thereafter in the new not easily be surpassed. The interest: .
seems that there has been such an. .". ., . . a dience was s�mall, but the F �u�j3ct was on the horse p wer whille the ma hine church on Nelt3ou street., I I . � �
- . I . Motiou I slipped a d he SET ed Kipp�riites feel good ver it. I
active demand ior thoroughbred sit�ck A UsEF"UL INVENTION. -Mr. - Robert utusually welli handled, and tho 3e -who was in his foot , TLED.-Tbe several committees of � - � �
I . I
this Season that most of the breeders Fulton, of Egmoadville, has invented w re -absent rn'�'ssed a treat. As a -rule was caught by one �f the ar � United Methodist church, together .. E MWAUL
are. sold ouit. While this* is a Most 'and patented what seems to be A very w do not take mfi6h stock iin, dither the machine knOck d down and with the chairman of the district, the ' ; Chiselhur t. . a I
satisfactory state of affairs for those useful article in the shape' of a ,pr . i tomperancel turpsorworneiloatirars, rolled over s ti (314. Fortun- Reiv. Mr. Gray, of Clinton, met in this 1',ERSONAL.-Mr. Shillinglaw, cattle .
havina stock, aad looks as if the busi. rig but in this instance we werE 4elighted ately, however,he 61113ce ded in extricat- vil 8ge on -Friday last to adjust and dealer in this place, has returned from
n whippletree, for use on light - ve iicl6s. ' I
. nes ,ttache 0 I ! ar d , 'ed�fied. The ]ad I ne iDg h . the", Old Sod,11looking hale and hearty. THE CASH DRY COODS MERAN
s of stock breeding is a good One. it The traceB are r d to hi 8 a fi t> imself be' ,re any serious injury fin illy settle the church �and parsonage
the W a 3prlu 9 delivery, and � y in 4J,c.li she resulted, but I . A is clothes torn property,4ber I e being b6fore the union I I
militates against the interests Of the the manD'er h -Rev. Mr. Torrence', pastor of the I
� 4 f
placed on the back .of bipp etree, handled �,, her bject - won t1 e � a d into shreds and was Methodist church here, delivered an '
society. It was decided. to make an- the ends of which paigs around th ends i mira. I ve�y badly .right. two churches and. , two 1 parsonages in I
� ,or effort to get up a sale for the ti('n of 'all pr813 nt. TbemdUerwasfar eloquen� sermon last Sabbath toa SEAFORTH
6th, ) ened as were also thosell who wi DeBsed thqplace. Aftera!lengtby discussion, � y I
. of. the wbippletree and oulminato,in a I � I _____ --- .",."I
spring, to be held Some time in Febra- hook, to which the traces are attach. above the ave age ran of t3rnperauce the occurrence, . ch racterized tbroubhout by a friendly crowded house. The pe ple of Chisel- ._____ --,-- , - T. - -------
, of whicb, due notice will be, a' leFtures. The a wtO nothing 9'oiase or I I i I , harat are to be cougratulated for having vale statiorion S
ary , ,'Ven. ed. In t1is way th6draughtcf the . LoOALITIIRS. Mr. W rn�. Habkit h, of' and christian spiritr it was arranged I aturday la:st.-Mr. W.
- . inpulting in the� lady's reina, 13� n .t � secured' such an able advocate for Messer, sale an for the .Blueval
1%� � vehicle comes on thQ Spring, which gives fact the 9th coucesMon. of Gr Y, has pot toes that the oburch last erected and sm e
SCOTT ACT MEETDWS.-The Scott Act slightly to th- it �was an address that carriE ,vaiubt, of the Early Rose variety which weighs sit.�iated on Nelson street, be that re- Christ.-Reiv. Mr. Tlio pson, who for cheese factory, has sold Se
e pressure, a,ud thus saves . , . 0
8 an an fl eft on two and a half pour d8. each. This is . ic wor8bip, count of ill -health, b als again returned per pound. Billy i ts
campaign will be opened here on Mon. the sudden jar upon the horse' d could not fail to have so �� tember and
shoul. fe tai ed by the body for publ I we time past has been away on ac- October'make of cheese for 12j cen
day apxt by a couple of mass. meetings ders, which always results with the. those who had the pleasure (I heariDg the kind of ran phey th,at are grov�n in an � that the old.church, knowa as the D is the right man in
in Cardno's hall. In order to accom- common whipplatree when th it. It wag bfiraful of inteie9tiallsta- this -his duties. the riglit place. Mr. Ovens, the present
I �, vicinity. Mr. Jo a RoddiJk, an 'Bi le Christian pro erty, be at once l
e vehicle � L p . �, i -
h L I i I
modato both town and country people gets in a hole or rut. Foi rough poads, ti ties, and th testimor-y C, the best extensive live 13 ock dealer in thi igh- disposed of by sale*, to the best advan- Leeburn maker, has-been eDgaged for next"sea.
it has been decided to have both an �mpdical men i the old and r ow v9drlds borhood retur ed , Ome from s ' pro - son at an increase F r>
and especially in winter wbani pitch - h old tage' and as the erty is well bibuat- of salari We under.
, � I I
0 W*s used in support of her Ergo w, ents. country 'on F-ri ay I bt be quickly ParCh&B-
afternoon, amd evening meeting. The holes are so prervalent, t AcCIDENT-An acci
� the use.df this a t. p He had been ed i� will no dou . deqt happened to stand the cheese of thi� factory has
h . if
alfterneon. meeting will COmmenc15 whippletree -would, it seems to us' be a - At, the close a hearty vote of tl aphs away with a lo of shee which dis. ed. I I a little girl of Mr. K. 0 ris last Satur- given the gres.test sat 3faotion, and is
. .
*_ . .
at half -past two and the evening ' WaS tendered 'i Mrs. Prende gast, and posed of satisf � . day. The little girl and hEr brother eagerly Bought after by the, I uyers,all of
meeting at half past seven. Both great saving and com!ort. to the horge. the wish expre I actorily although h e -re- I ;b
Another important advantage 9primected . ssed that sbe guld give ports the old countir markets very dull. - -Walton,! I I were see -sawing on 4 Ward when -the, which is very creditable to Mr. Ovens,
� 3 . . ; : I
r They had a ve y good � passage going IlYNENEAL.-OUr ' I I
n dressed in the with it is its securitv another I lectu:e in Mitobel. I 6hortly, girl suddenly fell and broke her and 13atisf actory to the patrons. I
� , as.it is imp ssible i . i:) ! esteemed friend, ' arm. - I -
intereats, of the Act by Rev. John for the trace to slip off the hook,1while wliefi a full bouse was prom A.61d her." over an d he got his sheep across in, good Mr, H. Morrison,148 taken to himself, 11 I
Smith, (if Erskine church. Toronto, and T1 e Chiaton Now Era thus Spea a of sbape . PHENOMENON.-Abo t 7 30 o'clock p.m. Hibbert.
it is quite.easy to -gat it on or off when I � but it wia v ry rough coming :on WedneSda , for better: or for
Rev. Gi B.. Taylcyr, of Bayfield, and 1. he -lecture in that town : "-' phd8f): n 'y . on Sunday, 28th Sep I
. required. The thing is neat as Vell as - pl�e- back. -The fair pas- ed off quiet]y, and worse, a partner to Bbafe his joys in b Mber, a beautiful. TEAcHzit's REsmExcE.-The teacber's
Elpe e side are also , se t listened to rainbow was ViHil�le c used bY the light .
useful, and we have no doubt but ere I . L - one of the best ad h esses no drunhs reported lit all. -The 11ind- �hjs life. The h6 ' y partner w4ich he residence in No. 6, which was lately
I 1 qv 3r give i nipaii has been pi c4cee wa of 7 I being re
invited. Both these gentlemen are able ! I n hdre. The sub ject was ]a � . Pr tile moon ected through the ,
long it will come into very genera I y Comedy Co - s a Miss X,,;Gill, from � Wawa-
Usef ,-&,, F-1 Y1139 I COmPlet6d, is now occupied by thq
platform Speakers,. and have given this and we fully anticipate that out good � -- heev�ils of intemperance," laniL . the tofairhouses fors6l,eral nights in the nosh. We welcome her -with joy, to our rain drops. teacher. He should find it comf I
I i
subject apeoikl study, so that those who friend will yet make a good thing;' I le(turer � showed that . she '. iad given town ball. Lhidley is -as good aa -ever village, andmay th happy couple long CROPO.-The beaut f ul weather and ortable
. out of �� !) �
. . ,
wish to hear this. important subject his invention. - I � to her ,opi o, and the refteshing showers �) as it is a nice commodious house of
considerable Audy and his company better. -Rev. Win. lixe in our midst, i . f the last few brick veneer,nicely finished '
� 11 � I ,- a d eiijoy themselves - and with A
intelligently discussed should not fadl to I I 1, acoumul a.ted a'ot of irref utabl 3 evidenoe Buins occupi I ! �j weeks h1ave made wondnrfal changes in
I 0 i � ed the ulpit. in the Mel. exceedingly abuQda tly. . Z
attend thesa meetings. We hope to . � I in favor of tote I ab8ti; I . .- the appearance of fall wheat. good cellar. �
- see) nence. 866 is a villa -church ]a t Sunday. -Our prick JERSONAL.-Mrs. I and Miss Annie CHANGE OF THACHERs.-Mr. C. J. Ken.4
the hEdl crowded both afternoon and THE BIG MILL.-Tbe big will in this decidedly effective platform 011)(33,ker, blocks are all d . i TEMPtRANCE.-An open lodge in con-
eveniag. . town, which has been greatly oullarged Ing n ar a fiuisll. Sage, the celebrated players on the a +* i nedy, the teacher of School Sect" �
an I will doubtless be of , oo isiderable . b ! eculon With the Leeburn temple was &On NCO:
and re -fitted with new and i . : . riatisical glasses, are!;now filling engage- I .
- machinery from top to bottom, ra�'ov'd sex vice in farbher�ng tamp( raic3 re. Ayonbank. � held on ThureJay -eve lin , 2nd instant. 4, has resigned the position which he
A LARGE Fu-xER.".-The largest fun- b a� bee u for m.,, : I I I � i meats in some of the priboipal q . has held for the last four years. Xr�
. � I ,ities of Brotber''Williams w6E ch sen chairman . +
1 most . I . � . -- Th iwd States. !Thei,r performances a-, a v6ry credit. �
eral procession we have seen for Some re -started and everything works : .__ I Loc LIIIBS. ,3, eptember and the UnA I ad con noted the Iii'eeting Kennedy gave universal satisfaction 4
1 .
satisfactorily. This is now e 1 Tu kersmith. � Octobe cheee� Df,tlae Avoubank c�eese On, �he musical .1re highly ap- ably, �n interesting programme con- a tea,cher, and was deservedly popular,
. time, was that which accompanied the 11 . glasks a
- I "I
' i I
remains of the late Allan Ross, of the largest, best,and most c6mplete flOuring �:'ERSONAL.-Blt& George Ft . . f actorj ,,hbave bleen sAd at 12j CeE tB.- preciated and eulo i gi0d qjy the Arneri- sisting of recitations . i, dialogues, music We believe he intends going to college,
[ '00
9th concession of AfoKillop,to their last mills.in Canada, and as we beheNe the � I , Jr., This . a very successful somon. cans. The follOWIDg paragraph, taken and readings was give� by members of The trustees have engaged Mr. J. Coyne
. I'd a igh ter, of Mr. Wm. Mccon1le er , .
resting place in Eguaondville cemetery proprietors intend working it to its � .. Rain as appeared to come always from the Milwaukee Oentinel: speaks' the lodae. I for 1885. .
I kersmit b i i Lr 7ived 0
utmost capacity,it willbe an important . about V, e rig 1have e of the 113ading attrac. - I - I UNEA.siNF,ss.-The failure of the bank
an TnesdAy last. Mr. Ross had been in I an I Treasurer of Tue f, lit time ard crops for itself: 11 On �
�honae from Virdin, Manito�ya, i . � i I
declining health for several months aad factor in the already extensive milling � 'ast week, been 'ood tbroughaut. Last y ar a tions now at the Dime Uftseura is the - in Mitchell, of which Mr
. and intends Ep6nding the win �er * 9 � i Bluevadet - Nj M. Living.
,- . � ir . ! � 7
was a severe sufferer. He passed -%'way interests of this town. Seaforbh ca , On- number of farmers had to buy their performance on the 111118�c&l gla4sses by I stone is manager, has -
�t%rio. The Messrs Sproat I -- 3NT.-Mr.'P. Patterson . created consider.
on S un day nig t last. at the age of 77 now boast of three of the best and mosltl , I I Busnmss AGE I ;
.h , - N,')'il ia%n� flour and pobaitces but have abundance Mrs. and Miss Au'ni3 Sage. They have ;
and Geoilge,hav�e good farrus i L We Oke I given exhibitio has been appointed agent, for THE Em- able uneasiness among 16nders of this
years. Ile wag a riative of Ross -shire, COMP10te flout mills in Canada, thus , of both now. -Fall w4at was never us through, Can.84da and part. Amonty those ,i�ho have money
Scotland, and came to this coun making this town the best and most Lake district, are doing well1aa like known to look o well. , Th , the United St - POSITOR for Bluevale and vicinity apd is - 0
1 :
try . Ah cou4ry splendid. i : I 6 dire6tors � ,an receive most ub cribers in o deposited are Messrs. Alexander Camp- I
when Quite a voung man an u of this fa� I authorized to receive i �
- . - steady grain market in the diftrict. i ET -At a meeti . Aory at their monthly meet. 1 flat jering applause and', encoria after . P U' bell, el,000; R,i Living-3tone, �350; H.
years ago settled in the township of Mo- As a sample of the improved. faciil't'" luckerslh�ith COUDOil 19 O' the ing held at the lactoxy oil the 6th .11st. � each performance. Tht music of the a " . Norris, OJ50; Jas. Park 100 ;John
� held on th E) 2nd I I I I
- i
Killop, on the farm -where he con'tinuted at the Big Mill we may State that grain _ 1 1 re-engaged Mr.John ,rowpason sa c oese glasses somewhat r(38em lea thel piano, FoREsTmas,-At t 2e last regular Melville, $350; Jas. Kitig, 1',500; Allan�
to- live -a' there- can now be taken in from far moral linst., the', contract for the digg ng o the -
. � � I � maker for the next , I - being more mild, and monthly meeting of Bluevale Lodge, McDoulgald, $5aO!, "
ritil his death. He may, ,� , y Bar. � Musical ear Allan an
,to inshio, drain was awarded ! to Mr. . __ , d John Yo -1
fare be considered one of the honored wagons, weighed and loaded into cars �Williara � far superior. Th�ltao Canadian Order of Forec ers,the follow-
s . Stewart,- of Pa[ra - ___t__ d [es will be at I"ean, 8100 each; Robert N ris, $350;
pioneers of the township, who b i at the rate.of 700 bushels per he ir by' ' : ��tm, - the museum the hole of nex,t we ing offioers were, pointed for the Anthony Allan, $ 'Dow, $300.
.y in- 4pr the I sum of $1,964, payi 3entl to - ensall. I . ek, 650 ; Wm.
dustry and frugality, not only succe ' . the work of two men. The will " I __ - . I wh n they will return current !six mon a .
ed � 9 to Iths: Lauchlin Fraser, There are others whose E ountg *e�
'v re --are ;be e Monthly and not io; � 3Nc ed G.J. SuTHERL ND, fill a two I
out � road e . . onveyancer era- In
ad in making a comfortable home glad to say, is still under the off �cient 80per ce lat. of the estimated w )rh ("One missioner, Firo .an([ Life I weeks' engagement at Chicago." C. R. ; Frank Patterp)a, V.C.R.; Wm. have not learned, all withia'a few miles:
of his forest f and popular management of Mr. T. 0. . .. nsurance —.- Smith, Chaplain; JA a burgess, R. S.; of the village of Cromarty.
arm but amassed con- . . Agent, and Issu r of Aarriage Licenses. . �
sidar&-ble wealth. He was widely known Kemp, who by his affable and .obliging Mr. Stewart is a competent ILD I ex pe�l-� 00 MCK-_11011. . J".ElliA itche8on,T.; & . i
manner enced contractor who evident' ffic-0 at postoffice, E onsall. 877-3 1 IMPRDVING SCHOOLS. -The trustees of � ,
and u,niversall esteemed. � He was of and Square, honorable d ,a. iog , Y 1111der- ThoB. Currie, S.W.; R. N. Duff, J.W.;
y a stands his business. He no Y,� h 81 -a LdcAL1TIE5;.-jk v'er F&RM OPERATIONS. -There is wgreater A. Campbell, S.B. ; VVm. Dii ent, J�B. sections No. 5 and 6 h'aye had their
cheerfa.1 disposition and always had a has made himself a universal fa orite large giLug of ' . . V large quantity of nuniber of farmers draving thei . ift , sohftlg beautified fund, improved- in
. - not only with the patroDF3 of t � men 9,t work Stid si �erna fla� is being sbipped away from this' , , r gTaIrl A� H. Musgrov
kindly smile and a pleasant word for I he mill' determined to push operati ,ng to makiket early in t e s"sou this a and The . Reid Audi- nce considerably during the
. eviery but with the public gonerall. �, . ;o a station by Mr. 'I. Bappell, year tors,
person whom, he met. He leaves V. I I of Z a ich.
behind a, large family all of whom. are � i ispeody -termination. Th drain wi I be The yield this season is reported to be than has been the c�8e for a number of Q U61TING NOTES.-Mrj imes Blitchell, past summer, thus showing !that theY
. i lowr'thre� n o . years past, and alth ugh ices arE, low, on, old champion quoit have a taste for the beautif hl to soint
well provided for and most of them are LocA-L BRIEFS. -Mr, James So , miles in le gth aiia N 7hou uncommonly jarge.-T�e trvelling king f .r2r d pitchor, beat �
0 -. �corapleted will be of limmen6e, h�eiie dt to show which visi ied tl is village on Tues . yet they are I loo . r 'With hope Mr.Geo.Hughes,of WawaDosh,in &match extent. In No� 5 a new ceiling of lam -
doing for themselves, turned home from - the North � , - tothe f atu.r_o ; the rocent� w,arm weather i
I - .
West On �tbe land through which it passi s I . &, the' day last was not very largely patro ize -_ ber has been put in and the! walls have
�__ Saturday last. -Mr. A. J. Will d here last week. -At the Wegtern quoit- beeu whitewashed,
8 n, of. ,sarne council meeting ouncilljor proat, Owing in part to the numbers who were and rains have Im%do the �graBs to sioring and in' No. 6 the
GRiEv.E's BRIDGE. -We do not know this . town, cleared everything - I I - ing Association's tournament, bold at � ..
before Wall aut4oFized to have a bept bridge away attending the wastern Fair. The up green again; the, fra3 crop is very . school bag been painted b h outsida '
I In dwrit, aud appearances month, Mr. Frank Patterson, of this .
who: is responsible for the management, him1n. the chicken line at the Stratford erected on the road between ' the 6th balloon asconsi if preserilb Wingliam. on the Ist an 2ad of this and inside.
or rather mis-management of this work, . I on part wae ,carried out ab I .
sliow last week. He'was awaided 16 �and 7th 'oncessions over the �pror are o be relied uDon, t4e fa,ll � wheat ' . TEm Rizmr KIND 01? A LAhy-On the
bat that some person has bungled most I � P ,osed early in the evening and as it 11 ent villag,6, took second prize In
prizes out of 20 entries.-- Mrs. and Mi promises to be in - 4 before heavy weights agains j 01130 of
iss 1ditah anid the council recoilMended soaring upwards filled the eyes the good c?ndibio I evening oi the 24th ult , as, two lalles
I the inter sotre in. � � e f . . and
abomin,ably is quite apparent to all. It Thompson and Mrs. M. R. Go inter i`tbat the timber froin the bridge 011 the Juveniles with woud(r and a,maze ent. I a gentleman were on th�eil w,ay to
: . I
iB now over four months since the old have gone t6 visit friends in Oril ia. i I I the best qpoiterB in th orainion.
8 I G ' �ve's bridge is Tw6ty-`six players came I o the scratch, met with a"ver irat rton, they
- Atli concession be used if found in table. -Mr.. G the adjoining township, Fulla-
Wild, the celebrated ,eccentric 16) council adjourned to mef it the week Starting ShOeM&king in the Con- again closed to the ' wing are the names of the
Superstructure was removed, and the Dr.' Long, late f Zurich, is this GaiRvE's BltlDG]5.+- re
� �
new bridge is not ready for traffic yet. divine of Bond street church, TojODtO, p�AI . of the rejovo. - I I- . I bi i�. LaA Satur- The, follo _y undesi Is mishap
a I � tennial block. --Mrs. R. Patterson, of day night d� tuoted ones: Goo. Sheppard, Ed. oved to be seriodt
r> will deliver his lecture entitled " Tha ' �Q - L � I �
A brid, four times the size of VbLis one , ' the irorl ro ' ,Y�hich were mos' which might have pr t been
� -0 � MATTBRB.-A meeti� he . t t3 together, monton ; J. Wolton, Scarboro -, James
� HOOL . - I ds in calculated to keep h '
should have been built in less time, and Coming Great Bkttle,'5 in Caxdno' 'ISchool I�oard was held on � D t th� place, is away visiting frien -er ' " and Igery inconvenient had it no
I 3 ELI U d eigh_bprhoo of (,ijinton.-We learn . holc iDg in the at at the Montague, Y*ht weight champioij -of nee
i n n - 0.60- last. in the school house, Eg � c n le, that Mi Wai. 3boneman, Jr., of this eastarn approa h, g VO one of the ladies. The horse, having
the fact of baving an important, -lead ng in this town, on Friday eve i g,_ ) I il ab.. Me tor the courage and prose' of mind of
public roar'. such" i n; 9 EV, Vendering Ontario, Galt; J. Lawson and R. noticed some
as t * his is obs-tracted ber31st. The lecture will be undfrthe M 2 P. ni�* All the meffibers 1 Die'eilt, - Vill ge has give i thE contract for the of so I sheep on the ioad and be-
. i . I - A the work ever
in this wav f,)r a whole 866oia, iq_ &Jike auspices -of the M;echauios' Insat6to, a I &1 da�'s a wraplete Campbell, Edmonton. -There Is 80'ale
Gr ISeveral coonuts. were passed �,nd 1, . erection of a dw-(Alin -on the corner of wreak. Mr. Robert, Griiave, who had talk Of & 0 coming frighterrea,sbied- off the road so
dis 'edibaf)le to those in charge �,'nd to and will be the only one dolivere " 9 � mat h eing gotten th
d here ItNio-ed by, M . Laybon, second 11 by -i Queen and Mel-ou streiats.-Mr.J. R. the contract, proceeded at I at ouia of the wbeels went over the
* I - I
the county authorities, who pe'r'rnit such by the Doctor this season, as hi13 e0 -,age- For ;� r I once to con- up here between ��, e married en of the oulv4t. The . I 1 and jolt
buughutt. The bridge was .opened for ments are s , 9, � a teaebi �t' be R-1. Millar, public school inspector, i ited far with the Bridge Comu�issioneis, and and single men, but ther(31 1*8 some an
eK 7 syth ,�af female coad i d d ,
g, 66 . He expressed has resumed work agadii'� so that in a gar that the young chaps �ill show the w ic wed tl te
- h h follo' re,
o numerous th'a� he d 'ines ga ad for a. I for the year 18� 6, 9,E, the - our s,obool thi-,i w - Jis,p d7ilt=.neof
traffic a few days last week, but 6iaCe giving naare than one lecture in' a Dlace ttt(m)danco is mall. -Car i I The himself as h4hl� F the ladies right out in front Of the buff
then - one of the approaches has. given each �season_.-Mr. John Cowan, Oj Ed � , - I I mej � , ple sed with. the pro- few days it will likely be ,ready to pass white feather. I
0 roll wing teachers appeared A:)r rE -en. gress the pupiM over, between I
wav, owing to faulty construction, and Mond I . were making, -Mr. j. This bridge is, costing the DOTS. -Mr. Goo. Churol'i the wheel,s, aiad thelgentlen*2
, T vi I le, h as re rn o ved to hi s a a w place �ageraeiit, viz : No. 2., Andre of � ill has SOld a totbe right side. TheborseilleingROW
it isi saidtheather js likely tofolloW I dot,ty Coulter ha.s raised the frame of his courty a great deal � � 0
in Bayfield this weerk. We Wit3h Mr. 3,44r,y $450; No. 3 - Chaxles; cKay, no money, and it span of three -year old colt,s to his liherated from a driver, wheeled arould
Ouit, ab that tl.ie bridge is ag * i , �� w dwAli.ug a d is pu8bing forward bertainly would be cheapost in the end brother in Hulle,tt, for $300. George and made for home at a f
01alu Impas. Cowan and his family the greatest pos- ry $450; No. 7, Mary Jane fliE lop, - the work spoe . urious speed
. . . W iala 0 dily.- Air. Wm. StDno. to make the approaches of a permanent
%te sible comfort in their ne, home. His alary 0285; No,8,Richard Hic always keeps good horses about him.- with the
sable, and tlie crossing is in gucli a stL . , _
I . K ,,satary man, jr., is havin 1�is now fortunate lady in the
that it isalmost daug us to go through residence in E gmohdville has besti -150; No' 8, Mary Crawford, Osl,,Atant, denoe heated W'tll Ot, ei3srs. every,two or three �earo � . We -finder-
,ere I . � �. 9 brick resi- nature, 00 as not to requite ,toggling up Billy Dnncan bas a hot tl,iat is in her buggy. She, mfiter going a�ont a m*
d B mlai ,� air. - - I
0 �
with a light vehicle, and the road"is ]eased an will b occupied by r. J -as. I .. W h lmve� ihe oontr . k - twentieth year. In one" 110 -
. practically useless for heavy travel, amd Lowrie. The many I I I ____ I I 3atiBfied i . -
ry 6260, (increase S10); No.10i'llIenry McDonald & act stan I the committeel wero well F W. re year she at this Jehu ead, Succeeded, by reach-,
� friends of Iffisallf-c- ' will be old enough to Vote4-At last the Ing
Hot on l,ary 0450; No. 10, � D mgQ1 of putting f arE ace and pipeB in Ment4 upon , overtbe sb board on to the horse.16
that at a. seascm of the -year when it is Lellati, - 1 S'4 . in. th: with the stone abut : which ?a
of this town, will regret o c ill, salary t450; No. 11� ry - back, iial geltiag one of theill-nes an
ea,rl, I I E 0 ing oonceded to be Council have spent,$20 on tbip; village d
InGst needed. And instead of pr,_)socut_, that she is very ill. SheweCstaken J` ri&)It this and a um or of -residences olse- the [Tid ,a rests, it be sidewalks. PrettYgood coasider'itig the drawing the horse into a fence corne-r.
� sick 'Nil On, salary 1340. There � w'ero a wbere.-T,he Sa bath, Schoo4 picnio in one of the best pieces of masoury I L
I im, the work of repa,iriag the breach in at the residencf) of Mr. Neil R ' in the price of wheat. --Mr. Jae. Timmins is After h'a"'ving straigbtened thi gs un, she
� 10 r3
.a approach. vigorously so aq- to dis. Brucefield, and is no,, ,008, near turc ber of applications for tho, ' tliree connection with � t. P ul'a chureb o me Conn y, and reflects credi . �
U yet 8-niMcientlY vaconefes which: were � I cOn- building an addition to his stcme.-Tbe returned,and m( h �r c s,wher
tommode the, piriblic as little as possi . I flllqd as!fol ows: off on Saturdmy' aftern on. ast. Owig trotct3r for the same. i � 0 . I 0 ompainion
ble, � recovered to be able to return h,orde.- No. 1, Isabella Fpx I s a I .. i cold 'Water question is novq all the talk. I �
. � 3,25 no-% of the day it was not CL)SM PoR i . . . i.
ll THII %E-LSON.-T6 Sab. The 11 30th will 'sett3o it. Mr. Geor a rejoicing that nothing we OGcu i .
i . Wade, and not WMter drea3e $125) ; N .4, Sara Browll� Falary hold in the woodsjut in Mr.Coxworbh's bath school bold in No, 2 acho, .. 9
two or three men have been pottering ! It is Mr. B. J ,rest, al ry $, , (de. to the wet r '
away at it, and at the present rate of I Wade as'stated last week, who rem ve 25C , (decrease i $7 No. -6� :1 Gyrace spacious skalaingi�ilk where ,ol-house Fowler, son of Mr. Pet r Fo�*ler, is
� -ade sti 11 - I � the c . on
going it will be six months more before to Stratford. Mr. Walter W dE ild- MOK'Ilop, upder the directi ' 4ow,
the bridge can be used. ; 0) ; (decreallb $75). ren had ample) rcom f He repides -Vies Maribn Oijver, of Diowzie, lek
11 I r, salary i63 25, , or i, all kind of Goo. L of Messrs' home an a visit just
We beg to remains here, and will Continue the I I oclobiLirt and John Wilson, WIA _in.Kmsajs. where -1a, hae a good situa- last week for the Xirig�ton Mf dical U -
direct the attention of the Coun I oved by 'Mr. tChesnoy, Becol' ded by '-sports and games. A number of swingve draw a to a .close ior tho iwaso�n last - tiwiri a larg4
� .
ty photographic business as irsual,-,W '- the above f ' hare ' : were er6cte.d gad conbributed largely UJI � .4
. '4 *r...'Formyth, that i �,a( 3 � mill. -The cl er mill ifj Lege. wberp,sha will to6he a courso is
� J*
W%rd6a to thlq- nlAtter, and we hope he regMt to ,168xn that Mrs. COUlter.' 01 16 Of OF to 8 dEky. At 3.30, the. appointed'hour, doing a big bualness.+Six a
- � Vicatioas w*4 their ssilarjos:: 4Weh. the enjoymeit of tUe'acemli - -_ arla" of medicine preTiratory to her Apparkm
I � on. HARly We olasses I
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1: '� We bave a full supply i
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4 ,Caps, and can give You'
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� � I WiSlj'*t0 return My LEV
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1 ;4! to All those who so libera',
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, melsince commencin- tile:
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1, ii y successor,
- Seaforth. M
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attend to all orders eL
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, � I would mos4t cordialIN! i�,
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. ; gro -4 ol
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.: -bu%ip 5
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. :, .10 years4 My aim will h6
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I � the public. Yours respec"
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