HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-10, Page 5oallea ripen te tionaef and theje. rora the ae ea. -- some of the 4°r°110:1Y or. eitte jievery those mentett ttot. oes for were made for immediate/3, to thorough -te made foe a Inge th rough. � for holding 11110:tare, Sea. gannet]. The rill be invited present at all a Part ite the tperanee tier. n the pulpits a before poll - fore the elec. ,reyer for the oause win be A resolution itiug the co - the county, in le passage of lonsly agreed- Aot beteg be Scott Act tontinued o of looking the etteasete, tem:selves to at end. The rer aucl the el ray. liett Branch eld at Glinton rsday of last th days wag and partiou. there beteg rain.. This s and epecta- )eapite these however,the The exhibit tvery depart., which WWI ;ertety. • The Wag very oepossible to ag the- rain the rand wag A spectators. tan and the been light. !ever, things The follow- :ompetitors z Fat- Team, r -Brothers; j.j.Fisher ; • A.10111fflan. ; e..Fisher, t, or filly, A. foal, colt or re Tom. B. are, J. Mar- oal, J. aar- eon shown. OlaSS, WEteit t rupture, iges being prize).; two 0., Stewart, I gelding or agricultural G.- Shipley, r two year, )d mare colt or filly, to year old •; one year toott ; span • lteRrien; V. Pierson ; tT., Robson. DURHAM.- • & Sona; ter, S. Mid - W. J.- ist and 2.1 • A. Elcoat, ee females Oust W. J. cow, O. S.. - old heifer, • year old. nry ; heifer fag ox or ad steer, 0- year old MG -RAD -ES. ;Snell it e, II. Snell et SODS, R. Sons. R. Buell & iambs, H. emu -vow -est . Snell & ea. -Aged amb, B. H. sna •, H. Snell - Snell it d boar, J. ; sow pig poone.r, 3. Bowes ; ,;r. boar pig ; sow pig ; boar pig tiedge, a. oath& old; A. Cooper, "tanbury old, G. A. o rider 'one per; 'boar Carbert, ix ruonths , 3. Harri- hulas, T. lamas, F. Dorkings, lst and ds, O. a s, 0. C. C. 1st and ocks, chins, F. son; ban. ; duoke„ vy ducks, • T. Fear, • on; ; col - breeds, a , Beat- ' covered, open, 1st crktter, J. cMurohie ; Aeld • sto ge inc Wi na Sh at Co tor No 25 - - _ . _ _ _ . . _ • . . ., . • . ; , , I , . . • . _ 1 . , - • -. ! ' — t ' - - . „ _ . - . • ; r • "-. • ' • ; t; • . . . „ • ,t • , e . . . , , , . • -- It • it • , - - . -• - - . : , 1 • . • . -- . • e- , . ., , . • , - . . ,. • . , • 71 - . - - . I • . , , .1 • . . • . . . . . . - , ; • 84 Ocro0I - - ztER 1. 18 • ,o.- . • , - • . . , , I • , , ir , . , . , • THE HURON . . .. : : . . EXPOSITOR ! ; . .:' . i. - _ , . . , • .. , se. • . . • . . . 5 - ‘ MMININIMI ...iiingEMEMOMMINIMMI gler, j. Broaden ; democrat wagon, r Cautelon; turnip cutter, j. Mixing- 4, horse shoes,- T. Tipling, Jones & Amiton; wooden purcip, Ferguson & rMows, J. Ross; wooden axle patent kein lumber wagon, J. Brensden ; eought iron 'beam plow, T. Tipling, I- will be a grand success if is fine,The larmers sr, tiently - for the grain ni, mence here, which it will in it few weeks as the stote be sold on the 9th inat. bylatuition - - • the weather - waiting pa- ket to uom do; we trust, bowie! will I " ' ." 1 1 m°Pen' Brin ' Concession, Farm ' Farm to. J. Auctioneer 01:'Thtirsday, Stock . Farm 'A. 9; , ' Laird,PrOi bottber H. R. and I ds - • too and Imple- ietor ; J. P. 14,. on Lot 12, S„ uckersmith, ple .. enta. Wm. • pBrine e'm uam , I. s no u y I 9 ben s Cl 1 • , . . ooked evith the newes tthe II thing Emporium • • etyles in Suitings a. nd . ' , lo Overcoatings im rt- . Po TELEPHONE The glad -placed . , TO YOUR ''FRIENDS - tidinge t at the problem has been prop.erly sithed., and_ peace of mind within the each Of all, as to where is the most profitable establieh-ment F inlayson,1 proprieto " ' Old Country, bought for th purchase ofe. & filler Tedford; horse hoe or scuffler, Young. .. . • . , • --ThStratford counci l em-oY; its pl 7fictioneer . ed dire ot firio and , at close prices, letyles, An immense stock . . : , GRAIN AND FR/TU.-Fall wheat, John very, G.A.Cooper; apring, D. Tiplady, . Cole.; white oats, G. A. Cooper, j-. ; * on ; six rowed barleyG. A. . , [toper ; small peas, Thos. Carbert ; fall )plee,W.Herbison,G.A.Cooper ; ealee.- m: Of apples-, W. •Herbison, J. Plewes ; ilden russetts,T.Fear,H.Elford ; north- . 4 spy, J. Mason. G. Middleton ; 20 ince pippin. W. Herbison, J. Marquis ; kciv apples, 'W. Herbison J120. Mason ; bode, „wend greeeenge 'A. s. miller, r. Wise ; baldwins, W.'Whie, Richard trter; fall pippins, Richerd Carter, oorge A.. Cooper ; &trios, T.Holloway ; - aches, ff. Plewee ; fall . pears, James rdwright. . - MeNttreeTURS.--Itome reatde flan- II, Miss, Mulholland, Miss MoEwen ; kctory made taloth, D. Graham; lac- time in talking over t charter' -The. Laidies' Aid Sod ty and Knox churches, Lod ge, the corporation ef 'the Horticultural society, the bursting up of the Mit -.J. & R. Forbes, of. St a . solu th,iiiiir two year o!il CI i• TR. , h Itetlie 'Bay, ' to geiso & Pilerarlade, of S the sum of $1.600. He is c . heap horse, as he is cons the best two year olds in t -The date of the fall show • ton ha.s been changed to Tue.sday, inst.onstead of the 9th EIS the date conflicting wit show, which a: great ma people always an ttend. • -On Friday of last we e new city• ties of T inf- he Forea is' Ichell, atd are loser ! y hell bat - atford ave desdale tat- Messrs, • al- a,kspeitre for consider 4 a dered en lof e couriti t at •t.1 ler- 4th first fi ed., the .r tlioonn y Ful k whi e the. eq a her l low F. at property. day large A» stock irocer t e ED FL tat d peltries, 22 , Peeeries interest S. Scott the afternoons. 1 Wiesex" censignment at earriesett. f . goods Les xtra ake Moroi e. way' AaDflOASTI oyr tr,,,,,i,. 188 4. on as loWest Ny'll ' .' to t 1 cell guaraateed of sugars, alwaYs bargaine . fwrom to , Local N•ti., is:pit:par:a „At til ,, frorn ;this da 877-tf wishing to' inott, h i gffagr9, eritt eos oefingz always beim:in.' 869-8 '&- YOuNO af new le very bott, and exam to gi tobaccos on hand a in crock, r a largo shii England. Now os ek YOuNG :a. to buy any .1: IlneeprsokIlisildilist,3 e. :e, forth, seet,em- obt: i # money at w o well to call on ill , tst , I %not 000f (iiiTanrenY; . t home Satur- _ ha e received • a easo eas, and have' in. F vs lbs. good clean . me s or k aud prices. e aati-f I Won. A large al d choice! tumor d at t I e loweet 'price. ry : n glassware, to men o fine goe'ds on it tt e.time '10 buy s. -86 of Ha bough Prices. tomers al 1 prides, .... -ii No. 2, , of of t The may and , I' , . DON'T , : , ' 1 i - • ;Ca pbrirfe r'l he newest e factory tock was epend On Gents •• Block, and nobbi at a, saving never more getting good 1 ' - General Furni . , ' FORGE . . Seaforth. ' Bt made directly o the purchasers of le omplete in this department, oods and no trash. hings in great abundance. TO GALL • WM . CAMPBELL for this firm, and per cent. on ordinary and m y Shirts and Drawers at • . ,,,,,, EARLY. - • _ ' A visi. amply Straw Vs pe it eS n, d 0AB pi nra aeb ' Dress Ask f. purch kerchi Linen pets, II'loor , , • : DRY GOODS AND iMILLINFRY. , . to the Milli ery and Mantle Departinent of the Montreal Rouse •11 repay. Our I y customers, where dart be. seen a large and complete _atm:1131ot Hats, Felt ats. Special lines in Trimmed Hats, Bushes and Silk Vel- alio tesSwe, isEttihei bt bst eho:p: sw, isoFpt lei:IE.:T.1Si, eFj_Beeraostf ehyvesre. S , & C -,. I 1 Our Mautle Department is re- a n 1-WveoteInGs Goods, FF:a.rthaell.r4TIrliurerroTiargimsinajAnfsse euppnanleasr, ggensatioitc3k :of nimsigeorretedd, agnoaodswi: athefeyfoclolomwpinetgitiloinnes sat k- tsh,esmateinsts r:nai Goode in great abundance, and of the finest quality and lowest rices for ,Oi?g)1.14.aerrse,t-3137GoslioevreysitAl iGuloohvea: liLge:1V;e3-1:13:teit i:yalre.s Don'tPehld. et r it'lat.ce 7 se one of our celebrated Silk Handlierehiefs for 25-c up ; pure Linenill a.n1 "a.- fs-large size-only..8 cents. Flannels, 28 ieche ' wide, for 25c up • Table and Towelling -best quality-belott cost. We have a large stock of Car- Oil Cloths, Lace and Damask Curtains in great variety. . ry made flannel, D. Graham • pair. . • . - ' - - - cap et - 7-14-'' - --- t . s earner was at work on th 12t. dal- ' NoT10E. . Th .i ankets, D. Graham, M. Mciwen ; ilor set, A. A. Bennett ; 'grape wine, cesal 'on of Elma, Mr._ Ed ha,ppentid with a painful ard ' : 4ce (*den :. He nlost Mote, FEfilDER cOnvenient grinding power fo grain pun , iheapest and mitt n hay, Fitravi or ping &o., Ts Halliday's AUCTION SA- LES. ' 1 BRUSSELLS STONE GRIST - - ' - . . Fear„J.Alianson.- • as feeding, and by wbani Standard Geared Wind Mill farmetr 0. K HALL CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING HOUSE VEGETABLES.-Potatoes,J.Marquis, J. ittentonryeearlyrosepotittoesM.Kelly, tlarquis ; beauty- of Hebron; j.Avery, araib• ; white eleehant, J.Rattenbury, some cutter eta three of his badly. ; ' -Last.Friday meriting, ingalong Queen street, St misted, e the fi.nge : ery people ass. etouldlhave Toronto. agency•for . roisto, (4aterth, 0. the 'the manufactnrers e , his barn one. Price 7 Wilson, Se; Ontario Pus adjoin' ,ig , fEr'every 170.; e on ears a orth hl: secured the i p o opany of To- an. as one erected t II e town. of PLENDID '`-'• AUCT1oN etructed niereis1 gotel,Se . at .2 &cloak in the tie!wnship F RAI ITOR SALE 13. Mr J. P. Brine has bPeetinnt to bell b Priblie Auction, at the Com- forth, on Saturday,00t.25, 188,4 p. f na. that Splendid farm situated If being f 1 FLOUR - • - • NG MILL - • , , , -MESSRS. tion to . . , . DUNCAN & DUNCAN would reepeetfully call atten- their large stock of Scotch, Englioh, Irish and Canadian Tweedsl-largest Allanaon ; man -gold wurtzele, 3. Met; a, J. Ailauson ; Altringhare carrots, Mason • white Belgian carrots, -J. OW813., 11',.Snell &Son ; sweede turuips, Plewes„ H..Elfoid.; winter :c abbige, considerably ..eutprised an see impaled Upon the lig the tOwer Of Mr. W. A building a large pumpkin. Marys, ere , aniu:e I to ning , o on drews ,-,It ha, eee: 'ight, Work fill which and. judge given one mpany have them as received. intending for them.elve ee two month: agreat mans. 860 pure il ers can Hee at . Orders Should bef r: a qpired„as the or e s alreadyand , the West! containing mostly free a new frame of nllett, half of Lot 12, Concession° 50 ae es, about 46 cleared, from stamps isod anderdrained, b m, good. house om end 3, PHrtll well fen and sple t , e , ls.o did *1 ' • The undersign& . f cust enters or th :er , thanking his many ' patronage rinurg! assortment Clothing good fit Pants,e1Stookings, in the market.: Overcoatings in, all the latest shades and grades. made to erder on. the shortest of notice, and in first-class 6i:3r-style ; guaranteed. We are complete in the following lines: Wool .Shirts and Hats, Caps, Neckties, Collars, Cuffs, i Shirts Breese, Gloves, &nausea, M.Kelly ; pickling cabbage, , Kelly, J.. Allanson ; cauliflower, J. lansoa, T. Holloway - on -ions grown -- ' - nil seed,. M. Kelly, J. Allanson ; COM, Allanson, G. A.-Co.oper ; yellow globe irtzels, H. Snell & Son, J. Allanson • put in position during. the less,. by 1301He . foolhardy 7-°a Id. be unwilling -to in risk for the accomplishment purpose.. -The Mitchell . Advoo o bt- ; yout . ho tr the -of an ood . te sa s In ' 1 PICKE BAIRD.-Iu . * rT.- of Mr. John mr• WmDuncan& " - Birt A n Clinton, o Pickett of Stanley, on t,:e Baird ol a so, Clinton, on t o 13.. the , son. 20 . et 25t . 2 st h olt„ le ; • ' 1_ _ Olt., tbe wife • the WHO's:of the wife of four and , from Setiforth, both wee*. it eat 1 • mooey on alinalauce tb.make d the egmainder with inlest a half nes from Clinton . w th -a gOod graVel The farm must be sold p . Terms --Ten LT cent of . the da • of sale, and suflfietent ,.800,`on.the'lat 1-januttry,1 on time ,to at Per cent per annum. an d 7 road go bring w r the pu e of tut pureh SIDN • n/ a ase I be 5, 1 ser Y publid that the e idtmhuo(1:ero(,:iiu..vgehid) ruTep:,abcjilitrliar It ing system. Fin: oraoked wheat a i ill has undergone Some of the s .have been :tam the keno flotir, Grahate d all Berta a latest intro- grind- - Deur, of mill Umbr ing elsewhere. ' • Ilas, &o. Give us s, call, and see our !stook of Readynaade Clothing ere go- : ; ' .., • . . . • Duncan, Oak Hall, Seaforth. - , , , , . ? ' • - ' 1 stone turnips, John Mason, Joseph tu•rnips,J.Ma8011, addition to the $500 de pestI I bank. for the Ladt ed n the s' Aid eustie- ao.wE.-In Venzr..-:-3elstaanalteea,f Mr. Jas. BHowe of a 041) :on. •'' ' • 2711 u te the wife of MORTO • . BRE, , Prop ietor.; J. PIN Auction 879. er. feed delivered Chopping done on promptlY to the shortest order. notice. • . . - ; lemon ; white globe Allanson ; short: garden. -cerrots, J. tson, 3. Allanson ; long blood beets, ,. Snell & Son, J. Allanson ; Mood beets, 3. Allanson ; panpipe; M. Allanson Melons, J. tMitcfbei y o Trinity cherch, Reset We are informed, had 1;600. rehoney, collected in the 01, a lurch purposes, on ' dope I have to make good'. 711 ' le . de om, of t not count y for :it, wh*c :: he We e o :ed. N No WTON.--i-At wife of MeiGen. eseeetHe wife of Ildr. 0CALLIM•tIn at, Londeshoro, A. Ne 13 Belgrave, F. W. Wetater East Wawa tin the tou of on the og a, ;cosh, , 27th ult., the a daughter. _ 2lid inst., the son. - on the 30th A UCT1ON -&-l- IMPROVE)? MFNTS, ed by Mr. on Lot 18, out Tuesc StsieE OF THOROUGHBRED FARM STOOK, &c.- r. J. P. Brine has Georg Sproat, to'sell byrublic COLT sion 3, H.R. 8.1i Oett}ber 21, 1884, at 1 A IMP been 'flat Awl Tnckerain o'claek, nein, D E- et- on, th, Entire satisfactio: us" a trial. , , W • Iguaranteedt. . Give 879-13 - , "THE SECLUDED GROCERY. STORE "—MONTREAL HOUSE , " : BEHIND D.UNDAN'S DRUG STORE dly, J. ; water h -is lose - . - ultelhe of Mr. jo n M Callum of a son. ay, .0. J. Allanson inig y rehgret . , ik as 1' • . • . moot o her wife Sharp,. t e following very valuable preperty, 7 Z.: ! ' lawman; musk melons, ; rona, J. Allanson ; red. tomatoes, J. lartson ; pumpkin, J.. Allanson, G. A. c ergy e- is not in -s positie to make good the money • a at 'pte;ent I CAMPBELLe-ALEXAND .., . 1 - 1 Marri ge : . R. A Horses.' , the residence 1 three year One hery draught mate I, 1 ge eral purpose mar old mare got by " En eight y sera six years land's Glo Id, y," o_n tt .. ' B value , t not behind the. best city grocery for - first-class Teas or Coffees. Good very time. :Standard Granulated Sager cheep as usual. Raw Sugars ab- -burets 1 eneral purposmare nine year old, 1 to ree soluteltr pure -dirt: cheap -e-15 pounds good Sugar for $1. No fear if a bag e.per ; equaah, 3. Allanson ; celery, 3. Wilson, M. Kelly„ • TICE ILLA. 'WTI S . , of the bride's Mr. Aluegrove Jane, eldest father,n tor. daughtezj th: E as. amphell * of Wm, li inst.,by Rev. g0 ye r old to Miss - '1 . Alexander, gelding, elding,11 tWo year old two year Old blood gel eavy drau ing, sired !Kt by 1..eo.e. , ril i i_i ' . on the call. way home and a• 'blizzard gets up., of -being blinded with Band. Give US - - DAIRY PRODUCE. -Fifty pound tub nee made batter, Richaed Carter,Mrs. „Robinson •, ten pound crock of but- - 4. Miss Nett, Mrs. J. Govier; five (trete butter, Miss Nett, M.Schwanz ; atory inade cleeese, T. J. Murray,- H. 30artney ; home made cheeee, J. SEAFORT Fall Wheat per bushel.. .. .:. Spring Wheat per bushel - Oats per bushel • • • • • • - Peas per .bushel Bartey per -bushel Butter No 1 loose ' .. ... Butter' t • ' • • • •'• ., ' 3 e Oct. 9, 18:4. $0 70 to .0. 75 0 73 to 0, 75 0 28 t I 0 30 0 60 to 0 60 • 0 45 to 0 57 (It. 15 t o 0 16 . MEDD-GARRETT.-On - DORRANCE-e-McMICHA , . Esq., all J. Hough,, • yoangeat Mullett: 30th tilt Dorrance, Michael Cof Maintop. Mr. John daoghter of - by Bev. A of McKillo of Hallett. the is' edd t Mr. John L.- n Ste etet, , to Lille • i , . " iSorrel•glond hist., ile Rev. 87 a' ShIMI Miss Esther, 1RQya1e9rgoi Garrett, all of Sorrel .. • come," 1.[ Clinton, on the filly. .Cattle Mr. Samuel two beirist Mary Me-2 heifer ' bull, 2 b ;1 one year old- bl 1 0,10 ;" 1 oue year are with foal at Cloud ; ' 1 sprieg filly ail•ed breedi g mate -with foal, -T1 oroughbred.-Fostr to Die son'a prize bull;2 aloes, 1 three. year old bull, 11 delve . Grade -Nine od filly, si; old. blood colt, foot, sired by " I 1 year cows In self, Yearling hell 1 two mileh cows ed by' el- ing - rs, ear in selo (-) ! 0 ' g fli t•I VIQ n tt ,- 1•1? -1.i t4 tt t'l '0 . - a Montr • 1 . . _ anted -good Butter and Eggs. Higheet_price can always be had- -at the al Grocery. I . ,. I . i . DUNCAN & DUNCAN' PROPRIETORS • 1 • • 1 tie; home m-ade bread, M. Schwanz, Eggs.. .. 0 ; 17 o 017 FORD-HARRISON, -At the residence Of the calf, 6 taro year Id heifers, 10 two year old ate srs, (-) . ' , Worsen • baker's bread, W. Young. . Flour, per 100 lbs Pork, per 100 pounds... •.. +.... .2 00 to 2251bride's 7 OP to 7 50 father, the 2 Rodgetville ult.. Mr. - %no by o ore, Rev I, Rall 1 South e h '. power threshing ;of Sten Down r m. Implements.e-One 10 ho achine in good Order, 1 I se- ex- ' H tt tol • t CI) , • . - . LADIES' WO-Gollection of ladies' , ek., Mrs. T.. Joslyn Miss K. NotD ; 'MoE.wen, Hay, new. ? ' - Hides 0 Per 10 lbs.. 6 00 to 7 KO . • - 5 00 to 5 50 - . on 4th to Miss innie Harris n, of Hay.. ,p , well single i bined mower, reap nearly new, one Noxon ;cern- on pea harvester, o e -Empire seed SD e . 0 I-Cj . R . AD TIIII\TIK ACT ' icy braiding; Miss Mies M. ktt ; tatting, Miss Nott, Miss McEwen; o .......... Sheepskins each • wool. .: ., . . - Salt (retail ) per b arrel 0 40 to 018 ' 0 80 o 0 40 1 00 . ' Deat Ashfield, on s. he-. '8th drill, one , , two pair ' - • • box and alt., Ric ard ' demo rat single wago , two plows, of herr we. one' ox cart, one cutting other a •ticles There wnl °snivel • . P . 7. be it L-1 ti . . • 3 • - - . - 3 . r i • • • . • ' tchet work, wool, Mrs. Joslyn, Mrs. :Donald ; lace„ Miss McEwen, Mrs. McKenzie ; embroidery in cotton or islin, W. Bell, Mrs. J. Young ; ere- Salt (wholesale) per barre'l Potatoes, fper bushel, new. WOOd, per cord, A.pples per Bag le: 0 30 ; - 2100' to 40 30 to . 1 ,00 o 0 BO 3 50 0 40 BROWN. AULAREN.-At -In Brown, was Peace. Fall, or. aged -76 years her son' the 30th tut ndoaths. res &gee, ., Ca heiine n? reserve, His ad 1 Cider an le - neat Hen -Ss • that amount MeGrego ,r . . furnishing . as al muet he sold, brief; Selina s at three o'clock. sums of • $5 and and 12 niontbs' credit es..11 approved endorsed no what RI Terms er, cash ; be give' s. A disco ill. of ver on o nt , tt -: t -i t'l t""4 ' 5 tt . =1.- • W (7) H % S tO. i C k Now. . •. Complete in. all Departxnents aidery. in silk, Miss McEwen, W. 1.1 ; fertoy ktaittin•g, Mies Nett, Mrs..am knittmg, cotton stookings, * ; CnierTe• ., FaI1Wheat per bushel.. • . 8.pring Wheat per bushel.* ..... • 1 Oct. 9, $0.70 t 0 73 to 184. ° 75 0 75 • CH1DLEY. relict of years: * third daughter the late Do A native.of Pe In Clinton 4:ii --1 , of•Jos. ald o cLazen, thshi e the 2nd . , Clno aged 89 Seotland: . of 6 per nt `011 s. inat. Lizzie : BB 9 9 . BRINE, Il y, Eerie aged 21 ' eent. vitt GEO. Auctioneer.' be allowed for SPROAT, Proerietor; ash en er.dit J. 86' ,P. 2 Cs. ci 0 t''i ' i--1 . Lt H . —A_T—.-- . . , • SS Nat, W.- Bell; crochet work, cot- . 1 . Miss Nett, Miss McEwen; patch . ;It in quilt, other than log cabin, MiSS ,i-EwerE, WM, Bell • gent's- cotton irk linen bosom, 'Miss McEwen; an hend sevting, Miss MoE.wen ; hair ek„ Miss Nott; Berlin wool work, Oats „per bushel Barley per busthel Peas per buel ith Butter ........... ... . .... : Eggs...... .. .; ... ............. . ' Hay per ton -. Potatoes, per bushel.- ., .. . . 1 a. ppes per barrel evPool. , 0 28 o 045 to 0 60 to -0 14 •o 0 15 to 7 00 to 0 30 2 00 0 16 to 0 0 30 0 56 0 60 0 16 0 17 8 00 0 0 30 0 2 00 • 0 16 BOSS. 'WEIB.---In COATS., CASTLE. years and -In Rose, aged ' Andrew aged 1 .ye,ar, --In sr., aged -In Castle, 7 months. McKillop, on 76 years am Goderich township, McCullough, 6 months rind- Clinton, on t po years and Stanley, o of Mr. the 7th 10 sonthe. on Son of 4 days.: e 26 to ult4 mo Oa. th o eo. astle, 1 : 1 i nste; Allan . A UCTION I LA- MtNTS, the 25th ult., Mr. Wm. Weir, strueted Auetion, Wm. Coats, eramith, at 12 (o'clock, 1 Stock -One 4tli inst., Jane are, If ex -Deputy • marc, . SA E OF FARM S. . -Mr. J. P. Bri by. Me. Wm. Ocpp, to on Lot 23, Concesaion 2, on - Wednetday, OW e o ow n. noFon, th 1 11 i• epao of horses 7 year cbw, 4 cows Beppu bein 3 OCK, IMP e has beim :ell bv Pu L. R. S., T I o er 22, 1::•, property, . old, one . ed to be in 2 E- in- c N die Oil 71 ck- ese %I re . I 2 ged ' all oo, '11Dg .7t:i2., - k -f -d • , 0 - f - ‘••••' e_ei n til H - I-1 0 0> . J. • , , L , . u, • SKIT! IS, SEAFOR . . , , ' . . , . , ' ' - ' 1- ii i _ t, Mrs. 3. Johnston, Mrs. W. Wise; Hiders, per 100 IN 6 00 r o 7 00 wife sanrproowse to P in calf, steurs y- y ars ars -- . , ' triin Wool work, raised, Mrs. T. Ship- Pork • t . . 7 00 to '00 8 op Reeve, aged 58 years. 1 1 old, 2 stere 1 3 ear old, 1 hello' 1 year 6 d, 2 Ns, ...4. /-11 • • . ' • - . r ; braiding onsilk,_ Miss Nett ; twine Cordwood.......... ... e ; .• .... 8 to 4 00 . heifer cella, good gredes.Tvvelve 2 st er calla. The cat breeding ewes, le are nearl 1 good bree • all ing e,e'"' ‘Roi I-1 • lly to the tact that unless Extra Irk, Mrs. X.. Young, Miss MeEwett ; • . TORONTO OCt. 9.= -Fall ' heat, 0.80 IMPORTAN N 0 TICE S. , sow. Irnpleme ts-One Imperial reaper natty eel H 0 eing I' alive ellen stockings, Miss McEwen, Mrs. A.T.ODortiald. ; vir0Oneta seeks, BESS MC. ven, Mrs... T. McDonald ; Woollen )ves, Miss MoEwen ; log cabin quilt, Sa MeE.wen, Mies Nott. ; rag neat, SS McEwen, Mrs. T. Carling.tee FINE ARTS.-Fenoll drawing,- lot and t $0 ' ' o .81; spring, $0.80 to t to 3- • t . ac; .neas, .60o to tec ; . lt - 70c ; hay, per ton t9.00 b A utter, 17c to- 20e • potatoes $0 4" t $ , . e o 0.50; eggs, per do -dressed hogs ,per 100 1 $7,50;. ' - 82..0: . ' arle Y, to $; • • p:r ., 20o io a *6 -, • r ts 340 8 to 00 • , ag • , 210 ; 71 to - ' ,--'----:- .-t MURDOCH, -1: acres P. ii-- r0 ME .- wotk -immestiatelv. . et --- - - - ' renet ISTA?5TED, of•buying, • Address O., Ont. .. - aim hand . Biucefield P. - ..L.___ .-To a ;arm of f , WILLIA . • -- - Want- d, 1 A ) I 1 Y O. __et_ ent ith bin ..e GOULD new, 1...Model to erimm enee seeder and to -WILLIAM : straw Cutter, ' 879 2 pair bobsleighs • __ I t T 1 - e plows, the peivilege 1 turnip! to two hundred 1 turriip;senfiler Kingston sets double , . - . 877x4 , chains, -t , articles ower nearly new, drill pew, 1 horse ra 1 heavy wagon, 1 1 democrat slei h ., h a 1 set a n arrows, 1 •har cutter 1 fanning naill, 1 barles iler, 1 cross ham se 1 set sin 1 h . . p , g e sores 1 grindstone, and e large needed on a farm. Anout 1 comb se new. 1 1 light. wagon, 1 lon slsi ) a rack, 1. ro 2 wheelbarro -cut Fil a 21 , op number of s 5 -aer ned rge 2 h a o ller, ws, - , 2 -ing 'all s of lips ..11. • - M ° . see 19.9. tt 0 ' i•• ' ' th• ' all - tt (/) )-1-1 t...3 P.,_. 114°P ti Val4e stock, have. • is 920 Iva e 'll r cut • • offered tit th,e Dry Goods in .Seaforth ; • It . i nain Oil the shelf, and to avoid tilts IN . • , I - I ' down so they 'will J se11.1 Call in - - um d, Mrs. McAllister ; landscape lwater tor painting, Bip.Rter J. J. Biggine, Mrs. sly -n ; painting in .oil, Mrs. Joslyn • . neil s•ketch, We.00oper ; collection of :otogrephs, Feeter & Bayley ; pen- taiship by bay under 16, F. Saott, Et. Stanbiiry,. . • stalk,' Mrs. W. , - litgERPOOL, 0 et . 8.--S Ots 10d ; red. winte California No. 1, 07s 06 No."2, 7s 00d; oats, 5s 5s sa cheese, 53s 05d. . ring • , 7s ; Cal 05d ; : -heat, ts Od • f nia os, ley .111 s • • • lsi street, e *take, t.i mum/tit-4es. • a limitell piano and semis ----t e- -- - PLEh7 , bargain 35'her lart-e fl wheel. T. D. number of orgaulessons doorwest of ---t-- -- ID ng.iise a Ergme, e power, lin Boiler rent ergast willeeceive ' mangolda •upi , for. instrUctione nrehasers. at h r residence, John upboard, Eng- is:i charch.849-te. umber - ' • ' g mtichine d B. iter for sale at ,a oesehold old- e & : McCulloch s . ithout sha t " 2feet long with . . rm. Ternis 46 ho se power, 49 fines, , LSh, over and t Mips wilt be put ou. h la e it e_o.e. _urn_., 1 large kitchen t able land of chaira, 1 churn, 1 wish and numerous les Th h 1 art . e 7 o !reset ve s the proprieter o Sale -All sums of that . mount 13 months' in lots to are -One tialliS bench, a. tub and w other s a ' 11 be loos solo $5 and u a ctedit wit snit d a • sh- e all • Id his der, be Xis ' gm 7 . H ''' tej . „,,,f .6 P• eV 0 `--+ CI) 0 6.11.1 L ' W eo. . tri 0 tvz 7/ . prices. goods be happy , to show you -t• hrough, • •and lnnunzerate . - , 1 • , I ! ' I ! Feotterts.-Ten weeks in diameter, 11 ileets in2hes lenge Fire iven on furnisi ing approved joint notes. A. dis- fn 0 . , )binson ; verbenas, Mrs. Robinson ; hlias, T. Hollowa,y ; hanging basket AUCTION SAI - Wednesday, October S. -29, a, 12 58 fiont ffeesall. inches grates, rnoke stack, : &e. D. URQUHART, i ount of , 860 cash On 7 cents on the dollar will credit a onnts. WM. COP be allowed P, Proprie for or; en H el n 1-1 J. L. SMITH . . . . th. ) Cheap ry Goods Seafor Led with plants, W. J. Biggins, Mrs. _ un noon, On ot 24 ' 1 k L o_a QC- Conces ice 1 ' '-- . It ' )XC RAILS FO SALE OR • ALNGE.-The. un- .T. P. B111NE, • ' ! Are tioncer. 87, ., • ibinson ; bouquet of natural flowers, - , H.uron Road, Tuo.kersmith, Farm S oak et dersigned offers !or aide, qratitity•of good . . them for two i C c7 black ash rails or will exeban e : AUCTION SAL 5. OF . (1) -t Fowler. JUDGES. P'011itry.--L. Thorne, Seaforth.; T. . Carling. ' .ERON. and Implements. Geelge C proprietor.; J. P. Brine, a otione n e nes ay, oto• e 22, es # ey, r. - t one 18, y For et 4 ar old steers' and heife further particulars a 14: MeKillen ° , be0613 n , - .- • ," .'clock, s, cot- ts hey or grain. IMPORTANT ply Ion .north half of ; FARM JOHN • CAM-. ' J. P. B t - , ! I 1 . 878e4 ayson, I cession CLEARING STOOK AND IMPMEMENTS. ne has leen instructed by 1lb Public Auction, se y 9, Tuctilersmith, on Thursday, Mr. • Wm. on Lot 12 , Oct Mr. in- on- ber M Z owe oel' t "I It s--4 W W i-- H . . • The Fa • e of the Great Cough Rexnedy , linplements.-Et. Stinson and H. eQuarrie. , , ,. , , , Ladies' Work. -Mrs. d. eaceueetaei, alOrth ; Mrs. Innis, Stanley ; Mrs. B. Young, Minton. - . . „----.' osharp, on Lot 11, oncess rey, arm eio at3 mp e Mrs A, McMillen prop etress • • • ' - Kirkby, auctioneer. . On Friday, October 17, at 1 (Pc p. m.,on Lot 8, Concessio 3,S., o , :nts. 1 eo • tack'. (I).HEESEMA.KER kii . 1085. dbrsigned, litleara BUCHALNAN, . 'WAN k maker for Belmore Applications will be up to October will -meet and applicati, Secretary. ED. Ifituated,aChees- ; Factor_ , for the yeax ree eyed by the un- . 25th, o i which dole the n b:e opened. J. • 878-3 16, 1884, following pertor hreeding Crosses 0 in foal ; " Old Lo0 wen bred, coronae oho; at ii o'clock prope ty, viz: ,Horses mare, 6 years Clydes ale blood, and s ene foe. from the above Had .ow ; one brood mare ands pposed to be in foal a. m ., -One. very old, with apposed • mare sired 7 years ; one 2 y the su- our be et, old, ear re No , 71, 0 ..g _ -I H I ' - . tri 0 ett tel n U.) tri lt--I . Royal - . lycerate Balsana of Fir d' y Fruit and Dairy Produce. -J. Mc. chael. and E. Cash, Seaforth ; G. mit: , Farm Stoo and Tuckers • 11" mentst Wm. Tremeer, p opriet ## ple- r A. AUTION.---T he public • against purchasing or are 4 ereby cautioned neg thling a, note of old gelding, pinches sire by'Pride Pride of e rs cof th ; mares, should tt for the cotland." they prov. of the ho he in oe. Feel eel, W , ' - . - ., e , 3/4!) Goderic.h township. . favdr h mas Nicholson, foal, willhave pay use - • • • 'Wider x, Notables, 840.-T. Watson and W. Broadfoot. Bishop, aectioneer. , On Monday 0 t b .97 t 1 ' k , c o er .., a eec cc ' - ' - 12, hand, f er January drawn by• me in th f fift d Ills e sum o y o 19 1884• I have , • of r n at' g date s ; e. be in recei 'est no value for • Cattle- one 2 farrow c our mi eh cows su osed . PP :ear oll heifer supposed w, 1 y • or. old steer, 4 year to he in Gall . to be in ca. old herfe / f, 1 s, 4 TEACHERS WANTED. - Still preading IlVider and ' . p. m.; on Lot 7, Concession- rey, • , this . Intel and do not hold Myse f responsible for spring calves, 12 sheep and about 35 hens. Im ole - TEACHER WANTED For School Section No. I Belgrave. Farm Stook and Engle elite. 3 rry Walker, proprietor ; A. elgattee uct its outober payment. JONAH NIICHO 6, 1884. SON. Drysdale, 879-4 ments- critter n neltun ler wagon, 1 double arty ne , 1 toot cUtter nearly -ed buggy,1 st new, 1 1 aw an- a. 7, Morris, for 188 , a male or female teacher. so-ica tone s sting and qualifications,. , . . . • . A... TAYLOR, Belgrave, has a monster ck of fine new goods in every line kept in a leral store. Bargains in Dress Goods, Cash- 'Velveteens Melton. Cloths, tioneer. 0,n Friday, October 21, at 1 O'c ock . . , p. M., 011 Lot 10, 0011.Ces 1011 11, rey, tame •'-/-1- graduating c. M. 1117140P, --teach or Organ. Advanlaed at Tess than one sr of Music, :Piano- mpils fitted for hal he expense of nine mil .., bobsleig doubleharness,'o an a nu cif 1 com r ined se d I ir 1 land f , s 1 en iter 4 nlows 1-eanz • ,, - O 7 sell viihnmetrces, ber o cow c Dans. R.io roller 1 plow 2 •-...- , ' aeks / nay r s, &c.. o air e • , ne . .salary will be received until October 25. ROBERT WARWICK, Secretary Treasurer, Wingham P. O. 879x4 ITS SUC . ESS IS -REALLY WONDERFUL IT CURES _ . ., res all. colors, - ,.. ncies„ Fianneles, Scotch and Canadian' Tweeds., srsteds, and an A 1 Tailor eiteaoyee. Ready- de Clothing, Overcools, Boots end _Shoes,- Farm, Farni Stock.. and Implem ntS. Wm. Ingram, proprietor ; A.. Delg tty, • ft:Reign on Seaforth. teaching. Terms George Street,second d mo erate, Itesidence; Or e St of Alain Street, 8794f and a qu maagood stove a rter ac es of turnips and and c rrots in the' go ouna, d pipe•, 6 rnilk cane and a quantity 1 cooking a numbe of of TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for School - section No. 8, Gr y, a male teacher holding a second or third el ss certificate. Duties to COUGH . , . COLDS SORE, THROATS 9 irts„ Drawers,. Caps, Furs and Ladies. Mantles ,ost. It is a decided fact that he - is selling oda &reaper than any store in North 1111r011.. Ile all, aud be. convinced; Top price • in, trade for .1). S. auctioneer, • . . On Saturday, October 2 , at 2 Q'C ock p. in., at the Commercial. otel, S len- did Farm Sidne Morto erontie or • . • . Y , r r , 1 -Li' d .-Any person worrieE - been. assessed for pa,yment r By-La,w A. of the Townshi ay pay the Amount of su whose property has of the draiu un- 1 of Tuckersmith, h asOe sment lees the milk dis lot of ot The who as the priprieto from business. es 1 chtitn, 6 chairs 2 bedsteads er'artic es, too nuir;erons e will pisitively be sold without brut sold his farm I• efreshments will a od to ment rese and is reti be served a on. commence on Jowl 1st, 1885; Applications, ve, ' stating salary desired, to be addressed to the un- mg dersigned, Cianbrook • • O. JAMES CUTHILL, ia 1 Secretary of Board. 87t3x4 --- 7-- - And similcur d • , • - seases, quicker than any known medicine. We cam butter a•nd eggs. Discount _cash. batter will be taken on account. after the h of October, this year. A. TAYLOR. - 879 LOCADITIES.-Mr. Morris, tailor, of Masao was here. hist. week to see F. o . . J. P. Brnae, auctioneer. On Tuesday, October 28,1 at 12 oiol ck, noon, on Lot 19,, C011C8Ssio 4, Mai lop, Farm Stook -and Implem nts. A gas . . i b t 1 terest to the Treasurer fore the 20th day of Oe be i atesteuarseasir _ Tuc 84. f thelTownship, ton or ber, af er ' which date sued. WM. MeCON- ti 0 , ' b 8 h ersm , , c o -1.- er " 9 , 879-2 • the aftereoun. and under, credit wi dorsed n eentpe erms of Sale. ----All meth over that amount be gi • en on furnishing ' tes. , discount at the annum will be allowed for Proprietor. sums of 12 mon approved rale of 6 cash on cr...dit J. 86 hs' en- per P. TEACHERS WAN ED. -For School. Section -I- ' No. 10, McKillo . Applications will be re- ceived by the urodersi, ned until tlie 15th of Octo. ber'for an experience teacher, male or female, hol a. c rtifieate, to take charge of d th 't pro uee e wrz e,./.,,,,,,io in this ne Fw1"`" who are afflicted e e 1, ny a a tun re o e 971,08 respec a , - n t semo • f 7 . d d j th t t bid • hborhood in. support of this statement. We ask ali 'th, either ot the troubles which we reeommend • it to , . For by dealers in . . Webster, our firet class - cutter's atoms, and. other business. ltitt was McLeod.; Proprietor ; J. P. Brine, nc- t10neer.877 UMBER 1"30R. SALE. -The on hand at his Stave e endersigned has Factery, North' Main - ;31 TIR IV° A evott. e'elrNLAISON, 3 mg st cond clas,s school ; also one holdi o g third claire certificate, to twee charge of junior department. State aalary •cure to give it a "rT o County riuir n . rad. Price, 50c per bottle. „sale all - • Co soon to see the young tailor. -Mr. -DO. Walton, second son of Ft Walten., On Saturday, October 1 , at 1. o'clock, p. m., sharp, on Lot 25, encession 14, et eereet, Llumber, Bealorth, a lot which he will 1 first-class HeMlock sdll caeap. JOHN 1879 "DeUSINESS . - - F R SALE. - The - - unclorsig --- ed and send teatienonials to J. R. GOVENLOCK, Secretary, Wihthrop P!, 0. - 876-3 , . • ' who went to Illiaols last sering - Hay, Farm Stock and Imp ementie 1 H. aarENT. _ -g--, off s for s le his carriage making establ sh- WANTE School Section No. , eh the family, has: return.ed, lotiking arty. He is spending a few weeks nong oid neighbors:, and thert in.tends: ling bo. theVeterinaryCollegeinToronto r a few te e. We wish him success. & 3". C. Kalbfleisole Pr prietote E. Bossenberry, Auctieneere . e- , . - On Wednesday, Octob r -.15, t. .1. o'clock p. m„ sharp, on ot 22,! on- cession 5, McKillop, Far Sto.clt and Thos. Pal ern:mm.6 ro- .14 .-1" and.take steady ;neje OUSEKEEPER WA 4- middle aged woman care of children. sitti.atien toatonteet yeqtured . Address,1 NTED --' IV -anted a t• h k ' to ac as , .ouse eeper Good wages end a _p_eton..,.e!lefretrik Id JI -DIE, bceult,x.°0 .. _ °It t relent an Kipper), the busmess. ing an e and of s arranged, woodshe dwelli g, situated in ogethe with the tools and Th shop is 70feet by cellent paint shop, lathed me siz . The dwelling control ing 7 rooms, besides and a ever failing well, the village good wil 22 feet,cont and plastsred is comfort. kite The bush t of of , in- bly en, ess TEACHER .-For -1- 2, Grey. Appliea ions will be received till the 1st of NoVember, f r a male teacher holding . a second class, •certific• te. Duties to commence on the lst of jativary, 1885. Applications to be addressed to , ANDR W TURNBULL, Walton. P. O.. ' 877 . LUMSDEN . , SOL,Z MANUFACTURERS &. WLSON I . , • .' ' SEAFORTH ONT - i ' . I - ' ! 111 A large crane, which measured six Implements. 3.1'. Brine, Auct.oneer. - . FOR SALE.--por Sale, a. breeding hos been it has st eetabli- hed 17 years, dur tidily i creased. This ng which is a sple I t e did -TEACHER WA.NTEk. - Wanted, for School - tip. of the wings, was prietor ; , ORSES female teacher. • Bu from tip to Monday bylir. Arthur Brooks .1 On Monday Octobee 27, it one 0 c oak mare, supposed to be Draught Horse; alSo in foa. to, an imported a General Purpose Opening fitable b or one bo desires to do siness. Ill health is the a safe and sole and ro- nlY ; Section No. 4, ullett a Duties to commence st of January. Personal . -0M -ot on ith Rev. Mr. Parke, In- . p. m., sharp, on lot 10, otteeesio 15,• e liv ea ..., Wing, coming three. Apply on Lot 22, Con- reason f r sellin . For farther perticulars,a PlY Application required nd none need apply 'who ' .. RA-A-Ro 01 -1.A -1\1 - a rifte.-The =bent of Trinity elanreh, brought his Hay, Farm Stock, Imp enaents and A. Wambold Propel tor, ,c ssion 2, 244Killop. R')BE2II TURNBULL. : 8791:4 - to WIL IAM E GAR Ki pen P. , p. O. 875-tf FOMO exp fierce m. Bo. has not had ' ' • teachingG Runr•Rore ALLAN FAR 11.A31, JAMES ALLEN, Tres-. _A_ . ide Sunday last., to Furniture. tees. Bandon Octobe 7, 1884. 879x4 -if with him on t the • E. Bossenberry, Auctionee 1 . t -N TU RSMITH FOR SALE. -For • . tUreh.-A_ valuable opting -colt, • ing eperty of John Brooks, when lump tt of Mr.Wightman's garden on Friday itt, fon on the pickets, one ot them the - On Wednesday, Odto,:r 22, at 12 O'clock, noon, OR Lot 23, onoessicn 2 ' L. R. S., Tuckersmith, arm Stock, Implements &o Wm C ipp Pro , • . . , STRAY C TTLE. i_ est the un ersigned, , • ' Tackersnuth, about ' ttpe yearling heife end alfdar May have the slime on ' % . the remises of e in o p ot -6 Ccecession 4, ist o • August, one ing F.): eer.. The owner rovi. g -.property and SU 'SHALL 879 x4 FA" Sale, Tuelccleersarniedb ?see Trne ferns .- and large the N rth half of Lot i h 0 twining 50 acres f'reet from st mp ' • is wel 'fenced u Thse'raemi; fram barn on stone foundation, 6, Concession 45 of which ' nderdrained. ua 10 house • g good 6, TEACHER WANTED. Section No, 6, McKillop, holding a second or therd to commence 1st January . testing salary desire -Wanted, fax School a male teacher class certificate. Duties lout 18e5 Applicat • , , - and accompanied by testi- . • . to oelling , . . ,. . . . , • Out at the Seaforth Tea _Store. . • ,_ inetrated and tore its body,letting , tor; J. l'. Brio°, Anetione:r. . -Frying charge . H' RL . well and force p mp. It is within 4 miles of 8 . menials, will be rece ved by the undersigned , itrailie Out which amused death in an aur.-SeveraI a the Foresters_ went ;Wingliam on Sunday last to hear the Lot 18 On Tuesday, October 2 on n n, Conceesion 3, H. R. St, 1 uckerii ith, Ci- ade .- le STRAY HEIFEIL.-Ca ee : of the under.igned, - McKillop,. ab out the first - 0 i to the premises ot 21, Concession 7, f A g St, ' a year old afortIO Si°a elle ..g... bi. d H ea and t e roads leading . App 9 MR . E. to To onto , _. • frorn it aro 3 R , 879-4 a 11 u os addressed to Winthrop , November 8th. ' TITO . P. 0., until Saturday, S SIMPSON, Secretary.. 879x4 A -cordial invi some of the grand ation to all. The sale is notv going on. Come early, and gei argains. The entire stook of about 55,000 worth of first-clasi - by the Rev. for Thoroughbred and Super: . heifer. The owner e n h: e the same by - k of Teas, Su -gars and all knads of Groceries, Crookery, Chitu Mon preached for them [r.. Pritohard, High Chaplain for' the rder in Canada. Taylor Was pros- . _ i e - -•• Cattle, Horses, Sheep, bw ne anti m : plements. - Geo.. Sproat, -Fropriel or; gl.ey proving property and p A;NDER KERR. ._ ying charges. ALEX- 879x4 -FARM -1: • of than 100 ANT D.-Wa.nted to ears, a good farm, containing acres, with comfortable rent for a term not buildings less and VXECUTORS' NOT -1-:4 claims against ti goods. A full sto OE.- All parties having and Glassware. e estate of the late Hugh. _head co y mmen he whole stock must be -cleared out at ORM The rush ha , and will be very great. The highest market ptices paid fo. -A. M ed onSaturday night withinflammee on of the bowels but is- around again, I, the disease was checked in time. - 'article, and paring bees ere beceming Dr"' numerous. in Kerrie and Wawa- osh, andthe young people ltile consider- ble sleep who attend them all. -The kir to be held here on the 14th inst. _ . . . . . ,...,#.• , J. P. Brine, Auotioneer da Oatober On Thurs . y, 1 p. re., on the mil. "le east of Brucefiel# one mi d Implements. an . j P B , Proprietor ; . . On Friday, October p. -m., on Lot 33, Concess • , . , . . - 2 road , T cedes h rine, - ' • 17 .# . . , • 011 , at 1 0' ock nokerentith 9 ,i Farni S ock . At u roe, no wines . - t• . r • at 1 0',1oek 6 M •Kil- 112 . , . .. . ' . - , ee six heifers 0 et MeCOLL, • . VSTRAY of young Theffers ostly ' ' nforehead. the samew' . . . . ' , , . • . . • CATTLE. -Strayed the snbscriber, ablaut eat le, one year 0 te of the ste re iv th sorne w • d of gre, color the ci Information 1 be saitabl Ro gerville P, • - . from.. the premises t o e middle of July, old . laid, 4 steers and. rs • h le, the others i s I I s.. ne 0 t e 'te t 0 f h her ed with white star lead' og to the reeovery • rew rded by DANIEL 8794 . I . ..... • • -.- :: .,,-t. -...: , • ,.. 1......,,,,.. everything liberal r ences ea term 1 p enty 3ielding- large fa paid in . Lesdb . . - -...n,........ -....-r -.,...ai.s.r......1,rnac.,-anAsaVe—, con nt 3%411 be gi ith frame wa er f t a gad such e.ash. y P. o. 1. 1 enient and in be paid, and satisfactory en if required. buildings, g • - or town proper revenue, will be as the above, an Apply to JOBE . good shape- refer- r a. fifty d orchard ' t m S ra xchanged the diffe H.J. DEN 87. . -..... -,,,, , - ,,, .. , A acre and ford or a enee IS, ti Grieve, of the township notified that they must signed properly attes•.ed, day of October, 1E84. ill be b d f tti w arre or se ed to the said- eatate must settle the same W. J. SHANNON', ROBERT JAMIESON, , ' .' of McKillop, are be' 16 here i'.- I be filed with the under- firs -c on or before, the /30th Oatmeal All claims not then in t All t' ' d hts emen . par ies in e ` . are al SO nOtified that they at once. }Executors. 877-4. 1 -,.. - • . - .• :y _ _ __ _ . B tt er &SS 11 exchange - , . • . • . , . n res ggs. ou y a en as cas d. 1 h E . P ltr- t k for oats at mill rates. sat and Coal , . • . . • A G. ATJLT Main Street, r I . . • . , . ... — . _ — _ . _ _ _ - Vir II 111001 ress . h he -* • 1 d ed Oil in .stock. Seaforth. . • . , - . — ---‘ , . . — • - . — - -- — •