HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-10, Page 31884 snemeseenhow 411 FAIR PENIN 3 ROS. &7. rybody come. want to buy n.r store and heet free. one hundred GOCnia to sees wes things in different lines, gonale, Plaids, isoificent range 'aces in Black L, Satins, Otto. Come and see and Ordered 5 in full blast. Your order. Scotch and tangs in Black, choice Pent use the best ;erfect fit every fair They, and a Grand Be ROStwy Dress- Goods, Clothe& PAY YOU HE— NDRY, L,SEAFORTH, ck of r especially for atly improved aserp, and feel is the best in -ERS Ug light and HERS L and will sachine made. for recntting e eatisfaetion. to -repairing 1 Grist Mills, ng Machines, ry repaired on sortable rates. hers — Bridge lowest rates. Wplication. e implements n. A. full line and. liENDRY„ 'APER , P E R ITMENT UNT DES, AT STS, ESTABLISH - TRU. announcing to lefty, that she luta irig establis—Innent te the Cm:amerces& made TW lii th° est notice. Sa s leapectfolly Do- ap-stairgiaoadefs 184 - OCTOBER 10, 1$84. THE I-1 ON EXPOOTOR. about her like contending bumble -bees on a Canada thistle,prickliest Said most delioate of -its tribe. But one of the race,. Pamelia's boy, towered far above the rest, to his own disgust and their amusement. Hopson Bunnell Was all of six feet in his stock- ing', powerful, atbietic and handsome, vh dark keen eyes, firm lips, a shook of deep brown curls, and a silky beard of; darkness that showed well against the cool healthiness of his smooth if sunburned skin. I know he's awful tell," said Parne- ll& deprecatingly,tOOzias," and -I've set ray heart on his marryin' one of our folks. Seems as though Providence in- terfered serious with my plans. The' ain't no girls anywhere near to us, and them that's nearest, Hopson don't seem to fellowf3hip ; but I never seemed to sense his tallness as I do now, 'mongst the rest of usl" "Well," answered Ozias, tain't al- ways hest to make no great of plans r about folk's marryint ; they,gener'lly do es they darned please abont that, I've observed. Providence hes got several other things to do, I guess, than raakin' matches. I'm a free-will Bap- tist, so fur as that: comes in, now I tell ye:' " Oh, my !" exclaimed Patnelia. " I don't expect to settle nothing, nor I haven't said a word to Hopson, you bet- ter believe. 1 waaonly speakin' of it to yon, Ozy, out of the fullness of my heart as you may say, acoordiu' to Scripter." " Well, I shan't tell; and taint best to put a finger into sech pies. Natur is pecooliar, farnely ; you can't never tell how it'll work ; so 1 calclate always to leave out the bung for fear of a ba'st. There's my 'Mandy, now. AIariar beiu' dead ever stance the girl was ten year old, I've been oonsider'bie pestered what to do with her ; but fla'lly I concluded to see 't she read the Bible right along and said her prayers pulactooal, and then I let her went. She had her ups an' downs, but she's come up about as good. as the average ; and now she's got to keepin' company with a pretty clever feller, and she'll be off my mind afore long." have a shopman try to sell pair she has just worked fo for her minister. —" They tell me_ Brown he identical a present has a great ear for music," said , Benders n. "Well," replied Simmons, 6 I knew i e has a great ear—two of them in !fee t ; but I did not know that they were for music. I supposed they were for brueih- ing flies off the top of his head. , —It is said that a boymanie lio i from school very uch excited, a d told his father he believed all heman beings were descended froIlapes, Wh.oh made the old man so mad that he plied angrily ; " That may be the c with you, but it ain't wit me ; I tell you that now.", ... —& woman arrives a the station three minutes before train time., he has to kiss seven persons, ay good• ye to thirteen others, send- her love to twenty-two relatives, and see ,to f parcels. She accomplish s it all, has forty-one seam& t tell a d friend how to mix seven di erent in dients into &mince pie. —A Ballantrae fishermi sick, and was not expecte, His friends got around his of them says, " John,i.do y( to die V' John madean his viewe on the subject, and anew with his feeble voice, ," rather etay—where—rI'm wanted. —A very good-tetnpere with a very long nose, was one walking down a narrow et atnpton ; two or three. ladies, with very ill gra their way, and. looked ste gentleman's nose, whenhe edly, placed his fiuger pressing it to one side, sai " Now, ladies, yon have Hopson Bunnell all neconcious of his mother's wish in his -behalf was 'mean- time enjoying hims,elf 'mightily ; he re• covered from his awkwardness very fast, turning the laugh on his kindred in various ways, and dangling after Frady like au amiable giant in the toilet of a fairy queen. She seemed to this tall handsome fellow something daintier than a flower, and. more bewitching than a bird; he never tired. of seeing that graceful little figure waiting on the tables, coaxing the old men with dainty morsels, filling the boys with good things, hollow though they were " down to their boots," as she declared, being unused to boys or playing with the little girls, who all adored her. But to Hopson himself Prudy was the most malieions elf ! Nobody teased himas she did. Nobody could. "Cousin Hopson," she said to him, the day after the feast—for though al- p -lost all the rest had gone, a few of the More distant remained to extend a visit they had coma so far to make -1' Cousin Hopson, will you please do something for me?" (To be Contimued.) se an ur nd ar re - toreco er. 13 was 'Try bed, airs .ne u feel wil ing ffdrt to , ive, ed -a-think better a ,gentle The Happy Old. Bachelor. I'm a bachelor I have fared very ill eet of Bo ery quiz e, pease dfastly a good Lid n its tip d, laughi oom to p —A Mississippi boat an " wth mense feet, stopping at a public h asked the porter for a boot jack to off his boots. The color d gentle after examining the s ranger' broke out as follows: jack big nuff for dem feet. J ckass con pull 'em off, massa,i wido Ynse bester ' go miles to de forks in de 'ern off dar." hours in be she bee began tom tter to h uttered Sou ds precisel Ituning of a iolin, and some prelud , dashed pieces ofm sic, which ;ft clear and °curate a sound e Italy res delicate m dulations meut. Dur ng the sometimes topped, m retuning he instrume Ran txactly wheri3 she the most correct pszoxysins Occurred a varying fro ' twenty nig followed by over yarious parts of t one to ts, and th a degree o A Sm Wm.Titi is known a part of t this side town, N.Y m ree f. res at 1 ff i he an inl of erf de he t,. stless, and mShingethen bithe ngth, after o elaborate in r, and with g the moat hat instru- rmance she tie sound of d then be. d stopped in miner. These rega ar intervals, on t en, or eveu e generally f v r and pain e o y. y e t and. worth, Es "The 01 e roadwa f Deokert , is the po and poWerf 1 Newfo Rover. Cif large stature; Rover has a one of the oat intell contatrY. gee Sun when the f miry retu they ha ver did ariable cn fainily w After t in the the lo fling the d em, and g 11 town, whe rd church, R k- was his irt bers of the his abseil° short tim startled b and on op ed in on't an, day th- iced in the Or - and ss." im- use„ pull an, feet, here, dn't t fraktring de ack absent pads an' 1 111 A Shap Thief of Time. The followingrobbery at an apothecary's in A fellow went in at the which happened to be o stairs, packed tip the be all the bedding and furu and came softly (lbw by some accident his foo passsage as be was goin out, an out, load fell from his had. The brought out the apothecaay " Heyday, friend," sa5 s he, " what are you doing there tree ptiq the Old n itted. reet. door, d: up , and bed,' h it; t slipped 'n the the noiae was corn rimless s private en, walk mattras Lure of th' stairs wi 11 ?" " Sir,"replied the man, ,witao t the i least hesitation, " I haNtle brought home 'the bed and bedding th t yon alerclhased t an s at n 1' 1 to -day at the auction. I purchased a bed was the answer ; " w nor have I bought a- be "1 am sure," retutned_th "my master told roe it was a cary's, or perhaps he igsht s near an apothecary'. 1[1 -am the mistake, sir, and I beg yo so good as to help nae P with again, that Ienay eau , it to Civilly In the hoards of the ladies I ye, met, The apothecary very Bat my heart is so kind that r ve made up my mind Their treatment to tee. and forget. For 'tis loin; to be an old fel.ow like me, Witinnone bur. ms self to delight; With no one to scoil., if I catch a bad cold By staying out late in the night. ' I was very fond of a beautiful blonde, Nd ho was seven years older than I; tried to propose, but she turned up her nose, And I felt that I wautecl to die. She said I was wild, I was ouly a child, My sighs with. her laugeing she droweed, And et only sixteen I was cruehed like a bean When. it goes through a mill to be ground. The next girl I mtt was a charming brunette, Who loved me, she said, " more tuan life." But my wag( s were low, and 1 -had to say " No !" Weer). she asked me to make -her my wife. ? So she married. a shoe -dealer, i eh as a Jew ; All the comforts oi life she -joys. She ie one ot o the " lignts "a who declaim " wo- man's rights," 17 And the mother of sevenasad boys. My next love affair -with a girl with red hair, Was a serious matter to me, When I asked her to wed me she solemnly said— " I haVe promised another's to be." Each word like a dart pierced my passionate i heart, And my future looked cloudy and, dim. She married h. a choice, and. I lived to rejoice— (Her temper is tested on him). My friendship one day in a platonic way With. a pretty young widow began She dazzled. v y eyes, and I thought her Till she man ied a medical man. But it's tolly to be an old fellow like me, With none but myself to delight; With no one to scold if I catch a bad weld. By staying out late in the night. . Gaieties. a prize— was desired, and the with his prize. Bat apothecary and his bed at night, all that p their view -was a nake stead, and the perebn that he had, literally a bing of Gentl 1771. - Income Tax—An extravagant wife. —Visitor—" Sally, what time do your folks dine ?" Sadly—" Soon as you go away—that's misses's orders." —A sportsman was boasting that he had once kilted three dozen hares be - fere breakfast. " Zounds ! sir," said a wit, " you mug have been - firing at a wig." —An Irishman engaged in fighting a duel insisted, as he was near-siahted, that he should stand. six feet nearer to his antagonist than his antagonist did to him. Mary," said a mother to her little girl, " if I were a little girl like you I should. pick up all those chips." i‘ Well, mamma," answered Mary, " ain't you glad you are not a little girl." —A young miss of 16 asks what is the proper thing for her to do when she is serenaded by a party of gentlemen at a late hour. We are glad to be able to answer this question. Steal softly down- stairs and untie the dog: —A Cincinnati man who had tkG5 stolen from him" recieved a note with 25, saying, " I stoled youresioney. Re- s at nes conetiense, and I man action 1" if,a ction,1 Mr.Titeworth stood, face, and s of dis 's coat. a lantern s foliowe e COWS heir stall out of xi found, beam ove more and ingly iu hi low, soun his masts suggestion Rover w where fl gether iu had folio cows, whe with this few hours would speedily I position. This is where ,R ave pert berated f but one of over has intelligence. Wheu home the dog seldo wortla, bet when h. 1 from 1 home Rove watches her ever care. Recently the jk Virgi ia creeper vi end f the garde having them cover that many years a churning on the lar went to see how he icg, ehe was horrifi menet) black sna water wheel, appa The lady was sta gaining her cpurag and thfaithful be side. Poiuting on fray.! dog, without a si Tits orth stepped fray. Although 1 still very game, an he had attacked tl city quite remark: and in a Lew mina grass. Mrs. Tits leave the place w ing laws% and, loo the mate of the and ready to st ik though uearly exit nate bat, quickly attacked and succeeded it, disps, fe; minutes countleta en kes issued from th and sought refugk, in tl y fellow, a othe-, t was, ry for ill be load right as he ed off u the rew to self to 3t bed- overed he rob- gazine, BO th ai rc1 lo! wh wife wihd •esente ' four po obbed is sisted n man's Treasures M.the B The list of treaSur would, indeed, be a 1 choly one ; inSta,n, ng Madagascar. from, Atietralia, w the early days of the gold fever having on beard the Iprecions dust in enorreous qu ntity, wa heard of, and left no even the faintest . And teamer, some d 'lever es, was among outti ot f many These easares of the ustralia., ctober, gold on to the it was ora €of a ,great covered fortune e being old. days \Tigo bay Ova) soen to trees - report d wealth on fleet roved -by but 1 s lost n ng and for exam Y. he sea mel an - le, the ich, in there, yellow a never clus to spectila.tion as in later years -itke from Calcutta to tb herlat blander s hina, *it £300,000 worth of silver, destin to reach the expectan supposed to be lying the awful sand -banks the Hooghly, but, rumors, never to be s are instances, out of never heard of. T Royal Charter' steam lost on the Anglesa 1859, with some E board, will doubtle b consi n ando ed at thel 11 11 Bpi -th re. any, oif t 6., wreck r from] A oast i o6,000 8 ow f r f 1 Dog, .,11 mg in what o," a delightful , a ort distance wn € ear Middle• se:: r of a large di! d dog called nd ommariding kin y eye, and is go t oasts in the ay ast winter, ned rom Dedker- ble n attending ot g eet them as to The mem- o ick to notice ey d been but a ho they were b ing of Roeer, or e dog rush - in ver to where e lo ed up appeal- ga utterauee to es nd tugged at . Titsw rth's wa procure and t the st bles, ad een yoked to - heavy beam ocket and the er .11 prostrated t necks. A th hole number ed. They ' were o their perilous REL E TATE FOR SALE. r TWO FA MS I sale, c eap, Concession of Brussels a d the acres, and rood b to GEORGE AR MORRIS FOR SALE.—For wo improved ferries on the 5th orris. One within 2 miles Of ther half a mile. Each 100 ;Wings. For particulars apply STRuNG, Brussels. 868€ E.—For Sale, Lot 84, Comes- awanosh. This desirable pro - this summerje order to cloee coosists of 200 acres of choice es &livered ; goud farm build - For particulers aptly to W. ton P. 0. 865 VARM FIB SA n 2, East perty will e sol esta e. It laird, about145 Trigs and o 'chard. W. FARR N, Cli _Per ACR FARM FOR SALE.—North half " lot 0, and north half of north half of lot 31, comes ion 9, McKillep• Most of this land is seeded, at d in e -cellent condition for meadOW or pasta e Fo further particulars apply to ANDRES GOV NLOCK,Winthrop P. 0. 819 tf FARM sale cession acres ole or chard, eu tio Seaforth. . snit purcl ville P. 0 . OR 13 LE. --The subscriber offers for his far'of, 100 acres, being Lot 7, COn- , H. . S., Tuckersinith. About 95 red, b ick house, frame outbuildings, e., we 1 watered, and in a good state of . Ab rut three milts from the town of Ter s, $2,000 down, and balance to aser. JAMES F. ELLIOTT, Egmoud- 1374-tf S NLE.-r-For sale, that desirable John. Street, See'forth, next door thutch personage, and now m- ole. here is good stone founda- eller, six bed: ooms , parlor, ining room an a goo kitchen. Also a large woodehed, hard and soft w ter, a new stela. and all other necessaries eo plete. For fui ther pat tioulare apply to he pro nietor. D. R Soeforth. 880 he any instances displayed his raro . ¶Fitswortb is at .ces Mrs. Tits- ster is away ws her and e with jealous planted a few n in the lower the purpose of water wheel ved to do the tn. When she 11 I1 • reader's mind, coupled as with such a la entals$ life. In this case, happily, deal of the treasu *ea, was r subsequently, but t ere is, a left at Moelfra for th fortitina, who can find it. In had always an attra ure seekers from the board the Spanish Sir G. Rookein 176 pains, money and over ' its recovery away, the silver (€ which is doubtful, o to make a reappeara San Francisco Chro A .Most Sin The following ext of somnambulism i Abercrombie as an girl, aged seven year lowest rank, residin farmer, by whom sh attending cattle, sleep in an apartme ated by a very thin which was frequen itinerent 'fiddler. musician of very co morse often spent part of t send some of it back. When remorse ing pieces of a retie Bend you some more." his performance wa —Little Mary was crying bitterly, and, on being qaestioned, confessed to hav- ing received a slap froth one of her playfellows. " You 'should have return. ea it, unwisely said the questioner. Oh, I returned it before answered the little girl. —" Why, Yranky," exclaimed a mother, who was taking dinner at a neighbor's, never knew you to asit for a second. piece of pie -at home !" "'Cause I knew 'twant no use," mum- bled Franky, as he crammed his mouth with the second piece. mp,kes a Woman so raja as to go to Eb Bike sh.op to buy 4 pair of cheap FAlinerrta for her husbaild, and by tlae child,except After a residence of family she fell into removed into the h lady, where, on her beautiful music wa homes during the no email interest family, and many spent in endeavors visible Minstrel. was traced to the girle&lio wasfon Uttering from her 1 resembling We s small violin. ,On wae found. that alt OS th infinite atience xpended thrown is there, refusing world. -r- ave b von if Banat ce to 08 it ly he il ar Case. aordinary example Mentioned by Dr., sablishedi fact 7.' A ; an otph n, of the in the Is use of a was employed in as aceustorned to -t which arti tio n ly occupi hie pers F.iderahle 0 night in a! desori • riot take s disagree six mOut ad beaLtli use of , a recovery, often he 13 fo 1111 la 11 o VI :8 were prosper - d t seeing an im- e ilea up on the :nt y sunning itself. tle , but quickly re - she ailed for Rover, t s soon by her ,th reptile to the gle tterance, Mrs. asid to witness the s old, Rover is in another instant e sliake with a fero- le kir one of his age, es lit lay dead on the orth was about to n Ste heard a hiss - in round, she saw de d snake coiled up er. Rover, al - from his com- e second snake, thing it. _In a umbers of small mother snake e grass. t 1 y o f$r 1 IOUS. pro to St. Th cupied b Lion, firs Fun erte01 mite Mr. S -etas& WARM, part tenting der is go watered, on the premise house an to ohure FOR s 0 a 12 am d hem with a d a go es au from BO th an particulars app on the ;south p borough P, 0. FARM sot ALE IN HULLETT — North ts 84 and 85, Concession 13, eon- s ; 80 acres cleared; the remain• wood bush. Soil, clay loam, well ever failing spring creek rieieg . Vhame barn and stables, leg. d young orchard. It is convenient schools, and is situated 4 miles 10, from Clinton. For farther y to' WALTER CUNNINGHAM, rt qf said lots, or to Loodes- 799 3 FOR SALE a TO RENT.—The seb. 1.er off rs for sale or to rent, lots 19 end 20, 1st o ncess'on Of T ekersmith, consist ing of 100 actt each, ateret a mile west (f Seaforth. Good fri me hoiso on e e farm, with orchards, ' barns, and me al outbu ldings on both. Will be rented (r sold n bloc, but - not separately. If sold pu chase nniy pay one-third down, and the bale) ce en nnutin on mortgag,e.. WM. FOWLE'R. • , FALL STOCK COMPLETE James A.T Piles of New Goodsopened out, an ever. Every one invited to inspect t prices before making their purchases. y4a The Last S A strange story com of 0 counties belip were not for the fact t strange tha.n lactic n, hesitancy about rela i is this : A genth na work in the field Eo ho e, had carried hue W en poen came be an went into a tiersi3 an close to a creek, t After finishing the a leg to rest awlede wok. %pile this to glanceeat an o: d betore him, he saw treding from a boll seized a long pole a 4 side of the stump wild snake, which hau gdn apear. In a sh art ti seeing him, craw led o so the gentlern well -directed bl horror, that it w reptile, the rattl ishment anothe slain, and anotb hirty-four bad s411 watching t the last snake h d hadcrawle writhing in t stance off on overflow of the left his post an hideous reptile he reached the parentlY dead. EIMOOtll sand utter amazon:le traced thereon ters. Be looke ldoked at the w pital N sho mmencing a e correction, en superstitio 11 as separ- rom One d by all n Was a kill, end perform - tion, but notice of ble uoise. s in this , aff-d was nevalent the most rd in the night, whiqh excited and Worider in the waking hour was o diseover the in- t length ph° sound leepin -robin of the d IAA go a sx)uu eetest e urther obs er beng. sleep, but exactly nels of a rvatien it abo4 tie° an ly di c c t d lams and told give t to the pu Aftetall, the perh, ps there Ga. Times. Eltigglera hSmugg of invention. ple of their ing where a few c last wek. Th of- hearses co towel from the ed the attentio who could not the death -rate examiti ation the fact that m d, not dead b dut -, and ane: - put to the pra rail er i wh On ha loom ay in En cationely n the vali im. But been emb ke Story s to us from one here, and if it at fact is more should feel a g it. The story having been at istance from his inner with him. ook his basket f woods near by, eat his dinner. 1 he sat down on ore resuming his gaged, happening ayed stump just nake's head pro - He immediately went up by the ing to see if the back, would re e the snake, not t, and ashe did illed him with a Bursti ing lo a quai and col and ar farmer. p :see o vilie. FAR' tit co r ce in a g premis barn a ing F ember miles li gmo eay. or to 878 . ! I MISS MONTGOMERY is on han filled Show Room of all the novelties of Millinery and Mantles. Cheap ! Cheap DING LOTS FOR SALE.—The under- :nd IiHS a number of very eligible build - for 1 sale chep. These lots centaiti er of a ) acre each, are pleasantly eitueted enie t to the busiuess pert of the -village, well a opted for the residences of retired or of era desiring a pleasant and qtriet residence D &NIEL CLARK, Egmeind O b7741 Groceries fresh, good and cheap. tity of that celebrated 25c Tea still fo price /or good Butter and Eggs. IN rIUCKERSMITH FOR SALE—Con- ning 00 ttere4 being Lot 11, in the 4th skin, 11. R. S Tuckersteith , al cleared and cd st a e of etiltivution. There are on the s 2 g od f•aree dwelling houses, 1 small d a.b tik barn. There are two never f rings, conveniently situated, and a good So d farm is sit tetted one and a half nm Seaforth Heel adjoining the village of dville on the Kippen Gravel road. Tens PossePsion at ouee. Apply on the premiees OHN leMURBAY,Egmondville. 877-11 J. McLOUGI1LIN, Whitney's Bi • eaforth. cheaper than le Goods and with a well the season in is the order. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TTOUSE FOR SALE OIL TO RENT.—For del. este or to ren, a dwelling house and lot, s .uth of the railway track, adjoining the town of . Seforth. There is th, ee quartettes of an acre of land, all well fene. d; ale° a good orchard on it. 1 he bouse is commodious and comfortable, with a good e Ilar and woodehed ; also hind and soft water convenient. Will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises to the undersined. MRS. W. T. AIKEN S. 855 limited quan- • sale. Highest ck, Seaforth. 0D FALAI FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 34, Burton Road, McF_illop, centaining 100 adres, - about 85 am es cleared, well fencd, e -ell uider. drained and free from stumps. Tie balance is pasture au 1 buh. There are good frame builai , s and a (roodorchard. ilhere is plenty of good water. It is situated on the Huron Road within a -rile and a beef ef Seefurth. It is one of the beat fatms in the district, ad will be sold on rensonable terms, as the prprietor, on account of ill health I want4 to retire, apply ate the pre- mises., or to Seaforth P. 0. WALTER RICH- ARDSON, P oprietor. • 877x4 sieing then to his • t most dreaded e. To his aston- out and was also d, another, until counted. While o e he observed that ly Leen wounded • nd was, apparent nies of death some bar caused by the He immediately need toward. the etch him. When e sua.ke was ap- ing down on the by be saw, to his words " no more" n, distinct charac- he snake and he He saw that a ave been used in ce, and he made seized with a sad - ear, he hastened range story. We ✓ what it is worth. may have lied; more.—Columbus, 89.11 reek adv o dis pot t Leo ear pia rd. elite 13 is IS slid f i):1es ut 0 A an. NDID BUSINESS CHANCE. The undef-ined offers or sale his Blacksmith ing and Wagon m iking establishment in the vil- lge of Egmondville, together with the tools and goodwill LI the business; also a considereble st. Me ef n01 aum d lumber. There are two large 1 , shop, one or bleckssmithing and the other for wood-worki lg. ahem , are three fires in the bleed:Smith t-iop. This is in the centre of one of d, the lest 11 ricultoral districts in Canada. The bush ha css - been catablished i hilly years and a good man vith some capttel can mike Mono} fast. The . st reasona given for selling.. Apply on the pi m rises or address Egmondville P. 0. 11013ERT ULTON. 848 - ontriva-n.ce. wonderful faculty st recorded exam - comes from Cette, of cholera occurred ually large number ing coffins into the ug villages attract - e local authorities, ci the traffic with ely rported. Au vehicles revealed f the coffins ceatain- but goods liable to al atop was at, once Thp Key Note Sopded. CHEAP GROCRIES AT M. A. CHARLESWQRTH'S, ARM FOR SALE —The subscriber tffels for -1- sale, his farm of 100 acre, h ing Lot 13; Concession 6, Mai -Atop, about.5 miles from Sea- frth, and mile half smile from Beechwoodpost • effice and store, good gravel road pq s -es the door. Ab ut 80 acres tred, rernaindergooa hardwood bush. Good frame 'house, stab e, h,on V, end usual outbuildings ; spring creek the ough the centre of the farm., Go d besting orcla, d and land under fair eel ivation. Will be gold cher)' and on reasonaele terms. WILLIAM REIDY, Beechwood P. 0. 8,5 -ti t• TIIE0-1Z00=0, S_AeL.HOP.,f°T1-1. TEAS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. RYAL A. ST GREAT Cabin r donderry, and ,$150. pool, Lon S701.00. Glasgow, and Cardi any dies iedt tiee. ve and er° ;t3 ded —OF— MAIL STEAMSHIPS. ONG, Seaforth, Agent. EDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES. Just arrived another large consignment of Moynne Young Hyson, Ping Quey Young Sonchongs, Japans, Japan Pekoe, japan Du are still moving large quantities of our excell giving universal eatisfaction to the public. We make it a point to guarantee our tea ing qualities. Whether purohasing or not, tes from Qu bee to Liverpool and Lon - 60; 80 and $80. Return, siiq; 3135 Iptennedia e tram Quebec t01 Liver- onderry aid Glasgow, 335110; Return, teerage—Quebo to Liverpool, ; Derry, London, Belfast. Queenstown lBristol , $:3. Frem Liverpool, Queenstown, Londonderry, Belfast, London, Bristol or !Cat $13. to Quebec, Money L n the Hunstanton being lifted, a labor- ved one of the props, ight al 40 tons fell s rescued -alive. 11.0 in the noil, FARM IN MCKILLOP FOR SALE.—The south 50 acres of lot 20, concession 16, 45 sacs et which are cleared, free irom stumps ami welt under drained. No better laird in the ceuetyo Is situated Mout halt way between Seaforth and Brussels. It is well fenced. acre is a log honee and a good flame barn and frame stable e.nd shed and a good orchard planted with apple, plr rn, pear and cherry trees in goodbearing order€. It is one and a quarter miles east from Ledbary. Apply to ROBERT MeMILLAN, I ot 33, Cone cessou 3, McKillop, or to Box 1E5, Seaforth P. 0. 834 "FARM FOR SALE.—North half of lot 29, cone; cesion 3, Mrris, containing 100 aen s, 40 cif which ar e elearrd lald nearly free from stump. 1 le re ere Oli the premlses a good lrg house and f awe strible, two never failing wells and an ot- cellent o cienet of a mu -A. two hundred fruit trees, all be .1 ing. i he fat m is conveeiently - situated, being only two and a half miles from Brussels and hirteen from Seaforth Pox 10,1 ther particulars app y to P. 8, StluIT, Brusselee or to leleellAhD 1Eh.S. Li. dere-. 8411 • f those celebrated Teas, consisting y son , Con goui3, Packling Con gou s„ t, Gunpowders and Assams. We nt Teas at small marginseand are to have firte flavor and good draw- uyers are respectfully requested to call and examihe our stock pf Teas and pricet. Now is the season for SUGARS, and wei lieap a full line from the cheapest grade to the best in the market. We handle nothing but pu We have extra value in Demijohn Frech Vinegars a, complete stock of Goner's.] Groceries and the public can rely Vinegars. We have iso a com r on gettiug the best value in the market. i We have one a- good business since stetting here, and are in good spirits, andiappreciate the confidence and patronage of the conam nity. Thankful for the past patronage, and asking a continuance of the same, I BM, respectfully, e Sugars. d Crystal Pickling caned and Real Eastate Bought and Sold as Usual. ISURANCE. Ilrepresent several of the best Insurance Com - he world e—Market Street, Seaforth. A. STRONG. ERS' BAfiKING HOUSE. PlroTH 861 FAR Lido -.1\T& Co.; HBMIKERS & BROKERS, ORTH, - ONT. SlAP 10f5. of Co Note baukin Rem in Ma M. A. CHARLSWORTH. e—First Door NORTH mercial Hotel. iscounted, and a general business done. ttanoes to and collections made ioba. 131184188B done through Bank of Mon- treal: A tjmited amount on deOsit. Money to loan on rates. I. O. M'CAUCHEY, 1 . HURRAH FOR 'HE SCO of money received real estate at best WM. pCA. p. G. McCaughey will I attend to CoriVeyancing in all its branches, lending money on real etate, buying and selling farms, houses, SEc. VICTORY 1 is the Medical Hall sure to satisfaction in PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS +ND PATENT MEDICINES. And so VARM n EEjtS3lIrll FoR saLE A- • For sale, lot -24, coneeseion 3, 11. .5. 8. Tuck': ermith, contaiait g 100 acres, 86 of wlech are cleared; the reniteinder is hardwood bush. 3 here is et good bi id k house and frame outbuildings; Thine is a spleudid orchard and ph nth of water. Itis conveuient o school and church. It is with- in five miles of Sealrth and six of Clinton, with geed gravel roach; leading to both places. For farther particulars apply on the premises or to Seafortla P. u, ROBERT McVE i Y. 851 TT ACT! s SURE. VARNIIN TUOKERi-MITH Fun SLE.—For -441 Sale, chep, the McCartney far, on the Mill' Read, Tuclientith, containing 125 acres. about; 06 of which are eleured, unuerdeined, wed fenced and in a fist class eta e of cultivation. The bidatice is splendid paeture lnd_ There is a bliek 'Lese aerel new baek bare -with stone stab- ling underne also a good el ebaxd and plenty" of water, and is within ball a mile of a school; This farm is beeutifully 'sitated, and is within two miles of thevillage of Brucefield and fourmilee /tom Seaforth, and will be sted cheap as the pro- 1rietor has gone to Kansas, Apply to A.STRONG, Land Agent, Seafottn, or to Mlle SCOTT, Bruce- ffe d. 869 -if give VARA' FOR SALE.—For sale, the east holt of -A: lot 7, conctesion 32. Ilullett, conteining 50 acres about 40 of which ale cleared, well feueeti, ree hoin stump; and in a high etate of eultiva- time. Thereis a good frame bane two orcharde; and a never falling spring creek running through the .place. Is Within a quarter of a mile of a eehool and is convenient to markets, e&e. A godd gavel road running past the place. For further particulars adlaress Haelock P. 0 , or apply tin lot 6, concession 12, Hulett. THOS. ,AMOS - Proprietor. € 861 WARM FOR 'SLE.—Contaieing 100 acres, he - FA: tog compused of west half of Lot 11, in tlie 6th conceeeion, and west hull of Lot 11, in the 5th col -messier( of Hullett; 50 acres cleared and in good state ; of erativution ; balance Well tira- hered with pine, black aeh, end cadet. There is a !risme honee, frorne barn ane etalles; good well and orchard; situ, hel. miles tern the !lege of Kinbran, 7 from Cinton, and 8 from Sa- foeth. Possession given to do! II work; terms ieasy. Apply ;on the premise s, or address to Con lstance P. MRS. ea. PETRIE. rrTALITABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. —The euhecriber ffee for sele, his isrm of 1100 ecresebtieg Lot 1, Comes:jou 13, Sn.ley, about 9' eeree Cleared ad Lea from stumps. There is On the premises a stone house, (mate outbuildings aLci goud orcLar.l. Well watercd and od state of caltiYation, church aod 801901 edj leieg the side lot It is situated 6 , 1 s from 1341411-eld, 6 I; om Zurich, 7 from liippen, teed 3i from Verna. Terms, 31,000 down, and the balenee ro suit purchser. Possession given 3_st day of M rch, 1885. Apply to WILLIAM8H75A2R6D- WICK, 13eyfeed P. 0. ' VARM TUCKEIISMITH FOR SALE.—For -A: sale, Lot 12, 'Conneeseion 2, L. In S., Tucker- sneith, contaidng 105 acres, of which 90 Are cleared aed in a high state ocultivtion. vie ls.nd is well ur.de rdraireo, well fenced and there are spledlid barns and other outbuldings. There is a good (irchard, a nt ver failitrg spring creek running !through the "centre end -another passing through One corntr of tee faun, ard Pot a loot of waste land. It is one of the beet grain gaow- ing farms in the county, oxed is alter good for stok. It is • situat. d witlain two miles of the • village of Ileesail, end an equal . &s- tance from Kippen. For further particulars, apply to MICEAEL HEFFERNAN,. Seaforth, OFnAt'llhl FOR SALE,—For-Sale, part of L8:51:11 and 12.Conceesion 18, townseip of Grey con- taning 76 nee es, 70 tf winch are el. arid, free from stumps and itt a god stets of cultivation. It is all w -Il nude) (Indeed end tamed. There are on the prendees e geed. log heuse and ban, also a large bearng orebar et.d a good well. It ie situ- ated two awe a ha f roi'es. flora the village of Walton, 7 from Brussels end 12 from Seafertb, with gond gi avel re ads, leading to eeels place; Schools teed chinches o aiverieue. For further particulare ly ma the Premises or to Walton P. 0. S11113. A. Me M.ILLAN. 870-tf Duncan's Epizootic and Condition Po forget it. The Medical Hall is the place t Duncan's Extract of Red Clover, as a bloo others. Duncan's Cough Syrup is a blessi where it is kept ; every house should secu of Coughsor Colds. ERI..ISSELS LIME WORKS. ITOWN & SON. oHE subscribers take this opportunity of re- turnhig thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels a d vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state t iethav itting made several improvements in their wi k n au itde of burning, they ate now in a tier ctshieu than ever before to supply the ublic with fin:an:tees lie. This eng the tenth season of our business ealthS in Brussels, and having given unquali- ed 8ai8fakit40D so far, the public can rely on re iving good treatment and a • art"el tse. First-class Liran at 14 melts at the kiln nd 1.6icents delivered. W , 41so burn a No. 11Ime for plastering at the Rfahlem'har the spot—Brusels Tohne Works. . peace. TOWN SON C. D SIT dere have no equal, and don't yon secure good value for your money, purifier, cannot be surpassed by any g to mankind; a cough cannot stay e a bottle, nd have -it at hand in case NCAN CESSOR TO E. HICKSON ,t CO. - Next Door to Duncan & buncan's Dry Goods Store, Main Street, Seaforth. ALWAYS IN THE. FRONT RANK. The ROBERT Pople's -Shoemaker, eaforth, dailyIs reoeiving Boots and Shoes of all iiuds, of the material made. I always buy from the very best eyes open for BARGAINS, and give my customers the benefit. Ont., latest styles and ver annfacturers, and ke y beet ep my POSITIVELY NO SHODDY KPT ON HAND. CUSTOM W1DRK Is rnehing, but there is always room for more, so eome right s1og and leave your orders, anaff you don't get satisfaction yon need not come again. I have Aix of the best worknien in the country, and persollaUY superintend this branch of my business, and. can guarantee satisfction. . Conie and Bee my stook and be convinced I tell the truth. anything. FARM FOR SALE,—Lot 20, Coneession 32, Toweehip of Gey, containing- 102 ecres, -60 act es cleated and in a good state of cultivation ; the balance is well timbered. There is nn the premises a good frame lose, log bare aped frame stbles, else a eraod bearing orchard. It is 2 miles from Ethel Seat ion on the Great Western Railway, one mile from the village of Cranbrook and 6 mileerum Brussels. For terms and finther particulars apply to VALENTINE FOERSTER, Cranbro. k P. 0 , Ont. 87738 It won't cost yion ROBERT WILLIS, SEAFORTH. FARMFOR SALE.—A. rate chance. Being about to retire Item farming, the proprietor. offers his fel m for sale eheap. It is eintated in th tow»ship of Turnber y,adjeining the town plot of Whigeum, and contains 103 acres,70 acres cleated and in a good state of eultivation ; three acres cedar and balaev. hardwood,. There is a bank ba n 5a.60 on tae premises, aleo a rood beeeieg osehard, and the piece watered. Termsenhy. App y to JAS. Fifsta0TY, 5t ibe FARM IN TURNBERLY FOR SALEb7:14Ffer Ad'NtIalce office, Wingnam. Sale, *lout]) half of Lot 2, Coeeession e,Turn- berry, contaieine 154 acres, about d0 Of are cleared, and the balance well timbeed, part bush and pint swamp. The cleared land is well underdraieed, and in a good state ni cultivation. There is es good frame bean, and log house. There is a splendid bearing orchard a choice fruit. It is situated on the gravel road seven and; a half miles iron Brussehe and tWo and a half miles frona WrOxeti r, and within a quarter of al mile of Schoolhouse. For fulther paniculers apply on the premises, or to EDWA,RD PALMER, Wroxeter P 0. 87 VARFOR xp; SALE.—Bonotth half of1:dot41 25,M' Conceseion 2, Toweship of Bio, containing 50 acres, 45 cleare 1, w..111 drained and in a, !good' state of cultivation, Quebnildings gJod.1 Log: bouss with frame uddi!ioa. PossastOx1 go)en to. put in fall wh, aud do fall plowing. Sit h 'tad 2 miles fn. m ei het Kippen or Tiensall. one half: mile front school, couvenient to cburcht s. f This Is a fere farm, and will be soId cheap arid on reas3nable terms. For terms and further her-. tireless orquete on the promises, or addree ,B. L. PHILIP, Alliston P.0-. 872 rreeY0 GOOD FAISMS IN USBORNE FOR SALE J. —The exccuters ffer the hillownig Leeds for gale, in order to close the affairs of the eatal a of the late Andrew Moir. First—Lot 30. Con - motion 8, Township of Ueborne, containing lee. sores, 80 -acres ek ared, Well fenced, and ma good stalk of caltination. There are six acres of Orchard ot the •ch' iceet tent, and two ne: Or flailing springs. The property contains a millilitre -table leek Secoed—Lot 31, Conoession es%1uSe"d errn-edfailletedi,nainngd110a94170,6 siitert: • eta• ltivation. There is a. good orchard. ,Of.. fanacrn ea,ttred, all ir geckahrist.s oeuse, aelhsoooio -twobarn,peo boaprnlata o tbliest: It le abed three miles to the towns ,of 'Exetee a4 liensll. These farms adjoin easti other, sad will be add together or separateW. Terms at papakent easy. For particulars apply 40 JOHN MoQUEN, eecutor, Lumley P. Oe or 13. -! IiLLIOT, Solicitor, Exeter F. 0. 873-13 4 ar.