HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-03, Page 88
The t tidersiguea offers for sale cheap
150 cider barrels ;. also wine, ram,
brandy and whiskey barrels—all Sizes.—
'est the thin to. put cider into.
l� �
Don't forglet that Thorne's is the=
cheapest grobery store in Huron. Try
once and be convinced. Splendid Cur-
rants and �.aisins at tc per pound.
Teas always good.
Star Gropery,: Seaforth,
DUNCAN DUNCAN, have to hand.
this weekpe steamship City of Brook-
lyn, 200nlan les to be sold for less than
half price, 00 dozen hose, ladies and.
children's, c e cap ; one case 30 inch heavy
wlncey 10=nts,150 dozen Irish linen
handkerchie s 8 cents, 300 silk hand-
kerchiefs fro 1 25 . cents up, one lot of
14 inch lined !ilk gloves for 30c worth
50c, anotte�'. case of mantle cloths at
75c worth >i.25,1.500 yards of heavy
Canton fl -1 from 10c up- Call and
examine qu: ty, DUNCAN"& DUNCAN.
A Goon P
from Mr. A.
a very acenr
tograph, tie:
oldest and
John, Alexa
The un`iteld
foot up to 2
is 89 years
85 years an
years. We
to procure t
whose unite
a figure, an
alI hale and
as. lively a
their junior
good to rear
Oun MIL:
There was a
in the severf
of this townfon Friday and Saturday
last, and large numbers of people both
from town and country visited them,
and inspected and admired the many
handsome articles exhibited and so
tastefully arranged., and the general.
verdict was that a better or more credi-
table displa had never been made in
this town. We have seen some who
have inspea'ed similar displays made
in several
of .the P
us that
relents of Se
and surpass
variety, qct
strangers w
nvazia.hIy e:
at the variet
shown:. Th
aur lady r'aader& requiring millinery
for this- sea DE should bear in mind.
WHo ARS ,.•THET P—We are sorry to
notice the lol]owing paragraph in the
Clinton Ne Era of last -week, and. we
hope our go d contemporary has made a
mistake an that the young men in
question be+ong to some other town. It
safe Thi other evening _a couple of
iroung men belonging to Seaforth, start-
ed to drive here but bad not gone far
Tong the cion road, till the wheel. of
their bugg •: locked around a shade tree.
They were oo drunk to see what held
them; fast, .-cd tried their best to . urge
the horse o ., but it could not move, a
passer by ached the horse out, and
started the along:, when they ran the
horse so Pas. that one of them kat his
hat., Getti :g out to recover it, he fell
beneath t e buggy, when the horse.
started, tar
in about. th
the time he
like the m
the Lord fi : at made Adam of, and set.
up against -he fence to dry."
TtBE.—We have received
alder,. artist of this town,
to and well -executed pho
fly framed, of three of the
est respected residents of
in the persons of Messrs.
der and Jarpes Broadfoot.
es of these tree gentlemen
years and 4 months. John
id 8 months ; Alexander,
8 mouths, and James, 83
ancy it would be difficult
ree members of a family
ages would foot rip to such
still these gentlemen are
°arty and can get around
most men twenty years
and indging from present
One would say they are all
the five score. years.
moat magnificent display
1 millinery establishments
of the principal towns
ovines, and they assure
he millinery establish -
forth fully equal the best
a large majority for style,
ity and price. In foot
o visit. our establishments
press surprise and p eaanre
y and quality of the goods
ese are facts which those of
for three year old Canadain bre. Dur-
ham caw., In sheep Messrs: S ell tic
Sons received 2nd for shearliu /Cots-
wold ram ; 2nd for pair of age' ewes.
and 1st for pair of ehearling ewe: of the.
same breed ; 3rd for aged Drifts er1xam;
and 3rd for aged Shropshire do $ ram ;
James Cooper, Itippen, 3rd for Shrop-
shire ram lamb and E.- Gau t, St.
13e1ens, 2nd for Leicester ram la • b, to
addition to these stook prix's Mr.
Thomas Ward, of Varna, was .a' arded
2nd for °hic'kery roots, and Mrs W. N.1
Cresswell, of Seaforth, as usual, figures
largely in the professiogial artis s lietJ
We would like to hear from an other
county that can give as credi able 8
showing as Huron, - -
-In connection; with the a.ove we
may meta -tion that Messrs. Col uhoun
Dow &':Porter, of Hibbert, o'tainedi
second for aged heavy draught s -anion
Thomas Colquhoun, 2nd for thr'• e yea
old stallion, and Messrs. Col nhoun,
Dow & Porter third in the sa i e class4
BE SURE and try Char-leswort 's °ekes
brated teas. Teas. et wholesale prices n- queue
titins of 6 and 10 pound caddies, 878-1
To be let by tender, the priv lege of
the Brefeshmont :Booths at the Seat rth Fall
Fair, on the 9th and 10th October. Tender*
will be received by L. Thorne, Preside t, np to
Saturday night, October, 4, 1881. 8784 •
MUSHRoOmS, 14 USEBooMs. — o` anted,
any quantity of mushrooms, at iti1.A- Charles;
worth's. Post Office Store, for which th- highest
price will be paid. Also wantedany qu ntity of
dressed poultry, for which a liberal pri 87&ill bi3
ing him over several times
ee inches of dust, and by on -the grounds, will be •pu
regained his feet he looked shape and kept clear so that t
d which the negro claimed entered for competition in the
paid. M. A. C11ARLESWORTIi,
AMERICAN Coal, Oma.—A-- oar oad of
best American Water White Coal Oil, ju=t receiv+i
ed. Dealers supplied at lowest film es. Ou
&tock of Stoves is most complete ; all lines o
Gurney's, Stewart's and other makers Pricesj'
the lowest. Joni son Baos. 878-1'
READ, THINK, ACT.—Stock no- ° Coni
pint° in all Departments, at J. L. Sn ith's, ani,
being fully alive to :he fact --that unless Extra
Value is now offered in the Dry Goode in Sea,
forth, Stock will remain on the sh , and to
avoid this we have cat Goods down so bey • wilt
sell. Call in ; we will be happy to ° s low yoil
through and innumerate prices J. . 'Santini
Cheap Dry Goods,—Seaforth. 8784
THE MILLINERY! display by Dessrsl
Duncan & Duncan has formed the top;
vorsation amongst the ladies of this
the past few days, and reflects credit
skill and management of Miss Kir-kpa
has charge of this depertmtnt of the 111ontrea1
House. To judge from the fine and gorgeon
display of Straw Bats, Felt Hats, Tiim' ed Hats.
Laces, Ribbons, Flowers, feathers, Plu hes, Sil"
Velvets, and• other articles too numeron
tion, we are able confidently to sa
Duncan &Duncan will be in a position
of con11
own fool
pen the
riek who
to men:
to cater
for the taste of the most fastidious ya - ng ladsi'
of fashion in Canada. Seaforth ca
proud of the enterprise shown"by the .P
01 the Montreal ffonse.
Dation of the firm. of Wade Bros. • I hay
to move the head quarter of the
Organ department from Seaforth to
where I have secured a first-class . sto
with other,advantaaes, aill enable me
on the business on a more extensive
further enable me to cut prices closer tl an even
thereby giving my customers the benefit of the
chancre. The companies with -whom Ilave been
dealingfor the past ten years, have r
the efforts put forth in the sale of the
ments, by adding to the already large
ender my control, hence the Change of
which, however, will not make any th
our travelling. through the same distri
erly. To- those who niay be thinking o
justly bi
: disco
iano and
tree ford;;
e, which;,
to carry;
cale, and
t as forrrr:
ing a Piano, Organ, or sewing machine, we would,
kindly suggest to drop us a car to Stratford,
when we shall:be pleased to give y�u a dill. Ha' -
a for the
m rket.
rent d or
ing received the appointment as !agent
New Home Sewing Machine, we tats
in Offering to the public, what is acki
to be the best Sewing Machine in th
Pianos., Orans, and Sewing Machines
sold at prices that gannet fail to sail
solicited. B. J. wane t�; Co. Store a
rooms, Albion Block, Stratford, Ont.
of our Agricultural Society are
forth every effort to make the
be held here on Thursday an
next a grand. success. Amo
how to
attractions, arrangements will be mad
so that the several driving and oarriag
horses can be thoroughly teete , as to ,
speed. Speed and mode of tr vel are .
the most important requireme ts in la,
carriage or driving horse, an in ala
ordinary show ring, it is not eio Bible' to
properly test those quail -Ales, w ile thie
small, rough ring, is attend d wit
much danger to both driveraan hone+
In order, therefore, to give all a good
chance and avoid as much as Ipossib
in goad
and driving classes can be sp eded in
the lia,me manner as is now done, at a 1
the larger shows. This will ad great y
to the interest Of the -exhibit, nd will
give good horses a better oppor unity. f
showing the judges and, cin -loo rs wh t
they Cali do. There will, als be t
sets of judges for horses, so hat t
.show of light homes will co on
__good time in• the afternoon, and
not be left until late in the ev ning,
is too frequently the case., expe
and we are sure that thosee o co
will not be disappointed. --
daughter of Professor Jones,
town, who has been a promin
ber of -the Salvation Army. sin
night and took her departure
onto on Monday. Miss Jones
into the regular service and
own. --Mr. John McFaul, son
sequently, after going as far as
treal, he returned home. Bel
covering, but is still pretty sdr
nervous.—So a rascals broke
Town Hall on T esday night 1
urned thing 'u aside down g
They c vied off the large drum
ing to the Salvation Army an
ound 1 ing o ' the street tee f
oruin:, but_ s uninjured. M
as be n put n the track of
l.rits,'aid if h
be tau _ht a le
for a w ile.—
of Chi •ago, a
present stayi:
Mrs. {P Logai
of St. Mary
Canal: as '.o
India, ill as
cornea nionse
thumb -ion Sabb.
will preach at th
and .ev ning. — ►i
Jr., llat gone to t
lot of
Mr. 'V�
forth b
captures th
rs. George
.— he Rev.
d who
rvi es in the
Ma next.
usual h
r. Rober
e Old
sheep for
who ha
rters for
ess for
tford, w
and will
orth, as
an, and
nd him
ting the
hat we s
ei$ of la
has rec
town. I
o has occ
in Mr.
the past
forth o
ow, an e
or himse
attle and
lter Wad
's headqu
is testing Sea
good- Citizen, a
able blusineS0
heartily recomm
of Stratford, .ass
will find'him all
—The 4 xeter Ti
the fol owing no
a resident of lour
don as salesnian
eft for Se
a simile,
ard's store in .th
a genial, good fel
man, tind made
friends while in
good citizen in t
f range
tes residi
an do i
4s DS a s
1r, White
seen roduced
()hie, ;vhich eq
Rautoe, the ha
who' was connect
Army here far s
his eonnection
gone t college t
—.A fr end writi
in th
Hellen A
always ma
at the 'erg
es a geod record for herself
fairs, and We year sbe has
been unusu fortanate at the West-
ern: which
day; The.
for horse fl
our people
year cam
ta those
right to ran
of Ontario.
of the succ
from the
Varna, 2n
lased. at London on Satur-
reputation of the -county
sh has been more than sus -
it is a subject for pride to
kat more prizes have this
to Hurou horsemen than
f any other county in the
hus giving to Huron the
as the banner horse county
The following list of some
ssful competitors is gleaned
rize list: Thonaas Ward,
for two year old carriage
hos. Hill Eginonclville, 2.rid
for two yekr old carriage filly ; John
MeNevin, ppen, 3td for two year old
brood mar ; Leonard Hunter, Exeter,
3rd for sa. dle horse ; Thomas Bissett,
Exeter,2n for driving mare ; G. Taylor,
Kippen, ls for yearling general purpose
r, stallion; 1 t for two year old. agricul-
' turaI filly nd 1st ler two year old heavy
draught fil y ; James F. Elliott, Tucker -
smith, let ;or general purpose team a)a.d
a special prize of $.80 for the- best
matched t am on the ground owued by
a farmer ; (Mr. Elliott has aince sold
R. 3. Tar er, Brncedeld, 1st far aged
heavy dr ught ; Alex. Forsythe, Tuck-
ersmith, 3 el for two year Old -heavy
draught •tallion ; Francis Coleman,
Hills Gr- en, 2ed for yearliug heavy
draught s anion ; let for heavy draught
foal ; lat r heavy draught brood mare
and diploma for beat. heavg draught
mare an age ; A. Carlton, 'Westfield,
.'',.rd for ye u -ling heavy draught stallion ;
aged Cal adiria draught stallion, and-
Gecirge Th.eobald, Clinton, 3rd for the
same clas
the horse I
table iu
auinaal. This embraces
t, and it is especially oredi-
ew of the fact that there
never we.. such a large show • of Horses
and such keen competition at London
as tide y ar.
—In cattle we notice that our old
Iett, and Thomas Russel, of Tjeborne,
emus we to the front. The former
took 2ud, for yearling Durham bull, and
Zrd- for aged Durham cow, while Mr.
Russell took 3rd for two year old bi-
Parted arham bull and first for
two year old imported heifer and 2nd
L. M‘Faul, principal of t
public school, left here- en
Toronto University where h
of th's
t me
it co
for T
as go
will .
e Seafor
nday f
cute his studies evith a vie
the medical profession.—A nam
Dowling fell from a scaffold atithe r
mill on Monday morning an injue:d
his ankle so severely that he to .e
carried home and will be lai up isr
some time. ---.The fifty acre fax in Ole.
Killop belorigieg to Mr. John °ream e,
was sold by auction at the; Co mere al
hotel in this town on Satarda last. It
was purchased by Mr.Archiba d Sora
vine for $2,420. It is au excell nt
lot but is without buildings.' t adjoin
Mr. Semerville's present see a
with his own will make hirri a ne fa
of $150 acres.—Niss Maggie nders
formerly of this town, was m reied t
forthite, at Minneapolis a few aye o
They intend residing in that ity.
extend to the young couple ur c n
gratulations and wish them a man ei
of good things.— Mrs. Sip rell
family returned hare last w ek af
antly visiting friendS in ow Yoe
State.—Mr. Thomas Gove lock e
turned home on Monday I st fr
to go to the Old Country, bu was,
fortunately, a passenger on t ill -fate
train vvhich rolled over the emba k
mental Pickering station, on he Gr
Trunk Railwai, eq. receive sue
severe shaking )a.p that he as afrai
to venture on r a sea voyage and, °out
r -
ter, se
viz, 13
city wi
011 itop
any oo
is doi g cons de
and art immens
been purchased
c mang from lou
eserf. Thoth N
f Hallett, p ss
selves as onl t
can w en a ay
think More f ol
—Mr. Christdp
Mrs. 31,attimer,
home from a tri
--There was pai
of municipal ta
Tuesday, th la
the Stiafortila High School
Club (Pf the Clinton Mod
be played o Agrieu
oe Saturday, 11th inst.
mence at two o'elock.—I
which appeared. in. our
barrister, h s place of
omitted thn making it a
is located in Walton whil
to say! he -is resident of
has his offic opposite th
hotel in thi town.—We
learn that Maggie C. El
bona achool assed the
Her name as inadvert
Hogg has h d his third cl
changed to second B.
• person
g in Mid
the wor
that line
• auyth
in • these
d with,
me time
ith the a
study fo
g from
rtb youn
e Brine,
t and res
ay Co
large cir
ant of
ably mor
iy our de
aid in o
flans an
d throng
their w
ault Ste.
me, and
o such
or an o
er A. S
into the
es during
t day of
FL 65 L. McTaggart are e
and shippi g apples.
shipping a out 2,000
weather con innee favora
lake, our p pular blacks
chased the stand form
Wm. Moore .We are gla
Bill Will, ri doubt, make
week to at
although so
say it was a
vicinity is
acnount of
his la
me t
f a
d k
B re -
o the
t, and
1, late
re at
sts of
at the
e has
here -
is a
honor -
t they
-off to
" Mr.
✓ four
day to
Pick -
Inns is
ost of
r. Col -
re also
e have
le o
ad has
as fol-
' store
s very
ow th
win r
d on
ea a
Sea o
•ofit by
on Fri -
e, after
ut they
n ever.
son of
0, and of
aid on
nd the
ool will
11 corn -
n notes
ce was
that he
re glad
th; and
ce Ex-
t June.
at Jas.
their musical talents during the winter
JOLLY Tatels.--Paring bees now are
lon's residence wa,s, the other evening,
filled to overflowi g on one of these
occasions. Eight ags of applee went
through the usua process of paring,
coring and striegin iii about an hour,
udoned. After par
a number left
end the London
1 on account of
e recent shower,
been here f
day for her
FAItm So
the 2nd co
farm of 100
when work
taking of a a
until the am
ati ab
in v
11 hou
es repast all enjoyed
Deichert ha
man Wellg
maker of t
some set of s
the recent B
this harness th
county, but ( n ace
he will no be
Deichert wil now
if the
r. Kers-
as pur-
ned. by
this, as
thy citi-
ere last
air and
will not
e damp
in this
eady on
pure !wed from Mr. Her -
the ell•known harness -
is vi lage, the very hand-
nglo anness exhibited at
ow, a d which took first
intended exhibiting
other shows in the
tint of having sold it
nable to do so. Mr.
be able to sport the
et of barness in the county.
G. J. Sirra ,RLAN , Conveyancer, Com,
missioner, ire nd Life Insurance
Agent, and I suer f Marriage Licenses.
Office at pos offiee, Henson. 877-3
A. R. SMI II, 13r ssels, is Belliag all -
wool FreneirCashmerd at 50 cents, regular price
75 cents, ladies 'loth et 60 per cent. bele; regu-
lar prices, 200 pairs kid gloves at 40 cen s, regu-
lar price SI, 1.) pairs I dies' hose at 34 cents,
regular price 50 cents, ten dozen silk andker-
chiefs at half p ice, fift en dozen men's f It hats
at half price, 2 dozen i en's and boys' ow ties
at 20 cents, reg lar pri o 85 cents, men' braces
At 30 cents, leg dar, pri 0 45 cents, woo shawls
25 per cent. e caper han any other store in
town, black an, colore vaveteens at 50 per
cont. less than! egular pi ices, Canadian all -wool
blankets at w olesale prices. black like the
regular price $ •60 be utiful gros grain t $1.15,
regular price.$1.75. '11 e above are a fe of the
lines A. R. Smith bougl t it the recent auction
sale in Toronto, and a 0 such decided bargains
that they will go off WI h a rush. 878-1
COUNCIL DOINGS.—Our Conn dl, are
going to sub it a by-law for tbe ote of
the ratepayers on October 27th to re-,
move the lie the , orporation have on?
the Ronald iroperty, giving him clear
title to do ith it as he pleases or the
paltry sum of $?.,000, being t e costs
itcurred la/ he Council in. the 1 w suit
that has bee pending for some time.
Our Council are surely acting ve y fool-
ishly now or have een for the p at five
payers are to decide, and it is to be
hoped that ey w 11 decide in such a
manner as t
favor of this
this ina.tter,
Army have
moved to t
church; whi
have a capt
few as ev
against the
is pot to be
to get the. c
etd., but th
of the huM
hence, DO d
he Army b
THE ,04
Western St
tenth anniv rsary on Friday by an en-
tertaininen in their hall, which will
doin s of the Lodge since
n will also be given. It was
September 29th, 1874, by
uty ertrand Master F. Low-
ed by ,Brethren from Goder-
—rare. J. McGill ho has
r some time, left t e other
home in Petrslia.
cession, has &Asp° d of his
acres to Mr St v neon, of
of the 2nd .concession, has
feria conta ns 100 acres ,ind
ably cheap Mr. Mills 1 !aye
short time for some part of
States, •
left here fir Brampton BODI
for the pur .ose of benefi tin
has return d home still isuff
the increa ed ravages of c,oa
Her case h s been for seine
less one an she irenow .aot
survive bey and a ouple of
vocal.music tea
organizing class in tin b i
house. Tile gentleman is r
and we have every reason to
will meet with success i4 thet
hood as there are a humb
people who will undoubtedly a
remark -
ere in a
e United
shot that they are not in
action Of the Connell in
AR4y.--The Salvation
eft the Town Hall arid have
e old Methodist Episcopal
.h they have turned into- a
Ve are nightly treated to a
n ithe streets, as We now
iu but the recruits are as
r. Beussels seems proof
nroad of the Army, and it
onde ed at as they claim
uvert out of the gutters,
re, are none of that species
n fa, ily in Brussels and
r Lod e will celebrate their
report cf th
its inetituti
instituted o
District De
rence, oasis
ich, Seafort
ter members were D.. McDonald, H.
Smote, P. Scott, John Nott and G-eofge
Rassell, al of whem, with one excep-
tion, are s 1 menibers. The Lodge has
paid out for sickb floats, $875 ; towards
the assistance of widows and orphans,
$200 ; burying th dead, $135, and have
now invested in cash, securities and
furniture, $ ,800, With a menabership in
good standi g of 80. So mur for the
PERSON s. -04r lawyers I have re-
turned fro the fall assizes 'and have
settled dow # to week again.—Mrs. Mc-
Cormack a $ d family have returned from
their visit t$ Londou,Detroit and Chico,
Leckie, for
week and
at the Cra
her husban
wlao first
blow but -a gennine fact, and ne which
beat before be content With being only
se ond best now. The maChine is a
te horse power.,
ton, who
time a„oo
er health
ing from
ime pro-
ected. to
er is now
k school
elieve he
✓ young
ail them-
w io has recently left t le employ of au
M chigan, returue from that city to
shwood this Week, v
n, where he will Bp
th hie sister. lie wi
freshen his Memory
• e days by a visit
his contemporary grad
• shwood friends will
e return of his Ennui
urs beneath the p
rtainly will be a so
Mr. Fried to rem
rna and attached fri
has had the plea
uainted during his s
olis of West Michiga
a, Elsie, Michi-
nd a few days
1 also remain a
, where be will
of pleasant col -
with' lieveral of
glad4 'welcome
g face and wish
e many happy
rental roof. It
mber the many
nds with whom
ure to become
ay at the metro -
St anl
ermid has eoid his te 11 known spring
olt to the Messrs. of the
o'unty of Lambton,efor $400. This
olt is four months old and is from the
imported mare which Mr. MeDermid
burchased from Meseta. McIutoeh and
oGregor, and was sired by a horse in
cotland. He is to! be kept for an
ntire horee,and will Yet be beard from
If no ill luck overtakes him. Mr. Mc-
ermid purchased. the mare 'for $800
nd now he has sold her first colt for
alf the purchase money.
hat Miss Jane Ann S
Nudrew Swan, Esq.. o
Ood off the first prizs
Oe Western Fair at L
The -prize is a haled
lued at $30. Aligs
re glad to learn
an, daughter of
Brucetield, car -
for lady rider at
ndon last week.
ome gold watch
wan is a very
racefal :rider andl an accomplished
orsewonaan and wen deserves the
onor she has worn The horse she
'de was a fine bleed. owned by liar.
ichased by him -some time • ago in
Iontreal. It' is a ery fine saddle
obt. Leckie, mother of 3.
erly of Brussels, died last
as bueied on the 24th inst..'
brook cemetery. She and '
wer 41 the old pioneers!
came into the township of
Grey area ewed a comfortable home
for themselves out cif the forest.—Jas.
Drewe has remosed to hie new stand'
and which is knoWn as the " Red Brick'
Shop." It is one of the best in town.—
A number of our citieens 'were ati
Goderich last wOle as witnesses -in the
case of Hay vs. Armetrong but Were not
called to give any evidence, they being
witnesses for ArMstrong.--LJanies Van.
stone, fornierlY of this place, but of
Illinoie fox the last 15 years, visiting
friends here.—W Armstreng has
will stay for some time.—A. L. Gibson,
County Warden, was in town on Mon-
Ba eld.
Oi SUNDAY NqT.—We are
to state that the Rev. A.
in the Bayfield, Goshen an
English churches on Sabbat next at
the usual hoars.1 collectio will be
taken at each setnee for the 15 rpose of
aiding in building a elm= for the
Indians. 1
Il preach
Mo risbank„
"lilt: from Prin e
Territory, tvheee
for the poet five
spend the kvinte
John Sue
ed here
arid her
the 5 Oa
she has been residing
e rs. She intends to.
Sur on Notes.
I Mr. Gabriel Elliott, of the Bayfield
Blue; Goderich towntlhip, has bought
—Mr. D. Adams, tailor, of Colborne,
r cently had the raisfuetune to fall down
stairs and injure hirriself so severely
that medical aid had -to be procured.
I —Miss Franees Elliott, daughter of
the Reeve of Goderic'h township, had
the misfortune eo have her shoulder
ti,isloeated threcritimes within two weeks.
i —The August make of cheese at the
Walton factory,' to the number of 400,
love been sold for shipment to the old
—Mr. Robert Sly hits leased the farm
f 127 acres, below,* to his father ou
t e Huron road, Hulett, for a term of
11°—"Marrs.`Adam- Bone ;of N'Vroxeter, has
e Russian sueflower which measures
6i inches in diametler. Some of the
1 aves measure '22 iucbes in length.
—Mr. H. W. Hall, barrister of Exe-
or, recently purchased frota Mr. Wm.
west ward, Usborne, is the
e, for the Bum of
dred acre farm in
—Mr. Henry Hotney, Councillor for
h5w-e,2130enOr .0
everal years past.
goose aged. 26 years, which
as hatched two broods every season for
—Mr. IrS,Dearis bee been elected to
Illie Winghem town ;council over Mr.
W. Kerr by a majority of four votes, to
ill the vacancy caused by the death of
he late James Johnst6n.
—Donald McLanchlin, salesman for
he Grey and Morris eheese factory,Sold
50 cheeses to T. Ballantyue, of Strat-
ord, at 11 3-16 cents per pound. They
—One day last week, fire broke out
in the swamp, near Stanlake's mills, and
estroyed about 80 corde of cordwood,
_die property of Mr. Samuel Essery, of
—At the Ind ustriail -...xhibition at Tor-
uto, Mr. Lachlan McNeil, of ran -
rook, took the first prize for the best
anadiambredk heavy draught stallion
—The barn of Mr. l'isher, of Colborne,
aii struck -by lightnitig on Monday of
ast week, but fortmeately no damage
as done other than the splintering of a
—A young son of Mr. Laurie, of' the
th concession of Hnllett, met with a
very painful accident a few days ago.
0 was playing with some other ehild-
en when he fell, breaking his right
thigh bone,
—The other day Mr. John Heywood,
of the 3rd concession of TJsborne, sold
to Messrs. Oke SE Davis ten head of
young steers at $72 per head, thus real -
lot. The animals
izing $720 for the
averaged 1,452' pounds each.
—Mr. Thos.'Agnein, of the 10th con-
cession of East Wawanosh, has sold
One of his spring colts for the eum of
$150 to an American purchaser. This
is a good figure for a sucking colt, but
he is well worth the money.
SociaL.—A so ia will be held in con.
Turnbell'e eche house, secti n No. 2,
Grey, on Tnesdd,y evening n xt. The
programine wil onsist of speeches,
readings, music, et . A splendid choir
will be in atteird nee. Tea will be
served at half pas seven.
HARD TO 13e.ts.—klessrs. George and
James Tait aed Joseph Campbell
threshed for Mr. jas. Doug as, lot 9,
concession 15, Gre , the Trod
acres, on Thnrsda of last we
short space of 5 hours. Dui
ce of 17
11, in the
g fifteen
minutes of the above time and when the
grain was bein taken f
bottom of a ra w, being
three feet below th floor, the
ed 61 bushels of oats. T
om the
two or
thresh -
is is no
OCTOBER 3, 1884.
nature of the indictm nts, being only ner, of :alhonsie, county Lanark, On-
some 5200. Martin's fther, of Luck- tario. he came to Canada with her
now, and his uncle, of oderieh, were family i 1828, was married on August
nrietes The (7town Attorney 3rd, 183, to Robert Leckie, who stir.
life s . I
vives heir, and:lived in the township of
Dalhousie, Lanark . county, until Octo-
ber, 1853, when they removed to the
townebip of Grey, Huron county, where
she has since resided on the farm on
which Phe died. She was the mother of
10 children, four sons and six danghtere,
of whom two sons end three daughters
survive her. The departed was a :kind.
hearted, generous body, who had a wel-
come for all, and was much respected in
the locality. _Tile funeral on 'Wednesday
afternoon was largely attended despite
the heavy rain. • Mr. Leckie and family
have the sympathy of the entire corn.
mpnity in.their sorrow.
—Robt. Alexander has gold his 80
acre farm on the 6th concession, Goder-
ich township, to his brotherJohn,_of
the 8th, for $4,500. This is an excellent
farm, and was sold below its real value,
but the ,late proprietor, who has been
living in Wiarton for Rom time, is anxi-
ons to speedily carry out his plans for
removal to British -Columbia, for which
place he starts in.s. few weeks.
will now endeavor to ,fi d Martin.
—The Wingbam ette suspended
publication last week o account of the
editor and foreman ha, ing been SIDX1-
assizes as witnesses the Martin case.
They should have let tbe devil biow the
bellows during the a Bence of the- other
important functionarie
—The Gorrie Ente prise says the
packed houses in G rrie, and a deep
feeling has been awakened. On Sunday
about 500 were in attendance at the
drill shed, where the meetin
held onitbat day. Th fort is now in
charge of two ladies w ose ear estness
is winning them m ny converts and
—Among the heavies prize takers in
the horse class at the Michigan State
Fair, just concluded at lialamazoo,were
John Avery, of Clint n Ontario, and.
David Fisher, of G -
the world.
—Mn S. P., Hails, the Goderich
high school, has rece ved six weeks'
leave of absence from t e truetees, and
will make experiment with Dr-. Han-
nael in blow pipe anal sit& and crystal-
ography at Faraday H 11, Cobourg. Mr.
Halls is already an ex ert chemist, a.nd
this course will, no onbt, materially
improve his knowledge of that interest-
ing and useful science.
—On Monday of last week, while Geo.
Disco/ and Thos. Ti 11, of Centralia,
were leavieg Thos. Es ery's, intending
to go to a pale, and ile Thomas Neil
was in the act of teppieg into the
baggy, caught bis fo t on the step, and
the horse made a sp in forward, dislo-
te the sale. Thoma as carried into
the house and suffer the most severe
pain up to the arriv a doctor. He
is doing as well as ca e expected.
—Henry , Marltoa, Ups well-known
dence.,, near the lig thouse. in that
town, on Monday Tiler ing of last week.
He had been afiliet. d for some time
past, ie-Ot bad progrees d quite favorably
mita it few days pre io s to his death,
when a relapse set i nd carried him
off. He was an bid ions and useful
his death takes
. member of society,
from the town a od citizen. His
-relatives have the a pthy of all who
Mr. Lawrence, the esteenied teacher
here, having expres ea a desire to quit
for a year, the trus ees have engaged
Mr. Thos. March n his place, who
enters on his duties with the new year.
ell liked and win
S were
derich. Huron
,in all parts of
Mr. Lawrence is
carry with him the good wishes of many
warm friends when he leaves. The
board have done wisely in securing Mr.
Murch as his succeesor, for he is an
experienced and able
assuredly give good sa
ea.cher, and win
—Mr. W. Cud's:lore of Tuckersmith,
who recently went to =don, England,
with over 100 head o cattle, returned
on Tuesday, acco ponied by Mr.
Hunter, who had gon over on a plea-
sure trip.1 Mr. Cud ore made good
passages both ways, but found the
English markets ve y dull and dis-
couraging,1 and affirms that cattle can
be sold to las good ad.vantage in Mon-
treal as they can in London or Liver-
pool. Messrs. Ballantyne Shillinglaw,
who shipped after he &lid, lost nearly 40
head on the voyage.
—The tfustees of s bool section No,
8, Hallett) have reengagedMr.McClinton;
taught in the school far 12 years, and of
course it Would be fony for the trustees
if they shOuld let him go now. Mr. W.
D. Lamb, who is at.present teaching in
school seetion No. 7, Hallett, has been.
engaged to teach a school near Port
Elgin for the ourre t -year, at a salary,
of $400, being an a vance of $55 on his
cessor in :Hallett will be, is not yet
—The Iist of cclinvictions made by
magistrates in. the ;county, for the last
quarter, ie the largest that has ever
been published for some time, being
double that of the preceding quarter,
and embracing 130 cases. In the dist
there are. only 13 drunks, a smaller
number than usual,1 while there are
about 30 cases of assaUlt, and 10 breach-
es of the license aet. Clinton this time
takes the lead with t e greatest number
of convictions, ther being 25 ; Blyth
and Goderich follow ith 16 each ; Sea -
forth had 15 ; Br ss Is and Exeter, 13 ;
each. „The arnon t the fines imposed
—A meeting of the Grey Towirship
Plowmen's Asso lotion was recently
held. There was a large attendance,
and the prospects ar that the match.
this yeariwill be ar head of any previ-
ous year. After c derable discussion
it was decided to rocure a medal to be
competed for, and aocordingly a com-
mittee, c nsisting of the President, Vice-
Presiden and Tr afener, were appoint-
ed to pro ure one. It was also decided
to have class for bus under 16 years
of age stubble ; to use any kind of
plow. After trausa ting other general
business the meeting adiourned to meet
again on Tuesday tEW Ding, October 2nd,
when the day on. wh ch the match will
be held will be defitaely set, and busi-
ness conhected therewith transacted.
—An important seesion of East Huron
District Temperance' Lodge was held
at Scarre Corners, in the township of
Howick, on Mondaylof last week. All
the Lodges gave encouraging reports.
After the election of officers the present
Scott Acit campaign was discussed, and
the Lodges placed t eir services in the
hands of Mr. J. D. mith, the township
Vice -President, Who organized a dis-
trict system of work for arranging meet-
ing% canvassing, collecting, etc., so that
the variOns parts of the toweehip may
be properly attended to. In the even-
ing Rev. Mr. Charlten delivered a pow-
erful lecture on the Scott Act in the
new Congregational church, which was
closely filled by e deeply iuterested
audience. It is likely that Scott Act
meetings will shortly be held throughout
the towuship, at w ich opposition sill
ruasels Post of last week
says : Ifi falls to our lot this week to
chronicle the demise of Mrs. Robert
Leckie, who died. bn Monday after a
brief il nese, aged 71 years, 7 Months.
She had; been failin gradually, so that
her death was not ltogether unexpect-
ed. The deceased was a native of
Oampsit, Lanarkshire, Schotland. and
second daughter of the late John G-ard-
recently returned frem a trip to Mus-
koka. He says that although there is
much rocky lakid, there are also some
good sections Mid expellent farms. He
brought a sample of corn, ripe and. well
filled, home with Lite.
—Mr. R. Henderslan, the well-known
turnkey of the county gaol, at Goderich,
has a pear tree in fall bloom. During
the dry season in .4ugust, the tree be-
came completely denuded of leaves, but
has again put forth oreen leaves, and is
full of delicate bloslsonis. It is a sight
very unconernon at this time of year.
—The Clinton -New Era of last week
says! Whatever map be thouglat of the
Salvation Army and theirmethods, this
must be said of thern—they draw large
houses, for every Sunday evening the
town hall is filled to its utmost capa-
city, a couple of hu4idred. being unable
to get in Sunday last. t
—It is reported that the now notori-
ous 0. G. Martindalias W.A.G-arland,
oharged with offering counterfeit money
for sale, has, to fanailiarly exprese it,
, " jumped his bail," or, in other words,
! he had not made an appearance, as re-
quired, at the assizes, and his bail was
estreated to the crown. We understand
that the amount fixed as bail was ridi-
culously low, coneildering the seriQue
Fall Shows.
East Wawanosh, at BeIgrave. October 14.
Turnberry, at Wingham, October 7 and 8.
Stephen and ITsborne, at Exeter, October 6 and 7,
Morris, at Blyth, October 16 and 16.
South Huron, at Seaforth, October 9 and 10.
Stanley, at Hayfield, Cotober 13 and 14.
Splendid Successl
And We are now
ready to apit every -
ho may eed anything in this
/leper ment.
Main Street, Seatorth.
both in can and bulk. Oysters served in all
styles. Parties requiring oysters for family use
by leaving their elders with me eau be supplied.
tha shortest notice.
Also a large stock of fresh confectionerY and
fruit always on hand.
Make a specialty of Cigars and Tobaccoes
and bleep none but the best brands on hand,
hich I can guarantee to. be first-class in OTery
respept, and invite lovers of the exhiliareting:
weed '::to give me a call, as I am sure thee' will
save inoney by doing so as I keep nothing but
first-elass goods on hand', and at reasonable prices,
qualify considered.
ReMember the place—Sign of tbe Lantern"
Main; street, direetly opposite Market street,
2‘ LT" sorts of repairs -of Agricultural TniPle*
I -I- ',remits, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill 'Work,
&c., doee with despatch.
We sell John Abell's Horse -power and Steam
Tina 'hers Saw Mill itigs, Stationary and Portable
En es, the " Victor" double Huller atd. Bird -
W also keep on hand repairs for all innenuw•
and ngines made by John Abell. ;
A azge stock of Plow Points, &c., rept oonatantr
All sorts of eastings done with despateln gra
Can replay you with any atticie in the trade 0L
the et, orfiest possible notice.
85426 FORT BR05. Wrozeter
Great crE
The Seafdrth
Change Hi,
To be dispos a .of
prices, and on east
lars' Worth are ne
opened out cilurin
Great reductions 5
&rade, in order te
1(empthorne by IC
This sale offers a
get supplied for f
dans reliablf go!
low prices.
We have al full
Caps, and can gin
Stiff Hat for 35-o„
Tittle is oreay4
time in disp sing,
Terms o OV
ever that a eon
with intereet at `'4
added, and to b
Butter mild E4
during this ;We.
I wish to retn
to all those who
Seaforth. - Alp
aker, is a read
tom depar men
attend -to al'il or
shoe eustomera
. grocery trade.
20 years. a
801111#3. trail4 an.
the public. Yo
property arid ta!
Br—owTuhwe alattilartre-'
Ring, win* st
England fer
the public Bebe
—The nine n
has been &Cid t
handsome SIMI
" first and Rix
at the Provin.d,
. oars were dena
Newt onville„
.2313_11r:1 „Ito
Power Fleitsli
Grattan, Renl
banging fromi
to Znglanel.
—Since the,
to the present
her SO, 5T2 sei
ber Jar the nal
and VO o
of ...ea,
jilt! 7:11984"eiede:ctai:11:
bias. Afttr