HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-10-03, Page 3,St 'bony come. rant to buy r StOr e and ot free. ne hundred node te› se - s things in fferentlinee, ads, Plaida„ tficent range es in Black ;atine• Otto - °me and see Ind Ordered in fun blest. nour order. Snatch and tga in Black, 'mice Pant. use the best feet fit every ir Day, and Grand Re- :3 OS . - 19t vs -s Goods, tathes. PAY YOU DRY, SEAPORTS, s. ;peoially for ly improve(' ton, and feel ; the best is RS on, light and IERS nd will will qeine made. recutting -satisfaction. o repainrig Grist Mills, g Machines,. repaired OTI aable rates. pit -Bridge west. Tato. RtiCation• iroplententfi A full 'DRY. APER E R MENT UNTY ii-ABLI#SH• rm. annoUncing that she bag, 'egtabilabOUV._, he Conaraeren" ide up la the - notiCa- SOO spectfullY Basirs Cadft • 810-4 OCTOBER 3, 1884. rate of a rant Young Man. enteeies Di Tux iirdtroxil ara.TB PRISON. WI curious, isn't it, Billy, The changes thst twelve months may bring? east year I waa at Saretoga. Ae happy and rich as a king - Ito raking in pools on the races, • And feebag the waiters with ten," Ana sippbag neint irdepit by twilight, And to -day I am here in the" Pen," aWhet lea me to do it ?" What always Leeds men to destruction and crinxe ? The prodigal Son, whom you'ee'read of, eass altered somewhat in his time. /legends his substance as freely jarthe biblical fellow'of old ; But when it is Rose he fancies The husks willtarn intagold- ohstapagne, a bex at the opera, High steps while fortune is flush, Toe passiouate kisses of women 'Whose cheeks have forgotten to blush - The old, old story, Billy, of pleasures that end in tearS, The froth thst foams, for an hour, Thedregs that are tasted for emirs. Lest night, as I sat here and pondered Ors the end Ofmy evirways,l, There arose like a phatitoru before me The vision of boyhood days. ' /thought of my ohl home, Billy, Of the eehoolhotare Meat stood on the hill, Of the brook thet flowed through the meadow -- I eatt &en hes.r its musk still. e‘esin I thought of ray mother, of the mother who taught me to pray, Whose lace was a preciuus treasure Thst. I heedleasly-east away, sior again in ray Th.i0118- The freelalipped careless boy To whom the fature was boundless, And the past but a mighty to. tin:night of all this as r sat here -- Of My ruined and wasted life And tb. e pangs o!.. -remorse were bitter - They pierced nr; heart like a knife. jttiks some cow. age, Billy, To laugh ij. ths f tee of fate, Wheri the yes ruing ambitious of manhood Are Masted at twenty-eight. • Istopped; but when it is considered how 1 1 many practical advantages may iesult edge the sentim ntal- nt Hoy aard will have the best wialies of sin title men, and an interested public the World over. Americans will hope, for Lu one check to hie success, and that is t at he may leave the pole itself for Lient na,nt Greely to reach when he desides . to make his'next voyage. .-4- Nothing to Io. _ When an individual eve he has atoth- ing to do, it is a sympton that he is afflicted with a moat tertible dieease, and one that, if not promptly checked, will increase in a geometrical ratiI:tto a ) fatal termination. One .hour a , day passed with " nothing to do," r, in other words in idlenesit, will soln in- crease to hours, and before the victim has become aware of hiendangeroun con- jii dition he sees nothing to do 'all the while. • Gaieties. - --A naughty boy said to his mother: "You see, ma, you're always telling me to behave as well to thefamily as 1 do to company, but why don't you beha.ve the same to me as you do to companio and ask me te have another piece of pie?" • -is Tnere are lots of men in the country who ought to be in the same condition that this gate is in," said te farmer, as he shut it behind a lightniog‘ rod peddler. " How is that ?" 1 “ Wall Mine said the farmer, as he resumed agricultural pursuits. - ant In our country," said the Eaglisia man, as he leaned back in his chair, 4t before we marry we arrange to settle a certain sum upon the wife." “ Yea,II know," replid the American, " but with ns it is different. It is after we are married that we setae everything (tn the wife and arrange to beat our credit- ors," " Haw I I see. And how do the creditors take it ?" " They never find anything to take." -A. little Brantford boy had his IO g curia cut off the other day and- ve s annoyingly reminded of the fact by the remarks of ell his friends. To his de- light he escaped them by going with Ilia family into the country. Soon after his arrival, however, he came running halt° the house in great sorrow,crying, " MaM- Ma, mamma, even the hens laugh at me; they all say, ' Out- cut -cat -got -your - hair -cu t: " • -A Scotch farmer was greatly e -x r- cised regarding the safety of his hay °rep. The weather, though often thre t- enth., favored hia efforts till he s e- eeeded in getting it safely gathered in, being in this respect more fortunate t1aa,n1 several of his Ineighbors. After seeing the last whisp of straw Med round his stacks, he exclaimed, With, a seinsatisfied air: " Noo sin! I h an) gotten my hay safely in, I think the warld would be greatly the better o' a glid. shower." -" Mato nea,"eada a tittle boy." Iwish I lived iu South Africa." " Why, My Son ?"-“ BeGatiBEr the mammas down there den% wear slippers, you know." "Yes, my son, but you must also re- member thet the little boys don't vvear any pants either."-" That's so," .said the boy : ° it's queer I never thought anything about that." -At some of the Western fairs this year a “ great secret" is sold in sealed envelopes at ten, cents apiece. The fol- lowing is the secret: "Never buy an article before examining it. If you had known this before, you would not bave paid ten cents for a worthless envelope when_ you couldhave got a dozert good ones for the Same price." -An American traveling in the lligh- lands, tired and thirsty, Came suddenly upon a, little ahooting-box. The intense- ly proud Scotch proprietor stood at the gate and regarded the intruding for- eigner without sign of hoapitality. The American, taking a leisurely look at the grounds, said, "do you belong to the place ?" " No, air, in a Burly manner, "the place belongs to me." "Well, you are a poorer cuss than I thought, if you own this location," was the answer. • -- Ar ctio E.plior ation. The summer of 1885 is to be marked by the departare of a Danish party of hardy explorers searching for distinction inside the 80th parallel of north lati- tude. There leader willibe Lieutenant Hovgaard, who accompanied Nordensk- jold in tile Vega -'s voyage through the northeast passage. Animated by the success Of the greely party,and convinc- ed that chances favor approach to the pole from ita Russian side, Lieutenant Hovetaard proposes to leave Denmark in season to traverse -the west and north coasts of Norway, and reaeh Franz - Joseph Lend as early in July as pos- Bible. From the North Cape his direc- tion will be northwest, Spitzbergen being on his left, Nova Zombie, on his right, and Franz Joseph Land, with all it' surrounding- islands, before him. • It is his belief that. if an early foothold can be gained on Franz -Joseph Land, and the minor . conditions are found favorable, nothinennow forseen can pre- vent him froni reaching a higher lati- tude, and seeing more of Franz -Joseph Laed ti an any previous explorer. Reeent cruiees in this quarter have in- duced the belief that the coasts of Fra -...z Joseph Land curve eastward for hundreds of miles towards the north- east cape, and if this point can be set- tled, and the direction of °orients - in this quarter determined with accuraoy, Lieutenant Hovgaard will have accom- plished all that his Government can ask cf him for one summer's voyage. The early renewal of arctic expleration confirms the enlightened opinion of those who count the success of expedi- tions like that on Greely as of vastly more importance than the losses. Were the search merely to gratify curiosity and enable map makers to fill the blank Space around the lonely words "north none" there would be some eXOUSE3 for Le demand that 4.aotic voyages be from a thorough know North, all excuse for such ity is removed. Lienten We have heard of cle s in tores complaining that they had, nothing to do. At the same time thq eheivee were undusted, the floor was eovered with litter, the butter box was filthr, the goods were badly arranged on, the shelves and the cellar as full of refuse. And yet the clerks had nothing to We have bea-rd of proprietors of saying they -had nothing to do - was no business doing. At the time the books were not posted ap to date, there were numerous &cools due and uncollected, the i3toeks neede sort- ingup,the delivery wa,gon,neededr pairs, and the clerks were in want ofl some do. tores there same good advice. And yet there was n to do. It is a bad day for a business when he comes to the conclusio he has nothing to do, for it is certain that the conclusion is a one. Reasoning from this wrong there is no telling what dis results may follow. Idle habits terrible drawback to any one. should. be promptly sat upon. T plenty of work to do for ever Nothing to do is a snare and a de Away with the plea. -St. Louis A Nephew of a Canadian Divine Wanted_ for Enaleezal. g •$1,500. thing Wan I a t Imost wrong basis, stroue are a They ere is one. esion. moan Massey Geddes was arrested in go the other day by the Mooney land Detective Agency. He is at Orillis„ Ontario, for embezzl Geddes is a Canadian, about 35 y age. - About March 16, 1882, was appointed station -master at Orillia, by. :the Midland Railroad. Co' pany, - from Which he received a *Hilary of $1,000 ! a year. He acted as iF ticket' hie& Bor- anted ment. ars of eddes libtle apart ,from the last water only, the cradle alive last tub, so that the water m tween the sheets to clean away all trace of the acid ; up again the plates are cies is silver. • The plates are next subj (tont a ving y rus s 01 hen t and b oted THE HUR� XPOSIT° ning s 4n be - ash ken igiat to, a. bright red heat, which lasts from t (Ate to twenty-four hours, in otos d iro iap- pealing pota in a reverberat • ry fur ace; they are Well covered on the top 10p e- vent the plates from being burnt t heat is kept as high as it c a be out softening them to such deter to cause them to stick so- f;at t as to prevent their separ don cold. They next pass singly t Ils, three, four, or more ti deemed requisite. Thee tghly polished, and must b rate order to give the plat fiat aet and well polls gain they are annealed. or lower temperature than t toeir surface would be d ing in any degree stuo ickled again, as before, exo e liquid is considerably eviously, placed in cast tir c utaining clean water ren 8 ream constantly flawing t ey are then taken in hand s oured if necessary withea n pads before being neli man. Next comes the last pr eets are iron only so far. ach the tin house, and ar ough containing clear r the tinma,n, as he is en picks them up and ingly in a grease pan omit - 1, to soak, and after being ort time, till tinmap plac a large iron pot contain in, with a covtaing of pal unites with he tin, to w a agent for the Grand Teunk Railroad, receiving a comraissionefrom the porn - Peaty. Last Noverabeir the auditor of the Midland road discovered thiiit Ged- des was over $900 short in his aeeounts, and about the same time a defieliency of 4,600 was discovered in his Grand Trunk account, Prior to this the London Guarantee and Accident Comparty had indorsed Geddee' bond to each of the companies for $1,500: No sooner waa a demand made for the $1.50d than Geddes fled, He was traced to Hunting- ton, Indiana, where for the past two o three months he has hen a ting a station agent or the Chicago it .Road. He came to Cbicage to t 801318 business at the general the company, where he vas arr Geddes has been living at H tingto under his real name. He cones of • very excellent Canadian fami1y1 Deer Geddes, the well linowEjpiscopa . A le o he r. H --H venu awai pers tlanti -ansac ffice o ted. divine, being a near relativ ing wife and two bright lit been nearly prostrated at of their husband and fah brother living in Chicag Geddes, of 1,126 G-enesee priscner is now in jail &rival of the extradition p charm, es hav? isgrace e has a .nry L. . Th ing the Making Tin Pittes The followiug is the, process Dyffeyn, Tin Plate works, M Swansea, Wales : • • , In the first place we have termed bar iron, several feOt ion seven inches wide, and from one five-eighths of- an inch fn ,thlicknes tolled according to the pletes fequire at so many pounds per foot. I is cut in what may be termed a jack in th at th rrieton, 'hat ,i , abon -half t 1 .1 box or steam shear, 'say about pounds, to.a piece which will ev be rolled into sixteen sheets o ineb.ea long by fourteen inch' 112 of such sheets forming a weighing when tinned near • pounds. This piece of iron is first pia reverberatory fernace, heated ness, put through the 'chilled r rolled in what is termed tbi Mines, reheated and rolled in twice; doubled, reheated, an three times, doubled, reheat inetee ntuall twent a wide, ox, at y 100 , • • ed tin' to redl- lls, p,n4 ks 'five single' rolle d, an rolled twice; doubled, reheated, an rolled in eighths twice, until t stretched out to the required le thickness. The length of the ceeds by about one inch, the the sheet to be made, so as to -the shearing process, and the therefore rolled with AB axis pa that of the rolls. Great atte necessary in the construotion ageraent of the mill furnaces, the heatieg of, the bar and s rolling may be affected wit:li th regularity, and without thef of scale on the surface of the sheets; for when scaling tak from the draught in the furna too keen or the heat raised too quality of the iron is injured; t if subnegnently rolled into t leaves a rough surface en the the after process of .separat piekling. Tire plates are then and the rough edges taken o iron of nineteen pounds or -the makes sixteen sheets, which, b in halves, leaves eigbt Sheets closely wedged. Girls with s hatchets Open or separate the are termed black plate. , From of boa iron about ,67q Pounds plaile is made ;. the loss ia term ings, and is worked. up again forge fineries. The plates are be pickled, i, e., immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, known as vitriol. The plates are placed in a reception,nifted by a hydra dropped. into a round wooden tank containing the acid; the then made to revolve by means steam power, to enable the liquid • • • • ey ELT 'oh an ar en- idth of Hoyt for bak js allel t den t dl man- ia that eat folr atm° rmatio bars or place e !beim igh,th e ecal ei iro lates it an area .1 Th eabouts ing cult a piece. iro • .The o e to f blac d • in th,e ext to eaten oil 41 li 11 • radle lie, the or lea radle rush between the sheets, -whiz tion is retained. They are lift by the hydraulic, dropped into revol d agann a tub, a I rong affinity ; • is part the pi e next man; it contains hey have soa 'cases thane wi he requires aces of bottle fter dipping ontaining m when he hit tes are han ailed a wash ure molteu ed, in his pot h a tongs o them, brush des of eacie them into ' ten tin aga ent through rolls which w ot containing palm 011, a t which the rolls moye r nantity Of tin to be pot on 'hey. are afterward raise olls (u der which they,ha ug) by iyoutti called a ., o two oung women who in or 1002LeE Containing. br he other, which takes off notherl girl, Called a duste f arth akes t very -p ilp to t eation. ordeal, lthoy are counte and made up into !poke A.meritn. , f • gow to Rear eila • Treat them kinaly. Don't preaoh politeness to then e and violate their 1 In other Words, let theeixa them lie a good one. ' Never quarrel in their you went to quarrel wa Children have gone to bed will not see you, and per u may not want to r speak flippantly ehildren. They m rs children and about it. Teach them to think-th rags Inis a heart in him in rags -and a stomach, too. Teach them as they gro eatable demeanor one of voice, it kin a generous nature, an h and an inthistriaus min than anythillig else on e them these 1things, and and intelligence and c come of themselves. Tea things I say, and your will,gilow rip to be no WOMOD. : Ages lof Men Before . - Charles S.:Bryant, of S cornrannication in the Feb ✓ po1ifh with a ski em to ithe asserting ate passes inspecti e mark is sent bac After passing t t time ye Neve before peighb a reap gentle the Po e off hat th pular Science Mont ra smite consider ere was no real des he ages of the patriarchs ater times. He says tits, n the tranelatiou of r8 has led to all ay, and ingists, on 1 • • • rror i umbe, ispar -L-Genesis vi. 3, that' the ntediluvian was not t ears. That passage read aid, My spirit sha with man, for tha et his days sh 11 b ord trive esh, nd twenty years." ribes the errors, in tIie a the bi le, to the imprpper concrete nuraerels byl th e s ys that Genesis v. ende ed, " 'Adam lived a thirty year and begat a s that if this Cerse had bee the fif h is in the authori would. read bus: "Adam hundr d years and b gat " shocked the consci nce ian translator, and h was true rale of the Hebr w concrete nttmerals." In the authorised vrsiol rea tne days that Adath liv undred. and thirty y ars, The true reading by t e r says, would be, An all Adam whicb he lived wei ears, and thirty and nine died," making the en ire 139 yearsinstead .o 93 Bryant farther says- ti at the -svriting of Genes the no means of writinebnine any ouraber hu dre withoet repetition or ire -A Zurich corres ond following business tree ftouriehing village. her One flax mill, one ta ner mill, One grist mill, ine (me pint shop, tvvo harms blacksmith shops, or.e c four general stores; three establishments, two of the the country , one pump photoaraph gallery, one te two daily mails, a tri -we Seaforth, two livery sta and stove emporium, a m niture stores, one pcater shops ene bakery, cant u bake thop, a division co last bat not neaat, a van. 1. Ten es rol set 88. ed s soft 0. 1115 to pti eake n WO thr sing d an ared • cese The pia ,rtmer, pate inin the d th ng oil ich pe ed man ti a to s t sh not • rk tat oula. eao e be ser, ub the , giv dn roo n, a f0 rou nd • ldr nd ws pi reel t u aps ua ave litt spit to - di •est , ar rth eel • abi h- t ys he . P uar ly, ion rit and a -v th he ag • it 8 th r hen cold my t4re o- fe a- te e. d at t, las e her. that thlln ug las b a. • C he xt a. dy ho hum am e fo a heet olten Here ita a ✓ t nibesdoe • atter e, he • hob e sur- e , and ✓ pot are large speed the heet. the pass - h nded m in atter ease; t rt, 4m 0.end where if not atetifi- that i hed en ific 1 priety urself. ou set e. If il the they y that 1. ghbors t the talk • e boy in 3 of the ✓ that hers, a sition, nrpose better Teach eliance y, will these d girls n- and • II REAL ESTAT FOR SALE. . r TWO FARMS IN MORIIS FOR SALE. -For 'IL sale, cheap, twc impr ved farms on tbe 5th Concession of Mor Is. One within 2 miles of Brussels and the otTr. h If a mile. Eac 100 acres, and good buil ings. For particulars pply to GEORGE ARMS OW•1N , Brussels, 68 VARY( FOR SALE -Fo • ei n 2, East Wit knosb perty will be sold t is. t-11 U) an estate. It ace gists o side, Lot 34, Centres- . This di sirable pre- mier, in order to close 200 acres of land, about 145 go e,:, cleared ; good faryn uild- f c oice ings and °reheat. r pa ticulers apply t W. (, We FARRA.N, Clinto P. 65 rer ACRE FARM tOR I " lot 30, and no-th ha 31, con\iession MoKillop • aLE.-North lf of north half bit lot • - Most of this land is seeded, and in excelent condition for meadow or pasture. For f Alter particulars applly to ANDREW GOVEN OCK, lathrop P. 0. 19 tf WARM FOR SALE -A- sale his farm o eessiou 4, H. II. aeres cleared, brick or chard, &e., well w cultivetion. About ltllroe Seaforth. Terms, $a000 suit purchaser. Jeans ville le, 0. • la OUSE FOR 8s de& property on Jo in Str to St. Thomas chuich pi The e six hen. -Th 100 T hou tered oupied by Mr. Boole tion, first-class cella roam and a good kit hard and soft water, la ne necessaries completh. apply to the proprio or. FOR SA E I parts Of Lots 8 and t ining 112 sores; 60 aor dr is good hardwood bee w tared with a never faili oii thcepremisee. Frame house and a igood young td churches and schools, Jinni Blyth and 10 'from particulars apply to WA on the South part of sili borough P. O. subscriber offe s for CLOS, being Lot 7 Con- ekersmith. Abo t 95 e, frame outtbuil in, and in a good at te of ilts from the to vu of down, and balance to . ELLIOIT, Egmond- or eale, that d8c714r-tabf le et, Seaforth,nex door vantage, and n w oc- e thrgood etone founds - ed velms,parlor,ining Also a largo woo, shed, stela. and all- other or fui titer particulars ,R )SS, Sesfort . 830 IITILLETT. orth 5, Concession 18, con- e eared; the r main- . Soil, clay los , well g spring creek rising barn and stabl s, log rohard. It is cony nient nd is situated 4 miles Clinton. Er urther ER CUNNTNHAl4�, lots, or to notaries - 1799 VARMS AIR, SALE .0 TO RENT. -T e sub- 4- scriber offers for sal on to rent, lots9 and 20, 1st ooncession of Tuc -ersmith, comet mg of . . 100 acres each, about a 1 tile west of Se forth. Good frame house on one farm, with or heeds, ins on both. Will be it ' net separately. If crne-third dew*, and On mortgage; I WM. •81;73 lood• , has a issue of ni which - t4 show etween ose of slight ebrew parent thority of the ed 120 nd the nolt always h also is an rndred B y nt as- s an dven in ren trine of • tr n slators. is roperly 1,111) ed and ; but tra s ated as d v sion, it liv thirty son ' This f t e Christ- dri e to the esi ases of he verse s, nd all re nine 'ndihb died." Bryant lays �f a. undred yegs,and he gep Adam ye r . Mr. th date of He ws had htiji red, or s ab.ve one, 1ot tion. I Int ory ar on lan S rri oot bes fa egr kly les, dioc , t der rt fes that G says: g mill, ps, two shop, d shoe °tele in ry, one office, tage to ne tin wo far - cooper a er, One ce, and barns, add usual outbuil- rented or sold en bloc, b sold purchaeor may pa the bairn ce can rental FOWLER. BUI f DING LOTS F signtd has a nunib ing lots for Bale cbe a qua' ter ohm ae,e each and convcsieot to the bt and are well adapted for farmers, or °there desirit place of residence. Di41 vine. R sALN.-The 'under - r of very eligible build - p. These lots entail' , are pleasantly s tuated siiejess part of the illage, h resideuees of tetired g L pleasant an quiet L CLARK, It mond_ 877-tt ARM IN' TUCKERS taining 100 acres, b concession, H. 11: S., Tuck in a good state of cultiv tirn.Thboeureasr,e premises 2 good fm lae barn and a bank barn. re are two ire Ing. springs,' cenvenieut y isitueted. and orehard. Said farm is ittlateci one and miles from Seetorth au adjoining the v Egmoedville, on the Kip ea Gravel road., easy. Poseeseion at on . 'Apiary on the or to JOHN MeMIlltRA - ' s'et,OOD FARM FOR 8 '-Huron Road, McKil about 85 acres cleared, drained ilnd free froin pas u re and bush. buildings and a good o of good weter. It is sit within a and a half of the best farms in the on re9sonable terms, as th of ill health, wantore mises, or to Seaforth ARDSON ,Proprieter. ITH FOR SALE. -Con- ing Lot 11, in the 4th rsmith, ele 'red and on the we1ing se small er fail • a good a hall lege of Terme remises 77-tf • "FARM FOR SALE, L • . Township of GI ey, c acres cleated and in a roc the balance is wed tim ered. There is on the promises a good frame ir,use, log barn and frame stables, also a good b tiring °related. It is 2 mi es from Ethel Stafion on• the Great Western the village of Cranbrook Is. For ternis and further ENTINE FOERSTER, )877-13 LE. -For Sale, it 34, op, containiug 100 acres, l well fencsd, well under- tumps. 3 Le balance is There are goo franle chard. There is plenty ated on the Hurn Road of Seaforth. It is one Istria, and will be sold he, proprietor, on iccount1 ire. Apply on tie pre-_ . WALTER RICH - •877x4 fr The Key Note Sounded. CHEAP GROCERIES AT M. A. OHARLESWQRTH S, SMA.POIVT-1-1. TEAS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Just arrived another large consignment of those c.elebrated Te s, consisting of o oyune Young Hysota Ping Quey Young Hyson, Congous, Packijng Cavils, Sonchoogs, Japans Japan Pekoe, Japan Dust, Gunpowders and 4ssams. We are still moving large quantitiei of our excellent Teas at small mar'gins, and are givi g universal satisfactiion to the public. We make it a point to guarantee our teas to have ne flavor and good draw- ing • nalities. Whether nurohasing or not, buyers are respectfully requested to call andtexamine our stook of Teas and prices. NOW is the season for STJGARS, and we keep a fu1 lirie from the cheapest - gra e tothe best in the market. -We handle nothing but pure Sugars. We have extra value in Demijohn French Vinegars and Crystal Pickling Vin gara. We have also a comPlete stock of General Grocerie , and the public can rely on etting the beat value in the market. We have done a good business sinoe starting here, 4nd are in Jgood spirits, all appreciate the oonfinenee and patronage of the colrnmunitty. lPhankfnl for the past patronage, and asking a continuance of the same, I am, reslaectfally, M. A. CHARLESW9aii. -COPYRIGHTED NOVEMBER 2 t 20, Conees. ion 12, ntaining i0 deres, 60 d stet() ef cultivation ; Railway, one mile from and 6 miles from Brnss peetieulars apply td VA Cr Orrick P. 0 ,Ont. V TIM FOR SALE is about, to retire fre off eta his farm for ,ale th township of Turn be of ! \Ingham, and con elenred and in a good es ceder told baler auk bat n 5x60 ood -bearing ce char ere& Terms easy. the Advance cam, AC a at A .rare °hence. Being u fermi ig. the p •prietor reep. It is alt ated in y adjoining the t wn plot al+ 100 acres, tt acres tate of cultivatio ; three • hardwood. T ere is on, ti e • premia also , and the plac is well Apply To JAS. FLEUTY, lugham. 877-tf SPLENDID B SINESS CHAINCE. s or sale his Bliasmitn establishment in the vil- ols and iderable he undersigned offe in r and Wagon makin la e of Eg-motalville, tigether with the t go.d-will of the busi est; also a con stilak of non and lumber. There are t o large shlops, °tie for blacksmIthing and the ether for w d -working. There are three fires' in the bl Itsmitb ehop. Thi e is in the centre f ono of th best agricultural districts in Cana btisiness has been established thirty yea. good man with some eiltpital eau m fast. The best reasons given for sellin , on the pi emises or address Egmondvil ROBERT F.ULTON. 848 a. The s and a money . Apply P. 0. ' , ROYAL MAI A. STRONG, $eaforth, gent. STEAM HIPS. GREAT REDUCTION IN PASSAGE ATES: 1 Cabin rates from gibe° to Liverpool nd Lon- donderry, $60; $70 an $80. Return, $ 10 ; $136 and $150. . Intermedia pool- Londonderry and Glasgow, 335.00 ; Return, $70.00. Steerage -Qu ewe ,to Liverpoo i Derry; unesbt oe Ney , 0 Bristol Li y e r - nstown, feint: tomQ' Glasgow, London, Be and Cardiff, 5.3. Fre Liverpool, Qae Londonderry, Belfast, ondon, Bristbl to Qaebee, $19. Cardiff Money Loaned and] Real Eastate Bought and Sold as Usual. • INSU ANCE. I represent severer° the best Insuraece Com- panies -in the world red -Office -Market S reet, Seaforth. • . 862 , A. STRONG. • ANCHOR LINE. U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIPS Sail from Pier 20 Nlorth River, New York, . Every St4turklay, 1 or • GLASGOW VIA. LONDONDERRY. BATES 0 PASSAGE TO GLASG OW, DER1 Y, BELFAST OR LIVER POOL, CABIN, $4O to $S0. STIOOND CABIN, $441. STEERAGE, OUT- WARD, $2 S. PREPAID, $Uall. Anchor Line Drafts limed tt lowest rates are paid free of eharge in England, beotland and Ireland. For passage, Cabin Plans, Book of Tenn; &c., apply to REC,=usori,i) BROTIIEB.S, 7 BOWLINGGREEN, NEW' YORK, r to S. DICKS N, Post Office, Seatorth. 832 SEAFORill WOOLLEN ILLS. a BEG to iuform t -1' manufacturing or to the entire Idestructi compel ed t call on ment of your1 ccouuts as th closed. I hope a s cond apfleal-will 839 1 A G ose ihdebted tc me for ook accounts, tbltt owing n of my roill by fire, I am ou for e prom t settle - books must be 40,00 of WILD a d IMPBOVED along the hhte of the P. H. Senilac and Iluron Counties, from $6 per ore upwards. Go soil, climate ' &c. Filee Guid Rates to sho4 the la ds. full particul rs to W. W. JON Port Huron, Michigan, general see Lands ot be ±tecersary VANEGMOND. RES ANDS, for ,sale, & N. W. R. R., in rilichigaif. Prices d watere markets, s and Excursion rite for lists and al; 26 trfilitary St., agent 10T Tennes- • 868x18 In order to protect ourselves, as well as tions of our great Cough Remedy, we have the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, 1883. the public, from worthless imita• registered the name in the office of LUIVISDEN & WILSON S ROYAL GLYCERATED BALSAM F FIR. • Those suffering from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, &co who aye not yet been induced to try this preparation, should do so at once, as the ositive state- ments of the most respeetable men in the country, and the great demand from • all over the Province, prove beyond a doubt that it °ordains virtu spossessed by no other remedy. When once used it is always adopted as the standard. Cough Remedy in the household. Children like it. It is perfectly sa apart altogether from ite superiority, it is cheaper than any other sideration deter you froen trying it at once. If your dealer has no procure it for you withoat muele trouble, by addressing the manufa LUN1SDEN 4, WILSON, dHEMISTS AND DRUGGITS, SEAFORTH, ONT. a to use, and Let no con - ti got it, he can cturers, MONEY AND FUEL SAVED BY PURCHASING REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. vain! FOR ,SALEa.--For sale a hum containing 95 acres , lacing composed of lot No. 2, in the 91h conei salon of the township of Grey, in the county of Harem, meetly cleared and Dee from stumps. There is a beak barn 64x64 ; a brick inrm ate d village of Israssele. For house and two 'rod wells. The above property adjoins the inep further partielleas apply to D. DOBSON, on the prat:0_11r, or Bruesels P. 0, 857 T_TO'USE POt SALE OR TO BENT. -For -LA' salt. or t rent, a dwelling house Bad lot, seuth of the railway track, adjoining the toWn of Seaforth. • There is tia ee quartets of an, acre -of land, all well fi nccd ; also a good orchard on it. 1 he house is c mmodious and comfortable, with a good c• Bar a id woodshed ; also hard and seft -water conveeieut. Will be eoid cheap. Apply won. Tth. AemprE;n4-113..es to the Ondersigned. MRS. , 1355 FBMAFOR E -The a di bscriber dieter 1r ;17. ---'' Al sale, his f rm of 100 Rene, b ing Lot 13, Concession'/h, t a redo 5ail, clOillop, about 5S miles from Seft- ohalf aanile frem Beechwood 'post office and stor , good gravel eoad lessees the door. Abou LAO acre cleared, remaindergood hardwood bush. Good 1 freme holm, stab.e, barns, and usual outbuildings; spring creek through the eentre of the farm. Go d healing orchard and land under fair cul ivation. Will be sold 'cheap, and on reasonable terms. WILLIAM BEIDY, • Beechwood PAO- 'VARA' IN McKILLOP FOR SALE.-The-otnith -1- 50 acres cif lot 20, eenceSsion IS, 46 acres of which are eleIned, free from stumps and .weil onder de:tined'. No better land in the county. Is sitabted al hut h.01 way between Seaforth and Brussels. It its' well feneed. ' There ts a log home and a -good f ame barn and frame stable and shed aud a good orchard planted with apple, pl. na, pear an 1 cherry trees in good bearing order. It is one and tquerter miles east from LeadburY. Apply2, 310 yto110ERT MeMILLAN, I ot 83, cCon- ' llop, or to Br>, x 1E5, Seaforth P. 0. 834 lt'heRADIANT HOME Base Burner. he RADIANT HOME Double Heater, the only double heater that h0 proved • a positive success. • he RADIANT HOME' and SHINING STAR CpalH Stoves, with oven are the leading Parlor Cool Cooks. The RADIANTHOME Square Ba Burn- - er is pronounced the favorit square • stove in the market. , THE DUPLEX GAT, I hich is supplied in all thel" Radiant Home" and " Shining tar" stoves, is t e most successful grlte evPr made. The mannfac rers hav received over 1 ,000 testimonials as o its feel saving properties, it s the bes . The largest a d finest line of Cooking and heating stove e in town. My priee4 will be found t e lowest for cash, and my terms of credit the most liberal. 1 an always pleas- ed to see new customers at any time, taking as good are of old friends as pos- sible. Call -No trouble to show goods at MRS JOHN HARt;WARE AND STOVE HOUSE DD'S SEAFORTH. 1 V 0 URRAH FOR THE SCOTT VICTORY IS SURE. nd so is the Medical' Hall sure satisfactibn iri URE DRUGS I; CHEMICALS AND-OATENT M ACT to give EDICINES. • Dancan's Epizootic and Condition PoWders'haini no equal, and don't you rget it. The Medical Hall is the place to, secure geod value for your money, uncan's Extra,et of Red Clover, as a blood purifier, nannot be surpassed, by any hers. Duncan's Cough Syrup is a blessing to man here it is kept; every house should secure a brittle • Coughs or Coins. nid ; a cough cannot stay and have it at hand in case C. DUNGAN, SUCCESSOR ext Door to Dancari DIINICall'S Dry Goods Store, ..• FABM FOR SALE. -North half of let 29, con- cession 8 Morris, containing- 100 am s, 40 of which are ele ed and nearly free from stemps. tr There are on be premises a good it g house and frame Stehle, wo never failing wells and an ex- cellent mchafel of almost two hundred fruit trees, all bearing. The farm is conve.dently situated, being only two and a hall miles from Brussels and shirteen from Seaforth. For fur- ther particulars apply to F. S. SCOTT, Brussels, or to RICHA eri LEES. Laudsa.y. 841 VARISI IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE. - A: For sale lot24, concession 3. IL B. S. Tuck- ersinith, contaniu g 100 acres, 85 of which ate cleared; the mutate:ler is bar dwood bush. There is a good bri k house and frame outbuildings. There is a sp sudid orchard andapieney of water. It is convenicnt to school and church, It is with- in five miles let aeaf. ath and six of Clinton, with good gravel rite& leading tt• both plates. For further partitulets apply on the inmates or to Seaforth P. • t. ROBERT MeVE I X. • 851 1.4aA.RM IN eKILLoP Pita SALE.—For saki -3-- on reas ii•b;e terms, lot 12, coneeseion 4, c Melfillop, =ce tattling IVO acres, of which about 85 are cleared, well andet-drained, well leaced and in a good stste of cultivation. Thole is :a small orchaid and plet,ty of good water. There is a spring creek earning through the place. Also good flame buildi gs. COnvenient to schools laid post offitie, and within five miles of Seeforth, with a good ravel road ail the way. For further pariiculaas aopb to the proprietor on lot 13, concession 6; or to Beeehwdod. P. 0. ROBERT McKERAOHER. 861) - -- I -RAM IN ITUCKERSMITII FOR SALE. -For -1: Sale, cheap, the McCartney farm, on the Mill Read, Tucketenntb, containing 125 acree, about ' 65 of ',Odell tire cleared, underdrained, wed fenced and in a 11,4 elass ata e of cultiva. ion. The balance is !splendid paeture lend. There is a la biielt house rel. new baek.barn with stone stab- ling tandem ath, also a good mehard and plenty of water, and ie within half a mile of a scheol: ' This farm ie beautifully Situated, amid es . within two miles of the village of Brucetieltleind lot:undies from Seaforth, and will be :sold cheap as the pro- prietor has gone to Kansas. Apply to A.STIIONG, Land Agent, Seaforth, or to WM_ SCOTT, Bruce - fie d. -869-tf V‘ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the east half of -1= lot 7, 0013Cer81011 32. Pnllet conteiniug 60 acres about 40 of *which toe eleered, well fenced, frce notes, stumps and le a high state of eultiva- Um]. 3 here is e good frame ber», two orchards, and a never failing spring eeeek running through the place. Is within 9. qu,srter of a mile of a school mid is convenient, to markete, &e. A good glave. toad running past the place. For further particulate address Harlock P. 0 , or apply on lot 6, concession 12, Hullett. THOS. AMOS Proprietor. 861 "ARM FOR SaLe.„-Containiag i.oe acres, Ise- ing composed of west half of Lot 11, iu the 6th concession, and wet bill of Lot 11,in the 5th conceesion of Hullett ; 50 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation ; balance well tim- bered -wit)] pine, black ah, ami cedar. There is a frame house, frame barn and stables; good well and orchard; situeted it miles iron the vil- lage of Kinburn, 7 from Clinton, tool 8 irom Sea - faith. Possession zgiven to do fell work; terms easy. Appiy ou the premiers or address to Con- stance P. o. MRS. G. PETRIE. 8;6 TAT:LIABLE FARM PROPERTY FOB SALE. Y -1 he subscriber arms for sale, hie farm of 100 acres, h• ing Lot 11, Comeeseion 11, Stanley, about 90 ace ee cleared and hes from stomps. There is on the premises a 'stone house, frame outbaildings ad good orchard. Well watered and in good state ote cultivation, eller& and school adjoini the sale lot It is situnted 6 mites from. 13a, 6 from Z 7 from-Kippen, ana 34 from Varna. Terms, $1,000 down, and the balance to suit purcharter. Poeseesion given let day of iti,reh, S.885. Apply to WILLIAll HARD - WICK, IlayAela P. 0. 875 26 VARM IN TUOKERSMITH FOR SALE. -For -2: sale, Lot le, Conneesehm 2, L. It. 8., Tricker - smith, containing le5 acres, of which 90 ate cleared and an a high state of cultivation. The land is well underdraired, well fenced and there are Spa die b Jr* and other outbuddings. There is a good PI et,4rd. a never failing spring oreek running throngh the centre and tit/other passing through one corner of to faun, and not a foot of waste land.! It is one of the beat grain grow- ing farms in the county, and is also good for stock. It is sitnattd within two miles of the flourishing village of Heraara and an equal ;dis- tance froth Kippen. For further -particularse apply to MICHAEL HEFFERNAN, Seaforth,' 875-tf ° Ont. FARM FOR SALE.-Fer Sale, part of Loth 11 and 12, Coue,ession 16, townsbip of Grey, con- tainieg 76 ecres, 70 of warch are thared, free from stumps aud in a go. d suite of cultivation. It is all w.II 1111(.104ra ieed aud -enccd. 3hcre are on thapremiees 're good log bens° and barn, also a large bt anng orchard end a good well. It ie situ- ated two ane tr. bad mites from the village of Walton, 7 freat Bruesels and 12 from Seaforth, with good gra-ven nada leading to each place. Schools and &nicht% c rivettieut. For further particulaser ly on the Pre/mate or to Walton P. O. MRS. A. Me MILIAN. 870-tf VARAI IN ITUIINBERRY FOR SALE. -For -I: Sale, eolith half of Lot 2, Conceseion 2,Turn- berry, conteibing 154 acres, about 70 of. which are cleared, and the balance well Umbel ed, part bush and part swamp, The cleared haul is well underdrained; and in a god state cf cultivation. There is a geird frame harn, and log house. There is a Opleedid bearing orchard of choice fruit. It is eituated on the gravel road seven and a half miles iron Brussele, and two and a half miles from Wtoxeter, and within a quarter of a tatile of Schoolhouse. For further particulars, apply on the premises, or to EDWARD PALMER, Wroxeter P (). • 513-tf VARlal Feill SALE.-Beirg, north ball o f Lot 25, -a-- Coneopion 2, Township of Ha), contairling 60 acres, 45; cleared, well drained and in a good state of Titivation, Outbuildings good. Log house withlframe addiliora Poseession given to put in fall !wheat lied do fall plowing. Situated ' 2 miles fie lei ei.her Kipper' or Hensall. one half , mile from echool, convenfeat to eburchts. 'I his is a fine teem, ami will he sold cheap and on reasenable terms. For terms end further par- ticulars enquire on the ;nemeses, or addres-, B. 872 S. PHILIr, Alliston P.O. , slaW0 GOO FARMS IN U4BORNEXOli SALE ; -1- -Mei executors efka• -the following lands : for sale, mi order to close,,,the affairs of the ester e ! of the la 'e Andrew Moir. First -Lot 30. Con- lr cession 8, ownship of -Osborne, containing 100 acres, 80 a ..res cl•-ared, well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation. There are six acres of orchard of the ehoicest fruit, end two never failing springs. Whe property toutains a comfortable brick honee. Second -Lot 31, Concession 3, Township Of Usborne,containiug100acres 86 acres cleared, wed under -drained, and in a high state of cultivation. There is fi, good orchard of four , acres, a latige brick hOuse, also two barns, stables 0 E. HICESCV Lti CO. It is about three milee 0 the towns of Exeter and nensall. These farms adjbin each other, driving slapd, all frame. School on oppositseolHo: ' and will be add together or separately. Terms sin Street, Seafort•h. i of env„ men; easy. or particulars. apply to MeQUEE , executor, Lumley P. O. or B. V 873-13 ELLIOTT', Selicitor, Batter P. O.