The Huron Expositor, 1884-09-12, Page 78 eek 0 � F UMER QED RE. DYST. WE. D ERS.: .R STORE, LIGHAM. S FOR Moen qg Wire. WORT.. z any other.- E :LEAD - z it BoTed« ;Utensils st !°& p R CE Sr STORE urge consign ;tend jobbing. If yon have wirth's Teas, ib' tng Hy S'iaty. wr r eventy- 1' 3.00: r $1 is super tarket. 3WORTH• r about the size hands with long 'eat and totally -ed hens' teeth an empty bag le of nine poi ,racks. Ho WOre y,and a peaetra" f soleci,lon color- , and high water wheeling snio� t money to bUT DON 5 Storer E to ad{knd' makes !I Sewed 'trorkr 87242 SEPTEMBER 12, 1884. THE U ON E POSI OR. 7 The Home of the Cholera. The home of the cholera, and its h- late, so far as anything is known dare birth, is the Delta of the Ganges. prone this steaming hot bed, where it Was produced, it bas *matred a permanent lodgment in the provinces of Bengal, Madras and Bombay. To the westward a Hindoo- oeuatand as the land is elevated above the juugle level, it appears but as an epidemic, se it does in Europe,- though mom frequently. Uadwar is a little city in Upper gindoostan, or what is known as the •]ab, at the foot of the Himalaya mountains. It is the seat of two great asoma findoo festivals, which draw together immense, or rather innamer crowds from all portions of India. many as 3,000,000 devotees have teen at times assembled at these anti- versarzes. The throngs gathering at thisplace lived—eating, sleeping and rerforming all the functions of life—on ;hare, sandy plain bordering upon the es, herding like swine, during the fee season. They had, of course, no means of sanitary protection. At these festivals, the devotees are fed from a Inlet kitchen. The food necessarilybe eomea- stale and unwholesome. The pilgrims, eat like gluttons ; indigestion and intestinal derangements:. follow; The earth is saturated with the filth of this vast encampment it isdrained into the Ganges ; there the pilgrims also bathe, and then they drink and use for cooking purposes the river water. fere the cholera has fonnd all the con- dions for its most malignent develop- ment, and here its most terrific ravages have been experienced. The facta illus- trate the whole history of the cholera, and all stages of its development. Of late years, Hudwar has lost its weed oharaoter, and these festivals are unpopular.. Some requirements of tra- vel, transportation or manufacture, led to the construction" of a canal, which diverted the waters of • the Ganges at this point. This, according to Hindoo tonperstition, rendered the Ganges un- clean, and it has been, to a great extent, abandoned as the object of pilgrimage. To the same extent cholera has d:imin- ished. Inthis way science has inci- dentally crippled the power of the pestilence and restricted its extent.— Chicago Journal. Freak of a Black Snake. The Carson Appeal of a recent date says: On Tuesday last, at Forest's ranch, near Genoa, one. of the hands noticed a cow, charging furiously at a thicket. An investigation showed that the animal was fighting a big black snake andtrying to .stamp it to death with her fore feet. The thicket was an isolated clamp of sagebush, and the snake did not seem disposed to leave it and. trust its life in the open country. Finally the cow lowered her heat/ and attempted to impale the snake on her. horns. In an instant the snake sprang onto the cow's head and rapidly coiled itself about her horns. The caw stood dazed for an. in- stant and then set off on a run, occa- sionally kneeling to rub her head against the ground, but she was unable to' rid herself of her enemy. She again sought -the sagebnsh and tried to brush the incubus off, bet the snake only coiled itself the tighter and refused to be dislodged. The cow seemed finally to realize that all her efforts, were useless, and uttering a terrible *flow, set off at full gallop. The hands-. made an effort to follow her and turn her back, but in her frantic flight she outstripped the a horses and, when cornered, would charge everything in sight. Occasionally the snake would half untwist itself and its head would play before the cows eyes. On these occas- ions the poor animal would believe with terror and sometimes go 50 yards back- wards to escape. For three hours she ran wildly about the field, with the foam -and blood. fly- ing from her lies and sweat streaming from her sides. - The rest of the hired help tried to throw a lasso over her horns, but could not get near enough, and finally the poor brute dropped from sheer exhaustion and panted' out her life. The snake was immediately dis- patched and was a black snake five feet long. Stephen. CouNcrc MEETING.— All members present. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Mr. Heaman's ap- plication. not entertained. Mr. Fergu- son's thistle bill was ordered to be paid, and amounts put on the roll against the lots. Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Clerk to meet Saturday next, at, Credi- ton to revise M. C. D. rates. On motion of S. Ryan and C. Eilber, G. Brown was appointed collector at a salary of $90, no extra. Resolved that tenders be received by V. Ratz, H. Eilber or C. Prouty up to September lath, far the .construction of a pile bridge on the Crediton road, spanning Mud Creek drain ; the above parties will give full particulars. After passing the following orders, the. Council ad- journed to meet the first Monday in October : J. Parsons, nails, $1 ; W. McCann, bridge, $49.50 ; E. Deetner, $11.75 ; T. Chambers, $4 ; J. Schweit- zer, $3 ; E. Williams, $3.50 ; C. Fink- biner, $2 ; W. Holt, jr., $a" ; Mr. Cham- bers, $5 ; Mr. Ferguson, $4.50 ; _R. Ire- land, $1; T. Flynn, $1 ; J. Lewis, $1 ; Wrn. Cockwell, 50 cents. - A. Cute Idea. The owner of a brewery in the coun- try commenced. last Autumn to erect new premises ; but notwithstanding the large number of hands employed, the work of digging out the foundations progressed very slowly, to the great an- noyance of the proprietor. Suddenly it seethed as if new life had come into the men. From early dawn till late in the evening they now worked away with unparalleled industry, bidding defiance to the wind and rain, and barely taking sufficient time to snatch a hasty meal. When the grenade had been ecavated to the properi depth, the men had almost to be restrained by main force from going deeper still, and appeared to depart with lingering regret from the scene c f their activity. The brewer tubbed his hands and chuckled to him self, And how was the mystery ex- plained, ?` He had placed in an old worn-out earthen jara slip of old parch- ment bearing the following inscription in an antiquated handwriting : " Great Ettore of monyee lyeth buried beneath thys spotte he that findeth ytt may keep .ytt. R.enaember ye pore !" , He then covered. the jar with a piece of slate, and buri = • it wh would be sure eo find i re, t e' workmen • California ' anohes. The extent : f some of the';vast.ratiob es in Los Ang os Coanty,Cal fornia,eay an exchange, iJs even beyond;] the innagl ita ranol is.pob eoor do im ens nation. Baldwin'% Santa Ai is situated in .that county an bly the largest. natural are marvellou e, ! and the amount .of different produbts alMo o fabulous. The farm oompfrises 12 ange is ates, 3' ail on pear tOee trees, an, head f nd sever:I and thS of gotele • of 18133 sh capita acres t Confit they hay t to Gla. ndon. acres in grapes, ' 16,000 0 lemon trees, 2,000 poinegra English walnut trees, 2,8 trees, 2,500 peach trees 4, 2,000 apricot trees, Logo fig subsistence fu niched for 25, sheep, 2,000 o we atld pugs, hundred hors s and mule year oan be sen 17,000 sore grain. During the early par company of Sotch and Engl ists purchases -about 60,0 red=wood forests in Hurn bol California, sine which time exported abon 2,675,000 fe gow, Leith, Liverpool and L —Reports 1r m Chateau, a • d HaI Harbor, on the Labrador toast, lJ there have ben . frequent collie o lately betwee the Orang men Catholics at th se 'points, au.. that It troubles are as uming very eriousr portions. Many people have b: en woun ed, and it is said some have lost the lives. Each petty is carryin revolve and other arms, which are. reely s: on the slightest provocation. It is the Governor has requested t i e Adiai alty to order si war vessel to he ec$n and that the request has ben aced: to. l 11 • ill • n • f y d e r d d d EPPS'S COCOk.—GRATEFUL AND.O„ FORTING.—" By a thorough k owled a 1 the natural laws which gove the ope - ations of digestion, and nutition, a • d by a eareral ap lication of th fine lir - perties of well- elected Coco , Mr. Ep , s has provided our breakfast tables Wit a delicately flvotedbever4.ge whic may save us many doctors' bills. " It s by the judioio 's nee .of such articl s of diet that a con titution may be grad' - ally built up ntil strongnought. resist every to denoy to disease. n0 dreds of • subtl maladies a e floai ! g around us re dy : to attack where's : r there is a weak. point. We ay esca • e many a fatal shaft by keepin ourse yes welt fortified with. pure •bl od -an a properly nouriShed frame." Civil e vice Gazette.-4Made simply with boi ing water or milk.' Sold only in Packets and Tins (a lb. and lb.), y grocer labelled—" Jii# s EPP§ & C ., Hone° pathic Chemists, London, E g." 83J� 2 Although There e dozens of worrz renedies in the mak there is nothing' like or e. nal to Schilling's Genuine . Wor•• Cre Mothers can rely on it and se it Wi safety. For sale by all dr-aggi ts. 837 5 i It 1 Nine Physicians Ou done Mrs. Helen lPharviz. No. 3;1 Dai t • n street, Chicago, Ill., is now i her s' t eighth year, nd states the t :she : s suffered with onsnmption.fo� aboni; years, was tre ted by nine ,hysicif n all of them pr pouncing her ase hi)p less. She had iven up all ho . es of v :r recovering. 5 ven bottles of Dr. Bi 's New Discover for Consume •tion d •, pletely cared h r. Doubting nes,pl a:•e drop her a postal card nd sat s y yourselves. all at J. S. Rob rts' drug store an• get a free trial bo tl:. 833.52 An Answer Wan ed. Can any one (bring us a cas. of Bidjn .:y or Liver Complaint that Elec ric Bide s will not spee ily;cure ? - W : say h: y cannot, as tho sands of cas s alr • y permanently nred and who are d icy recommending Electric Bi tens, :11 prove. Bright' Disease, Dia etes, eek Back, or any n inary compla nt qui k cured. They ,nrify the blo d, regu a e the bowels, anact directly i n the dis- eased parts. K very bottle narantee For sale at 50c. a bottle .byJ. S. Rob or,S. 833.52. The WeaI and the ITN purl The merry little monntai • brook, : s it lightly dant s over the rocks I,a d sparkles in the sunshine on it way da' n to the river, is pure and cl • an. lit is active ; theref re,'it is hea thy. t 's vigorous ; ther foie, it resists impu it But the sin gish pool, where the u rent is not str ng :enough to keep' t e water in mot4on, is stagnant and 0 1. Dirt and ru bish are thrown int t, and stay th e. Impuriti:s and vi e .dere make it breeder of disease s,:•d an object to b avoided. When the b ood is strong and i and red, and vigorously ,.ourses accustomed r unds throng, • art ` ri and veins, the system is earty a healthy. - When the blood is:thin an poor a weak, impnritiies and defile ents ere into it, and it has no strong h to a them ont.- Then the system uns d w.. Shaker Bloo Syrup puri • es and e riches the Bio d ; curing Sc ofnla, a cer, Rheumati m, Catarrh, leers j a d Skin and Bl od diseases f ever d - scription. A dollar a bottle at J. . Rob r s, agent, Seafort 8.52. , • 1 • 1. h p :t. • Hol oway's P' s. Dysentery, iarrlicea and Disorderd Bowels.—Thee inaladies ar ever pr€a- ent, and if left unattended 'fregnef terminate fatally. It ghoul be e' where known that all these compl lin s originate -in the presence of eonee n• i - Bested substance in the tomac •r bowels, or of some deleterio • s matt r n the blood, and -that Hollows 's Pi11e c. n eliminate either with ease : nd ei'ze.1 bine ibine in a an prism • e- gree purifyin alterative, regula i • and strengthe ing qualities, -and h• exert over 0 ery internal organ t •• wholesomely ontrollipg i fluenc : necessary fors bdning exoe• sive ac in the human rams. Hello ay's rY cine may be a vantageonsly taken means of keepi • y tion. They co g, s e O n 1- a t1 g the blood • ure an t • e Ibody cool, the sly practice le plan of maintaining h alth in you rh, in : n- 1 hood, and in ofd age. 837.5 The Ag ny of a C ugh. Let any per on with a f esh cen • h imagine It gai ing on him d r y after d : y and year aft r year. Let him cou le with it the dr ad of consumeP tiont t e long years of weakness, the months of acute sufferin , the agonie of dna h. He will then tot hesitate to] obtain he best ooug, remedies at he ante of this evidence ief • B. Dickac>jn, of Danville)0 have beer for several yrs an affeoti n of the lung:. I obtained and used s : fiver Dr. Wiled i'sPulmonary .h: Before th.. first was finish number o hard gluey g •b, troubles 1 ft me entirel Buo . en's Arni t a The be braises, sores, tette corns, and tively our It is guara Con, or m per box, 833.52. r, chapped h nd all skin ern , tion s piles, or no p yl required.. nteed to give • er est satisfao- �ney refunds. t P it.e 25 cents For sale :b J Roberts. t appear- = a =. Mr. ,, says, " I armed by te'a time 1 bottles of y Balsam, r raised a 1: s and my 91.52. fa for opts, nm, fever hilblains, s and ppsi- t salve in the wort res, ulcers, a: t rh I have Corn and reoomrner One bc>ttl� corn cur (Signed,) Sold by L Seaforth. The Wi rare vire astringent medicine, other valuable vegetable ex : et Dr. Fowle 's Extract df • sed Dr. Sora Wart Eradi d it as doing is worth fon My cor C. Barron msden & Wi • 111 A Rare P d gtrawberr e as a ole anteseptio and when p, atop;, 11 hes; son anti. pia tnsi ai4d combine 's Russian and oan professes. ny other missing. Stratford. Druggists, 830x26 possess s aoolin , heal' g 3 wt h as in ild Straw- dy in all berry, it i an ;unfailing re Bowel Co plaints. 857 52.2 A' S rong E.ndc4rse The ole gy, the med. al press and the people a 1 e dock Bloo• Bitters as he renovatin : blood purify ng t' Its work • ears out its b st e 85752.2w. Respect .ge. Age sho • ld always comm n in the o: se of Dr. Feeder' Wild Str wberry it o*tai>lii 25 years t at has beet t • e remedy ith ' the peel' le, Morbus, 3 sentery, I iter and all B • wel Complai ts. a mat. u ty, the orse Bur- st system io known. ommend. • respect, xtract of does, for standard r Cholera a, Colic 57.52.2w. Sad Ne Neglecting a constip the bowels is sure t and gree suffering. Bitters regulate the bo manner, purifying the mote a healthy action o liver, kidneys and bowe ec . ed o brizlg ur els loo s. • • :5, dition of ill -health ck Blood n a natural and pro - e stomach, .52.2w. orbus. A Ciire for Chol A positive cure foif this • angerous complaint, andfor all alente • r chronic forms of Bowel Complaints i • cident to summer and fall, is fon d i Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild St awbjeitry ; to be procured from all drug tats. 57.52.2w. Dr. Low's Worm Sy tip Wi 1 remove worms and cause, quicker hag any other medicine. 857.52m. tie *lee For nettle 'rash, Rolling flee, ring- worm eruptions, and 41 8 z diseases use Prof. 'Low's Magic Sal ; ur Soap. 857.52m. ra r-- -�♦a 4..; Destroy the worms othe stroy the children. !Use Worm Po ders, they e i pel a worms. 57.52m. , -0-4100.- h 0-•0 Nations Pills puri and regullates • the st bowels 8e7.52m. -40 41" Great' Prbbl rimy de- reeman's 1 kinds of es 't' e Hach li —Take Sall the J idne' and M• -Take all the Blood pur ifi —Take .all the Rheumatic — Take all the Dyspepsia a • tion — Take OAS 11 the Ague, Fever —Take all the Brain and —Take —Iu sh of all the all the great bealt .rt, take all the b e, and the blood, er and fuer dicines, era, eiitedies, d indigos - Cures, and Bili- pecifics, erve force evivers, restorers. s ,qualities -Best medicines 1 that Hop tiee quell- n rated Will cure y or onbined will give —Quali ies of all th belt in the wo ld, and you ill fi`n —Bitte s have thebe t oar ties and p • wers of all Colo —In th m, and that they when any or all of thes , sir g —Fail A thorough positive p oof of this. ard.ened iv1e� 1 Five ye rs ago I b oke kidney an liver compl • int tism. Since t en I have begin tin about at 11. My liver eca wood ; m limbs were pu e filled wit water. ' All the best: physici ns a nothing c ul.d cure m:, I r try Hop itters ; I h : ve (n bottles ; t e hardness as all my liver, he swelling Isom I and it ha worked a mi acici i otherwise I would hav •: b t my grave J. W. Mor y, t 1,1881. tri Po erty and u e: " I wa dragged d wn poverty a d suffering or ye by a sick family . a 'd lr rp doctoring I was ompletely d.jscotirf one year go,by the advice f I comme ced using Hop Bitt one mont we were al! -we 1 of us hav seen.a sick ay i want to s y to all pooe keep yo r families ell a Hop Bitt rs for less than p visit • wil cost. I know itl" ingman. • .own with d rheuma- An ,l 01' 801 , 1 - EX ERIENcE. •'f Calvert, Te • M nese my apprecu of 0T wish to ex valuable qualiti( ier's. ty 3,1882. tion of the Aye se Cliery Pectoral as a coag reined'. "While with C urehill's army, last before the batt. of Vit ksburg, I contracted a se- vere col , which terminated in a dangerous cough. found o relief till on our march we came o a co try store, where, on asking tor some emedy, I was urged to try Alma's 's CEERRY =ORAL. "I did so, and was rapidly cares: since then I ha a kept pie PECTORAL cc nstantly by Me, for f Holy us& and I have found it to be an invalu ble remedy for throat and lung diseases J. W. W LEY." Thong ds of testimonials certify to the prompt ure of all bronchial and lung affections, by tbe use of AYE 'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Being very palatable the young- est oungest ohildr in take t readily. P PARED BY V . Dr.J,C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mass. .Sold 1.13, all Druggists. it b1e to be hard like 3 up and reed that esolved to Sed seven gone from ny limbs, a zny case; pow in Tido, Oct.` 'ing. pith debt, rs caused e bills for ged, until my pastor, sr , and in a d none o,and I on can y ar with. e doctor's Work - L No e are genuine; with nt a bunch of green Hops on -tate v it label. Shun all he vile, poisonous • t ff witb. " Hop " r " Hops " ;in th •i name. 864.52.m. . An x-.AldermE.n Tr e It. •Ex -A erman Tayler, 1f oronto, tried H ° yard's Yellow Oil rf • r heuma- tism.. t cured him after allother remedies had failed. 07.12 2w.. ••• McGrogor & Parke's Caar alio IC: rate has been tested by years of trial and 11a b e found the most convenient and effectu me h d f applying carbolic acid. Tho greates anti ,eti in use for cuts, burns and old sores. Be aie you get Mc- Gregor & Patke's Carbolic', Cerate Sold for 25 cents by Lumsden & Wilio , druggi -ts 851.52m. cD at CD j CD• all CD • CD0 Grm az a CD m as Vi C CD ug -CD 17/ Q4gy cD td P n H tdLai oD Lv LEGAL. ARRO "L & DICKS i N Solieito s, Conv S caforth nd Bi•uss son's Hardware sto N. B. One mens in Seaforth office. P. S. CARROLL, Seaforth yancers, $e. M ney to lend, Is ; Senfo' th offi a ower John- e, Main Strest. ,er of the film w 11 always be W. B. DI KSON, Brussels. J. . BEST, BABRISTER, . • elicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Office, Cady's lock, three doors north of Post 0ffice,Seafortl . Goderich Agen s—Cameron, Holt and Cameron„ 670-11 B , C. HAYS, So icitor, &c, Private money to • lend at lower t rates of interes,,. OFFICE— Corner of square and West Street, Goderich. 774 GARBOry & PROUDFOOT,Barr sters,Solici- tors, &e., Godlerich, Ontario.—J. T. Garrow Wm.Prot dfoot. i 686 CiAMEB�N, HOLT & CAMERON , Barristers, '` Solicitors in Chancery, &o., G oderich, Ont. M.C.Caraeron,Q.Q.;Philip Holt, M. G. Cam. eron. 506 HW A. MEYER, Barrister and Attorney at • Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Commissioner for taking affidavits in the Province of Manitoba. Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wingbam. Privatefund s to loan at61 t o 6} per cent. 688 MANNING & SCOTT, Barrister , Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors r the Bank of Johnston, Tisd .le & Gale. Mo ey to loan. Office, Beaver. Bloch , Clinton, Cute io. A. 4. MANNING,, jamas S OTT, - 781 MEYER &DICK- NSON, Barriste , &c., Kent's Block, Wing} ata. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Co missioners for t king affida- vits in Ma itoba. rivate funds to oan at 6 per cent. Lu know.ce every Wedne•day. H. W. C. MEYER E. L. IlicatNpoN. 738 LO TU$ E. DANCEY LATE with Cameron, Holt & Camer. n, Goderich, Barrister, ' elicitor, Convc • ancer, dec. Money to oan; remotes Old Offi e, Cardno's 786 Block, Se forth. S. G. Mc AUGHEY, • NOTARY Public Conveyancer, C 4c. Office ii Carmichael's B floor), opposite Tu EXPOSITOR Offie lend. Farms and louses for salt. • 1111•, mmissionet, oek, (ground . Money to 836 F. H Q UC.CESSOlt to • Holmisted, B and Notary Soli Commercd. Mon Office in Scott's B1 LM ESTE ]ate firm of n -rioter, Solicitor, citor for the Can ;y to lend. F eek, Main street, • cCaughey & Conveyancer dian Bank of ms for sale. eaforth. Mc Every capacity, purpose, or is alio' allowed. Cure, tli( blood an drug stoi testimon: 851.52m. Grego'is Speedy Cure. pu,•chase of common s when re Iniring an articl turebase )oly that which ved first o test before buy free tr al bottle of McG great r-medy for dysp i liver di orders at Lumsd e. Sold t 50c. and Al pe els fro ,► persons in yo use business for a certain as been tried tog. You are egor's Speedy psia. impure n Wilson'r bottle. Sec own town COPYRIGHTED NOVEMBER 2, 1883. In order to protect ourselves, as well as the public, front worthless- im time of our great Cough Remedy, we have regi tered the name in the offic the Minister of AgrIonitare, Ottawa, LUMSDEN . 8c ILSOrN'S- ROYAL - Gir.YGERATED BALSAM OF F! ta- of Those suffering from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat., &o., who have not yet been induced to try this preparation, should do•so'l at once, as the positive st te- mente of the most respectable men in the country, and the great demand om all over the Province, prove beyond a doubt that it contains virtues po8sesse by no other remedy. When once used it is always aopted as the standard Co gh Remedy in the household,, Children like it. I is perfectly safe to use, fad apart altogether from its superiority, it is cheape than ! any other. Let no on - sideration deter you from trying it at once. If yo r dealer has not got it, he can procure it for you without much trouble, by addre sing the manufacturers,g Ll11MSDEN & WILSON, CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS SEAFQRTN. 011�T. l CEN=TRAL GR'OCE RY. Notwithstanding the recent advance in the wholes le mar ets in the prict of SUGARS, we are selling them at lower prices than e er before offered to the public. Having made our purchases when prices touched bottom, we, therefore, are in a position to offer extra inducements to our customers alnd the public en - orally. Don't delay, but come right along and se ure bargains before it is too I late. Prices on application. Our stock of GEN RAL GROCERIES is dom- plete as usual, and will be:found at all times fully assorted. he " Central' is I the spot to buy the best goods in town, and at prides that defy competition. - In- spection of stock and prices solicited. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Department is fully stocked with a large and choice assortment of CHINA '1 EA SETS DINNER SETS, CHAMBER SETS," TOILET SETTS, etc., which we are offering for the next two weeks at reduced Prices, previoIns to our an nal ; I stocktaking. Nov) is the time to, buy Crockery and Glassware; at low figur9, as we are desirous of ireduoine stock as low as possible. i Highest narket price paid for Butter, Eggs and coarse grains. Fre de livery. Laidlaw Fairley Seaforth. TEAS CHEAPER THAN EVER. I If you want the best valne that can be had in the Province for your radney, call at the That is the place to get the worth of your money, Black Tea Green Tea, Jiipan Teas, that are usually sold at 40c a pound, are now selling at 25c a pound, or flve pounds for $1. Also, the higher priced teas are c t down to e very cheap rate. China and Glassware on hand and will be sold at a Small a vance on cos ; in All kinds of G-roceries at the lowest possible prides. A full tock of Croc Sugars are being sold as follows : 10, 11, 13, 15 a d 16 pounds of each fororl. Raisins at 50 per pound, or 22 pounds for $1. Prunes, ditto. T a dust -very c eap. ery, fact, everything to be found in a first-class grocegy, can be h d at the Sea Tea Store. Oatmeal exchanged for oats at mill rates. All g ods delivered. ee. A. G. AULT, Main Stree Seaforth INAUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMFORIUiVI, SEAFORTH, ONtARIO. SCOTT BROS., - ead the following testimonial by one of the best musicians of the pr day : " The Upright Pianos of Messrs Dunham deserve, as well an, emp " endorsement, as a decided success. They develep a tone, which in powe " sympathetic quality, cau not be surpassed by the now existing Upright Pi " and are equally beautifal in their musical quail ies-as well as in their ext EXCELSIOR ORGANS. sent atic and rior This celebrated Organ has always received the high* award whel ever shown, taking first1prize 1st the Northern Unio Exhibition; in October, 883. Among other Organs shown at this show were W Bell & Guelph ; Kilgour, Hamilton ; Karns, Woodstock, &c. Call and see ptenf oorge abnadyinogrg. a nOsIdatititreui ments taken at thetr full !value. Orders for tunin to at once. SCOTT BROTHERS. N. B.—sra 11 Instruments, such as Violins, Guitars, Accordeons, certinas, &c., on h nd ; also a good aosortxnent of Piano Covers, Piano Stool All kinds Instru "tion Books. STAMPING Patteras for tensington C and Outline Embr ideries. Con- , &o. ewel HEADACHES Are generally indrteed by Indigestion, Vora • ,Stomach, Costiveness, or some Demngenient of the Liver mad Digel•-ilve Suffezers fro -I relief by the use of Ayek'S lar daily movement of the bowels. Ey their action on these organs, AYER'S PILLs ort the blood from the brain, and relieve and cure all forms of Congestive and Nervous Headache, Bitions Headache, and Si.‹.k Headache ; and by keeping the bowels free, and preserving the system in a healthful attacks. Try 9 T1611 y r 0 s rizkfisi PREPARED BY D- C_Ayereceo.,Lowell,P.P., Sold by all Druggist& ST. JAMES' HOTEL, TORONTO. SHARP 8L BRIGHAM, PROPRIETORS; THIS Hotel, which is situated directly oppoSite 4- Union Station, has reeently been re -fitted . and re -furnished throtighout and is now one of the best and most comfortable hotkin in the city. JO" Ivery possible attention paid to guests and ' charges very moderate. . V • Surgeon, Aeconcheur, &e. Office and resi- dence, that lately occupied by Dr. Hutehison, Auburta 781 ,SCOTT, M. D. &e,Physician,Surgeon and dence mouth side of Goderich 8treet,second door east of presbyterian Church. 842 WMAIANOVER, M.D., O. M., Gradrate of North side Goderich Street, firet Brick House east of the Methodist Church. 496 Ft. vv. BRUCE SMITH, M. D., C. M., Member of the College of Physicians and Sine -eons, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office and Residence same as formerly occupied by Dr. Vereoe. 848 DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, HOWARD ELLIOT, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edin- burgh ;' Licentiate in Midwifery, Edinburgh. 833 26 WILLIAM GUNN, Licentiate of the Royal College of Ph3sicians and Surgeons Edin- burgh ; late of the lilos- pital for Women, Lon- don, England. EYE, EAR AND THROAT, OR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toeen- to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and: Ear In- firmary'. Late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfielde, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 CHURCH 4TREET, TORONTO. Toronto. All operations guaran- teed. Anasthetics of all kinds admini tered. Specialties, Gold Filling and per- fect fitting Plates. Whitney's Block, Seaforth. N. B., City patients will please ma.ke engage- ments day or two previous to having the oper- ation p rformed. 874 of Stratford, will be at his Office in Seaforth, opposite the Glom- mercial Hotel, every Wednesday and Thursday, except the week when Tuesday conics first of the month and in Clinton the second Friday of each month at the Grand Union Hotel. Teeth ex- tracted without pain. Charges moderate and terms ash. 730-25 Faculty Gold Medalist end College GOld. Medalist, Toronto School of Saving Natural Teeth a Specialty. Teeth Easily and Carefully Extracted. 14— Charges Moderate. N. B,.—As I have bought out the buelecsa of the late Mr. Buggin, I will complete all opera. - tions begun by him satisfactorily to each patient. offiel3 over Johnson's Hardware Store, Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. vr" C aunty of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders leftat theEI. PosiTon Office win he promptlyattendedto. LGATTY, Licensed Aue.tioneer for the ounty of Huron. Sales of all descriptions promp ly attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress russcls P. 0. or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. 77 TAMES CAMPBL'LL, !Accused Auctioneer, Lct Vj 10, Conce.",iou 14, McEillop. Sales conduct- ed on the intst reascrnable terms, and se tisfaetion ouaranteed. All orders addressed to W2.1ton P. 0, WU receive prompt attention. JAMES CAMPBELL. 8404,, 1. PRACTICIAL )36 I LER MAKERS. THEiSubscribers have bought the Tools and Baer Business lately carried on by the Gocl- erich Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and having had an experioneo of over eight years in that shop, are now prepared to, carry on the trade in all its branches. Any work entrusted to us will receive proMpt attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at rea- sonable rates. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired -on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy Com-