The Huron Expositor, 1884-09-05, Page 88 HE HURON 11111111•1•1=1.11111111 JUST THE THING FOR Lunches and Picnics. Canned Boneless Turkey, Chicken, Duk. Pig' e Feet, Sausage Meat, Corned Beef, Lunch Tongnea, Salmon, Lober, Mackerel, Fin - nen Raddie and Sardines ; also in Crosse Blackwell's Potted Meats, Game, liam and Chick- en, Strasburg Meats, Yarmouth Bloater and Anchovey Paste. Canned Fruits and Vegetables of every variety, Pieddes, &ca Don't forget that Thorne sells the best values ill Tea and Sugar in the county. Try Thorne's Tette; they're good. L. THORNE, Star Grocery, Seaforth. uron ixpositor. DISTRICT MATTERS. ANCIENT ORDER FORESTERS' OFFICERS. -In the list of officersof the Subsidiary High Court of the Ancient Order of I Foresters, which met in London last I week, we notice the names of -several members of Court Sherwood Forest of this town. Dr. Scott was elected to the high poaltion of Treasurer ; Mr. L. Thorne to that of District Chief Ranger for the Perth and Huron District, and Mr. James A. Anderson, Sunior Beadle. THE LIVE STOCK SAL. -Parties in- tending to enter stock for the fall sale of the Huron, Live Stock Association, to be held in Clinton about the middle of October, should send in their names, together with. the pedigrees of the ani- - -mals they intend to offer, to the Secre- tary, M. Y. McLean, Seaforth, without delay, as all entries not made by the 20th inat. at the latest, cannot he re- oordedE in the sale catalogue. Parties having stook to sell should attend to this at once, ACCIDENT. -On Sunday last as Mr. Wm. Ha.wItalia,w, of this town, was driving a spirited horse between the railway brossing and VanEgmond's woollen mill, the animal became un- manageable. Mrs. Hawkshave, who was also in the rig, jumped out and escaped unhurt, but Mr. Hawkahaw did 110t fare BO well. He remained in the buggy, tryiug to control the horse, until thrown out. The lines becoming wound round the hub soon brought the horse to a -standstill. Mr. Hawkshaw was conveyed home in another rig, hut was, lueltily, more frightened than hurt. COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER. -A number of the friends of Mr. S. Morrison, who has been employed as a clerk in the dry goods departraent of Measrs. Duncan & Duncan's establishment for some time, met at the Queen's hotel, on Friday evening last, to pay a parting tribute to their young friend. Rev. Father Shea occupied the chair, and a very enjoyable evening was apeat. Mr. Morrison was also presented with a purse and a watch. and chain, as a token of the esteem in which he was held by his associates in town. The sapper,for which. the Queen's is becoming famous, was all that_could be desired; Mr. Morrison left for Kine- ; eton on Monday. ACCIDENT, -On Wednesday, while Mr. James Bennett, formerly of Sea - forth, wee working in his planing mill at Brussels, he met with an accident that will lay him up for some time. While working at the planer, he at- tempted. to remove an obstruction from , the rollers, which carried his arm in almost up to the elbow, bruising the bones and muscles severely. Had it not been for his presence of mind the accident would have been more serious, but heernanaged to grasp the screw operating the table, with his left hand, Etnd turned it high enough to release his arna from the tremendous preSsure. It was a miracle that the knives of the planer did not take off his hand, which was only prevented by his fingers drop- 1 ping over the end of the rollers. ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. -The follow- ing officera were installed in Seaforth Chapter, No. 66, Clinton, by W. F. Murray, G.S., assisted by D. M. Mal- loch, Grand Superintendant of The Huron District, on Friday evening last; George Ewing, P.Z. ; Alex. Shannon, P.H. ; Jam McIntyre, P. J. ; Wna. F. Murray, Soribe E.; James Illoore,_ Scribe U.; W. E. Murray, Treasurer ; W. G. Dnff, Principal Sojourner, Wm. Blackwell, lst Assistant Sojourner, - Thomas D. Morton, 2nd Assistant So- journer ; Joseph Ryder, Janitor. The regular meetings of the chapter areheld on Friday before full moon. Visiting companions are cordially invited. Drumgole, Mr. George Hamilton, and others will appear. Concerts given by the same parties in Louden and Strat: lord drew such crowds that, the doors had to be _closed at & p. pa., and hun- dreds were turned away t for went of room. 5th. --Every one is going to at tend our games as they are the best pre - gramme presented, having the moist variation and latest attractions. Every; one who wants to spend an enjoyabl day will be on hand. Hose reel rade starts at 10 a. m., games at 1 p. m., an concert at 8 p. ro. Reserved seats ca be procured at Hargreaves' drug stor The Grand Trunk Railevay will if3811 tickets at greatly reduced rates. HOUSEKEEPERS; and those contem, plating the purchase of a stove, either attpresen or in the near future, are invited to exarhine th large assortment, now in my:: saleroom. ThO •celebrated " Radiant Rome " coal stoves for 1 still lead, and are an improvement on the perfeb stove of last year. The manufacturers hav this year added a full line of both single an double heaters, without nickle plate, they willb found to just fill the bill for stores, office, shep and all places where nickle plate is not though essential; the prices too, are considerably c,•heape than for the highly ornamented- stoves. I hav everything new in stove fixtures, drum heaters, pipes, and kitchen furnishing utensils, and m prices will be found the lowest for cash, or o liberal _terms of-- credit. Call—no troublq t show goods, at MRS. JoHN KIDD'S, Seaford'. 74- A HARVEST HOME and Scott Act Pio nic, v,i11 be held in John Kerr'a grove, on Lot 2 Concession 7, 111eKillop, (3rd lot Cast of Fulton Rotel) on Friday, the 19th of September. Swirg croquet, ball, and other gamesovith vocal an instrumental music, will be on the ground a 10 o'clock. Dinner served at 12 o'clock, afte this addresses in favor of the Scott Aot will b delivered by F. S. Spence, of Toronto, Secretar of the Dominion Alliaoce, Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Goderich, and others. The "True Temper aoce or Anti -Scott Act" party has been invited t send two speakers. Admission to the table 25e, Children under 12, 10e, Chairman, D. 1. Wilson. Mr. Spence will deliver- a lecture 1 Cavan church, Winthrop, on the same evening, September 19-1,11, at 8 o'clock. Tickets, 25 cents. 874 SEED WrialT.—The Undersigned ha one hundred bushels of Red Russian Whea 'which has been raised in this section, and prove to be hardy and a good yielder. Price, 81.00 pe bushel to clear it out. Also a few bushels of .th celebrated Star Wheat left. W. Banno,Seaforth, 874-2 NEW INVENTION. -Mr. Robert Fulton, of Egmondville, has shown us the pat tern of a whiffietree which he has in vented. The idea is a new one, in the best we have seen. It is worked b means of a spring at the back of th wooden part, to which the hook for th _tug is attached. By means of thi spring both tugs will always be kep equally tight; thereby saving all jerkin on the horse or rig. From its construe tion it will be impossible for the tug t _become detached from the whiffletreei Mr. Fulton has applied for a patent. -A MEIN TRAMP. -On Friday last a tranip called at Daleyts hotel, Egmond- villa, and asked for liquor. Miss Daley, who has been laid up for some time from a fall down cellar, answered the summons, and seeing that the man was already under the inflaence of liquor, refused. to give him any. The brute thereupon struck Miss Daley a severe blow, and loegire Mr. Daley could inter- fere, had sueceeded in. rising her tip pretty badly. While Mr. Daley was attending to his daughter's wounds the tramp was allowed to escape. Miss Daley has been under the physician's care ever Educe. A coat of tar and. feathers would be too slight a punish- ment for the man who would strike a woman under such circumstances. - ANNUAL CALEDONIAN GAWFS AT BRUS- sELs.--The Caledonian Games at Brus- sels this year promise to be the best ever held. in the west, the committee having added several new features. lst a hose reel race, for which several com- panies have entered and. which will be a very exciting race, and will be given free, several bands will accom- pany the firemen. 2nd. -A special prize for any athlete that will break any standard. record. A. Scott and E. W. Johnston, champion general athletes of the world, D. M. Sullivan, of Bay City, chaixtpion weight jumper of the world, and George Gibb, champion running long and hop, step and ;jumper of'.A.raerica, are going to try and break them., thus ensuring the beat jumping ever before seen, as the grounds are in firet Giese condition. 3rd. -A.- Scott will contest the right to hold the title "Champion general athlete of the world " with E. W. Johnston, or any one elee if his challenge in the Daily Mail.is accepted. 4th.. --A grand con- cert in the town hail rn the evening at wtueh Miaa Maggie Barr, Miss Mary „Livingstone, Miss Elia Cole, Mr. JUlan MRS. PRENDERGAST'S LECTURE. -Mrs T. D. Prendergast delivered her lectur on the "Evils arising from the use o Intoxicants," in Cardno's hall on Fri day evening last, to a fair audience This lady is a clear, fluent speaker, an did ample jristice to her subject. Sh spoke for uearly an hour and kept th attention of her audience well. Sh frequently quoted from the highes authorities to prove her argumentsj The address was a strong appeal i favor of temperance, and could not fall to leave a favorable impression on her hearers. Besides the lecture there waa. a aeon programme of &c. Mrs (Tames • Beattie, Miss M. Broley an Messrs. Kent and Watson sang a quar , tette very nicely. Miss Nellie Straitton of Goderich, sang a solo, entitled the "Drunkard's Ragged Wean,' which pleased the audience very much. MIsil Straitton is a little girl about 13 years of age, and has -a clear I sweet voicel. Rev. Joseph McCoy, M.' A., occupied the chair and gave a short address on the plan of the 1A/omen's Christie Temperance Union work. Misse Ewing and Booth presided -at th piano. LECTURE. -The lecture delivered i St. James' Roman Catholic church i this town, on Sunday morning last, b. Rev. Father Molphy, of Ingersoll, o the benefits to be derived b. membership in the Catholic Mutua Benevolent Association, was a interesting as well as an instruc tive one. The reverend gentlema spoke for upwazds of 50 minutes, dnrin the whole of which time he was listene to with the keenest attention by thp large congregatien assembled. The Cat olio Mutual Benevolent Associatio or as it is more familiarly termed, th C.M.B.A:, is a purely protective society', intended to provide for the Wives an families of the deceased member whereby they will be prevented fro want, and is managed on ' the mutate system. The lecturer dwelt at coesid erable length on the advantages to be derived from becoming a member, both socially and otherwise, and closed hie remarks by 'urging upon all young men more especially those havieg famine depending upon them, to join, so tha when about to depart from this world ,the would not have to reproaeb themselve with any neglectSin regard to so impo taut a matter, namely, providing for th helpless ones left behind. In the eve illg Father Molphy delivered a exceedingly able sermon on th doctrine of " Transubstantation, the church being crowded. Th reverend gentleman treated his subje in a 'masterly manner, and the whol discourse showed a depth of reasonin and brilliancy of touch that added ver much to its effectiveness as an orator cal effort. We must not forget to mci. tion that the musical part of the servic s was well sustained, and elicited we] merited encomiums fromthe vast congr gation preeent,the singing of the differe it members of the choir being of a kin seldom heard outside of the large citie • LOCAL BRIEFS. -Only a few ticke s were sold at Seaforth station for the Stratford Caledotian games on Fria a last. -The Scott Act petitions for the county of Huron were depesited in th Sheriff's office, Goderich, Saturda last, by Mr. Horate Foster, of Clinton, Secretary of the Scott Act Associatio If all those who have been identifie with the Scott Act movement,in thS county, directly or indirectly, perfor • ed their work as faithfully as he h s done, there would not be the slighte t room for doubt as to the result of tie movement. -About fifty tickets were i;old at Seafoith on Monday morning for the Salvation Army excursion, and as no extra accommodation had , been pr vided on the morning train, passengers were pretty wen crowded until th train reached Stratford. -Mrs. W. Moore, of Seaforth, is visiting friends in Clintom-In addition to the prizes mentioned last week, the Seaforth rifle team succeeded in taking a number of °there. aubeequent matches. They are 41iEI week at Ottawa, competi , g the Do anion Rifle A ssooiation ma che sad We expect to heir them give t go d acootnie of themselves. -Mr. Th S. Mort° , of Tuckersmith, intim' s o take a kip across the Atlanticef e the benefit of*his health. -Our old f iend, Mr. D. McNaught, of Rapid Cy, fie still to the fore, as the following f m a Northwest paper shows: Con oilier , McNetighteef Rapid City, whil di ging:a mese;lof potatoes' the othe thy, came oross a hill thatcontain d, be sidea number of emaller ] ones, ithre potato s weighing 4 lbs. 1 oz. °nil oi lOr i cNaaight is now qualified o ret M1 f r ,yor.-Rev. A. D. McDona d 1* r tuant d from- his holiday tri , aa wOre nene hie palpit duties on 5 nth& --LMrs, J. Hoffmaa, of Emers n, 'i evIisi in friends here. -The So ole I PO ic and High-re.opened on M nda last av'th!a fair attendance. The Leach ers'n ludiag the two new assiltitant fortihi High School, were all in thi plate,- :xcept Miss Anderson, who ha. ber d tained in her return 1 rot t Nor h eet. She is now in her cons torn d • Riese-The funeral of the lte (4. A, o ghton was largely atten ed 0 SatrlrcLy last. -Mr. Kenneth M 1Leo of B4t e, Northwest Territory, re drnl. t� Slia. orth on Monday last. He stat thatl ti e weather in the west wa ver fine Pee ore he left, crops genefall good, andf imers busy harvesting. He i loOkin well, and remains here, un .1 sprung: Miss Watson, who ha I be4. viiitfti friends here for some ti , 1 f for er home' in Edinburgh, Soo lan on u sday. We trust that she 1 ma, hay peasant recollections of th ' CM , Eine t here. -Mr. Wm. Scarlet an fam ly of St. Thomas,son of Mr. S mue Sca le t, of McKillop, are visitiIg ol frie d in this vicintty.-Mrs. Rober Wil in on, of Winnipeg, formeily o Seafor h, is visiting friends in tOwn. The e •ployees of the EXPOSITOBI haV to 1hnk Mr. N. q�usins,of T °Icor smith, for the donat'on of a bas et o appl s. We are ple sed to learn tha Mr. FR.bert Laidlaw, who recentl4 wee to an as for the benefit of his health is kdep ng bettereaI, ,. r. Norman Bi own ell, for erly of thi town, but al w io Wihni eg, spent a f w days her, thi wee . Mr. Daniel Clark, of Eg ; tied as Purchased the park I t ad- , from Mr. aile efor $750. The lo essrs. Franl Pill le left on T esda Ste. Marie. IThe d if the c nutty Findlay, a rareip Aent up to, oder- o stand his111:t larceny of air zar barber. shop.e- r. Toronto, pa the ek.-Mrs. Pr ndeir- tter to the and, their kindle ss in re voluntarily arid ction of the ,baaid our. citizens enea- the extensien of VanEgrnond' mill ] i d, and the C linen irk .proceede with e. Coleman' salt eek. The ,w rk pf proceeded with. stee- ville joining his residenc Lup o , paying the contat s n acres. - man a d James Ste eve in for Sault inte d taking up la snitt' em. -James fro : amilton, wa ich �n ti onday last, the ' aisizes, for th ie fro .1 linkhammer' Geol ge Watson, of towa a visit this w gest lh s written a 1 th ki g them fo play ni. for her lect grat it usly. This willbe endorsed. by ally.ei- he pipes for the iva erworke to hav I een deliver inte having the w as aos as possib well e ved in last n re -b s is bein: Thr e lengths of eiping were 1 Mes re , Broadfoot & Box yes ship ed et carload o furniture Nor h .. est. -Mr. Dialloch, P. made his official nspeotion o tIte Mecha *ice' Institut here, on W ane day a t. He expre sed himself a w 11 pleae. with the ianagement 1 the Inst tet e, and stitt d that the ffaifs ther of were all in g od shape.- iioitg the is of prize win ers at the D mill- ion ale Mato es, Ottawa, a peered the names of A. W. Bleas ell, Wini ueg, (formerlY of Seaforth)„ Lie tenat J. A. WilsonSergeant E.. Col man,a d Staff -Sergeant Wilson. T Seatior h boys keep 41p their repa ati whe e er they go. _At the meet ng the di ectors of th3 McKillop 41ut1 Fire I surance Ceinpany, held he last F iday, the claim of Mr. R. Ar stro g, of Hallett, q 0300, for deetru tion of his house, was allowed int ful only a part of the claim for dd bur e at the same time, was all -we It was intimated that Mr. Moll era late of Hallett, hac entered suit to eov9r ull amount f insurance n mill s, A committee was aleo app int to tee d to certain matters pert ini to the company.- r. E. Durre t i tonds pening a but her shop in De nie'i lock, on Sat .rday.-Mr. top, student, will preach i Thorn s Church, on Sunday ,next - r Smith who has ben enjoying • days1 isiting friends at Montreal a Cor tv 11, has retnrned home a d ]sumed practice.- iss Alice Ke has re urned to Mit hellto resa I, posi me as teacher.-Mr.G. A. III wh h s been assis ant in W. J.1 ea den al rooms for th4 past two mint leaves on Monday f e Clinton, to tte the tModel School. Miss Kate Q igle of In ersoll, who has been v siti tie d in town' for he last three «ee re n d home 'yesterday. -Th to ban as been serenading our lei ze witlii he object of ' angumenting th exc e uer. I/ rdj.y tite 111 C AIM ON THE GOVERNMENT Ch les Wilson, of Seaforth, lai fronti t e G-overnment at Ottaw o $7, 00 for sand andl gravel takori fr his jit at Stony Mo ntain,for use on t Canada Pacific railway. Thecase ha bee r ferred to the Government al.& trat , who have been examini g w4 nes es The, case la still in pr grees In an event it is said the parti s Wil take t e ease to the Court ofExc quer If our friend Wilson happened to be friend of the Government he migh i, stand better show of havitig his clai recogfized. However, et, as his cla Lflis just ore, we trust that the Geyerm n I „will d..al fairly with him. • TOE place and croWd late • COD det full rac side, and was by race -1 - White Roan conat] to tto the f 1 • Si RACES. -The matched rac s top on Fairvew Park, on Thucrsday s was expected, drew a latg of spectators, On account of th our at whieh the race vv4r ded we are unable to ive, d account, but will glve eport next week. Thc firsi as a matc1ied trot for 100L etvveen War 's Mohawk Che attenbury's Royal Reven e. 11 on in thr e straight heat oyal Reve ge. The econ matched ra e between G o. ey'e Garfiok and Jas. B iley' Cloud -was eclared off, n ao f Garfield be ng lame ani unfi . The thirc race was b twee ur-year-old oltel Thoe - 1, 11 ord Dufferin, Thos. B nd Mr. Roll's Jessie R. ord Duffeetn. TOR SEPTEMBER 5 1884 11's Lewis B., was won by • Bru.ceftel Rev. Mr. Thompson ram his holiday trip, an he services in Union Usual hours on Sabbath. _ .— Winthr opg. 1 RUNAWAY. -The other day as Mr Sydney Dulmage finish d cutting field of grain he left his home stand ing untied and attached t: theteapin machine in the field while be went shook. The horses, no doubt thinkin their day's work was done, started fo home at rather a lively p oe. The ma t chine not being oonetru ted for sue epeedy operation, was b dly wrecked Mr. Dulmage is not the tret who ha had his machine destroy d in a simile manner. as returned will doled act nuroh at th Milburn NEW TAILOR In went of a good tailor and we welcome Mr. Who has seen fit to open enterprising village. °Mr. ad a long eaperience ailoring establishments oubt .give satisfaation t avor him with their p people of Kinburn and patronize him liberally. burn has beei or some time .0. Rogerson a shop in ou Rogerson ha in first-clas and will n 'all who ma ronage. Th cheity shoul • Hills Gree RIINAWAT.-One night James Troyer was pro from this place, acco 'wife and three children came frightened ab som road and ran away. the three children were the rig and escaped un Troyer was not s came entangled ab was trailed some • was severely bruis state that she is n • ecently as Mr. eeding home panied by hi his horse be object on th r. Troyer an thrown out o urt, but Mrs fortuiiate. She be out the vehicle an distance. Her hea d, but we are glad t w recovering. CHARIVARL-A numbcr of your People in this vi inity 4harivared daughter and so -in-la of Mr. Joh • Troyer, on Thursday ev ning last, an kept up their disgraceful brgies for sev eral nights, even ()duple to the hous where they were threats againet t safety unless their plied with. It is answer before a misconduct. • 1 ollowi of f visitin e gro reques ikelv t magis g the yours iends in Hay , and making m's persona s were corn - at they will rate for their Melk)llop DIED IN LONDON.) -Mr. . McMillan, former resident of ,the 14 h concession of McKillop, but 1who h s for several years been confined in the London asylum, died there' a few days since. Hd was between 50 and 60 ye rs of age, and had many friendsidn ownship. SSD AOCIDENT.-Veter urphy, son o Mr. M. Murphy, of the 4tih concession was accidentally killed ii the lumber woods near Eureka, Ca ifornia, about three weeks ago. 1 It seefws he had a tree partly cut down and eft it for some reason or other, When t fell, killing him and another roan nanjied McDonald instantly. Murphy had tonly been in California a few months. jHe was a very steady, industrious young man ,and only about twenty-thre years ld. Suit hate BRIEFS. -On Mo day laiet Mr. Gideon Hood bound on his fathe 's 'faern, near this place, 209 shelves o oats in 36 nainates.-Owing to th dry weather the pastures are very poo round here, end some of the farm rs have been feeding hay to their s ock, but the genial showers of Thursd y and Friday ave refreshed things c nsiderably. arvesting is neary done and the °lat- er of the reaper his givez place to th Musical hum of the three ing machine, And the farmers ate rej icing over teal abundant harvest; but they want to know what the NJP. is doing for th tirice of wheat now', since it is so low. Tucker smi h. ' MARE SOLD. -ML W. G. Broadfoot f the 2nd concesSion of Trickersmith this week sold a brood mare to Mr. Jas Carnochan, for the sum o $200. DEATH. -Many eople iere surprise o hear of the death of Miss Mario Landsborougle, daughter pf Mr. Jame Landsborongh, on Tuesd y last, as sh had been in toleral ly good health a wee before. The cans of hert death was a abscess in her h ad, tv ich had exist ed some years bef rebut healed, leav 1ng her quite deaf, and w ich broke on a' fresh recently,an could not be check • ed. She was a g neral favorite wit all who knew her. This 1ie the secon death in Mr. L ndsbo ough's famil within a short Mtn 1, and Imuch sympa thy is manifested or the amily in thei bereavement. iss Liandsborongh' remains were interred lin Harpurhe pemetery yesterda West Wawaniosh. SUCCESSFUL AGAIN.- xamination of ec oderich, St. Hel candidates, all of ool te ns sch hom t the recen chore held a ol sent up fon ere successful, two taking second A; on .a second B, and. one a third-class certificate. Two Of them are particular y deserving o mention on account of their youthful eron, eing only 1 a second A, and Ja, years 4 age, taking hird, evidencing good ie lities to bear and close attentioa to tl eir stridies o their part, and eq ally re on their teacher, Mr. abilities to impart instru4 attending his school, and anxious t make tha most of 'their advantages. W understand that Mr. Motgon's service are to be continued ciuri year, showingthat the tr interest in the education in and around that obscn riess. • John Cam ears of age, took . M. Gordon, 14 11 ecting credi organ, for hi time to thos g the ensuiu stees take a f the childre e hamlet. 11 , St aalley .1 Comecia.-iThe 'councilmet on th 30th day of Auguet. Alil the member present. Minutes of pr vious ineain read and signed. . The louncil agree to pay eight cents per yard for all gray used for public roads in jthis townshi and require pathmaste s in rnakin their returns to state ositively th number of yards taken. jThe clerk wa instru ted to draft a by -1w to levy an raise oh all the rateable property in th township a ,rate of. two and one;tent mills on the dollar for ccainty purposes, and one and one-half mil4s on the dolls for township purposes. rrha clerk wa also instructed to draft a by-law to lev and raise on all rateabl property i • •1 each soh ol section in this township the sum req ired by the several achool cor- poration for this year. The by-laws were the read and sighed. The sum of 815 vi s granted to repair sidewalks in the village of Varna, and $10 granted for drai ing purposes in the village of Bruoefield. The council granted the sum of $25 to be expended on the boundar • line, between this township and the village of Bayfield, providing the Bay eld council grant an equal amount. John Sheritt was paid the sum of $ 94 balance due him for timber for town hip purposes. The olerk was instructed to draft a by-law to enforce the perfOrriaance of statute labor or commut tion therefor, and that theist ;It day of / ne be inserted instead of the 10th da of May, where it aocurred in the by law respecting pathmasters' duties. The council adjourned until the 2nd aturday in November. Hibbert, FARM URCHASED.-Mr. John Melville, a highly esteemed rustic in the neigh- borhood of Cromarty, has purchased a farm of 120 acres in the township of Elma, 1 ir $2,000. • RUSTI ATING.-A nephew and niece from Ha ilton, of Mr, Jame e Gillespie, are rnsti ating at his place io the yid. nity of 0 omarty, for the benefit of their health. RETU NEP.-Mr. Simon Chappel, who has bee serving as an apprentice at wagon making for upwards of two years at Atwood, and who was harvesting in these parts during the past 'eix weeks, returned, to his shop last week. DOGS. -The dogs still ' continue their sMork of deetructioli among the e1ieep and lamb. Not a week d Ting the last five or six • weeks, has gone past without' someone's flock b ing attacked and injured by these vo acious curs. So fre uent have been th ir attacks that ne uy of the farmers tre now closing in their flocks at night. It is, now time that some means s ould be taken to eradicate the eettleine Lt of the nuisance. FORMER TEACHER.- Mr. qowie, for- merly ai assistant teacher in No. 6, has bee • engaged in the arlingford school, 1 ullarton, for the remainder of the year This is the school wheee Mr. Gilfillan so efficiently taught during the past fon years; and which he reigned at the b ginning of the summer vaca- tiorabefdre entering into his inerc ntile business at Moresville. We feell sure that Mr. Cowie will be a very worthy successo , for it was owing to his efforts that No. 6 did so well when he was in it. SI Zurich. THE Cos. -Harvesting is now over, and one of the largest and best crops ever grown in this locality, has been saved in excellent condition. FARM SOLD .-Mr. Mitinger has sold his farm on the 14th concession of Hay, to Mr. J hn Gellman. The :farm con- tains 50 cres andwas bought foe the sum of 2,000. Mr. Mitinger intends returniu to Germany. BUSIN ss. -The last few Weeks] have been ver busy with farmers and corre- epondiegly dull in the village, hoWever, our mer halite and bueinesaathen gener- ally hav been laying in a large stock of goods and are now fully equipped for business. HOTEL OLD.-Mr.N. Deichart has sold the Commercial hotel property, to Mr. Pyine, of New Hamburg, for the sum of $5,000. he stand is a good one, but consideriug the present unsettled state of the Li uor Law, the property is well M . Pyine takes possession on the 10th of this month. MILL IIPNOVEMENTS.-W0 nnderStand that Mee rs. Elines & Willianis,proprie- tors of t e Zurich mill, have let the contract .1 fitting up their mill accord- ing to t I e new roller system, to the Goldie McCulloch Manufacturing Compa . The contract embraces the puttin i' of a very complete set of , rollers, ••ith the necessary imachinery of the la est and most imprdived kind, for malti g flour according to the new process, which we believe is a very great i111 provement on the old. The proprieters are aleo building a large • addition to the mill, to accommodate the new to. achinery aud their, constant- ly Mere sing trade, the work is being prosecut cl as rapidly as poesible, and will be completed at an e rly date. The Zu ich mill has long 1 ad an ex- cellent r imitation, and after he present improve to ents are eomplete1 will be thy than ever of p blic con - more• wo fidence. Brussels. PARTI S wishing to obtain money at low intere t on mortgage, will do w11 to call on F. S. Scott, as he is offering anyamcluntofrnoney at the 1 west rates of interest On good farm property. Will always be found at !home Satur- day aftern ons. 869-8 REMO ED. -Adam Good &1Co.,. have removed f ora Graham's Block, to the new shop in the Va stone block. They novti occupy two shops. 1 863 BASE 3ALL.—The return Match with Exeter ie spoken of being played on Fri- day of this week. It will be an inter- esting one, as they were prettyiclose be- fore, and think themselves as good as our boy. ATEILE TICS . -Our athletics eame again ' to the fore at Stratford., W. F. Scott winning15 firsts and. 1 second, A. Scott 5 firsts, 3 seconds and 2 third; G.Perry 3 Bacons and two thirds, or ,']in all $120. The Scott Brothers doing thebest vault- ing eve before done in Canada, both clearing the pole at 10 feet 6 inches,with ease. FIRE On Thursday a stable belong- ing to F C. Rogers, was set on fire by some chldren, and totally :consumed. The engine was out andl pumping through 1,600 feet of hose irj good time and sav d all surrounding property, but the stable was a wreck in leas than 10 minutes. Loss $75, insured: for $50 in Glasgo and Leaden. PERS NALS.-Mrs. John Nott and danghte are visiting at St. Catharines this we k. -P. Soott and wife are away seeing riencle at St. Marys. -B. B. Keefer, lof Hamilton, is in town looking after the temperance movement. -John Youle, of Grey, died last Saturday,after a long and protracted illness, and was buried Monday, the funeral being very large. -A. R. Smith is in Toronto at- tending a trade sale and, will give good bargains to his many customers on his return. CRICKET.-The,Wingham club played the return match here last Thursday, the following being the score: Brussels 1st innings, 24; Winghane lat, 63; Brass* 2nd, 111. Winghain did not play -the: second, as time was called, it being understood the game was to stop at 6 p.m. Our boys seemed to be de. moralized the firs innings, 'ut'in the second they seemed to have got their eye on the balaand with good ]tise of the willow, kept it dancing to the tune of three and four ru 'hits. J. Dinsley and F. Granger acted s umpires, and. T. S. SCott aud E. E. Wade as scoiers. BRIEFS. -Duncan MoLach an sold a 5 year old horse lest week fo $200, for the American market.--Seve al parties last Mohday ni4t about 2 o'clock made tlaie night hideous with,their yells and blaisphemons language, being the worse of liquor. Qne of the party was trying whether hi head or a stone was • the hex ,estand came out defeated. A doctor had to be galled in. It is time such work VMS drepped, as it has been repeated nearly weekly for eome time. ProbablY a night in the cooler might dampen] the ardour of those] lively boys. H nsall. BRIEFS. -Mr. D Dobie and bride were the guelts this week of Mr. Wrn. Elder, of Usborne.-Mr. John Scott and wife, of this village, eft on T esday for Montre I, for a wo weeks' trip. We wish th m please t time. -Miss Sibbil, of Osw go, was here recently visiting friends. Mr. T. Berry, the .'ell -known horse b yer, this week, pur based a 3 year old colt from Mr. Chas4ichmond, of Hay, for whiol4 he paid $225. -The number who left this etation to attend Fourpa gh's show was not 1 rge.-Mr. Wm. M, Kreath 's busily e±igaged in collectirig materia for the erection of a new honse. • Kip;en. T. Melee's, Kipieten, keeps the largest stock of Plows and PlOv Castings in the market. Still more of those Sulky Plows coming. Farm- ers will fiLId my stock compleLe in the Plow line. Don't fail o see them. MR. EISMILLER'S Grocery D8e7p42 art - Ment is n w complete, after adding lot of the newest thns such a Epp's Cocoa, Cocoanut, Gelatine, Eleet, ie an, Magnetic $oaps, Silver Gluss Stailoh and Mailt other lines -ch are all sold cheaa1,. Choice 'imothy seed at Lendon prices, 874 SHIPM NT. -Mr. Gilbert Di9k shipped a car1oa1 of fine cattle to oronto on , Monday. Should the market there not • be sati factory, e will tak them to Montreal. HARVESTING OP RATIONS.- arvesting operations have ended in this vici- nity and the farm rs are now busily en- gaged ia preparin the grou d for fall wheat. , The grou d is still very hard and dry,and all c1mor for mere rain, NEWliNTERPRIS .-We understand a lady fro Goderic i has come here with the inteation of oj ening a millinery and dressmaking establishment. ] This, in our opipion, sho Id be an excellent • opening for her li e of business, and we wish her FRICCeSS. PLEADS NOT GU TY. -Mr. Weismiller •informs us that solne parties around. the village are still in4mating to him that he must be the reporter, and he feels annoyed. Well, Of course, just as we said in the last issae of this paper, we might be able to Set them aright, but, etc., etc. MEETING. -The members of St. An- drew's church held a meeting on Mon- day last, for the purpose of making ar- rangements preparatory to giving C'eall to some divine. The flock has been without a shepherd for the past eight months,' and. it is considered advisable, in the interests of 1 the congregation at least, to have a r gular minister once more. It is hoped that they may make an acceptable sele tion. • Wr. xeter. AcdIDENT.-Last Friday, while assist- ing hi some work n his brother An- drew's farm, .Mr Thos. Miller, of the Howick Mutual 1 nsurance Company, was thrown out of a wagon by a run- away team, and pi ked up in an uncon- scious condition. On examination it was found that one of his ribs was • broken, but the full extent of his in- juries was not aseertained, as he com- plained 'of severe pains in the upper • part of his body i Although still con- fined to bed, it is hoped that he will soon be moving about again. THREATENING. -Last Monday evening a case of threatened ssault was before Justiceeof the Pe ciMessrs. Dorland and ROBS, of Gorri , aid Robert Miller, of Wroxeter, the efendant being one Jonathan. Rill, lat ly tenant of the saw mill here. It app ars that owing to his not abiding by the terms of the lease, non-payment of re t, &o., he Was eject- ed from the mill, he proprietors taking possession of it. laming the process of ejection talked Hill madei a great bluster, and nsing a rbvolver before giving up pos ession of the mill, and even went so far as to t Lreat3n to, kill some of the perties. Niattention] was paid, however, to his ra ings k the partiesin pdssessien, but he came back later in the day, and be orning troublesome, was again bundled off the premises, but observing him trying to reach his hip pocket, they sea chedd him- and took from him a large 2 -calibre navy revol- vet, that would ce tainly give any one the quietus if righ ly directed. He was immediately takei into custody, but on seeing the serioi s turn affairs were taking, his bravado left him, and he began to whine and beg for mercy, pleading like a child. to be allowed to get off. He wa ' however', tried and committed to gaol for ten days. The general opinion is, hat he richly deserv- ed severer punish ent than he got. "(MUST. H ett. BaiterBURNED.-- e n Monda afternoon Mr. Alex. Jamieson, who res des on the Huron toad, near Alma, had the mis- fortune to lose his barn by fiee,together with the entire se eon's crops, excepting two small hay sta ks, which were for- tunately some dis a,nce from the barn. Mr. E. Hinchley • as threshing for Mr. Jamieson, and. all went well lintil about three o'clock in t e afterno n, when a stacit.pf pea stra near the barn was discovered to be oi fire, the upposition being that it cang t from tie engine, and almost as_ qtlick as lightning the flames enveloped .the barn, those in the mow being almost suffocated before they managed to eiice.pe. The separator was quickly draw* out, but not before the carriers had been burned, and so speedy Was the destruction of the barn that very little wa saved, a few iniple- 4 rnents 'being re oved out of harm's reach. The engine had been set at a good distance from the barn, extra pre- cautions being taln to insnre safety, arid was provided with a spark -arrester, which, however, aPpears to have failed in its purpose, although when the fire was first noticed it was on the side of the stack farthest rom the engine. Mr. Jamieson was i718 red in the MoKillop Altana; but it is 7tid had not complied • .., ,THE BALANC Summer •Stook DRY GOODS & MILLIN W1ILL BE SOLD AT A GR AT SACRIFICE ALL THIS MONTH. RY E. McFAUL E CASH DRY GOODS MAN SEA FORTH. AUGUST. THE BALANCE -OF OUR - Summer Stock —OF— DRY CONS & MUM BY W L BE SOLD AT A GR SACRIFICE AT LL THIS MONTH. E. McFAUL, THE 'CASH DRY CODS filA4 SEAFORTH, w4h the requisite conditions gir t eeh- ing by steam, in which case it is h rdly likely he can get his insurance. His los, which will be fully $2,000, w' I fall heavily upon him. Much sympat y is manifested for him among his neigh ore, and this should take a practical shape. COUNCIL MEETING. -A meeting 0. the 1 Connell. of Hallett was held at Kin nen on the • 29th ult. All the me bers- present. Minutes of former meting read and confirmed. Twenty d llars were granted to WindlicKenzie, an indi- g nt. The Reeve and J. Lasham were a thorized to have the ditohes ade parsuant to the township engineer's maards Nos. 38 and 39 of the present year, and also • the ditches, pur- stiant to an agreement between the Reeves of Hullett and Morris, George Watt, Moses Smeltzer and others? the Oeasurer to pay for the said work at 1 -the orders of said Councillors. T °fol- lowing acconnts were- ordered o be paid., viz: Daniel Marsh, $100, for blinding bridge on sideroads 5 and 6, c noession 12; Chas. McClelland, of orris, $6.70, for gravel; JamesD dds, o McKillop, $12.60 for gravel; Th Mail ,eatherald,township engineer, $1 2.15, fdr surveying, plans, &c., for drainallota 34 and 39 of 1884, and 0.65 for survey- ing sideroad I 15-16, concession 14, Mr. Ga.uley, $2.251, for stone hammer. The Ifollowing rates for the present year were ordered to be levied, viz: Two, ills on the dollar for county purpegeot d 1,1 mills len the dollar for tow slaip rposes, and also the several am mita common chool purposes as re(nest- by the res: ective school corpora 'onia A. by-law w s passed to confir the. ssime. The eeve and Treasurer were atithorized to borrow $600 for tr Months frone the Molson's ban la C:iinton, to pay current expenses o the township. Council then adjourn d to meet again w en called by the Reeve. m a p11 fo 1 th fo --The liq+or ca.se of Theob4d, of inton, who was convicted unde the oohs Act, of running two bare o the th of JuiY, was decided by 3 idge ms, on Wednesday. He held that e Dominion License Act being i full ce, the Ontario License Act of 1884 s ultra vireo, and quashed the cora: of victim. The case goes to the Co Appeal. •S-VrENTtENTEE WECOLE tIUMBEI ,tEvEN HUNDRED e -OF - N'S and 13 NG BO L FIRST CLASS i • A great nurnber of hesE handmade, and will be ad • quality considered, ikan heard of in Seaforth. ten'sima Boys' LACED BALI Suited. for Fall wear, got 13f quality uppers and. heavy toms. Every one needing' lawful article should call an We will sell them very cnes On VER -1 Thousanc •OF Ladies' Fine Buit Laced Buoi tX the very latest styles - sizes, prices and, qualitie from. LADIES' SLIPPERS VEI SCHOOL BC • IA great variety of Child Boots for Fall and Winter peices. Men's and Boys' Hats iu and very cheap' at the Si Store. CHEAP 1,Eaust received a:'1_..3p:ier beautiful White Sugar) thii for$1 TEAS Our 30c, 400 and. b''Oc ' bast value in the marliLet- A full stock of pods u a first-class grocery sto Agent for the Kerby C bod, the best a Zakrket. Call and. testimonieds. GEO GO Morrison' fi Old St