HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-09-05, Page 7SEPTNMBER 5, 1884. News Notes. Thee are three oases ef leprosy at toottite, Minnesota. / from England, hree young boys *dente &ttha Moody school at Gill, peer Greenfield, Massachusetts, were &awned the other day while bathing. ...at Toronto: telegram. says Dunbar, *be sculptor, has just finished a clay seldel bust of Ron. O. Mowat. A num- of friends of Mr. Mowat have seen tee model and expressed .themseives as uglily plowed with it. „awry Lee, bookkeeper for Wood. tegh (a- MoParlin , cinciunati, extradited eon Toronto, was convicted of forgery. Thee= 1080 $13,000. He fled to Tor- onto, and was extradited after tedious —Vessels arriving at Quebec report heavy icebergs in the Gulf of St. Law - wee, the Strait of Bell Isle and off the - boas of Newfoundland. The oldest mariners state that they have never encountered so much ice at this time of ea. train stopped at a draw -bridge on the PeIIS110019. and Atlanta Railroad, nor Pensacola, Florida, finding no sig- nals to move forward. The conductor INA forward and found the watchman murdered, 23 balls in his body, which WM Isla on the track. —4„roan named Bush of the town- Hinchinbrook, has been nearly to death by e. bull, The animal. been chained, and got loose, and whiletrying to get him secure he turned cuBush and gored him. Bush's back end head were badly injured. The alma was killed, but it took nineteen shots with th military rifle before he —There are a large number of appli- Cedilla from Hamilton,. Toronto, Lon- don slid the Ottawa Valley for leave to tein the voyageurs who are to be sent to naivete the small boats through the Nile in connection with the Gordon re- lief expedition. J. T. Lambert, of Otta- wa, is organizing the party, which will be engaged for six months. —The other day as Alfred Stanly was playing in a yard on Chatham street, Windsor, a big Newfoundland dog wag tied in the same yard. The boy had undoubtedly been playing the ani- mal, for it suddenly made a spring for the lad and broke the chain. The fero- cious animal mangled the boy's shoulder in aterrible manner, and tore one of his ears nearly off. A gentleman who was passing along the street Clubbed the brute away, or the little fellow would probably have been killed. The dog pas immediately shot by the owner. —The Governor-General has written to the Militia. Department asking for the names of some militia officers whose services can be obtained to take charge of the contingent of Canadian voyageurs that will be sent .to aid in relieving Gen. Gordon. Preference will be given to officers who served- under Gen. Weise - ley in the Red River expedition, and some French-Canadian officers will also be taken, as it is expected that the majority of the voyageurs will be , French-Canadians. An advertisement calling for volunteers will be issued at 0110e. —A speeial from Bradford, New York, say that at Fall Creek, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, an unknown person entered a boardinghouse where four people were asleep, the proprietor and wife and another married couple. e First an attack was made on. the pro- prietor and wife s The latter was killed. The assailant found $100 concealed in the bed and bedding, but missed $800 sewed in a bed quilt. Passing into the next room the skulls of the other couple were cruehed, but no money found. The first woman struck died almost _instantly. The other three, at last accounts, were still living, with no hopes of recovery. •, Township Councils. WnoYPTER. — Council met in the_ clerk's office on the evening of the 26th August. All the ruerabers present. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The following accounts were handed in and on motion of T. B. Sanders, seconded by J. Sanderson, were ordered to be paid, viz : d. W. Green, -$13.65 ; Clerk, half year salary, $37.50 ; J. Hogg, ringing bell halt year ending July 31, 112, Samuel Willis, 15 loads gravel, 53.75. A petition from the Womens Christian Temperance Union was pre- sented in reference to the selling of liquor during prohibited. hours and the use of profane language on the streets. On motion the petition was received middle alerk was instructed to acknow ledge receipt of the same. The clerk wasinstructed to draft a, by-law amend- ing by-law No. 10 of 1815. The rate of taxation was struck at two cents on the dollar for all purposes, and a by-law . was introduced andread three times and passed, levying the rate. The reeve reported having received from the county treasurer $7.58 boundary line appropriation, and having handed the same to the village treasurer. The treasurer was instructed to make cer- tain payments now due, and on motion the council adjourned to meet on the third Tuesday of -September, or at the call of the reeve. McKueop.—Council met at Lead - bury. Members all present. Minutes read and approved. The following ace emits were ordered to be paid : 1$1.50, • THE HU 0 e• EXP SIT00.. • 1 • IIIIIININI1111111111111111. 1 o'clock p.m., with the object of agree- ing if poosible, to have the Burp as water taken off the road. — Carel d. Moved by George Holland,'seconded by, Michael Murdie, that the reev and treasurer be, and are hereby lust noted to borrow from:the Bank of Comr4ierce, 13,!eaforth, a sufficient sum to pa3 our - rent expenees„—Carried. MoveL by George Holland, seconded by Wm. Archibald, that John C. Morri be re -appointed collector, and to f Telish e atisfaotory bonds at the next m cling. of count:Al.—Carried. EPPS'S 0000A. -GRATEFUL AND COM- FORTING.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the Op r- ationt3 of digestion and, nutrition , and by a carertil applicationlof the fin peo- perties of well -selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tableaj with a delicately flavored beverage high may save us many doctors' bills. , It is by the judicious use of such artieles of, diet that a constitution may -be :gradu- ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating f around me ready_ to attack, wh re er there is a weak point. I We= may sea e many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure , blood and a properly nourished frawe."—Oivil Sete vice Ga,zette.—Made simply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in Packets and Tins ( lb. and, ib.), by Igr °ere, labelled—“ JAMES Errs & CO., Horn� pathic Chemists, London, Eng." 831.52 • Bucklen's Arnfca Salv The best salve in the world for bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chi1t4aiis, corns, and all skin eruptions, a,nd posi- tively cures piles, or no pay rep:tired. It is guaranteed to give perfect eatiefiece ton, or money refunded. Price '25 cents per box. For sale by J. S. R bens. 833.52. I have used Dr. Sorapemoff's Corn and Wart Eradicator, an recommend it as doing all it pro One bottle is worth four of corn cure. My corns are (Signed,) F. C. Burroughes, Sold by Lumsden caVilson, Seaforth. es= • ...- Strength is a valuable quality under any ci stances. The strongest are alwa greatest whether in the kingd rabid or muscle. Dr. Dow's St Oil Liniment is one , of the stn d[u fever ny m tr re 83( mien OMI esses. ot er ssi g. tfo d. gilts, x2 ' elute- s, tie m of eget= ingest remedies known, but when used exter- nally, when the skin has not 1 been broken, its effects in relieving pain re Eh€$u- d tie most grateful and soothing. For matism, Lueabago, ,Neuralgia a like it has ne equal. 805.52. de • a. A Great Discovery. Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Newton, says : " My wife has been sei affected with a cough for twen years, and this spring more sever than ever before. • She had used mapy remedies without relief, and being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery, did so, with most gratifying results. Thc first bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottle absolutely cured her. She has not had so good health for thirty years." Trial bottles . free at J. IS. Roberts' dreg store. Large size IU. 833.52. ' ea • et I Never Give Up. If you ate suffering with lo depressedsOrits loss ____of appetite, g eral debility„ disordered blood,rw constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means pr °cure a bottle of Electri.o Bitters. Yciit will be surprised to see the rapid improve- ment that will follow ; you Will be h and 1 , misery I i Will itrt 'ie. J. S. Iowa, eaully y -five ly a d n- ak inspired with new life ; strengt -activity will return ; pain end will cease, and henceforth yo rejoice in the praise of Electric P Sold at 50 cents 1 a bottle ly Roberts. 833.52. te0 e. W. Papst for copy of Ontario Statutes, $18, for charity to , widow Mc- Donald, and a number of accounts for gravel paid. Moved by Wm.Archibald, seconded by Daniel Manley,that by-law No. 3, authorizing the Roman Catholic Separate school trustees of school seo- tion No. one, to borrow the sum of $700, for the erection of school house as now read and adopted-08zried. Moved. by Michael Murdie, seconded by Daniel Manley, that school section map be amended by detaching lot 21,concession 10, from school seotion No. 6, and an- nexing said lot to school section No. 7. —Carried. Moved by George Holland, Seconded by Wra. Archibald, that the taxes for the present year be levied as follows, viz : two and one-eighth milia On the dollar for township purposes and two and. three-eighths pains on the dollar ;for county purposes (total four and one-half mills) also that the clerk be instructed to levy the amounts re- quired by the different school sections of our township presented in August.— Carried. Moved. by Wm. Archibald, Seaouded by George Holland, that the Clerk be instructed to notify Wm. Alex- ander, Dr. Coleman, Joseph Craig,Wm. Cash, Mrs. Cathill and John McKay, to meetthe reeve in behalf at this council at concession line 10 and 11, lot 31, on Batuiday, the 30th day of August, at The Wonderful Powe of Shaker Blood Syrup, in • eradicating every form of Scefula, has been clearly and fully demonstrated tha leaves no shadow of doubt about being the greatest medical discoeery this generation. SO it its r• ofl " My son had several ugly scr ful us sores between the ankle and knee of his right leg. He has taken two Bottles of Shaker Blood Syrup, the sores, have disappeared, and he seems to be fide. from this humor." T. J. AKELEY, Carriage Manufacturer, Portia d, I have. been afflicted with ca , cerotie taney.1 lied of lr had Syrup nearly and scrofulous humor from ij My mother, sister ed brother this terrible di3ea e. Before taken one bottle of baker Blood I began to improve and am now well. MRS. J. JI CAMPBELL, 92 Townsend etre t, Syracuse, N. Shaker Blood Syrup cared one of thyr patients who had been confinedlto hiod bed for -several months with Mercurialhel for- and tried onep esoription a but they did n good. Wh had gone we h and of some cures perform onary Cherr ove several for ue. tirely onred." This is the tes ven by Mr. C. A. Black, of Skvee ., is that of 'honsends of ot is country. '93.52 tl gi PI a 0 D 11 1 B d It 8 f d by Dr. Wi Balsam, and a iles to get seve two weelis a n .a wo A The Wild St are Plante rebetry plant p e virtue a tringent, a'eseptoe,ansaini egettle extratf trao of Wild nfailing reuiedy te. 857.52.2w. as. •41ee Endorserne 6 Medical edicine, and whe combine her valuable . Fowler's E rry, it is an wel Complied • A Stron The clergy, t ess and the • :cede all endors ok Blood Bit ets as the best novating bloo • purifying tonic work bears but its best reiaor4 7.52.2w. ••••e ways comma Dr. Fowler's ry it certain as been ,th: the -people, fo orbns, Dseatery, Diarr d all Bowel Complaints. iother,hope tu Bfkre4nd bot - be MIS imony sburg, era in Re Age should a the case of ild Steawbe 25 years that remedy with a Rhetneiatism. Without the remedy would have died. I have used it skin diseases with marked snccess. JOHN D. WILBUR, M. 1)., Westerly, 11 I., J. S. Roberts, agent, Seafortli. 855.52 1 . es 04. Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Diseases of the skin, ringworm, sour' vy, scorbutic eruptions and swellirige,' sore heads, and the most inveterate skin disease to which the hurcian 'frame is subject, cannot ' be treated with a more easy and reliable retnedy than i Hollyway's Ointment and Pills which sot so peculiarly on the cons ituticin and so purify the blood, that that die - eases are at once eradicated from the system, and a lasting cure obtained.' They are equally efficacious in the cure of exooriations, burns, scalds, glandular swellings, ulcerous wounds, rlieuma7 tism and contracted and stiffened joints These medicines operate mildly biatl surely. The cures effected by them er not temporary or apparent only, but complete and permanent. 837.62. -----0-• ' Some Wonderful Curr. " Some time ago my wife took ' et severe cough which, in spite of ; all we could do, grew worse and worse. She soon began to raise blood every day. It was apparent to everybody that she 'yea in a decline and her days wer �hort amongst us. I obtained medic &dvic . i = { i , 1 I a li 0 81 4essea ling, sling with a. in raw - 'n all etri;L g tre: a own. d r pect, Ea r °tot .yde ,for stil deed ✓ 0 colors tea, alio 857.5 .2w. AS.pid. Neglect Neglecting adconetipated o e bowels isfif sure to brie d great en ering. Bur fitters regulate the bowels i anner,eiurifying the blood ote a healthy action of th er, kidneys and bowels. 8 J. Cu4e for Cholera A ,positive cure for thf implaidt, and for all acute ems of Bowel Complaints mmer and fall, is found i r's Extract of Wild Strawb °cured from all druggists. Dr. Low's Worm 13yrup w rms and cause, quicker her medioin . 857.52m. nd'ti ill h ock a an at 7.5 0 or'. da 1 1,.:(cus or • ronio ' noi, ntto D . F,:w- ley; to' be 185 .52.2w. f ill ;move any n of a th ldod tu al p o- ach, 1* th For nettle rash, itching w rm eruptiotie, and all sk tele Prof. Low's Magic Sul 8 7.52m. pile, ring - n 4ieases oap. ear Destroy the orms or th e- s vroy the chi dren. Use Fre a. a,n's orm Powder:, they expel 11 de of worms. 857.5 m. National Pi is purifies he •look a d regulates the stomac 1, e ud 1:1wels 857.52m. ' to• • it. A G eat Proble —Take all tllie Kidney an Li e edi e —Take all the Blood pur —Take all the Rheumati s, — Take all the Dyspepsia nd n es - ti n — Teke all the Ague, Fever o s —Take all the Brain and —Take all the great heal —In short, take all the b o all these, and the —Qualities of all the be i the world; and you will fi —Bitters have the best ou ati t es and powete of all I I —Co pee r —In them, end that they il hen' any or all of these, sin1y —Fail. A thorough tri w 1 •ositive proof of this. n e , ;Lie e.jerf, th r s orfars. 3t n liities: est c nes ‚1 1. 11 t • Hardened Livr. Five years age I broke Ido idney and liver complaint epd sm. Since then 1 have been out at all. My liver beta ood ; my limbs were pni lied with water. All the best physicians othing could !cure me. I y Hop Bitters; I have ()Wee. ; the hardness hasg y liver, the gwelling from on nd it has worked a miracle in ould have 'been W. Morey,71tuff 1 ab 30 1 ed agr res pse 11 • therwise I w y grave. J. 1881 - 111 • Pover4• and Suff r 1 " I was dragged down 1 wi overty and suffering for y 1 sr y a sick family and 1 ego octoring. 1 , I was comPletely discou ag d ne year agoddy the advice of m; oommeneedl using Hop Bi tter ne month WO were all we 1e a f us have seen a sick day ma • ant to say to all pooren, keep your f milies well a ya op Bitters or less than one Id mit will co t. I know itd'-4 i gman. 6 ali- nre 61 *th a- 11 e tc be e.d like nin and tdhat l4ied to s yen om bs, se; in Qct. n 11 11 None a green 11 bun all the Hop " or 64.52.03: An Ex - Bi en H tg y c Ex -Alder i remedies ha debt, atised Is for until astor, and in none and I n Ican with • ctor'a WOrk. • e genuine without a bunch s on the *hitt° label. poisonou std with Hops" in their name. derman It. n Taylor, cif T rdnto, d's Yellow Oil for r euma- red him after al other failed. 857.50.2w. 11 • Russi radicator he way it e sk your dr they. 837. Ccioril _and W. • t selling like magic, blecause aidicate8 corns. is nagical. ggist for it, and ttke no HALL Hair R Seldom does strong hold upo HALL'S HAIR popul the p NEWE it has accomplished a c color to the hair, and scalp, are innumerable. ,Old people like it for wondi restore to their Whiteni g locks color and beaut. Mid le -aged because it'prevents th m from keeps dandru.tIl away, grow thick and strong. as a dressing because' it Will glossy lustre, and it in whatever form the favorite of all, ond it because it disappoints PEG ABLE -8i dence ha sons r remeTir win s ch blic . The uaee in s½rhich mplete ketoratjon of rous health t. the rful po er to heir or gival people 1 ke it getting bald, and ne. kes the hair Young ladies like it ves th hair a eau:. nables tlh�m to dress wisht. us it s the as bee° e so s one. BUCK1NGH4M'. D r FOR THE TJJISK -us Has become one or the ost ortant lar toilet articles forge tlemcn' use. the beard is gray or naturally of an Sirable shade, BUCK GRAM'S Mg -remedy. PREPAR R.P.Hall& Co - Sold by an D Ines ,Was ua, xaggis . E opu- en nde. Grand Tru Trains leave Seaforth follows: GOING WNST- SZA, Express a1:50 Express 8.58 MixedTrain7:55 GOING EAST- SHAY Express 6'45 Express Train.....1:50 Mixed Train. .4:45 ° London,Hur k Ra Tway nd Clinton stat ons as RTH. I OLIN OP. • M. 2:80 .M . M. 9:15 .M. a . OLIN •N. . 8:45 . M. M. 12:556:27 M MM . . M. 4:00 P. M. 447011T21 -- ''t London, depart.. . Exeter Henna Kippen 13-zucefield elhaton Londesboro Blyth Belgrave Wingham, arrive GOING 8 OU TS- aniBru e. zoregs. .M. . M. 747 420 8 56 586 . .. 9 13 6 50 . 9 17 5 55 • 926 605 • . ,9 48 6 80 -10 07 650 10 16 6 59 10 31 7 16 • 1045 7 27 xpress . M. 7 85,' 2 67 7 49 309 8 23 8 82 4 05 4 21 4 80 4 86 4 60 5 50 Wingham, deport Belgrave Blyth 805 Londesboro ....I. 8 14 Brnoefield 8 59 • • • • • . • 6 Clinton 8 45, Kippen • • • .... 9 08 Hensel 1 9 18 Exeter 19 28 London, arrive n) 80 17irellin.gto , McG-re pr's Speed,, Every purcliaSer of common sense business; apacity, wherj equiring an article forr 4 certain arpose, parch se only that whiob, hen ben tried r is allowed fi st to test before b yir Yclu are flowed a free nal bottle of Mcnreg s Speedy are, the gre t remedy for dypepsia 'tiepin° food and livert disorders at LumOden id Wilson's ng store. Set S14I at 50c. and 81 *ex bottle. See estimonials fohi persons in Your io n town, 1.52m. • Fluid Light. iig cares nenralgi in one minute. Fluid Light s ag cures toothach4t in on minute. Fluid Light °jug cures face aches ia eta minute. Fluid Light sisg cures lumbago o0 minute. Fluid Ligh I 6g relieves rhentnatie in one • ute. Fluid Light ing cures any pain or soh inistant- ly. Price 25 eats per bottle at ;Stun d n ot Wil- son's drug eto :. 851.52m. Gr y and B GOING NORTH -1 P. M. Aeo. Ethel . 2 28 Brussels • . 2 89 Bluevale 2 52 Wingham 8 05 Goleta SOUTH- Exp. A. M. 548 5 58 6 13 6 25 Wingham B luevale Brussels Ethel *COPYRiGHTED NOVjEMBER 2, 1883. tion the bee In order to protect ourselves, as well as the public, from worthless imita- i of our great Cough Remedy, we have registered the name in the office of 'ulster of Agriculttire, Ottawa, • LUIVISDEN & WILSONS YAL GLYbERATED BALSAM OF FIR. Those suffering frorci. Coughs, Colds, gore Throat, sac., who iave not yet induced to try this preparation, should I:ot so at once, as the sitive state - me ts of the most respectable men in the ootLntry, and the great demand from all ver tin Province, peeve beyond a doubt tlJiat it contains virtue possessed by 4, 1 no thee remedy. When once used it is always adopted as the standard Cough Rerltedy in the household' Children like it. It is perfectly safe to use, and [ epatt altogether from its s periority, it is cheaper than any other. Let no con- sideration deter you front t ying it at °nee. If your dealer has no got it, he can procure it for you withottt much trouble, by addressing the manuf turers, LUIViSDEN & WILSON, CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, SEAFORtH, ONT. CENTRAL GROCER 011,161.1616•666.1 Y. Notwithstanding the recent advance in the wholesale markets in the price of SU ARS, we are Belli4 them at lower prides than ever before ffered to the pulJlio. Having made bur purchases when prices touched bottom, we, therefore, are in a position to offer extra indnoements to our customers and he public gen- erally, Don't delay, but come right along and secure bargains b fore it is too late. Prices on application. Our stock of GENERAL GROCE IES is com- plete as usual, and, will be:found at all times fully assorted. The " Central " is uce. the spot to buy the best goods in tewn, and at prices -that defy competition. In- speCtion of stock and. prices solicited. OROOkERY AND GLASWAR‘E Exp. P. M. 9 41 9 55 10 12 10 28 Aoc: A. M. 11 26 11 88 12 00 12 16 LEGAL. CARROLL & DICKSON, solicitoys . Co veyanc &e. Money to lend, Seaforth and Brussels ; Seaforth office over John- son's Hardware tore, Main Street. N. B. One m mber of,the firm will always be in Seaforth offic. P. S. CARRO L, W. B. DICKSON, Seafoetla Brussels. J. 1INI„ -RARRISTER Solici -a-" Office, Cady s Block, Post Office, af Ali. Go Holt and Ca eron. EST, or, Cenneyancer, &c. ree doors north of erich Agents-Cemeron, 370 -Lf C. HA lend Corner of S 8, Solicit° , &e. Private seamy to lowest rats of interett. C MOE- are and W et Street, Goderich. 774 ("ARROW & PROUD 00T,Barrister Ns" tors, &o.,Goderic win .Prondfoet. OAMERON, HOLT &OAMERON, Ba ristere, Bolicitors n Chan. ery, &e., Goderi h, Ont. M. C .Cansoron, Q .0.,Philip Holt,, M.. Gem- eron. 506 • ,Solici- Garrow 686 H W.OMEER,B Law,'Sol citor in for taking affid vits int Solicitor: for the Bank Privatefundst loan s rrieter and Atto ney at hancery. Comm ssioner Province of M nitoba. of Hamilton, WI ngham. 6i tont per cent. 688 'a/TANNING SCOT , Barristers, S al&Gale. & Money rek&c. i Solicitors for t of Johnston, T s 151- Conveyan Office, Beaver llock, Clpiton,Cl Ontario. Mammas, JAMS SCOTT. I licitors e Beni o loan. A. H. 781 MEYER &D Lai- Block, W of Hamilton. vits in Manitob cent. Luckno C. 31.1SYBR. E. CKINSC ngham. ommiss N, Barristers, &c Solicitors for t oners for takie Private funds to loan office every Wednesday. . DICHD OON. , Kent's e Bank affida- t 6 per H. W. 738 LOFTS L. DANC: T ATE with Cameron ,Holt & Can:scroll, e oderich, -a-4 Barrister, •Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan, Bensoa's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforthl. 786 S. G. McCA NOTARY Public, Co 4-1 &c. Offide in Ca floor), opposite Tun Ex ,OSITOR Offiee. lend. Farms and hops s for sale. GHEY,-A. eyaneer, Comm ichael's Block, ssionery (ground Loney to 836 F. HOL QUCCESSOR to lat 1-4 Holmested, Baxrist and Notary olicitor Commerce. Money t Office in Scott's Block, ESTEE), firm of MeCa Solicitor, Con for the Cauadian lend. Farms ain street Seafo ghey eyancer Bank of or sale. th. AtTCTI NEERS. T P. BRINE, Lice • County of Huro part f of the Clsunty ee eostrOffice will be cod Auctioneer Sales attende 11 ordersleftatL romptlyattende for the d In all theEx. dto. A DELGAT Y, Lie j-1' • County cf Huron promptly atten ed to o dress BMWP. O. cession 12, Gre Deitartment is fatly etoeked with e large and, choice assertment o CHINA TE SETS, DINNER SET, CHADIRER SET, TOILET STS, etc., which are offering for the next two weeks at reduced prices, preitions to our annua stobktaking. Now is the time to buy Crockery and Glalsware at low figures, at we are desirous of rednoing stock as low as possible, Highest market price paid for Batter, Eggs and coarse grELins. Free de livery. LaidlavV & Fairley, Seafrth. need Anctioneell for the / Endes of elides riptions reasonable trijns. Ad - ✓ apply on Lot 4, Con - JAMES CAMPBELL, / 10, Conceesion 14, ed on the most reasona guaranteed. All order 0. will recerae pro CAMPBELL. 849-t. 1. • so, Licensed Auctio eer, Lot IcKillop. Sales onduct- le terms, and Benefaction addressed to Walton P. pt attention. JAMES McGregor & Parke's tested by years of tri most convenient and eff carbolic aid. The gr out, burns and old s Gregor & ke's Ca cents by Lumsden & W Carbolic Certste 1 and bas been f cam' method of atest anticeptic i res. Be sure yo olio Cerate. So son, druggists. as been and the pplying use for get Me - d for 25 851.52m. CE an Fr ckles, $unburn, s, Black Spec s, Biot- a, can be rei4oved in- ybyap1Yiflg Frebkle jotion, Sure an d Eletnal. E 25C. PER OTTLE d by 11 Dru ists. TEAS QHENDER THAiN slue that can be had in the call at the If • you Want the best v EER. ovince for your money BT TEA- STQPE. • That is the place to get the worth of your money. Blaek Tea, Geeen Tea, JapaP i Teas, that are usually old at 40c ii, pound, axe now selling at 25e a pound, or ilv po nds for $1. Also, tibe higher priced teas are cut down to a very cheap rat. Sneers are being sold a,j3 follows: 10, 11, 13, 15 and ld pounds of each for $14. Rrine at 50 per poen , or 22 pounds for $1., Prunes, ditto. Tea dust very cheaPi. Al kind ii of Groceries at the lowest postible prices. 4 full stock of Crocker, China and Glassware on hand and will be seld at a Eileen advance on cost; itt feet, everything to be found in a first-class grocery, cam; be had. il.t the Seafort Tea Store. Oatmeal eachanged for oats at mill ratess All good3 delivered free. A• G AULT Main Street, eaforth. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SIEAFOFIITHI ONTA miswiammom EMPOR1UM Mo. COTT BROS., -- PROPRIETORS 33TTI\TM-I.A.M PIAT o Read the following testimonial by one Of the best musicians of the present day "The Upright ianos of Messrs Du endorsement, as a decided SWOON. They --eympathetic qualty, can not be surpasse ham desrve, as well an emphatie develop a tone, which in power and by the now existing Upright Piano, " and are equally beautiful in their musical qualities ite well as1 their exterior "appearance." --THEODORE TITOMAS. 1 i• --"EXOELSIOR This celebra d Organ has always received the highest award wherev shown., taking firs prize at the Northern Union ExPibition iie October, 188 Among other Organs shown at this show were W. Bell id Co., Guelph ; Kilgout ItEemilton ; Karma Wdodstock, &I:5. Call and see us before buying. Old instra ments taken at their full value. Orders for tuning pianos Tand organs &donde to et once. • AYER' SasapariI la Is a hiealy concentrated ex ract of -, Sarsaparilla and other bloodep rifying 1' 4 roots, coDibined with Iodide on rotas.. slum Iron, and Iro, and is the safest, io8t reli- able, and triost eeonomical b1ood-puiier that . can be used. • It invataie.bly eels all blood. poisons froM the astems enriches 2, d renewS . : I the blood, land restores its vitalizi g power. It is the host known remedy for crofhla SCOTT BROTHERS. N.M.—Small Instruments, Buds at; Violins, Guitars, Aceordeons Con. cOrtins,s, &o, on han&; also a good assortnient of Piano Covers, Piano Stocils :‘,4e All kinds of Insttuctidn Books, STAMPING Patterns far Ransington Crewie &tad Outline Emlgoideries. and all Sarofuiloue elas, Eczma, Sores, Boils, of the Skin, by a thin condition ipt Neuralgia, Debility, Inflammatory "ATM's the Intia I have Durham, le% Dr.J.C.Ayer Sold by a Complaints, :Ringworm, -Tumors, and E as also for all disord and impoverished, or c the blood, such as 'then Rheumatic Goun, and Scrofulous, Cala Rheumatism C SARSAPARILLA has cus nnatory Rheumatism, suffered for many years. W. H. afinartEnt Ia., March 2, 1882. PREPARED BY , &Co Lowe! =Mass. Druggists; $1, six bottl Eryisiesa lotches, uptioni rs mused rrapted, mitism, General Ai. ' . aid. ed me of with l • s for fs'Co MAIL from 0 ; $70 ntermediate deny erage-Quebec ndoro 314. , Belfast, 14. medl anti t I INSU several world. ' I M . .A.I.JIJA-11\T ROYAL A. STRIDNO, GREAT RiDUCTION Cabin rates donderry, $ and $150. peol, Londo $73.50. St Glasgow, and Cardiff, Londonderr, to Quebec, Money Lo 1 represent panies in the 0flic-Market 862 ' • ' • -JI ent. RATES. and Lon- 110; $135 to Liver- ; Return, : 01, Derry, Bristol eenstown, or Cardiff Bought nce Com- ROanna --OF-- STEAMSHPS. Seaorth, IN PASSAG Qui bee to Liverps sI and 380. Return, from Quebe and Glasgow, $8-67 to Livers Belfast, Queenstovn, From Liverpool, Q London, Mists, ..._. and Real Eastat- Sold as Usuah — RA NC E. of the best Insu Sreet, Seaforth. A. 31 ST. SHAIZIP! (Forni-erly THIS Hotel, a- Union and lesfunsished the best arid Vir Ever charges ve 846 JAMES' ToRONTO. te 1 PR9PRIETORS. wil& Staten, :throughout moot poseible mos • HOTEL; - ly opposite n re -fitted ow one of in the city. guests and • roprietors. & BRIGiriAMI Sharp's Hotel, Seaf],rth,) is situated dtrec has recently b and is comfortable hotels attention paid t° erate. , L. SHRP, 1 NO, BRIGHAM, i MEDICAL. WG. S. " • Surgeon, dence, that Aubur. MAC later ONALD,M.D, C. I .,Physician Ocouchettr, &e. Once and resi- occupied by Dr. Hutchison, 781 T G. C r.4 • co d clic° s nth east of Presbyter TT, riche i side i . D. &o, Physician, surgeon sad r, Seaforth , Ont. 0 a ce andres1- of Goderich Street, :econd door an Church. 842 WM. HAIN McGill Acconclieu, N orth Side east of theMet OV U Sea. Goderich 11, M.D., C. M., Gir iversity, Physician, orth,Ont. Office an Street, fast flarik dist Church. admit° of argeon and Residence, House 496 R. W. M.D, C. M„ Ye and Surgeons, and Reeidence s Vereoe. 848 BRUCE SMI H, aber of the College os PhyeiOimas -c., Seaforth, Ontario. Office on e as formerly occupied by Dr. DRS. HortARD Licentiate College of and Sureons, burgh ; Licentiate Midwifery, , ELLIOTT BRUGEFIEL ELLIOT, of the Physicians Edinburgh. 83326 & • GUNN• M GUNN, 1 the Royal Phs sieians ens, Edin- of the Hoss omen, Lon - Royal Min- in WILLI Licentiate College of and Slag lanais ; lat pisal for a don, Engleed. EYE, DR* I. R. C. P., Ear and Throat, to, and Surgeon firmary. fate Ophthelmie Throat and 317 COURCN EAR CEORCE L. R. Clinical Hospital, Ear AND T:,ROAT. ON, the Eye ege, Toron- d Ear In- LOndon nd Central S. RYER ' C. S. E., Lecturer in Trinity Medical Co to the Mercer Erse. Assistant R seal Moorfields, Hospital. STREET, TORONTO; C. CRTWRIGHT, L. D. S. of Stratford, win be t bis Office nnase,. in Seaforth, opposite the Coin- ' mercial Hotel, every Wednesday etesia ed and Tharsday, exee t the week when Tuesday comes first of the month, and in Clinton the seeond Friday of each month, at•the Grand Union Hotel. Teeth ex tracted whhout pain. Charges moderate and terms' cash. 7a0-25 College of Speialty, ully . la busiaess ot all opera - each patient, sore, aleyern r$1\TITITSTJR..-r- D.WATSON, Faculty Gold Saving Teeth gar N. B. -4s the late time beg Office o Block, Main Gold Medalist, Natural Ch,arge8 I a Bugg', a by er Johnson's Street, DE1111$T, Medalist and Toronto School Medicine. . Teeth a Easily and. Care Extracted. Moderat have bought out then s] I will covaplete him satiefactorily to Hardware S Seaforth. • OHRYSTAL PRACTICAL BOILER TB 6 Subscribers ' Business erich Foundry having had an that shop, are now in all its branches. Any work entrusted attention. First-class All kinds of Smoke Stocks sonable rtes. Paris - 1481W Selt Pan the shortest notice, , potation - 1 • CRYSTAL & BErAOK, MA ERS Tools and by the Go and years in on the trade prompi : repaied, :else &eat roe repaired o at defy 0na have bought the lately carried on and Alrioufaeturiog Company, axperionce of over eight prepared to carry to us will r0.eive work soaaranteed. Boilers made and and Sheet Iron Wserk, made aid old one; mai and at prices t & BLZE, 1. 4 , • , • 14