HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-09-05, Page 1orb ileo tuners many. ft. foot a sox pie 'ly H at the lanes k Wed Ilk$ a, 'SOOf,. t feet' art yi" 've e con. Diary a�oid� ERY tEAT rH. WAN ERY HAT H. A ea -open ger 1st, chOoree usual. 872-2 flCE. 5 or safes- Price' aricetgs elusion 3tg arid - era ass cartes• a WEOLE NUMBER 874. 2l SE SEPTEMBER 5, 1884. NEW FALL GOODS opened this Week —AT THE-- CHEAP HE- CHEAP CASH STORE —OF— IIOFFMAN SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL KINDS OF SUMMER GOODS OFFERED RE- CARDLESS OF DOST. WE MUST HAVE ROOM. HOFFMAN BROTHERS. LOST. Diary Notes of a Trip to the Northwest. ' (Continued from last week.) MR. EDITOR, -July 13th—I drove o t. to Mr. Hannah's this afternoon ; the e was much farming all the way. The e is an old Indian at Oak River, who h e a good lot of crop in ; he has simme re 1 fine peas and potaioes. Peas do re 1 well here, but very few were sokvn. M. Hannah and I drove out to riswo: and lost the trail. We passe sever half-breed farms on our way tip ; th y E` have a good deal of breaking done, bt t: very little in crop. The first placee stopped at was a Mr. Camerdn's. e has 100 aures in wheat and 15a in oat ; about the half is good, the ret is b t very middling. He had: soma Iudi n . corn planted, but it..won't ripen. I ha e, not- seen any corn that will.00me o, maturity in this country. He have a, large stock of Berkshire pigs nd •so e good cows, a very good huse, a d underground stables with the 'grana y built on top. He and- his son own o• e section, township 9; range 23. i r. Cotter lives opposite. to him ; he has a very nice field of wheat and some goal peas. We had a good long drive wit . out seeing much cultivation Pass:d Oak Lake station, where here . is a couple of small stores and a wind o ill eery lit le ere. _ ' e where -6 at 1 r. ry on he �t a gi., ss and m'lk. :e mu .h, 50 edR.. he ge On the 1st instant, a small boy about the size of a man, barefooted on both bands with long toothpick boots on his hind feet and totally blind in his off ear, fond of stewed hens' teeth and buckwheat preserves. He had an empty bag on his back containing a bundle of nine post holes and a package of wagon tracks. Ha wore long bine hair,cut short and enrly,and a pea straw hat, which had recently been half soled, fog color- ed olored coat with patch bottom lining, and high water pants. When last seen he was wheeling smoke out of a blacksmith shop to earn money to buy himself a pair of first class boots at SAMUEL WHIDDO N S Marin -both, Soot k Shoe Store, VARNA,. ONT' where he keeps constantly on hand and makea to order allkinds of Boots and shoes. Sewed work, s specialty. A call solicited. d a for pumping 'water. We saw good farming land about h started for the Sand Hills, stopped for a few minutia Knight's, who has an observat top of a sand hill. We here g+ of real Hudson Bay rum Mr. Knight does not -onitive but he has a fine herd of cattle, 40 or head, a good Many of them tho oughb Durhams. We next drove to Mr. Lang's, fornherly of Tuckersmith ; lives at Oak Lake. We spent the of noon in looking over Mr. Lang's la fields of grain. He has 4C0 acre wheat, looking pretty fair, but rather on the thin side ; 150 acres of ots, pre by good, and some late wheat aid bar y, very poor. He has a fine sto of cat le, between 30 and 40 head, six orses, lid a fine stock of pigs. Mr. Lag and his sons own abouttwofieotions f - land at Oak Lake, and one section up towards Virg%n. They have broken bdtween 300 and 400 acres this summer. He has: a very good house, but': scarcel$r any tut - buildings yet. They were busy plough -1 ing a ridge 16 feet wide all rpund .their property, to plant trees on- he roads are left 90 feet wide, and the townships' give each one the privilege of tieing 16 feet in 1 bef serf clef gra ha Wi rod ths tan a• spa in bi go• tb we pr BO for tree planting. We staye with Mr. Lang, and spent a ant evening. Next day we to the Pipestone River, an fishing ; got two bites but no Scott bas a fine farm n Lang's ; be had a field of wll with a drill, looking real well fine herd of cattle ; plenty of ing around here. Mace live the river ; he is jest out frog country. His crops are not to promising. We were invite Mario to a _great birthday pal island. We drove there abou p. m., and spent a very pleai noon. Mr. Mario is a native of the first water, an he 1 right royally. He -gave ns' spread, from a roat otdown plum pudding. About 75 .s all night ery pleas - rove osier tried the fish. Mr, xt, to Mr. neat sown; he has good graz- close ,to - , the (1t oking very 1 by a Mr rty on th, t 2 o'chic ant after entleman treated ! n a spler.di.' to tiee-rea t ddwu'f to dinner. His mansion is built on th border of the lake, sarroundd with beautiful belt of shade tree -not m.nch crop' out the isle mostly timber , land -900 He has a fine field of wheat. land, and about 80' acres broke. H. seems to enjoy fife,' as he is the ver picture of health. T, drove Mrs. Knigh home from the party, and w stayed;al night with them. Mrs. Kniglt,althcEg never having farmed any until she cam to this country, tho=onghly understand dairying, as she makes the ,hest butte that I have seen in this country,'aye, o any other country. We had at Mr. Knight's stools of cattle ing. He corrals them up at keeps them in pretty late in t to keep them from getting DISSOLUTION: OF PARTNERSHIP.. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersign- ed as Photographers and Dealers in Musical In- struments, at the town of Seaforth, under the style and firm of Wade Bros., was this day dis- solved by mutual concent. Dated at Seaforth this second day of August, A. D. 1884. B. J. WADE. W. W. WADE. Witness.—Loftus E. Danner, Barrister of Seater th. NOT I CEZ In connection with the above announcement, theundersigned begs to intimate that he will carryon the Photographing' business in the old atand,and hopes to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage so long extended to the firm, and he can assure all that neither trouble nor eipense will be spared on his part to give satis- faction, W. W. -WADE. 872-4 DI:SSOLUTI.ON' OF PARTNER -SHIP.. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing between Dennie Bros., llotelkeepers, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued b5 R. R. Dennie, who will collect all accounts due said firm, andpay all liabilities against the same. R. R. DENNIE. T. E. DENNI. Witness.—Jonb. Foweee., Seaforth August44, 1884. SHE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL, A COL- LEGE FOR THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF .(1 -CNG LADIES—Wy keham Hall, College Avenue,; Toronto. President—The Lord Bishop of Toronto. The School will re -open Wednesday, September 3,:1881, when new boarding pupils will be admitted, but it is requested that previous application be made to the Lady Principal person - a113 or by letter. `Ihe instruction is thorough and practical both in elementary and. higher subjects, the candidates sent up to the college and art scho,1 examinations having passed with distinction. Recreation grounds large and beau- tiful. Fess for boarders, 8204 to $252 per annum., exclusive of music. For Prospectus, &o., apply ply to MSS GRIER,. Lady Principal. "THE POPLARS ISSES. Robertson and Booth will re -open their school, on Monday, September let, 1884. Teaching in line with the Public Schools. Special advantages in music. Terms as usual. 872-2 MONEY TO LOAN. STRAIGHT loans at 6 per cent., interest pay able half yearly, or 61 per cent. yearly, with privilege to borrower of repaying part of rinci- Da1 money at any time. Apply to F. HOL E- IRED Barrister, Seaforth. - . He laa nd, as it i tris in all n the mai a fine :oo next niorn- night an he morhin. too fat f a a an mi he di bu do in C• J• to breeding. Really I had ne idea Cha the coarse looking grass was of - such fattening nature. I really elieve tla : t it is ahead of our timothy, nd clove but it is only when the lan is,low an. marshy that the pasture'is•g od,as they is not ranch grass on high lad, and ha is not to be found only in slues, lo places and river Hate. Farairers wi!,ab bad off for hay in a great m ny place:: Mr. Knight took us up to : "a observ: tory, which he has built on he top of small hill four or five stone high. H has a splendid telescope which cos iiv or six hundred dollars. It was a- pr: sent from some of his friends in n land. We spent a couple of hours ie •• ing the country around. We coal. 'se Isom:° houses quite(` plain 5 mile 'o We next drove to; Mr.cFarla e'. late of Stanley, and stayed for lurch he has a real nice ]comfort b1e - p ao, the best frame house that' I have see yet. He brought it with hi from Or tario. He -has five acres of easas .00 as ever I have seen any here ; ;h. will not be long before they re rea cut ; 23 acres wheatlookin just s„le did, and 20 acres of oats fair sh. I ;ovs raining all the time we were here wt'�io kept us from seeing as uch a:1 e would have liked. There eems d e a nine fartning country to t e son h of Mr. McFarlane's, but north all the wa1 to Oak Lake station there is o far in ; the land is low and marshy, and p enty of hay and pasture. , .It rained all t e way until we got to G 'swold stopped there a short time waitin f r the mail. I met with a r. Ste •lar , from Grey. He has a far about our miles to the south. He h got a . , all crop in but does not spea very hghly of the country. We then droye ba k to Mr. Hannah's, where I stayed fo 'tea. I hitched up and got acrosla the errt', and tried to drive over to the Mis cion, but my buggy wheels got so 'chok tip with mud that I coned hardly get one. i 0 w ra n sh fr ti a sad to' l drive abo 1t ,re I could get a -chip btg ape them with. When 1 I .ned off keptoff the , tr s pretty much all the .r ay a very heavyadrive:•to- : ay flies' abut dart. On e over to Hillvene pos hwell, from, near Walter post office. He owns 16 d but does not crop m . bh. ne garden and everythi g ndid. ` e mannred t e he -fall. is tomotoes e om . and currants, ra:'pbs seberries are all` bearin .. 1 some yo .ung apple tree rai seed. is son has : hal :t to him; he hits 20 aref tty good ( Mr. Todd nd a own aection. They av prop—w eat, and 50 in dling. On July 20th : be vy thunder, lightning a not do +mnch damag a 'both north and sou'.h n the gain very bad. r killed la fihe team of axles Whitehead, near ly23rd Willie and I to the west The first pl s a Mr, cLean's, on ge 23. He ,has 45 ne of it looking well, b rt. We next came t m Perth. He owns a bit n. He i)as 40 acres i cr in • - well. Ile has a goo fr aid everything about his 'pl tae mostcomfortable , li e place I that I hav H : does p cipally all a is e a a I thin those a r th Ira going tod the bee , pu: in a &keep ut of de t. . d' nner an his good lad fi a e music on the organ. o er to St phenson'e. T e f: milt' -of t gem. They o• i t a id have bout 250 acres in 1e eke prett fair. They wth four or five team b,oke abo !t 400 acres 0. July 2 We, Willi sol on t• Mr. Gle z, ande wee t. move o er his-t(iings nd h : y. On sly 28, we st rte din, a dis ance of 3r milts. h gh and Gravelly a� goo ay. We saw - a fewv ry o wheat : rid oats, pt a b th whet and oats we g eat deal of the oats ha n y:t. We : e.w no hay un ill t ie river ;flats. I c: ale ethane a her son,wh a f.rth-) They have a very ni a good bit of -crop in,lookF ng ext mor . ing, I walked o randon last the agricnt to I called o. Mrs. Hay, h hot at ho lie. They hav c op on d-fterent farm:, 1 e: rly so'` d wheat is too • heat jus begun to ho poor. Sh-!does not lik a• d woul. j sell out to - get a cha• ce. She say a •encs are a curse to the t e an the -rasa hopper al a likely to last more :.y the tme. a man to irty ac es of crop i agents wi 1 swarm aro • ntil they get a $300 bin I here ar: more imple t. ere tha will be paid he re Lnfacturers +' early al the parties re prin ipally, from ''0 f cm one o three years in ERRA`'rA 1 ---In the last eads "o+eman out of of more than one cow, ten " n, Which mak race. n g' h y mile ugh to; t them on the me- got to 19th I e. Mr. on, keeps acres of He Kae s looking 1 nd well tl out in ✓ ies and showed ed front section in_crops his. two l60 acres ts, jest was very hail ; it ut herE, has cat lightn- hbrsea for on. On ids away came tp 20,3,11, in "crop, thin and f. Spiers, half sec, , all Took- e hone() is tidy ; home en yet. n work, n who are esti crops eyed for TIS some next rode s a large sections c 'op,which e breaking ey have summer. his place e'ping him t some 3r Bran - he soil is t of the cod fields ideal of y poor, a shot out dame to on Mrs. e from Sea- elplace and retty fair. synth to grounds. njsband was acres in 0acres sof the 14e out, opts poent .if a th urachi try, worse , for they one year. wenty for machine like bees 'to him sold out. ten years. offer - yet. oned here rio, being e country. NLOCK. where it dyed " has euld read te ja diff 3r- 1 a PI 11 • 11 .,1 11 9 and found the lo •• r jaw on the right side of his'face so adly broken up, that several bones and teeth had to be taken away. —Mr. James R ployee in Goldie d while wrestling: w had the small bo above the ankle. —The barn be McQuillan, lot Nissouri, was d week. The by' which had just b: —East Nissour low rate of taiet struck the rate at This covers all rates. It is. pro;. the Dominion.; —One day. lf;yst an old resident o dead in his o n stable. It seems he had got two to '' dil of straw and went up to the loft to pbs posed he fell thr shook to his sy cause death. —The other d named Harry St self by placing p 'Co be flattened • little fellow hid the track and s• feet under the o so that it had to —Major Fres Governor-Gener also an. alderm: cepted the cum contingent now pioneers to ;the ascent of the Ni The Toront Union have deei ing,of any liquo trial Exhibitio that purpose wait upon the meeting in the next. !The ingnes Lemon, killed b Mount. Brydes, near London, on Sun- day of last weep, resulted in a verdict in accordance ith the published facts, and also censor ng the railway for not haying a watt man stationed at the creasing, and bl ming the employees for t of snffioie t cantin. About 1 o'c ock Th rad a� of last week sev n youn men house of gnestic nable repute ville and dragg Jackson to the there brutally able to give th Beaupre and Sc ant brought 1 They were tem, -1---Captain Jo tion Army, w d4wning in T til?, the prize away without;fs! word rescuer, now c tines ou the papers in w iotahe to lassist in Pa 1's con attend the Sal ation A r --Joseph Gr en, dee steamer St. L wrence gap' g plank to pen the two miles from Miller': jut ged the dist nce an bo rd. The v ssel w life preservers Ithrown, perishe famed t wned. z name Rich rs, whose ho naghan com hinisel 's' lane, r Port le three ate, an• ate of 0 Oanad Petitio is for the en itni colt Ac in Renfrew c. nn led. —The Oddfellows' i a1 they bpi dings were bu n Mond y. -Ther:; are several aulters s=eking refuge resent. — Lieu enant Greely, ceompa led by his- wif ontreal — The rand Trunk t`Woodstock ii was, burn ;. d ay or *ng Last. ilton, Newbo o' ton, ha nine cattle ki le aris gre n- mixed with'sa --It is sported that an as dose ted from " 1 " ingston - -An ld bachelor n hat the eason he is al a edding is because is anted f r his, present m. Barter, ble Cotswold in stock kille y dogs one nig II y e oss, of Galt, an em- McUulloch's' foundry, th a fellow workman, e of his left leg broken onging to Mr. James 8, concession 8, East stroyed by fire last ,was full of grain, en harvested. takes the cake for a on. The council has 14 mills on the dollar. ounty and township ably not' equalled in week Mr.John Smith, Walkerton,was found on of be- have b en { and some t Stayner rioan ' e- anada at { ctic fame, a rived in ay station u rai on Fri - e r Kiilg- ec eatly by t t e gunner a tery at e ph says i vited to ence is —Mr. .P wo vain a odel fa a •• orried t —On Saturday last a on erriam fell from a fr ellevill and was c . t a t$vo. De - eased as about 13 ea is f ge, and as the on of a widow —The steamer Joh'. n�an was urned at the wharf in., i o 4Onto last riday. . . The fire is su "pose a to have een the work of an inc ns i ry, and the ate engineer, Jas. Rob rtso , has been. rrested. —There ie quite co ingston in regard to a ob he Sabbath: The b . bers hacked in their oper ions u en have not obeyed ord unday abort and wil e a ore the agistrate. —A oy about 1 year: Mr. Cha . Ellis, 15th e nces roes, nearly lost his lye by dent'a few weeks ago. ,In a log and trailing- his gun! a wezit off, lodging the out :41 face. His mother fou d . after, lying by the 1 g ia: doctor from Teeswater wa It 11 . . li ch, had s rom the fie badly t week. lad named car at a 1 otion -at :E vance of h ve been the livery rs to cease a1gned be - old, son of :ion of Cel- a gun acci- etting over ter hila, it to in his na shortly ensible. A Called in, . it back, and t is sup- ugh up-ugh the trap and the tem was su dent to y in Guelph a little lad. .rue was amusing him - ns on the railway track ut by the Irein. The remained too close to mehow got` one of his r .wheels, mangling it be amputated. . C. Derision of the l's Body Guard, and n of Toront& has ac -- and of the Canadian . eing raised, to act as British force in their e. Temperance Electoral ed to oppose the grant - license to the Indus - Association and for large deputation will ommissione1 s at their onrt house on Saturday on the body Of Henry an express train at w morning went to a in Belle- d a girl named Nancy adjoining woods and outraged her. She was names of two parties, uses, who were arrested iefQre he Magistrate. nded. Ludg: te, of tie Salva - ho wa : rescued from ,ronto ay by 'Paul Pat- fighter, : rad who walked f tkahks to his with, a letter in enerously offers ersio4of he will my meetings. hand; on the was drawing a gangway when bay. He mis- ste ped over- s st pped and but e did not . H s sister is • e pre ious night st ch fa bt in n reec. said that any and o have dr tie was dr n old; ma son, aged 82 ye lot 8' South Mc cide y hanging chain in Pierce own house,, nes ceased had ma: own ! life of 1 melancholy at time, past.' -Port Perrt is ma .+ deavbrs to effa e the r the late fire. he to building at a apid ra being mostly o brick a tial character. It is hoped that the authori a lesson from - he rec: Will take immEjdiate st efficient wate servic guisb en t of res. —O Mond morn as a tr in was going e roy, th gi r disc the tra His bo the tra side th bad ev w a: r uggling. - Her ladys',hip then stopped astising him for his ;impudence to. her �nily, and scampered off about her siness. ArmstrongEis slowly receiver- (' frotp his wounds], but he had a grow escape. —At MoGill;Univeiisity, Montreal, on ednesday last, the I degree' of LL.D. �a conferred on Sir 1 John A. Macchia - d, among a number la others. —Miss Fraser of Port Stanley, who cently eloped with Conductor Robbins, was found .by her fath exas, and brought h —A six year old so 9th concession of Yar hay -mow to the barn apd fractured his thi —Hugh Maguire, years of -age, who 1 a engine k ahem] and st ly waalaying i k, but both hi rails. The ba gently een ru bound,train a ly in -t was nothing f and on man by which- he cony —The mail steams rived at,Queb on Su her passengers.includi the British art llery, n Liedtenanaeo° onet were met by, a large ni and artillery officers, the " A" Ba tery b escorted to the citadel they will be p • t up w1 —An aged a d high] of. Crowland t+, wnship Mrs. has met wit. 41 sa and serious aeci- dent. A vicirus cow belonging to Mr. Zavitz, which 1. ad bee alio ed to run at large, attar ked Mrs. B ookfield on the road, goring her he a- fri htful man- ner, the animal's horn a tering the abdomen an inflicting a dangerous wound. Thetnfortnn to lady is nearly 80 years of ag her chances 'o —As J. KE strong were, a the woods o� saw two you g bears er cfibs, on the road ahead o them. Th two boys shouted to see] if they Won d run and __ or a large • wit not fa Hope atte.o has mind ng la vage • n's f+, e, the dof :erne: ies h. nt di. :ps to for ng of st n vered .pped tthe 1 er at Galveston, me. n of Mr. Hatch, mouth, fell from a floor, on Tuesday, h. man about 75 vee in Port Hope, vies found dead in a ay mow, on Sun- day last. He apparently. had got on the hay mow it is supposed to put down seine hay, when he had fallen headfore- x toet into a hole on the mow, and was a A quite dead. led, wha found the angulation. shooting accident last,to Mr. Henry egister i for South out sheoting with s of Guelph, and g a bir3,raised his Colson eves hidden lh, through which g him. in the face, o severely that his e dlestroy€d. as an express ey Railway was ngiu eer, noticed e track between e whistle and aid no attention cowdatcher and he remains were r by only to find brakeman was Itmains to await s mother. itishF Colombia counters have inland between A few days was murdered by t, and robbed of a >ld dust. The In- Dominicn Govern - rd Robin - Was on 11 itted epi - a trace from his The de - pts on his been in a for a long found in that positiol medical man was cal an died through str —An unfortunate happened on Monda3 olson, ex Deputy 1 ellington. He wa tiwo prominent citize ne of the party seeis un and fired. Mr. some underbru e shot went, etriki: i{pn�juring his eyes ight will probably b One day last w rain on,the Credit nearing Ingersoll, t little girl sitting o he rails. He used hooted to her but nd was struck by t as instaptly killed. arried toher home O one in the hoose. left in charge of th he arrival of the ch —Advices from tate that several taken plape on the Indians rad Chinas go one o� the latter radiane near Lillooc arge quantity of g ions say that if th dable en - made by. lk are re - erections substan- tly to be ve learned aster arid provide an the extize- last week ex Strath. a man Oh the train., middle of legs, were out - over the be i day g 23 der c ay. mber aeco nd. at 'Ile in y res • s cold and by a west ht. There nfortunate ruvian ar- nil landed embers of mmand of The team of citizens panied by hey were hich place ected lady , which 'sail tend to lessen recovery p and few daps Manite Jae son Arm - go ravelling in n eland, they al ne 131 a en t McLEAN EROS., Pub shers. $1.50 a Year, in Adv . nce. imeeemossme are also bein investigated. One frau; recent] une�rthed . in Toronto in co' - nection with the paint trade will lead t. tae establishment of a large paint work same place in Ontario. —A magnificient ,we.ter spout was seen on the St. Lawrence at Port Neuf, during a severe thunder storm a day cr t ` o ago. It appeared like a lofty pill r e tending frdm the clouds to the riv r d afforded a spectacle seldom enjoy d • cept at sear During its continuance t oved down the river 1 upwards of t o Miles, when it parted' opposite Poia Platon, and t e rain descending in to rents immed'ately afterwards to sue au exteet that from the village the espeared a vast number .of heavy blas 1 nes joining the river and the clou ss here the water spout- disappeare he phenon enon lased about thr iinutes. —It is bel eyed that Louis Riel, wi ed the Red iver rebellion in 1870, ndeavoring to incite the half-breeds He had be - in' pother nprae ghardly one days before runnE out among the I a in Canada ere sent ians, urgiDg them to derail 300,000 from the Hudson Bay Co any, the price they _received he transfer of their lands to the inion. Chiefs Big 13ear and Luc au at once joieed ten other chiefs he movement and werhordered to ort to Riel at oncer for instructio $hould theia mission fail, Big Bear to do tao by Biel. —A shocking accident occurred last iveek at the lime kilni on the 3rd conces- ion of the townsMp of Sinless, hich Mr. Wm. FraSer, aged 65 yea met an untimely death. It appe that the old gentlebaan went into t op of the k ln to re ove some unbu d stones, nd whil stooping over large stone ell upon is back, comple ly crusbin him with its ponder weight. W en found about 4 p. m. was lying d wn with the large stone, top of him. Although there had b eo fire in the kiln : or some days, Laesh on his face an 8 s. *11 rs he te- he on en he body was almost roasted. from the hea, of the lime. —Deputyl-Sheriff 'Clarke, of Port' Toronto on Sunday last,with a prisoner ; ;named Drake,for the penitentiary. They ent deep not dri e them out 6f the left Port Arthur by steamer Ontario, ountry they will di) so. The China- having two prisoners in charge, shackled an are daily crossing into the United together. Shortly after the steamer States territory, w ere they get em- ; left Port Arthur, and when about three ploymeut gathering th hop crop. I miles from land, both prisoners, whose —A shocking ac ide t occurred on hands had been unshackled when placed the Caneda Souther Thursdaer night of las *n the death of a Mag the miatr ing hone at Monte woman was walking and did not perceive an expre s from late. Sh catcher wheels it in a te stant de 41 ; and yesterday the numb r had in- creased to 62. Last •year n Canada there were 20 officers, three onths ago there w re 120 and to -night 180, with 0,500 sol - morning a Star ship- Impeeial The shads were tdtally destroyed, together w th the refittery offices, which ev at one end. In the sheds w large qtantitfr of barrels, .80 and otbers containing oil. vin made i impoesible to check 52,000 to 54,000. y covered by insuran stillinan, in the em y, wee severely bur d the fire originate barrack —Ab fire bro ping s Co accommodation for d all well-filled. ut 2 o'clock Monday e oat in the Silver eds, belonging to the pany at Petrolea. —Last corpse of dent of - Grand T dent occ he was steno and knoc ssed over rible man th. Friday Brighton, unk rail It is not 11 some time doing b Mr. Allan, of Cob night he eode to th and was eeen on t ing further is know and his body was f leaves a wife and s 1 —The following !account pf Sir Joh !life, which we cop Herald for the am Peemier of Cana , started in life as a bootblack in Waa- 1 gow. He emigrated to Canada at an !early age. When o ly 18 the daughter of a wealthy Came len fell in love with I him, and he ran away with her to a 1 clergyman, who elonsented to marry them. The bride's father, after a time, e and started him in Railway, Oh , on board, managed, ,when the turn week, reselting widow known ss of the board - se station. The crossl the track west, until too by I the cow - down, and the bod±, mangling and ,reusing in- , turned for a few mornents to cony with the captain, to enloose the shae on their feet. They,bolted out of cabin and leaped into the water. steamer stopped extra boat was lan ed. Drake was picked up, but the ot prisoner, whose name could not ascertaine , was drowned. 13, —The w rk of deepening the Well Canal to a uniform depth of four feet will be proceeded with at o Dredging Will have tb be done at summit, bat for the greater part of distance the object will be acconaplis ey rse les th e he eh - her be nd een the the ed ent eet a dista at fro partial supple bursti from way, train. reesiteumapetdy restored a he am.olint elbuilding he flames, ea, except the o their loss he loss ia e. Robert loy of the ed. It is • from the errs weenndt,1 hern Rail-, e mid-day e prayer. for Aurbra, s devotions d before he vered this brerasetinwidtnibutainepkg.. Med. His party of Salvationi anailten on the Nor uesday last, taking t They passed the ti One of the party was bound was 80 wrapt up in h at station was pass d it. When he disc e a break for the do the platform, the that he struck a feuce, was on thel track, run over and name eould net be learned. —Oh Wednesday morn rival of an excursi Grand' Trunk R Chatham, Ontario, atterup off while the train was in fell beneath the cars. cut off. The wheels had. to over im to det him out. .but he that t realiz he ma ed fro ng last, on. the a n train on the ilway, at Kings -Mayor I of ed. to atep °Hon. Ile ie kgs were be baeked e was dead when recovered. Mr., G lay was; en route to .Montreal to visit the exhibition. —A St. John's dispatch eays : Friday last, 30 nailed off Catalina, the British war ship Mall tered the British brig Re vessel was iliemaged on . both sides. The side lights were burnieg, and there wite a fire in the galley stove. The aails were all set, bat the head -gear was gone. There was no igen of crew or passenaera. nesday last, with a crew of nine :men d dor. She had a general ergo. It is thought the brig had been in collision with an iceberg, and it is feared all on board were lost. —On Saturday night laet the people of Ayr were treated to rather in unusual sight—that of egging a certain Major A therton, of the Gospel Army. It appears that the latter party Made him- self very obnoxious to the „ villagere generally, by not attending a public meeting that had been called ha re- spon e to a challenge from himself,, He kept clear of the place until matters quiet d down, thinking, doubtlessthat it won' all blow over. His, eudden ap- pear lace in the village ; on Saturday nigh , however, was the ; signal for a stor which had been .brewnig against n his absence, and A large crowd ed round hira as lie left the hall e station, and their , haoting and g were of a character seldom seen t quiet place. Egg after egg yvas n with only too accurate an aim s persop, until all besmeared., he refuge in the house of a follower. riusty ay, enchuh- online t e mangled was found on the by raising the walls of the pre ed Ma bee, a resi- canal. The whole work of increa the depth from twelee to fourteen an appropriation of $250,000 now a ail- swar able for the work. The reraai ing will cost about 51,000,000, and them is him for t yelli 5750 000 will be asked for at the- next in th thro at hi took 11 Tay track, near the nown how the acci- ybee had been for siness as a commer- g a line of teas from urg. On Thursday stationlin the bus, ,a his movements, und as stated. He vend children. a new and. original Macdonald's early from the Syracuse seraent of our read- cdonald, the present have fun, but she bear cam towards them to save their to their e blamed ag with furry; They used their legs' ves, but s. Bruin 800121 ng down arid bit and. clawed him severely until he quit forgave this escape business." —Last Saturda holm, a few miles evening at Fair - north of McKellar, Mr. Jonathan Criers eldest son, a lad of about 14 yeara, end a lad of about the same age, son of Mr. Hugh King, were out with th nearly home, 011 shooting at a h bringing the nest d were quite close to of Ms accidentall -contents entered tee abdomen of the other and lodged in. bis side. He died Sunday evening. - --John aohnsto and a member of wae arrested last aturday morning on a serious charge. IFor some time back his employer suspected him of secretely appropriating his cash, and on Saturday laid a trap for the yonng man. A friend of the proprietor e tered the store early in the morcing and bought 83.50 worth of goods. On beieg asked later on by the proprietor if a.ny sales had been made, Johnston replied that an old woman had. been in and made a small purchase amounting; to fifteeh cents. He was at once taken, to task andhand- ed over to a policeman who conveyed him to a police station. —The Customs Department are now investigetng some extensive frauds in the book trade. Some two or three years ago the law w 's changed so that their return, began rnet's nest. After wn, and while they °able other, the gun dischar ed. and the , a clerk in Toronto,. he Salvation Army, books that had been could be broughti i &Mei enterprising iritish publishers, who weiTe sending their school bookv into Canada, thereupon printed ne , title pa es with the date seven yeare previon to 1888 and 1884. Thew doctor: . ed boo s were then sent into Canada under the adven yeare' privilege. A lot of theselbooks are now in Canada, and the departrnentisigoing to get the dutyl as well a explanation. Recent frau& in Mont rinted seven year to Canada free session of Parliament. It is bell that the wbrk can be carried on wit interfering with navigation, and the whole will be completed in years, or by July 1, 1886. —The Manitoba rifle team hay ported to the Militia Department the of their coining to Ottawa by the C employees to place their rifles in the ex- press car for fear of scratching the painting on -the cars. This, they thOulght, the hey iage ave for ntly the ted itia, rin- ved out hat two re - fact na- the was reasonable, but prised when 'they 1; Dominion xpress would hav to pay 522 for the car of the Beane befor getting posses This is the first ti e marksmen been charged by a ri.ilway el:impart carrying their. rifle , and consequ they feel considerabily annoyed ove 'Jame. They have n addition rep the matter to the 1?linister of Mi who entered a protest to the sup tendent of the comriany. —The other day young man into the Grand Tru the corner of Kin Toronto, and asked ticket to Chicago. stamped and handed to the etre who forthwith snatlbed it and rs. without paying for it. The numb the ticket waa at onbe telephoned t head office and conductors were told to look out for it. It was first seen at Strathird. When the bearer reached Point EdWard a tel d Dete Union wire b were utterly were told by ompany that GI ent k ticket offic on for a second- lass The ticket was ger, off r of the Toronto, a was at th official to arrest the person who present° ticket. After some further telegr ing, the artest was made and the la sent to Toronto. He gave his na Patrick Carley, —At the Salvatioln Army bangle Toronto, on Monday last, Major Co reviewed the history of the army the inception of the movement nin years ago in Londoe, England, until. the the ere wed of the leamy from one man , to the present aggregate of of Salvetionists, the officers alone some 10,043, whilst the ed by the people and spent od, amounted to the sum of , out of which enormous neral Booth never received one cent for his services, but derived his revenue fram the War Cry, whose circu- lation a hunts to 500,000 each Week. Last yea in Canada there were nine three months ago there were gram was sent to tive Hodgins, who tation, advise the a to the ph- lder t in nabs teen preeent moment. After cbrreetin wrong impeessions that he asserted formed of General Booth, he rose the growth and woma 1,371 corp numberin income nu for their g amount G eal and one or two in Torontd took oharg — n Saturday night last the body of John McGowan, a Vespra farmer, Was foun in the gutter neer the Sinacoe house, Barrie, with the head fearfully ed. No one knew h w the anfor- e man had come to ..3is death till hours later, when e, companion. whom he had been drinking turned d the probable cause of the awl - was discovered. The two left the at 8 o'clockt and in driving from shed the vehicle j lted in going an forward and nude the wheele, which must have passed o er hie head, and killed him instantl . , The other occupant,of the rig drove on, being too drunk to miss his frie d., Decetteed was at one tinae one of th most promi- nent farmers hi this di trict, and for some years represented th townshipsas that he was not dead, but is so low that no °pee of his recove y are enter- -The Montreal Star s ys : A sensa- tion has been caused in the Indian rese ve at Caughnavsaga by the recce). tion of a totification from the Governor - Gen ral, 'by the chiefs, that the British Gov rnment wishes to a cure the ser- vice of fifty of the mo t experienced rive men in the tribe, for the transpor- tion The news of the re ption Of the ing was soon lege, and the at the offer have expressed thetr williagness ise the party, but if it is !leased it will probably be under the direct !man- agepaent of the council ef chiefs' who are to meet to consider the matter. The part, it is understood, wOuld be requir- ed tp leave about the end of SepteMber, and return early in the spring, BO that only' a very little of the Beason of navi- gatin would be lost. The old warlike spir t of the Iroquois appears to have bee aroused, and there se little doubt but hat a full band of the ever faithful alliea of the British will answer the call to duty in the far East. crush tuna Bora with up a dent bote the acros Gow cominunication last eve spread all over the vi younger Indians junape witli enthusiasm. Sever chie to r ---A case of spontaneous combustion °mined the other day °et the farm of Wm. Rogers, of Downie. A fire was" discovered in the straw stack, but wag got Out before any damage was done. No person had been aroued the place. No 41 ne was there with fire, and the blaise can only be explained by spontane eous combustion.