HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-29, Page 3ots- -- • e-ete ess N.. T , in the event all need:tome. heir should -ere what is better wI ? 'what is at i8 more he. worn what R ft, sI at bargain in they offer at lady is in. hem. Lovely prices--frore argaha. Csfl rprised as well °oda, and the ROS • Go odei PAY YOU Fry, NDRY L,SEAFORTN, aka especially for atly improved aeon, and feel is the best is gERS ing light ana HERS and wiu %chine made. or recutting s atisfactaan. to repairing Grist nfehig pg Maohines, y repaired on triable rates. era — Bridge owest rated gpioation. implements • A full line E NDRY. APO?, F's E R MENT UNT Y ES, AT TS, P. IS THE )ULAR ,ORS, Lehn find noW sroajhinge and th, will doubt- IA:fete, in the i'.tte• to about ng rally elite made speeisi sdabion of tbe bristins0 P10- iturS Piot of shadaand coneeed wit& orie;`, give tbd Rallies( wit& ER, 413,relot-th- --• `"- ","":"'` '" `," - 71' • _ : - • • 29, 1884. 111 Care for the Baby P • to Sinn, in fierce debate ' e Woman question; Answered well all other pointe, best's my last suggestion s oledmveaaan gam to oast her vote-- .w'see-iomilees sway. it may be— tas, leek, will stay at home To reek and tend the baby sew 01 own you've made my ease *little breezy ; wee lou'd pass this question by give ma something easy. se the water teems to turn thi a one as its axis, get the one who rocked it when ewe to pay' her taxes." Gaieties. fat of the land : Petroleum. .known general: General de - Asa to matrimony is a bridal Agnothfilg you will never find out is wine like tobacco 2—When *lit* the horseman who " scoured * use soap ? *height of coolness—The top of- •tBlanc. . - 014 vocation," said a justice of the "is one of the fine arts." the advertisement of a new itis said, It eirebraces, about At is town meeting in Ireland re - it was voted " that all rersons• in sea owning dogs shall be muzzled." ...Why is it impossible for a watch indicates the smallest division of to be new t—Becanse it must be s second-hand one-. —Why is a child, reading his alphabet otasyingiK instead of L, like the air 0 1)1,80110—Because it is an L he emst-(element). .41 the alphabet were alive, why „ayon find it difficult to kill it?— you couldn't put the letter B eief"Being." —The following conclusion to a life of igaseierreappeared in a Dublin paper : teals extreordinary titan left no chile ker -behind him except his brother, slew killed at the same time." -An Irish porter, closing te shop one gigyeveuingi took off his coat while ug rep the shutters. When asked *be Went out in his shirt sleeves in bait,. Shure," said he, " Don't I iota dry coat, to go home in ?" On a tombstone iu a churchyard is pafollowingtonching epitaph : " Erect - le to the memory of John Phillips, e sidentally shot as a mark of affection his brother." :-..Twt• men fired at an eagle at the- sme-time, and killed him. An Irish - unobserved, "They might have saved lairpowder and shot, for the fall would betelalled him." _Examiner: What do yon think eisahave happened if Henry IY. of Aimee had not been murdered ?" Can- s* after a mature consideration ulle would probably have died a natural idth." --Locamp of an attorney who theast into some trilling employment is Sir Frances Burdett's celebrated Seat for 'Middlesex, on sending him after charging for a journey to like and another to Ealing, &e., closed **the following itenei: "To extraor- rerary, mental anxiety on your account, tallY —Dmnas the elder met a lady one isy whom he had not seen for twenty pars. There were on both sides excla- nations. embraces, and astoniehment. tiThat Is it you As charming as otorl" " Come, frankly, mon petit Dumas, do you not think that I have ally grown younger ?" " Why, cer- dirdy you have; but yon have taken per time over it." —Killing the- goose that laid the pilen eggs is a very did story, but it traebow gets repeated quite often. The version comes in a New Jersey piper; it is that a milk train on the N atal railroad ran th-rough drove of terteen cows killing seven of thena. —Aeharp rejoinder is an arrow that Ivies itself in the target. A gentle- men who took to medicine late in life to his friend: "You know that old poverb that at forty a man must be Aker a fool or a physician ?" "Yes," turtle reply," but, Doctor, don't you myon can be both.", —When Quin was in a coffee-house he loud one man say, "Waiter, a ease of Wady; I'm hot." In a few minutes mother customer cried out," Waiter, a glis of brandy ; I'm cold." Exasper- del by the general dishonesty he Mlloed." Waiter, a glass of brandy ; I fie it." Enforcing the Rule. Pat was a fresh arrival and had &t- ithed a situation in a hotel as a sort of lase of all work. "NowePat," said. the landlord, " you. sethat sign, Gentlemen must use the eattoonse If you notice any of the Pigs violating that rule I want yon to Vat the matter to me." "Oi wull, sor." Pat kept a sharp eye out, and after watching a gentleman for half an hour, le went to him and said : 1D'ye moind the sign fornist the wall, lord" g• yest, "Phy don't ye observe it, thin ?" "I am not spitting on the carpet," laid the gentleman, rather astonished. • 'Oi knew yer not, an' yer not min' the spettnne naythur. Spet, ye thafe, at Orli report yez."—New York San. • " how much am -I bid for , the hones?" says he. An': says I, ru give ,yez fifteen dollars," says L " An',' says he, " I have twinty 1. ridy," says he. Twenty-foive," says I. " An' thin they commenced to bid, one an' anither, an' I bid with the tient. By an' by they all stopped but two or three. an' 1 had bid a hundred an' fifty." • " g hundred and sixty," says tie 1 A hundred and sixty-foive," Lays " An' so we wint on, foive and tin dollars at a time, until there was only one man lift an' he was round the cor- ner where I cudn't see him, but the atictioneer cud see him, beoase forninst the corner, d'ye see ? " But I was bound to have tb se I kipt on biddin' till I had hundred an' ninety-foive. " Thray hundred," says the erin' villain. " An," says I, " he stud e house, bid two , • murth. let him have it," says L " Not anither chit will I give." • "'Sold for thray hundred •dollars,' sed, the man, an' the crowd began to go away. '1 Then, says 1 to myself,' 11 I'll jist go round the ither soide an',see who the ould idgit is that paid thray hundred dollars for the ould house' S4 I wint round and mit Bridget. " Biddy," says I, " we ve lost it," says I. Pat," gays she," we've got it," says she. . • " What de ye mane ?" eas I. "'I've bought the house," says she. But the ould rascal the ither side made me pay thray hundred for it," says eh e. " Biddy ,saya I, `eyez may jest knock me down wid yer dish cloth," says I. 11 An' that's the way I bought the house, but don't put it in the paper."— Boston Globe. Wished. he was One o 'Em. " Say, boss, what is the re anin' ob bein a Mormon ?" inquired a lazy -look- ing coon of an intelligent State Depart- ment clerk, as the couple neet a few days ago. "A Mormon Why a Mormon is a resident of 'Utah, and averages from two to eighteen wives." "Well, boss, what fo' you' white folks •got so down on the Mormons and want make 'em close dar business r1 e Because it is highly immoral this thing of plurality of wives" 1 1 " I dunno nothin"bout pinarlity, but jess wish I could be a Mornion, right here in Washington. " only got one wife, an' she makes my libin for me a - Wein' in washin'—and jemsaem, ef I could be allowed by de laW to. hab twenty I needn't do nothin bat drink gin, an' ride in de street oars all de rest ob my born days."—Washington Hatch- et. Pat's Shrewd. Purchase. "Pat," said a porter to a prominent litical light of a suburban town, " I you have been buying a house." "An' is it makin' fun o' me ye are?" laid Pat. "Making fan of yon? Why, no. Why *mid I make fun of you?" 'Well, I didn't know but ,yees had "qua how I bought it." "Why, no, Pat," said, the reporter. " liew Wits it?" "Ye Bee the house was a foine one, Wit was advertised to be sold at auc- tion, because the mon was agoin' to Wit bigger one." tel 'Yes, I see," said the reporter. 'All? says Bridget, says she, "Pat, Cedtnt we buy it ,sure,'says she," an" 140Y8 it onto the bit of a lot we own e" " 111B she, a very good plan,too," said the Netter. Ang " says I, " Biddy," says well see," says L Well, when the day came I went to mot:don an' 1 stud in the crowd, an LU! by the feller what did the talkin' 825,a lip feminist the corner of the hoose '41 Bays he, "Gentlemen," says he, A Railroad. Joke Western Railroad President -7' I tell you, sir, it is ruinons. I loan% reduce fares between those points trent 514.50. to 55.. You must be crazy." Superintendent--" It must be done, air, or the new B. X. W.1dr Z, line will get part of our traffic." 1 " But it costa us more than that to carrs them." "Oh, I have that all fixed; we will make it all uptiovery trip."' 1 e In what way ?" " My idea is to run nothing but'palace cars." I " Well ?" I " And then, before reaohing Itie end of the road, you and I disguised s two of the James gang, will hosed the train.' 1 "Capital idea ! Bat that would only work for awhile. The passengers would complain and the authoritiee wo id get after us." , 1' Oh ? but we won't touch -th pas - Bangers." , " No ?" e No ; we'll just rob the porter. ' for herself a a ost &Armin Mowing to See yo rs, which h 1 : , just , a trifle more lnxu harming, she remarks as s Way " All I oansay is, when • see squalor, dome and vis xford Street!' She puts envy coffee cup of sto • ,ith its , nn sated ooffe ittle country itin, saying wi ;.1.t's no use; I ail% get at it ying to drink otier a stone w rites in a le t-- er" We p °ruing with • mutual sat at is• I suppoele we did ; I satisfaction was ritutual enong he asks her Iitt1e restless da, gh • e most ineinn tiug tones if et e ke to sit in papa's Jap nd ilia tell her a tory " ; and he ittle daughter ri spends wit' a ucompromising " No !" turn h ut ement into threat, and re ith s verity. "Well, be a oo 11 1 - - ; seiseos ome p ns to ion and e turns on want LO ill a a sigh: it t11"e1y this sfaton; no inoY for tw." er in ould have the most r in - arks girl, lains, whvnilue t ough poor wid- as wwas and •g to ne of been as are s thefor e allege hieh - d not might iend ritic. PVC e 1' r you ill have to !" She c m ligion on have]lept he wait ng I 011 we e -buying undersleeves, th 11 n t 1 ave boug tunderslee'v s e or a o ntipride." Yon ask ow NI o le1 X —s ----t1 r disconsolate wer 'who a fortnight ompletely pros rated by hs 4, e th, and ar .told in eA 'ei ones th it he is" beg nth k n tioe." nu tell her t et , be t fellows n the class lha; unjust y expelle , and that th ; o to we r crape on their lef 1 ar thi ty ays, and that you onlel ho •presid nt will rapet you in toe yard nd ask you to wear it f to sill r plies soo hingly. " I de ha , Henry, or the presi tel y on not to mourn, as y ate ID t lost, onliy gone before 'Killed by Parsimony. M. de Vandille was they, most reriark- a le man in Paris on account of his exltrema wealth and avarice. He had en a magistrate at Boulogne. He li erelly adopted the old Maxim that the " seeds of wealth, the half pence and pence, may be compared to seconds of time, which generate years, centuries, and even eternity itself." In 1735 M. de Vandille possessed upwards of seven hundred thousand pounds, which he h d got or multiplied upon the- body of a 3 ingle shilling, from the age of sixteen t1the age of seventy-two. 'Having osierhested himself one summer's day ini carrying hornie a load, of fuel, a fever ensued, and he,lor the first time in his life, seat for a surgeon tb bleed him ; but thinking his terms 'exorbitant, he , proposed a bargain to a common barber surgeon, who undertook a vein for three pence a time. , - "But," said Vandille, " how often will it be requisite to bleed ?" "Three times," said he. • . " And what quantity of blood do you propose to take 1" " About eight ounces, each time," re- plied the operator. "That will be ninepenoe ! Too much! Too much 1" exclaimed old Vandille. " I have determined to g a cheapet way to work ; take the * ole quantity at once that you propose to take at three times, and that will save me six pence. This being insisted on, he lost twen- ty-four ounces of blood, and also, by this unprecedented stretch of parsi- mony, his life. His vast treasures were left to the king, whom hie appointed his sole heir. • obildr nobles hauds Who, i their th i ngs tr ke 18 on' WI th p1 'Le no 10 'qu hi es 11 WI ice. le Truthfulness. ot the subject of br ogi up n aright ne of the gr ate and that wa ever given i ,to rtal o air)? know of sone, m hers seems t me do not t y to tach ildren t e right andlwr g of Once t ; is spring I w a king y little 1 oy about alw: ys ling th and keeping his wo d, he up and said : Well m ma, 11311 lets him do this, an talk nt and eo ch." C ld I hi ittle er was carele s a did s she ought is is e he has ask d ilar I -have been al • g -to there is n thi we arder to int ores pon bids than th. ne ssity 1. If the ha( it well •en with us the will to depart fr go way itheri oniret on hour hat ar Its do Bth e to hic will ttl gf life ur hole an' h tee gihinnngt, on entur THE 41 g 41 • 11 0 nd don't bay a wird ab see why you need say re as a pos r to be sure or expla-u 0 him that y ate's ot te ch h m th firsttiix sti ns when . I think n1 strive ch•ldren'sn bei g trnthft abl shed wi b as -ap en they grow up and m the parental roof. • we, be to chaste - given is. We all gn ge beforie the little das letters they ete, and what d s y they will repeat. ce, and, chi dhood is t abl•sh true Principles abi them 10 fight the b tor'ously. f rave but do ty vhile the are with us w up they stray from on wi I not fee as though w ed o do our art. It see m thers eoi ld or would t sir children to be truth m wearing iad shun the at 1 here won d be in the an enness a a crime in o ' . 1 - o Fast T otters are 41 0 1 la • I se 1111 • !tr al Ith ifj iL • 11 a e n '4 11 1 1 11 1. 01 Th g' es no se 1 1 1 • s t t 01, wi let-. is • la a r • e if each stain cup, • less 11 • e.d. Nationa Live Stock J our a tells w Maud S.d the pacer ohri gs•are i;i[ n ed by the• driver, Wm B: • : They were, iven the bene it .1 rest, t it was -not entinued to tto nt of ter oration. Their shoes T ekere rrnov- in the e rly fall, and he were owed to rui at largewhe t g e grass • s still fall of growth and n g t , ition. e surface of the skin w s e ieved he irrita ion of groormg •d the •ity, thou h not the en,:11 y, of food w s lessened. In 1 ment et er alway found them o nd: shel-i r, aired the d pth of their Ilea • :traw ds effectual prevented t e poreibili- of thide chit e ng and Milt Sort s that ar the bodie: and limbs of lo or e: that- ep upon t e hard gro • ng . This cation cent • ned about t •-o e• ',lithe he the bell of the 'watch to e had ng out the o year and r ng i o the w, then the lvacation of he:e phe- Eri nal,perfo mere had en' ed. mac - with t g porous treat tg en t, had ad them fat and lusty. the • laclual ii p oo ss of r ducing them j to t• uscle, Si e and frame,, with all'Iwo eisome 0 Eih ellmiva ed, was the: o efully b gun. Lieirshoes were I t o 1 , the O eaning brush and rabbi eg c o hs at fi st ligh ly a plied, and th:-y e eived f r ten days ' walking exe i gas • efore -t ot. Their o ean n • and they wer evenpermitted to in n ge in the slow jog work wa increased every da, b'' from New Year's Day to the first ay o April ey wer: never speeded fas en • gh to odhce a glovf of perspire ion Thus eirl musolee were gradually : : : soned d he fat rruced, while ; th i work 4 Jet I were I increased, solth t when (he priug ea paign fairly • ten; ,they 1 •. were in sup b oonditio • to make cred table public performan es. li ming spring preparation thiy e e not d pr ved of tie tender gra:s, bi every d y to the ha ter they we Ile tr : ted to the Iiferestoriug, medicinal iqu li ies of the green gras . rom q art teeir sl v r 11 i-111RO ▪ • N f EXP 4 $1T SIC) RE ARD 1 The ab ve reward -the cony are selli °that di thos g inferior MACHIN Me The M 111 be paid rceants OIL for ho n y genhine is d • 0 •I-tJ ti a this • One of Qttawas dude - d • out. 1J has been li pig nt style es an- English som thing el ' , and his f: vor wart to Wnake deeper iageable iiuidens of go ,in so eety. . He has been d be a fraud. The Chief of recetved ti, let r from an ao Fra • oisco, uaxied Violet C form'ng him t at a young been living, i ,OttawaT for a d ••he :is un erstood, to be y oung 1ad1 belonging 1 Qt: wa's best Itamilies, is h he woman, ho was the late 1 elleville yan,marrie r Hali ax. Sh represents t prof: :Menai b at and garabl he i waited in St. John, othe places. 1Her husband — a oon oissioners am mg the s te of Emer toba finanoia affairs have clad d their investigation stn d that th affairs of th not nt such a had condition generally rep wonted. • Itime !mar Woman's iluraor. We claim high rank for the humor Of women because it is _almost exclusively of the higher imaginative type. A wo- man rarely tells an aneodote, or hoards up a good story, or conies in and des- cribes something funny that she has seen. Her humor is like a flash of lightning from a clear sky, corning when you least expect it, when I it could not have been premedita- ted, and when to the average consciousness there is not the slightest provocation to humor, possessing thus in the very highest degree that; °lenient of surprise which is not only a factor in all humor, but, to our mind, te important factor. Yon tell her that, yon cannot spend the winter wit1 her be- cause you have promised to spend it with some one else, and she e : " 0 Ellen! why were yon zot born - twins ?" She has perhaps recently built d 1 t 04 ONL been1 mag- d or p88" ve tanding ,i rco e„to Polee; has ite San sell, in. • lid had so • 00 time, en ad to oh of r na and. 0 the th n in at he is a r, and that °stop. and is the ude. ho ar ex- :bn' i ani- ot tre Con- t •t is WW1 are as has been es : 11 11 : 1 ' • 11 0 • • i . Me T E Qui K TRA The rolled Stockh •nt fine grade move and will be sold at grades of other in ments will he rea Those thinking of watch will do wel them. M. R. C Agent for Seale FOR N WAT ole plant 8 o by practi al dere Only a ag ent prio akci Pulr td H. ned and con- watohm ers. nts. No ihing will be eade, s of or nary • The gi eve- Septe ber. hasing fine wait an see UNTEk th aid vicini IMPORTANT • emelaima, OOPYRIGHTED NOV61BER 2 1883. n order to proteot ourselves, as well as the nubile, from worthless junta- , tions o our great Cough Remedy, we have iegietered the name in the office of - • the1iuister of Agriculture, Ottawa, been in ineletis all ove . no otlh Reined ape.r sidert prOcUr LUIV1SDEN & *IL ON'S AL GLYOERATED BALSA OF FIR. se suffering from Coughs, Colds, Sore Th oat, & who have not yet noeq, to try thiepreparation, should do so t once, as Ithe positive state- , f the most respectable men in the oonntise and the great demand frorn the Province, prove beyond a doubt that; it contai s virtues possessed by r remedy. When once used it is always adepted a i the standard Cough in the household. , Children lilt° it.: It is per ctly safe to use, and together from its superiority, it is cheaper than a y other. Let no con , on deter you from trying it at once. If your deale has not got it, he can it for you without much trouble, by addressing th manufacturers, LUMSDEN & WILSON, C MISTS AND DRUGGISTS, SEAFORTH, ONT. SJ Fibre are n eral lae. plst the p seeciti CENTRAL GROCERY. twithstanding the recent advance in the w1Hlesale ARS, we are selling them at lower prices than eve SETy. ate sto k r live y markets in the price of before offered to the Having made our purchases when prides touched bottom, we, therefore, position to offer extra inducements td Our to nsto ere and the public gen-. Don't delay, but come right along and t secure b gains before it is too rims on application. Our stook of GENERAL GROC:ERIES is cora- 1 usual, and will be found at all times fully assort d. The " Central " is t to Irly the best goods in town, and, at ries thajb efy competition. I- of1 topli and prices solicited. , . CROOKERY AND 'LAS WARE triel is fully stocked with a large and choice assoirtnient of CHINA TEA ,MINER SETS, CHAMBER SETS, TOILET kiETS, etc., whit& we ering for the next two weeks at reduced prices, previous to our annual . i aking. Now is the time to buy Crockery and Glas ware at low figres, as desirous of reducing stook as low as pessible. I i Highest market price paid for Butte, Eggs and ,aorse grains. Free de - Tiaidlaw & Fairl aforth. HOUSE TO RENT One and a hal sto }1 coetage containing ight rooms. It i pleas antly situated arid oonvehient o the staUon an bueinese part of the tow . A ply to Tlf0DIA KIDD, $3euforth. muscar..—grs. T. D 4 -T -L• o inited ndmber o ss cond door weet, in pian$and organ lesso street, QHOP TO RENT. ---G Seaorth, next door tute ha9. Altogether in cidedly the best business._ ' rounded by meat marketf all that Detracts business KIDD, Seforth. Pre dergast will ready pupi for inst uction ' at er residenc , John 1En lish church 9-t.f nta d fr e on M in St. o th Meohanio Ineti- g (f) epair i geed es . De- ivations in to Stir- . bal3k, Post o oe and Apie to T OMAS 7 , A SPLENDID Engine and 4-s- bargain. Engine, Gol make, te horse power, line sh a large ffy wheel. Boiler 46 h 58 inch7 in diameter, 11 feet front gr tes, smoke stitch, &c. Hensallr oiler for le •& MoQ ft 3.2feet 10 rse; power, Welles lout D URQ le at a Hoch's g with flues, s Fire gART, HOUEKEEPER nedeately, a house family of three children duties 43f e, farm house. the undFraigned, Lot 11, or Dublin P. Oe. TIMO' vSTItel Y PIG— Came uto t -L4 undrsigned, Lot 1 , Co about thelfirat of Angus , a w a year old the owner ca, hav ingsprOperty and ipayi1g ex WILSON QEED WHEAT FOR S " tity (if Democrat Warranted clean and fir to the !wader -signed, Tu ROBERT MeLEAl. TIOUND- -KEEPE -a- will ell by P poundef not claim on Saterciy, the 3 in theaftirnoon,tt pigs, 2 1of them month o . Also 3 white out 5 or day of 4 IuSt, 18 keeper. er. W. W NT eepe , to 1ook after s and attend the otber Go wages. Apply to Con elision 4, Hibbert, HY EPPER. 871-3 • e premises of the modem 5, tanley, ne sow pig about the same n prov- enses. CH ALES 71x4 •eatsu i t cl ss kers it r Sale ft qua table ot seed. il. • amity Apply ,near ippon. lx4 • 1%1 ARLfl 151- S 1 tin Ale hardies in Can erect, head, wonder qualiti STEW 20, ler el bile d by th d e foll lack 7 pi 6m 14. uud •igneel uction t the aforth he owner before t e time, y of August, at o'olock wing p operty, : 8 nd 1 white, aho 5 or 6 4 of them bls sk and ths old. 1 Dated his 6th • S. ROBERTS, • ound- 870 AMBE WL EAT a yery 1Izit quaoti Faill Wheat pronon most productive wi It has fine tixigh from ruat. an midge; te chaff, dos ly set a stoolingPrice,$3 qpuer iutis seiss.n T, Lo e 2, Co ce mon Ls P. 8 • fee s • SSI N SEE si. eed ha for sale Lin, S eley, al quantit sniteble for seei. Price wheat eelg sow near. th Ian tied yielded over and sto. • the winter we SAL of pat cod to er whee draw,' as a lo ber gr good pply t Grey, .—For Mar- e the grown stands g bald ; has illing EX. or box 2x4 A" WANED. A e ts at Seaforth eels, Biith, Gerrie and the sal of reapers, mo drills, s eders, plos, su wagons llruekB, hem p able an eaction steam chide • c, mannfaetu can Ag c tural Imple facturi g Company, Lo, WM. B hIcLEAN, Hen AmericAil Manufacturie WHEA .—Th under- 0Lot 18, B wagon of Red Russian wheat; $114500fop r • bush This tubble ae 'ion thebelsr'°p acre . A. M. Cield B2Ex3LL. anted, active, °liable eter, Goderi , Brus2 am, to ca ass for rs rakes, twine • mders, wY plow, straw utters, re, separate port- engines41 saw se ma- eby the North Anieri- ent and Gene Mimes doin Ontrio. 4.ply to 11, Onte or to th North Company, Louden. 841 Hee Ip *i dit* Gut a b t THE MEDICAL LL, em ow placed in the market a new and wonderful Blo d Cleanser and Purifier. cleanse the system from all impurities, and loavej you in a healthy con. 0Ift i s a purely vegetable compound, and aS a bloo medicine has no equal mere and others whose system or bleed he out of rder, will do well to try e C. Duncan's Extract of R41 Clover, convinced that it has no equal. One triaI will onvince you that it is tort can s ure it at a small cost RS merits. lit it is represented to be, and no humbug of 01 per bottle, and judge for yourselves as rs.0, We have in a full and well-asorted st k of HE DRUGS, 011EMICALS AND PA ENT MEDICINES e also keep in stock all the latest Patent Medic you on't see what you want, ask for it, and you are ear • B.—Physicians' Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded rders from a distance filled with care apd despatch. Nex nes in the market. to get it. C. DUNCA SUCCESSOR TO . HICKSON & CO. Door to Duncan & Duncan's Dry Goode Stiore. TEAS CHEAPER TH EVER. if n want the best value that can be had in the Province for your money call at the - I vil.41. $'110BM.' 1 1 1 I 1 is the place to get he worth of your mgne. Bacit Tea, Green Tee, Japar aerypoerhelporrafitev • id, thatareasr. usAnifloy, behoeidhiagth40eroparipocednutdeas, aer e n 90 tiwt saeollinv;g that 2s5cv ! urs are being sold as follows : 10, 11, 13, 15 and. 16 ciunde of each for $1 i , a at 5e per potmd, or 22 pounds for $1.1 Prunes, ditto. Tea dust very cheap ds of Groceries at the lowest possible p oes. A full stook of Crockery 1 la end Glassware on hand and will be geld et a small advance on cost; ' t, everything to be found in a first-class gr LT, can be had at the Seafort ii Te I tore. Oatmeal exchanged tor Oats at i mi1 rates. All goods delivered free A G. AULZ Atain S reet, Seaforth. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ITWo FeTiele IN MORRIS FOR SALEe—For sale, cheap, two improved farms on the Bth iConceenion of Moris. One within 2 miles of Beussels and the other half a mile. Eaelii 100 acres, and good bui dirge. For partieelare apply Ito GEORGE ARV TRONG, Brussels. 868 FMIRK FOR SAL .--For sale, Lot 34, Coces- -Re gen 2, East Wa -artola. This deeirable pro- perty will bo sold tile summr, in order tb 11o�0 up an estate. It consists of 200 acres of ettolee and, about 145 acres cleared; goad form build- ings and orchard. For particulars aptly to WI W. FARRAN, Clinten P. 0, 865 ACRE FARM FOB SALE.—North hell " lot 30, and nertb half of north half of lot s 31, concession 9, McKillop- Most of this lend is seeded, and in excellent condition for meadow or pasenre For Vrther particulars epply to ANDREW GOVEN OCK,Winthrop P. 0. 819 tf tm..••••••• FM IN GREY FOR SALE.—For sale ore easy tems, part of Lot 5, Concession 8,1C-011- taining 86 acres, about 60 cleated and s well fenced; geed bank barn and stables 68,05 ;; two acres of a beating orchard; one and a half smiles from school, and teso from Brussels. For fur- ther penticulare a ply on the premises, or to Brussels P. O. W LTER GOVENLOC.K. 865 11OUSE FOR El LE.—For sale, that desirable property on J hn Street, Seeforth,next -door to St. Thomas, ch rch parsonage, end new oo- ottpied by Mr. Sool . There is good stone found - tion, firs -class eel sr, six bedi oom ce patio; ining room and a good k tchen. Also a largeweodshed, hard and soft wate e a new stble. And all other necessaries comp' te. For further partieuIars apply to the proprietor. D. RUSS, Seafortie. 880 LeARM FOR SALE IN HULLETT, North, L parts of Lots 34 and 85, Concession 18, sono tabling 112 acres • 80 acre.. cleered ; the remain- der is good hardw'dod bush. 8011, clay loath, well watered with a never failing spring creek rising on the premises. Frame barn and stables, log house and a good young orchard It is convenient to ehurchee and schools, and is situated 4 mile from Blyth and 10 from Clinton. For ferther particulars apply to WAL rEs CUNNING -HIM, on the South part of said lots, or to ',elides* borough P. O. 729 FARM FOlt SALE.—For fide, Lot 22,Concessioss n- C., Turnberry, contaiLin„0- 91 acres ; 72 acrea are cleared and well feeced and watered, and a good frame house and beam on it; one half mile from the villege of Wtoxeter and fronting n the gravel ro id lea i g from Seaforth to lmore. Will be sohi chep. Apply to the Proe rietor. CHARLES McTAVISH, Wroxcter P. 04. S7x8 TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. —For sae, the West half of Lot 11, Concession 5, HUllett, eontaining 50 acres, meetly all well timbered with black ash, cedar and pire It is -wthin 'seven miles of the town of teeforth, with a good eravel road leading from the place. Parties &shin tti purchase, CH /1 do so by givieg a -first meortgage pu other faxen -property at 7 per centinterest4 pply to the undersigued, or ederess, Conetance P. O. JOHN MeMILheN. 88-tf • pROPERTY 15 HARPURHEY FOR SALE.* For sale, cheap, the proierty at present occupied by the undersign d There is a coinforts able dwelliog house coetaining seven evome besides kithen, together with cellar, woodshed, &c., and haid and' s ft water. There is an acre of land and considerable large and small fruits. It is a mi st desiralee residence for a retired Urine er, and will be sold me easy terms. If not sold will be rented Apply on the premises or to Seaforth P. O. DAVIo McCULLOCH 86741 FARM FOR SALE. --For sale, the south half of lot 10, concession 1, Grey, containing 52 aeres. There see 3i -acres eleated, part of the balance heti been burned down and part , bush. There is a frame house and a young or- shae and ei yew Of fall wheat. It is situate, within a mile and a gleaner of Jaintstown. It will he sold cheap. 11 he adjoining 50 acres are also for sale. Thes property will besod tepasramt- ly or together. Apply to SAMUEL or ANDREW POLLOCK, on the farm, or by mail to 3-ames- town P. WARM Th McKIk.LOP FOR SALE—For Sale, Lot 29, cove ssion 2, McKillop, containing 102 acres 01 whi b 90 are cleared, free - from stumps, miderdra red, well fenced, clean and in a high state of eultivatien. There is a gaod frame hone° and laege bank barn with stone stabling underne th, and other neeessary out- buildiugs. Ther is a large orchard of the choicest fruit, nd two never fe Ding wells. There are 60 acr s seeded to grass. This farm e within two nails f Seaforth and a gravel road running past the 'lace. It is one of the best and most proauctive faries in the township and will be sold reasonabi , as the proprietor has pure chimed alarger f rm elsewbere. Apply en the, premises or to Si orth P. 0. WM. 4ITCPCES01. 866-tf 1MP10VED Fa M FOR SALE.—Being North half of Lot 24, on the 5th Coneesion of Morrie, containing NO acme, ighty-five of which ate 4:leered, free from noxious weeds, and capable of being work. d by machinery. The property is well fenced with .edar, and contains a new frame barn 40 x 60 fee , new frame shed 80 x 50 fee, a comfortable fra e houe with seven rooms, good roothouse a d all other necessary outbuild- ings. The preI ises are in excellent repai, pleasantly sit= d and well wateed, Old see well idapted for •rain or stock. Large slimme- fallow, matured nd ready for seed. Terms to suit purchaser. 11 fuoher partitalars will be cbeerfully given y the proprietor. JOHN TAY LOR, BrusseLs P. 0., Ont. 8 s • s • SPLENDID FA M SALE.—For Sae, 1:4 34; coneessi n 6, MelKillop, containing 100 acres, about 70 leered and the ' balanee wait timbered with h re.wood and about 5 acres Of first class cedar. The ela, ed land is free frot.% stumps, ail unit r -drained, well fenced end All seeded to uses e cept 10 acres There is a good springcreek run ing through the place and 1:0 waste or wet 1• nd, a splendid orchards of the choicest fruit, Iso a go d, comfortable, storte house, all nicely nished and well laid out, 6.10 a good barn, she a and stabli S. There is a well and cistern at th house The farm is 'dean and nearly free from oul weeds. Is within one mile and a quarter of Ithe prosperous village cif burn, and and witlaio six miles of Seaferth. Teases easy; will be sold either with or without the creep' Apply on tbe premises, or aedress Constance P.O. WM. N. Pe chfICBAEL. 8654f aOOD FARMS FOR SALE.—In order to eloie ‘-11 the affairs of the est .te of the late W. G. Hingston, 'the executors offer the following very valuable lands for sale. First—North half ei Lot 30, Conceesien 5, e-wnship of Morris, cou taining 99 acres On this lotus erected a good flame earn with stone foundtion, good Orchard, • well and pump, Nearly al ele.ared, and is on the gravelroad eli-ely edjoioing the village of Brussels. This farm is a -valuable one, is well fenced and in a good ?tate of cultivation. Second; —Lot 4, Cortese -Bien 5, township of Grey, eounty of Huron, containing Is 0 acres, 10 acres cleared and free of stumps, balance well timbered ;nth part good hardwood, pine and celar. Tv is three and a half miles from Brussels, end one mile from gravel road. ,For preees and terms apply to Isms. KELLY, Bru-se:s P. 0., Mom JENNINGS, Victoria Square P. O. or James SMITH, Maple Lodge P. o., Middlesex County. 868' 40,000 ACRES - of WILD and IMPROVED LANDS, for sale, along the line pf the P. IL & N. W. R. R. 2 Sanilac and Huron Counties, Michigan. Prices from $6 per acre upwars. Good water, markets, soil, climate, &. Free Guides and Excursion Rates to show the lee de Write for lists and full particulars te W. W JONES, 26 Militery St., Port Horeb, 'Michigan, general agent for Tennes- see Lands e138x1g, A SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE.' The undersign d offers or sale his Blacksmitni Ing and Wagon eking establishment in the vl- lage of Egmondville, topsther with the tools and good -will of the business; also a considerable stock of iron and lumber. There are two large shops, opo for blecksmithing and the other ter woodethrking. There are three fires in the blacksmith shop.This is in the centre of one of the best agricult2 ral districts in Canada. Tbo business has been established thirty,years and ,a good man with some capital can make money fast. The best reasons given for seining. Apply on the prenabiee r address Egniondville P. O. ROBERT VULT N. 848 SEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. VORNER of Ja and Goderieh Streets, next deer to the resbyteriset Oluireh, Seaforteo Ont. All disease of Horses, cattle, sheep, or any of the domestica animals, successfully tressted at the infirmary .r elsewhere on the shorterie notice. Charge- moderate. JAS. W. Female Veterinary 8 -n• P. Se—A large stook et ireterinasyMedielneS kept constantly on hand. • se 1 el g • s '