HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-22, Page 84 I JUST THE THING FO dead. Life mnot have beeil, extinol or a considerable time, for the'body was Lunebes, and Picnics. very 'much swollen., _snd� was con- mencing to decompose. It is �UPP6 ed Canned Boneless Tnrkey, Chicken tbitt the liquor he had cons.umed� B"tC9 I !ffi ie. ])Uek, pig'a Feet., Sausage Mont, 'Cornea Beef, the consequent, 64posure; uffioientay Luncli. T011glIES, Salmon, Lobg-,er, Vackerol, Flu- accelerated his sio"ess to cause dei h men HAddio and Sardines ; also in -Crosse & He I . was a, man aboitt 55 years� of i 01 BlcwO.Vts Potted Meats, Gamc, Ham and Chick- en, SZrasbftrg Yarmouth Blostor and had never been married, and I his c bly, A�chsvvey Paste. Canned Fruits and 'Vegotables relative in this ciouatr� is ai iter, i ho of ever�� vai Piekles, &C� resides somewhere in the Count3 � of. Lambtafi. He leaves . cc - ii I sider*' le Don!L forget that Thorne sells the begt values I ;�mr' . , I iz Tea and Sugar in the county. pro.perkV, as he *as in I 61 well -doing man,au'd b it for 11. no Try Thorae's Teas; they're good. frailty, which only: Overtooi him sionally and at considerable i�tervali of L. THORNE, time, no stain ever rested upon As Star Grocery, SeaforCh. character,�'and lie was highly resp 6 by every person who knew him. le was to all appearance a Btrong', -rob,hst man, and had it not been for. Lia Un - Us. to fortunate lapse in his then statel of health, miiyht have lived',- f r in ny Years. DISTRICT MATTERS.- WOODSTOCK GIVI TTOL 40L )LY. he present has been a mo9b sl�coes iful geaso in I ' XF Lruum.—A lecture en- amateur athicties in the town of Voode ck. titled Lvils qiq�iug from, the use of The general as.suoift in ea ly in the $)a, "on 'or , , t and %nder whiah. all the iv�h eti .1 o b1i tt wn intoxicauts," will be delivered by Mrs. are run on a abrictly- amateur has n . e Prendergast, president of the Women's good work, and now—uner the all le and vigoipus I I Chriatilan T a mperance Union, in aid f management of well known g -'u. ]omen—ie . a a the ftinda of the society, in Cardno's ot,,ng position financ�illiy. Under the �. A. A. A. the base ball, laaosso and bicycle pbs hall, Friday eening, August 29th. A have allinlide good records, and are , most )n- 0 ry hea,rty invitaion is. extended to, all. thusiastickllysuipPorted 'by the pooplo—whc, it is said, have this year siown. more interesi in BIG Tixrsnrc�.�'This is the-seaso of legitimate sport than �ever before. The frat to-urnamotit, held on the 26�h May, drew togemer the year for big threshing, and as there is Ifour or o thouaan&people A still I r -the- enter- a c -ii iii. 2 'h A� at, asiderable rivalry between g therli:igit; look d for o 5ftm prislau O-Wners, of the several steam day next, 1whenhe second touru Ift Wi be held. This is Woodstock's-eivic holidily, so at ctines, we are glad to chronicle their this athletie demonstration will be a. town aft ir. fesita. On this subjqct a correspondent The programme is a spilindid one, consistin in. Messrs. Harvey & Stewart of the -morn ng, of afancy dress parade on bicy ea. says Tile wheelsmen in vierd costu%e will b',;e. 1611c v Fed Stanley, with their steamer, threshed by an. onprmous traia of oilfithumpians and On the farm of Mrs. Dallas, 2nd, cances- others tod curious IoT description..,' Af ter the sion, of Tuckerstaith, 800 bushels of fall procession the Goderiall and Woodstolik lacr) ire clubs will1play in the- cEintral park. - In the if I er- wheat and 200 bushels of barley in ten We Want to noon therb will be a base�ball match b(tween 6 hours. Whol can beat it 9 Londons, of London,'An4 the Woodato6ks on H he hear from the famous Wm. Murray.". Associatic n ( rounds, Also;.a i anior lacrolsse maiph.- -Another correspondent says: "On. There will be six foot 'races and ei t. bi% cle races, for which about $600 in gold ud - saver Wednesday last Uri, E. Hinchley, of edals; ark, offered. A Wagnffics'at sill -er pitol ior the town -line, Uollillop, threshed with valued at $75.00, is offeri�d for the beat repre 11 - his Climax separator alilidLeafiard en- tation of ailly bicycle club outside of.' V"oods . gme, 1,015 bushels of grain in one, day, The best foot racers, and heBlilinbn A Calif d% willbeprdsent. Theprogrimmeof the -day will and moed the machine nearly a MR8-,., be concluded by a concert in. the I or at noon. Of this grain 880 busheh( which first-rato talent has been secui ed; 1�1 n- dreds of olar roaderB will n were fall wheat. This work was done o doubt visit, Voods ock on the 25tp. I'he railways. will issue tickets! at on thel farms of Messrs. ohn AlcDow6ll single fare, zQod forthe 26th. The W. A. A4' A. and Robt. McMillan, McKillop. express tpv determination that this will be one, of the fineat athletic events ever 96eal in Ontviio. CATTLE SHIPHEN-M,Seaforth has long i 872-' I been noted as, one of the beat horse-cen IN gli neing tbrdugh the recently t a . t� -_ plablishred statistics relatliag to the work of pub. tres in Canada and it is rapidly comi]uy lic instita iong, one notiees at once the unequ od to, the tron in the matter of fat cattle. giowing ill'the Britigh4inerican M(dical id Scarcely a day passes but large droves Surgical I4stitute, as the' reor, anizati6n,of [or. of, splendi fatted animals, the oduct J. D. Kerg�an and bis famous Medical �Councppl is pr called. '01 course in the diplitlions, of the surroundina farmers, are shipped 1, reports on, 0 ooping, cough fevers and other acute iLffectic i is, from here for the eastern and frequent- whi(�h it nevaeAreats, its � name doe, "ot ocmx, 1a ,ly for,the old country markets. On, bub in consumption, ia�,tairrh, hea';xt dim ;e, t Fri da; last ten cairs, were sent from Sea- 111ilep4y, malformations and other iliFulneral le forms oi ehroDic-diseas, and deformity wbi,�h forth station, and on Saturday five Car wre its specialities, it ompletcly.oli-tstrip$ All loada. Friday"9 shipment consisted of oompetit-ors, the proportion of cases . cured to six - cars by M r. Thom as'Govaja lock, . case treated, 89.43 par Ice-rit., being a res It Cl shipped direct to Gla w, Scotland, hich must gratify the skillful speciali'ies whfll�h Rgo compose its staft as runch as excite the envy of and four cars by the Messrs. Case for - alfother physiciai who cannot accou tor suh Xontreal. The shipment on Saturday wonderful success in the tireatruent of these scure and difficult diseases. Vastexp0ence d was made by Mr. James ShilliDglaw, of -i united Council are the ' eans by Fbich Iiis Hibbert, and the cattle were destined celebrated Institute affeel s its cures. Surge for the old country markets. 'Thev of its staff will visit Seafox th on Satur y, Augtst were all fed in this vicinity and were as 30, and may then be cons ilted free of chili at -ot of -cattle as ever left the coi the Commercial Hotel. All who need he servi c es f ki fine & I unt . il'Ifulnd competent specialistsi hould not Of H aron. Mr. GovenlocR had 106 head, fail to call Upon them, or if that ia Imposs 8te T &ill of which we . re fatted by himself. should writb to Dr. J. D._"RGAN,De I Lroit) Mi it- g( They were shipped, as we bave already gan. 812-1 q I I I . I Stated, direct to Gl&sgow, and will make AGEINT WAN -TED. _iwan bed, I a go�., a 0 fine eating. for the denizens of the smoky activ.pa,gentito represen:t the Cilina(hi xutii�i,f Wm. Aid Ass, ciatic n in Seitforth. A desev -edly po City.They were accompanied by M r. lax system of.1de insurarge reliable E d all Govenlo6k, who with two men', will take Liberal commission wi b;, �givexx to; flr�t ell Charge of them across the Atlantic.� man- Apply, furnishing recommerd&tions, iO ni The cattle market both in Caada( and he�id office 87, King Stredt West, To onto. r. I PMlL1E:RTuN PAGig, Seoretai th e old country, ky., 872xl is rather dull just now, r( but we- hpe our shippers will make GIRL WANTED.—Wanted, by t b o At of Septermbdr, a good girl for general work, ho w well Out of their Veiattires as they de. can do plan, cooking, wash and iron ell fo a a] servat6% do. Te work6of buying and family of thr!ae, where lin-other girl is t PAP Y( ?� - .; ly shippin Immediately tO MRS. D. XCDoNALD, C�oderl� I. kil �g cattle is moat laborious and equally venturesome, &n -d those who risk 872� their -time and means earn a liberal APPLE '81RRELS. —A large -1 if 1Y 8e apple Brrells can be had at the Big 'I return which, we. are -i-or . ry to sayi they forth, at vory reasonable il , (11 not always receive. Call a I la d 0 leave orders.. A. W. OoiLV11P., & Co. 8 2- bi A GOOD the ELEGAX�r WIN -DO SiErAD'ES.—See t�e now Opa que Cloth Window Shades,by well-RnQwn implam' ent maufactnr6r of I f ir the most handsome d economical blinds in 0, i- a I at Lux Paris, has - been EXPerimenting far: sev- DEN&WWU_N-,s...872 oral years with a low-down cord binder, GiRL' Wm,mED. —Wah ted im Irb ediatel, r Which he has invented himself, and a 3s., App t Gana a good geneial Servant Highest Wak . y - which haa been pateiated both it to WX. PICKilltl), S.eaforth. 872 dt da and the Ut nited States'. After,many hi diso-ppointmeuts. ad long an i Vatient 1 A MARtET.FOR SEAFORTE1. Many M ai A,bOr, he at 10ugth succeeded in our citizeilis are now of the opin, ion th, t produciag an implement which for the time has arrived in the, li 0 -w �[.Btory. §f, t comactness, lightness bf draught and Seafortb *hen it should have Buita t general dtility, seems toi be ilealy al market b, lilding, and like o� 4 ' the prosp that could be desired.- A few days ago ru8 towns and cities have an i . n , guniz I T we had an Oportunity of seeiny one of market and stated market'da' 0 8, these machines working on'the farm of th� consuiner and producer, Ga ild me, -,t T : _Z1 Mr. Jamea Cummings, Tuckersmith. face to. faide and make on Xchange A h It cuts a swath fi-ve feet wide., and the produics Ior cash insteJ of -as nov, t machine: is very little larger t . han in dealing with intemediate parties. -The k ordinary reaperf &-ad id,nes not seem to advantages of such a system Rie mar, i - ill draw any heavier. It makes. an ex -cel- fes, and liave beeu Proven � by raotic i I .,a lenit sheaf, ties securely, and m' akes experiencli. - Both the sell� 0 or and buyer s very nice, clean, even work. Mr. Gum. would be beefitted by -a fair and. op , M t mi gs informed us that with a one team competition on ean side.:, TI e seller *si he can out and 1-ind ten acres of grain a would rec�ive the highest price tha Up &I daFy. The binding apparatus is all over demand fbr thei time being wo ald - pel: - m the driving wheel., and immedia . tely mit, and the purchaser would be broug-1 ti- behiad the horses, whic- accounta, no to him hadtioad of him having.to w&BI 3 ki doubt, largely for the lightness -of time hunting a purchaser. As �usineE 3 draught, The grain we'aaw it tested in is now done the farmer or market ga,1 was pring wheat. Some parts were deller, who has veaetales a;Ad I 0 othE R very heavy, while in cthe -parts there sal track to dispo80 of, has to, s,pen pE was a. Boft, grassy bottom, making time peddling from door to dool gall OVE w� v in both the town, or else has. to sell; to th tb -erY difficult to Cut, bu, it seems to do equally well.. Mr. Cum- grocer. In this way be either I ses th cr mi49 is f airlY made up aboil his � Ins- profit of the grocer in handling ill e prc to China, which he purchased from Mr. A. duee, or he waste's his own dme i lo M.. Campbell, the Seaforth agen. There hunting up customers. But if 0 tl are wa 0 were OnlY,about fifty of these machines an organized market he " woul, ( kno M�k made this year,and ihere are only two in just where to Oo to find cus irp, I tomt ang, lot the county. of Huron, Mr. Peter Haw- he could ebal with the , consurne,diieefl, , n thorne, of HUllett, having the second, and Procure his money 'in h a hi . in but V a be much mistaken if the while the purchaser would g i the resoarces of Mr. Maxwell's extensive articles freish, have a'better choi oe, and lae' establiahmeat be not taxed to the utter- be' able to �ay at the lowest ?ossiblo i A moat to Suply the demand next season cash price, while even the groce is, "wh(, S now deal in� these articles, a thoa'gE Cal SUL DEX DLATir.—A'mau named Mal deprived of this trade, would it'reaitJ rei colm Campbell, who resided in the be gainers *as ell, because the Earmer� ha towr,sbip of' Cuross, about-fiv miles 'would purdhase their I groceries all tho co' from 'Wingb&m, was found dead in a same, and would pay for them -n cash! Tt �iahbor's:field about 5 Ole] ocl,- on - last while the'grocers would not hav'�e to But mi Saturday evening. "Mr. Campbell -was fer the loss of waite -and shriukagel th� well known in this vic-inity, havilig which by tile present mode 'of de'all. ng ! nei workeLl for many years witil several must be very considerable'. No*,'whafl cot farmers in �NICKil-lopmad-TaekersnaitL,, we proposa the t6wn authorities shcuI4 .. u) and left these parts about four years do is this: PurAiii,s'e the vacan agQ to reside on a farm he had par. Main 6treet, immediately e at t lots 0 chwsed in CulrOSB. It seems that for Cardno's block, and at prosentpposit owlie4� i some time he had been unwell, and on by Dr. Coleman, 'and -erect thereon &I stit Thurbday heweilt to Teesw&ter to eon- I Plain, Bub8tanti&l brick buildirg, two,. to t sult a ductor, who gave him- some 1 sories high, and extending ftom Main., bus medlailie. B )Ging a man who was occa. street to the gilley-way in the rear, with dill sioually addicted to drinking he, gave an archway through the Centre. On the: wft� to his f&llina before he left the ground k" flat, the front of 'this building� Lyt village, and Some time during Thursday I lai t t7 could be fittecl up on one' side of the. Coal glLt he made his way to the house of archway either- for butchers' stal a or I al , V�r ei t1lie, neighbor in whose field he. was store, and on the other side for a fire.' Pai found. He was taken in by this m an, men s hall Qr a Place in which O'Store: ie next forenoon, tile hose-rolgi and other fire &PP 3ratts, rett and was kept until tL aill !be ai: a vi and being subered up he left, presuin. and attacbecl to which hould h 8,bly for his own place, and this was the tower in whic to dry the lipse, v; hle in on laFA of him seen aive. He had � only the rear part of this buildi�ag ai I open. co g(MO a ve,"Y short, distance, however, for Shed could be arranged oweither theLwxt afternoon he was side Ne found in an 1 for the accommodation , of farmers': of i lying. on h- 5 f ace ; qa"O .) W490118i Where they Pould latand i a ring t F IAuGusir 22, 138 si OR TIJE HUA16N. EXPO, iarlet hotlis, 6nd'be c mfo rt ably pio. ing &-large ne h 680 for he stor. to' attend to his' duties- as fortnerly.— r. Wilson has commenced to bui.ld a w a oore o Boted f rO� 1 rain and I n ii ummer 'age of grain,,—A .'essrs. Rold Wilson The Scott A.ab and the $*1vation t�vo story Mick block on the corner of AUGUST a i i. Mill and rurberry streets, for erly 12d dold -in inter. Th seen d flat of have had that old and veli-kn( wn sign Army 11 are at"present the most fashion Lie I nil . dio I could be fit ed u for offices 11 the Ciro . ular m iw 6furbis ied Bud a . Is topics of conversation.—Mi6a Isabel- 06v -pied b r E, Leaoens. It and, the woolle I Mill Will make a fine Wook in tl �e ne,' ide, and a hall to council furnished with wbran i Bw dre s of gold I Elliott, of Algoma, but formaily of now h&10 Lb r d other - mi etin and the letters'. It looks very I retty FL13d is the t 118 01hCO, is Dow visitig on a hole t at was always an eyosore owl 0 e al fill workmallf hip o Mr. Nym. Hen- We are pleased to see our o 114ye.—Dr. Holmes is alsohay. rk! office on thi i oth r 'do. It skil in t4i'tlle vi TH IBALAXCI ce Jar of his block (,xcav ted, a es d atel by those w io -ve given derson, painter. —Mr hos' B. ay, our midst agaia.—Mrs. J. McGill, who ilig the he a abjec their aftenti(n th t the land pir 3sidelit of the 'Jisto��(l Gas Company ba been visiting relatives ana fri�nds and we tral it he will pubh up the block ionl'(, to urchaaed fa d the building was in town thiAlweek alking up the or. here fori the past few weeko, has return- -at c nee, fo when completed we 1 can —OF 01M is b0ild- )Owl leted i for ight t4usind dollars. gm aization of a co n this town. He ed to her home in Petrolitv. boah t of a ine street of all brick Pany I th s cou d be done, �t fficit n revenue claimo that, the Wm. Thompson has comme Cod syste is the beat and TFmPimiaANoE toruper4tice iligs won be i 'rived froni' ihat tion of choapest now in Be, a that t io works eeting was held at.Browlitowil on at the taDks for the fiN3 department,, h ildi that. vLould bie ilable to couldbeiputhycluiplefoin t1is town I ues�ay evening of last week. The Scott olne to be �laced near Hall a hotel, and her n ar the English church.. ­The Summer -Sto(�k TTI le 0 Pa ue interest on th3 invest- for about 014,00( and 1at th)y would Act Waa 4dvocated in a very earnest.ana the ot V. ancil have purchased 250feet mafteie N7UJ�Mj n and he town would hi 6v 3 a com- yield a return 6f 'from 19 0 io 25 3er cent. ii fluential manner by T., Rogerso and Co ndd-'ous a d couvenieni fire I all, town on the money in 'eatea. Here's a chance obers whose i3bmes we did n t learn. crosi i hose., —Fo has been busy ate- —OF 0 a and market free ol cost. In addi- for our capitalist �. There would be no V -re earing o the rubbish where th old e a, a to say t e Cott C is tion to thi 3, the busin(sa of bhe town lack of conianuildrs in ibis town if the v 3ry favora ly ellt rto' d aroqnd here, 'lee, msehh6tol stood, but wheth he You] d be! largely adde 1. to t y the in- artiolei bould be'furnished at ilrea o 8 ass e `;eif even a mod- the tw 8 11- and we fe I ur th Will build not we cannot say. 11 DRY C DDS4 �iealled ad antages held::: out t farmers at to figure.—Mr: W. PemberWaTage, efate degree of interest, for them solves S t Ac� hould be defeated he 'will o come aul deal with u8. Theyw6uld re)resentingthei 1-Canedian Mutual Aid tively :or for t�&.ir countr:�, was I buil a first class brick block.—Tbe r pro- ar leld block is drawing near comple- lave keene! compatitioi: for th Aisociation,"wag'in town th a week. bitod on the part Of theopponents; luct3; thd r would re(eive mcney in He wants a good agent to look af ter the Jo bt ill e act there would' be no Anti -Scott ki�on WILL BE SOLD AT. kt =A % ort at m land ins d of trade a d illey w;uld in iorests of the company in Be ell in thei Province. SACRIFICE windmill lactory, wi 'ump ppen. lave a. (Omfortable -Bid Convenient Mr. W. B. 1�iorri 5, lot tb e Mitch, 0 1 )Iacq f arD .:3hed to them !ree n which to and S r� 0 n A- JCTION SALE on easy terms, of N illn- itan r ns and do bteit bnsi- Trie3day. with L sam5le OV is iron WnisivriTLzrt 6ells sugars cbeape r than ao)40' illage a0d Farm Property. On t4e 25th Wit a market ace sbablished Lr 6 vE y sii*e, aa ever. Fl)e(;ial prices to pax1jes taklog la barrel. day c f this month, at ioelock� shall) in tD)( vil- less pnu ps. They ALL THIS MONTHA, ve COUilia b I Lve at least hreE days each se n� to be counE tructe , on theI proper GoodraiRitiast$1aboxof28lbs. Eleclr�csoap, ]age if He"all,the foLlowing valuable i village 3bmsforUccuts. Griiy cottons from 6 contse, and Urni proporty,will be sold by Public klac tion, es one of his vee� when the town wc ild I e thro n6iple. He llaranp� 1, no Y, 25 v�llsge lots facing on Quo: and yard upwrds. Straw goods at greatly reduced vith si�lleh aid buyers i nd t iE increase co nmon PumpiI o thro, 0, watex through prices. 872 Ohl iond = 5 adiollning the Ralway bic 1i �wod d thus be Ill: do to he trade a I lose to tbb hei jht of' 100 feet. At this BELL'S MILLS.—,The proprietor of Tfacl nd 16( of spleudid -land w -ell situ- d. if thq p'laca would in itself doE bly com- r& ie one of these. P1 would be near- afed or fari rig purposes, and within a mill and pene S n Herisall, )(,,ing )ensl tepayei, for he �ddi- ly as goodas a those welt known and p6pul Lr im ills, begs to in- MCFAU' io I a. qua -ter of t io said village *1 Es iL e fir enoir e.—Th(l Poplars fo n the public that lie �.now has everything Ili I P Lot No. 26, h i the first Concession (f the Town.- ional.outlly,.if there would be itily, private school,,b Misses Roberbson and fl i ist cliiFss working order,'and is ) repared I o tuin sh,ap (f ay. bove mentioned 25 lots, orl out an article of family flour W11 ` I t be he Zen can no wt es. Mat we calin t hii, e a mar- B oth, will be re opene after the holi- Q�ieejiallnd �i!Tchmnd streetir, are In the most o5c celled by %ny rollof mill in 0 county. He t Situ �AT TJ :et unless ve afford pr(per a-1commo- da s -o'n M rit part f the village an exoellently THE CASH DRY 0000$ On &3�1 lab September.—Mr. also thanks his many pstrons'fov their favors in " p1ta at d f 3� ljr�va e residences, &c,, while the other'5 tbli past and respectfully solicits their patronage .ation. I 1,we. do this tl E) fa.-riers will Gc o. Kidd has be on laid up fo several os a tile ra�lwa track afford splendid ok of illueso, in the f Uture,while lie assures thom that tl-.ey can avanta Storehouses, ery Boon d it to- thei � ad- ra litage -to da s with a very 4evere atta ges fqr the eetion of Grain atrenize n it wi be Patronized ba' hel'sno�vkecA ek cotahealthierand stronger grade tbin ally Tan0ries, &a. The ri We un,lerstand ro'. lar flour. Farmers will, in all: cases, ge� their 9 will bo sold o the at the hour erion- nd the b fits e ba ­e ent merated thi I Divid D 4-nean of Egmoudville 0 n wheat ground, which is mote than I done v . er evere attack of b roller mill -3. Choice grade� d, namely, onday'y th dity of AuguE t, at C� A very soon therp. is pros fated by of flour, br, e the 25 liberal, and pa,y - 1AP y " I Y ud Ala thers will I sh rtaL &C.I. n1ways kept ion hnd wh 31 1 �'cluck sl r Terms of Sale fter be L ati on: of t he bo els r. D, D. 3� a! )areut. , Thi i has I ieen the infam 1110Dt30ful eyma4etosuitlitirdiasers. G. al�d Wl I b�'dejivere anywhere'a 1('1)J)en 1114 Hensal GUST, i Xpel lence J) f'other towis mhere mar- Wj Ison waa aften I- l- . PF,�Ty, r prictors JAS. OKE, Auctio eer. ing e ten �perance atisting and chopping of all -kinds done while 0 87 -2 .Ots I lave en establish d slid there is Camp. eeting at Milto in th( County th3 party is waiting for it. Thoi4e *'l h o Dot o reason hyl Sea -forth shoula be ex- of Halton, this M eek.—,rThe gr 3at Btai. 'tried us will flud it to their advaut�1'4e" ti�% do so mrs.--M weather Continues ex- immediately. N McNEvi. 872-� e rm e so Jon tr* m elly wE ild dry, and h city epti 811. Who will tike the initi- liou tota;kd la - on Fairview 191T.—Kr. Harry Drown, for orly of water is bei g sorely felt tive ? We� lave now iei the ball roll- Park' in this tow V by Man on t e 4th Septem x att actinj a ig, and will be ic r the citizens ber a go dealof inter- of this place, now of Markdale, arrived Oie a ky la 3t eek, -as Mr. R. Pat*n, w f th) to hereon Friday last. Hoexpresse him- lo tile Heasall planing mi T 14 ]BALACE to keep it in motion. , A est all Jver,1 and t o in cations are that lls, was qu- self as well pleased with the plac in u ing his steam rip saw his 0 - thf re will be & large crowd here on onlr�ittee h uld be f(rmed to inter and g %tter spending Saturday and S uday hipac slipp d, and coming in con ',act OFFAIX� iew r. 6 leman conce -ning the pur- that day than ver ttended on any �OF OUR— has of t L, P - w I Iger vloqB Blm*l r coasim.—We under- i has e property. The doctor is pre a O with his family returned thither. with the sa cutoff the first fi� ne the I irgest, if not. he I irgest p stand Pbat Mr. Thom- NPR,OVING.—We are glad to learn that jointlof his left hand.—Mr. M. P. �7os_ -1as sold ro a3 Kidd wh Or esteemed friend and fellow c ized, ter, O his been here for some t me �erti i holdBr, and anyt ling t at wili his trotting colt, Lori Duff win," 'to S e own E r. Ww. Edgar, is rapidly imprbving acting as ei�leral assistant to Mr. W. I 4ey for the stim of I en� -it the ill b nefib iim, and Mr. GoorgoVilit, i Summe tock, In health -and shall be pleased t6 see T wolly way agent of this pl Lee., a, e Bur' that ffe'will be reasonable. $500. 'lie is four y I L I I ears, old, v y quiet hi'm return in good be&lth and fine repel tly roceived the appointme n i of a 'his M&tt( r settled satip act ri ly, a re- and gentle l �nd i a horse 3pirits. billiEg or invoice clerk - at Petr —OF— 111181 on s ould be got ien F asking ths t promises re arka le speed.—Mr. c )uncil Ouit MiLL.—Mr. McXevin, proprietor imbl' i berries are 1 now in the o submit a I iy-la w to raise and Mrs. James ( arnoc an, of Tacker- _T11 e a I 3ceeflio-y funds. f Bell's Mills, as will be seen by adver- m arh et, an A meet with good demand.— If the matter is sm th, arriveaho, ne fro the o d coun- like i up �?ith,spirit t] e whcle'thing try last we6k..�T ie Whigham Advance lBement* elsewhere, has 8 tbi b Publ.c schools re-oppilea on Monday, evar Do In )UR b at xcell6nt running order now a d is pro-- but t lie attendance thu s' far is repoi tell DRY GOODS & NO ININE1 e � ragned b0f or 3' th a close of of last week says Mr, George Ewing u le jared for any work in his li el very 1 smiall.—The new PreF SIR IAL X esent year, so t the Contract and -family, of Se.fortb, paid a visit to by. in A No. I miller mud parties in wint of Be is Dow mpleted, mud 'the )r t a bui ding could I a lei, and the our town last eek. We u I tetia.4 man u erstand lour should give him a call. Work ansb�� and floish,- 4Lte -ial go oil the both inside WILL grolt id dur, ng win- thi 'was the firat.holday Mr. Ewing BE. SOLD A GRE 'SUCCESSFUL ArIARY.—Mr.' T'. M�Cly- a -ad out.sidd I'S N reflectil:lg Credit Ir d the orectioll of t L a building pro - fia had in fifteen y firs, and WiDg_ elieo 0 mout'Ba'iary of Italiallbees, of Which alike on the - ly ag 088ffid p ion an SACRIFICEt )edc I with as ear nar, d contrac. in the ham. was his Choice." Mr. A. GV. Me nention 'was made some s 18 don' , there is no, Doi ?r it g. Ift -thi igall of Vird n, formerly of this tirne ago, is torl, 1,1r. W.H. Reyno ds.—Mr. Pollqck., 3480 3 wb� the buildlillf,f I'Sh nogressing very f avorabl§. He deiscribes owne of the store occupied by Mr. 4as. OUIC_ not be tov n, was registeted at Quo Of t 3e Will- )mp,pted 4nd the markElt be establigh. nip3g hotels last ' eek,—Probibilities 'hem as vastly superior t� the old kind, , Bo'n ron, of" this plpLce,, Janding it ;too ALL KINDS OF w 1&m in g but says I I They. are croo beggars and s ALL TiHIS MONTK bd running Older b6! re this sav there is to be lanothor cold , vave in mall for thib requiremen�s of our rapid- ,ext' to be receded by a 0000s OFFE] me sr. Will it lie? hall once they have their dander up ly�growing Village, has decided to en- y a (14 or two hurricane, but thb burr are not easily quieted down." large the sa' e, and to that end has Jet cane i 3 to go PERSONXL.—Mr. Cowan father of Mrs. this contract' for an addition of ab�ut Hr �to,- i DAxo, �.—A friend, rouad by NowNfindlitnd.—Mr, James nTi s n itil: . g . froz . 1 cavilir . , P biika County, Beattie, Deputy PReeve, has be3a laid Mgarjoinlerky of this county but latter- 20:fe t which will make a� great impr1ov- GAR ako ia, sa� s: Among E: en Ll former up i cli of qu, ney for ly of Grosswell, Michigan, -arrived here mont on the- premises.—Idiss Mary ,gall E. M' 0 IF A U'L aro Ilites , vhom -I "have met b em is a several days no recov3rlLlg.-- oil Friday last. *He reports crops as I returned this week from visiting rola- MUST N "�E R01 1 looking and yielding well and business tives in Goderich.—G. J. Sutberlaltd, r*. llexader McIiii formeily from Dr. Larmour, l 'has been plying his. lo generally fairly satisfactory. He in- ofthik place, is agent for the strongest ackirsmitli, who oema have tn�de vocation of media no vending I lore fur t ends, we believe, remaining here till an# best Firel and Life In�u' THE CASH 011HY COODS M lod iase'of � is'� tim?b her HE bas I sevora months-.. left town on "nesday rance Com- Ink been, u Dakota ab 1 at for pastures r ew in quest )f resh r. dgar rev"urus from the East. panie in Canada. �ub Fis years. a BoomniG AS USUAL.—Oar old friend 3aw *on hik place one hanli,641 acre subjects.—Miss- rent, %. former resi. SEAFORTH find enterprising fellow citizen, Mr. gem -ld Jf whe�a'whic -would mexoge 5. dent of tbiB town, iwho has been visit- homas Mellis, the people's blacks mith at 5 inchek in Ion th, ai id 9f I thi k as I ing friends hero'k r somf i weeks, lef t for find vice, treachery, indolence, sesusl. "THIFE R and implement agent, sets dull times at LO&LITIEs'.—Mr. John Kelly, of Mor- Could gro 'and so fair as I Con d see home on . Wadi esiday,— Rev, J. S. ity and pri eflance and is making business fairly rik, 'as . leased his farm, 125 acres,to it a lank; pot in it. is a in g Wiltiams the W61. known excu rsionisb The insult appears to be a's stuffla ". ohn Bo�ldrow loom. in the viciuiby of his indutial Mr. Of West W&WallOi3h. STALLION nt plq,of Fi is whe t, 11 be wril les o us sa�i ag i T4'ere Will be a ard w it is low an Rive. He is offeritig great inducements —ur, Alex. Elder, of Blyth, has pfir- d ibrutal. We have zibull t a for 01 a �e�per allixont t1lie thiid monster exCUNIOIL' to BUff&lCi Itild the reasom to beilievehat in the 3ek in'An ust.' His, eW sat F oil, Mex- Fal s, on Septbm )er. 4t . Particulars to attract e omers, and as every per- I ch el the T: r C. uch of th�� Women's Christian T on likes &nil trusts Tom, he is doing a I ho.' d pomises on King stree bra 6 Use an dez,'whO V, -.B a verT ate dy and r' iable' Dex; week.—Andrew owilliams, a In former pupil of bbe eafortb iushillg business. I Mri. G. M. Haskett, merebant-'and E. perauce Union in Goderich has di lie PJARK, nj mai� and' popular w he rever much good. Thdy. have visitea', High LdC& banker, bo the v Or low School, preached in the Egmondville th of Markdale, spent in the home of drunkards, t6y, hasli a farm,- on "the 1"embi i ' Brussels. a 4ay in tqwn this week. �, Mr.. Kelly I ias diles fiom t & mor ing I& un &ins,. Jabout 20 r he church on Stin 8 .—The pleaded wit the fallen, theyh;a,,Ve CIO �k.. me t' e' PArtTiEs wishing to obtain money at -101t Yot re6urned from th-e prairie pro- epti ad 4ere.' There waho a large members of Court Sher od F( rest, of ed maked, and fed hungry ones. T1. ey. -W f good crops there. Ihe grain the Ancient Order of F� esteng, intend w Thursdair IM interest oil. mortgage, will do well to call on vit.C6. —The thermometer is still a im in - I I -11 1". Soott, as lie is offoring g have worked jaccording to their mai us �OnC3 I th6 i inetis.1—V rs. D. B. McKinnon is the deroonstra ion an). amount of,lik )en earlier on the mot itair s an I can taking part in at at ;1�c lowesb ratosof i0tefost- ougoodifarin ail. lght in 4 ng to alleviate the wl� es Y.1 Be -at in'Toronto.—Mr. Southco is secured pefore that ikounl. here is London on MonlaY. . They ivill as- property. Will always be found ub home S4tur- at Pr caused by dru;'--nkenuess.,bu u b happ, � oyea ady to eat' I � never in my ]if( saw semble at the Qdd Fellows' hall, at dayafternoons. 80-8 over the advent in his house a y The IbIlowing match rAce. �Pl, . I knowledge tuat ed fine. b)y. M6ther and �ohild are d, 6, _iViiew P*a!k,:Se%tbrth0 on ti Ch 1 endi...'d crops of Q kini Is a 4 are 6 o'clock a.m., and �_aarch to the THE plate glass fronts are b What !Ier mayia or U f,org4 Mrs. P. Kelly's health is qq, Work d)ne for Aaod it dieth noti. nmmer. Loat, oats and station headed b eir hito Adam Good & Co.'s Mammoth Boot and Shoe MST RA:0E.—Th wk brass and. eincr -put Nobawk -C-bief, ownt-d by r1eir are J68t wonderful to looj� at. Tf There will be a ri#eting of the Store. The stock will begin to arrive in a few mo Ana for doin this they and their a Revenge," bwbod itowfl,rd a . cei. Clut on a a � acrosse diys, and when all received will amount to nearly ey 1 ipan N ithout anv 1, th 40 are likened jo viscious, ,,,riTultural grou i'ds on !faur thousand pairs. 871 indole -at and: �ury, Brucefiel, for r.0 jx7oid Viilen, Manitoba. sensual Mah6meda;ns, ZECOND RA,20E­Tlx0 "Jon nt d th, weatbe; i i or TueBday evening at seven o'clock. A 1: TnErm will be a great reductio in ifiddl'oNynea by aeorgplhii The persoul who penned that Pa stallion Roan cloud" h., ,rve5ting f ad threBhiD thera will be full, attendance is,lesired, 4; jo shoo business here this fall and,winter. idam CORR th the e natnef & Int Zailey, Godeich, tor $1,00 it i0i 1C ood & Co. Bay they will sell at pric- s that )Uast DEliT.—Harviesting operations are-�be immense quantity of aintomarket 4 let does not eserve I is vpep away oll opposition. The day of Boots THIRD RAU )m - is se, tion of, Dak ia. Tlie POO,- McKinoll. -and the Pars", , who would circulate !aid Slices in -Dry Goods stores seems tobelover. order of the aay h7ere tit present. Crops �601ts, - Lord X)Ufterlu�," OW140d 98 i I this lace were n i plal t Bid until HARVEST Hol�iNm, At a meeting held J have every appearance of givii g a laj,ae same, knowi, g that it contained 1. 41 Lev m- 72 Swartl - e'�� 2i id Ju� and we ha, ie b( Most pbove foul in endo, is 'no better th ie, 1 ising on Tuesday evenir gin the Temperance I CHANGE Busm,kss.— roo. yield, especi4ly wheat, which o- Ross is the writer.---orode ich Signal. 11;Coustan.-,e,!" i6 em 6n t1le table for i he p 9 t i veek. Hal [,''Winthrop, it was docided ;o have "Lave bought out the stock and tra�e of ex0ell3nt.—XcBeaa Brothers, of M,_'n- ley are I e and dr�, i i qd s)iie;hing a, firmers, har .VEst ho 9 about the i,kmale Bros., merchants and taffors, treal, intend'building au'elevator hore I R0E--A$aW1st! aiderful :or two iid.c Iths, —There 120 7 owth. mid Ile of September in ill 3 n-eigh have leased the sam exciteniet on t 16; staMon "Fultou," tbaV - borhood a ad e premses. this f f in 0 osition to Ogilvib's which teamer Vi( n 0 ierE are , 6s good veg4 tablE -dens of Wilithrop, and speakers will be invit Aoria, lying at the fenj 2.40, or better. N That the Smale boys are going to do is was � rected last summer. Ris mill . tn' I re as any eve Onia i i andiug at Windsor fast Spurday and ed to discuss Rhe )roe and cons ill ess be -great boon to the fartm!rs ofthe D A known but we trust they will not do' bt�, Only t I rwo colored -V�ome and a colored mi ing lacking is f .0 t A.11 Scott Act. A. me( ting will. be held. on 1(aVe our village as they have beeii.1 ood of th3h localily, as a healthy com All ruees to be trottc-4 0ae- P 48 of S all fruits sie b(i tried Taesday evening nekt in the Temper- lie tizens. tiou - n the grain market is Ls Wenton board the boat and staited 64 fivel Dtll re with d liccese, I uarral. Thel three entered the harness., and in 9 V.n u vairds-ace -with tbe , 8 ut s ar the ando HEdl, wb6n the &ouds Bitim pte' you : I ple, has a failure. will be vs.—James Wilson and D A. wa I in th's country ad in a few �minutes two pistol shcti� i �The decisio of the P. man seleoted and it is 3ioped ithe Township !Pmale represented Br' 1* ile (in- .7 -mates iu ussels camp -and. by'the name. of Stephenson, w. e darkey rushed oat Raws to oommence at 17 0,01w lae few nifes fitom he. I -stern Star Lodge,at the Odd Follows aged in ope�ating a mowing machin heard a th proM-ges t wo ye&rs ag I'I set u 500 will be well repre ieuted' to make ar 7e 9 This to be "be 0, IN a rau�emnts. abin vS ith a revolver in his handi. - 1i ere t -rand Lodge at St. Thomas las ith a p�inf ul acciaeut a fe - J 'and t 0, e, b the e giVen on F_4&View P=* t week. met vp w day ,gle one- of !them livin"g w, tl ong great number of our citizens took ad- a� s It appears th the negro, whose na;t I$ Inatebed for �PrlTate fti11464 go, which h,4s since iproved fatal. It - i severe ?'vipteirs havitg p is Brownin lfthiswifeSometi ha Ing a XePutatiou:.0 love too VE xna. 1v mtage of the civic holiday and cheap appears whilb in the act of mowing ti 9) in go and. wen Will be contested. lor all Well M itid—Last week an item �rates to vigit Lonc o a t to live with one of i4 tir,-h for thel �,lthough.. they were of Mmm BIG WO Ion last week andi'see hotseE took 4ighf and ran� Away, th - vion to the park, 25c 3 most hatdy VELrieties rOYv 0olored womesn, Derry, but h utting hi m -T� appeared in T_HE.ExPOSIT61t, to tbe,3ffeet �Iie Caledonian games. Our athletes ing hi n on to 'the knives,i q , -one , ack to his'Wife again; C recently that Messrs. GeO4. e and Win. Bites, of b 31d their own, Brusiels winning�' six severely aboii't the head a hd shoUld,e) 'a, Almira tecari theBayfield road, had been doing some .6rst prizes, four Second and one ! ird, also breakin� one of his arms and othf r- e jealous. Imme LOS [JocIAL BmEIFS. after enterin the cabin A 11� berb 806tfi of big work in bialig. 'A greali many - Scott, got two Ist and one 2ad ; A. wi6e' injuring him. He lingered [a 9 Imira d-Tevr xboro, M6Killop met with a very peolle sc.offed at the thing and said it 0 -ott, two lot and one 3rd; G. Perry, 0 f at agony about twenty-fourliont revolver from, the bosom of her dreO nf ILI acei gr, and s Irowp �Ozl the Ist instant, a OW411: an one my aid she oald kill E Ing, bd i's V 00. He coul I not be doiae. N01w, I am in a hree 2ndB; J. W. Shaw, one lst; W. wl�,eu.death relieved him �of his all PI 04131SU barefote n 'r- the negro g"Lra . ed with her befoie Ae l 8 S: tting I y an: open WiDdl IVV hen position to now that the work was Robertson, one IRt, or in all win ling Mr. Jitaes Elder, of this tooth ;ic J plac e, in ots on hi& hini ab of Rodgerville'l had time to d scharge the Weapon, aq(1 off ear fend 01 is' b add don(, and can: be .. no again. A. U.—R. Pelton has returned fro ME; n .1y 'ariol in their struggle the reyolver *as and blickWh;xt p;Wserves- lala I 8 �sh fel' Cato ing bis. th it so. one 0 rt I blind Sh ng it so, th Ont h s at he had to iave; the day - mt week the E ame two yonn y men visit tQ friends at Woodstock, loo Ling just completed a handsoq'ie resid ft enc e,, charged twicei one shot pi his 1�ack containing a b� issedLthrough' &I aputated.—There ware f ft aen chr with the help of aheighbor, Mr. krchi�. well. Ralph seems to have rested and which reflects great crediti on hisE If the Roo -e ds 3f cattl -left Seafort h s a iol r of th promenade dbek rig blue -,r,cut short '01, L Friday Galbraith. In Ole Ock in 1 joyed himself when away.— bound fto ifeven -Thomas as elll as being an ornsment to le struck Thom4s 1�adcliffe, who t i -ain. last.—M Robert the, morning un I six I O'Clocl in the tcher and f amil are visiting at St. loc�lity; also Mr. T. Tapp! has in ti �e - t, which had recently been I MiJan has been a farmer ill McKil. Y sitting just o -Ver the cabin the Vull -cost with -ow hour hd a I lf fo A. cot roe of erection a large gr patch botE !even taking � an r ioulas and Paris this week. Mrs &nary, whi � h passing throudh the fle en lugf, seen hat. he kay3 he irteen acres of ve enaghan and daughter, of Glen ooe, he ects to1ave comp,16 8by part of h* i Out �of blacksmith Shop to I for bver forty years an4 - I a hew y oats. 0d in tilie leg. On he 8, the peopldli atstzliam bo e on a visit here to hirs. Cormack,her for I this year's cro I.. Mr. Tapp i of sho ,er h d st ch a generally goo Crop t Now, if -there are iree otlier you� ig men 8 .6 an 'WOM ae aas thi i year and thEi t he b ad� the WL p became y excii e in this county wh can do the sa me, ister.—r. 'D. Scott and MrB�' o our most enterprising and- enegel: 0 ,,es. yie ro a e S. screamed an -fainted. Id M a half day.'s thresliing won like to hear frola thelli.—A 3dott, are visiting frie fairmei SAMUEL VV'i nds at Hamil �on. -a, and we hope his :granary y i:,w ek-thet-he e!ver Li m h a eo. 033s]E R VER. —E. E. Wade returned from Goderich be filled to over,flowing as a reward 4or ao ighton was taken su I er-3 ill on —The Stratford ys: lfts.� 0 -1 is. week, but is still unable to walk his industry 'and diligence.—Mr. ad George Matt, JeSo n, -the kilovv�, nigh last. He ir j, pre- one is looRig M If aac B e6nett, of Atw* ood, Outall, I u condi;iou f6r a timo bu', s now Pv thout a crutch. stock exporter shi ed a fine of eat- Si K-,;Ess.—We are sorry to lea n that 'O WArd to Caledonian day for a gc)od PP VARNAI I — are� vie iting friends here a present. 11 0 - ring.' r. T. E. J61 lin s the tle from this *igh borhood Lon SAturdS ! Miss. Eliza Budd, who ba been poorly It y's sport.' Several fire companys have I lisl� markets. where keQps consta y posses or of Jacob's,, f4or the EnLg s Oat 04'111ally for some time, is Eot expected to sur- 61 -eady - entered for the race for a A Brutal Inmit. of them were 6om the farm of Mr. 134-1 Order 4i.11 kludsof Boots tnd S It is'ool if not han so Vive, long as she, al;hough quite young, L rse of $70.' Same rules as Tor n 0 4Mialty. A wai oliofte& 3..—On very fine Ones, 18 S1154 eE, cousumptio is day lastAt four o'cilocl he V 1110- is a victim a "e. r registe�ed 102 in the ill n Of th,8- n Ost fatal of 0,11 dis I pamphlet dated Seaforth, Joly good anima , �ro i�lr. G. Dunn's f 811nd, MONEY .0 lin eas I.—Mi s Ida Bell 1 131PROVEMENTS.—Vanstone Bros. h ave 25t�, and beeing th' M d�'iffe title The Ant Downie, and sinaller lots fro, redt shide.—We understan hab a, �,art- who [las been bedfast. for 30me days, is dompl6ted the improvements of their, ScAt 4ct Advocate, the followin;g f�ul 8!R-AIGHT joans at 0 per sbi other farms in the nei.,hborb able half yarlyir P is lout being f pimed 4 a now slowly rec ood.! Stoih - overiDg lud will, we now extensive roller mill by put ing reflection is made upon the bl 1:114vilege to borrw.ver Of 04 of goo, local men in vvl ic m 11 op noe V40- feeding, so rare her6abo.nts a few yeart the h' 8 be able. to� be around again in two; engines and a now boi men who have formed the In I P&I money at a ,he can P.1 #ce the �utm 11 er, WO 6ili 8 ago, is now filmoSt a ulliversal astelt i STED , Barris P Be of L� ol�t c0uli"Dce Spence, of tile ist, Phi) boiler being disconnected from he Christian Temperance Union of Cal - the purp tartilig: a rilate of husbitudry in this con irity, and I n, is alsobedfasi: ads v concE s8io with bilions i [land the steam. conveyed by a p�pe, ess n this kii ig bush s,per h found to pay inu-chr better than, graiu, They fever. —Dr.HutabiaBon,of Brusse' iBlessening the lZate of insurance.— ltis a favorite theory With teet*_ 7 DISSOLUTION OF do& 0 busine- d raising. .: 0 GS an such an in- forrried t][lq oper&ton of remov: IV n. Ross, Who owns the stone n 411, lerB that alco�ol is not food, and conNE- OTICE is hereby iVeD3, t —As Mr. J. Finnie, of Downi��, C e a real aCWM�111.Odaiiion abscess from the foot of Johnston '.')amp. t. e zig determined not to be behind it is voison. Yohn medicli 6 heretofoie existmj�! Wt, he pul�lic'. The farmem �are 9 his wife and son wer driving to IKU04 i �U Photographers and e. ky bell the other clay. The operation was 81 o dispoBed of his engine, and ba� it men cc" mmening, practice, who f ancy b arvesti g and busin church, St. Marys, oil Sunday of- 10 e �s in town iat tile towA of is very suegessf ally Performed ar d the replaced by a very fine new one m ide join ing the tellitotal craze will give the' 8410 aud firm of lVade lBras. al d lo'cal J28WP is as sci woe af � cash. week, in a double bagay, when near tho We ellow will Boo a be around again. y Goldie,& McCulloch, of Galt. Both a Standing, have �iven this o )ion solved by mutual eoirtmt. ons and Itbe kfis'ses Pinion railway f3 brana rs. Jphn'Ly PicxiNGs.—The a )rner cottage of Mr. ills have again resumed wo lies Christian Temperance AsB> bridge on'the, London this aaeonday -�f Angilst., I rk t is the La( i1B left or Wednesd ay the tongue became di from t ciationj or as 1; they should piop 1)3 SJ �1113 of m4nths in Chi, to "3[ ona- a Thos, Campbell'w 11 shortl be occu. we h and we can boast of two as g d erlv ; neckyoke, renderina the horses unillf1ill ago. They pied by Mr. A: Oebt rn and family.—Mr WHIs as are in the county.—J. :L D. called, The : adieB'Maho,medan Tegr ageable. The animals ran down a -1compa �ied by.Kiss , li,nder ion, of W. ouc-11 has less( d the j farm of. R.' * aald has list aboub completed a fire total Alsociation." steep bank near the bridge intb t .a.—Mr. Vip. Campbell and lan!lil SOUCIL for -a ter s.—Rov. W. 1a ine y m of year of a ifferent model than his Old What the writer of the 'above ca. 2. creek, upsetting the vehicle and e er and the lAisses Oyer Brandon ocen NOTIC kii' v pu pit ab rn td Brown- Oho, and which is claimed by expe,t.Q �emptl le innuendo meant, ing the 0 FinniO on M- riday, having COID Idted we, were i ccupants. out. Mrs. In connection -with 010 town on. Sunday la3t. The usu ser- to -do more wotk than the old a ie, first pu zled to und ry leasan � trip L Iron erstandi. until on - 016 118taiaed several. severe bruises, alld this undersigna bega to im vicis at tbio appointment is nowl, being r ii ie stea;m faster and make more a 3o, precediag page of th6-same pamphle" Mr. -Fin- nie escaped with a few scraitch'00. i %rq on. ithe PhotograpWng tea-meii 00onto. They re lac- held fit .3-0 P.m. initead o at 1 .30 a. h�f a more powerful pump and 1 iss Itialid and hopes to recgivo a m Bay Cit but the boy at first appeared to be serl-' by r s. r. m. as ic liberal Xt p4tronage so 10 y was formerly. — Mr. T. eid, ion in discharging,the water. it is ho edan" means according to ously injured, but on the arrival Of t i t who Wend F3 en jug lilied fr(i t we found the key. This is; wflat k1i 'i (O th e w o a been rusticRting 1 i the a unt id )e tested this week and if it beats w 20 ths 138 B. yle y ritor: Mus- of Halt n and, cr doctor and after the young fellow bsid _e will be sparedM his: urroundin counti a. for t e old one as is expeoted,it will be first Wh 3rever you find the crescent returned to consciousness his i Janes tbik�U. W. W. WADN. rp Drect. t 6 V15 few week of e Egi6ondy a 0, Lim returniod ome istao the old model wao haxd to be�t- stainidair I of Xahcimed, the're you wil,' Were aut afj 13 uis -as at first upnPOL I1W ra d e nntt en t f