The Huron Expositor, 1884-08-22, Page 5FI v 22, 1884 rondon miler seas° proceeda 1314 iee 'nth kern how to charge all right, al - she apparently did not know toe civil. I got a breed to lee back to MC B. Hannah's, two ediesmorth. I !stayed all night . Hannah. He hitched up his ttoerd and drove me all around . He has 320 acres in crops; early sown wheat is looking real hut some of the late sown wheat oda are not so promising, although es gaod fall it may be ail right. naabeen very. dry this spring and late sown grain did not come up for ape or four weeks after it was BoW11. Hannah owns: about two sections of -boa in a Wok, and he has just bought wale woodland on the- banks of the about half a mile from his home - He has, really, a very deairable petty and if he had some good build - or up he would be all tight. He has 170 acres this summer. 411 the ere are doing e great deal of break- in order to get the rebate on their nte Mt. Hell and Mr. Good have large fields of grain north of Mr. alt. Mr. Izaing and Mr. Ingraham 'tithe south have fine farms, and. the early sown grain is all looking well, but **farmers here are all trying to cut- let* too much land, consequently I ahould say that the quarter of their at harvest will not pay for seed. labor. July Ist.—There [was a little frost this morning. I don't think lead much harm. Mr. Hannah drove - over to Wm.Govenlock's place, a dia. tenni of ten miles, We crossed the 1113inihoineriver on a ferry boat. There Ina not meek land on our route under cultivation. Willie hen got a very goon section, 640 acres. He came here Ws spring and has broken 360 acres, puttaity in crop whioh is rather late and I am afraid. it Will not be much rod. July 3rd.—I walked over to Mr. Gray's farm. His crops are looking eery thin and short. July 4th.—A dull Joining with a great deal of rain through the night. I walked over Mr. Cludburn's farm ; he was away from home. I found a, bin of old wheat in =open shedevith plenty of wild oats init. He has a very fine field of wheat just beginning to shoot out ann his potatoes are looking real well. nuly 5th.—A real cad, blowing day. I Visited Mr. John Bastard, from Exeter. Helms; got a nice half section of land to the north of Wm. Govenlock's. The soil same real good all around this Section. He has 25 acres in wheat looking very well, and he has got oats, barley, potatoes and turnips, all look- - ing pretty fair. His father, S. Bastard, has the other half section, with 40 acres of wheat, 20 acme in oats, and 3 in roots,. all looking pretty well. He has 100 acres fenced in and a good stock of battle, which is rather unusual in this country, as there is not one out of a hundred who has more than one cow. July 6th.—The Sabbath, a fine day but Tamene maw t of the B 1` _Emmett, e-1717 wheat gives theta Ann +AC AS per acte7 2°• . 41181181; bY 10,360 ono ewes northern ,e it Wan tafreocraeact - '1•• rhea graiZ Elba sheerer& et he ado -omits of • same es fez r three weeks been greatly the estixtutte. [lase than laat id anette the eropt and it oat favorable bug has' done al this year, e eel at an na. of the fore - t 1833 Iskerese Bethel,. rain sinentes 57,155 18 4I4,3ao 54,573 SOS 188,111 3,012:248 642,71T 10,678,123 6a to some ex - 'set Week hi ty the drought estimated at 1,000,900 tens [appearance ot eremising, due e and partly ire prevailing ae- The for. tn the weather ler. [The area !. Beans have 1ght and cool t usual. The g and healthy, good crop is -the estimate in au area of ta of the root natigoids and Turnipa made ng to the dry tins have been ia in potatoes eeres ; and in !he total area a.- about 8,500 L. on board the derieh, on the Et lovely sail up La parts on our• ea for the rail - Arthur at 6 iaid aver there the train for ot to Ret Port - Ed had break - t to Winnipeg t desolate and the way from a distance of railroad com- ieir road they for rooks and 26th,—A Wet ny in the fore-. FreePressifor- e visited Arm - Lee, Kildonan, publio ed churehes. Odid buildings -be" putting up eXpensive :tola me that abo-ut $80,000 bey certainly rhen it rains. must he high debt ia about fit persons in taterie. June ing and it is 'on the streets, Mr. Bleasdell Mountain in There is very Ina all the way e' two at the 1nlicl not look t about three Nelsonne Mr. but I had her daughter. 1t1 water there ett ice, when t look at the _solid to with - ,down. They not cultivate i is an fenced d of about 20 seems to me ing to get the t here if they ;roll morning e pretty large —1 Ieft for the t. to Brandon delved about to Griswold, ost office and d of a tavern airs. -I asked The woman Lid have some - ready as she the tea bell three others -as that was awn family to ave when she p of tea, spa wheat is very weedy, and some oats eompletely killed out t buck wheat. He HMI ,town range 22.. July 12the—I visited, 'Step ensou's; Hunter's,Foster's and Leaven' or t o Of hi wil ie 1 They have all got some good grain, and seem to he hopeful future. All these farms lie north of the railroad. More a ROBERT GOVE 0 Perth Items. lar. T. M. Daly has been ai to a position in the, Stratford ' —Messrs. Hess Brothers, of -have received a large order f cane work, from a firm in Ans —The Pubic School Boar Marys estimate their expen, $4,842 this year, of which t Council will have to raise $3,6 i9 34. oint stom OW n- the rtlia. of ure t To e gr —While swinging on a gat ford, accidentelly fell off, bre collar bone. • —The nestruction of sheep still coiatinues in Hibbert. flocks were visited during the p weeks with more or lege loss —The new stone bridge acres Tro t creek, at St. Marys, is progres ing t wards bompletion. When fithed will be an ornament as we 1 as aegnisition to the stone town. 1 —Ei ht hundred bushels of flail whe It farm of Mr. George 13udson th ci cession of Hibbert. Oully ten barr used. —A , few days since, whil a son Mr. Irenale, of Downie, was hitcht the hems to the reaper, the anim bolted, drawing the reaper ater the which was arnasned to pieces efore horses 'were brought to a stand still. —The first race meeting in St. Mary connection with the race circuit recen formed in Western Ontario, is to be h on the course there on Monday Tuesday, 25th and 26th inst. Some 5 are offered in peizes, and excnrSions be run on all railroads tolthat town those days. . —About two o'clock on! Monday af noon a fire broke out in the mill of 5 Fuller & Co., Stratford, millers of stock. Owing to the inflammable na of the building and contents thtirbuil 'was doomed before the arrival of brigade, their efforts being confine the protection Of an adjacent !build The office, which is isolated, ae wel a barn containing anent 55,000 wort stock, were saved. Loss on! buil and machinery about $12,000 t ins for about 57,000. The fire is 'supp to have originated in the picker ro —The St. Marys Argus Says : couple of drunken men, evidently f Stratford, made themselves conspic with a horse and buggy on our str on Sunday afternoon last. The pu would like to know where they got odd. I walked over to McCutcheon s, cliquor. about two miles, where we had service —Adam Hutchinson, a young an by Rev. Mr. Bowman, an English employed in Dutton & Myers woo len church minieter from the Indian mite- Mill, Stratford, met witb a very pai fat - sin. We had. a very good sermon. accident on Saturday afternoon of last J-dy 7th.—I walked over Mr. McCutch- week. While engaged around a mao ine, , eon's farm. He comes from the town- he had leis arm caugnt in the cyli der ship of Morris. He has 65 acres in and bad it terribly lacerated. crops, and has -been a little over a year —Mr. R. Gardiner, merchant of in the country. His crops are looking quhar, and for many years reeve. of! pretty fair. I visited two brothers by township of Hibbert, has been pomp the name of Joints ; they have 100 acres through peer health to dispbse o of wheat, which ia good, but the oats business. Mr, Duncan Hey, s are very short and thin. They have teacher of section No. 5, Hibbert, i over 20 head. of cattle, 11 horses and 5 purchaser, and takes possession int foals, and they have been about three tober. years in the country, and like it well. I next called on Mr. Dobson, formerly of Grev, who lives to the north-weet. . He has a good farm of 320 acres, 50 in wheat, 35 in oats, and some peas and Jose ing by do a eve 1 it 18 re of 81 00 on er- 5. ure ing the to as of mg ed ed m. A Oni ets lie tne be en be superstition are re at men. He will be oteexh ntford, on Friday, Septtmb repeugh'sigreat stew. omega in the and 'Mon at 5th, in ten in town. 855 ng Hymen nd Japan Teas thoy can't be WILS wet YouNo's new 50' cent ket price in take wool a the highest exchange for d ow wholesale, at the Mammo BOUT eight hundred y cle red RIT ai sal sizes oli area W. ging; !rem 16c to 2 t 6; at the Mammoth T JA4e, neva JAR rge stack. Ne Jere at roelt bottom prices, Tata, County utar sh to repOrt iLlon the r o e expected all the va on tria fa —Mr. John Hartley, of Stratford gatbered from 50 colonies of bees as much as 500 tbs. a week of extracted honey, besides having from 1,20 to 1,500 Ma. of comb honey duriee the 200 nies ed part o ed to get rent was in. The FEIrE11811 NOTICE roots, grindin Standard Ge rid have o tont°, the nn e given one two ram theM as received. Births. goO a et and h Bar House. 862 ds .0 press per al measure leo isu ears very o, jul 29th, th• e t which rd o t ie Month. 'one ,nder , but only that d • n Dundee Fame fiel the d hrough. At th he only one a ttle Bran ford a through. I am 1 —Th or cat mpin ar- the his ool the Oc- has has some good horses, two foals, and lbs. of honey a week from eigbt I season. He has taken upwards o; potatoes, all looking pretty we . e about 20 head ef cattle, and has things of Holy Land bees. co pretty comfortable, and likes the corm- —While lin Jas. Jones, el elit ley -well. A Mr. Warren came here was driving in Logan on4 nigh to -night with a. loan of cats. He lives week, the wheel of his sulky str 25 railea to the north, and sold his cow which was lying on the! roa oats for 20 cents per bushel. It took setting the rig and causing the hoe hira all day to come out. Father and son own 920 acres. Tkey live in town- ship 15, range 23. Tbey have 50 tuxes in wheat, 95 in oats, 20 ie barley, and five in roots. His crops are just midd- ling, he said the crops are very thin and ShOrt for thirty miles around. July 8th.—Heavy rein this morning. Mr. Glinez came in this morning. His farm is in township 12, range 22 ; has 40 acres in wheat and 25 acres in oats, which. look rather thin and short. There is it firm by the name Pf Ayr, on the Plains. They have 700 acres ire crop -whicla is very middling. I don't think these farming companies .will make money here. It is all very well to sow a large field of wheat but when you figure up the expenses, the profit, if any, will not amount to much. I visited Mr. Moore, who has 100 acres of crop in, which is looking rather thin. The settlers here are all doing a lot of breaking, each one from fifty to three and four hundred aeres. Nr. John Grant, of Brussels, is getting a good deal of breeking done • he gives a Mr. Bond 52 per acre, lir. Bond to get the first crop. July 9th.—A lovely day. I rode On horse back to the north east. I called at a store kept by a Mr. Parr. He farms little, too, and has thirty acres in crop looking pretty well. I next called at Archie Chiaholm's, a fornaer McKillop boy, and stayed for dinner. He seems to be getting' on pretty well. He has a snug little house, and extensive ou•tbuildingsfor this coun- try. One building is 120 feet long by 20 feet broad, and covered with straw, which ia the principle roof heret He owns three quartere of a section, has ninety-five acres in crop which looks rather thin and short. His potatoes look well and he has some good peas. I also stayed -at Walter Cnisholm's. He has 25 acres in crop looking pretty fair and he has some fine carrote. There WaS a school meeting in the neighbor- hood the night I was there. The object being to form a section. I met with a - good many farmers of the neighbor- hood. They have come to the con- clusion that it is better to crop less and get it in early, and that it will not do to depend on grain crops altogether, but will have to go into mixed farming the same as any other country. July 10th. eeA. good deal of rain through the -night. Robert Chisholm and I got a buggy and drove np the Oak River seven pr eight miles. The first place we came to was a Mr. Bailey's,who keeps a post office, and has two or three sons who ran a threshing machine, and his crops look like it as they are very late and thin. We passed a geed many _ farms on our way up. The land is stony and very much broken_ up with sloughs and the crops are looking very -poor. We iitayed at Mr. Holmes' for dinner. His y pros trial e to Papt ng 1 ed Wind Mill Etre e. Price 8170. 0, free neon, Seafort has Is Ontario Pump ornpa nufaotnr rs, au has( adjo Ding the the be re *it 860 ASH —In Eleaforth, on the DELGATTneIn Stanley, on taatoTT.—Tn Gerrie; on the of Mr. WS B. Elliott of a AND1ERS0/1 --In Going, on wife of Mr. Henry Sanders AGEE.-11:0131gth, on thee 8 awl last e to run away. Mr. Jones was dr gged about twenty rods, but eecaped -viith a few slight bruises on his leg. —The following is from th; swell ot the town, who sporne a line head!gear, after imbibing potations of bug juicentoek a that he was' able to base the Trunk Railway and everebody consequently took the train for 6th r ght he 1 ugh e the 4 n of a CHELL.—In Clinton, o the e of Mir. A. Twitchell o da Deaths T.—Ire the Town Plot 7 h Meal Sarah, wife of hn Latimer, formerly o y are and 7 months. DOH '11TY.-e-In Clinton, on lementine, youngest oherty,!aged 11 months; St clung riree ivers otion rand else, trat- ford, but refusing to pay _ his far, an the arrival of the trein it Stretford escorted .by a conservetor of the! peac di m 9.85 Johnny, who thinks adhering mo strictly to the Scott Act won d p better on future trips. —The Stretford Advertiser says! Two of our prominent ladies are inter establishment of a hespital in, town. These ladies deserve all credit fd debt awake ing d tha ssful. Sera tituti to hold an interview with the (3 hearing and discussing the nio the case, politely demanded the e $5 and costs, amounting in all to ding, and he! Light andle the mein were titrir, de., eet and cuTed the ne erected OWn of ired,as the ready, aud t:, the wife inet„ the t., the wife thd wife of ter. -LI h retofore eriating between the undersign - style and Arm of Wade Bros., was this day II soieeney mutual oo eine Dated at Seafor this second day of Ang st, A. D. 1884. Witnerts.—Loftne Dan ey, Bar herr of NO IC the re dersigned begs to inti carry on the Photogra b etan and hopes to receive a eo and e can rigour° all that ne expe se will be spared on his p Whig imni, on the r. Jo Brady, aged, Se co alit aged 35 nd 2 TELE 31,TAR inst., Jenny SEAFOR Old Fall Wheat per bushel ew all Wheat per bushel . g Wheet per bus per buChel Prf ate ntt ntt Pork, per nip pounds.' Hide , per lbs nee skins leach Woo Salt (wholeSale) per arrel. Potatoes, Por bushel new Woo , per elord App es perBeg Cfax oat, Old all Wheat per b shel. NelnFall Wheat per bushel Oate, per Moshe] Barley per bar Or' Peas per bushel per MOW taking' the initiative in such a 1 and humane eneerprise, they may be successful in others such a spirit of p undertaking may be ;sum ford needs such an, in things are at present our old,* si feeble are all sent to the comm to suffer and die witliont prope tion. Jails are for eri insist be provided by every community for sick and friendless. A tolwn the size! Stratford, at all events, ehouldl hav hospital, and we wish t e nndertaki every success. 1 1 ti aotttO The White Elephan tbe Weed." When thee appreciated, it ceases to -that the rank of nobili upon the fortunate ma king in presence of the w among its high-flown ti ,, Radiance of the Worl the Earth." An old Je once declared that the did not ride the whit cause the latter was equ to the king. The fathei of th enlightened Siamese .ru er ad pallid pachyderm he ha loved, more of certain passages of S Song than of anything else ; stance, " His tusks are like lo his ears like silver shields, Add e Sk facts moth ole les ar the nit mi ng elep • esse wond nferr by t Lan v le 8 OD Si eee sse d test msfpuones foe in. ter 1 Egg Ha Pot Ap Wo Por Cor 8 per ten .J1,altnroOL, An C4ifornia No. cheese, 628 00d. Towner°, Aug. to $0.9011spring, to 40c; Peas, 72c butter, !Ile to 1 dreesed .! hogs, p of im nt a 0.8 to ft gs, per do o • ate that einess in tinuane ed to ther Aro he wtll the otd of tbe ble n r e sat re 872-4 HE IVIITC11 'NM? PATENTED & ELL Win min yet made. mac inery, it has no PUMPS also. manufactu 80 to 0 80 85 to 0 90 36 to 0 38 61 to 0 66 46 to 0 65 12 to 0 13 13 to 0 11 16 to 0 15 50 to 2 75 GO to 7 50 00 to 7 60 00 to 6 60 40 to 0 80 18 to 0 20 1 25 1 00 0 60 3 50 0 90 A Stock of primps on hand: no ale.- chell P. 0., promptly 60 to 00 to $ 75 to 1 0 80 to 0 85 tan to 0 85 85 to 0 90 0 36 to 88 0 50 to 0 55 0 60 to 0 65 0 14 to 0 15 0 13 to 0 18 7 00 to 8 00 0 60 to 0 60 2 00 to 2 00 0 18 to 0 20 6 00 to 7 00 6 60 to 7 60 B 26 to 4 00 872-52 TAND UFA TURED est end most s: am or driving PUM e Iron Lift a which are guar RD ij BY tisfactory ny • light Se d, Dou le nteed to and hore kept onstantly I do not give s tisfac on to the undersi ed, Alit- ttendei to. TC; HAN AT - ng wheat, 0; oats, 40c rley, 55c to 17c te 18c ; POP laNISSEn. Robertson arid Bo -LTA- r school, on Mandan THE B SHOP ST YOUNG n LADIES applicatibn be made to tli ally or 4 letter. T e if and praetical both n 'and art ephoel exato Mali tiftd. 'Fees for boa exclusive of music. to MISS GRIER, L stin Anther Fall W eat, ereett free from rue and ACH HI WY eside Lion For dy ite head, white chaff, wonderful steolipg. gualitiee. Pripet $. 20,113rtiesels P. O. allasiD RUSSIAN -2-ds signed has fo Line, Stanley, a gu suitablelfor seed. Wheat *as sown ne land and yielded and steed the wint gual per Con eseno N BER eharr 1 re t new s h $204 o ae EAT bri id g Be les she sale 'on ice ;1.50 over 30 On the lst Meta t, a d all of a man, barefoot d oo bot blind in his off ea , fohing ohfin tooth Plok boots o and buckwheat pr serve,. II on his back cont ning 'a b holee and a pack e of ago long bite hair,cut sho and hat, which had re ently een ed coat:with pato bott pants. When las seen out of O. blackenai elm himself a pair of ret RS" will re -open eptember let, ublic Schools. erms as usual. 872-2 ITUTION OF Hall, College Lord Bishop of deeding pupils d that previous n is thorough y and higher to the college g passed with large and beau - '252 per annum, tus, &c., apply 870-4 SALE.—For y of pure Mer- ced to be the i ter wheat grown straw, stands as a long bald mber grain •, has n good milling !Apply to ALEX. 872x4 VELVETEEN6, C SHM RES, AND In all th newe t eland s. FRI ID GE lir SI sr These goods are e Euro to ensure ucces Summer Good . T.—The under - d • Russian wheat, T er bushel. This shels per acre . CAMPBELL. 872x3 te J. • L. " LIGIO about the Biz halide with lon eet and totall ved hens' teet d an empty b e of nine port reeks. He tvor lf Soled, fog color , and high wate wheeling smok money to bu First time seen greatest, Zoologi Siamese MONTREAL HOUSE. • Will now be given to pur .basers of INT S ILLINERY OR DR.Y GOOD TINCA & UNCAN'S Celebrated Montreal Dry Goods House. Ae we must clear off our present stook, to make nom for oar Fall and Wie- t r importations, invo ces of which are to hand, intending purchasers will cense- uently do well by availing themselves of the liberal bargains we are now offeri g first-class Dry Goods. tra val e, and 'tee t beryline in all RT OAK HALL CLOTHING 4NC) GENTS' FURNISHING 0HOUSE. TH, in the al Won WHITE E SIA." er on Ea h, the,sa.ce EPF AN it We lead! " Others Creep Behind," yet can't catch up to our styles, as elect nothing but the very best line of geode ire tne world, and are prepared to nit the most fastidietis gent in the latest andi nstnet approved style, either as e, ards cloth or fit. Nobby Ties, Hats, Gloves, or a7 article required to conapl te a first-class gents' wardrobe, can be had at Don't wait till the elands roll by, but bri yon will get the best value ie Teas, Coffees, 5 -REAL ESTATE FOR SAT,E, 95 Ores , being eomposod of lot No. 2, in tbe 9th concession of the township of Grey, in the county orStiront mostly cleared and free froM stumps- 'There is a bank barn 154x64 ; a bri k house and two good wells. The above proper y adjoins the incorporated village of Brussels. P v farther particulars apply to D. DOBSON, on t e premises, or to Brnesels P. 0. 857 TTOUSE FOR SALL—For sale, that desirable .4-2- property on J'obia Street, Seaforth,next doer to St. Theinas church parsonage, 5541 now oe- oupied by Mr. Soole. There is good stone founda- tion, first-olasEi -cellar-, six bedrooms, ps.rlor,dining room and is, good kitchen. Also a large,woellthed, hard and soft water, a neW stable. ana all other necessaries complete. For further partieulara apply to the proprietor. D. ROSS, Seaforth. 830 ng eel your Butter or Egge, where ugars, Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Spi es, DUXCAN pUNCAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROC Rtft MAIN STREET, SEAFOR TTOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—For JI -I" Bale or to rent, a dwelling .1:Onse and lot, south of the railway track, adjoining the town'of Seaforth, There is three quarters of an acre of land, all well fended : also a good orchard on 5t. The house is commodiouS and comfortable, vdth a good cellar and woodshed ; also bard and Belt vaster convenient. Will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises to the undersigned. 3IRS. 855 W. AIKENS. VARM FOR SALE.—Lot 20, Concession ).21 Township of Grey, containing 102 acrosti60 a.eree cleared at d in a geed gate of eultivatien, the balanee is well timbered. There is on the premises a, good freme houee, log bain and llama stsbles, also a good bearing orchard. It is 2 -''es front Eth, 1 Station on the Great Westeria Railway, One mi e from the village of Cranbrook and 6 miles from Bruesele. For terms and further particuiale apply to 'VALENTINE FORESTER, Cranbroolt P. 0., Ont. 861-13 VARM ITeKILLOF FOR SALE.—The south 50 acaes of let 20, concession 1-3e aeres of which are cleared, free from stunms and well under drained. 'No better Jana in • the county. Is situated about halt way between Seaforth and Brussels. It is Well feuced. 'There its s. log home and a geed frapae barn mad frame gable aid sbed and a goOd orchard, planted with apple, pinm, pear and cherry trees in goodhearing order. It is one and a quarter miles east frgm Inadbura. Apply to ROBERT McMILLAN, tot 33, 'Cott - cession 3, adaillop, or to Bon 105, Seaforth P. O. H. net Exhibited without e see this silvery, altered where an object of su bounded admi tam. ands are daily hrorgin this lily-lookin , argent eyed ere country Of its apture le an obj exalted revere ce and worship everywhere in Farthe India Buddha must d light abide in ALWAYS IN THa Fl*MT RANK. ROBERT WILus, The People's ShoemaXer, Is daily receiving Boots and Shoes of all kin material made. I always buy from the eyes open for BARGAINS, and give my passing onder and; n- ture, that i he et of the st It is 'here ed hat the a e ca, • and win ex- ELEP Their own 'inawknation a parity on ite 20th ann al tom of Ame hibit AFTER ON an EVEN ore augl Amp Great .111:ammothl Bo t AL order 11 kinds of Boots and spetialty. A call sol cited hoe Store, find and makes es. Sewed wor 872-13 Seaforth, s, of the ver best customers latest styles and very best manufacturers, and keep my the benefit. FArai vou EALE.—North half of lot 29, cons ceesion 8, orris, containing 100 acres 40 of which are clear )d and nearly free from seurnps. There are on t e premises a good leg house -and frame stable, t o never failing wellii and an ex- cellent orchord of almost two hundred frait trees, all bearing. The farm is conveniently situated, being only two and a half miles from Brussels and thirteen from Seaforth. For fur - thee par icula apply to F. 3. SCOTT, Brussels, or to RI 'HAR LEES. It_indsay. e 841 VARM IN #10KERSAIITH FOR, SALE.— ersmith, eontairaing 100 acres, 85 Of which are cleared ; the x =index is hardwood bosh. There in five mike of Seaforth and six ofIChntori, good grevel roads leading to both: places. further particolare apply on the prevaiees Seaforth P. 0. ROBERT MaCETY. on reasonable teems, lot 12, voneessimi 4, aleKillop, containing 10 acres, of which About 86 are cleared, well under -drained, well feemed and in a good state of cultivation. There is a small orchard and pleuty of good water. There is a spring creek running through the piece. Also. , and 'Within five miles of reertiorth, ravel road ail the wsy.• For further ply to the proprietor on lot 13, or to Iteechwood P. 0. ROBERT UCKERSMITH FOR SALE.--F—or p the MeCaineey farm, on tbe Mill house and frame euthaddIngs. ndid orchard and plentY of water. to schoolaud Church. ' It is ith- ith For POSITIVELY NO 'SHODDY kEPT ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK Is rueling, but there is always room fdr ore, so come right along• and leave your ceders, and if you don't get satisfaction! you need not come again. I have six of the best workmen in the country, ann personally anperintend this branch of my bueiness, and. can guarantee satisfactien. Come and see my stock and be convinced I tell the truth. ; It won't cost you JAMES P1OKARD'S, 'The' Mammoth Bargain Haus Dry Goods, Ordere and Readymade ON BID YI,S PT. TH I884 the Desert. Moors, aceonal ering of Thirty anied b 000 wil ns, anotrrstIteme Own. -ildten of Maateinkesi end 1,200 men and ts, with Rieman a- track.) Races ies, pep, , and juat lane • living wanders o see the and All the e 1th, tent Indi Ab - any and I the from town see Don't forgot the all natio Sultan's Moslem a real beartt 0, Hippodrome, full hal mile ra by Elephants, amels,Horses, P Monkeys, nod. all kinds of rac ported 830,000 Stud English 11 s for 20, travel street ens of essionis la Rook pomp and p try I tbe di other combined show in exist only 50 cents k childrdn under Extra trains I low ratee to an the Great Fidrepsogh Show. 0 DAY and DA E ; it ie never trains ; worth miles o and gorgeous istori of love ; Cleo e open bed Pro 111 ADA good fnsxne and post ofiie with a good concession 6, lifelKERACIEt Sale, elm Road, Tucketennth; containing 125 acres, about 65 of .which ere cleared, unaerdraineti, well fence& and in a first class gate Of cultivation. The balance ie 3plendid pasture land. Viere is a brick how and ne* bank barn with stone gab- , ling underneath, also a aood mehard and plenty of water, eria is within half a mile of a Crimea This farm is 1 eautifully situated, and le two miles of from Seafor prietor has Land igen he village of Bencefield,anil fox:terrines b, and will be seed cheap as the pro- eene to Kansas. Apply toA.STRONG, Seafortb, or to UK, SCOTT, Bruce- FARm IN GREY F011 SALE.— For saletheap,, lot 4, concession 17, Gley, containing 109 acres, about 70 -acres cleared, free from stump% well fenced end in a. high state oa cultivation; the balance Ss well timbered, there beitig ! seven acres of bleak ash aud cedar. There is e good orchard and, splenaid spring nester. It be tattle - rod within One mile of the fiouriehirg village of 'Walton, where there are elaurches, echool, stores, mill, cheese, factory, &e. It is aiso withiu sia milts of Brassels and a good gravel road ruplaing past the plgco. A good new frame house and first &rise ontiorirdings. This farm wia be sold on reasotable terms, as the proprietor werits to get more land.. Apply on thi premises Or te VAItli FOR SALE.—For sale, the eaell hell of -12 lot 7, coneession 12, }fullest, contahdog 50 acres, about n) of -which are cleared, well fenced, free from gunaps and in a high gate of ealtive- tion. There is a good frame barn, two omhardee the place. Ie within a quarter of a mile of 0. school and is convenient to marlete, good gavel road running past the place. For further particulars address Ilarlock P. 0-, or ap oa. Come Right Along, the Bargains Still Continue. All who gfve us one trial are sure to return again. Look for the pl4ce aS soon as come to town. Ever body knows JAMES ICKARD u 11 SALE.—For sate, ISO -1-- -first-ela 36 land, being lot ln and the of lot 13 concession 9, McKillop ; 130 aer . dear - ed and in a good state of cultivation , the re- mainder good hardwood bush. The land le Well uuder-drained, well fenced, two •wena and a never failing sprmg creek ; frame b rn Itad steble and log barn, two comfortable lo hoeses, 11 arid two orchards, It is !convenient to Ochoels and churehes. Is eight miles from Sea (Ostia and eight from Walton. For 1 urther particulars apply on the premises or to 11, c4.1 'BOSS, 861 res of e half MAMMOTH BAIRGA N HOUSE, SMith &West's Old .S-(a.n.cl campbell's plock MAIN STREir SEAFORTH. Tial FOR SALE.—For Sale, part of Letts il. and 12, Concession 8, townsbip of Gree-. eon- taining 76 sexes, 70 of which areeeleared, free from sturope and in a good State a cultivatien. It is all well underdrained and feeced. There, are on the premises a good log houee and barns also a large bearing orchard and a goodevell. It alto - seed tWo -and a belt miles from the !Village of Walton, 7 from Bruseels and 12 from 1Seaforth, with ris•ood gravel roads lesding to cash place; Schools end ehurehes eenvenient. Vet! further partichltes apply on the Premisee or to Walton P. 0. MEc31.11:137n 'north ball lo L bolt C1-551, 50 Rads, a5 cleared, well dr Inca and' in, a good state of cultivation Ou buildings geode Log house with frame addition. POSEeStd011 3-iven. 5-0 put in fall wheat and do fail plowing- Situated 2 miles from either klippen or Hensel', one ball mile from school, convenient to churelten, Thie is a fine farm, and will be sold cheap 'and. on reaeonable terms. For terms and fuether par- ticalan enquire on the premises, or addrese, 13. 872 3. PHilLIPS, Allist on P. 0. CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT 1878. VOTIOE is hereby given that a notice ad- -1-1 dreqsed to the Honorable, the Seteretary of $ the State for Canada, embodying a petition of certain electors of the county of Huron 5ddressed to His Excellency the Gorier/tor aeral of Canada in Council, praying that his neellency might be pleased by au order in Coun fl, to de- clare ta t the second part of The Canaiiii.Temper- ' ance Ac , 1878, shall be in force and tat&e einect in the aid County of Huron, and that the said petitiorlere, are desirous that the votea of all the ele dere of the said County be taken for and against the adO don of the said petition, will be deposited cfp in the Mee of the Sheriff of tbe icounty of Huron, in the 'Court House in the; town of Goderieh, on the 30th day of August, _dee D. 1884, and that the safase will remain therein for the space of ten days thereafter, for publia exemin- ation be any parties, preceding its being laid, before the Honorable, the Secretary o -f State.; D. D. WILSON, PreSident of Huron Scolt Act' Associ tion. HORACE FOSTER, Secretary: Dated bis lst day of. August, 188d. ! latia , MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAPORTS, ONTARIO.