HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-22, Page 4,
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. - i- I 11 � ; t a I
- I � ' ru$ion . Rod even consider
I is, ,Phas. MR' Izie, 'i 9 r.' J. H. Fair; nd, be ' turn to power of the partyvith laine as
__ - �o I P. i
E. BUTTEMOK & C0.9S would have been avoided, and the t U. I z akeil at f4 ptd �.5 c�nl;4 per pou as re- Her terrible Situation wall noticedby i
. �i 'PaBI mbton, an fused120 a t pe� pound for his make. one of the employees, who quickly stc I I
:� app &I W the resultin end%Dg�ring war
a�' ban�, 14, P. for i L a' I .
; � H bout 150 po-ands - a day, ped. the
Reliable paper patterns for all kinds of ble and expense of I app I e ��Rkeal as engine and released the pc:)r i preSident may
Ladies' Misses, Boy's and Children's Privy coun,qu savea. this is the il ue Miag,'Brown, daughter of the late Hon. I d Ch rn. i Herclotheswere torn in,abreis,J with Great Britain which would be most
� �
I i ' - . with 4he Wartrn&n & Ward c h g rl. i .13
ments, for Sale by HomiAN BRos., I rown. I I I '!" ite badly i It, 0
Gar ' . Statement of the case, as every' perobn Geo,� B ' Next ��aacn Mr. Herbison intends .to and her body and limbs qu dis ' trous to Canada, as th ' lawless
.. � . I 0
1 Se&forth.. . I I � � , ! §� ut in stea d prepare for a bruised and scratched, but she will be 11 bord a, which are kept. in check in time
. � na �
paid any ttentioa to! I � . I po er an I � �
- � who has I � ,the . i . I - i P � � po ine * , all right with a few dayW rest. Had li�r I of P, ace, would at once commence to
� NeWB of 1 thi 3 VV eek. - more iqxtionded bus Be. I
NEW ADVBRT1SF,MENTS. matter knows, and as the vriter14 in . i I Ing to', knooki g not given way the girl, who � IS': cros the frontier for the purpose of
. , I - ! - 1 VER iT HAV�NA.—Dario 11 ra. eicom over nd clothin
� !�p !
I A Co ativ& papers know, if hey . trsm&ng r, No bones � -v ere about 14 years of age, natiat have be�u � pilh go 'and plunder So as to i give the
I nsery . I I on hE i
' ?_ - bho past week ther�, wero 44 deaths froi i
t3rThe figure between the parentkegis site were only Sitifficiently h anest t , ack ow- br but She was severely bruiAQ. wound around the shaf t, and mef -a I Can idians enough to do'at hoi0ae while
a the page of the paper on r I � i 1 the lynamite fiends would me4t British
each line, denote which Z . . i yellow fever in Hs;�van %. I ; 0 ;
L - i D KE'C . F tWELLINGTO1 . _!ae Goderich Signa � Says: *r A. horrible death. - L I sh s6il. The
648 advertisement will be found. . ledge� it. 1 1 i -. DikATn OF TRIM . 4 dent of the I t�oops and police on Briti
- _1� I i 12 ; H. D�nmm, student of ,Knox chu ell, ---A Znrich correspo�
Bargains-Durican &.Dufucan. (5) : I -T lito duke of We.. in'g tc ropped dea
EDWARD HANLAN'the great .',snadian who will aoSist Dr. Ure darin� the Exeter Reflector, signing himself I- Citi. circumstances of the case f arni� h a Sub-
Bargain House -James Pickard. (5) - I . at ighton on W( Ine ad ay of last wee k. er , Zen "' throws out some -very good hints jectifor reflection to all lovers �of peace
� * I
. ' ' . sum ormonths, basent ed upon his I
-hoge name,!' thr(!ug4 'big wbilp entering R tt iin. i . k . two
People's. Shoemaker -R. Willis. (5) oarsman,' 4 � I � - I - work. Mr' Drum1m was at one time a to young men in the habit of hanging and I peaceful relations between the
-J. L. Smith. (5) � LoCUSTs.-A ter: ibl,E I lague of locusts 4 � .
New Goods aquatic achievements, aas become faln-1- I great powers, and -neither Can aians,at
I A compositor, And, his experience on the around street corners at nights. e I
I � I i
"Light of Asia" -Adam Forepaugh. (5) I has daited central iS ai , and the dam;- ! r rd to in ke party
liar in every civilized muntry, and I ho . P . will I e of considerable aiasi�tance Bays: "In every srhall. town and villa e , . home or ab oad can affo
I �v � " ' � ,
Dissolution of Partnership -W. Wade. (5) 1 ageto crops about Cindad Real -is esu. 10,480
; r� of m ore importance than Principles and
- joyed.the ;i tohimirilissacrcetcallilig. Heialvell as -a general rule tboreigroom for a
Girl Wanted -Mrs. D. McDonald. (8) has en distil tion for some mated at $10,000,00. ' � , There
' . t . I i., r proopeGts of peace in the f uture.
Windmill -W. M. Morris, (5). -- I years of being the oban on oarsman .of � ... WS FROm G9'RD0A.--A lietter fro spoke of, AS a Student. I stranger to find some fault or otho , ,
. . I Arles Nobild,of providing be stays all night- and we Are are maDy foolhardy Canadians Of British
The PoplaIrs-Miss Robertson. (5) the world, has at lengi met w.-thl'hia Ge e'ral Gordon, dil.ted hartoum, Jul -I app ars that Ch i I '*I- line go who vainly Suppose that the
. I . 20th Bays -he is ple 'E.04 Kings ridge, who,attempted suici, e.re- surry to Bay that our thriving little v�
Seed Wheat for Sale �'A. Stewart. (5) � . of British valor and arms once
. . peer for thelime being all e ents. Oil trap ufl, and that 4e i at ends remainin contl5, did not di4 as sta bed last w,dek, lage ,is uot an exception to the rule. po rs I
Russian Seed Wheat-A.Csr�apbell. (&) Saturday las! � t be'was be � - . I but a pe'ar to be �orderi ng on ins D ity., What we allude to, is the practice that mentioned will Strike terror i4to every
Farm for Sale -S. Philips, (5) , Aen i i a a artoam barn Issit g the rebels unti i '
I I � ir He w, a t - e'n -to oderic i gaol on Mon-' a certain few of our young men have !of Amorican breast. Let them not cherish
L . I .
Lost -Samuel Whiddon. (5) or the championship io' - - brld in the lief expeditic a at rive - ! I cli foolish ideas or branof all the
. t the w dak ol� last week, 1and w 11 Shortly be Standing and sitting around the Comore an
. -South W ' If , . 1 es
Card,=Dr. J. D. Kergan, (8) U1ITED STATES , .T a*C-Rop.-The
Pydney, New ales, b3 William W'11 E, I I officially examined as to lis sanit�- HE, of the streets, not only on ..w6ek nigh�bs, American Dation as enemii . The
Girl'Warlted-Wm. Pick�&-rd- (8� he al 01 -Op of the , - '9 well. TWs
1� ' Beach, champion . of A ustra . lifi-e-almostientirel recovered from the but on Sunday evenings a Amoriesn. element, which they have
. -- he c irrent year is I
a. The Unitod States for I I
Wimlow Shades-Lumsdon & Wilson. (8) i ' i I calsion to fear, are in many cases as
'n I irace was over the Paramatta C ham ;ion estimate )O f effectO of bf a atraD 1alatiO 3. . practice has become an abominable nui- oc ,
Agent Wanted -W. P. L age. (8) - P. d at 360 000,0 - bushels c
t I � much the scions of British stock as the
. Bell's Mills -'John McNevin. (8) boursel of 3 !miles an . I winte�r�anol 10& -Mr. R6bt. Tqlor,-of Morris, I hile sance, and the sooner our town fathers i
d 330- yards, and . ,000, )00 )t shels of Spring � vative of Canadians, and
. - I I . � preparing to go out thref3hing, was mak- do away with it, the better. Several mos I Conser
Great Reduction—Adam Good & Co. (8) Beach, it makibg an aggre rate A 4135,000,00 i . I -ring and adventurous in Spirit,
. I
� is said, came in Seven- boat . -ing a stake �With &h axe, he axe struck respectable young ladies have told us mor da
WoodBtock Civic Holida,y.-(8-) I buslit1s. . ! . I r
. . _ - pass a certa WiL4rno sympathy for either Britain o
iEngths ahead. The & Iltouncemen of , TEXTI D.— E anlau was de'- some obstruction �nd glancing quickly that they cannot I .
Cheap Groceries—D. Weismiller. (8) . I , HA;,NLAN DE1 g Can da as a whole arid 11 Canada for
Apple Barrels—A. W. Ogilvie & Co. (8) 6. I ate by seven bo on Satur-: off it.hit ILiB baod at the knuck al- of an evenin� withou�t the said youbi '.
Harilan's d f'e'at was rec Oved i4 Can, da, 'fe i t lebg tha, il e' - Ig- the Canadians," however pl �asing to
o � iger, whi � the men makiiag, 'use of some illiterate, ' 0
i 'by Beach, 1 in I h 3 match for th, 3' most severiugy the �rst fli :
CaT'd—O. C. Willson. (5) with feelings of disapp(iia'Amen 1b, as the day I at, . contemplate, and however succe
I others were out lb� the bone. Ib was norant or insulting remark, that is not .
�_______ - . � chs pionship of lbb� wor. d and 2500 a . I
— __ ____ - - �'. -,-,-.- i)eople were bevinniDg J feel ,that his ' - 114ttended to, by Me ical a d, but O'fiQ Of wortby the YOUDg gentlemen Of Zurich, C'tive rallying cry in the past
. a - ; t3 i I I side, n the Paxam . tta -i er, New Soutli ay . e fn'
la I - � the fingers, if save , will be powe�bss. or any othervillage. Two hours ea�h in not prove So efficacious in th .
sition was irnpregnab. el- but �l', is often Wales. � �
l I i I I -
emit T J0 U � X It 0 5 I t 0 r * ko I I 9r. Taylor will have a Summer jo� tb evening amounts ito fourteen hours a ture. The policy of building up mono
I I feel ;he most Tns HEAT IN L4Dom--The weathe � � i '
(77 .. _. __ the case thm.t' whon-peol 1� I I attend io iti I : week, or nearly one hundred and four polid,s and a Canadian aristodr cy,while
- — geoufe danger is near. I a ye no full in London continui F3 sultry and &]moat . almost orie.third. of a year throw.11 I it in �y keep John A., in
, ,
. . 1A power, has had
� 1, � I ' —As the�aection men on the rai'l $ �
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Aug. 22,1884. tropio�&I. Many pe Cson have been proB - I . ' . I the 6�oct of giving America tii1
I . ID I 9ccount of the race haab en. reteived in were pro e ding 0,.%,ards I u rch away. Supposing one-half of this time � ri
� .
trated with sun Btr(:kes, Several of whic ' were pro Wbitee� . I
I . ason � -day , tly, their orry .collided is put to study, can any of thoseyoung -and teris ofthousands of Canada's best
. this country and the ,at r Of have _�roved fatal. ;I one on � � � .. I
Reception of Ontario's Premier. ; , I I I - .. igmi r, y soDs,l who, whatever their By Pathies
� #aDlan's defeat is not known Some, I CURIOUS CASES 0ABLOOD POISONING.-- with a teab: i of hoi sea with a w at- men imaoiue wba,t & great benefit th�
It is intended to terlder Mr. -Mowat . . I I � � tached, and everything w3s well Aook would derive from it." aylbe, are compelled by Bell -interest
I I t� Threedeaths havel been caused at St. M
liowover, ascribe it to lack of lf� i t. But . . The horses rin awav and eft6d in —Our readers are all familiar wiih i to leliend their American homE a in the'
a befitting reception on his return from I I I Petersburg by blooi P i , dnoef,l up . . I
it is most likely—tha' tht yo' which ad been con -tact with a orandiffi, completely the general facts of the ebild desertiobn levent of trouble arising.
England. It is expected that Mr. Mowat . � ung 1 by the stings of f 'es, I � . .
I 11 . � 1 AN OLD CAINAD11N.
demoliBbing it. Mr. Pomeroy and Mr. case, which occurred at the ClintoA raf'l- i !
instraliam is a superior o r8mal i. There.; feedi4g on oattle � infee ied ith 'the ' � 11
will arrive at Ni,agara On Monday eve- i Becket, ,of WiDgl am, NY ere both in- way'station a couple of weeks since, but 1
x ' I I
. I
ki 1: . .
riever -was a man So goo at :1 ything, rindet'pest. ! -
ni , the l5th September. He will be �� i � i -Ir S
. ng � but a better W:onld Boto � I MAIVD S. SOLD.— and ibilt sold Man jured. as the railway authorities were desirofi; The Apple Crop of Great
, �
etime aiise, 'and , —The Signal is leased to learn itliat of finding out more about the matter, : Britain.
- Met there .that evening by a dbputation I � I S. to hobert Boounr f r �40,000, 8 L . I � i
, Dr. Alex. )n, son of Mr'. Td at- certain facts then known were �
I A Deed not surprise aoy� erson Should ] withs'andiDg that he had been offerei B utchi . � not ma � 0 .
of his friends from Toronto and -other i . . I .4 C, OVENT GAELI)EN,'KiRKRT, Loridon, Eng-
. in I I I 00. Bonner . It Sup tbew Hatell isou, o I the bi o, mill, G6o] er- public, the result of which has been the land, August 2nd,18%. I
- Hanlan's Star now be t a (dies endent. �, $100, waE asked, . . � �
places., On Tuesday morniDg., 16th - I I i �I � .. I , I sfu at tl e June ei I m- arrest Of the mother of the child. Acting A -IA. EDITOR,—SIR.—In viev� of the
It would be no discredit to h, D1. I Is i 1pOB8 . ay -Eye- ee a ould eat the recon !O,h, was "Oes
September the party will take the I I
i I i . . l. '4d S., what viould vou d' then ?) ination -at Edinturgb, n passiy)�� a under , iustructionB Chief Constable ,early� resumption of apple exports from
I has won and retained anlenvi,)le� � i lof M . it !
- . P 0�1.1 I I I - I 01 to Hallett Ithe' UDited. States and CaIlada:
. Be_VbU o'clock train for Ha.miltob, and ' , His aoBwer was, i haracteristic, Bu3 highly creditable eiamination,for d: ble Paisley, of Clinton, went in i . to
. � , ; re- . Europe, it is desirable that !shippers
9,rge tion in the aquatic world, and-, if a bet. 1: him, '00, if I coula or put Maud S. to qualification. Eight c&,didates 1i on Monday of ltts� w6ok and arreated I a .1
will be met at that city by a very 1 .13 i f ,ge 1.
I to�.r -than he should now , , should I train" 3 Chartei sented themselves our Canadians� and girl iiamed AnuW"Wrigbt, on a chai �shoulrd now be in possesBion �f infor-
deputation, accompanied by bandA. . � I .
,;rise i � .1 � mg at some gc)d ti�adk liki four Old Co intrym on. The natives re of child desertion, she being the mothier imation in regard to the crop prospects
. b6 a matter for congratu' tion,,1 i,nd bad ',Oak, A Haxtford, cad giv the public t. I I
Arranaements have been made for a . L all plucked, while ,,he Cax&Aians p sped of the One left at t:he station. She ad.- !of Great Britain and the Cont'nent, on
0 ; .. free e hibition of law SP86d." I � I
it not been for his achieverne its it' is I � with flying colors, Mr. Hutchison bleid- mitted her guilt, and Said that Wo . he
. 4 !which ideas can be framed a' to t
special train, or more than one, if ne6es- . I 'i CA 'NlBALISM.-Ho crible charges of can! a
. I 1� I f 1conditions under which ship � ents of
. rdore than likely the bett r mail would ; nibali�gm are made 9,gainst the survivorf ing the fora, His full title now is: A, MorrisoD, of Hullett, was the father b L in
sary, which will leave Hamilton for'To- - . . . I . IS
. . i '! I I
. e Hutebison,'M. D. 0. M., L. R. C P., the child. She was brouglit befo�e Apple will land at the chief ce6tres on
never have .1d6voloped"as ,e haBi of t4b Greely ex: edition. They arE I ,� 0 1 is A -
. �
routo obout 10:15 a.m. The Premier I i I . L4 R. C. L. M. Mayor Forrester, of Clinton, who, with th Side during the next few �monthse
� I . . charg�d with eatin th esh of theii . : ' �
and his frieads will arrive -at the Union i � - 1 dead comrades. G has written to: —The Clinton New Era of last week the evidence, beLore him, had no alte'r- A careful collation of a large number of
— __ ' � I
MR. -J. S. OOLICAN, thel famc, a Win. - I . says: On Tuesdiy afternoon A%r J. -nativei but to commit her to stand hi3r independent reports con re-
Station, Toronto, at 11:30-m. m. A pro. 1 . . I J the father of one of victims stroriu. i , tributed by
il�peg auc oter, who ' �rd t Stephenson, General,Snperiutende't of trial. The girl stated that she ll�d been liable'Parties up to- the end of July, and
o 1 uBcd to e he
cession will, be at once formed, and will i I ,�` I Ously denying the St W.lilBt an officel I 11 � i
ol so frequen' tly, in 11 boom " �`mesl.ia i � the Grand 3runk, and Mr. Lar '�cur, seduced under promise of marriage, and ,confirmed by a wide personal survey,
� �. i , , � Of th � Bear, one of b�ho I eE cuing . vessels, D_ I
proceed by way of King. and Yonge, I � Division Superintendeut,paid. an o ial findingit impossible to procure dmplo . !
leaving that J '13 .gives the following results:—
� ity-to take up!'hi3 abod as str' gly affirmia its d rectness, an i I
. M � .. I ; .. ' h i 1 .
� Streets to tha Queen's Par.k, where a d, .1 e 133ya visit to Clin ion. -While hare they"t3re ment with her child, had left it, 111lopi UNITED KINGDOIL
iA Minneapolis. PreVlOuS to i'lais Oe. 1 1 at the survit rs d6nfessed every. - ' i 9
10 wa , ELe ouloJ adopt
dresses will be presented to Mr.,Mowat, f I : thin V��lien taken A board the steamer, ited upo a by Iffessria. F&rran, M - that some one'in Clinton w Notwitla stam ding the heavy yield of
pi�rture his friefids'eutertained: i . - I - ;. i
I )LiDa A�a � I Pherson -arid Irwin who asked thatt -d-- it, sild as she then expected to procuke Apples last year the large amount of
and a grand mass meeting held. I I I . I Thetomains f'on � of the Victims waF � � 5 .
" .
� i I , �
complimentar, s IV a ol the chux ditional Siding be laid in the yard 'Ere,, employment in theviciDity of th t tow� , prospective bloom in the Orchards was
. . i I I 1 W -
4 . y upper, �ri d p) esinibed � ed on4uesd , a geE . .
h fully ]�roVen. The !_ I �rcise'a �
Each Riding Reform Association in im with 11 purae containing $800. Mr. ; ace and iaecklwer .to increase shippiDg facilities. ;The she would be in a position to ex A noteworthy feature of the j present
. . I
the Province, has been invited to send - , well pireseFved, but 1e Ilesh was 9,11 cut officials. ado iitted the nedesiaitv of in- distant watchfulness over it. Itissaid year, and up to the miidle of April in -
4 Coolicaa�, Ike many otter � anitol ba I . . .
�_ . � creasing the accom mods: tion, aDd prom- that Morrison has acknowledged the dications were abundant that only bad.
I - , � i
delO.gmtes tor this demonstration,, and to from filie back and' limbs. The intes. .
I .1 ,� I !
I SPOC1118,6ri, Was suddenl' trao,iformed ' l8ed to give the matter their atten f the child, and it is quite 1weather could prevent the pr� duction.
. I- y � i In' es �Were in placA, b t ,empty. The I 0
present an address to the premier. . . I I
In from poverty �to riches, a d. as Addenily ! tomaich.only cont They left y the afternoon train to likely that steps will be taken to make iof another good crop of apil4s. The
,� ned a small amonat '
addition to this an invitlation haB"been fell from ri I . . i
0 1 f hai�� which their official car vks attache4. him provide for its maintenance. The weatbGr record of the closing weeks of
hes to' poverty. i During r a,nd In say uff. o Jay of - a6t week, as a . on-
extended to Reformers generally to be ' . I I �� 9 1 1 —On San I girl was taken to Goderich on the fol. �April and greater portion of Mal
.- �, . � I ,y Shows
I I his palmy.days Mr. Coolican l'i sed� to I I I � tralia youn man ... as prerariDg to r ve lOw,iDg day, and appeared to keenly '�abnotmal conditions over the 1 Briti h
' 1, 4 I ,� 9 a
.t I � � Huro Notes. I I !
present, It is expected that his will J -_ 1. I I
think nothing Of spendin�: th 'and in � . I a young lady home from church, or�e of I realize that 11 the way of the trailiagreo- Islands for that period, the main defects
- I I . ' I
be one of the largest and most - enthuBi. I Pi n� dii , I I
. I champag jemper are said tc the buggy wheels stuck fast an wDi Id Bor is hard." It is not likely that' beiDg,-the prevalence of cold 'easterly
gue.Buppers and a I ac .. , ke pas- � a ;
astic political demonstrations that has e affecting horses in G:)&rich town- not turn around. Thissome ha; ex- severe sentence will be passed upon hw �winds accompanied by frequent night
� s � h. , I 11 - I
times, while he was domi 1�d i� I I
I rig
i I 1P. �, - I I Efted the young man So that h sp.0 con�ideriDg all the cirournstances of frosts, (so serious at this time' o the
I ever taken place in Canada. _Xr. Mov�at . , � i I i t
palatial residence, and' droved in his —A, flac, �bougl t by subsc ' I
. I . - has been rip- ont of his b �d jerke I th wheel I the case. . appleiblossom), absence of rainfall, and
. I . . P� . I I 0 1 ggy a � t
. P i, i I e I" iberty pole 11 in off in a hur - andlin. so doil) cut 3iB I -_ ____ -_ .
. is well deserving of aU the honor the Now, on to float from. t1l, � I I I .
carriage. within a' erioa,"of two �i ) 'deficiency of bright Sunshine,; causing
; - � 9 i I
- people can show him, He has labored Gorrio on .holioays. ; nose on the im of the wl eel a it I was . A Voice .from Dakota. I I
- years, heis mighty thankfal f0i a do- 1 1 11 . lbackw,ard crops. June w;gs 1 V, drIv
zealously' and continuously in the in- t . --J4.r. Wm. ,M cKi ie, who lives a short coming off, qo that lie had to b( 1 T ell AKRA, Pembina County, Dakota Territory, ' I Mont4, and the trees sufferea much
nation o' $800 in hard cash: to be P lon . distance north Of 1 Be'rn , July 29th, 1684. 1 .
terests of his Province, and frequently . , � . I I ore, hal the into the Du�erin House and have ,cob- � I i from the attacks of insects i ' conse-
L * I
� 0 1 Use tl� ; i I N�e no e 4
ont of town, and he has 'i .e m6de ! misfortune to ,hafe his leg broken webs applie to it- in ord I
. . . � E r to a top the DEkn EXPOSITOR,—I write to- Bay nc� of the prolonged drought, which
against great odds, and in the face of lof � locomotion provided ot hini by J i na- ,ast week -while mo �ing a barn. blood. . are all busily engaged waging the 41 bat- eventually gavie ott in July. In Kent
. discouragements which 'would deter . I - —Mr. Davfcl Mill " of tb 3 .1th conces. —On Tne day morning A last w a I tle of life." Our crop Prospects are and other near by Sections the prospects
- i tare, and if he only po�s�ssod, & tAe I -_ . 1.
and dishearten: a less courageous and � don of Usborne, has dAposed of his �
I � Goderich rMa rchant while drivina o no good so far, and -if -the season continues tof the� apple crop are not enco6ragiDg.
' of what he had previouOy r4lilesisly i �arm -to Messrs. (31 rh Jt Fletcher, for from Colbo ne, just belore ],each DO favorable an abundant harvest will be . epoits cc I
. honest Inam, and ii , - ncur that the aggregate
. OW that he has thrown away, would consider himself he sum of $11P500. The flum contains Dunlop's hill, Stopped his horse to a3E ist gath-ered here. 'Our harvesb will ".-
triumphod, it is only fitting, that the f 50 a6 res. I ,how- yield of marketable fruit will no$ exceed
1 W611 fi e vici�Bi- . an old lady, -,vho wAs walliing in o Go e- I ever, be comparatively late, in conse- alf an average crop. The �'vest, or
� Mr. D. Graham,. of Riverdale a S . I
. fa, and .the calse of tile I 0
people in whose in.torests he has labor. tuCies of ii gr I rich.. She ll�ad ja �b taker. a s at, and I quenoe Of llaVfDg had a considerable ider I ounties, claim a near approach
. .
- ed,should show in this tan _i ble manner, . � i , ' Well-knOW11WOOlIeD. good S ma nufactarer, A a port' of cooli weather during the 0 - ala:aver8ge cr( I )p,but,for the moist
I I .
011 � , ! has Purchased the Clinton Woolen. Hills, I dozen eggs in the rear of thel wagon, Summer, althoudh we had Some exceB. art, this Stock is unfit for any ot6or
1. 11 boom " anctiofieEar is bv no milailB LX- I was placing her b sket, coot iniDg two ion
that they appreciate his services. 1 We . I � . �
� � . ceptional. There are thot sands �'f othe'rs 1; �ud will at -once 1.set them running when the horee Blied suJden]N to the I sively bot da "',"the mercury ranging
i. - I Y8
-he Reformers Of the . I . � - - purpoaa than that to which it * usually
. need -scarcely ask t � �
- . . whose fall has been even more ri gain.- � - side of the road, and co pletely upset from- 90 to 100 in the shade. I yester. 'Applied. In the '
. pid and I I Z north the cultivation o f
� '
I -Banner Co,anty of Huron to do their I I � —Mr. M lvurni, neLr Zurich, the vehicle, throwing bo h occupAts day took a few miles of a drive, ai�d he appl,p is sadly neglected, and t]
I digastrous tham'his, and still, if a similar I . I
i I 1i I ada !yield of one b andre I aind twenty- out, and'entulglinE itself in the'barnees' passed the farms of som 'former Huron- , rop is said to be Very light. T' ken al -
duty on this odcaiaion. 1 N-Ve knowil. that 'boom were to start - six bu . . 6 . � . 01
.- up O -Morrow, 1068 tlbk'
� � J�liels of fall waeat On from two and shaft retdified. hold ites and other; Canadian Amenca , ogeth,er', the accounis recei'ved. � to date
they will, and that they will be largely " � ' . - a. The river . '. .%,;s, I
. [I
- 0 'wbi -latee -,vo have .excellent or � bear a stro I likeness,'and the
. many more would be foand, 'wh p wo, Id, wres, i ell makes Bixt�., - bushels of tb6 reind and with the hell) of t many ,of whom ,
, . . I � Dg family
and influentially represented at.this I I ;o the' acre. ; I I �P I I
pursue precisely the Sam icoars . - ' , . farmerE;pasiii-iigso(,ijrel!Baiiedth frikht- prospects. On passing the farms of follow rig forecast, of one large producer
: : —Miss Lizzie S1 opparl, of the. Bay- ened animEl. Fortuiliatay th a ,
demonstration. A. meeting of each of , — 11 11, - I I 9 I d y's Alex. McLean ind his Son Alexander, is fairly representative -.—,, Last year
- field- hine, Goo�eriel- township, was last injuries were nothino bevond % a8li'lat formerly from !Kip en, I waa� all P
the Reform Associations should be held IT WOULD seem that the B 'undary - ' � P own the a 'ple crop in Kent and throughout
� - - - . __ - nti ig c -so watch, Pt inches �n nglaud wa
I I , I week . orwarded a b shaking u and e damage to the stalks of Fife wheat 5 feet 7 s much above the average;
. 1 4 _�h '
I a en Set- e "' e a sf f (I I I ,.om peti b .
as soon as possible, delegates ap- A*ard dispute has at len � th � � ing )ue of tl� a almost Dill. Alt ough ifte bas- length. The M 6srs. McLean have 190
. I 0 ; � . . . ra wagon it 9 �bhis y6ar it will'be much below the
pointed, addresses prepared, and out. tled in so far as 'the Judges of t1fie 1 in answering, ues low i . I
. . . I � I .1 a Toronto ket of egg , a ere th wn 1 to tle 4itch acres to ha,rvest. Mr. Hillis, formerly ' verage. " I
I rutb, . ]not one was b ia
side. of this, every Reformer who Queen's Privy. Council can a ttle lit. I I rokeTo , from, Jbhe vicinity of Walkerton, has I � FRANCE. I
I —Tle AikiDs fart 1, oil t e 3rd con- —A very leasarAi and succesoful �o- similax breadth of laind in crop,
call possibly- make it convenient The fO1lOWiDg': despatch ,from ond6n, while 1 Advices from the chief Shipping ports
I essio* of Hullett, vas a, last week cial was �el i on Tnegday evenling, the the- Messrs. Dobie and Murdoch, fro�n f France, &a well as thf
I 11 I I . . I 3 int ior, in.
shoald . arra,uae to be at the do- Erigla-rid, spea,: ks for itse f : Th award )Yauction.. kinCtristyp Dale was 12th' inst., at tho� residence of r. Colborme, have equally encou , �,"
. .
I � raging crop icate'an aVerage yield of apples suit-
monatration whether he be a delegate of the Judicial Committeelin thp Bou�n'. rhe parch . It'D
0 � I 1, , I aser , at � ,81 . He at once E'dwa"r'd 81h itt, Blyth, under the aus- prospects. Mr. Gordon, frona the vicini- ble for export. In the north slid north
, , I
. I
: .Ojatar;.n- an I
ornot. Irrespective of the duty which da,k;y dispute between d 'esold it - to the ten int, Mr.'JameB Me. , PiceB Of tb e adies'Aid of the Me th d fit ty -of Harriston, Peter Cameron from west crop prospects are none too favor-
� . . , ,� I I
; ., I aulleii. � . I
I devolves -upon Reformers, to thus testify Manitoba .has been rendered, . . r church� Di ring tl�e j.,bole eve 'iDg tie Stanley, James Manson, from T ible ,, but in the south and south west
. I TT!he —M M. G. Can ero , - I
i . � rs. P of- Go'derich, company: h Ld a 1 gra'nd sociZ t me. Smith, the Inglis Brothers, from tL:�t, plaippers claim a hair export trade for
1 . ; - I
their esteem for and confidence in their boiindaries settled for Ontario wre pr4c. � while fishing - in - i he river recently, Towards; rE as and Kirkly from Blaushard, also J. 1�-. three. months from mid f ugust.
I I � � . an add
. ., I I . 0 1
honored and trusted -le&der, the pleas- I tickIlythe Rarne as those Set caught a'; large ba ich' turned the - was read, nd - ai pursE of money -Switzer, of Mitchell, have eq ; � �
, oul in the � ; I I uall ' ex- -'aua:da apples and renD S... 4. well '
� .. ii cales t five and a haltli,POUD. a. I I . � . I -
ure they will gadil will amply repa 1 d Tile was pieaeilt�ed to I Mr. James Hewftt, tensive crops and alike promising Jr , ut leu onnes w
I y ,award" of the Canadian rb tratots. t I oppe I Come wn
- I ; I a al .. ignal Bays this is r A a- ordinary fish who hai b�eu ai most active a, id while Wm. H. Brown and Thoma " arid � i
, -
them for any Sacrifice of time they may H r Majesty in Council h i been I . , 13, light. j
I I � itory, but a solid fa t. efficient merjaber nf! the ell urch for t he A. D. Gibson, from Picton, have simil I i
� I I I I i ar BELGIUM. I
I make in attending. Let old Huron gr ciously pleased; to issue I an 01 der 1p. —The' flax harveitingin,ille'vicinity last f crops, the former having 125 acres, and From the apple sections of elgium.
a seven- y ars. lie has een trustee
. . ii f �Zur ch is t rie. AMODg choir leader, bible! class 1 ieacher, cle sa the Giboons 150-, much of which pro- reports are unsatisfactory. Tla abun
Stand in the front. ra,nk, at the Mow at proving the Award and orLing obe;, . 'Urning (""it fi *
D .1 -
demonstration, as she has always done ence theret - .1 .1 I the p llers is an old lady sixty-nine leader and local Proacber, and has d Is. mises a yield of over 30 bushels per ant crop . of last year has give place
. � O. ,� . i j I
. - - I I J�� , years f age; she be rig oldest flax charged the duties � . � 0 a large io one of limited proportions. The yield
on all former oceasiohs when she has = �� I I evolvi ig upon hi In "Ore, In Vie ' f marketiDg such
. - very freolaeutly,ir 0 1 . . - .
puller jar und �jariel , the Oungest is a in such a manner as to secure the re- am' grain, improved roads are )f early varieties, of which a few, parcels
HISTORY epea a itsellf. I i oun� of
. .
come into competition wi-th other Coun- I I J I' I oy nct ten ye�rs oll . I I I
In I spect of an ho have been asBocitAed necessary, a d the ,aboVb-narned in&i- aave already been shipped, will e com-
- 1648 the following resolution was I
ties. The deMonstaration, be it re- I I I � I —Tlie'miner4l wMer's rings struck with . him. - As be: is Dow moving to viduals, in COUjUDetion with their neigh- aratively light, and by the nividdle of
a 3 I
passed by the English H6nse d f Coh! I - at the Harbor raillB 3alt orkB in God- Grimsby !his removal has created a va- bors, are now grading the leading roads ctober will be exhansteid-� __ T yield
membered, will be at Toronto, on Tues- I . I '. � : w . 6
. I Mons : , Erich i 3 steadily run iDO alld is of ex- cancy �
day, the 16th of September.. � I P t which will DO be ea,ily filledi with a $1,200 grader,run by six teams, )f late varieties is reported still lighter,
I " The Comm -ions of England a, sem bli- cellent quality. Th Signal's%ys itis a, —The:other nigh1t a young man- In. while the smaller sized grader is bei mol the quantity for shipment in mid -
'i ; I ) I
�, - . ed in Parliament finding by long exper'' Popular drink, and J� as cheap as it is ployed in Slanlake�s mill pn the' ake pur-chased by the several Boards ,vinter will be only nominal. '.
I 11
SOYE of the Conservativ � . � � 69f I
I e papers are eno�e that the House of 'Loidii is lb�&' wholec,orne. i .
. � . ! 0 . . I road, about ithree 'Miles � rom Ex�tdr, Township Supervisors for the use of the 1 HOLLAND. .
. . I
I .
usdless-and dangerous to.the people of —M % Hartman ap)la, of
trying to console their readers for the r . � . I I I . Znrich, made a wagqrwith! his enployers hELt public,so when you againvis- r 1 The news from Hollabd and the
: 1.
defeat their party has met with on the Al an o a cont nued, have ihoug�t Bowed i bushel of I I v ,-h eat which he be could Pr ure a jug of v hiskey with- ,western friends you can rely on straight J�hine�dist:Acts is not encouraging. Cor -
I fit o,ordainan enac,andbeit, X ;
I Prd�i!�- laids abushelfor Tie,same yield. in'& certain eng 0; time. The In. 11 y roads instead of the winding trai a iespondents agree that the out -turn I
Boundary Award case, b� telling them ed and enacted by: tbia present i PaFli!a;- ed -hina thirty-six" uslels., A bashel being duly deposited, tbob pedest ian which you formerly travelled, whi ivill but !slightly exceed half an average -
that the Judicial Committee of the ment, and by t e a;uthority -of th 3 133 . i measure was fill.edfrom t ( sarriewheat', preparedlor trip to, Exeter to pr6du re large gmuarios and' other evidences of rop. -Oat of late varieties tender -
Privy Council decided that the swaid - th I � � I ad it -urned t e scii . les al a I the Y, ���
. t from henceforth the House c r Lor a a 13venty-fivel whiske' taking off all his clotlibig prosperity will meet your eye in ever Sweets, and Paradise promise I fairly,
I . . Z I ly
InTarliament should be and is here " i
; I
of the arbitrators was not legally bind. , . I - FoundE; I ! but his shirt , In *s Soon i -nude co'no] i- direction. Our mountain country is aving least -suffered from night frOBtS
. o ly abolished and Jaken awau." . —A'Vbung earn . , beloighig to Mr. tion he Sita . I ted - out at a break. I e . -k being Be i
wh, I � - I . �
ing, aind as this. is what they had always I � ! . ttled even in advance of tl�e hen blossomirg. �Early apples� which
# it is to be hoped the pre' libation I alter lffcGovv�n, of East 'Wawanosh,-. speed,- but hE t gone far b �� �. .
� entja� - had no efo e a surveyors, and is reported to be an ver a small area of ground, w,'111 give
contended., th I t
at therefore the decisi r "a lelt Bt&Ddibg in,-th, e fiel4 attached rig overtook.,aim, ar d thinking nt tract of landi Stores a � nly %'moderate yield.
" I wift result in Bomethiag In r, ,� . . I he k Iew excelle re � i
e I 'Tecti 0 � I , I
���� ie toareaperwbi�e th.) dril*L went to the horse hellcaught it by the head, ek- being built, and stocked, so ' I
an n I that tl e � GERMANY.
has Practically been in their favor. Of I th I did that of tw.1h. Or , dye4rsa . Shock, leaving - the I -1
coursd-, this is one way of putting it. I om I I i . 99 rna(b: ne in gear. pecting he Fould catch e settlers can get all necessary goods Reports from Hamburg, Stet 1.
. . EM � i The team took frigh,j a� id 'ran away, buggy bobind, dnd thus got a lift on the without making a, fi * ' an
- Both- Conservatives and Reformers I MANITOBA iS__i_ —_ _�d w� ' f ty mile pilgrim aE e the interior of germany, predict a short
- ' � '-: we I rsup�l ith 04. n taking a complete i �rec. I of 1 the m ao way. The d Iver not behl B to embina as the settlers of former crop of all kind'k of appl
knew very well that the aw . ! I , ea. W e last
9,rd. was not tarlo notables just' now.; Hod, Win. c aine I efore they we f9 s;o pp�a. -to see Such (ostumes as h 3 ore, took times had to do. I may add that it is y was quite a f nll cro At is
leg 4 y binding, ,so th . at it w7as not He I Dougall Js at present ) j�, on � —Aoung gallwatlin 'cO ,ear there .
. - - i� 'k to :r t, wo ,a � I impanY with the traveller for a highway robber, al d being agitated to cbaDge the county seat said Phat the growth this yeEir` will
� dies, while cro �sing I he Maitland -
. ! . � treated him i �a such, strikin v him a h%: d to Cavalier or some other mor"o centri 61 10ave only a small balance available for
necessary to go to the Privy Council to through the country ; . . �
H n - AleKand r river a Union the township of blow' on the � iea'd, ,which ft Iled him io position, the western citizens preferrir g export, �
I Ville
' -
find out what they already knew. � But Mackenzie and party is partaking of t � ( olbori , paid mol 1-tention to the the ground *1 nd the buggy, vheel pas i d to sacrifice the $20,000,sunk in
. - . le r au - ?_ buildings I PORTUGAL. i ,
these journals do not tell their readers ho4itality of his friends tbere, god . I 6dies than to -the lin S,aad consequent. overhim. 1131aidon the road fora � t at Pembina by a clique who carried the Sbipmentsoif early apple
why it is that the award was not legally He6tor Langev - � � 1, r drove into a hole n thy bed of the two 8 frol� Por -
I hours before he was picked u .
. - I in is expected in!Win 1. I . 1p. He measure for the issue of bonds over the tugal, which commenced with July,
__ - - -1 I i r ver, frota which lbh6 trio Were towed ouud )n the head w a * veto of Governor Ordway rather tha c ontinue
; . 9
I 9 To all of th'pse 0 rig t by a yoke of ox I to arrive at irregular i lervsls
binding;, they do not tell them that all pe � to -day. had'an ugly, i v
I . � en.' ' he was struck with ihe whip. - - further submit to such injustice a A
t � ' I
: —The other Ikwv I e -wife of James —The Godgrich Itar of last w�(k inconvenience. Tricksteria may flouris � *ons abroad. Prices bear faVorable
thstwas required to make the award heiirty-welcome is being ,oxten', ed by in consequence of quarantine testric-
' '
- .
legally binding was the consent of the the hospitable and.warm-li 'arted,peo �e . I eacom, of the '13flyfie'd concession, says: On M day afternoon last Sairah for a time, but an intelligent public wil dompa . rison with those of last year.
.9 1 ' .P Goderioll town I . . � I
Dominion Parliament to it. Had Sir of the Prairie Province. It was lixpeell. I qhip, i flet - vi th, a, painful McLeod, daugliter of MrBi Norman not a ways submit tamely to ther Crops are re orted good, but '�riivsls
. - - I � I .`0 P -
I � .
. I
ohn MscdOnRla ano!l Ho . cow�ran against the c)ae,s . . ,ppreci-
John Macdonald,. as the leader of the ed that Sir J I i a,cideut. While entlagedin milking, a McLeod, of St. Goorge's Crescent, wlilile nefariouB schemes., f1ter September will have no a .
I Was atten et-ry.picking with a Elections are beginning to b6 spoke able influence on the English markets.
I I _ d- returning from b ' .
. ;majoxity in that Parliament, secured its EAvard Blake would honor the ProviD —Lo3t spring Mr.Vrn. Herbipon, of number of thers �passed through the about and the Can adian-Americaus a e � Afte
i . � i
I . i r due consideration of the� whal
BaBerit to the aMard, whielf � I ' the Bayfield road , i ' i 6
� he could with a visit this summer but Ive be. . dooleiich 'township, premises of . latt'si�aill on the, Maib- being canvassed cautiously, as they " , Of the facts Set forth in the various re -
0 : � .
� .
Lave-, done had he liked, the isward lie,�e that both * gentlenle I I started a small orewilery on his farm, land Flats. A Bh1ift, on which are . in, some parts,give the balance of power ports, the impresBion prod -aced and net I
, '
I t n, Ow rig �:) P: incip y for his o � cc enience and several whee's, run between the build- to whichever patty receives their su i - result obtained for practical purposes
would have been legally binding, . and press of pu.bh-6 business,! hav� be ii 3ommodation' of , e . ']
i I I t I I f 'w of his ings, aboui � foot f rj)m the ground, 612 a port. But in present circumstarie.ja io:— : �
the boundaries of the Province would for6ed to Abandon their previous inte . ia�eighalc)ra who mig ' � I i .
.� � . " t cli �'Se to send some of the rty st�apped over it' go rig many are undecided, their former syW- '; I That the apple crop of Europe,
T!!!�� �
i 't
11 V
� 11
�u �
k ^,I
.-I 6
�p it f
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1� P
I tbbii cream to him. � It WaB, intended through the ar . Miss MaLeod's d e a pathies having been with the Republi. aking it Re, a whole,will be considerably
be as firmly and as legally fixed as they tion, much to the disa�ppolntmobt so q also as an -experimerit, a*d by all ac- :
we now, and all the, a,gt&tion and irri. regret of the Manitoba 1; - I caught, and sae wea: throwii backw4rds can psrty. While the Democrats and der ,'that of last year. 3
� � . -
a. A�4. Ma _1 counts it has proved' . :
,a raiy .
tation which have &risen on the subject kenzie is accompanied' . I tif ing Buc- and drawn under �he revolving.shlaft, some of your Canadian journals charge 2 That fall shipments of � A � erican
� k is. Maok . q: s, for whil6 farme Ja . m
. by- , r . , e I Y b tt er is Selling until it, reached the middle of her b1dy. the Ro6publican leaders 'with gross coi- *nd Canadian apples to Glasgow and
I ; � . . . _ l
� � 4 :
- i I I i 1, '. � ; . :
I . !
. � I i � -
. . I . -1
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I � . . . - . . � . I I . - - �, � -1, � -_ill_ .- .1 . I I __...1;_ ... _�, 1. - - � _- -..-I--,- __ J I.. I I - I", _ , -I-- I � I I � I - - - - - . 11 -I - - - - . - - . . I I . 1 _ -1 — - - . � I I- - .
i -
. !
� i .
! �� -
� . AUGUST .22, 1'84, . .
— ___._..________ ___ ________ I ,�
Liverpool should Meet with igood &
mand at values ruled by.sup, ,
. Y.
3 That shipments to Lonaoo of .91M
solid'stock will, as in ' . ,
similar I seaBom I
Compare favorably in net proceeds . , I
other markets on this aid.. .! "14th
I am, Sir, Your obedient's I I .
I . J. B�ervlwtj -
__ �
. The Crops- of Ontatio.
According to the report of tl�ie%re&t -
of Industries for August a good I h I
-of grain crops in Ontario seems �rylftt
well assured. The fall wheat �91vel at �
average yield of 21i bushels i a I bol the
Spring wheat of- 18W bushels Por's'ere ,_
the average of both being 20 btliaQsl
and the a:ggregate prodiactiohl 'a. "
- ceedes... .
that of last year's harvest by. 110,1,6 � .
bushels. Barley was a good ejop i010DO. I .
sontheriL and South- weste I 11 the .-. I -
rn cOuzitieg of .
. -
the Province, bat in the north -
. era Ata " �.
north eastern counties it was i
by the Summer drought; T,�htlrecw F .
though plump and heavy, w 6 qa* � :
,as! it .1
areas discolored by � largi -
. the rain showerg ,,f �
the last week of July, The ' . I
accounto 01 i
the oatbrop are much the saille "f,, ;�
barley,�Ibut being two or three ,W �
later luill ripening, it has been eek, -.1f, , .
� I
9% I I ,
benefitted by the July rainiax and i 1
yield will Possibly exceed the �es - a '� '
' I :� I ,;
j I_" :� I
. The area in rye is much ks3 ibian i ., .
year, and the average 3 ield abviat - .
- the -
same. Peas is a bountiful ero, �
N Wid it �
is ripening under the D101st fav,orab 1
circunas I tances. The Pea-bu-a i 6 �� :
0 48 done I
much less harm than usual t 'a yea, � .
� � .
and in many localities throug lout the, !
west it . has hardly appearedat all i,
. I
� t I
The Krea and proolaction of �h.e fore. �
. - .
going crops for two Successive har i
V684 :
are given. as follows �: 1 ;
1894 i�� t
Acreg. Bushels. Acres. 1 ZtLvhel,, i
Wheat_ 1,586,961 81,730,8" 1,ft82,616J2l,870^ �
Barley.. 701,435 17,860,777 7,57,1,56,18 414 %7 T�'
Oats..-. .1,485,620 49,'"0,i3j000 1,418,3091 ) -
K573," .2
Rye.. .. 1,01,141 1,630,417 -188,11, $,010" i
Pens_.. 670,628 13,106,062 512 ' 741,10,08,1�3 1
The hay crop was injured to ome ex. �
; I
tent by the frosts of the last week , 1
� M ,
May, and more Seriously by theldrought, t
of June. The yield is eat ' . �
in'*ed..baft. �,
3,044,912 tons, or about 1,0oo,W t,,,, � J` Z
less -than last year. Tbeappea�ranceof I 1
. �
the corn crop is not promiai�& aue .! .
partly to inferior seed, an& �par.tl, I
� I -
to the low temperature prevaill , I
July. lig -
I he .for.� "
I I ..,
� �
tune of the crop depends on the'Weather! ,
of August' anof September. The axes�. 4,
1 � I
planted is 174,834 acres. Beajaia hayel 2 '
suff ered from the drought arid coof '
weather, and they will mature �a veek' �,
or ten , da a later thaL,� 1 3,
y nsuiL The, � .
plants, however,are strong and hes-ithy. �
I .
and being well loaded, a goo4i cropi.8i � i�
likely to be gathered -the :eitima6l 1 ',
being 552,253 bushels from an a,roa of! 1.
I 1
24,877 acres. The reports of ,the rwti !� .
I � I
crops are gene -rally favorable,. � .Pots.' '
toes are excellent, and mahgolds &ndi 1
carrots are fairly good. Turni�s rnade�f '
4 f
SI w growth at first, owing to 'the dqt -'
w,peather, but the recent rains ll' ; 1
. We been
v ry beneficial. The area in pojtatoes'I .
is 168,862 acres; in inangol , . !
acres; in tcarrots, 10,980 g ds,.18,3t11 1-
& I acres a.nd in! �� �
sJuAipsi'104,108 acre3. 1 The t6tol aml . I � I
; il I
in roots is 302 291 acres, or about J,500! � .
ri�ore than la sit, year. I � .�
. I I I
. I E I ,
-_ .
I L I �
__= . ;
. �
iary �, Notes of a Trip to %the * I
I� � . �
. L I
� � I .
� � I i . .
; . Northw st. I . i
I ��
: . I ;
.MR. EDITOri,-I Went on board the' ..' i
� � !
Steamer Ontario at Oxoderich on tho �, '
2istJun1e,l884,andbsdaloVely.s , P I !
tl�e lake� calliDg at 10 c r 12 ports on out 1 11
wiaIY UP,,deliveriDg supplies for the rail", ,� ��
road. Landed at PoR Arthut at 6 ; I '
o'llock a. in. the'24tb. Laid o thema �
P I Ver I
uttil 2 p.m., when I to k* th,e train for � i � '
Winnipeg. JAne25th,- Got toRatPort* i
a �' ` ai 11 o'clock a. in., and had bf-eak. I
f Et and dinner both to etber,and % very 11
I �
po�or affair it was, amd got to Winn' .
:) 1peg ;`1
0out 4 p.m. 'It is a W)Bt desolate and .,
b�rren looking Country IL11 the way froni. �
f !,
POrt Arthur to Winnipeg, a distance () 11
atut 430 miles. If th 3 railroad cow� ;I
ny get any traffic for their roaa they ,,,,
;vifl have to find a mar4et for rocks an4 .1,
siiiall spruce trees. Jn-fle:26th,-A wet '11
i .
m1orniDg. J48. Scott, ]ex. Kerr ana I 1
'had a -walk through thd city in the fore. '11
noon. Mr. Luxton, of t eFreePressjor* :-
. 'I
mierly of Seaforth, drove me all ov,erthe 1,
ci� , �
� y in the afternoon. We vi_-itea Ann.r. p,
At�0111 g's � Point. St. BO Difa,ce, 10donaut
and 13� showed' bbe publia build� �."". -
me all � , .
. , 8 � '
� logs, - colleges, . school and ch-urche& ,
I ore are some really splendid building 1,
I .
.. �
in. Winnipeg and they are putting -up 1, ,
I .
some ve expensive ones this -s=tfter, i
I �
. I
aiid put ing in agreat many ea ensive :
,n + -1
so , wers, and M r. Luxton told e th%t
they are going to lay o it about $80,000 1
04 ceda� pavement ana they certainly �
need it, I as it is almost impo,r sible to '',
drive aldng Main street when jt�rainoo .:�
� ,
I slnoul& think that taxes must,be high ' ,
in Winnipeg a's the city debt 'is aboat :
two and. a half million dollars.� I mot F:
. ith a
w.1 ome forty different pets -ons in �
Winnipeg that I knew . ) June, I
I . in O,ntarict . I
28th, -A dull wet morning aild it ii, I
I �
almost impossible to walk on the streelici I
the mud isso slippery. Mr. tioasaall I
and I wont out to Stoney Mouhtaii i*1
I ,
the af terinoon on the cars. Thero� jsve;y' , I
t 1
little land under cultivation all iblie Weyill
I . I
out. There was. a field or two at the. I I ;
� :
I .
,mountain in wheat but it did I)Iot look I I
I I . I .
: I ,
very propaising. I walked abo t, throe 1; I
1 1
. !
� -1 -
miles on! the prairie out to Nelso. j'o. '14T. I
Nelson was away1rona home but, I I I
tea withl Mrs. Nelson and her olitighter. 'I
I got a drink of very cold walb�r therO 11
I .
and ask d them if they kept ic , wheti ,
they to i� me to come and loo at th8 �
well. I . n quite solid to Vntli- �
in about 6 or 8 feet of the top, ju at roOM !,
I .
enough to let the pail � do - wn, . T1181
keep a few cows but do': hot c 1111tivato �
much grDund, but the land is al fenoea ",
in. I saw here a nice herd of i� out 20 , �
or 30 tame buffaloes. It seems to1a I 0 .
that theifoul weeds are going to get�thO .-
better of! the fartaers about hert if theY
do not ,R�ltivate their lan(f bettAt. i June I
29th,- he Sabbath, a dull wett�J�Y. I - 1,
went to St. Andrews church fiieirD4 ,
andevehing. There was a predy,lurgo -,�;
congregs tipu in the morning; - , 0 � " ,. I
'' 1. �
Mr. Pitblado preached two ver � .
lent Sermons. June 3(0)tb,—I le , fbr t116- ' :
west at �.30 a.m. 4-nd got to BrOd011 ; ,
� I
about 2 P.m. The train stoppe4 sbollt� i
half an bour when I went to G:ri$W1D1d1 ,
a small 'Place with a box car for it S* '
tion, tw� small Stores, -a post office sua :*,,
blacksmiRhs.hop and a kind of a t;%V18rl1 I
kept by � Mr. or Mrs. Speirs. .1 askea I
a, . �
if I P,Oud haveSome tea. The Wolnflu I
of the h ae told me I could have $ORO `;..
if I waitea until she was re%dY 0,13she " I
had plenty Of other work to do� SO I' i
1�ad to wait patiently until the 0$ b6li I
rang, when I and two or three OthaO . _
started to go in. She told us t4st WO
not for -4s as she had her own fa�11000
feed first. I started to leave w1*1 8110
relente4 and gave us a cup of 05, SIla � .
� . !
. i
I - . . 1
I I - 1: I
i . I
, �
. LL
I � :1
I i I .
- � I .
: I LL .
! li .. �
! I
L ; . I .
I . __ I . Z : -
- � . -
i - __ - ; � I
&."§ - L I I . .
; - :
W � .
; i . I
i .
r' I I i
i 1 �
� �
3 . I �
I . i -
i ,; , J
I . �
. I I
� ; .
- A .
I i
! i I
omigusT 1 4�) 0
� I I
I � www���
� �
I . , -
q I I I L
L �01,e jmew hov� to �
! j - �Par
� ,
I though She !4
I , to be ,civil. I F
: . A N
� bow
I - 3 Ine bacli i I 0 )
� .'arivi -
I �
, � three miles Wirt]
� I
I .or oa;h. I
1. -th 'Mr, R -an �
i � . 1%% I
I I I L I'Mok board alia d!
I I farm. HL6 'ba�
. L
L -big - I
. 0S early so,lft,�"-71
. ; ,
; . mel A u.
. ,V.olll but SO ! i .
! 1L
I I �Oud Oats are n�t sf)�
, ,
.1 _f iLt is a
I a 1ii,a I
, g3o I �
� I L . L �
i i e n, --dry ,c
,,, It has, b e v . I .
. I
. , late SOM_ju grain
. tke
; -wei�k,
" 7throO or font � !
� . .
,� 1. t_ �i a L W.
. : lan naho '-�F, 4
nB .i
; i , blo,A,.an
� 4 .
i� 11 � Z -o acres woodland 4
. 1 river about b4lf :a -
I .
. ,
� - - a�. teh
1: I , �Iitoad,. lie h I
L L , I
� properV,V and Al lie
1 4 ,
i . , TIP he wolild c
I I . -ings
l� '11 -braw 170 acres t1i
� � I i .
1 1 oettler13 are C1'4'V9 1,
I * I
i "
A ing in order to 91�t.
i i uds. Ur- Hall I �
i . 1A
i !
W. fMe large fields Of "
I !
. I, -
I ,�, 31 a .... ah, Mic. Uaill
; ,� to the south 11,&V -
.1 ie.
; � . ;
. . I
I ; "i !-
L I evxv Bown -ra?u -
1 1 - * "
I !_ the %ariners hv,m A
� . ! . I
i 1, tivate too In,aclll ,
� a Say that f
I , _�
� Ishoul
I I C -� %
,rop at har ve -, N
I .
i I � land labor. July �
I -
, little frost thifi 11101
i � , '
I L did -much hi%,rtij.
� it L � . *n .
I : 1ov4er to Wm.(3 _L
I , ine ten ,
1, I to'nee of mii�
il I
.. I �
1, Ir
� � siniboine rive 0
� As
! -not much Ian
1'. : I was I -
i 4 q vultivation. U4111
. .
. ,
� i goodzectiou, f; Il,) P
. �
i 11B
I � this SPri'39"al2il !
, ]put fjrty in crop �
� .and I ana:afr4id i
r I I
� gorod. July 3�dl .
: '13 farMj F_
ii i Gray _ .
I -
I �
: I
� : very thin aud� sh:�7,1
i- I ling ,%Vittl� a
I , : � - inorn
I "Y . I �
f . gh the liifihl
t : throng � I
i Chatburn's *rm:
I �
� -
l. -
I � a,
! home. I f0u4id .
I L :bed WkIl
; RU 'open .9 ik
� I in, it. He ba a % ,�,
I - be ginnil f, t�.
� iusc - -17 .
� i Iptq,toeS arJ3
I jr,uly 5th —Alreat
I . . -ir �
I visited. a - J�)Inl �
I i
! ic �
I IEI-e has got SIA 11 el
I to the'north ibf W
, al ,
� soil r
- ,eems re
I .
i section.. H -e, ba�
I -ell�
L looking very U, : ;
I -
i y, Pjtatoes
I barle, -
: � -
,:, Ing pretty fair. � I
1 7 bar, theothe� Ijal
: I L .
: of wheat, 20 ac�
� roots all looldt)"
! � . �0 . I
i - 100 acres fenpekl i
; -catCle, whiclai 18 r
� : I
: I �'country, as tberei,
I h
! - u-ndred wh<i �a.fi
; July 6tb.—Tlie fl -3
! .
� r
I ,Old. I waltea A
� I
! � about two mi Wls, �
! by Rev. mr. I J
i I , L
: aiit
� chur ch Or i
� � -V
I Sion. VTe had
; July 7th - —Il W all
L -e=4 farm. : He �.
� Shipof, Morris- �
� crops, and ho be
: in the coun#Y�'
rretty Uir. 1 1� VL
I � ,.
I tile name of 461Z
: of wheat-, whiell.
. �
I S ,ext
I ,over 20 hea ca (
� -fOa1131 Rna t41--- � �
I Y1
� .
. mi
L � -c�
i yo&r-B in the'
I I I next CaRll or
I I of Grey, whio UV
� - a a g I i
L , - -He ha A I
i ,whent, 35 jrL Qat"L
i "O
I potatoes, all I -,I
J .
i has some igllc�l
I : ,�d (-,
I about 20 he' I
i - ai
� . Itty corrifbrtt
� Pre � I - �.,
. � ;&
I try -well. i -
I AAh r
. to -night -w' -d
: i , I
� 25 miles tb 114
I ' of
I oats for 20 i --';.
; ,
I I bin� all aRV-1 ito 4
1 -
! ; �
i son 1own. 0-,30 tc
!; ship 15, raii-g-4 2'�
; I -
. i � in wheat, 95 -in -
i five in root $�, : F.;
4 4
� 1--ing, he saijI ila"A
� �
! short for thir'll
� - 4ea�ri V
I i
: Giin�ez cailao j
: . :
� faxm is in 0'011�
I -
I ,-
i I acres in wbeAwt.
. I
� -which look �11'4
I 1
i �
: 'There is a �fit-wl
I I �
� I
i 'on the plaijl%i 4
! crop whicb�� is )
! L
I -
� nk th,e4e I fA
i " thi i
. �
i � � 7
i �
I make monb]yi 1W
. �
i I � I
i i -to BOW a,, 4rg
i when you i gu�
I I � I
t L
z Profit, ff aiiA �w
� I 'Visited. -Ar. '�
I of crop in, -I'vW0
: J hi
I ; -
. Thesettle- ; .1
� breaking, 4='h j
� arld four � hut
: jG,rant, of JB�ru
; 4il,
� Aeal �Of br�u ,
. -
7 . Bond $2 1 -
I ,
I . the first c4op.
� 1 r,oae,on bom
: . I calleol 0:11 st
. . Ile farmsi-sili
. .
! ;
acres in ictor
I ne 0 .
� former Mira il
. . I ai.oner. Ue i
� - prettV welL. I
� I . ..
, e.tLd e x ten Date,
� 1 tr�'. One' buti
i 20 feet br,6L a4l,
� . ,which is -the
� 4 10'.Wnj
I � S thr(!e (
. .
: � -<:
I nmety-five 0
� !
I L rather- tMa a
, 1001L wdl'! sm
I y 4
1 1 also Sta � ell. 4
1 has 25 - '
. I
. I .- �Lnd he has f,
: . -war, a schoul;
. I I . llghW
. h0oa the I
I � bei,ng �orw
. to
I goo m I 1
4 �
; I hood. T, lEly
I � -clusion tj Lat i
1,:. get it in early
I [ depend ,du 9
1; will ha,ve! to V.
I �
I �
. .
I Flame as 0 Pay
I -,A goo(I � a0s�
, r,
lar. -Robert 40
. anf,l droVe 11'�
I eight miles.
, to Was a )lr_ L L
I - '' - ,
" office, ' anil 11,
run a Vm-es-hi
� look like it 9
'� thin. We -
. on .our wi4v -
I .
- V mu,�h ly
I __
1 - croP13 W
I-&.---A -i. - -_
I puc�.yv%"A oky w I
I 1
� .
I L �
I *I . L
I � - I