HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-15, Page 88 E RURON EXPOSITOR. JUST THE THING FOR Lunches and Picnics. Canned Boneless: Turkey, .Chicken, Duck, Pig's Feet, Sausage Meat, Corned Beef, Lunch Tongues, Salmon, Lobster, Mackerel, Fin - nen: Haddie and Sardines , also in, Crosse & Blackn e11's Petted Meats, Game, Ham'andChick- en, - Strasburg Meats, Yarmouth Bloater and Ar ohovey Paste. Canned "Fruits and 'egetables Of every variety, Pickles, &c. Don't forget that Thorne [fella the best values in Tea and Sugar in the county. >f Try Thorne's Teas; they're good. L. THORNE, Star Grocery, Seaforth. expooitat DISTRICT MATTERS. PROFESSIONAL. -As will be seen by card iu, another column, a law partner- ship has been .formed between Mr. P. S. Carroll, of this town, and Mr. W. B. Dickson, of Brussels. Each member'of the firm still continues to do business in his own town. But in case of Mr. Carroll .having at any time to be ab- sent himself from the Seaforth office the business of that office will be con- cluded ;daring his absence ; by Mr. Dickson. Both gentlemen are too well known to most of our readers, both professionally and personally, to require any commendation from us:, suffice it to say, they will make a strong team, and we wish them, success. ABOIT Eads. -Mr,, Robert Charters, of of the Mill road, Tuokersmith, recently found an egg layed by one of his hens which measured 9i inches the one way and 71 the other. His neighbor, Mr. John Cameron, not being able to beat - this egg for size goes i,.l the other a rtreme and has left with us an egg which is as round as a marble and measures barely three inches in cireuinference. It is not a hen's egg, however, but is the product of a tame turtle owned by Mr. Hugh McCartney, of the Brumfield cheese factory, and Mr. Cameron has instruct- ed us to say that if any of our readers wish to go into the turtle raisingbusiness they can have this egg for hatching pur- poses on application at THE EXPOSITOR office. A WELL MERITED TRIBUTE.. At a recent meeting of the members of the Seaforth Fire Brigade, it was nnani- mously resolved to present Mr. Robert Laidlaw,the Treasurer and Secretary of the . Brigade, with a purse of $25; in recognition of his long and efficient services to the Brigade in his official capacity. The present was accom- panied by a moat complimentary worded vote of thanks. Mr. Laidlaw has filled those important positions moat acceptably for about seven. years, _and this act of the brigade, was bat a fitting and graceful acknowledgement of faithful services. Himself and Mrs. Laidlaw left for Kansas on Tuesday, and we sincerely hope the trip will have the desired effect of improving his health. THE Carie Heamea.-The civic holi- day on Monday last was observed in the usual way. The stores and other busi- ness places were all closed, and every person who could left town. and the streets were -completely deserted, and a horse or vehicle to hire could not be had in the afternoon for love or money., • The various excursions were well patronized, seventy having gone to , Toronto, sixty to London, and one hun- dred and sixty-five to Goderioh, while a great many went by private conveyances to Bayfield and other places and we have no doubt all enjoyed themselves and returned to the cares of life on the`. following morning strengthened and improved both. mentally and physically by their day's relaxation. In these days Of business bustle and push and hurry to become rich, there is far too much work and too little recreation.' If the business men would close up their shops., and leave business behind, de - wife at least one half day each' week to relaxation and pleasure, they would be jastt as heavy in purse and a great deaf heavier physioially at the end of ten years than by keeping ceaslessiy in the old tread mill. Who will set the example ? T.UE GOOD TEMPLARS' ENTERTAINMENT. -As usual the entertainment given by the Good'emplars in Cardno's hall on Tuesday evening last was a success in every way. As a rule theentertain- ments given by the Good Templars -of this town are very I interesting, but we think this one outstripped ail former efforts. Mr. John Beattie occupied the chair in his usual affable and pleasing manner. Mr. J. H. Flagg., of Mitchell, and. Rev. Mr. McCoy, of Egmondville, delivered short addresses. A couple of instrumental selections by Messrs. J. A. Wilson, J E. Kent and Miss Ewing were well received, as was also a quar- tette by Mr. and Mrs. Pyper, Mr. Kent and Miss. Thompson. Lientenant Ban- ton, of the Salvation Army, gave a read- ing in good. style. Mr. M. Tillman, the local Dutoli orator, gave one of his in struetive and comical addresses.; Messrs. Geo. B. Scott and F. Tillman fairly brought down.. the hoose with , their COMIC songs and speeches, being encored again and again. Miss Williams presid- ed at the piano, and deserves credit for -the manner in which she performed her part of the programme. The proceeds of this entertainment go towards assist- ing in the passage of the Scott Act. B.ETuRNED.-Mr. Robert Gavenldck, of McKillop, accompanied by Mr. Wm. Govenlook, returned home from !Mani- toba on Wednesday. Oar readeris will be glad to learn that Mr. Govenlook has promisedto give his impressions of the Northwest as viewed` from a practical farmer's stand point, through the col- umna of THE EXPOSITOR. He went to the Northwest for the benefit of his health and we are pleased that his oat- .• ing, has had a beneficial result, although. he had a; somewhat rough experience on the homeward journey, and he has to thank his skill as a swimmer,acquir- ed in early life,that he is not in the bot - tem of Thunder Bay as food for the fishes instead of gladdening the hearts of his friends by recounting his adventures and exploits by land and sea. SVben he arrived at Port Arthur it was very dark and raining heavily, and as himself and his nephew werepassing hurriedly along the wharf in quest of their baggage, Mr. Govenlook stepped off and fell into the water, a distance of about twelve feet below, It was pitoh dark and he as muffled up in his overcoat ; bit de: •its these disadvantages and .regardlea of the fact that he had not attempt. to swim for twenty years be >itruo, out brave y and succeeded in keeping • =- self float until Mr. Wme Gove f oak secured a light and got assistance, hen a rope was thrown to hien and by '• .lino of it he managed to reach terra , ma once More, pretty thoroughly drene e ed, but none the worse for his adven re. Had he not been ' a . good ewimme ' he would certainly have been drowned. He lost his valise which he was parrying in his hand when he stepped off the wharf. • • To teem this week at J. L. Smi a .consignment. of Velveteens, Cashmeres Dress Goods in all the newest shades. I Embroideries, Fringes, &c.. These, 'Good extra -Value and are sure to ensure success, want room, and are offering great bargains Summer Goode. T. L. SMeirn, Seaforth. SECOND CLAS CiEETIFICATE .i --The lowing is a bat of those from his co' who have successfully passe ! the professional examination or seg class teachers' certificates: eafort Janet Barr and D. MaFad 4an, g A. A. Brown and Agnes Neville, g B. Clinton, -A. H.- Stewart, F. Scott and W. A. Mair, glade A. Dunbar, $. Taylor, C. Holland, T Bntchart, R. 5: Swan, and M. Cry grade B. Goderioh,-D. N. Kerr Tighe and Arthur Irwin, grade A. Cameron apd R. Seaburn, grade B. addition tc( thse there are several have written t r both second and t class certifie tes, but the exam: leave not yet completed the pape these and -consequently the names not yet known. h'a, I and. ices, are We in all fol- �nty on- ond , -1 ade ade A. S. R. ley, N. C. In ho ird ers of are OnrTIIART.-We; regret to learn ` om Port Perry of the death of Mrs. E A. Nott, lately of this town, which ace red in that place on the 7th inst.- Mr. ott was an employee ill THE Exros 'TOR office for nearly two years, and 1. t a few weeks ago so as to be near his ife, who had previously gone to Port P. rry that she might spend her last days ith relatives there. She was a y a ng woman, we might say, just ente' ing upon life, being only 23 years of - ge, and had only been married about i wo years, butthat destroying enemy, on - m suption, had early marked her -for. its prey, and the; disease commence: to show itself very soon after she bee' o a wife. She was a kindhearted, rd, u ob- trusive Christian woman, and dining her brief reside • ce. here made miny friends, who will learn with regre of her=. early departure and extend tai the bereaved husband the 'sincere* sympa- thy. GOOD WORK. - Profiting • by his Dakota experience, Mr. William . w- ler, of the ;Huron road, !Tuck.rs- srnith, this ;year threshed I his en- tire fall wheat crop in the barn y: rd, just as it was delivered from the fi(:Id. He had about forty.five acres, .w ich will give a yield of about 35 bushel: to the acre. The whole was peethro gh Mr. Wm. Mnrray's mammoth at } am thresher in a little over a day a d a half. Although -the field Was q`nite convenient to the threshing ground, !six teams were kept busily engaged dra ing the grain from the field to the {mac iine. By threshing out in this way, Mr. F'' vi- ler saves the labor and a pens of housing his grain, which is a Very on- siderable item,'. and as on this occasion. he was favored with good weal er, the waste was not greater th n w Id have been had the_grain been thre a ed in the barn. As -an example o the : • od yield this season, and the rapi ity i ith which grain can be- threshed I? mo • :rn machines, we' may state'that when he wheat of the celebrated Star var' :t was being threshed the grain ame •a of the machine 'at the rate oftwo bus v el in 35 seconds. This is pretty ast threshing, but of course itwas not kept up very long. DEATH OF A CLEVER WOMAN. -The I dy alluded to in the followingreforo ce which we take from last week's Galt e - former, was personally known tom ny of our readers and was an'aunt to I he Messrs. Somerville of McKillop. he Reformer says : " We regret to re ..rd 'the death of Miss Somerville, of H ys- ville, Ontario,.which occurred at Perth, Scotland, on the 14th of last month' It will be remembered that the deoe ` :ed lady left for Scotland about two mo • hs ago.? She appears to have been ver + ill daring the voyage, and scarcely ral ed on her arrival in her native land. a iss Somerville was in many respects : iQ e - markable woman, and the annoa + ce- ment df her death will be received •P'th, regret by many throughout the co ty of Waterloo. Possessed of far • re than an average amount of shrewd :as and business ability, she condtoted I •er large mercantile business at Hays le with great success, and accumulat:l a competence. She was possessed of :.en intelligence, and few even of the ate• er • sex were better, posted • on public q : es - Mons or possessed a greater inflaenc`in the community than. she. In poll +ics she was a most enthusiastic Lib al,• and was ever `willing to do anyt iDg within her pourer to advance the ca se. Daring the las three elections in is constituency the writer had no .Cor s- pondetrt in the upper end of the riding whose statements and representations on things political he found to .be so accurate and ;reliable as those of iss Somerville. She 'rendered good ser, 'ce in every contest, and the Tory requ; red to be well posted indeed who could lilbld his own in an argument with her. Pt ; co be to her ashes" ' THE BICYCLE TOURNAME1�T.-The j : i cycle Tournament held here yester• ay was a Complete ,success in every respl:ct. The day was,fine, and there was a late ge attendance of people in the park du' ng the afternoon, many of whom had ca •• e from t e country, and not a few fr m the sue •oanding towns, and Many, ad au opp• rtunity of witnessing-th erspe.ies of locomotion for the first time.] ',All!, he stores and. other business plades ,; :re • closed Iron 1 to 5 o'clock, soithat 1 he townspeople were enable to turn out en masse. At two o'clock the local c u.b went' to .the station, aocoparried by the band and a -large crowd of citiz. as, to meet and welcome the visiting breth- ren. On the arrival of the train,, he several:wheelsnen mounted their al chines, and headed by the President of the Seaforth C_ ltib, Mr. E.J. Coleml n proceeded up 117ain street to the pa k. The procession was certainly a. no el one, and looked very nice and i4npos` At the park the various. races were v ry keenly contested, and seemed to . e entirely satisfactory to the large oro •fid of people present.. We regt•et t at g. f bei! pose eats but her t e time nor space t it w• . permit us to.g ended eport before goin the flowing is a ast of t ail pomp$ :tors so far as w our the : Mile race for t pionship of Huron and Wm. Bla kwell : 2nd, F. -t•me 3. 1a. Half, mile r ha &a-4 t, H. Williams, 2n , F.Armitage,--time 2 mil ope rape, -1st, :. 1 •'W. C. Mo}Ilay,-time 1.53 race for the champions ;• ip. -1st, W. . C. MOK: y, Pro essio>finl race bet • • ee an Higr an ; 5 miles wo bro k in 8 minutes 14 t se nee race, was the mo t ex berg a fl' a mile dash f . r th ship of H] ron, Perth - nd started i this rave bu onl not 1 th end and am foil wing: order ; • 1st W. nea ly alt. a mi e • 19 inuts 23 second n Mo ` ea oderioh; 3rd,Jo • n Seaforth i 4th, W. Bla kwe 1, The Har le race was • on Ar • itagei Seaforth. • 1:1 CAL IRIErs.-Mr. for hay _resi Ha kot: her I' c •f ti 0 1 is erlyf- this tow gone to Souther e. ---Mrs, Win. 0n Rejd; returned on Firiday, Navin: anglter, Mrs. W until herdeath, which plan: on Ole 27uh ult. mer•hant• of this town Yoe : , making purohas tra • e. -The Rev. Joh Mo • treal Theological : two instructive, able a mo s in tits Methodist Sab atli. Mr -Lock is anp.rior ability and g Mr. dward'Cash'retar fro a holiday trip aro He u Oci seve tow and prai ont war Stro of t ing at t One othe the ing war -M afte every Mic Mira Mr. tow • •. mbar uto al, sed on the p at Goderio f• the print e enjoyed the spews : in the h e of the accomne. e boat. -A numb summoned befo g, on,l Tuesday las: o Gra roanc e sta of tb ,wa emaie sever ing t s. Jo nd Trunk det and oreatin tion when t em, who was s fined a doll oder were let e caution. others to be n Fairley hay haviibg spent a c pleasantly •wit. igan.. Mr. Count r,: igan, s at present, •isi M. B1. Counter, jawe1 e This is Mr. Co me Ito Safortli and Huron, an IIle, pleased.with our tow • a ron ding country.-M+s. W eric , daughter of Mr A. this town, leaves here • • S Det oit, where she i ten here: fter, iMr. Broderic ! bei for . large dry goods hos city.: Mrs L. Murphy, out' ing b ax roan, has s: . era wor . people employe pl in his vicinity. Thcr othe s, is en unusually goo year: and Mr. Murphy :. pe pro• table {season he ha•: ye A. . rmitage, of this to hauled twenty thou and Ma' itoba *heat, which he at v: nous points west . Wi sold in the eastern '+ark Inst: nce of the cheapne' of 1 this excepts we may sta e t this grain arried from or Sar is fo I less than tw bus el.- asit week, on the the resb Tian Sabha+l. Se ere ionic ''Bayfield, ► i r. J who fore one of - .,he step ing r m a-boat'so t ped nd fe l .into the w : ter, dee at th point. He • ad coat wh' h naturally t irate his xertib s to regain erra1 by t e ai of others . e sac gett ng ou , none the w irse bat on a'1 oreewhat cilly Rob rt S ott, of Roz;+oro, com letedi is harvesti, : op Mo day last, having go + the a ve y large grain crop'•:afel Mo day ei ening.-The : tone or rieve's bridge are now and eady for the iron sup hi h is expected aI ng s men are now engag filli app each . It is hop d t or coin leted and th : br •d or traffic • afore the we west all I sets n.-Lienten 1 nt I. allelujah; chool-waste(, w n assista t in commal.d oil t ionArmy here for some: time, •rdered t. headquart yrs at • reparator to being se's t as +.. isio sn o ar to foreign and ►o ug ma of exoelle t a i as ;very pular here both •• embers the army • d t nd seem to be thoro•:hly. n the gr at work t + wh pparently, devoted his life.; hat our esteemed yonn: frier +utherlancl, of Hensel , ha 'ointed issuer of marriage li hat distr et. Mr. Su heel apacity f assistantpost :eve_al years, has no doubt b ing the loge epistles of the •f Hensalli and vicinity, : nd i• a able to j eve them a • iti nce in he good wa k b he with permits to c mplt ngs whip in his cap cityas notary, c., a can also draw u m r :age get- lem nts weed that sort • f thi 1. It will' • e f and that G. J. is go! to a h ndy inane o 'h ve ar, und.-As .t :e tr i for the est was 1` eying the Sefort tation on rid y eve ing last; SO ii a se u threw st ne theoough one of tio e c r windows, hat Bring Ithe glass, al d c •siderably lar ing the passenger:' bu ortunate- y n, t doiril any furthe ' da go. -Mr. am s Ar strong, of V: rea; h- s shown • s a talk f native g : ss a en from ak to ,y Mrs. Ar.pp stro ; , which •• ea area s x feet eight i 6 the in length. his grass: wad grown tl�e farm of u r. ober n Elliott, ' I: nso' county, ormprly a Goderichow • s + ip.--Mr. atrick egarey, of �• t. 0 - tharines, B in town isiting friers. Hallett Sera BIikDERS.-Last ee - n agent •r tLe Maxwell elevato bine brought tie;to the' farm of M . Lei er, llth onoession. After giyin' the reaper a it trial in a field wh oh w: s rather Al and l the grain h• rd to gather it our di ve a mor to pres e enema ould pr. - •e ohau- :rih;-;els rmitag:+, witho • t oderich ; 2. Thr:e rke ; 2n Two 71e,af8 21. estbro by Wes •da. Toe ing of al :hampio uoe. Si our live n in t . MoK head i 1•W. Dorranc Seafort y F. • e 111 . . • • ran . Paltridg:. • wi h his so C 1 fornia t owl; of th oma from D: re •e a ned wit C. a cConne sad e'ent too Mr. D . MoFau is • • w in Ne s f• the fa l L o . , of th •lle:e preaohe d : o • uent se her here las ay a• g maain o eat ;+romise. • ed at Frida d l a.e Huron. eas ra steame , : took i pal aka por trip i •• mensely ghe t terms o • ati.. afforde • of onng lad • Jastic instant ,for loiter sturbanc come in ✓ than th d costs, an. f+er receiv ould be emselves • ned hon of week ends i• �f Wayne g his son , of thi first visi e is high the sur . J. Brod t ardno, o` t•rday fo s residin travelle e in tha enterpris gangs o' ing fla Eke al one thi: the mos ad. -Mr. nl recent' • ushels o urchase :peg, an • As a e freight t; he go thnr t ents pe casiOn o of Teach . Millar, ty, whil: pier, slip hich wa: an over fared wit ria, bu ceded i o his col. ay. -Mr ogillop tions o. 1 st load o' oused o butmeut complete r:fracture • rely, an • g in th have th= e ready er of. th nton, th o has beers e Salva - has been Toronto, : n arm He is a ities, and with 'the citizens, earliest he has, e learn d Mr. G. J. been ap- enses for d, in his ster for en hand - ung folks will now n 1 assist- famishing proceed- • • • • e at otiv a .in• old ra his ave ret npla L • h • 9 t • • • 1 • • • • • • • • 1 c • n • • • roved entirely unsatisfaotory, and Mr. eiper was - becoming disgusted wit inders, when luckily Mr. I. Watson, f russets, came Along and got leave to` ry his Toronto . bin h er in the ' same eld anda les thantwo hours every ody present as firy convinced. the( j oronto was st the machine wanted. t gave latir - sati 'action and Mt. Leiper b ing ore + • an well pleased. oon mad up is" end to purchase. There aresev al of!these these binders in hie town hip and all give the best of atisfaotion. atom Tan ENGLIS CHU a vestry meting hu oh in taff4 , was + is ionary in o arge ng, Angus 5t . T eV. P. 1i L4m, re eaters. A . Bnrt, rdeon and R. Richa • id r. obertRich po W. Chub e auxiliary 1:ry ; Reserve Mr. r. Robert Wallace. • eieg given in the ere aippoiated by t 'his kindne s in trustee dur g the t at the slim of $ eran, for her ttend 10 per annum rom t hat the etipc,nd b rdson, seeond d. by f Hibbert or their copy of -this r eolut to the Reevee- arrie I his complain the b oosed of, the P. t e proceeding with • 01 uroh rdso he v as n no gentl cora ards Mr. rooks ty. of th English oonven d by the ere we e present tor of Mitchell, son. he reotoe s with the uenel esiasti al law, be ishmen of a new ry, and read the ship, w • frill those °jute. out the arden, appointed to be al rgyman'S try's hoioe fell el rutted he folio* bove mentioned meeting. The were carried : ardson seconded the thanks of astye r. Move be pa d to Mrs. rice as caretake ardson seconds) the n e of th ting be accorded il of th township ndness and gen- the use of the h servibes. That n be forwarded by accilimation. siness to be dia. prayer, and dfa-. with the bene- • ivine service i the next, August17 h, et a d on the folio ing and 3.30 0' lock IV r. Burt desir s that 40 a bere will be all o Sunday in the neighbor;- mselvels of th g these' services, en interest fa ge hi in hie ster's cense. WHO CAN, BE d Wm. Bate heavy fall wh e same day. o solid Work. arn T IT. ago at b • Mess ound ween This is no a d Mrs. Jame -Ar strong, ✓ siting friends and eelative b th placera ha they say if NEW TA LOR SH011.- Mr. d strict that he s prepared t t iloring in all its department h 'feels con dent he will give ti n to all favbring him p tronage. A GOOD 116kNESM. -Mr. Morrow„ is doing a splen, id business th's season d spite tee bardttimeES and he deservel to as he is a genial, obliging g ntlemanl a 1 d keeps a first class stock nd nicei p esent session he has parcha:ed from] t em all with b tter t ken in over the nIr. Armstreng makes the be t firkins; II anufacturers. ; Sine the fir t week in J y Mr. MorroW has old $1 05 worth o -butter, and says heitias no eai3on to complain of dal! ti es. ell done, • s. George ear tine ght Acres) he home) blow, but Johnston returned ix *eche in th ad Mani g well on want he spot execute . Having in the Canada ith • 41 13 they e. LOCALITIES.-' he f II whe t in this ii ient.-M4 R. leo la s long akeu the le d as anI owner of fine fo hounds b I) t _he will har to and ov r the re t i at were ever irk thes parts. he foxe w'll have to hunt thehl holes ext win t:r.-Mrs. A. Ys Hartley has een awa o a visit to her friends in oodstock A wing of tha Salvation my fro ingham visit ear village onc a week S • me Bay they eing nioe dam ng Mimi w ile others say, they are the real ol Methodists of 00 years ag . Evet person hasI a right to his own opinion G:eoh, ruallivri t, has arri ed fro nitoba to bai the new ill here tl t et timber is! now 4eaing o scarce, a d the additional fact that t ere is a fi t class mill ati the station. It would ot er out and ariealgamate th ir forces: well and gives pod ‘setisfacti, n. -The public school opened an Tae day last 17 after five weeks' holidays. The new principal, Mr. Aleman, of Grey, was at his post, and Miss McGuire, his assist - an t. -T he B I u ovate cheese factory have sold their July makeeconsisting of 740 boxes, at 10B- cents per pound. -Mr. F. Patterson has ruoved the old church once more, and has converted it into a storehouse to be used by Mr. Timmins. It was moved about thirty years ago with oxen, and was again moved last winter, to be used as a temporary store. It has been a very useful building, and has a good foundation yet. -In reply to the challenge froin the Wingham. quoit play,ers, which was published last week, I may say that our veteran champions are quite willing to adoept the challenge, - and will come up to he scratch every time, but they claim he right to chose the ground for the match, and hence they are willing to ar ange a match to be played in Blueval any time that will be convenient t all parties con- cerned. AUCTION ',ALE on e sy terms, of Valu- able Village and Farm P operty. On the 25th day of this month at 1 o'c ea, sharp, in the vil- lage of Hensel', the following valuable village sue farm property,will be s ld by Public Auction, namely, 25 village lots acing on Queen and Richmond streets, 5 a joining the Railway Track and 100 acree of spl adid land well situ- ated for farming purposes,I and within& mile and a quarter of the said village of Hensel], being Lot No. 26, in the 140 Concession a the Town- ship of Hay. The above nentioned 25 lots, on Queen and Richmond streets, are in the 'most el pleasant part of the villag and excellently situ- ated for private residences &c., while the other 5 lots adjoining the railway track afford splendid advant%es for the erectiori of Grain Storehouses, Tanneries, Asheries, &c. , The whole property will be sold on the day and at the hour mention- ed, namely, Monday the 25th day of August, at 1 o'clock sharp. Terms of Sale liberal, and pay- ments of money made to suit purchasers. G. and J. Privy', Proprietors ; Jas. OKE, Auctioneer. ues cool and dry, and crops are being well secured. The roads are becoming very dusty for want of rain and the pas- ture fields dry and withered. -The Messrs. G. and J, Petty, the welt known fathers or founders of this village, have recently snrveyed off a number more of village lots which they intend selling by public auction on the 25th of this naouth. The lots are well kitua,ted and should meet with ready ' sale. -Mr. 'James White, of Hay,haci the misfortune a few days ago to loose a valuable horse from lock-jaw. It appears the animal by some means got a sharp nail embedded in its hoof and which immediately after being drawn oub, caused an attack of look -jaw with the result above ended. - Mr. A. Kelly, watchmaker and jeweller, returned home last week from a few week's trip up the lakes looking as though the change had aareed with him. -Mr. Wm. Bell, son of 6Mr. James Bell, of Tackersmith, who has been at- tending the commercial.school at Dray- ton was home last week on a visit. - Miss Jessie Bonthron, daughter of Mr. James Bonthron, merchant, returned home this week frOrn visiting friends in Colborne and Goderich.-Mies Tsvohy, who has been the guest of Mre. W. H. Twohy for the past few Weeks, returned, home to Hamilton on Monday last. - Mr. R. W. Murray and wife are visiting relatives and friends in this neighbor- hood. -Messrs. T. Chapman and A. Kelly, two of our local bicyclists, per- form the feat of riding together very nicely on one machine. The bicyclist who will now perform the same feat with a young lady takes `the oake.- Picnics to the lake are noW the order of the day. -Harvest apples, are now find- ing their way to market in considerable quantities aud meet with good demand. -G. J. Sutherland, of the post office book store,has recently received the ap- ses." -A portion iof our sidewalk on the south side of King street between the Methodist church and Mr. Warren's residence is in a very bad condition and if not soon atteuded to. may cause acci- dents.,--Klausen, who recently. game his incubator a second trial, met ivith very fair SOCC688, getting a return of 125 chicks frorn a little over 200 store eggs. -Mr. Runoimaie of the Goderich foun- dry, who has the contract of putting the roller pewees id the Hensall Mills is making good headway with his work and expects to have the new machinery in fall running order. in about 2 weeks. -Wednesday,Aagusathe 13th, the day appointed and Observed as one civic holiday, was celebrated by a very large number taking advantage of the cheap excursion to London, there to witness the Caledonian games, also by a large number in the way of picnicing at the lake shore principally of whom were the members and friends of the Methodist church of this place. - Messrs. Boag and Turner,of Edmonton, Northwest Territory, recently shipped from this station three car loa,-ds of fine stock consisting i in all of forty-three head of cattle, aed of this number three were thoroughbred Darham bulls. The same firm ,also shipped a number of fine maree for breeding purposes as well as a pumber of sheep, hogs and fowl. -We learn that two of the thor- oughbred Darhatn bulls alluded to as *ell es four of he mares were pur- Their matched span. of blacks, sired by chased from the Messrs. Reith, of Hay, and netted. them the neat sum of $1,050. Sterlingehire Champion, alone realized the handsome sum of $475. It will thus be seen that good stook is in good de- mand and commends high prices. -The mason work on the residence of Mr.Alex. MoE wen, of Hay, who resides a short distance frena this place, is being rapidly pushed forward by the contractor Mr. Wm. Copp, and when completed will present a very fine appearance, ranking as it will among the finest and largest in the township. --There was no service in St. Penis church on Sabbath last, owing to the pastor, the Rev. E.' J. Robinson, being away in Detroit for a short vacation. -Mr. Thomits Dick, of this place, returned horne this. week from a two weeks trip to Smiths Falls and Ottawa. He reports having spent a pleasant time. -School re -opens on Monday next,a thought not overly pleas- ant to the average youngster. -Mr. D. McLennan, a former grain buyer of this place, was in the village a few deys ago. Rumor has it that lie has some notion of buying grain here this seasou. Ripley. Does. -Harvesting operations are being pushed forward in the Township of Hu- ron, and although the fall wheat is not as heayy as former years, the sample is excellent. Spring crops have suffered greatly owing to the long drought. - Building operations are brisk in our .village this summer. Mr. Jas. McLeod is erecting . three brick stores in one block ; Mr: T. W. Davis is also erecting a large brick building which he will 00 upy as a stove and hardware store. - The Methodists are erecting a fine oh rola which when completed still be eiety, and will cost about two thousand do tars, the Rev. W. Baugh, late of Bay - fie d is the pastor. -Mr. A. Ferro*, who to of c stems at the port of Goderich, was entertaized at the Queens Hated to a euppe prior to his leaving, 'Sy the ha Ines num of Ripley, and was also pr sent d with a beautiful watch chain • loc et as a slight token of Mae eisteem in hic he was held in this neighbor - he d d ring the past ten years',. We ha e he will long enjoy. the office to Mille tenths of the peop e here are Re:. formers the appointment has met with the app oval of all. PIM SOLD. -Mr. johe Barnhill has • hisrfarm on the 9t concession of MOrris to Mr. Wm. Shol ice, of Tecker- lorno(?itahc,refv. $4,600. The farm contains i3ART s wishing to obtain mon y a heel interest on mortgage, will do well to all ei F. S. Scot as he is offering any amount o money at the 1 west rates of interest on go d fern property.I Will alwlys be found at home Satur da3 afternoons. 869-8 HE late glass fronts are being put int Ada Good & Co.'s Mammoth Boot and Shoe Sto e. T stock will begin to arrive in a few , and when all received will amount to nearlj. 871 I days font thouisand pairs. +HE !CHURCH OF ENoLAND.-We are glad to learn that the Rev. Mr. Taylor, the este'eraed paetor of the Episcopal ch rch in this villagee is sufficiently reeover d to be able to attend to his pa tora duties again, and will preach at is s veral appointments next Sun- da at the usual hours. Tucker smith. OOD THRESHING. -One day last week ill sere. McQueen ik Harvey, of Stanley, threshe 800 bushels of 'grain in nine ho rs 0 the farm of Mr. Angus Gar - do 4th concession of I Tuckersaaith. II Si hundred bushels of this grain I were wheat and two' hundred barley. AINiUL ACCIDENT .-One day last to r. Thos. McBride, of this township, by !which he has been confined to his bed ever since. It seems that 'while mdving !about the house he accideetally on the floor. In,falling he struca his. side o 1 the corner of a large trunk, breakin three of his ribs, one of which one of his lungs. Medical aid ured as soon as possible, and lad to learn that he is rapidly g, although his recovery ] will hat retarded on account Of hie age. en ered wa pro we are be some ad ance reed -Last Saturday 'evening about 12 o'clo k the saw mill belonging to Re ert urnion was diseovered to be on ire a d before help ccitild be obtain- ed Was oo far gone to be saved. Owing to he isolated. position qf the mill it wa a di cult matter getting any water, but eno Os was got to. save three piles e entire con- tents of he mill includin a 10t of lath wa destroyed. Mr. Dar eon was away at he ti e and knew othing, of the dis ater until he drove est the ruins on und y evening. Th re was $1,500 ins ran e on the propertY. Great una- pt), hy is felt for Mr. Mullion in his loss as t is ot quite a year eine° the mill wa ere ted. ASEBALL.--011 111011daY afternoon the Go rie team oame down to give our boys a b ush but had the tables' turned on th m. wing to a shoWer combag up th gam did not coname ce math near- ly ve o' lock, so that on y five innings , we e pla ed resulting in score of eight rare to wo in our favor. Mr. Pu bo, of Go rie, umpired to the perfect sa isfac- tio of bath sides. of tunab4r out of five. T Nem pric less less fro Ins ing an left 47: Belgr ave. BEAT Boor at A Taylors', Piles of Fall oods, which he is selling at the lowest s ever heard of in Huron. Five per cent. or c h purchases of $15 or over, 5 per cent. or go d tub butter, and 10 per cent less for . Co ie one, come all, see and get bargains my h ammoth Stock. A. TAYLOR, Belgrave. 871 OCALITIES,-Miss Yates, daughter of ector Yates, of Goderich, is spend - is he guest of Wm. McCrea En. a w weeks here among friends, towri for a few weeks' holidayatahne! aylor o Mr. intend goipg to Michigan ere ret rn.-0. McClelland and A. sol the r butter on Tuesday last W. P.- ihbard, of Stratford, who says it i Al stove buttera--Robert Sterling is i his new brick residence nate.' The bo s wil expect a party this fall, and 64 ob " ill give them one. -The Rev. W. Henderson, late incumbent of Trini- ty hurah, will preach here at the usual ho r on Sunday, 17th inst. A whose.' tio in alid of the Sabbath school will be aken up. -The masons are building the foundation of Chas. Prootorai new bo se, which is to be a brick strueture. No doubt Charlie intends getting wife thi fall. -A blind violinist plat% and kg rs last Week, while`his little d righ- ter went around with a hat, doin well for his pocket. Slyth. fur itare manufacturers, of Blyt and Wi ghe.m, has been dissolved, Mr. racy goieg to Wingham and Mr. Lew ence coming to Bls th. We are sorry lose is turning to Blyth, where he ha been Ion known for his business abilit . We Me fence, painted white, has been il ere ted neat little cottage. -A very ere ted in front of Trinity church. Mrs. Mc elle is making preparation for th erect on of a residence on. D nsley str et.- r. James McDonald, of Mor- ris, took rain on Tuesday morui g for . Da ota. He has purchased an im•rov- for $2,00 , with 70 acres of wheat hich he has one out to harvest. Mr. Mc- , DoMsld expects to clear $1,000 o I the 1 crop this year. --Rev. Mr. Fisher 1:aves on Mond y for a two or three eek's vacation. Mr. Alex. Elder, of And rson ds E lder, y goods, has returned to town after an absence of severed years in the I AUGUST 151 188 AUGUST. THE BALANC mmer Stoo'i OF ()Hi GOODS & MILLINERY WIL BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE ALL THIS MONTR McFAUL THE ASH DRY GOOD° MAN SEAFORTHe • UGUST. THE BALANC Summer Stoo DRY, GOODS & MILLINEOY • SAdRIRICE A1.1._ THIS MONTH. NICFAUL, THE CASH DRY GOODS MAN- SE &FORTH, MAiiRIAGE LICENS ISSUED AT THE IIIRON Exposits oFocE ' EAPORTH, ONTARIt)i• NO WIT N ESelES R EOU100., sonth.-For marriage licenses, and -also , 44 for deeds, leases, with, etc., go to yleie 'a very, Severe wound upon his hand With, an axe last week. He is doing weh but will hate to take a somewhat extended; summer vacation before he will be able again to resume work upon his farm - We wcaild respectfully hint to Rob. that . thie will bee favorable opportunity for' him to look up a companion arid a; enjoying a months holidays, which. hi$ house eeper for that nice domicile of his.- ev. Mr. McLean is now ,awaY1 congregatiou were kind enough to acooril him. pounds Of granulated sugar for $1, and from 10 ' to 15 poUnds refined sugar for Si, also 20 wads of raisine and currants for $1. Suits made to ' order. Fib guaranteed Excellent stock of 4, tweeds select from. 871 SE MENT.-Last week MT. GElorger Case, of Seeforth, shipped a carloed of fine fat cattle trona here to Montreal marke . This made the number shipped from here no less than 150 head for the mid, of Stanley, lately threshed WS fsil five bashels to the acre. This iii the biggest yield yet recorded in thisvicluith and thp flour made from a grist brought to the Mill here produced naost excellent ANO^HER SHIPMENT. -Mr. $41 WILY ' Dick, IvhO is associated with Mr, ,Cud - more in the cattle buying,: and wile ear - ries 'on the business during the WWI absence, shipped another ear of fat Wel tle to Montreal on Saturday to cress the oceah with the lot shipped from here ou Flirty, thus making the whole ship - men 'seven carloads. Commendable . been visiting in different arts of Scott' land during the last tw montlna re' judging from his smiling countenance we are not inclined to doubt he statement. Mrs) McNevin has one ed thre weeks visa emoug her friends L. eine, who, 'we uaderstan the general ageet for the Econo lee' Fire Insurance Company of B011111 ' spent a, few days in the Village 10015•41g . The reporter having arrived here nom mor , We are again relieved Irani inur troll lesome task. • near Staff% finished hare sting on $at" ALWAYS AHEAD .-Mr. Jres Bar. Oa urda last, having got the last of Sea. tire rap in the barn. Efe had tw rity- five cites of fall wheat, eight ac s of whicki roduced '31 large loads, e Oen'. was i34 unusually heavy ;one, but ** BarbOur is .a herculean Worker 4* II WIIODE NUM '$1.3500.1 One Thousai Hunclredl as to be fore 1st Gags 'TITAN EV1113, Judicious expend; :economy, and everyone their own interests by VI of the present extreme the BOOT S' Parties needing Beet present svear, or for f eau effect great saving month. maectraoth Long Boots for $1.50 p isradea150 pairs of • 13 'for $1.35, and upwar pain of Ladies.' Fashil morals, for 90c and rips e A great variety of 11 strong school Boots. 9 -copper toes f3s.nil regular atove kickers, f• Men's and Boya' }fats at clearing out pri ou these goods vary tre to 30 per cept. INSPECTION ' ALSO M. thOIRR Old Stand, a -first ClUBS GROCERTES, which lowe.sb living profits. Teas. Verges buyiu upwardi, will be eapp laced prices. All 1:,qa in ugars. XXX Whi Vinegar and. Pure ertioles to be foand grocery esfablishinra,t.1 Agent for ,the Cattle Feed CoMpan best ansrcheapest feed ,GEO. GC London Caledoi_ The second annual bration was held in Lis inst., when a.bont edi this being Mesa tar] the kind ever held in ( Ross, the noted atli the beet he had veer fat ahead of thenain 4 Ross being, the on1y ca. pulses Us he succeede among the first aln ' The following are t who took prizes : I took 1st in runnibg- juthp at the remarlia Peledtit;rrosfeiensie•ralllsg.ti mAt.31.44- he arrived too Welter : ad a. nil: rgYfi' 4Drt8sslt:ipsn'gur:i z:hli-eljt3;136Ibr; stone at 33 feet 9 ',inoh and light hammers at. fliourrlcati ithhe9 jell: fax; y, 3 lb ya ni4 .ilat too • while the winners ; were: 100 yards, Z. 2nd 500 yards, Vain 2nd Tisdale, 3rd,i races vvers very elosel; atuhde liWriurelludel:r Johneton. In the InalladrkillarnbleP1 dGiselrngeeotif and in the runnfng ritzheesn °bluer:sten, ioofra. t al!alitiN v.helittiSphanoillYiicrrl rd: ee2finiuedliet3dileutivat !EXPOSIT0H came the pres5 race 1.3'. :Ine.rTc11741 leeatet e..Y1 rla-e8ri 1:epsi vb:rpt:ebee:seerte:sniet lauttxn:liear: 115:e e• df -the world, only 11°33, INT343A1' know Sentinel, 4th. iirhadoe if 1 istcguhocelaace ehe sogrsuot e4i( 1 141 metv h Rey that the doore for want of rOoria. a 114 14 :)d lwa 11311 e:r 11 inrkest sn.N ve:wwTr :14 °Pi 1408„ 14tr.eWiRl'Hat4trcte:e*-Ns1"811rfena.:1111 ese