HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-15, Page 54IST 15, 1884. ism__emius,_sammummeiew t his (laughter IT' -----o-- ,. -Leas Ent re George- Bragg, et tee firm of Lloyd, Pieta 7-' troit. Be'. Mr. L000dt . in the most approved , to the new version -Ali s about thirty-five reit a , al friends of the kik ter the wedding daunt accompanied by ort the 3 p. in. train ;hey will will take the stew, l, and go on a ahort trip The bride received t A -very haudsorue,aoa visaing case of suicide gsbridge in the tovnaste hursday of -last wean. oemaket, of that place Noble, showed signs oe a for the past week or 1 'ednesclay a.bout sop ged frora the hou%. b_abie- to bring hirn te 'fied to find lois father rope- linked to a, pee harnesto The lad Mrs. Noble rushed to •t her husband demote ntot eittinot the body • nd almost unrecog- in efforts- at reauscits. ate man died in a- few He leaves a 'wife and is thought busioess d his reuon. additional.particulsrw tage of the Clinton been learned :--About woman named Mary d been confined in the a couple of weeks ested at that illetfta- f etealing some jewel - m a fellove-boarder, in a coupIe of montlut knowledged the theft, 1 Aall children ,to tithe •ate allowed her to go to appear when call - stated she waa going ter. Instead of getting canae on th Clinton, 0 before stated and supposed to be not o-t,bat exactly whereis , tliering of the clans, , beg of the Braswell , L, _,,,d will be held on mens. on Tuesday. The programme, a list of Caledoniam, se most noted. athletes, - i a Canada and the take part. A grand tration will be held hen s5a will be given 1for the 2nd prize for I race. There willabio 'emen only and a tug the visiting teams. I ter four days, will gle fare. Everyone in, of course, and as make you a present eociety "Cairalinich ' We advise our , oarefully because it flaking for the sub - Act in this county ted and thoroughly Lteal committee, the elector petitioners h is fully one thous. re required. The :t have no cause to eception given their litea of 16,000 bona sn the hats of the st three thousand of 3rn-, it will be seen &anal voters of the the petitions. The ra the number of 1 in eatth nannici- Stephen .. .. 289 1 I eborne r. 255 Tuekeremith . 189 Goderich town Clinton_ . .. 175 Seaforth .....-... 116 V4.'ingttaur 126 Brussels .... . .. 97 Myth ........ 5g Wroxeter86 Exeter 134 dssyfield 17 :he New Era, been reord'a Army at tain Hambly and The general &- that was made at the clrant that 3 aoIcliers for this_ aptain refuses to lot recognize the the army now, the Goderieh ban - aims that the re - mai, and that the [ed with the con he is in authority he. general "held Branca' hall, and the enemy" in :eneral threatened Monday, but did ,ptain, it is said,.i� L difficulty to a captains, which ral. The captain, ae soldiers have an with the army, i their services ning appointed a r ot their own to >art. There hag treef talk about ao are members e array, and have -it in their pos- eis ia not correct ; an helping at the -,. members. No which is in the neral; both have men., the manner in vocate -alludes to that *wet: For an undisguised Mitchedl Young ves as will cere et penitentiary if their ways. -At ley pera,mbulete a air ring with ae songs. Ou iast before tr-WO Joseph Coffin f these fellows stairs to a hed 3s were sleeping ran his hand f them, whiolie screamed and his caused herd t down stairs, in the kitchen Erd, followed by Ir CoPP ..too late via of aothes. And it wi bring the eallsil tin *eves a Trioun. NBLY ,Charlee whi marrowly ihst he a gun -one other put readiness, bis thumb dose on t the mate bein's che ;ugly WOU NOTES.— .ingereere ,grestly to C ingfriend 'Tuesday f he has ac ada Basin .inooess in -John 1' :spending h life insura last week, ofew risks. Accniufl -whiles Era W88 playin be met wit loading th "" -of powder, bis notion, -being cant laid the gu while looki end the co the nipple Ain _off hi eye. He i . of the inju NEARLY . about a y Robert Gri row escape had ocoasi and left th step. Da one, s tub of rain near by. years ca a s child from his mother the worse f SCOTT A assisted i petition in Act, and a passage are ing to be h 'Winthrop, ing next. section of t sad; as the Pose of arra of the corni Loco, Cbair The Fu on Thursd -One d • of Failarto a hem, -The f taking up t Fourteen elf -binders ton station -Mrs. T moved fro ran a bear dinner to h in the woo black laruin fleet -footed -During day recenti belonging t 9th conces consuming outbuilding plements, 1 -The A auspices of and Strati united, is t grounds, S _Friday, the year. -A pain man name Co.'s flour day aftenao ing to lift a some hun -tally rolled breaking hi injuring hi the house f -Onenig tried to e Mitchell b garret. A by, was goi leasing his ened at the get away t Shed, break made good - The St several farrn ford comp -1a ered with .c whioh clean as complete a threshing who is a he •gests that a aparrows, council sho the new pa the benefit -While 'drawing m -factory was milk wagon ting the wa thing over a Luckily the the horses s village wher the wagon looking ape GiIpin'S win most piteon fortunately Re now th horses, espe narrow and -A Loga ble for the incident ha one happen nailes east Young dau swell near evening, ta , ..., . • • UST 15 -1884 f - E° • . • . . _- - • TH HUR N E POSITORla . • • .--- __a., • ... .. .,, , 1 . c . • 5 - . -..---.....-F.— . . : viim.....i....i.... n, but who unfortunately was; • overtake hima The fellow' di= height and - wore dark carriage la* , w ic h belonged th tb' swell's mother.' Their stidde „ Ye (Pit ng • il' Be: Bi t • .. the 1st inst., the HO FMA Boynton.Is. In4proved ,. H Air ot , . REAL ESTATE FOR i - No suspicion rests on any one,! 11 be utterly impossible to i fellow to justice. This is 1 le deplored, as he riehly de -1 in ,. pearanoe was made known to C stable Hogan, of th St ' gave chase ' , and after inaanifyl mi riding on his' "bicycle evert k couple, at Bornholm' and 1:1(3withtil i ie '',''ILC:va4rde lYaleuleg sEAREN.-In of Mr. Joshua Oa RY.-In Monist, Mr. Fraser En 0 ARK. -In Sear of Mr. Daniel r• gray Pear4n o bry cif rth, lark , on of n wife of A son. e e 6th int., the wife of daughter. the 7th ineto be wife a (tend - . • . . BROTH RS' • . .+\,.. . et g. ACRE FA,RM FOR SALEd-North i El lot 30, and north half of merth half 31, concession 9, MeKillop• Moat of tl- eeeded, and in excellent conditiOn foie or pasture. For further partieulars ANDREW GOVENLOCK.,Winthlop P. helf °I Of lot le lAlid Is meadow apply te p. $lot: ?uple of years the Central sistande of another !co' nstable' in t F t,... R C.E s in............imm of dietress, captured the Sung elmen; swolll; e tli s. . NJOB SALE. -A. comfortable cottage, dr- and. two Dashwood.. - ra ' Fridaythe FATAL.--soll - last. bibeitl, while. shooting bee- ali were destroying his- bees, and the mother Oti,M8 up and young damsel out -Of herearai took it from -them ' a theyonn , an took lodgings at Bornholm for the The young people lefton the sii , o derfRI go and • 81001 nielit e ailoOk • ed eacCONNELL.-r0 ' OTT ---In Port 'erry, Leona, wife o yeara. - Dakota, Annie aged 27 years : Mr. the wife • d 8 o El o • the 7th flea. Minnie win A. Nott, aged 23 '4th tat., at Sheldon,situated. Mr. Wm. C. MOO imell, nths. Chap i - Ca!h Store. 5 , ' For Coal or . . Wood, axe • • the Heaviest the , 1 5 shops, enitable 1r blacksnlith and maker, in a good part of the ton for ;business. The cotege is in geed repair, and is eiesotaray The -whele property will be eold block or separately, and very cheap. W. N. WATSON, Seaforth. : wagon in a 4.pply to 808-tf >soaped being shot. It appears d his son were preparing the the barrel, train in the morning, and the pie Bornholm and vicinity Nada Oi pie pa bli 'pf g - TILE ikA m TCPITS. SEAFORTH, Strongest 5 - s nd mbst durable Furnaces . WARM FOR SALE. -For side a farin et'Ontaining •L°: 95 sores, beingoomposed of 1 t No. . 2, in the oading while the m the cap. Having got it in the son, by some means, let slip, causing the hammer to Le cap, discharging the gun, its of which grazed Mr. Hol- successlon their feeble --The Mitchell Advocate' obeli is bound.to leep times. All the old are being rapidly1 removed. disappeaxed befolie atteta t sPa 0,00 hindraliceti the ott.r " ith t toltra ol , ' t ar ' es e ha oid N soerwinkg'awll Pet Oats • .' Fall Wheat pe' hWeatiteapterpitukshbloni er bushel... , as Pper bushelI Ear bt4 • • • :: • e. 1 : , RTH, Aug. 141 1 84. l $1 00 to 1 05 el.. o 1 0800 tt: 1.2 .. 0 36 to 087 ..: 0 68 to 0 75 The . Scale JIJT o A - OWi ttr , • ction , in use. plate tlised tion. They No s . in ee t iron or boiler eir construc- 9th concession a the eounty of Huron, Mostly Stumps. There is a honee and two good adjoins the incorpoilattd farther particulate Ilpply erremises, or to Bra township cleared bank barn wells. The village of to D. I) sels P. O. 1 Grey, and 4x64; above .property Brassole. BSON, in the free di•oni a erica For on the 857 4i, and inflicted an extremely .d. . • of a progreasive eau fees are a thing of at ' • ' ' 1 y cougoi. the •i pas, . ark .. ndi n t . wBntter, Birley Bajter, per bushel' No. ldloo tub . : : .. 6.... . . ..... 0 60 to 0 60 ...... 0 12 to 0 13 0 13 to 0 14 . , • are olid cast iron. • • . - i OUSE FOR SALE. -For sale, . property on jOhn _Street, Se that forth, next ...._ desirable door -A handsome' brick house is Mitchell has fallen th ESP' to St. Thomas chorch parsonag , and now (xi- stied here, whiclia will add She appearencie of the village. Lapman, who has been visit- there for acme time, left on into Eine neighboring towns regarding 1 Wing the sale- of meats. At meeting of our con oil the Old it by-laws were repeal di; and ' ft w w reg h • la u ehe r 8 h 1 Re - t s' t Flottr, Perk, Illay, sH heepskhas per 100 lbe per 100 pou • I new.. des, per 100 lbs eaoh.. .. .s4 . • • . . 0 15 to 0 15 .... 2 50 to 2 65 .. 17 00 to 7 60 6 00 to 7 50 .. . ... 6 00 to 5 60 .. . ... . 0 40 to 0 80 • e G000ts half the of eery reguldr de oription price. at almost - Manu actured by The Laidlau) Manufacturing Co., Hamilton, Out aupied .by Mr. Soole. thin, first-class cellar, room and a good kitchen.' hard and soft wated, necessaries complete. Apply to tho proprietor. There is go six bedroo u Also a a new steblo • For fur D. 1108 -d ston s,parl large and loll her partietilare SeafOrthe tonnda- r, dieting oodshed, other 880 a. Chatham, at which place .ie of January next, these' who are 'ems. wpoi I . 0 18 to 0 20 , ,epted a position i•n the Can- ass College. We wish him the performance of his ditties, ried„ of Loudon, is hoime holidays. E. ere within the limits Of theico eau sell ;where they Lice, and quantities they like, while far cut beef and pork iotol pieces o ra e-- p rati in wh e s e t en - n t n y Selt(retail)perbar • soot Pdtatoes, Wbod, Airples (wholesale) p e per bus per cord. per Bag.... I el ba , el, ,le . . r 1 25 1 00 v 0 60 to 0 60 2 60 to 350 .. . $0 75 t'13 ° 9° cks StaI ahoose of Prints ' rem -all - a d Dress ne and fresh. e oods to The heating of build'ngs acknowledged by archit healthy, most economical., to the largest public building. by E,. eta, Wildrs e and best I have Air . flown the an; l' urnaces (when properly eet up), fo low sanitary engineers, to be the most es ethod of heating, from . the cottage oynton Furnacee in stock, and invite TTOUSE FOR SALE -E-d- sale or to ren wail of the railwaie Seaforth. There id -and, ou wenfencee OR T , a dwelling track, adjoh three quarter ; also El. good D RENT. house ng the of ah orchard ---For and lot, town of sore of on it. is --He Huston, ice agent, visited our village and succeeded in taking a pounds and over, and.! lamb and mutton. by the present. This will be the seller (outside the dispese, o veII, quarter as an advantage butoltera) as well t to Old New snring i - Fall Wheat pe Fall Wheat pe Wheat e bus; but ushe I htl Tee, Ang.14, 1'84. 1 $1 00 to 1 07 0 80 to 1 00 1 00 to 1 00 Coating, Shirtings Ducks, Denims, an examination from church obtaining thS beet heating necessary infermation can . , , managers, applianceS. be obtained at sc E:timates soot trustees and others desirous of cheerfully submitted, and all The house in commodious a good cella:rend woodehed Water convenfent. on the premises W. T. AIKEN S. and ; also Will be sold to the unde infortOble,evith. hard cheep' signed i and soft Apply MRS. 855 855 7. -On Monday evening, innel, son of - widow Fried, g with a home-made toy gun, h a painful -aecident. After concern/with' a good charge he lit the fuse, which, to burned very slowly. Not mt to await the result, he n down to examine it, and as to the bnyer, and ill nreven any- thing like a monopely in the rep ation of prices which will be dulyappre iated ., by ouri townspeople, who have ad . submit to what anagenerally cons dered very high figures during the Ores° t sea- son. The measure appears it b . 0 e ne the moetpopular ever, pasSed b the counciai • .• • - i I ! to of osae, Berley 'Pries Birder Eggs Hay Pcitatoeso APP Wbol. ILidee, Pork per -per bushel.. per bushel.. per bushel.. .. per ton per buah les per barrel.. per 100 lbs. ... 1 ............2 . . . . . ...... 0 36 to 0.37 ...... 0 50 to- 0 ...... o 68 to 0 . 0 14 to 0 - 0 13 to 0 7 00 to 8 , .. .. 0 60 to 0 .... : . , . 2 00 to 2 0 18 to rf 6 00 to 6 fo to 60 75 15 13 00 60 00 20 00 60 Table loinene, , all the Just Laces, Towel ings, pest makes. to hand -Cor ets, Frillings, Coll s, Cuffs, Ho . Hoop lands etc. in Skirts, , MRo. S MAI - JO -STREET H K 1 SEAFORTH D D / ! 8 ) ARM FOR S.ALEe-Lot 'Township of tierce cleared - and the balance is well premises a good freme stables, also a good miles from Eth•1 Station Railway, one mile and 6 miles from Brussels. particulars apply to cranbrook P.O., Ont. 20, Grey, containi in a goc d sta timbered. house, 1o1 bearing 0 on the from the villaee For t VALENTINE Conecssion g 102 e of cultivation, liere is bun and eharcle GI eatlWestern of ell rras and FORESETR/ 12, . acres, 60 on the frame ft is 2 anbrook further : Ed4-12 1 ng inside the powder 'ignited ammemeasseammeni Cordwood . 8 25 to 00 ... _ of the flew from Midsummer Lei in i • - FARM IN McKILLOP FOR SAI.E.-The south stouts gun . . Calcutta Millinery in all lin s below Cost. 50 acres of lot 20, concession 18, 46 Acres of into his face; knocking the , left cheek and filling , his i at present unable to see out ed ey e. and How it is Made • Tolerali:le. 1 Up- countrythe heat is esPessialy , ing, and there a few' months when try- to 07s California No. LIVERPOOL, .. -5c1 ; re No. 2, 07s 9d ; ng. l 1, oa 13. winter, 08s s -Spring w i t, 7s 4 0211 ; Calibr ia 58 05d ; ba ley, - _ . Butt rick's Metrop litan . ., Catalogue i . of • A , ,E-1\----T-rt--1-1. T ik.../_.....1, t • which are cleared, free frota stumps unIs sclietrudatreadinaebdo. ritNtoalelletv.deary blaentdwecinn Brussels. It is well fenced. d bete and a good frame barn and frame Shed and well setalafeortchounatnyd. is a log hones st ble and venture out in the sonahine; even with be 6d ; peas, a 0:d fio ; pork, 76s ifd ; and a good orchard planted wit)) apple, Winthrop. a solar-topee for a Itea, and an umbrella clleese, -55s 00d Fash ,- s for Augns just to hand. . n plum, pear and cherry trees in goddbearing it is one and a quarter miles east order. from lienerlattry. A FATAL Acomaxe.-A ehild ear old, belonging to Mr. had also, would be nothing short of s Every summer a goodlmany people just from riding on the ,railway in icide. die car- toll TORONTO, An- $1.00; spring . 14 $0.'0 -Fall - wheat, 0.80 to 110.00; oats, 44o Call an • a get one free. - HOW TO INVtST YOUR M . NEY Apply to ROBERT OfeMILLAIde M . Cession 3, eKillop, or to Box lee, Lot 33, Con- Seaforth P. 0. 834 eve of this place a nar- a few days ago. Mrs. Grieve riages cooled by all aipds Of artificial ,- -1 tol446; peas, 72 ts 75c ; barley, 550 to stI HOFVMAN BRO HERS are agente WA.RM, FOR SALE.-N-orth half e: of lot .dn, con - ea to go out for a few minutes 3 child sitting on . the door •ing her absence the little , me way or other fell into a appliances. In looking ,ov ernment weather sttitistics the thermoaieter freqtiently 150 degrees in the shade dulling 1 r the goe- I find that, goes up to, the hot 64o; lrer, $ (blessed -hay, pe 14c • to .00 to $1.25; ::,gs, hogs, to 6o ea , per 100 $7.00 to #1 -.0O; potatoes per sbl., doz., 18c to 9o; lbs., $8.01 to - - for Butteriok's - 1 Reliable Papist • . , . Patterns. To all lovers of ba gains I . Would , say I am sacrificing e erything in cession 8, Morris, containhao -Which are cleared and nearly fri;e There are on the premises a goon frame stable, two never failing wells eellent 01 chard of almost -two trees, all bearing. The farm 100 annee, 40 of from stuanps. leg heuse and and an ex - hundeed fruit is conteniently water which was stauding Months, and to 180 in 1 the MD. Think" $8:1.25. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS . SH RTINGS, TIOKIN S DEN- I situated, being only two and a half miles from a little brother, three or four e succeeded in pulling the the tub and then alarmed of that, ye that complain of which occasionally besieges at home. This climete seems the het the'. states to be the • ' - The C WOO5DSTOCK, ee:e Au Markets. :t 13. -At the . , . 4,1 ; HuFFMAN BOTHERS , IMS DUCKS TWEEDS,REA 1 1 , 1 YMADE CLOTH' G &O. y Brussels and. thirteen from Seaforth. For for- ther particulars apply to F. S. SCOTT, Bruesels, or to RICHA.RD LEES, Lindsay i 841 , , The child was not much er its bath. ' CT. -Those who so kindly secnring signatures to the L t one thing which is fatel to the development•of thia tvonderful I have been interested .in - sorae of the made•shifts which- . i ngenuity has devised to highest cotiutry., examinirig hunt tender li n e clleese 1,13 and is merke boxes. C r1 305 at lop nearly all so si see d. • e : factories off •red :old-1,308•at 1-1c, rket brisk. 1 Lily Carcino'8 Block, Main, ,,,Ftreet) In MILLINERY prices will be found extraordinary. Ladies requiring Flowers, Positively* , Feathers, reserve. These L goods must • the be sold, and less than want& IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE.- ..-, For sale, lot,24, concession 34 let. B. S. Tuck- ersmith, containing 100 acres 86 of which are ' eleared. ; the remainder is hardwood bush. There is a good brick house and frame outbuildings. There id a splendid orchard and of water. favor ofaubmitting theScott 11 who feel interested in its tolerable during the- blisteriog Indian days f Live S , oo • Markets. SEAFORTH. ces, etc., will secure . plenty It is eonvenient to school and clinch. It is -with- in fivp miles of Seaforth and six of Clinton, with I requested to attend a meet - ald in the temperance 'hall, at 8 o'clock on Tuesday even- an summer. First a are the punkahs, which pwinging with considerable effect. all, there a are - ke .Th- t n steers MONTREA.L, A sold at a lb.,.though •om g 1 out . $ Good 3 yea -old 0 each,or abo t 4c f the larger and wholesale prioes. i ! 1 ft Remember, this sale continties fo ten days ONLY, and t ose having good gravel roads leading to bot o places. For further particulars apply on the prendees or to Seaforth P. 0. ROBERT MeYETY• - 851 It is desirable to have every he there are porous mats, called tattiee, 'which • usually coptain kuss kn sone a per fatter sold near $50 . sr over 4ic peri lb., , cash to spend can find notthere as good an investment. FARM IN MeKILLOP FOR SLE.—Por sale on reasonable terms, lot rd, coneessien 4, township well represent- neeting is held for the pur- .Dging and orga,nizing in view ng contest. -ANDREW GOVEN- man McKillop Committee. fragrant roots. - They are ated with cold wateal and placed the wind. will blow through enters the'house. ' In the wind, punkaha are tio placed; kept satu whe ' them as ,Ir absence as to fue- - e f while from Ctimpoon or/ ad i a nnmbe $30 to $35 dry es 30 to. 3ao per stirk sold al from 2fc to 21 of : eac ••s . lb. fro.. I s , t eller steers old or 3-a- to ric pe lb. $25 to $35 e eh, eanish dry ova $12 to $25 each, lb. There e.re •1 s.i.. , _ , -one- s-- ?le- . , GROCERY DEPARTMNT. of Teas and Sugars to had, intending pnr • Having another large eonsignment , - hasers will consult their own interests MeKillop, cootainiug 100 acres, Of whieli about 86 are eleared, well under -drain Id, well feeeed and in a good state of coltivati to There is a m sall orchard and. plenty of good water. There is a spring creek running througli the pleto. Also good franae huildiugs. Convenient to eehools or c p: . . ...o. . . and pest office, and within five miles of Seaforth, Perth Items. larton fall show will be held nish a breeze to pass 'through These tatti-mats are then Oaced windows- of the railway, therae in tIle' carrieg 6 -man e60 aeout a no calves ood deman mon," and $ on at to :.10 he market, ith rem - 03. to $ for each i• for sti- r. • : • by comparing qualities and Farmers' produce taken at prices. Jac) . highest meaket inf nor grades of anything kept rices. A call solicited. in stock. ' with a good gravel road all the, way. For ituther particidaos apply to the proprietor on lot 13, concession 6, or to Beeelnvood P O.. R0/3ERT MoKERACHER. 860 . Ly, October 9th. y recently M. John Jacobs, 1, was kicked on the side by !a -king three of his ribs. trmers of Morningten are Most of the ice used here is featured. ' Up to four or fiVe it was brought on ships frtm and sold for from four to six pound. 'Although the manufacture inow years a• Boston cents per - o perior labobs mend 34.50 fotir veals. and a fe at abon each for s lambs. Th her she., f eep,and- sup r were about 500 with a fair de- is er rates; or $3 to at $2 to $4 ach of live hogs was n : O . ' -• •itaellia. ts lp. I THOi AS KTDD.1 i ' Main Street Seaforth. FARM 1N TUCKERSMITH P R SALE. --For Sele, cheap, the McCartney fru, on the Mill Road, Tuckersmitb, containing 26 acres, about 65 of which are cleared, underdra ned, weil fenced and in a fitst class state of c ltivation. The Lie • advancement. ice la-sts half long y balance" is splendid pahture lo al. There is a spirit of rantford and one Ingersoll have been delivered at New- this year.. only as asIthe • ice, it oan be made so mud), now that it has driven the out of the market. Sortie. natural ! • cheapet oston ice f thethet a from being oe ut equal to t 6c to 6.1c paid for g fee e d er . od hogs ing mend. Prices are the latter rice just. from the _ aaan C- aa,,, . cAMP•ELL'S Vila, heuse and new bank barn With stone stab- ling underneath, also a good oi eb • rd and plenty of evater. and is within half a n i e or a scheol: This farmis beautifully eituate , and is °within homes Peden, who lately re- mantidotes, as they are calle . , , are qtii e ca s without .• ea ,.. th _ two miles of e village of Brutefie d,and fonrrailes . 1 i . trOM Seaforth, and will be seed 0 eap as the pro- L Mitchell to Manitoba, out- evo weeks ago. While taking er husband who was working ingenious and suocessful• tiler one consists of a winnowing pla.ced in the windoW, surroanded very pop- Machinie by - Read Whai th c a actors Sar. TON, July 7th, 1 4. co9L. I , is 3 T • IT ? CLOTHING : mpoRium . prictor has gone to Kansas. Appl to A.STRONG, • Land ,Agent, Seaforth, or to AS Al: SCOTT, Bruce- . fie:d.. , • 869-tf Ls she w -as ohased by a big lent fortunately she was too mats which are kept constantly wet by 11 , This is to cer oify the h nor t I have caref lly by , vann. IN GREY FOR SALE. -o-• lot 4, concession 17, Grey, For sale cheap, emateining 1-00 , for the litingry brute. a heavy thunderstorm one r the lightning struck a barn ) Mr. Thomas Reid, on the tion. of Morniitgton, totally it together with all the other 9, this year's hay, some im- :ye stock, etc. ' onnal exhibition, under the an endless succession The evaporation of the breeze, so that i sometimee people tak the dranght on Et sc' However all these p . , shifts at the best ,an can construitt a tun here to the,north pole and fortune awaiting of sm thewater is a, cold rching ans aro the Yankee 01 though has him. tin ceps. cools leged that y sitting in hot day. but mad wh, from both fame Will the - , • examined Msssrs. fid e cago, w be and President sodetion, Lyman , of Rush and consi rk thI ha at ng appreciats use it. of th- Clint° Fi g edi a er i the : se n,. cl b t Ont • •. on medicin r, Jones and el- College of hi- best dom stio - a;nd cannot elp ose who exa ine . , Woaeniee ON, rio Medical As. Why, i ngs no thin t g 0 when gying than a yes, just like all in , and the la es all 1 th th row roan. eir mit. W11, what nice Wool 'Mewl t need • s ? 'What e even- some- h Id on ers is better I , . is Has great . . who want scriber inducement bargains • has decided • . to to offer to n Suits. The make a liberal parties 1 b su - re- acres about 70 acres eleared, free w,,ebll'eneed and in a bigh stette t ,. Isla/ice 39 well timbered, the acres of black ash and cedar. Th orchard and splendid spring wateo ted Within one mile of the do -wield) w - alton, -where there are chuechcs miilocheese factory, tte. It is a milos of Brussels and a good grav• 1.1, t tbe piste. A good new in earsst elaes Outbuildings. This lar' on reasonable terms, the from stumps, - of cultivation' e being tkeven le as a good It ie dilute- g Nina e of g echool, stores, so within El3M 1 road jutting me house and °will be bold ietor to ,frthe North Perth Agricultural ard Hortieulturel societies Ohio man step forward? mate forces the traveller t . 8 uch a cli- practically IMPOR ANT NOTICES. ,duction more co, fortable ? "hat is • More be- for the 13.0xt six weeks in all as- prcp get more land.' Apply on the Walton P. O. THOS. IleFAISZIsd_Ndee. Warite )remises or to -861ddx1.2 a be held in the exhibition tratford, on Tlaursday and and. and 3rd of October, this - ful a.cciden.t occurred to a Rice, in Carter & reverse the -ordinary dure in the matter of, other natural lopeiationso eat chote-hadjeirie, or consisting of a cup of metho z sloe Wei little coffee a of proce- , diet, and rise early, breakfast, and a Slice LT OU SEKEE PER -LA- , medietely, a fluidly of three. chi dutiee -of aefarm*hot the undersigned, L. or Publin P. 0. TI WA useke • reni a eel. c 1, IOT , TAD.- Wanted, im- per, to loek a ter a d ;attend the . tber ocf weges4.-Aiipint) , to ncession , e er , PEPPER. 81 e3 • r coming 1 as ch de; What is mire worn ap, and best if all? '' What " \ - god, to reduce , , , . his -.1 1 - 1 rge 'stock and . make WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, -1: lot 7, concesaion 12, Bullett acres about 40 of -which are eleand, f '.- ree flOill stump] and ina high et tion. There is a good frame bare and a never failing spring creek r the place. Is within.s. quarter of , he eat half el eonteining 56 well fenced / te of eultiva- two Orchards, ening through. a mile of a 1 Henry mill in St.• Marys en Satan- DD. While engaged in help- large mill stone weighing it acciden- of toast, and then go 10:30 o'clock comes breakfast. The heat by this time set in,. hours is sight hadjeirie, of thef and a seeing. At or big day has .nap of At -4 w8aRAY PIG.-- C -Ed' undersi ned 4. g , abut the first of A a a year old, the owne 2 ing •property and me ir t 11 • gusd, can h the premises of the oncession 5, Stanley, •• • white sow pig, about 'nettle same by prov- xpenses. CHARLES - RA TON BR6S. . EXE ER . g room for the direct from tngland prime st ck he is im.por f r the fall. ting school mad is convenient to malice gravel road running past the plae particulaes addeess Hai -lock P. 0, lot 6, concession 12, Hallett. Proprietor. , &to A good For' further or apple- on THOS AMOS, 861 reds of pounds, over, falling on Rice and couple of o'clock tiffin is served n order. a lu ah consist- 748°N. yin . 871x4 f • ARM FOR SALE. -For sale fiost-elaes 1-50 Sexes of 3 thigh bone and .otherwise a. He will be confined to rr two or three weeks. ht last week two young men Mr. Farrow's store in ing of bread and , batter without a particle of cheese and jam. Dinner o'clock in the evening, substantial meal of salt jell is ' and ia, he da the lattter it) fruit, Pervedat the most Tea is SEDaWHEAT-F tity Of Demoe• 7 Wen anted clean an tb he undersigned Ro ERT McLEA N. II S L t W e firs Tue o .-For Sale, a glean. t, -suitable for • teed. lass Tuohy. .Apply. smith, near Kippur. .' I I 871x4 Have in EV811ill startlin t secured a great Shawls, wh oh they Prices, and :very ba i lady gain in offer at is in- , CALL AND _ , SEE FO 1 YOURSELVES. M. CAMPBELL. , land, being lot 12a of lot 1-3, concession 9, Meliillop ; . ed and in a good state of cultiv mainder good hardwood bush. ' tinder -drained, well fentod, to : never failing sprmg creek; f log barn, d the Cast half 130 acres clear - lien ; the re- he land is well eyelid and a me b rn and log houses, iter a window leading to the gentleman, who Hies "close disbursed at all seeml hours of the day " b and tween . unseemly times." -o-1 T1 -1: acres, FOR SALE ARC!, Townsbip o first class bn Fo Tun ing, ale Lot 27 Conceseion errly, containing ° 91,, ell fenced and clear- vited. Call and se: then. 1 'Lovely a No. Campbell's Block, Seaforth. . i i stable and two comfortable ' and two erehards, It 's conveuicnt to . and churches. Is -eight miles from Seaforth ' eight from Walton. For further paetieulare eehools and ig to bed at the time, and on Cor. Inter Ocean. '' leading to Sea- 11 shades and all fori048-from apply on the to G. ROSS, they became fright- , ed.1 It is situated o h, half gra}ie road rota station on the goods- promisee or eR. 1 Winthrop 0. 862 vindow ,for and one mile I -P. noise, and in their hurry to ey fell on to the roof of a They Local N TRY WILSON & You ticeS. G'S 11 W 50 cent Cana.da ,_ the MILLER. Pacific Rai premises, or t; wey, at Wrex I Wiroxeter. Aptilr on ter P. O. ROBERT i 871 -2 75o up. . early and Every Shawl a bargain. you. will be surprised • Call r. as well WESTERN FAIR i 9 188 ANADA TEMPERANCE -1878 ACT' P LENDID FARMS FOR SALE. -For -faim occupied by the undersigned, - sale,the on the The ing two lights of glass. . Young Hyson and Japan Teas ; hey cant be . gravel road, one mile north of eaforth. farm 175 W neared, heir escape. ratford Beacon says that Lers in the vicinity of &rat- in that their fields are cove otid-s of English sparrowe„ , beaten in town. 855 WE will take wool market price in exchange .Or below wholesale, at the Ma EDWARD CASH at t dry oth II be p e • highest' oods, at and poeand gain House. on in _a ' pig UND:KEEPER if Sawt-uarldlisIneoyit,i, ebtlYILiPm3ue0 he afternoon, th • 2 of them hi, 'ths : S L hbieydAta e. folio vi ek .+The uudersigned , thebefore thetSeaforthme, fiwwiluegrautet, at 1 o'cicick g i property, viz : 3 1 White, abdut 5 or 6 . as pleas prices t a with these goods, ey ask at ,, ! , . and. the CANADA'S GREAT ._ , And Indnetrial E.nterprise. , XHIBITI N NOTICE is hereby given that - dressed to the. Honorable, th th State for Canada, embodying eer ain electors of the county of If to His Excellency the Govern() Ca ada in Council, praying :that 1 a notiee ad- Secretary OM a petition of ron addressed General Of is Excelleney contains acres, of which aro nearly all well under -drained, 'ell fenced and clear of foul weeds. Plenty of spring water. There os a large brick resulene( , comeciourous bank learns, stock stables, chishig sheds and all other neceesary onebuilelings. There is a vinery of three ears, surrounded by a bdautiful hedge,, the grain from the straw iy as if it had passed throngh machine. One gentleman, Will and after Monday, the 21s Butter in any quantity a' and good colon. Edward tpish, toil dealer, Goderich stree p hist., t d any s wh Seafor epa,rese on buy fine new 3111° w lope, if sweet day lesale and re- kee . 858 ' • old. Also '7 ite, about o or of August, 188. rer. .Per. W. E. pigs 4 mont hold. R. of them black and is Dated this 6th . ROBERTS, Pound - 870 . RA TON B a . ,______- LONDON, CANADA, ,September 22, 23 24 / I 25 26. / r mi ht be pleased by an order in C ela e that the second part of The C an e Act, 1878, shall be ba force a in he mid County of Heron . andethat smell, to de- nada Temper- take effect the said besides a large orchard of the clioieet. frnit teeee. It is one of the beet reed hanclemonst tanns in the Huron tract. Also lot 33, on the 13th concession. of IfeKillop, contabaing 75 acres, 52 torts cleared. tvy loser in this ,waye Bug- ABOUT eight hunch , , d ., of Dress Wanted, a mlle or • , — , pet tioners, are &Rhesus that the -edtes of all the Good buildings. To be sold with .°,ir withOut the s the town imported the tiad. encouraged them, the Goods, ranging from 15c cleared at 5c, a the Mam yarda to 20c oth Bor rr 4 yard, to be -A- in House. •ACHER WAN'ED. female teacher; fors - °sue sng choll s a third class cer- etion No. 1,111eKillop. The Place for .kine Goo 1 • ele tors ofthesaid Countybe taken the. adoption of the said petition, ro or andagainst 11 be deposited crop. Posseseien at once. LOREItT COVEN. - LOCK, Sea forth. 863 ild set apart a few acres of k and plant it with grain for if the birds. - e • FRUIT JARS, FRUIT -Get your fruit jars at Wffson have a large stock: New jars all sizes, at rock bottom mdces, JARS, & Y imp also tifi UIT JARS. Du ung's. They sta nal measure uneersigned sugars very Beechwood ate, eparate 'es to commence mg salary recoil until Ss -P. 0. JO Au ust edl e ill u day N liORAN. 27. Applications, be received byd the 23 A tees August . d 87C-8 EXET R - $17,000.00 IN . $2,000 in Excess off $1,049 in 'Specials by Friends f'RIZES a 1883 ! of the in he ofdice of the Sheriff of the Hu on, in the Court House in Go( erich, on the 80th day of Angu an that the same will: retindoi therein spa of ten days thereafter, for p' county of, .the town of! it, A. D. 1884,1 tor the" bile examind WARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, part of Lots 11 -En and 12, Concession 8, -township of Grey.. cod - taining 76 Beres, 70 of which EVE6t1,qtrta, free ITWA stumps and in a good state of cultivation. It is lite of the teams engaged in cheap at Wiosoo & Yoineo's. ati n by any parties, Preceding - ts being laid 1 ell well undexdraited wad lenet.d. There are ot ilk to the Linwood: cheese -n EEDERS' NOTICE. The cheapest and s ED WHEAT. -or he tin ereigned has now:on I Western Fair ! bef re the Honorable, the Secret ry of Staten the premises) a good log, house an&. barn, also si .. '`d on Lot 8,00 cessio 3 tanley,three miles i D. D. WILSON, President of Hu oti Scott Act: large bearing orchard and a good well. It ii eitne attempting. to pass another the horses ran away upset- • -with its fall load, some - most convenient power for roots, grinding grain, pum Standard Geared Wind cutting ing, &c. Alin. Avery ' hay, straw ot is Halliday's fr farmer° . ' Star" and Idrueefie d, et 1r heat, out Helot a qbuitinf i jail tte celIetbriaitalli e r . sowing. d od Milling wheat, and . ROYAL1 —OF MAIL TEMS IPS. OPEN TO THE WORLD. I Ass elation. HORACE FOSTER, Da ed this let day of August, 1884,l SecretaryO 869 ated two ond a half miles from the rifle of Welton, 7 front Brussels and 12 from Seaforth vnth gravel. roads Jetediog, to coat placer On ton of milk, into the ditch. draw bolt came out when should have on e. Price $ Toronto. C. Wilson Seaf agency for the Ontado -noanufacturers, 70.00,. Al), has rp Coin ha e on cars at exc secured the sta oany of To' alo Wit yielding g ds the winter w 11. le as grown last season ar it ill_ yield double. g side Scott wh t, . yr p ranted clean an free fr nnfoul seeds. rice A ST r .. - ONG, Seaforf it, .Agent. Th.e Western Fade for 1884 will its predecessors. The prizes aee far surpass al larger, and the BISHOP•STRACHAN SCR OL, A COLo T LEGE FOR THE HIGHER E UCATION OF 1 good 1 Schools and. churches eunvetient. For further ' particulars apply ore the Premiers or to Walton. ! P, 0 - MIL - 87041 . MR$. A. Mo LAN. tarted at 2.40 the ronto, the and . one erectes to tity - to be introdueed will TO IN& LADIES-Wykeham all, College, I pace .fer his barn -i adjoining the town o fro $2 to ,,d2.25 pets • usheldiecording quer • EDUCTION IN PASS GE RATES. new fdatures and novelties . 0 they were stopped, leaving on Seaforth, which Wending jourchase a can see a taken. DONALD M •DI 1RMID. 869x4 GREAT make at the most attractive e xii-b" • h 1 - 1 Awn ever e a Av nue Toronto. President -The ord Biehop of i Tor nto. The School Will re -o Wednesday,i• 1 1 - MILLS.. bout a mile behind a sorry work and judge fbr them elves. idlers shoul inforepariznaedaL.i878,aiptofsotreirts., Sepi 3, 1884, U arding SEAFORTH WOOLLEN. from Quebec Liv poql a d Lon- prWogrirtaerlaltmo etsheoSrex5tary se_ ember ve new pupils i atade, the milk, like John e, "running down the street to be'seen.” The teamster be given one or tWo months Company have a gee -at many ..,.. e nu tnem as reeeived. 860 neeemesneesmoonne before r orders quired,as the already, and s CARROL & . '' licitors, Convey. neer , DICKSON, r ! ere. Money to lend, dOnderi7; and $150.° pool, Lon; '•60 ; $70 and $80 Ret Intermediate fr m Qu onderry and Gla gow, 1 ; , $1 0 ; $/35 •bec i• Liver- ; ..75; n •turn, fermation req-oired. 1 E. 111. ROBLNSON, GEO. MoBROOM, wW be admitteff, but is requosted that previonsl p cation be made to t oe Lady Prtncipal person -1 ally/ or by letter. The instruction, is thorough both in higher ' _ - • Mining .my new tail/8 DOW ila : fireti - . ° in 0113.68 running order, / have pleastire -, 3 escaped with a few bruises. Marri es. Seaforth sons and Brussel ,• _S aforth Hardware stor. Ma' office over John- Street. $73.50. 8 Glasgow, eerage-Quebec to Li ondon Belfast, Quee • 'From erpool Derry, stown, Bristol 860'3 President. Secretary. an practical , elementary and u eels, the candidates'sent up to the college leaving with 1 . to my elastomers and Wean inks it don't pay to run sially where the roads are ditches deep. .' PKINS-MOLAUG-HLI HO bride's the brother, B. J. Charlton, on the .-At the r. T.. lid 5th ins . • N. residence o - a. in qeaforth Laughlin; by Pl ., Mr. Smith office.announcing B. - One memb r of II S. CARROLL, Seaforth. firm will always - he . B. DICKSON, i Brusse a. and Card' i Londonde to Quebec), , $14. Li erpee ,Belfast, Loud n, BO, $14. . . , gnee . stown, :taco Cardiff , . A PRIZE Send six cents a receive free, a cd,etly which will help all, of either sex, , for postage and box of goods oo more raoneO an dis tif exc art school examinations passed inctiou. Recreationgrounds large and bean - 1. Fees for boarders; e-ent to ,o,,:i2 per annum i ' usive of music. For Prospectits, &e., apply - ed . remises and inal that with enlarged. p , 1 • I proved machinery, I am better than ever a correspondent is responsi- Hopkins to Miss Jemima McLa gblin, all ef Money L Re Ras ate right away than anything else; in this • world. to MISS GRIER, Lek Principal. 1 87" , I prepared to turn out first-clasa work ori, following : Mealy a strange - in Logan. A strange Gorne. , e resi BRAGG-JACKSON.---At th ' fadlier, the 5th inst. ' ence of the -by Rev. Geo. "STAR " E D WHEAT. aned and and Sold as Usua • ought : Fortunes await the workers absolutely once address Touo & Co., AugustS, sure. At Maine, 854x62 ,,.., COURT SHERWOOD FOREST a ' the shortest notice, Etna will be pleased 1 pens bride's on 'undersigned tO See all nay old! 011/3t01218Tki Slid as KI a. few days ago not five of Bornholm. One of our ;Mors and a certain young ctrieholin *tried to elope one ing with them a horse and . . Lounds, Mr. Geo. T. B gan, to Miss Eleanor J cession. Morris. laNDS-NELSON.-At B by Rev. J. Fisher, Mr. Msrgaret A-. Nelson, bo • agg, of kson, o yth, cin Geo. Id h of Ble etroit, Miehis the 1st con- I he 5th inst., rids to Mies h. , . The supply of - celebrate fall sowing. This dation as it has pros past season. Apply ° Seaforth. . • as no " ta heat -d it to W , on hand a li eited " i Seed Wheat for cede no reoo en - qualities daring the REHILle, $eeds an, 87 -8 . • _ I repFes ponies ui arOffice-Market 862 . INSURAINO .nt several of the best 11 • e world. Street Seale) . • • s,ura • ce Com- th. . ST : ONG. - . 10tARRISTER, -1Isd Post Holt . Solicitor, Cenveyancer, Office, Cady's Block, three Office,Seaforth. Goderich Akents-Cameron, and Cameron. • ' • : ecz. ;doors north of 870-tf • 1. 1 .. . 0 Nj th br ta URT SHERWOOD FOREST, 6065, of the A. 0. F., meets every alternate Monday im Oddlellows Hall, at 7;80 P. M. -Visitingi thren cordially invited. J. FINCH, Seem . . • . _ . .. _ , . many new ones. A on hand to trade with A. G. VANE.GMOND.. . -- - ---- large stock of good -a , ELS UMW. : - ---_ •