HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-15, Page 4ex si ra op 13U wJ Pe of ali a tio Sc It fat pe Ac 6X ha it i tha tion fon SSD for Ii stat it is "If "ca "hil w put that " re "pr "con mig case mak • bias howe pose to flo mono and may goodl are at and to the eratio object with cures in this side t pravid stake intere while war" tribute by pa their f root or result. has in prineip it prine iary sel this th disadva not nec elation its oper ed even curnsta need no three it benefits Mao ben and for Helton, in. a ver the sale and eve limited those w it, but fr adoption within a pecunia tie°, and , , . . ! .. ' . . 4 __,.. ... . _ , - _. . , ... , - . • • . , • ‘, .. , . . . ..., __ . . • • . , , - • • . . ' • ' - • .. . • ..? . . THE ' • - • ii, • - - R014 - • , EXPOSIT'OR. , . ‘ ' , , , . , .. , , - : , t , • . ' !• , " . ! - - . , . . , . . _ ,- , V A . • E. BUTTE RIC K li CO. Reliable paper patterns for all kind Ladieia Misses, Boy's and Children's Garments, for -sale sby.Hoeeereer Seeforth. , eastem,........... I S of Bnos.• 1 aiter which • (8) (5) • - work by sufficiently repealed The - failure 1 under 1 argtiment a mene.cmopreheneivepkehibi nre, Bait partial . stacles,,is can bee results -to more efficient tions _, Mu. plorer, udiates P , is in any the policy ernment and the an additional statesmanship severe rebuke -- clarnoring tige and the apparent ment. pian bably knows. than any is entiiled dently ' so most influentialof He thinks , force to extradite gent position taking, and cate matters only with of life aswell, ed with -spy Mr. Stanley General necessary. BA the in the power before wild tribes nu derstand IT is -by of the States has concerning s pia ce bli - Cleveland . y, than against Meek) pretexts, the vagaries on the while while led -him shield friends they could so well himself subject. cannot injurihg, chances.for journal, opposed are party, speaks on the right ring, politicians apply with to Governor whispered Clevel, They through ' sanction of at investigated himself Cleveland's which he which quairterse has only eareer, of :has frequently and accepted of men of-im of Alexander and some t G Governor shOuld off froth the lovers respecters him off. truth confidence from been would ehow but are Cleveland that truth if the National, of a checks is more is -political be better reform. to parchas' . • • the knowledge discredit it at the end Itif of ati uli sult1 circunistan . against thebe if it °eat! be s , measure, hi the productiee ofegoode no doubts as t be derived fro oneef un , . .. . , that if heyscan limited law, a, would eficia' tory own ilea of then the the Versa . they the res tha such bentifieial arg pr loan . Gordon G ilet it Ve G o he b opi t is of peo.le. ng is un 1130111 th eetr.at she ho . aming ircl eadily e tehi ann isi n stibl ate ell W s •t rest- we I been 1 e coin, wild rde the on. how- out ing atic first Ley is - the a he to ve er the by ed he lie te or ts r- e 6 s e, e Y e - . reports 1 prospeets countries, h P damage, ti statues , hoses I villages have period. eforee Its there r hibi- Ife Gov- rdon if3 and is res- e eru- ter ion the ish pre- • er- di- • loss eild ld - . s, and h 't g t e fc y s 8 e le on . ' - time' they t. asylum bodY paupers Hc•use the own deierring • L Butler tame a ,ast weather Weather that ra • been Occurred. Itreak i , blown t'' e he i I: a0ent di)Lys g, weather. pE.Snii,17CTION,' sth rooted can it e no of eas- this ob- and ex- re- ' ifi a een of by ro- , vi -- In ot ' agains ' I naturally li appose thataccu- More grit give i to .it Ontleman yeaa41, eta mid nipeg superintend riela bo save till- . ia el G ari to does- sti th im of hade The ma deb co . wht i tioall the their right riper have of,Government a vigorous We said 'd the coming dovi, T nine ' iiving ' B EtTLER aye strong YELLOW d ve eat o CECO has ancaehire. stricken, proper AN ESCAPED J'ebrinY hank hospital woman New 71; E 04 0, f and ead were price as tilt Whom -such ,drom whom supporters explanation. Burned inno ty ; but mai guilty. Thi the limits dal can be Silence inuth taken for co • elect on of a man eh' res are prese i an f om whose fri:ntis Oar s neither d•nial v ry man is t ent ntil he is prr af e he has pia: sc n al has passe( it i which- a pu eat with- silent contempt.: 'linter continuee .. o fes : i n. against ted,' and : be pre- • ed guile (led • beyond, ' die scan; will 'Of the nty are in the h. This e. :But tth Ex- ing col- in the ays 3 years 3 years, lion etttee, . ell, with. super- dealt rkably s, and other to well age, ckens - . Doty point- the arms at he or of d we rtot - r, we and al uela nder must erich ough at a 'his eith. of a to , ase it by Ion- the an roe in- ike ile °provide da .h. us certain ith ter for $3,000,0 na queethe • II- . and' — -greater by demands nunterons at has it marriages, e leers Date m D e exua " father . th re t by get e- special f dol • , famity 11 invollved - the f3' tedenicide 0 mental 1 day ' friends n guillotine- he r then, and e out, et He other and, brought hespital -• moment but Maimed AN . time - New The them dnctive The • sylvanie. minntes The usual, a universal The session houses into blanched their ed and As there trophe, of the houses shock. first low • shock which and the seconds, much light clearly felt, ehalves. end nor not, - dee - au. if a and. and wired • interi the Black report, dea provis, .nausted. scandt • sustath of many - Henry City citizen a. loset bezzled trust brothe admini estate, Hewer duplio farther' was prtpert funds raecalit hid ,d, a lee , friends cherges hail giving felations ing ficieg married disgrace child A sponsibhi Queen and e P• Parlia a CUT ph, Whole he former) . walke4 when wished was never recover since York casual fatal, shock sensatien first the neighbbrs people for intimatik: rumblibe like cause more structnde. aefinEirl and , I Illoy Item in nev t ; Qin t we . 3 p. tall on kith ha• tag - —I e n it of I o f att oe the p --'- a the to be to fin 1- a' in 1 9 Nobl. hust ettinc a - al f leave phougl reaso of ti learn( ( -1 -dr s he- stea. xacti . of t the 1 b on hol per notdelli. ana art-. will 0 will eetud There only a isitine ur da re. I camel you e "Ca e adlI ally bt for t this the 13 et out " d quire no ( givt 16 Oi e Ilstt that will I voter ' nine h ' ac . ) .. ... r ...,.., .4 towil. , .....ii .. ..1 .i .. a 1 ---.1 . . .**' Ert Ar eetielt e to m drmn rs fo. mita army denc-1 at tli t 1 d h the attO eral f halli threat bie1 it is Bf ulty : us e .1a, ettn tees the a r s.ed n point ir oW a: mem . .4t h t re . co . ing at bets. -et 1 ... . 11th , , . miner lindef wt.,: • dasgcS YtT 1 d wila , ring 1 !` ti C01 feliel a hi eleeePu ,I a.', " whit aT lid stag kitche o wed b ' - .tially f °so risi ber ho aw-4'3% '.4sE ef t Ita ate. rati threatens Madrid. Molinos gov gra trodps. there Cuban dradv Spahish mai moo S Jinn re atNew the -won The men were mant'er' A and a ma Reading Perin aftereoon, the ctrriage Mr. aind Were and t infant with STARVING the - • re th ' Wild A P c wee re lifel g ,made been Cileveland's to it man, th , ROVit.L 1 as e'rtaial e it. all bier riart a on ir.gran.cbild are off 64(e)ra add rine gra OF says. wet anti i powers went th picked- hand iespired td iit crying. do EA of g altar an d impression of were streets faees, pani we confi 8 Noe, thet l rattltng The ip, dishes No , - . • • : i • ! , ' .1 demolished.. ver 9,000 a are re g water of barns es and Po e dec y cone of Ag n of t to Poon ruoro ,ers o t Ts is m Lae: on b: st th. er t . e iPwsE 1 red s ked. st•am Yok `idlers than eaptai i and a robbe TERRE rs. D nam Railway ylvanla, o Mr killedethe e vehicle light i boa a peti r urgieg ief of eet agzney, ' are rate one at T hat th• . life e ber attle OMINE A. : nhoil, of ago. t the g fully ands, bein trator nd sq h rais ting •estate t eget], • owners, e had es hat+ ng fr CLE elay, ave sent with Cleveland who friend,- assumed t did not for the WIL for dt sima p enty , 3 Trince . A 1 . to H life of on lizr ions , and t the D dud:ebbe dirfloilligtfiewp not o • fW•1 ent, and t next His I :—" th e nice. a sc:ndal family from ware to t ust hi ike sot- tended up to th the en to walk saying : the this and omplainiug dition • THQUAKE.—F 817 aft and ies w but th eat fright -as felt te shack 2 o'clock ca.used h h e s, oc pa,nic seized. the people about terilor-Stri onl we -stricken e no e ence remai 6 ti however, of aia sound, of a the bildingt COD effect ercepti 1 rocki wer damage • inh °ate, of t o and other E AN aratio• ming icultu -e tem o wit:draw pain Rome HOW F Las de riv. ey will :nay in surer 'as Madri. nk has munic'palit mono KED P 2 eerage cal3r reated the na had n. nunae•r *by the LE A xon, t d Cuff in the was st -Dixo h deneolished. of Mr .juries NDIANS d of tr on to im 1,000 P actua s gre the ag. e rati y won • cept f ies. .illed b T OF awort and on Philad Hawor ming 60,000 even suffe of th ander d large ortga left t for a coll been ends a LAND ov. ecid.ed gainst- all ov own Maria is in nam the beMng women .—Lohdon e stateme.ut a ne of noo P lent Albert iser n r Ma. he ha er annual will r neck e onl ke o land • er the • es wi his ear. wN H m. it only ion tly. : .hich , The shame a •• e fact • 3 right leatle and the se ..wind 1 queer back he ha to d Massac city - the o it it eart eicinit re fe •• visite an. from 11 oc in by i k so p-rvading, t whi • to fell. to di 6 rushi lik idence: eturntd, ed in e, drea °artq a' followe violent Armed of ple i ' many g raoi7euis shaken of ard Their+ bitants. droWned e Danube, inthouseS, ive stock ne.—In made he speecb. : favorilil .oral as sent o pacify n elle Villas r prows be the 'been for decided advYanced. orLE passenge Amsterda eatur them Ives comma of sailors C1DENT.— eir two were. at Coetio a carriae4 eturn tick by , one Fees . Dixon's —Leadi4g de of he secretary ediate egan ho,despite ly star4g. t. The ncy ts ns issued d be r the took starving ICIAL , membee of the 1phia, h has able, from his ers. Leon d the sums es on his numbe d embe cted. erpetrat d acqu SCANDAE,.-L-Afte.r lleveiand to repld him. r the version, alpin. .A, noble, )rder not parent to for v will. ey to of peopl left tried esty been income ome n. Her of makin wealth Cambri nd her n,heri •°rsii ch°inlYdr e provid eldest ND. --A Insley, of is sister father and eck. ry to hand 1r cutter, at it •ered w to-'thk revented and cut no it. usetts by train, next pain. eared r the quake on and ion rimiest) aine urred he afternoon. was e popnletion. •h took as that They ken and -cover A g out, : thernsetves. of but front ing ASecobd cam. na ex to abo it he j; ho inst: fr • 7 kl.d po the Get ye paid tree. "$8 of ROB d aye a' ou ala the: in! ch oteesing from adceornotive. chit& cut . Helena Indians al instrfficient plefi _nee DIOS best diseppeared been' and Ire mothier He ai teas of ' mother. - A eentinent eel to given . lane year Trui .. gNe ,et N $2, savi fro so, son of a be proet co, Willi Oti see into o me e use Itte ge leu he visited Sad no was to a • so thatell amez- a cet4s- many of their e wad by loSie quiv eig, r • ses races 4 t riv4s m -the . . ' . . , r is wenty y and with ere 1 1 eonsequence 'te) Spain f the the e , the nuncio p e it e Pope. CER.—The forced ! us whenever ury. thorized ,000. a Havana ED. s ill Th They - reat le I d over sassengers : barefaced I 'bile !then stetion, Monday a funeral, and , o ;The escaped 1 citizens of laction contrary ,s pply ost are- eousness report Indians. OUT , of known a heavy a,s ds was d Leech funds. money hie dead k large zted aw.orth's d amen,/ i tance: and to d vetch of Accord- -sacri- ' ave from e of and •,m is h t the e has away, t grab least ed. . 1000, g The her mily poor mem- ge, the the s ;lir n d is B sten Ran happy ame ated. mit- m's ues• ome the w ich . He ber w it im. the fo it, was eral one hing -n his' will first ay. p of ro- se. e n• few un- that pes- the ran With The a . a , r, t was b f a has . a rapidly- a cattle, ewept resto- Marquis t o proceed —Two of a rrive Island. Cuff Pieces driver have the at the The ex- the em- and and the b -Y He the his the his a a re- be- the of or to • for of for complimentary with locket. assisting lakeeshore ally right bone injured Howald Harrison loading bottle, front kicked mission him cipai.Act Legislature, ladies are vote list will municipal about papers outs the —with Victuallers—and Reflector, poses place per. num- to Mini- Pope at the the The to The to . the ' d say deal the Mr. and the from eats. for commenced block Exeter. of candy so We to yreld kiwi, last — her Methodist S. takes road, Britain September b re of 25 looks for • mita current requiring dollar higher - whose notes eeeen itniagt.utio: . , —Th , tunes ' is running without ei -ht •g single work. —The purchase& to be nee This tion. —R:rrS been ,, husband sho p Junor of years _ & A.- use which Stewart Machines and —Dogs among of Porter's about dead; dead dogs found. -.1t1r. duct Thos. Webdneisdiay 33 us threshed au hour, fall —Mr.Asher customs Ripley, several men of a —Mr. thrown —Last of insensible —By (not property at for add —The eight P oken remaining their the been the no observed. Goneo speech While cabin mountain last a. day time and havirg dently that the cowboys day night attacked were nine cabin' yet been Stuartes at the thought several t2010 henhdred-nlies.from. e egrep was alpenocl tory When goteg mitred thieves past month. ' Thete ship serve as —Ma. has threshed average —The of Win Wing at 19 mills —Meseta. ' 1 Mc ndoo Wingham ___ Dr, on ____ Mr. dug • hope as, —A of week, collar —The Fisher at —Mr. tteborne, d cattlednd Th HOWC bushels very the reaper The —I't i y o year of then _Mr. peCulations 1 ast years e Toerance slippine to ten team Gdod used,. ion. vat will -be • Gordon, tiltor fornierly on the now ago. Meseta. Sanaple, on their they aeent • ' a' are are a great the 30 worried John or useless that did Robt. of 15 acres Welsh se s. te it whieh wheet. at where years that ver Y John to raise on from shoulder broken. limbs, was week was hay of Grey. the rack him on of the virtue during necessarily- municipal Goderich 137 contest. Gorrie as published in favor • ' faces , comes Ad - • _ reported. As dar ehock was entitely the water and FOR HORSE from Helena, in pursuit of S was discovered side near week. It was secretly,watehecl or two by cowboys, several small parties went, some by day in their posession stolen. It it was a horse thieves' congregated .orewled npl it. Fourteen about the premises were killed and was burned. No received. of the cowboys,with Mouth of the the fight must days a:o The communication. in the history so much horse On. The citizens to effectually stop were hanged or as. imper no tidal 1 TEIEVES. Montan tolen in e th i the Musseil d'urin of others becoming and to the horse at five escaped particula fight. a band Mussel have locality HelTenhae'i of thieving are it. shot aso tyre hors tim me b hor rend las ho the Gr of oc thie now Ful duri the repoets acre. the b been 500 new street, one tha C. one Re whic Themes w -rzady morel, f or on e:ch in th d sail i ac fr wi t good h org ' • attrao- h dey ; b e T fe havo ha all all th b pro Mr o o wort at a and the - his the Mr. . in the to it Of rtain:d eptib , s, er es widen zvous se hieve timeli . s hieved Shell urred s ittil:v1:30 terri- deter- y g town- , town fi Wm. beep mar- b , hill. Per day roke lyth- . for hi ally eat the 75, e ill h, - • se to r as a ve n s. • s •r h r. :r i n ' 1 to Esseilee cond what Charley his penci—indelible—and all lightning sentences signinIg CharlY hare rod the whipped the Beware place so day, w: A el-- says a lee of Sire for Whic cam: nigh evi- Mow' ape, Th. hay: nein: over was fifty the to who an xe d hrick as re- will - .T. he in P /lee ' ieto t r naither sitting Was wag e carnd-tHaina•n•Igeya,lottfrGeiderich, s t s - A w s fo to ev w di f e°11 to he co ra 1 they would w pr kt,e1 I p easan -J—The says ev:ning ve th: spin ten color,e1 be'- the of tolors ful. degrees, ed peo Lo boa $80 Fued, pen dec fign losi the the bor , seco fore Sab prea bath Sab S un — Alas] e jewelled was ie hiss man Words swarap —A of n, t oth ' Ru e thrze s op " pendent • spa roo : 1 of Big , a w.as , Ian. edg., ITofthemiddIe ' join , t t J Cialtiorne Mar side has and ed, fo:r awl,—a pers aged rich sonall team': he He soa 1°E4B. 1.-- USbo a ste four be with i new McPherson engirt Th_ey °felt riding when passing derin broug ance were seriou field next --A deat the died 3rd years. ime asse e ea(Cruet elove. er. —A unera stripe oderi: a ' tilt olted, e wh:el n tw., painfally Y• —On veral town +(I d on ex. oa ' ehel nd n.. ning B' The t Church laet ation ive to pay versation Tt 1 1 y did s decided sent. . James : • unusual appearance t s,a miles funnel t the y-ellow setting The ans y the le witnessed At desboro d decided a year, and es ; seer e for g Turner's appointment ible will d Sabbath, oon, ath. hing and ath. ay afternoon, Centralia : "A ctire as eters, he called t� right; -rod an 'um lam,and in up I" very at the inst.. goses, f-nce he t 'six t , WiLS 1 ab separator b p'erson about. inet. of d °8 'en s a 1 'n i bills Thursday Alla.n, f or them , that week, Rev. o not receive an. Clinton Visitors were:treated t that landward, until clouds. the this had, the Christiati have and twice once Service the local "sign and order a his pleasing the porters of Conservative; and viewers." in politics, etc) self -praise I. for anything -On Thursday lora, millwright Mill, in toec.uliar using a eorew slipped of a piece the Act one three One devotes and else. last Goderich, accident. dnvrer and struck of tin finger . building bridge, the contract at $20,8,. Godench $109. bridge the trusses to have short time. Simmons Deceased eears ago , of the time. active Wife, aged daugbtere have so maohnae that all their have Messrs. of Stratford, Geo. White, run both week beard fell body, and and in, 7hen be painful were and have to Hay's oldest Elizabeth Sunday the ripe was a her husband , of the shadow The - of relattves country. by who ' Robt. James time was u • 'return h do it wa nor a c injured. thoug last we 1 sum of Huron Road. a young engaee 'Pl `3 att, r int while 'anti wh of V •was held beine a, The t*Bo a salary fund. as a parsonage,as what amount Bayfield action was attended . Clinton t Era of to & beautiful on the lake, immense d ci• t is ance The of a in front behind, a combination were got smaller entirely a number unusual meeting Church Rev. tlee travelling -as. considered to make belonging in efeusual minister every give Londesboro alternate evening Kinburn before. man of Mr. to vend from his and "—pointing Charley had no doubt read he was worth the rig, the lightnin style, and the scoundrel and fled of lightning. event of Mr on. th.e occasion - ._ areeform, Reform Conservative paper most .has very J.A. oseph 4).dridge, employed met with. Mr. Aldridge when his against eevering the at the Elliott the approaches Mr. for and Mr. townshi Mr. Httrbottle bents erected complet- the bridge came to • andhadl growth Until recently for his 75 years, to naourn & Hunkin, .acceptably for the they would orders this purchased McDonald, and of Loudon. machines. Mr. D. Malloy, on the wagon, off, the wagon the fall Some friends medical assist his injaries though tarried into brought home chronicle settlers Wing, morning, old age of • widow at haying of death : deceased lady in Zurich She all who knew attended - Pentland, Stewart, fter the fune- about to me,the horse as canght n. The horse stopped, ild which WAS Mr. Stewart not danger- k Mrs. Rich- st a satc:hel naoney and hile driving Small ound town, an nam.ed in hauling turne . t d ct, having going into Wednesday the owner rn.a, Metho- on Monday, ull repres- rd decided of $725, Some to the desi- but they circuit, it for the b an: was rong ou last week on Tuesda.y and being water- f b o a on olond•s dark lead and the caused by beautie rapidly by absorb- of sight. of the the Mr. Hough Children's ex- his •-pre- a good up after Ebenezer, to Londes. every in the other Sah- the other every speaks wished Cherles lightning pocket asked. with took the but for the a few about of rods made . to use hack to took A. Jack- T nes- of is at rather has Chas. ready' ttstsbe,d3 senior, Gecle- a of years._ past Year ren- not the who '87 the was . the of of get a in but h e - 37 1 t 1 . seeered and among secretary been of .ia ' session. although meetings one right, thole which some souse fact men tainly they all the blasphemy Wednesday o'clock, was'entered who room in elver aWolle alarmed to and by ' paper inde- of little right ten. third the ' per- the one his run not an a in . 'these 1 1h , 1petitioners- .:cisefieie. . r Ocdborne Hay a ri edinton General mends th.e was station. give ge he queet. signation atmy chtiops„ still. the the the legal rant willing ctonernittee deeds an. Manage g i , —The hours separate make which _ , and are its the the let R, . i of a - 1 ' • in 1 for , the be i . , of be will food of tiearnathrichean Feeders is mission having , revised 1 , nnEttiruher ,and 'friends complain f?e, , Iltt county, that county following paltty Jaeslt ores rey nrnberry (leap 4nliett d t°,„„Te'; , _There bad ai having chenor ..a. 1. appears that are do Streets, found in the throri , . tehe_marritoage of he; dlaaget„ daokson, Mr. Geo manufacturing firm •of & Cm, of Detroit. tied the knot in the S' tyle, according to the the presence of abou tives and personal friends Immediately after the the hapPY pair, accoMpanie W. Leech, left on the, Detroit, where they will er. for Cleveland, andigo through Ohio. Thei large number of very costly presents. —A very distressing - e. - oocurred in leingsbridg of Adafield on Thursday seems that a sboen1er, named Charles Noble, tnental aberatiou for two, and on Wednesday ti•me he was missed from 80Et went to the stable tea and was horrified sus' ended h a r Pd f h laY 11°Pe tree or o ing - artless. to the house, and Mrs. t e an out he Although life was not ' et . d was q ite black, an almost able'and despite all efforts tin the unfortunate man beers atterw a .. ,e three children. It is trembles dethroned his '—The following additional as, to the parentage foandling have been . toiltviirIsenoliat3hswossihnpooitheaalata.wiene7cponineal . - r:oenvioollusa,ecwhassrgaerroeissteteditahtngth:, ry and clothes from a follow. a boarding-house a couple . - previous. She acknowledgeA and having two small chi eel:tar:be:if theie.ningagvitrattea.apileTreli ed for. She then state to friends near Exeter. rht far from Clinton yet,but unknown. ____ The annual gatheri under - the auspices o Caledonian Society wi Victoria Square, Brussels, wS eilpitieurniilbtiedregtal,a, It8iirii,st anindwdhaicaheetrhseorof os gar meress' pipers States- - will take Fieemen's Demonstratio the forenoon, when $ the 1st and $20 for t fastest hose reel race. races open to firemen war between the Return tickets good for iesued at a single' f take the games in, o for thought we mak the motto of the societ : " to handle it care rather 'delicate t ' ,---Tehe petitions asking of the Scott Act In been completed and by the central cemmit gs of bona fide electbr 5 • • ,000, which is hilly more) than are re of the Act haee of the reception titiens. ' The names of . , , e voters appear on this but as as least three will be repeaters, it nearly half the actual signed have Mao petite= list shows the d • -e. . procure in „ : 94 ,Stephen waaweaeneciesshe 21563a ' necoree T kernith odteorinc!il . : .. .... Vg giin ..... 193 -8 eaf orth ick - 399 Winghopl .. a ..... 472 Brussehil .. ........ 355 Bly4h .1., 242 Wroxeier -' h to h`o 314 Exeter' 971:18 l' 187 Bayfield ................ 110 - has, says the New' breach in the Lord's between Captain Elambt Robinson, The all the money that late banquet, also the purchased. by the soldi Th These th Maccaptain up, as he does not recogniz e as e a o e r 1 a th he d f th resigned at the G The general claims t was condir iona1, an have not complied with condequently he ie i On bunday the ge fort"in the temperance captain “ atta,cked the enemy town hall. The general proceedings on Monday, take theta. The captain, to submit the diffi f army capta notsuitthe general. a 1 ut .a few of the eel their . connection wit are carrying on the themselves, having and treasurer of th the financial part. ,There a good deal of street tsdk are fehousiecitiz, ens Mao utseh(rifililig t arm,et.. d ..;iy. ob ging ohr en e elieve t is is n they have been hel they are net me Je to now . i whohs the captain or general; sympathisers. ............aae, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. talrishe figure between the piirenthesis each line, denotes the pAge of the paper on the advertisement will be found . New G•oodssir—j. L. Smith. (8) GreatBoo—A. Taylor. (8) Auction Sale—J. Petty, (8) Great Bargains—Geo. Good. (1) Cool, Isn't It P—Ranton Bros. (5) New Arrivals—Adam Good & Co. Housekeeper Wanted—T. Pepper. Seed Wheat—R. McLean. (5) Farm for Sale—Robert Miller. (5) Read What the Doctors Say—(5) Legal Card—Carroll & Dickson. (5) Estray Pig --Chas. Wilson: (5) etessatememetete Oun este:. Reform per condenenin • Customs de s' wato be wheu the u. POSITOR says lector, " is a prime of I unusual co e old, and wit. in the lier ever earn°. M. Doty ha So seers th ... • ,. i lus Mr. Doty draw all we aunuation. lightly with 1 stirring 1 oki e ° • besides, our Conservative 1 . arne tor . eMena her •• nmor was ci .. . Fie intended , order to m: Elea of a Ref conservative it.at o, *as still in th-. .. .. an im would be manhood,sheto . cono:ude. , ave aged st clam] elsta . officials qtiickly rule, and in that thl now SU C lit le . justify his : . is somewhat wb is suffici d th hard n ehip winter ove to Edmo th customs o le eo oolitemporariets uas o in the ecent :art:. nt ex se ted, milli °eyeful Mr. oty, inal, we fel" t-eswell, oh e t he, leen 'co. f b age pr t y Go rich 3. y a s aid concerning im has. itn, pad •g So. n tat- el pdrary ap r r i or. en : few ulat • d i ,o s?.eratnuaate ke ,00n.i rm.r to pap- a ce, : &declared full 'rime t o a 4 li -a k that ra dly. cgs d d o ecay un • e co s•quently ex• Hector ly led 1 .pera • naation 1 • iffiet lt eo withstanding ntlal vigorous h• • d . n an - ourney ton i too intri acies ce. this co ehang in Goderi of °care Seat the reta might say, it. to a, -man alrnost - : superanne and lo.ng good claim Star. ' : of age we his certainl be is a rem for his yea and the are someWhat 1 e We ver years that Mr. M , M for the a his positio got up in t and vi to superannuate ! outraoe, a e he could Howev alter cases, and age Tory than 1 we at Go. and enfe:bled • • , alt . to believed to • • privations from ."in- enfeeble' of the *ode= . lioad commissioner ontraot for es Holmesville ston taking side hall the at of the four of nd expects avel in a lasuodlud rneisyid2tVriGd:aleciacalti. n of j Riphard 82 years. Ilt bout 40 experienee since that- particularly eves a nd twao essrs. ltlassmore ne, who m threshing eeas, feehng e to fill Ione naachine from & Co., from Mr. intend to ne day last torawas;returning:fromBrucefaeld, on a spring he accideatally over his bim unconscious. t him home, as celled °ands to . , Tree team the !roadside, ay. ; ain eee f on of of Mrs. d o'cleck benne at ' ' ''' • Mrs: Wing her death, ti ie valley ars ago. ye b a num er rrounding and respeeted one th086 - of the late non, was h. A short r Stewart ' ` buggy to and Mr. Stewart and thrown miles before the buggy it were hurt . Monday a ge, aluable atticles, on the were posted a who is r. • , . M ' S. and contents on Monday It was not he found first meeting Board there present. Mr. Smith the . children's took place f • securing know from. not to .take The meeting Cray, of armomons New to Baytield sight of two a suppose from shore. -shaped', blue sky tint sun, fore:ling was wonderfully -weterepouts bat they were Quite the official Methodist to give he paying all his Om is the Same and is • 't circui appointment. lately Oh-orch preaching by the by a local This will every in e th at as coreespondent lightning-rbd services agent and drew an agreement here hand.. but, unfertunately man, Charley found that for $100 P ed out of menated pugilistic of Charley, horses like a flash social residence first line,Morris,' It being • t Af glen . enerl ly commends En elish wit W e wi:do deto.e, ho h: English ed bacau the intlu:nce d as tineet , hie and a.ny gliSh ergo. ram rilou to attentled ut w advaptaleei. n of etiat Up, 11 d y ra E of pe • STANLEY, th,e has arrived , the idea danger and punned in its Egyp then tribute of to so loudlyabou power being inaction As Stanley -a cons' era the Dlatk other living to great considered that sending Gordon would would be and ; great eiPensea and compeneatin outlines Gordon It isnot - o inion p the best of the the strategy thepply of the or oven@ gee in E that , , weal lby t dealing 'Oaks to Mr. GI those inja o Is not tons, Co ma w,eight by • the E i a . , be a p likel to be, , I ,a pi ii tare Mealy , is d I informed Mandi stea.tegy Sortidan nae. t...: . t • A ' C 112 itron 011100/Tor. , , - 3EAPORTH, FRIDAY, Aug. 15:1'884. She Scott Act. in Halton. The Government have decided asvor of the -petitions asking for a repeal rote in the county -of Halton, and xpected the vote will take place ween ween the middle and end of September:. ahis will be one of the most severe itter contests that has ever taken 1 Canada. The Licensed Victuallera now that if the Aot is sustained hat county a large majority of =ties in Ontario, if not in the Dom- lion, will adopt it, and that a general rohibitory measure will speedily follow, id consequently they will make a rate effort to carry their point. What .e ultimate res.ult of this vote will -- ie impossibleto predict, as the tents frorn .the field pf battle are ceedingly contradictory that L1Q ler can fdrra anything Like an te estimate. We are inolin-ed to inion, however, that the Act will - e stained despitethe oppoSitiowith aide it is certain to meet, as the tern- rance element not only of Halton, the Province, seems to be thoroughly ve to the great interests at issue. ' 1 -discussing t he matter a conternpor- r, which is opposed to legal prohibi- a in any form, says: ',. , 1 The voting on the repeal of the >tt Act in Halton will do muo-h good. Will, in a great measure, settle the 3 of the Soott.Act in Onterio. If the pie of Halton decide to repeal the ; it will show that they, having had erience of the working of prohibition, e been forced to the conolusion that i a mistake. If the Act be sustained, t fact will carry with it the convic- that prohibition in Halton has been id to work well—that it has les- id drunkenness, and that it is there- a desirable law." . i some respects this is a correct anient ef the position, but in others not: While it is quite true that the Act be sustained, that fact will rry with it the conviction that pro- pition in Halton has been found to et well, dace" it is not a fair way ing it to say on the opposite side e if the people of Halton decide to - ieal the Act it will show that they, ving experience a the working of hibitio12, have been forced to the elusion that it is a mistake." This t to some extent be considered the if the people of Halton were left to ) their choice unassisted and un- d by outside - influences. This, ver, they will not be, its those op- l to the act a.re already, preparing od the county with both men _and- y from outside, and however honest aeorruptable the people is a whole bk t4ere will always .be found a - a number in every community who bre to im ro er influences [nava p Pe , 'ho can be induced to vote contrarY ir hoetest convictions for a ceasid- 12. it may be said that this is an ion which will apply to both sides quad force. Under ordinary cir- -tutees this would be the case, butt 1 instance it is riot. 013 the oriel [ere is an abundant fund of money ed by those whose business is at 411d. Who have a. direct pecuniary he r sal ' •t in t e t, to work with, Na the4‘. other side the sinews of tre exceedingly scant, being con - d by those only who are a,ctuated .'xiotisto and 'a desire to benefit llow men and who have no cu. indirect pecuniary interest in the In other words, the Scott Act its favor tint y patiotiern and le, while it has arrayed against [pie heavily backed up by pectin- r interest. It will be seen from et it is worked at a very great- ntage and that its defeat may tssarily be the result of a con- that it is wrong in princi ple or - - ttion injurious, while if sustain- in. the face of these adverse eir- .ces its efficacy and usefulness ; he questioned.' In addition to amid not be fair te judge of the of a, general prohibitory law by ifits derived from the Scott Act ;hie reason : The Scott Act in for instance, is operative only • smallportion of territory,while of liquors is going on all around, fy , when made the law of that administrations district it is not accepted b y suffers ose interests it is to deseredit family- om the very first day of itsmeant) demoralization it is toweled by foes from deadly id without, who have a direct would 7 interest inmakingit inopera- political these are encouraged in their atterapt .. - ., _ - in it i's be- and place in. the des - be ac - • so Out- the be but of ential tendencies, . strongly seenpathies land _ ly the Canadian' would do The Governor pers. publie certain name have satisfied Mr. cause the in emantry and character, that suffrages vices I ease Clay, in ageins his hanself do and sweep the with couatry We we truth ly etaggerated, less; can Governor th em stand merit, our . - for be ever, strength that waning - patience—about the • sign United honors - careful •hi Governor Democratic denc Preferred While positively various euse dent initted oats," nature to that scandal Cleveland the ever; seriously his defenses. certain official it American. • friends hot, the exact authority, judge, have butawhateeer people .f e. aside; inaugurated than ' Huron. Notes. are 650 persons of Howick who jurors. Hugh Girvin, his fall wheat yield of diebushels rate of assessment h f tie' ham or is year on the dollar. James Shaw ' I last week shipped to the old Holmes, County the erection his property Chas. Seel, of 42 potatoes he has ten largely as this one young daughter Exeter, while teetering fell off the plank -bone. official board Church have two weeks holidays, -the end of the month. Thos. Russell, intends shortly. He with a number fllan h sheep. kis ewxpeeacttcerdopt oin to the acre. promising, and early next , total expenditure 'f the t f CI e. owe o . is estimated a rate of 19 aseessment, being last year. Aaron McBride' we chronieled ' k h b week as been in -the Provincial osneraved.efiv.e years p ei us occasion: , Minneapolis,• - binder of Goderich this year cut a sheaf; acre; a, day wee ' - • ' which 18 conaidered • Tenaplars of il, finei, new " lin their lodge -room th th • . err regu.ar a great additional , - ef Clinton, some time, died k at the age of kept a Ba field d , . y roa , resides but died . ' . Thos. McLaughlin of Grey, have farms twine purchased from for Id W r. ,a giving good !satisfactioti, saving of labor. have been playing &Jeep in the neighborhoo , Hill. Mr. A. !Black and are; Yet:mg 17 worried ; S. Co.x 3 _dead, the mischiel , Elliott threshed on the . fain]. in Goderich Township, the yield. was an Mac acre, and the at the rate of 1,00 i,s.considered Farrow, the new Goderich, prio he had been station was entertarined supper by t village and wa handeome old . g Howald, of Zu a building Friday last, w a. lever a dislocated ad Dr. Buchan and at last ac doing well. n name a ma . , severely inj on the farm o He slipped and one of the head, caus brain, which for about 12 h of a change in the last session widows and unmarried old madds) holders, are entitled elections. The town shows that more votes in ithe i Enterprise follo we ; Out of in Huron -eight of the Scott five, four are °tithe toward the 'Licensed only one, 'the Out 8 Rare), . . q y. editorially. Five , , in are qualified of Ashfiel. per for h as and country Treasurer, of a on Main Cranbroo from acres hill. of Mr. and Of the granted of the to start' will return of thoroegh- the town average Spring will be week. of the t in on at $12,881 mills one • of Goderi t s.en ence. penit:n. in.the which . townsh.p, twenty and cut Gorrie Estey " " 1 meetin who on Tues 82 years blacksmi h w ere a numb and now binder:, Mi. Donald t eon. nearly and and cannot the of a,verage machin bushel good collector r to leaving agent e busitiess presented chain ich, while near s accident d had collar- n. set aunts Charles red while Ur. Har- clown the oxen ng a eon- rendered nrs, he Muni- of who yoterfe this • next puts thirteen are A t c • fence Exeter d an op- of the no mean; times a c: te be hi c are h ct . candidate the a e gr him chargee denied, entreavored of ground t he was others se, to acc w not be as he. ha Silence long be m if n electio of st which h Mr. entire out subject. t and as gr Clev scan nd ar have be . the p given clergyma the of th • ei reput represe have an to do' not eith a public . pure I H:nailtore public la politics. CI 1 eve Coun :el Maotick 'of domestic of wo .. If the, shoul. such a - s ••en that it such I I, able to e the sto not • it sho • entitled t. cane at • is known,' Ind.eiozndent in good State, a political it must than the more d corruption by . far for a se e it • i an when ndidate t least itrivat r. 0 I N nominated for e t 'r v d charges cif imneoral have aome e wou at they 1 "aowi i that hts Pt gui a are I a up 1 As yet Ibeen ii his fiatained I tentir4ly 1 A Most Ong' Democ el froni laine, !with 1 beldly te reznarks ..as here tc1i) whem ae force Ilande lila respecting ilo le , niger Tel given else, a tibthena !who , and t tb ,ru . tion; 'por th, is helped been attemp lal as •Ith the the Candi honore he pu ,ves, a en of later If th Mao : n. a ' d lie him 't; an anhoo ;are n int told—to ld • gtve Was the Vestigation ake, that- • to be holly ere 8, the :ems' knowlit. standlhefore he fa.ith t(1) lid Municipa ,corriiption suffer) State; ngerouS ; to postpone son than at so dear , _ 1 , ,! , , , , npro peen for mode as SO 11 o 4 the living. - not leave, to cl.be Freak. were g hie generous' t in 0 sitrate uncle Goveinot silent part, wit rui iiifla- the nd whose he -Cleve- end plein- bave are a Ifew as they It says: w If to d hay by Claim to h ei N 1 that pa priv ate ; by lic s in ' tit Henry dette c arg h r t .1) to ta, if thy pure should .t time, td '• tie truth. as th gros -an en. I mus anove purl. Th4 ieocia and and it to a , . - neWinuipe h forcibly • : ." A Gove people, for t , ce as tong as otive Senat-e vernmeut of tocratic asse ickle fools. w not belong talons o -f a cern Canitdiaus. tation of the strove, and stood the cost of the ter to a peo. , but the Co: pared with h allows a le hacks to.th • will of the p chesen r la b any o. the will fee toemnoh inICe. kick w endorse ever y d • an we are people of Carlacla convinced and that it and • a short de kiok, and t k• k o lc rt is no. long politic. ', who con of Lords mist Wolk) crib au. like ot. men. Sifti ad in a indiI ie Pe he p o ha4e he ei . bl th. o th4 c It is anst he p•ople unib hu lug e 1 : is ti. he shameful bf b art opl prepeatatives. • o o f id p huni a s wo 1 a a - of the as on time that 1 a r hes pose a naad -r e gs puts the erately when of the peopl:, ple is a wret.hed ople allow a a word in untry. Sac. s simply a f i ir upper hiuse ' democratic atic people simply a ser cratio trum eery of Can g long enon is a seri de d ,down minor ma cast •oken down. p *f they chood s expressed W d women to " e people? ug in our syst a and it is ti de against i • 4 that re o th believe re rapidly facts here laal ' y a matter at that, un they will co is old dam lot upon t old politic our Canadi out loose fro to earn the- ter and mo • News of ' 8 PARTY. will form a is not yet an .'.unbed, backin_ FEVER li f ' s from ye week. ; Yell • geperally in Cuba na Canada this ERA E IN • NOL appeared in Over ,. and Doctors to extensive food. ' BANK Jourdan, robbers, in 1881, with w York expose ' CROPS IN EuR the departen that the We Aug!ISt has ` an improve is noted • with m ag ON and h.eavy vicinity on Large bloc by the ran were blow wrecked of Zebeny and t . , .. a . he It ts new 1 here low fever Ive fever go ' together. ist *6 :n No. :eveir 200 five. attri. at p. RO B ne who. ha§ om ht pE. nt o theIf eme en tl in al en TE I1 ain. i ooday B cif erad flown, n the Orez . a W eek. said that Be party. Th but he wil ' were twentynot - in Haven. and ho Th very unlik er. English Chol 1 districts in ersons have deaths have ate the out- d the use of R CAPTURED. the Middle- scaped from een arrest& e was living in a jealous The London agriculture of , the first ot and fore-, n the wheat European harvesting DANUBE.—A the. city of aid erns stelae were immense many city. The were par- ______ ._ ........ following is the the Mitchell Advocate young men of that time it has been an ti some of our Mitch411 leading such lives as land them ha the penitentare not soon mend their ways. of the night they perambn4 Making the air and profane songs' morning just befere the house of Mr. Joseph by one of these hie way up stairs 'to which two ladies were beds. He ran biE face of one of them, ber, when she screamed the house. This ceased a hasty retreat don h a window in the g , . f -ll he had ent u -0 ere , a, , , • . _as - ; tri4fea01110ei dos rille: g gtt' ill:- ish: :31:: PArtY418b' eatgile I:1 t1Wft8: Tail t it t°Ia i° 1 lt 1 illprl le 4st € ii -i. 1 14:1 1 1114' tt a't.a08'utiltriatlys661,84taik'ealeill'1,111, • ertubeishs bis fatale he lad diti areeet* t ale oSt a jog biz to Su. sips of fit 'Week or and don: d to 4 iu. lionse. /tit Pttaeton lt, 9'° 'hareh:a efe:r i k"e6:4:Ci iEdu 8 iiiwAli: inibe 484 1116r*i.4, f monde aniwataleo....,d,:tee.h0y.n:beee..,.C.f.ali.e.a..e..,..gc:bel:arort:js.:7811n,n,inabttkitt;!e..det:. oaegtrha:lat; hwe: ea tee: bneair oeit. :::::: he e` ule roughly .acullTuhtotye ...: 1r6 :are:isseiseday, Pwriilraltafor itionere • av, dteeiaar;:ot:813. iPser4l7notat caneeit n their sOarib:lnaof ... av Ithfti3. joiliveelnd . The 6- WU A grand of the thou. of the to: 'i4 j 3:41 :1 in••.. s to -Ole this ban- e ro• t°ly he o. net b. ftli. 4 8 an4 1/ la WA to- di4 a hiell WU havice 8, t °Ty:I,: ct" re': av,:, t;i. the; the- , v8 .- i • Mr., Co zsattfelutcea a CO il 1erals . I !dittsneh:hate tshs$. and -sv . , ' Naeititv gubeibralei•e:::iie , :1—teibytnhhetlearr:apilsynclin:erEil:Lowow:neetn,uishicual4belein'ilhEdo';v' leis thuneb g' ug1 1 *. wbseigireinrsirrear.41e: grestly to el ' ivig rifrsiekentl i ' 7was be sehlsaf i ,Yya el, for ads, Busines , spending bit. ' . b-1 31 auesi let °° gehws:e ei knr, tr iti loading the 4 whAilcecinEEta%* eye. thence - of the injurs wlahiclilethl:ogisuili:li ' 'Jaest 1 akienx 1 cif ft 1'* hisvielthi 1 - obfispnowoetdipeenrat,:I NEARLY A . Cy:3tUletbeebia rilPilld:stbfirraf0:11:11*etl: r, 01 tnooweb, eer8itoe a' GrrstiAioet:i had occDasutorinl and left the "'tilt Eawareth:rio S pa Se et iiFti 0: ' np a 111 A 'hill: Act, and. passage are ing to be he Winthrop, l a ing section of at ed, se the m of- omofcarra fhin aoca, Cbai ' self -binders ! , Fourteea Br movedto1lsta tioliiii,..t a horseabre to:1k_ _ _ _ :Tnogl .1 nui:tpst idt::3 of____Fullreas:Tort; ran a hear t - •seThe fa. Thee rub tri i.4:172i °I ign li : , da reee7ly. . e9ilbf Inotlei hiln—netcnsthkup- if°m:3:11 llig:1111::... .3. ! plemente, Iry 1 tratimildinge belonging to s , —The. Aui 1,, yys, et tr grounds, tsurp 7 a.,i edes: o sf tt l 1 Friday, the 41 . united, is to ' and Strata)! —A painf • man nainea ' Co.'s flour a;aoftleigal°° its.t tsaoInalVr e holldr . - breaking for Mtried i—t e: el Itl? s n:i:1 11 ; garret. jerurren..ngg i A .,11hi tn. his, . ' the bense _.1. abayilsiwnagslegi'sjia " ened at the n get awAY the Made goOd t - Shed, breakie, wfeoer hrve—d;c1. al:eh:hi-elm:: . I 4 liePI arSierft: "c°rIlesihPige7-1 ath : who is a hea *, gests that as sparrowsa :council shesta the new park factoryth ebenewh.ats of • drawing mit InWhwagoni le013 ting the wage thing over a t ' I ZtLuchhi 1 eewhkg°ieaIrgyw8oel Itc :he aaretl: looking epee Gilpin's wine, anfor°tstitePaitteeloall" ::` Re now thia horses, espezi narro•w and d Ion]. ce—i df tor Log ern tthehale 0118 ehappened eat mle young daugb. e8vweenilinnge,atrakiEo