HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-15, Page 3AUGUST 15, INNERS, IT WILL p --TO CALL AT 4URON FOU II THE RICH SCHOOL,8 And see our stock at P LI 0 W ieh has been Made es county. I have greatly - Gang Plow for this se sfied in saying that it i market. Our LAND ROLLER largo and heavy, running g good work. Our GRAIN.CRUSH made from hard iroa, an than any other inachin lag speeial too1s. for we can guarantee. ea "ad attention given to r n Engines, Saw and Gris as, Mowers, Threshing 11•• I kinds of raachinery,aep notice and at reasonable oisitractors ind others and Castinea at th&west ous furnialat'ed onapplicaUeie ` Ala° agent for the iraalelas* D. Sawyer, Harailton. A fell airs constantly, on han.d. THOMAS HEND PAPE WALL PAPE L L. PAPER.- ARCEST ASSORTMENT THE COUNTY I/EST PRICES, AT W. PAPSTS SEAFORTH. P.. P. WHY rr IS THE POPULAR iTOCRAPH PARLORS,, REW CALDER at the helm and now liday season is fast approacliugould (pie of Heron and Perth will doubt - something neat and artistic MAI ai ta send as holiday gifts to lased datives, ard Mr. C. being fully alive tame of this feet, has made Basalt emeets for the accommodation data •e. CA.LDER'S for Christmas Pi EES for New Year's Picreuree. Per aoty design, excellence of ehodeand end graceful positicoe, coupled vitt 'background and accessoriee, give tee trial, and then go away sniffing with „good picture. ANDREW CALDER, Scotat Block, Seaforth. wr.Lt1t P. .S.T'S is the place to go, Jewelry quite_a show. jewele rich andraretest styles are there, esortable in price aeltet - en Papst, stlre,. rfro/Tt others goods so poor. man and woman bern, [est's stock to -morrow morn1 rashamed to show hie stock, found in Carthia's Block. hrisa goods are best, qc or Watch. invest. >a he will do his best, and 'La rival al' the rest. ace west of Toronto ta purchase locks, Jewelry, SUMP' e and Spectacles apular jewelry store of PAPST, REET, SEAFORTH. rAL & BLACK, LaeOTIGAls. MAK.ERS. a have bought the Toole and a lately carded on by theddeds !, Manufactnritg Company, la perionce of over eight 8ITth prepared to carry on thewed to ua wHI receive- prenint aass work guaranteed. tilers made, and repairedodaa Bbeet Iron Work, &S it rev ade artd old ernes repaired -en and at prices that defy 'cora- l' 'AT de BLACK, OILLSI KIPPEN;VI MoNEVIN, 'welt knowu and ponailarlaillf4 ,Iiirteer in first-class working` red to turnout an article of 1./R which cannot be e*" L the country. 'f WHILE TEE FAST/ ITS OR IT. wheat Chopping of Oar- st attended to. Flour ag," (4- and gold at the lenvelta iember the popular L1/4T MeNEVIN, AUGUST 15, 1884. Gaietiea, faseezatobo-ware. is ,on, There is a warning in the honeyeorab. e;o3f those event a that are always coming off. • ..-The man who was ashamed to look ais swatch in the face probably got A on. tick. —It is supposed that the Vetoes of mile lost her arms in some engagement, or ether. ere Millions for de fence," as the dickey said when a bull was chasin him through a field. --Kerosene oil will fuddle as well as wheezy. Anyhow it makes a locorno tive'e head light. men are Created free and equah is only after their creation that the fallbeglins; —Alady on Brooklyn heights dells ear cat " Jealousy," because he is a green-eyed monster. .—A Man is not like a chicken—the older he gets the tenderer he becomes. young ladies please note 1 ..An exehange asks: "Can we drink with impunity ?" Certainly you can, if anpanity asks you. —He was fond a singing revival hymns, and his wife named the baby Fort, so that he would want to hold it. —The easiest way to mark table linen —Leave a baby and blackberry pie alone at the table for three minutes. --To attain long life—Love nothing too violently hate nothing passionate- ly; fear nothing too strongly. —It is reported that David Davis is no longer an Independent. He hasn't been married much over a year, either. —Got through his work quickly— the cooper who tried to stand on the head of a barrel he had just finished. _One of the hardest things to adeem- plish is to waken a man in a railroad car who ie occupying two seats. —An exchange puts it thus " Liicy —Yone spring poem is accepted, but its publication is indefinitely past- poned." —Some of the poet Willis' Pest lines were written in his boarding-house., A man often does excellent work when he is hungry. .-.-"We must dtaw the line sotne- where," remarked the washerwoman on Monday morning, "and I ,guess the backyard is the beat place." —A book bas been written uPon "Experiments with Potatoes." One of the meet disastrous( experiments with potatoes is dolled " Saretoga 'chips." —" What is the big corner in pork I hear about ?" asked Laura across the cheery tea -table. "The big corner in pork." replied Tom, "is the ham." —A .would-be- wit once said, speaking of the fair sex : " it's wornan's Mis- sion to make fools of men. "And how vexed we are," said a bright-eyed femi- nine present, "to find that nature has so oftea, forestalled us !" —" How fresh you look this evening,", said,. yoang man -to his best girl. She quickly put her hand up to her face and blushea through the paint as she re- plied : " I declare! I thought I- had given it time to dry." Isn't that a nice horse of mine?" said a yoang Burlington blood to a sub- stantial citizen, and such eefine driVer, too." "Yes," replied the elderly citi- zone." the horse is very neat, but I Can hardly indorse your compliment to the driver." —In Japan every newapaper emplbys a man tvhose sole occupation is to go to pri,son whenever the court orders that punishment for the editor. This giaes the editor a chance to stay at home and write an article on the necessity of ir - creased prison accommodation. --" Telemaehus, don't let me hear you laughing at a woman because he can't sharpen eipencil. When you want something in that line to laugh at, do you iliBt contemplate a man cutting cut a paper pattern with a, pair of scissors by the united efforts of his right head, lower jaw and two-thirds of his tongue." —1' 0 maracas., if you will believe it," laughed a pretty girl on her return from the picnic, "the boat jolted as we tonola- ed the wharf and threw me right hito the lap of a young gentleman, !" Why!" was the horrified rejoinder, what did you do ?" "1-1 asked him if he would please excuse my landing a little prematurely." • Kissed, the Wrong Girl. On oae of the seats in a railway train was a married lady with a little daugh- ter ; opposite facing them, was another child., a son, and a colored nurse and a baby. The mother of these children was a beautiful matron with sparkling eyes, exuberant health and vivacions spirits. ,Near her sat a young lientenaat dressed to kill, and seeking a victim. 1 t By add by the train approached a tunnel. 1 The lieutenant leaned over and whispered something in the lady's ear. For the understanding properly of this narrative we mast tell the reader t what was whispered and what was the 0 reply: "I mean to kiss you when we get b8 into the tunnel," whispered the lienteia. e ant. "It will be dark—who will,see it ?" n replied the lady. p Into earth's bowels—into the tunnel b —ran the train. Lady and cloted nurae w quickly chenged seats ; gay lieutenant f threw his arms around the lady sable, t pressed her cheek to his, and fast and b furiously rained kisses on her lips. En p a few moments the train came out into broad daylight. White lady looked amazed; colored lady bashful, blushing; gay lieutenant befogged. Jane," said the white lady," what have you been doing?" "Nothing," responded the colored lady. "Yes you have," said the white lady, not in an undertone but in a voice that attracted the attention of all in the oar: "See how your collar is rumpled and bonnet smashed." Jane, poor colored beauty, hung her head a moment, the observed of all ob- servers, and. then, turning round to the lieutenant replied: , "This man kissed rae in the tunnel," lowLeoaarandanod long was the laugh that fol - ng the passengers.—Ex, The Highland -Crofters in the Northwest. The crofters are doing remarkably Well out west and their letters to their friends at home are quite enthusiastic. Here is an extract from one, from Ramat Morrison, who took up land last April in, the Canada Northwest Com - Parade belt. After describing his farm aud stock he says: "Now, Peter, I am telling you the Charles McLean in Milton (thio! lar est farmer in South Dist.) Now, friends, if you are in the Hamel state as I left you, expecting to get more lead from Lady Gordon °ethos a take ',you my advice and come here soon, auOen you can, and all Menlo. I 'sawwheas Benbeonla men. We. were thinking they were telling lies, but they were tell ng the truth. If you ,think I am ! telling lies I will not write more to UiSt, lut take my advice and dome at wine. abd all your acquaintances. Sell year stcick and your crops and make ready, and if expecting you here I Will keep land he - side Me for you." Others write in t e.asame eb.rnest strain'. The ofhojaIEi of the Ceneda Northwest Company . say the progr ss made by these indust ions and thri ty people is simply marvellous; HOW She Takes Her Fatheri 110 e. , He was fifty and sh was twenty; she was proud and well dressed, and he Was well dressed and drunk. Not that be was badly off, for he qould' walk nearly a rod without jibbind more than, tvviee, bat -he was in that happy state ' of in toxication that a man usually arrives at when he attends the reunion of a large family and pledges the health Of each member in a separate bumper. It was ten o'clock in the evening when they got on a Norfala Houseoar at Cornhill, Boston, and'he beganto lie- ssengers as they , troduce her to the p came in. " Zis's (hie) my da gentlemen; zis's Meel ter ain't you, Meely ' good wifeforelong." The respectable par of oar smiled and looked at h and the -rougher elena nt I right. She did not look li annoyed,and paid the strict to what he was saying 1 W got a little ways past looked out of the win "Ain't we most to aram "No, father; we'll be soon." "Bet you five dollas "1'!! take the bet, f put the money up in yon?" "Bet five d,ollash I wi taking out a ro I of bille and V." When Essex St. wee reac him it was Summer street, Ve on it, an older. An4 as reet LI ; ter not e the w ng d to ke bets t until hey larri Dedham street, when he go po of all his moue . , The got ff cord street, an adst ste she him down to t e wes, side firmly and said "1 jest wan and then I'sh c "All right, f ghter, ladies an' ,,my only dange- Makesolmebody hose in the r pityingly, ugaed mit- e One bit st attention en the car er street he d said : ✓ Street t" here 'pretty • 11 • we ther ny ered , another made the stake went by one s continued to gi and he continn was mistaken, e One by." and youlll ands, won't 1," aid b,e, givi g her a ed he told nd Ie wag- s 0 was be cox er she naatnis ebt' ed at seseioa •t Cari- es Ieadiuig he ditopped sh, Meely, e te beed4' the merry aid lett to blocks one ine ri ther,' rink t 'o was answer, as she trippe awa him. She had gone ahout when he shonte • "I say, Meel She pretende he started in p he was gaining ran and then drunken gallop. far enough. ahe fore his arrival -after her. He f stairs, and whil in the dark to fi 'again and bolte mach of a feat policeman who torments° said s less than two m partner were t last time the ol "You see he as he can find him" said therd like ''him need sort of chapsda terror when he broke Jim's hea mine, the last ti you that girl is getting 'round it The Early Hi A vague tradi opes were inven years ago. Per this,is derived f The word env lope, Ihoug indirectly from t 0 latin, ca immediately fro the ren signifying a wra per fo la let derived • from t e Fr hch ope, the Anglici ed woad b pronounced like it—" 4ngve1 hose who dono affect !some -theFrenoh th wor is pronounced as it is s °lied accent on the first syl able. been able to find iao a thori onelfor t - a m rigin of envel pe -mg. nperficial inquir re hay be y the fact th:t the 'pest a nvelope-making naachi4e wa 3, au' 'English eel with t am e of Des la ne, w4ose rinte npoti all is en elopes. ere used in Fra or ir ' Gil Bias, he ap hor says, illit nd put th revjp s to 183 neral use 11 , I wansh nish." inot lp heart. Edna and reuit. Whea s e saw ed to into o keep or be- lied in e front round down Wasn't but a e, per - ed he nd hie g the spree. celong witb ,man them holy nd he • broke at. I I tell thete's no obe, n hot she star i]het to, br ke She mane ed d too nted and t en h ru Rowe her p t be wlJsgro ing d her she el ppe the door. It to do, !after all, was watclai g t e had. cco plis flutes hat e O ho4rs in doi Mau ent n a mat o holne nybod to 'rin m ; "4,nd a - nic canva s mu h fo Bostoni. Has a on a ti •• e, , and like to hay LilO he *as a daisy, an "—Boston G tory of E in ha it t ed in rano ape t a an m. tie na 0 11 ruth. If I oan put plenty stock on the land, I think I will be as well off as Mr. more g Englt4d. HoWever, it 41 Fren4I origin of makia of envelo to be 'due Co the that arighton s gp Brewei, about 1 dressing his show writin paper, rig largest to the sin tcafinish his pyre diminutive note. wereQontiflually lovely little paper " and found it adva,nta,g ons to desired pattern. s the for addressing th notel were folded, bema e for t the blanks for making w with a metal die, about now cut, the cuttiag, o done by band. 'Ilhe sal rapidly that he w a una the envelopes fast enoug rnissioned &dozen house for him, and thus et goi ant industry of m king France envelopes were for tie n 5, during Lo :1 lish pastel 39 the aise a he bdaes t' any aate eat an e ' i Boo1 I IV., a She ItOok in ° inllan , env lopes in Ilene° i ! ay be ' rega the en elep es for • ale i laglish z W atione nam 28, tock a wit windo ng gra ually llest e in ids o • nice taper, ady c rantin some • .1 vel opes at envel( about 200 ho ty for e itee1f. d rivedI e o .1.10 la nd aa er, t wae ord nveal ing oftem .pe.1' By; inn ationi om °nits wi lathei We havel et ongerl e ,F encLe Pe hapat n isletl ryi eitble' invented e •F teach" am was ont iiiing; env lopes rly day, ha . the . two: nvo ope:" ' W re itt. than in 141 11 dink the ' , the first believed are told d S. K. ancy for piles of from the se, and, y he cut stoloaers. of "Ithat the stationer nt pa er to the was no space ts a ter they em 6i velopes, ash h eht, out as g oves are 1 cour e, being inc eased- so e to produce ; BO Ito m 'g thi nvel tr-st sale by one Dupre Government in 18 ippe's reign. Under the En force previous to 1 , e qom. ke 4iem im °A- pes. In 'ade for of, the is Phil- lawe in f envel- • 1 THE a HURON EXPOSITOR, opes coUld 4o • in, for here • postage )n a o that-ther us to notes ,a,nd le the maila. in Great Bid system of cha a letter I,vas lo of pap r to weight. Tlid the lettet an wax wastbe new one ef and tbe rec 76,000,006 I t United mg o the lette s s were enc one hurl and twe trod no ti loe9 1 redio e a into earlier dly anld England I that( The records of fact that ;an eia vented i Eng' but the ft se vented iij Engl Rue and dwii metented vvit 1845, butltbie feeding ; hepl separate rocas flap was applie chine with Born now in uste in several roaark make it a new States.—Pape be extensively indulged as a double charge in ant of the e velope, so as prinoipallfr restricted ters delivere outside of 18139 an act as passed ain changin the old ging double ates when mposed of two pieces a charge based on old system of -folding ealing it with a wafer of soon supers° ed by the sing it in azf envelope, Is show that in 1839, re were posed in the ; in 1841,ful1y one-half through the postoffioe envelopes; and in 1850 t of evey one hundred e thus enclosed, their in - general use being at an amore rapid rate in 'a the Unitizsl States. echanism clisclose the elope machisie was in- nd as far back as 1840; vat:sable maehiJne was hi- nd by Warr n De la Hill in 1845, and again improvement to it in aohine was not self- nks were cut out by a ; and the gein on the by hand. : This ma - modification a is the one reat Britain, and, with ble improveMents that whine in the United orld. Precool. y o Nearly ail ta he had al eady ;• n were pr oci . career at he g skill and Mae became f mous. pened to bear o at Tell, Old c anxious t4 obt i master, b we e cation refl sad t choir. NI ver h • to the pri cip 1 e Sunday, Tay n glhimse in o f to delivelt hipn snatched the raesio from his band and commenc d td Ong if himself at sight. The char h eat orities were o electri fied that hey gt4ve him a gooi sum of money as oced as the churcij services were over • Beetho en, at fifteen, was dne of th chief mus cianis under the lector o Cologne. At four, Mozart ould pia freely on the aapsichord ; rt five no only corn ose , but began to trave n extesivell a a virtuoso. he Arch bishop of alz neg a few years afterwar would not helieve that a chil so youn could, of 1i1imsilf accomplish 11 he wa credited with Aocordingly he shu . himself u wi th en and ink an wrote th words of t e Mass. Within a week th young co peat produced complet score for t e inspection of tbe inceedu lona arch shop. The result af its per formance as that the Mass beoatoe stock piecd at elaburg Cathe ral, whil Mozart b ca el the prelate' concert- meister at the igo Of twelve. Mendehsohu ias a noted itiprovisor on the wuio1rte at the ag of eight Schuman , as lechool- boy, could a any time gat.liJr a knot of coIipanions who eagerly iijteued with a' patience not corona n ati heir age, will() he de scribed th ir c araoters on t e piano. Chopin di1 as i 1 more wonde WI thing, when a oy i his father' school, Sontag the:tight 1im? such a iracle at ten that slie gave him a vein ble gold watch a,s i a o eie of admir ion. At -nine he was as ea to assist at a public concert f t ei poor. He s leoted as his subject a c n eta° by Gyro vitz, and was dressed by is Mother as a little dandy for (Lae occasion. After btaining immense shcce s he went ho e to his mother, who a k d him as she -mbraced him, what the bl.iblic liked hes . mamma," said he unconscio s young genies, ," n body coul1 look at anything but my col ar.' —I -Musical Wor d. , , Some Reiaso ble Hints ior the Benefit !of Heated Hum: nity. The tempera uee of our bodi s, which normally i I also ti ninety-eight nd one- half degree , iI Modified near edit, by ur olothitig, °hit food and drink, our abits whether active or otherwise, and y the tetapeta are of the place in hioh we may happen to be. The cant jast aaral eld is one of the ost im- orta,nt, ye(littileneed be said of it for he reason 1,1,19,tIn) w this is ptjaotioally eyonci our con r 1. Excess of xioisture n the air id saia to be and. 4oubtbess oea make a1iigi temperatu e more istressing, becauo it causes the water hat exude a frbrn our bodie in the rm of sw at to remuin upon he ear- ce of the body a circumsta ce that reatly retards thk3 elimination f heat. entle cur nts olf cool air are algreeable _ nd refresh ng, because they hasten the vaporatioufroiki the surface. The infirOance o muscular ac ivity on e body Waver tare is wellf known nd though, we 0 nn,otOall control 'our ovements at all inaes, yet by experi- ce-all will1 fina that "go sl w" is a ry good r le to go by in hot Iweather that is, when the temperatur of the r gets up amopg the nineties, revious which nalee sacluld complain The food landlcieink most suit ble for mmer ns can lae quiclsly name1. se a min mum ated food ' but t ost nutrit at can be e best use ctly mate Great Magicians. great . mueib masters Haydn began his of eight. When fifteen eveloped ra oh of the endeuce fo which he At that age he hap -- a vacancy in he church cm:nate/ices Made him the post. 'The choir ',on receiving his appli- allow him tb join the less, on the fallowing had managed4to smug. the choir, an sit next oloist. Just as he rose elf of the Kilo, Haydn RE7RD! The bay° r tise con lotion f th sae selling infe ler ward will Be ClitrivE ND C LING be paid for erchaets who OILS, HEM Lardine , iThe Only ge uine is ed by IVICOOLL BROS. TORONle ND'IS SOLI) IN SEA REID anufactur- ORTH BY W LSON ONLY, AND IN WIN' JAS. A. CLAN HAM BY MeColliBros,&Co. THE URORA AIN MATCH. t QuicT d, e - Stockholders onl ' lea fine grade m a e anti will be sold geodes of oda° ments will be Taos° thinking • I tch will do whole pl nt• is owned and con- ! trailed by practical watch m akers. SS fo fa th a en 96 — • ai to sn he th ar fe W theM. y areages. Nothing vementa will be made, at price a of ordinary makes.; The Move - ready in September. of purcia sing a fine ell to wait and see OUNTER, Agen for Se forth and. icinity. NT NOTICES. To/ BLAC SMITH .—Wauteda a good steady -"- 1Bleeks ith, in ediately. Steady woek guatanteed. Apply o DONALD CAMPBELL, Walton. I 864 10aLACKSIIITIVS PRENTI0 WA.NTED.— Wante tely, a stouteactive boy, to leara the lecksmit ing budineea. Apply to THOMAS HILL, Eg ()naval°. 863 amount of liat and ke care to se the us anki digestible substance omaa tiided. Heated foods al reakfast tim . Per- e fz1uts used raw or fruit not quite ipe dooked. Cold boiled ham, tangue or b ef,'good bre d and butter, and goojd 1 cold milk ake a suitable snrnpiorllt4noh. The m lk may at times be usb11ittted by cold lemon- ade. The t o 1kou1d, howeve , in no case be ns d teg ther. The 4lothing •best adapte• to r ot weather ear is 'loose gar agents of woolen fabrics, notably flit ne11 This for the reaachn 'that the marja1 net named ai s the evaporation fronts the surface of the body before refer ed to. Wip ng the fake, hands BO arim with a cloth wet with cool atei, (snowed by drying these surfac e g tip, is at tiros very 'grateful. The Eating gre anripe fruit ed Dr. Fowl herry Mires 857.52.2w.• Ask For Dr. S Cream; It i on the wor .palatable. 8 s of Folly les, cuculmb y, may be s tract of Wild mmer Com Yoa Druggist hi n ai German pre fired to act s, nd is safe, s .52. rs and term- Straw- laints. Worm irectly e and USE T cottag situate ess.par Seaf .) RENT —One and , a half story , containi g eight asinine. It is pleas - and ool11venieit to tha station and of the tbwn. Apply to THOMAS rth. 857 i mps.c4.1.4—mis. T D. Prendergast will receive '-'-a ' limited numbe of pupils Folr instruction in pain° and orgau les 'one, at her reidenee, Johii i stre t, second doorwest of Englis i 'bertha/1494.f. QH P TO te7 eafort tute hall. A eideelly the b rounicted by all ttst tetra HID ; Seat° ENT. next do together st busin eat mar ts busin th. Good frontag on Main St., r to the Me hanics' Insti- n repair; od cellar. De - sot situation l ii town. Bur- ets, bank, ip at office and as. Apply to THOMAS 1 857 pE OVAL —A. G. Vara gmond -ads lhsoffice to the b1d1ding oppdsi mill, where he hates, Complete stem* tured goods, and where all busilp w,ith the est blishme lt will hete ducted. 854tf A. G. Vi 4PLENDID Engit e and Boiler ,bargain. Ergine, Goldie l& mak, 35 horse power, line shaft 112 a a lar fly wheel. Bui er 45 horsetp 58 in •hes in diameter, 11 feet 5 MO .front grates, smoke stack, Ste. D. Hens il. . i i A GENTS WANTED.—Wantedaa da- Agents at Seaforte, Exeter, G sels, plyth, G rrie and Wingham, ;t tbe sale of re pers, inowets, rakes, 1. drills seeders plows, Bi1ky plows; s wagops, true s, horde owe's, seats able 4nd trete on stean engines, n ohinery, &c, •anufact red by the e can Aaricultu al Inipleklent and, lecturing Co pany, Lo don, Onta is c WM. . Mel AN, He sail, Ont., r Ameran Ma ufaceurg Compan • has removed te the barnea of manufac- as connected fter be con- • GMOND. _ or sale at a McCulloch's eet, long with ier, 49 dues, s long. Fire RQUEEIRT, 860 • tive, reliable • tench, Brus- canvass for me binders, raw cutters, ators, port - v mill ma- orth Amen. neral Mann, . Apply td o the North. ondon. 811 ESTRA STOCK ESTRAY PI .—Cam eradersig ed, Lot about the first of July, year i (td. Th owner c ing po perty and pay. McMICHAEL. , into the prlemises of the 2, Concessiti 2, Hullett, white so pig about a n have the same by prov- g expenses. .TA aS G. 868x4 "fit STRAY CO • ndersig about the mid milk. The ow prope ty aflc ARTAUR. W.—Cane into the Premises of the ed, Lot, 25, Conces `ion 9, Morris, le of doily, a whi cow giving er can have the sanle by proving payittt ext , JOHN Me )ellses1 868 TEACHER WANTED. TE4HER WANTED.—Mssle Teaeher holding third class certificate, for Shoot Section No. 6, Grey, to teach balance of 1884. Duties commenciug Liter holidays. Applications re- ceived until Anglist te 9th. Apply stating salaryi arc., to ANGUS BHAW,Secret try Treasur- er, Brussels P. O., Ont. 868x4 MONEY ToLcl Qui GHT loans at ts per cent. " 0.-a able half yearly, or 164 per cent. privile e to borrower Of J repaying pal m ney at any time. Apply to BTED Banister, Seatorttili, • 1 N. terest pay early, with t of princi- . HOLME- 850 FRESH ARRIVALS —AT TEE— MAMMOTH BA}GAIN HOUSE MAIN , SEAFORTIL ONE HUNDRO END, AS TON'S BEST PRINT. • TWENTY ENEFtS OF FTAVY SHIRTING. BUCKSKIN, OOTTON TWEED, TWILL SHEETINGS. WHITE COUNTERPANES, pAkPETS. .SCOTCH ANP CANAO1AN SU TINGS. CHAMBLY AND UNION FL NNELS, ETOFFES, &O. SPECIAL FOR THE WOOL TRADE. THESE GOODS ARE HOT OAKERS, AND DONYT FORGET ALL OUR STOOK GOES AT AND BELO WHOLESALE. SEEIIG IS BE_IEVING. CALL AND EX AMINE. FIVE HUNDOED PA6KAGES OF FIRST -CLAS BUTTER IN TENNETS WANth. Smith & West's 0 id Staid, Campbell's Bloc LJIVIES PICKARD. MUSICAL INS -MOMENT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTII, 3NTARIC). SOOTT PROPRIEMRS. 11"1-1.E, IDT31•T .".1\11 PPLAANT - Read the following testimon al by one of the best musicians of the present day: , "The Upright Pianos of Mes4rs iDtmliam deserveeas well an emphatie " endorsement, as a decided suceedis. They develop a tone, which in power and "sympathetic quality,. can not be surpassed by the now existing Upright Pianos, "and are equally beautiful in their musical qualities as Well as in their exterior "appearance."—THEODORE TIIC1IAS. i EXCELS110 ORGANS. - ay a received the highest award wherever th(iria Union Exhibition in October, 1883. ow wells, W. Bell ta Co., Guelph; Kilgour, all arta see us befbre buying. Old instra. ere! for brining pianos and organs attended This celebrated Organ has al showia, taking first prize at the No Among other Organs ehown at this Hamilton; Karns, Woodstock, dzi3. ments taken at their full value. Or to at once. COTT BROTHERS. N. B.—Small Instrumenta, siicl as iViolins, Guitars, Accordeons, Con- certinas,&o., on handl; also a godd assortme t of Piano Covers, Piano Stools, etc. All kinds of Instructien Books. ST MPIN Patterns for Kensington Crewel and Outline Embroideries. THE IVIPIOAL HALL, SAPOlzeirT13-, MA.1.1T piTIRJ Has now placed in the market a new It will cleense the eystem from alL itt dition. It is a purely ivegetable camp Customerand others whose system a bottle of C. Dunan's Exl And be convinced tha it has no e nal what it is epresented to be, and ro h of f61 er bottle, and juldge for yonesel PURE , We a o keep in sock all th you don't ee what yoi4 want, ask or it, and yen are sure to get it. an wonderful Blood Cleanser and Purifier. pn Wes!, and leave yon •in a healthy 0011 - arid, and as a blood medicine has no equal. or !blooft is oat of order, will do well to try x..ct.! of Red Clover, . One es as to rial wjll convince you that it is You can secure it at a small cost its merits. We Lave in a fiAl and ORUCS, CHEMICALS well -assorted stock of AN PATENT MEDICINES. latest Patent Medicines in the market.If • N. 14,—Physicians' Prescrtptions carefully and accurately compounded. All orders froixi a distance filled with ear and despatch. • C. DUNCAN; SUCCESSOR TO E. HICKSON & CO. ' Next Door to Duncan * Durioan'e Dry Goods Store. ) • • ' . ' l'o -I: cession about from seeded house failing an StOrt road cheap or REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, Taro FARVS IN MORRIS P011 -SALE.--Fei -A- sale, cheap, two iniproved fanne on the 50 Concesaion of Morris. ; One within 2 miles ol Brussels at d the other hbtlf a mile,. Each 106 acres, and go( d buildings., For paitlealeas apply to GEORGE ARN31RoNda, Brussete 868 FARM FOR SALE.—For si n 2, East Wawanosh. peity will be sold '4118 eMraner, up an estate. It eoueists land, about 145 acies elear,ed ings and orchard. For particulersapply W. FARRAN, Clinton P. 0. Bale, Lot 34, Conces- This desirable pro- it oroer to close Of 200 acres of choice ; good farm -build- to Wr 865 'FARM IN GREY FOR i SALE. —For sale on -a- easy ttetus, part of La 5, Concession 8, con- taining 86 aeres, about ' 60 cleared and well fenced; good bank barn asld stables, fax45 ; two acres of a bee, ing orchard one and a half miles from school. and two 1 roirt Brueseis. For fur- ther paeticilars apply oil the preiniees/ or te Bruesels P. 0. WALTER GOVENLOCK: 865 pARM FOR SALE IN d: parts ef Lots 84 and '5, Wiring 112 acres; 80 acre: der is good hardwood bush. watered with a never fain. , on the premisee. Frame house and a good young o to churches and schools, and from Blyth and 10 from particulars apply to WALTER on the Sontla part of said borough P. O. HULLETT. — North Concession 18, con. cleared ; the remain. Boil, easy loam. well g spring ereek Aging fern and etables, tog ehard. It is zonvenient is situated 4 miles Clinton. For further CUNNINGHAM, lots, or to Lawless 799 VARM FOR SALE.—For .2- C., Tut nbe,rv, cest tailing are cleared and well fee a gin:el frame house and rade {rundthe village of a on the grevel road lea q Delmore. Will be sold ehe• prietor. CHARLES alcTA esle, Lot 22,Coneeselou 91 ameS ; 72 lieres ced and watered, and an on it ; one half roxeter and fronting g helm Seaforth to p. Apply to the Pro- ISH, Wioxeter P. O. S67x8 TIMBER LANDS FOR -a Vs'est half of Lot 11, tonceskjn containing 50 axles, rnostl • black sell, cedar and ph. miles of the town of Beak road leading from the plae purchase, cen do so by giving on other farm property, at Apply to the uudersigned, P. 0. JOHN McMILLAN. SAI E. ---For sale, the 5, Hallett, all wall timbered with It is witbiu seven th, with a.good gravel . Parties desiring to a, first mortgage 7 pet teat. intereet. or address, Constance 868 -ti pROPERTY IN 11A.RP1aRHEY -4- For sale, cheap, the occupied by the unden-ign. able dwelling house cox besides kitchen, together with Ste., and bad and soft wattr. of land and conehltrable Id It is it no st desirab:e residence er, and will be sold on ea ist will be rented Apply on Seafarth P. 0. DAVID aleCULLOidEl property d Then tainieg cellar, There ere and fora ternts. the ----,-- the Grey, clewed, aid stabte, of Jameetown. win be by t FOR SALE,— at present is &comfort- seven rooms woodshed, is an mire dnell fruits. retired fann- 11 not sold eremisee or te 867-t -4 "RAM FOR SALE. --For fmle, FM lot 10, concession 1, ames. There are 36 acres balance has been burned dawn There is a frame house and ' chard tied 44 aores of fall wheat. -within it note and a quarter will be sold 'cheap. The adjoining also fee sale. This property ]y or together. Aeply to SAMUEL POLLOCK, on the fsrm, or town P. O. — - ----.--- south half col:staining part of part bush. a young It is situated 50. acres sold reparate- or ANDREW mail to James- •850 of 50 the or- . It are in the is -FARM IN McKILLOP FOR -L :Lot 29, coneession 2, 102 acres oi which 90 are stumps, iraderdrained, well a high state of eultivatietle frame house and large bank stabling underneath, and buildings. There is a large choicest fruit, end two There are 60 acres seeded to within two milts of Seaforth running 1 ast the place. It most productive farms in sold reasonab'y, as the chased a larger farm else premises or to Seaforth P. O. SA.T E., --For Sate, afeKillop, containieg cleared, free from fenced, clean and There 18 a good bare With steme ether necessary out- erehard of never l failing wells. grasa. This farm and it gravel road is one of the best and the township and will proprie:or has pur- here. i Apply on the WM, AUCHESON. 1360-tf ]'ARM FOR SALE.—For e<ssion 10, and part- 11, isleKillop, zonteinieg 90 acres of which are J stumps, well fnce4 tb grass. The wood with hardwood. There is end good frame barn Thein is a good bearirg orc wells. It is within d two fs orn Winthrop wh s, cheese factory, see. leading trout the pUee. and on easy tarms. Applv tv Winthrop P. O. M Sale, Lot 31, Con- of Lot 31, Con- 125 acres, cleared, mostly free and about 50 ocres and is well timbered •a oranfortable frante stables sled sheds. ard, also three never miles of Seaforth re there are churches, There is a goodgravel It Will be sold on the premises S. JOHN CUTHILL. 866-tf a MaROVED FARM F013 SALE.—Being 'A" bait of feet 24,011 the 6th !Cone containing 100 acres, eighty-five cleared, free from noxious weeds, being work- d by machinersa well fenced with cedar, and tontaies barn 40 x 60 feet, new fraMe a comforlable frame heuse good roothouse and all ether l ings. The promises aie in pleasantly situa, ed and well well adapted for grain or stock. fellow, manured and ready snit purebaser. All further cheerfully given by the prep: LOR, Brussels P. O., Ont. North eeion of -Morrie, of Which are and taaabie of The proprrty is a pew frame shed 80 x 50 feet, with seven rooms, a necessary outbuild- excelleat 'repair, watered, and are Large summer -- for seed. Terms to partieulars will be i ietor. JOHN TAY- •868x8 QPLENDID FARM FOESALE.—For a-/ 34, oones_ssion 6, Mellialop, acres, about 70 cleared an timbered with haraawood ar4I first class 'cedar. The cleare stumps, all under -drained, seeded to gross except 10 acr spring creek running throng waste or wet land, a sple choicest fruit, ale() it go d house, all nicele finished ' and • a good barn, sheds andstaba and cistern at the house. The nearly free bout foul weeds. and a quat ter of tie prosper burn , and within six miles easy; wid be sold t ither wit. Apply on the premises, or aa WM. N. SS eMICH-AEL. Bree. Lot . containing 100 . the balance well : about 5 acree of land is area front well fenced and all s There as a good the place and no did a:chat-el of the comfortaale, stone ell laid out, ,aliso s. There is it well farn) is clean and Is wit fin one Mile us vi lege of lain - f See{orth. Teinee or without the -crop' ress Clenstance P.O. 86641 G001) FARMS F.W. SALE. the affairs of the estete Hingsten, the executors off& valuable lam& for sale.'rst--North Lot 80, Concession 5, Tow taining 90 Beres On this -i from° born with stone foundation, well and panip. Nearly aid the grsvel road el sely adjoiping Bruss,14. This farm ie it valhab!e fenced and in a good state of eultivadon, --Lnt 4, Colic' sedan 5, township of Huron, coetaining le 0 acres, and free t f stumps, balance Well part good haadwoo4, pine an and a half miles from Bnyels, from gravel marl. For prices apply to Ilir)S. KELLY, Bru-ssels JIM:I:NOS, Vietorhe Square SMITH, aleple Lodge P. 0.4 In crder to close of the late W. Ge the folio -ding very half of hip of Morris, eon- tis erected it good good orchard, elearell, wed ia on the village of -one, is Well Second; of -Grey, county 10 eves cleared tiMbered with cedar. Is is three and one Mile and terms P. 0., linsetv P. 0., Or JAVIBS Middlesex County. 868 - 40,000 ACRES of WILD and IMPROVED,LANDS, e P. along the line of thld Sanilac and orori• Counties 1-1 from 83 per acre upwards. G soil, climate, de. Free Guiles Rates to show the lands Write full particulars to W, W. JONES, Port Huron, Michigan, general see Lands for sale, . & N, W. B. 11.4 ht Michigan. Prices water, maikets,_ and Excursion for nets and 26 Mit sry St., agent for Tennes- 868x13 [ ' A E.PLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. The undersigned offers or sile his Blacksmith- ing and Wagon makieg establiebment in ehe Nil - _loge of Egenondville, together With the tools and good -will of the business; also a considerable etcek of iron, and lumber. There are two large Shops, one for blecksmithing Mid the other for wood -working. aliens are three fires in •the blacksmith sbop. This its in the centre a One of the best egrieultural districts in Canada. The business has been established thirty years and it good man with some capital (tan ineke money fast. The best reasons given for selling. Apply on the pteraises or address Egmoruivilie P. 0. ROBERT FULTON. 848 SEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARYE flORNEB sal Jarvis and Godealch Stzeets, next N -d door to tbe Presbyterian Church, Betaforth, Ont. All -diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or any of the domesticated animals, successfully treated at the infirmary or elsewhere on the shOrteat notice. Charges moderate. JAS. W. ELDER, Veterinary Surgeon. P. S. --A large stock of VeterinaryMedicines kept e,onstantly on hand.