HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-15, Page 1ISP 8, 1 s 84, rUST. yriLANCE OTTR— or 0k & MILLINERY !--4) AT A GREAT iFiCE 3' MONTH. FAUL, CaDDS MAN t)RTH. 'r UST. &LANCE OUR— Stock MILLINERY AT A GREAT FI� !.MONTH. UL, NM MAN gtTla, who has marched, re of the Prohibi- day of its organiza- e best infornaered: bers of the Conven „ Maryland's little ent delegation, from, women there were Stewart," aged and antis B. Willard, chief roraoter of America ; 2&113. 4ttiS ; Mrs. Burt, of I, of Connecticut, rs, their sisters in stian Temperance - races among tha n the important ade motions, and n all reepects dis- til° delegates aa en folks." There. her political con - d song, amen and God" and "Praise - mingled with the oughtful, aged (leis- espondent : "Well, gathering; there xeligiora in it fat a , and a little tota arep-meeting." Iti , hearty crowd, <It The speeches were tabiy that of Mise ex Governor St- orPresident of the Governor's nomi- 'e made, although were named from rohn and Daniels. antis.' ticket, that- ste. The platform tral idea, being the the ntaufactu-re, f liquors as a bev- evas denounced as • the people. Drs of temperance, I ard in its behalf ould not have been irg fellowship. Ha intnending to the - es the passage of license mea,sure. i:J.,.'„ who had been -ler, suffered with nd old. Democrats is wonderful Con "grand. old par - y the Prohibition o harm. will come he Pittsburg Co" - la ta 7,10NogGABELA.. germ ing En a 2 sm, lin micomull111111B0 som gm ling2041664613mmiumummimmeusleasiommoinin SEVENTEENTH YEAR. VniOLE NUMBER 871. $1,500.00 ! one Thousand Five Hundred -Dollars has to be raised be- fore lst September. GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER AT THE SE.ALFOR,r111-1 BOOT STORE, judicious expenditure is true economy, and everyone will promote their own interests by taking advantage of the present extremely low prices at the BOOT STORE, Parties needing Boots and Shoes for present wear, or for fall and winter, oan effect great savings by buying this mouth. A mammoth stock of Men's Long Boots for $1.50 per pair, and up- wards ; 150 pairs of Boys' Lozig!Boote for $1.35, and. upwards. Over 1,000 pairs of Ladies' Fashionable Peb Bel - Monis, for 900 and upwards. A great variety of Boys' and Girls' 1 strong school Boots. Oizes-4, 5, 6, 7, 8—capper toes and. riveted bottoms, regular stove kickers., for 500 a pair. Men's and Boys' Felt and Straw Hats at desiring out pries. Reductions on these goods vary froiln 10 per cent. j to 30 per cent. INSPECTION INVITED. —ALSO AT M. :.MORRISPN'S Old Stand, a firstelass stock of FRESH G400ERIES, which -we are offering at 'west living profits. Special value in Teas, parties buying five pounds and upwards, will be supplied at greittly re- duced prices. Ali qualities and prices iti Sugars. XXX White Wine Pickling Vinegar and Pure Spines, and all other articles to be found in a Best -class grocery eatablishment. Agent for the Herby Climax Cattle Feed Company, London, the hest and cheapest feed on the market. GEO. GOOD, SEAPORTS. SEAFORTH, ITRIpAys AUGUST 15, 188. Notes of a •Tri Thrpugh the Qu'Appell Region. A METHODIST TEA -1 EETIN0 IN THE NORTH EST. The Rev. W. L. R tledge of Winn peg, gives the fallow' g spin account 4f a trip he recently m de to 'he Qu'A pelle district. He sae s: , During the last al olith t ere was la Methodist church an olV8TB9.1 , tea tree ing and carcip-rneetiog, to attend" d in the West. The ' ev. RI . Staffor the president of our conference, was e petted to be present, and w la announe- ed as one of the a tractio s ; but 14e I could not go, and as felt li e taking a holiday, in the wor s of Ihe colored preacher I once heard at c lion Springs, "1 kindly conseuted o take Ibis place " -Se we set out early Manda0- morui soma.two weeks ago, oe Q u',A.p pel le, say we, for there were fout of us. thought it would take about. that ma to make tip far one president. , The tr was not altogether new to Me, as I h. been -over the. same roundgfast B on this OCCaSi011, iustead of staying clo by the railway, I drove about the cou try a great deal, visiting differeut settl merits, and iu this way I think I ha got a better idea of how things are goi on ; and certainly I WO as , never d before—that we have coailtry whi is great—at all events, in thie futur We have room enough to ao anythin and soil good enough to produce'almo anything ; and as for ,lneat4 they a. as the old Latin proverb pits it, "n ta'io we would see anything of are convinced o in the Northwe be rewarded wit On the Syke far used. It is wl rke engines, oneton 1eaol These draw the plo making nine fu The day I visit using a harrow The plow is no for breaking pis sown on the so the furrows it the advantage decaying grass. crops on the Ed to those in othe promise the av ever ave expecte to t egad ." The far ers this? hat good far ing t 1 lmost invari bly a le harvests. a steam plow is by two • trac ion ide of the *eld. rom side to ide row at each pass ge. d t farm they ere in h same mans er. t c u idered a sue ess pos if grain is to be wit ut bacl-settin as ake re too deep t get th nutriment of the 0 i4g to this the nit ley farm are not e ual ekt,but second c •ops ield. onday after con a rive for the •ea• uite proms:ion e on spirited Aors- by thriving far- stly filled ith re as ptentif 11 as young men riv- is from the towns ourselves. T *ere wn by oxen, and pi ponies. I ctly, for I sh ustice, espea But, regal. n tive nondes • ahnost amyl, s to;do anythin man drivi i sweetheart me hour as o r- he wished to b t his horse vet s a a provided wi nd great etre oae did Ihe cond of the On his ar ratutated on b. of muscle en we learned 1 aster in Easte • piag a,ge 3 a About three o cloc the people bop to meeting. We f un P d --Iyoung men nn 11 • t es 13Man spans e mers, the wag children, for ch flawers in' the p ink, their girls; in livery rigs were wagons, t e ndt a few by sh h I spell the nam net like to do t • to a sbagginapp of spelling, it 11 pony, -which c , bet positively r We arrived at Qu'Appelle station In multa sed multum." a tioeurry. One the middle of t e night, teue.. early next 1 tidy —presum a Qif Appall° at morning took h rse and buggy and set out for port Qa Appelle. The For s selves, and nat in a valley some 300 feet or obelo e things up in s surrounding country. I dont kno h w BIT agginaPP,i• long this valley is, but I wet}, told the I %alp of great 1 might drive 40 or 50 miles in either di- acid to saoh go rectioia and atillsfind myself in it. The it thart he cam view from the table land as veiti a - string of oonv WO heard hi proach on either side is very hea,utif I and picturesque. As we saw it, t o i hands on his t the secret was feet lay two lakes—Echo and. Fishing'— connected -by the narrow, but dee Qi Appelle river. The lakesabout t. miles wide, stretch from side to side the valley, and the little town lies either sidoof the river, bet veen the It would be difficult to find place mo t delightfully situated, and it has ad' ea become quite a summer res rt. are beautiful drives in alma rection. 0[16- gOing west sometimes takes you half cliffs, affording a maguilic the valley, the other leadii the pebbly beach of the lake shrubbery on the side 'of abundant, and the bushes ar Saskatoon berriea and ally quitoes and flies. A drive leacliug to the EtOttlall Ali -siou so e t li v t t every he i- a d organ, no et and Nam h e hibited and dmi d o way tp t e 1 but all in their pro nt view,: of g down !to a S the c iff ie ed itself. Tie t: tield a ith mc s- cacti:ex iths COU MD off I hi? had been a O I 0 tario. : ti of I , When we ar O 1 fd nd it cliff= . j almost in the art 1 0"1 3' 0 miles fkom Vin y I d eased ladies -11 -an '6 croquet, ice ci ea drive ns ldre aid isi ike co, d ggi CO lay po a n d fus you ly he rail yle, e w not p r in let an e 00 11)1 brei ut cho os '1 • 1 ope uld ally less ript in C1 a left 0 ive4. to hag gth, i d o g al. 11 b t th at n t the churc e lieve that we re o the Northw eg. Fashio. lepty of thee t o , fruit cakes, Ilia rst babies t. • ; all were 11 e e, r places, an. ot got them. Ad 1 not be ex.° 11 d. t was ann C - E3 the evang:lits om the Etta d s - d easily have .e:u a ding, ouly fo t e al director. , who was to e , only knew e d tune ono° k—but we eginniug a c ngth of it.. e aelyn, of Boa now oue. h d e for that a t f vas decided n t o eetiug, afterI h d e of our church he trial mei. not Mac wi h bled up as for the tea, The campme • did not com that were exp appointed. It d carried on not ' litck of a good Ls.wson, of Qu' h 'tided the mo t ne. It was Old Hundredt hardly warren meeting on t other minister, vi w, did not p ffered my a thle service, bu go on with the led the singin services; I cou heve been satiel Before comi in' Regina. It saw—as flat ' suspicion of a 11 o anywhere. Of cou only to situado , itt gena is anythi g beilieve half one hes ing indeed. M vis very well time as were out in the Anyw: oat, as went conld not get S I could not tleal settlemen it lis a wended ev 1 be no mea post office ciiy. At pies away out on t p st office. A run of abo t Winnipeg. like home. eight miles down the lake 's hardlY I 86 picturesque and has the a tta.ction of a , - much smoother road. We were unfortunately too late for the- great Ind jhst a lit ai pow -W which was held here and ' hear t address of Pie a -Pot, their g ,eat chief which he complained tha his peo were denied the privileges that we granted to foreign immigra, to in a la which once was all their ow ed that there was Mischiet. peaple were not more jus There are numerous bands all about here. They seem carious living by hunting, ries and catching fah, whic the lakes. They are a he people than those we see about Win peg. Their colored hlanke , in whi they wrap themselves,their &there a paint, and their stately bea mg and p tnresque appearance give one son hint, of the noble red man of the o story books. From the F9et we a.Cls to Qt Appelle station,land leven mil eastward to Indian headqu ters of the Bell fa, visited t farm last year,'but sed at t great improvement even he since last fall. Wha of whoa, 7,000 aeres in all, th me. 0 • has a better idea how thousa acre'field is when it i d. bons for the farm hands o alf recti of the farm, consisti neat sto and a half cottage, sv house and grainary part of the country q pearance. The villa —it may be a town know -is quite a pre grown wonderfully ince nine months ago. It i hal fro fa whom is a Zion church. He is s endin year on his homeste and —as all the farmersbout the prospectsfor harvest. where the anniversa were to be held on following Monday is Edgley farm, about le in le re ,land hint- .hoad if his 13, treated. Of Indians to get a p icking, b r - abound in er class of th 0ki- rove hence ead, t na. afs sur Made field tol arge fenc ever g of ith st ttach ite a e of or a c ty pia bodily half a mile we and nearer the B the many old friends one young man, wh la 6 n y le, drivi g 1, give this opnlous a dian He y, for all I ,. and has y last vi it d 4: 111 if and Sun ituat ght west of the Qu'Appelle a farm is largely owneolil I by C of England, and'coutaists of itt odd fieCt1011S. The even ing taken up by settlers, w ful farms and comfortable I houses and out buildings re Old Ontario. Two whole they tell me, in thiS vieinitY taken up, with a settler on e When one first catch s sigh tlement from some. eleva rolling prairie the se ne is ful indeed. Farm • eases wheat fields in ever dile° far as the eye Call e, wit buildings and tents f the to the right and. deft -ad on The appearance of t geld cording to the MOH t of au land hashad. Field whit ,looked very well; the own only middling," an were ed to yield half a c op. " they would say, the nly w !we have' anything ett )3own grain in the sable fasi • iso mov the static . _Arno I met w member his sepo s delight ere are— he char ea meeti ay and, tit d near the ilea nortlk tion. T lonel Syk 0,000 acr sections b 111 a a ose beauti- oking far ind one townshir # Df s, are entirely cry sectio of this se icin on dry beau nd. wavil. ion and the larg dgely farix :very hand. differs aca ivation t 1 thong s said we lily epec But then,7 If we h d der is that ion in Op- , t. 9 1. 6 smejaIp8mprtst. van :di 58 1 amp au cad:60 3. ho 1 st a ly e 11 1 11 81 1• th th 11 t 011 y, t ev con isit • a 1 ci riv B i nt e p ?1 # 6 : II we spent d y ddest place I ever oor—with. ot a shrub to be seen I have refe ence o her respects Ra- u flat. If oue can 8 t is very flan ish- t, however, wa not ost of the p ople y, I was told at a, horses wer:all r liverystable and ante anyw o ere. y of the ag 'cul- t this place. But for its age, and f Winnipeg, hen he centre o the stands soli .ary, rie—I mean the t 18 les brings ns back fte 11 there is no lace • an rft is stated tha frim Marseilled has and is now wor, ing in that city. wavin front of the Sal in a meeting o m. Robbs w —The writ fo her of the Onta mix, in the plai has been issued place at Napan election on An —A three -ye phen Barnhar fell into a rain six inches of bat week, and —During a q exlcitecl by whis at Kingston on an inoffensive probably fatall —While in w rehouse in fo d, last week, h s continued t able quantity, in the village. J—N. Gilbert, elepect with An Gilbert tool, fo longing to oth wife and four ra her pretty, ten. i—The Montr aert that the watch cases, Faheys, of Ne accidental disc tit firm to C a ati th fin th io of T e on st 98 r-ol ,a a ate •a8 err y a eta wo ng 11T oil flo 1181 law je r t ch ode al ece a er adi • 1 cholera re gee rrived at Qe bec a machine hop r of chickens in Army while old- treet in King.ton, $3. lection of a. em- islature for Len - e late A. H. Roe, nomination ekes ugnst 21, an the daughter of Ste; nter of Lo don, containing bout on. Wednesd y of wned. between two men Methodist p.cmic sda,y of last eek, ea was shot- and • ed. me repairs to a sville, Sout • struck, hich since in con ider- great excite ent • 11 VT r, of Picton row, his ser Band dollar le. He lea xen. The g t and is aged 11 stoma autho seizares of actured by k, axe duet a circular customers, a has ant. be - 813 a rl is igh- ities ilver the the rom via- ing the l made by tations. far and tare. —Bea mach d CLEAN BROS., Publishared $1.50 a Year, in AtiVseanSS. 4..o.idosao tier o a fralicluleat affidavit the Faheys te faciIitat mpor- The �ffioers q.re now s robing ide for goods of that m nufac- s in eastno stead on am township counil has o ,5, for every bear dest mtinicipality. yeung nan n ahout 184 years of age, unconscious co dition Heilmuth Lacies' Co Wednes ay of ast we when taen fr ni the minutes after. London on August --nal .Foresters' greatest one ever hel Canada_ In tbe vari which a e to b held i it, prize aggre ating distribu ed. —OnFriday an old aide of Sutt n, co mated uicide the mill race. under t e irift tinae. —The other day a John Ilia, o Cairo while ojit sho dug t and dis barge the co in his 1 wer ja . Hi oritica1,thoug1i hopes his roc° ery. _Th4 other Jas. Huiphri gardene e died morm le wom nty o by dro She is ence are eau gerelideeaPht oyed wit Etiolik was o med in a g803 lege, 1 or Ik.ee b bdie enact str 5th, wil by m y ohe u con.ectli 11, 1111 night a s, umb very s Forest after d hiking corporation burial so dente r surrec ed the mains, rut we e scared off bef ing the porpse —A ix -year -o1& Grange, in charge of woman, fell of a wha other rrorning, and b of a flne setter belong would lhave been d bravely kept the li above water until his their re one. —Hi Excel eucy t eral h s an ounced being p esent t the lery co petit on bet Canadijn tea s at also co tribut to the Landsd wne ill pre with th ir me als. —At lileejog of t Wentw Fsh and nh,it Associa o was men to uard the ma slayers, and to give additioij to th whole ed by t e Gov rnmen who sec res a convict the game laws. —A rew pe ance a d is balsam trees Woodvi le. pearaucb of d it is die °vete partially seve green w rm a and verj vora —Ol Mon Quebec ivisi Ratoffiit Thwea tr OttawaMont. ronto tt 9o' 2,000 •atle g last M n aud a Vietori a a Lung birse1f in said to e been f liquor t the oung man named s, Brece County, ipped user a log tents of the gun condition is very are enteriairrecl of ing so at the nris of in the. 11 ngton, inn it 'aa pt on, on s alive a few ion at be the der in titions n with to be Woolf, sident com- ri old man named ells me der and ddenly atl1ount heavily. fter a e Ined'o 1 stn - poor fel(W'lE4 re. secur- t has rapid] in the he tree ath, an the le ed fro out hal 10118. ay las • n of th open first t eal an lock a. Ontazio Divisi n of th willnovi be in operat traffic 11etweei Chica Quebec as o enedo —Townelrs of Osborn, the levelan taring qompaiiy, and barge h ve fil d a libe States pistrict Cour the Ca ado, jPaoifio Alberta for 91,237. from Ju y 27t1, 1884. -recover, damages re col1isiori betw en the lamb. oy narn4id Willie a careless young f in Tor! iito the 4o t for the eagacity ng to a I) Standen owned. The dog tle fello 'S head master carne to e Gover or -Gen - his intention of Messrs. Croome, Elliott and Fisher orthcorning artil- $240 eada. The hotel keepers in • qu veen British and tion last 'May refused to eay in th uebec, &ad will Provincial fees after ohtaining th prize fund Lady ent the e directo Genie Pt ecided to sh agains a bonus could not swim a 'stroke, so he clung to the boat till 7 in the mornirg, when he was picked up by L. Rusliford, who plat out from the shore in a boat. He sa s he was fully four I hours in the tvat r. The drowned man was 22 Years of acie, and sober and industrious --Much indignation has been arms d by the exposure of the method prirau a iD burying paupers in the otter'S Fie d at Hamilton. It appears that a woman as buried a few da:c. s ago without a shroud and without the lid of the coff?n being screwed down. rJhd city -end r - taker states that he ca pot afford put grave clothes upon corpses paupers, as the allowance 's only ,2. from the city for each in is positive, however, the li down as he did it himself ermen. was sdrew An ieves gation has been held, ajnd a need reform is promised. —A lynx or wild cat wal3 captured the 4th concessic,n of West Flamb recently. The farmers bed been mu bothered.with the brute. Live stock various kinds had been tilled, carri off and devoured, and it was decided get rid of his lynship, even if it sho entail some loss of rest. One uieht was devoted to the chase, a,nd tlowodsmo ing his hiding place was discovered a a few rounds of shot put ink his carca The animal measured six 'pet in leneth and was a very fair specimen ef t e Canadian lynx, which is plot veryplen ful in this country now -a -days. —Chas. Wright, a cippled, sh maker, of Brantford, was on Saturd night lighting a coal oil stove in shop, when the oil burst out in ifia setting fire to a partiton wall or wo near by. Wright's crutches were of reach, and he could notimove withcl them, and almost immediately he enveloped in a mass of flames. ttracted th it attention ho, rushing ;hi, pulled t an oht hate • the !etre of buckets of water w of TO of to ld 133. e. cries quickly a passer-by, • unfortunate 18 d ut ut 86 lt3 of he et, when a cottpl re dashed over him, extinguishing is burning cloth1 a. He was }terribly bun ed and he noT lies in a viry precari us condition. —The Ontario license authorities 1of Brantford have entered snit agai1lstl or ir ir grant of licenses unless uinder protest. The proposition was accepted, and the full compliment of the Ontario licen es was afterwards made up ithout thejm ility be he rd Toronto. The eighty ou s. °liars is t e aris boys as a few d.ys Mr. Eloone 'El n axe. 'While se containing Is, s, 8S s, e ut when asked. whence came the money for the candy, blank astonishment fil ed e d- inners of the tection engage duck - f $5 in The suit will in all probe in the Chancery Division, questions embraced. are Two hundred and forty of the fine' allow. amount of the lidense fee to every person —One of a bad lot of P on of violation of cleverly caught in a theft ago. Young ball went to mad h its{ appear- carpet factory to borrow • o deistroer the there he pocketed a pu neighbood of put on ithe ap- 1 on inveCtigation ves have all been the stain by a an ilach in, length, fa —Mr. had the cottage He and Delawa bweasez e b flames. the bar, and con Butane.) • —Th forces i ner, Lie achaving cigai n ttwhaala4rtre i °dote the uni system that i31 shortly. - —Mr F. 14 Wile cks, of had a rathe stran e expete other d y. 11 was c tting -be 1 a self -b nder hen th seat on sat by() e, li was thrown oin platfor 1, carred over the elev t tied. wi h cor , just t e same were a liollecti n of b rley stra Wilcocl4s nal rally els incli the treatment he rec ived, bu the &geld inv ntions, it is not be wonclered a. —On Satur ay nig t Joseph. and his son ent f om King . return Su day in ruing at with t Clayton in a, s iff, an starte bee y tru ktr. Who Howe I land, t dayb eak, a 13 by a p sing teame filled t when tike son abed a jtruuk an into the water The act caps boat. Theso clung o the tr the fat er got n top f the skig was bot om up. Th y drifteli and ke t talki ng to ea h other. the son, thin ng his ether w ening, 1 ft the chest a d swam bat he Iiad no gone f r when seized viiitlh c mps, a d went few yards fro the bo t. The the Orifiario ct Canada Pacific d for essenger rough ttiiiu for Quebec Ieft To- m. Th entire Oanadiab Pacific on, and through go, Montfeal and Monday. he steana • barge he, Alanufac- he steamer) of the in the United Detroiq, against Railwaysteamer 0, with interest The acti n is to ulting fr m the wo oats uly 27 Won i acott, a Delawar naisfo tune to have his urne last unday fo is fa lily we e at chi e vil age, a d whenI , on c ming t the chil to th:ir ho ror their With the help of the lie s wer taave , but the bents s ere a t tal loss.• com .. ander of the Parkn ale, an ex-barbe tenant Adamon, is in a een diccovere. in a too ance""th a couple oft As he sea dal is bout a d can used, it s ers ar equall guilty, ormed young men are tic si .- It not irnl re rev lations will see 1 r • 10 armer, frame enoon. ch in service h door ome in ghbors house o in- I vation f Stay- agrace, timate female freely alleged d that yed in obable e light slinch, ce the y with ich he to the re, and a if he Mr. ant at n this, all to ercier ton to n the 'clock, near made skiff, cast it ed the k, and which apart, inally weak - o him, e was own a d man 1.4 1 1 1 $11.65. He collected a fejw of his p and they visited sundry candy stor where tbey spent about $ . Whee M Kate Hooper ' discovere the robbe she made a tour of the sw etmeat stor and then, with a constab e, went to t boy's house. The boy pr sented a feet picture of injured. nnocence, his countenance. The money was found secrete shed and returned to Mr alance of t Lin the wo Hooper. —It will be remembered that 1 week cases were tried ill Elora agai Messrs. Spires, Morrow and (Jou hotel -keepers, Fergus, ch rged with fusing accommodation to a number delegates to the Scott A t conventi held in the village of Fergus on the 26th of June. All the cases vilere dismiss d. and Mr. John Macdonald, Ontaido 11, of to n- it ld rt nt st st e, of license inspector for Centre Wellingt consideredl that this wae the result the bencht being packed.; In order have the'niater decided in a court likely to bp biased with reference to one way pr ;another, Mr. Macclou brought a fresh case against Herb Cause, which was tried in the Guel police court, and the magistrate enter a conviction and fined the defend $5 and costs. —On Pride night, at the Bens House, Buffa1b, a man named Wm. Wilson was a meted for rand tares having sneakd. into roo s occupied fourof the hot 1 guests,am ng whom w Mr. John Dulmage, of 01 nton, and other gentleman hailing om the ea place, and stole $95 from their cloth Mr. Dalmage was asleep in the ro where Wilson was operating, and awakened by some sitver droppi _- on the floor. He sprang up a seized the burglar before he CO esaape, and gave 1im a m unmerciful belating, poun ing his he almost to a jelly. Darin the cont the other Clin in.' The thie‘ er • re n- s. as 1 do Id st at tonite armed and join d was • afterwards turned over to the police. —The Humber Disaster Relief Co mittee met in Toronto on Wednesda last week, and adopted subrnitte l to the citiz subscriptions received $14,488, bf which, up tot had been paid out. The paid the burial expenses 14479. There are now dnly nine fa 1 - lies receiving relief. Th total total arno nt of claim recommended by the comroit- tee to bapaid was $94,300, but only i few casewere the amen ts accepted the Grarld Trunk, the tot 1 amount p ,480. In °Donald, who y gave $1I00 11 of report to be s. .The to al amounted to at date $8, 87 Grand Tru'k amounting to 62 by the c mpany being $7 cue, that of Widow lost two ons, the cornpa more th n recommended --Las week's Ganan quo Raper says thal a tvto year old. nil, belong to Mr. J hn Parling, got on the rail track a f w days ago, an - took it i his hea to fcontend th right of with a freight train. As the train preached, thej bull planteli his feet fir ly with brae toward- tJ4e front, low edl his had, land bellow d defiance all c,onaers. But as the engine ca rushing tip to im he Bud only lost h.e id 116 er ng ay to ay to 10 and turned to fly. It was too late, how- ever, as the end of the cab struck hina on the hp, and sent him flying through, the air. The buil went 50 feet beforej touelaing ground, and then crashed through a board fence, making splinters of three panels. No bones were broken, but the bull was considerably bruised,, and cured of all desire to lock horns with a locomotive. —The wife of a citizen of Kingston, purchase& a pair of dead chickens in the market, and not liking the appear mice of one when roasted it was thrown out and devoured by two cats. The, following day the eats were found dead..! —Miss Kate Harper, of Rodney, sus.; tained a terrible fall on Saturday. Shel attempted. to catch a little child, whol was running down the stairway Iead-1 iug to Squire Morris' residence, and inl so doing lost her balance and fell ovr; the banister to the ground, a distance ofj twenty feet or more. She got up and' walked upstairs without any help, say-! igned his charge, and will return to his ing she was not hurt. In a short time,i ld home in Montreal. however, she was seized with such paini that she had to be lifted into bed,and al physician called in. —Mr. E.J.Parke, Police Magistrate of London, lost a valuable horse last week under • very peculiar circumstances. ' Twelve Mounted Polierna,n from The groom had been mixing pans green Swift Current arrived by &an from the on the oat bin, and spilled some of it West at Winnipeg, the other day, hav- upon the lid. A part of this went ing in charge seven half.breed horse through a crack into the oats, and was thitives, who have been seuteneed to subsequently fed to the horse. The penitentiary terms ranging from two to font years. —The night watchman at the Rideout House, Rat Portage, was arrested en a charge of larceny the other day, and on searching his trunks over 100 silk hand- kerchiefs, a gold -Watch andther jeivel- ry were found, and recog ized by the Lovett, an employee of CQW8311 & Co., owners. Galt, lost his life. Lovett had been —Two well -to do Gernian families sent to superintend the placing of a have arrived in Winnipeg frchn Pateraon, boiler in the Methodist bookroom. New Jersey, and are negotiating fer a The boiler Was On a lorry. Lovett large tract of land for a mirnber of fel- jamped over it to put a block under - low countrymen who wish to settle itt foell founded reports be true, the oia uple will be united in matrimony in h o mr t tai :t. oba s,T:d NOrthweSt Notes. Potato bugs are quite numerous in ehe vicinity of Port Arthur this season. There will be a good demand for Pril; Lrel.en in the prairie Province next sea- -Mr. L. W. H. Short, one of the pio- neer farmers of the Rapid. City section, received a few days ago a draft from England for $9,000, as first instalment , Upon a fortune that has been left him. —Two light gray mares belonging to Mr. D. A. Rose of range 30, near Bran- don, were stolen from his place 0111 Rall• ' day night last. Mr. Rose has not been able to get any word 8.8 to their where - boats up to this time. —Rev. D. G. Cameron., pastor aa the Presbyterian church at N8,113011, hsre- --The old Indian, .Antoine, who akes himself most conspicuous during he pow -wow in taking up a collection, has 10 bushels of wheat =own at Oak itiver reserve. other morning the horse was used to drive Mr. Parke to the city as usual,. but about twenty minutes after being returned to the stable it died. The horse was worth about $175. —A fatal accident occurred in To- ronto on Tuesday, by which Wm. neath, when it tipped over and fell on dae Northwest. They propose starting him, crushing him, frightfully. He ex - a, large colony and the predent arriVals pired shortly afterwards. Immediately before expiring he murmured, "What were appointed to act as re resentatives, Will become of my wife and n selecting and securing lands children?' —One difficulty in the way of the d—iaThNeofirrthetwweshteaist cruepttoiart din ftrhoema, 'the tian Church in Canada expressing - aged ministers of the late Bible Chris- anada Pacific Railwa,y xperimentall themselves on the proposed union was tari, 650 miles west of Winnipeg, 101 iles east of Medicine Hat on the Sas-I their relationship to the Annuitant lociety in England. Terms of adjust- katobewan river, which beg4rn on Friday ent were asked by the Executive of ngland and prepared by a committee duly authorized on this side of the Water. It will be a matter of gratifi,. cation to all interested in the Union movement that all that was asked by Canadian authorities has been granted by the Conference in England. ' Bev. 3. Kenner, Clinton, has the following cablegram : " Terms accepted money shortly." —The failure of Gavin 1111133G, miller, tad dealer in hardware and grories, at Galt, is announced. Mr. Hume has been doing business in Galt for the past twenty-five years, and was generally duppused to be on sound financial foot- ing. His liabilities amount to some. thing like $70,000 and his nominal sur- plus reaches only 8. few hundred dollars. The immediate cause of the failure was the pressure brotight to bear by a Glas- gow firm who hold a rnortage against his mill and property. The Bank of Commerce is an extensive creditor, but le understood to be secured. The Merchants' bank is also a creditor for a less amount. Several wholesale firms in Toronto are deeply interested. A meeting of the creditors was held on the 7th inst., but no arrangement was COMO to,and the meeting adjourned for two weks. —The 24th annual convention of the Ontario Teacher' A.8803ition com menced on Tuesday. Hon. G. W. Ross, president, in the chair. Inspector Hughes, of Toronto, read an able paper ( on "Industrial Education' in public schools,which was discussei ,and a com- mittee was appointed to °Outsider the question and report. Mapintosh, of Mario°, in a brief speech, edvocated an iittorease of the legislative grant to public s hools,or,-as an alternativls, change ill e basis of appointment. A resolution as passed endorsing the jproposition, nd appointing a dommittee to report detail. At the evening session the resident delivered his address, dealing ith the necessity of simphfication of e curricula= in public schools with e vi.vr of giving it more practical earing and divesting it of ornamental juncts. An Ottawa paper gives the follow - g -scrap of -real life romance: A 1 stive old Civil Servant temporarily e ployed in the interior Department, hose name is thoroughly Hibirnian, is a peesent enjoying himself to his eart's content travelling through west - e n Canada, in company with an opa- 1 nt widow from California, who is Ms j nior by ten or fifteen years. The c rcumstances which brought them to- g :ther after many years absence are q ite romantic. ears ago he went to 8 .hool with a fasc nating young girl; as y ars grew on he l4ecame greatly attach- e 1 to her, but then their ardent friend- s ip must have grown cold for she left f r distant parts and married. He stay - e at home and did likewise. Some y ars ago his wife died. The young 1 dy married a rich gentleman who died a short time ago leaving her in posees s on of a large fortune, amounting to ree or four hundred thouand. Hear - g that her first lover was residing in is city, she at once made up her mind come and see him and one day about • a. 1# 4. Last. The crop is repor ed as Very; heavy and in splendid condition. The heat on the other nine experimental arms is also just about rip rains are all cut. —The Crystal City corr spondent of he Pilot Mound Signal sa : On Sat- rday last several small children were laying near the Livery Steble in close roXiroity to where the et bear is . The other ethered and lazily paces ned circuit round. The er of Master Bruin attract is straight- viting Man A. the atten- ion of the juveniles, whoi thought to muse themselves by throwing sticks at N inn His Bearship kept ,ot .e eye Open nd awsids o ted his for revenge.. oon a little fellow, Percy Rollins, eson f our respected postmast too near, and was seized 'b' briite and thrown .on his bear then proceeded to 'dila tim, but the cries of the ilittlefellow land his companions brought the hostler r, ventured the shaggy buck. The be his viz to the scene who drove aw and saved the child. Had for the timely arrival of might have had another sa record of the folly of mis deuce in forest pets. —On Tuesdaerifternoon en George Uren, an employ rdson's planing "mill, St. engaged at the buzz pla y the: bear it not been Charley we incident to laced con. - last week e at Rich - Marys, was er planing lumber his right hand was accidentally caught in the machine rest] pletely severing the first, thirdfingers across the km unfortunate young fellow player in the Battalion B accident will unfortunately deprive the and of his services for a time if not for ever. --The Gerrie Enterprise says," and to .1.1 of which we say amen: Miss Emma Walker, who has been visiting relatives in Waterloo county for some weeks *tat, pent a few days this week tither mother's lionie in G-orrie, being called home to refute a cruel, heartless slan- der against her character which has ately been icirculated among the fossil - zed gossips of this place. We earnestly ope the fanaily will succeed in their efforts to trace the venonaons story back Ito the base lips from which it emanated, for if there is one vile wretch in the world who should receive severe punsh ment above another, it is the one -.Who landerously traduces the fair fame of u absent lady. —The Stratford Beaton of last week pays On Friday, Wm. Hnry, an be1d1 land wealthresident of Stratford, was !charged with larceny before the Police Magistrate. The facts were that one day about the middle of Thane, Henry went into Mr. LaWSOU'E 13tore and car- ried off a slipper which was lying there. He being suspected of the theft, the mate of the slipper -was marked, and next day he came in and pocketed A while' the clerk's back was turned. That evening the clerk went to Henry's house and sa,w both slipperS on his feet. Next day Mr. Lawson called Henry into the store, and presented him with a bill of $1.50 for the stolen goods which he paid rather reluctantly. Chief Dodds heard of the affair, and got a warrant for Henrys arrest, but in the t ree weeks age she arrived in Ottawa, meantime he had gone for a trip to the ✓ gistered at the Russel. The old gen-' old conntry. The day after his return t eman, who is nigh the allotted span, the warrant was served and on Friday ting ineom- second and kles. The $ a cotnet IA and the said to have become slightly frantic ith-delight in meeting his old love. hey drove aroun4i the city together ha r. Buckley's best coach, and seemed enjoy themselies immensely. The g y old gentleman, turned his back upon t e scene of his daily avocation in the astern Block, and left with the widow the casecaee before Mr. O'Lone. No evidence was taken, as the accueed pleaded gullty. Sentence v-tts suspend. ed till Monday, personal recOgnizanceitt $1,000 being taken. It about the meanest case of thieverreve have ever heard of. Henry is rich enough to buy • the store and its contents twenty times 1 a trip through Ontario. If pretty over. , 3 -• - - 14