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The Huron Expositor, 1884-08-08, Page 7
3T 8, 1884. FORTH TINWARE'D ,RI U M 'HIM EY and a. full line of the. styles of PARLOR STOVES,, )WS them, and the, VARE en always in stook. ods and guarantee It in price. hie and Pocket Cut- tees.. t of Granite Kettles ruing, &o. All sizes - G Qs.. ging Work promptly rfaction guaranteed. foods in my line it see my stock and € ne cit Tin House. r Whitney Brothers,. ONEER STORE, t WI.NGHA m . TERS FOR Moans O1 NT ieiq Wire. R THE WORT - WARD IREL CHURN. u buy any other,. {[TE: LEAD )— and Boiled. den Utensils at. . D- ENE & G0.. ►. PRICES.. HE. STORE a large consign- vo intend jobbing as. If you have rleaworth'e Teas, o26n Hy - our Fifty. feu° Maty 2.50. fur Seventy - r 3.00. for $1 is super- market. ESWORTH. D. D EGGS art en.t UN N, aforth. ROME TEAS CE-BrIES ers consulting Id do well to ggs to the l O U E. EN MILES. bted to me for ants, that oaring mill by fire,. I am Prompt settle - books must be of be necessary VANEGMOND.. AUGUST 8, 1884. Mg.itcba and Northwest Notes. The Rev. W. R. Morrison, of Mon, received a present of $18.75 the District Orange Lodge of Win. for preaching the annual sermon. here Is at the present time on the farm a field containing 5,000 acres wheat, and another containing 2,000 *goof oats. Both crops are looking ant and promise a big yield. ,r8eskat,,00n berries are very plentiful tee vicinity of Littleton, and loads of boy pickers can be seen daily wend- . their way to the various bluffs and a. A charter hasbeenissued to the olaihoine Valley Dairy and Farming ,oteepany, with a capital of $75,000, divided into shares of $50 each. The toteparry is formed with the view of tortufaotnring cheese. —The Portage Tribune says : " If the o weather continues, several farmers bails vicinity will commence to out their wheat in about two weeks. The guest, generally speaking,'will be fully three weeks earlier than usual." —Charles Whitehead lost two horses by Jghtning daring the storm on the 9eg of the 21st. July. Hail fell as large as eggs, but did no damage to the tml�• A detachment of 25 Mounted Police sem Regina have arrived at Winnipeg, ]fid will be stationed at Fort Osborne. Eley are located in Winnipeg for the ng we of suppressing all horse steal - hich is still carried on to a con- siderable extent by American and Can- - Olin frontier men. The police will mega as far as the boundary line. __Canadian Pacific Railway Land Commissioner McTavish received a telegram on Friday morning last from efhpacker, superintendent of the ex- perimertal farms, saying that barley is being cut on the Dunmore, Fores and • stair farms. Harvesting commenced on the 22nd ult. At Dunmore and Stair pea& will be harvested on Monday ;text, and other crops are ripening fast. __says the Brandon Sun Miss '_'ouchboarne, of 10, 22, has lately dis- covered a method of hatching chickens that will immortalize her. She placed 1 bplf a dozen eggs under a hawk a few. weeks ago and now after her trouble has five fine chickens, smart and healthy. The hawk seemed quite taken back when the chicks would not open their mouths to be fed. The Power of a Silent Woman. One of the great instances of silence was Cordelia, the daughter of King h,ear, writes Sir Stafford Northcote. I suppose there is no character in any of Shakespeare's plays that produces a more wonderful effect on the imagina- tion and feelings of those who can read or see his plays performed with so few touches or strokes or so few words spoken as Cordelia. I was look- ing at a comment upon the play, and Live it noticed in the first act Cordelia has only forty-three lines assigned to her. _ She does not appear again until the fourth act, in the fourth scene of which she has twenty-four lines, and in the seventh thirty-seven. In the fifth act she has five lines. Yet during the whole progress of the play we -can never forget her ; and after its melan- choly close she Lingers about our recol- lections as if we had seen some beteg more beautiful and purer than a thing of earth, who had communicated with us by a higher medium than that of words. Her beauty consists largely in her silence. Indian Financial Transactions. A. correspondent of the' Country Gentleman, writing from Idaho, says of the Nez Perces and Lapwais Indians : An incident will serve to show their queer notions of trade. A squaw came down from the reservation to purchase nine- teen bags of flour, which cost seventy- five cents each, and according to Indian custom, she would only buy one at a time. Small change is almost unknown and nothing less than a dime is ever used: She paid for the first sack of flour as it was placed on a pony's back, &silver halt dollar and a silver quarter. For the second bag she handed out a Oliver dollar; the miller giving her back the quarter which she had paid for the first bag. The third sack was paid for in the same way as the first by a half and a quarter, and the fourth by a silver dollar, she receiving the same quarter in. - change each time, and adding a half dollar to it as each alternate bag was received, and so the whole nineteen bags were paid for, the same quarter doing duty for each. When a squaw brings in a blanket full of skins of animals trap- ped by the family, she will sell only one ata time and must receive the price before she will allow a second one to be looked at. - The Cream Gauge. A. western exchange gives the follow- ing: ollow-ing: The Chariton, Iowa, creamery has rendered the cause of honest, progress- ive dairying a great service, by a series Of experiments made in October last, to determine the reliability of the ranch vaunted standard cream gauge. It has been .claimed, as every western dairy lean knows, that an inch of cream in a standard can—the model after which the Fairlamb can., for instance, was made—would yield a pound of butter, and se a cream gatherer would give his patrons credit for so many inches of cream as he found on the cans as he went to skim them. It was soon found that this was not a reliable measure ; some Petrone were paid to much and some not enough for their cream. To settle this question beyond dispute the Chariton experiments were made with 36 pat - mea. To the surprise, probably, of every one interested, it was found that instead of each inch of cream yielding inat 16 ounces of butter, the range was from 8 to 24 ounces of butter to an inch of cream. There were ten patrons those cream yielded 12 or less than 12 ounces of butter to the inch of cream ; cue yielded eight, and three nine cun4Es• Of those which yielded more diad a pound to -the inch, there were eleven which`ran:ged sixteen and twenty osuces, two went over twenty ounces, ons giving twenty-two and :the other twenty-four ounces of butter to the inch of cream. Hence the cream gauge is `elegated to the catalogue of dairy 17ths, and the next best thing is the "request tests of each patron's milk or 1344m, and pay accordingly, and to this very well ordered, successful 'cream- er/ will, or has come, until some equafly reliable and -more simple 'm management is devised, for no %'stein can long survive which pays Vie ° man tench less than his milk or cream is worth, and another as much more than its .true yalue. • [Honest men want only and all twheir) ust due, and the cream gauge does not 04 ye it. EPPS'S COCOA.— R'sATL>! ii;L APtI FORTIwG.—»t By a th rough larnowl the natural laws wh ch gov+ ations of digestion lid ,n by a oarerul,applica ion of parties of well-selec ed o has provided our br akf: st a delicately flavors evf' may save us many oc by the judicious use of diet that a constitution ally built up until str resist every tendency to dreds of subtle maladi around ns • ready to a there is a weak point._ many a fatal shaft by ke well fortified with pur properly nourished fra vice Gazette.—Made si _. ing water or milk. Sold and Tins a lb. and labelled—" JAMES EePs pathic Chemists, Lo do Com - edge of ern t e oper- tritio -, and he fi e pro- > table a, M . Epwl thps rage which rs'lbill8. It is art ales of be grau- ng' eno gh to disnaee, H . n - a are gating talk w ere er may est: pe . g ousel es cod an. a Civ 1 S .r - wit bil- in astir is by g oce s, �o., 0111 ng. 831- 2 ihute. itot of t e ' t. iter : " or tie wa,yeusdDr. foe coughs of , af well as for t never fails to I My fri rids o edit ap ak of . Davin be n I hav h d; r it th on y Cojtighs, ole s, rtsl dru sto e e. Lar e si4e An Editor' : T Theron. P. Keator, e Wayne, Ind., Gazette, w past five years have a King's New Disco ery the most severe char rte those of a milder typ . effect a 'speedy care. whom I have recont en it in the same high t rm cured by it of every oug for five years, I co sid reliable and sare cur for etc.," Call at J. S. ob and get a free trial Mott $1. 833.52. A Blessing to In these times whn o are -flooded with pate t tisements, it is grati to procure that will c erta If you are bilious, blgod Liver inactive, or genera there is nothing in site cure you so quickly as E They are a blessing to all can be had for fifty cent J. S. Roberts. 833.52 Strength .: d. r dews pe s ed cine civ r - to ,kno wh t my cur yo ut of rd , ly debili ate orl d that will ectrie B tier menmekin. , a d kin bottle ` f is a valnableAuality and r atny citrcn. stances. The strongest a e- nlwayjst e greatest whether iu the tiugd4 m f mind or muscle. Dr.bDow' Sti*'geo Oil Liniment is one of h stroInge t remedies, known, but wh n used exte nally, when the skin as ; not bee broken, its effects in re.lie •ing pai a e most grateful and soothin • .. jFor he j matism, Lumbago, Neur< lga an the like it has no equal. 805. 2e Takes the L Great - Success. Dr. Russian Corn and War takes the lead, becaluse represented, and does its fully. For, 'sale by all fir - gists. 837.52., Shall We Let the A hard-heartedpolitic looking at a pale and gasping as it lies non that the child might as w ad. S rape off Eradicate a ja t a cvcrk ith t -class t un 1 d econ child f pillow, 11 die. so weak and poor that its life' will !- be worth much an how.'Ther I already a good may people i world who ars of not mute /eyecup use of ;add! r wea ling e of ever am ither chili. poli get put of die ? ,No ! a remedy that child ll spend my Pell, t Li on aHow will ave I how. And what's the I their number anothe has but a slender chant ing to anything. Now ask that child's m ( she thinks about letting the : About this time the bar I economist had better 1 way. " Let my child 1 As long as - there i I found that will sav child shall not die ! I' I dollar to sale the child !" bottle of Shaker Blood Syru 1 child. .See the poor 1 tale f I up strength. He reviv s. H Hosts of other chil ren 1: brought almost from death t life by. the Shaker Blo d Syr druggists sells it. J'. . Robi for Seaforh. 855.52. r s itte mist :ably say s It i eve u • ar th any - gt vvh not • ha die tica th No o b ; th las ry tha pie live bee b helth 1p. Vou rts, aligen • Holloway's Ointm(;nt acrd P s This Ointment affords the sho test safest, and easiest path to sou dne:s i. all kinds of skin diseases, porof lou affections, scorbutic maladies, ulcera tions, eruptions and infiainlmat one. here is -nothing delete ions in the om- osition of Holloway's intment, b t on nhe contrary, its ingred ents po sess th. most soothing, purifying and seregth- ening qualities,. so that t can be sed with perfect safety b per pns..f all ages. The delicate ski of i fent: is not irritated by i, s applicati n, andit is equally adapted f sub ping the tedious ulcerations attaakiiig he a:ed. In all constitutional, chronic nd com- plex affections, Hollow. y's Pi is eh , nld be taken while , his Omtmei t is bring used, in order that all anef in`- tter maybe expelled from th f systeet. 83 .52 V `• Was a New Mai Derby, N. B Jan. I caught a cold last i 11 on coach going to Chatham, whit in a very severe cough, d fir confined to my room, I fearer very soon terminate in consun I was growing ''weaker and we day. I got very much : !alarm not sleep for want of b bath, doctor .advised me to ry Dr Pulmonary Cherry B' lsam. sceptical at first, but fter bottle found- I was ret verin finishing my' third bottle wa man, cough -all gon® nd c cured. It is well named t remedy. 792.52. S. E. W 6, 188 the a Tr set fly I it wI tion ere d; c. hen Wile sing and a triple e g MAO The signs of worms a e we but the remedy is not alway determined. -Freeman's Wor dere will destroy them. 857.5 Good the Year Ro Pills are a good blo regulator, and mild: pn seasons. - 857.52m. +.-110-41111 ml. d puri Dative Bucklen's Arnica S The best salve in the world bruises, sores, ulcers, sal h rhe sores, tetter, chapped hands, c corns, and all skin eruptions, tively cures piles, or no pay kno so P m. age led as uld as ery aid my n's felt .no on env ely eat Iv Pt atio er, li for ell w - • al er all ve. for cots, in, fever I'ilbl: ns, nd F: • si- egni ed. it is guarante tine, or money err box. Fe 33.52. I have used Corn and Wa! -recommend it One bottle is �. corn cure, M(5lgned,) F„, C. old by Lams 5eaforth. d t . give -perfect sa refinded. Price 25 stile by 3. S. Rc tisfac- cents berth. �r. rapemoff's R esian t adioator, an can as d i g all , it . pro eases. north our of any other My dorns are mi sing, Beirfougbes, Stratford. en & Wilson, Druggists ( • e 830026 —tee�•• ngston. & 0 druggists, write 's E riot of Wild Straw- beea the best remedy for !Plaiate in the market. l Fro N. C. Polso that Dr. Fowls berry has long Bummer Co 857.52.2w. Wom; .n's ` Peakness• Much of the':wea*y' weakness pee uliar to females is aused by irregularities tliiat could be romptly remedied with that excellent tegulating tonic, Burdock Bllood Bitters !857!.52.2w. ii es s be Cured4 rk, of Milldridge, Ont., n, and that Hag y ard's and lam - Can De Mr. John C>i declares it a Yellow Oil ie the remedy that him. It is also a specific for all in reation and pal n 857.52.2w. 1�* A St. .nnn' - Victory. Mr. John MorAscin, well known in S. Ann's, N. 5., hal serious Kidney lropey. e was . 857. Complaint that . bor Alter hope hid - s- cared by Bare cit B. 52.2w. et to A Cure for Cholera. :Procure from your druggist one ottle of ` Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild IS raw - berry and take' Stammer Comp 3ered on arly fled, h food Bitters �s din cted. It ours all aintIlie 857.52.2w. 1'r e Record. The moat re arklite cure of Soufula n orecord is th t of the Rev. Wm. Stout, of, Wiarton, wh se case of Scrofitlous Abscess baffled he shill of. seventeen surgeons for tfven y three years. was perfectly (lured .y Burdock blood Bl;tters. 857.5 a.2wd :Worms ofte, can The. cure is pr. la It !destroys anal xpel lye 857.52m. 1 For the couple*i blotches, tan, a d al,l the skin, use Pr f. Lo Soap. 857.52m 4 Advertlsin A Remskrk He e serious ill w's Worm S• worms off ces& rap. cfival n.—For pimpl tching tumors. 's Magic Sulk ;g' It has beco art; article in stype. 1' Then run it thin we avoid al And simply' merits of Hop E eta terms as poel 'l' To induce p " To give the prgves their val lase anything else." es n lel nto pc 1 suit cal itte ibl ._ opl . cn e tI a s e The remedy so f . all€the papers, Religious and thecal: Having a la in ` all other me There is no thf Hop plant,_ Hep Bitters ha ;news and ability' `f In compoun1 virtues are so p1 obfervation." Nod ` She lingers pining away all 'l The doctors And at last Bitters the paper 4' Indeed 1 In '9 How thankfll medicine." A. Da-ugl Did. s en nd she 1 1 t ing 1pa Cheats ! ! ommon to begin gent, interesting me advertiser lent attention to the in as plain, lion - Vis, of ur trial, which so they will nver orably notice in r, is , and is suppl nt- g the virtue e proprietor n great shre medicine wl IT to every he Die P and he tin • cin d Eleven year4 on a bed of raisef " From . a col liver, rheumaticp debility, Under the c fi Who gave heti 'Bat no relief '1 ciao suffered al e. for years." g her no good' u ed by this s say so much abo ee4 ! ' 1 we Should be for i Iter' our y, npli' tro re of disea s of s of wd- ose ►e's ng, til Misery. aughter snff red tion of kid ey, Ile and nery us the best playsi- e various names, " And now she is r -stored to us goo health by as situp e a remedy Hop Bitters, tha we . ad shunned years before usin i it."]-- The Parents. Father is Get ing Well. My daughter say "How much better f ther is since �, use • Hop Bitter e is getting well after his 1 ng suffering from a iseas declared ince a- ble.'' ' ; "'And We are s glad that he u ed you Bitters."—] Lad of Utica, N w York. rte`-' None are g nuiile without a bnnch of green - Hops on e white label. Shun all the vile, poi .:• ons stuff w th Hdp " or " Hdps " n their name. 864..2m. in as for he The following is fro- J. V peg, formerly grain oyer f Hamilton and Grimskcits: "I much afflicted with d,ostiven ultimately dyspepsii. I I su medic' and th min fan heai,h id s ma sin 1e7 afor tried !many different only temporary relief, ever again. I was rec had been restored t gor's.Speedy Cnre. I before I] felt like a ne excellent health ever] taking it February 70 & Wilsoir, druggists, S Fluid` ig Fluid -Lightning richt on y h. star ely, but also lie rheumatism; lumbago kind cannot remain applied. W'hen yo ping: you hear of vela ever known in never fells to cure, an but th instant it is a Sold a Lumsden & W 851.52i. ralga, Ptolemy, of win ✓ Win. Gillesby, as for many ye biliousness, a red very' much, a est which gave n I was as bad ni- of irs cd ns- as ed by a friend, who by it, to try llTcG nd llree- it was not to g nd I have enjoy ed I first commended Sold by Lumsden 851.52m. Tying. cures toothache headache, canto nd sci tics. Pain of a ne nute where it h r of Fluid Lig ne of the greatest m e wity of a medicine, as not i a week or a d plied, t the affected pa son' n e, y ie t- r - it uggists, Seafor Salt IRhi; Salt rheum, pimples or •t to onghly removed by a p oiler ++Parke's Carboli Cerate s Spee 'et Sol tore, gor few doses of McGregor bloo Be sure and byhle#Gregor & Parke. den's i& Wilson's drug S e m. rhes can be th plication of MeG to the part, an y Cure for imp ennine. Prepar t 25 cents at Lu aforth 851.52m r- e - a re d s- PERFEC ION, AT LAST. su qus EXTRAORONARY ROLLER MI LS. The only genuine Roller Mill in the Count , which now has no tuperior, Ameriba, for manufacturing Roller The' B4ead Qzlestion Vital _TIN ortance. b Rollers tow, in: full Oper ion. FarMers in 11 ceses get their own. 4eat grband, nd by one i3ew sys- tem get a stronger, whiter, richer and better rade hf flon by ;far 'than the public as hitherto been able te get. Rem mber,!, there is no hurahog or ex- periment in Our ado ting the G-radual Reduc ion Syetent. Oar new 0 stem is thoron h end relianle. :It ;has been therm] daly tested, a d proved a great succes in Hungary, Ger ' any, France, Engle d and the Un ted tateta We ave A.; 1 Flo r pr vioes to our extensive change at a heavy'cost, and we guarantee better Flork nOw. One trial vnli be Sulfide t to prate our as- sertion oiler*. Pe Our facilities for his elass of work are nns rpass d, and ustomere may de- pend o gettieg thei chopping done at process rolle flour. Flour, Bran, Short and Feed deliv- ered to! any part of Seaforth, Harpur- rah Our Saw Mill at Egroendville and Brecefield in full operation. 808 KYLE (St MUS TARD. ILS0WS, Sign of the Circular -Saw, Seaforth. LV 0131J 1S3AHVH 3H1 N NVD IOVII NVIGVNVO 1S31©V J 0 rn Cn rn cn CD 1�f13=S�001 193AJVH cp VEIO Ss3NIHS The Royal Hot SE 'AFOR :ONTA 10. BEGS to inform hi. old frie ling Tic tha having torn, and it Fs now o e of the and Convenient hote en the attention to the wa ts of his to merit a s are of ublic areal' well rnishe and wel will be kept supplie with th tentative an trust orthy h in attenda.n e. Goo sample Remembe the "Royal Hot JAMES W I a r ere by mailprone ds and the urchased from eop !t most co county. y strict ustomers hopes heated. j The bar best, and an at. stler will aleveys be rooms for-Commer- 1," corner lief Math 733 IR, Proprietor aratvieewb YOUR FACE Man Freckles, Sunburn, Pimples, Black Specks, Blot - star tly by applying Safe, Sur and Efferpttial. PRICE 25 . PER BOTTLE Sold by all Drtigeets. CENTRAIL GROOERY. ,Notwithstanding the recent ad ance in the wholesale markets in the price SUGARS, we are selling them at ower prices than ever before offered to th public. Having made our purcha es when prices touched. bottom, we, therefor are in a position to offer extra indu ements to our customers and the public ge canny, Don't delay, but come righ along and secure bargains before it is to late. Prices on application. Our Eitock of GENERAL G-ROCEBIES is co plete as risurd, and will be found. at the spot to buy the best goods in to spection of stock and prices solicitecL 11 times fully assorted. The " Central " i n, and at prices that defy competition. In CROCKERY Department is fully stocked with a SETS, DINNER SETS, CHAMB are offering for the next two weeks stocktaking. Now is the time to bu we are desirous of reducing stock as livery. ND GLASSWARE arge and. choice assortment of CHINA TE R SETS, TOILET SETS, etc., which w at reduced prices, previous to our amine Crockery and Glassware at low figures, a low as possible. r Butter, Eggs and coarse grains. Free de Laidlaw & Fairley, Seaforth. TEAS CHEAPER THAN EVER. If you want the best value that ca be had in the Provinee for your money, 11 at the That is -the place to get the worth of your money. Black Tea, Green Tea, Japan Teas, ithat are usually sotd at 400 a ound, are now selling at 256 a pound, or five pounds for $1. Also, the,higher pri ed teas are cut down to a very cheap rate. Sugare are being sold as follows : 10. 11, 13, 15 -and. 16 pounds of each for $1. Raisins ae5t, per pound, or 22 poundafor $1. Prunes, ditto. Tea dust very cheap. All kinds Of Groceries at the lowest possible peices. A full stock of Crockery, China and Glassware on hand and. will be sold at a small advance on cost ; in fact, everything to be found in a first-class grocery, can be had at the Seaforth Tea, Store. Oatmeal exchanged for oats at mill rates. .All goods delivered. free. A. G. AULT, Main Street, Seaforth. P. S. CARROLL, Solicitor, Conveyancer &c, Money to loan. Al;- Office in Meyer's 'Block, Main Street, Seaforth. 794 1? C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Private money' to -LI'. lend at lowest rates of interest. ()neck— Corner of Square and West Stre4, Goderioh. 1774 Wm .Proudfoot. 68 "el Solicitors in Chancery, &a., Goderich, Ont. eron. 50 -lei- • Law, Solicitor in Che.ncery, Commissio er tor taking affidavits in the Province of Mena° a. Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wiegh m. Privatefunds to loan at6i to 6f per cent. 68 MANNING & SCOTT, Barriaters, Solicit re, Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the B nk of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. 'Money to lo n. Office, Beavrr Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. 78 t's MEYER & DICKINSON, Barristers, &c., Ke r Block, Wingham. Solicitors for the Ba I of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking affi I vita in Manitoba. Private fundS to loan at 6 1,efrai: I‘ cent. Lucknow office every Wednesday. H. LOFTUS E. DANCEY, -1" Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Money to loan, Benson's Old Office, Cardn 's Block, Seaforth. 78 OTARY Public, Conveyancer, Commission r, &e, Office in Carmichael's Block, (gro d flow), Opposite Wit EXPOSIT0K Office. Money to lend, Farms and houses for sale. 88 F. HOLMESTED, -UCCESSOlt, to late firm of McCaughey Hohntsted, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyan and Notary Solicitor for the Canadian Bank Commerce. Money to lend. Farms for sa Office in Scott's Block, Main street, Seaforth. er of e. ROBB'S GROCERY, Parties wishing to pnechase Fresh Groceries of the Choicest Brands, a e particularly requested. to call at t e Popular Grocery, Stark's Block, Mai Street, Seaforth. I have now a fine stock of the be t Sugars in the market, of all brand and will give FIFTEEN POUNDS FOR ONE OCILLA FRESH HONEY. I have as fine a lot of extracted Honey as can be found. in the marke at 15 cents per pound. CHOICE TEAS As usual, cheap and good. Robb' celebrated Cured Hams and Meat always on hand. The hams ar especially fine this season, having bee cured by an improved process. Cure meats wholesale and retail. All kinds of Family Groceries alway on hands. Inspection respectfully i vited. HUGH ROBB. B.—lithg's Specific, a sure cur for Dyspepsia, always on hand. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD & 79, Queen Street, London, E. C., England', be glad to correspond with Apple Grow ers, Merchants and Shippers, with a view t Autumn and Spring business. They will ala give the usual facilities to customers requirin advances. 889-39 kJ lot 21, co cession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersenith, a Thorciughbre Suffolk Boar. This animal was recently purchased from the well-known breeders, A. Franks & Sem, and is from imported stock on both B*13. Te'ems,—$1, payable at the time of service With the privilege of returning i f necessexy. AUCTIONEERS. T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the ri • County of Huron . .Sales attended in ell parts o! the County . All orders left at the Ex. eosiTo Office will be promptlyattendedto. A DELGATTY, Licensed Auctioneer for the -L-1-• C nnty of Huron. Sales of alldeseriptions promptl attended to on reasonable terms. Ad- dress - russels P, O. or apply on Lot 4, Con- cession 12, Grey. 77 _TAME CAMPBELL, Licensed Auctioneer, Lot r•-' 10, on cession 14, Meliillop. Sales conduct- . ed on tl e most reasonable terms, and satisfaction guaranteed. All orders address(d to Walton P. 0. will receive prompt attention. JAMES AND MACHINE SHOP IN FULL BLAST AGAIN ! ALL sorts of repairs of Agricultural Imple- mcnte, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Work, &c., doree with despatch, We se I John Abell's Horse -power and Steam Thresh. , Saw Mill Rigs, Stationary and Portable Engines the " Victor" double Huller tied " Bird - sell " CI ver Machines, &c. We alSo keep on hand repairs for all machines and engines made by John Abell. A large stock of Plow Points, &c., kept constant- ly on hand. All sorts of castings done with despatch. We can supply you with any article in the trade on the shortest possible notice. Please give us a trial. 856x26 PORT BROS., Wroxeter JAMES BURGESS, OF THE CITY. RESTAURANT, SEAFORTH, Has a complete stock of Confectionery and all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables in season fresh. Ice cream and tem- perance drinks always ready. The best brands of Cigars and Tobacco. Lunch served. at any hour. Every attention paid to customers. A call solicited. .Remember the place—directly op- posite Market street, Seaforth. JAS. BURGESS. N. B.—Glaisis' bread always on h and BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOWN & SON. Tate, subscribers take this opportunity of re- turning thanks tO the inhabitants of Brussele and vicinity for past liatronage, and beg to state that having made several improvements in their kiln and mcde of burning, they are now in a better position than -ever before to supply the public with first-class lime. This being the tentt season of our business dealings in Brussels, and having given unquali- fied satisfaction so far, the public can rely on re- ceiving good treatment and a first-class article froin us. First-class Lind at 14 cents at the kiln and 15 cents delivered. We also burn a No: lime for plastering at the same price. Remember the spot—Brussels Lime Works. 859 TOWN & SON ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAPORTS, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REOUIRE'D. Grand Trunk Trains leave Seaforth GOING EAST— BE ItaiticraT's and Clinton sfatione i °STEC. CLINTON. London, Hu GOING NonTil— Londesboro, , Illyth Belgrave Blyth London, arrive on and Bruce. Exprese. Mail A.M. P.M. 9 17 5 55 18 07 6 50 10 16 6 59 10 31 '7 16 8 05 8 28 10 30 5 50 and Bruce. Aee. Exp. Exp. Ace 5 58 11 81 6 13 12 IX 6 25 12 Ie . Wellington, Grey GOING NORTH— GOING SOUTH— 13luevale Brussels Ethel ST. JAMES' HOTEL, (Formerly of Shafp's Hotel,Reafolh,) TM's Hotel, which is situated directly eepoeite -As Union Station, has recently been re -fitted and re -furnished throughout and is now lone of the best and most comfortable hotels in the city. ger Eve=y possible attention paid to guests and charges very moderate. MEDICAL. r" • Suygeon, Aecouchenr, rte., Office and resi- dence, that lately occupied by Dr. Hutchison, Auburn. 781 T G. SCOTT, M. D. &e, Pheedeien,Surgeon and d once south side of Goderich Street, second dOot east of Presbyterian Church. 842 ' Acconcheur Seaferth,Ont. Office and Residence. oast of the Methodist Church. 496 R. W. BRUCE SMITH, 31.D , C. M., Member of the College of Plie eicians and Singeens, &c., Seafortb, Ontario. Office and Residence Same as foimerly occupied by Dr. DRS. ELLIOTT & GUNN, HOWARD ELLIOT, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. Edin- burgh ; Licenfiate in Midwifery, Edinburgh. 833 26 WILLIAM Gl..`NN. Licentiate ef the toyal College 'of Phe sicians mei Snegeons, Edin- bura ; bete of the Hos. pital fer Women, Lon. don, Et gland. EYE EAR AND THROAT. DR. CEORCE S. RYERSON., to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Ever and Ear In- firmary. Late Clinical Assistant:Royal London Throat and Ma? Hospital, 1 317 CHURCH STREET TORONTO. of Stratford, will be at hie 4:)ffiee, mercial Hotel, every Wednesday and Thursdi=y, exc pt the week wthn Tuesday erqn, a that of the month, and in Clinton the i•ecopd Friday of elieh month at the Grand 1.7Ill011 Hotel. Teeth ex- tracted' without pain. Charges moderate and terms cash. 730!25 , to Scibool of Dentistry. Office in Whitney's Block, up the Same steirs as the Iate M. Buggin's rooms. Office D. WATSON, DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalist and College Gold Medalist, Toronto School of Medicine. • Saving Natural Teeth a Specialty. Teeth Easily and Carefully Extracted. N. B.—As I have bought out the bueinese of the late Mr. Buggin, I v ill complete all opera- tions begun by him satisfactorily to each patient. Office over Johnson's Hardware Store, Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. SHAKE BLOOD SYRUP. Catiarrh. 'Ulcers and SUin and Blood Dis-eases of every descri0.. $1000 reward to any chemist who will End, on analysis of 100 bottles of Shaker Blood Syrup, one particle of Mercury, ,4oadnideee. of Potassium, or any mineral sub- S..OLD. EVERYWHERE. Sold by J. S. Roberts, Druggist, Seaforth. S. MAIL STFAMSHIPS Sail feom Pier 20 North River, New.York, Every Sat erday, for G-LASGOW VIA. LONDONDERRY. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, DERRY, BELFAST OR LIVER, POOL, CABIN, ''Gfie to $SO. SECOND CABIN, $40. STEERAGE, OUT - Anchor Tithe Drafts -issued loweet Tates are paid free of charge in England, Ecetlaiad audi Ireland - For paseage, Cabin Plans, Book of Tours &e,, Office, 8esforth. 832