The Huron Expositor, 1884-08-08, Page 311•617 T 8, 184 WILL PAY FOUNDRYI SCHOOLAEAFORTH, see our stock of C) "W" n naade especially fee have greatiy improvett for this Hessen, and feel Our g that it is the be ROLLERS •vy. running light and Our RLISHERS hard iron, and will y other machiue Tame_ tools for recut guarantee eatisfssettont on given to re Saw and Grist Arnett Threshing Machines, roachinery repaired on cl at,. reasonable re..test and. others — Bridge kip at lowest rates. hed on applicati0n. for the inaplemente Hernilton. A. fall line tly on. hand. AS HENDRY, APER L PAPER, PAPER ASSORTMENT CO UST Y AND— pmcEs, AT ORTH. WHY IT IS THE - POPULAR PH PARLORS, ER at thehelm mad now ia fast approaelieg, and aron and Perth will doubt - g neat and artistjc. in the - d asholiclay gifts to: absent d Mr. C. being etilly- alive his fact, has made special he accommodation of the ER'S for Christmas Piot New Year's Pictures. For n, excellence ot *Made -and dill position, coupled with (1- and aceessoriee, give the then go away- Broiling with ure. W CALDER, cottta Block, Seaforth. p. the place to go, quite a show4 ieh and rare -lea are there, HI price ers goods so poor. d woman barn, k to -morrow morn, cl to show; his etock, in eartino'a Block, oda are best, etch invest. itL do his best, and all the rest. est of Toronto- to- hase jeweiry, Saler- Spectacles' . e jewelry store of APST, SEAFORTH. & BLACK, PIOAL IVIAKERS,. bought the Toole and earried on by the God- facturing Corapany, and e of over eight years in to tarry on the trade TIE Will receive prompt- rk guaranteed: lade, and repaired, ale* Iron Work, #to.eat rea- :d old ones repaired on t prices that defy corn- & BLACK, KIPPEN.Vil owner& popalarmilie, n first-class working tern out an a.rtiele of which, cannot he e1 - °metric -lex TER PARTY a IT. e Chopping of eveg Wed to. Flour and sold at the lowest the popular NEVER', KipPeu. UST St 1884. Gaieties. ourekv trait of your dainty daisies, neeteeeennor heart pit -a -pat, entstente eaeftny sing sweet preens '01 the maids both lean and rat. °fa molasses en land or sea, inneet, giddiest gin for rae Silted with* "haystack" hat. The eiages of sin nowadays depend deol on the wealth of the bank, a/shame the cashier hu. jrevenue officer entered the store merchant who never advertised and him because he kept a atilt -- 'ye thousand molecules can sit nly on the point a a pin," 'the molecule differs from man. _An exchange says "a 1Shor.horn at over a thousand guineas ha sue Great Scott I What must a &ink emit there ? :ow cook ought to be burned at 1" exclaimed Popinjay, as a ly nice mit came in from the en burned to a crisp. isArt American lady married to an Princ,e a year ago has already ." The Prince must have gone gh her fortune quite rapidiy, ever speculate with your own ey, my son, or very soon you may nee money withwhich to speculate. I be selfish. Give your friends' vow the first ehance. t iFargoyoung lady named Rouse, g mpse of a poor little mouse, ‘e scream that she amine, Shat - heaven's blue dome, And, bulged jthewallso.f the house. mile faults of man were turned to' ones, and his virtues to faults, he would be so nearly perfect that—well, eoulelatt stay here, that's the truth (1.4-111:12saotuttehr' errt judge lately decided theta husband. "can strike his wife three licks with a switoh and escape nhment," and the Boston Post says Rona is evidently unmarried or he Iowa know better. —"rm glad:Billy had the sense to Amery a settle& old maid," said Grand- na-Winhum at the wedding. "Gals is akytity, and widders is kinder over- fed and upsettinn; but old maids is kinder thankful and willin to please." annnbat are you sowing up for ?" yelled a freight condnotor to an engineer on one of oar Verrnont roads. "Why, ire've inn over a book agent." "Drat ant then, why don't you keep ort? We °aft kill him unless the whole train runs ever him." -4-The chief difficulty about a woman _looter is that it she was suddenly caned toattend a, man who had fallen down a &ft, and they told her he was a youpg enn and remarried, she would stop so knee fix her crimps that the man would beliable to die from the violence of his =Wiens. —"Look here, waiter I" cried Grim- sonbeak, who was, stopping for a few isysat Coney Wand, " this ham is not AEI good as what I got here last suratnerr "I don't see why," replied the waiter, innate° surprise; it's the same ham, sir!" —"And so now they're engaged! Well, Jessie, to think of you, with your beauty and accomplishrnerits, and your 'betty voice, being cat out by such an ignorant little fright as that Maggie Wolfson 1 You sang to him, I sup- s. ?" "Yes, mamma, by the hour tshe made hina sing you know, and played his .accompaniments for him 1" "-Why, eau he sing?" 'No, mamma; but she made him believe he could!" —A woman hastily entered a Harlem lager beer saloon and demanded of the proprietor: "Has my husband 'been in here?" "I don't know him. Is he a MU man ?" Yea." "Red headed ?" "Yea, and red complected." " Full beard?" Yes." "Wear a slouch hat ?" "Yes." "Ile was here not five minutes ago. Raceme in, drank a glass of lem- onade and then Walked down the street." "Drank what ?" Lemonade." "Wrong man!" sheisaid, shooting her- self out of the door. A Good Story. Dleissonier had a gardener who was a good botanist and a great wag. He inew the seeds of all sorts of plants, and Meissonier was alway trying and Always failing to puzzle him. "1 have got him now," said Meissoriier to aortae friends at a dinner party, and he show- ed them a package of the roe of dried herrings. Then he sent for the geed - met Alt the guests sixiiled. The geed- enerarrivede" Do you know these seeds?" ifeisionier asked. The gardener exam- ined them virith great attention. "Oh, yes," he Jaaid, at last;."that is the seed of the palms fluximas, a very rys tropical plant." A smile of triumph lighted the face of Meissonier. "How long will it take the seed to come up ?" be &eked. "Fifteen days," said the gardener. At the end of fifteen day e the guests were once more at the table. Afterdinner the gardenerwas SIM ou need . "Monsieur Meissonier," he said, "the plants are above ground." "Oh, this a a little too much," said the great Fainter, and all went out into the gar. d8 to behold the botanical wonder. The gardener lifted up a glass bell,under which was a little bed, carefully made, slain whioh three rows of red herring were Sticking up their heads. The laugh visa on Meissonier. He discharged the gerdener, but took him back the next flay. A. Generous Man., A Chinaman, who had married a White womatoapplied to the police judge the other day for a divorce. "Doalt like the white woman," he mid by tneansinf an interpreter. "What objection have you to her ?" salted the judge.. "Reap." _ " What has she done "Nothing, and that's Why I don't want her. Want the wife to work, No work, no wife. No work, no eat. You may have her." Ma judge refused the generous offer, Ilind the discontented Celestial oarried hie complaint to a higher court. The Hot Car Stoves. "111y ! how hot it is!" exclaimed a te,!hy lady as, entering the car, her eyes 74 upon the stove. "What an idea? fire Both a day as this! What in the World are they thinking of ?" And she ehoves up the window and fans herself like all possessed. „An elderly gentleman next enters. ne sits down to read his newspaper, Lost glancing at the open window in au nded sort of way. As his eyes move !rotund from the window to his PaPer* gieY fail upon the stove. ,ft Great Scott !" lie mutters. "Do they wa up goes Each looks at hot it is got!" ' thing o window, to open opens l? " Con that off' a dozen The 0) all the #ornmoti, its mica window glowing ike a furnace seven limes hot, ter than is wont to be heated. He telkes off his bat and mops his br tv. Then he takes a long poker, and, s riding as far away from the stove as, , possible, throws tdpen the door. He falls back to avoid t e heat, then steps i forward, o the empty cylinder, and re i - ith a laugh. i ,i , by mighty! That boy's gone ted them winders red l" ; the doors are closed, every comes down with a bang, and a n in the end seat ash the OD:. • he won't please shutthe von- 4 THE LON zi DSITOR.„, 3 tto road a fellow a e ?" And hi window. new comer Rita dow quietly, the stove and then cr " How "What an awful Eft they've Isn't it ridiculous !I or eorne- the kind; and eac opens a one gentleman going; so far as 1 the ventilators, whte andther th doors. ;actor !" f'ry a dozen °ices, as ial makett his- appearance, and tigers point to the stove. nanotor looks at the cause of looks in marks " Sol and pat Instantl window little na dilator i Waters., A An ol quested fessiona went as into t hysician's Reveiage. duchess on one ()cession re. Dr. Abernethy to pa' a ro, visit at her house. The do tor requested', and was introd °eel LO drawing room, where the duchest4 with tears in her eyes, shored him an Ingly little monkey, appareptly in great, agony, lying on elegant cnsh ;nano and alnolost buried in lovely laces. The doctor f lt thoroughly disgusted at bein called non to act as a monk 's doctor, but ne ertheless, throngh humanity aequitt d himself conseientioi4sly of tb duty irnjpO8ed upon him, H felt the monkeys pulse in silence, e amined it with attention, and soon reco nized th nature ot its illness ; then Jperaivin the lady's grandson in a °or er of the dravrin room rolling abotin on the carpet, ae advanced towards She child examin d him also, felt his !pulse, an returta g to the duchess, s id to he in a gra, e manner, "Mad nn," you two son it are suffering from i ndigestion. By drinking tea and living o plain die they wi I soon recover, A bowin profonn ly to .the stupefie dachees the doo or retired, Avenged. Ro ert Koch, the 0 Doctor. teresting sketch of Koch, the diecove germ, appears in a r artenlauble. Dr. now 41 years old; is a son of Monate degree. laborion assista hospita pointm for cords seven y won by his qui artifloia especi public preciat -the val prosecu knew t cd for been br last fiv identify An in Robert cholera ber of in. In 1866 he took For the next six sly worked his way t physician in out 3. When in 1872 he rat at Wollstein, t ence had again to be ars. His first disti he publication of th t labor on the meth dyeing of microsco Ly of bacteria. By t is discovery could. d, but those who e of these reseerc ion of the study at with it a new era science. This CM Inaptly confirmed. years he has 'En ng the germs of • ease, on consumption, and Those discoveries are not strokes of good luck, but t fruits of.his own system of r The selessn.ess of "Bit pose you are given t profaiai y," says Prof. S enter 1 to conversation who n ver swears; in otb gentle an. By and by yo peroeiv that he is the snp Your r marks have a tame sound t your own ears. 1 y begin t burn with , a se friend's excellence, Your damns sound rough, and vulgar, as they are. The drop o it of your sentence, remaimin the company of g English words, until as y that yo are oarrying on yo the co venation without s feel easier, And your intelleo is incre this, m "Bu oh, yes some - the w*# and in been -k cond don't, smart fool ca do. A gather effeoti the pa hway of my life, I k renaov stumbling blecks inexpe tenced feet, and my would .0 lighter by a ton th -day. ut if you are going t just because other mein hay my BCM, my son, whatl an a colossal, what a hopniess sed by one foot. boy, and see if I am 414 you will rip out fs, in someway you w'n. ood men—some of rid—who wili "dc' ew England Aven own, under a erribje inn it." But, jas a ru o it. It isn'tJ an ess or world' wis swear. And ja great , my son ? A , if I p all the usel ss, nue e- swears I ba'e dro 1 olera e life o ter of th pent num !eh, who i he Hart his M. D [years h 'P wt aer 1hw ot an ap straggle ought for ction wa. results o lis of tla m objects genera ot be ap nderstoo sin th baciteri ad dawn Ption ha aring th ceeded i ,sttle dis 1 cholera incidents, e nature aesrcht ofanity habit o ma, geVor"d.yso a begin t rior man at, feebl nr cheek e of you rt litt] arse au begin t hamed ld, honest discove part o ring, yo al statue st observ ot right e time I kno e best I found it,' aeon ha strain, t o , my soil idence Ibm. any fool ould only led for,init ed alonl I wonl Om many wn hear it is to be a foo been, oh, ul, what you wil 1,1 IS 1 • : iterature o the Obs rve how, when the.sla' ist is eading the li # es of scans he face with ale ost e est. hese learned # eople the s 1 dwells in t 0 e ey ability ,to understan its inborn with most folk wit to stn y it, though eitrem 1 person e have told me hat o tq imination rest d in eyacmild read from he face, the ,flogers n that they1o8u1d t seeing it; so fall o ression was instant e relied upon; so fn1 heir possesssor was with an affectiona ce. w palm hand, h nal inter now how ij and th pguage 1 sensitiv i4it havin re poivel eir hande every fee* 'Mg so fall e colo lerves tha eons in f life tha love the e intoxi• of disc than t tore of of visi with° an im could when tingle cation It i said that very quieteyes tha impre s and embarrass one iwith tiled repos signify self-oomrnad, bat ala much complaseney and mu le concei Restl ss eyes th'at can not leek on steadi y in the face denote a deceitfu desig ing mind. Eyes in rhi�h th white has a yellowish ttt41,t3 and i etre ed with reddish Veins!, ove muoli of str4ng passion and haat teniper. Tery Ine eyes bespeak's ni d inaline to o netry ; gray 'eyes 8ig1u y dignit3 intell' ence and excellen resacsnin Iseult es ; greenish eyes, f hood; au a ondness for genial. A malicioun mind 1 is often indic ted by green's eyes. Black eyeB eh w a passions, e moat deceitful di posit on ; brown e e liy , tempera en , I and Alines are generally ten er aid true, Indic ti ing a kind and h ppy'd sposition. Of the nose. 4L Rcruau nose deno annterpriosing,b sin 8 -like °hared a lo per eetly straight nose indicates a p r 13 g nose is a ign o good sense • and. noble seal, unless the eye cent a dictis it; a nee ret 02484e signifies a spi it of Mischief, wit and da h ; a large n.s generally indicates a 1 rge ' mind a good heart ; a very sq# all nose go •t!1 nature, but lack of e eitgy. Thick lips wiper Is mean eit er great ;genius or gre senpidity ; v rY flan lips, erten , av riotousness, and if the lips are abi ia Ily compress d falsehood. Dim lea o the cheek are known as the a de o rogery, and in thelohin, of Cupi and is pranks. Aleut face speaks m re of intellige ee than a fat face, g neld y speaking, and they de say, bettiare,o a full, round, and greasy face, ift mea s treachery. , Irasainility is atm paraied by erect posture, open nos Ills, moist tom - pies, isplaying sppeifi lel veins which stand out and throb a der the lead x citena nt, large, uneetntaill-ranged ey s, and equal use of both llands. A genius may he expected fr m middle stature, bltiegray or bro it eyes, prominent and large forehead, with temples a little hollow; un et - lip ,slightly retiring, al fixed, attentive look, and habitual hadlination of the head 'either baekviCril or forward. — Fortte's Progress. , 1 _ 1 A I dy whilst ngaged in the pars it of hei donaeatie dutie ,- encountere a , mous in the flo r barrel. Now meet ladies under s nailer- oircumatanoles; woUld have uttered fa few genuine sbrieks, and then sdri ht safety in 4ho garre ; this one poTs ssed more than the ordinary de r e of genuine coma e. She sumn4oied the raftneer- valet and told hitru tojget the gun, dell thedog, end *station hjimself at a onbni- et es, venient distance.; T n ishe °Lambe ea half way up-stairf3 en coinmenced to punch the flour barrl ith a pole.•Pr wetly the mouse teade- ts appearancen the, floor, The dog 1St nee went in p r- emit. The man tired, and the og drchaped:: dead. The Ilady fainted sid felli down stairs ;i end the man ; thi la ing that she was kil ed, and fear no toed for Paw er?, s not been s ea ped. m UoPS. 14 811 fter Dinner A.neodotes. WHAT 4M01r8ja DID. e that he would be are disPeered, and, h sin4e. The moue esc , PICKLINO TEit 4.n 'amusing little er'ecdote of the ficatIty that forignrs find acqui the English langisage properly, come hand., ,A Frenchman bonaulted his tiopUy concerning the word equival serve." ktrend it thus, " c." he nettle e trns Were syno ve y warmly one s, 4id desiring to e tar1j1ed his aediene May Provide s " Of course pression on e one he had to 1‘ sere81 pickle, e preen ed that t m dus Speakin abqntj the Bisho thlm reatly, he ej apu ating fervently preserve the Bi hop left a very different hearers' minds, from, t tende . • ALWAYS 't ERE. "Yon have beeu qp before me half a do en times this year," said a ma is - trate soverely, to a le ad vagrant, ho thtis ade answer : ome, now, ju ge, n I've seen you her. You are here —no e of that. Eyeria time I've ben he mare than I am. eople who live in! glass houses shoaldn t 'throw stones." ng to ie. re- Ily acr t 1 by •CO b e his iti- Do . Do 't go to lied Wi h cold feet, oif in the same undetegitrm1r4te that are w rn during the day. ! Don' sleep in a room that i ' not well ' ve to. ated. Don't sit or Bleep in a draught. , Don't lie on the left sale too mueh. ont lie on the batik to keep frosi en ring. Don't try to get along ithess than seve or eight ours' step out; of twenty -f ur. Dop't jump out f bodj immediately on awak fling in th mor ing. Don't or- , get to rub yours if welil all over wit a crash towel or hands': Doo't forget to take a good (irin1 of itire water be ore br ak est. Don't take long walks w en the a °mach isUri empty. D n't start o do a daya wOr without ea ing agobreakfast Don't eat anything but teat whatou don't want just to iell.cooked. and l hutritions foclds. Don' save it. Don't eat between meals,' ior °nein& to oanse aneasiness at rrea1 time.. Dont eat tho smallest mo. sel unless hungry if well. Don't try to I keep up on coffee or alcoholic sti .. u - tants, when nature is calling you to sleep. ' Don't stend beer hot-air re is - ter' ..4- Don't inhale hot air or fume of any acids. Don't 1111 the gash with soot, su etre or anythipg el e to arrest he hemorrhage whelp yOu ent yourself, •ut bribgithe parts tsgeth r with strips of adlieSive plaster. ' DO 't wear thin sose or light soled s °ea in wet ; or told weather. . Don't atraiu your eyes by reading on an e ptyi stomach or w en ill., Don't ruin' your eyes by to :d- ing or sewing , at ' dealt, by a im light or flickering candle, or when •iery tired. -Don't sirig or holloa when ylonr throatis sore or Lvou are hoarse. D n't druk ice wateri wheh you are ery war , and never a gi ssfal at a ti e, but simply sip it 8 o ly. Don't t ke some other pees lane medicine bee use lo you are similarl affec ed. Don't b the in lessthan twe ho es after eat ng. bathing. Don'tcaIl o frequently on Don'teat in less than two hours a ter . your hick friend as t� make him t 'nk .the,t your company conversatio is a bor . Don't inake a practice of ie. lating spandal, or stories calculate to depress the spirits f tlae sick, D n't forget te cheer i , a d getttly amuse in- validit when visi ing t # ern. Don't all on iyodr sick fella an 4 advise him to take some other medi ine, get, anot er : doctor, eat more eat 1 88, sit up Ion er, go :out more freq entl ; stay a week or talk him to death, be ore you thinkj of lea!vieg. Steps are ab at to be taken at ort Arthur to comp I the closing of f nit and general stores oti Sunday. e ---Mr. Stephe Nai4i has let the on- traiot to build foii, him an oatmeal • ill at Feint Dongla to be completed by the 10th of Sep naberi. —Mr. G. B. Nash, iof London, as been appointed postaltsterat Erner on, vice Mr. H. T. Le *i; resigned. Nash has been f r r. umber of y ars ennployed in th !poet �ffioe at Lon on, and is experienced itt postal inatt' He is a younger brothor of Mayor Nash, . , of !Emerson. i i 1 A c oNg Has knocked t 'e top p ices oaij purely Summer Dry C # ods ati Rartbn 3ros., Exeter. • The e# a is coning out of our store, an1 eye ythillgi Will, , be topsy ' turvy. e ar havietg out p ernises made tw nty fe t Ion CT, anid or the next 30 ag8 0lyw11 sell lored Lawns a d Whi e Dreee Muslieti t 20. per cent. if; 5 lamer Dress G000s at 20 per cc t. off Black arid C lored Silks and Satins at 20 per . ce t off; Black Sil Otto it. aBiasar aBnrdec d:s at Black ored per Cetat. off ; a! 1 t of cent. off; ail our Ore - cent. off; Lade;' and ts at 20 per cent off; ry at 20 per ce . off; s and ,Ribbions t 20 arasol , Frillinsj and era. o ; Silka4dlLisle on Hosiery at 2 per e ,Cogars tand ress er cent. off. • enty off means one fifth of r gular 16 ; a bill of 10 to $8 ; a bill i ' that a bill of 20 will e re - dm, tit°. Resta mber r 'Pent off forthirty (36) days, sager, alnd off Summer oods 20 per - cent. off Cashmeres at 2 Prints at 20 per tonnes at 20 per Gent's Straw H Trimmedj Malin Flewers, eathe per cent off; Laces at 0 per Gloves a d Cot cent. offj; La Buttons t 20 per cent. prices, s duced to of $6 t twenty p and no I only. Allot of emnants regardless of mat. Harvest Mitts in abtaa epee. Any quantity of choice Baleen heap. A magnificent Tea in filve and ten ound lots, for 40o, wohh 65d, in he rt1gular eb way. D nt fail to atrnd Cato great _sale, nd you wi 1 profiy 1. RA TON E3 E ETER, Choice ibutter and ers t change. C:011 kiiraill• 11•11 ea In ex.. THE Quiqx T AU AIRC X The wFhole p ant is own trolled lby ractical w Stockholders o ly are agent but fine rade ovements and will be sol plices grades f otb r males. ments ill be ready in Those tiiinkin of parch watch ill do well io them. M. IR. Age , ATCH. d and con- tch makers. Nothing ill be made, f ordinary The move - September. sing a fine it *d see OJ 'TER, and iciaity. t for Seafort flIIPORTANT NO ICES. , TO BLAd'ISSMITHS.—W nted, ,goied -8- Black mith, immedia ely. Stead guarantee4. Apply to DONALD0Abit Walton. steady work BELL, 864 ptLACKS ,APPRENTIO W -ard Wanted immediately, stout, acte - learn the biacksteithing oueieees. A THOMA.d HILL, legmorele de. TED.— boy, to ply to 563 pleas- antly situated and oonvenie t to the et t on and business part of the to -eel. cottage wets. ming eig t rooms. t storyUOUSE TO RENT —0 e and a vne. Apply to T OMAS uip KIDD-, Seaforth. 867 J\{IISICAL.—Ails. T. D. Piendergast wii4 reoeive ' a limited number of piipils f or it st ructi on in piano a d orgau essons t her reaiden 9, John street, see fel door *est of'lEnglieh chine .8494.f. SHOP TO RENT —Good route e On Main St., -Suaoth, next door to tbo Id charities' Insti- tute hall: Altogether -in repair; g od e 11 r. De- cidedly (he best business siteation in tc,wn. Sur- rounded bt meat markets, hank, poot o i oe end all that at twat but iness. Apply to OMAS KIDD, Se forth. 857 , . FEMOV . VanEgruond ha emoved -AA' Ins ofllce to the building opposite ti e burned mill, wher he has a complete stock of anufac- tured goo s, and where all bust esti o fleeted with tht pstablishneiit VII her afte e con- ducted. 54tf 1. G. V nEGX N.D. A SPLENDID Eegine aiicl Boil r for s le at a J -L bargain. Ergine, G ldie & auCuliooh's make, 35 home power, line th5lt 12 feetf ioog with a large fly wheel. Boiler 4 horse powtr, 9 flues, front grat s, smoke stack, ' c. D. UBQ HART 58 inches indiameter 11 fe t 5 ine ies Int . Fire noosed. 860 A GENTS WANTED.—W nted, actiele, reliable erre- Agenes at Seaforth, E eter, Godeitich, Brus- sels, Blyted, Gorrie and Winghana to ,ft vass for the sale of: reapers, mower se rakes, twide binders, drills, see ers, piowo, sulky plows, straw utters, able and t action seam en ines, saw ill ma - wagons, tucks, ho powers, separa , - port- ohinery, dlc , mann aetured by the No h Amen - can Agric tural In plernen and Genea Manu- facturing 'ompany, Lando , Ontario. WM. B. *LEAN, Hensall, Ont., or toe American Manufacturing C mpany,Loed n. 841 PP1Y to e North ESTRAY TOC,K. V STRAY PIG,—Carne int dee unde signed, Lot 2, C about the first of July, a w year old. The owner can h ing prope -ty and paying MeMICHAEL. the premises of the neessi flee Solicit, ite sow pig about a ve the sameby prov- xpenses. JAM -68 G. 8613x4 ESTRAY; COW.—Came into the ?rem see of the undeeeigned, Lot 25, Concession 9 Morris, about the o e(f iddle of July, a white w giving milk. Thtowner can have the same br proving property and payir g gpenses. JOHN Me ARTHU a 868 T A.CHERS ANTED. TEACHER WANTED.- -'- third class eartifleat No. 6, Grey, to tett bat commencing after holida ceived unjil August the salary, &c , to A.NOUS SH er, Brusse s P. 0., Ont. ale T aeh r holding , for eho 1 Section ce f 134 Duties e. 4pplisat ons re - 9th. !Apply stating •W,Seeretaiy reasur- 868x4 MONEY TO L AN. STBAIG T loaps at 6 per cen inter pay able h If yearly, or 64 per cc t. ye Iy, with privilege o borrower of repaying Jpart o princi- pal mone at any time. ply o F. OLME- STED, • ter, Seaforth. 1 850 FRESH MAMIVIOT MAIN —AT RRIVALS THE— BARGAIN HOUSE, S RE T1 SEAFORTIL ONE HUNDRED END e AS TON'S BEST PRINT. TWENTY ENDS OF1 HEAV SHIRTING. 6 BUCKSKIN, COTTON TW ED, TWILL SHEETINGS. I ; WHITE COUNTERIi'ANES, ARPETS. SCOTCH AND CANADIAN SUITINGS. CHAMBLY AND yr\lioN FLANNELS, ETOFFES, &O., SPECIAL FOR tHE WOOL TRADE. THESE GOODS ARE FORGET ALL OLJR ST HOT °AKERS, AND DON'T OK GOES AT AND BELOW WHOLESALE. SOING 10 BELIEVING. CALL AND EX- AMINE. FIVE HUiqDRED PACKAGES OF FIRST-CLASS BUTTER IN TENNIS W/NTED. Smith & West' Old tand Campbell's Block .1 JAP ES PICKARD. MUSICAL lSTRIiiiMENT EMPORIUM, E4FOitTili ONTARIO. SCOTT BROS., PROPRIETORS. 11"1-1.8 TYLTINT Read the following tehtimonial b day "The Upright Pianos of Mesa "endorsement, as a decided success. "sympathetic quality, can "and are equally beautiful " appearance."—THEOD one of the best musicians of the present s Dutthana deserve, as, well an emphatio They develop, a toue, which in power and not be surpassed by the now existing Upright Pianos, in their musical cmalities as well as in their exterior RE THOMAS. EX ELS' t the Nor sfirst prize This celebrated Orgaaii has alw hown, taking Among other Organs showp at this a Hamilton; Karns, Woodsto, ek, SSC. ments taken at their full value. Ord to at once. R ORGANS. ys received the bighest award wherever hern Uniqu Exhibition in October, 1883. ow were W. Bell tt CO., Guelph; Kilgour, ell and see us beforebuying; Old instrn rs for turii4 pianos and organs attended SOOTLT BROTHERS. N. B.—Small Instruments, such as Vio -ns, Guitar% Accordeons, Con -1 certinas, , on hand; a10 a good assortment of Piano Coven, Piano Stools, tto. All kinds of Instruction B ks. STAMPING Patterns for Kennington Crewel and Outline Embroideries THE iVIEDICAL. H Has now placed in the market a new It will cleanne the system from all i dition. It is a purely vegetable chm Customers and others whosse system a bottle of LL, SMATOPirria- and wonderful Blood C1leanser and Purifier purities, and leave yoiji in a healthy con and, and as a blood m &loins has no equal or blood is out of ord r, will do well to t C. Duncan's Ex ract of -Red lover„ And b convinced that it lias no equ4. One trial will convince you that it i what it is represented to be, and uo bsotbug. You can secure it at a small 008 of $1 per bottle, and judge for yottrseljvea as to its merits. We have in a full Ind well -assorted stock of HEMICA S AND PATEN MEDICINES.' PURE DRUGS, We also keep in etocli 'all the latest Patent Medicine et it. market. If you don't see what you want, ask fora, and you are sure to t it. N. B.—Physicians' Prescriptions carefally and eke Maly compounded. All orders from a distance filled witli care and despatch. 4 UNCA SUCCESSOR TO E. Neat Door VI) Duncan & Drumlin's Dfl Goode Store. MON & CO. • REAL ESTATE PORAL. rniT0 r‘kRMS IN MORRIS FOR SALE.—Por dt1. sale, cheap, two improved fame on the th Concession of , Morris. One within 2 milee of Briereels at ti the other half a mile. Each 100 aerts, and go dbuildiegs. For paetien ars apply to GEORGE ARMS rRo.NO, Brussels. 868 FAP.tel FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 34, Comes- si n 2, Enst,Wawanoele 'this desirable pto- perty will be s rid tl.is SUIIIIIII r, in order to close up an estate.consist. of 200 tteres of cho ce land, about 145'ac.es cleared; good farm bu" d- ings and archer . For perticulars apply to W. FARRAN, C isiton P. 0. 865 VARM IN GREY FOR SALE. --For sale on re- eerier teetesepart of Lot 5, CO110861011 8, On- taining 86 ecees, about 60 cleated and well feeced ; pod beak barn and stables, 88x45; - two scree of a heart)* orchard; one and a half miles from school, and two from Brussels. For fur- ther pal ticulare apply on the premises, or to Brussels P. 0. WALTER GOVENLOCK. 865 *WARM FOR SALE IN HULLETT. — North dre parts of Lets 34 and 35, Concession 18, con- taining 112 sorts; 30 notes cleared; the remain- . der is good hardwood hash. Soil, clay loam, Well watered with a never failing apring ereek rieleg on the premisee. Flame barn and stehlee, log house and a good young orchard. It is oonvenient to ehurches ataschools, and is situated 4 miles from Blyth and 10 frotn Clinton,. For further particular -8 apply to WALTER CUNNINGHAM, on the South pert of said tots, or to Londest borough P. O. 799 'WARM FOR SATE.—For stile, Lot 22,-Coneeselon re: 0., Turnbe,ry, e rntaining 91 acre; ; 72 acres are cleared artd well fenced and teetered, timid a good frame house and been on it ; one half mile from the villege of Wroxeter and fronting on the gravel road leaei g from Seaforth to Belmore. Will be sold cheep. Apply to the Pro- prietor. CHARLES MeTAVISH, Wioxeter P. 0. 867X8 TIMBER LANDS FOR 8AI E. --For sate, the -1- West half of Lot 11, Coneetsion 5, Hullett, containing 50 act es, mostly all well timbered with black ash, cedar and pine. It is within seven miles of the town of Seaforth, witb a good gravel road leading from the place. Pardee desiring to purchase, thin do so by giving a Ora mortgage on other farm property, at 7 per cent. interest. Apply to the under signed, or address, Constance P. 0. JOIIN MeMILL AN. 86841 pROPERTY I HARPURHEY FOR SALE.— For sale, cheap, the property at preeent occupied by rhe undersigned There in a comfOrt. able dwelling house coetaining seven rooms besides kitchen, together with eviler, weodseed, ete., and hard end seft water. There is an eere of land and eceitiderable large and email freits. It Is a no Bt deeiratee residence foa retired fat -roll- er, and win be sold tea easy term. If not sold will be rented Apply on the premises or to Seaferth P. 0 Deetelo Mc0ULL0611 86741 FARM FOR SALE.—For-sale, the seuth half of lot 10, coueession 1, Grey, containing Bo acres. There are 30 acres cleared, part of the balance has been burned down antl part bosh. There is a frame house and stable, a young or- chard and 44 erns of fall wheat. It is sitnated within a mile and a quarter of Jem-stown. It will be sold cheap. The adjoining 60 acres are alai for sale. This prope, ty will be sold eeparate- ly or together. Apply to SAMUEL or ANDREW POLLOCK, on the farm, or by Mail to Zanies - town P. 0. Bee pARNI IN MeKILLOP FOR RALE.—For Sale, Lot 29, coneessiou 2, Meltillop, contaitheg 102 acres ol whirl) 90 are cleared, free fora stumps, undeniraitted, well fenced, elean and in a high state of cultivation. There is a good frame house aod large batik barn with stone stabling underueath, and other ',necessary Out- buildiegs. There 18 n large etehard of the choicest fruit, and two neverfailing welts. There are 60 eeres seeded to grass'. This farm is 'within two miles of Seaforth and a gravel. road running past the place. It is one of the best, and most productive farms in the toWnship and will 1-. sold reasonab'y, as the proprietor has pur- chimed a larger farm elsewhete. Apply on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0, WM, AIrCHESON. 86641 VARM FOR SALE.—For Sale Lot 3e, 'Con- cession 10, end part of Lot 81, Con- cession 11, McKean), eenteinieg 125 wares, about 90 acres of which are eleartd, mostly free from stamps, well fenced and, ebont 50 acres seeded to grass. The wood land ie well timbered with hardwood. There is a ooreforte.ble fre.nte house and good frame barn, stabtes and sheds. There is a good hearing =herd, also three never failing wells It is within 7 miles of Seaforth teed two from Winthrop, where there are ehttrehes, stores, cheese factory, &e. There is a good gravel road leading from the place. It will be eold chenp and on easy terms. Apply en the premises or te Winthrop P0. MRS. JOHN CUTHILL. 86641 IMPROVED FARM FOR SALEI—Being North "IL half of Lot 24, on the 5th Conedssion of Moires, containing 190 acres, eighty-fiv of which are cleared, free from notdous weeds, iap4 capable of being workd by machinery. T e p; operty is well fenced with cedar, and contains a new frame barn 40 x 60 feet, new frame shed 80x 59 feet, a comfortable frame haree with /seven mow, a. good roothouse and all other necessary outbuild- ings. The premises are in excellent repair, pleasantly situated and well watered, and are 'well Adapted for grain or stock. Large eumteer- fallote, re:Inured and ready for seed. -Terries to suit purehatrer. All further particulars will be cheerfully given by the proprietor. JOHN T&Y- LOR, Bruseels P. 0., Ont. „ 8680 SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot tee 34, concession 6, MeRillop, containing 100 acres, about 70 cleared and the balancewell timbered with hard -wood and about 5 aerels of first class cedar. The cleared land is free from stumps, all un rer-drained, well fenced an4 ali seeded togruss except 10 acres There Is good spring ereek running through the place end no waste or wet lend, a splendid orchard of the choicest fruit, also a go .d, coretertithle, atone house, alI nicely finitthed end e elf laid out, also a good barn, sheds and stablee. Them is a Well and cistern at the house The latent ie eleen ,and nearly free from foul weeds. Is within °tie i1e and a quarter of the prosperous Village of burn, and within six miles of Seafortht T trus easy; wi,1 be sold either with or without the eroe- Apply ou the premises)or address Constance P.O. WM. N. M eMICHAEL. 86541s GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. --Ire order to -elms the affairs of the estete of the late W, G. Hingston, the executors offer the following very valuable lands for sale. First—North half of Lot 30, Conceseion 5, ,Township of Morris, Wu- taining 90 acres. On this lot is erected a good fratne barn with stone foundation, good orchard, well and 'pump. Nearly all cleared, and i on the gravel road oh sely adjoining the village of Brussele. This farm 15 a valuable one, is 'well fenced and in a good state of eultiva.tion. Seetned; —Lot 4, Conctssion 5, tOwnship of Grey, cotenty of Huron, containing 110 aeres, 19 acres cleared and free of stumps, Mance well timbered With part good hardwood, piee and cedar. ID is three and a half miles from Brussets, and one Imite from gravel roal. For prices and tertne apply to altos. XrLLY,, Brueetes P. O., Hexer JENNINGS, Vittoria Square P. O., or James SMITH, Maple Lodge P. 0., MiddLeex County. 108 40,000 ACRES of WILD and IMPROVED LANDS, for Rale, along the line of the P. 11. & N. W. H. Rem Sattilac and Huron Counties, Michigan.' Prices from -4)6 per aernupwares. Good. water, Mae -kits, soil, climate, eea. Free Guides and EXeursion Rates to show the lands. Write for nets: and full particulars to W. W. JONES, 20 Militery 24., Port Huron, Michigan, -general agent for Tennes- see Lands e 868xI3 A SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. The undereigned effete or sole lais Blacken -lithe ing and Wegon-making establisennent in the Vil- lage of Egmondville, together with the tools and good -will of the business; also g considerable stock of Iron and lumber,. There are two huge shops, one for blacksrnithing and the ogler for wood -working, 1 here are thrce fires in the blacksmith /4 -top. 211s Is in the entre Of one of the best sgrieuiteral districts it Canada. The business has been established thirty years and a good man 'with some capital ea mike money fast. The best reasons given for sellieg. Apply on the premises or address Egro ndville P. 0. ROBERT FULTON. 848 SEAFORTH HORSE ediORNER of Jervis and Goderie 1--/ door to the Presbyterian Ch Ont. MI diseases of Horses, dal of the domesticated animals, su at the infirmary or elsewhere o notice. Charges moderate. Veterinary Surgeon. P. 8.—A VeterinaryMedicines kept const FIRMARY, Streets, next reh, Seafoethe , sheep, or any sfully treated the shortest . W. Emelt, arge stock of ly On hand.