HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-01, Page 5Guilt 1, 1884. _ y of the Toronto, Gt.° ay. On Moaday lege *burn paid a visit t ce here, and duly ins eWe uuderstand aria the he very efficient ta 11 shortly be promoted in another port. the names of the aurece at the recentjunior re !el ca, mataan of Toronto ITM5 ice that of Ittete S. Hogartheof Stephen ed honors in inethera ties; eneh audeGerraan. 'ether O'Conner, the riest of Wawanosla for tile -six years,. has been ap tete rdship,the Bishop ail ren i of ettaicistonein the comets( at•her O'Connor, during ede Wawatiosle, has endeared erybody with whom hethae !tact, and departs with I the em of his people, and; the WiII and wishes of all °lases unity, His pastorate ally successful not only in in natural things. Rohs( n acree of laud, erected a rick residence with stables. arags, laid out the mutate a church,, and not only• is property clear of debt, brit ce remains in the treastay. a speak vele-eines for the enterprise of the re etr-tall. On. Sunday a fel- e close of the serviceihis esented him with a p a any t 200, as a token of nate esteem, and on Ti ea- .* number of his de call rids met at his reside ce .luncheon in his honor, 4 with an addresa, accem. handsome silver water address was read by Pey. of Seaforth. anthem Manitoba.. Own Carrespondent4 ! looking well, particularly - is aiready grand. During .ers here I have not seen .nt prospect for an early od yield than we have ijj. nitoba this season. I speak t which, of course, is the -hich the prosperity of the s. Oats that were sewn on and- not damaged by Ually as- well as the wheat, ta large amount of damaged Rah of it late in the seasou, aight be expected, is wadi. bing such a drug on the tinter, Most of the farmers tfe ke.ore than will supply ids.. This, together with the crop is a partial fail. a oats ata. good figure next they continue to advance (e even now, having- risen coats per bushel during ' weeks.. Rut 'twee ever Etson you find oats going hovers; the next, farmers ough for their own require- . int prospects for a large rest staple has its effect every branch of the trade. re looking coeaplacently inter months, anticipating eectreet in their business , the past few months has eyinet'expenses. Farmers - ireebeing. almost entirely 'e• grievances and cense- ftatiala has quieted down .In fact one hears very w, of"grinding raortopo- •the slumbering animosity resent state Of affairs Will atened until the marketing wheat will have to be way from 25 to 100 miles. leas are to basy to keep op to its wonted heat, tatives- have not lost sight railWay facilities in thie vince, About three weeks S,ipalities in this county pa delegates to St. Paul the president of the St. polia and Manitoba road tapping the boundary at of the municipality of L Greenway, M.P. Pa for S. Thompson, Reeve of relark, Reeve of Derby, delegation, .whe learnt preaident of the above r would not be able to get imuctary this season, but cted to. tap the line early it inst Where remains to ild it come to a matter of aducenaents there is no f Rock Lake county will :unturned to secure the tarketing distance. reo. [lapin:ions upon offering (ent within their power plating road. just haw is connection, will end, feen. One thing is cer. - the people are growing there will be some relief ; least, If there is not of last winter is but a - Ba With the tempest that. across these prairies. ei' eficial results amongst tf, extravagant days of the etakwardness in buying een, they bought any- thiug in the shape of a og to lack and the boom payments. Now, they Oaake haste more alowlY aothing bat what they ., and cannot possibly do rse there are some whom t could persuade that a iecesiary and indispens- eal implement. These aast as if there was no Patarity in connection . a needs no prophet to iL1 end in their case. But ate farming corritmaniter • old machinery da the a are resolved to wait -n-ighten. a little before debt upon their shorrld- eservetion of the right the principle apPlY t° at merchants and every also profiting by the room. All things eon' dethe great boom -Wag ii disgaise. Me a crop report from of Agriculture, day lugthe acreage of tint ea of grain under add - )f the countiea of Southiz., Bock Lake, Turas, • Laufferin, a sYnoPgis 'Dz ilatiess prove of interest. wheat is: Rock Lake, AUGUST 1, 1884. .1446.70 acres; Turtle Mountain, 11,009; Demi% 45,951; giving a total acreage in the three counties of 71,630. The eareage of oats is 7,380. 4,153 and 12,839 Tespectively, a, total of 24,322 acres. _Barley, 2,208, 697 and 4,464, total 7,369 ;acres. Total acreage in peas, flax, pota- lees, turnips, beets, and other roots, 4,40e, giving a total acreage under culti- vation in the three counties. of 108,725. 'The report is not full, as no len than , lege townships in Rock Lake (much the ,enialIer county of the three) were mere - ported, while there were five in each of the two others. As it is, however, the mine is a good one, and speaks for itself. °As I have already stated wheat never promised better, and assuming the yield to be 20 bushels per acre, -Which is a low estimate, the farmers of fouthern Manitoba will have nearly ,one and one half million bushels of No. I hard wheat. Probably half a million bushels of this will be required for home teneumption, seed, &a., leaving a mil- lion bushels available for exportation. This, were marketing facilities better, -would represent a large amount of money for the farmers; but as much of ibis grain (one-third at least) must be teamed 30 miles and upwards to market, ` -the expenses must necessarily eat up •nauach of the farmer's profits. The report goes on to state that last fall's plowing comprised 41,070 acres; while the spring -plowing for crop was abent -one and a half times as nnich, showing -that,owing to the shortness of the semen last fall, nothing like the usual amount - of plowing was done, as usually about ,one-fifth of the plowing only is left over until the following spring. The seventeenth anniversary of Con- federation was loyally observed in South- ernManitoba.Racing,a.thletic sportsatc., 'were the programme generally in the towns and villages. An incident some- what out of the usual line of proceed- ings occurred at one of the embryo cities in this county. A resident, who so owns allegiance to 'Uncle Sam, hoisted the Stars and Stripes, on Dora - inion Day, alongside the Union Jack. This proved too much for the loyality of a prominent man in -the municipality, who forthwith hauled down the emblem of American freedom, and dimmed its lustre by trailing it in a convenient mud -hole. This action was resented by No. 1 in a forcible and emphatic man- ner, and a spirited encounter ensued; but beyond the interchange of a few choice and highly original expletives, no particular damage resulted, the by- standers declaring the bout a draw. Next day, when the bug -juice, which possibly caused the disturbance, had fully evaporated, the majesty of the law was called upon to adjust the difference distance, and then came in ' view. commencement o by about, a -boat with the Igular a stroke tha brings fection of an exqui mechanisni, He w a minute, Layaock in the same time. lug plucky and well his manner of ra effort When compare opponent. -- Shortly after en mile Haitian slightl tattoo between his self, and both me stroke, Minima rowi 30. A little furth creased the distanee his opponent to a lit length. There was a buzz the part of the aseu ment to secure b tte as the men ea e seen that they wifre together, Haulaulon side, and Layoock o appeared to bet ro neither leading by tan ce. When they half a mile in t began to move tot came up level, and t again in the sera appeared to be rolwi 28 to. the mm - pulling e little fa the lead, and. call and held on te, ter ityc his determination. Ha a lead, and the boat middle of the strdam of the race almoat a men were within hal flags it was evid4it the race in his bendi. on without changing a few hundred yards in the last quarter of ly ahead, although it wished be could hav considerably. Lay gamely, but it was passed the winning -p of Hanlan's boat .0Ve, feet of Laycock's sten utes 40 seconds., The result was eh tors, and another eh the competitors brou gether in mid stream Laycock was per.?pir Hanlan di...1 not s The impression to b finish of the = race -witha. result unsatisfactory to both e Laycock may have r parties. X. 1-19.12 was not teal" Bock Lalee County, jelly 15, 1884. himself to his .utrno finished by a lead instead of one if he h Hanl an in Anstr al i a. GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF A BOAT RICE IN THE A2-'TIP0DES. A Sydney paper, just to- hand, gives the following accOunt of the Ha,nlan- Layeack race at Penryth The training of both men for the great struggle was practically ended on Wed- - needay afternoon, and yesterday morn- ing they apent their time quietly. Lay -- cock strolled about among his friends, and talked with. them in the stand en- closure or or on the bank. He hid a rather anxious look, and did not appear quite so well as he had been seen to look once or twice. during the week. Still he declared that he felt all right, and had the same resolute air that indicated he would see the race through tol the finish, Han- kie as once moie found working about his boat . altering something on the seat, aecl otherwise examining all the fittings. He had decided on using the Canadian boat, and with his usual care left nothing to be date that could make his chances stronger. He had also a quiet and -thoughtful air, and each man evidently had before /his mind the worth of the great honor for which they were &bent. to struggle. They got into their boats and. quietly paddled a to the starting -poet, and then there came over the crowds on the banks a lull of suspense. The general opinion was in favor of Hanlan ; but there was no demonstrative excitement such as is the accompaniment of an event on WhiCh there is much betting. Probably there has never been a race of the sante im- portance rowed in whichaless induce- ment to the publieto feel interested for ,any other reason than that of concern purely in the event itself. The time of starting was 2,43 p. m. Both the men got away well together, Laycock having the edvantage if any- thing, Haul an pulling his sculls thrOugh at the rate of 30 per minute without the slightest flurry or splash. Laycpck, on the other hand, went away at 32, and seemed by no means as much at home in his boat as his opponent, and knocked up a good deal of Water. Having travelled about a quarter of a mile, Laycock steadied himself and began rowing in mach better form, but he was now half a length to the ,bad. Three parte of a mike having been negotiated, Laycock steadied down to •30 strokes per minute, while Hanlan, who now led by nearly a beat's length, followed suit, rowing not more than 28 per minute, and apparently with leo -exertion whatever to him -self. Layeock, on the other hand, showed plainly that he had " all on." From here to the Re9ond mile Hanlan gradually increased his lead till he was two clear lengths ahead of his old opponent, and received the applause of the spectators on the • banks with a quiet smile, as to say "I've got him safe." From the second mile to the third, however, Layoock seemed to rally, and increasing "his stroke a little,naanaged to reduce the gele- From. the bend of the river, a little beyond, the residence of the Hon. G. R. Dibbs, down to the 'finishing point, the banks on either side were dotted with Spectators, among them being seVeral groups of ladies, whose warm -colored 'winter dresses contrasted against the bright green of the grass, so lateltt re- freshed by abundant rains. Horsernen, carrying red -and white flags, were eta - boned at intervals along the river side, ready to bear tidings of the progreits of the race to those who -were higher up the course. Nearly an hour had elapsed mace Hanlart and.. Laycock, rowing leieurely up to the starting point, had passed the bend, and. watches were con- sulted. and. field.- glasses turned in the thiection where- the rowers would be seen turning into the long, straight, willow -margined course that led past the grand stand. At last a -red apeck was seen against the foliage ' in the Shortly afterward speech to a large front of Mr. Squire loudly cheered when pearance on the ver spouse to the cries made the following said that it was ver after his hard re: eheers)-to receive' se tion ; and he esteem have it accorded to h on, such an ocean° afternoon add ed number of his vi proud he had contested the rite() i spirit. He had rowe 134willg to win Was t had' alwaas a.niniate and 4onld be the pri guide him in the' fut pared to rew anyOne • did not, when he saic fully, but only to exp tol test his power, an who might desire t (Applause.) Alt such hardly knew how t and he could !not, s wish to do; but thing he desired to a eluded, even if he mi as he would wish, an had received as .fair as he had received' i world be had visit always feel thankfu having received such at their hands. (Ch they done battle with oarsmen in the bolo that the occasion w only one in which he in a race against ODE tive oarsmen of N (Cheers.) He believ millions and a half o ha, and would-lbe re, to tackler all of 'them boy comPared with 1. men; for instance,, cock. However, 'he far in beatieg the re' c4otiy; hnd be: hope they would not be ab tory froth him., (Che ii then called upon to s forward 4nd briefly e that, althaugh defea kiedly received. He that victory,, had though that had not would not cause (Oheers.) lHanlan, with his and several other ge ed carrvali, and. Dixon's hot 1, Penrit t4'a health WaS teas briefly respctnded. i hie former IS eech. was conve ed to . t where it was secured ft to Sydney. Ilaialaea train at 4.30 for Sy proceed by last even bourne. illuaittg the day it too, abundantly evi• had made1 an eaorm struggle to exhibit al gaze of themanyvi that was "presenteble made the most of, an frivolity which aboun bered-in the ancient' tion to come. The races stated that the veil. So -indeed it w The crowd legari t ately the greatj race trains were raaidly was soon deserted, a of the afternoon was streets and the hotel the race formed the tin t The greet ept Penrith was wound -•[• :7t I. eet - • - - , , , . . • . . . , , . .. , Tfr1E 1-1URON . . . „ , , , . i • . , . . . • - . EXPOSITOR. . . .. ,.., . . . , . • - ' . . . , , _ • . . . •., , . . . . . • . . : ' . . . . , • ' . . e 5 40-1,---mismomme, t ' a e -tei nlittel the len app a, d bite he end a , boats tie , in nlling. easy le A 1Toice HiGULA DEAR move r d f other .na .. ITrom D ota. D C R/IK, ORES County, Lily 19,18434. XP 13 TOR.--Althou h . far d ' ' f. m y u an a citi en o • . ion e have a arm spot • re. an- seized te of sickness has with lodgirigs the city, been .. chcilera. in a. densely whore the was devolped. kept quiet, denied He and was conveyed! populated part nature e of matter the fact will Births. rc 800 fr.-In BIJYBalei, of Mr. Frankficott DIJNOAN.-In Seaforth, wife 0f Mr. Thos. 'W. CASE. -In Seaforth on ' Lilt 24th f a son. on the 27th Duncen of th ! e 27th ult., _ r- 1 Dit the if e' . a ' ' ult., the' .a daughten the wits or M oNT . ____________ • .____ i.i, ....• 0 EAL Houst, - 1 al o lyefi ted owi d 26 h .1 per- ce 'of w• • 'din us the 'nha. • for t e land of the maple and tan t thereof, and are always. doubtlesa in order be • to avoid a so: I by re. the authorities , , , Dlr. F. Case of a der. MeGILLIOUDDY.-In C-oderieh, • the wife of Mr. 'Ito ghter. on , McGillioucla , the 21st nit ,• of a son'I ; ! , ., s roes to h.lar their and wel- . - , ul " • tie(' e- yco a g I eke. gain 28 w 8 a t4 th: s : • relies pull'. • - edia ull of hia of gla f are but t con ry.asd inhabits roe posi - OR lt,pu toibb e 4 the tirf progresi I • - he, p t le warmes for the se ple that surlunds a,nd u y town wher in the Ex- 1 • • 1 1 shed, and sti more, so t , Nal re we spent many of a.nd provisionally atniners igh The following $tehOeti E ' inatiensl. can. admitt•d at Exeter: sited:ince idates by : ' Exam- : have been the local ex.: . Crabb,-Gode- GARROW.-In Goderic wife of Mr. j. T. Gairow BARKER.--Iniihinlop, • of Mr. john H. Barlder DENOVAN.-In Exe tare of Mr. A. C. Denov4n, Bank, of a son. MAC PHIIRSON.---In Cli , on the 22 of a eone on the 20th of a daugh on the 21st Manager : nton, on the d ult., the - u t , the wilti e* , the wife - tr' ' 1. Molson'S , 21st ult.; , • , BIG SUMMER ' . , - PREPA,RATORT . Al,__E (-)P I TO THE ARR DRY GOODR ATI OF OUR , - • third app -st • es rs of our existence, home. rch iMot i el lchtsol, 3, 4 ; . W Whtel i, the wife of Mr. D. If Mac Meson f a ' . ieersa ng , pore sed n • : se dia.: ' hi/a17 whi h we' Realing eahn here, lookto as orn t. e columns o the i Ex- 6.5 PI4 14 X1 Ft .E !=2" 175 C:5 26-c;Va'si XI ti)4 eh' 16 :It .3 4' •c° '8 6-L-..9.-WWZ:::7-4 2 -4 <4 -62.—vg-14 axwell Godetich lod. aud E., 1 School,386 ; N.4 TII0 PSON.-In Stanley, wife. of Mr. Alexander on the 18th Thompson ult., the Of a daugh! _Aji.„ . • . I .4 .-t- a 11 -less 6 !age, i rowing' pito 28 and on weenleim:eif than . e9 field tending to vi'S,w. y a enei I aye. 1 te o, yell • Nyco& : i cut icenee. ,round, It their k de. aid boa!'s wr olo on e POSI OR, the we affairs, dall., departure!! 'bourne fufm brings us, tho Igh- U. the eget me ores Per it. ' you ive ' of tie we eek a ter week, co ments on- the , crop prospe ts, local - a, • at timee a no ice of the of in me known o e, to that • ich no travelltr rot-6rue, 'as i •• ere; weekly a ong you, t i body,'yet iu ind, and- t : ..calls up t LoSO past. . l be ie Ms is the XPOSITOR.. ' a : n interchange for what re t sive you 9, br ef review t the we have ha , and our lizabet 2 ; H:rry 9 ; S. eC °unit • 1 nalt ate 1 allows,1 Ali ' • '14, xeter, - 4; Jo Gill, 100 ie • ae , s B. Hodg• R..' Mc 1 ish, iq Ash 11 16 Ashfield, , 3 Gelber , • Colborn-, rey ;3(ei : , tett • in. t n Vhite, 4 Exeter, 47 • Vary 1 gusts I Holl.: -, C 1 coc, 'eld, e, 3C J oeep . G xetere ' ; Annie . Gregory nd nvenSchool, t 15 Ashfield, 332 ; Barbara 352 • Sa . , ra A. $ • 61 ; Annie D. • M 16'; Martha M. h Ba,wdeu , a eeeory, Exeter, 381 • Mary Gregory, E t Exeter, 4081- ter. . • BADOUR.-In Goderich ult., the wife of Mr. DavensoN.-Iii Clinto wile of Mr. R. Davidson MOFFA.T T. -1n Clinto wife of Mr. W. j. Moffatt MIINNiNGS.-In Goderieh ult., the wife of Mr. daughter. VANEGMOND. n e -I Bl :th wife of Mr. A. E. Va WHI'f'NEY.-In Wiegbilin, wife of lldr. George ; township, Bathe& of , on the 2001 of a tem on the 23ril of ason, townebip, T. J.IMun , on. e * ti '243 Egmon t of on the 24t hitney Of a . I en the 18th- a, son. ult., the! , f , t 1 ult., the! ' n the 15th ings of a,' i the; d 1,1 • ult.., , daughter,: ult., the. d ughter. 2" .. . INSPECTION Dresss Goods ' N • v " 1 • • un s eiling, • • 1 . Nun's Cloth, " French Twills , ' ' Cashmeretts, - , •SEE OUR RE REQUEST Cashineree, Ottoman Cords, Fancy Brocades, • Full lines of Embroidery, , ' . NANTS OF DRESS , D OF OUR • Cottonades, Denims, ; Shirtitags, Thekings, See. • , . • ' : GOO:IDS. ' 1 t de easi or nrith crop pros cot::inCe spring Be ' in up to a ' - ggie 1 'E•t aules, x • ea ., 04 I 5 . 1 Mar'1 ' , . a •• ! the ug s i il est. ad ly, They ad date . W. suo tha ex e ted by the mount lief fe 1 MI winter to have an In addtion o fail te the -d in Isom: • he on e he following, ubject, have CLIFFORD -EATON - n Blyth, on , , • . ,. t the 23rd , • • ' • - . ...ny lad la 1 ae tOsiten rd, boat ar: c, m: : Et e t d's•• boElit n1 co t 12 k n extr floo spring, but mercury sid ad throug and entit , .w el it went a ay in the fr si the 8th of arch the io fall to zero, but rang- i th emaitider of he month :eedi • g began from two de- en r • seph .a chi' Hodgi. deric commen ded dward, 6 Gide on, Cohvent s, Morkis, 3, Model Sc ic Sc 3 ; ool, r admission: ich, 333 ; Ade-. o01,307-• Ethelehuren, Mon liolmes, 367 ; Luther ulo, by Rev. J, F. P of Wingham, to Mies FLANIGAN-HANLON Hullett, 0 Father Waters, Mr _sures, to- mail N -Hanlon, of Clinton. BLA.CKALL-RFINNEDY.-In rke Mr, Edev'n Li;zie Eaton -At the Rc;ne the 22nd It M J- Fla a, danghtenir I Clifford Inv f• ' , .........ari_orei ' n.Catholie b., by ,Rev. ' - i- n f BC . . oaf '21)r. F. Dt 1 C . ; riiESSRS o . ' . ' • , C' :I\ iip . - aid • 1 4, 1 to ) 1,-ast. • t apnea. ith L• aell. • a rse , he ame wart mile at .: as:, co in swe wit eev:r, :do - a ta . NV • of ant: : r e : e h ni bor wcis 'as'1d the great. !kept the do t r h o e e d d grees to 511 The elm mildness I deiced till Water did former ye the frost inches an supply el at ! that have co e of • April, d g eee above ti at point. Id is d., combined with. the • f, t e Weedier, gradually re. sn • Ito that th rush ! of 1 ot ..- ceed the spri g floods of.- liou h the a me cause' rs. I g 'ode" as otof the groilnd a dew- th arth received. a -greater I w t:r than it AB ally -gets ti e. We exp cted to i neellic•d! sowing o . the 7th- bu at frost set in . and aund, e er, t rne 3-1; 4 ; lela Is S h Mod 'et, G o T Below tof those trance ,Exeter, 3 . 88 , There Lydia y - E. belle heel, I School, i •h rffede er e 4 E OLIN will b wh exa,mi 351 : , i Monteith, 1J. `tewaet, . 314: 310; ON HI fou bay atio • Iiither s adg ' arrY S le .0 GH d • ' pa tot pokey, e, Fred oo SC4100L. n B Clinton T. Gill:, 4 Us- 2 U b Usborne, 2 Usborne, Goderich Ball, God°, W. John- 11 313 ' , . t ' p a e ma, lal h b t 1 d the recent Hiah ig 24th ult , at father, by Rev. - v s t er . . ., o vas A.. Kennedy, all FINNEGAN-PLENKF,TT-In on the 9th ult. . dance of the gun, Of Ashfield, of West Wawanosh: MeGRATH-McOARTH 22ndnIt., by lif ()Grath, of of 'Mitchell. 13° EGEL-MeFE He church, S the ileeidence A. Stewart el • instaia of Clinton. by Rev. ', 1 e s bed ' to Bev. D 'bbert .-In afort1 Clinton of Mr j ' .. ' only da . West J. Caewell, f th M If a er, r. ties -Lucy AO .-At Irislitriwn, an Murphy, to Miss Ma St. James'11.) on the 22 on the lie briOe's ' Black 11, • a - ehter oilier. awariosh at theresi-' I F ig i nine -Bonnets Plunkett 0 on the le Mathew McCarthy, an Calle- d ult., by ' ' . • ind'1 respeettally remthe W°Ula • MONTREAL HOUSE special or Hats as we must (deter ' ' • . opening up of our . , F_A_Di., js,..1.1-3:D , -. • • • . • dies -that in the Millinery Department halucements will be offered off our stock at a sacrifiee'i ' -vcrimzi-tr-mpt, . e . • . - of the ' ' to purehasera of preparatory to the .. 0-00IDS The 1 air positimile me. row f d r t it was the The weat was more 12 h before we got to work. er : a dry and cool and there tele anId labor ex e ded in hool. yenty-f Icomm Sevently-on: ur have pasted, ca4d and dates wrote ' seven are Rev. P. j. S1 Florence leleFee. ea, , r. Peter Bee 1 to Miss • -e-e- , . — . A ,. il - AK ! T 0 ; . ., aid HanlanEtvit mile drew Slight- - putting in the c ops this spring than in .nded by t abd wi e'High! Soh • 1 pr ol Ilnepectors. hably be pass- Of . Deaths.. , . I k.,1...... , FlL •, , scrmed- creased 0 4 k .0 • - 1 ppin , : • • 1 : • a still us wi 1. by the en he shook that eii , and. h th: ab e, .2 up r bla•s foug ut : hand. if e le d t they ste n t o nei . 1. ecta. ' h u t any forme strong an check *le stop. All we had rather co. .. thee mont days rain, was ral fi 1 Bove . tem e • pe at for severe 9 se :atm The grafi' ve. rens, and rece tev : , rushed on w I Ore gh the -motet ne g owing weittb. r . . e bad: a phe o , w c -wee three co 21s 2 nd and 23k.. '-also in . '. m nth growing1. : a 0 " ets and a m c . .pers, • e t .11 mt?.y. ' On t ho r: each day, th the 11 Came up vine no thout a pf May though erns. in tinnorts June .th , wi higher ee dam ercury de, the 08,3 w :re rej some •lures Ire Much t 'of drawing n ion, te t ery fa, al put a ghly commee the paper 0 few ed, tie cted i clic ihat ever: in some of in e*cess ougl a M riy of nt idea of in neat a thing. whi , ed. in i thctI geetiter iti c he if o t tJ be he d h it tio ni erecter. other es. andidates subject. ve a numbei a, paper of The counties The sub- eceive more had Sev,. 11 executed not be too he exception end perhaps MOLY a'T '1,111 ' X. -In Hill the reiddence of hi neaux, uged 30 e ear PICKARD.-In Exeter, wife of Mr. James 13 years. SCOTT. -In Brnseels, o Scott, aged 31 ' years BAWTINHEIMellt.-et ty, on the 19U/ ult., . Absalom Bawtinhei N ears 9 month:. and • s' McGRA I H. -In Ribber residence of her s aged 9.3 Tears. tut, on the mother De . . -n the 23rd dkard, merch i the 18th and 4 months Wolverton, 0 ary Anuie, er, of Braiis 17 days. „ on the 23ra o, Mrs. Mar 117th ult., at ni a ult., Eliza, nt, aged 59 n t., Donald tord eoun- ire of Mr. Is, aged 46 it., -at the McGrath, ' . CLOTHING & GENTS' FURNISHING HOUSE ' MESSRS. DUNCAN & DUNCAN are the leaders of fashion in Their stock is of the best quality. , They look to the interestof their and any gent destrous.of, being ap to the age, would do well to leave Duncan Lt. Duncan's celebrated and. fashionable suits. For for one of. in Ties go to.Dmacan dz Duncan's . . . • ! • The mind's the Standard of a man, There's no mistake in that, the , , county, customers, ' his cram . * probation ,,,, 4,431.5; a,o lat ined mu all a fro it, but I' elated. I the marked range for to the abi cl• trees in he et nth WaBfroD) ap ve ;um'. On Jul -1 degrees 4th we at in - od and aggie •Campbell, compoeition fait: Ida 3 th - 7 ; papers were rown 381; • anie Canter . - THE M - RKTPITSi - But go to Oak Hall if you want A really etandard Hat. 1 - - • : s, that al •• ed his be- ailed' on to t and 'caul ft:several, al is hough ,Hap. exert haat) engtles i had a sue - 1 • a heavy r:rrif sure- the national cold 1 very co falling to es s o of thutiderst rims 11 which spoilec id rpe ed pleasures f slide and the de, after - , y or LI e 'season th • 46 grees. Since ' with a- arate this our ' was r mercury y hen we a , 383 ; allidaye Kelley; . • -111e M 7 ; -Ja n, 412 ; Jessie!. F 359; Ida, *Jo 292; Aggie nisei] 333 , e Rei, 346.; Emil Tb ase G Christy ; ne, cGarva, ... tale $71 ; Christy 333; Mary 354; Plummer, Robert- 303 ; John SEA Old Fall Wheat per bus New Fall Wheat per buehel.. S rin Wheat er bushe e a e 0a.ts. per bushel peas per bushel Barley per bushel ORTH, July el Si .. 0 t, ' 1 . 0 0 0 31, 1884. •Then 0 to 1 05 0 to 100 , 0 t 1 5 0 0 6 to 0 37 8 to 0 75 0 to 0 60 ' rush to Okk.Hall House, my friends Like boys amongst the heather, .- . And. purchase one of Dtin,can's '- Head protectors from the weather. . - ' V. - i . 1 , • . . . , ' ' : b wished.- , : anlen . retied iatherel • B hous . I' i.e made ' nt ah ' . , and, • the ' cro••d • " rear 1 ralifY•ing 11 e (laughte c : a War is ,,, it ali 1p i a ade in 1, e wile is an- in r h 0 -t.0 .5 :. 0 hl arc' recep- nor . a • • fa o have had we are no weather • tedious. concussio being the noise fro 44 sions in t of our Pre 1 tiffice Seek getting so se mat' heavy sho se ring oer bay t ake be sieving of 1 t I said Comm° 1 . s 1 he ear bring r re i a ental year, m y th s as and Vapor us e c . cases, 001.1ven lona, e i ma ere, politicians id k- Lrs, b:' the cause cif am 1: ii. share of moisture., la: excess iof th rs. As: broken; rather ns and in, this not the explo- etc., an d Dekota tears of .thur, bert D 6 • Ge ' n, 353 anagh: lepparc Re --- EGON • tah i 3 • Da. ' -atty, mes Gillen 337 ; es1:y• Wilf3,423 ; rge A. Heed, ; John Martha n, 313 Wm. 323; Job'Hides ' •NDE .-M organ 302 id Ar str 317; dm 28 ' • fiat 36- 'I St Janie • • .-g, t rid • .on, arkwell, bias • ' ' 1,,320 .nbury, :Ogie , 60 Itlhote, 301; Harrison ' .James John- ; Joseph 322_; John 397. a- Farrow, 200 ; Paisley, - Robert J e , - .375; I t Butter, No 1,, loose Butter, tab.. . Egga .. .. .... . ........ Flour, per 100 lbs Pork, pee 100 pounds HILT, "ewi' per 100 lbe i' ei ' e• reeps ins each '........ Wool. Salt(rotail)per barrel Salt (wholesale) per barrel Potatoes, per bushe), Wood, per cord. 4 ,Apples per Bushel, • ' 0 0 ........ 0 2 ........ 7 . ... 6 5 0 A 0 ew 1. 2 , , si 2 to 0 13 3 to 0 14 5 to 0 15 0 to 2 61 .0 to 7 5 0 to 6 00 0 to 5 e0 0 to 0 80 8 to 0 20 1 25 i 1 00 0 to 1 20 0 to 3 50 t) to 1 on . MONTREALHOU E— R ' S G* OD' , , ' - Butter and Eggs taken in trade for the highest plied :with really good. 'Teas, Coffees, Spices ' shattered prices. . - - . ' , . DUNCAN & IUNCAM • , , -• - - ' . ERY DEPARTMENT price, where at:c We . are - * , - . you elm selling ' • , • ' . , , ' , get Simi Sugars at . . a so heart He ham - ly,. an that d a•nd may 4 the disap..in ot ci ones? I Wha ever may • Out o n wro, the ight e at the out -eiehe -an 4 Z candidates :examination . : ! o INTON, Jul t 31, 1934. - , a - ! have been tb I seise, D,akota.• as been At pre- etc., yield. begun; e opera- wed by e crop- it was -fell the e most • h'n is i g remain , LIND. . a. dated - There :re Jest rseilles. cases of- . The tunding Toulon The the city y two- . France 1000. The if better et places tl Th',8 ap. fa Goder oh, w t e - on Old Fall Wheat per bus lel Zl 0 to 107 : . other ti- tries. ' H: the w s greatly be -corn • efi t; d by the rain be u :, potato,es, tu :nips, e spell setenty ng and diet tic); plucked 'taper.• New Fall Wheitt per bus Spring Wheet per bushe ' lel 0 1 0 • it to 1 00 0 to 1 00 6 to, 0 37 . 3 ' ' •sent, iv for h: . a true iti . 0 win. (1 i principle J him in t ,e ple whic ___ie W. • ' Tio • fi the won l is, sPea ., h d f i heere) .-Whi pa won • 8 pre- . He -- boat d *r h t,- d - give prom The -bary; oats will . tion withi the evheat is eight o -last seaso present cr, product' 1 iv:1 se f being an ex ra sti • g of barley ha: ' e iii ergoing the sate : t • o weeks, to be f do a• f: • "dayselater. ' ten as 'earlier t el :-. . ould no harm le a viii he one of t we : veere. 1.1 bad h - yr.a ig, ie st wee the mfrning,, else aciut' • ken ill edical r, but • s dead. . lexandaer very su . - Mr4 -11-o'clack •: f wtth•diemor as,13ist b$fore 'He . II de .1y: Chrietie and t lace it aariv:d had been Ian alt :n r haee , a:, i:tiel had tarnine • s Winni- of . his, residence been out to his as eubddenly of the lungs. t once sent Mr. Christie ffering from Oats, per bushel...1 .... . Barley per bushel. 1 - peas per bashei..!..... Batter I Eggs . . ..1 TreOT Per ten - Potato* per buebel Apples per_barrel wool. u_oi/i..es,per-100 lbe CFok rdwood.... ...... ........ ' ' 0 . . . . ... 0 , 0 .‘ 7 . - .. .: 0 ' 1 2 4. 0 ' 6 6 .' 3 to 060 ,,0 to 0 75 3 to 0 13 )0 to 8 00 0 to 0 55 0 to 2 00- 8 to 0 20 0 to 7 00 0 to 7 60 5 to 4 00' . ' CA_IVIPBVILL • 01..0 -THING ' . , -.--.• . rias great inducements to S offer ' . . • to i. . parties - I I i ! , . s his will skill age. • bellenge ngnees nst all them. THE EIP.ISIT(R yours, . all success, Hi 'I nsump tended -1.• len for -shortly some to ti vi. -it e pabt, and,• Europe in - . LIVERPOOL, July s - ; red 07 0,1 . pr11.1:, 130 -S winter, wheat, a 10d. ; 1 , -w-h.o . , ' . arch o better heal b.. want argains iii i Suts. Thel subl _. time as t xpress ) . k as he here wee at le IM8e.i would ! one f, Th.: A dispatch the 28th s:ys T , rible Chol- rt na Paris, Fra -ce . The cholera ttidemic -The ys : :J. s a fie Edinoaton KuoWles, d of lie913 Oe 1t3uIltn o R ell lst esemout f T of July 5th farm, rmed, which ay; radishes California No.. 1, No. 2, 07s lid; oses, 5s 6i1; - peas,' Gs 09d cheese, 509 001 - • 08s 05d ; 5s 053. ; pork, t alifornia ; barley, 73s 00d; , ' ; scriber has. ecided to 4aake a .libeal . re . : 4 hefore se ! It ' not ex ; • list Was ayi n Ai ' any part .4 and he I o. -its people ' !haci consid;ratien 'et.s.) He le: Con- ress hat lee stritlia Of the - won fOr d that it d at Toulon were only' night and At Mourilonrn, cholera w :ire disea-se is 'nere: villages. There -fere to -day an., on 11 ues to decreeee th.r ecu deaths • h t el ty-four at . • ar Toulon, fif y - ported yester :!, sing in the BU • t 0 deaths a tw - in the .subterbse ero sown wn on the me of sowing me ti lbs fit tatoes pril, and e of on he sa 4th o • e, et or us in th has com e d Junia.6 ODIOD: lks 15 en the. field otettes en of. te- , 1 o. sto a x a c a Lqw e d fit for use weeks from wn at the es high and le. Planted he 10th of about the ink bottle. ''.zy• Tonosro; July 31 $1.05; epring, $1.100 to 440; peas, 72c tel 60c ; hay, per ton, butter, 14c to 15c $0.90 to $1.00; eggs, dr ssed hogs, per e .ee. ., -Fall wh to $1.06; 75c ; barley, $7.00 to potatoes pee dot., 1 100 lbs.,. e$0.95-1 oats, 44o 55o to $12.00 ; per bag, c to 17c • , . $8.00 to , luction for a goods to reduce 3 I room for the . . .at, the next . . , his large prime stok six -weeks . stock he is , , , _ , a.nd . imp. n all , ,. ima e - . ' rting ne of the sreateet -, and .he b 1c1 not , , quid be engaged f the repr e. South there we Teeple in .: . , iThr hard for • He was e of the" 14ickete an hoped e - the Bente- Wields. e three' astra- hipa only1a oat La1i'- . total -of Ma': there is 5 has decree thirds. The tot; since the About 500 with the • proportio • those rens orea.nieed. France de hs which bay ' occurred .. T e exodus fro :ed i a population lee si her of deaths • ou b oak will re c per :ins who . were. tttacked ben on ed. Ise Sihave b of lu es would be greeter eri g assistance w re T : total numbet of wh r: the infection prieg • ell. -Whi their lls the d star led g the driver e of t the li les, re feni:e, et wits ad career. beat alit e a, load • ay home oeses tiff -put e fair wheelin the a pOst, in he . of eerr fro took-#ig rather s o th ex c ug th -wagon c w in Lucki y, d t d t horses stoPped h and looking iekers were he Littleton • t something- only, throw. vagon, when hold of one into a ing in con- their wever, there . , Live - Stook TORONTO; July 30, cattle were heavier than which has had rather feet on trade. A. good at, lower prices' than, them. Good export quoted at Sc to 5ic the outlook is au3thiue The locs.•1 cleman moderate, and tbe -- Markets. -The receipts usuel this a depr many drovers cattle per lb., aid but from b upply larg of week, ssing ef- ere sold paid for are now as yet -beering. tchers is . • Prices . direct friom 1 . . . - CALL AND - • . . , No. 2, Campbell's Block,-Seaforth. . , - - • • Englan.d fo# the fall . . .1 , . . . SEE' FOR YOU RS i 1 a ' Vka M• • CAM 1 1 , , _ . , . ' . .. , „ - , . LitES. . ' PB LL 5 - • , .in 'IS threat- k • 1 8 nO o e hut, an4 t e all went off lo er. Good butchers lilad. succe ri sentetive 1, that in ded . of the .futu o e peared is f ened with 'ere havin s ur0-n. Marseille a s• e: e famine, man clo et their shop . hutch.. t • Others. h ankle : d not theirri pilt only luck t ‘ s of thei a B that they mit,. are consequently brine 4c to 4i• per inferior 3c. Sheep fair demandi e, ordinar are in. be Prices tittle 3, and ter offer at 40 t _I ' Iry N WESTERFAIR \84, 1 - 1 , . i -A A TEMPERAN, • It D • ' CA i . , . , A - ' 'OE CT 14,-t� wrest lie Yip- . find difficulty 1 securing sup lies. 1 with a t 1 - I 18 78 , el) .Laye ck was 1 Much I rej lice exists a .ng the Is. to! 41c. Lambs are . 2 offering f • ely, and 1 i , . yak, arid h eased his e , he was . . f Coarse, !wish ,cane thanks yet so itd lower cleales many are been orde in by admin 4,1 ainst the ' doe ors, co inced that say ed o promote the m :ter poisonous r and . have pidemite 11 medies. 'TRY •CAN a"tnefailYt WE vv Loe,a41 ' 'i ILSON ea °Int a n d- n. 11 take Noti Yo NG' j.aPa a Te: 855 wool s 1 1 6w 50 cent they can' the the highest arg lower $2.00 .st ady, at 8e!to Hogs in limited de to 6a -c per lb. to 56.00 9c pdr offer - ahead ihedresse and nue . Calves • weight., anged • at. : :. x, •N r , Ai) s GREAT E Iii 1 A _ • . 4 i i .A a d Industrial Enterprise . ; . roE a hereby given Noir - dressed to the Honorable, the State for Canada, erlabodying certain electors of the-connt3' to Extellency the ' t that the of II Gevernor t- . . . no lee.. a: - Secretary of petition o on addre,sse General of i .ng their ' t . „His Canada big a en to. hum, n the " ti) •los , bit ase, hea`t. it Some fore: medicines enter the . tility of t Lb: hysiefisais to . Hate 1h doctors are a.fraid : ou-e on account o e oc •upa.nts. Th : market to ha the hos- Spanish a pri,e low who EDivA d after in exibange esale, at D CAS londity, for the MI min .0 will b: the 21...t le ler t. goods, at and Bingitin Home. 862 prepared 011 to buy fine new t . The Claee WOODSTOCK, ries offered 4,840 July 6 Marke 30.-Twe oxes of s. - ve fac• heese of LONDON CANADA 0 , . • Sevtember 22 23 24 95 26. \ . 7 I in Council' PraYing nughellbe pleased by an order care that the second part tame Act, 1878, shall be in in th0 Paid County of Huron, ti3Id ' in Council, of Tile Canada force an and t E'xcell°3e to d -eunper. take effect 1st the said ettiner tlemen , evere a . ' Ye (Edward:), then driten where t , and w inailar t hi ent - e vi ere rine boats - o - e o lazar,ettos .raisery re demic sic e attackedr. I populatio c - I become la have been are over -crowded nd Much •B rilt-. uring the pr -sent epi- . ail y :r one appear to have been- t: th• r henwholesectionsof the . A ries many pe wine haie g sa • e through fe: r. There • twt (Atha from c olera at • tter in d good c it dealer, ABOUT anoracti taainif,ein,at -a _i:HrIT Get ny qua lot. Goderi eight hundr-d re, cl 1. tl JARS. fruit itity ood dward Cast i stre t, $ 3 .1 15c to nMam loth RIIIT JAPS, at W Ism n , aferth. Bads 20e Be & shape, if sweet holesale and re- 858 ass of Dr. a eard, to be rgaiii House. FRUIT JABS. Young's. They 1 f 9,600 s a o u Ic and 600 on • • ctories were eek of July, 1.- V boxes so , . v.. • t- pr ffered ut declined, 13. d at ales 200 2 . vate terms 10ec for . ..„ as -,ing 1 29 I _..., Sic to 9i6 boxes at - Several . he tbird . 102c. _ eh ; bulk at $17,000.00 IN. • 1 - a 4,2 000 in Excess , a. - . • __ $1 u49 in Specials by - Western Fai . PRIZE — il f 1883! riends • the ! petitioners, are &sirens het of hes d ou.n. 3 ors t tai C t e 100j:tier) of the said petition, i the office. of the Sh - Iron, in the Court e ...Leash, on the 30th day an . that the same will spa., of ten days tberealter, atim by any parties., iireeeding that'the VO be tali, f * ' •en evil " of th mese in of August, remain therein for pu its. efi of all the r a dao. 54 13 '113 ' be dePbeited enantne -0 •lie town. ote A. D. ISS -41, eor tee elie examini- Loin,, laid ti h t , of • railway etetio a track Wed se , t Spezzia, I in a panic aly nd the inha • itants are hi ! al • • cl you ve a lar sizes, at cap at-% jails e s'tek. rock bo niecie; & New jars tom • rico °use s. imperial , a measure so sugars very 9.0 ; 25 packages ee , . UTICA -1.d uly sold at 9c ; 7,200 b 29.- tter at 20e, 00 bakes i at ctio ;APO of Cheese at No ; OPEN TO T,HE ORLI). befer• D. Assobia the Honorable; t ee Secretary of State. . 'WILSON, Presidia of Buren Seote Att ion. HORACE F08TE14, Secretary. 1 :15's by the ey in or train ? special er o Mel- to A chole I tedsniciel.; into his hl•art a.p: bent at Tonle commit- . k • e, to- : y by- plungin: a nil - , 1 e ••.. T return. .., r-,XCUR . nk Railway ronto, on ION TO . will 1‘...0 TorieNTO run a boAdo dray, Angel , The Grand excursion to st 511.. Fare 1,080 -at Win ; 850 and 640 . on priva • e t o . le e ver Ile , mar e sig a _ I. at 9Th' ; 1 e e terms • 1 active I . 0 at 10c, 500 con- , The Western Fair for ilif4 w its predecessors. The prizee new feattoes and noyelties tO I 11 fa stave ss ale are la eer, seed the be hat , &aced will Dated _1 VOTE t 's 1st day of Auenst, 1884. I 859 .. , . - S' L1 T - NOTICE. [ 1 . The fue tiv es are beginning to to all pants trim Go leritih to Dublin only ' ' . ,. .... make it the mOst attractive e ibitio. ever held v.,. , 1 . . ' •Ifi . 1 tl: I evident, nt, that I and sp : s beantie: on. Eve almoat 'enrith smodio to t ythitio ' e The muni, ed the Sie! . 1 votion an 0 ere. Dnr this eve. ipa ' : uthorities la velhank- era o Charity for their de - .- ze .1 in assisting tie suffer- ng h: day ending at 9 o''olock ng 'here were fifty-eight - $ w a. lo .50, and 11 letry,e Seafnrth m. The. v• rate d FEEDE ost cony tickets tie !II will be ring the • s' No r ient p ding e goe fOr 6:45 a. n the nly seaso ICE. Tile wer fir cutting •n, te ., e r ofidayls. rinT all u7 n ta. b this cursion at is 868-2 cheapest and hay, straw or &c., is Halliclay's - a - .. - SEED WI:MAN.-The '-• hand on Lot 8,Con cession from Brucefie d, a guar:tit) " Stair " Wheat, suitable -for excellent yielding and tood the well. undereifeeedi 3,Stanley • of the . fall sown)... milling It was . ia.s now on Or( e miles celebrated . It is an wheat, and ast season in Canada. Wait for it. Wri for Prize Lists, Poeteis, ProgMmines formation reqtured. . , E R ROBINSON, GE 866-3 President. • _ e to tbeeetetary or any in- . . .11eBRO0)1, ' , erettaty• Se L rotors 6/ X OTIcE -1-1 ted the third List t 18. ,--.31-nattetnaJitaj. . . the To • nshi ) oi illeiriliop.' t is bereb five ,that I bake tree -amt.!, or delivered o e persem;ettiitiened in %ope of 0 y:The VetersT and fourth seel the topics req ed by th4 eaie -,c. 'ion le .1 appeeerfie: the gai : cc ve ty a s .d deaths at The 0 .: Is a s..illes. . , th oi i s of .11arseil OB have • . • r S should ots, zrin andard ha gr. Geared. e one. pu ming, Wind MiP. i rice 170 I Every farmer 00, free on cars at stands winter along side Scott wheat, Warranted clean a.nd fr grown nd it will yi :Id e from foul s :eds. double. Price • . • APPLES . APPLES. to be, porstituat Act," traesneated or der re ,d of tlie liet,. n-aole to eaid Act, of .11 pei •ons :eqopeareng bet • :A 4 I. : s • 1 will be tome " n •for a ogramme I air was . ' isperse i : s over, :nd d. The :ener of t car if raedie tile gron - - e a d again pet' I a processin abatementi quest was Only fl of the reue main ha lh.a Thirty- lee ion:. the Mayor to Authorize : n s public :pray rs for. the of se cholera', bu • the r e- ref std. . • • e o twentiaseven members ici • :1 counc4 of Arles re- c ty. -. e: thein twenty-four hours Toronto. agency r 6 afe .statorte, eork be C fi for nto, th. his , and given o mpany them as C. Wilson, the Ont re anuf. barn hich in udge fo se or tw aye a ;., recciv Sc. fort ri , P thp etterer, , • a adjoin ng eudin pu thou feels : Mont R b Eat m y d. 86 e has secured the o Car:ilia:1y of No- d has one erected the town of chasers can" see at es. Orders should fore rupiii ed,ae the rders already, and - - frc;m. /2 to $4.25 per bug i : taken. DONALD MeD 1 _ _ • t i I,' MI IN TECRIERSSIITH I 2 ' ' ...,1 I .8 le c'he n the McOaitney Rt • itd, Tuckersmith, containing 661'of which are cleared, t and in a filet class at lance is splendid 1 new bank el,accordinO• 0 ARMID. . _ . FOR . farm; 125 icres, inderdraincel te of cultie asture lend, barn with e 4 t: I - 111.0.11 I 869x4 ALE, -For on the Mill about well fenced ation. The There is a, stone stab- ---.--- r CHRLES DONALD A 79, Queen Street, London, ad t . • d WILL be gl o colrespoy Y V ere, Merchants and Shippers, Autumn and Spring business. . ., 1 facilitiest customers give the 111311/1 o ' St. 0 0 .. - ' • , d E. C., Englan. t 1 ' •th A le Grow - wl. t V. ith a view o They will ale° revirinor ' the bet Munieloality Muni Legiseative and that in McKillop, and remains tailed one:seems I to take revised ass .ant 111 i?f ii.o. eaid te be entitl d to eo e. !in the said, nierlity at Flections for metd. era ef . the Aseernhly an at Igurneieid ,lecte'aise eaid lost was fire poeted up at it. efficee -9 •h day ....e .1.11,,t eel t on the ..- . ,_ , there ler i vector. Eltetere . - u ion toe examine t e said het, and. ii ene ,. I 01101' * r,Iyal:.a,l'e 1: _ . t)7 343Y 4110 tift:0;11 ' immediate proteetonee o ...Leo ti.e ea..ei ii 1 t:ansferred the exc teme to t t e at Marseilles. Eleven I • - • s ea, h: inetwenty-fo r hours at . . t Arles, six t Aix. A . CO ,-RT S - ER OOD : • FOREST. b iek house and ling underneath, also a good orchard of water, and is within half a mile cif This them is beautifully situated, and plenty a, school d is within ' advances. --- A ' - 000.30, , - - - - - - " — Bend six cents for ;postage ?aid errors corrected accurdn g to law. Du -d, thls. 1 - ' re : - -I ''`I-•--, - 9.8th dz = of J lily Big rue n Ilut d d ao., ......Ltee Nor. jOHN O'SIILLIV 35,.Clerk. i 8011el , . ff 11 A' • 1 Penrith pie of converse,- e in -the p -by it le: s.869-tf • . ' I , 1 '• ' 1 whe life lof p.year - . , .- - _ ' e • . • Tonlon, t .panic pre IBMs, • A mile I landed at undeigoi a ... . . , 1 •el frii Live! e the e at : t Aix. . -- (1.alternate as .Marseilles who WaS the pool in a oat'. after present quer ntine was tery. • .,. . , . . I . • OURT Oddf *three L • _ SHER llows eordiall •,‘ OOD FOREST, all, a 7:80 invi ed. . 1 , . . 61.16"5 of the Mo'nOay in P. M. Visiting J: FINCH, Secre „ ' . . • . two miles of the village oi itona Seaforth, and will prietor has. gone to Kansas. Land Agent, Sea.fortb, eld fi. . • Brucefield a be sold ehea Apply to Or to WM. SC . - id fourmiles as the pro- -STRONG, TT, Bruce- , which right Fortunes onoe - • t will help away thanhanything await address . . , . . ee a all, of either sex, els t e workers A blue TRUE & CO.1 aUgR8 . , costly besot goods to Dittos iroerily I v sure. t 1.1'' e 854%52 94 aln • • , ' GIRL WANTED.- a good servant girl; Th ° at,Tae EXPOSITOR OffiCe) , - . _e. anted. iminediatelye highest wifgm Appll SedOrat. 1 tea I , -e. , - e , a - ... . . :7t I. eet