HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-01, Page 44 T HIiR EXPOSITOR. aammiesomessemul E. BUTTERICK & CO.'S Reliable paper patterns for all kinds of Ladies', Mises, Boy's and Children's Garments, for sale by HOFTMAN 13ROS., Seaforth. NEW ADVERTISEMERTS. farms figure between the parenthesis after saoh line, denotes the page of the paper on which the advertisement will be found. Clearing Sale—Hoffman Bros. (1) Cheap Goods—E. McFaul. (8) Big Sale—Duncan & Darica.n. (5) Western Fair—G. Mol3rown. (5) Apples, apples—C. McDonald & Co. (5) Canada Temperance Act. (5) Voters' List Notice—J. (5) Cheap Money—F. S. Scott. (8) A Last Chance—D. Weismiller. (8) $2 Reward—G. A. Sills. (8) Ma.re,for Sale—Scott Bros. (8) Fall Show—G. Good. (8) Seed Wheat—D. McDermid. (5) Farm for Sale—W. Scott. (5) nrott txpeoitor. • SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Aug. 1,1884. The Trouble Only Beginning. The despatches report the Toronto Globe as congratulating the people of Ontario npon the successful issue of the boundary award case. The Glo says the area of Ontario has been vir- tually doubled and her mineral wealth incalculably increased, and that the province will now be able to carry on her local affairs for an indefinite period of time without having to resort to direct taxation. All this is true, but in its very truth lies a menace to Confed- eration. In opposing the ratification of the award of the arbitrators, Sir John Macdonald.could not have been actuat- ed by any policy of hostility to Ontario, for he is an Ontario man himself and twice within six years she has givele him a handsome majority at the polls". The secret of his determined opposition was simply the influence of Quebec. Mr. Mosseau, when he was premier and before it, said in as many words that Lower Canada would not tolerate a vast addition of territory being given to Upper Canada without exacting some equivalent. Even the Rouge- leaders throughout the squabble were alow to take the Ontario view of the matter, knowing well that the confirmation of the award would arouse a war of sec- tionalism. Does anybody who knows anything of the character of the French Canadian people, of the jealousy with which Rouge and Blen alike guard their national existence and maintain their status in Confederation, suppose that they will accept the decision of- the. Judicial Committee unanimously unless a gigantic bribe of some sort is thrust into their hands? The overwhelming preponderance Ontario will henceforth exercise in Dominion affairs, her wealth as compared with their poverty, will beyond question unite them in asking that, in view of -the extraordinary terri- torial changes the award will involve, Quebec shall receive a most substantial quid pro ,quo. With fifty Conservative members in the Commons and half a dozen recruits from the Bogue contin- gent, she will carry the keys of Parlia- ment House._ The Maritime Provinces may also have something to say on the subject. They have never taken kindly to the Union, and may see their opportunity in this displacement of the original territorial divisions. Ontario has won a great prize, but it is safe to say Confederation, none too well knit now, will lose strength by this award. Thiel is the opinion of the Winnipeg The constituency is y no mea tain one for eithee party, a Much to be relied upin. Tim Salvation A quite a victory ove Council. As is gen City Council some t by-law prohibiting t usual and offensive n streets. The object Of (tonne, to stop the the Salvation Army were from,tirne to ti and those arrested re fine were invariably s and ther places in Army were filled by el a test case was dei Army appealed from olice Magistrate to at Toronto. This c Miss Nunn for beat reet. The case wa counsel on both side Toronto, a few day consideration Mr. Ju that the beating of nausual noise and t it had not been prov be vioting magistrate th °use' bad amounted a nuisance, he decid appeal, quashed t e ordered the immedi prisoner, Miss Nun - was celebrated by places where there a the Army. 'It will r by-law practically will be difficult to p cessions and perform are a nuisance. Of be got to say that the more can be procured are not, so it 'will b presiding magistrate conflicting evidence an the parties. my hav the Lon rally kn nee ago e makin, hies on the puhli f this by- avi was street parades o Several rre e made Linde using to play ntenced to he rank. hers. A ded on he de isi the high 6 WaS a g a dim ably ar Eia cert is 110i gaite n Ct n SEM 11 s at ()o° ago.J1Af ice Reese elrutn is t in this before a dieter in fay; J. convecti release This reat rejo detitCla der the operative ve that t ces ofIthe Sun,and it may be-all true, but we hope not. We have no doubt but the people of Quebec are sufficiently jealous of the prosperity of Ontario to prevent her receiving her just and legal rights if they could, and we are equally well convinced that if Sir John Macdonald had to make choice between sacrificing Ontario, and power and office, that On- tario would have to go, but we have still more faith in his Ontario followers than to believe that they would assent to have their own province deliberately despoiled in order to gratify the greed of the French Conservatives. There is a point with every person which when reached, party fealty ceases to be a vir• tue and we think this would be the point with our Conservative friends. We be- lieve they would 'even refuse to' follow Sir John Macdonald this far. And we also hope that there is a sufficient sense of justice among the other provinces to refuse their assent to any barefaced scheme to rob one i5rovince for the benefit of another. If, howeYer, Con- federation can not be maintained and justice secured to -Ontario at the same time, then in the words of the Mail, all the worse for Confederation." Should such a time ever arrive when. Ontario would be required to sacrifice her territory and treasure in order to satisfy a spendthrift sister, or withdraw from the Confederacy, she should most assuredly step down and out and set up house on her own account as an inde- pendent Crown colony. The people of Ontario should give no uncertain sound on this point, and the sooner they make their position and intentions thoroughly and unmistakably understood, the lees probability will there be of any such assault as that hinted at in the above paragraph being attempted. THE death of Mr. A. II. Roe, the representative of Lennox in the Local Legislature, renders another election necessary in that constituency. The Reformers are already to the front and have chosen their standard-bearer, but the Conservatives have not yet selected their man. The Reform candidate is Mr. G. D. Hawley, a former representa- tive. His nomination was unanimous, and the prospects for his election are said to be very favorable. He is a farrier, an --oldresident, and a man of considerable ability, and is - said to be universally popular with all classes: - ti • 11 a n • t rut n of 1ongth of tho Co rt • a n the d y O 1, er d e d cid d ot n :tant3e CO • ed nce or n h f t a ft ciBi ng jt ts f n as pr Ar 4 0 y arse -pion y c n re, but a natjy ho will s irnpossibl for la reconcil the decide bei weep OUR esteemed loc who has many ma who, ever since its in practising with indiffe somewhat difficult fe isrn,—riding with one lie and the other on t and who seems to be e lest THE EXPOSITOR ably received by eit having given a false re contem ers to ser ption, ha nt aucce of eqn ot on the Orange 4rar e, an s bee s th t striamCathci- - eedingly jealous ould be favor - r, accuses us of rt of the eieecL delivered by John Whi es M. P.,, recent twelfth of J celebra Clinton. The groan gronndI upon w bases this accusation that our differed -in some resp Its from ports which appeared i in the Toronto Mail papers. The reason easily given, and local contempor Mail was " fixed Whitesaid man Orangemen which his Mail knew -very well judicious to- place public' in the used, aid , - conse many choice pas others wee so vi we venture to he were to spea recogeize thern temporary and copied the repor hence the simil on the other report, and whil is w " for thin mann quentl ages tried a th n a i h i repor re ts own columns nd some 9the this 1 nit known o ou e report th blication Mr II . el to his b othei uardian .f the ot be neral, guage eporq iand •te, if • not con- Ipapees named ail ver atim, HE EXPO 'TOR, spared it own not prof ss to that was said, t wa pr serv- ubli hed were del ver d, so rary say, an thol es o any vas •ot - ours. in by ins lting as o .gve a was :aid and Would ore the g and la in its re on?Iitte change say ev Wh honestly, woul in pri t, and on other of th rity. a,nd, we di give a full report _of all the connection t ed, and the po given almost ver that if, as our c insult was given other pers.-One, th We had nothi g , any person.Oar truthful report of we did so. • I rough tions atim ritem ol the fault to objet what IT is rumored that popular Collector of Cu erich, has-been s peran deputy R. Radcliffe, w pro. tern. of the promoted to the is an old-time very efficient on with his many fri find the rumor re concerned. So says the Wi4gliam the Advance, for a Cons is lamentably beh we believe, quite has been. supers true that Mr. Radcliff pointed his successor, an ly cruel for the Advaac feelings in this way. M been made to feel the co 1 old adage : " There's ma tween the, cup and th an applicant for the' pos good backing andetrong appointment rested wit Farrow, M. P., and h preferred sacrificing on blood relations,. a4 had Mr. Asher Farrow, for teacher at Blnevia le, a poor Radcliffe was put o mise of something leood i he swallows his 1:1 appoi mains true to th e faith. Afobjections to Mr. cher we believe, thoroughly q the position creditably, services to his party recognition, and we do congratulate him on hi plate .acancpe eblre , land nds, e lized rad th true nuate • r. D. OMB ated jo ha offic Mr, erva, e, in all b far dva yeti time at , but has it ie to h Rad ctne a -on aims Mr. pat of his rly oint ith the merit We row. lifie d 1111 di ee 14 oty the at God - and that c arge , -will be Liffe t, a d Cofl mon d to as e is gl ce. 00 r. it is • een bso u But gan, t is,, qty riot • L19- e - is has t e rro ,liffe s of slipIe- He was nd ad but the Tho iot-1 k e , un •rot 4r, so eel d, rid uatu eif. and rls• ave eio H Is, to fill ast IS • 11 1 a t IS 14 title st he ood fortu • Si and hop emolum But, we not have bee should 'It h He is 4( m prime ofilife, able to dschi as is the annuatio job, for given. should b the privi to becom he nts 0 1 18 hie his do ege ay live long t4 enjoy the and honors of his office. y that a vacancy should made, and that Mr. Doty ve been euperannaated. n, we might - and is as capab rre the duties say, in the le and well f the office .appointee, and his super - °thing short ef a gross no suitable exouse can be superannuation business away with entirely, as s so frequently abused as a scandal. WE PU LISH Verdict o Jad the counily eqa -be -seen , that change i munioipa erable up villages. whole, a been m towns an put on ev able basi as they a Judge ha the happ there is changes 11 u another column the e Toms in 4ference to lizebion appeal. It will the Judge hale made no the e ualization o the rural itiea hut has ma. a consid- urni g among the towns and The result is t at, on the ery el nsiderable re' uction has e lo the: assessa ent of the villa es, and they have been at 60 11113 tO us a ore equite than they wore be ore. So far con erned, we elieve. the , as nearly as poss ble, struck medium, and wed not think room for wimple nt of the ade. 1 I SjS tourists a e from Ear pe scare. of the NV e k. E URNING.— II ndreds of if e urning to 1 ew York account of t e cholera FATAL I0T "AVE.—SOUtll is beiug v•eite. y a wave heat for a few d ys past, and been at the ra e of eight feta sunstroket ea h day at Ode nese in th t ci y is entirely during th: aft r oors. A DAK eA 11 ILSTORM.—A hailstorm stric Tower Cit last Frid: y. several build unroofed nd orn down. any win- dows wer bijo en and a fere -persons injured. t 11 th crops are ruined in the vicinity. SEVEN 11 OR ril AIEVES LiNCHED.— Seven hor le tili ves were h nging to trees at thi• m nth of the Mus el Shell near Lewi ton entente on Tuesday. The settlirs r desperate and will lynch all eie caught. SWIFT ' OR The Natiopal line steamer Aiier c arrived at Liverpool at noon ontJuil 4th, and her Mail was Pr delivered 1r th arriers in 14indon in .eight days ron he time of its collection ° an in Nev Yo I his is unprecedented in in the hist ry f le ail service. SALVATIO iY PERSECUTIONS IN THE STATES.— t Gr: net Rapids, Michigan, the entire Sal tion Army, n mbering ve of them wo en and i di paraded th streets, he police an 1 locked station for d 'sturbing tine, tambou Ines an ting. At R chester men and ten women may, were arrlested o g , while parading th •1:1 Russia_ 01 intense' here have cases of a. Busi- aspended isastrous Dakota, gs Were: 11 erect a house, sole° erect a threatre wh herself. This She s cf her arribitiOn; a become se fixed resi COLLISION AFS named the Gijon a recently about forty of Spain._ Sarvivo who have arritied i following partienlar of the collisiou ther The Laxhaml was steamers were eoun he Gijon strifrk ips, and th lett sunder. The fun pipe burst. The al ersing 'the eng ue ost of the Lakharr lion. The ciptai - t ed his wife add ch all were hauled abo rope. The Lathan elites after the Colltei began to Sett e. prevailed. The, ca revolver in his band k'eep or er. Plissen fighting for their liv 1. wered and filled c uld n t accoMmod hose i ho secured •t4 keep off others ijou sank bow d Ick as criwde• omen. The eitpta o the b idge. Ili is p rsons erished. eforx L Dexdon.s The Reform demo b ook in the Owns t e auspices of the E A gociation on Thu -wee an entire enoces Tae weather ia th day was most delig ou t an immense er attendance being esti one and two thousa portidn of w1iom tunat ly, however pl ce, and towerds rain set n whica in wth th proceedin WAS bele] in Porter's spit abo t a mile fro pr ceedi • gs weri3 enli during t e afternoon se ection of the b B ttalio from Brus sp akers ere I sten ti ely an the g eate va led. StlAt t achan Preeiden As ociati sti ring address intro pr fol • a , good' site and ch he will manage ate as the height d i 1885 she will ent of New York. e. Two stemmata d Laxham collided mirs off the coast s o the Laahana Et4gland. give the : Oe the evening w s a thick fog. goirig slow. Both ing their whistles. he Laxham amid - ✓ was nearly cut el Well. and steam ief engineer in re- am horribly scalded. 's p ew boarded the oti the Laxhara Id to himself and ird the Gijon by 'it Bank- twenty mie- n.'Tice Gijon semi Terrible confusion tain stood with a but was unable to ers and orew were s. The boats were o the utmost, but ate t alf the people. lac s were obliged wit knives. The rst.• The -qnarter With men and 1 n 'a d officers were (esti ated that 130. rail ott in Grey. str tion at Oran- ip Of Grey, under ast Huron Reform day of last week, iu !every respect. eerily part of the tful and brought wd 'of people, the IS at d at between d .eople, a large er ladies. Un- a change took eve ing a heavy erfered somewhat , 6. The meeting backed up by Thos. Farrow, who nov held the seat for East Huron at Ottawa. Dr. Sloan's speech was a sharp and. incisive one, and Was well received. DE. M DONAL followed in a mast he reviewed the Reform party in C upward course in t alism step by ste the Family Comp munic'pal rights ; , OF WINGIIAM, rly addreee, in which early history of the nada, and traced As Lie interest of Libe l*- . The overthrow Of • at ; the oh aining 6f he secular zation 6f the clergy reserves ; the a, olition 6f seignorial tenures in Lower Canada, and Confederation—all bad been the work of the Reform. party. ' SOMO Tories boasted that Sir Jn was the father of Confederation, butwhen it w s shown to these gentlemen that Sir J hn Ma4- nald and ed Elgin, igned the deration, they would have to relinqeieh thet claim. Ile closed his remoras with a telling criticism of the Dominion finan- cial policy amidst loud and prolonged cheers. ME. A. M. TAYLOR gave an excellent address, dealing with general topics of irterest to t electors. He looked for a bri for the Reforro pax y and looke with confidence t the claw beight day for Refc the young men was and. brought loud gathering. He co: the following res( seconded by W. El donald, John San Scoville, 'who the were three of th minority report a field Bleed represen a five who ainst Conf e Liberal ht future 11 forward ing of a rm. His appeal to exeeedzngl eloquent applause from the eluded by reading lution, which wait: lierr,-and carried t: 1 THE RES LUTIONS. . " That this ineet'ng pledges ts unanie mous,unswerving a d continue support to the principles of the Refor partyi and that it desires o place on ecord at this time its profou d sense of gratitude to the Hon. Oliver Mowat, the faithful champion and guardian of the:people's rights, who, though assailed during many years by ever means w . h .. ruptiou and malace could Bugg ,st to the leader of the J Do inion 'Government; yet in the exercise f sagacious states- ma,n ship, detetmin d and well weighed conviction, and thesterling courage of a; Christian patroit, d d not shrink from taking the political existence lof him; self and party on the issue ofthe peca ple's rights, and the preservation of Ontario's rightful p ssession, 0,pd after arrying the banner f Provincial autons my through two e ections tol victory, as consummated the grantEd ' t; Provincial statesma ship by sue eesfully rode, a beautiful s tile village. The 'end at intervals by the musical nct of the 33rd c els.. The several o d tO most atten- h t enthusiasm pre- e apelointed Esq., Ree'e of Grey and t of the Ea -t Huron Reform f n took the our Thomas hair and after a h need nos, o Thatgentleman, 1 s loudly cheered; maintaining these ights befo e nng- land's Privy Counci , at the foot of the brone, to the utter overthrow ad con- usion of Sir John L. Macdon id and is colleagues, who iad with p rsistent ffort striven t4 stri the fair rovince f Ontario of 62,000. 00 square -cres of, ier legitimate territ /dal area." " It was then moved by by Sas. Fere 24 persons, twe two color° , wl was arrest d b up at the 1oiic the peace ay drams, an e New York, eig members o th Sunday foi sin streets. THE C LE Marseilles, tel rovement at 'holeraic leat aily avera ;0 o nesday, 48 in 8 on Sal ird 1s ndayree bondoulon the nig ti: ve om all ails h. se, f u. rolated ea es arts of th di eclared seere al A RIVER I OF O.'S. distillery I mense qua, tit was burnei 1 combustion of by a workml.n, he cause of ifrhiskey wa ow 10 -ti ew York i arti he countr far 'frhiskey floN ed y -five barrE s w hiskey wa d p undreds o m n A BRUTE L N aron, a _e ach the house of his 1 wyer, at la, f iended hi nrsing a b nd threw illing it, an t e lady. nee. The nd men took hi eand riddled This is the urth Within a mo ith In t°ve been g ilt Men. J CASE Oa, LU, t e hospital t eatment a is ho is suffer ng r hich affect mt lump jaw.' It i la scess on r jawt ppoeed to e an icroscopica ea ntrary. T e ntein vege abli th those f tin ttle. It is up ting meat fro ease. An • pera The cas exi1 is the first ne re Id. States, t ou h ready been ecor MRS. LANG% Y. s sailing fr • LEON. A. er. vincia Trees rer. comin forward, w at one proc ede. to deliver a tell- addreas of over a hour's duration.. This was the firet time, he said, that it p had been his priTilege o rose a bodyii of elector in Gry; th IBANNE TOWNHIP 0 but he kn w of its rec Mi. Gibs u in p+t y that fact made I him • am'ongst riendslof ti He' dealt in a rhaste the) Natit nal Policy, th tariff had heen • wo king s far Lae the f e ity was c ncerned. fare had in noway pri e by t e National the rnai ufactured rticlee for con• c sun ption ad beeome more costly. The far • ers h d received ---Coneut Maso, a raphs : " Ma4ed im arseilles and Toulon• at Marseilles from 0, fell to 43 on Wed 11 rsday, 38 on Friday and 36 on Sunday n 12 hours. ortelity is also declinng. A a fell from 40 to 15 reported fro various ni ict. The epi ernic is Arles and Ai." HISKEY.—Ovbrbolt & t Connelleville, with ehpuses and an im- of whiskey apd corn, week. Spontaneous 1 dust, or a elger left supposed to hone been fire. NearlY all the d by Philadel Ina and !The flame lit up . miles, and burning wn the river. ;Twen- e rolled away, and the ed up by t e mob. became drun . HED.—A w ek ago u, colored, !went to ployer, Col. Willis, a ey, , Georgia,who be. finding Ma. Willis switched the child st the wall; nearly attempted te assault etunS brought assiSt- ed, but was ceptared Saturday night 260 of prison, hueg him, body with pullets. lynching in Georgia which] the !victims of assault on white 'That this meeting desires on the art of the Reformers of the Est Ride rd is higs appre-1 tend take by the in the D ng of Huron, to rec iation of the ubble eform OPpoeition arliament, led! by d ward Blake, in co nd opposing the co ant wasting of the ir John Macdonald 'lowers and i EAS HURON, R rd in support of p ars, and knoeving E feel that he was O Liberal cause. g ly Manner with s lad showed that fe fallaeious in its 0 rneieg commun- he irbduce of the. h e raise in! Polaiy, although,. 0 11 11 ur trusted l leader, d rageously exposing rupt and extrava- t p y y nd his subservient ba tling manfully for utario's rights trea herously s crificed t the shrine o pol tical nece sity by er Tory repro elite ives." The resoluble wa, seconded by Mr. McGillicndclY in brief spe ch and arried unanimusly. The rai, which had been thr atening uring the evening, by this tim began descend hevily,1 and the eating as brought to a close by th usual yal and party cheers. The d y will e a red-letter ay in the annals of Grey wnship. ons accident.: The buggy was in some way upset ,and Mr. Tough thrown underneath it. He re eived s me seri- ous injuries.' —While Mr. Wm. A drews, f Stan- ley, was building a lea of hay nel was standing on the back art of t e load, he told the horses to start. T ey did so, but losing his balance, he f 11 back- ward to the ground and receiv d some severe injuries. - —Mr. A. Innes, of Stanle, has a Shropshiredoev.n ewe which dropped a lamb on the lath of January last ; on the 18th of July it dropped another. It is not unueual for a ewe to lamb at in- tervals of a week or se, but every BiX months ts rare inleed. —We see by the Batavia, New York, Spirit of the Times, that W. M. Savage, formerly of Goderich, has the eoetract for the erectiOn of a large sewng, ma- chine factory in that city. He had inst conapleted aeother building f. for the naannfacture of harvesting machines. —The total receipts ' for circuit ex- penses of the Blyth circuit Methodist church, for the year ending 30th Ju 1884, were $766.38. This ammint vir made np as fallotes :—Blyth, 76 me beret $445 • ; Sunshine 68 $211 Ebenezer, 23,;$110. —One day l'!ust week Miss Bessie M Kay, of Goderch, and Miss Richards of Toronto, walked from the residen of John Buchanan in Colborne to Da lop post office, and back, a cliStante two and a half miles, in three -quarte of an laour. —Mr. W. ,. Griffiu has left with t Clinton New gra a Bible printed in t year 1639, or nearly 300 years ago;] it yet in a geed state of preservatio though showing the traces of age. A hope our contemporary will make go use of the book while it kemaine h possession. ' - —Mr. John pablimantof Exeter, h .5 party from ay semmoned before McDonald, J. ., charged with Medal cutting timber on Canada Company land. The case was eettled by clef° dant paying $24 damages and $2. cost. s oue be a warm -ng tie a who trespass on Canada Conapany land. —Mr. Walter McGowain of East W wanosh, delivered 8 sters, averagin 1,245 pounds, Blyth, on Monday. / Thos. Ross, the same day delivered. steers, some three-year Olds, the re two, which aVeraged j.,325 pound These steers were fattened on the gras Mr. Watson, ot Blyth, was the pur- chaser. —On Sunday last while Mr. arid Mrs. Hunkin were driving on the Thanaes Road, Usborne; east of ,Farqua.har, a couple of bicyclits, from ,Exter, fright- ened the horse, thus causing En to upset the buggy i throwing the occepant n the road and seriously injuring Mr Hunkin about the head and shoulder. —The MethPdists of Varna Ciroui have discontinued the use of the 101 CanadaMethodiist church on the Goshe ine, and intend holding eervice here fter in the bui@ing forinerly occupie y the late Methodist Epicopals. Th our of service in the Brucefield Meth°. ist church, ha's been changed from 0.30a. m., to 230 p. m., , Goshen line eking the former hour. a —While t th dg h bank Dear the salt well at; Goderiela o Monday of last 'week, a gust of win caught a lad named Eddie Viles, hurled him down the deolivitons ena bankmeut. The lad was I forced abon half way dowri the steep, and Wa knocked insensible. He ,was terribl cut about the head and face, but is abl to be about- again. It was a strang accident, and wonderful escapee AUGV84' li, 18 in the employ of the Toronto G specter Mewburn paid fir to Mr. ayw. eOiinnaMerosntad.anyd t ih eat collector, will eller ly be promo a to, Customs Offipteiiienelnal enar Ot, ehasnerodip di tly es et s f Radcliffe, the very effieient epta icaot_lilpenActraeoxrosanbmgi i nation cf Ttmoj ,(. nit v. ei. ronto who wdoebaltnaeltaie:dethhtehoranors reatheniatie, arth, son of Mr. S. Hogartileof S ep4 E n_g 1Ri Fprae: ihcehr adrael oGnenronr,the estee ep4aePtafirivseh oPrrisei years, St °f Whash11lfgtibel. ed by His Lordshipethe Bishop of,R to the parish of Maidstone in therm*, of Essex. Il'ather O'Connea during residence in Wawenosh, hat endeared Dand elYmmaersetaeyini nfgdtoesdt everybodywemii contact,ofar ' hai wws aii se: hhitwstpothlsef°,11v1 ne, of the conartennty. His pastorate spiritual but in natural thmgs. as. been wonderfully s ccessinl tee ely purchased ten acre of land, er ted a handsome brick residence withestabla andoutbuildings, laid out the g °wide, beautified the churth, and not nja a ml' this valuable property clear ofd bt, but Ce r, a small balance remains in the tr fume -- These results speak volUmes . or ‘ of rs energy and eiate prise of the ret. erend gentleman. Sunday even. he mg last at the close of ,th eervice eii On h: Pc oanritsahirinegratiPeraerslyen$2130d0h, itanel token theirtheir affectionate esteem and , rea. vs day following a number a his -eke Jr od and other friends met at his, residena is at a farewell baricheon in his hoor,* presented him with an addrese, aeons, ad Panied by a handsome silver watt pitcher. The addr as was read by Bee irs Father Shea, of Se forth. I 1 rt. From South rn liflanitoba, 7- (/3l!.•Wheera°tP,swhich is simply rend D my six suretoers here I have not seen yaOreur1000wkiiingorwreeipi,oipedearrittiojui.t: ii irig. , hsoaurytehsearnandiagnoiotdo more excellent prospect for an early bYaiethldiststsolvne. h Ia ev peae in ' , now of wheat which, of course, is the, at staple upon 'which the prosperity aftb.13 88: settler depends. theta that were seen in good season and not damaged is , frost, look equally as well as the whea but there was a large amount of awn oats sown, much of it late in the semi and this, as naight be expected, a faffr ure. Oats being such a drug en the market last winter, most of the fennel sowed but little more than will eu 1 their own needs. This, together w4 the fact that th.e crop is a partial fail - tire, will place oats at a pod figure next t fall. Indeed, they continue to advance a stead in eying risei. . from 15 to 26 t per bushel durL - the past six weeks. But 'tyres eve; a thus. One season you find oats going O a -begging for buyers; the next, falIllefil BOW barely enough fertheir own require, meets. ba in • wo , n • the • sch ore tha ch encha 0 cc oc ca 68 di ed it it al go on Friday las, the Ms. Langtry , She shortly after freven tight fitting drab jaunty little 4p. A tosay good bye was MIs. Langtry will ready she hs a, middle f N gust 11. bont 1 return to New eries of en, age ich will be 'n liTew York alone• Be - ides A Wife', Peri and Galatea she i I add two r• w plttys to her repertoire. Out of the prol ts ia1styear she hs "sT in- tedi $65,000 in w York real state. r profits for the eason were a trifle r 882,000: ;On hier returu she will at vi - Y JAW."—Surgeons at 'hicago have nuder urphy,27 years old, m a horrible disease e and is knbwn as in the forml of an and it was t first rdinary abscss, but ination proves the cess was found to parasitiee idjentica1 •n the abscee es on sed to be ceased by cattle having the ion will be perform- ed some interest its ported in the Tjn- catie3 have ed in Germany. mong the passen- w York for gnrope most prominent was reached the Arizona 'clock dressed in a nit and wearing a ong those or hand Freddie Gebhardt. aye but a brief rest. engagenaent !up to vember, beginning anuary 5 net, she ork and cominence ents, ten weeks of • 11 78 ov NO RENE ced values 1 and other porn h had been 1prorr Conservative' pr me. he papula sed, al tbe ice; ITS for , heir grain, to B, although w o them by lo rs of the h d not iu- to oditii isedi mot io though it hadbn Efflux of c tiz uld create a for the disposal! of Veliy CoU d be raised upon a far time that the population o ma erially increased. waa Ma kenzie regirne, a d th spe ker • PROVE fro the s atistice of t e Biui dus ties.. J he cohnty mf u witill the first in Outs', io wea th an general prospeOt in t4ie fac that it set 133 the hers t Parliemen the cQnlptyiu lanadal The ho of Sr Joh and Mr, Al redt1 res ective i °Hewers and Local arliasient ed iik a sea hing reanne veto ng of Provincial seve ely eo damned. The S and the lie disc ssed, the seeake contended and na(3- Huron iTot es. onie market There is a lady inClinton, w hing th-at but two exceptions has not sle • The 014 from home fr' 411 yeafrs. anada had —Mr. W. Perue, Of Goderic nder the ,: ship, lost a mare and colt the ot s fact the ! by blood poise mg ; they Were eau of I opulatio , and al re Liber any oth tile actio and the $300i The Methodis s of Ethel hay pur- n- chased the resid nee in that vill ge be n, louging to Dr. Carte for a par onage. ij The price paid as $ 00. so al • —Ur. Joseph, edl y, of Wa anosh, er ' was felling e tree whon part of i fell on him, and he wa SO Seriously njured ie that he is not ex ecte to liv. o, with t away town- er day worth • th Dominion •as In xt criteis- aikdf Sir John's etion was reams Bill werethen fully d Wa taken by ssfnl y proved, ent ere sscs, instance. The in artegating to of l railways in en I built with al 'money, •was trenchant style, i.h Ontario railway distri- y shoiwn. The cledrtd his re- ap eal to the o staid firm in tree to their ile° , and the wlici had ever e !•1 fender of app ause and er as e resum- eg 91 that the L but he att • • acti n of t theMselves Ontj.rio, w Pro incial shown up 1 and the un had been tr buti n wa hon rable g mar s wit elect re of lt the eform tried memb Hon Oliv pray d him Ont io's r ohee s greet ed. hi seat. MR. was the n xt 'meker, 'abet] an hoer, during dealt with tie queetions the 1 cense fewer, the S the ounda Award, in forcible ma nen which sive 4pplause from the 1 Timeland again the !town been is banner toinshi tests,and he hoped that remain faithful tis th prove to be the champi of th Provi ce of Onta prole gedDCB. eseLrosA.)N1 OF LYTH,1 xr paid leigh tri utes to t e Hen. A. M. Ross land r. Tho. Gi son, and then Went i on to discuss p bile questions. The Libera Govermea nt ha Ontario had treated a surplus established a better educ tional' 'vet m, bitilt rail- ways, °recto asylenas for the deaf, dumb and bl nd, and built colonization roads in the new counties. The Tory Dominion Government h d endeavored to obe ruct t e good wor of the Legis- lature .and i its every ct had been rise qustioij nd the grou , and succ cal Govern T THE 'AGGR eked eac p Dominion the control ich had b nd meanici a clew and irnesS with ated in the conclusive DUO/1401 CO a ringin ast Hhron faith And b r, Thqmas r Mowat, elf to be t ghts. Lou d the pea • HOS. GDSON, M. P. P., and spoke for time he of insurance, manna Bill and licite respon- a 111.ing and rge gathering. hipof Greyhad ire past con - it ;wieuld ever mon who had ns cif the rights o. (Loud and —Last week Rob t MoAllli St. Augustine, West Wawanoe to Robert McGrory,L • cknow, a two year old steers fo • the sum o —Mr. R. E. Way, f Morris, le 50 acres of lo 12, concessio 1,775, to Win. ars concession, and hate family to the co nty o —On Friday n ght person entered he -s hompson, on he Londesboro, and stole gle harness, for bich a short time ago. ter; of , sold oke of $100. s sold -de toMqv9el his all, of the same Simcoe. last week, some able of Mr. John ravel road near a new set f sin - he paid_o er $20 —Mr. John Br nsdr, of Londsboro, had a valuable are de last wee), mak- ing the third ani al he has lost in two months, one bein a cow for xvla ch he refused $70, the hree animals making a loss of about $3 O. —A pleasing a. air appened at the residence of Mr. Arch. Kennedy Clin- ton, on Thursda of ast week being the marriage of his da ghter, to Mr. J. E. Blackall, V. S, T ey took the noon train east on their wedding tour. —The south-eaat pa land concession, &oder sold by auction on Mo of 50 acres, with so thereon and was b Halstead, for $1,440. — Mr. Robt. Johnsto cession of Turnherry, making some i ropeove He has had his barn some changes made in foundation put under i • It • t of lot 39, Mait- ch townshi , was day. It c nsists e improv ents ught by le A. •, of the 6t con - has latel been ants on hi farm, turned a ound, ide and a stone — James McNair, wh. for a n mber of years kept a seed st Ire in God rich, died at his hom, Ric emend Hill, on Sunday morning of la:t week, alter a long and. painful illness. The dec ased had many friends in Gcderich. —The Methodist ministers of Dun gannon circuit are unfortunate. M ntion was made a week since of the illn ss of Rev. Mr. Turner, and -cl,e learn th t his colleague, Mr. Lagier, ill Ens° on th sick list, and unable to take any work hat - ever. —One day last week as Mr. Charles Tough, of Stanley, was ion his w y to Bayfield he met with a somewha. seri- .• • The excellent prospects for a- large yield of the great staple has its effect e -already upon every branch of the trade n Merchants are looking complacent d towards the winter months, anticipstin4 d a decided " boom" in their bushiest - , which, during the past few menthe hag t 'been barely paying e penses. Famer" e have, for the time being, almost eetirelil Y forgotten their grie ances and come e quently the agitationhas quieteddovni O considerably. In 5 t One helirs very! little, just now, of " grindieg monopre oe lies," ec., and the sl int:steerionfeatfinaiimrsowaiilite towards the present A, scarcely be wakened ntil the market' season when wheat will have to he teamed all the way from 25 to 100 lam Yet while farmers are. too busy to keep' the agitation up to i its wonted heats their representatives have not lostsight! of the lack of railway 'facilities in thie- part of the province. About three weeks ago the municipalities! in thie Count/ appointed three delegates to St. Paul to interview the prestdeet of the Et.' Paul, M' inneapolis and Manitoba road: in. reference to tapping the boundaryat: a point south of the municipality of Louise. Thos. Greeniwey, M. P. P., for Menntein, R. S. Thompson, rteeire ei, Louise, and A. Clark, Reeve of Derbycomprised the delegation who ,lesint from J. J. Hill, president of the. above: road, that they would not be able to getj es far as the boundarY this seson, buti that they expeeted to tap the line earlyj next season, but just where remains to! he seen. Should it cerrie to a /patter& holding out inducements there ifs 1301 doubt but we of Rock Lake county evill every inducement within their power leave no stone untur ed to seem the read Within naarketi g distance. Yeo' pie here are unanimous upon offe * to secure a competing road. Just bow Matters, in this con ection, will eneel remains to be seen. he thing is nu- take however, the people are growing cenfident that there will be some relief next season at least. If there ifi net the agitation of last whater is huts zephyr compared with the tempest OA will yet sweepacross these praiies. One of the beneficial results, amongst farmers, of the extravegant days of the beom is their backwardness in- buying machinery. Then, they bought -any thing and everything in the shepe Of 1 naachine, trusting to leek and the born to meet their payment'. Now, they are resolved to make ha,ste more slowlY and they buy nothing but what thee' absolutely need, and cannot possibly do withont. Of course there are sorae whom a machine agent could' persuade that $ steamboat is a necessary and indispens able agricultural implement, • Th - continue to Jetty just as if there was120 such thing as maturity in connection with a note and it M380113 no work again, and are resolved. to wait prophet to torten how it will end in their tame. But J nine -tenths of the farming comtannitY are inaking the old machinery do the till prospects brighten a little beta's' taking any moredebt upon theirshoul er. Thisis conservation of the right kind. Nor does the principle applY to farroers alone, bufmerehants aud eve/ other class are f Ideas profiting by gle leesons of the -bdotila All things 004' only a blessing in disgu se. sidered, perhaps the; reat boom Ivo I have before me a elrop report front the Department of Agriculture,- da Mountain and Duffeei asrhieotwieinsgofthe acreage of thts eljitiffneer elntt liv' The acreage of wheat is: Ronk Lake) unties -of South' k Lake, Turtle. ain under cal - rove of interest. vation in three of thee ern Manitoba, viz., Ro , a BeetioPols "f which would doubtless —A fight 'occurred in Gerrie on th evening of the ith July, between tve men named Brotvn and Stafford, over dispute of several years' standing. Both men were promptly arrested by coiastable m. Ardell, who brought them that ame evening before Justices Ross and orland, who m toted them $6:50 and had no connection with, the Society i $5.50 respeciivel . .Neither of the clam batauts were Or ngemen and the row whatever. —Last Wednesday evening while Mrs. Wm, Strong; of Grorrie, and her son were returning home from prayer meet- ing at Earngeys, iheir horse took fright at the railway crossing and, backed over the embankmen, a distance of about 0.0 feet. Mrs. Strong's injuries were quite severe, but her son esesped with only a few slight buises. The buggy and harness were considerably wrecked. —The Brussels -Post of last week re- ,grets being called upon to chronicle the decease of Mrs. Absalom Bawtinheinaern well-known resident of Brussels. She went on a visit to friends at Wolverton, near Paris, with the hope of recruiting her health, but death called her avvy last Saturday. The funeral took place on Tuesday, her remains being interred in the cemetery at Wolverton. The SO ch Pa th Ca Li lais tab pa 'co :00 gre wh de the pat eec for age for Of the leas 'hough affa Du rrowing husband and motherless ildren can rest assured of the syn. thy of their neighbors and friends lin eir aftlictioa. —Last Monday morning Mr. Lueitts rey, as wakhis wont, paid a visit to s farm in Colborne, now occupied lay son, Mr. Oswald F. Carey. Jnst, out dinner time he was seized with in in the region of the heart, and be - ming quite ill he received such aid is uld be given to him at the time. He w rapidly worse until three o'clock, en he died. Mr. Carey's terribly su- n death, na the midst of apparently best of health, created a deep se ion, as he was widely known in t e tion. He had resided in Goderi h about 34 years. He was 66 years f, —Says the Clinton New Era: tunes never come singly. The tria h this saying was forcibly illusttat d other day. Mr. Jas. Stevens, of the e line, has been laid up for several days with sciatica in his legs, and was, therefore, unable to move around wi h his usual alacrity, and perform his accustomed work. One of the boys, taking out the mower,allowed the horses to run away, and before they were stop- ed, the mower was broken to piece, hough Mr. Stevens saw the whole ir, but could render no assistanc. ring the afternoon of the same da the hay cp.0 team were atteched to a wagon anTd -rack, when they ran away again., sing further damage. The Goderich Star of last week seys : Mr. D. Doty, the veteran Colle- ter of Customs at. this port, has been snperannuated,hasvin about reached the maximum number of years in the ser- vice. His position has been filled by the appointment of Mr. A. Farrow, bother to the member for East Huron, end who for about ten years has been • 14,610 jyage th .acre resPec )3saie erits• tool, t 5,404, TVrahteit); aline t am 20 teilelda tho *s' ighovon 3v3 t'le1:iib:St;it1E11 E1 n in:iieuI Iane this teaMee3 envrelopiewocrhin; the spr Pn° an at, os ,afi3t la p 1 oe unlmetir Tbettl: alfrohtnisioese;rfloar- were tolchwants(; liags still of jOn 1. This 1 nfellrAt,rsme:: but bo h atoes a6iye etde i b. eit:41 13:e 1. imsetpt rol lia6AlonEd411;fStalgoreshy ing the'j and t:i.1 closnrC rath er 01 glan ran: Jai cart v. tthehey fil et 2121311Ctail the sen leo Lnol ::: Ikti 0w:0:fa:to:. 1! il vtphhauaeeesr8:1113. Layt,33arttNtilh.eitufrio t'eo tomi hhnniejatt;ee: honebeaa knoeke n 1 slietToehio_ es a etti r fwohll°nowe perex.ertiniol on the hak second! Itis leal ahead stb,htair °ern, hsraeoelI. Wint freUtr:w itlihaea rieP:1:1:1111*seroel:e* Isxv Se M tt d. hb ea:1' okns epectal sst iie eonnzne de ted the getriel was se