HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-08-01, Page 2• 1 o_. ' I ' - ..; AN HONEST SOUTJ. -J ROPii EXPOSITOR. • (Onneluded from last week 't Murtha Petah .is failing, she ain't near so straight as she was," remarked Mrs. Bennett. " She looks reel bent over tcaday." The little wiry springiness vitas, in, deed, gone from her gait as she crept slowly along the sweet country road, and there was a- helpless droop in her thin Harrow shoulders. ' It was a beau, tiful spring day ; the fruit trees *ere all in blossom. There were more orchards than •houses on the way, and, more blooming trees to pass than people. Martha looked up at the ! white branches as she passed underl them. " I kin smell the apple-blows'"said she, but somehow the goodness is all gdne out on 'em. I'd jest as soon smell :cabbage. Oh, dear me wiz, kin I ever de them qnilts over agin ?" When she got home, however, she rallied a little. There was a nervous force about this old woman Which was not basily overcome, even by an/ accu- mulation of miefortnnes. She imight bend a.geod deal, bat she was almost sure to spring back again. She took off her hood and shawl, and straightened herself up. "Thar's no use Puttin' it off, it's got to be done. I'll hev them quilts right ef it kills me 1" She tied on a purple calico apron and sat down at the window again, With a • quilt and the scissors Oat canine the pink roses. There she sat through the • long afternoon, - cutting the at tches which she had so laboriously put in -a little, defiant old figure, its head, with a flat black lace cap. on it, bobbing up and down in time with its hands. There were some purple- bows on the cap, and they flattered ; quite a little wind blew in at the window: The eight day clock on the mantel ticked peacefully. It was a queer old time -piece, which had belonged to her grandmotherPatch. A painting, of a quaint female with puffed hair and a bunch of roses adorned the front of it under the dial plate. It was flank4d on either side by tall green vases. There was a dull -colored rag oaret of Martha's own manufacture on the floor of the room. ,Soxte wooden chairs stood around stiffly; an old yellow map of Massachusetts and a portrait of George - Washington hang on the walls.' There was not a speck of -dust anywhere, nor any disorder. Neatness waseene of the ehiefest comforts of Martha's life. Put- ting and keeping things in order was one of the interest e which enlivened her dullness and, made the world attractive ther.. The poor soul sat at the window, bending over the qailt, till dusk, and - she sat there bending over the quilt till dusk many a day after. It is a hard question to decide whether there was any real merit in such finely' strained honesty, or whether it was merely a case of morbid coneoielationst nese Perhaps -the old woman, inherit- ing very likely her father's scruples, had had them so intensified by age and childishness that they had become a little off the 'bias of reason. Be that as it may, she thought it was the right course for her to make the quilts over, and thinking so it was all that she- could do. . She could never have been satisfied otherytise. It took her a considerable time longer to finitih the quilts, again, and this time she be. gen to suffer from other causes thin •mere fatigue. • Her stock of provisions . commenced to' run low, and her money ,was gene. At last she hadsnothieg but a few potatoes in the house to eat. . She • contrived to dig some dandelion greens once or twice ; these with the potatoes were all her diet. There wag really no • necessity for such a state of things ; she was surrounded, by kindly, welt -to do people, who would have gone without • themselves rather than have let her gaf- fer. But she had always been very reticent • about her needs, and felt great pride about accepting anything which she did not pay for. But she struggled• along until the quilts were done, and no one knew. She set the last stitch quite late one evening ; then she spread the quilts oat and sur- •veyed there. " Thar they air now, -all right," said she ; "the pink roses is in Mis' Bennet's an' I 'ain't cheated nobody out on their ealikee, an' I've airned my money. I'll take 'em hum in -the morn - in', an' then I'll buy something to eat. I begin to feel a dreadfulesinkin'. at my stummuek," • She looked up the house carefully - she always felt a great responsibility when she had people's work on hand - and went to be& Next morning she woke up so faint and dizzy that she hardly knew hereelf. She crawled out i:tito the kitchen, and sank down on the floor. She could not move another step. " Lor sakes !" she moaned, " I reckon I'm 'bout done too !" The quilts lay near her on the table; elie stared up at them with feeble aim- placeney. " Ef I'm goin' to die, I'm glad. I got them quilts done right fust. Massey, how sinkin I do feel 1 I wish I had a cup of tea." There she lay, and the beautiful spring morning wore on. The sun shone in at the window, and moved nearer and nearer, till filially he lay in a sunbeam, a •poor, shrivelled, little old woman, whose resolute spirit had nearly been her death, in her scant nightgown and ruffled cap, a little shawl falling from her shoulders. She did not feel ill, only absolutely too weak and helpless td move. Her mind was just as active as ever, and her -black eyes ,peered sharply out of her pinched face. She kept mak- ing efforts to rise, bat she could not star. • "Lor sakee 1" she snapped out at' length, " how long hey I got to lay here ! I'm mad!" She saw some dust on the black paint '01 a chair which stood in the sun, and she eyed that distressfully. " Jest look at that dust en the runs of that cheer !" she muttered.1 " What if anybody come in! I wonder if I can't reach it 1" The chair was near her, and she managed to stretch out her limp old hand and rub the dust off the rounds. Then she let it sink down, panting. I wonder ef I ain't goin' to die," she gasped. " I wonder ef T'rn prepared. I never took nothin' that shouldn'thelong to me that I knows on. Ola, dear me vuz, I wish somebody would come 1" 'When her strained ears- did catch the sound of footsteps outside, a sudden re-' solve sprang up in her heart. - "I won't let on to nobody how I've made them quilts over, an' how they'll hed enough to eat -I won't. 'When the door was tried she called ont feebly, "Who is than ?" The voice of Mrs. Peters, her next- dpoaneighbo " It's me. W "I'm kind you'll git in ; unlock it to s , " Oan't I g "Mebbe yo woman, and Mrs. Peter dow with c quite low fron :She turned pale ilea lying on the flo what is the rnatte yon been lying ther ; "Ever since Igo dizzy, en' he a dr It ain't much, I reo a cup of tea it wOul Thar's a spoonful 1 Yon jilt put a few k Mis' Peters, n' se make me a on , I o I've got to go and hum to Mis' Blies a ' I "I don't believe ill tired out over been workin to ha • " No, I ain't Mis' but play pieei ' quil not havin a front wi I'm dein' mil. ' ' Mrs. Peters was a man of few words ; carrying Martini, int putting her oon easily -chine, sh old` woman a Vi she went into t ginning to susp and her suepi When she saw started the fire, and -then she* own house for ;Pretty soon' a 'p of tea and d opped egg. , with some red she was. Fina of it was too much f will borrow it, Mis' at' I'll pay you *est a , cam at's t r use I can ve zi t in 'a kin. • was' he go nside the sok in re matter, M p don' kn get to the ife." he window ponce arthv ?" ow how door to 11 ble ng-linebe4, spline rough tne w n- esse, it; be ng fort was ry Ji e pa et t IQUS the pat • d acr furth oath eatin She otan ly sh ,ttpre, After she had eate Mrs. Peters had hard quiet till afternoon ; up and carry the quil ladies were profuse in proud and smiling. ticed the peak roses pretty that calico did marked. " Yes," asesen inclination to ch - "Eflajn'tth over," thought homeward, her hard.e knotted into a Corner chief for security. About sunset, Mrs. again. " Marthy, " s while, " Sam says he's noWeand he'll cut thro dow, for yell, He's go and glass that's been 1 the barn ever since I It'll be a real charity f off his hands, and he'l Sam's as uneasy as a fi h out of when he hasn't got ani ork." Martha eyed he suspici " Thanky ; but I don want nc done that I can't pay fo ," she said a stiff toss of her head. - "It would be pay eno gh just letting Satn;tclo it, Marthy ; bu if you really feel Set about it, I've g t some elteetsi that need turning. Yo can do 1heml sometime this Btlmnse j and that will; pay na for all it's worth ' The black eyes looked at her sharply. ' Air you. sure ?"• ' "-Yes, it's fully as mu as it's vol said Mrs. Peters. ' " I' most Oral more! There's four she ts, and pn in a window is nothing oro tha ting in a patch -the old tuff aiu't Iw anything." When Martha fully r was going to have a fro that her pride might su en to her, and yet recei was as delighted as a ch " Lor sakes 1" said sh that I shall have a front to ! I wish mother eou see it. Mebbe you kind Mis' Peters -you've al winders ; but havn't great thing it seems to makes me feel younge Mosely children t they'r ever seen pass this wind, Jest see that green spot been greener than the re: all the spring, an' now dandeloins •blowed out o clover. I b'lieve the sen it, somehow. Lor me, goin to hey a front windcb 'Sarah was in this ai Mrs. Peters, further (S married daughter), "an wants some braided ru She'll send the rags over morrow." "You.don't say so ! to do it I an' thar's one Mis' Peters-mebbe you'l for me to say so, but I'm fill it's rags she wants. of bedennits somehow." tedM •tickle ankfu she nn,. en he sa " Why, Hbw lo artha, g have p. I was, kinder dful sinki n. EfIco set me ri in the pa dlin's in th n the ke ld get up, erry the Mis' Benn what yo e quilts. You ve ld ht try. estb tle ltn qui e. #1 ev Ef e, In, w. Its ot • eters , it's noth n' All I mind is er to set to while aiet, sensible e insisted ripen he bedroomadd and y to bed. It was usoular, the t weight.4as bp Thein i, ry. She state of effair ere strengthen re eihelve. Sh the tette ettl the yard , re.inforce was drinkI her toast , taken h ee halt -star o - have in-th her. " , tors," said I soon as I Ithe felt str ; ork to keel n she wo home. T aises. M il rs. Benne once. ' ork iu;" s tha, betwe nd to cry. did them beeping s ned two d f her han eters ea said, af at .of wor 0' e, o her: ente.. g her' and.'tel food. Ted as sight Tell, 11 • Bus; in git • p ;rigor. her ld-g4 •e two ethae t nof How le rot en ad , tii14 owlet - Hare dkers e in er a. l just gh a front win- some old sash; ying arouiid in can remeinber.l you to tae it like to o itt etet hint with/ 14 Is if s • 1 1 : I lized th windov er it to no insu d. jestto winder ha' jliv even ler rs hed idea w •e. It li Thar' 'bout all , Mis' Pie 'nt tha ; t of the thee's 1 it, an' ines m o thin . - ah ern oon," was 'she say • right y Willi 11 b g ,fling 'boit 3 #1 1 it's ting put- rth t she 11 and e giv- t she ink. o set to: frontat it, t a i der the 've ers. it's ard of me on 'm t 1 id er she ay. to - lad it, bink it 4qeer inder t1ahk- itt kinde How China's. Emp The Mier of the 250,00 the Chinese nation probe now Within five ye rs • of, (the age of eight en y occupant, while yet la min apartment s in which live who preceded ,,him on Throne. There, says the h gol ere h toad, h ivo the si -an the cent living aser, knelt red a The seolusions in which tar more complete than th The building in which th sides is called Yang little to the west of in the middle of the of the central gate, is the great recep ministers of state ar an audience, at four, morning, according t to go on foot to the c over half a mile if ti east gate ; and whe Herald, he eats wit sticks of ivory. T large Ningpo bed and ornamented wi the same on which Emperors Kang used to recline after last century and th L-ike one of those may be seen in a la golian plateau, he is attendafnts, and hon sin h'ien palace on th ion d ot five oust ntre eye e , the years they cat appreCiate favor, which then by d them to be borne in. a chef walking. 1. The rooms of the 1 roper, or Li s• Oh is ty an a e or on na p- a ed 000 of esh - conshit is majb s), and , of the the emi the Dr orth ,C ; ipped' c !sleeps ichly ea and go 4oble.rnii Chien y's fatg before uddhas who n' the MOn- th by all his a god. lie is kept t is of the g) cls. mperor , re - en, and is a h'ing Meu, At the ha k south si all. Wie ejrs enter f it six in t ,they ha the palm en by ti - get oni emperors crael) put the gold in 1-: od ue e, n r e 8 seven vided w liar in k'angs manufa pean embroi phoenix through ty, and any wis The r byfro9j are divi ments, die on height ments centre o doors is auspici carved. in winte thiok e hung weight posts an ing. In curtain of its be boo. T the stri various whole to bottom These s rolled u required turned f a presen of °hand each. trical m ouriositie The infant, thought been diffi person b lancet. -ca, Princess •once a m speaks t fathe studies half, and half. He and ridin • self in sle of five . mother t: .the palac him to afterward eunuchs, besides a occasions. the eight restrainin any one t the back described, each mor to the tate • As an f anxiety o -powers, famous pr at all on a " No, she talking pe times eve theead, bu long day over. Wh how one d form an ce, schmidt), schenidt a. ud throug nd my hu ne past th inging ani iwok befor Mr. Goldsc those songs is no need naonstranc ane musioi in her (pie husband singers, an us. Leave 1iad called when she ably comei music in he 4nd sit dow 'iyenough f • mpartments. They are pro- th the divan or k'anig, the peon- Mut.° i of • North China. The e co ered with red felt of native tur, ; and the floor -with Euro- rpet . The cushions all have redeon them the dragon and .r T* etty • things scattered re c anged in accordance with the;oome are endl ss in ex-pmvarie- seed by the emperor. . eight to nine yard deep, and. oms are in all thirty yards long ed into three separate apart - e t rone-room bei g the mid - F lding doors en feet in • o t e north and outh in the II en i to each of t ese apart- eac . The -upper part of these n o enwork in which various •a c erecters ,and flowers are These doors remain open even , bedause during that season a brOitlered curtain ot damask is' th doorway, whlich by its eps OS place close to the door- prelvents cold air from enter - sum ete thie is replaoed by a dmi ti g the breeze on account ry thin stri a of bam- heeeds used in sewing o bamboo tog ther are of nd passing rough the the 'curtain from top to agreeable to the eye. nd Winter curtains are • ar to the rooms ;when Hoppe, who lately re - tom gave the emperor at $8,000. It consisted lding 500 wax candles sty has also, soicie eleo- nd numberless foreign i 1 g o e oil olore tare e ve Me to giv Th •m S Yalu liers hin pent, efore o ult ng 4,c ton h f Ch u nth, a hi do ines anh spen, ,ant i ging -homL eel • neel sit. ho o indet He h eu u hi mg. the and ng V 0 h h I aa vaccinated when an is high destiny was rwise it would have *Mate him, for, his ed when emperor, no him. His mother, the •, noes in to see him d ;kneels when she first but rises afterwards, sol, too. The emperor ally for an hour and a also for a,n hour and a two hours in archery winter am ses him. Be has a lit e brother t I may be oped the h )ier when she goes;to teachers, to, instruct ,o hini on entering, but The emperor t has eight stantly attend him; It) number or special s his meals alone and. he wait around him, he eats to much IA i4 echool.rodm is at tik Hein Tien, already e.ball for -conference h ministers is a little Is 11 , Je Inst ar rs. o d ay ould • aps bus nev ntil y, 0' Je r. d -m the ban oth r pritai • tiler lurid ma •r a Was n,' s , dee nt we us o see 58 si to t hal on4t r a fe I abstracted, rise, t tuna to a pitssag and hum it o$r y Lind. a ion of the constant i s, concerntng their eeves tells how one na refused tol sit down en she was to sing: alk about the room, niging perhaps, some- ith her needle and sitting down the live - e, performance was ember well enough he morning Of a per - Lind (Mine Gold• ve, Mr. Otto Gold. 11were in the room orning Jenny Lind ere 'levet still, pacing with music in hand, e ing,and intent on the t Why, Jenny,' said e yon must have sung y times ; surely there 1 •this.' But the re - i vain. You are a i Mme.Goldeehmidit, s ve manner, to her r Reeves mid ow what is be lone.' Supp s nny Lind n g ng. She would e oona with a llun , put it on!a talk away p minutes, ke up the music, n one of thel pieces, Having atisfied • REAL E POR' ARM FOR LE. -Lot 20, Cor cession 12, Township Grey, vont thing 102 acres, 60 ores cleared e in a goo state of cultivation, he balance is % 11 timbere . There is on the • >remises a good ame home log barn and frame tables, also a od bearin orchard. It is 2 tiles from Ethr tation on the Great Weetern tailway, one rn 1 from the v liege of thanbrook nd" 6 miles iron 3ru-selo. F tr terms and. further articulars apply o VALEN INE FORESTE.R, ranbrook P. u nt. 864-13 TATE ItOR SALE. •The C re cleared, and ARlif FOR fil 9, Mot ris, property is well fe lish. Tht•re is 1 ouse and barn tourg bearing o c Blown with fall st mile and a halfl s hobls, churchcl e sy. For fm remises to CO1. t Walton P. 0. - . - PI ENDID For bale ch ncessions 14 a g 200 acres, of freed and in al i a gond orehar t rough the far ming lot. Its Walton and si E. -For sa e,lot 24, conceseion tabling 125 acres, 80 of which le remain or good hardwood the premises a new frame nd a good .pring well. Also a lard otchoice fruit trees. Tho ced, and acres of new lend eat. It is situsted within a 1 Walton, where there are Post °Medi stores, &e. Tot ms r particulars apply on the McARTHUR, or if by letter 82641; M FOR SALE CHEAP.,- , and 012 .etuay terms, lot 11, 15, township of Grey, contain - i Lich 150 acres are cleated, well state of Aultivation. There nd a spripg creek running There.is ,alschool on the ad - j •ithin al oies of the village o Iles from Brussels. with good _gravel roads lead ink to each phco. It is a choke f hen and will be 4 ld very ch ap and on- easy 1 rms of payment, s She owner is anxicant to re- - ti e from fain .1. Apply on he premises or ad- ; d eselValton P. ). ADAM. D UGLAS. 860x4tf w ich5Oaraecrelollot 11,- 1 f°r•-er131 ertc,smai us t tin4rips4-5anaSrewsellf m der drained. ;o better Ian( in the county. Is situ ited asout h lt way bet een Seaforth and Btssels. It its w III fenced. 1 ereis a. log hon e an a good fran. barn and frame stable and retard pia ited with apple, y trees in and bearing order. a ter miles e t from Leadbury. VARM IN Mc 'LOP FOR ALE. -The south. eh PI It C8 d and a goo im, pear and c is one and -a q ply to ROBE sion 3, MoKill er 1 MoMILLA Lot 33, Con- or to Box e5, Seaforthp. 0. • 834 an ho lo th ba BC Th go bn per Ex Ki ; RMS F R s McEillop, co it fenced, and se with frame ki stable., Is tin ee op and five fro nee on rnortg s in Tuckers E. -Lot E ining 50 ac - of stuns' ehen Red r. querters of It mils from 3eafoth. th. enne--$300 cash, at 63 pe cent. Also 50 h, 3rd co cession, L. R. S. arn end stsble, s; five acres of miles from Kip- na Seaforth and lance on :Bort. W. CLIJTTEN, 858 0, concession 8, rcs, well drained s. A good log frame born and re is a log hon se and flume d wire and etr lg t rail fens h. Is situate and Hensall, ter. Terms - oat 63 per pea P. O. o and a ha • eight fr 1 00 cash, b ent. MRS. RM IN Mcli - the north 13 Mc Mop, of whic fen well uncle cul ivation. The bes of hardwood. fit from stumps, Th re are good fra. tw large young b iles from the tor In and 8, from ro s leading to e sow with fail whe one block, or 60 ac Ap ly on the prem TlibblAS SOUTE 'FL. SALE -T Fruit Evapor che p and upon e buil ings have be mat ner for -the car atin s Business, an ord r, and a fine p. But as W. S. Robe the- rm of D. D. snot ton, Northwe mat ently, th-e proi bus' ess of said fi pa eulars with re the ndersigned• VI ST CLASS F 1. ceesion 13, Elu 125 acres cleared, drai ed and in a hi mai der, hardwoo hon es ; large fram fra e shed and w eiste n ; 11 milr; Brn sole, and sir ood gravel ro ul! o 120 ees. The v 11 scho I, post :office, ster, , arijoints the n t ir ly free* from st ho eet in the caul rap ietor going to ' ANCE, on ti McCAUGHEY, Seaf L OP FOR ALE. -For sale, a res of lot 15, concession 14, 00 acres re cleared, well d allied and n a high state of a ance is ti bared with the t here are ei hty acres nearly d 200 rods of board fence. buildings, hree wells, and ng orchard . It is situated ogre of Wal on, 12 from Sea- russels, w th good gravel, place. •T ere are 14 acres The fit will 401 1111 e4 of it, to snit p rel -fuser. s , or addros P. 0. 828 ar 11 el e undersi, ed offer their: to and Cid r Mills for sale s terms of payment. The n fitted up in a complete ng on of the Fruit Evapor- a e now in first-class working y ng busines can be done.: Lsn, one of the partners of erty must b sold and the i i1on & Co J as gone to Ed- t Territory, to remain per- - flually close up. For any aid t� said p operty apply to . D. WILSO . Seaforth. 762 Rim FOR SI E. -Lot 6, 6011- bIt, 150 acres superior land ; cl fenced, t oroughly under - le State of cultivation • re- ush ; •two frame dwelling b rn, stone f undation ; large -shop • thr e good wells and fr na• Clint° , Seaforth and -Os Londesb >ro and Blyth; et h piece ; y ur g orchard of of Harloc -, in which is a acksmith Ahoo and t-wo rrn. There are 100 acres ,Irt :8. 6 preniisess r toMr. S4 G. y. ObjeTP n selling: the ..1t; anitoba. pplY to JOHN ‘and th -farm is one of 817 . herself of h Place it, an as possible, ken at the Mall 13adgest. How It). Ba "I saved ban myself," re chap to a down a zoom: erased se ain't very w lb fore troub r co sit nd oint arke ioag ing ond- alth A ea terests in man ng. I was Ipresi • ur town w cId the peo rito see ho Elk as the e hey couldn' he bankin anted to s are st for yen day rob - le of hair, e ant, beeome ctnees, she Would. re- n again as calmly ume the converse - was left off." -(Pall n -the le m the :citenjl titan hoij spen • ld 'em to I ave it *was pay d y at iiii there, pu a flea tr, and in five roke down. Thd get a holida but Money. I t d 'e qurrency rea y, ;t checks on th bank. the cheeks o t in a over partion ar aide ;let figuring at odd hundred and more lb° bank, an by t positors had eard got around t ere w •4 'em. Itt ble th y men wit -11 curr e shop, which:I c dor of the b nk. t we raised rao ey dollar due ou depcls WAS saved." , was Savd. _ from bursting once a seedy -looking old. eporter, as he laid per which he had ded; 1'1 admit I ow; butyears ago, on me, I had large during and bank- nt of the - ank in was a little panic 0 a eun. 1 went were getting along t began, and found t untit the (liege of . The _ dre() but I objected to me. HaPpe y shop. Hue in the engine IS 11 ors I ed led r's Mutes the 'engine en were glad to anted to get their e didn't have the 1 would give t em My clerks made urry, and wer n't t losing any time ts. Well, two en rtuthed toward time the big de - the rtin and had a big line iu front hours to pay off y from my eafe at ried in at the beck those threelhorirs ugh to payl every tors, and the bank f • -The Iris beg Sengers at enst uoh as they get. an stood on the g a waggish paseerige Aflvancing w h a if thankfulness, he eti e blessings of a,ven f n dye." The an (v ree alio s instead consist with a change; Of ex r woman in tent' tence with, " nd n dirty epalpeen !" • rs whomeet pas - n often giv b as persistent old wo- •plank, to whom eld up et, gold coin. ce suffUsed; with d out, " May the How ye alb your o was certainly' bis pocket, when, ssion to rage, the nished her sen - r overtake Ye, ye A BAUTIFUL ER61 Fer sale circa; adjoi iing the villag pied y Mr. Robert of la dos which is hous and brick sta out- uildings and c • wood shed, well, cis splen id orchard of fruit . neluding grap grout ds are nicets •°rpm ental trees an cellei t order. It is plete and comforta coun y and is adrnir farm; or gentlema minu es walk of the and 1 cation for ben that ould be desire or to axeterP. 0. It MICR IN ExErj1a FOIL SALE -- the reideni and grounds of Exeter at present 'sem- i Pa son. There are ten acres I tge and co nfortable brick with all ether necessary n enietices complete, such as &rj cellar Sic. There is a ions different varieties of and small fruits. The 4,1anted with shade and 11 cdge. Thd land is in ex - 11 act one of he most com- 1 prirte zesidenees in the Lb y adpted' for a retired residence. Is within 15 b sines part of the town t3 and healtbfuleess is all Apply on the premises, B '11T FANSON:. see -s VARM FOR FA cession 6, Tuck about190 acres °lea turn s all well unde vation. The b are over 50 acres od frame hous a g -underneath, gs. There ar icest varieties tern at the ho orth, with a e place; will crop and cn easy t cash and the balance cent. tpply on th P. 0. . O'BRIEN. of cult There is a g stabil build' the ch and ch of Se past ti E. 81 Salei Lot 2, Con- th , contal ing 100 acres, we 1 fen ed, free from ained and 4n a good state auce is h rd'wood bush. seeded to igrase. There id bank baila with stone nd Other pecessary aut. 8 out two antes of orchard, of fruit, a goad spring well S . . ii, Itis wit in six miles od elravel oad runriog ld 114111 0 without the s of paynient, one-half suit nurcha er at 7 per es, or to Seaforth 866k4tf. IT rn to SZPLEs DID FARM IN Mei -Fhr Sale, lot 2, one containing 100 acres, Lb ut ed, freq from stumps, jwell fencsd.j The balance 's jvcIl is 11. god Sugar Bush TherE house, i. bank barn neath, nd all other first delis order. Ha house and water cony also a large bearing o seeded ib grass. It is and is clmvenient to is gravel rads in all di best fartns in the con of west land on the 1 easy terths of paymen or to Se sfurth P. 0. ne 121 et ILLOI' FOR SALE. 88I.0121 6, McKillop, of winch are clea- drained, and -well bribe* and leic is. a 'me dwelling • stone stabling under- ess#y out buidinge in and soft 1,vater at the nt for stook. There is ard and Io (er 30 acres nt 4mileS from Seaforth ches' and shools. Good ions i It isi one of the and there is not a foot will be s dd on very pply on the premises, ES NICHOL. 866 "FARM FOR SALE. --1; the north half of Tuckers :nith, containi are cleared and under timbered with hardwo With board and wire f first CIBSi order. The kitchen, frame woods imune barns, one of vel stablingelow'frame on the pace. All the repair, rhe firm is c churche , is 5 miles fr and 4 mi es from Hive sold, as t e proprietor • country. j Apply on • G0RD01F, the proprie Solicitorj Seaforth. 'FARM FOR SALE. -a; cesson 6, Beet acres, about 100 of whi cultivation, and nearly the balarice is well Um farm is \Me11 fenced and ing timb r. There is a l and a b a rn 40x80 fe good bee ing orchard o plenty of good spring n. and a wirdmill pump. of the pr c sperous villa is a railw y, mills, stor convenience& There This farm le well ada stook, an4 the land has Will be 8c1d cheap. Ap prernises,j to MR. C. 11 the undeijsigned, Belgr Tb3 sot th hall of lot 25and '6, Con ession4, L. 11. S. s 100Iacte, Of which 85 cultivaion, th balance is d. The laud i well fenced nc s, underdr ined and in • re irs good 1rik house, iec, cistern ; d well, two el is :a bank barn with driving -house l end stable ui dings are 'n thorough 11 ement to •cnools and Seaforth afrid Itippen, Se d. The fa 'Must he las decided t4 leave the the premises, to ANGUS or,or to F. HO MESTED, 866x4 For Sale, Lo 38, Con - as anush, con aiuing 150 h re cleared iand fit for th whole seeded to grass; )er4d with hardwood. The haon it plen y of- fenc- co rfortable frame house .t, both new. net e i- a cheice young trees, and ate convenient for Stock It Is within three miles e 0 1 Belgrave tlehere there s, bhurches and all other s i. school adjoining it. )telfi either for grain or e er been taro h cropped. ly jo the Propr letor on the A ILTON, Btlyth, or to e . 0. wg,i DOBBIN. : * : 865 t.f. KT To-da.y we sh Grenadines, etc. Prints, can rely o 1 rices. We stio iquee, Hair Cor oils, Ties, Laces, loves. Dress a Will pay intendin 1 MILLINER and New York no andMaterials con paraeble, Sun Hat eap Cash Stor Goods. D EMPO for AUGUST 1, .18.8 New 1 FARMERS, IT WILL PAy --TO CALL AT HURON FOUNDRY: R THE :RCH SCROOLISEAFORT ow the latest novelties in idsum Purchasers having a choice 01 laver 5 securing tllie best of goods M the n somever like things in White i s, etc. A plendid assortment of Co etc., 'MI welj as all the fashionable thi d Mantle Si ks a specialty; having & purchasers to call Arad ask otir prices DEPART1MENT, as usual, piled w elties. All express wonder at our ex idered, as e reek for styles amon , Sailor's, e c., in profusion at your o AE CLOT • READY We are now in a position pattern, variety, cut, fit and fit cur prices command the atten most modern, as We are const cnts only in the best of all -woo t an regular bankrupt prices, dtotio , that nowhere else will spite le for any si e boy or ma ae th very large taff we ke that our cutter, MjR. MADD or prices must be seen to he in all the newest slasonable go Grocery Department alvva hand it consignme4t of very c class produce take at the big er Dress Goods, Print, pieces new fashionable west patterns at close uslins, Oatmeal Clothe, sets, Neekt Fichus, Rib gs in Silk, Lisle and Kid hap stock on hand, it efore investing. th the latest European remely low prices, work, the best city houes. ti prices. o offer a selection of go ds of such excellence in as to eclipse all ootn etition in the west, and ion of the' meet incredul us Our styles are the ntly adding to our stock fgarmonts of the latest 1 goods. We offer really ood new materials less nd we venture to assert, without fear of contra - rice, pattern or shape, but ask your inspection, a sufficient guarantee ight class of work, while be found the choice of , For Custom Work we •p constantly employed i UGH, is turning out the ppreciated. Gents' Furn shings, Hats and Caps ds. • a supplied with the best of everything. 'Just to heap Teas, Sugars, Raisi el Currants, etc. First - et market value. S ill a few Boc4ts and Shoe left, Which must be sold ipment of clothing on the w ly. A call solicited. And Bee !our stock44 • • I' Q "VT Which has been !made especially county. I have greatly irate e Ws ray Gang Plow for this semen, mak satisfied in saying that it ie the bath the market. Our: LAND ROLLiRS Are large and heay runnieg t - &leg good work. Our GRAIN CRUStifER8 Are made from hard iron, and will longer than any other naachine n. Having special tools for ree Rollers, we can guarantee 1eatis Special attention given to rep Steam Engines, Saw and Oriel Reapers, Mowers, 'lareshie4 Tette and all kinds of reachinerytrepaine short notice arid at reasonable QBThealott ations furnished on application, scoanntraectcoaz contractors aottbleawse---st 13rit* Also agent for t emplane of L. D. Sawyer, Hamil of repairs constanten hnd. faille HOM 8 HtNORY • WAL to make room for large TtIOMA KIDD MainS ireet, Seaforh. DON'T TOR Til E LARGE RED STILL GOING ON A Sinith Dry Go ds Sto J. ET CIONS The people a e beginning t fact what we advertise we men to d so. Call, ElKamin and Secure argains. &rook NEW, RESH AND RELItBLE AT J. L. M1 H'S, SAFORTH, re. realize the fulfil, and One Door Sout S• at oat.. of Mrs. Kidd's e are going out o PYR GHTED NOVEMBEi3 2, ardwaan Store, Main Street. the geocery line. Coyne and get your Groc ries tion Mis In order to prote t ourselves as well as the public, y, we have registered th wa, of our gr at qough Reme mister of Agriculture, Ott LUM ROYAL SDE 1883 ora worthless WA L LARC N LOWE ALL PAPER, L PAIFER ST ASSORTMENT E C01:NTY .••••••••,.. -AND T PR19S, AT PAPST'S 3 SAFORTf4 P. P. WHAT IS IT ? WirgLRn PEOPLE'S !POPULAR,' PHOTOGRAPH PARLORS, With ANDREW CALDER at the he ais and now that the holiday seasort ibi fast appr aching,ant, • the good people of Huron 1111(1 Perth will donbt• less require semething neat and artistic intbe way of Portraite to send aS holiday gifts to shiest friends or relatives and Mr. C. being fully afire. to the importance of this feet, hes made spectsl. extra arrangem ants for the accommodation of tie. holiday made. CALDER'S for Christmas Flo- ture, CALDER'S for New Year's Pitures. Pa a Photo of tasty design, excellence rif shades's/ finih, easy and graceful I position, Soupled with appropriate ba ckground and see esoeine„ givette P. P. P. P. a trial. And ther go away amilingsitk - delight and a good picture. ANDREW CALD4R, inaita name in the office of & WILSON'S BALSA OF GLYCERiliTED T -hose suffer ng f om. Coughs, been induced to ry t is preparati ments of the most res eatable me all over the Provnce, 1prove beyon Colds, Sore Throat, &c., u, should do so at once, a in the couttry, and the a doubt that it contain no orter remedy. Wliien once use it is always adopted as Rem dy in the honslold. Children like it. It is perfec apar altogether froin Its superiori y, it is cheaper than any It eiderit tion deter you 14m trying it at once. If your dealer pro:3re it for you withiont much tr Ole, by addressing the LUMSDE & WILS Scot' s Block,Seaforth. C. • L. PAPST'S irS the Ooze to go, •Having in Jewelry quite a shOw.• Rings and jewels rich and rare in all the latest styles are there, • • SO very reasonable in price FIR. To get a Locket who have not yet the positive state - great deniand from virtues possessed by he standard Cough ly safe to use, and. other. Let no col- as not got it, lee can annfacturers, CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, SEAFORTH, ONT. SMI-AIININUAL STOCKTAKING. - CHAP SLE FOR CASH McLo ghlin's, Seaforth: I naense bargains in every d PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, CRET DU OltS, DENIMS, CpTTONAD STRAW HATS, reduced to prices buyer. The balance of Millinery Stoek Groceries fresh and good, and c taken e.,t cash prices during atocktak partment all this mont . CASHMERES, (IL NNE S , HOSIERY, GL YES, PARASOLS, S, SHIRTINGS, TWE DS, FELT AND that must attract the attention of every • o be cleared out regardle s of cost' eaper than eve. Goo ng. Butter and Eggs J. McLOUGHLIN1 Whitney's Block, Seaforth. Oh 1 so nice. please call on Papst, His wiped is sure, Ee'r bnying from others lgood septet Run eery m -an and woman bane Lookt Papst's stock to-morrw mere Papst ain't ashamed to show his And eta be found in Carafe:hi Bloek. Papa Say*, Chris' goods are heat, So in a Clock or Wath. invest. Tbplease you he will do his beet ma try to rival all the rest. The best pleepeurw ehse estl Totente Watchs, Clocks, ‘4welry,i Saver tare'and Spotactes Is at the popular jewelry store el L. PAPST, MAIN STREET, SEAFOpTIL OHRYSTAL & BLACK PRACTICAL BOILER MAKgRs. THE Subscribers have bought the eols Ind Boiler Business lately carried on by ths 005. erieh Foundry and ManufacturingCom411 Ys eig,4ee. having had an experionce of over lee_,..„nl' that shop, are now prepared to oarry on hatless In stilts braches. Any work entrueted to nu will -meek; prOMPI attention. First-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and reg4i-4w Smoke &mks and Sheet Iron Work, &I.1t* amiable rates. New Salt Pans made and old ems repairedee the shortest notice, and at priees that defy 0111° petition. IDEIRYSTAL & BLACX itErBELL'S MILLS, KIPPER1E3 • JOHN MeNEViNi • Proprietor of these well known and nolathen111191 has now got •everything in first-class working order, and le prepared na turn out an article of FAN! tLy FLOUR which cannot be elt' celled by any mill in the country. GRISTING DONE WHILE THE• XI IX WAITE FOR IT. Flour exchanged for wheat. Chopping a OM deseription promptly_ attended' to. Floisr Itna, Bran always on Hand, and seld at the Jewte4 rasattet prices. Remember the popular WO' JOHN McNEVIN, E1111346' • iitIlletbbe:f2r: it4 ! -TA 0av :tlilg'fire-r'16:e7:ivhn 711::1 1:P' ;:46 wild r and sy,ugsesr ass - 11°: 71tiff#01' fol ed, 130111 got *43u t% „lausi win lithditirovilyte:Trb334;:tisio::[uvv.rthtatuo,oit.elosise9P100:341;al, Then 4a.ites eee on which sn He°141ticbgtiaqtY to1314dUi1 tuts s e up a tit 1:13 i ihy rrei ti:3:..±, i 3:ea k fsoaTQL:pis ,:, l:ila s43tirnes,:eiati 13f,cs,e,s, .1az. getiz:1 :0 ?, . wty:brr, sIel :II 1 silh r a Lel 1 en and said wit Iltetkenysbe;ovt,iivt:Get:net,e013:10-George goioeuum,telvvvvt,illiec,:'," for he hasn't go years,knalongee off:is ,1 ri .4 t8 4 0: 1:;inientiev; c; ed 1 , of owp orforsigil la il evereetaeg aasrrt y:.iets ::te;p4.taall: lei: e°Ecrrt,uiv tet wee attra, ted t tif irl • w4.1;reueitAielatifueltd hismwti LiI i 1:13eNs,;nv, 1 ita:i. xlx:44:utikt ao: Iv itdo: two equate, ae, ibie:lrayy tAllielepy:k l'swin on a 'p • dee till I come nindders sick t°Eli1:°peud ta:rwoassitl he nuswip the place as dr Meanwhile A ntglit cp, an arrival. 8bi ty, Tv.l laef ti eh k:ebt:: li e;;;:t '4 Your grand • until he conies • he bought. l'i* "Weil,ieeelin w,elnlitighBlla fur • ROW rii 14, suffe " askIeWd hthaeit fi:xnal' mat's moans. It;jtta h'dieli::1: 0011°fluttryonsf all:, Watii left behind until he was ou snitilelwpiolrnipeanti porker with a laid, " De -Entatti ill a 'mergeny. TWO Ways An express eleepy-looking Pennsylvania York, the othe earture for emotie had b poured a voIta the hot, tith sttion. Ube t seats looking, the disconfort. but yet were ). along through from thsal nOi13 A. 440 boy yea through the tr ee, 5 Re spoke tie tote, whieli tea tired and ,Iangt from the illzoki ain and ik1a j A. colored bo followed ienne. big art:111.4 of `difference t The darkey WAY with Lira to the colt:afar the perap:ring botieh voiee, a ealled out 7. "Keep f;'8eJ and, A big fan only de billows? -1 The effseet W. ajr, Evert -boa The darkey Nra hewstenSlLe Iirbs. Pe afvoid get : ien 4t93' sold 67 fa tt &Ai Malay lucre Innlped off th,e itioted from th 1