The Huron Expositor, 1884-07-25, Page 3JULY 25, 1884 st. IT WILL PA —TO CALL Ita THX FOUNDRY E RICH SCHOOLiEAF0 RIN knd see our stook of In 0 W et been made espe0ial-1y tee t. I have greatly improve, ?IOW for this season, and tett saying that it is the bestig Et. Our ,ND ROLLERS End heav1 running light work. Our IN CRUSHERS rora hard Iron, and any other reachine ecial tools for men can gaarantee aatisfactiote tention given to repe ines Saw and Grist owers, Threshing Iditohleest Oa of machinery repaired ori El and at reasonable rateg dora and others — Btidge astings at lowest meek itnntialed OU applicatiore 3agent for the irepletnente tIver, Hamilton. A fall lids ttetantIy on head. OMAS HENDRY. * PAPER E, ALL PAPER 4 - PAPER. ASSORTMENT . . COUvj —AND- 1ES AT PAPSTS r.AFoliTH. P. ? WHY IT IS THE E'S POPULAR APR PARLORS, tiA.L.DER at the helm,and now ason is fast approaching, and rf Huron and Perth will doubt - thing neat and artistic in the send as holiday gifts to absent S. azd Mr. C. being fatly alive of this fact, has made special e for the accommodation of the ;ALDER'S for Christmas Pic - for New Year's Pictures. For n sign, excellence of ado and eracetd position, coupled with - ' round and aceessorie, give the ' and then go away smiting with picture. EW' CALDER, Scotts Block, Seafottb. -1Lee e e 't is the place to go, elry quite a show. ts rich and rare styles are there, ithle in price Papst, n others goods so poor. and women hem, took to -morrow morn. kneed to show his stock, nclin Card no's Block. goods are best, t Watch invest. Le will do his best, and vel all the rest. west of Toronto to rchase e, Jewelry, Saver - d Spectacles her jewelry store of PAPST, ET, SEAFORTH- & BLACK, bTIOAL MAKERS. OM bought the Tools anti tely carried on by the God- enufactuterg Company, arid Once of over eight years ilt pared to earry oaths trade ['et° us will receive prompt t work guaranteed. ot made and repaired', ego Let Iron Work, &ce st res` , s and aid ones repaired on g at prices thae defy °Ora., IL &- STJA0M, KIPPEN.-44 .4.0NEVirst„, known and popularnate !)ee in first-class working turn out an article a IR evierch cannot be exe i.e country. RILE TUE. PAtTer FOR IT. eat. Chopping of every ttended to. Flour and and said at the lowest ber the popular mills- cNEVIN, ltippene J111.1 25, 1884.. Gaieties. teeffighlander taking an opeternouth ea in the morning at a running burn ;,es accosted.by his comrade with the notion d What are ye daen there, Itteng6 " She's makin toddy." "And where's ta whuskey ?" 6. She'll took. it lreigtegardenshtwhatiffer ?O ehf a certain noble- sse's country house there happened to befieed up at different spots painted bards with this request : Please not ig pint flowers without leave." Some egg got a paint brash and added an s 1°1e.119:sitteGwortin an dad who wanted to intimate his dissatisfaction at his hay jugto pat up with the wombat clothes, toys, and picture books of his elder --brother Frank, said to his mother, "If tett sort of thing goes on. marneas I than some day have to marry Frank's widow." 1 , —A man at the car shops kiudles the gre in his stove while under the Wank- . wet his bed. Fla puha a string. String explodes a cartridge Cartridge sets ere to the wood, wood sets fire te• the teal. Result: Mr. -Man gets up in a warm room every time. - When I have a aold in my had," tea a gentleman in ;company, "lam Eilways remarkably dull and st4id." You are much to be pitied, then, sir," replied another, i* for I don't remember ever to have seen you withouta cold in your head." —A story is fold. of twei Scotolamen, who travelled togethei three days in it etagecoach without a ord ever pattsirig between them. On_t e fourth day one of them at length veiitured to :remark that it was a fine morning—" And ,whb mid it wasn't ?" was the reply: - I'm sorry to hear your brother is sick o' a fever," said Mrs. Grimes to little girl. " Yeenra, indeed, heart4 sick of it," was the reply. --"You just take a bottle of e14 - medicine," said a quack doctor to k consumptive, "and you'll never coughi gee," "Is it as fatal as that ?" gasp- ed the consumptive. —They tell of a very cultured divin in -Belgravia who, instead of Saying, "The collection will now be taken up,!' impressively remarks, "The accumul- lion of money wilt now ensue," - —A pane theological student, nct far from BOst•ou, recently invited a young lady to attend a concert. The damsel's answer to the invitation was ib this wise: "If you come as a tempor- ary supply, I must decline your invie tation. I arn only hearing " regular candidates." He didn't suppiy. —"Mamma, is pane a bull or 4 hear?" " He's a f 0 dear, don't ask so ma -fly questions! Go an ride on your veIoeipede 1" "Well, I ju t wanted to know whether I was a cub o ft oaltbeeentse "—The sentence is finish- ed the other side of the door, and Mr4. Bion Margin returns to " Henry Irving's Impressious." —An old woman on being -examined before a magistrate mil to her place cif legal settlement, was asked what reasoil alie had for supposing her husband haa a legal settlement in that town: Thii old woman said, "He was born and married there, and they buried hill' there, and if that isn't Battled there, what is it ?" —66 He is a man who has made hit mark," exclaimed an enthusiastic ad!- ' miter of John Bright. "Made hik marktave 'e," exclaimed Widow Tome* kins ; 66 well there ain't much in that my poor i husband did. the same, 14 there, deer ktottI; he weren't satistied, always said he wished he had learn to write," —A lady teacher in a Sunday school had to illustrate a lesson on faith b the story of a child who was told by hit father to drop from an elevated. place into his arms. The father could not be seen by the child. 3 et, when command • ed, it dropped. Upon the teacher ask- ing her class what wet; shown by thii4 story, a bright little fellow intuctediatelY replied—" It showed he had a lot el' pluck." —A negro was recently seated on ft rail fence in Arkansas,intently Jooking at the telegraph wire. A gentleman passin said, "Watching the wire ?" " Yesnah. "Waiting to see a mesea:ge go by, hey ? ' The negro smiled,and said, "Yes, sah:" "The gentleman kindly told him that messages were invisible, and explained the working of the electric current tit him at length. Concluding, be said, "Now you know something about it." "Yes, sah." What do you work at?" "I'm a telegraph operator at de Hazel Switch Station, sate" —Louis XIV. was ode day speaking of the power which a king has over hid Subjects; Count de Guiche ventured to remark that there are limits to thie power; but this the king would. not hear of, and said in a passionate tone: 11 :1 ordered you throw yourself into the sea, you ought to plunge in head foremost without a on hesital tion." The count, instead of replying, turned an his heels and made straight for ,the doore The king, surprised, called; after him : 6' Stay ! where are you ging ?" "To learn to swim, Sire,',' was the reply. Louis XIV. laughed heartily, and there the matter ended. 7. A -Kiss on Toast. Young Topnoodle came to grief ref canny in a dinning saloon on Nassan greet in a way that he cannot contenal plate even now without a shudder. He is a cross between a dude and ai masher, according to - the significant terms of the day,and in taking his dinner down town he usually seeks a saloon attended by waiters of the dear, sweet fair sex, to whom he can say all sorts of Billy nothings, arid make himself ex- ceedingly sweet on therra. So last,, Week, for the first time, he sat down at the table of the above mentioned saloon, after having first observed at which table the prettiest girl presided, and looking at her with a most captivating tnaile he said: "Lw, me dear miss, what shall I order for me lunch?" "Why, you can order anything you Cat Pay for," she replied, with a saucy little shake of her head. "Am. Can I have anything I can Pat' fee?" -- "Certainly, sir." "Well, then; my pretty miss, I think I ahall order a kiss." "What?" " A kiss on toast." "You want a kiss, do you?" "Lw, yes,you divine little beauty. I ant nearly dying for one." "Oh, dear me!" exclaimed the pretty waiter with an arched smile and a roguish look in. her eyes, "and you really Want a kiss?" Why, bless your little heart, yes." "Weil, you shall have o e, if I have, a chance to supply yenr order," and spryly tripping back to th kitchen le had a little whispered conversati with the cook, a colored le_ ale weigh- ing neatly three hundred !pounds, and black as the ace of spades' "Here's your kiss, sir," ' aid the little waiter to Topnoodle ; an before he had time to realize the a thation, the fat, greasy, black cook he!' him in her voluptuous embrace , an planted a, rousing smack on his testh, tic lips; and as he flopped out of; the aloon amid the roars of laugher, the o planation of the huge African kiss was given.—Ne York Mercury. - A Telephone In ident. , Some funny things h pen on the telephone lines occasion lly. --- Sever 1 evenings ago, a young fells?w repaired o the store where he is enOloyed, aft+r working hours, and rang etp the res. deuce of his beat girl. Tie aonnecti was made, and the young blood inqui ed: • " Is that you, Miranda?' 66 Yes, George, dear," °eine the reply. "Are you alone ?" "Yes, darling." "1 wish I was down the. e." - "1 wish so, too." ; " If I were there, do yoll know what I would do with ray darling , " " No, Georgie." - • "Well, I'd unbuckle the, crupper an put some dirt in her mouth." , , " Oh! you trate !" criedMiranda„ nd d they never speak as they. ' the man who was talking about the best plain for eta mare, says he thinks that will advise a man to put hi the neck of an obstreperous one and and kiss it, and hold it op whisper words of love in, to be hang to the nearest while the telephone girl W conversation, on purpose, a on all the parties concerned.—Thro bd ass by, a to a farri r tieg a ba4iy nybOdy that arms aro nd his lap 4nd to ear, on bt lamp pes ei mixed t xi lies blan • He Rebelle .Some years ago a de aohment United States artillery wae statione t Hot Springs, Arkansas, to protect e publio property, the Su,preme C s a t having decided that the Springs b longed to the United Stats. One One of the detachment fell ill and s ordered by the surgeon to r take a t bat -hand drink the water," He w to one of the bath houses Where a b h was preperedfor him, andl he was eft to enjoy the luxury. Att.the n ual time had elapsed the atte dant wen n to see how he was ge.ttig along. fornadtthe soldier sitting o the edg f the tab, much swollen ab4ut thwist and the water in the tub idnood tab u one-half. The attendant asked ijin how he was getting along.; Tile sol replied: t Pretty well, I enjoy4 the b t. But," he added as a look of. despondeijit. determination settled up,n his co tenance, I'll be blessed if I drink all that water, even if they pt me in le guard house for it !" Washin t9n Hatchet. Burning Words from he Bis i op of Huron. In Bishop Baldwin's a dress to he Synod of Hilton recently, e made he following remarks on th evils ot bin temperance. He said: " We need a ministr alive to the great worle . :1°r:g tempera.4e reform. One of the gr at questi. of the day,now thendering at our don: which noisophistry can a inter and o indifference overlo k, is 1lthat of ue great subject of te peranc . in relit i n to the cherches. ei the face of awful and ackno lodged evils of liquor traffic; the '-untold misery d horrible crimes every w11re resul ii . g from it, it seems to me it s not me e y wrong, but culpable in the extreme, for the church to stand apart iu cold rid haughty indifferende. The • liquor traffic, in We elogn nt language ' of Mr. Gladst Ile, combi es within iteelf the combine evils of vTar, pestilence and famine.- LI1 1 'Every day we ministe s of reli id meet it as the hinderanc , not as he help, to the Redeemer's cease. We tn,d 1 it emptying our churches Iwhile it fils our gaols; devastating on houses whi e it crowd our ceneeterie , making the rich poor, the strong w ak, the free slaves; demonstrating in very possible way that it is the Most' nnbridle4 ad ferocious Ally that Satan ver emplo s ta tempt, the heart of an, or dr g him downward to his do m. In the face of these i AwFUL AND MMITTEDI FACTS 1 who are the people to thro themsely s athwart the, path, and sto , if possibl , its way ?-- Surely the meikbers of th t church which professes' t be - imba d with His. spirit; who, for the joy th t was set before him, endur d the cross, despising the shame. at sacrifi e are we willing to make to demonstra e our sincerity and to help t e helpless in their struggle- to be free From t e teaching of Scripture, fron the erg manta whiah the case itse f presents, I would say the sacrifice demanded, 'f sacrifice at all it be, is or total a d continuous absence from tie use of a 1 intoxicating liquers whei used as a beverage. This is the po4iion I ease ed some years past wh n barthen d with the spiritual wants o a vast co gregation. And this is the position . I would still retain as Bi hop of tie Diocese of Huron." . a 1 I • The Grateful P odle. One day a benevolentp ysician (w o had read the books .aoutJ kindness o animals), having found a strayopood e suffering from , a broken eg, conveye the poor creature to his ho e, and aft r setting and bandaging the njnred lien gave the little outcast his I berty agai and thought no more abon the matte But how great was his s rprise, up opening his door one enorm g some da a later, to find the grateful jodle patien ly waiting there, and in ts eompan another stray dog, one witese legs b some accident had been tiroken. Th kind physieian at once relived the di tressed. animal, nor did' the forget t admire the -inscrutable gbodness an io mercy of Providence, vth had bee willing to use so hnmble a instrume t as the poor 'outcast poodle or the incu cating-of, 8,:c., &c., &c. . I ; ; . 8eNtrEr,, Hi The next morning the, benevolent physician found the two degs, beaming with gratitude, siting at , is door, and with thorn tw9 other d s—cripples. The cripples were speedil healed, and the four went !their wayf leaving the benevolent physician more overcome bY • I. • • lops wonde than ever. The day essed, the orning came. Then at he door sat new the for reconstructed ogs, and wit them four others requir- ng reconetru 'on. Thi e day ala pass- ed, and anoth r morning came, an now itixteen dogs, ight of them newl crip- Pled, occupie the sidewalk, an the peeple were g ing round. By no Li the bvtken legs w re all set, but the pious woiider in th goad physician's least wa beginnin1. to get mixed with int Vol ntary pro nity. The sun rose once mote and e hibited thirty-two dogs, "Six een of the a wAll broken legs, pying the si ewalk and half f the etr et ; the h man spectators to k up the rest of th moo . The cries f the Wounded, the ong of the healed rates and the com en B of the on -1 oking eitikens made Ire t and inspiring hoer, ltut traffic wit int rupted in that treet. ,T1.1t good pby icia hired a cou le of asststant surg ens and got throu h his benevolent wo k efare dark, firs tale- itigithe ;preen ition ti cancel his c arch membership, o t he might e press himself with el ti ado which th ease required. But 'some in have their l'inits. When- once re e morning da and the good hys c an looked on 14. mass and fr r a hing- multit elatnorons an bet ching dogs h "t I might as well c nowledge it, !Aetna fooled by the b ; they on theepretty pa, of t e story and Stop. Fetch 4e t a gun; this thi gone along faJ en • h." , He issued fGrth th his we apo phenced to st€i}p n a the tail of t inal poodle, ho omPtly bit he leg. Novi', th reat and goo hich this po dle d been enga ad. eugender4ld h s in such a rid agunteuti g ci usiasm as t is weak head' at at, and driv ad. A moulth r, when the olent physicittn 1 y in the death - f hydrophobia, h ailed his w riends about laim ad said: "..Beware of the b oks. They alt of the s ory Whenever a retch asks y u ii iseip, and you oubt as to w at nit may flow our benevol rice, give yourse euefit of the !don t and kill the EtntAurld' so sayifig e turned his f he wall and.etrav e the ghost. wain. a • • 0 1 • • • Re Aloud. Reading al ad est possible ay t 7jays proves p ation. There is e. boy or girl doe but that the Woce If you will reed t tve very grateinl t orm an appe te. e rid of. I kn amily who relid t loud five tintes, I) tame old eno gh t 1 ,ea belonged t th say, nine or ttn y oy lied, so to sp amma, or so Well, you can rea hovel in a mo th, if 'end a little 4iore he two years when _en olaimed'tlIis In other's pers ver wo Id read, each nty of the b y would t lk t bably the w hem alone. ut ears were ended, ad the turn, the he love of reedin e - M te - aking. Notwithats. din $xiaches, few ors ✓ ;even kno anu facture, whi j espribed by tie 'I Given the ma erd of match ma ith the aid f th tica Compel y h an turn out f om ulphur matclhes achinery ha be rat step is to pia e abhine. 'W th a [lite 25 spliut ar inte stuck b tvv eft. They re OVeMellt 0 t eparator, an a th o ry the Urn er a 1 he dipping m xtu 13 0 eet from t e s a sea under co re sea it just en° f he spliuts n c al her, whic is at and keptii a eat from a a» al oer underne.th. h ' belt is aged ! f the' splints re d ixture, whic, gi oat. From this they have by, thi ig , ih as hitherte, a irty) pass dow f ot and a half f lb ance of 200 fe poijit,the belt ake ft r ascendi g t etches begii th ng with the je1t o ron framewo ,at t ' even feet they phnt machine, e 1.o heg oitnhetrhemsaalciruhien d here knocked out aught by a lelitthe loWly and oarri s here they ate t placed in trap; in nd taken to the p liie1 complete I a c r titee, and du ng t thonsand ma che thatch produced. i Find will light ; rea ecress the Winldow .1 1 nod, upon de of said, have y tell then g has , and e ori - M in work ea in ighty turn him bene- hines °ping abut poor feel a from .the iqpli- ce to Mark nI the. family i the break in, a d ai- ✓ nasion and teenp- long period When • not read BO easily s itself is a, b rden. 1 iet then, h ;will 'oh, and yo ich he will never the enothe of a Waverley o'vels s her several children ear. The how after oy or girl whe"vas, a old. The' :irl or ,the rightti hear ody, read loud. loud any Wa erley you read an hour very eyeful:. In each of these child- vilege, which their ce gave the they of them, wit. her, of those s cedes. m over wit her. ld not have read the time tho e two nd another child bit of readin and vere fully for ed.__ a a fw • he universal sse of s are familia 'th, -thing &milt t eir is thus mi antely ca Herald: inery, and th p ob- ° is easily eol ed. ppanitus whi h, the s two or thre en 500 to 600 gr s of er day. Aft r the set in motio a, the a block in the splint Ii moVement of the ut, and at th: a me two slats the en carried. - hi' the helt throng a the e overheated as, fficiently to a low to penetrate. out tingpoint, tie elt le of rollers, ich h to !bring th ends act with the ..eited ntained in a Ian or 1 quidt state b the 'arnece sank n the little fart er.�n ressod, and t e tips- wn through black them the fin shing oint the m thes obtaine that he hall, still ravel. he height of about m the floor. At a t from the st rting n upward tn n and ✓ or five fe t, the return trip. Pass- er the top f the elevation of about e back ove the ✓ the room here a • located, as d are e heads all .oint- rection. Th:y are belt, which •• ()Tea them to a able,' en off by boy, e for the pa pose, cking room. The nit once in 3S min- e interval s veral are 'finished. The uperior in qu lity ; ily on being trawn g ass. e, Mr. John !Tom- ther of the pi neer assed away t the ears. He w a for esident of H bbert a are of the eavy ttleinent in early en's county, Ire. remain at ome gle 'for ;exi tence ettering his con - Canada an se- nd family a corn - in ;the land f his affable and kind arent and a good s a family of tijree his loss. - a • a ii as On. the 27 h J lins, iaof Dahl n. a Ottlers of Canada, 1tdvanced ape Of 95 bout thirty years nd did a mate's , ork incidental to ttrnes. Born n Dula, he felt hat would entail a str without the h pe dition. He otme *lured for hi gaff petence unatt ne birth. He wee a ieighbor, a dutiful ohristian. H lea datIghters to ino 1 i 0 il• • ii 1 EXPOSITOR. In o der to keep p ce ly Mc easing busin ss, Store will be grea ly ations already having co while this is being d some hat crowded for ro decid4l to clean oat sea,so able goods at a g and al or custome s, th ally, e eeybody, sho hi n advan age of this gr at e as we ntend to mak it v as w 11 as please t a Assuring you of our bes solicit ng a Oahe -we aha evettele our utmost Ijo. gi in every transacido ith jiur rapid - anon Bros. nleeiged, oper- , • menced, and no we will be m, and have any': lines of eat reduction pukic goner - t fall to take tenSive sale— ry interesting, d. ',iprofitable. set vices, and I. more than e satisfaction RANTON4 BROS., 'ExErE, oted for Nice Goods. EX.& 'TORS' NO1 ICEe—All the estate uf the la.eLlehei lifetim , Doctor of ate...eine, Bsyliel , ate hereby neti 'eu to the iaiu4e nmet bt, mad wit! Eiecut is, on or uefore Le 1. 1884, a d d patters ha tug c said ea ate are needled el aa a claims properly atteetee red gi the sec my held (a any) must undeielaned oa or bowie i.1 August suet th jaw. V Execut and al. Means n t she estate a LI be w ued u .LI. WOuDet, 4a 18. Baylleld J uu ord arties indebted to • Woods, in his of the village of S a eettlement of the undersigned G day. of Augast tlitus against the tat:untrue of such ill the nature of be filed with the e seta 1st day of in will be bit -red as provided by BELLA W UODSe 684. _ 861-6 ESTRAY STOCK. eeT1tAYED SHE LP.—Game into the pi emises k=j of Ile unden-igued, 1105 8, Con, 5, MeKillop, about the let of Jun ,two the& p and oee lamb. The os ner ca., have toe rathe by jprovit g pro- perty a id paying expellees. J Oli4 HuitAn. bli5x IMPORTANT NOTICES. To- B ACKSM1THS.—Wae -a- BI 01181:lithe immediatelt guarau ed. Apply to DuNie • Walton - wee KSMITE'S AP REN W need immOdietei r, a at learn 4hc liteld. blue tsauthe in bu .c,'la lilL ; now 4 dvi Is cl, a good steady . Steady work CAMPBELL, 564 _ ICE WANTED.— mt, intive boy, to idern. Apply ta et33 LI OU W NTEI: tely, a working I ousek Mast .1.1 'ye expet 'cum, a d be Middle aged pt efcrred. Apple Lot '28, feoncessr on o, atop 1_4 OU13E TO Bann One -Lee cottage con taming eight antly s tuated tied mom: !lent business pars of the tow . Ap KIDD, Seafortle anted. imme- eper for a term. *ea r cennuended. to jarlIN liuGG, • 865x4 ud la half story uonie. It is pleas - It the station and ly to THOMAS 857 WILL FOR El LE. -1! oughbred urliam calved Mae 30th1 1886; ed in the Canadtk Snort OU lo: 8, conceselou 9, '1 niondvide E. U. 81.A10 r sal cheap, a The. - all, 'Duke oe May," roan olori and register- oru H rd Boole. Apply ckersmith; or to Eg- HU reena. 858 US.:CAL:—Mts. T. D Pren aelimited pumber u pupil in piano and organ lesso s, t, h street, zeeond door west I Eng enFLOP * TO ReeNT.—Go d fro LI Se forth, nsxt door u the tute ha 1. Altogether in eepair ciuedly he best husiness eituet" rounue by meat, maiket , ban all that a,tracts business Ap KIDD, 'ealorth. ergast will receive fee iusetucti on r reeideu cc, Joh u ish charch.849-t.f. -- tage on Main St., Mechanics' Insti- geofi cellar. Dc - a in Sun - • post office and ly eo THOMAS 857 -REM VAL.—A.G. Van t gm nd has removed his office to th building 0 posite the burned mill, w lore he has a cir tete stock :of manufac- tured oods, and WhL.rel ail . busieces connected with e esteelishment I will ereafter be con- ducted • 854tf • A. G 'f.niEOMUND. A SP ENDID ELgi le nd B b rgain. Ee gii e, Gold make, 5 horse power, thto sha a large y wheel. Boilerl 45 ho 58 inch ,s hi diameter, 11 feet 5 front gt ates, smoke stack!, etc. Hensa iler or sale at a & : McOulloch's t 12 eel long with Sc p Aver, 49 flues, uch s long. Fire D. URQUHART, , 860 RUM FOR SALE.—' -1-' for ale a Thorough registered pedigice. He red collie ei low set and niagnitipent animal. Al. Southdl wu Earn Lamb on -Lot )7, Concession 8, O. DA 11) HILL. 'he red D is e.g h cave o , ext ibbe ndereigned offers rhain Bull, with t n Onths' oldoof boded, and is a ew thoroughbred a quality. Apply t, ur -to StaffaP. bti5x , f101iltE FOR SALE HFor 13 e, a1 fine young I English cart h lee re* te stands . fifteen ad a half hands high, col k dark bay, weighi fteuteen hunured tbs. twenty five inch arm, sh nk on hind leg une /fed a1::italf inches. By Imp rted 1.ngituot's Wonder ; 1are, Jack's Olive, i pouted; age, tve year old 18th of June, 1884; w proportioned lied de. a 'UMW. Pedigree can be ot. Apply top 14onces ion 4, Turnberry. DAVID MAU Wrox ter. 864-4 TileOCK T 1300K LPST. Los on the Noithern 'IL an vet Road betwee Walt n and Govenlok's Mills, o 1 hut setay, IuIy lQ,a L then On ceet book, contain ug a note of lane, made by David Fergus.n and 'payable So th welersigned or bearer. The finder of th- pocOet lieok will be suitebl rewat ded by ret thing is to ' the under- signed, and the public are berer cautioned against urchasiog or are otia.ti t e said note as payn ant of the sem° as ben st Pped. NEIL OlcDuie LD, Blyth P. 0 866 4 A GE: TS WANTED. Want d, a 4-L* Aefents as Seaforth, Exete , sels, BI th, Gorrie arid Winghatu, t the salej es, t drills, at wagons, able an chmery Ac , manufactur can Agr cultural Implem facturin Company, Lon WM. B, McLEAN, Hens Americ a Manufacturing of reapers, mowe, s, rak eders, plows, sully p.o vs, a raw cutters, trueks, horde po ,ets, papa ators, port - traction steam 4ngine,, a mill ma - he orth Amen- eeral Manu - • Apply to to the North ondon. 841 tire, reliable exich, Brus- canvass for 'me binders, d by ut an on. Or 1, On 'omp tar! ., or 'fly' ENT ERVICE. SUFF LK PIGS.1--The unde on. land during the rese Onghbr d Suffolk Pig, to whic ber of s4,ws will be takent, Be pigs of is class in the co nty. the priv lege of returninglif nee the far of the undersigned at Noitheen Gravel Road, Mob GRIEVE. ign d will keep t son, a Thor- n I tented num- of the best s, $1, with . Apply on ve's bridge, HUGH J. 862 FRES 1. AkRIVALS r T THF,— IVIAMINOTH BAR MAT. STREET, GAIN I-.0USE SEAFoRTIT. ONE HUNDRO ENDS ASHTO N'S BEST PRINT. TWENTY ENDS 6F HEA'i/Y SHIRTING. BUCKSKIN, OO11TON TWEED, TWILL SHEETINGS. WHITE COUNTOPANES, CARPETS. : SCOTCH AN CANADIAN SLJTINGS. OHAMBLY AND UNION FLANNELS, SPECIAL FOR TI -1 WOOL TRADE. ETOFFES, &C., THESE GOODS Ait* HOT CAKERS, AND DON'T FORGET ALL oUR STOOK GOES AT AI:4D BELOW IS BELIEVING. CALL AND EX - WHOLESALE. SEEING AMINE. FIVE HUNDRED PA 1 BUTTER IN TENNETS WANTD. [(AGES OF Ft ST -CLASS Smith & West's Old Sta id, Campbell's Block JA!VIE PICI4F,? MUS1OAL INSTRUM ENT EM SIAFORITH, ONTARIO. , - SCOTT ii3Rps, PROPR M Read the following !testimonial day: "The Upright Pianos of Me "endorsement,. as a deo jded Humes " sympathetic quality, 4an not be "and are equally beaut ful in their " appearance."—THEO ORE Til This celebrate shown, taking first Among other Orga Hemilton ; Karns, merits taken at th to at once. qR1UM, ETORS. MEI by one f the best musician of the present ars Da ham deserve, as w11 an emphatic . The develop a tone, whi6h irt power and urpaesed by the now exiatin Upright Pianos,,i musical qualities as well as n their exterior OMAR. EXCELSIOR ORGANS ways received the highest awatd wherever Ahern Union Exhibition ia October, 1883. show were W. Bell & Co., Guelph; Kilgottr, Call and see ns before buying. Old instra- ders for tuning pianos and organs attended Organ has a prize at the N IS shown at this Woodstock, dm. ir fu# value. 0 N. B.—SmaAl. Inhtruments, certines, dna, on hand; !also a good All kinds of InstruCtioniBooks. S and Outline Embreidemes. teems SCOTT BROTHERS. suet& as Violins, Guitars, iccordeons, Con - assortment of Piano Covers, Piano Stools, &e.' AMPING Patterns for Kensington Crewel a THE ME Al.4.1:1NT STIR/ Has now placed in It wi cleanse the dition In It is a 'par Custo era and oth a bottle of ; the Ilnarket a ne iysten from all ly v getable co re whose spate I AL HALL, JT S.A_-lif:)17?"'111-3-,, and onderful Blood Cleanser and Purifier, 'mpurit es, and leave you i a healthy con - pound, and as a blood raedieine has no equal. or bl od is ont of order, will do well to try C. Du c4n's Extra t of Red Clover, And 1)1. convinced what it is represen of 11 Per bottle, an hat it has no eq d titi be, and no judf e for yours al. 0 hamhti lves as e trial will convince you that it is . You can secure it at a small cost to its merits. We have in a full and w DRUC, CHEMICALS 11 -assorted stock of ND PATENT MEDICINES. We also keep in atcick all the latest 'tItent Medicines in the market. If you don't see wha you rant, ask fc r it, aut. you are sure to get it. f i F.. B.—Ph sicia s' Prowl tions a refnlly and a.ecura ly compounded. ' All orders from a at ce filled wi care nd despatch. , N4xt Door to Dun an dr Dunoan's rY NCAN, ESSOR TO E. H1088011 & CO. Store. RE.iit.L ESTATE FOR SEAL. 14tARM FR SALE.—For sale Lot M., Comes - n 2, ',,st Wawanoth, This desirable pro- perty will be sold ti is summer, in order to close up an estate. It consiste of 200 acres of ,choice land, about 145 acres cleared, good farm - build- ings and orehard. For perticalene aptly 40 We W. FARRAN, Clinton P. 0. 865 vAnm IN GREY FOR SAL1?,. —For i.ie • eaey taints, part of Lot 5, Conceredont; taining 86 sores, aboue 60 elearee. and well fenced; good bank barn and stables, -68x45; two acres of a beating orchard; one aod a half miles from school, and twO from Brussels. FOr fur- ther particulars apply on the premiees, or to Brnesels P. 0,. WALTER GOVENLOCK. 865 Lei API -11 HOMES ON FERTILE FARMS.,--- 1-1 Panniers and Stock -Raisers attenr ion I `rho Saskatchewan Homestead Company have !half a million aer, s of the choicest park country In the Cahadian. North-West Settlements at Crescent Lake, North Saskatehewan, and Bed Deer, tom- priee rich and beautiful tracts, greatly addraired. A useful Settlers' Guide, with maps, sent free on application. Whatever you mean to settle read this book lust. JOHN T. MOORE, Managing Director, -t32 King street Last, Toronto. 8,65-4 VALI& FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 2, Coneeseion -1-• 16, tewinship of Grey, containing 100 wires. of which the, e are between -60 and 70 acres cleared, and suite bin either for grain growing orgi• azing. There is it good frame barn and log hott.ei and a good bearing orchard of choice fruie and ;plenty of good water. Vais is a splendid eha'nce for any person wishing a good farm. Apply on the pre- mises or to Walton P.O. 865x8 SwH iT, VARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 38,, cession. 6, Eat Wawan sin containing 150 acres, about 100 of which are cleated and fit for cultivation, and nearly the whotle seeded to grass; the ba anee is well timbered nith hardwood. The farm is well fenced and has on it plenty of fenc- ing timberl There is a comfortable frame hoose and a hen 40x80 feet, both new There is a good bearing orchard of choice youne trees, and plenty of good spring wat-r convenient for Stock and a windmill pump. It is within three miles of the prosperous -village of &Wave where there is a railway, mins, stores, churches and all other conveLientls. There is a school adjoinirg it. This farm in well adapted tithe:o'er grain or stock, and the land has never been much clipped. Will be sold cheap. Apply to the Propietoe en the premises, to In R. 0. ileMIL tON, Blytht or to the undersigned, Belgrave P. 0, WM. DOBBIN. 865 t. f* cOPLENDID FARM FOR SAL.—For Bak, Lot 84, Concession 8, MeKint p, eontandeg 100 acres, sheet 70 cleated and the balance well timbered with hard -word and about 5 tierce of first class Oder. The cleared land is freer frem stamps, all under drained, well fenced and all seeded to grass excel t 10 acres. There is a good spring creek running thr reigh the place and no waste or 'Wet heed, a solerdid orchard of the choicest fruit, eleo 'a good, Comfortable stone house, all nicely finished and well laid out, also good barn, Sheds and stables. There is a well and cietern at, the house. l'he farm is clean and nearly free irom foul weeds: Ie within one mile and a qu ater of the prosperous village of Kin - burn, and within six miles of Seaforth. Terms easy; will be sold either a ith or withoutthe c8r6O5p4. Apply on theprem' ises or apt ess Constance P. O. WM. N. AleMIC AEL. 4 : FARM Thl MoKILLbP FOR SALE --Fr sale, the north 182 acres of lot 15, tonceseion 14, McKillop, of which 100 wee ore cleared well fenced, well under -drained and in a high date of cultivation.. The balance is timbered with the best of hardwoodi here are eighty acres neatly free from stumps, and 200 rods of board felled. There are good fratee buildings, three wasiand two lenge young bearing- orchards. It is situated 24- miles nein the edible of Walton, 12 from soa- forth, and 8 Irene Brussels, with good gravel roads leading to each plate. There are 14 acres sown with fall who -it . The farm will be sold in one block, or 60 acres of it, to suit purchaser. Apply on the premises, or address Walton P. 0. THOMAS $OUTER. 828 FARM FOR SAL?,.—For sale, the south half of lot 10, concession 1, Grey, containing 50 amen. There are 89 acres cleated, part of the balance has been burned doun and parti bush. There is a frame house and sr:One, a young Or. charctand d aorta of fall wheat. It is situated within a Mile and a quarter of Iran stown. It willhe sold cheap. 1 he adjoit lug 50 acres are ale() Le' sale. This property will be siOd teparate- ly or together. Apply to SAMUEL or ANpRENV nOLLOCKI, on the fern; or bp mail to 'James- town P. tni 850 TOARM 1$ McKILLOP FOR SALE.—For Sale, 2- Lot 241, concession 2, McKillop, containing 102 acres -Of which 90 are cleared, free frem stumps, underdrained, fenetd, clean :and in a high inane of cultivation. There is it good, frame houSe and large batik barn with' stone stabling underneath, and other necessaiy out- buildings. 1 There is a large orchard .of the choicest fruit, and two never failing; wells. There are 160 acres seeded to grass. This *in is twO miles of Seaforth and a gravel road runningepaat the place. It is one of the best and most productive farms in the township and will e sold reasonaWy, as the propriel or has pun- - chased a *ger farm elsewhe,o. Apply -on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0. WM All CHESON. 866 -ti FARM FOR SALE.—For —For Sale, Lot 3, Con- cession 10, and part of Lot 81; Con- ceseion 1), McKillop, containing 115 , acres, about 90 aeres of which are cleared, mostly free from" sttanps, well fenced and about 50 acres see 'et° grass. The woodland is well timbered with hardwood. There is a comfortable frame house and good frame barn, stables and sheds. There is a good bearing orcherd, also three never failing wells It is within '7 miles of Seaforth ar d two f rem Winthrop, where there are chorches, stores, cheltse factory, &c. There is a good' grairel road leading from the place. It will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply on the premises or to Winthrop P. 0, MRS. JOHN CUTEfILL. 866-tf MORTGAGE SALE —OF -- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY, , n1 THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY. ' 1 UNDER and by virtue of a pewer of -0 na tinned. in a certain indenture of I Mo it - gage, dated 12th February, A. D, 1878, made y Charles Bsitter, (Lydia Baner, his wife ,oirnjng therein to lhar her dower,) default llaTiltfitII made in the payment thereof, there -will he by Public Auction, at Deichert's Hotel, en village of Zurich, eownship of I Hay. by Mr. ward Bossenberry, Auctioneer, on Tuesdey, a 29th day pi July. 1884, at two o'clock P. ne., s b- ject to such +conditions as shall lhen be prOdu the followleg valuable proem y, viz: All that parcel or teem of land and prem ses,sittlate, letiPg and being in the Township of ay, in the eounty aaof inHonareounreanintlehntro. sveivnectetytiOxnatioeficso,oefonlatnadit:oeil in,g hbye same more!or less, composing Ibe west half a lot numberi ten in the Lake boal East Content= of the saiditownshin ol Bay. There are' a,bant 65 acres oleari d and a small orehard. Tho land is of a good quality and well Pitnated, beingabont 4 miles froin the thriving :village of Zarieh, aad within a half mile of school house and P st Office. For further particulars apply to tlhe Auctioneer, or to MR. B, V. ELL10p, Vendor's Solicitor, Exeter. 866-1 -- . A SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE' 1 . The undersigned offers or sale his BlaelLenai la- ing and Wagon making establishment in the ell - lege of Egniondville, together with the tocrls and good -will Of the business; slao a cOnsiderahlo strek of trOo and lumber.. There are two large shops; one for bleclomithing aed the other or wood -working. ,4 here are three fire a in the blacksmith F hop. This is in the centre of One of T the best agricultural districts in Canada,. e business has been established thirty years and a good man Vetsh some capital can make Mon y fast. The t reasons given for selling. Ap 1 on the pretnisas or address Egmondville ,;.1). , ROBERT FULTON. 848 d- SEAFOOTH HORSE INF-Hi/40 ponlisn Of Jarvis and Goderich Streets; neXt 1--/ door to the Presbyterian Church, &effort , Ont. I All 4iseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, er any of the dom talented animals, suecessfully t*-eat4d at the in firnary or elsewhere en the sbrtett notice. harges moderate. 'Jas. W. BLit Veterinary Surgeon. P. 8.—A, large stock Veterinarylledicines kept const4ntly on hand. M9NEY TO LOAN. QTRAIGHT loans at 6 per cent., interesii par 0‘-0 able half yearly, or 61 per tent. yearly.,privilege borrower of repaying part of prinere- pal money' at any time. Apply ,to F. 11011#1E. 850 , STEP, Tharister,Ssaforth. 1.1 E