The Huron Expositor, 1884-07-25, Page 1• • . . oet de sts rts te ase ng et, ne Inv tat 17te# ?Irt, on. lay ing err - eel ing ees. late rge tees Our the dad ook he brs._ raze - Lien had nes, skly -has sang sled gfr bor- rhos don. ons, ;yew the The EiMeIt - , void The the tree, g the se a with ribs less- r,ehat -*ate Ater :milk veek. b was ieese cents OVENTEENTEE YEAR. ViliOLIE NUMBER 868. SEA ORTH, FRIDAY1 JULY • 5 25 1884 „ BUSINESS QR SALE' A Splendid Chance to go into the Boot and Shoe Business. (By Om TUERN MANI- liTS-1-11ING. ' 1 • sun Corresponden t ) lishing is th1 chief :attraction or sports just n W. Rock Lake a s d • (of which Rock ak ; elision) contain of ;‘ Jack " fish,: wh pperainecree totheeupcor days past ; the t Ja. n tp settlers wh axee end naoney j e to do o11. the ho winter (in 1879 erypne went fisl when , you woe otted here and there u ly fishing throng. :Very large fish we1e tJ weighing 25 pots ds .atol'a ranged from si hteen po eds. W here a hsh .r g hteen or twenty pounder on his ere was to be a- warm Oast re the e jinuv defter " wa la on the . The catch then rnething n rreons, Eight of us el for the Ile e one morning in D her, 1879, en ehe, therMomeser tisred thirt ve below zero. The :eing heav e did not reach the fi i: , 'rounds u onWe e o'clock. at ommence •perations, and b for Own had c ptied enough fila nr double eig box brimful, su o keep a • umber of bachelo s' 1 tocked ti o remainder of th hose day, owever, like the bou a the pas'. The fishing is etill out eo sue a big catches are eow Pe me are On ta vi du an to: bine, River ely an ee. ited aneply similar hi 'ario, but as nee. In s a great bo ions'were s ere- was litt rig the frs almost e Rock L k uld find 't p ople zeal in the ice. tinesoaug t e 'Drainer ei ti ei The subscriber now offers for sale at& rate en the,' dollar, and on easy terms, that busbies& so long and favor - abiy known as the • , op/Art.2—P4 .1- ' GROVER CLEVELAND. — CANDIDATE FOR" THE PAESI-, DENCY. ' The public career of Grover Cleveland presents an example of rapid SU00e88 probably unparalleled in the history of public men. Before his election as Governor of New York State, he had held no higher office than that of Mayor of Buffalo; but his triumehent victory 1 1 over Charles E. Folger, Secretary of the ' Treasury, in 1882, placing him at the II head of the Empire State by a majority of nearly two hundred thousand votes, 1 Ithies be iImake thiri the owner itoba. Ru !other si d toba, dis ' they will the retur with him the horse professio ally hail f the west to bay as not back rifle. T " spot " e devil -ma Which, to clearly i withatan settler ni stock if loss, for and will I their int i excite t14 they wil days, hi prospect thernsel when es and the! I a, stable I can ma 1 miles b 1 victim I before 1 in a re DEMOCRATIC Ichteic6 fantle fronr ragat iee are ug per �berOt, oteeeds btwithe tis line, ;ok large eea' and- ison irs ',nested. MICE, LI MAN • SEAFORTH BOOT AND SHOE STOIR/M_ The store has been epecialLy fined up for Boots and Shoes, and can be had at a law rental. The stock, amounts to about FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR$ 13 'Car 88 he deg Id, ti is DeIr. e d ; o y u i th es e- nt to, an; \ ok e - ed as •rt m- 18 - ds ing nee LIU- () fihl • ent ers • ter. are od, de. 0 e. 11 INTER TIO AL HORSE STE. ere With tae ap roach of th so ea on ru rs pf the advent of ese esti ern gave him the prestige which placed him in the proud position he now fills as the -standard-bearer of the Democracy. He has, moreover, filled every office to which he has been elected with consci- has been well bought, and the oods'etee from the best factoriaes in Cane. The stock is thoroughly -assorted in every line, both as to sizes and prices, and as can be seen. from the business has teen clone. entious regard to duty, without e manifestation of selfish Adherence to his 1 inanaediate persona haterests. ' Come- , quently his notnination is satisfactory to 1, the disaffected a tire Republican party, as well as productive of great enthusiasm in the raneis of his own. I Grover Oletelapd, Governor of New ' York, is a native of New Jersey, born at , Celdevell, Essex County, March 18th, ' 1837. His father was a minister, andl the candidate has living relatives pro- nainent among the protestant clergy, not to speak of his numerous ancestors.. After -receivieg such instruction as was procurable frora the common school in; Vari011 8 places of the paternal residence, young Cleveland was Bent to the Ace-. demy situated at Clinton,Oneida cpunty,' New York. Upon leaving this seat, of learning, be went to New York City; where he filled for some time theposi- tion of clerk in an instill:1601110f charity. He is next heard of rnaki0 his way west, in company with an isiaterpri5in young man, with Cleveland, Ohio, as his objective point ; but vieitir4 while on the way,an Oriole residinig in'BuffaIds h was induced to remain in: that city, a clerk in the store of his *dative. 11 was eighteen years of e-ge at tha time, an ambitious young fello possessed of the desire to be COMO • a successful la,wyee. Ili uncle favored this aspirationan we soon find the youth a Clerk i the office of a prominent law firm an at the same time enjoying the Comfort of a good home at his relative's hone Ete was admitted to the Bar - in 18'. His first political office was as Assista • t District Attorney for the County of Eri under C. C. Torrance. He held t position three years; until the end his superior's term of office, hen was nominated for District Attc,rneY _ books, a large Pendieg the sale of the stock in bulk, I will continue to sell in quantities to suit purchasers at very low prices', as the stock must be disposed. of in Kline way, so that I can give my persdnal tteution to my grocery business at Mr. Ilorrison's old stand. Don't fail to read every word of new price hst jest issued. 1Goods positively be sold at the prices tioned therein. our will en- GROCERIES. The neW Cheap Grocery uow in full blast, where the highest prices for the best qualities Store is you cau get your prod. -flee and of Fresh Grooeeies owest living profits. the Democratic ticket, but w ed. In 1870, five years after th lae was elected Sheriff of Erie 0 • 1 s defee faller Count and in November, 1881, wa elect mayor of Buffalo by a decided inajprit . His incumbency of the office as s c- cessful and popular. In the F 11 election of 1882 Mr. Cleveland wee elected Governor of New Yfrk, ais administration gives great. satisfacticln, avowed without stint by the hest men is cIefn artial. 11 • Preserving Sugars the cheap!est in Seaforth. Teas in great land , at low prices, and every article to be found in a first-cla.ss grocery store. Variety in both political parties. It vigorous, independent and irn —While walking along the. in Mitehell one day last' week Square, sr., was trippedtip Give Us Et trial. GEO. GOOD, Main Street, Beaforth. sidew Mr. Jo y a lo lk 11 to dirculate. T exq,eedingly inte f s ock in Soutl mg stolen horses fio 'a of the • line into ing of thein for w al ring in cash, anIi t trip, taking a f esh s the usual pro ra hiefe These men a e thox a s in their line. The m Montana or so e ti rri territories. Wb.en ey :sometimes i4, t •rd in using a evo e ol4 eettler seld m orse thief. He has -hare, swaggering e.pp those who have or+ be licates his profe sio 1 ug ' this fa.ct, b4we u.t keep a close w1 te wortld guard hi12sel ese!outlaws are v ry ten disgnise the sel thins so thoroughly suspicions of anyohe. ften be in a neighbor g ip the ravines by g by night, anl o s are any the wiser ything is careful y r1 004 is darkehey eseen ake as many horsest, e, and before da*n r 1,4 the line. As so° oPeiers his loss (wiilih rnieg) he gives th1ea1ai rkebly short time a " v e" is on the trail thiifsl was on an ,expe itio tit ,a year ,ego. For stolen by twmmee lying about 40 or 50 nai .4 nan who was hn th us the news earle one th t the Men and h e nine miles distaInt, 3u interoolonial boend r t tickle theth alon way, unobserved, ssista.nce. The neva lad I in less than , hal Or fifteen men, artne'- 1 rifl s, shotguns, :etc. rpatlh. An hour's dr to Ithe horses, biiit t ade themselves scerce rises . ack into Caead El ort the party sca ter 0 the event of deed so ser views on t thally wh vi tors in t These tw o the boendary until the Tuesd4 night foIloesing when they came ove into our iaannicipality, took four horse able of a settler and onc ed southward. This time ettlere wboFa horses were wed the thi ves. Arriving d. .5 their antimony demise. In ngly do they 'advance thei e aituation that the part el and leave the thieve is bloodless encounter. o worthies la3 around sout from the s More star the two stolen toll at Fort Llotten, sevent south,. they 'emelt that passed th4t point onl before the their case Fort who Solitary I the Lelia end also t elonging actics of unawares large party of whites h despatch: d the men ari self of th ir outfit. When settler lose way, eve if he does re he is at.c nsiderable 1 mention d instance parties ri covered their they wer ont of pocke instance where horse loss has year an ing out from thi and, till: the red them b case ha critics a not rece of Dec men we possessi the ow obliged cousins menag we do If a man for st We pun stolen A Fre City, Ma,nit traced and wi the th to the convieLe five yeas at Stoney other bind the A. have no law that pr of a per on bringing Unite The o ting a bring the c the c the m IS la 111 a 11 11! 1 : 4 1 e 111 11 111 corona gore. kind a had be framer of here! broggle mornin only so of the caring stolen I obtainrapidl! twelve' volver the w came had the h of an to hu dead a frui 8E1 plank, and he fell heavily to t e grourid, breaking the bridge of his nose. —In a rural section of the county ot 100 miles from Stratford, says the Bea- con, resides a swain who recently t ok uuto hianaelf a wife. The oung 1 dy had several former admirers to whom the thought occurred that it wouldbe just the correct to give he bride a small token of their esteem. Now wileat should it be? That was th.o ber ing question, for anybody could insult' the bride with the hollow mocke cent glass butter dish and. ni brass knife to match, but the something right royal, and king in conception. What y of ria kle pl •r8 Mt19 orthy could more appropriate to the oc asion berries, and accordingly th.* each de- cided to devete a day to berrying en a neighbor'e " patch " where berries ripe, red, and luscious abounded. So on o the flum- e tereitery of a man whose name was hn. John attended to the ministrations of the venerable Mr. MacKillumd al, and. in the choir sang "Oh what wretpied land is this that yields us o supply," our heroes sang, "The yields a thousand sacreds and. by the time the minis and sixteenthly"itheir p Eddy of Hullo were full, an so.was the gratitude of the recipient, tb whom we, with the donors, wish that their ctip of bliss will always remain frillSeand her saucer of berries always be ruenitig over. ten ted be f be an day with this -end in view, ber of seven, they invaded l t SO 11 • SS ill of eets," er re ils, eac t up the outlaws end ✓ alive. All forenoon less Elearch. Noon co nts" assemble foi In council of war ie he to spend an hone o innt. Just as this c arrived at a shoat is Ileea strag0 r, who comes furilon the p His informetio thieve ar just beyon,da, prairie ning for dear lif atelyilt arty are in full cha ing hor distance the pu with twe hundred yards tives heia the latter hal their would-be captors; fi sam ime a couple of r as a prelude to their item then nfo m the " Coremi Beier g t eir renaarks *it 'flow of pr fauity, that they land o th free, that they take alive, that the311 man of the party as pod bein oaptured, and voluil for leer scarcely releman CEL81 warm disonss tak • la e ainongst the two • in strong nihilisti and to exterminate t fort jori vie wel thi edg the the tho res ch me 118 Ca all th th vig whic reset e in th4 ion etc., hod aia a ru ✓ arrival. . efore the Coinmander of t mmediately despatched o e dian purenit. Next d y returned wlth the hors, B, e rifles, revolversenoney, miles to t heir men ,h e few hon ey then la to the thieve. Adopting is race he o pt up to the and had ace° plished wha d failed to d possessed hi a team in t over them ag ss. In the 1 Although he horses pronap ly, $100. In other were stolen, the wo iv - len er, to ing the th- did. end the d the team t ken ber. Then when is team he WaS expenses. Our line do gs as well is arrested aling horses in the States, him the B me as if they were Manitoba,. A case in oint. men stole a team at alley ota, and ringing the into disposed f them. He was y Canadia officials, arr sted, in two wee s from the ti e of the horses ad been ret rned wner, the ief was trie and and is no v serving a te m o Mountain. •n th ericans appe r t eides for the trial stolen goods i to th ntry f get is t udin do i whic $5,00 Som stole houl con is bot ime ely X. I6 # • mer orse ntry for ani - the ani - ever , 011 Uetfiotf ough ener- rei riven eonf are ✓ Or IS to wild,anee him, Not- , the n his •ainst [ming •s and ot to ndeed od for y and e but Then, anged, upon s they many as the is not m, and gilance ing for of this horses from a es east ir trail Sunday ea were at south . Not he had order to spread n hour ith re - ere on and we thieves Sending charge utending ke them, spent in and the , during and it Is o , longer lesion i from a y towards i that the 11 in the Ioarnedi- e. Driv- ers 001128 the fugi- and face at tlae om shots s. They inter - copious re in the 1 never be drop as i le before ✓ other in. o the 0° at once ty, one or el)"vermin' roclivities great ma- * in their s ould. leave while the lees at the xionSly for blembers of nt at the rave ae a railing the tentt argu- w the utter empting to pohat out at Most of ding upon estitute in 131 McLEAN 33110S., Publisher& 1.1.50 a Year, in Ad.vance. and fears are awakened if the stook is br de th at -113 st n lat into Montreal and that disease eloped when they arrive i England t tho Dominion Gevernm nt be scheduled. e oldest Presbyterian Miniater ono Canadp„ the Rev. Thee Fraser, died M utreal last week, aged 93. He was or ain,ed 65 years ago, and his firsit aro in Canada was in the town ef aga •a, which. he held for Many year little boy named Jerry Leonar b lon ing to Hamilton, stubbed his t e at.in t a plank twp weeks ago, wed d. d f om lock-jaw the other day. The rt was between the big ind second_ t es of his foot. butchers ;began lest ss on the no-cash-eo. have forrhed a po 1, sells on credit • ill been still grdater. Some t valued at 600 were st a half ago Iteam and d county a,bou the 1st Octo n into the Wes. Owin ape in conne tion with get Lok through the customs, ing to be sub Med to the a Washingto , the owner ve the prope ty until the mber follow ng, although e arrested a n pf in Oct er obtained to pay $3e aoroes th these thi • • a —The Windso eek to do busin eat plan. The d the one wh aye to whack u through the tseenty Mi1111 expired. Hit pdtato bug h the vicinity like- 'insect, (14oieckediunreitiss eviiiitnheorf and dect in kill e hloped seme that will preve effectual in exterminat- Mg the insect. . 1 —A wido lady n ireseed, a seusatio labile! ro mith, et pia as h body of Oliver, and in es after the aceident he rted that a new variety of s made its appearance in f Marton. It is a spider - without wings, but very movements. Its mode of to burrow under the ,onter otato, causing the vines to Ile. Paris green has no ng the 'Jest, but it is to be remedy will be discovered bench amed Mrs. Martin e. in Walkerton by ten-eggi g the Rev. Win. Blethodist inister, in the mar- e, brfore a large crowd. She ong t befo e the Mayor and a of Magistrates, and fined $10 —A,young SOU Co H. Watts, of Law- nd cots. Mrs. Martin was a Sunday nee, strayed ewriet frone home on chool teacher in the Methodist church, atueda,y la,st, and after searching and the aseault aro e out of a scandal- ' im 'ens report effecting er character, which 40 • on Mr. Smith. ad leman, fter inspecting the to 8 of L ndon, Nissouri, Bid- illivray, Williams, Warwick wnshe assistance wee speedily retidered. The everal hours is , father espied eated in a crotcla of a large oak tree, et O:rom the ground. The urchin limed up the tree land was afraid esc nd again. cow belonging to a .poor wid ndsay on which she depended • living, was found !dead the other np osed to heve been poisoned ars Green, but on holding a p tem a large siZed darning ne found piercing! the heart of the heart was larger than a patent she got the needle is,. a. myster W. E. Fee, a, strong temperance ma end connected with the Dominion All ance, has presented a petition to the Secretary of State's Department at Ottawa, claiming that the petition of the anti -Scott men of Helton handed in wa not valid, in as much as it had been pered with while in the hands of the riff at Halton. .A. scheme on foot amon era in the neighborhood of H , Dundee and' Waterdown, to se the Dundee manila from vernment, and transfer it i vete shooting and. fishing pro O scheme is being matured now probably getinto definite sha eek or two. 1 The following are the fixtures ovincial election trials: West M not as here 8 If 1 8 tates from a foreign co available 17a.y they have depredator of this class na up on a •harge of defr orns, which they usually of horse thieves, and for ximuna pen ty is a fine of or th, ee years imprisonment. ' less e pensive plan of recovering prope ty than that nowin vogue be in ugerated betiseen the two tries, as the prote tion of attic i vital mportaricet the settler o sides of the line a d for some come these depredations are li conti tie. Roe •Lake County, J 1 cl 11 a timi light tion Tor trict can first the 11 11 'ant ith ar an en ✓ s h ve fortified the ravine, looking ✓ su of our discuseion ar growing eloq ht f filling an eterl of the rashness ,lin s farther, advance s hi endeavoring rto s 1 seness and folly of t these men. Th nlasege upon the fee have families de vs ich would be lef while other, t more con-serva #.1 hold that they ugh alone. ;.1M. n e ly 8th, 1884. — • Ca ada. o Normand farmers w ed to the tine of $150 ing rod swi dlers. he working en had a de itt favor of th striking pri nto on Satur ay night Wit. The fisherme complain of fishing in Ca Three Cana lens are a three hundr in the first neen's prize competition of the King he conduct of adian waters. ong stage t Wi 'fate the Don River at Torento rind drowned. This is the fou th , ning case in the Don within four9. ; The post office at Peterhof° was larized . lasti Friday ni ht, ud 00 in stamps and $1,00 in c sh • stolen frohe the vault. Pr es -1 als worked the job. The Port Flury people ere c dug to rebn4d. The town pres appearance 1 a western geld ,the busines rd shanties. A brakesma elph, was killed at Brae nday last. ge was con d was cangh 'lied inetantl �I aS He Ho she blame —A ;gen ;wheat fiel dnlph,: Mc land Lobo I generally 'any large wheat wa one field Democrat side the 1 entirely. than fall, think the —An aq Godfrey's' Gill, a la running hand in t relieve hi also got rollers. was off a his righ badly be children were rescued. alive, but the woman perished. The body 'was soon afterwards reeovered. Mra. Rune). is known to have'for some years back been occasionally i1188.11.3, but in other respects was a harmlesa woman. —An awful sudden death occurred in Quebec Ileonday, a strong !hearty farmer named Burke; being suddenly struck dead by heart disease while raishig a glass of brandY to his lips in a hotel. —So fur thefarmers in Quebec dis- trict ere becoming despondent at the prospects of Bring their bay, the wet weather having now prevailed for-seven- st ivithout intermission. ow for ay, by st- die ow. ail. ta sh '4 fa to eh Pr wi a, ‚4' the mil- pur- th to al erty , an pe 1 th ddle •, on the 5th of August, before J dge tterson and Galt, at London; Cer 11, on the 20th August, before Judge rguson and .Rose, at Orang ville'; nth Renfrew, on the 20th A gust, fore Jiedges Burton and Galt, a Pe - beoke. I —Several of tb.e notable cures lines of St. Anne de Beasipre rted among the 1,300 eilgrim tely returued home. Miss Pin ussell county, Ontario, who had e,4 for years past from an . app ihcerable nervous disorder, was cin a chair to the shrine, and ia fUll possession of her locomotiVe —Although the courts of M ave refused to extradite John and ordered laie liberation from c Detective Cornish and other A officers still remain in town to his movements. The lex-presi the Second National Bank can take a step in the streets witho shadowed by one or other of the —One day last week an eight- ebn of Mr.. James Bryisns, Went into the dam for a swim iterprise at Which he was fairly !Unfortunately he slipped betw logs which are boomed in the d although he made efforts to esc pending death he was unable ; cate himself from his position. I drowned. ; —Thompsori and Reid, the ; charged with causing the death 1 0 0 .1 re vic- ach by onstra- ters in ton Am bledon. - ast Thursd a a fell was dro we bur we Bi0 rae th cit bo ,0 1 111 fr th y a boy name 8 - he of being carried o named Sweeney, f tford ling bet ight train, a buffers and The Scott et has been A thabaskaville, Quebec, by 01 11,252. The umber of vo le in the ociunty f the act wee th number of rites polled was only 235. ' —Manitoba 1 e marriage vernment co ge license, ung men an moval to the w rning and. " tere. —The Department of Ag taking all possible precanti t e cholera emerge reaching A vessel fronf an infected arrived at Miraraiche The G ! tions to have • ri apparently of poor sett lects $7.50 fo against i women, wh Northwest, s nckle to" be has sent metre i es—Ft eoBefet :1 edur i'mhbue i 50,000 shing eter McLar ingston and he bush fires eeks ago. —The cattle traders of coming agitilted ova the o let Ameri rom Montan flown that disesseprev • arrie maj ef3 p ,487 again PP°6 erS. a On me ould ore iCUlt 118 a Ur istri over it car dred and. fift tho valued at $ 3,00 es, the prope ty n, were burred embroke rail hich occarre ay the ontre prop nt ine om on n 8 een, 1 iii ritY lled and stit - a.t th re r sw rad, stiffer - render arried IOW 0 13 istribn umber ound here t heat ter wa pring • s reports the midge ed, but nowhere in s. Michigan amber ost affected, and in is variety and the ere growing side by free from the pes heat is less injure ut in no instance does h oss will exceed. ten per cent ident happened in. Ellis woollen mill, Galt, to Georg s old. The boysega ker, and got his left , and while trying t m his horrid positio ht hand -between th It was found that his left ar ove the elbow, three fingers hand severed and anoth ken. The lad has no relativ in this country, eying come out fro England a coupl of years ego with on of Miss acpher on's contingents. —On Friday 1 st ae Mrs. None, who resides ear Ott wa, was lightang a fire to prepare dinne , her .clothee by same means b ame ignited. When die0ov* ed by th neighb re she was g. meee ref flames, nd her flesh was burned to a crisp fr m the knees to the forehead. She lin ered in terrible agony till four o'clock he next morning when she pired. np to h those a ings by petting forty-fis-e years a tailcal s cutter, —On Sunday young peen nun home is in Mic at Str Orgy an intend hg to go about bre° mil to pie comp took Laco picket to be horse stopp has be 13 yea wool pi e roller self fr his ri teen days alm —Professor Wiggins, of Ottawa, says that an infus'on of taraxacuin vulgate or common tansy, taken both. as a drink and as a aye. er will effectaally prevent the spread of holera. has tried it on dlterent yrobes and it kills them inst ntaneouely. He says its general. use Will wipe cholere from Europe in 2e hours. —Thos. Wansborough, old, resident of Erin, was found dead. in a potato field about 11. o'clock on Tuesday night of list week. His throat Was cut in a frightful roauner,and beside him lay the kre4e with which he doebt performed the awful deed. -Wansborcugh had been hoeing potatoes in the field, and riot coining home at the appointed time sea res de sto ch was made for him With the above It. The deceased wa S ant old resi- t of Erinrand at one time kept a e in Erin village. Latterly he has ben living on a farm abcait one and a quarter miles east of the Tillage. He leaves a wife and large family to mourn hiS loss. a recent meeting 6f the Mhais- terial Association M Georgetown the following resolution was, unanimously adopted: "That we as en association regard the Scott Act ae having been clearly beneficial to the ,cause of tem- perance in Halton, even in tlae face of determined opposition a a other serious disadvaptages ; and furt that ha the future its tend more to promote t merality, &Rd therefore OW8 S. ntre 1 . Eno, stody; erican watCh ent of hardly t being • I ear-eld Eloka, an en - expert. en the in, end pe o extri- nd as From the time of the aceide t r death he continually begged out her osterminate her Heifer- er to death. She was Id, and her husband, lives at Mattawa. morning 13th instan a d.49.mson-Lacort,wh se Wes, hired a livery rig started out for a drive, UB far as Glenco. When s on his way he stopeed up a ye ug lady who was to Ro- py him. While waiting the horse right a d ran away, throw lig /i. out on the hard road. When up shor ly after, he was found lead, his neck being broken. he an oboe four miles before it e Brant ord counterfeiter, Yon n sent al Con wo boys of Mar- tin, at a lacrosse match at Tor nto,srd discharged by the coroner's jury, ere re -arrested oro a warrant issued at the en- eir er, we believe operations wili Paperance and ledge ourselves ! to use ewes lawful means to defeat the 948 preemie effort to repeal tbe Scott Act in tbis county." Both par ing for the coming confl arty of the Provirace ar ties are organ-1z- ''.ct. The liquor e concentrating heir effeets for a repeal; of the Act in 'thee county. —Mr. Robert Br , ks, firet line, Plympton, fonud last week the skeleton, of a man buried under more than two loads of ashes on a Ilgla, sandy kiaoll. The bare skull measered twenty-one inches, and was in sha e evid.ently thae of a savage. The h ,nes indicated a person of great stature. . The teeth were sound, and the head Was perfectly en - easel in material of clay sand finely broken stones that were; hard and brittle, but when in a plastic ?state had been carved.aud marked with the characters andeokens of the tribe. He - had no doubt been a chief, and was buried beneath the council fits. Many things fOrmd in that section show that it had. once been a battle field. —A serious blasting Saturday, in a Well in Hill had been at work ng, I ing the rock with Bar ext after preparing a char the ladder to await it Uri 1121 own for trial at the n t. Developments show the men to haye been most daring iiael successful. It is known that he once eerved. seven , years in the States for counterfeiting at Jackson, Michigan. It is asserted that hundreds of dollars' oin made by him aro in Brant, Haldimand, and , he having two or three - places. Hi 9 betrayer trap and exposed him in • a large reward offered elision. . Johns fishermen belong- temiest of County Crown Attorney wester aohooner, A. bie ton, who will make them stand t e rescued on Friday last trial before a jury for the killrig. 40 miles east of St. Pierre Island at the Thompson about a year ago killed a boy point of death. The men left their named ROSS, brit escaped without pun- vess 1 in six dorries on the morning of ishment. , . 1 Jule 8th on the Grand Banks to take up —There is strong, sespicion that the • their trawls. ' It WELB blowing strong township of Erin is tieing visited. Illy a with a dense fog. The crews got astray gang of horselthievee. A few nights ago, owed about for 30 'sours, hoping to says the Guelph Serenry, a valuable the ve' eel, then headed for St. , animal was Missing from the pasture e, a dist field of Mr.; C. McMillan, and has not days an been recoveeed. Since then another water o fine horse has been taken from Mr. ioked t Ferguson's farm. People in other parts ierre. of the country would do we 1 to look drifted A. horri Wed - ay last wort circul other Man led orde for h ing te F. M of bad tion in countie factnrin m into to obtai 8 appre welve S the G-1 rris, we Id t� The mar - aide. itate tale Par - re if3 ainat oree. t has ment fully sand • edd f Mr. n the uring e tWol and; real? Pier four foea St. cdo nes' Rai dd wit Me ba oth ner loc unf ren col after their hprses at night. —A constable in London discovered a novel method owners for stray dogs. " see a strange dog on the at the constable, "1 just pick n and let fly ae him. Of cour howling in the direction o and I wateh' the gateway o where he enters. In this scored $7 fot the corporation past week." —A young man pained Jo eph Kitt, 18 years old, was drowned o the Can- ada Southern Railway pier a Amherst - burg on Thursday night last week'. His brother and sister, who wer with him, a left him to go home about 0 o'clock, and the deceased not co ing home search was Made for him. The lantern he used for fishing had. ben knocked al- ere osition an shippers rmgi stOck to that port. It is well he fatal foot -and -Month in the Virefitern States, • Eas has of finding heneVer I eeteLsaid a tone e he runs his ome, • d rway manner I during the from its fastnings on the per, a hat was found a short dis4nce the pier on the beach. —On Thursday of last vs d his below ek, a num- ber of yonng men went on a shooting expedition near Deseronto. They pro- ceeded np the Napanee road, and had covered about a mile when game was sighted, and Chas. Patton raised his gun to bring down a night -hawk. He turned around to get a better aina at the bird, and his gun prematurely went off. When the smoke had cleared he found. that the charge of buckshot had entered the breast of Albert Olive , Bored An- drew Oliver, carpenter, Deaeronto, who was standing only ten feet from the muzzle of the fowling -piece. . Setae particles of the led went corepletely nce of 200 miles. D nights they were wi rest. Three fishin em up and took th m to Their captain, Morrifi, and ut to sea. le accident occurred; Wed - eek on the Intereolonial way ne r Riviera du Loup. ghe n expres going at full speed collided a. Iaand car upon which. were tlatee knockilag two of them into the air, ring bout ves- ccident occurred !Belleville. Chafe in the well blast- ey Hodgins, and e they ascended discharge. The report was not heard, and thinking the fuse had not been properly adjusted, ena of the well rtain the cause of ely the fire ignited was thrown p s rice of nine feet, when he was caught by Hodgins, wao • had him at once properly cared fbr; Hill's shoulders, heeds, hips and f were burnt in a terri le manner, but Ili bones were broken. —Major Walsh, w o ha.s just retur ed to Winnipeg from the West, fully On - firms the report of settlers being iel a state of alarm over the frequency with which raids amongst:them are made by Misaouri roustaboute from across he international boundary in Monte a. as for a time b audits, who de ote direction of pl n - off the horses and Hill went to the bot and lit a match to asc the delay. Immedia the powder and Hill out of the hole a dist y injuritig them, and crush' r to death in a most sicker= pieces the flesh adhering motive wheels. The wife g the man - ,o the the f the rtnnate" victim and her eight child - were on,the train at the time and a ection was taken up for them ernong the, passengere. -I-Mrs. Kennedy, of Clarendon orth, bee a peculiar old gobbler. n the speing he tclok a very serious noltion to hatch, whereupon Mrs. Kennedy put ii him on a nest of goose eggs, Bald he at- tended to business faithfully and rought out in due time seyen young gyslings. Since that time he has exercised the greatest care and attachment for them, welking with them several grace during the day down to the creek, where the littlegoslings amnee themselvespuddling in the water while he awaits patiently their return to accompany thern back to the home). Mr. George Towell, also of Clarenden North, has a gobbler that hatched out 21 chickens. 1—On Thursday morning laet week Mrs. G. 'teazel, wife of Constable Roe- *, ofgSt.:Catlaerines, with her three cbildren, Went down to one of the locks, end after looking about for some time, she thre-w the children into the canal blow the lock and plunged in herself. he children were all of tender years. he mad sot, however, was seen, and The whole country infested -with those their energies in th dering and carrying cattle of the settlersi Those freebooters, consisting principally of cowboys end American Indians, extend all along the frontier from Cypres Hills,to the Tur- tle Mountain district. The lives as well as the propertY of settlers are en- dangered by thee some instances, ha twee the efforts of —The Brantfor Not only do the bandits, who, in e even put at on - the Mounted Police. Expositor says: English :BpariOWB which overrun our, city drive all ng and other birds feom our midst i but teeted as murderers ose who have pet trict watch if ehey ors. The folloWing murderous prdpen- ive our reason for of our citizens had no of which Was a e bird, and had been for eleven years. in these two was a cock sparrow was canaries to tbe side d and deliberately 'they have been d of canaries, and t birds need to keep are hung out of d instance of their sities will serve to the warning. On a pair of Canaries, particularly favori in their poesessio The cage contain hung outside and seen to entice the of the cage with attack them with his beak, peeking their beads alraoet entirely off. The little murderer th shed near by, whe cage as if to &seer was complete or • 11 flew to the top of a e he stood: eyeing the sin whether the job ot. —The Clinton New Era says: "A gentleman who v sited Goderich this week says thatnolt only was grass grow- ing in the streets f but they are bein used as a goose pas- tureover one henedthofatlittletheseoreaptinarcee: being ootmted t eaureyohno;w.s„onaIet ispegoupiltee hold the idea the :she: is noeritheihng this geese tthilet°tIsacren ow Era man doeS not intend to Stunmer. • 1 t I