HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-07-11, Page 81884 NEY Gl line of the R STOVES' rn and the: vs in stock„ guaranas." Ze. Pocket Out- aeite Kettles; c. All sizes, rk promptly `guaranteed. my line it. t stock anal Tin . Louise= IEY,; Brothers... teR OREe +GRAM.. FOR Moen ir- It WORT - CHURN.. any other- -LEAD Baited Utensils at &- CO. ?IEE S," '-TORE .ga consign- srzd lobbing, f you have, trth's. Tease. tug Hy - I: f � Fifty r Sixty O. Seventy - $3.00. is super- .kelt NORTH. E WHIPS.. Agent.. GE RATES, ooi and Lon- u, $110 ; $L35 ec to Lever- -75 ; Return, ate Bought, uranse Com- MANCE. Blacksmith. eat in the vi-- he tools and considerable- re onsiderableie two large; xe other for area in the tre ofpne of 'enactor. The, years and a aeke money ling. Apply evilFe P. 0. rNARY. [treeta, next h,, Seaforth beep,: or any rutty treated ;he shortest W. ELD$S, (fie stock of on hand. 1' JULY 11,. 1884. Sensational : Literature. "The demand for papers of a sensa- tional character," said the manager of $ big news company, 'has been on the Increase far several years. There are now a half-dozen boys' papers publsh- ed weekly in this city that have a air - .elation of over 5.00,000, They are sold :throughout the, United States and Cana - .da. Then we have the half -dime libra- -etes. Several publishers make these a -epeoiahty and work on nothing else. A new number appears either weekly or .pelma -weekly. Their circulation de - "pends altogether on the stories which -they contaiu. One week something very thrilling appears, and perhaps .-60,000 or 70,000 copies are! sold ; the pert week a novel of every -gay fife ap- pears, no blood is shed, no' assassins - tions place ; and the circulation .drops down to 10,000 or 15°000 copies. Bat the greatest circulations are not .attained by papers that are intended 'for boys' perusal. Another class of Sensational literature caters to the .taste of the working girls of America. Sfillions-of copies of sheets of this 3e- a stream of boo ncription are sold weekly. The boys' running through papers are trashy" and . sensational few locations wt "enough, I will admit, but they are other means mu .elipsed by the journals for young wo- most available Rouen. The plots of the stories are some- have seen milk i times extremely offensive, the dialogue temperature dur is sentimental to an idiotic degree, and by having ice at the description of the personal appear- ance of the hero and heroine_ often oc- cupy half the aerial. There is not a working girl in ; New. York city who does not purchase two or three of these papers every week. Of late years the illustrated police weeklies have begun to be read by boys of tender age.. Of all evils, this is the greatest. A good many news dealer's, however, refuse to Sell a copy to minors." ;• A well-known publisher :was found in his office when the reporter called. 'Yea," said he the field -oft sensational literature is spreading. There is great profit in the business. We have two or three writers who are each paid about $5,000 per year. They furnish rtswith a stated amount of Dopyper week."—New York Mail -Express. ing room. Too the idea that ifr pressly for milk, ed, but this'is e, should be so far room that it wil odors which a enter it though t If the farme should be very o even in a root room, or to go in smoking until t many settle they ha e a it is all the mix e`ke, the away fr m be lmpa sib rise whi e.. hedori opt r s oke t • aref 1 ne er a join ng to the milk f .t 1if rtil ew he odor is out of his clothing, whin very often will not be ni a new snit. The a are but that absorb odor so readily fore the milk r om :'she where the atmo phere is Having scour d good air dition that is de irable'is perature. In should be taken beingtoo cold, I hot. It is mncl warm inthe wil summer, miles Two Rich Men. Two men have lately passed away from life among us whom we should. have been glad to make immortal. William E. Dodge and Peter Cooper were conspicuous examples of men of wealth using their wealth in promoting the wealth of ethers. Thy, in their own manner of living, Solved the problem of capital and labor. If all rich men followed their system, and found riches to be onlyi a means of doing good, all envy, jealousy, and hatred of the rich would fade from the hearts of the poor, and society would be free from one of its most vexatious an- nuances and most threatening dangers.. Bat where one rich man appreciates the true nse of wealth, a hundred re- gard it only as an instrument for lux- urious indulgence and vulgar display, or for miserly and meaningles hoarding. It is this false use of s ealth that lossens all the joints of society and makes our - future uncertain. The reason why the two men whom we have named were fountains of blessing is to be found, not in demagogism, by which a Tweed gives coal to the poor as a means to secure votes, but in a benevo- lence which seeks the welfare of others as its end. Dodge and Cooper sought no office nor worldy honors. They were too noble to be receivers. They lived on the higher plane of giving. They understood the- Master's words : " It is more blessed to give than to receive." They had an exquisite delight (such as the miser or spendthrift never knew) in an economy of benevolence, and made it the bueirsess of their lives to minister to the wants of men. What to the mass of men. would be self-denial was to them the healthy outflow of a generous spirit. To have these streams dried up • is a calmity not onl3 to those who were immediately benefitted,but to the whole city,which loses the force of these living examples of virtue. The great, greedy crowd of money getters were rebuked and bewildered -when they saw the venerable man of fourscore and ten still pltanning how best to help the deserving] poor. The weak creatures who reeke up fash- ionable society could not' but get a glimpse of 'an idea that there were higher prizes than dog -carts and yachts, and all the paraphernalia of social dis- tinction. Peter Cooper was the antipodal energy to that of cel tarn other rich men in our community, dead and living. The one enegry came from heaven the other came from a very different place. The one infuses health into the community ; the other poisions everything it touches. The one energy is modest and loving ; the other is brass-browed as Satan, and stirs up the fires of hell in the hu- man breast. To the youth 'dour city and country the two benevolent lives to which we have referred have been a useful lesson. How many of these may have been brought over to the practice of virtue by these honored names ! How many young men, ready to start 'in the selfish life of the multitude, may have been checked by the discovery in these ex- amples of a truer happiness to be pur- sued by a holier road 1 The best sermon that cad be preached on the subject of riches and their use is to pointto these noble lives. They are facts and not theories. They cannot be doubted or denied. They lived among us and left the truth established con- cretely for the examination and admin ation of all. They have made more glowing and striking the contrast be- tween the pure joys of beneficence and the feverish exoitements,jealonsies,triok- eries, dishonesties, and cruelties of the grasp for gain. Many theoretic nostrums are reeommended for diseased society ; but lives like those of Dodge and Coop- er give health wherever their influence extends.—The Century. as Id erf th an the win ter to keep he. end in th s i.easier t k ter than co the loo do is where 1 water can be kept it but s there are ere this is p aoticable, st be resorte • to ; ; the of whin is ice. ` We ooms kel ing the h the top of shallow zinc pans, the ice in lumps the size of a ha of batter. The water sh from -the pans a being conveyed below, with an the water from as feat as it fills warmest portio Ploughman. EPPs's COCOA. FORTING.—" By the natural law ations of digest by a oarezul app perties of well -s. has provided ou a. delicately fa may save us ma by the judicious diet that a cons ally built up u resist every ten deeds of subtle around ns rea there is a weak many a fatal sh well fortified w properly nouris vice Gazette.-- ing water or mil and Tins (- 1 labelled—°,' Je pathic Chemist ail in riom ex - +is uir- lk room the- cook. e for the +oking, to nod. beim ' he o j smoke the milk Dom after e tabacoo + e smoes •e gena substa ce illc,thel• e .lobated otly pure. neatcon- ven tem- meaenres Dom from miner too ep, a room 1 in the fast as. n pipes t overflow he top of thus oar of the 11 t avery even Atte t weather til ' room in be ng broken f p and lump uld be taken the ice melts, o ,a otter pan pi a to take the lower pan Lyi off the r. -Muss. at The Milk Room. It is very difficult if not impossible to make good butter without having a good milk room. All other conditions may be good, but if the milk be set in a room where the temperature is not right, or the air bad, the result will be poor butter. This fact is too often over- looked, but not as frequently as form- erly. It is now very generally known that to wake good butter milk -must not be kept in the same room with boiled vegetables or other cooked food ; but it is not so generally understood as it shouldbe, that the milk room should not be where there is any chance for disagreeable.odors to come from adjoin - GRATEFIUL ND ••CoM- thorongl kn wledge of which gover the oper- on and nut tion, and ication o_ th . fine pro- lected Cc breakfa ored be y doctor use ofl sr itution m til strop !ency to d maloldie y to !attack wherever oint. i e ft by keetin) th pare bl ed frem :."- ode -s m So . anda1 s EP$s London coa Mr. Epps t t blas with ger ge' which 'b is.. ,Itis• ch articles of ay be', gradu- g- nough to ise se. Hun - a> a floating ay escape ourselves Rod and a Civil. See- ly With boil- niy in Packets .), y grocers, C Homce- E te." 831-52 ;Coul,i . " But whether •`n the Or in the battle's van, The fittest plat,: where Is where he & es for m And the wo 'st plac can die is wherr. he dies lessly - permittig his undermined thugh a until he is . en wined i consumption— nd a 1 certain cure i tc e Wilson's Pulm nary 1 C Mr. R. J. Titus of IA be was confined to his IA oyim through lung iseas weak that he c uldn'tl st on's .Pnlmonar Cherry him, and now e is quite 't t ca a ol4t high, an ban die n I' here man th ugh care- hea til :.to be Ong or cold • t e coils of his fon err while a ed. in Dr. 1i Balsam. ton P. E. I., for d hree years became so nd., Dr. Wil - al Am healed wee . 793.52 A Remal kablle scrape. Mrs. Mary A nock; Pa., was with asthma Dailey, of Tunkhan- afflicteld for ,six years and Bronchitis, during which time the best phi sictaus could give no relief. Her ,phi was .despair- ed of, until .'n last October she procured a battle of r. lKiug's New Discovery, wheimmed'ate:relief was felt, :and by co (tinning ts ifise for a short time sh: was coMpldtely cured, gaining in fieah'50lbs . in, afewmonths. Free trial bottl e of tris pertain. cpre of all throat and lun diseates at J. S. Roberts'' drug s ore. Large bottles $1. 833.52. r These i� e Salm Facts. - The best blooa. puri: ulator ever plat.' d wit fering humanit, , truly i tees. Inactivit of the li jaundice, const nation, any disease of the whoever requir;s an pp mild stimulant will lw trio Bitters the best an cure known.. They quickly, every 1 ottle entire satisfact: on or Sold at 50 cants Roberts. 833. er nd system reg - in he reach of suf- s Electiic Bit- er, biliousness, eak kidneys,or in•ry prgans, or :tizer, tonic or ys nd Elec- �� o ly certain a t urely and ua antaed to give m • neyrefunded. ottla by J. S. is a valuable q stances. The greatest whet mind or muscl Oil Liniment i remedies kno pally, when t broken, its effects in reli most grateful :.nd soothi. matism, Lim 'ago, Neu like it has no :gnat. 80 2 trent ality t nd strongest er in t Dr one of n, but w' . e skin er any circum - re ';always the ingdom of Sturgeon strongest sen 'used exter- haal not been evioig pain are �g. I For Rheu- ralgia and the 5.521 le ow' th Saved from', Up to May 1 five hundred d many of the b: any benefit. - became badly out on my nec exorutiatingly very desponde advised me th was fast app Shaker Blood Syria man at a - fits aw. bottles I coned fee +res bega umati m bottles skin beg natural appearance. I had taken twelve bottl not a symptom of the di ell as I e 4• a st I h llars st mea y • ra ou 1i lceratied, and lags or Ld fo is .0 • VIE HUB ; EXP SI'TC';tR heald' tsitting ; p in wei: athin goh, o - t Is v I th re ti to y Sit ker Bloaa three months we'igjled one h porinds, and llzav n, of the disease sin forjShaker :Syr] bell in my grew Chas. Be ger, or sale by S. forth. 855.5 I ee `e, I 1 is of blood, and m one hundred ne hundred and n began the nsef 1, and in less th4n as entirely we 1, d and ninety-six ver had a symptom If it had`not been `eve I would hale 'ken, N. J.i at. 1, druggist, ber‘. I, A Firen The firm of Oijma gists, of Peterbore, ea teed of Wild Strawb best standard i'nedi con .plaints. 857,52. inion. i 18z Walsh,'drabl r. Fowler's Bg • y is one of thei +es for summer Modern 1 The Magical powe Hegyard's Yellow rivals the marvels of iotas in a natural inflammation ; cures deafness, sore throat ries. 857.52.2w. Bible Death. spent, a least treatment by 1 men without h and throat sores breaking I also suffered (tism; grew feat friends ha d of death I.lcaught at ike a drowning er eking twci. oh nee for the t ` discharge to abate. When If every sore ha O assume a -ted until I s, nd there is eas remaining, er did. I have + s 1n• flesh, an My improved mniended it t nee with corn - teat Shaker d rine from a, ]with lrhenna t, and m t the icy I caching. f better. The s freely, and Rh I had taken si healed and m and I feel as gained twenty my .- friends condition. I many, and in plete success. one pc3un onderl a 10 ave ec e very inst 'I believ Blood Syrup has say horrible death. T. S. Can . on, 8 n ere t • B" ston, Masse In 1878 I w s the ' im Blood Poison, and a ter bei: three physici ns as col bed) not able o raise m h 10 1f a terribl g treated b Paned to m nd to mti g , e pain tha po sasses, out cis t times. It ant r to subdne um tient, croup,; d sinful. injul-. o 'Remove Dan scalp with Prof Lo SoFp. A deligh ful the toilet. 857.5 Zm. re, " Crying Evi .— fre1 fel and ill'wh n w DI. Low's Wor Sy warms. 857.52 Worms often Fr eman's Woa w me, and exFei to . 857,52m. ff—Cleanse the Magic Sulphur dicated soap foe ldren are often s are the cause. safely expels all y children,- but wders destroys frpm the .sys- Grea he ravages of su mer compla tr y alarming. is r.„Fowler's be y:{ Every b saI sfaction. 85 AG II'hen is the b ifier ? Whe humors app lebilitated to pu an is r to.1 857.52.2w. 1 oho ts Th xtr the .52. • od st t ve ar, ali t 'a 1 onf ost t of ara fantum and children is reliable cure Nild Straw - teed to give e • A Sud;' e ' ll people, an arr liable to a su Mo bus, Colic, D Die Fowler's Eat is the m st pro • krj wn. J857.52. • m g i Rein arka es. Adelaide Y„.was given u las, as du Pr wi r u zm e to take a blood e b ood is foul wbe the systerh doc Blood Bit- es de arr act pt w. tt. cial ttac a an Wil rel ck. y travellers, of Cholera Dysenter-y. Strawberry able remedy • Mewed ved .1 ver co +to Burdock ' B le st .ration. O'B 'i n, o Buffalo, N. to • i by her physt- le ' t consumption, it Taint, and was cured ood Bitters 857.52.2w. • ow ational Pills ti. a and anti-bil mild and thorou is the 1 favorite purga- ous medicine, they ate h. 857.52m. Are Lots. rou od grumbling, a Id tome h a1 the time ; .ell a d happy, if they rson' Sto ach Bitters is splendid blood ggist 50 gents. 838.26 Ther O' people going ha f sick at the w' o might be only used Dr. C occasionally. I pu ifier. All. dr Bucklers' The best sale b ruses, sores, ul SQ s, totter, ch. co ns, and all s tiv 1-y cures pile Iti s guaranteed do , or money r pe box. For 8 .52. Arn'ca Salve. in th w rld for cuts, ,ers alt beum, fever pped an 5, chilblains, n es ptio s, and post- , 'or o p y required. to g v pe feet satssfac- .fund .d. rice 25 cents sale by J. S. 'Roberts. Not Not S,1Ial1 go down citizen, ° ` when pleasant cure fo m Dti. Carson's St ma dees-the blood p ire a I ttplendid sp ng betties 50 cents., 8 33 - h er Pill PERFECTION; AT SUSUCOrESS, E (TRAO RD G ONDVILLE RO L , iM Y_ I. L S. LAP', r. WARY! - The only genuine Zoller M County which now has no and fe equals, On the col Americ for ' mant facturin Flour. • CREAT REOLUTION IN •rCcal Qu stioni oft Vital I Mei. 1 R 1 d action eiss ! now in -Ner',atJion. • Roller Fl:•bin $1.2' to $1.50 our br L Fee us �;. the hes 1 Flour per barrel mo •e than . prat ss. made by the Ole The Gr by OL O r 1 in the uperior, inept of Roller 4ILUNC. porta.rice. 11em v' 1 ' their sot ew 15er and an the get. brgorex- 1 b radual :tem is .:s been ed as great ny, France, te ou I to our ytiest, and no''. :One our as - G isting aSecialL Ferrite s will in all cas own wheat ground, an by tem get a stronger, 'whiter, better gr de of tlour by f public la s hitherto been ab Rem ber, there is no hu perimen in our adopting t Reductio System. ;Oar ne thorough and reliable. I thorough y tested, and pro success i Hungary, arm England and the Unit d St. We ga e A 1 Flu prev extensiv 'change a hea we guarz ntee better lour trial .will be sufficient to sertidns orrect. H �OPP Our facilities, for th s cl are unsu passed; and. c sto pend on ett1ng their trop once. sure ;and try our "process roller dour: Flour, Bran, (Shorts and ered to ny part of eafo hey or Egmondville !free of Sir Oulr Save Mills and Brumfield in full 808 KYLE M s ar ri ✓ t e t Of work ers.May de - in idone at OHS new at gi4ndville pera • VAR A 1884. EW tPR1N CO Dress Gooils, Prints, Ta eet y and Factory and Bleached Cott ns, tains and Lambrequinsecr tonne Parasols, Tilmbrelltis, &c. so a ment of oots and Sh es, Dab grand die lay, of Crockery nd (11 Hardware consisting of al kinds Oita, and lass iniali si es Spad are prepa ed to supply all who fit guara teed. pecialtiee—E trade pric a given for, Butt r an JOS H D 1884. tOre. meting, of a He p Carpets, eLace omr• lbte assort - sew ee just to of ,aints and th • 'village, we eqe ire a good on ville Flour . Highest Ffn 4, oats and r Binds juet to remit again, said et. et a prompt and 21 ilious attacks as Bitters. It ree- d cool and. makes 26 I have used D Corn and Wart recommend it a One bottle is w mein cure. (Signed,) F. C. Sod by Lamed Se forth. Er doi th ur pe off's Russian icator, and can all it professes. o us are missing. ougbes, Stratford. ilson, Druggists, 830x26 yee you will if y of Tor. Carson' purify your bloo tent. In large ei es, by the many gars Speedy Cure 1 minutest chemical cOnta.in none of too the public. Every a eptability to the i hes been compou e tablished by testi are therefore confid -Which we ca.n offer aloe that it wilt be aheolute cure for d trtial bottles at Lu Wife—What's tb t8 5. 2rn n er kills me. ciWife—Why don't s er's drug store an scfre throat, etc. , It liev ng ottl d and Weak I will ever get ke a bottle or two °mach Bitters to d tot* up the Bye- s 50 gents. 838.26 t van. Subjected to the nalys s it -ha been found to iest( tcifics daily offered ta ario =Comp mints for which ded, n facile)! is being lord Is hour y received. We ours tiot only a relief but en n ae inapt re blood. Free ;Are you troublee ea bid sores of any i Even though it ins th shadow of a dot Ian po d ever known. bu us or any skin t Sold at 25 cents giOts. 851.52m you get give ralgia and toothache ee al! such things as i 1Fita lit, relief. 851.52m with -tartlet*, rough lends, ind at cannot be healed ? of y ars stalnding McGregor. bt it s the beet healing corn- onbl , le al ke cured by it. L scion & ding- o eh st 0 ItFACE. Tq, Prelates, Sunburn, plel, lack Specks, Blot- s, & can be removed in - ICE 5C.PER BOTTLE So by ail Druggists. end eente for 'postage and eeive r e, a Costly box of goods of ei h r sex; to more money nytb n else in this world. • PRIZE. r 'eh will help all ht away than ortnnes await th nee address Tieu 0 ca 0 S[ eNi 'J�I�HZ a s G KAT TIV3 T BEG ;to info -AL maniefacturi te the e tire des compell to ea ment of our ac closed. 1 I hope! a sea 839 2 0+DW3IHD `niVZZSEA1 Grand Trunk Railways T sins leave Seaforth land Clinton etation as folio in GOIt0 WEST— SHAP4TH. 011. n and Bruce. 8 56 9 17 it ik, Gone Nowri1-1 Exeter CLINToN Hemsall Kippen reheefield Clinton 13) th Re grave floe Be grave Blyth Clinton Brucefield Rippon Exeter London, arrive ngham, arrive • 10 31 7 35 7 49 • • 8 69 9 08 9 18 9 28 10 30 Et el Br swift WI ghan.: 4 20 6 85 6 50 55 ExpAsse 2 5i 3 09 3 23 ft 32 2 • 62 10 Exp. 5 48 S 58 6 13 d 26 Bru eels 41 65 12 10 23 11 26 11 38 12 00 12 16 ST. JAMES HOTEL, ToRo To. SHARP & THIS Hotel, which is eft rated directly opposi Union Station, has ecently been re -fit and re -furnished thiougho t and is now one the best end Most comfor ble hotels in the ei tWEve!y possible atte tion paid to guests a ehargts very moderate. MEM AL. W G. S. MACPONALD deneey that lately occupi AubtiOn of V. LARDINE MACHINE OILS. Grinder, Bolt Cutting, Wool and Harness OILS. GOLD AND . SILVER MEDALS. -st Prizes and Diplomas 'Wherever Exhibited Since 1878. Take no other. AfcCOLL, BROS. tt TEAS CHEAPER THAN EVER. f ott want the best value that can be had in the Province for Tour money, call at the Th is the place to get the worth of your money. Black Tea, Green Tea, Japan Tea , tha,t are usually sold at 40c a pound, are Dow f3ellieg at 25c a pound, or five pon ds for $1. Also, the higher prieed teas are cut down to a ver cheap rate,. Sug rs are being sold as follows : 10, 11, 13, 15 clad 16 pounds of ach for $11,. Rai ins at 5o per pound, or 22 pounds for $1. Prunes, ditto. Tea dus very cheap. All jtinds of Groceries at the lowest possible prices. A full stock .1. Crockery', Chi a and Glaesware on hand and will be sold at e small advaece on cost ; in fact everything to be found in a first -elms grocery, can be had at he Seaforth Tea Store. Oatmeal exchanged for oats at mill rates. All goods d livered free. A. G. AULT, Main Street, Seaforth. r, &c. Office Mad reei- d by Dr. Hutchison, G. SCOTT, 4. D. &e, Physician,Surgeon and • Acconchour, Seafor h, Ont. Office and resi- dence Booth side Goder ch Street,second dein east af Presbyterian Chnr h. 842 McGill University,' hysioian, Surgeons east lithe Methediet Chorch. 49 1 se M.D. C. M., Id eneber_of t le College of Physic s and esidence sa me as for merly occupied -by Ir. EL IOT HOWARD EL IOT, Licentiate of the ,Boyal College of Phygiciane and ;Surgeons, lEclin- burgh ; Licentiate in 83 26 WILLIAM ;GUN , Licentiate of the Roianl College of Pht sici ns ud Surgeons, Ed urell ; late of the Hies - don, &gland. pital for Women, Lin - EVE, EM A DR. CEORCE Ear and Throat, Trinity to, teed Surgeon to the M firmay. Late Clinical A Ophthalmic Hoop' tel, Throat and Eat Hospit CHURCH ST RYERSON, Lecturer on the Eye edieal College; Tor u- reter Eye and Ear I -distant Royal Lon on O. OARTWRI ei Stratfo 0, will be at his Office Seafo th, opposite the Cern- Mercial otel, every Wednesday and Thu sday, exeept the week when Tu sday corms first of the mon h, and in C inton the aecord Friday of each mon h, at the Grand U lion Hotel. Teeth ex- tracted without pain. Charges moderate and tenni; cash. 730 -2 - `�I utt WOrILL N MILLS. g or be account., that owing ruction Of my mill fire, I am ounts, as the bo s must be to Serbool of Dentistry. Offic Whitney' Block up the s steirie as the late M. D. VVATSOfs Faquity Gold Metialist and Coll Gold Medalist, oronto School of Medi ine. DENTIS Teeth Easily nd Carefully tir Charges Moderate. -ta the late Mr. 13uggin, I ill complete all op tion begun be! him satisfactorily to each pati Blo k, Main Street, Sea orth. lso on - me ge ty. of nt. er's R BLOOD YRU 'Cures Compl Syphilis,. Cancer, Catarrh,. 'Ulcers Mood Diseases of t ton. $1000 reward to any find, on analysis of 110 Blood Syrup, one Pa dide of Potassium', o ance. 'SOLD EVE Vticer ;MOO For ot Rhenmatis nd Skin a every descri chemist who w bottles of Sha ticle of Menu any mineral su 11 er 0, or Biz for MOO. st, Seaforth. Sail fromiPler 20 No Every Sat GLASGOW VIA RATES OF WABDi ocher Line Drafts is paid free of charge in E Ire and. LINE TEAMSTIIPS River, Now York, ay, for , ELFAST OR LIVER ap GMOND. d at lowest rate sr gland, Scotland an OTHERS, 7 Bon S. DICKSON, Po 2 vs .4r enesee • • 11, 14 1"i:4-LIEF:of .1p3 ‘41677 C V DR 011 9 Solicitor, C-onveyan'ter, &c, Money to Than. 0.91e0 in Meyel's Block, Main Stmet, Seafortla. 794 -a-v• lead at lowest rates of interest. 01214O Corner al Sqtare and West Street, Onderich. 77 Wm .Proucildot 686 ' etAMEROlti, HOLT 86 CAMERON, Barriaterite Selicitote in Chancery, le..) Goderich, Ont. 07011. .506 1 W.0 . MEYER, Barrietee and Attorney •4 for taking affidavite the Provenee of Manitoba,. Solicitor 1 or the Bank of Hamilton, Wingbarn. Private f lend s to loan at 6f t o fie per eent. 6,88 MANNING & SCOTT, Baneiseers, COVVCYane2r81, Solicitoes for the Bank of Johnston, 'Tisdale & Gale. • latency to loan. Office, Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MANNINO, ja,75nis SCOTT. 781 of Hamilton. Corennissioners for taking allith vits in Manitoba. Private funds to loan at 0 pet cent. Lucknow office every Wednesday. H. METXR. E, L. DIOSINEON. 738 T ATE wit hCameren,Holt Ca moron, Godericin Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyaneer, &e. Money to losen I3enson's Old Office, Cardno's Block, Seaforeh. -VOTARY Public, Conveyancer, Commiesioner, -LI &e. Ciflice Carneichaers Block, (ground lend. Farms and houses for sale. 830 BUSINESS CHANCE! F. HOLMESTED, The undersigned begs to announce to the pub- lic that he has purchased the general store bust- nesS, hitherto carried on by Mr. Henry Schafer, in Itippen, and is determined to place it in the fro k ranks of general stores in the County of Hu on. Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries., Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, &c., Will be found well assorted and complete, with splendid linee of Spring Goods arriving nearly eve y day. We show excellent values in New 1,0 Cot nache, Shirtings, Dress Goods, Prints, Cot- ton , Carpets, Tweeds, Ducks, Denims, &c., which were bought for cash at a discount, of which we willtive our customers the advantage. Remember, we do not quote low prices for low grae ed goodsonerely for a catchpenny, but mean to keep a first-class stock and sell it as cheap as 0 Band examine our stock and _prices and con - vin e yourself before purchasing elsewhere, as we are!eatiefied yen cannot get as good goods at the same prices. Butter and. Eggs taken in exchange, for which the ligheat prices wi 1 be laid.. No Trouble to Show Goods - Five per cent. disconnt allowed on all cash pur chafes exeeeding $1 after March 1st. i ID. WEISMILLER. CiiNADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. ' HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Pelie up Capital, .!9, 00000, 0, 00000 resici:ent, Hon. Wm,. McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. rec ive deposits, on which interest s allowed on lehe Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to the rnost favorable terms. Pratt; on all the principal towns and' cities in Cara, on Great Britain, and on tne United St tee, bought and sold, Office—First door South of the Comraertial 6/3B A. H. IRELAND, Manager. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. Ilhe Royal Hotel, SAFORTH, ONTARIO. JAMES WEIR Ttlt EGS to inform his old friends and the travel- -A-1 ling public that having purchased this new an commodious h otel building, he has thorough- ly 0 -furnished and re -fitted it from top to hot- ter , and it is now one of the most comfortable an convenient hotels in the county. I3y strict at ntioia to the wants of his customers he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. The roome are all well furnished and well heated. The hex wi I be kept supplied with the best, . and an at - 4 te tative and trust worthy hostler well always be in ft ttendance Good sample rooms for Commer- member the "Boyal Hotel," corner of Main an Goderich Streets, Seaforth. 733 JAMES WEIR, Proprietor QUCCESSOR to late film of MeCanghey & Holmested, Barrister, Solleitor, Conveyancer and Notary'. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank ef COMODICTCC. Money to lend. Farms for vale. Office in Scott's Block, Main street, Seafoth. AND 'MACHINE SHOP IN FULL -BLAST AGAIN I ALL sorts a repairs of Ageicultural Imple- ments, Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Work, &c., done with despatch. We sell John Abell'e isc-powsr and Stearea Threshers, Saw Mill Rigs, zeta{ ionary and Portable Engines, the " Victor' double Haller ar4 "Bird- ' Clover Machines, &c. We also keep on hand repairefOr an machines and engines made by Jehri A lave steck of Plow Pejo ts, &e., kept contitant- ly on hand. All sorts of castings done with despatch. We ran supply you with any artiele in the trade on the shortest possible notice. Pkaae give use. trial. 856x26 PORT BROS., Wroxeter -1.;TFOLK PIG.—The undersigned wilikeep lot 21, conceesion 2, L. R. Tackeramith, a Thoroughbred Seifolk Boar. This animal was recently putchased from the well-known breedcas, A. Franks & Son, and is fre m in,ported stock on both sides. Terms,—S1, payable at the time of service with the privilege of returreing if neCCSE1Ty. GEORGE PLEWES. 783 " • County of Huron. Seises attended in all parte of the County. All ordete left at the EX. -A-1-• County of Huron. Sties of alldeseriptions promptly attended to on n asonable terms. Ad- dress Broods Pe 0. oe apply on Lot 4, Con- cess!on 12, Grey. 77 TAI1ES CAMPBELL, Licensed, Auctioneer, Let " 10, Concession 14, Mcliillop) Sales Conduct- ed ()lithe Most reasonable teams, toxl satisfaction guaranteed, All orders addressed to Walton P. 0. will receive prompt attention, JAMES CAMPBELL. 849-t. 1. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT , THE HURON EXPOSiTOR OFFICE SEAFORTlal, ONTARIO, NO WITNESSES REO'Ul