HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1884-07-11, Page 76 A German. Girl's Perseverants and. Pluck Finally Rewarded. Thelittle village -of Hombargh,Baden Germany, has something to boast of i the person of Lena keets. Lena wa the only daughter of a weelthy Burgo master Sues, the wealthiest man of th village. Lena W&B the toast of the ex!eintry fo 'tense around. She was a perfect rnod of beanty and grace'. The frame of he exceeding great beauty was continuall bringing her offers of marriage fro young men whose station in life was great deal higher than hers. She r fused them all, however. She w about five feet three inches in heigh A wealth of luxuriant blonde ha flowed in graceful disorder far dow below her shapely waist. Her featur were delicate and her beautiful pin complexion was the envy and.admir tion of some of her lees handsome b more wealthy ueighbcirs. Her rosebu of a mouth was always in a rougis pout. People wondered that she cou hear anything through her small pi ears. She had everything elle wish for. Until she wee 19 yeses of age Len remained heart whole. One morning il, tastrapping young fellow entered th village. He carried his worldly pos sessions in a huge cotton handkerchi tied to the end of a stout stick an slung across his shoulder. He was strong and.good natured that every on was prepossessed in this favor et once.- When, therefore, he applied to old Bur- gomaster Gratz the -latter at some em- ployed him. The new comer vasa na- tive of America. His name .was John. Daganon. He became at once the pet of the village. The ?maidens set their asps for him. Three montheafter it was understood, however, that he had fallen desparately in love ith the coquettish little daughter of his employer. The capricious little beauty ttearly &dyene him crazy. She would smile on bi one day, and again for weeks afterwards he could not get a kind -word or loOk from.her. He was not the kind -of a fellow to stand this treatment long, it seema. One night he made known his love to her and asked her to be 'alewife. To his great surprise .he naively mur- mured e Yes." There was a condition attached, how- ever—hee. father's consent. He went to his employer. The father said : "There is only one <obstacle. Renounce your country. •I cannot allow my daughter to wed a native of the land whose pm-, ple are continually insulting ourbeloved Bismarck:" The young man indignantly 4eclined this proposal. He would never renounce his country. "Then you will never merry my Lome" shouted the enasperated old man " You can also leave stay house as fast as you can." John obtained an interview with Lena before he left the house. While she could not blame himefor not renonia6ine his country, she steadfastly refused' tomarry him without herfather's con- sent. John left the village. He -started back for his nave land. He was sincerely mourned lay the honest villagers. That was six -months ago. Lenatnever ceased to love him. Her father died about three months ego. All his money was left to her_ After her father was filially laid at rest Lens resolved •to come to America. She wanted to find her sweet- - heart. All she knew of him was that he was in America. She arrived in this country a few weeks ago. She searched all the large cities throughout the United States for him without avail. e n 8 e r el rn a e - as t. air n es ut th Id ed a a e ef d BO e The last place the faithful girl scoured was. Chicago. When she could find no trace of John there she determined to return home. .For this purpose she started for New York. Last night she arrived at the Grand Central depot. The b.ackmee who surrounded the vast building when 'the trains arrived singled her out for legitimate prey. A' rush was made for her by several of therm .8he became frightened. She did not know what to do. " Oh, let me alone, please," the poor foreigner pleaded ; "1 do not want a carriage." The only reply was the demoniacal yell "Hack, lady? Take mine. "Hack ? any part of the city." She was being pulled about in every direc- tion. S,u.cidenly a stalwart young fellow who had been sitting on the box of one of the new cheap cabs jumped to the ground and yelled as he ran towards the struggling haoknaen : " Leave that woman alone. Do you mean to pull her to pieces ?" liisfists flew out in ,every direction. The mob jumped to their feet and ran away. As he turned around. to the trembling woman he began : "Please accept a seat"— Suddenly he threw his arms aroun; the young girl, and as he did so he cried : "Bless my soul, its little Lena !" She recognized him almost at the same time, and cried out as she fainted: " Oh, thank God, John, I've found you at last !" He put her into his coach, and drove her to his humble home in Harlem. He placed her under the care of his mother, after explaining who she was. It is probable that the happy couple will be married in a day or two, or as soon as Lena recovers from the fatigue of her long seareh.=New York Journal. A New and. Formidable Farm Pest. A new pestof a eerions character ap- parently threatens with destruction the cultivation of the mangel wartzel in this Province and throughout the Con- tinent. Reports of the threatened de- strucition of the entire mongol crop come from York, Scarborough and Markham, where the pest has not been known until this year. It is a small white maggot, about a quarter of an inch in lehgth, of great numbers and ztctivity, and. most voracious appetite< It burrows into the mangle leaf, and works rapidly up betwixt the cuticles teeing away the pith in large areas. When it emerges it crawls rapidly an ineh, farther oia, burrowing a second, time repeats its devastation, so that a whole leaf is destroyed and begins to wither in a day or two. Leaves we have seen contain a dozen maggots, and half the pith had been eaten out in a few hours. Mr. Brodie, the Presi- dent of the Natural flietory Society, has been investigating the habits of the insect, which is - enirely new to him though he thinks it the same as , that reported to him last year from the county of Bruce. The from Europe. It is the Pegoinitia Biceolor wel European mangel fields, so on the common-dock in neglected pastures bot this Continent. Under the maggot appears to with enormous jaws, de and held by musolenof bility. With these MU down into its maw the tench as a man pulls do mow. After attaining drops to the ground, -a ing in the pupa stage for days emerges as a ly same stages again. I there must betwo or th maggots every year. Ho the pest in difficult to im underoover of the tw leaf, insecticides cannot Je have much effect in check 'ng The wholesale cessation t of the mangel for a. year not rid us of the pest, as is botanically closely alli gel, abounds everywhere come to stay. Theonl ing it within limits is fi or an insect which wil Wo doubt such a check Europe • and if not 'should be imported from Laragget ooree$ " Mandrae I or Dandel V - of th Hence, when these rem own iti blued with ethers equally feeder ale And oompeunded in Ho &Wanda a wonderfel and Payste re*andon power is ideVeloped„ which icroseope in its operatiions that no' be iiinahe41 health eatr possibly sea power, andyet it is Harmless for the itrigt weakest Invalid or Doane 1 1 caikreten, 11. 1 1 46 pa !on I -!dies • Bi' ne 'is s: ply ' seri It MO cies it1 th si4 the hay ' fr rnturit aft' r rer Bev n or o peat o r cli roo deal . A es pect ts ret e c two ock, the' iepe hoe of din a p / pr y, up is now now ehe at coal act. y4 lack perfect, cited's, r TO mos very few (Mire it. delights , ite Or °light Man, o t an or he Concerning The noble creature tits or two points of bein among these may be co general absence of tact. men tact is inborn; to is it even possible to a feminism mind, it is true nanch, as a general thin speech. An evasion is a white lie al fearful joy; contrary—man ammeter° blunt and honest. It mi said., indeed, that the v cannot possess tact. It is a to their natures. The h before speech cannot be hearty and genial coil most well-intentioned al men, was reqaested-byhi tertain a lady visitor unt herself had finished her *tending to the reception lessor beamed upon the smile whose kindly warm gone far to overcome the wild storm that raged terrible day, professor," with a pleasant smile. madam," the honest gent ed ; " a wild day. I was my wife that those who day had better stay .1 sudden rigidity settled n .enanee_of the lady, and could net understand wh so coldly to his descripti variety of fern whioh be h Rather worse than the a mild old pastor with peppery wife. So small she wanted to touch his to table, ineeonjugal warn obliged to slip far down i almost disappearing fro the same instant a corres might be observed in the also betrayed himself b Eh, my dear ? What ?'' adomonished that this wot promised to "'mend. Very er clergyman dined with h sorbed in discussion of th tries, be unconsciously served gdest nearly all of a-dish,of rar — i ht ry im bit ao pal. Imo est ossi ftho ire te ex, - y ij aul0 leaf, m air sigh the a t with it is f the ' ed age, ltu e 0' 116 t ee e ni BD an th w me T ve ge rof sso d &ale s sI wife t oile te. 1 te ho TOO OUT pre nee wi h h net av effects of th egai the ad outeide. In eed t is etna,n oin justis g t ad lio e to the on th c c he prof she list ;n of a d dis ov red e professor a tit 880 Bre as eh at h rig 8 her OD past ai Upo id no 001Vat m an lost and fie table' like' agate 11 1 th di 0, an ti in as c air, At rise He ied ing he th- ab- r. ur do br e4rly peas. At this Juncture the nk al- most from view below the hor- izon, The minister was 1 re, er- end Jack-in-the-box, and b Eh?" Then recollecting instrne lone, e s sided, and and remarked blandly, "II think they will go 'round, my de.r 1" ither of these men was capable f aim st ny heroic act, and it is, to be semi n t a vital failing, this want of t:et. ; , Many things, however wh"ch themselves are far enough frond vi do much to effect Our liv s, and D3 a worried woman would b corne 'lac and many a home free fro nnlasi contretemps, if only the aste, co be gifted with a bit of th t divi p session, taot.—Boston Con ier. A Great Tallrzr. 1! Mathias Mergridge, of U ion ettle- ment, Wayne county, Pa., celiora ed his 86th birthday in the sa e hone: t at he had lived in for sixty-foa seats He is possessed of a wonder ul oe, as well as of a rensarkable flo of' Ian n - age. Mb used to take Brea de i ht in exhibiting his vocal powers. One of is feats was to stand on the t p of, ill in the valley and deliver a peech of n hour in length that could e diet no ly heard in the two villages ono 'th ee miles south of the hill and t e other t e same distance northeast. He d n Horace Greeley once an talk de a . straight streak for two hon s, not even stopping long enough to spi g; his departnre he said he w uld' hp n again when he would have line enou h to talk a little while. He got started 'n a hotel at Honesdale once and Itelk d continuously for twenty -s yen bon s, $10 to stop at the end of the eleven h notwithstanding he had been Iciffer d hour. in al, ny id, Ont iid. 08- • Great Succes • Two hundred bottles sold i on ee Why ? Because it is a genuine tic e, and does all it profeeses. ha ? r. Scrapemoff's Russian Corn an a t Eradicator. For sale by -all dr ggis 9. 887.52. Vital Questionsl! Ask the most eminent ph sioi n Of any school,- what is th best:,thi g in the world for quieting an allaying 1 irritation of the nerves, and curing 11 forms of nevous compla'ate,1 givi g natural, childlike refreshin sleep 1 - ways ? And they will tell you un esitating y "Some form of Hops ! 1" CHAPTER Ask any or all of the mo t emine t physicians " What is the best and only reme 11 diseas that can be relied oie to cure of the kidneys and urinary o as Bright's disease, diabetes or inability to retain urine, a diseases and ailments pecu men "— " And they will tell yo and emphatically " Beam 1" Ask the same physicians "What is the most reliable cute for all liver diseases or constipation, indigestion, malaria, fever, ague. &a," aij tell you : gars; suc retentio d all t iar to ev explicitl 18 h and sure- t yspepsia ; iliousness, they will ",letut or ne = • ; For years, and given up cf Bright's and tither ki liner ooraplaints, severe .00nsureption, have been Women gene nearly or From ag+riy of nen teas: wakefnleess, and v peculiar to Women. drawn out of s eruciatirig pangs of rheu matory and hronio, or scrofula. ErysiPela " Saltthe m, blood pth „tis, indigest on, and, in f diseases frail " ,Natute ie eir to Have been mired 1-1Y proof Of which can be fo neighborhood in the kne ✓ cm - le. ra, stuck tirative **tried or ill eSist its 1 , vi,orrian, to Use. t*:1 1401111,13s, iiseaees, oaled, ere Us- dise ses f om ext inflkn- g ,from ent ly p • ney I, °nig red i • OU ape atis uffe nin et, Ho w ntl Nene are genuine w tho of _green. Hops on the wh t Shun all tib vile, poison() se " Hop " o I ; "Hops" in the 8621.52ara ! • ep- all Bitt TB, n eery rd. WROX:ETER ALEK.1 Begs to anneiunce to -the bli has commenced to.ori rat WROXETER WOOLLEN F and thee he FU L and vari ill be pre 1good 'value i LOTHS, 'DS, JNON TWEE F ANNELS, LAIDING I WINCE tie in STOOK1 lijo OUST M GAI Spinning and1 Fullingmro ed. to. i Parties, froin a distance possible, have their Rolls them, an aspie has put . good wor inorder and e: tut effiCent workmen warranted. t ,, .. . Reme be Itbe Wroxeter AL. L. GII30 PROORI re be oh label. ith naxie. that he he 0 Y. give 5, G B148. D 4GJ, pt13 ttte d. iill,ar as ho with he '11 into Pir Done 11 lw rk is Milks 0 0 0 1 rn z 0 rn m 3 1-1 0 flI 0 ce le 41 1 M GRI6ULTURIAL P The Glencoe A acturing Company he farmers of Our rranged with W. H. VERA Exeter, MONRO1 ,Se HOGAN, Seaf THBIA hie ONALD, Mite o keep constantlY t n hand all rep ME icultural ImpleOent hav-e pleasure lin in n and Perth tha the WROUCHT IRON HARV nd all other Irn4 em, also for all th ctured by TH MP rd. Ail orders fo4 Mac addreseed to Ho ceive prompt ten lements manuf machines forn ON tt WILLIA rLn ng have ctur4ld by rly iiinu. S, o1S rat. iner3, left with eir a ent, 33, HENS will ion. I.. BOWER nt. I r IA• • r -- • . . R E ki.ORON P ITOR1 r, 0 AL ESTATE FOR SA E. Ar. VOR ALE.-Lot27 and Oa house theren, formai • s Cull. pply to S. Me0a the Est te of the late Donald MoCA. GHEYand M. Mo High Seat, and ly owned tly 0. H. 08 • 8. 0. ghey, rutor of McIn4 ID,Ex utors 832 E.-borh half of north half of lot ost of this land is ition for meadow iticulars apply to throp P. O. 819 tf • ACRE FA3M F " lot 804 and Dort 31, conlusion 9, meg seeded, and inexooli or pature. For fu Ll*DRE W GO VENL half o llopl• nt con her p CE,Wi POR f3APE.-7A co fortab sholps; suitable far bia maker, iin a goodpart of the The coltag° is' in goo repai eftnatei . The whole propert iblook r separately, nd ve, W. N. WAIION, See ortii. e oottagland two •smith aid wagon town or businee. ;a onhdo ips leaA808 p: t tl yo will. be solditf FAR48A3e FOR ALE. -11,.. or ea o a fa dontai reposed of lot o. 2, in 9th co95nces rBiso,ubin t ftghec jtownshlp of NY, in county of Huron, mosjly cleared a d 'free 1 stumps Therelie a bank be,in 54x14 i a house aid two good lolls. The ab e prop w4 Us. the incorporat d village of 15 SOO. farther particulars ap ly to D. DOBSON, on premie s, or to Brass ls P. 0.. 8 ng the the Om ick rty For the 7 TT 011 E' FOR 8 4L .-For sale t at desir A-1- ptioperty onT4Toli Street, Seato th next to St. Thomaa church parsonae, an no cupied iv Mi. Soole. rhere is good .to4e fou tion, first-class cellar, six bedroom'', aror,di room aeld a good kitobon. AI, a la geoods hard and soft water, a new stable, ind1 all necessaries cmplete. .For fuLther artio apply td the proprieto . D. ROSS, Sea&rth. ble oor oo- da- ng ed, her lars 880 .•_-. TTOUSE FOR SA E OR fo BENT.- or 4-4- sale or to rent, a dwelling bowel and 1 ot, south of the -railway t 4, adjoining Ole tow of Seaforth. There is th ee (wafters V. en aor of land all well fenced • lso a good orchard o it. The housois commodions and comfortable, ith a good cellar. and woo tshed ; also hard and oft water coiivenient. W ll be sold cheat . A ply on the premises to Ithe undersigne M S. W. T. AMENS. ' 8.5 1 ; FA RIt FOR SALE. North half of lei 29, on- , . cession 8, Morris, ontaining 100 a res, 4 of winch ii,re cleared aud early free fron stn pe. There are on the' prein ses a good log house ud frame stable, two neve failing wells and an x- cellent orchard of al lost tWo hundred f uit trees, all beaing. 1 e farm is coevenie tly ther partioula apply to F. S. SOOIT, 91ruis, situated, being ouly tt o and a half mi es fr m Brussels and t irteen om Seaforth. For f r or to RICHARD LEE . Lindsay. p4 • 1`ARM IN TUCKE SMITH FOR SALE.- -A- FOr ale, lot 24, oo oeseion 3, II. R. S. Tu k- ersmih, contaidog 10 acres, 85 of w 'eh re cleared; the retnainde is hardwood bus . Th re is a gohd brick houie and frame out nildit.e.s. There is a oplaudid orc ard and plenty f wat r. It is convenient to echo 1 and churoh. It is wi h - in five lather of tietiforth and six of Caution, w th good gravel roads lead* to both places. or further particulars apply on the premises or to Seater P. 0. ROBEtT MoVEIY. 51 VAR IN McKILLOP Foe 1SALE.-or s McKill p, containing 1 0 acrs, of bier ab -1; on reasomlbe tams, lot 12, ;c4onession 85 are chered, well under -drained, well fen and in good state 'Of cultivation. There 1 innall o chard and plen3, of good water.: Th is a spr ng creek ruonicg through fireplace. A good fr me buildiogs. 1 Convenientto echo and po t office, and within five miles 6t Sertfor with a good gravel read all the way. For furt peril& ars apply to the proprietor on lot concession 6, or to Bellwood P. 0. RO 8E1 McKE.RACHER. ' 860 , . 1 'ARM IN GREY FO SALE.- For sale cheap, i -a-- lot 4, concession I', Grey, containing 1 JI aces, about 70 acres cle red,..free from stump s, Well tenteed analio a ikigii state of ouldivation the balance is well timbered, there being seven tierce of black ash and cedar. There is .,a good orchard and splendid spring wet r. It hi situa- ted within one mile of(the tlonrishi.g nilage of. Walton,' where there arrei ohn relies, be 00, stores, mid, cheese factory, t. It islso Within a: i miles of1Brussels o.0 a 4•oo•ligra el ro d. ruunit g 8il past thaplace. 1 A ood noitr- rame hot's° aed first claSs ontindldinga. ! TM8 farm will be so d on reae nable terms, as phe 1,rc'l)rietoz wants to get moro land. [ Apply on the 'prem see or to Walton . 0. THOS. goF. 'ZEAN. : 861x12 1 4 VARM FOR SALE. -For •L: lot 7, concession 12; fi !wee a ut 40 of whiehiare free Loona stumps and Julia hi tion. Tll ere is a good frame and a niver failing sprin,,,e• or the plac . Is within a Oita school aad is conveniencIto gravel r ad runuing pasV the ciits particult address HarlOck lot 6, a) ncession 12, Hello Propriet r. 4, rat' ed re SQ IS 11; er 3, ale, the east half of Ilett, containing 50 cleared, vi,0111fenced, un, tw orchard ," h ate ;f lenitive beh: running through r of a tulle of a. arkets, Stp. A good face. For lfurtber . 0., or apply on 1. THOS. eIMOS , 861 VARM FOR SALE 0 -A- or to rept, the sout sion 5, Morris, two mile ing 100 cres; 80 acres c 52 acres n crop of all ki and cro s now growng, whi There ar 10 acne of fall whe 25 acres f spring crops alnd a roots; b lance good pastlure. sion at once. Apply ito PE GrEORG ARMS rRoN, B VARM FOR SALE. --Por 1-. firstfolass land, being lo of lot 13, concession 9,AcKi ed and in a good state oR' c meander good hardwood bush uuder-dr tined, well feticd, never failing Spring cieek stable and log barn, two 4omf and two Orchard, It i con and churches. Is eight mile eight from Walton. For apply oq the prexnisoel or Winthrop I'. 0. TO ha fro ear ds. RENT-Fer sale of lot 22, conces- Brusse, eoutaip- d. Therelar nearlv t Will ren h look 1,15 aoj 1 acre an Will gi ER TH easels. the farni rroMiaiing. s of hay , a half of e psses- ON or 663 sale, 150 atlires of 12 and the east half op; 130 acre clear- ltivation he re- . Theland is well two wells and 4. • frame been and rtable log houses, enient to Schools from Seafo t h and urther partiicularo to R: G. ROSS, 862 SPLENDID FARMS F R SA. -For sale,lhe farm occupied by the underigned, iin tha gravel road, one mile noith of heafor th. Th. farm contains,175 acres, or which 160 are c eared, nearly all well under-drined, Well fenc el and clear of foul weeds. Pllenty of spri g water. There is a large brickrcesidence, commodious bank barns, stook stableN driving sheds and all otierce, surronnde other necessary ontbuildticfby a beautif I hedge, There is a vinery f three besides a large Orchard oftthe choicest f ui trees 11 18 one Of the beat and Handsomest far in th Huton tract. Also 1ot33s on the 13th c1oriession -of McKillp, containing 75 acres, 52 acr s c eared Good buildings. To be &lid sith or witho t th crop. Pessession at once. ROBERT Grt VEN- LOCK, Saforth. 3 VI/ANTED. BUTTER AND EGGS AT THE Gro4ery D6part D CA.N & DLN CHE ain Street, Seafo th. P UCARS4 CH —AND A STOCK 0_F: G IOC to select F rmers ICE TEAS RI Con their ow interests ould do bring their Butter an Eggs tot MONTREAL 11 n ting ell to E. D 8. CAPBELL, Pro noial -IL' • and Civil Engineer. qrdersb ly attended to. • D. IL CAMPBEL nr 12701 nipS PLO A Car Lad CHILLD PL O. O. Agri ultur41 I of Genii]. WS & J ST RECEIV Which will be, Bold at old pric import duties', the subscriber stock, imported One Htindred tariff; consequently, he s en stook is exhausted. Call and ferior article. Every Pilow A full stock of Maesey Re Toronto MoWers, Toronto Co Sharp's Rake, all of whiola w of all kinds always on hand f before buying a machine. NEW • TH McB WIL plement notwithstan eing determine and Fifty of the bled to sell the see those Plows ranteed to give pers and 'Mass d Binders and 11 besold cheap r the above Jrna 0. C. W LLSON, PLOWS! otith Bend JKY PLOWS, N'S ar room, Seaforth) ng the, increase of 10 per cent. to keep those valuable Plows in a few day e before the rise in the at former prices until the present bef re buying a common of in -- esti faciion or no sale. y iIowors, Toronto Reaps and Ma sey's LOw Down Binder, and and jon ieasonable terms. Repairs hhaes. Don't fail to see my stock la n treet, Seaforth. FIR 1 SEAFOftTH THE RE SEAFORTH. L R MILLS, MILL. Having b,ough the above mills and refitted th end best machnery that could be procured for GlIADUAL R-DLIOTION tAknd the result attained- ;is, the have one of 4he Farmers' can now get alt their RISTING and C and have it hoine with them the same day, ane Sa fr m Strathroy, re t1hroighout with all the latest a • • Pr...40T_TR; B i 1T" -A For sale by the ton or in less quantities—FOR CA of Wheat. MR. t.CHO AS SMITH will personally McBR upe LLER MILL, est 011118 in the Province. OPI'ING done in Seaforth, isfaption Guaranteed. H., Cash for any quantity EiSt SMITH. intend' the Seaforth Roller CO (Jz- ( 1..J _JD We show this loths, Table Nap 11 kinds of Line week a ins, D' Goock. xi Whit and Cream Mus uitable for Ladle mbroideries and antle and Dres f Parasols from .A. and -C] Inserti Silks c Oc to $4 0 1T, ne range of Table yle4 Towels, and Extra good value ins and Sateens, ilthen's Drsses. f0 Trimming. e134 Full stock ns ..APO I1111-1. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ARM INGREY FOR SALE. -For sale on -easy ternt, part of Lot 5, Ooncessio 8, con- t ning 86 acres, bout 60 Cleared 4nd well f eed ; good bank arn and stables' 68x 5 ; two a es of a beating or hard; one anda h If miles f m school, and two front Brussels. For fur - ti; :r particulars ap ily on thel premise • or to Bli 1 ssels P. O. WA TER GOV PNLOC . 865 -1APPY HOME ' ON FERTILE F:RMS.- Farmere and took -Raisers atterati la! The S .katchewan Hora stead Company ha e half a s• Ilion acre s Of the pboiceatpark count in the O sadian North -We 1. Settlements at rescent L: ke, North Saska !Iowan, and Red Dor, com- p Pe rich and beant ful tracs, greatly dmired. A. useful Settlers' G ido, with Maps, sen free on aPnlication. Where or you metin to set le road tHis book firt. J HN T. MOORE, lanaging D ector, 82 Kitag sir et east, To, onto 865-4 RM FOR SALE:E.-For sale, Lot 2, Coicession 16, township of rey, containing 100 cres of w ich there are bets reen 60 and70 'acres bleared, a suiteble either 1 r grain grOwiug or crazing. T re is a good Iran e barn andllog hous , and a d bearing orchar of choice ;fruit, an4t plenty rood water. This is a splendi chance fur any p rjson wishing k goo 1 farm. Ap •ly on e pre- m es' or to Walton P 0. 5.3;3 WM. S TH. of Ji ac th fa, in an go pl of is co Th st Wi pr th ARM FOR SALE. For Sale Lot f' , Con- cession 6, East Wawamsh,1 contain ng 150 es, about 10d of which are cited and fit for tivation, and nearly the whol seeded • grass; a barn 40x80 eet, both new. T ere i. a t balance is well ti bered with hardwo d. The is well fenced al d has on it plenty 1 fenc. timber. There is a, comfortable fram house II bearing orchard of choice young tr es. and Pty of good spring watir convenient fo htock i a windmill pump. It is within thre miles be prosperous vilI ge of Belgrave whim e there railway, mills, st res, churches and a 1 other veniences. lhere1 is a schobl adjoii?g it, iS farm is well a apted eith r for In or k, and the land 1s never been much c, opped. be sold cheap. A mly to the Proprietor on the hies, to MR. C. HAMILTO, Blyt , or to. 'undersigned, Bel eve P. O. WM. D BBIN. 5 M. 8 VARNI FOR sion 2 Eas perty wini be s up an est te. land, abotit 14 ings and drcha W. FAR AN, ALE --For sde, Lot :34, Comes- Wawansh. This desirable pro - Id tbis summer, in order to close t cousists of 200 acres of choice d: or particulers apply to W• acre cleared; good farm build- linten P. 0. 865 PLEN kj 34, eree, ab timbered first class stumps, seeded to spring ere waste or ID FAR 4 FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot ncession 4, McKillop, containing 100 nt 70 cl ared and the balance well ith hardcedar. T e cleared land is free from locd and about 5 acres of 11 under. drained, well fenced and all rafts! exce0 10 acres. There is a good k rufnnin through the place and no wet land a splendid orchard of the choicest ruit,I alsoi a good, comfortable stone house, all nice1y finiiihed and well laid out, also good barn sheds aid sthlea. There is a well and cieter • at the h nse. The f arm is clean mad fro ter o with nearly fre and a qus burn, and easy • foul weeds. Is within one mile thel prospeione village of Kin - n sixf miles of Seafoith. Terms wil be s Id either ith or without the orOP. Apply on be pr mises, or address Constance P. 0. WM. N. M MIC El ABTA. 865-4 VARM I the n McKillop, fenced, we cultivatio best of ha free from There are rth f wl 1 un . T wo twin ood two large 3 oun 2i- miles fr4m t forth, and 8 fr roads leadi g to sown with 'all one block, br 60 Apply on the pi' THOMAS SOU KILLOP FOR SALE. -For sale, 32 a:Cres of lot 15, concession 14, ieh 1100 acres are cleared, well • er-drained and in a high state of se balance is timbered with the d. 'There are eighty acres nearly s, anid 200 rods of board fence. ramcl buildings, three wells, and beira'ng ochards. It is situated , e vil age di Walton, 12 from Sea- m russls, with good gravel each plac. There are 14 acres heatThe farm will be sold in acres of .1t, to suit purchaser. fliiset, or ddress Walton P. 0. ER. i 828 MON STRAIGHT 10 able ha privilege pal money STED, f ye borr at a iste EY TO LOAN. ins al 6 per cent., interest pay V, Or 6i per cent. yearly, with wer of repaying part of princi- y fink. Apply to F. HOME- , Seaorth, 850 tY Ju1,1, 1884 SEAFORTH STOVE AND TINWARE: EMPORIUM. 0. M. WHITNEy Always keeps on hand a full line of the latest styles of COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES. Their beauty shows them and; the, price sells them. TINWARE Of every description always in sceise, We make all our goods, and guarentea them good and right in price. A full line of Table and Pocket [Cute lery at very low prices. We have a fine ot of Granit e 'kettles. in stock for preserving, &c. AU sizes and prices. EAVETROUGHING. All kinds of jobbing Work promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting goods in my the it will pay them to see my stock I and compare prices. Seatorth Cheap Stove ce Tin House,, O. M. WHITNEY, Late Whitney Brothers.. • THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE, STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM. HEADQUARTERS FOR Washburn MoOrt TWO4OINT Steel -Barb Fencing Wire; SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WORT - MAN & WIRD • CELEBRATED BARlia CHURL See them before you buy any other.. Best brands of •ENGLISH WHITE LEAD —AND -e Linseed Oil—Raw and Bale. Farm and Garden Utensils at bottom prices. JAS. A. CLINE & CO. TEAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES.. AT THE— POST OFFICE STORE We have just received a large CO/18421-s rnent of Teas, which, we intend johteng; off at wholesale prices. If you have' not already tried Charlesworth's Team do Boat once. Five Pounds of Young 8071 for $1. Five Pounds of our Fifty Cent Tea tor $2. Five Pounds of our Sixty Cent Tea for $450. Five Pounds.of our Seventy- five Cent Tea for $3.00.. Our three pound Tea for $1 is super- ior to any 40c tea in the Market. M. rA• C H A E SW 0 RT I-1. —OF— ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. —1-* A. STRONG, Saforth, Agent GREAT REDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES 1 --- ] Cabin rates from Qin boa to LiVerpool and Lon- onderry, 860; $70 and $80. Return, $110; 81.35 nd $150. Intermediate limn Quebec to. Liver- ol, Londonderry and G-laspw, $36.75; Return, 73.50. Steerage from SeLath, $23.90. Money Loaned and Real Eastate Bought and Sold as Usual. INSURANCE. I represent several of the; best 'Insurance Com- panies iii the world. 1 AOffice-Market Stret, Seafoitb. 862 A. STRONG. A SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. The undersigned offers for sale his Blacksmith- ing and Wagon making es*blishment in the lage of Egniondville, together with the tools and good -will of the business also a considerablO• stcck of iron and lumber. [There are two larga shops, one for blacksmithing and the other 10' wood -working. 1 here are three fires in the blacksmith shop. This is in the centre of.one the best egricultural districts in Canada. Th6 business has been established thirty years and A good man with some capital can make money fast. The best reasorte given for selling. ApplY on the premises or address Egmendville P. Oa ROBERT FULTON. 848 SEAFORTH HASE IN'FIRMARY. CtORNER of Jarvis and Gederich Streets, next N--/ door to the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or atly of the domesticated animals, successfully treated at the infirmary or elsewhere on the -shortest notice. Charges moderat. JAB. W. Bimini, Veterinary Surgeon. S.. -A large stock of VeterinaryMedicines kept constantly on hand. LY ,,..T 7(311as:11'n:14i :,- /-• , - ioned eharac et ite$ ne ws te sittillet;:vire. :inlaia,agilthintlyeautifbl°afettrnwrtad:1013.1 tee: eies, -Sveral ‘-eollins*teiovveteelYo:olvetii, v pears 26 ee;:axiswo, an. p°1 :eorlitk°1 t7I - gbai 3sei iil Io' oil -1:ornsbto;k; ppolva•drr .atained by pa te h o at the ire:A Dsatibnal li ops down to %Mons of cep paper0::1;3tell:hyarteb, es s are , 1. ; flle°ntl:h-elitIllreeWMPIleell 11,ItigebII!eeykdan. oiehtnefs °it:: tiri afgeyi 43Pi the to i :::nri srd ITIAPbesseevitrwrnrsalle:ei;e:d'.ajtekiinr:PlYrY:iii:flii any rieWe aka slit toi tit eethwruhl ti istrtt ;57: woeTsitersvi av frvt :tepel: plriolfis:i:nlatidhe1:81; Two men :ha from life einem wbairsliambeeEn. DO were conspieno -vseath nmngt the wealth of pt• iabiermaanoier, at rfloculandmreie.xjb idi4itnza goistotdh, ,:i hearts of the free from. Due o neyances and Blat where one th.e true use of gard it only as *ions indulge & miserly all it is this false lessens all the 32areaaskoens by Oae ninaed were fo be found, not irt a Tweed gives means to secur lence which eee ae its end. Do nO office Dor Wine too noble liVed on the big u derstood the more blessed. '4ey had nil the miser or see -economy of : it the business i t the wants Mass of men ws them the bes.lt, spirit. To bay 18:S calmity n 0.t insmediately be eity,whih its 1 vg al tTa temehnrePst Ighert3eeyaweretif great, fOurscore and t best to help the weak creatUe, glircipse of an hilgher priz.s th and all the pan ti :cat: 01 el 1 S.ocit-ly ,t that Peter 0- Cf ocoepx etra coieiregnarynenaitz,edg came from a ye one infuses beal To ootnheereiapeoriegi; tie other • sottirliserupistla roan breast. • : 'To the youtb the two benevo have referred h Blow many DI brought over to these honoredl yOung men, real 10e of the mull h• eoked by the aMples of a tru sued by a helie on the subject 9 The best ng point to these front ZnadoratePleil enr4erenlyd fleorf ttthbe43_ ation of all. ri. glowing and at tween the pnte the feVerith ee' eries, aishonett grasp for gain. are recommend blit lives like tl ET give health i eterids.—The, The It is very make good. bn Ood. milk roote ]nay be good, b a room wheret right, or the si poor butter. looked, but nq *may. It is D4i1 that to ink e gi be kept in the vegetables or isinot so gent': should be, that not be where f disagreeable od